Temperatures. Its not really about asking for the raise. Really . Did he really just say that. The head of microsoft told a room full of women to trust the system and karma. The outrage this morning and what it really says about womens pay in america. Good morning, america. We are all shaking our heads right here. Its bad karma to ask for a raise. He said that in front of a room full of women. Yeah. Whats the number one rule for a speaker . Know your audience. Know who youre speaking to. Unbelievable. Unblooesk. And you remember the girl shot by the taliban, malala. She won the nobel peace prize. Childrens advocate, youngest ever at 17. You were one of the last to interview her. She was trying to shine the spotlight on the girls kidnapped by beau k boko haram. What shes accomplished in 2002 years. Incredible. Countries on high alert. This is further proof. That hazmat Team Boarding a flight from philadelphia after a passenger made a comment about having ebola. And tom llamas has the latest on the crisis. Good morning, tom. Reporter good morning. Today crews here at Texas Health Presbyterian will be disinfecting the 24bed unit where Thomas Eric Duncan was treated. The 50 doctors and nurses here say theres nothing funny about ebola. Something a plane full of passengers had to learn the hard way. Everybody sit down. Reporter these dramatic moments caught on tape. I need your attention. Okay . Its going to look worse than it is. Reporter showing how seriously the world is taking any threat of ebola. People coming on, please, stay out of the way. Let them do their job. This is New Territory for all of us. Reporter a full hazmat Team Boarding a u. S. Airways flight minutes after landing in the dominican republic. A passenger sneezed and allegedly said i have ebola. Flight attendants telling concerned passengers they had to follow protocol watch as they boarded plane in hazmat suits. You can see masks underneath the hoods. They go to the back of the plane and remove the passenger. Babies crying as passengers record the ordeal while covering their own faces. Some even booing the delay. U. S. Airways telling abc news overnight they are following the direction of all cdc guidelines in place for airlines in response to the ebola virus. This as major u. S. Airports begin screening travelers from west africa. The only thing like this has been aids. And we have to work now so this is not the worlds next aids. Reporter the world fighting to keep the epidemic under control. More than 3,800 deaths in west africa. One confirmed case of ebola in spain. One rumored case in france. Putting 60 people under lockdown before learning it was a hoax. In macedonia, officials testing the body of a deceased patient who had been experiencing the signs of the virus. Even in dallas, abc news learning the deputy rushed to the hospital wednesday has tested negative for ebola. Now, airport officials tell us that passenger who was pulled off the plane not only does not have ebola, he didnt even have a fever. As for the american, mukpo, being treated in nebraska, the american photographer who does have ebola, his condition is unchanged. And right now he feels as if he has the worst flu possible. George. We hope he gets better soon. And new tension and mystery in korea this morning. North and south exchanging gunfire. It comes amid speculation of the dictator, kim jongun. He hasnt been seen in a month. Martha raddatz is attacking this from washington. What do we know about the fighting across the border . Reporter good morning. This is the first time north korea has fired towards south korea in four years. Todays exchange began when activists from the south launched balloons with hundreds of thousands of leaflets calling for democracy. North korea fired 15 to 20 rounds at the balloons and the shells happened to fall on south korean territory. Then an hour later, south koreas military warned they would shoot back and fired 40 rounds. As far as we know, no one was hurt. But this adds to a very tense time. So hard to know whats going on inside north korea. But the mystery with kim jongun. Some say its a health problem, others, a power struggle. This is a major holiday today. And yet its north korea. So its hard to judge why he didnt show up. But what we do know is that kim jongun was seen in video in the last few months walking a limp. First one side, then the other. And north korean tv has mentioned his health. There is speculation that it may be gout. Theres also speculation that a coup is underway. But u. S. Officials say they are not seeing any signs of that. But this is north korea, and in the end of our intelligence is not great when it comes to north koreas leaders. So everyone trying to learn whatever possible. Thanks very much. Youll have more sunday on this week. And to amy and the breaking news on the nobel peace prize. Thats right. 17yearold Malala Yousufzai winning the nobel prize. The honor coming nearly two years to the day after she was shot on the way to school by the taliban for urging girls to overcome their fears and go to school. This morning, Malala Yousufzai becoming the youngest person ever to win a nobel peace prize. The pakistani Child Education activist, one of two to receive the award, joining a child rights activist from india. The committee praising the humanitarians for the struggle against the suppression of children. Recently, we caught up with malala campaigning for Girls Education rights in nigeria. I know you have a birthday wish. Every child going to school. And this year, my wish would be nigerian girl going to school. Reporter saying words are stronger than armies, shes pushed for help in the kidnapped girls. Her passion is spreading, but always she remains humble. She spoke to us in july. And for the second year in a row, you have been nominated for the nobel peace prize. Youre just 17. I last year i said that i still do not deserve it. And i still say that because i have started a campaign. And its not over yet. Its not completed yet. And when i see that i have done something and i have achieved this big goal which i always dreamed for, then i will think, okay, now i deserve it. Well, malala, you deserve it. Congratulations. Where is she today . Shes at school in england where she now lives. She once said going to school is like walking through a magic door to your dreams. We salute you, malala. Back in this country, restrictive new voter i. D. Laws are on hold in texas and wisconsin. A federal judge compared it to a poll tax designed to keep minorities from voting. And they delayed implementation of the Wisconsin Voter i. D. Law. A second night of protests following wednesdays shooting of a black teenager by an offduty police officer. They burned american flags and broke windows, asking the Justice Department to investigate. And dairy queen, 395 stores were hacked in recent weeks. Customer credit, debit numbers may have been compromised. And hundreds of thousands of videos and photos on snap chat, where they are supposed to be deleted. And crime doesnt pay, especially when the criminals arent that bright. Two men were pretending to shop in the Family Dollar store in houston. One emptied out a shelf and climbed inside to hide. The partner restocking the shelf. He was hiding for two hours. When the store closed and the lights went out. He was going to take a bunch of stuff and run out. He got flustered because the store has a motion sensor alarm. He ran scared out of the back door complete lly emptyhanded. He remains on the loose hiding in embarrassment. So good on paper. Such a good plan do people send these to you. Sadly, theyre not hard to find, george. You can have a whole volume of them. Thank you, amy. Now to the remarks from microsoft ceo that are generating major backlash this morning. Hes under fire for saying women should not ask for a raise. They should just trust in karma. Abcs reena ninan has that story. Reporter this morning microsoft ceo nadella under fire for these candid comments. Its not really about asking for the raise, but knowing and having faith that the system will actually give you the right raises as you go along. Reporter serving as keynote speaker in front of 8,000 women. When asked about asking for a raise, he said, dont. Thats good karma. Thats the kind of person i want to trust. Thats the kind of person that i want to really give more responsibility to. And in the longterm efficiency, things catch up. Reporter maria, the College President and microsoft board member sharing the stage. Immediately disagreed. This is one of the very few things i disagree with you on. Reporter women in the audience speaking out. There was this audible intake of breath saying, did i hear that right . Reporter the response online, outrage. One woman tweeting, did he just say not asking for a raise was like karma and would work out for you in the end . The wage gap on the mind of so many. Including sarah silverman, who upon learning the average woman earns 11,000 less a year than male counter parts, offers this in the equal payback practice. Thats why im taking matters into my own hands, im becoming a dude. I think this will spark conversation. And get microsoft to look at their culture. Reporter now backtracking, trying to clarify controversial comments. Sending this email overnight. Writing, i answered that question completely wrong. I believe men and women should get equal pay for equal work. One economist claims that a woman who didnt ask for a raise could risk anywhere from 1 million to 1. 