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traffic and weather. we'll check in with lisa in just a minute. first meteorologist adam caskey. >> comfortable. 57 currently in frederick and gaithersburg. a little bit warmer in the district than usual at 67. a lot of mid 60's for most of us and a few upper 50's. a mix of sun and clouds. a few stray showers west and northwest to have metro area. potomac high land. very few and far between quick brief showers possible. that's it. lisa baden. well, we're going the zoom right in and jump into the pool of life. the water feels warm and nice. 66, 95, everything running very smoothly on 270. the bulls greenway, the dulles toll road, i-70 between hagerstown and baltimore all clear. 9 5 the baltimore washington parkway. annapolis, northeast. we will give you to green light. 210. 220. everything moving on metro rail. could it get any better? >> thank you, lisa. people living along the east coast are coping with the lingeringfects of irene this morning. ocean city, maryland suffered more than $2 million in lost revenue last weekend. millions without electricity during the heart of the storm. trees toppled causing widespread damages and power outages. power restoration efforts are still in full swing. before they can restore power, trees have to be cleared that fell on some of the power lines. most of the customers have electricity and the job should be finished by the weekend. there are also some new concerns about the washington monument this morning. several cracks were found and water was found inside the monument suggesting there could be even more cracks. officials say the monument is still structurally sound. there is one more surprise from irene. snakes. it appears to slithering creatures created a danger for some in our region. >> deborah panitch was cleaning up her backyard for her son's upcoming bar mitzvah when she noticed this a copperhead snake. she picked it up. along with the bite came the venom. >> i think i really scared them. obviously, you know? not good to see your mom driven away by an ambulance. >> feeling as though her skin was going to burst, her hand began to swell. >> you can lose your hand or you could lose your life. >> i knew that she would be fine in like the doctors' hands and stuff. i didn't know it would be this bad. >> after 10 viles over the antivenin, the swelling began to go down. she is happy to shift the party back to this weekend. >> i'll be at my son's bar mitzvah. >> authorities say if you come across the snake or something you're not even sure what it is justday stay away with it. if you do get a snakebite immediately call 911. >> thanks so much for that report. remember, you can always track the weather on also we'll keep you up to date on any school closings. >> 5:04 is your time. new this morning, police identified the victim of a gruesome death in prince george's counties. remember this situation? the 34-year-old's body was found inside this burning car yesterday morning. firefighters found henderson's body after putting out the car fire. police are working now to establish a suspect and a motive in the case. also new this morning, jevaris crintton is expected to be returned to georgia officials in late september. turning to the hill this morning, president obama agreed to move a joint session of congress by one day. >> his speech was set for wednesday. that was the same day it is a republican presidential debate, but it is now going to take place on thursday. john joins us live this morning with more on exactly what we can expect. good morning, john. >> good morning. the white house tells us the president's new jobs plan will be significant, new and detalse tailed. the question is can he get it through congress? in 2012, president obama's job likely depends on how many americans have their own. >> our economy has to grow faster. we have to grow more jobs and we have to do it faster. >> the job market remains stubbornly unwelcoming. >> it is bad. >> really, really, really bad right now >> next thursday the president plans to outline his plan to create jobs before a rare joint session of congress, the kind usually for war and national emergency. he plans on saying to the republicans that droll house, you the roadblock. >> we have got to break the gridlock in washington that has been preventing us from taking the action to get this country moving. >> the president plans to outline what the white house describes as a detailed three-point plan. first tax relief. second, infrastructure investment. special government bank and funding for building projects like schools, clean energy. and as many as for the long-term unemployed. more than 6 million americans out of work for six months or longer. for now they will be passing out resumes and cross croing their fingers. in -- crossing their fingers. >> by missing the speech on wednesday, he will avoid overshadowing the g.o.p presidential debate but thursday happens to be opening night for nfl football. >> a little competition for that speech. thanks, john. appreciate it. 5: 70 is the time now. we have 10 days from the 10th anniversary over the september 11 attacks. we're learning more about about a possible security threat on the 11th. homeland security advisors say there are no credible threats but al qaeda will see that day as an opportunity to attack. already security is heightened at airports, train stations nuclear plants and other high-profile locations. we're going to narc 10-year anniversary with a -- mark the 10-year anniversary september 11 at 7:00 p.m. it is 5:08. 