Issues. The discussion that took place on august 23 featured twelve guests from a wide range of the community, Law Enforcement, media, officials and Civic Leaders from the regions most prominent organizations and a member of the clergy as well. To give us a detailed report on how it went down we went to the source, Suffolk County sheriff Steve Tompkins joins us this morng. Why you put this whole event together, a conversation with race. Why is, as a sheriff, endeavor in this area . If you look at Public Safety i see it as an intersection, politics and job training and housing and poverty, transportation. Within we thought it would make Diverse Panel to talk about race and not just cops in the community. We wanted to talk about everything that could affect people as they go forward. Byron did you have any people who were skeptical about putting this together . My staff. Byron really . More so due to timing, we were coming up on Labor Day Weekend and the thought was we should do it after labor bay when more people would be back i thought this is a covering that couldnt wait and we should do it sooner than later. Byron what was your desired result and do you think you achieved it . The desired result was to keep the conversation Going Forward about race. You have to have this conversation daily, frankly. And so what we want to do is show that our end of the Law Enforcement training is really engaged with the communities had over 300 people and a panel that was ainstitute in their respective walks of life and good conversation. We had questions that came in over the net and people gave us questions that night. And they were extraordinary questions. Ron run some of the panelists . Former secretary, Andrew Cabral and Alberto Vassallo and the mayor of lawrence ander and we had actually father jack ahearn and i wanted to have a catholic priest, a different look at thinks situation of race not necessarily coming from a black pastor. Byron very Diverse Panel. Some are some of the topics that you hit on . Housing, job training, incarceration, transportation, food deserts, so to speak. You feel about race and how does in person feel about race and we talked about the finer nuances. You know, you may have heard this four black guys walking down the street may be refered to as a gang and four white gay guys would be a group of guys. Those nuances that people say every day but dont realize that it may be offensive. That is what we wanted to talk about. Byron how important is it to just have the conversn at the dialogue that is going on, all the arguing and things, on california shows and discourse, people are talking past each other a lot. Thats what will happen in the genesis of in conversation and people will get tired of talking about, talking past one another and want to talk about solutions about before that happens have you to break their tolerance level down. Everyone has to get the emotion out of the way and you can get did anybody talk about body cameras or any opinions on that . That is something that has come up lately in the whole discussion about race. And interesting enough, one panelist was the superintendent willie gross. And asked him about that. And heres my thing on the body cameras. Die believe that the Boston Police should have the body cameras, for a variety of reasons. Byron again, you should say you are blacknd safety. And that the area, the intersection where there has been clashes in the whole black lives Matter Movement . If you look toe city of boston, what the mayor is doing and commissioner evans, when something happens they bring in the Community Leaders and lower ji and have conversations. If they have video they show them the video and they can go back to their h their communities and talk about the fact that the powers that be had havent had one of these donny brooks in boston. Byron you think boston is making progress in this area, and seriously, dealing with the whole question of race. So things dont blow up like they have in other cities . I think they are making progress. Lets go back to 1973, a big disruption about busing and people think that boston is a racist city because of what thats why that conversation needs to continue. Yes, in answer to your question i think boston is further down the field than some other states and cities. Byron how about this issue, it is current now, the quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, chosing not to stand up fortunate anthem. I followed that under the heading of the squeaky wheel productive, once again it keeps that conversation going. I part company saying he will do this in every game all the time. Look, its the National Anthem and the flag, and we are americans. It is swruftd my opinion, i have no jurisdiction over him, but i think he should stand. Byron is there any conflict in chosing to stand up for the flag yourself and supporting Colin Kaepernick at the same time . Internal on my part . Byron in anybodys part . In general, is it hypocritical to say i will stand up and in the fault him for doing it . This is our country as americans and we should honor the flag and the nationalant anthem and say lets listen and talk about it. Byron any plans for a followup . Yes, we have been asked next time, my jurisdiction is chl and winthrop and revere and boston and we may do this in a smaurler venue. We had 300 people, i would like to do something with 40 or 50 people, more of pennsylvania exchange with the people in the audience. So, yes. Ron run what kind of response have you gotten . Extraordinary. A number of live tweets during the event and people basically said that they thought that not only was that a conversation that needed b with the quality of the. Ats that were on the panel to come forth. And everything wasnt sweetness and light. There was contentious moments but it never got out of hand. Byron did you learn anything personally . Did you personally learn anything from the panel that you didnt know before . Or something that made you think a little bit more . No, for this reason. Bringor to work energy the Sheriffs Department i was in communications for 20someodd years. I am steeped in the conversation. I wanted people to come, to talk and listen. So it wasnt anything that was earth shaltering or eye opening to me other than people were engaged and left there continuing the conversation. Byron why do you think it is so important to continue this conversation . Because white people, black people, asians, we are here and in the leaving. So we need to to get along and talk amongst each other. If you look what is happening globally, americans dont need to be at each