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Donald trump spent the weekend at his golf club in bedminser, new jersey. Four, yelled trump at a random woman he saw. [ laughter and applause ] you know, the news has been kind of depressing lately, so i thought wed take a break from it all in a little segment called good news. . Seth since donald trump was elected, a lot of neonazi graffiti has been popping up. People doing it, you guys are kind of terrible at drawing swastikas. [ light laughter ] i never thought id have to say this to nazis, but where is your precision . [ light laughter ] theyre facing the wrong way. Theyre curved. I think whoever did this is the same person who draws those bootleg bart simpson tshirts. [ light laughter ] so swastikas are popping up everywhere, but at least theyre really poorly drawn, and thats good news. German chancellor Angela Merkel announced yesterday she will seek a fourth term in office next year. So ill get to keep my job, said her hair stylist. [ laughter ] according to a new report, the night before thanksgiving is the best night of the year for casual hook ups. While thanksgiving day is the worst. Brian, you remember your cousin beth, right . [ light laughter ] hey, beth. A new poll found that less than half of new yorkers feel like they can afford to keep living in the city. But im going to try to make it work, said one resident. [ light laughter ] and finally, New York University is launching a new program that houses College Students with Senior Citizens to cut down on expenses. Sign me up, said joe biden. [ laughter and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, we have tonight. She is a friend of our show. Shes got a hilarious new book out, Kathy Griffins celebrity runins, Kathy Griffin. [ cheers and applause ] back on the show tonight. Always a delight to talk to her. He is in an amazing new film, lion. The actor dev patel is here. [ cheers and applause ] hes a great actor. Its a great film. Looking forward to talking to him. And we will be whipping up some guacamole and margaritas with chef jose andres. [ cheers and applause ] so, very excited about all of our guests. Before we get to that, president elect donald trump prompted new questions, this weekend, about his foreign business ties and potential conflicts of interest. Questions trump responded to by picking a fight with the cast of a broadway musical. For more on this, its time for a closer look. . [ applause ] seth if you live in new york city, you would have bet everything you owned on friday morning that it was impossible for people to talk about the musical hamilton more. And by saturday morning youd be broke. President elect trump versus hamilton. The president elect was up bright and early this morning, tweeting a defense of his secondincommand mike pence, after pence was booed friday night at a performance of the hit musical hamilton. Later, as pence was leaving, a cast member asked him to stop and listen to a prepared statement. Pence did stay and this is part of what he heard. We truly hope that this show has inspired you to uphold our American Values and to work on behalf of all of us. All of us. Seth work on behalf of all of us . How dare you shout such hateful rhetoric from the stage. Next time you disagree with someone in the audience, take a page from our president elect, who does it with dignity. Take em out. Get em out of here. Dont give him his coat. Keep his coat. Confiscate his coat. [ light laughter ] seth now that is dignified. Now theres some pundits out there who immediately tried to cast this episode as an example of the kind of culture clash the wealthy, liberal elite, ensconced in their manhattan bubble, booing a politician from the heartland, just because he happens to disagree with them. But those people are forgetting one thing mercilessly booing politicians of both parties is a timehonored tradition in this country no matter where youre from. Im sure there was a dude at the gettysburg address yelling, i got your address 1508 you suck boulevard [ laughter ] nice hat did they not have it in your size . [ laughter ] in fact, heres pence earlier thisr, first pitch at a Minor League Baseball game in his home state of indiana. The indians Season Opener was a little rough for governor mike pence. Governor mike pence [ booing ] [ bleep ] [ laughter ] [ booing ] you suck [ laughter ] in all of this. Which is our country may be divided, but one thing we can all find comfort in whether youre at a broadway show in manhattan or baseball game in indiana is booing the [ bleep ] out of mike pence. [ laughter and applause ] now to be fair [ cheers and applause ] to be fair to pence, his experiences with booing seems to have taught him that you cant take these things personally, as he demonstrated in a very statesmanlike interview sunday on fox news. When we arrived we heard we heard a few boos and we heard me and i nudged my kids and reminded them thats what freedom sounds like. Seth so no matter what you think of pence, that was a calm, mature response. And i bet donald trump went a different way with it. President elect donald trump is demanding an apology. Tweeting, quote, our wonderful future Vp Mike Pence was