Uh, mr. Mccreedy, wheres paige . She said she needed some air. So, mr. Rickard, your assistant said that you met with a detective bowman from nypd . Right, he was here to talk to paige. And what did this detective bowman want to talk to her about . Well, he just said it was a routine inquiry. So was paige in any trouble that you know of . Well, i didnt think so, but then her roommate said she didnt come home. Then the police showing up. And how long has she been with infomerge . Two years and she has always been super reliable. What does she do here, exactly . Data analysis. We gather and market records on over a hundred million consumers. Oh, so i have you to thank for all the junk mail. Huh. Probably, though direct mail is just a part of the business. Martin . Can i speak to you for a minute . Yeah. Excuse me for a second. I just got off the phone with the nypd personnel department. Theyve never heard of a detective bowman. He doesnt exist. Doorbusters this friday 3 00 p. M. To saturday 1 00 p. M. Get 40 off arizona kids tops and jeans, and royal velvet bath towels are just 5. 88. Plus, for 4 days only, starting friday, get 10, 15, or 20 off with your coupon. Jcpenney. [knock] no one was at home, but on the Kitchen Table sat three insurance policies. The first had lots of coverage. The second, only a little. But the third was. Just right bear hi yeah, we love visitors. Thats why we moved to a secluded house in the middle of the wilderness. Just the right coverage at just the right price. Coverage checker from progressive. Break the ice, with breath freshening cooling crystals. Ice breakers. Spots are great. Just not on your faucet. Spot resist finish. Only from moen. Buy it for looks. Buy it for life. Yeah. That was the guy. I heard he was a cop. Youve never seen him before . No, but paige seemed pretty wigged out by him. Man, i hope shes okay. How well do you know paige . Weve been working together for six months. Any more to it than that . No, im not her type. Too shallow. Thats an honest aission. So whats her type . Put it this way, shes a dogooder. Into greenpeace, amnesty. Shed like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony. How does she square that working at a place like this . I think paige was an activist back in college, then figured it wasnt going to pay the rent, but she did feel like a sellout. It came to a head a few months ago. Okay, the makers of fit and thin miracle fat eliminator are looking for 10 million potential customers. You ready for the parameters . Yeah. Females, 25 to 49, single or divorced, caucasian. Why just white women . Because as a group they tend to be more unhappy with their bodies. So were targeting overweight women. Of course we are. Its fit and thin. All this information, this great technology, to hawk diet pills. Come on, paige. Not again. There are kids going hungry. There are people without health care. There are schools without textbooks, and were doing this . You left out global warming. Doesnt it ever bother you . Its a paycheck, not my life or yours. You volunteer, donate, unlike me, you actually make a difference. Not enough of one. Not even close. I think you just need to get laid. laughs that is your solution to everything. A few weeks later she was like a new person, all mellowed out. She looked better, too. You think she took your advice . I know she did. So, um, whos she seeing . No idea. I teased her about it, but she wouldnt give up his name. Good morning, vivian. How are you feeling . Im ready to get this over with. Excellent. Just want to walk you both through the plan for today. Okay. The nurses will begin prepping you in ten minutes. Then at noon, theyll take you down to the o. R. , then ill go in, thin out some muscle tissue, which should improve your heart functn. When will she be out of surgery . Well, the myectomy takes about three hours, then another one or two to wrap up, so id say about 5 00 p. M. The last time we spoke, you said that during the surgery, my heart would be stopped. Well, you dont want it beating when im in there trying to cut. Well, how long does that last . An hour, tops. So for that hour, ill be dead . No, like i explained, the, the bypass machine will be pumping your blood and then when im finished working on the heart, we just start it right back up again. Hmm. Ive done a lot of these procedures, vivian. Youre in great hands. sigh hey. So this coffee vendor thought he saw someone matching paiges description come out of the lobby, and hop into a yellow cab. Oh, well, that