Rol with new meta daily heart health. We have a number of School Closings fora tomorrow. So keep an eye at the bottom of the screen. Today. The some clevend students home early. M live with the latest. E were ins for another hot one tomorrow. Northeast ohio were very used to classes being canceled for snowy weather. But in this case. It wash ai heat crisis. Being experienced in classrooms here. E. And others across the clevelandl district. And now weree hearing about other districts as well. Superintendent in this case the ceo telling us its always classes. We have to make up the education. With so many parents working. However in this case today. To and who knows about tomorrow. They had no choice but for theth safety of the kids. He they had to send them home. They were having a heat problem. And all the rooms. Roo and the hall ways. Dangerously hot. Inside multiple buildings. Within the Cleveland Metro schoolme district. Wednesday. Causing administrators to taket action. Dismissing students early. At the ten schools across the cit to pick them up. P. Or wait for transportation. Lucky im home today. Me. Some question the timing. Why classes werent canceled ine the morning. Before blazing temperatures bounced around to 90 degrees. With the heat index of 100. Were used to it. We can deal with the heat. H i didnte know it it would effet them going to school like that. Recently relocated from at hrapbt ta. Their central air everywhere. Having central air. Until we moved upai here. To deal with the lack of ac. In so many aging buildings. The district implemented an extreme heat strike strategy. Including providing cool water stations and box fans. Monitoring the conditions. Andcon moving affected classes o cooler locations. L within aoc building. B when possible. U. I dont know its weird to me. D a spokesperson says the recommendations from the national weatherom service. He which include slowing down and reducing strenuous activity. T dressing fori summer. Eating light and drinking water. Min minimizing direct sun exposure. With more hot weather on the way. Say. Ts i dont know what to do. Its like they actually just its been a tough week for everyone. T some schools close. E. Ev others arere open. Tcho o of course. C howo are those districts dealing with the heat. And the decision to stay open. I spoepbg i spoke to several schools. I have a son. Hes coming home saying mom ia have ay headache. Little did she know. Her son was showing signs of heat exhaustion. Its just so hot. Theres no movement of air its hot air. The windows are open. Fans are going. G but theres nothing. O. Mid View High School doesntsn have airconditioning. These poor kids are sitting in the classroom sweating. Were supplying water. To the students and staff. In the shake r Heights School district. None of the eight buildings have airconditioning either. They too are open. Our First Priority is safety and security of students. F. We felt that having school was a viable situation. None of the buildings in the bedford district have air. With temperatures in the 90s. The district says theyre just providing extra fans. And keeping activity level as low asi possible. According to to thet superintendent. Of the bedford cityh school. S the if ac parent thinks its too hot. And the heat is hazardous todo their child. They have the right touth keep e child home. E if they exercise that right. And tell the school. Ol. The district says that absence the first incident involved a six yearoldnv girl. From cleveland west side. Id shee says she was brought to aa brick house. K with a white door and black porcha railing. R she says she was keptai in the bedroom. With wall paper of moose. Grass and trees. She was eventually let go. G the other attempted abduction. The suspect didnt succeed inn trying to pull a little girl out of her bedroom window. Police say this mans brazen actions. Willingness to walking into hoes and try to take children. Is troubling. And shows that the suspect is very dangerous. The search expands to try toto find the predator. P were told the suspectr drives a 2002 to 2003 chevy malibu. With a mismatched fender on the front driver side. They believe the predator will strike again. E a and they want to find him before he does. Theres a reward for information leading to capture. 20,000dollars. Heres why so many communities are waiting. State medical Marijuana Advisory Committee helping to refine the regulations. And make recommendations. It could takere months to iron everything out. The law currently allowsw patients to uses marijuana inin vapor form. Fo for certain conditions. But bars them from smoking or growing it. At home. Ohio by the way, 25th state to program. Still a lotnn of work to be done. Be ohioio governor making a stop in cleveland. The governor spoke at the new hill ton hotel. Ot as part of thee greater clevelad partnership. Annual meeting. The governor commended businessd and community leaders. Of the growing success of the city. And congratulated cleveland. On hosting a successful republican convention. R. Heres what i hear. Ash i travel arpb the country. C i justo came from new york. And theyre like we didnt know this was wea like cleveland. We lovecle it. I hear it everywhere. Yw ih figured out now when people are going on vacation, they have to decide. Hawaii. Cleveland. Okay. The governor made no mention of republican president ial front runner donald trump. R d. When will we get a break from the heat. Standing by with the first look at the forecast. Another one of those very warm and muggy nights. Ight we have a school closing. Looks like the