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nine games. game when he missed the kick. last year, hauschka was the back upand the coals go up give the ravens on suay. for more detail keep checking back with good evening. i'm marybeth marsden. we have major developments in the theft trial against mayor dixon. after the prosecutor rested its case, the defense asked for a miss trial saying it was never proven. brian keebler joins us live to explain some charges were dropped. brian? >> reporter: mayor dixon faces two less charges as the judge in the case threw them out. the state rested its case never calling ronald mb. lipsco dixon's defense, hover, ved mo to row out all of e charges saying without lipscomb, the prosecutor never proved its case. the judge dropped the charges leading to lipscomb leaving the may foreface only five. the jury thwas instructed to disregard 35 pieces of evidence and testimony from six witnesses. >> well, obviously, we're very pleased. they didn't put mr. lipscomb on the stand and were running away from the case theybrought here. we're happy the judge decided to throw out those counts. we'll see what happens with t rest of it. >> reporter: the dense was able to start laying out thr thismorn g. they were able to get through two character witnesses before they broke for the okay. the trial will resume tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. brian keebler, abc 2 news. >> thank you, brian. abc 2 will be inside the courtroom during the trial every day. we'll bring you the very latest on air and on a man is behind bars in are annecocharged with kidnapping and assault. the suspect is identified as charles biehl. the incident happened last night at the wawa store in millersville. >> as officers approached the e, ey hea a fele inside of the vehicle screaming and observed the male subj throw the 7-month infant into the backseat the vehicle and then sped off for a second time. officers locad the vehicle once the subject crashed it a short distance ay at the ters e hiwaand veterans highy. >> biehl is charged with kidnapping, abduction, and assault. the man accused of triggering a two-day standoff is expected to be sentenced. james privott thettenned to blow up a building in 2008. he and his pregnant girlfriend were arrested. she's serving a 12-year seence foding be a hostage. another gorgeous fall day across the region. again, no precipitation being indicated around the region. we're not expecting any until thursday. partly cloudy, temperatur g holdinin the low 50for the next couple of hours. by tomorrow morning, it will be a little cooler but more nice weather's on the way. how long will it last? the forecast is coming up. a 7-year-old boy lost his brave battle agait cancer last ek. toy, fries and family are saying good-bye. dominic was when he was diagnosed with brain cancer. domic's motherhelped him get through surgery and chemotherapy. his story really struck a chord. a loyal business owr created funel will be held ok for dominic at the church at 11:00 a.m. tomorrow. the battle agaibreast cancer has grown more confusing and controversial. a new study is at odds with the american cancer society over mammograms. abc 2 news sherrie johnson has more on the conflictg recommendations. >> reporter: -yr-old janet ladd has been cancer free for five years. in her late 30s, janet noticed a problem in her breast and doctors later determined it was cancer. she's shocked that the new studthat says women should gea mmogram at 50yes old and every other year after that. the fact that they are, you know, scaling back on declines made such tremendous strides. so it really, for me personally and selfishly, you ow, kni really sad to see the guidelines because i wouldn't be here today. >> reporter: for years, women over 40 have been told getting a mammogram is a must every year to protect from breast cancer. now a study goes agis idea. an independent panel says mammogram screenings should start at 50 then once every other year. >> that is the false positive rates are higher than when ening older ages. >> reporter: women under 50 are saving lives, american cancer the deaths are declining at the rate of 3% a year. we're going to lose women from breast cancer. the ta force is saying that's okay we're not so sure that that's the righway toapproach this issue. >> reporter: some breast cancer survivors say this new study is a step in the wrong directn. they fearw recommendation could influence weather insurance it pay for mammograms. >> this is the beginning of the new health care system and the government trying to warn you already that you are not going eryeargetting your mammograms >> rorter: the american cancer society will continue advise women over 40 to get annualammograms, a tip th saved janet ladd's life. >> i would not be here today had it been for th guele. i feelvery fortunate. ve scary. >> reporter: sherrie johnson, abc news. >> it is recommended to consult with your doctor that tells you screened. ow often to be we're not finish taing out this topic. coming up in about five minutes, we'll speak with the chairman of radiology gbmc. he thoughts on the recommendations. baimore county rejected a m fromindoor tanning. the cocil ted 5-2 last night. the memberwho voted against said the changewould step on parental rights. current statlaw allo people under the age of 18 to stan tan nors to n a doctor's ion. ea came after a unanimous vote to ban mirsfrom indoor tanning. you know, these days almost everyone knows what it's like to have money struggles, teaching our highschool start marynd comptroller peter