Palmer. He has died at age 78. We begin this morning with a look at todays eye opener. Your world in 90 seconds. Not 20 second sound bites was a real opportunity to hear somebody Say Something and get into is that actually true or not . The candidates prep for the first debate. Most candidates would be hitting the books. Donald trump has been out campaigning almost just like regular. How has he been preparing for the debates . Donald trump has been preparing for this debate for his entire lifetime. The sporting world lost a legend with the passing of famed golfer Arnold Palmer. If you were playing toda i cant answer that. Would you like to give it a shot . Youre damn right intense football sunday in charlotte, north carolina, after Police Released video of a Fatal Shooting that has the entire city on edge. If we dont get it shut it down. A suspected gunman accused of killing five people at a mall in washington state. Star pitcher Jose Fernandez a dazzling right arm. Thats what i think about. Prince george was offered a high five. Over the middle. Bryant. Touchdown, cowboys jerry with a big smile on his face. 3117 dallas. All that. Its going to deep left field. A hollywood ending for vin scullys final home game. Vin, we love yo and all that matters. A sunday morning hangover wont be the same without you. Charles osgood put a bow tie on his run on cbs sunday morning. We thank you for everything. We will see you on the radio. See you on the radio. I will see you on the radio. I want to thank you all, a wonderful audience. I also want to thank all of announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by toyota. Lets go places . Welcome to cbs this morning. The first president ial debate tonight is likely to be the most watched in history. Hillary clinton and donald trump will face each other in prime time for 90 minutes. The Television Audience could be 100 Million People or more. The latest National Poll out thor tied at 46 . Clinton led by six points in the same Bloomberg Politics poll after the convention. Key advisers for both candidates will be here. We will talk to jason miller and robbie mook and preview tonights showdown with John Dickerson and Bob Schieffer who have moderated past debates. Major garrett is covering how reporter good morning. This whole scene here today, tonight, will remind the coun powerfully how this once was. Donald trump in the ring with Hillary Clinton. Statistically tied for the presidency of the united states. A daring calculation, one that if successful, could catapult his candidacy and, if not, might well crater it. Trump is doing great. Mr. Trump is ready for the debate. He is very expedited. Reporter donald trump surrogates went over the prep and suggested a life of real estate and reality tv may be enough. I think donald trump has been preparing for this debate for his entire lifetime. Reporter trump has held no mock debates and devoted little time to briefing books. His recent policy speeches have all been on teleprompter, a Hillary Clinton. House Speaker Paul Ryan sounded a cautionary note. Hillary clinton has been doing this much of her life and a consummate pro and new for donald so i think he should overprepare for it. Reporter leading up to the debate trump spend 140 million on tv and digits ads. Ten times his budget so far. The 100 Million Dollar tv investment first reported on by cbs news will finance ads in 13 states. Including three states trump added because of tightenpo wisconsin, new mexico, and maine. Another predebate development . Donald, youre a coward. Reporter arch rival ted cruz buried the hatchet and formally endorsed trump. There is also predebate high jinx. Clintons campaign invited brash billionaire and trump crick mark guest. Trump returned the favor and said he would put Gennifer Flowers alongside of him. She said she had a decades long affair with clinton. Trump said she has not been formally invited and, gayle, they dont expect her to attend. Nancy cordes is inside the debate arena tracking Hillary Clintons preparation. Nancy, good morning. Reporter good morning. The clinton camp believes tonights debate will be so pivotal she did events all of last week, compared to the nine events that her opponent did and they say she has been prepping for a debate that will show she knows the issues and trump doesnt. Clinton spent most of the weekend at home and at a nearby hotel, practicing with a small group of confidants, including Campaign Chairman john poe ddes pmpltse. Clinton has studied debates. Her campaign is trying to get under his skin by releasing a list what they call the seven deadly lies he might tell tonight, like his claim that he opposed the iraq war from the beginning. Or that hell get mexico to pay for a border wall. On face the nation, clintons running mate argued trump needs to be held to the same standard as clinton when it comes to i think the great virtue of these debates you get 90 minutes to look at people and really see what whether there is depth, whether there is substance and whether there is a candor and truthfulness in what they say. Reporter clinton knows the format. She has participated in 26 president ial primary debates and needs a performance tonight that will stop her slide in the polls. The latest cbs news Battleground Tracker shows her lead has shrunk from 12 points to 8 in colorado, two states where her campaign was so confident a month and a half ago, they stopped airing tv ads. And that is why clintons aides say cher job tonight is to convince a wide swath of voters that trump lacks detailed policy proposals and is easily provoked. To that end, you might hear her talk about his admiration of putin or even question whether trump is worth as much as he says he. Robbie mook is here. Good morning. Good morning. Is a goal tonight to tear trump down or build her up and get at the question of trust, and command of issues . Im really glad that you asked that because Hillary Clinton knows she needs to earn the voters trust. We have found the unfiltered moments as tim kaine said 90 minutes up there she can speak directly to the voters and had the opportunity to talk about not just what her plans are to lives but how this campaign is really a part of a Lifelong Mission to fight for kids and families. She has done really well. I think it is will trump demonstrate a command of the issues . We think that is a bar every candidate needs to pass. We also are concerned that trump is going to continue to lie. Why do you think she can change the trust dynamic in one debate when, in fact, she hasnt been able to do it over a lifetime or in terms of this campaign . The central question of this entire campaign is which one of these candidates is going to t people and it actually has plans will make a difference in their lives. Can voters trust a candidate to get that done . And they can absolutely trust hillary at the she has a lifetime record of working with bojed of the aisle, bringing people together and getting real things done. We keep hearing she is preparing for two trumps. What exactly does that mean . Tell us a little bit about the preparation work you all have been doing. Well, one of the concerns that voters have about donald right trempmeemperament to be commander in chief. We have seen him bullying hillary with mean tweets the last feud. Few days. We dont know who will be there. But hillary will be prepared. In the front row who has been very vocal against donald trump is that a little while of a dig to call him out putting mark cuban on the front that was not the intent. Both sides invite their supporters to come and we are proud to have mark cuban who came off the sidelines and he is political and has a lot of experience creating jobs. We are excited to have him there and have his support. He represents the kind of people coming to this campaign, republicans, republican leaning independents who are concerned about Donald Trumps temperament. Was that an early indication inviting mark cuban that part of under his skin . Again, we are really focused on this opportunity that hillary has to speak directly to the voters on the issues. But but we are concerned that donald trump may lie, he may throw misinformation out there and that hillary will have to spend all of her time trying to correct the record rather talking about