others neck they need to have each others on back. Byron you have done important work there. Steve tompkins and congratulations on that event. Hope to see more in the future. Thank you for having me. Ron run coming up, latino 30 under 30, recognizing some bright leaders in business and ill have the details in a few on urban update. Thanks for calling fios, this is ryan, how can i help you today . Yeah, i got a big problem with my new tv. You cant tell me this cord isnt in, i know its in, its in but its not working. Okay. Im sending you a link to the my fios app thats going to let me see what youre seeing. Really . Yes, really. Mr. Mcenroe. So you can clearly see whats in and whats out . Oh, absolutely. I like that. Hey, it worked so i dont have to see the cable guy again . Oh no, were not cable, mac. Did you just call me . Mac . . Enroe. Mcenroe. Mr. Mcenroe . Tech support that lets your technician see the problem over your smartphone. Only fios offers speeds this fast at a price this good. Byron ed city of boston is home to some of the brightest young latino talent, from across the world. Those who com h boston is thome many, so many fine institutions of higher learning. Unfortunately many go unnoticed during their time in boston, in an effort to make sure young latino talents does not go unrecognized el mundo boston and Hennessy Vsop privilege cognac will host bostons first latino 30 under 30 event, and it will honor young people making an sports, Community Service and fine arts among many others. To tell us more about the 30 under 30 we invited multicultural marketing director of moet hennessy, manny gonzalez. And Digital Media at el mundo boston elvis jocol lara. Welcome to urban update. Thank you for having us. Byron elvis, how and why we hear about 40 under 40 type awards but 30 under 30 . Boston is home to a preponderance of latino talent that is really brought here by colleges and universities and Global Companies that we have here. And so we really noticed that a lot of the folks were not being recognized during their time in boston and we wanted to shine a light on them. Defining characteristics is its youth. The median age of the Latino Community is about 28. So we wanted to make sure that we were shining a light on these folks that at an early age are doing great things. Ron run manny, how does an event like this tie in what brand like yours . Events like this attract hennessey, but portfolio. For one simple reason. We know that america in general and boston in particular are changing dramatically every day, becoming more diverse and when you have the prosecute folio of luxury wines and sports like moet hennessy, who last year celebrated their 250th anniversary, you are talking about premium quality brands and one thing about hennessey is celebrates individuals who continually push the limits of their potential. And so, to have a program like el mundos 30 under 30 it is a perfect alignment for us because it allows the brand to send its message by celebrating the achievements of young latinos in boston. Byron elvis, why is this needed in the city of boston . One who is familiar with the it is the top list from the text sector or finance sector or higher education. Will you rarely see latino faces or names on the lists. We wanted to ensure that we were taking it upon ourselves to make sure we were recognizing these individuals and giving them their due while in boston. Byron okay. Manny, a multicultural marketer, your specialty. Talk to me about the importance everyone is talking about, the millellials. Im sure you are familiar that many brands are in tune with making sure they capture and engage the sector. The millellials we know that a good percentage of them come from multicultural communities and the largest segment are latinos. Young latinos. And we see that in boston in particular and you know, boston obviously has a long history and it has been in most recent years where you start to see the impact of latinos, i mean, recently in the massachusetts primary, you know, there was contentious competition between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. Well, many people argued that Hillary Clinton ended up winning diversity of boston. Given the impact of vote of africanamerican and latinos. We as a marketer have to be kag any sanity of those changing demographics if we expect to grow. Byron we have a short video here that gives us a better idea of what is in store. Lets take a quick peek and talk about it on the other side. . . The American Revolution and sam adams and john kennedy. Ted williams, bobby orr and larry bird. Pahk your car in harvard yard. What if i told you there was a different boston, one that move to the sound of the, the sounds same. Jamaica plain and east boston, one that extendses to chelsea, lawrence and beyond. A city where imgrant communities are experience agree birth. And we are latino parents are seeing children achieve the American Dream where enter as College Freshmen and emerge as confident leaders they are changeing the way business is done and they are telling our own stories. Time for the world to meet the new boston and young latino faces behind it. Those who will one day be the future leaders of america. This fall for the First Time Ever ever we will recognize and honor, infusing the most american of cities with new ideas and talent. This is the el mundo boston . Byron wow, that out to get people excited. Elvis you are profiling several over 30 latino professionals sharing that under 30 story . Yes, one of the things that we wanted to do is, we wanted people to realize in is not just a new phenomenon, it has been impacting the city for more than a generation and decade. So we are really looking at those folkho considered the most influential established latino leaders in boston and telling their stories of what they were doing before they were 30 years old. Byron and what about the nomination process, how does one go about that . The nomination process is simple. You can visit latino 30 under 30. Com and you can nominate yourself or in else. And we are looking to find the byron and manny, talk about some of the exciting things from the event on saturday, november 12th . Certainly. We are looking forward to this celebration. About a year ago we had the opportunity to celebrate Hadley Ramirez in boston. Dominican baseball player, and we had the opportunity to showcase, the sponsor of the 30 under privilege cognac, that is the plan for the celebration in november so make sure all of the guests and nominees and winners, have a upscale experience with Hennessy Vsop privilege cognac. Byron and