harassed last night at the theater by the cast of hamilton, cameras blazing. This should not happen. The president elect had a really busy day ahead. He had a busy saturday. But what did he start his day talking about with his first 6 23 this morning, about hamilton. Trump tweeted out again this morning about the hamilton incident. He said, the cast and producers of hamilton, which i hear is highly overrated, should immediately apologize to mike pence for their terrible behavior. Seth so donald trump, the president elect of the united states, spent the weekend in a twitter fight with a broadway musical. But once hes done with that, its on to you isis [ laughter ] dont think youre off the hook, isis. [ applause ] youll get your tweets soon enough. The trumphamilton feud got so out of hand, it even sparked a social media backlash from conservatives. Conservative critics calling to boycott hamilton. The top trending topic, most of the day, is boycotthamilton. Seth which is a great idea, except for the fact that tickets to hamilton are sold out through august 2017. [ laughter ] i hate to break it to you guys, but youre not boycotting hamilton. Hamilton is boycotting you. Youd be better off wasting your time boycotting other things that are impossible to get into, like harvard or Queen Elizabeths pants. [ laughter ] yeah, im boycotting her, bro. [ light laughter ] so, to sum this whole thing up, mike pence is now officially the first Vice President in history to lose a duel with hamilton. [ laughter and applause ] but as fun as it is and its fun. As fun as it is to talk about this hamilton feud, its just story. A story that will one day be told in the hit donald trump musical, scamilton. [ laughter ] because less than two weeks since donald trump was elected president , he is already making history by becoming the first ever president elect to settle a classaction fraud suit for 25 million before taking office. Theres breaking news tonight. Donald trump has agreed to pay 25 million to settle three lawsuits alleging fraud against Trump University. Donald trump and his legal it appears the president elect will not have to go on trial before heading to the white house. Seth congratulations, america, we did it our president will not have to go on trial before heading to the white house. [ light laughter ] it feels good to win again. [ light laughter ] now obviously this is a potentially Embarrassing Development for a president elect, especially one who has bragged repeatedly that he does not settle lawsuits. And in an effort to save face, trump responded to the news in a calm, statesmanlike way, by holdhi no, im kidding. He tweeted about this too. [ light laughter ] just this morning trump got on social media and he tweeted out the first tweet he did was, i settled the Trump University lawsuit for a small fraction of the award, because as president i have to focus on our country. And then minutes later he got back on social media and he tweeted, the only bad thing about winning the presidency is that i did not have the time to go through a long, but winning trial on Trump University. Too bad. Seth who does he think hes thats like me saying i would love to fight conor mcgregor, but unfortunately im really busy with my late night show. You lucked out, conor. [ laughter ] and by the way, just in case you need a refresher, heres a small sample of what Trump University was accused of doing in these lawsuits. The lawsuits all basically say the same thing that almost everything about Trump University was a lie, starting with the name. The documents also include a Company Playbook that urged the sales team to push hard to ll down even to a single mother of three who, quote, may need money for food. Seth they targeted single mothers who needed money for food. When the ghost of christmas past visits trump this year, hes gonna be like, dude, thats [ bleep ] up. [ light laughter ] and while thats in the past now, there are plenty of new ethical questions surrounding trump in the present. Like, for example, the apparent lack of separation between his Business Empire and his president ial transition. Donald trump facing questions obligations to the more than 500 businesses that he controls. A new round of questions raised when trump was photographed with three of his Indian Business partners at the same time he was working to set up his transition team. Do Donald Trumps children pose a conflict of interest, potentially, for the Incoming Administration . The president elect is facing questions and criticism after his daughter, ivanka, sat in on the meeting the president elect had with the japanese prime minister. On a meeting on a foreign leader. Maybe she was just filling in for mike pence who bailed, because he didnt want to get booed in japanese. [ laughter ] now as you may recall, a common criticism of the clintons was how they enriched themselves financially after leaving office. While trump is proving once again that he is the anticlinton by enriching himself before he takes office. Republicans had accused Hillary Clinton, you may recall, of paytoplay politics on the campaign trail. Now the Washington Post reports that trumps own to foreign diplomats. The Washington Post