5 million over her lifetime. Wondering if youre in charge of raising around here, george . Come on, george. I think im the wrong person to ask. Ask away. Dont trust in karma. Way to go. I think its good karma to ask for a raise. Do your homework and ask. Turn now to the update on the football fan who used a laser to blind players in detroit. He has been caught and charged. Only himself to blame. The big clue for police was the post on twitter. Mara schiavocampo has the story. Reporter mystery troublemaker no more. The Detroit Lions confirming the man in the stands responsible for shining this powerful laser is caught thanks to his very own playbyplay. Recent High School Graduate marko beslach, you see a green light, dont laugh, its me. The nfl wants to make sure they stop that conduct before it gets out of hand. Reporter take a look, you can see the light here on Buffalo Bills holder colton schmidts test. He says causing the kicker to miss a field goal. And kyle orton appealing to the ref for help, pointing at his eyes after a blown pass. And even tweeting about that very moment. Writing, got kyle orton. Complained to the ref when i got him with the laser. Now Officials Say that laserlover is banned indefinitely from ford field. And charged with a misdemeanor for disorderly conduct. Social media increases the pace at which people who commit crimes get caught by being more open than they should be on the internet. Reporter laser pointers are not only strong, capable of traveling up to two miles, but also dangerous if shined directly into the eyes they can cause permanent damage in just seconds. As for beslach, Officials Say they confiscated his pointer. Lights out for this laser. For good morning america, mara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. And amy has another entry. When you did it on twitter, youre going to get caught. Now to a big move for amazon. The online giant that has changed the way so many of us shop is now reportedly planning to open its first real store just in time for the Holiday Shopping season. Abcs becky worley has that story. Reporter its the all in one, order anything, get it delivered in two days web store. But that may not be fast enough. Amazon will open the first retail store in manhattan. This is something that could have a big impact on their longterm strategy and brand. And this could sort of change the landscape of what amazon does. Reporter the rumored location is a block from macys flagship store. And macys and walmart are seeing success in one service that could be motivating amazon, order online and pick up in store. You need to be constantly figuring out, who are the new customers, what are you doing to stay forever young . Reporter the ceo thinks innovation will keep it young. They were working on drone delivery, but hasnt materialized yet. More likely, its a showcase for digital devices. The opportunity to get the fire phone out there and make a viable competitor to the other smartphones. Reporter their competitors are apple and microsoft who each have their own stores. In a statement, amazon says weve made no announcements about a location in manhattan. But its a good bet for a company this committed to dominating the retail space. For good morning america, becky worley. Now to the incredible rescue. A missing 21yearold hiker found after three days in the wilderne wilderness. Clayton sandell has the story. Reporter paula reuters friends and family are breathing a sigh of relief. Capping off a harrowing threeday ordeal. Were happy to have her back. Reporter she and her dogs had been missing since monday. She was hiking and lost her way back. She was trapped in place. Reporter finding herself stranded with little food and no shelter, wearing only a skirt as temperatures plunged into the 40s overnight. The 21yearold forced to rely on clever survival skills. She ate some mushrooms. Maybe even ate some tree bark. Built a fire. She built fires and was pretty resourceful. Reporter using this Instagram Photo she posted before going missing, they were able to locate her car. And after days of searching, reuter and her dogs were spotted by a sheriffs helicopter and air lifted to safety one by one. Oh, my god, you guys. Reporter reuter is scratched and bruised, but otherwise fine. Gracie and addy are okay too. And everyone is thankful it wasnt a lot worse. For good morning america, clayton sandell, abc news, denver. Thank goodness she is okay. And now a monster storm. The most powerful of the year. Rob marciano has that. Heading to u. S. Military bases in japan . It is. And making land fall overnight. Its incredibly photogenic. This is tuesday, at the strongest, 185 mile an hour winds. Just a bowling ball of power. Its weakened just a little bit. Its going to make land fall across okinawa tonight. And its a 3, thats a powerful one. Tens of thousands of u. S. Service men and women there and bracing for the storm. And flooding rains into the mainland of tokyo, the mainland of japan. And flooding across the central u. S. As well. The weekend getaway. Ready hi, everyone, an update from accuweather stormtracker 6 double scan shows you were dry for now. Cloud cover is in the process of getting thicker across the region. As we head into the afternoon drizzle is possible and maybe a spotty shower and steadier rain aive living later tonight. 62 todays high cloudy and damp later today and rain tonight and improving on saturday, though, rain in morning giving way to afternoon drying high of 62 and rain in morning giving way to afternoon drying high of 62 and 63 dry on flood watches are posted for the midsection of the country, including memphis through tomorrow, highway rain through. Coming down. Thank you. Coming up on gma, a Major Development in the investigation of the man charged with abducting uva student hannah graham. Watch what you write online. A dentist suing a former client after her husband complained about what he did to her teeth. And what you need to know to keep your family safe. And jessie j here with a Live Performance. And i just said, im going to beat this. And thats when i found living beyond Breast Cancer. Purchase a specially marked bottle of pink lemonade 5hour energy and a portion of the proceeds will help survivors like me with a much needed community of support. Living beyond Breast Cancer is a lifeline for so many people. I just love being able to say that i am living beyond Breast Cancer. How to shed pounds this winter. There. No more drafts. Finally. [ male announcer ] hurry into lowes for 15 off special order windows and doors. [ male announcer ] hurry into lowes heres something fun to do with hot dogs. Make easy crescent dogs. Pillsbury crescent rolls. Make dinner pop. Big home names to fall for find kitchenaid. Cuisinart. And dyson. Save even more late friday and early saturday. Plus get kohls cash and youll get an extra 20 off with your Friends Family pass this thursday through saturday. Find your yes. Kohls. Right now youre gonna ask for my credit card so you can charge me on the down low two weeks later look, credit karma are you talking to websites again . This website says free credit scores. Oh. Credit karma yeah, its really free. Look, you dont even have to put in your credit card information. What . credit karma. Really free credit scores. Really. Free. I could talk to you all day. Ive been claritin clear for 8 days. At the first sign of your allergies, doctors recommended taking one claritin every day of your allergy season for continuous relief. 