really narrows it down. Yeah. I got some agents back at the office contacting some of the dispatchers. While youre at it, get them to distribute a whole bunch of pictures to the train stations, tohe Transit Authority and the airports. Yeah, im on it. Are you heading back . Uh, yeah, i gotta make a stop along the way. Ill. Ill catch you. All right. Ill see you there. Ive never seen him. Did he do something to paige . Why would he show up at her work . We dont know yet. Um, did she have any emies . Anyone she was afraid of . Nothing like that. Did anyone call her family . I think she has a sister in cincinnati. Yeah, shes flying in today. Im going to have to look through her computer. Is that all right with you . Anything you need. Samantha uh, we heard she was dating someone . Yes, starting a few months ago. I think she was really into this guy. It was the happiest ive ever seen her. Whats his name . She wouldnt tell me. Why not . She was just really secretive about him. I figured he was married. Youve never seen him . Hes never come to the apartment . Not while im here. Then again, im out of town three weeks a month. I work in property management. Danny do you know this guy . Do you have any idea who he is . No clue. You know, just before she went missing, paige made a call to a julia gomez. Do you know who that is . A High School Kid that paige is mentoring. Shes a real tough cookie. Paige been having problems with her . Kind of. A week ago julia came over. She was in major trouble. Julia, i need you to calm down. Look, i know i messed up. Just, please, just dont be mad at me. M not mad at you, julia. Okay . I just need to know a little bit more. How far along are you . Well, the nurse at the clinic said, like, eight weeks. I mean, i cant raise a kid, but i cant get rid of it, either. I just dontelieve in that. Well, what about adoion . That wont work. What does the father think . Have you talked to him . He told me to get an abortion. Julia, he cant make you do anything. Look, he said hed kill me if i didnt. Who is this guy . Hes a cop. I think hes married. Oh, julia. Hed go nuts if he even knew i was here. sobs okay. Do you know if she told paige the cops name . I dont know, but paige is really devoted to that girl. Knowing her, she didnt let it go. phone ringing excuse me. I have to get this. Maybe julias cop boyfriend is the guy that went to go visit paige at work. Hmm . Julia gomez . Yeah . Im special agent taylor. This is special agent spade. Well, whats this all about . The man in this photo. Is this your boyfriend . Look, ive never seen this guy. Yeah, well, this guy was after paige hobson, and now shes missing. Missing . We know she called you. What was it about . Well, she said she just needed to come by, and then when i saw her, i knew something was up. Paige, whats this all about . I just wanted to see you. Well, dont we gettogether next . Julia, youre having a baby. You need to quit these things. Look, this is for you. Okay . For your baby. You can open it later. Youre bailing on me, arent you . Im not bailing on you, julia. Im only leaving because i have to. Why . I love you. Okay . Youre going to do great things, okay . Where are you going . I cant talk about it. Paige, wait. Please, dont tell anyone you saw me, okay . Julia she gave me 50,000 bucks. The money, and then her leaving like that . I mean, i didnt know what to do. Everything was wrong, but i was afraid that, it might get her into worse trouble. Wheres the money now . Its under my mattress. Were gonna need it. Look, i dont care about the money. I just want paige back. [ male announcer ] experience new febreze sleep serenity and let the soothing scent of moonlit lavender lull you to sleep. New febreze sleep serenity in moonlit lavender, warm milk honey, and quiet jasmine. An official product of the National Sleep foundation. Breathe happy. Sleep happy. An official product of the National Sleep foundation. Dad dad katy perry is coming to town. Can we get tickets, tickets . Hmm, sure. How many . Well, theres hannah, maddie, jen, sara m. , sara b. , sa whoa, whoa. Hold on. under his breath here it comes. We cant forget about your older sister thank you, thank you, thank you seriously . What . I get 2x the thankyou points on each ticket. Can i come . Yep. The Citi Thankyou preferred card. Now earn 2x the points on entertainment and dining out, with no annual fee. To apply, go to citi. Com thankyoucards sidebyside, so you get the same coverage, often for less. Thats one smart board what else does it do, reverse gravity . [ laughs ] split atoms . [ flo chuckles ] [ whirring ] hey, hows that atomsplitting thing going . Oh a smarter way to shop around now thats progressive. Call or click today. Hey. What are you doing here . Oh, uh. I just stopped by to, uh, to wish you luck. I told you i didnt want any visitors. Do you think i want you to see me like this . Oh, uh. You know, im really sorry. I didnt. Think it through. I just wanted you to know that i was thinking about you and uh. Uh, i didnt mean to barge in. Im sorry. 