reported that about 100 foreign diplomats gathered these this week to sip trumpbranded champagne, dine on sliders, and hear a sales pitch about the new hotel. Seth you had a bunch of diplomats over and you served sliders . [ light laughter ] were you out of hot pockets . [ laughter ] so trumps d. C. Hotel is openly advertising itself to foreign diplomats as a place to stay while theyre in town doing official business with trumps government and its apparently working. Several diplomats told the Washington Post that spending money at trumps hotel as an easy, friendly gesture to the new president. One diplomat explained it this way, why wouldnt i stay at his hotel blocks from the white house, so i can tell the new president i love your new hotel. isnt it rude to come to a city and say im staying at your competitor . and i do think donald trump would punish you for staying in a different hotel. Why are we not honoring our trade deal . Well, maybe you should ask you pal, j. W. Marriott. And these concerns about trumps foreign ties and conflicts of interest arent just some left wing obsession. Theyre biparitan. For example, the chief white house ethics lawyer under president george w. Bush told the Washington Post, quote, if weve got to talk to a Foreign Government about their behavior, or negotiate a treaty, or some country asks us to send our troops in to defend someone else, weve got to make a decision. And the question becomes are we going in out of our National Interest or because theres a trump casino around . Thats ridiculous. [ light laughter ] youd have a better chance of finding an operating blockbuster video. [ laughter ] yeah, weve got a new arrivals section, but thats where the raccoons live so be careful. [ light laughter ] so twitter feuds may be fun, but we need to Pay Attention to what team trump is really up to, because they want us to be distracted. In fact, trumps incoming chief strategist, steve bannon, openly admitted that in an interview last week. Trumps chief strategist, steve bannon, is also causing interview to the Hollywood Reporter saying this, quote, darkness is good. Dick chaney, darth vader, satan. Thats power. It only helps us when they liberals get it wrong. When theyre blind to who we are and what were doing. Seth now i know that sounds terrifying [ light laughter ] and by the way, can you even imagine how the media would react if Hillary Clinton had met h she was still secretary of state and one of her aids talked positively about satan . I think the News Coverage would sound Something Like this. [ booing ] you suck seth this has been a closer look. . [ applause ] well be right back with our friend katy griffin everybody. [ cheers and applause ] oh, lifesized dragon hand back scratcher. If only it came in a luffa. It does oh, a raisin rehydrator. It turns them back into grapes. Wow, what an exhausting journey. Thats a good wedding present. Good call. Thank you. And thank you, lady blue. With the blue cash everyday card from american express, you get cash back on purchases with no annual fee. Oh, look at this. Disposable microphone for my uncle bobs 75th a one and done. N cash back. Its backed by the service and security of american express. Once i heard i was going to be a park ranger, i got really excited. Gabes obviously really sick. And theres a lot that he isnt able to do, and makeawish stepped in. Hes been the one that has been rescued so many times. He said to me, today, i got to be the hero. avo the subaru share the love event has helped grant the wishes of over twelve hundred kids so far. Get a new subaru, and well donate two hundred and fifty dollars more to help those in need. . Mapping the oceans. Where we explore. Protecting biodiversity. Everywhere we work. Defeating malaria. Improving energy efficiency. Developing more clean burning natural gas. My job . My job at exxonmobil . Turning algae into biofuels. Reducing Energy Poverty in the developing world. Making cars go further with less. Fueling the global economy. And you thought we just made the gas. . . [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back everybody. Please give it up for the 8g band right over there. [ cheers and applause ] also very exciting, this week, fred armisen is back on drums. Give it up for fred. [ cheers and applause ] and it is such a joy to have my friend here. Back. Seth and one of my favorite things about having fred here is we get to catch up. And we always talk about tv and how much we love tv. And my only complaint is right now theres so many good shows on that i cant watch everything and fred often tells me that he does not have that problem because he watches every episode of every show. Fred everything. Every single episode. Yeah, i dont miss anything. Seth you stand by that. Fred oh, yeah. Seth okay, well lets prove it once again with another, Fred Armisens extremely accurate tv recap. [ cheers and applause ] want you to feel like im doubting you. I just find it hard to believe physically you can watch every episode of every show. Fred of course, theres so many hours in the day. Seth okay, so heres how this works. Im going to give you the title of a show and then youre going to tell me what its about. Fred