Feel every day. I think what the world needs now is love. From now on, im going to say exactly what i say, no more mr. Nice guy. Im going to bring bobby down. Im going to have to cut him down if i have to destroy ewing oil to do it. I think each one of us loves the title of peacemaker more than any office in the land. Its one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. So long. For now, dick clark, so long. Lets get it started in here there you go. One more time. Nice job. Sorry if we just blew out your eardrums. Parties across the world last night. No matter what language was spoken, one thing was the same, it was all about the celebration. Abcs Wendy Gillette has the story. Reporter sidney started off the celebrations with a big bang. Almost 7 million worth of fireworks. New zealand also burst into the new year earlier than most countries. With colorful explosions over aucklands sky tower. The party to usher in 2013 spread to asia. Hong kongs victoria harbor hosted its biggest ever fireworks display. Happy new year reporter shanghai counted down. And Buddhist Monks rank in the new year in tokyo. The pope celebrated new years eve with a service at the vatican, saying reflection and prayer can help heal wounds and that goodness prevails in a world that sometimes delivers evil. Heading east, there were scenes of beauty, like in red square in moscow. One of the biggest celebrations in the world and perhaps the most iconic is right here in times square. Hundreds of thousands gathered here to watch the famous Waterford Crystal ball drop, despite very chilly temperatures. Wishing you a very happy new year in times square, Wendy Gillette, abc news. 2013. Can you believe it . Youre rocking it. Ive got my 2013 goggles, a new perspective on life. Here in new york city last night, the Empire State Building was lit up in a laser light show. It was fantastic. Another cool sight to ring in the new year. Apparently they got a new set of lighting they wanted to show off. I love laser light shows. Me too. You know what else i love . Laser pink floyd. I love new years resolutions that we never, ever ive never made one, other than eat better, then work harder, sleep less. Last year i gave up tea for coffee and it lasted about three weeks. And this year your resolution is not to work next new years eve. I dont want to be lame again and be at work. No offense. Welcome to the mix. Okay, a little new years trivia for you. Some new year traditions around the world. In mexico, each of the 12 chimes is matched with eating, olives, a grape, or a piece of chocolate . Piece of chocolate. No, a grape. In germany, a tradition that holds for good luck, you should touch, a banker, a mother, a cobbler or a chimney sweep. Banker. No, chimney sweep. You can rush ashes on your forehead. And in japan, buddhist temples ring their bells 108 times, 12 times, once a year or 72 times . 72. 108. Each ring represents one of the 108 elements of bono. We had our own little world news now party thrown by our camera operator and her husband, kevin. But theres you and i getting down and drinking some champagne. There are the party hosts, kevin and joanie. We thank you so much for throwing the party. Come on up here. Everybody come on up here right now. We said everybody come up and we have the commish and thats about it. Me and sandy with our directors up there, keeps us all looking good. More joanie and elizabeth. We have pat and elizabeth. Im digging your glasses, sweetie. Those are awesome. Theres willis, who you hear all the time. And theres some of our lovely ladies. Everybody come up onset right now, if you can. Cheers to 2013. Cheers to 2012. It was a great year. I said everybody come up and we just have the commish. Happy new year, everybody. Joanie, come on up. You couldnt even open it for us . Can we open it right now . I can do it. I can do a lot in 30 seconds. Lets hope that i now, were so appreciative for all of you and the best of luck, blessings and joy in 2013. Get that bad boy open. One, two, three. Yeah this morning on world news now, midnight came and went. While the world was celebrating, congress was working to avoid the fiscal cliff. But there was no reason for celebration, at least on capitol hill. It is tuesday, january 1, 2013. From abc news, this is world news now. We both agree its really weird saying 2013. That was awkward. Writing your relate check, how long are you going to write 2012 for, another six months . Im all caught up i thought you were insinuating i was not caught up on rent. No. But to say january and 2013 in the same sentence is awkward. Well get used to it. Good morning, im john muller in for rob nelson on this first day of 2013. And im paula faris on this first day of 2013. Senators worked late into the night, but no luck, at least not really. Was the fiscal cliff averted . Kind of, sort of. Still missed the deadline to avoid the fiscal cliff. Well have the latest on negotiations in a moment. But first, a look at some of the other stories were following for you on this new years day. Hillary clinton spending today in the hospital, as were learning more about her condition. And doctors revealed just how dangerous that blood clot could have been. You wont believe where the clot was located. Also this morning, new years eve celebrations in new york and around the world as millions ring in 2013 with music and cheers. As 2013 begins, so does a long list of