3 00. What . That is when tyll be working on my heart. Think about me then. Okay. You take care. Okay, i got the story on the cop julia gave us. Hes in the clear on paige, but internal affairs is all over him. Okay, well, we caught a break on the 50k. What, from the serial numbers . No, the bands around the cash. We tracked it to a bank account belonging to a Sarah Reynolds at Borough National bank. Yeah, im here. Okay, give it to me. Mmhmm. Balance of 250,000. Who is this Sarah Reynolds . Well, were about to find out, because i just got her license number. Thats paige hobson. Danny yeah, she gets around. Ill say. 250 grand, a secret boyfriend . Which might explain this. phone ringing taylor. I cant find anything on her computer. She has Security Software that completely wipes everything out of her hard drive. The only thing i did find was this photo on her desktop. Here. She has pictures of that guy at her place. Paiges sister just got here. You guys want to take her . Yeah, why not . Sure. Martin does this man look famiar to you . His name is adisa teno. They met in africa, in makeba. And when was that . About four years ago. Paige went there right after coege to work for one of those relief organizations. She got out before all the unrest started. Do you know if shes seen adisa recently . I didnt think so. Until about two weeks ago. I was in town for business. I stopped by her place. And he was there. So when did you get into town . Two months ago. Two months. Paige, you never even said anything. Well, i wanted to keep him to myself. Its been almost four years. We had a lot of catching up to do. Indeed, we did. So youll be staying in the United States . What about makeba . Um, im not welcome in my country. Oh, why is that . Beth, dont you know whats going on there . Whats happening to his people . I thought they elected a new president. Well, general gamba is still the one in charge. Blood is running in the streets thanks to his death squads. Its pretty much famine, disease and tyranny, 24seven. Please, shall we change the subject. You know what the Drug Companies are doing about it . Drug Companies Like the one im with, you mean. Theyre overcharging for aids medications. Theyre doing experimental drug trials on kids on kids, beth. And youre on a moral high ground working at infomerge. Well, at least im trying to help. Ladies, please. Lets not talk politics, hmm . Lets have a glass of wine and get to know one another. When we had a moment alone, i asked her flat out if she thought that maybe he was after her for a green card. She said they were in love. If she tbut you had maybe he was aftea bad feeling about him . Paige is a sucker for strays. Even when we were kids, she would always rescue them. No matter how many times they bit her. Did you get anything from beth hobson . Paiges boyfriend. His name is adisa teno. Adisa teno, okay, ill run that down. Wow, the tech really hit e jackpot with paiges work computer. She downloaded over a million consumer records names, credit card numbers, socials, everything. Identity theft. Either way, she sold the data to a fraud ring or shes part of one. Here we go. Adisa teno is on the terrorist watch list. Hes a member the makeba liberation front. The makeba consulate has issued an alert that he may be here in new york. Maybe hes connected to jeraf holdings. Paiges Bank Account Balance has gone from 250,000 all the way towards a million. But every few weeks, the cash gets transferred out to a jeraf holdings. The last transfer happened yesterday right after paige went missing. Okay, so either she moved the money or someone else did. Either way, shes in deep. Should we reach out to the cia . Lets just go straight to the source. You think vivs going to be okay . I dont know. I hope so. How about you . How are you doing . What do you mean . How are you . How are you doing . Its not affecting my work, jack. What isnt . Me and martin. I wasnt talking about martin. Then what were you talking about . I was just trying to have a damn conversation. Okay, its. Jack. Theres a familiar face. Thats general gamba. I cant wait to see how detective bowman explains himself. Were not going to find out here. We have no jurisdiction. Samantha you think he works there . I nt know. Why dont you head back to the office, see if you can put a name to the face. All right, what are you going to do . He cant stay inside there forever. Well, were about to get started, viv. How yodoing . Hanging in there. Great. My colleague, dr. Trask here, will push a sedative in your iv. Next thing you know, youll wake up in bed. Sounds good to me. Vivian. Sounds goohey. Me. Id like you to start counting back from 100. 