state dome to a new level in a friendly bet. good morning, maryland. it is monday morning. thank you for joining us this morning. i'm megan pringle. jamie is off today but we will hear from him later because he was at the game yesterday. we look forward to his reports later in the show. in the meantime you are wondering about the weather. it is cold out there. let's see how long it is going to stick around. here is meteorologist justin berk. >> all right. the east coast and midwest, temperatures are chilly and then we have the chance of light snow, just wanted to show you, look through the great lakes. the this one is going to try to dive southbound and give us at least the chance of flurries or snow showers by this evening and through tonight. but currently clear and dry, 19 at baltimore, and 20 toward haegerstown where our wind chill is down to 6. feels like 0 toward oakland and garrett county. again thickening clouds, the chance of a flurry, we will go for the high of 32. here is a check of the roads now with kim brown. we don't have any accidents at this hour but expect the outer loop to become a challenge to get through between quarantine and route 10 traffic is flowing freely but they're starting maintenance on the curtis creek drawbridge that will have the lanes closed through february 12th. two way traffic will get by. expect major delays. also in townsend, york road northbound and southbound, the right lane taken away because of a water main break. so just be aware of that as well. checking the city cameras, we look pretty good here as we check down at on the jfx. megan, back to you. i wanted to be the guy, you know, today, you know, to start the game off whether it was a five yard run on the first play, you know or an 83-yard run. i wanted to be the guy to say this is going to be a fast tempo game. >> he was the guy, from the first play, ray rice made the game look like pushovers of the new one and ravens fans is at al an all-time high, the running raven this is morning. >> they did. they ran the field and all over the patriots. from the get go, they gave fans something to cheer about. it was exciting. they exploded. ray rice taking over the field to score a touchdown on the ravens very first play, 4 points in opening quarter alone, final 33-14. it has fans all over baltimore on their r feet. they packed local r bars and restaurants to watch the game. we caught up with some, purple passion taking over. intensity, effort, i mean i haven't seen it together like that all year. >> they had a good start to the game, and they just finished it. >> so, next up, the colts in indianapolis on saturday. that game is at 8:15 p.m., if the ravens win, they will are play for the afc champion ship for the second year in a row. go raven. >> >> sets the match up next weekend, the franchise that left town in the might middle of the night about 27 years ago, the colts, they have al beat on the ravens in recent years including the last time they met back during the season. they will host the ravens saturday night in indianapolis. by the way if you took a drive around the state, over the weekend you probably noticed looking a little purple. that's because governor martin o'malley made a bet with the governor of massachusetts on the game. >> i told him it would not be a pleasant weekend, but nonetheless, in the interest of good sportsmanship should his team win i will send him crab cakes and he assured me should the ravens win he will send us lobster. may the best team win and we all know who that is. there's no word right now, governor o'malley wants the state house to stay purple l throughout the week. but we will see. visitor restriction versus been listed as two area hospitals. northwest and sigh nigh are now allowing visitors under the age of 18 x. patients are no longer limited to two visitors per day. the restrictions went into effect on november 1st to deal with a large number of patients from the had h1n1 flu. in the meantime, baltimore county will be offering free h1n1 vaccinations, still available, here is where the clinics will be heel, today through friday, this week at the baltimore county health center, at the government center between 9:00 a.m., and 4:00 p.m. each day. no doubt about it, profit is king, some social workers were taking a huge risk when they started up a restaurant, staffed by senior citizens. on any given weekday, lunchtime is show time. just look at the staff. the average age is 66 from the waiters to the cashiers to the dishwasher, age is an asset and they're trying to keep up, with a 70-year-old waiter who runs circles around his coworkers. he started the restaurant four years ago to prove that senior can say still be a value in the work place, customers agree. >> well, it is 5:35 right now, you brave the cold and the new england fans, and now our veteran news anchor, jamie costello. there he is. we have the big win coming up next. plus the last time, miami set a record for the cold was f back in 1970. how the falling temperatures could have fruit prices ton rise, but here is justin. >> we have no records here but it is cold at 19 degrees and wind chill into the lower teens. it is clear but an increase in clouds and flurries or snow showers before the day is done. more on that coming up. but right now back to the here is mark jones. we have an earlier delay but that is out of the way, the metro subway, on the buses, the 37 is uses the almeda due to a water main break, look for 15 and 23, they have diverted at saratoga and utah and hanover and water main break related. for the transit team, i'm mark jones. announcer: when it comes to fighting flu viruses, like 2009 h1n1, wash your hands and get your flu shot. regularly