bottom of the screen. Come take a look. Might be you. And might have a little extra time to enjoy a little bit moreo warmthre tomorrow. Were talking about thunder storms. A bit more of an issue tomorrow. But. Right now things are quiet. A decent sunset. Lets look at it. Three d from the satellite. And youll see lots going on. And thats some of the cloud cover that we saw. From sun sunset period. When and if you get a thunder storm. You might see the tefp temperature hold on in the 70s. I saw a dew point that was really high today. Ill share you what that was. And where the dew point is. Still very warm out there. Ifpresident ial candy tkaeupts tk part in the nbc news president ial forum. Fo theru candidates didnt face of. They answered questions ant about the quality needed to be commander in chief. Donald trump facing new criticism he appeared to mock a reporter with a disability. You gotta see this guy. uhhhh i dont know what i said, i dont remember. very dangerous thing. I dont want to sound too much like a chauvinist. You have to be wealthy in order to be great. Im sorry to say it. Hes a war hero because he was captured. I like people that werent captured. Priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. Can be a difficult adjustment. For any state of the union. Whoade finally takes off away m home. Students who identify with. Lgbt community. For them it can be morebt difficult. Can hebreaking news ground. Creating a living space for the students. Living away from home on a College Campus can be challenging. For most anybody. Students who identify with the Lgbt Community say for them the expectations can be worse. Pec. University hopes to relieve some community. I a six storyt dormitory on campus. Literally bringing 22 students who identify with the Lgbt Community together. On the same floor. This is everybodys home for the next nine months of the the goal is createhe an environment. When nobodyn feels not welcome t home. Its nice to be in a community where you can feelf like youre part of thee family. Growing up if didnt have, there was not at all. So i thought this is college. Ge this is where youre supposed ts start a new life. Coming and having part of a floor to bededicated to. That was my college decision. I was set. Have to go to kent. Stkphr. K p the experience is unique. N the university will beiq studyig the campus. If thep community helped. E them feell better about being here. While they share the floor with more than 20 other students. Those in the Community Say they have only one requirement. I cant force you to love ana except everybody on the floor. N i can require you to be respectful. Thank you. U. Still tot come. A 911 dispatcher facingg all right how long is this hot he was brutally attacked by four teens during an escape. Now a guard at a juvenilej detention facility is sharing his from a hospital bed. We spoke with the guard aboutut his scary ordeal. I was tackled like a football player. The boys were pounding. Kept hitting me. Me. Where i was open. To them. To be able to get to me. Repeated taking turns. Tu after i was tackled. Says he was attacked sunday nightac by four teenagers. T ish says thee beating stopped when another employee came tom investigate hise screams for help. The four teens knocked that employee to the ground. And escaped. E using a keyd they had taken. I. Do believe those boys would have continued tobo hit me. M because were soe short staffed. There was nobody else around. I was on my own wing. I believe i would have been he was taken to hot want hospital. Where he is treated for aa variety of injuries. The serious is the c one. Vertebrae. Theyre telling me i have two breaks in it. N. At any time i could damage that. And cause further injury. I orn death. He was suffered a number of injuries and in his 19 year 1 career as a guard. Teens. He was assigned to watch. Just did a report on one boyo who kepty threatening youre going tote get shot. He was pointing his finger like he was shooting me. Ot the Sheriff Department says two ofltt escaped were capturedu late sunday night. Ther other two were capturedc early mondaya morning. Now they are back in custody. U they will no longer be treatedr ase juvenile. In needas of treatment and counsel. Hes convinced the teens intended to kill him. Ll and his wife says even if he she will not allow him to retur tot work. Do not want another phone p call. In the middle of the night. Telling me i have to make funeral arrangments. It wontrr happen. I fear for his life. Jury selection under way in ther trial of a man accuse of killig three people. At a barbershop. Douglas shine jr. Ne is accused of walking into chall linek february 2015. Shine is also accused of two attempted murders. U beforer that. If convicted he could face the death penalty. A baa boon seized from a northeast ohio farm has died. At a sanctuary in state custody much the 22 yearold was taken from stump farm in may. It was seized along with five tigers. Two puma. U and am chimp. H in a cracki down on exotic animl ownership. Local high schoolol is creatinga touching to thehi victims of the 9 11 attack. On america. C students at northa Canton Hoover high spent the evening hangingin close to 3,000 flags. On the campus. Thats one flag for each personp that died thater day. Tonight the fox eight i team reports on a Police Dispatcher ine trouble. T for what she said during ar cala thel same dispatcher still facig questions about the 911 call she handled before the police shootp twelve yearold called to repora a sexuall assault. Dispatcher recently suspend fore an week. Largely for how she