nancchot ispuing to make a fil literacy course mandatory fohigh school graduates. the course with a semester long rights ancredit. r ine prices are going back up. usairways says they ll add a 5% surcharge on off after may price rices. hat is supposed ot dea, nohwest and unite have had mped the surcharge on some busy days ne tomarch -- or next march to $30 each way and get this, $50 the day after > spotllit wasnetty but at leasthey wo ankle on the opening kickoff in monday night's game. the first quarter field goal with evhauschkael failed and the game was scoreless. on a 13-yard ruand saty scored dajuan returned the interception 48 yards for a touchdown on cleveland's next play as the ravens over horrdous art foa 16-0 win over the browns. >> it was a little ugly. it wasn't great, but like you said, it was a 16-0 win. we'll backto baltimore with this one. i don't know if this was weplanit ou but like i said, a win's a wi the ravens now 5-4, return home to take on the undefeated colts on suay. digital cameras and mp3 players. ithat many big kids are asng ntr thyear tonight, we've got advice to help you purchase the st of the be enitcometo those hot gadgets. pug a damper on the holiday ch ich of yr favorite shopping spots are being t by criminals? >> there's e thturkeyth uffing and mpkin pie. thanksgiving dinner adds up fast. how keep your ocery bi > n. >> turned out tobe a nice afternoon and g. evenin 53 degrees now. back with more ina moment. (lipsmacking you disgust me. prove it. (announcer) enough's enough. d-con baits are fifty-percent stronger than the competition, and can kill in one feeding. d-con. get out. you disgust me. prove it. (announcer) enough's enough. d-con baits are fifty-percent stronger than the comtition, and cakill in one feeding. d-con. get ou pl! nounce it doesn't matter why you ne queso, it just matters how you make it. just add ro*tel to velveeta... and you've got queso. as we reported a few minutes ago and as you may have group of government experts are going against the decades of advice on mammograms and tonight it's not sitting well with some local doctors. joining us now is dr. radiology from hief of thank you for joining us. >> my pleasure. >> this is a study produced by a governme task force. basically, they are recommending women get mammograms at age 50 as opposed to 40. whenirst heard this, what were your thoughts? >> when wfirst heard it, we were outraged because it flies in the face of good science. we have been happy that every year the death rate fr best cancer has been decreasing by particularly gratified to make such inroads intothe 40 to 50 aggroup. >> do you attribute that to mammograms? >> we absolutely do. if you look at the udies coming out of europe, they are owing anywhere between a 35 d 50% decrease in the breast cancer rate due to regular screening with ma'amography. >> what are your fears about what could happen and how much weight does this study hold? >> the study is funded the vernment and therefore holds some kind of authority. we are concerned that women are going to look at this study and decide that they don't need ma'amography in that age group and may either not get it or get it irregularly. p. >> the study said women betwee the ages of 40 and 50 getting unneeded, unnecessary radiation and also false-positives. e radiation issue is one that i think has en debunked over the ars. the radiation thatis uds is necessary toose diagnbroft cancer. the false-positives are an interesting topic. >> yeah. >> the concerns raised in the study includes the anxiety of being called back for another the prre of the mfort of ma'amography pedals. the discomfort of having patients seem to be willing to go through that in order to get the benefits of having early detection. >> f those of you wh strongly against the study, what do you need to do now? >> we need to get out to the public the message that ma'amography is saving lives in the vitally important group. they are bringing up our children. they air vital of society and because of what seemed like cost constraints and because of some kind of philosophy of rationing medical care, they have been sidelined and are being denied life-saving care. >> doctor, thank you very much for joining us. this discussion will tip this other venues. norm? >> reporter: now, the forecast certified baltimore's most accurate, here's norm lewis and maryland's most powerful doppler radar. another bu beautiful day in baltimore. our live camera shot overlooking the downtown hear. right now at bwi mar val, the pressure's rising 30.25. there are your ties tonight at fort mchenry. our winds tomorrow from the east 6 to 12 miles per hour. sun comes up at 6:53, will set at 4:49. temperatures are already down to 41 in oakland. 54 in hagerstown. ocean city down on the boardwalk 53. 55 right now in the easton area. take a look at the satellite picture over the past 12 to 18 hours. lots of sunshine here in the east, but this storm system out to the west is just stuck there that area of low pressure continues to draw moisture from the gulf of mexico. and on the on the backside of that, they've had snow, sleet and freezing rain and all this rainfall that you see right in this region right there are trying to make its way on towards the east. it's nogoing tomake it at least for the next 24 hours or so. it will eventually start moving east once this area of high pressure breaks down and brings us scattered showers on thursday the way it looks right now. the way it's going to be working by the time it gets here, there's nogoing to be a lot of moisture left in the system. we are expecting showers on thursday. right now, nothing's showing up on maryland's most powerful dra radar. temperature-wise in monkton 52. 