the things she wants to. What do you expect the moderator to do . All we are asking is the record be checked. If donald trump lies, which he has repeatedly done in the past that that be simply ke trump is experiencing this is a dead even heat. I know you have said the race would tighten but nobody thought it would be dead even at this point in time or a surge . I take thats public polls with a grain of salt. Operationally, it doesnt matter. We should be running like we are 20 points behind and this is the lifetimes and we should be all in and win by the biggest margin we can. Thank you, robbie mook. Next hour, we go inside the donald trump preparation with jason miller. A lot of talk about whether the debate moderator should also be a fact checker. The executive director of the commission on president ial debates doesnt want that. Commission asks independent smart journalists to be the moderators and we let them decide how they are going to do this. I dont think its a good idea to get the moderator in as serving as the britannica and i think its important to facilitate and ask the candidates to correct each other as they see fit. Cbs news political director John Dickerson and Bob Schieffer on here on some of this mornings faceoffs. Bob, you were involved in the last campaigns president ial race, what about janet brown just said . Is it the responsibility . I know youve written about this. The candidates to factcheck i think youre being unfair to both candidates if one of them makes a glaring error to not let the other person have an opportunity to call them out. I think people want to know if that person knows the answer to the question. That is a good thing. Its called a rebuttal. If they dont, then i think the moderator has to step in and say, you know, for the record, folks, take it from there. Maybe ask another question. There has been talk that a lot of voters have still not made up their minds, john, tonight. What are they looking for a what should each candidate to do to try to get those voters on their side . It depends. Basically, donald trump has to show that he can be president. A debate is the formal thing in a campaign where a candidate looks a little bit like a president and there is a style and so, you know, for donald trump, its basically to present Something Different than the candidate who shows up at his rallies. For Hillary Clinton, she has a bunch of things. She to remind people of the to show something from her heart, which is both for those undecided voters but its also for her voters. What we know from Political Science about debates is that people become stronger partisans when they watch debates. In Hillary Clinton hasnt enthusiasm problem and that is different than vote intent. In other words, people may be ready to vote but may not be excited about it. If she has an enthusiasm problem, then a debate can make people think, oh, that is why i like her. You think this is more about shoring up your base than it is ou it can be both. Undecided may slosh around over the course of three debates but voting going on now. If both of your campaigns can grab voters that are newly energized by something happens in a debate and bank votes and get them in line so there is an organizational benefit. In fact, the campaigns believe that 40 of the final tally may be by early vote this year. To your point. That is why these debates are so critical. Its not that youll remember going into the booth but people are voting now. That, these debates are about so much more. Than somebodys position on the issues. Voters want to take a measure of the person. Does a person have the right stuff . Does he have the dignity, the courage, how you react under pressure. I think the reason most people vote for a president is do they think this is someone that they would feel comfortable with in time of crisis. Therefore, whats do it . It will be interesting to see. I mean, i have no idea what donald trump is going to do. And anybody that wants to predict what donald trump is going to do its not a question of what might do but what does he have to do . In other words, how do you appear president ial . Does he become somber and less attractive . I think he has to just leave the impression that he could handle the job. Isnt that pretty low bar . Well, but thats what i think is what people decide during these debates. Do you think they are being judged differently, Hillary Clinton and donald trump . The Clinton Campaign says that she is being held to a much higher standard than he. No, i dont think so. I think they are both judged by exactly the same standards and we will see what happens. How they decide what the standards are that they are trying to meet. Impressions will be made in the first 10 or 15 minutes . Ha because of twitter. What is happening a lot of reporters will be wasting their time looking at twitter instead of the whole 90 minutes and they will develop a narrative and that narrative will start bouncing around and we saw that in the last campaign and that is not good. Yeah. 90 minutes and no breaks. All right. Thank you both. Bob schieffer and John Dickerson. Watch tonights debate on cbs. Our live coverage begins at 9 00 eastern 8 00 central. The world is remember the extraordinary career and life of died yesterday from heart complications at the age of 87. Palmers style and dominance on the golf course elevated the game to new heights. Dana jacobson has more. Reporter beloved and transcendent is how Arnold Palmer is remembered today. His father a golfer and grounds keeper in latrobe, pennsylvania, introduced him to the game that he introduced to millions. Voted the athlete of the decades in the 60s, palmer was always true to his fathers words. Donth are show them the line is perfect. Hes got it reporter Norah Odonnell known simply as the king, Arnold Palmer captivated the sports world with his ferocious style of play and magnetism of a movie star. Golf would never be the same when palmer burst on the scene in the late 1950s and became the face of the sport as tv turned into more homes. Including four masters and ta tallying 62 pga tours wins and court by president s and had a rabid fans dubbed palmers army. His approach ratcheted up the drama of the game. And this fellow is still hunting birdies. In 2011 he spoke to to charlie rose. There is no game like it. You go out there and you tee it yes. Its you. A golf ball and the golf course. And there you go. Reporter palmer was a pioneer in marketing for athletes and paved the way for future stars and even a drink named after him. He also received the president ial medal of freedom and congressional gold medal. The battles between palmer and Jack Nicklaus defined rivalry and though nicklaus came out losses helped shaped him. They really hurt, but when i reflect on it now and i look back and i say, it taught me something. It taught me how to live and how to be a better guy and not let it defeat, be the end of my life. And im thankful for that. In a Statement Last night, his long time friend and rival Jack Nicklaus said we were great competitors who loved competing against each other but we were always great friends along the way. Arnold had b had his. He was the king of our sport. And uls will be and bob hope may have put it best. He said in bringing golf to the masses, two things matter Arnold Palmer and the mulligan. There is a saying in golf that every governor played since him should give him 15 of their earnings because he made the game. Everything thought Michael Jordan made marketing in sports. The friendship was genuine between he and jack. Donald trump is heading from russia to love on. That is coming up. First, its timek samantha good monday morning to you. Grab your umbrella. We have showers moving through. Spotty stuff in the morning, but more scattered and widespread steady rain by late morning and early afternoon. Temperatures today peak in the low 70s around midday, and afternoon. With the breeze factored in, just a very falllike day. New details on a deadly rampage at a Shopping Mall in the pacific northwest. Is there any connection to terrorism . Ahead, what investigators are learning about the suspect captured after a massive manhunt. The news is back this morning right here on cbs this morning. Ey on my back. It was, it was always controlling your time, your actions, your money. It had me. It had me. I would not be a nonsmoker today if it wasnt for chantix. Along with support, Chantix Varenicline is proven to help people quit smoking. Chantix reduced my urge to smoke some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. Some had seizures while taking chantix. If you have any of these, stop chantix of Mental Health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. Dont take chantix if youve had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. If you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be lifethreatening. Tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. Get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. Decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. Use caution when driving or operating machinery. Most common side effect is nausea. Its me in control now. Ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. Better nutrition in so many varieties. Classic. Cage free. And organic. Only egglands best. Better taste. Better nutrition. Better eggs. Mmm. I cant believe its so delicious. I cant believe it has 40 fewer calories than butter. I cant believe its made with real, simple ingredients. I cant believe were on a whale. I cant believe my role isnt bigger. Oh, its real. Real ingredients. Unbelievable taste. Go ahead, enjoy. Real ingredients. Unbelievable taste. Im hall of famer jerry west and my life is basketball. From leaving me at a higher risk of stroke. Thatd be devastating. I took warfarin for over 15 years until i learned more about oncedaily xarelto. A latest generation blood thinner. Then i made the switch. Xarelto . Significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. It has similar effectiveness to warfarin. Warfarin interferes with vitamin k and at least six blood clotting factors. For people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. Like all blood thinners, dont stop taking xarelto without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. While taking you may bruise more easily, and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. Xarelto may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. Xarelto can cause serious, and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Get help right away for unexpected bleeding, you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. Do not take xarelto if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. Tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. Before starting xarelto tell your doctor about any conditions, such as kidney, liver or bleeding problems. To help protect yourself from a stroke, ask your doctor about xarelto. Theres more to know. Nichole good morning. Im nichole vrsansky. There were at least seven deadly overdoses in Cuyahoga County over this past weekend. The medical examiner has yet to say which drugs were involved, but it is suspected to be heroin or fentanyl. A Public Health warning is now in effect because of this string of deaths. So far in year more than 330 people have died from overdoses in cuy thats already more than last years entire total. Going to feel a lot more like false. Heres meteorologist sam roberts with a look at the forecast. Samantha cool and breezy. We hit our high for the day of 71 around made day, and the numbers drop into the afternoon. With the wind factored in, it might feel cooler to you. A good bet for scattered showers late morning and into the afternoon. More sunshine for tomorrow, but . The duke and duchess of cambridge are in canada for their first overseas trip as a family of four. Could they look any cuter . Young Prince George wasnt feeling it, apparently. He shut down justice trudeau. But the rest loved them as they traveled from victoria to vancouver. They spoke with refuge families and visited with paralympics just become from reop. At that age, its tough to teach. It really it but they look great on the road. Welcome back to cbs this morning. . Coming up in this half hour, in the deadly mall shooting in washington state. The suspect accused of killing five people is expected to make his First Court Appearance today. A disturbing profile pieced together by investigators is ahead. The sudden death of marlins ace Jose Fernandez in a boat crash. How around the league they are paying a tribute to one of the baseballs best pitchers. Time to show you some of the mornings headlines from around the globe. The New York Times reports on war crimes in syria and follows heavy air eastern aleppo after a failed ceasefire. Some of the deadliest attacks happened over the weekend. Fighting is expected to worsen. The Syrian Government and russian allies are preparing an allout assault to take over the city. The latest strikes claim the family of a 5yearold girl pulled from the rubble and she was rescued on friday after an air strike destroyed her home. Her parents and four siblings were killed. New yorks daily news fargo workers following a class action lawsuit. They demoted or fired workers who failed to make unrealistic quotas. Wells fargo was fined 185,000, 185 million this month in the fraud scandal. Thousands of iowans are urged to leave their homes because of a flood threat in cedar rapids. Crest there this morning. The water could reach the level that caused devastating floods eight years ago. And time reports that a fire in a fuel tanker off mexicos gulf coast is out. The fire began saturday and crew was rescued. The tanker owner says only a minimal of fuel spilled in the water and it was contained by flooting booms. Investigation into the cause of the fire is under way. The suspect in a deadly shooting rampage in a mall north in court this morning. 20yearold arcan cetin is accused of filling five. One is a cancer survivor to a 90yearold woman. Mireya villarreal is there with more on the investigation. Reporter good morning. The mall is set to open later today for the first time authorities tracked him down after numerous tips came in and after she analyzed mall Surveillance Video and now they are interviewing everyone from eyewitnesses to cetins own parents. Investigators searched the home of 20yearold arcan cetins home on monday. We feel confident we have the shooter. Whether or not anyone else was involved, that is what will be determined. Reporter Authorities Say it the Makeup Department of a macys store, killing five people. All units. Male ran into the macys with a rifle. Reporter following 24hour manhunt, a sheriffs lieutenant spotted the 20yearold on a sidewalk nearly 30 miles away. Police say he was in a zombielike state. I do not you turn and hit my lights and took the gun and put the man into custody. Reporter he is a legal resident and borne in turkey. The Court Ordered him to undergo a Mental Health evaluation and abstain from drugs or alcohol to defer prosecutors. Media accounts show he had a fascination with guns. He was hurtful toward girls and harass them. Reporter chuck egan reportedly pushed his wife out and sarah e. Lotta. Her mother told reporters she wants justice. She was always happy. She would be around the halls and she wouldnt not have a smile on her face. Reporter cairo says 95yearold Beatrice Dotson was killed along with a parole officer months away from retiring. She gave me hope to my future. She wanted to help everybody. The fbi says indication that this shooting was linked to terrorism. Cetins motive is still unclear at this time. They say his girlfriend worked at a macys store but it was not the macyss store where he opened fire. Major league baseballs marlins pitcher Jose Fernandez and two others were killed after beach. Investigators say alcohol and drugs do not appear to be a factor in this crash. David begnaud it at the park where fernandez was scheduled to start tonights game against the new york mets. Reporter good morning. The marlins were supposed to play yesterday but they cancelled. Nobody want to play. They put 16, his number, on the jumbotron. This morning people are placing flowers. What a back story this young man had when heri on a boat and dodge bullets and even save his mom from drowning. The passion he felt about playing, thats what i think about. Reporter marlins coaches, players, and officials struggle to hold back tears. On sunday, the marlins put fernandezs number on the pitching mound. The