we will chat with aileen from the maryland spca. you may have noticed charley is not here. and he's a guy who likes luxury food and drink. that's why we sent him out to turf vaty in ellicott city. how are you? >> reporter: doing well, megan. we are live out here at the food libations and luxury home show at turf valley. and as far as that dog, i think executive producer dan taylor wants to take him home. so you may want to check with him. there's going to be a great event going on this weekend, megan, out here at turf valley in ellicott city. stacy, you are the owner and president of this. this is something going on for sometime. it's a great event. >> we are in the 6th year in this event it's huge. maryland food libations this weekend saturday and sunday. and it's so much fun. we have over 200 home and design exhibits for food tasteings and great things. >> reporter: great event for people to experience. and a great low vation. >> great location. -- location. >> reporter: it's gorge out and we take over the ballrooms and there's so much to do. people come out and spend hours and can't believe how big it is. >> what will -- >> reporter: what will people experience as it is so large if someone want to see the gamut or come in with a foe kissed idea. how will they be helped? >> they make their way through the show they will encounter design build firms and there's so much here for the home. approaching spring, they can get ideas for that and work with the pros. we have phenomenal exhibitors. but if they are entertaining for sum erin there's great libations tasting and entertainment ideas with the gourmet foods. so they can expect a bit of everything. and just to have so much fun. it's just a great show. >> reporter: we will add that. not only is it a food high bases and luxury home show but fun foods high brations -- libations. thanks so much. information is on the screen, kick off this weekend saturday and sunday 11 to 5 here at turf valley in ellicott city. megan, as stacy told you, some of the food and some of the libations we will give taste tests come up throughout the course of the show this mork. but for now, let's go back to baltimore -- morning. beer now nor, let's go back to -- but for now, let's go back to baltimore. >> your job is so hard. >> reporter: we get paid for this. >> we are here in the studio but we will take it. >> reporter: i will bring some back. >> we will check in in a little bit. just of the justin is waiting to tell butts beautiful weather. but he has a twinkle in his -- tell about beautiful weather. but he has a twinkle in his eye because he is talking about snow. >> i want to let you know i was over this hanging out with the puppy and i got direct orders from home that we are going to wait for a dog that has been at the spca for a while that is not actually one of those. >> your wife is a good woman. >> that's how our last dog got adopted. so this one is a cutie. we will let you know it's worthstick around and it's not coming home with me. so, you make -- so cute. spring tease talk about this. yesterday's high in the 70s, we hit only the 50s along the water. because of the wind off the very chilly chesapeake, it may be a different story and winds are swinging to the southwest that eliminates the influence. so there may be a warmer setup towards havre de grace i mentioned those two main points. everybody live along the water you are normally -- everybody electric along the water you are normally -- everybody electric along the water you are normally cooler. yesterday 71 and that was so much fun. today, we are pulling back to 57 and that's a morning warmup that shows 60 in york, pa. 62 towards winchester. check out the sunrise. ands amentioned all week, today, -- as i mentioned all weeks, today, it may end up warmer but not as nice as yesterday. it's about the clouds this -- about the clouds this morning. we are looking at the breeze that will pick up as well. wanted to point out the naval academy by water only 57. pasadena nearby at 61. and away from the influence of the water glen burnie is 69. they were in the mid to upper 50s and we will watch the wind all southwesterly and averaging 10 to 20 miles per hour and we will pick up the winds midday and afternoon. remaining mostly cloudy and strong winds could be pushing 30 miles per hour. but get this -- gets us up to 72. we will look for a drop as we had through tonight and clearing skies. so generally there's the setup. it looked more -- look at this stuff on the radar. these are false regional echoes at maryland's most powerful doppler radar that cuts through the muck and we are dry right now. but we are looking at that back edge of the frontal boundary that may bring a sprinkle across the region and that locked in across eastern ohio and we should be swinging heading throughout the day. behind that there's a cooler setup. so we have to deal with the clouds today and get our warming winds. but it's going to be cooling down behind the frontal bondry as temperatures get closer to normal. today, 72. the record is 75. part of the mini heat wave of 1976. i doubt we will reach that. but tonight we will drop back to about 42. i wanted to give you a look at the extended forecast and wiewl talk about this in the next half -- and we will talk about this in the next half-hour. next