21 days 14 days of continuous relief. Live claritin clear. Every day. Of your daily routine. So why treat your mouth any differently. Brushing alone does less than half the job leaving behind millions of germs. Complete the job with listerine®. Kill up to 99 percent of germs. And prevent plaque, early gum disease and bad breath. Complete the job with listerine®. Power to your mouth™. Also try listerine® floss. Its advanced Technology Removes more plaque. Anand create more momentsme. Like this, at petsmart, with exclusive brands backed by our unbeatable price guarantee now, save up to 25 on select top paw® dog products like crates, beds, collars and more. Only at petsmart®. Good morning, im Tamala Edwards 7 26, friday, october 10. Lets see what the roads are looking like that hour and go to karen. Good morning, tam, disabled vehicle on i95 southbound approaching allegheny. We can see slash flashing lights with police asitting with this. And a tow truck on the scene as well. Southbound traffic jammed past cottman to girard. This disabled here i95 southbound approaching allegheny. A few accidents in Montgomery County. One to watch for. Hunting ton valley phil moment and hillside avenue. Welsh road and blair mill road and new in auto bop south park avenue at west orchid complain and traffic involving overturned vehicle on 72 barnegat road at 563 police are on hand and directing traffic around the scene, tam. Thank you, karen. Lets look live on sky6 looking out across Atlantic City new mexico a cloudyness to the sky and david you say rain is issue as the day and morning go on. Especially later today. And later tonight tam. 55 in philadelphia. School start. Some suburbs in the 40s including trenton, allentown and reading and lancaster and your 7day shows highch 62 clouds as clouds will increase and it will be damp at times with spotty drizzle or spotty shower during the afternoon and later tonight gradually build steadier rain in and there could be lane drops falling early saturday morning. Were expecting improving saturday morning, 62, and sun to to clouds open sunday 65 and still dry. Still dry. See you back here in 30 minutes see you back here in 30 bang bang into the room bang bang all over you jessie j singing the smash hit, bang, bang. Her first performance on gma. Thatll get you set for the weekend. All right. Also this morning, a lawsuit with big implications for anyone who posts online reviews. A dentist suing a couple after their nasty review on yelp. They say he ruined her teeth, he says its lies. And how quickly furniture can go up in flames. Which materials might be dangerous and how to protect your family. And George Clooney taking a break from the hoony moon. A surprise appearance in new york. Those are the wedding pictures. We begin this half hour with the latest on the suspect in the disappearance of the uva student hannah graham. Theres a major new clue that may link Jesse Matthew to the murder of another young woman. Ryan smith has the details. Reporter charlottesville, virginia, has been plagued by the disappearance of hannah graham. And going back farther with Morgan Harrington five years ago. Now another possible connection between the cases is emerging and it comes down to Jesse Matthew. This morning, a possible new lead as Police Investigate the link between missing uva student graham grah zbram zbram zbrhannah graham an student. His old taxi cab. A tv station reporting that matthew, now charged with grahams abduction, was working as a cab driver when harrington disappeared in 2009. And police have seized the cab. Trying to gather as much information as they can. Reporter matthew was working for a cab company that no longer exists. But another cab company says they worked with matthew, and several went to authorities to see how they can help. They provided information to indicate he was working as a taxi cab driver that night. Reporter Virginia State police would not comment. At the time, they released this sketch of a man who was believed to have snatched her and dumped her body on a farm. As for matthew, he has not been named a suspect in her death, but police said there is a forensic link between her case and hannah grahams. Its a legitimate question. Reporter crews have been scouring an eightmile radius, mapped out for graham and her iphone. They are expected to have finished searching the area by the end of the day before expanding the search. Police would not confirm the new details, they did go out of their way to deny reports that matthew had been interviewed in the investigation in 2009. Forensic link, what does that mean . Not dna . It has to do with evidence in both issues. Police are tightlipped. Still investigating. Understandedly so. Thank you. And turn now to the Beverly Hills dentist, fighting back after a bad ruf an yelp. The couple blames they got bad service and have a right to say so. The dentist say s its libel. Reporter a professional model in the spotlight because of an online yelp review. Big teeth. Reporter her husband shot this home video which he claims he took immediately after surgery. They were like chick lets, rabbit teeth. Couldnt close my mouth. Reporter after complaining about neck pain, the Beverly Hills dentist said it was caused by her jawbone being misaligned. Something he could fix. Didnt fix the neck pain. Reporter she was so unhappy, her thenhusband wrote a scathing yelp review calling ziday a butcher and a crook. The front teeth look like mr. Ed, he wrote. The dentist firing off this lawsuit in april, saying they are damaging his reputation. And saying it was done by another dentist who removed his work. Claiming that the couple conspired to claim medical malpracti malpractice. His lawyer telling abc news, theres not freedom of speech to lie and try to destroy someones career. It was nothing other than folks, this is our experience. Watch out. Reporter but is a yelp review protected speech . If you start stating facts, like, hes a crook. Or he stole from me. And its not true, even on yelp, you could be held legally accountable. Reporter golbert and her exhusband have missed a deadline to respondent to the lawsuit. A legal headache that could have teeth. Neal karlinsky, abc news, los angeles. The last line. Time for the weather. Rob in for ginger. We are watching heavy rain, flooding in the southwest and inner mountain west, now sliding to the east. And heavy rain this morning in joplin. Flash flood warnings there. And the rainfall pushed off to the east. Tap into the gulf of mexico moisture. Along this stationary boundary. From little rock east into memphis. Progress east throughout the day today, tonight and into tomorrow. It will get to the northeast. Most south in new york. And dry out tomorrow afternoon. Rainfall to the south. And the northern tier, cool and crisp. Frost advisories. 36 in minneapolis, 44 in chicago. And the frost will remain for the next couple of hours. Bring along the scarf and the sweater and embrace the fall chill. Strong storms expected across texas. Dallas could use the rain. Is it can the storms wont be thanks, rob, david murphy standing in the terrace. Rehave early sun beneath the garageerring clouds. It will wind up mainly cloudy today. Damp and occasional drizzle and this Weather Report sponsored by panera bread. In the next hour, guys, geek out with Virtual Reality spaceship classes to hype up a new film. All right, thank you. Coming up, how some furniture in your home can go up in flames in just seconds. What you need to know right now to protect your family. And the fast food wars heating up right now. Startling price cuts at mcdonalds and burger king. Read before we craft it into a sandwich. The amazingly tender roasted turkey always raised without antibiotics, the zesty cranberry mostarda, the freshly baked flatbread. But heres what you dont always see. The care and attention that goes into it. 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One month, deep wrinkles look smoother. After one year, skin looks ageless. High performance skincare™ only from roc®. Its in this spirit that ingu u. S. Is becoming a new kind of company. Ing u. S. Is now voya. Changing the way you think of retirement. And were coming up on 7 41 with a new fire hazards in your home. In a surprising twist, some experts saying the newer the furniture, the greater the risk it catches fire. Paula is here with the story. Reporter it will make you think twice about what you bring into the home. The video youre about to see is stunning and proof that a safety plan could save your familys life. House fires over the years burning quicker and hotter than ever before. The reason . Some experts say Synthetic Materials in todays furniture contain flammable chemicals that could be dangerous. Products are synthetic. Theyre hydro carbons, a solid form of gasoline. They will ignite quicker. Reporter to see how quick, the team at our abc station in chicago set up open boxes. One fold of older, antique furniture. The other, more modern with newer, synthetic furniture. Fire fighters light a candle in both rooms at the same time. And in just one minute 30 seconds, flames engulf the furniture. Then what Fire Fighters call a flash over curse. While the older furniture continues to burn slowly, taking more than 13 minutes to flash over. That time difference not only is for escape, but its also the amount of time possibly leading to collapse. Reporter and its not just furniture modern construction features. The middle piece is considerably thinner. It means that it could fail faster. Reporter the American Home Furnishings Alliance told us most of the furniture sold in the u. S. Conforms to the voluntary guidelines makes it resistant to smoldering emission. California is the only state with a mandatory standard. The Furniture Industry supports that at the federal level. What can you do to protect your home and family . Experts say when purchasing furniture and building materials, check the tags to make sure the product underwent fire testing before you purchase. Next, when buying building material, the more dense, solid and heavy, the more fire resilient. And last but not least, always have a designated escape plan with two exits in every room and a Meeting Place outside. As a consumer, ask yourself the question, how will this react under fire conditions . Reporter its a great question. And keep the fire extinguishers in a smart place. Not under the kitchen sink because most fires originate in the kitchen. Check your smoke alarms once a month. But disconcerting that your home could be a tinderbox. Surprising. Thanks very much. Coming up, Sofia Vergara shows her workout secrets, her motto, no pain, no cake. And should chimps have rights . Is tommy the chimp a person. And why georgehon eymoon days after the wedding. Engineering and innovation jobs. And why George Clooney interrupted his honeymoon 12 days after the wedding. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. Its one more part of our commitment to america. Introducing a pm pain reliever that dares to work all the way until the am. New aleve pm the only one with a safe sleep aid. Plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. We carve cranolanterns. And we make hot cranberry cider with our tasty, goodforyou Ocean Spray Cranberry juice cocktail. Scary, huh . Mm. [ gasp ] find all our recipes at oceanspray. Com. Credit score, they dont have one. But they do. Your score still needs someone to take care of it. It needs your help. For the low price of completely free forever, you can get your credit score from credit karma. Com. Credit karma will give you your score for free and show you what you can do to nurture it. Love your score. Take care of it for free at credit karma. Com. On groceries at momacmes stock up sale. D up well, if she can get whatever she wants, why cant i . Hello, chocolate donuts with sprinkles. Its acmes stock up sale. Get delicious deals on the things you love most. Jif Peanut Butter or hot or lean pockets are. 99 cents. And green giant frozen vegetables are. 79 cents. This is big, people. This is acme. Youre in for something fresh. Hey mom, you want glazed or chocolate . Now to a bizarre lawsuit with big implications. At the center of is a chimpanzee. And the key question is whether a chimp is a person. The case was in front of a new York State Court this week. And who better than t. J. Holmes to bring it to us this morning. Good morning. Reporter i dont know if i should be offended by that. Oh, no. Reporter this would be a first. A court declaring personhood for an animal. This case involves one chimp, the legal precedent set could mean that planet of the apes, cats, dogs, and any animal that can make a legal argument that its illegally imprisoned. 29yearold tommy is a retired circus performer, watching tv all day and night. But according to attorney stevenwise, hes a chimpanzee. Wise filed a lawsuit on behalf of the nonhuman rights project, going to the new york supreme court, in hopes of having tommy the first animal in this country declared a person. Protected with the same rights as humans. At issue, his living conditions. Someone who is an autonomous and selfdetermining being ought to be a legal person who has the right to get out of solitary confinement in a cage. Reporter according to wise, hes in a small room similar to a warehouse. He was with five other chimps in the entertainment business, but now hes all alone with a television. Wise wants him taken away from his owner and moved to a safe Animal Sanctuary in florida where he can enjoy his golden years. Hes a wild, dangerous animal. How could you treat a wild, dangerous animal as a human. Tommys owner disagrees, insisting tommy loves the solitude. And his cage is licensed and inspected. Saying he has color tv and receives enrichment daily and walls like a jungle. Hes got a professionallybuilt primate area. Reporter he doesnt mean he needs all human rights, just the right to not be imprisoned against his will. It could be in four to six weeks. Animal Rights Groups looking at this, any animal has that argument about physical liberty, that everything should be set free. You were saying about the fish. Might have to let this go. I have chihuahuas. They would never turn to me. The leap to personhood to get better treatment. In this particular case. Chimps, theyre close to human beings. Not declaring them human beings. Make that distinction. But personhood is person rights. Lower courts have said no way to this. But if this thing goes through, this is a huge implication. All your pets have to go. And we have to be go too. We will be back. When im working, things can get so hectic. So sometimes i need to find an easy way to express whats most important to me. Like, with my crew, i use shorthand to talk to them and tell them what i need. And when i need to talk directly to my fans. But the most meaningful shorthand of all is the one i use when im about to drive x. Its an easy way to tell everyone that im about to drive. And i do it every time before i get behind the wheel. Use x to pause the conversation before you drive. Because no text is worth a life how to shed pounds this winter. There. No more drafts. Finally. [ male announcer ] hurry into lowes for 15 off special order windows and doors. And then theres juicy chicken. The difference is hellmanns. Hellmanns is the secret to making parmesan crusted chicken so juicy and so delicious. You can make dinner disappear. Hellmanns. Bring out the best. I thought so what . , but now cai cant stop playing. Rst thats not how it works. I mean its so simple. Its like my Car Insurance. I saved 15 in fifteen minutes. Well esurance could have saved you money in half that time. Three in a row sweet 15 minutes for a quote isnt so sweet. Level 2 start with a quote from esurance and you could save money on Car Insurance in half the time. Welcome to the modern world. Esurance, backed by allstate. Click or call. Big home names to fall for find kitchenaid. Cuisinart. And dyson. Save even more late friday and early saturday. Plus get kohls cash and youll get an extra 20 off with your Friends Family pass this thursday through saturday. Find your yes. Kohls. Campbells® fiesta chicken sausage and pepper rigatoni. Southwest style bean barley. Tuscany Style Chicken and pasta. If you think campbells® 33 new soups sound good. Imagine how they taste mm mm good ® creeping up on you. Fight back with relief so smooth. Its fast. Tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tum, tum tum tum. Smoothies only from tums. Good morning, im Tamala Edwards its 7 56, friday, october 10. Lets head over to karen rogers. Karen you say theres trouble on the blue route. We can see flashing lights, delaware county, leave being live northbound past macdade boulevard watch for this accident off to the right here and were jamming northbound from i95 to past macdade boulevard and we had another problem out tlxt switching our camera to the blue route here. We had a disabled vehicle off to the side. It cleared right here this is blue route past route 3 and tow truck on the scene a minute ago and pulled it out northbound and pretty much stop and go from past Baltimore Pike to past route 3. Slow speeds on i95. 16 miles an hour. We never like that. Southbound jammed past cottman to girard at this point and southbound approaching allegheny that disable vehicle on the shoulder right there and we can see 13 miles an hour and the schuylkill expressway westbound really heavy approaching boulevard to past belmont, tam. Thank you, karen. Lets go to sky6hd and take a live look across Philadelphia International airport and you with see slate gray color of the sky, david, rain coming in later. I really like that picture. Because you see sunshine in the foreground underneath the clouds and obviously clouds are arriving thicker from the southwest. As we look at temperatures, cool this morning, 56 in philadelphia, some suburbs in the 40s. Not much wind though your exclusive accuweather 7day shows high of 62 this afternoon and cloudy and somewhat damp conditions and its possible spotty drizzle or perhaps a very spotty shower through the afternoon. And i think steadier rain probably builds in gradually later tonight and overnight ep and then saturday twot start out at dawn and well see improvement during the morning drying in the afternoon 6 and sunday looks cool and dry high of 63. Tam. Thank you, david, coming up, steals and deals maybe good ideas for Christmas Shopping see steals and deals maybe good ideas for Christmas Shopping see you back here in your dress looks amazing. Good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. , and meet the magic mirror. The reallife experiment telling women what they really look like and how they should feel. Is this the ultimate selfconfidence booster . And no pain, no cake. Sophia vergara reveals how to stay in shape after 40. What she does, and you can steal her work out secrets this morning. And hello, george. The newlywed star pulls off a big surprise 12 days after his wedding. The real reason he interrumted his honeymoon. And the video going viral, jesse Tyler Ferguson. Whats the song . As we say good morning, america. Big friday