Southeast new england things will begin improving in new jersey and also the new york metropolitan area and it looks like by late in the day everybody should gradually begin to see some improvement. Pelley and how much snow well our accumulation map has shifted a little bit during the day today but again were targeting southeastern new england where we see the purples and the pink. Thats where we can see one to two feet of snow and its not out of the question an isolated spot may see more than that. Still, six to 12 inches will be possible back towards the south and also back toward the west. Pelley david, thank you very much. As you just saw boston is ground zero. It may get as much as three feet of snow. Terrell brown has found that travel there is coming to a halt by sea air and land. Reporter theres no escaping the blizzard in boston. Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick has ordered all cars in this state off the road. The rate of snowfall and reduced visibility during the evening rush newshour particular will make safe travel nearly impossible. Train to boston reporter Amtrak Service was shut down between new york and boston this afternoon. Come on guys walk. Reporter jacqueline polnicks flight to cleveland was canceled. When we met her she was desperate to catch a train to get her three kids home. Its just been really stressful trying to figure out how to maneuver the transportation system. Reporter it could be days until flights resume at bostons logan airport. Planes out of new yorks airports are grounded too creating problems that extend beyond the blizzard. Edward freni overseas operations at bostons airport. Other airports are being affected by this. It takes time for the airlines to relink their crews with the aircraft once they start to get their systems back in order. Reporter and scott the wind is picking up now along with that snow. Anyone caught violating the states emergency ban on driving could face a 500 fine or a year in jail. Pelley well terrell, new yorkers are watching with two bad memories in mind Hurricane Sandy, which was just 103 days ago, and the last blizzard two years ago that paralyzed the nations largest city. Heres jim axelrod. Reporter tonight new york city is take nothing chances. 1,700 snowplows have been deployed 450 salt spreaders 65 frontend loaders. Mayor michael bloomberg. Its not going to be a Hurricane Sandy but that doesnt mean you cant get badly hurt or killed if youre not careful. Reporter the devastation from Superstorm Sandy is a fresh memory and so is the blizzard two years ago that dumped 20 inches here. The streets took days to clear hindering emergency vehicles and city buses. Were just basically stuck on this block you know . Reporter g. P. S. Tracking devices on garbage trucks will allow new yorkers to punch their addresss into a web page and track when their block will be plowed. 6,100 sanitation workers are now mobilized. 400 more than two years ago. Union president Harry Nespoli said they just started to catch their breath after sandy. I wouldnt say theyre tired. They feel it they extended themselves for sandy 12 hour shifts for 60 days. Reporter and here we go again. Yes and thats why they call new yorks sanitation men new yorks strongest. Reporter new york city has roughly 6,300 miles of road. Thats enough to drive from here to los angeles and back. Scott, the city has 250,000 tons of salt available to help keep all that roadway clear. Pelley jim, thank you Superstorm Sandy also knocked down defenses against storm surge all along the coast. Tonight, with wind gusts of 70 miles an hour coming in from the atlantic, a lot of folks are casting a wary eye on the sea. Seth doane is with them. This is supposed to be a high wall. All of this is leveled. Where is the ocean going to cogo . Its going to go right over it . The sea berm that used to protect franca costas neighborhood was damaged by hurricane i lean in 2011 and destroyed by Superstorm Sandy last october. Shes angstly watching the ocean. I need to come back in a couple hours and see where it is. Keep your eye on the water . Thats the main thing. I have to keep my eye on where the water. Is. Reporter when sandy hit, a wall of water nearly ten feet high washed through costas Staten Island neighborhood. Her house was one of a handful left standing. My house got destroyed. Theres eight feet on the outside and six feet on the inside. Reporter thanks to neighbors and friends Flood Insurance and fema this 47yearold legal secretary was able to rebuild. I just got back in my house in january and now a couple of weeks later were being hit by a blizzard noreaster. A blizzard wouldnt be so bad thats just snow, but the noreaster you have to worry about the ocean coming over the berm wall again. Reporter the storm surge from many this blizzard is forecast to be just two to five feet but with little natural protection flooding is a real concern. How many of these storms am i going to have to go through in a couple years that maybe everything may get destroyed again. When that . Am i going to have the energy to rebuild again and the finances and to go through the whole thing again is just mind bloging. Reporter there are just three homeowners left living on costas street where there once were 35. Scott, there are no evacuation orders so they say theyll stay and watch over what they have left. Pelley going to be a long night. Seth, thank you very much. Snow is also a factor in that manhunt in southern california. Police have expanded the search for Christopher Dorner a fired cop who is wanted for a series of revenge killings. His targets are Police Officers and their families. Dorners pickup truck was found in flames in big bear and thats where ben tracy begins our coverage. Reporter a foot of new snow added to the challenge for search teams who had to be brought in on armored personnel carriers. The manhunt targeted an eight square mile area where Christopher Dorners torched pickup was found yesterday. John mcmahon is the San Bernardino county sheriff. Well search until we discover he left the mountain or we find him. One of the two. Reporter deputies have searched 400 cabins and will check 200 more around the big bear ski resort. The snow has grounded police helicopters. What do your instincts tell you . Does this feel like this may have been a diversion . Were going to search primarily up in the Mountain Area to make sure theres a lot of cabins that are up there that are abandoned. He want to make sure he didnt find out a place to hide for the night. Reporter dorners rampage began sunday when police say he shot and killed two people in irvine including the daughter of a retired Police Captain who defended dorner in disciplinary hearings. Earlier police say he exchanged gun fire with two officers in corona california, when he tried to approach them. Later he ambushed two riverside policemen at a stoplight. One died. Dorners trail has been cold since his pickup was discovered. Today u. S. Marshals in la pal ma california, searched the home of his mother. Police remain on high alert in los angeles. Dorner targeted several officers in a manifesto posted on his facebook page. He boasted he could outsmart pursuers. He wrote i will utilize every bit of small arms training demolition ordnance and Survival Training ive been giving. If dorner is somewhere around here, he may need those survival skills scott. Were expecting several more inches of snow and the temperatures here are already in the low 20s. Pelley ben, thank you. Correspondent john miller is a former Senior Commander in the l. A. P. D. John, why did he go to big bear . Well, he didnt go there by accident. Thats not a road you make a wrong turn on. If youre going to go up that mountain its because you intend to. Theres one way in and one way out. Ive been there many times. He didnt end where he wanted to. It appears he broke the axle on that truck. His family had property up there before. Hes familiar with that area if when he was young sore it may be that he intended to break into one of the empty vacation homes and hide out seek refuge. Its cold and getting colder. Or it may be that he wanted to get into one of those houses find keys and get a car theyre not looking for all over five counties. Thats why that search was very important and why it unfolded quickly and why theyre still trying to figure out which way he went because that tells us about his next move. Pelley the hunt continues. John, thanks very much. In the internet age anyone can be targeted by hackers, turns out even former president s. Today a web site posted emails that were hacked from the account of Dorothy Bush Cook the daughter of president george h. W. Bush. In some of them her brother george w. Bush wrote about their fathers recent health issues. The family issued a statement calling this an outrageous breach of privacy. The secret service is investigating. There is an update on malala, the 15yearold crusader that the taliban tried to murder. Weve got an answer on what caused the lights to go out at the super bowl. And well take you to one of the worlds great spectacles. Meet 80 million pilgrims when the cbs evening news continues. Suffer from is bigger than we think. Like the flu. With aches, fever and chills the flus a really big deal. So why treat it like its a little cold . Theres something that works differently than overthecounter remedies. Prescription tamiflu attacks the flu virus at its source. So dont wait. 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Then i read an article about a study that looked at the Long Term Health benefits of taking multivitamins. They used centrum silver for the study. So i guess my wife was right. [ male announcer ] centrum. Always your most complete. Pelley Malala Yousafzai was released from a hospital in england today. Shes the pakistani teenager who was shot in the head for defying the taliban by demanding education for girls. Malala recently underwent surgery to rebuild her skull and in a video statement this week she vowed very clearly in english that she will continue her campaign. The biggest gathering in Human History could take place this weekend in india during a pilgrimage for one of the worlds great religions. It is a feast for the eyes and millions of pilgrims have already arrived. A sea of humanity on indias ganges river. Weve waited 12 years for this festival to come around again so we sent Holly Williams to witness the spectacle. Reporter from every corner of india and by every conceivable mode of transport pilgrims are making their way to prayag, the holiest place in the hindu world for the biggest celebration on the hindu calendar the maha kumbh mela held only once every 12 years. Born by their shared faith, they come here to purify themselves by bathing in the ganges the river that nurtured indias 5 civilization. Om kumar is a wheat farmer from central india who told us he walked 300 miles to get here. Why did you come from so far away . He made the journey, he said because the water has special power. For hindus the ganges suzuki a sacred river and they believe that bathing here during the kumbh mela will wash away their signs. The pilgrims have set up camp in a sprawling city of tents complete with banks, its own police force and traffic jams. But on sunday which hindus consider the luckiest day for bathing, they expect the number to have swelled to 40 million people, the size of new york london and paris combined. Leading the crowds are indias colorful holy men. One of them is mahant ravindranand sarswati who helped explain hindu beliefs including reincarnation. Thats the start of life. This is a truth. Understand . Reporter most of the pilgrims make do with basic conditions but for a wealthy few, theres this luxury tented camp where one of the guests is an Indian Princess who normally lives in a palace. Its something that binds you all together. That faith in the ganges, in your gods as many as they are we are one. Reporter a ritual thats been celebrated by hindus for thousands of years in a country of stunning contrast still that has power to draw the faithful. Holly williams cbs news prayag india. Pelley well americas biggest festival the super bowl was blacked out. We can tell you why now in just a moment. Ay y. 