disinfect surfaces. and talk to your friends about doing the same. let's help spread protection against flu viruses like 2009 h1n1. some people will stick with their old way of getting vitamins and minerals. others will try total raisin bran. with 100% ofhe daily value of 11 essential vitamins and minerals and the luscious taste of plump, juicy raisins and crunchy whole grain flakes. ... ... guess it's all about what kind of crunch you like. how are you getting 100%? visit and get a coupon. hi. we are checking out conditions across the area and we are just checking out temperatures right now. it really is all about the temperatures this morning, the temperatures in the deep fees and believe it or not we are not even experiencing the worst with of the cold. 18 right now in manchester, also we have a 13 in aberdeen, where wind chill is not a major factor, you can see the numbers calculated down near manchester and occasionally into the single digits, one spot here where in garrett county, not much colder than we have right now. this is the tun of oakland, the elementary school, currently at 16 degrees compared to our 19 in baltimore, not much of a difference which had is a sign that things will be improving. however, the clouds will be rolling in in a hurry this morn mostly cloudy orover cast with flurries or snow shower as we aim for r the two degree high of 32. more on the extended forecast coming up which includes a warming trend, right now it is 5:40. we will stop, traffic is moving well around the area, no problems to let you know about. the parkway is checking in good as well. so is the harrisburg expressway as you approach the topside of the beltway. you will see the inner loop lanes between quarantine road and route 10 two way traffic at 695 as they close the outer loop for maintenance on the curtis creek drawbridge. this will be in place through february 12th. you will also see the onramp, closed as well. expect major delays in that area and townsend we have the right lane, southbound taken away after the beltway because of a water main break, causing a little bit of a headache as well. looking here at mlk, really no problem to let you know about through baltimore. 5:41, mayor dixon's fall from power, now there's a transition from power at city hall. i'm sherrie johnson, coming up, reaction from people as baltimore prepares for a new mayor. >> (announcer) let's say you need a little advice sears personal shopper, can i help you? hi, i want a wii game that will make me sweat. do you like to dance? duh, uh uh... probably not boxing? only when provoked sword fighting ching, pah! chaa... oh yea. i've got the perfect one for you. there's even a light sword. ooooowwww... ship it. 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5:44 continuing coverage on the tan transition to power, city council president, stephanie rawlings-blake, with a preview of the new schedule this week. sherrie. >> reporter: yes a smooth transition from one leader to another, that's the pledge from many people, as the transition of power moves forward in baltimore city. now mayor sheila dixon resignation mean that is stephanie, rawlings-blake becomes mayor in february. at this weekend's award breakfast she was greeted like she was already running the city. rawlings-blake received the award of excellence and senator barbara received -- from powerful sources. this is something she welcomes as the city tackles difficult issues before the transition is complete and long after. >> this is a tough time in our city, and a time of communication. but as a member of the delegation and the senior member, we pledge absolute support to the mayor in the next several weeks and years coming ahead. with we will not miss. >> reporter: now, the city council president has a busy schedule today. beginning at 7:30 this morning with a meeting with baltimore city police department, followed by a luncheon, and of course the city council meeting tonight at 5:00. reporting live in downtown, baltimore, sherrie johnson, abc 2 news. this week state law makers will make on the largest issue facing the state. a $2 billion did i have sit. the budget problems will likely play a role in the 90 day session with many predicting that tax hikes will be likely ruled out because it is an election year. and former r governor is now calling on maryland to unite and march on annapolis. this wednesday, as the start of the legislative session, as he waves a rematch with governor o'malley he is calling for thousands to protest the current policy. and here are the other top stories today. president barack obama says he is not planning on sending american forces to yemen or r sa mall i can't, but also says he is not ruling out any possibility. for his part, general david says that yemen is against having u.s. ground troops in his country. no more flying free for the father of the so-called balloon boy, richard heeney begins a 30 day jail sentence today. despite the guilty plea he insists that the incident was not a hoax. >> >> a hard freeze warning is now being posted for south florida this morning and continues through tomorrow. snow flurries have been seen in orlando over the weekend, as the sunshine deals with record- breaking cold. unfortunately it is killing crops forcing farmers to raise produce prices. now, the forecast certified most accurate by weather rate and maryland as most powerful doppler radar. 