new laws. Since you need to know, were going to tell you where you can no longer let pigs loose or sell a shark fin. Some of those unusual about here in the studio . I thought they banned that years ago. Figuratively. We have in fact gone over the fiscal cliff. But lawmakers are working through the night on a deal to cancel the tax increases and spending cuts before they take effect. Top Republican Leaders in the house say theyll vote on the agreement soon, and it could be on the president s desk in a day or two. Were now joined by Karen Travers in washington. Hi, karen. Reporter good morning. Its after midnight and while we technically have gone over the fiscal cliff, some last minute arm twisting and negotiations may have provided a parachute. Dont start popping the champagne just yet. After days of intense negotiations, the white house and Senate Republicans reached a deal. Vice President Biden went up to capitol hill to sell it to senate democrats. Do you have a deal . Happy new year. Reporter biden swooped in at the 11th hour to hammer out a way forward to mitch mcconnell. Their agreement would permanently extend the bush tax cuts for individuals making under 400,000 and households under 450,000. Raise the estate tax for those valued at more than 5 million. And extend Unemployment Benefits for one year for some 2 Million People. And those automatic spending cuts that would go into effect in the new year, theyll be postponed for two months. And paid for by other spending cuts. The house could take up the deal tomorrow. Taxpayers would have felt the impact immediately. If the deal passes, the average American Family will avoid a tax increase of more than 3,400. A white house official said this is a compromise, so we dont love it but its the right thing to do for the economy. Like i said, they still have to approve it. But most insiders believe that republicans will approve this overwhelmingly. Its hard for me to wrap my mind around the idea its going to get to the house and be approved. Am i just been cynical . Yes, i think you are. I hope youre right. The Washington Post reported that the agreement emerged after the white house gave in to gop wishes on how to handle estate taxes. Democrats wanted that to be taxed at 45 , but right now its 40 beginning at 5 million. So dig in, everybody. Well be talking about this for weeks. Yes, we will. And month, because of the sequester cuts. Theres a twomonth delay and thats the automatic cuts to just about everything. So were in until probably the spring. Forever. Indefinitely. Secretary of state Hillary Clinton is in the hospital being treated for a blood clot that formed in her head. Clinton suffered a concussion when she fainted and fell in mid december and doctors in new york are now using blood thinners to try to break up the clot. Abc news medical editor dr. Richard besser says its possible that clinton will need to stay on longterm medication. Ive been talking to a number of neuro surgeons about this. She had had a clot in her leg once before and now she has a clot in a large vessel in her head. She will likely have a big workup to see does she have a problem with clotting in general. If she does, she might need to be on a medication for that for maybe the rest of her life. Doctors say shell stay in the hospital until shes on the proper dose of medication. But excellent progress and good spirits. Good news there. Thank goodness they caught this on a precautionary mri. And thank god they did. Typically Something Like this can lead to a stroke or worse. Absolutely. The most admired woman in america, according to all the polls. Lets talk about a new jersey condo complex, damaged by Hurricane Sandy. Its now been hit by fire. About 100 firefighters battling the massive blaze yesterday morning. Fire Officials Say no one was seriously hurt. Residents have been struggling to recover in the aftermath of sandy. The cause is under investigation. But Officials Say several gas lines ruptured during the fire, which fueled that blaze. The North Carolina governor has issued a pardon in an infamous civil rights case. The group known as the wilmington ten was wrongly convicted in 1972 of firebombing a Grocery Store and then trying to cover it up. Well, the three key witnesses in the case later recanted their testimony. Amnesty international and other groups took up the issue portraying them as political prisoners. Were thankful that she was able to see through the smoke screens and come to the realization that North Carolina had to apologize. The pardon means the state no longer thinks the ten, and four of whom have since passed away, committed a crime. The new year will begin a new start for the children of sandy hook elementary. Officials have set thursday as opening day for the students at their new school as they move forward following the mals kerr. Parents are being invited to join them on the first day back. In medical news, the fda has just approved the first new drug in more than 40 years to fight tb. The pill is called sirturo and the first medication specifically designed to treat tough tb cases that are resistant to more common antibiotics, but the drug carries the risk of serious and seen potentially deadly heard problems. Moving on to 2013, how many times can we say that . Maybe well be into it by the end of the broadcast. I dont think so. New years celebration off to a rousing start after more than a Million People