out in times square. Cannot wait to meet jessie j. Shes taking photos, signing autographs. We will hear her sing. A Live Performance in the last half hour. And we have zombies . Yes. Trying to break into our studio . Theyre here to help kick off the brand new season of the walking dead. And the cast is here live, so to speak. Kind of creepy. Wow. Oh, my oh, my gosh, that is so good. George. Youre making theyre making the noise. Thats too real. Go to george. Dont let them bite you. Then youll become one. Oh, my god. Arent you glad youre getting paid for this. Way too real. Can you see why i love the show so much. Making the sound. Sorry, its so good. Love the show. Youre just delighted by this. I know, really excited. Sorry. You should check it out. Its about to start. We have another story to tell you about. Shark tank. Shark tank your life, people. Shark robert is here with the secret to the perfect elevator pitch. The way to sell your product or idea to the to someone who can help you take something to the next level. The elevator, next level. Got it. There he is in the social square, watching an instagram pitch sent in by one of our viewers. Give his advice. Picking the winner later. And now great deals and steals. Even though its a friday. Tory is here. Get news from amy. We begin with breaking news overseas, tensions escalating on the north korean peninsula. The north and south firing at one another for the first time after activists sent balloons into the north with prop began da leaflets. The north korean dictator kim jongun was absent, fueling speculation about his health. Education activist, malala yousafzai, just 17 years old, has become the youngest person ever to win the nobel peace prize. Malala was shot in the head by the taliban two years ago for urging girls to go to school. She will share the prize with a child rights advocate from india. And new evidence this morning just how tense the Ebola Outbreak is making air travelers. A joke about ebola on a u. S. Airways flight triggered a massive response in the dominican republic. Meanwhile, researchers have testing an experimental ebola vaccine in africa. A stunning admission from a former nfl executive as the league is confronting a series of abuse scandals. Jerry was the manager of the chicago bears. He told usa today that the nfl failed to discipline players in hundreds and hundreds of Domestic Violence cases. For whatever reason it got glossed over. He went on to say, im not proud of it. Comedian jan hooks died. Best known for saturday night live, incoming being onehalf of the boozy sweeney sisters. Ring the bell ding dong ring hooks later performed on tvs designing women and third rock from the sun. She had been battling a serious illness. She was just 57. And have you heard the one about a horse that walk into the a place station . Well, actually, it happened in england. This wayward horse trotting through double doors. Ignoring the officers effort to shoo him away. He was going to mosey on in. They coaxed him out the door and got him back home. Its creating an onslaught of puns. Police say they were saddled with an unexpected neighbor who became the mane event of the shift. Dont stop now. Small pun. It is. Thanks. We have a new battle on the fast food front. Mcdonalds and burger king going head to head with new discounts. Whats fueling the price cuts and what it means to you. Reporter it is a football food favorite. The Chicken Nugget is at the latest of the fast food car wars this morning as they fight to bring in the fast food customers. Its the battle of the titans, nugget knockout edition. Burger king cutting prices for Chicken Nuggets in half. 1. 49, 40 cheaper than mcdonalds. It happens to be one of mcdonalds monopoly promotion is going on. Burger king is trying to get people into their restaurants. Reporter its not just the nuggets. At stake, a cut of the 680 billion a year americans are spending to dine out. Fewer on fast food, the big chains are pulling out the stops. More menu items at steep discounts, taco bell, kfc all having new discounted options on the dollar menus. Now discounts early in the fall. They are latching on to the start of football season and hoping somebody will go and pick up crates of mcnuggets to serve to the fans at their house. Reporter but the push for more items may be taking a toll on customer service. A recent study showing fast food drive throughs are the slowest in 17 years. The average wait time, up to three and a half minutes instead of three. More food and more customizable food options, the speed of service is increasing, which goes against the grain of fast food in the first place. Reporter i asked a mcdonalds spokesperson what she thought, her response, you cant discount how much people love our mcnuggets and monopoly. Thanks. Pop news and weather coming up. But sara in the social square. And on the gma morning menu and the social square, powered by samsung galaxy. And robert at the twitter wall, answering your questions about the perfect elevator pitch. And tory johnson has doles and steals. New looks at 80s off. And jessie j is here with the Live Performance all coming up live on gma here in times square. I guess i never really gave much thought to the acidity in any foods. Never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. It never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. My dentist has told me your enamel is wearing away, and that sounded really scary to me, and i was like well can you fix it, can you paint it back on, and he explained that it was not something that grows back, its kind of a onetime shot and you have to care for it. He told me to use pronamel. Its gonna help protect the enamel in your teeth. It allows me to continue to drink my coffee and to eat healthier, and it was a real easy switch to make. Lactaid® is 100 real milk . Right. Real milk. But it wont cause me discomfort. Exactly, because its milk without the lactose. And it tastes . Its real milk come on, would i lie about this . [ female announcer ] lactaid. 100 real milk. No discomfort. Cozy or cool . Exactly the way you want it. Until boom, its bedtime your mattress is a battleground of thwarted desire. Enter the sleep number bed. Right now, you can save 400 on our most popular bed. Hes the softy. His sleep number setting is 35. Youre the rock, at 60. And snoring . Sleep numbers even got an adjustment for that. You can only find sleep number at a sleep number store. Right now save 400 on our most popular bed, plus 36month special financing. Hurry ends columbus day. Know better sleep with sleep number two words it heals. E different . How . With heat. Unlike creams and rubs that mask the pain, thermacare has patented heat cells that penetrate deep to increase circulation and accelerate healing. Lets review heat, plus relief, plus healing, equals thermacare. The proof that it heals is you. Save your coffee from the artificial stuff. Switch to truvia. Great tasting, zerocalorie sweetness from the stevia leaf. To help entertain some friends at the beach. Before earning 1 cash back everywhere, every time. And 2 back at the grocery store. Even before he got 3 back on gas. All with no hoops to jump through. Rafael was inspired to use his bankamericard cash rewards credit card to spend a night watching the stars, under the stars. Thats the beauty of rewarding connections. Apply online or at a bank of america near you. Bang bang into the room there she is, jessie j and our social square. Answering your questions on twitter right now. Were going to talk to her coming up. There you go. Shes going to perform also her new single for us in just a bit. But right now, sara in for lara with pop news. That song is going to be great. Mrs. Amal clooney must be the most understanding wife on the planet. Her husband making a surprise appearance at the comic con in new york city. Spoke to fans for his new scifi movie, tomorrowland, saying it was 12 days since the wedding. Its not lost on me im spending my honeymoon at comic con. He was at a glamorous hotel earlier in the day and sporting the wedding ring. He looks great. Its great. So back to work. Doing okay. Hes done enough, back to the real world. And now head to the land of celebrities and babies, or celebrity babies. Actors ryan gosling and evamen december recently welcomed a baby daughter. Her name is esmeralda amada. Many pointing out she played amada in we are the night. And gosling baby, suggesting a possible next to esmeralda, the Disney Princess from the hunchback of notre dame. I cant imagine it being there. Hopefully its the disney one. Finally, a fall friday edition of dogs making their own fun. First i bring you maya the corgi and the pumpkin. I thought it was going to make sounds and move and stuff. But its not. It seems like maya was hoping the pumpkin had more to offer. But from this adorable corgi, to this gem. Not your average walk with the dog. Bella, the puppy, giving it her all. Trying to take the bigger dog for a spin. Every time she tries to pull, she gets yanked an extra, i dont know, ten feet. Here we go. And were walking. Not so much. Were no. Its one way to wash the floor. That is great, thank you. Heat index coming up, but now rob in for ginger with a check of the weather. Come on. Check it out. Another gorgeous fall morning here in new york city. Lets get right to the weather maps and tell you whats going on out west. Start off, another warm one today, the northwest in through california. Cool it down over the weekend. Seasonal levels, and maybe a little bit more rain. That will help the fir situation. Rain across the mid south and driving through the tennessee and ohio river valleys. Into the tristate area in the northeast. Trying out through tomorrow afternoon. Showers across the northwest. But more thunderstorms could be strong ones across parts of the red river valley in thanks, rob, david murphy on the terrace, clouds overhead. Sun getting in over by the shore. Thats about. It were in the 50s. Your exclusive accuweather forecast 7 day high of 6. Cloudy and damp. At times a little drizzle. Maybe spotty shower this afternoon. I think theres a better chance of rain later tonight. The later you go through the night and the better chance you have of it becoming steady and little rain on saturday morning but after that we dry out and improve in the afternoon with a high of 6. Improve in the afternoon with a high of 6. 