19 degrows here in town, 15 in richmond, virginia, a5-in charleston, west virginia. the cold air is back to the west and will modify. so we are already dealing with the comest of this particular cold snap and it should start to o improve because of the cloud cover. while we are currently under clear skies, clouds to the west will race in here and gradually dim out the sun during the morning leading to an overcast afternoon and snow showers back there in ohio. some of these will have trouble surviving the trip across the mountains but an area of low pressure and this particular area will slide just to the north bringing snow across the great lake, pennsylvania, new york as well. we have a chance of at least flurries or snow showers later today and through tonight. overall look at these temperature, our 1-9d matched with buffalo, 16 green bay, 13 minneapolis, not too shabby considering how cold they were with high temperatures in some of these spots staying below 0. portions of last week. overall as far as we are concerned we get a little moderation through the first couple of day, thickening clouds, we could having flurries, for about 32. a snow shower or flurry, overnight especially north of the city, 23 becoming windy as we head through tomorrow, temperatures expected back to about 33 with a chance of norlies, check out the wind of this week. you have been waiting for this one, 40 with sunshine, it will feel like a heat wave. by thursday and friday upper 40s, the next weather system could bring a mix by the end of next weekend with high back to about 38 degreece. now for a check ton roads. here is kim. we don't have any accidents so far the had morning, that's always good new, but today crews begin work on the drawbridge that is correct will have the outer loop lanes closed. also expect to see the exit ramp from route 10 on to the outer loop closed. two way traffic on the inner loop that is correct will causedlies starting this morning. so keep that in mind, and work road, the right lane is closed due to a water main break. also be aware of possible icy conditions there, as we look at the jfx, no problems, and the tunnels are looking good as well. megan back to you. the arizona cardinals have sent the green bay packers packing in the highest scoring game of nfl history, 51-45. >> in re venns beat the patriot -- ravens beat the patriots the ravens are making history. baltimore has never beaten new england, and had this is the first patriot home playoff loss in 32 years. our jamie costello got to talk to a handful of friend. >> barely 20-degree, barely 20 seconds into the game and who ordered the rice. so much for slow starts. >> we get on the plane, lest go. >> with we had to be here to see this in person. >> no way i am miss thing one. >> we just got in from maryland, stayed about 30 minutes down the road. traffic is terrible here. >> this was a business trip. >> this is right now. >> reporter: that was unbelievable. >> tom brady's -- gorgeous because he was down right ugly. >> you go. yeah, baby. >> she was -- before make up. >> do you remember seeing a better first 15 minutes, took the crowd right out of it. >> -- wouldn't be room. baltimore really turned out. >> from the o to the spell check ravens, even ray were here. >> in indianapolis, do this all over again. >> from the fans, it was a sign this was a very good day. abc 2 new. >> >> ravens landed at 7:30 last night and are getting ready for indianapolis. trousers, pants, slacks no matter what you call them there's a reason why they exist. trust us. find out why these trends put their pants on one leg at that time. also new at 6:00, a scam alert with we have uncovered that involves a generic postcard. one financial expert says that card is targeted. we will tell you when we come back. [ male announcer ] you've reached a stage where you're comfortable with who you are. shouldn't your skin be just as comfortable? ♪ introducing new dove men+care with micromoisture. this new technology activates on contact leaving your skin moisturized. it's clinically proven to fight skin dryness better than any regular men's body wash... leaving your skin feeling comfortable. new dove men+care. be comfortable in your own skin. ♪ so warm and fluffy. make the most out of the most important meal of the day. so warm, flaky; it might be the last time chips and dip are invited back. savorings. in the freezer case. from pillsbury. >> writers in san francisco were part of what has become a national event called the no pants subway ride. sounds like a bad idea and it kind of is across the bay area not wearing any pant, just drawers. here is the goal for these in their underwear, they must keep a straight face during the ride, it is not clear if they get a prize or what's in it for them. but this event started eight years ago in new york city and it has spread to 44 transit systems across 16 countries. what do you think, justin. >> a little chilly here, you better keep your pants on today. not you. well, you should too. i will will be quite and let you do the weather. >> please put the camera back on her. >> no whitety, you want to bundle l up. we have a temperature of 32 this afternoon, maybe snow flurries, we are into the lower 20s and 30s, and then the recovery begins backing to 40 on wednesday, 45 thursday, and upper 40s on friday before another cool down and winter mix by the end of next week, and yes we will take a breather. hopefully you will do the same and come back for the next hour of good morning maryland right after this. this. now, good morning maryland. with intensity, effort. i mean i haven't seen them put it together like that all year. >> the ravens needed only one to send them into the second round of f the playoffs. >> i wanted to be the guy today, you know to start the game off, whether it was a five yard run on the first play, you know, or an 83-yard run. it was the first play of the game that stunned the crowd and kept the ravens in control. and also this morning transitions of power for