week it could start as rain monday afternoon, monday night tuesday, accumulating snow high on tuesday only 34. we will talk more about that in the next half-hour. >> thanks so much. let's move on to the hot topic. justin bieber, bieber fever has hit london. the teen idol premiered the new film "justin bieber never say never" but some of his comments are giving him unwanted attention this morning. he is quoted in next month'sish you've rolling stone in the magazine as saying you should just wait until you are in love to have sex. i don't believe in abortion. it's like killing a baby. the reporter asked him about situations in which women become pregnant and after being raped. bieber said he believed "everything happens for a reason but noted i haven't been in that position so i wouldn't be able to judge that. so, here's where the controversy comes in. that statement is saying everything happened for a reason when it cops for a woman being pregnant after rape that had women on the view sounding off and have you sounding off too. so on the wmar facebook fan page we asked about comments. sherry says he better stick to the hair jell and nail polish sales. chilly says some cases it's better to remain silent. and thought to be a fool than open your mouth and prove it. anthony writes in saying when i was child, i spoke like a child. once i became a man i put childish thoughts away. need i say more. we want to know what you think. it's the hot topic and we ask for your two cents. all tough do is head to the wmar facebook fan page and leave a comment and keep the comments coming and we will share them throughout the morning's show. there's another story generating a lot of talk. and this comes out of iowa. high school wrestler forefeted -- forfeited his state tournament match rather than face a girl. hercelman and black mast -- made mystery as the first girls to qualify for the state tournament. according to the school, joel's decision not to wrestle was based on family beliefs. >> joel believes basically his conscious and faith that girls should be treated with dignity and respect and you know taking nothing away from the athletes, but wrestling is a combat sport and they are out this and it gets violent at times. and my son doesn't believe that girls should be engaged in that way. >> his religion and he is strong in his religion i dis just respect that someone has -- obviously, everyone is going to be pointing fingers at him, and you know, he at least is treated -- you have to respect that. >> seems like everybody is handling it matul. joel's father said that they left the decision to joel. north rup was favorite to win. and can now -- northrup was a favorite to win but can do no longer third. we will deep you posted out of iowa. he works at gershbecks but what he does in the alley impresses us. you know how hard it is to bowl a perfect game. see him in action and hear about his record. a breakthrough in our backyard. university of maryland medical center cancer center could hold the key to stop cancer from coming back. plus, luxury at home. we will go back to turf valley and he charley is living the good life. we will be right back. are's watching the station that works for you "good morning, maryland" at nine. thanks for joining us this morning. charley, on the go this morning. he is at turf valley. poor guy, living in the lap of luxry. good morning. >> reporter: hey, thanks a lot. you know, it's tough job we have sometimes out here in ellicott city. but it's all for the food libations and luxury home show 6th year running. it's going to be a great event. but we have turf, we have got food, we have got libations and luxury. we will hit all three for you this morning. and, of course, why not start with the food. mike is the owner of havana bread company. and you told me you're not michael lawrence this weekend. >> i am the top banana. >> reporter: top banana. >> let's get it straight. >> reporter: why bread and what is it about your passion about the bread? >>i liveed in florida many years. and i have a lot of cuban friends and it's kind of a tribute to them. will you it rhymes charley. i am not a deep person. >> i was-- >> reporter: i was wondering if there's a jimmy buffet. >> but that's licensing and all that, but you know for many years, i baked and cooked and thought this would be a good post retirement job from the army. so here i am. >> reporter: all right. don't tease me, now. we have the great bread. what do i want and we have to have a taste test. >> this is a -- the only roasted pecan praline banana bread north are antarctica. grab a piece and make my -- i make my own pree prey liens and you will taste the difference. >> we will give it a shot. awesome. >> it is. >> never trawft skinny baker so trust me. >> reporter: you should never trust a bald bush'ser because he has no re-- barber because he has no respect for your hair. >> we have lisa. she is all about deck dance thanks so much for having us. thanks -- decadence. thanks for being with us. you tackle the sweet tooth. >> yes. >> reporter: and you go from all different and iels. this is lisa ann's decadent gifts. >> yes these can be wrapped for gift giving. >> reporter: so you thought of everything. and the website? >> the apple >> reporter: we have to try the apples. what is this? >> the