63 on sunday. I got it. I got it. Like marilyn monroe, you are 80 years old today. Happy birthday. You look fantastic. Whats the secret to a long life . Always be happy. You look that way. Who could disagree with that . And check this out, interstellar, a new movie. Im going to put these on, give you a Virtual Reality of the ship theyre flying in. Thats a little bit later in the show. And kicking off the heat index. We multitask, think its the best way to get things done. But new research from Stanford University says that juggling two activities at once could be harmful to your health. Reduces efficiency and performance. And your brain is only equipped to handle one activity at a time. I believe that. Wholeheartedly. You cant avoid it all the time. Focus on one thing. Full attention, and move on to the next. In theory it sounds great. Hard to do. Very hard to do. Coming up next, modern family star Sophia Vergara opening up how she stays fit. Shes on the cover of novembers shape magazine. Revealing the secrets to how she looks so great at 42. She was never into working out, but once she hit 40, she realized her metabolism was slowing down. So she took her fitness more seriously. Adding juices to her diet and taking advanced pilates. Her workout motto, no pain, no cake. She admits early on she had great genetics, didnt have to work out. Hits 40. Something at work here. And julie bowen too. Shes a runner, and sophia has bad knees and cant run. But its a form of pilates that shes doing. Its working. You can catch all of her tips in novembers shape on news stands right now. And two of her moernd family costars lighting up the internet with a hilarious video. And over to tony reali. And its a little bit of the modern family magic you know so well. Jesse Tyler Ferguson on his commute home caught in the act. Love will never hit that note, jesse Tyler Ferguson. Now the best part, other than that high note, that was the best part. The person behind the video . Its eric stonestreet, his tv hubby. His cam on the cam. And eric says he wasnt filming and driving at the same time. Nobody should do that. He posted on his instagram page, 16,000 likes. Its going to be trending all day. What song do you sing when no you thinks watching . Socialsquare. What tune do you belt out when youre in the car and you think nobodys watching . Going to do that to me . What eric was singing was operatic. It was beautiful. He hit the high note. Im not letting you off the hook. I sing, well, anything leles miserables. Pink. Kelly clarkson. Since you been gone jessie j, george, in the morning . Im a bon jovi guy. Oh. Really . You know we love some bon jovi. What about you . I take the subway. So im in the subway, just like everybody else. Talking to themselves in the subway. All right. Next up we have the magic mirror. An experiment to boost womens self confidence. Telling them how to feel about the image staring back at them. Wow, have you been working out . Reporter watch as this magic mirror at ikea compliments unsuspecting shoppers. Your dress is amazing. Reporter its a page out of the dove playbook. Who released an ad aiming to change how women see their beauty. This is your selfdescribed image. And someone else described you in this sketch. Reporter now a texas rock band called the misses with the hit song im enough is trying the experiment in real life. Women go around beating themselves up over every little thing. And its time to stop. Reporter they set up a talking mirror at a local mall. How do you feel when you look in the mirror . Reporter almost everyone unhappy with their appearance. Then the mirror comes to life. You are an amazing woman. And today i want you to look in this mirror and not just feel okay. Reporter bringing people like molly, a single mother, to tears. And i just want to take this opportunity to tell you how proud i am of you. Reporter take me to the moment when you saw your daughter and what she said to you. I know she appreciates me. But for her to make a grand gesture, so publicly, meant so much. Reporter i even gave it a try. I want you to see when you look at yourself the reflection thats in the eyes of your two children. Nobody sees your beauty more clearly than when those children gaze into your eyes. I need one of these at my house. What does the phrase im enough mean to you personally . It means im enough for my family and for my friends. Reporter which is all that a matters, right . Right. Reporter this magic mirror convincing women everywhere that youre enough. Let me hear it again. Im enough. Reporter for good morning america, melissa rycroft, austin, texas. That brought tears to my lie united states. Eyes. I loved that. Looking at a parent, theyre the most perfect. Your mom is the most beautiful woman in the world. Robin, you feel the same way. I certainly do. The new season is the perfect time to get a new look. This morning, tory johnson has deals and steals to look fabulous for fall. We wanted to show your pants. Step out. Let the pants show. Let the pants show. Oh, please. They love you right now. These deals go on our website, goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo to get everything you need to get the bargains. Last week you and i were here. We did all pink and pink brought in the green. You guys in your generosity and the generosity of all the companies that we had raised 128,000. Thank you. For Breast Cancer charities. Thank you guys. We have more deals today. Fantastic. Okay. First up, from a gma favorite, alex and onnie, big sormtment of earrings. Made in rhode island. Five different styles and a huge assortment to choose from. Starting at 12. Always a big hit. And next . Another big hit, dr. Dennis groves. This is a dermatologist formulated antiageing hair care line. Its a big seller next door at sephora. But only here, an incredible price. Depending on your hair type, normally 38, slashed by 60 . Wow. That is a big savings right there. Really beautiful. Next we have this is lightstim, its an incredible device. Its specific for treating mild to moderate acne. All skin types. Same technology. Its not hot here. Same Technology Used by dermatologists now available at home. You hold this area to the face, three to four minutes and thats how it works. Whats the deal here . 169, slashed by 50 , 84. 50 and free shipping. Another one for the face, m. D. Complete. This is a big assortment of skin care, depending on your skin type and the problem areas. If you want to remove spots, lift and firm, brighten your complexion, maybe a little bit of everything if youre me. Normally a kit, depending on the one you choose, starts at 97, slashed by 74 . So these kits are just going to start at 25. Big assortment as well. Wheres the lift and firm . Exactly. Exactly. How do you choose and you have to be careful with this one. This is another gma favorite. But also a favorite of editors at alure, in style magazine. Julep. Its a set of four. These are superfun, fabulous colors, lip glosses. Theyre not sticky. I love that about them. And you can choose, they have a kit you can get for lip scrub and hydration. Normally 44. Slashed by at least 61 . A little bit higher too. 17, and plus free shipping. Not only do we have these, but bonus deals only at goodmorningamerica. Com. These are fun e colors. Thanks to the companies for providing these deals. You can get the links on our website. Coming up, shark tank your life. Shark robert answering your questions right now. Action news is brought to you former philadelphia mob boss joey merlino expected in a courtroom to face charges he violated probation. If a judge rules against him he could be center back to prison. 