65 degrees on this first day of september. it might not be what you want to hear before you head out on your morning commute but there is a dubious distinction among d.c. area drivers. >> the complete cast celebrities and dancers from the 13th season of "dancing with the stars." >> a check of traffic and >> coming up on 5:12. adam caskey with your forecast. let's get right to it. some upper level energy causing rain in pennsylvania, new york and ohio. i'm expecting a little bit of that energy to make it our way. parts of our region. not everybody. parts of the metro area, a few showers. brief light rain possible here and there. 6 now in the district. -- 67 now in the districts. 61 in martinsburg. a few brief and stray showers are possible through the morning and midday mainly west and northwest to have metro. into the weekend, warm and muggy. i think monday is a better chance of rain, especially in the morning and midday through about lunchtime. lisa, how is the traffic? >> it is good. everyone is running on normal service so far this morning. we are clean in the district along the freeway. d.c. 95. northbound out of oxton hill. 66 will give you to all clear out of marshall all the way into vienna. headlights white northbound and red southbound. >> 65 degrees on this thursday. >> coming up, apple having deja vu. can you believe it? another iphone prototype has gone missing. >> you may want to be a little extra cautious on your morning commute, especially when you see how d.c. drivers rank when it comes to avoiding collision. >> first surveying the damage woman: day care can be expensive. so to save some money, i found one that uses robots instead of real people. 'cuz rots work for free. robot 1:good morning... robot 1:...female child. sfx: modem dial-up noise woman: are there flaws? yeah, um, maybe. anncr: there's an easier way to save. anncr: get online. go to get a quote. 15 minutes cou s save you 15% or more on car surance. >> welcome back, everybody. our top stories at 5:15 on this thursday, people across our region are still dealing with the mess left behind by hurricane irene. take a look at this. this was the scene where homes were damaged by floods and fallen trees. also several rotunda rupped schools are closed -- several anne arundel schools are closed. you can find the list on meanwhile members to have maryland national guard are being act vased for duty overseas. they will leave for iraq today. they will help are the withdrawal of u.s. forces from that country. and finally, we'll get a closer look last week's earth quake caused. officials hope to have the cathedral reopened by september 11. >> it is now 5:16. if you have ever driven in d.c. traffic, well, these findings probably won't shock you. is there any good news in thisal at all? >> no. i'm sorry. i don't have any good news to report. we have all said it. the road rage kicks in. we get a little irritated and d.c. drivers are dubbed the worst in the country. allstate says we're right. d.c. drivers are the worst when it comes to avoiding collisions. driving through the district can sometimes feel like an obstacle course at best. d.c. has the worst drives. a survey to have 200 largest metropolitan areas shows d.c. driving in last when it comes to the likelihood of whether they will have a collision. averaging a crash every 1.8 years -- 4.8 years. you're 100% more likely to have a fender-bender. baltimore drivers are not much better. you're 88% more likely to be involved in a crash in the charled city going only five years. topping the list fort collins colorado. where they take an lengthy 14 years between collisions. one thing they looked at was human behavior. the number one when it comes to avoiding collisions. cell phones lead to the most crashes. people should not be talking on them anyway. for more you can log on to our website, >> thanks so much for that report. looking around the region now at 5:18. the proposal is in the works to build an outdoor ice skating rink at the georgetown waterfront. it will be open from november to march and an executive came up with the proposal. the idea is still in the planning stages. >> that can be interesting. the blue angels will perform this weekend at the river air expo. the vents will celebrate 1 -- the events will celebrate 100 years of naval aviation. this morning in tech bytes apple faces some challenges. >> in today's tech bytes it has happened again. an apple employee apparently lost an iphone prototype in a bar. apple tried to find it and couldn't. the justice department said the deal would result in higher prices and fewer choices for consumers. sony has unveiled their latest tablet. the s and the p. it features two screens and folds like a cham shell. >> the only issue might be that it gets stuck into two categories. it is sort of too small and odd for a tablet. on the other hand, it might be like goldilocks and be just right and n which case people love it. >> thank you. all right. exciting news here. we now know the couples taking the dance floor on the 13th season of "dancing with the stars". the show debuted the stars professional partners yesterday on "good morning america." which is a bono is going to learn steps with lacy schwimmer. hope seoul and maksim. nancy grace and tristan macmanus. >> my bet is on hope solo. >> i think she is going to do well. >> i come from a russian family. >> we have a tropical system. keep an eye on. that is hurricane katia. we have what could become tropical storm lee in the next few days. so let's get right to it and get to the latest conditions out there. right now we're in the 50's and 60's. 67 in the district. 