original to haveee -- toffeegranny smith and white chocolate and crushed toffee. >> reporter: you realize can't talk. >> i will take the microphone. >> reporter: millions and millions of viewers are happy right now. >> good. >> reporter: thanks a lot. >> thank you. >> reporter: now as we go by, we have the vendor here, these are libations and we will get to them later. luxury we will get to them next. but we have talk gourmet chocolate bar and you know, steven, he is the owner here. my mom said never speak with my mouth full. give me an overview. >> we have the gourmet chocolate bars and carmel pretzel down here. peanut butter cup and snickers. and trail mix and the smores and cookies and cream and full variety of different chocolates and pretzels available. we have a lot of candy that's available here for sale as well as great tasting stuff. >> reporter: quickly we have about 10 second here. tell me a brief hefty. you guys didn't start the conventional way. you started at mom's house. >> we did out of mom's garage and built up from there. a family tradition and we are about bringing happiness to people. >> reporter: thanks. i have to have some of the bark. >> how about peanut but the are. >> reporter: full screen this weekend here at turf valley the food libation and luxury home show. that is little bit of what you will have a taste so to speak of what you have to experience this weekend. 11 to five, both saturday and sunday here at ellicott city at turf valley resorts. check this out. sometimes our job, well, it's tough job but sometimes we have to do it. >> well, you are a brave man for doing that. i like how you sort of get to that later. >> reporter: we will get to that in a bit. >> i am sure we will. all right. we will check in in ally the be -- check in with you in a little bit. now back to your two cents. justin beak are's comments that everything happens for a reason e said this when talking about a woman becoming praying pregnant after being raped and his opposition to abortion. on the fan page we asked what you think and we are hearing from you. allen writes in saying he showed his maturity when he threw a water balloon at state trooper at the maryland state fair. i don't expect him to be able to come up with something intelligent yet. -- and someone else says who cares what he thinks. they are making him bigger than he is. we want to hear from you. if of request you want to weigh in, -- if you want to weigh in, let us know what you think. it's the wmar facebook fan page and we will keep the comments throughout the show. now to some health news and i am sorry we are sharing this with you. the story is no fun i think. girl scout cookies we all love so much. i am not going to help you get into the swim suit. we know that. thin mints are the lowest calorie treat from the girl scout cookies 40 calories each and if you wonder what that means if you eat 4, you will need a half an hour on a bike to burn them off. who thut this -- who put thisthis story is in the show. >> samoas has about 70 calories. have it because it's nice and enjoy the walk. now do ground breaking research going on right now that could stop cancer in its tracks. it could lead to new treatments, possibly new drugs. the research is happening here in our backyard. you are look at cancer, a tumor in the making floating in the bloodstream. it was discovered here at the university of maryland medical center. researchers realized they were looking at something new, something that had never been reported before. they discovered these cells and named them microten cals because of the long tentacles you see they latch onto other cells. >> our studies are focused on figuring out the support structures of the tentacles and how we hit them with drugs to prevent the tumors from reattaching. >> reporter: it could stop breast cancer from coming back. thrilling new for the people who study the cells. life saving for the patients. >> it's tremendously scary. you don't know if you are going to live or not. >> reporter: joyce is a cancer survivor. her doctor diagnosed her with breast cancer in 2008. >> it was truly frightening. it's like your world stopped you know, and the why mes come in. >> reporter: but joyce beat the cancer. and it may have left her body but it's never left her mind. >> showering while you are doing self-exam and it's never far from you. it's part of who you are now. and you know, and this happened and i have to accept that and deal with it and make sure i do what i can not to go back. >> reporter: she takes comfort knowing there are people working in the lap to prevent cancer like hers from coming back. dr. martin has been studying breast cancer for 20 years and has been here at the university of maryland for six years. and thanks to the study, he has something he has had for the first time in a long time which is hope. >> we have made tremendous vids and we are seeing a lot of progress. i think the point is now we have to go beyond that and find drugs that can also help the patient that is are not currently being helped. >> reporter: the new findings allow them to look at tumors earlier and research drugs to prevent breast cancer from spreading to places like the brain or bones. >> i am telling you, they are amazing. >> reporter: and to patients like joyce, that's