Tampa Bay Rays and Boston Red Sox held a moment of silence and the mets put up an honorary jersey in their dugout. Riding in was traveling at a high speed in darkness when it apparently slammed into a rock jetty and flipped over. The Impact Likely killed him along with two others. None of the men were wearing life jackets. Two of them were under the vessel. One was in the water. Reporter investigators say fernandez was not driving nor did he own the boat. We know that this boat knows the area. We just cant answer why this happened. Three hitters, three strikeouts. Reporter fernandez journey o one. He defected from cuba at 15 and broke into the manels when he was just 20, winning the 2013 rookie of the year. A day before the announcement, Major League Baseball cameras recorded a surprise meeting between fernandez and his grandmother whom he had not seen since he was 15. Two years later. Help me god. In jail and shot at but after staring death in the face, he played it like a big kid. Reporter Major League Baseballs commissioner rob manfred released a statement saying he was one of our games great young stars who made a field. Last week he post on instagram that he and his girlfriend were expecting their first child. David, thank you. What a sad story. I know. Terrible. Just the last little thing at the end adds a whole another dimension how sad and tragic it is. Senseless. Some of Donald Trumps biggest fans are thousands of miles away. Meet the russian singing star who says a President Trump would help russia be great. That is next. Allaccess app on your digital device. Bill oreilly will be in studio 57. We will be right back. announcer vo when you have type 2 diabetes theres a moment of truth. And now with victoza . A better moment of proof. Victoza . Lowers my a1c and blood sugar better than the leading branded pill, which didnt get me to my goal. Lowers my a1c better than the leading branded injectable. The one i used to take. jim victoza . 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The most common side effects are headache, nausea, side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. Nows the time for a better moment of proof. Ask your doctor about victoza . Our eyes they have a 200degree range of sight which is good for me hey and bad for the barkley twins. Take care of all your most important parts with centrum. Upgraded to our most d3 ever. . Dont let dust and allergens youre choosing more complete allergy relief and all the enjoyment that comes along with it. When we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by overproducing 6 key inflammatory substances. Most allergy pills only control 1. Flonase controls 6. And six is greater than one. With flonase, more complete relief means enjoyment ofvery bift. More complete relief six is greater than one, changes everything. . Know how you earn the title. Worlds best mom . By starting each day with a perfectly balanced mug of. To be on top of your mom game. Nailed it thanks so much. You need a balanced coffee you can drink throughout the day. Good girl. Mccaf . Coffees brew a smooth blend. For a taste thats not too strong, but never weak. So you can savor every sip knowing you are matriarch supreme. Mommys not a napkin honey. One of Hillary Clintons Newest Campaign ads krits is Donald Trumps business ties to russia. The republican candidates has many fans in that country starting with the president. Charlie dagata went to russia to meet another trump following of his own and someone who paid a price to russias president. Charlie is with us now from london. Reporter good morning. Not since the cold war has russia played a central role in american lexelections and everyy over there is buzzing it bit too and few come quite like this as far as endorsements. Reporter one of trumps biggest fans is also one of russias biggest stars. . Ha ha reporter hid enthusiasm for the republican candidate goes back 22 years when with he performed at trumps taj mahal casino in atlantic city. Donald trump dubbed him the Michael Jackson of russia and the stronghold has been going ever since. I hope when he is president , our relationship will be much, much closer and all aca understood . Understood . Reporter understood. Understood russia ais a grea country. Great people. Reporter that mutual admiration goes both ways. Donald trump said he would cut back u. S. Involvement in nato and heaped praise on russian president Vladimir Putin calling him a strong leader. Putin has made clear his preference for a President Trump white house, but there are far collusion. Russia stands accused of hacking the democratic partys email server. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Reporter the Clinton Campaign started running new ads that call into question trumps financial ties in russia and how they could impact decisions on national security. While former russian opposition member says trumps admission of putin is, at the very least, misguided. Putin is not strong because he debates. Hes afraid of election. He is afraid of being removed and losing control. I think its not the position of strong leader. Reporter and he says putin has an easy way of silencing any serious opposition. Participate in the tv discussion. Reporter youre banned from going on television . Yes, im banned from going on television. Reporter now just think debate. The American Election is getting lots of coverage from kremlin back channels and newspapers. No prizes for guessing who they say as the favorite. Norah . Charlie, thank you so much. A story book ending to a legendary broadcasting career at dodgers stadium. Ahead, long time announcer vin scullys dramatic goodbye to his fans after 67 years first, its time to check your local weather. Samantha good monday morning to you. Grab you we have showers moving through. Spotty stuff in the morning, but more scattered and widespread steady rain by late morning and early afternoon. Temperatures today peak in the low 70s around midday, and then we drop into the 60s later this afternoon. With the breeze factored in, just a very falllike day. Tomorrow more sunshine but check announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by at the corner of happy and healthy . When is your flu shot more than a flu shot . When it helps give a lifesaving vaccine to a child in need. . Thanks to customers like you, walgreens get a shot. Give a shot. Program has helped provide 15 million vaccines through the un foundation. Its that easy to make a difference. . Walgreens. At the corner of happy and healthy. I love bread. I love ice cream. Pizza peanut butter. 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For people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. Like all blood thinners, dont stop taking xarelto without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. While taking you may bruise more easily, and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. Xarelto may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. Unusual bruising or tingling. If you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. Do not take xarelto if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. Tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. Before starting xarelto tell your doctor about any conditions, such as kidney, liver or bleeding problems. To help protect yourself from a stroke, ask your doctor about xarelto. Theres more to know. 