53 in leesburg. a few degrees warmer than what we had over the past couple of morning,. not as refreshing but still not bad. low humidity. there is the forecast path for hurricane katia which is still way out in the flick. still about 2,500 miles away from ocean city, maryland. there is a lot of uncertainty as to what can happen to that storm system. in the gulf of mexico, we have this area of convection that we call it. we have been keeping a close eye on it as it looks like it could develop into a tropical depression even within the next 24 hours and as it lingers in the gulf of mexico, it could then turn into tropical storm lee. we're just calling it soon to be lee? actually that could bring some drought relief for people in parts of texas. a better chance of rain sunday into monday. >> nothing too muggy about the drive. in maryland, we just had a mine -- minor wreck reported. we'll start in maryland with 270 traffic just building in volume. virginia, open and clear. 66, 95 and this live picture of 39 5, closest to us, heading away from us northbound traffic headed towards the pentagon. >> thanks so much. 65 degree. >> coming up on "good morning washington." 53 roster spots. what is on the line for the skins tonight? >> later today on "oprah." from sean cassidy to the back street boys, teen heartthrobs hit the stage. >> good morning, washington. the redskins have to cut 27 players after they play the buck nears tonight. -- buccaneers tonight. there is a lot on the line for a whole lot of guys tonight. terrence austin was on the practice squad a year ago. nobody worked hardener the off-season to improve his skills. now he is at the point where he could really help this ball club. will he get caught in the numbers game? not if the quarterback makes the decision. >> he is a guy that can make plays and a guy that is easy to throw to. >> the braves lost last night. 3-1. >> 5:27. 66 degrees. the news continues with "good morning washington" at 5:30. >> still ahead here in our next half-hour, new video shows the exact moment the 5.8 earthquake hit a virginia school. >> plus the cleanup continues after irene but now there is a new problem. why officials are uveraging everyone to keep an -- uveraging everyone to keep an eye out for >> that's a familiar sight. straight ahead. dozens of homes in our region still a soggy mess. now there is a fear as the water recedes. it is thursday, september 1. >> we're going to start with power outages in the aftermath of hurricane irene. closed some schools today. in anne arundel county, several schools are closed. prince george's county will make a decision about glen arden woods elementary school later this morning. the complete list is at the top of your screen and on >> we're going to get your traffic and weather every 10 minutes. first meteorologist adam caskey. >> we'll get some rain chances today but very slight chances of rain. a few ice leated locations -- isolated locations north and west of town. you can see some areas of rain showing green, yellow and red. in pennsylvania and ohio. some of that breaking off in the hometown highlands. we can't rule out a few showers mainly northwest and -- of the metro area. by the weekend, warm and muggy. more chances of showers and storms. now let's go to lisa. >> in maryland, they have lingering construction blocking two lanes. southbound is open from route 100 all the way down to 495. 95 virginia northbound, a little bit of volume. 66 will slow briefly at ma pass in us. -- ma pass ins a. >> ok, lisa. thanks so much for that. we have several new developments in the aftermath of hurricane irene. it may take a while for some communities to return to normal. researchers predict damages from the storm will reach more than $7 billion across eight states and d.c.. president obama will travel to new jersey to survey damage on monday. >> an aftermath of hurricane irene. poisonous snakes. they move to places they normally wouldn't venture. >> good morning. we know that afterhurricane irene we had a lot to deal with. power outages. people had flooded basements but certainly they did not expect this. officials say after the storm, and downed trees, snakes were venturing out of their normal wooded habitats and now everyone should be on the lookout. two county residents are now here at the hospital recovering after snakebites something doctors here say could potentially be life threatening if not treated. the good news is only two of the 27 different kinds of snakes found near maryland are considered venomous. both of the victims here are believed to have been bit bane venomous snake. doctors say they should make a full recovery. if you're unsure about what it is that you're seeing or if unfortunate you're near a snake to -- if in fact you're near a snake, stay away from it. neither of these people expected this after the storm. >> ok. thanks so much. one