a relief. >> with a diagnosis of the type of tumor that it's, i knew it was the folks in the lab. >> amazing work going on there at the university of maryland medical center. and amazing work at the maryland spca aileen gabbey is here with this puppy. he needs a home and we will introduce you to the guy and get pet tips when we come back. [ male announcer ] verizon believes that no small business should be invisible, so we decided to help a real small business make it easier for customers to find them. my name is elizabeth heinz, we're at isabella's boutique in rockville center, new york. do me a favor, and search for your business. alright. ♪ what did you find? nothing. i mean, if you don't have a website, you're basically invisible. [ male announcer ] 40% of small businesses don't have a website. but with verizon websites powered by intuit, it's so easy you can do it yourself, and so powerful it can make any small business more visible. add photos... and then, we'll hit "publish." i have a website?! you have a website. oh my gosh, i can't believe it was that easy. [ male announcer ] verizon can put your small business on over 100 search sites so customers can find you, with a personalized business e-mail address that connects with your site. visit me at [ male announcer ] small business owners, don't be invisible. call today and get a 6 month free trial of verizon websites powered by intuit, when you sign up for verizon's reliable high-speed internet & phone for business, just $84.99 a month with no term contract required. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities verizon. the hardest working network in business. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. all puppies are cute. but dock is pretty stinking cute. look at him. he is with the maryland spca and not only se cute but aileen will tell you this is a guy who has a lot of personality. every friday you make everybody's days with the dogs and cats knees great. he is up for adoption at the maryland as -- spca he is about 9 weeks and lab mix. we are trying to fix out what else is in there. there's something else and his hair. >> yeah. >> so soft. >> he is good looking. he is gorgeous and you can see that. if you are -- if you want to pet him, the coat is so soft. and the other thing is for a puppy he is pretty big. >> i bought a puppy pads. if you are not going to be home and want to make sure the dog is okay. puppy pads can be useful so you can use them in the home so your pet doesn't have an accident on anything you want to protect. the difficult thing about this is the dog is going to the bathroom in the house and has to go outside. it can be confusing for him. >> almost like you are training him and have to train him again. >> you will move this out the door gradually. i prefer trying to get outside as much as possible if you can. and it's every couple hours you want to keep an eye on them. if you don't think you can, you can tie a leash around the waist. >> yes. >> keep an eye on your puppy while he is around. >> a puppy is a big commitment and that's one of the things that is interesting when he called his wife she wants a more mature dogs because you have that. >> yes. and they are house broken and dock is not. >> he will get there. and he needs a home at maryland spca. before we go, next week, you guys have something excite yowing sharing with the public. >> we -- you are sharing with the public. >> we are opening the new building. we will be moving the animals into the new digs and next weekend we will have an open house saturday and sunday 11 to 4 and people can see it. >> you do so much for the community. so it's great to see you guys have a great place for the dogs and cats. >> they deserve it. >> dock needs a home. look at him before we go. he is at maryland spca. he needs a home and he is hamming it up for the camera. i laughed when you said he has a lot of energy. he should be at the looksry show with charley. dock, go get a home. we will go to break and we will be right back and when we come back, anthony bonnell is on strike. throws nothing but strikes with emotion and you are not going tobelieve it. you will see the best bowler since danny wiseman. getting ready for the home show going on this weaning, it's the food libations and luxury home show. coming up green angels landscaping give you all you need to know to keep your yard beautiful. good morning, maryland at 9 returns in a moment. [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year. you'll get a multi-room dvr free for 12 months. record shows in one room and watch them in up to six other rooms. call now. offer ends soon. there's no term contract required. you can cancel anytime with no early termination fee. fios is a 100% fiber-optic network that delivers superior picture quality, more hd; plus the fastest internet in the u.s. why keep paying for cable? get fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month -- plus a multi-room dvr free for 12 months. don't wait. this incredible offer ends soon. call 1.866.680.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.866.680.