spoke with the girls mother. Listen during a conversation about somehow keeping the suspect there. C until police couldonom arrive. Su. The city told us she also took the call back in 2014. Just before police shot and killed 12 yearold rice. Questions still getting raisedti over how that call was handled. The caller said the boys gun maybe fake. But somehow when another dispatcher sent police. I no one toldc officers that gung maybe fake. Uu turned out to be an air soft the criminala investigationst wrapped up eight months ago. H and thes mayor said the city would start a review. E to seew if anyone involved shouu face internall discipline. Eight months later. L city hall says that review still with the police chief. Not turned over yet. For this Sexual Assault case. Suspended five days. Justive the latest trouble for h last year hee showed you she got suspended one day. For being rude toe ad caller. Reporting a crash. R. Records show the latest calls came tot light. As that Sexual Assault case went to trial. A thel police union appealing the punishment. Saying she didnt suggest violence. Just wanted to make sure ther suspect didnte leave. L before police gote there. The is the turned out to be at suspect in two othero cases. Also believes his dispatcher maybe urn the spotlight. Sp because she was involved in the rice case. Noinn e love for the departed d news channel ceo. Journalism students at ohioat university are calling for the schoole c to remove ails name. From their news room. R ails gaveo a big donation in 2007. To helplp fund the constructionf the newsnst room. But in the wake of the resignation. Amid allegations of sexual harassment. The Student Senate unanimouslylyy voted to tell the university to rename the space. Its a wish come true for local boy. Who has faced a very tough road. Battled a serious illness had tt go through chemotherapy. His wish, as he recovers. To goc to disney world. So a special wish teamed up. With the at crocker park. P wherea customers could round up tonight he learned he was going to therne happiest place on ear. Enjoy every moment. Oy. Okay. We have a number of of School Closings. At the pwoft of the screen. Because of the heat. A and heres a lookt. At when we going toa finally see some relief. Actually a little bit tomorrow. Were tpwoeupbg to take it down. Hopefully under 90 degrees. With the help of cloud0 d cover. Showers. Lets face it. I which brings me tot this. I did release that pod cast episode number 71. And you can get the details onai our webl site. Web fox eight. Com. Go to the discussion page. This guy has got all the stats. Looked at summer every which way. It. Ll enjoy heres a look at the wind. Analysis. And youll see pretty much the winds are out of the southwest. Eventually well pull to the westul and northwest. With first cold front. Which isf moving through illinois. Well be here during the day tomorrow. Offering up a bitit more in the way of cloud cover. Along with a lot more in the way of scattered showers. H the onlyo shower that we have a where closea by. Y. Heres the ohio border. Theres lake. A and theres ak little lonely shower. Just to the northeast. H whichea did cross. About 30 minutes ago. There will be a lot more tomorrow. 85 degrees. Right now. No with dew point at 70. Everywhere. Anyev time 70. 0 its. Tropical. And in fact it is key west humidity. With partly cloudy skies. Kind of a quiet night. Seventyfour. Eightysixse tomorrow. With the changeable sky. Showers and thunder storms. Eightysix. Notice the front begins to approach. We have a lot more in the way ow clouda cover. We s have. E. We in terms of the dew point. The highest i saw today was 77. Between 9 00 a. M. And 4 00 p. M. Thats where it was. What about the next few days. With the first front, a littlel bit ofi a decline. Dec not much. It will still be humid. H notum tropical. R byo saturday. S saturday afternoon next coldatt front goes through. Thr and then look at that huge tkeu decline. It goes to september dry. Temperature decline. Ec well gol from 80s. To low 70s. With sunday being the better of the two weekend days. Clearing sunday. And thenari we probably say somewhat coolish. Ool into next week. Ne. Okay. Oka . . . Isaac hou has mastered gravity defying moves to amaze his audience. Great show. Here you go. Now hes added a new routine. Making depositing a check seem so effortless. Easy to use chase technology, for whatever youre trying to master. Isaac, are you ready . Yeah. Donald trump facing new criticism he appeared to mock a reporter with a disability. You gotta see this guy. uhhhh i dont know what i said, i dont remember. hes going like i dont remember. Putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing. I dont want to sound too much like a chauvinist. You have to be wealthy in order to be great. Hes a war hero because he was captured. I like people that werent captured. Giving the beloved administrator a lasting tribute. Veding. We have more on a special ceremony. Held today. Emo special. To me. And mymy family. But this is just a reflection of how special he was to so many people. You can see the love. Gone but not forgotten. Months after a sudden death. Paul war lives on in bedford. F a school principalo for 17 year. Wednesday this street was named after mr. Ward. A he wasnt just. A father figuref but to alli the children. H heil treated all the children ww love. Lo. Staff says he was a steady hand. A guiding force. For students. Reminding them they are loved. Smart. And that they matter. He created a creed for students to recite. To remind them of their potential. Making a lasting