person hit especially hard by hurricane irene. a restaurant owner in richmond. he and his wife were putting the finishing touches on their floating restaurant but flooding from irene caused the truant sink in the -- restaurant to sink in the james river. did not have insurance. >> it is 5:34 now. we have a look at what happened during last week's earthquake. take a look at the surveillance video. this comes from the louisa county high school. the hallway filled with debris. classes were in session. students and teachers had to rush to get out of the building. later today, we'll get a look inside the national cathedral which also suffered damage during that earthquake. d.c.'s attorney general has filed a motion and redskins owner, the lawsuit against city paper, said he is not taking a position for either side in the $1 million defamation suit. >> despite financial prices, the dulles rail project is moving forward. officials are trying to hammer out a funding agreement. they want to slash $1 billion from the $3.5 billion price tag tag for the second phase of the project. maryland will no longer allow synthetic marijuana to be sold. the military, 13 states and some european countries have already banned the sale of synthetic marijuana. >> it is now 5:35 and 65 degrees. still ahead on "good morning washington". >> it is a very sad day. it is -- it has been my whole life. >> the owner of a popular capitol hill hangout is saying goodbye. why his business is being forced to close. plus turf wars. where a soccer field showdown is brewing. first another check on traffic and weather every 10 minutes. >> join us for events at over 95 stores. deejays and style. >> good morning, washington! >> i thought she said p.j.'s but i think she said deejays. fairly comfortable conditions. kind of like the last couple of morning, but a few degrees warmer. some energy out to our northwest causing rain. some of that will break off into our region. i'm expecting a few brief-like showers mainly in the northern metro area. we can't rule out some areas west and northwest of this area. clouds will be increasing into the afternoon. 67 now on our way to 835. lisa? >> we're hearing about a crash on 66 eastbound after the belt way. getting to the belt way looks ok. delays in manassas. roosevelt bridge. they have been doing that long-term paving thing there. lingering road work reported north on 95 near 212. i-70 eastbound we had an earlier crash and plenty of traffic between 80 and 109. >> thanks, lisa. 5:40 now and 65 degrees. >> are you already in need of a nap? i think i am. maybe you should try this. and you want to be a little bit more cautious on your commute this morning, especially when you find out how d.c. drives rank when it comes to avoiding collisions. >> first, we're learning about a possible security threat on the >> we got some breaking news this morning we want to share with you. another aftershock from last week's earthquake hit in virginia this morning. the tremor had a magnitude of 3.4. it originated about 30 miles southwest of fredericksburg. at least 15 aftershocks have been detected since the august earthquake. pamela? >> let's take a look at our other top stories this morning. people are still picking up from the pieces of hurricane irene. a number of homes were damaged by fallen trees. martin o'malley visited the area yesterday. 10 years after 9/11 there are still major security gaps. a new report said the u.s. communications breakdown that occurred during the attacks hasn't been fixed. a government study says that airline pilots are so accustomed to use the autopilot they don't know what to do when shifting it into manual. >> where are the worst drivers in the nation? well, although it is calm outside now, in just a few hours you might get your answer. we have the annual safest drives report. we're not so safe, it turns out. huh? >> no. i'm not giving people anything to look forward to as they head out the door this morning. we are out on new york avenue. this is a hot spot when it comes to collisions and fender-benders. we showed up this morning for our live shot and right here on the ground, the remnants of a bumper. this does not play well into this new report out by allstate listing d.c.'s drivers as the worst when it comes to collisions. this new ranking out by allstate is confirming what many in the nation's capital have always believed, that d.c. has the worst drivers. d.c. driving is in last when it comes to the lookly hood a driver will -- likelihood that a driver will experience a crash. likely to have a crash every 4.8 years. heading north won't do you any favors because baltimore drivers are not much better, coming in second-to-last. 88% more likely to be in a crash going only five years between accidents. the best place to be, fort colorado ins, colorado, where drivers take a lengthy 14 years between crashes. the thing that is the biggest distraction for people now, cell phones, whether you're talking on one or texting. these lead to more accidents. if you're in the district, you should not be doing it anyway since it is a hands-free city. for more you can log on to our website, >> no surprise there. that bumper you showed us says it all. a group accused of misusing a d.c. government grand. -- grant said it did nothing wrong. it opened a strip club. they said they did not misuse the grants