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Vin scullys voice has been the sound track for dodger baseball for 67 years. Microphone. The 88yearold yesterday called his final home game. The dodgers clenched the National League west title with a walkoff home run. Amid the celebration, the dodgers and their manager dave roberts, paid tribute to vin scully from the field. What do you want to say to vin . Vin, we love you and this is for you, my friend to show what the team and the fans meant to him, scully played his rendition beneath my wings. Scully was singing this song. Thats nice. What a nice tribute. I think its so nice you can see those kind of tributes while youre still alive and you get to see what you mean to people. He was just plain good. So good. Good always works its good to be good ahead, we will talk to one of Donald Trumps top Campaign Advisers about how his candidate debate. He says he is ready. Tomorrow, democratic Vice President ial nominee tim kaine will be with us at the table to break down the big moments of the debate that happens tonight. . Is depression more than sadness . . . . Trintellix vortioxetine is a prescription medicine for depression. Trintellix may start to untangle or help improve the multiple symptoms of depression. For me, trintellix made a difference. Tell your healthcare professional right away if your depression worsens, or you have unusual changes in mood, behavior or thoughts of suicide. Trintellix has not been studied in children. Do not take with maois. Tell your healthcare professional about your medications, including migraine, psychiatric and depression medications to avoid a potentially lifethreatening condition. Increased risk of bleeding or bruising may occur especially if taken with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners. Manic episodes or vision problems may occur in some people. May cause low sodium levels. 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Idney problems, hiv, or any other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. I am ready to put hep c behind me. I am ready to be cured. Are you ready . Brian good morning. Playoff tickets go on sale at 10 00 this morning for your cleveland indians. If you have champagne, put it on ice. Tonight the indians could clench the Central Division and punch their ticket to the postseason. With just seven games left, the tribe only needs one victory. Tonight theyre in detroit with corey kluber on the hill. First pitch at heres the forecast with our meteorologist sam roberts. Hey, sam. Samantha we hope they do it, too. We have rain on the way today. Good thing theyre not playing that game here, because late morning and through the afternoon it will be get pretty showery out there. Have your umbrella ready to go. By Late Afternoon into the evening, we should start to dry things out. Also cool today and 71 and breezy. That high in the 70s is going to happen pretty early around midday. So pretty cool for the drive 60s. Tomorrow, sunshine returns, but im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Id look her right in that fat ugly face of hers. Shes a slob. A person whos flat chested is very hard to be a 10. Does she have a good body . No. Does she have a fat [expletive] . Absolutely. Do you treat women with respect . . It is monday, september 26th, 2016. Welcome back to cbs this morning. . More real news ahead including debates ever. We talk with Donald Trumps Senior Communications adviser coming up. First, heres a look at todays eye opener at 8 00. Donald trump pure novice in the ring with Hillary Clinton and statistically tied for the presidency. They say she is prepping for a debate that shows she knows the issues and trump doesnt. Can she be dynamic in one debate when he hasnt been able the question of this campaign is who is going to fight on the side of the american people. Is this something they feel comfortable with in terms of crisis . What does donald trump have to do it will be interesting to see. I have no idea what donald trump is going to do. Beloved and transcendent is how Arnold Palmer is being remembered. Voted the athlete in the 1960s. His father people how good you are. Show them. On this kickoff, she actually calls, i got it and tries to catch it. A mistake. Hit in the face i was trying to catch the ball and i made a mistake and caught the ball with my face instead of my hands. Are you okay, though . Im okay on. Im charlie rose with gayle king and Norah Odonnell. Or more are expected to watch tonights debate. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton will stand on the debate stage for the first time. The first of three scheduled 90minute matchups will focus on securing america and achieving prosperity. Cbs News Elections director anthony sellvanto is here to show us where the campaign stand right now. You look so close at the electorate map. What do you see this morning . When i was here last, not that long big, big lead for clinton and gone away and a narrow lead, at best. State after state has moved back to being a tossup. Talk about states like ohio, like, florida, the battle grounds we talk about colorado too. You initially had it at 264 electoral votes and now 191 . Actually, she had, not too long ago she was well up over and now 200 in states leaning her way. The key states have moved back to tossup. The question is why . The answer is enthusiasm on the part of her voters has gone down and so what happens in polling is its not that people are switching over to donald trump or going back and forth. Her voters are saying they are less likely to vote and less excited about her. She is losing rather than gaining . Yeah, for the most part and one of the things i think she has to do tonight is rev up that base. You look at Younger Voters and parts of her cit has got to get all of and they tell you yeah, we are a little less excited. Yeah, we are a little less likely to come out and that makes the poll numbers go down. She is at 264 and he is at 191 and the same he was several weeks ago. Right. But for him, that is actually that is actually good. Because she has come down and that, obviously, puts a lot of states now where he is in striking distance. And that wasnt the case she is only one state away from winning. Well, yeah. How do you look at it then . I look at it its still a race. This is a race that can now go either way. Because it wasnt the case before, right . She is one state away. Here is the thing, norah. Here is the thing. She doesnt necessarily win them all in a row. The states moop move in tandem but yes its one state but states swing as a group if a big change happens. If the polls are right, 100 million of us will be watching. Cant wa yep. Trust is a serious trouble spot for both of the candidates. A recently poll shows that 45 of voters think that donald trump is honest and trustworthy. Only 36 see Hillary Clinton that way. On sunday, the candidate surrogates addressed the trust issue. I think donald trump always speaks straight from his mind and straight from his heart. I think hes the most bold, truth teller to run for president of the united states. Things that arent true. Hillary clintons casual relationship with the truth is well known to americans. Im sure twwe will see it on fu display tomorrow night. I dont appreciate campaigns thinking its the job of the media to be these virtual fact check irs. Jason miller is Senior Communications adviser for the trump campaign. Glad to have you at the table. Good morning. What would be your definition of success tonight for mr. Trump and what makes you look at him n battle evening . I think mr. Trump will show he is the one to get our economy back on track and keep us safe and make sure we renegotiate the bad trade deals and hell stop illegal immigration. He is able to convey that message the same things carrying him so well in the polls seeing it with the crowds and the energy this week that will be success. Those are talking points. I want to get to the nittygritty what you see in him tonight that make you you know he is on fire and ready to take 90 minutes, no break. I think we will see tonight mr. Trump is ready to be commander in chief. This is a chance where voters have seen the commercials. A lot more from hillarys side as 250 Million Dollars dumped on mr. Trumps ad. But they will see the candidates up there at the same time. On the stage together. I think they will see one candidate is ready to be commander in chief and a change agent and he is going to change our country and take us the right direction. That wille secretary clinton. What is on his list of things not to do . I would say you know, i think tonight, as long as he talks about his message and he is focused and talking about the contrast between the two, the vision he wants to go versus where hillary wants to go i think that is win. Here is the thing for mr. Trump coming into tonight. He is a candidates that he is not a police stattician. He hasnt been doing this 30 years and doesnt blow dry every single answer coming forward. To charlies question, one of he punches back when challenged. Has the campaign talked about how they may do that tonight . He is going to counterpunch . Hell be ready for