99, 98, 97. They got names of some consulate staff here, but no pictures. Are there any nonafrican names on the list . Not that i can see. You want me to ask around at the state department . Yeah, listen, um, ill call you back. Uh, excuse me, special agent jack malone from the fbi. And you are . Emil donfros, security attache for general gamba. Whats your interest in paige hobson . Whats yours . Shes missing. I was not aware of that. What were you doing in her Office Yesterday morning . Our counterintelligence has identified her as having close ties to adisa teno. So whats the problem . You dont like her taste in men . Teno was part of a terrorist group. He may be plotting an attempt on general gambas life. The general doesnt take it seriously, but i do. And you think that miss hobsons involved in that somehow . Adisa teno and the m. L. F. Are a grave threat both to makeba and to miss hobson. This is a brutal and ruthless man. That would be the perception ofeneral gamba here. General gamba has brought order. This adisa wants anarchy. And more people will die. Were not done. Oh, im in the fivemeter buffer zone. As far as youre concerned, im on african soil. I hope you find ms. Hobson. African soil. Looks like park avenue to me. Hey, i think we got a line on paige. After she left julia gomezs place, she changed cabs several times until she was dropped off at the corner of south street and fulton. South street and fulton. Yeah, after that her trail gets cold. No, actually, her trail gets hot. Jeraf holdings owns a warehouse two blocks away from there. You got the other exits covered . Yeah, were good to go. Okay. Lets go. Lets move, move. Fbi, freeze put your hands where we can see them get down get down get down get down get down, get down, get down jack get down on the floor, right away lets go fbi get on the ground put your hands on the trunk. Turn around. Turn around. Hey keep your hands where i can see them you, get up against the rack get up against the rack freeze, fbi put your hands in the air come on down, nice and slow. Wheres paige hobson . When your allergies start, doctors recommend taking one nondrowsy claritin every day during your allergy season for continuous relief. 18 days 17 days 22 days of continuous relief. Live claritin clear. Every day. Makes an epic journey throughr pines, wildflowers, and aspens. And is matched only by our journey to capture its scent. Crafted by expert perfumers for your home, air wick mountain woodlands and crisp air is part of our limited Edition National park collection. Airwick. The craft of fragrance. Like dishes that dont fit in the top rack of the dishwasher. Come into sears, ill tell you about our one hand adjuster. On our exclusive kenmore elite dishwasher. Its amazing whatll happen when. Tall things have the right space. Also amazing, jd power ranks. Kenmore elite highest in customer satisfaction. One Appliance Store helps more people. Find savings and solutions than any other. This is sears. Hey, buddy . Oh, hey, flo. You want to see something cool . Snapshot, from progressive. My Insurance Company told me not to talk to people like you. You always do what they tell you . No. Try it, and see what your good driving can save you. You dont even have to switch. Unless youre scared. Im not scared, its. You know we can still see you. No, you cant. Pretty sure we can. Try snapshot today no pressure. Jack 50 ar15s. 68 uzis, 16 rocket launchers. You know, i would say that you were taking our Second Amendment just a little bit too far. And i assume that this is what you intended to assassinate general gamba with. Dont you think he deserves it . General gamba is not my concern. He should be. You work for him. Hows that . It will happen this way one of your colleagues will request i be deported. Youll comply. My plane will land in makeba, and ill be shot on the tarmac. Who gave