and created an effective program. >> residents in one montgomery county community are calling foul over a new soccer field. the county decided to use the land for public recreational use. some residents say they were left in the dark during the discussions and only found out about the project in march. >> we were shocked that we were not notified, that the community was never notified that there was any change in use. >> in fact, the master plan specifically calls for this particular property to be used for ball fields if it is not used for schools. >> well this car user is hoping -- zip car users is expanding thanks to ford. they will get cars and several universities. they will get a dollar dollar off the hourly rate and a $10 discount off the annual membership fee thanks to this deal. >> the hawk and dove has lost its lease and will be closing in november. many are saddened. the owner said he opened the business right after he finished georgetown law school. >> it is a very sad day. it is -- it has been my whole life. i've been here 34 years. about 2/3 of my life. i'm just kind of shocked. >> the owner of four other capitol hill restaurants has bought the business. he plans to close it for renovations and real estate open it come springtime. it will still be called hawk and dove. >> i hope he doesn't change it too much. >> it is 5:50. let's take a look at the weather now. we just got through with hurricane irene. >> something in the gulf of mexico that could turn into a tropical depression. i don't think it will have any impact on our weather. it could bring some drought relief to texas. that's what we're really hoping for. >> get rid of some of those fires. >> that too. let's take a look at the temperatures. for the most part right near 60 pretty much everywhere across the board. 67 in the district. dulles airport at 62. culpeper 59. i guess if you average it out we're around 60 across our viewing area. hurricane katia is now a hurricane. a category 1 hurricane. maximum sustained winds at 79 miles per hour. it could become a major category 3 hurricane. this is that little area that we're going to keep an eye on, an area of convection in the gulf of mexico. it has just been sitting out there for days. there is some indication that it could become a tropical depression over the next day or so and then from there has the chance to turn into tropical storm lee. we'll keep an eye on it. for us locally, northwest of thompson yrg we could have a shower, a brief isolated shower just west of the metro area. warm and muggy by the weekend. at that point, a better chance of showers and storms especially monday. >> heading out, grab that commuter bus. the northeast looks good. pennsylvania avenue, no problems to report on east capital street and along the whitney young bridge. the third street tunnel good to new york avenue. volume only on 95 and 395. building toward the pentagon. we'll give you to green light across the american legion bridge. the geico traffic center camera is going to take us to the beltway university boulevard. clear. back to the news desk. >> thank you. 5:52 now. facebook is ready for a musical upgrade. plus at&t's lobbying muss failed to help it out with a pro posed deal to acquire t mobile. >> good morning. a rare defeat for at&t's purchase of t mobile. they boosted their lobbying spend big about 30%. nearly $12 until in first -- $12 million in first six months of this year. meantime, the company also produced letters to regulators for more than 70 members of congress and pledged to reserve about 5,000 u.s. jobs. still no green light. they are calling it harmful to competition. a bit more changes for facebook. facebook is upgrading its music-sharing feature. it will help users become more aware of what their friends are listening to at any given moment. watch for more details at the facebook developers conference in san francisco in just a few weeks. that's business news. i'm linda bell reporting for abc 7 news. back to you. >> thanks, linda. 5:53 now. 65 d >> all right. this is the story you have to see to believe. >> that's right. a health club in charlotte, north carolina, is offering a new kind of class where you get to nap. adults take 30 minutes out of their day to catch some zmp's. people with relax, close their eyes and listen to music. they are in a suspended hammock from the ceiling, as you can see. well, that looks amazing. >> that does! i was like napping right there. >> not many calories you would burn with that one. >> it doesn't matter. fantastic. there is still lots more to come in the next hour of "good morning washington". coming up, an aruban nightmare takes a new twist. a big decision for the montgomery county man under suspicion. >> and the cleanup after irene. why officials are now warning about snakes. i'll have that story coming up. >> lisa is coming up to help you navigate your morning commute. traffic and weather when "good there's a new danger crawling from the damage of hurricane irene. we have a live report. also, a power struggle between the president and house speaker on the date of a speech. >> and hitting the road with the nation's worst drivers. >> "good morning washington" continues right now. >> live and in hd, this is "good morning washington," on your side. >> good morning, washington. th

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