gathered in times square to see the ball drop. Six, five, four, three, two, one, happy new year and billions more people around the globe watched on television. Celebrants in times square started arriving before dawn yesterday. Can you imagine . They were entertained by some big name acts for several hours before midnight. I think Jenny Mccarthy is still kissing the sailor. She had fun. And Ryan Seacrest did a great job hosting. Yeah, he did. Hes good. Hes smooth. Very smooth. Sadly last night was the first new years eve without the countdown from dick clark. But he wasnt forgotten. Organizers paid tribute to all his years of ringing in the new year with the word. David muir with more now on what clark meant to this special day. Times square in new york, youre invited to rocking eve 74. Reporter he would guide us into every new year. Dick clark had already madis way into living rooms across america. And now, heres the star of our show, dick clark. This is called rock around the clark. Reporter he once said it was very simple. We played a record and the kids danced. And he made the way we danced okay for parts, who still needed convincing. 1957 it all started. There would be 36 years of American Band stand on abc, the twist. There was the hustle. There was elvis. But dick clark made it all okay. He warmed up america for rock n roll. From the beginning, dick clark had enormous influence. At just 28 years old, this. You have a combined weekly audience of lets say 50 million americans at least and you receive 50,000 letters a week from your teen fans. Reporter his simple introduction made careers. It also saved them. Frankie avolon. He played a record of mine on a thursday. On a monday, i was on my way. Reporter over the years, clark barely seemed to age. He spoke of americas nickname for him. I have a terrible problem, because people keep referring to me as americas oldest teenager. Ive been watching dick clark since i was a little kid. Reporter it was the 1970s. Dick clark first started hosting on new years eve. The program, just an hour and a half in the beginning, would expand to six hours over the years. It had become an american staple every new years. And only a stroke would slow dick clark down. My speech is not perfect, but im getting there. Reporter this year, his wife of nearly 35 years would be in times square. She was the one who helped screw that crystal triangle with dick clarks name on the ball. 40 years ive been coming here. So this year, people were saying what are you going to do . I said, i dont know what else to do but to come to times square. Any way, like he said, this is the place to be on new years eve. Reporter the place to be, the place where an American Legend will be remembered. Happy new year. Great job. Thank you. Reporter david muir, abc news, new york. Very touching tribute. I think for his wife, just to go down to times square, thats what they did every new years. Probably gave her a sense of peace and closeness. No doubt. About two hours south of times square, philadelphia was celebrating the new year. Fireworks lit up the Delaware River twice. Many expressed hope for a better year. One where the eagles make the nfl playoffs and the flyers will play hockey again. Later today, its the annual mummers parade. All righty. What are the mummers . I dont know. Anybody know what the mummers are . Our producer is trying to explain the mummers parade, but im lost. Lets talk about london. Big ben, you know what that is . Thats the big clock. Fireworks lit up the sky and blazing rockets launched from the banks of the thames. And the pope said despite all the death and injustice in the word, goodness would prevail. He appeared tired during the service. The pope endured a major betrayal last year after it was revealed that his butler stole personal papers and leaked them to a journalist. Cant make that up. Now that 2012 is gone, there are words and phrases that should go with it. Scholars at Lake Superior university decided there are about 12 of those words and phrases that need to be put out to pasture. On the list, yolo, which means you only live once. Fiscal cliff. Just go away. Superfood, all had enough of it. Everything seems to be a superfood these days. Trending, because its not anymore. And bucket list, because the things on it tend to be less exciting than they used to be. Im xwlad to see yolo. Yolo and fiscal cliff. Whats trending right now . Are these trending . Its a good look, isnt it . Happy new year, everybody. These are my new prescription glasses. Im going to wear them the reps of the year. Big things in store for you. With the new year comes new laws and some dont make sense. Well let you know where you can no longer sell shark fins. I didnt know that you could sell them. Thats coming up. What about these . I didnt know that your hit lit up. Come here, step in front of the camera. His hat lights up. We really got ripped off. Look at that. Im going to borrow this, actually. You can have my pink one. Theres going to be a lot of things you can no longer do in 2013. In california, there are 800 new laws that go into effect today. Pink is your color, by the way. Linsey davis has the rundown of some of the more unusual new rules. Reporter when the ball drops, its all about out with the old and in with the new. New laws that is. Some that are rather unusual. Like public act 97743 in illinois, which imposes a 1,000 fine on anyone