okay. Seth Indian Summers. Fred Indian Summers. [ laughter ] Indian Summers. Youve seen it, right . Seth i have not. Fred oh its the pilot, nothing . Seth no i havent seen anything. Fred Indian Summer. Its great. Its a sort of its very similar to, i mean its a similar kind of story. Its like an old west. But, its, but you know, like robots of the old west. Seth it sounds exactly like west world so far. Fred but its like a finesse a little nicer. Its like a little higher end. [ laughter ] you know what i mean . Its like more money put into it. Like more expensive west world. Seth so are the robots better or are the cowboys better . Fred theres more dialogue. Seth oh. Fred so, and so yeah, th and horses. And at the beginning theyre making the horses out of, you know, like theyre just sort of seth exactly like west world. Fred yeah. And so then and all these other people, like do they have to go in and like check up on the robots. Seth okay, so you said the dialogue is better. Can you give me an example of sort of what west world dialogue would be and then what the Indian Summer version would fred okay, so west world is like i dont know everything seems so different now. But like, so on Indian Summer they were like, i think in my opinion, that things have where i cant hold it in any longer. What did you say . I said things have drastically changed so much that i cant hold it in any longer. Seth so they say, everythings longer and twice. Fred and twice. Just so you can really hear it. And i personally i love it. I think its going great. Seth thats great. Well according to and no offense here is a description fred im not offended. Seth of Indian Summer which is on pbs. It says in the series finale. Aafrin attempts to prevent alice and charlie from leaving for england and soon he faces a right of passage. Fred yeah, and theyre all robots. Seth give it up for fred armisen everybody. [ cheers and applause ] our first guest tonight is a two time emmy and grammy award winner, shes also a comedian and New York Times best selling author. Her latest book, Kathy Griffin celebrity runins is available tomorrow. Please welcome back to the show our friend Kathy Griffin. . [ cheers and applause ] seth hi, welcome back. Oh, yes. [ cheers and applause ] seth i am very excited because i you need to laugh. Seth i need to laugh . You need to laugh people. Seth its a good time to laugh. Okay good time to laugh. Seth and you know this has been for a lot of people a very fraught tense year. Yeah. Seth and im happy that as with a lot of years you are going to ring it out, with Anderson Cooper again, for new years eve. Yes, if President Trump lets media even stand next to a comedian who tell dick jokes on a platform. S fingers crossed everybody. Seth fingers crossed. Fingers crossed, yes. Seth so this book. This is 120 celebrity runins youve had over your career. Its alphabetized a to z. I used to be a temp. And so im a little organized so you should know that because the book isnt officially out until tomorrow id say about 90 of the people in there dont even know that theyre in there. So, i cant wait for the phone calls im going to get tomorrow from people who hate me more than they did today. How are you . Seth im good. Im very good. Okay good. Seth now, how many of the 120, would you say, are going to like four. Seth four. Okay gotcha. Pretty much cher and my mom. Other than that, sorry. Seth well carrot top, though lets talk about carrot top because i bet hell be happy, right . Oh, okay hes going to be super happy. Now first of all, you played carrot top on snl. Seth yes, it turns out we have identical facial structure. Very exactly, me too. Seth yeah. There you go we could all play him. Hope we get him in the same room together with andy dick. No. All right so anyway what i heard. Okay so, his real name is scott, as you know. Seth yea seth very nice guy. And so one time im doing some gig here in new york. I live in l. A. And all of a sudden this make up girl is like you know you know scott, right . Like they think all comics know each other. And i say yeah i know him. Not super well. And shes like well you probably know about, you know. And im thinking what . And she is like whoo and so apparently she was saying hes like, boom. Like babys arm holding an apple. Seth wow. Right . And then i swear i heard this story from two other women because i was obsessed. So yeah carrot top really seth so you were obsessed theyre all sore. Apparently hes just so yes actually, maybe five people will like the book. Carrot top owes me a muffin basket. Seth yeah. Mr. T comes off as a gentleman. Okay, so i was doing a gig in chicago and, thats where im from. So i walk out of the hotel and then i see mr. T and a, he looks like he looks like mr. T. Seth yeah. Like hes got the balloon pants and the chains and the mohawk. Seth not changed his look. No and why should he . Seth right . Alright, so, anyway hes like hello, funny lady. And i said, mr. T, its so nice to meet you. And were making small talk. And then he said, where are you going . And i said, as a matter of fact i have a show at 8 00 and my ride isnt here. Mr. T and his posse gave me a ride in their limo to my show at the chicago theater. And