8 27 on this friday october 10. Im Tamala Edwards. Lets head to karen rogers taking a look at the ben. It looks a little slow on one side. You know what, this westbound traffic they have construction blocking the like they do every morning. Every morning we see a jam with it. This is westbound traffic trying to come into the city. Pretty jammed from the tolls to eighth and vine. Other than that it hasnt been a horrible commute. Look outside live in dell air were county the blue route off the route 1 media bypass. Northbound traffic kind of slow from Baltimore Pike to past route 1. We had an accident that has just cleared a manipulate or so ago and the delay a littlest over. Vehicle fire on route 73 Skippack Pike at plank road. Watch for this one. In huntington done valley accident philmont avenue and hillside avenue. This accident involving an overturned vehicle in Burlington County route 72 at 563. Been out here a little while and police are still directing traffic at the scene, tam. Thank you karen. Lets head over to dave murphy. Youll have to take out the umbrella at some point today. Cloudy and cool right now and dry across the region, tam. 56 degrees in philadelphia. Lots of 50s from i95 south and 40s up north. Your seven day from accuweather shows a cool high of 62, lots of clouds and at times damp. There is the chance of some spotty drizzle or a spotty shower through the afternoon and i think a better chance steadier rain is later tonight. The later tonight the better chance. Good to have that Storm Tracker 6 app on your phone. Action news starting on the 4 oclock with anything tam. Thank you david. Can coming up on gma theyve got the big singer jessie j. Then well see you back here in 30. On groceries at momacmes stock up sale. D up well, if she can get whatever she wants, why cant i . Hello, chocolate donuts with sprinkles. Its acmes stock up sale. Get delicious deals on the things you love most. Jif Peanut Butter or hot or lean pockets are. 99 cents. And green giant frozen vegetables are. 79 cents. This is big, people. This is acme. Youre in for something fresh. Hey mom, you want glazed or chocolate . Im tom wolf. These are my parents. We look after each other. But too many seniors have no one. And harrisburg politicians dont seem to care. As governor, ill create a registry so families can check backgrounds of care providers. And, ill increase access to home health care, so seniors have the option of staying in their own homes. After all, seniors have earned that right. We certainly have tom wolf. Democrat for governor. Bang bang into the room i know you want me i let you have it wait a minute let me take you there wait a minute for you bang bang there goes your heart [ cheers and applause ] thats how the vmas opened this year. That is super star jessie j performing her hit, bang bang. A big, Live Performance Just Moments Away with jessie j. And even hotter, zombies here this morning. Theres the cast of the walking dead running around scaring everyone around here. And amys excited, shes a huge fan and even does the sound amy [ zoom besound. Does that scare you . You guys are so sweet. Tomorrow is International Day of the girl, raising awareness of gender inequality. Its a big issue for bee oncj e. They celebrated the one Year Anniversary of the sound of change live. And donating 500,000 to fund chime for change products for girls around the world. I was familiar with that, a part of it as well. And truly making a change and letting us know we have resources of some sort that can help in the bigger picture. Favntastic. And george, you have a shark. A big jessie j fan. Huge fan. Hes going help us with the elevator pitch off today. Two entrepreneurs, and they have a chance to pitch. One elevator ride. 30 seconds. Youve made pitches, start with the three tips. Number one, make an impact. Number two, you have to tell a story. And you have to know your facts. All three things in 30 seconds. Youre going to be choosing the winner. Lets get our gma with the pitch off right now with two contenders. We have 30 seconds to sell you the idea. And first up is durg amcc, urdy. Im the founder of a line of patentpending reversible bridesmaids dresses. They hate the color or the length. I wanted to solve the problem by creating dresses that flip into little black dresses. Great for multiple occasions and a space saver when traveling. Were at select boutiques and growing daily. Every bride wants them for their bridal party. She beat it. Six seconds to go. Did it easily. That was really good. Like that. Second one. Ryan. Go ahead and push the button. He says his product is great for families. Good morning, america, you know whats annoying . Shoe laces. Theres the tying, the double knots, the floppy bows that come undone. With the magnetic closures, never tie laces again. Just lace on to your own shoes and now you have a huge opening to easily slide in. Then just pull the magnets together, and youre out. Go for a run. Then just step on the heel and pop out handsfree. Number one kickstarter Design Project last week. Wow. Thats got a little bit of speed going on there. Youre right. Put that on ski boots. And . I like them both. The lady did a fantastic job. I thought her presentation was better. But its a better product, i like the shoes. There we go. The winner is our winner right there. Congratulations. You were great. You got to give the man his prize. You get the trophy. Congratulations. Wow. And, george, give him some money. Maybe hell get on the real shark. That was great. Good luck. Tune into shark tank tonight at 9 00, 8 00 central. Now to rob for the final check of the weather. Wellrepresented, kansas, and jacksonville. Is and out west, below normal. 88 degrees. Dry across much of the west until later this weekend. And in through next week. And thats good news. Its going to be wet as well across the midsection of the country, into the northeast. Eventually today, maybe heavy rain, including flooding in through memphis. Thanks rob, dave murphy here under cloudy skies on the terrace. We have temperatures in the low to mid50s. Your exclusive accuweather 7day shows a high of 62. Could be a little damp later on today with some spotty drizzle or a spotty shower. Steadier rain later all right. How am i sporting these . This is interstellar, a new movie with George Clooney and anne hathaway. Im inside of their spaceship. And you can experience this when the movie comes out on november 5th, select cities will have this. Im going through a worm hole. It is just intense. We will have the cast and the director here the week it opens. That is an exclusive, my friends. And that is worth tuning in for. And this is worth doing as well. Forget about the zombies, im in space. All right, so thats november 5th and the wait, there are some zombies in space. Thats not part of the movie. Oh, my no, this is so cool. If you have never felt weightlessness, this is one way to do it. All right, going to take a quick break. Im going to get out of this spaceship, and then were going to bring on the zombies. Amy, back to you. Thanks so much. And we are so excited to be joined by jennifer morrison, the star of once upon a time. Season four is underway. So much excitement because of the newest visitors to storybook. Anna and elsa from frozen. Thank you so much for joining us. So excited to be here. And tell us about the frozen factor . This is a very Exciting Development for many fans. Its a huge development. We feel so lucky that disney is trusting us with the massive franchise people are into. Its a true phenomenon. Little girls burst into singing let it go spontaneously. I can confirm that, my household. And my dad was at disney world and they burst into singing it. We feel lucky to have them joining the cast. Theyre a natural addition. Feels like they have been there and it works. Works very well. And emma really comes home this season. Were looking at a sneak peek of sundays episode, discovering will scarlet rummaging through robin hoods tent. Dealing with new challenge this is season. Shes accepted it, shes never had a true home before. Shes trying to be a good mother. Shes trying to be a good daughter. Opening herself to the possibility of romance with captain hook. Shes definitely very vulnerable in a way she never has been before. These are now challenges to face emotionally. And that can be uncomfortable at times. Having captain hook as a boyfriend is complicated inherently. And so many people on twitter asking, i love that emma is a real woman and strong and vulnerable. Captain hook is her equal. What does jen love about him . What i love about captain hook for em ma is that he has been through a lot of similar things to her. They have both theyre both priori pirates in their own sense. Scrambled to survive, made terrible mistakes but overcoming them and fighting to be better versions of themselves. And hook has really started to prove to her that he is becoming a better version of herself. Are we going to hear you sing . Not on this show. Maybe someday, somewhere on some stage. But i dont think on once upon a