who pops a wheelie on a motorcycle while speeding. Come tuesday at 12 01, concord, massachusetts will be the First Community in the nation to outlaw plastic bottles. Yes, consider these containers contra band. In the sunshine state, dont flash headlights to warn drivers about a speeding trap or youre find yourself getting pulled over. And in california, you can whip out your proof of insurance on your smartphone. What a wonderful thing. If you have your insurance with you all the time, maybe we can have our drivers license on there. Reporter turns out 2013 will be unlucky for cat lovers in kansas, where theyre now restricting the number of cats allowed in a household to no more than four. While kentucky is apparently starting to look a lot like hog heaven. The states growing population of feral pigs caused them to slap a type on those releasing them in the wild. And in illinois, its no longer legal to possess, sell or distribute shark fins. Linsey davis, abc news, new york. Why would you possibly want to sell or distribute a shark fin . Theres a lot of money in it. Its awful. No more than four cats . This is america. If you want to have a fifth cat, you cant . You shouldnt have more than four cats. I do like cats. They could make it more like seven. I dont think its officially insane until its past. Do you have cats . No, but i respect peoples rights to own cats. Coming up this year, folks camping out for the rose parade are doing battle with mother nature. It is cold. Every day its getting closer going faster than a roller coaster a love like yours will surely come my way hey, hey, hey babies arerent fully developd until at least 39 weeks. If your pregnancy is healthy, wait for labor to begin on its own. A healthy baby is worth the wait. I love a parade i love every beat i hear on the drums how long until this gets old . Its getting old now, but youre having fun. Reporter leanne suitor is on the parade route where crowds are gathering and spirits are high, despite the cold night ahead. Happy new year. Reporter the excitement is building along colorado boulevard as thousands claim their front row spot. Get here, get to the front, dont let nobody get through. Reporter while some are seasoned pros having spent years along the parade route, for others its a firsttime experience. Either way, everything will be coming up roses. Its one of the things we joke in Southern California you have to do once. So i did it with my oldest child a couple of years ago. Its just a great atmosphere. Its a great community. Reporter its all centered around the floats, which visitors got a speak peek at. Its amazing. Just the detail of the flowers and stuff. Its amazing. This is our first time up here, just enjoying the day for the most part. Reporter grand marshal jane goodall got a look at the float shell be riding. Very well made. Reporter back out on the parade route, with the fun comes serious concerns as the temperature is expected to plummet. While some are bundled up, most are coming armed with one key item, ready for when the sun goes down. Heat. Thats the number one thing to bring. Looks like a fun time. Rose bowl starts at 5 00 eastern. And go blue, michigan. Theyre going to beat social. You heard it right here, folks. Coming up, something you dont see every day. As we close out this new year, we would like to show you something you may have never seen before. I know i havent, and i get a lot of strange, bizarre assignments around here, including this one about giraffes. They actually use their most prominent body part to joust. You know what im talking about . I would think it would be the neck. Yes. And this strange video has gone viral. Huge claws. Sharp teeth. And aggressive antlers, all familiar weapons of the wild. But now, in this rare video, two unlikely fighters are sticking their necks in the ring. Thats right, giraffes. The long limbed, long shot for prizefighter battling it out. Watch as they jab their horns into each other, swinging their 500 pound necks with such force. But dave salmoni says not to worry. Its a bit of a dance. The males know where and how to stand and what the rules with. Reporter he spent a month filming for discovery channels new show africa. People tend to think of giraffes as sweet animals and they generally are. But theyre designed for fighting. Reporter these two males are fighting over territory and likely a mate. But not to the death. The smaller, probably younger male will end up losing the fight, go away, get bigger and then hell get his chance next season. Reporter while we may expect fights from predators like these bears caught in a backyard brawl, or this lioness lunging at the camera, just remember a deceivingly cute face like this munching on leaves may be bulking up for battle. That looks really painful. Theyre Strong Enough to basically rip your head right off. 500 pound necks . Any way, who knew . Those gentle giraffes. It took them a long time. Over a woman, of course. Yes, four years in the making. Any ways, this is going to debut january 8 at 10 00 eastern on discovery. Looks fascinating. It really does. That looks painful. They have the same amount of vertebrae as us, theyre just this morning on world news now, over the cliff but on track for a deal. The new year arrives with word that the white house and congress have hammered out a plan to head off steep across the board tax hikes and deep spending cuts. But the devil is in the details, which are still coming in. It is tuesday, january 1, 2013. From abc news, this is world news now. Good morning, everyone. Im paula faris. And happy new year. Happy 2013. Which i think ive said about three or four times now. Its starting to roll off the tongue. 