i was so excited. But i was like, will you do me a favor . I open the door. I was on in like, honestly like, five minutes. People are walking in and i started screaming mr. T drove me here and he got up and waved to everybody. And it was a moment. It was a moment. Seth there you go. Thats fantastic. Some of the stories are just weird and crazy and some are funny and some are jaw droppers. But theyre not like the long stories, in my act. Can i tell you what inspired me to write the book . Seth please. I know youre gonna laugh at me. Because i couldnt be whiter. Like i am so white im transparent. Seth yeah. Like you can see my organs and veins. Like an anatomy doll. Alright, so i truly was inspired i feel like youre judging me. I feel like youre looking at me seth im gonna try not to. Okay. Seth but i am a little. Youre known for that. Seth yeah i am. A judger. So about last, like december i was in the Trump International hotel. You can judge me, you can judge me. But because its next to cnn i was staying there for new years and stuff. And so, i was watching you know you get the i love to watch movies in hotels, right . So i was watching straight out of compton. Seth yeah. With my 18 years younger boyfriend. Dont. Seth congratulations. Dont what . Seth well i would say, thats not a negative judge. [ cheers and applause ] i thought you were gonna judge me. I really did. Seth no. So i am 56 and he is 38. Its like im his teen mom. Its gross but anyway, we have of compton and then i turned to him. And because hes younger, i go you know randy you probably didnt know this but i actually know or have worked with four of the people portrayed in this movie. And then thats honestly how i came up with it. Because i thought, im now like im a 56yearold chick comic. Ive kind of like met everybody at this point. So i have a story in there about one day i did a sitcom, tupac shakur was the guest. I followed him around all day with ice t. I one time, i made out with snoop dogg when i was hosting the Billboard Music awards. Dr. Dre cast me in the real slim shady video with eminem and suge knight spooned me, one time, like you know when youre spooning a gentle lover. Seth uh huh. And i almost died that night. Seth why was he spooning you . Okay, so heres what it was. So i was at Katt Williams house. Seth you cant just say i got spooned by okay. Fish out of water. I get it. Seth yeah, okay. So i am friends with Katt Williams. I think hes a genius. Seth great, another fantastic comedian. Fantastic, comedian. So katt, you know, invited me over one night so i go over and, once again, i love to throw my boyfriend under the bus. So i go, hey, everybody this is and so my boyfriend who is caucasian, was like, hey, i didnt mean anything. So he had the best line of the night though because katt was there with his posse and then my boyfriend actually said that guy looks like suge knight. Seth was suge knight . Yes. Seth oh my goodness. Alright, so when i see suge knight you know im obnoxious really fear unfortunately i fear no one. So i go soog. And seth you thought he was french. I thought he would enjoy a good joke. Seth yeah. And so luckily katt was laughing and i go, soog, whats up . What about time for tender and he goes normally i like [ bleep ]. And i said i know but he could be in the cabinet. Seth he could be in the cabinet. He could be. Perfect fit. Cant help it. So i got him to spoon me and i was the little spoon and i now feel suge knight is a little misunderstood. Seth really . Now that were, i mean you know. He didnt, and so im just saying i wrote this book because would you think i know soog . Seth no. No you would not. Seth i like its great all the current people are in here but theres also and i dont mean to say theres legends. Seth theyre legends. Vanilla ice is maybe my favorite in the entire book. Okay i knew you would get this one. This is awesome. So last year i did 80 cities on my like a boss tour. This year im gonna do 50 cities on my celebrity runins tour. So i really love traveling the country and playing everywhere from carnegie to like potawatomi. Like ill go where ever people want to laugh. So wait who were we talking about . Okay so im in stewart. Sorry i was like plugging my tour, thats so lame. Alright, so im in stewart, florida and i dont know where that is either but they have a theater. Okay, so like the backstage guy is like, his real name is rob. Seth yeah. Theyre like rob is here, vanilla ice. And i go let me guess his wife loves me . Hes like uh huh. So i said, great, bring him back. So they come back. I meet vanilla ice, and the wife. And i said would you be in to introducing me . Like youre the hometown guy and stuff. Sure enough in this theater in stewart, florida. Not only does he rock, the best intro ive ever had. He actually does ice ice baby but interweaves my name and comedy into the rap and then i had to follow that. I was like, oh my god. I love him. Oh i have two hours of comedy. Seth thats fantastic. Thats like a crazy run in which i enjoy. Seth well this is its wonderful you shared all of these stories youve had an incredible career and this really bears that out. And im so excited that youre going on tour again. New years. Seth