the order . General gamba. Who obeyed it . You. My only concern is paige. Now, where is she . I havent seen her. Thats a lie. We found her fingerprints all over the warehouse. Now, what did you do with her . Paige is one person. Makeba is ten million. What, you used her . She worked at infomerge. She obviously was in love with you, and you just saw sha great opportunity . E. She wanted to help the cause. Right. And you convinced her that the noble thing to do was to take the data from infomerge and use it to fund your cause. And it turned out to be a great idea because you guys were making money hand over fist, right . This isnt about money. Well, it sure aint about love either, because the minute she became a liability, you got rid of her. Thats not so yes, it is so. You betrayed her. She trusted you. She came to you for help when this man came to see her. You know who he is . I know hes a killer. Thats exactly what he says about you. I know nothing about your white girl. Based on weapons charges alone, we can detain you indefinitely. Now, if you help us find the girl, we will help you. How could you possibly help me . By not deporting you to makeba. Now, im sure the people running that country would love to have you back. I am ready to die for what i believe. Then youll be dying for nothing. Danny we have adisa. We have five of your men, we have your confiscated weapons, and we have you. So you can forget about the hit on general gamba. Its not going to happen. Its over. Its over. speaking native language its because of that bitch. Paige, what are you doing here . He came to my office who . One of gambas men. I recognized him from the pictures. He could have followed her here. He didnt. I changed cabs. Ife found you there, he can find us here. We need to pack up and go. Adisa, what is all this . General gamba is itown. When word of his death reaches our forces in makeba, theyll storm the president ial palace. You told me the money was for opposition candidates for relief supplies. These are relief supplies. You knew, paige. Perhaps you didnt want to, but deep down, you knew. Adisa. What happened to you . They murdered my family. All dead. But me. My youngest brother was burned alive. Sending rice is not the solution. And this is . It requires one moment to spark a revolution. A moment that moves people to rise up and take action this is that moment, paige. I can feel it. I cant do this. I dont have it in me. Weve waited for this chance for over a year. Nothing. Can jeopardize it. I need to go. I dont think i can let you. I told you she was a mistake, adisa. Shes not even one of us. Leave. Paige and i must. Talk. I went for a walk on the docks. When i returned, paige was gone. What did he do with her . He didnt say. I know what i would have done. Jack paige knew about it, and she wanted nothing to do with it, but you couldnt let her walk away. This is not true. Yes, it is true. She knew too much, so you killed her. I could never hurt her. Im sorry i deceived you. I see only one way. I know. I see it, too. I just cant go there. But youll let me do what must be done . Was any of it real between us . You will always be in my heart. Good luck. Do you mean that . You dont believe in hurting people, but dont let them hurt you. You know, that is incredibly heartwarming. Where did you have her taken . She wouldnt want me to tell you. I dont think you gave her that gun for protection. I think you used it to shoot her. Hi. Hey. What did u get from adisa . Not much. Im going to have another crack at him. What do you got . Neil dornvald. Hes from south africa. Served in the 32 battalion. Since then, hes worked as a mercenary for private armies in angola, the congo, sierra leone. He also did work for the cia. Martin right. Okay, when . Hold on. Paige was just spotted at grand central. She bought a oneway to cincinnati. Shes headed to her sisters. Jack what time . 