2013. Just write it on your paper. Im john muller. Rob nelson has the morning off. Washington starting 2013 with a tentative agreement to hike taxes on the wealthiest americans but avoid the pitfalls of the fiscal cliff. Well have the latest on that in a moment. Also this half hour, Hillary Clintons health emergency. Whats next for the secretary of state now that doctors have found a blood clot near her brain . Then party time in times square. When it comes to welcoming in the new year, nobody does it better than the Million People who pack into the heart of manhattan. Go ahead with the hat on. Dont you have the one that lights up . What happened . They took it back already. Budget cuts. And later, the secret life of a dad. This is offering clues about really goes on when mom goes away. You come home and the house looks like a bomb went off. This dad right here makes us all us dads look really good. Dad of the year award right here . Exactly right. The fiscal cliff dead line has passed but lawmakers are working to reach an agreement. In fact, the senate is voting right now. The house wont reconvene until noon, so we wont know anything until they get their hands on everything. Congressional leaders hope to send legislation to president obama meaning that consumers shouldnt notice any impact. With the latest, were joined by Karen Travers in washington. Good morning, paula and john. Its after midnight and while we technically have gone over the fiscal cliff, some last minute arm twisting and negotiations may have provided a parachute. Dont stop popping the champagne just yet. After days of intense negotiations, the white house and Senate Republicans reached a deal. Vice President Biden went up to capitol hill to sell it to senate democrats. Biden swooped in at the 11th hour to hammer out a way forward to Senate Republican leader mitch mckonld. The agreement would permanently extend bush tax cuts to those making under 400,000. And households making under 450,000. Raise the estate tax at those valued at more than 5 million and extend Unemployment Benefits for one year for some 2 Million People. And automatic spending cuts that go into effect will be postponed for two months and paid for by other spending cuts. The house could take up the deal tomorrow. Taxpayers would have felt the impact of the fiscal cliff immediately. If the deal passes, the average American Family would avoid a tax increase of more than 3,400. A white house official said this is a compromise, so we dont love it but its the right thing to do for the economy. Paula and john, back to you. Both sides, in fact, Democrats Department think that the president was hardlined enough and didnt negotiate very well. Republicans will feel the same way. Thats what compromise is. Nobody is thrilled about it. But give a little on each side and get something done. Hopefully it does get done. Were almost there. One of the biggest hangups wasnt just the tax code and the tax rate, but the estate tax in familiar. And it was at 35 right now. Democrats wanted to raise it to 45 . It looks like it will be 40 , beginning with 5 million. Senate getting ready to vote now and then goes to the house and well see what happens there. Yes. And they reconvene at noon today. No Football Games for them, right . This holiday will be another day in the hospital for secretary of state Hillary Clinton after doctors discovered a blood clot in her head. Shes being treated in a manhattan hospital. Reporter Hillary Clintons doctors say they detected a clot in the vein between her brain and skull. Shes being treated with blood thinners to help dissolve the clot. The doctors add that shes in good spirits and is making excellent progress. Clintons medical problems began after she finished a grueling trip to europe. She developed a stomach virus, which caused severe dehydration. Days later she fainted and suffered a concussion. Then came the discovery of the blood clot. This is the second time clinton has been diagnosed with a blood clot. In 1998, the 65yearold was hospitalized for a clot behind her knee following a busy travel schedule while campaigning as first lady. She recently told abcs Barbara Walters her schedule as secretary of state is demanding. Are you exhausted . I am. To be honest, i am. When i do something, i really want to do it and do it to the best of my ability. That means i pretty much work all the time. Reporter her former colleagues in the senate are sending their well wishes. We just want to say how much secretary clinton is in our prayers this morning. We hope she recovers rapidly. Reporter a routine mri detected the clot. Clintons doctors say shell be released when her medication dose is established. Wendy gillette, abc news, new york. Doctors are saying clinton should make a full recovery. But the blood clot could have been deadly. Reporter secretary clinton had a clot in a large vein that runs along the side of the brain and really drains the brain of all its blood. Had this not been picked up before she had symptoms, this could have expanded and could have been fatal. Doctors picked this up by an mri, and theyll be treating her now with