cant wait for new years. You and anderson, best team on earth. Oh thank seth Kathy Griffin everybody, Kathy Griffin. Celebrity runins available tomorrow. For info on her upcoming tour go to kathygriffin. Com. Well be right back with dev patel. [ applause ] . So we are going. Modern life deserves a modern way to pay. Well end up uh. In venice oh venice lets get the check e. Whats with this one . And on your phone. Taking care of the check, its all masterpassed. First impressions. Priceless well thank you so where to now . Well were thinking shoe shopping i was hoping you were gonna say shoe shopping. Masterpass. The secure way to pay from your bank. Dont just buy it, masterpass it. . laughs. here it is. . . Hey dad . Wishes do come true. The lincoln wish list sales event is on. Get exceptional offers on the lincoln family of luxury vehicles. Sign and drive off in a new 2017 lincoln mkc with zero down . . 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Its like knowing my real brother and mother spent every day of their lives looking for me . Huh . How every day my real brother screams my name . Can you imagine the pain they must be in not knowing where i am . Huh . 25 years lucy. 25 seth please welcome to the show dev patel. . [ cheers and applause ] seth how are you . Hey, how are you doing, man . Seth im so happy that youre here. Big fan of your work. Thank you. Seth congratulations on this film. This is an incredible story that were it not true would be i feel like you criticize it for being too crazy a story to be a movie. Completely. Seth but this is a true story. Tell us a little bit about that. Well, its based on this boy, up in poverty in india and one day he was scavenging for food on a train with his brother and they got separated and he gets hurdled on this train across india locked in this carriage and when he comes hes in a part of the country that he doesnt know. He cant speak the local dialect. Hes uneducated, he calls his mother mom, ami. And you know the authorities cant locate him to his family. And after going through a horrendous ordeal of survival he ends up being adopted by an australian family in hobart. He uses google earth to try and relocate his mother. Crazy. Isnt it . Seth its a crazy wonderful story. Yes. Seth and its incredibly well received so far and then you have the premiere and bill clinton just showed up at the premiere. That was insane. The first hour of the film is lead by this amazing young boy that they found from 2,000 children. His name is sunny pawar. Seth yes. He is so cute. Oh youve got a picture . Seth heres sunny signing autographs. Look. Seth so this, there he is. And he plays young you. He has never been on a film theres us, yeah. Seth so he never been on a plane before. No, never been on a plane, never been on a film set. Never watched a hollywood film in his life. Seth wow. And he ends up leading this movie and then bill clinton shows up at this premiere. So were trying to explain to sunny the gravitas seth oh so he had no idea who bill clinton was. Of this situation. He was so underwhelmed. And i was like, how can i tell this child . Seth yeah, what do you how do you do . Like so theres a big bollywood star in india called amitabh bachchan. So im like, sunny, thats like the american amitabh bachan. And hes like o and then he stood to attention all of a sudden. And i was like all right. But, yeah. Seth you can always find something to help an 8yearold understand somebody. Exactly, yeah. Seth when somebody when youre working with an 8yearold actor who has never been on a film set before. I mean theres so much down time on a film set. Yes. Seth like what do you do . What does an 8yearold whos never been on a set do . Our make up artist introduced him to the world of candy crush. Seth oh no. So she has like an ipad so she taught him how to play it. So in between takes hes just so preoccupied and to try to wrangle that off him then he literally goes and crushes it on set, because hes so amazing. Seth somehow like, candy crush is the hard drugs of 8yearolds. Absolutely. Absolutely, yeah. Seth and so you i want to ask you about this because you mentioned you use google earth to find your parents and you were on the newsroom and you were a blogger on that show. And then Slumdog Millionaire you were sort of working with computer screens. Yeah. Seth youve done a lot. You are one of our foremost computer actors. When you are in a film oh, man. Seth and youre ut yeah. Seth like how often are you youre not obviously looking at the screen. They put that in afterwards and im so terrible with technology. I literally just graduated from a very old blackberry because i needed to use uber and my phone wasnt a touch phone. But yeah i spent a lot of my career staring at loads of computer screens trying to, you know, frantically type trying to get seth yeah. Some information or crack a code or something. Seth yeah, youre very good at it. But youre not seeing anything right . Yeah, not really. And this is a lot more emotional though because hes using this app that just came out google to find his mother from space. Seth thats fantastic. Do you two computers at once is my favorite thing in movies. Yes. Seth the double keyboards, because at no point in my life have i ever been like exactly. Seth mouse work. Yeah. Seth i feel like you have very good mouse work. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Great mouse work. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Seth hold on. Yeah, yeah. Seth so anyways, its an honor. Thank you. Thank you. Seth now your mother, a big fan of your work. Yeah. Seth been someone who has encouraged you from the very yeah. Shes a very quirky individual. She yeah i did this film called marigold hotel. Seth fantastic. Which ended up being a sequel. Yeah, i call it the avengers for over 60. We had these amazing actors on there and my mom actually works for the elderly in a care home. Seth okay. So she became an overnight sensation once i told her im working with Dame Judi Dench and maggie smith and all of these people. But one day we had a day off. And maggie i mean i was filming but maggie had a day mom specifically i was like, do not bother maggie. Like, just let her be if you see her in the hotel premises. Just leave her alone. And i get back from work and i look through my moms camera and she has done like a whole photo shoot with maggie smith. Like by the swimming pool. Theyre having cocktails together and im like what did you do . So i went to maggie the next and im like, im so sorry. Im so sorry. Shes like, shut up you. Shes lovely. And i was like okay. Seth thats fantastic. Well i will say if youre going b are probably amenable to nice mothers you could do a lot worse than maggie. She used to stalk on richard gere. It was is in the second one and he used to do yoga on his balcony every morning. So she would disappear around breakfast time and i was like wheres mom . She was spying on richard. Seth shes probably on a watch list. Yeah. Seth you know, like one of those predator those sexual predator lists. Oh, man jesus. Tell me about it. Seth well, congratulations on the film. So lovely to meet you. Thank you. Seth continued success. Well be right back with more late night. [ cheers and applause ] . This is pepsi zero sugar. Zero sugar. ooooh zero calories. ooooo but max pepsi taste. wow applause pepsi zero sugar. Ia sandwich as full of intrigue as it is flavor. Others, by Reuben Kulakofsky during a poker game. And some insist it was hollywood starlet Marjorie Rambeau in a fit of crazed hunger. Seriously. The reubens past may be debatable, but its great taste is not. Stacked with lean corned beef, bavarianstyle sauerkraut, swiss cheese, and thousand island dressing on new freshlybaked rye bread. We dont know where it came from, but we know where you can get it. Only at subway. Look how big my hands are. Yeah. Ooh. Rawr. How much am i making for this again . Oh her last opponent is still in a coma. What . I should go walk my cats. No. No no no. Amy, get in there and fight for your life. Isnt there an easier way to make a hundred k . Sure. Old navys giving away a hundred k everyday through black friday. Plus its 50 off your entire purchase. 50 off . you keep in touch with me, girl. Im going to old navy. Ahh its 50 off wednesday through friday . . . [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back to late night. Were here with michelin rated chef jose andres. Welcome to the show. [ cheers and applause ] hello seth seth so happy to have you. Hello everybody seth and i noticed while we were coming to commercial you were already pouring shots. Yeah. We need to do a shot. Seth okay, great. Why . Seth why . Because im about to show you how to make a margarita. Seth okay great. First thing you do, take a shot. Seth okay, move forward. To you, seth. Seth alright, to you. Woo why are we doing margarita . Seth why . Its a National Security issue. Seth oh we are . Yes. Seth margaritas are a National Security issue, why . Yes, because it seems americans we are all separated one from each other. Seth thats true. And margarita is one thing that can bring america together again. [ cheers and applause ] seth here we go. So what do you do . Seth what do you do . What are you starting with . Mezcal. Seth mezcal and is it true mezcal and is it true that you make this are you making fun of my accent . Seth no. I dont have an accent. Seth no, you dont. Yeah. Seth i have an accent. If you dont have one, i have one. So wait do you make your own, mezcal. I help make one called iberico in guajaca with a guy called ron cooper. We got an iberico leg, this big from spain. Seth they way you are saying this sounds like its really shady. Shady and we put under the mezcal iberico leg. Seth uh huh. The iberico began giving these essence. Seth so theres ham in here . Its an aroma of ham. So this is perfect for vegetarians. Seth okay. If you dont want to eat the turkey drink this mezcal. Seth great. And your life will change forever. Seth so what else have we what you put in there so far . We put lime. Seth okay. The recipe as always. We put some syrup. Sugar with with water. Seth im going to eat some chips while im waiting. Im quicker. And then we go. We put some ice. We shake it. Seth do you think this is a good thanksgiving drink . This is the best thanksgiving drink. Seth ive never had margaritas on thanksgiving. Why . Seth why . Because my