the types of garnering attention from our corporate partners, but obviously with the Hennessy Vsop privilege cognac on the vsop level. We are advocating for the Latino Community and make sure that people across the country and internationally know that fef a plethora of young latino tall thants will be the leaders of america. The website is latin 30. Com. Ron run thank you for coming in. Good luck. Thank you. Ron run an interesting survey that asked lawrence area employers their perspective on the economic horizon for that city north of boston. Coming up next here on urban byron in 2014 a group of Community Leaders, school representatives, elected officials and ceos of banks and businesses in the city of lawyers created the Lawrence Partnership. This new privatepublic secretarior collaborative focuses on an emphasis on generatesing new ideas and investment and action. To better understand and address in current and emerging skill gap, the Lawrence Partnership Training Initiative surveyed regional employers this summer. To tell us about this initiative and results of the survey and their next steps we invited executive director for the Lawrence Partnership derek mitchell. Thank you for coming in. Lets begin with just telling us more about the Lawrence Partnership and how you describe it to people. What it is. Sure, the lawrence idea that we have a shared interest in the success of lawrence. You know whether you are a Business Owner or a community member, an institutional leader and we all will suffer, if lawrence suffers we will benefit when they prosper tp it is a mechanism for people to Work Together and we recognize that a lot of institutional leaders that they can leverage ideas to get things done. Byron for those the negative stories about lawrence, why is lawrence so important to the commonwealth . The people who are thinking of negative things . Lawrence isnt just important to the commonwealth but the story of america. Spri started in communities like lawrence and industry has since left but communities like lawrence, it is where the mill woker starts and immigrants got their start. City. Thats right, and 74 is latino and a hard working community and where people are getting their starts. And we need places like lawrence and lawrence to be as vibrant and robust and thriving as they can be. It is kmilted to ensuring that happens and creates mobility for families to experience the American Dream. Byron how and why did this survey come about . Aga a shared state between the competitiveness of business and the community that they serve. In the case of lawrence and so many other areas, we had a very dynamic economy. The needs that employers have continue to change and the idea of Training Consortium was to make the responsiveness of the work force as dynamic as the employers that they need to of the survey . Yes. We surveyed a number of Large Companies representing about fefl,000 jobs and we learned 12,000 jobs. And we learned some things. One thing we know is the Manufacturing Sector is very much alive. Not just lawrence, you know, this is a large regional project, food manufacturers and sheet metal fabric, and all in this area and growing. And they hav needs, too. You know. Byron and what are you doing to promote Economic Development . Obviously, you know supporting the work force needs of companies and certainly ensuring the upward mobility clients we serve and we want to make sure there is capital available. We have a pile of projects and we raised a million last year and we committed half that money projected to create over a hundred jobs wasnt brought in six more Financial Institutions to the table. 2. 5 million that is being invested in local businesses and positive story here is you know, as recently at 15 years ago banks were leaving lawrence. They didnt see it is a community that had a Business Community that could be invested in. Now we are seeing them come back because they recognize the an opportunities there. Ron run very impressive. Tell me about the Training Consortium and who makes it europe . Like the rest of the partnership we are build on this idea, if you can get a number of people to share a vision and Work Together, a lot of things happen. We have very large employers whether they are ceos of Health Institutions or manufacturers, sitting at the table with the president of the community fully understand what kind of steps we can make to make the community that is producing the work force, the regional employers really need. And in turn making sure they are reinvesting back in the community. A Real Partnership endeavor and the kind of thing that makes our Community Competitive and the kind that businesses may want to set up shop. Byron tell me about a good story about lawrence after so many publicity. Yes, we were talking about this earlier. Many people have an image that may be out dated. It is not an image that is accurate any more but until people have an opportunities to come and experience lawrence and hear the stories, they might not have another narrative. They might not know the other positive things coming ourt of our community. Byron your next industry a number of meetings for specific industries again trying to align the needs but we have a larger annual meeting open to the communities where we share back some of the progress, that is november 17. Byron and who should come . Our website has a bunch of information and opportunities to register, and sponsor for the event, www. Lawrence partnership. Org. Byron and who a great turnt for Regional Business leaders and statewide officials to share in this work. Byron okay. Derrick, i will leave it there. Wow, im very impressed with what you are doing up there. Keep up the good work. Thank you. Ron run that is it for this edition of urban update. For all of us here, im byron realtime closed captioning narrator one day over 700 shelters across the country. One goal finding thousands of animals loving homes. She adopted me. I didnt adopt her. Shes going to a good home. Theres no reason why not to adopt. Narrator this is clear the shelters. Natalie morales hello, and welcome to clear the shelters. And today were going to share some Amazing Stories that are sure to warm your heart. Were also sitting down with some famous faces and the shelter pets that have changed their lives forever. Plus well introduce you to two brothers who say adopting their rescue has helped bring their family together. I too have had my own life changed. Meet zara. Our family rescued her five years ago. And since then, things have never been the same

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