blood thinners. Its a fine balance to keep her blood thin enough so the clot goes away. They say the prognosis for her is excellent. Dr. Richard besser, abc news, new york. And abc news medical unit said its a very unusual complication from the concussion which was suffered, a blood clot. Its so rare, the new england journal of medicine estimates there are only four cases per 1 Million People each year in the u. S. And she was one of them. Thank goodness for that routine mri. Hundreds of American Families blocked from adopting children from russia by a new law there have some new allies. An outpouring support from inside russia is giving some families hope. Reporter kendra skags and her husband war just weeks away from bringing home their adopted daughter, paulina, a 5 yeermdz russian organ, paralyzed by spina bifida. They visited her at her orphanage, but now wonder if theyll ever see her again. Russia banned adoptions to the United States last week in retaliation for a set of human rights sanctions. For kendra, its been an emotional whiplash. Youre holding your breath and feeling sick to your stomach. You cant eat and sleep. You just got to hold on to something. Reporter after kendra appeared on world news last week, shes receiving support from some of president putins old people, russians on the same side as those american parents. Many offering to help. If you want me to get anything to polina, i will buy it on my account. Forgive us, we cant protect our kids from the russian government. Ive had such an outpouring of love since your story from the people of russia. Its just overwhelming to me. People that have said you can stay at our house. Reporter most of all, they urged kendra to keep fighting for polina, and thats what she plans to do. Whatever i have to do, im going to fight it. Reporter the road ahead is still uncertain. The ban goes into effect january 1, but kendra remains hopeful. Thats just heartbreaking. It really is. That bond is already so strong. Good luck to them. And on another note, three, two, one, happy new year. At the stroke of midnight, the crystal ball reached the bottom of the pole. Tons of confetti dropped on times square. Jim dolan of wabc was there. Reporter hours of standing out in the cold did not slow down the million or so people in times square who didnt seem to mind the weather. All right. Some minded the weather. Edwin is from puerto rico. How long have you been out here . Seven hours. Reporter youre a little cold, arent you . Yes. Reporter security is tight here. Police are everywhere, in and around the crowd and many here brought their children, who, well, may have been coached a little bit. And the cold didnt seem to have a great reason why she was here. Because reporter you came because your mom made you. Yaf. This is my first time in new york city. Reporter you wanted to be here, didnt you. Yeah. Reporter how is that working out . Its good, but its cold. Reporter nick from rock away park has it covered. The crowd is getting a little crazy with the pushing. I have to push them in their place a little bit. They appreciate that. Got a good view and everything. Reporter tell he how the crowd has been, pushing and shoving a little . Yeah, weve been having a little bit of that, but were trying to make it work here. Reporter it was the temperature that most were talking about here tonight. Sarah is from ontario. Its a little chilly, but i dont usually stand in the cold for hours. Good time. In las vegas, sin city proved its name in the hours before 2013. Officials expecting more than 300,000 people right off the main drag. Police are cracking down on anyone carrying bottles or glass. And no one under the age of 18 was allowed. And the clock struck midnight in madrid. Thousands of revelers braved the rain to ring in the new year. The recession has left spain with a staggering 25 Unemployment Rate there. And many are hoping that the new year brings some form of reform. And no time to celebrate for participants in this mornings tournament of roses parade. The 42 floats are ready and in position after a Police Escort brought them to pasadena. Spectators are camping out along the parade rate, but no tents are allowed. The pentagon is making its debut, with a float honoring veterans of the korean war. Make sure you check out the rose parade on abc and the rose bowl. Of course. And 2013 will begin with cold, cold weather in much of the country. Theyre saying the first week of january could be one of the coldest on record. What are we at, 35 last night in times square. Kind of cold. It is bundle up weather, thats for sure. Certainly bundle up weather. Meteorologist jim dicky here is now with more. Good morning. And happy new year. Unlike last winter, weve seen a pattern set up here where arctic air is surging in, and that will continue to do so the rest of the week. Arctic air mass in place right now. Early morning temperatures below zero in minneapolis. 