52in hanover area. mount airy right now 51 degrees. 51 in kingsville. havre de grace current a at 54 degrees. overnight, mostly clear skies. during date tomorrow, a few cloudsmake their way into the weather picture. then on thursday as the system finally starts making its way towards the east, a few light showers will break out with the majority of the rain hanging back to the west of us. here's your forecast for the overnight period. partly cloudy school seeing an overnight low during the day tomorrow. a little warmer tomorrow with a high of 58 and your extended outlook for the next seven days up to 62 on thursday, again with a chance for the late evening showers. then sunshine returns with a high of 59 degrees. these are normal temperatures for this time of the year. more shower activity on sunday and mopped. tuesday partly cloudy skies and 57 deees. back in a while with more. have you already started racking your brain of what to get your son or daughter or husband for the holidays. which gadgets are hot and how do you choose the best dev ice? >> reporter: digital camer and many of the p3 playare traditional best-sellers during hotel days so here are a pew guying tipsp in in choosing a camera, the megapixle race is over. nowadays it's all about lifestyle considerations. for the budding artist, the cannon sx120 has 10x optical zoom. that's twice the zoom of most compact cameras, and it's great for portraits and extreme close- ups. want a rugged outdoorsman's dream? and water proof and takes great pictures. the loomism x retails for $500. take a lot of pictures of yourself? this samsune has ther in the front and back. and able toly the sonny tx1 takes great low-light photos. check out the smile detection feature. it won't take a picture until you smile. now, let's talk music ayers. for good reason, thobvious choiceis the ipod. and apple recently cut prices on almost all of its models. but for the right kind of person there's one new music player worth considering. this is the clip plus. it sts $39, has a built-in fm radio. while you can transfer songs to the dee device from your computer this is for players who don't want that hassle. for 50 bucks, you buy these in little memory cards prelde with 1,000 songs from a specific genre. the fansa is a great gift for someone a little tech phobic but wants access to a lot of dil music. >> wants to make sure you are prepared to start that holiday shopping, so we've created a web page. on there now aroffice depot, best buy and target to get started, go to so maybe he's not a cat burglar but he made one officer mad. watch as one curious kitty climbs all over the officer as he tries to write a simple traffic ticket. and e thory of special yorkie who's giving a little boy with m.s. hope. abc 2 news at 5:30 is coming up two former republican governors wi uncertain futures. palin and ehrlich, when will they decide? overco the allenge of diabetes. how one man is surviving to fight the disease. at 5:ve that and more all knew > in oklahoma, a deer caused trouble for officers. this buck kept crossing the eye way on sunday and it was caught on a police dash camera. troopers kept trying to get it to head into the woods but it kept coming so one per estled it to the ground to keep the deer off the highway. it turns out the deer was sick and had to be put down. in texas, a cat will not let this police officer do his job. watch. while simply attempting to write a traffic cket, a black starting on his leg and even making his way to the top of his head. the driver of the car wa laughing too hard to take the officer seriously and even offered to get out and help. this boy's be friend is a york can i named zeke. the swanson family couldn't afford help for the dog. the owner heard about the story and paid fothdog and all vet expenses. >> ian needs this puppy, come get him is what they said. >> the swansons say zeke makes ian's fete face light up. the word of the year has chosen. what doou it is? find out on abc 2 news at 5:30 which starts in just two minutes. when it comes to constipation relief... miralax is the one. it's the one. the one recommended by more doctors. only miralax is clinically proven to relieve constipation with no harsh side effects. miralax isthe only . restore your body's naturarhythm with miralax. it made the neyork times st-seller list before its release. today sarah palin's book "going rogue" hit book store as oss the country. ironically, as jeff hager reports, the darling of the republican party who resonates in red ates has found plenty of fans from this blue state of maryland. >> reporter: anxious to pick up presidential ra? k on the get in line. >> people love the political books, and we actually sell just as many red books as we do blue books. we've had a steady stream all morning of people picking up the books. >> the formgovernor of al hagiven up the mpaign trail for the ok circuit, drawing bipartisan interest. a self-proclaimed conservative, dr. richard vats says her aspirations could trump those of seeking office. >> when you get what you don't expect, people pay attention. i think she

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United States , Mexico , Oklahoma , Ocean City , Maryland , Hagerstown , Texas , Baltimore , Millersville , American , Bwi Mar , Janet Ladd , Jeff Hager , Charles Biehl , Sarah Palin , Brian Keebler , Sherrie Johnson , M Brian Keebler , Marybeth Marsden ,

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