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My tolerance started growing and i started taking two at a time three at a time. It grew to 15 at a time. Reporter kimberly is not alone. In 1999 there were about 4,000 opiaterelated Overdose Deaths in the United States. That figure more than quadrupled to 16,500 deaths in 2010. Did you have any insight at the moment that this was happening to you . I knew that i needed to stop. I knew i did. I couldnt bring myself to do it. We are the most overly prescribed nation in the world. Reporter william coke moyers is Vice President of the hazelden foundation, a drug treatment facility. He said doctors need better education about the risks of addiction and nonnarcotic options for pain treatment. Are doctors trained well enough in the management of chronic pain . Clearly doctors know the scourge of chronic pain its legitimacy but what they aufk dont know is how to deal with it for something other than writing a script. Reporter kimberly is at n treatment at Phoenix House and has been drug free for eight months. Who knows whats going to happen tomorrow, but ill deal with that then. But today im not getting high. And then tomorrow comes and ill try the same thing. Pelley one day at a time. Jon, the f. D. A. Had a twosomeday hearing on this but what are the possible solutions to this problem . Scott theyre focusing on education. Patients think this is a safe drug my doctor prescribed it its f. D. A. Approved. The f. D. A. Is try to rework that misconception. And the white house are trying something that when doctors allow the d. E. A. To write the narcotics prescription first they have to take a course that teaches them how the correctly use it. Pelley jon thanks very much. We now know what caused the light to go out at the super bowl. Today the Power Company traced the problem to an electrical relay. A brandnew device that was installed specifically to prevent a power failure. The company that made the relay insisted today there was no problem with the equipment itself, that company says it just wasnt set up properly. Why would people go out of their way to stand on this line . Steve hartman goes on the road to meet a mailman with a very special delivery, next. [ coughs ] [ angry gibberish ] i took something for my sinuses, but i still have this cough. [ male announcer ] a lot of sinus products dont treat cough. They dont . [ male announcer ] nope, but alka seltzer plus severe sinus does it treats your worst sinus symptoms, plus that annoying cough. [ breathes deeply ] oh, what a relief it is [ angry gibberish ] if youre living with moderate to severe crohns disease, and it feels like your life revolves around your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira adalimumab. Humira has been proven to work for adults who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohns disease. In clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief and many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma or other types of cancer have happened. Blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions and new or worsening Heart Failure have occurred. Before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. Ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. Tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. You should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. Get headed in a new direction. With humira, remission is possible. [ male announcer ] if you can clear a crowd but not your nasal congestion you may be muddling through allergies. Try zyrtecd®. Powerful relief of nasal congestion and other allergy symptoms all in one pill. Zyrtecd®. At the pharmacy counter. Pelley you dont expect the post office to be the highlight of your day unless you meet mike the mailman. He earned steve hartmans stamp of approval on the road in State College pennsylvania. Reporter typically, post office lines breed anger and frustration. But at the head of this queue on the campus of Penn State University in State College pennsylvania youll find nothing but joy. I love coming in here. My mission is to make them have a little levity on the way out so that they say hey not so bad after all. Nice nails reporter today mike kerr lives by a simple motto, if you cant Say Something nice about someone, youre not looking hard enough, even if its only how nicely they filled out their forms. Youre a natural. Reporter hes been like this with just about every customer everyday for 38 years. Nice very nice. Reporter how do you keep this up for so long . I reporter youre stumped by that question. This is what i do. Im myself and thats all i can do. Hows your mom doing . Reporter the man is pure heart. Which is part of the reason the lines are so long here. You come in to buy stamps when you dont need stamps . Yes. Reporter thats amazing. Nicole loggan is a regular. He makes your day so much better. These are for you mike. Thank you very much. Reporter and because kindness begets kindness he gets a few gifts himself. The kids have made him grand marshall of the homecoming parade and when the postmaster told him he had to take down the posters and pictures decorating his office the kids took to the street. Mike the mailman is the greatest most dedicated mailman ive ever met in my entire Life Reporter to think mike has earned this much loyalty and devotion just by talking to them at a counter. Very delightful package. Thank you you have no idea who youre going to influence and who influences them. Does that make sense . Reporter mike got his masters at penn state and although he didnt know mike the mailman very well years later when he was awarded teacher of the year in his district guess who he thank frdz his success. The one person im always going to remember and probably talked to the most about life was actually mike the mailman. It was honestly his example that kind of taught me its not what you do in life but its how you do it. Reporter now thats something to write home about. Steve hartman extraordinary in State College, pennsylvania. Have a good day. Pelley and thats the cbs evening news. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, im scott pelley. Ill you sunday on 60 minutes. Good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org q winter storm nemo. Burying the east coast. Which stars may not make it out of the snow for the grammys. Latest on the blizzard in new york. More than 3,200 flights already have been canceled. What it means for sundays grammys. Justin timberlake is said to start any second now. Then, the night Whitney Houston died. There is a search for new clues inside her autopsy report. The police sketches. Her dentures. The Plastic Surgery scars

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