2 45. Okay, we have 20 minutes. Hold the train. Were going to need you to hold that train. Were on our way. Well, she isnt on the train. Maybe she changed her mind. Weve got a transit cop on every exit. So far, nothing. Do you want us to do another sweep of the train . Yeah. Why not . All right. Ill. Ill catch up with you. Okay. Okay, lets start her back up. soft electric crackle steady tone going again. soft electric crackle steady tone come on. Once more. soft electric crackle im watching you tonight. Its in those blue eyes. Sweet surprise. That everything feels right. Tonight. Oooooooo. Yeah, im married. Does it matter . Youd do that for me . Really . Yeah, id like that. Who are you talking to . Uh, its jake from state farm. Sounds like a really good deal. Jake from state farm at three in the morning. Who is this . Its jake from state farm. What are you wearing, jake from state farm . [ jake ] uh. Khakis. She sounds hideous. Well shes a guy, so. [ male announcer ] another reason more people stay with state farm. Get to a better state. Ensure the water you drink at home is truly clean for your family with the pur faucet filtration system. The multiplelayer filters are certified to reduce contaminants others could leave behind starting at just 20. Try pur faucet filters today. Hey, check this out. Some activity just popped on paiges cell account at 2 38. Maybe thats why she didnt make the 2 45 train. Whod she call . Looks like someone called her twice. And they also sent a picture message with it. The call came from julia gomez. garbled radio transmission hey. Whats goi on . Homicide. Bodys around back. All right, thanks. Hey. Hey. Do you mind if i take a look . Take the whole case if you want it. Souh, whats the story . That is julia gomez. Officers responded to a shots fired call. They found her right there. Okay, and what time was that . 911 came in at 2 42. She must have called paige before she got shot. Whoever called paige, it wasnt julia. Do we have any suspects . A cole witnesses saw a tall white male get in a vehicle and leave the scene. What kind of vehicle . Theyre saying it was a black escalade. Dornvald. All right, jack, listen. We are dialed in. I put out an a. P. B. And an interagency alert on dornvald, plus stop notices at the airports, border crossings, everything. If anybody in law enrcement sees this guy, hes made. Okay, okay, keep me posted. You got it. Hey, everyone clear on the plan . Yeah, we got it. Right. Woman Saint Andrews hospital. Mrs. Johnson is still in surgery. Okay. Thank you. All right, heads up. Cars coming. Lets move into second position. Were on the move. Okay, i can make out the driver, i cannot see who is in back. Lets drag out this guy out of the fivemeter zone if we have to. Its gamba. No dornvald. Repeat, no dornvald. Okay, lets reset. I think i just made paige hobson, heading your way. Yeah, thats her. Shes got a gun paige, drop the gun drop the gun put the gun on the ground all screaming at once martin put your hands in the air samantha fbi drop your weapons get on the ground get on the ground get down, get down, get down fbi samantha drop your weapons drop your weapons hands in the air martin get your hands behind your back jack somebody get a paramedic you dont seem like the type. Im not. But here we are. Was this the plan all along . That you would be the shooter . No. Then whyd you do it . I was about to leave for cincinnati. Thats when everything changed. Julia . Dornvald we need to meet, miss hobson. Who is this . We need to talk about adisa teno. phone ring who are you . Why do you have julias phone . I just sent you something. Oh, my god. What did you do to her . What did you do . There will be no assassination. Adisa is under arrest. Its all done but the cleanup. Which is where you come in. I want names, faces, locations of the other m. L. F. Members to ensure this never happens again. In return, ill stop killing people you love. Sounds like youre in a train station, miss hobson. Which one . Hartford, connecticut. Expect me in two hours. Adisa says theres a moment that makes people take action. I guess that was my moment. Why didnt you go after dornvald . Because hes not the real problem. But he should pay for what he did. He will, once we find him. phone rings spade. Okay, thanks. Its murder now. Gambas dead. I always wanted to make difference. Maybe now i have. Jack apparently, news of gambas assassination has reached the rebels. They took the president ial palace . Um. The news of gambas assassination also reached the government, and they fortified the building. So its a battle . With gamba out of the way, perhaps theres a chance for things to get better. Maybe. How is paige . sighs shes not the girl you first met. phone rings taylor. Hey, its me. Im at the hospital. Vivs okay. Oh, man, thats great. Whats up . Viv just got out of surgery. Oh. She okay . Yeah. Mmhmm. Jack her husband said it was touch and go for a minute, but she made it through. I just thought you guys would like to know. Yeah, thanks a lot for the call. All right. sighs come on, man, lets go. Its a green light. beeps horn at least were ending the day on an up note. Yeah