impression. You remember. M you feelem like he would be theh hese not. And i think about him a lot. You can see here. All thee people that are here. Felt this as loss. But because of what hes done. We can make this possible. He was uplifting. He was excited. All the time. L he t loved his students. Now. A perm permanent rephaoeupder of the of the lives he touched. On paul ward jr. Way. Thank you. K great story. Believed to be the same flag. La seeng. Here. That was raised byee the firefighters. Above the side of the 9 11 attacks at the world trade center. Finding comes after a two year investigation. By with astance assistance from forensic experts. Including dna analysis. Na how the flag wound up in washington. As a mystery. Flag disappeared from ground zero during the site clean up. Examining the particles on the flag and comparing it to the dust. That was collected. The same general profile. P so iro knew that. H this could bea it. Flag will be donated. D toon the National September 1111 memorial and museum. Important phezage for parentp tonight. A california mother says herar n was infected with a flesh eating bacteria. That he got from his football helmet. The instp ebgs on his the infection started on the practice field. Withinic hours he was vomiting. O andm his finger was swollen. He went from urgent care to the emergencye room. Oo straight to am. Childrens hospital. Where he went into surgery. Will regain mobility. Or play football again. R doctors again warning parents to disinfect equipment. T. And keep an eye on cuts. U not matter how small they seem. California woman out raged after a thief used her photograph to scam people. Somebody placed a jar at a gas station. Asking customerring to help payp for the funeral of. But it turns out the woman is actually very much alive. She says somebody used her photograph. From facebook. C to collect funerald her family was alerted by a cousin. Who lived nearby. Police are investigating. Shes asking people toin stop donating. Seventy yearold man accuse of robbing a bank in kansas. A toldns investigators he would rather be in prison. Court documents say lawrencel johna ripple. L gave a note ae. Bank teller inl kansaser city. Demanding cash. And warning he had a gun. He took the money and went to sit in the lobby. O where heb told a guard that he was the guy he was looking for. Police arrived. He said he had a fight with his wife. Earlier. Her that hed to would rather be in jail. Than home. He has a birthday. Bi twentyeight years old. Lebron james couldnt pass up the chance to wish his teammatet a happy birthday. E. Lebron james sang happy birthday to a sport illustrated picture oftra love. O from back inv his college days. The clip was posted onlinenl earlieri today. Tod and has been viewed well over a million times. King james told love to enjoye included tarb hash tag my vocalv are nice. Oo. And brings in a streaking mr. Davis. It was one to one. Drives in linn tkor with base got one in his eye. At astros launched a two run home run. Three, two visitors lead. Not for long. N becauseg party at nap li. A two run shot. In the fifth. Its four to three tribe. Number 31 of the year for mike. Brandon guyer plates two more runs. With long shot that hits the wall. Six to three lead. D. Speaking of guyer. E game. At the wall. Taking away extra bases. Miller. The victimized here. E with a two. Run home run. Its six to five. Tribe. And then allen got took care ofo business in the ninth. Tribef wins six to five. Eagles and high draft pick. K. The theyre waiting. Wa and the browns will have an offense looking for looking for a new leasen his football life this sunday. Things have gone well for rg3. R newg contract. N starting quarter back. And one of five team captainsi named today. Nsod by thea browns. B joiningro the two joes. E thomas ands. Hayden. Carter and davis. While many term this rebuilding faze. A thez guys are interested in just trying to win. Griffin certainly no exception. Ufc heavy weight champ of the world. W headlines a public worko out. Outside the q. Thats where helldefend his title saturday night. T. Theres the man there. Confidence. That is for sure. And its been a wild several months. He won the title. Cavaliers got their championship. And he got married. Telling us its just go time. Tomorrow at ten. Well announce the winner. Th. Sweet treat. Appreciate your time. Donald trump facing new criticism he appeared to mock a reporter with a disability. Remember. hes going like i dont remember. Putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing. I dont want to sound too much like a chauvinist. You have to be wealthy in order to be great. Im sorry to say it. Hes a war hero because he was captured. I like people that werent captured. Heres what i wonder about zombies. others groaning what happens if they cant get any human flesh to eat . They cant starve to death theyre already dead. You take this one. I spent an hour last night on how do vampires shave when they cant see themselves in the mirror . Wellgroomed vampires meet in pairs and shave each other case closed. Yeah, okay, so, zombies. I guess it depends on the zombies, raj. Are we talking slow zombies, fast zombies . Like, in 28 days, if those zombies didnt eat, they starved. Youre thinking of 28 days later. 28 days is where Sandra Bullock goes to rehab and puts the audience into an undead state. Hey, dont bag on Sandra Bullock you think it makes you look cultured, but you just come off as bitter. Dr. Siebert, twelve oclock. Wolowitz whys the president of the university

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