14 in chicago. And this air headed towards the northeast. Cold this morning in many cases. Not as cold as well be tomorrow morning. Syracuse, 13. As the cold air filters in, many spots seeing wintry weather. Snow showers region wide. Lake snow in West Virginia. A wintery mix in the d. C. And baltimore area. A busy news day for a new years day. Heres a look at some of the stories were following this morning. By the way, happy new year. The fiscal cliff deadline has past. But lawmakers in the senate have just passed an agreement, which would reverse those drastic changes. Under the deal, taxes would go up only on those making incomes of 400,000 for individuals, 450,000 for couples. Now the measure goes to the house for a vote. And the house reconvenes today at noon. And secretary of state Hillary Clinton remains in a New York Hospital this morning after doctors discovered a blood clot that formed near her brain. Shes being treated with blood thinners. Shell be in the hospital until the right dose with be worked out. Clinton suffered a concussion in mid december. Doctors say shes expected to make a full recovery. Shes making excellent progress they say and lucky they found that in a routine mri. Well, its all over in times square now, except for that massive cleanup. More than a Million People crowding the famous intersection for the midnight ball drop. And at the stroke of midnight, tons of confetti dropped down, some had been there since dawn. Security was tight, but everyone had a safe and good time. And philadelphias midnight Fireworks Show over the Delaware River was actually the second of the night. There was the shorter one at about 6 00 eastern. Many of those watching the two shows were thankful for 2012. Others that 2012 is over and hopeful that their beloved flyers will Start Playing hockey again. Those are thankful that 2012 is over, a lot of eagles fan. Bad season and they lost their head coach. Lets talk about the londoners. The fireworks lit up the sky over parliament as big ben rang out the old new year. This year saw the olympics, the Queens Jubilee and a royal pregnancy. Beautiful. And countries in asia got a head start on the new year. As the calendar changed around the globe. Fireworks and concerts, even church services. Abcs Wendy Gillette taking a look. Reporter sidney started off the worlds major new years eve celebrations with a big bang. Almost 7 million worth of fireworks. New zealand also burst into the new year earlier than most coununtries. With colorful explosions over aucklands sky tower. The party to usher in 2013 spread to asia. Hong kongs victoria harbor hosted its biggest ever fireworks display. Happy new year reporter shanghai counted down. And Buddhist Monks rang in the new year in tokyo. The pope celebrated new years eve with a service at the vatican, saying reflection and prayer can help heal wounds and that goodness prevails in a world that sometimes delivers evil. Heading east, there were scenes of beauty, like in red square in moscow. One of the biggest celebrations in the world and perhaps the most iconic is right here in times square. Hundreds of thousands gathered here to watch the famous Waterford Crystal ball drop, despite very chilly temperatures. Wishing you a very happy new year in times square, Wendy Gillette, abc news. Did you make any new years resolutions . Yes. I dont want to work next new years. No offense against any of you. Or against you. Youre like the iron lady of the holidays. Did you work christmas and thanksgiving . Ive worked every holiday the last year except thanksgiving. You definitely earned your keep. Next year you deserve at least two out of three. We just got here a year ago. We were here for new years last year and my husband called and hes like, were so lame. Can we do something next year . So yeah, next year i will kiss my husband. On a beach somewhere, warm. That would be nice. Make that a plan. Lets talk about progress in the fight against an old disease. The fda just approached the first new drug in more than 40 years to fight tb. The pill is called sirturo. Its designed specifically to treat tough cases, the ones resistant to the more common antibiotics. The fda cautions that the drug carries the risk of serious and potentially deadly heart attacks. And the North Carolina governor has issued a pardon in an infamous civil rights case. The group known as the wilmington ten was wrongfully convicted in 1972 of firebombing a Grocery Store and trying to cover it up. The three key witnesses later recanted their testimony. Amnesty international and other groups took up the issue, portraying the wilmington ten as political prisoners. Were thankful that she was able to see through the smoke screen and come to the realization that North Carolina had to apologize. The pardon means the state no longer thinks that the ten committed a crime. Four of those have since passed away. A new jersey condo complex damaged by Hurricane Sandy has been hit with fire. About 100 firefighters battled the massive blaze early yesterday morning. Fire Officials Say no one was seriously hurt. Residents have been struggling to recover in the aftermath of sandy. The cause of the fire is under investigation, but fire Officials Say several gas lines ruptured, which fuelled the fire. Heres a look at your weather for the first day of 2013. Thunderstorms from houston to new orleans and in atlanta, flooding is a possibility, as well. Parts of West Virginia and ohio could pick up a couple of inches of snow and windy in the northeast. The midwest will shiver in the cold air. Minneapolis in the mid teens. The rose parade will get off to a chilly start. Seattle and portland in the upper 30s. The northeast, seasonable. Miami is our hot spot. A balmy 81. Thats where im going next new years, miami. Sounds like a plan. 2012 has seen a lot of ups and downs in the world of sports. Brandi hitt takes a look back