friend they are about to be building a wall. Seth oh, right. And if they build a wall you have to stop right now with all the mezcal tequila you can because this man wont be able to make it. You didnt finish. Seth you didnt finish. And then what we do. Seth air of salt. Yeah. Seth air of salt. Essence of ham. Yes. We need to be bringing air into our lives. Seth you covered yourself in this. Do you know . My wife is looking right there. So this is salt air margargita. Seth i feel so bad. Do you want to blow some on me so we both look ridiculous . Great. So, we keep going. So, very quickly, guys we need to be making guacamole for oh man. You look ridiculous. Seth no, i look good. We look like a couple of guys whove been drinking margaritas. So, long story short we go and we have to start making guacamole. Dont worry about the wall because if they build a wall, i mean, look at this. These avocados are the perfect thing to be throwing over the wall. Oh,[ bleep ] i hit somebody. Seth thats okay. [ cheers and applause ] seth this is simple. Quarterbacks one side of the wall and baseball catchers on the other. Seth there you go. Perfect, so we make guacamole. Seth okay. We put the onion. Do you want to help me . Seth yeah. Onion. Great. Onion. Seth now, you have a bunch of restaurants in d. C. I have ten. Seth ten and you were going to have one in a new hotel called the Trump International. What . Me . I forgot. [ bleep ] i got you. Let me have a margarita. So, we put avocado. Seth avocado. Everybody knows how to do this. Smash it to perfection. Then we put some lime great. Then we put some obviously cilantro. Do you like salt . Seth i love salt. More salt . Seth yeah. More. Seth yeah. Okay, if its salty its your fault. Seth okay, there you go. And now my friend we are making america awesome by drinking and having guacamole during thanksgiving. Lets give an opportunity to those turkeys. We have been eating turkey for so long. Seth this is instead of turkey now . Well, you are having an entire iberico pork when you are drinking the entire bottle. Seth thats true. Want to have it on your show . Seth yeah. Because i really do believe i need it. Oh my god. [ cheers and applause ] i was going to feed you. Seth youre going to feed me. Okay. I mean, im a chef. Im here to feed the people of america. Seth wonderful. You did a wonderful job. These are good. Seth i cant thank you so much. Thank you enough. I love you. I had to this is weird. We just met. I love you. Seth meyers you drunk. Seth jose andres everybody. Well be right back. [ cheers and applause ] . Most people know the four cs of a diamond. Now, kay jewelers brings you. The newest c centuries. Makes jewelry with rare chocolate diamonds. Save up to 20 on select levian styles, with Dazzling Designs that shes sure to love. At kay, the numberone jewelry store. In america. Levian chocolate diamonds. For the sweetest thing in your life. 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With humira, remission is possible. My name is yasmin beloosagie and i produce programs. And online content for African Women as they try. To build their businesses and careers. This windows 10 device, you can configure it in so many. Different ways it feels like a much more robust. Computer than the old mac that i used to use. Ill have that goat cheese garden salad. That gentleman got the last one. And one snack box. Can i keep the walnuts . Sold. But i get to pick your movie. Can i pick the genre . Yes, but it has to be a comedy. A little cash back on the side. With the blue cash everyday card from american express, you get cash back on purchases with no annual fee. Throw. Its more than cash back. . Announcer this week on late night with Seth Meyers Katy tur. Music from k. Flay. And on thursday, a very special thanksgiving episode with the meyers family. And be sure to check us out on facebook for all things late night. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] seth my thanks to Kathy Griffin, dev patel, jose andres, everybody [ cheers and applause ] fred armisen, the 8g band stay tuned for carson da [ cheers and applause ] . . Carson and good evening, welcome to last call from skylark here in new york city. Im your host carson daly, thank you for being here tonight. Got a od one, coming up angeles. Our spotlight tonight is the film maker behind the hurt business. His names vlad yudin, more on that later but first. One of our favorites lisa ling returns to the show to talk about season three of her eye opening documentary series. Its called this is life. Lets go to surly goat now for more. . . Ive always been a little notorious for having a bit of a potty mouth. Once i got called in to my sixth grade teachers classroom because i was cussing too much, and my dad got called in. And he said, who the [ bleep ] taught her . You know . The kinds of people i do stories on, like you know, i was with the mongols biker club you know. And im constantly around incarcerated people, so you know we cant exactly say, you know, watch your language. . Hi, im lisa ling im a journalist and host and executive producer of this is life on cnn. Im more of a friend, than i am a prostitute

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