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. get the network that delivers more. get fios. a network ahead. now, "good morning maryland" at nine. thanks for joining thus morning. charley crowson is out in ellicott city with a really tough assignment this morning at turf valley. he is in the lap of luxry. good morning. >> reporter: hey, hope you are having a great morning. i am sure dock has been adopted, right? pretty good chance. but you know, we are out here getting ready for the home show going on. it's the food, libations and luxury home so. so we are talking about the food and libations. but what about the landscaping and the luxury? we are talking to donna who is with the green angel landscaping. and this is a wonderful display you have here. a taste of where i am sure of what your company offers. >> thank you very much. we are very excited to be here as the luxury show. there are amazing exhibits including us of course. for a family to come out and enjoy. we are in lovely howard county at turf valley. the views as we are standing here are amazing looking at the landscaping outside on the golf course.>> reporter: looking at this, i see a good array of nice perennials and ever greens and water displays. what is your specialty? >> our specialty is in patios and stonework, walkways, we do ponds and many different types of water features. >> now, one of the great things about the state of maryland is it has four seasons. so is there anything you would offer or any suggestion you might give to potential clients about keeping the yard beautiful year-round? >> well, basically in terms of keeping the yard beautiful, with the snow we have had, what's going to happen now that the snow is membered is you will see lots of broken branches. now is the time to contact your chand scape company to prune the old dead branches on the trees. >> reporter: and you are the first certified african american woman to have such a distinction in the state of maryland. >> i am. actually in the united states. >> reporter: in the entire united states. my apologies. congratulations. this is something you do with your husband. >> yes my husband mario who is anative of acapulco mexico. a retired dentist and changed his career to start the landscape company. >> reporter: and if people want to contact you, how do they do that. >> w- or certainly you can use the old fashioned way, call us on the phone. >> reporter: and the number? 410-772-8302. >> reporter: donna, thanks for the time. have a great weekend down here. >> from me to you. >> reporter: thank you so much. there you go. it's all part of the food libation and luxury home show going on this weekend at turf valley in elliot city. 11 to five. come out and look at this. come see everything they have to offer from the food to green angels landscaping. website green angels or give them a phone call as donna said the oldfashioned way and thanks again. megan, back to you. >> did you get a flower? >> yes, i did. >> a flower and candy apple and chocolate? don't come back empty hand. >> reporter: you have yet to ask what am i bringing you back? >> well, i am going to be surprised. >> reporter: you want to be surprised. >> thanks. >> thanks. >> we will check in with in a bit. now back tower two cents on today's hot topic involving justin bieber comments made everything happens for a reason when it comes to a woman being pregnant after getting raped. so on the wmr facebook fan paged we asked what do you think of his comment. kimberly says it's an immature response because how could you understand the implication of that situation? brian says it looks to me that he is made some decisions that i hope he can be faithful too. if you want to share your two cents on the hot topics we want to know what you think. head to the wmar facebook fan page and leave a comment and we will share the comments throughout the morning's show. for those of you who live in eastern baltimore county, bowling at security lanes, the colt lanes and middlesex was common. but not since danny weissman has dundalk been so excited about a young bowler. he is the youngest member of thepro bowlers association and he is on the verge of greatness. jamie costello says that he is doing it his way of. >> reporter: -- way. >> reporter: thinks has life. >> people come up to me and talk to me. >> reporter: his palm floats above artificial air, the 16- pound ball is ready to be bumped into the pins ready to fall. >> they are standing behind me watching me bowl and i try to put on a show. >> reporter: left and right and eyes stare down the only alley he's known. did you see that? he fired that ball with two hands. >> i mean, people tell me it's not a normal thing. >> reporter: he throws a bowling ball like he is throwing a stack of flour on a flatbed which he does part- time. >> i am a part-time at a grocery store in essex and i am a full-time student at ccbc. >> reporter: but a full-time bowler who is on the verge of the big time with his two hand approach. >> i hated bowling through my legs. i always thought i was a bigger person than that. so, i was like, you know, i did it from the side. >> reporter: strike after strike after strike the pins had no chance. didn't even see an a-10 split and they were shake weg approached the foul -- shaking when he approach the foul life. for this 18-year-old, bowling is his life. >> i plan on doing it if i have to, if i find out i have one more day to live, i will be in here my last day bowling. >> that was jammy costello -- jamie costello he reporting. he bold 18 perferg games and healmost-- perfect games and he almost scored 19 if not for a embarrassing moment that left a pin standing. if you want to see that, see what happened to him to deny the perfect game, you can go to and who knew bowling was contact sport. i will give you a hint. jamie costello has something to do with him missing that one pin. time to dine on good morning maryland. so stay with us. coming up, tomatoes, you can chop and dies them and stew them and try roasting them. the chef is in the studio next door and is showing us how it's done. at 9:37 we look outside. we are holding at 57 degrees. but with the west south wherein wind we are pumping in warmer air and winds will be picking up as the frontal bondry approaches. another warm day and cooler weekend and yes, snow in the forecast. more of that after this. [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year. you'll get a multi-room dvr free for 12 months. record shows in one room and watch them in up to six other rooms. call now. offer ends soon. there's no term contract required. you can cancel anytime with no early termination fee. fios is a 100% fiber-optic network that delivers superior picture quality, more hd; plus the fastest internet in the u.s. why keep paying for cable? get fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month -- plus a multi-room dvr free for 12 months. don't wait. this incredible offer ends soon. call 1.866.680.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.866.680.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. get the network that delivers more. get fios. a network ahead. inth. all right. time for today's birthdays. mary ann will be he will greating her 43rd birthday tomorrow. she is now employed at johns hopkins hospital but this warm birthday wish comes with a lot of love from all her former coworkers at disability law center and they miss her sweet personality and funny aaron neville and bee gees impersonation. you have to come and do the impersonation. and she is the one on the bottom left with the reindeer pin. hope tomorrow is spectacular. and also happy birthday to the handsome jeffrey wood. he will celebrate his 8thbirthday on sunday. like most children on monday, he has the day off from school for president's day. so he has an extra special reason to be excited this weekend. jeffrey goes to linthicum elementary school and loves golf. all right. our picture of the day comes from the westminster kennel club. look at all the sheep dog. new york city. looking at the old english sheep dogs makes you wonder how they can see and what diffuser they have to have that poof for their hair. none of the dogs won. but if you have a picture of the day, if you've birthday andanniversary and want us to mention it, we would be happy to. just send your information in to morning show at and be sure that you include all the important facts to the attached picture. all right. there are a lot of city school parents who are furious with the administration. it will be a hot topic on sunday's square off right here on abc2. host richard sher is here in the studios to give us a preview. good morning, richard in a megan, good morning. that's all i have to say to you. there are parents who are angry because 750 experienced teachers are now being offered buyouts and no parent want their children to lose the veterans. you can understand that. one of the topics on sunday's square off. republicans calling on hospitals in arizona to report illegals if brought in as patients. squealing. imagine turning the docs into cops. and the president's budget. form judge in baltimore county executive jim smith joins the square off panel this sunday. plus, tyrone keys mary cook and trey lewis. and as we always say, why meet the press when you can hear from baltimore's best all local square off sunday at 10 a.m. here on abc2 and megan listen to this. ready? >> yes. >> very big news that could be good for us. how about winning a free weekend for two to harrah's hotel and casino in atlantic city. free weekends coming. join us sunday morning at 10 on abc2 square off. now back to you. >> all right. got it. you can't beat a free weekend in atlantic city. >> i enjoy it. we have a nice room, too. >> all right, perfect. looking forward to it. square off is on sundays. we are cooking in studio b and making tomatoes. we will be right back. eeho >> reporter: we are out higher live at turf valley. it's the food, libation, luxury home show. a great event. we are wrapping things up with of course the libations. and dan with legend limited now. we have a wonderful array from the spirits and wine and beer. >> and it's from all over the world. beers from belgium and vermont and colorado. and easton, pennsylvania. and over on the bottom we have beers from oregon and we have three cream liquor that is are out italy. and a special potatoe vad cay out of idaho. seems. >> seems like the gamut is covered not only in what you are offering from the types of alcohol and liquor. regionally this is really become a global industry. >> it real hey has. -- it really has. there's thousands of beurre ris in the united states where -- beurre ris in the staw -- brewerys in the united states where we were down to 1500. >> and some started in garages. >> most