time. Thank you for stopping by. Its 8 00, 7 cla 00 central on. Coming up all right, we are just days away from the return of the hottest zombie show out there. The wathe walking dead. More than 20 Million Viewers tuned in to the finale, i was among them. Season five could be the most brutal yet. Heres an exclusive look at sunday nights premier. All right. There are four of them coming our way. You all know what to do. Go for their eyes first. Then their throats. Put your backs to the walls at either end of the car, now. What is going to happen next . Well, three of the shows stars are here with us now, lauren, michael and steve. Thank you for being here. Congratulations, the walking dead just renewed for a sixth season. And we are happy to hear about that. And so many fans obviously buzzing about season five. I have to ask. How is it possible that season five could be more brutal than the Fourth Season before . Thats a great question. I dont know, we have such an amazing team that youd think that you couldnt possibly write or produce or make something crazier. And we have very talented people working for us. Just when you think youve seen it all. I like it. And at the end of season four, there seems to be a glimmer of hope. Youre trying to get to d. C. , or at least you thought you were trying to get to d. C. , because someone had the the cure, possibly. And are we going to advance that story line at all . That possibly we could put an end to all of the walkers . Absolutely. I think for abraham, definitely still alive. But we have a bigger mission, which is a combined mission to get out of the boxcar. Thats important. Exactly. We cant go there until we take care of that. Yeah. And, you know, what was it like to join, you play abraham, as you mentioned, you joined the cast. To join a season and a cast with such stellar success. You came in running, though. It was awesome, actually. Most of the stuff was with steven. And i kind of like when i started it was with a Smaller Group of the cast before i sort of got exposed to everyone. I joked about it before. I said i felt like a visitor last year and they let me sleep on the coach. And this year, they built me a room. And amazingly you didnt die or turn into a walk perwalker. Lauren, whenheard you speak, you have a beautiful georgia accent. You were born in jersey, but raised in england. Its the trifecta of accents that im bringing in here. Its good. Its fun. I think id always wanted to play a southern role. When this happened, it was like, oh, my inner child was so happy. Its effortless. And i love the romance. You wouldnt think you could find a cute couple on a zombie show that really had this amazing Love Interest where its just this beautiful side plot that we have heart in the show. Please tell me that the love is true and they stay together. There havent been any troubles for them to date. All right, all right. All right. Get him. Hey you know, i think last year was very much solidifying year for maggie and glenn. Shes wonderful to work with. And its always fun with us. Yeah. And nice to have the hopeful story line. Its interesting because i think our show runner pointed out, its gorry yet hopeful. It is. We overcome. We have to go, do you have nightmares . I get nightmares watching the show. Yes. Zombies. The season five premier of the walking dead premiers tonight on amc. And going behind the scenes on the set of the walking dead. And coming up, we have jessie j performing live. Oh yes sweet talk i can be oh it is time now for our fall Concert Series with jessie j. Great to have you here. So much going on, new album tuesday, sweet talker. Yes, tuesday. But first, dancing with the stars guest judge. Im excited. What are you looking for . Technique, a good line, pointed toes. You know . And just watch out for bruised elbows. And getting a lot of questions from our social square. And one came in from gemma. Hello, good morning. Who are your biggest musical influences when you were growing up . Well, my mom was a massive into tracy chapman, michael jackson. And as i grew up, maria carrie, tlc you answered her question. Good morning. But, no, music was everything. It was my therapy when i was growing up. Yeah. Ready to sing . Yes. Always. Cheers. Lets here it, burning up. Lets go. Walking through the fire please dont let me go take me to the river i need you to know im burning up burn me out come and put me out im burning up come and put me out come and put me out hot in the kitchen like a now degrees thats how im feeling when youre next to me i got a fever tell me what did you do to put your eyes on when i look at you look at you coming on sex dripping in sweat i put my breath look what i found its about to go down i want it right now walking through the fire please dont let me go take me to the river i need you to know come on everybody im burning up come and put me out come and put me out. Im burning up come put me out come and put me out im burning up come and put me out hey i got the matches you got the gasoline light up the fall like its billy jean no way were moving by the end of the song theyre going to have to pull the fire from them subliminal sex dripping in sweat im losing my breath look what i found its about to go down i want you right now walking through the fire walking through the fire please dont let me go take me to the river oh oh oh everything high like its first on the grill Million Dollar grill fresh on the hill. Kidnap its we recall, lets dance. The corner store to the corridor. Everybody, hands in the air, come on. Burn up and turn up learn up back in the day come on and the top and went through a tumble okay. Lets go. Come on. Come on im burning up oh put me out come and put me out oh im burning up whoo im burning up oh im burning up baby im burning up sno snoet im burning up thank. [ cheers and applause ] with tom corbett, things keep getting worse. September 16th. Budget deficits force pennsylvania to borrow 1. 5 billion dollars just to keep the lights on. Three days later, pennsylvanias Unemployment Rate goes up for the second straight month. Under tom corbett, weve fallen from 9th to 47th in job creation. And on september 25th, pennsylvanias credit is downgraded for the fifth time in two years. Why would we give tom corbett four more years . How about jessie j . She did that all on no sleep. Fantastic, thank you. Have a great weekend, everyone. [ cheers and applause ] good morning. The penalty phase of the Montgomery County murder trial of raghunandan yandamuriian resumes today. The jury convicted him yesterday of can killing a 10 month old girl and her 61yearold grandmother during a botched kidnapping. He could get the death penalty. A live report on action new at noon. 8 56 on this friday october 10. Im Tamala Edwards. Lets head over to karen rogers. We have trouble. Yes, we do on 95. Yeah, its a backup on i95 for sure here. This is a approaching allegheny. Southbound traffic as you head towards center city jamming past bridge to girard. Not horrible. A 22 minute ride southbound from woodhaven to the vine. Were usually slow on 95 and we are today as wie. On the westbound traffic pretty jammed from the tolls to eighth and vine because of that construction blocking the right lane. We really havent had too many accidents on the main roads. Here in hatfield we have a new accident. Line lexington road 94 cow path road. One in upper merion construction that is going to close old gulph road between matsonford road and spring mill road from 9 00 until 9 00 0 today. Watch for that tam. Thank karen. Lets go outtide to me. You said its a nice morning but that will change. Off to a cloudy start but it is dry. A little cool. Temperatures up to 57 degrees in philadelphia but probably staying in the 50s in the i95 corridor until up close to lunchtime and really not going much north of that from there. 62 is todays high. Accuweather says it will be clow cloudy. Could be damp with spotty drizzle or spotty shower. A good day to keep your eyes on radar on action news starting at 4 00 or on that Storm Tracker 6 app tam. Coming up, several u. S. Airport airports get ready to not funny ebola joke that rattled passengers on a flight out of philadelphia. Live with kelly and michael up next here on 6abc. Im Tamala Edwards. Have a great friday. This is ceo tom macarthurs world. In macarthurs world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. And macarthur opposes a womans right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. For us in the real world, Aimee Belgard. Aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a womans right to choose. Aimee belgards on our side. Im Aimee Belgard and i approve this message. Announcer its live with kelly michael. Today, from the new film, kill the messenger, jeremy renner. And star of the hit series, once upon a time, jennifer morrison. Plus, your questions, your comments, on another edition of the inbox. Ll next on live. Now, here are kelly ripa and Michael Strahan [cheers and applause]

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