tonight. Never underestimate donald trump. He is preparing not by the way she might be preparing with briefing books, but looking for some psychological insight . Well, the one thing that we have seen, this is more on the staff end. This is more as we discuss as a team in getting things together is tt will do great in her first answer. We will see her first answer in each sick sections and she will hit a home run and programmed and poll and tested out. Where secretary clinton runs into trouble is the second and third answers where it become more variables come and more interaction between the candidates and where she runs into trouble. People question whether he has a second and third answer, that he is not deep on terms of policy. He is primarily deep in terms of build a wall. Mr. Trump has laid out out how to get the economy going and he has the policies and his website he has laid out very detailed plans and great piece in the wall street journal today on that point. And youll see youll see tremendous amount of substance. Youll see a remarkable clarity. And, again, when we start getting into the second and third questions after the openings for each candidate you have this back and forth, this tenminute section and that is where hillary starts running into trouble i cant go and poll test through where are they allowed to question each other . There will be some back and forth. But its largely determined by the moderator. Where is it that voters make up their mind in the first 10 to 15 minutes . A lot of people watching on twitter. Are you concerned about that in no 90minute break and you cant go to a break and say here is what you want to do here and there. No worries or concerns about that . Mr. Trump is going to come out and hell talk about his vision. Again, the great thing about mr. He is going to be the same person wherever you see him and whatever he is talking about. That is what is so great about going into the debate is that why youre seeing the energy the crowds and poll numbers reflecting those great numbers that we have seen from other networks this morning. Have yall had mock debates with him . Not with a standin with Hillary Clinton because mr. Trump is focused on what he wants to talk about in this debate and communicate to the american people. Thank you. Thank you. Good to see you. V have you heard . There is a debate tonight. Our coverage begins live 9 00 samantha time now is 8 09 on this soggy for some of you and cloudy start to your monday morning. You can see we have cloud cover moving into the area. The rain, most of it is back to our west, but i expect showers to late morning. Tomorrow, a dry day. Enjoy it while it lasts, though, because rain is on the way. A chance of it each day through the work week and cool, too. De weekend leaves them with more questions. The city of charlotte did declare the nfl game played here yesterday was an extraordinary event and protesters tried to disrupt it. Police in riot gear surrounded charlottes bank of america stadiuts intercepted reporter as the Carolina Panthers faced off against the Minnesota Vikings inside. Shut it down reporter demonstrations remained peaceful after Police Released video of the shooting of Keith Lamont Scott on tuesday. In the dash cam video, he walks out of his suv and slowly backs away. Officers surround him, demanding he drop his weapon. The body camera shows a different angle, but has no audio until after the officers are standing over scott handcuffing him and attend to go his injuries. Scott family attorney justin bamburg. There was no definitive evidence in this video as to whether or not there is an object in his hand and, if there is what that object is. The family also released cell phone video taken by scotts she tells police he suffers from a traumatic brain injury. He doesnt have a gun he has a tv he is not going to do anything to you guys reporter but police chief kerr putney releasing this video as evidence and claiming the videos tell only part of the story. The footage supports all of the other information. The statement from witnesses and physical that create the entire picture. Reporter now chief putney said officers put him out of the vehicle when they saw him with marijuana and a firearm. Protests were outside looking for Peaceful Demonstrations last night. The family is now making funeral preparations. Thank you, errol. A dream deferred becomes a dream realized. How the opening of the africanamerican history and culture. First, its time to check bill oreilly has been talking to donald trump how he plans to debate Hillary Clinton. Ahead, oreilly will be in studio 57 with his take on what both candidates must do to win and we will ask about his new book looking at the u. S. Decision to drop atomic bombs on japan. Take a look at the toyota green room right now. One. Liza donnelly will join us. Tonight she will be sketching the president ial debate for cbs this morning. Had he low, liza hi. She also draws from publications like the new yorker and politico. Follow our instagram and facebook pages tonight as liza live draws the debate. We will be right back. . Tomorrows the day well play something every day is a gift especially for people with Heart Failure. But today theres entresto . A breakthrough medicine that can help make more tomorrows possible. Tomorrow, i want to see teddy bait his first hook. In the largest Heart Failure study ever, entresto . Was proven to help more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading Heart Failure medicine. Women who are pregnant must not take entresto . It can cause harm or entresto . With an ace inhibitor or or aliskiren. If youve had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, dont take entresto . 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When the engines failed on the plane i was flying, this picture captured a tender moment between the obamas and bushs. It came on sunday with the opening of the Smithsonian National museum of africanamerican history and culture. Cbs this morning you may recall was the first media outlet to broadcast live from there. The Opening Ceremony for the museum located on the National Mall in washington, d. C. Was punctuated by plenty of powerful moments. Reporter National Museum of africanamerican culture and history is a museum of pain and suffering. Alongside president obama and bell. The Museum Opening was a dream deferred. John lewis introduced 13 different bills to create it. This place is more than a building. It is a dream come true. Reporter the museum contains close to 40,000 artifacts. Activists fought for this space for more than 100 years. In 2003 president george w. Bush signed legislation that moved it from just a bill great nation does not hide its history. It faces its flaws and corrects them. Reporter the countrys first black president recast the word of poet langston hughes. We are not a burden on america. Or a stain on america. Not an object of pity for america. We are america. Reporter the museum met for all americans is an it is my hope that each and every person who visit this Beautiful Museum will walk away deeply inspired, feel the greater respect for the dignity and the worth of every human being. Wow. You were there, gayle. I was there. I have to tell you, that moment between george bush and michelle obama, number one, president bush was so poignant when he said its a museum that tells the truth and americas capacity to change. When he walked out, the hug was very tender. Behind signing the legislation you get a sense there is a sort of affection. Greatly on both sides, they admire each other. You can feel people in the room going look at that. Mrs. Obama and mrs. Bush were together recently working on military issues and mrs. Obama and george w. Bush was together at the dallas shooting. A friendship, and i think an example of bipartisanship that is needed more than ever. Absolutely. The president is often given father of bush 41 for influencing and what he thought of his dignity. I cant say enough about that museum, though, guys. Every time i go, it fills you up in another way. It is a peoples story and a nations journey. There is something for everybody there. Coming up, a unique game of catch. Thousands of feet up. How two sky divers managed to play ball during a freefall outside of a plane. Catch me, if you can right that is what we do, unbelievable things here on cbs this morning. T. Almost everything. You know, 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. But for only 7 a month, ridx helps break down waste. Avoid a septic disaster with ridx. I tried hard to quit smoking. But when we brought our daughter home, that was it. Now i have nicoderm cq. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. Come on. Dogs just wont quit. Neither does new frontline gold. Its triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks for a full 30 days. Good boy go for the gold. Allergies distracting you . When your symptoms start. Doctors recommend taking. Nondrowsy claritin every day of your allergy season. Claritin provides powerful, nondrowsy 24 hour relief. For fewer interruptions from the Amazing Things you do every day. Listerine . Kills 99 of bad breath germs for a 100 fresh mouth. Feeling 100 means you feel bold enough to. Assist a magician. Or dance. Listerine . Morning for you. Its a dry start for most of us. In sandusky there are showers approaching and more to the west through indiana. I expect these showers and maybe a few rumbles of thunder to move through as we get closer to mid to late morning. I would say the most likely tame frame for scattered showers in cleveland probably about 10 00 or 10 30. At through about 3 00 in the afternoon. I dont want you to get wet, so take your umbrella today. 71 is your high that happens around midday. It will be breezy today and we drop into the 60s this afternoon. Tomorrow is a better day. More sunshine and no rain in our forecast, but enjoy it while it lasts because check out your full sevenday planning forecast here. Every day from wednesday through the weekend there is at least a chance of rain, and there will this time and very cool. Look at the temperatures. . Two sky divers took the game of catch to new heights. Thousands of feet in the sky, thee a tennis ball along on a recent jump in the czech republic. They casual tossed it back and forth, apparently without a miss. At least not on their video. The specifically weighted ball seemed to float in the air as the sky divers began to play their game while plunging to earth. Does it look like fun . It does. Absolutely beautiful. Whether you do it or not, it looks like fun. Not to me. It looks very scary to me but i would love to see the two of you and i would be there with my pomp pompoms. Be in my cheerleading outfit. We will find out what living american president told bill oreilly what they would have done and we will get his take on tonights president ial debate. Rob lowe is in our toyota green room. Hey, rob. He is joining the cast of the hit cbs medical drama code black. Ahead we will find out how the actor prepared for his new role as a military colonel. Mornings headlines from around the globe. Flood today reports on a plan by elon musk to colonize mars. Musk will lay out the details in a speech in mexico tomorrow. He wants to establish a city of mars within a decade. A city on mars within a decade. It includes a massive rocket and shassh sh spaceship to deliver 100 people to mars. He dreams and thinks big. Reports on a bizarre selfie moment on the campaign trail. Take a look at this. A crowd of people in orlando recently turned their backs to Hillary Clinton. This was not a snub. They were trying to snap a selfie with her. Some people wondered whether Hillary Clinton had invited the crowd to take the selfie all at once. That would certainly make more sense that somebody said, lets all do it at the same time because its unusual you see everybody turn their backs at the same time. She is clearly enjoying the moment. That is the way to make somethin everyone, take a selfie and share it. To that point this photo has been retweeted more than 16,000 times. National security is a featured topic at tonights first president ial debate. A new bloomberg National Poll finds 24 of americans believe the threat from terrorism and isis is the most important issue facing the country. Fox news and host and anchor bill orooil i didnt takes on the countrys most pivotal National Securities in his sun. It offers a gripping look at the countrys use of the atomic bomb and it is the latest in his killing series with martin duguard. The book is number one and we have we are pleased to have you back. Good morning. I dont know why you guys keep inviting me back. Im so boring. Particularly in the morning . Youre not a good talker and why we keep asking that. You love the series and the movies made aut but lets talk about the debate tonight first. What are you looking for . I think secretary of state clinton has the advantage and been there before. Its like sports. You been there before and takes a little bit of the edge off so i think she has the advantage. She is wellversed on policy and she can deal with pretty much any issue you put in front of her. So youd have to say handicapping it, she hat gang. Is it an advantage for her that she has been oneonone often and he has generally been with a variety of candidates . Sure. The camera doesnt lie and when your air time is limited, the mistakes dont really matter because theres so much clutter. But one on one with everybody analyzing every word you say and every sill balance you say is a lot hard e. Oneonone, 90 minutes with no break. You asked donald trump are you going to take hillary apart and he said, i have no idea. Did you believe that answer from him . Yeah. I do. I think he is a counterpunch. I think the trump track is he is going to try to portray the country as being in crisis. All right . That is what he is going to do. But if she starts at him he has five or six bang bang bang. You saw it over the weekend. The Clinton Campaign invited mark cuban to sit there and that was, you know, a little of this to trump. What does he do . He one ups it with Gennifer Flowers. If he hits trump, trump comes back with fairly rehearsed lines that he has. That is the theater of this in terms of substance and the oneonone, many of the papers this weekend sort of took apart donald trump in terms of detailing the number of factual inaccuracies he has laid out during this campaign. How do you think that plays itself out tonight . Viewers dont really care about the facts . The facts . Not about facts. Trump himself is a generalist. The big picture guys. Country in trouble. Im going to f negotiator. His supporters and those who may vote for him who are undecided accept the fact he is not a guy who is going to be teaching in princeton Political Science. They accept it. The voter is going to be looking how they conduct themselves tonight. How significant do you think the momentum he has now is . Her the basket of deplorables really hurt her because has is speaking down and even if americans dont like she comes off as an ice queen. Again, this is a lot of personality involved with this election. A lot of personality. You said that that was a condescending comment but some people would say some of the things donald trump has been very condescend to go a wide variety of people. Do you think that matters . Yes. He has been called racist and misogynist. I think two candidates have heavy deficits coming into this debate. The book, give us of the decision to drop the atomic bomb. When i started researching this book, martin duguard did the heavy researching. I didnt know eisenhower didnt want to drop the bomb. He told truman, no, dont do it. I will tell you why he didnt want to drop the bomb he wanted the glory of the invasion but it would have killed 4 to 5 million truman isnt sure what the bomb is . Franklin roosevelt who dies in georgia with his mistress in the room. Another fascinating story. He never even talked to truman he thought truman was a clerk all right . Truman never got briefed. He didnt know anything. Then eleanor calls him to the white house and says he is dead. Truman says is there anything i can do for you, mrs. Roosevelt . She said, is there anything i can do for you . Truman knewing nothing. He has to get up to speed on what it is. He had no idea. The long lens of history on that decision, interesting. You have carter and both bushs writing letters supporting the decision. I asked all five living president s to write me a personal letter whether they