started in people's garages or in their kitchens with a 5 gallon home buickette. >> reporter: part what he coming up. thanks for many for the time. >> this is one of the offerings stacy here with the home show going on. i've got every base covered this weekend don't you? >> i have beyond every base covered this weekend. this show is so much fun. maryland food libation and luxury home show here at turf valley in ellicott city. 11 to 5 both saturday and sunday. and it's a great, great weekend. we have got over 200 exhibits and any home projects you neat to get done -- you need to get done, you will find the best of the best here. and make your way through and he joy tasteings and pamper yourself shop and gourmet food taste. it's a lot of fun and we get people from all over the place. it's foot fun libations. >> food, fun, libations luxury whatever you want it to be come out and have a good time. >> thanks so. that's this weekend 11 to 5 saturday and sunday. food, fun, drink out here in ellicott city. now back to baltimore for some fun food and drinks with megan who is -- who is standing by. what are you up to. >> you know, whatever. i was jealous because you were out with the luxury people. i got the chef from lynwoods as he is here make my favorite food tomatoes. good to have you. >> thank you. >> how is it going? >> great. >> so tomato. >> today we are going start with some roma tomatoes. we did at the rest wont is when it's not toe madeo seasons take the tomatoes and help them out. >> okay. >> so we season them up with a little sugar and salt, and. >> you roasting? >> yes. we will put them in a oven. 200 degrees for approximately one hour okay. so we are going take those. >> all right. >> throw them in the oven. >> not a lot of seasoning. >> no. very simple and it's quick at home and you can have it at home and just have a quick dish. okay. >> you mentioned this is not tomato seasoned that starts in april. >> march, april for hoe cal tomato and you want to wait around that time. if you love tomatoes like i do, you might want to go grab some at wegman's or whole foods and season them up. we have here the results of when they come out the oven. 200 degrees. you see all the moisture still there. you see theers and you want to use dryers so use time and everything in your kitchen and salt and pepper and olive oil and you do that after they come out. you put it in the oven and when they come out they will look good. a quick pesto so take basil and pine nuts and pine nuts here and fresh basil here. >> okay these are the ingredients. >> yes. and olive oil. i do a nice seasoned oil with herbs and cheese and just season it for a couple days for a nice flavor. go ahead and season that up. >> smells delicious. >> a little salt. >> a little salt. wheel he is doing that, i asked during the -- while he is doing that, i asked -- everything looks so lovely e gave me a look like yeah, of course i do. sorry. i should know better than to ask a chef. >> we have a little heirlooms and you can have fun and do whatever you want. tomatoes are good. so you want to take you know whatever tomatoes you like. you have fresh mozzarella and you can buy that at local market. at the restaurant it's in house so. >> you make your own mozzarella. >> yes. you can come for lunch today if you like and get a tomato mozzarella that would be great. >> i will see you in a bit. >> right. so, we have all our ingredients here. >> i am so impressed with this. >> we are coming over here. let me grab this. >> we will get some shots of is thatthat. >> we will finish this particular decomposed tomato mozzarella here. >> gorgeous. >> and we have another tomato mozzarella there. >> so tell everybody where lynwood's is. >> located 25 crossroads in owings mills, maryland. you know, you can go to the website and pay us a advice today, tonight or any time. >> thanks great to have you here. one more shot of this and just to remind you if you heard the name they are a perennial favorite in baltimore magazine. so if you are curious did they make the best restaurants this year because that issue is coming out. you will have to wait until next week. they are not telling us. so we can't tell you. but it's on the stands next week. again, chef thanks so much for coming in. >> appreciate it. >> we will eat this and go to a commercial break and be right back. with fios, when you're watching the picture, it just jumps out at you. it was like, "wow!" 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[ male announcer ] decisions don't get any easier than this. now you can move up to fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year with no term contract required. [ mr. donovan ] we have more choices. so many more hi-def channels. with fios, i really feel like we're getting a great deal. [ male announcer ] call now and we'll include a multi-room dvr free for 12 months. record a show in one room. watch it in up to six other rooms. [ mrs. baltin ] fios dvr is very easy. even i can do it. even he can do it. [ male announcer ] fios is a 100% fiber-optic network, with hd picture quality rated #1 by changewave research, plus the fastest internet in the u.s. switching to fios was the best thing we've done in a long time. and my wife reminds me of that often. 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