at the highlights and the low lights. Reporter the sports world gave us plenty to remember in 2012. In the nfl, eli manning and the giants orchestrated another improbable comeback win over the patriots. I truly have enjoyed being your quarterback. Reporter after being cut by the colts, Peyton Manning chose to play for the broncos and proved he still has what it takes. And the colts needed luck to replace manning for a playoff run and rallied behind their coachs battle with leukemia. Im dancing to two more wins and were hoisting that trophy together. Bang the jeremy lin show continues. Reporter in the nba, jeremy lin offered a reallife story made for broadway. And lebron james quieted his critics, delivering a story book ending. Its about damn time. Reporter and a championship to the miami heat. In college hoops, Anthony Davis led kentuckys group of one and doners to a title. And baylor finished a perfect 400. In college football, notre dame returned to their glory, with an unbeaten season and a shot at their first title since 1988. All that stands in their way is an alabama team looking to repeat after surviving the s. E. C. Happy valley mourned the loss of joe paterno. The ncaa vacates all wins of the Penn State Football Team from 1998 to 2011. Reporter and accepted crippling sanctions. The closure came when Jerry Sandusky was finally put behind bars. The saints lost their coach when the nfl came down hard for bounties. And Lance Armstrongs legacy came off its wheels. His seven Tour De France titles erased. On the ice, owners and players made the fans forget the l. A. Kings stanley cup run as the arena stayed dark with winter approaching. Usa usa reporter summer provided more to smile about. In london, Michael Phelps became the most decorated olympian in history. American athletes follow his lead, winning 104 medals in all, 46 gold. And in the major leagues, three pitchers joined elite company. A perfect game for felix hernandez. Thats a perfect game. Perfect game reporter while Miguel Cabrera slugged his way to the first triple crown since 1967. The giants rallied back in two playoff series and swept the tigers in the fall classic to become world series champs. Other great moments rounded out the sports year. Familiar faces in different places, old and new champions. Legends leaving. Another year of indelible images in sports, unforgettable moments etched in our memories. Brandi hitt, abc news, los angeles. And the cubs won the world series oh, wait, that hasnt happened in 185 years. Next millenia. There is hope. There is hope for all those on the north side of chicago. Still to come, a question for mothers. Did you ever wonder what your husband and kids are doing when youre not at home . Up next, i go behind the scenes of a dads reallife spy cam. Its really cool. Stick around. K around. Nfc, afc, offensive liivneman, defensive tackles, quarterbacks and cornerbacks are all living uted. To ensure the academic success of millions of kids in our communities. Abut that wont happen without you. So take the pledge at unitedway. Org. Make a difference in the life of a child. Suit up like your favovorite nfl players, and become a volunteer reader, tutor or mentor with united waway. So this story im fascinated by. Its for all the moms out there who wonder what really goes on when you leave hubby with the kids. I know when i come home, its like an explosion. This kansas city, missouri father decided to record his day at home with his son while the wife went away on the job, and the result is going viral. Stephanie says her living room was so spotless when she got home from work, she thought her husband was lying about his elaborate playtime with his son, xavier. When i came home and everything was in its place, i would say, today you didnt play hard. Because everything is where it needs to be. Reporter but now the truth is out in this ultimate video confession called home with dada. I put the camera up in the corner and i wanted to capture this moment somehow, and a picture wasnt going to do it. Five seconds of video wasnt going to do it, so i had to time lapse it. To start, xavier tips over the small basket of toys. So out comes the big toy chest. Then a quick dip inside before flying in dads arms on the couch and playing a little piano. All that playing works up an appetite, so time for a lunch break. Since its just the boys, why not ditch the shirts . After squeezing out the play saucer, its bongo drum practice on the table. Followed by a diaper change and basketball, baby style. Finally, its time to clean up, the ultimate love letter to mom. I was pleasantly surprised to see that he picks up after everyone. After their play time. Its peace of mind to know that my guys are at home, just enjoying each other and having a blast. So i just love it. I love it. I can watch a million times. That is precious. Is that the cutest thing ever . I have mixed emotions towards the dude, though, because he set the bar so high for the rest of us guys. He made us look good, but he also makes us look pathetic at the same time. Im just impressed he didnt turn the television on once. I come home and the television is on fire because its been on all day. Sitting on the couch. Thats the news for this half hour. Happy new year, everyone. 2013, can you believe it . Yes, i can actually. 2013, can you believe it . Yes, i can actually

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