would have supported truman to drop the bomb. Three didnt, two bushs and carter. All three said yes. This is speculation. I dont think he would have dropped the bomb. With his wife running for president. But i think clinton would have dropped it. Some of your critics say that killing series, its time for the killing to stop, oreilly . Yeah. We only sell 2 to 3 million books each time. Yeah, i think some of the critics may be a little jealous, gayle, but thats just me. Thank you. Three more coming. Killing the rising sun is on sale now. You can watch tonights debate right here on cbs. Our live coverage begins at 9 00 eastern 8 00 central. He is an original member of hollywoods famous brat pack. I wonder if he is sick of that term . Rob lowe is playing a military doctor on code black. Hes in our toyota green room. Check out that hairdo dude, good to see you. We have a few showers tracking to the east. If youre on the lakeshore of ashtabula county, headsup, you may see rain in the next ten minutes or so. Back to the west is where most of the showers are coming into erie and huron counties heading back into to toledo. We are one nation under god. That black and white, we are one nation indivisible. That republican and democrat, we are all americans. Id like to punch him in the face. You know what they used to do to guys like that . Theyd be carried out in a stretcher, folks. I could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot for the content of this advertising. Actor rob lowe gained widespread fame in the 1980s as a member of the hollywoods socalled brat pack. Has caught audiences taxis s at for more than 30 years. On the set of his first film rob lowe turned 18 and into a teenage heartthrob. New York Magazine crowned him a member of hollywoods ruling brat pack. Known for his good looks, he stars in cold classics like st. Elmos fire. And waynes world and austin powers. Lowe went on to tackle Television House staffer sam seaborn in the west wing. What could be more fun than this . Reporter later in parks and recreation as a Health Obsessed government official. What would you like . No thank you. Really good for hangovers. Okay, ill take one. Reporter the brat packers legendary was cemented in 2011 when he was honored with a star on the hollywood walk of fame. Cbs news medical drama code black as colonel ethan willis. I got a big gun. I cant set her down. Not with this wind. Hover over the water what are you doing . Something stupid get them back to the angels wow code black averaged more than 10 Million Viewers last season and ranking second almost all new broadcast dramas. Rob lowe is here. Obama. Good to be here. You do stunts and youre a doctor now . I guess. They came to me and said will you do code black i said, only if i get to jump out of a hospital in the pacific ocean. You have a good look. Look at your hair. It has highlights. Whose idea was this hairdo, mr. Lowe . Well, you my wife is sort of on the fence with it. People seem to like it. You know, the thing about being an actor is when you play different characters and doing it as long as i have you kind of run out of looks. Whose idea was this . This was mine. Yours . I like it a lot what did you say, rob . Were they on board right away . Was the network on board . The good folks of cbs were like, well . Everybody likes it now. I think its grown our military. You have to because in the military people have a close cut i wanted to do Something Different for the character. Talk about what colonel willis does and much of the show for people who havent seen it yet . So much of what we are learning with cutting edge trauma medicine is from the battlefield. And these colonels are transitioned into some of our larger hospitals to teach what they have learned in, you know, this more urban setting which is the angels memorial which is where our show takes place. Internal catastrophe . It means they are past capacity and most hospitals that will happen two or three times a year on places like l. A. County and it happens over 300 times a year. Wow. Just not enough money and not enough beds. Makes me think about gabby giffords. The former congresswoman who was shot and nearly killed. We are working with the white house on a new initiative where you know how you have defibrillators showing up in Public Places . Now we are going to have trauma kits that will start showing up in Public Places which is a sad sort of state of our culture. But one of the things we are trying to do on code black. We did a minipiece of this is your life. Oh, boy. When everybody talks about you a phrase and smile so nicely mashing your teeth to powder . I love it. At 52, what does it mean to you . That is exactly it. When i was in my 20s, i didnt like being lumped in with, you know, a catchall phrase, right . We are all individuals but now looking back on it, im just glad that people are still talking about something that a bunch of us accomplished so many years ago. Its great. In my high school, guys had posters dont know how people know how smart you are and what a political junkie you are. You love politics. I dont know about smart but political junkie. Where are you watching the debate . With the Stephen Colbert writing staff. Ill be on the colbert show tonight live and we are going to do a surprise sketch centered around the debate so everybody is writing it based on actually i think that is a cool idea. I know. They are so brilliant. It was their idea. And years ago, i did the same thing with the saturday night live people. Because i was hosting during that debate and it was bush gore first debate and the famous strategiery sketch was created. Do you like comic . I love it. I think trapped in a leading mans body. Ive done by parks and rec, and i knew i couldnt top it and code black has been amazing to do Something Different. Liberace was different. That was a good look. Thats a good look. Look at you there we go oh, yeah wow. The hair was different there, gayle thats a facelift. You at Comedy Central . They did. We had Peyton Manning and anne coulter. What are people going to say . You dont know what they are going to say. Its a badge of honor to be hit that hard is a total badge of honor. I knew at the end i would give as good as we got so it was a blast. Tonight, live with colbert writers i think a great idea. Fun to watch. The season two premier code black airs at 10 00 9 00 central on tuesday nights on that does it for us. Be sure to tune into cbs evening news with scott pelley tonight. Debate that starts at 9 00 p. M. Samantha good to see you again on this monday morning. So if youve got the cleveland 19 first alert weather app, you just got a push alert from me. I have it right in front of me saying rain will move into the Cleveland Metro area by about 11 00 in the morning and maybe a little light rain sooner than that. 10 00, 10 30ish window and late morning the the west out twowards sandusky, and this is moving east. Headsup if you live along the 77 corridor, rain is on the way, and it will be with us through lunchtime and into the afternoon. It already looks like rain out there. Temperatures top out in the 70s later this morning, but thats all we do for today. That wind is going to knock us back into the 60s for the evening commute. Im ted strickland, and i approve this message. I carried a rifle in iraq and afghanistan, so we wouldnt have to worry about terrorists using them here. But now rob portmans blocking common sense laws to stop terrorists and criminals from getting guns. Senator portman said no to background checks on all purchases. Even voted to allow people on the terrorism watch list to buy guns. Senator portman, i fought to keep america safe. [cheers and applause] announcer today on rachael ray. Rachael announcer getting to the bottom of the underwear. Rachael tea almost came out my nose on that one. Announcer how to stop a criminal. Rachael thursday at my house. Dominate your guests and everything is all right when it is taco night. Now, are you ready for rachael [cheers and applause] rachael all righty. So i think i need to explain the situation that we have going on here. We have jim, corey and pete standing here in their underwear and my friend stacy london. Let me road map this for you guys

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