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Although we still have plenty ways to go with that. But october has been a good month over 5 inch of rain in boston. Weve seen a lot of it taper off. Scattered to light showers near the mass New Hampshire border. Despite temperatures now being in the low 50s. I think more and more of us will see upper 40s late morning into the afternoon. Because the breeze is now changing direction. Its gone from onshore back to the west. We have that cooler air sliding in toward the coastline. Gusty wind throughout the day. The Numbers Holding near 50. Still cant rule out a passing shower in the afternoon. Heaviest of the rain is over and done with. More on the forecast, ahead. Fire crews are on the scene after flames tore through several boats at a boatyard there. No word on how many boats are damaged or if theres injury. Mike pences plane had a skid scare last night. With his family and reporters and the ntsb is looking into exactly how this happened. Lets go to jennifer eagan. Some really scary stories. He knew they were off the runway when they saw mud slash the window. Scary moments on the plane of republican Vice President ial candidate mike pence. Remain penss campaign jet skidded off La Guardia Airport around 8 00. It was ten seconds of uncertainty. Speaking to today show he describing the harrowing landing saying he and the 30 people onboard reporters his staff and family could feel the pilot braking hard. We felt the plane fish tailing a little bit and then it slid sideways. When we saw the mud slash on the runway. Authorities say barrier made of crushable concrete at the end of the runway called a rester beds helped stop the plane and prevent it from reaching a highway. We will not speculate on the cause of the incident. Before getting off pence checked the cabin to make sure everybody was safe. The candidate taking all in stride even stopping to take pictures with firefighters. Were so grateful. It seemed like the First Responders were literally around the airplane bef rest. We thank the pilots as well. Early this morning the planes removed from the runway as the investigation into what happened begins. And pence is going right back on the campaign trail today. He plans to make stops in pennsylvania and north carolina. In the newsroom. Jennifer eagan. 7 news today in new england. Theres 11 days left in election countdown. Donald trump is heading back to New Hampshire today where the polls have him and Hillary Clinton in a close race. Victoria warren is live in New Hampshire with the latest from the campaign trail. Good morning. No doubt New Hampshire is going to be an important state given the attention that the candidates are giving to New Hampshire. Donald trump coming here. Hes been talking about a lawsuit meanwhile Hillary Clinton is defending herself from the latest controversy. The microphone was not supposed to be on. Donald trump once again taking on nbc over his now infamous hinting at a possible lawsuit. You will see. You will see. The republican spending thursday in another battleground state, ohio. We should just cancel the election. And just give it to trump; right. [cheering and applause] her policies are so bad. Bill clinton sharing the stage with bonn jovi thursday. Dollars in speaking and consulting fees from former Clinton Foundation donors. Former clinton aid doug band said he secured more than 50 million for the former president but theres no indication Hillary Clinton did anything for those donors. Trump pouncing. Mr. Band called the arrangement unorthodox. The rest of us call it outright corrupt. Hillary clinton hitting obama thursday. Is there anyone more inspiring that Michelle Obama . The first lady trying to reach out to women and minorities appealing for them to vote against trump and his tactics. When you hear folks talking about a global conspiracy and saying that this election is rigged, understand they are trying to get you to stay home. They are trying to convince you Donald Trumps event taking place here in man chester. Hes scheduled to speak at noon. Live this morning in manchester. Victoria warren. 7news today in new england. Politico reporting that joe biden considered for secretary of state if Hillary Clinton wins the president ial election. Before becoming Vice President he served as the chair of the Senate Foreign relations committee. Its not clear if biden has been told about the consideration. Two massachuset for Hillary Clinton in florida this weekend. According to the global congressman seth moulton and attorney general will take part in Campaign Events in orlando. Healy plans to tour the nightclub where the orlando nightclub massacre occurred. Breaking overnight. Police and s. W. A. T. Team surrounding a hotel in New Hampshire where a man fired at officers and led to a stand off. Thats what led to the stand off. The union leader reporting the man was later found dead inside no officers were hurt. Police say they did not return fire. Happening today a toll turnover. Now just hours away. Major changes are coming as officials get ready to trade in those tollbooths for an all electronic system. Lets go to john cocoa who is in east boston and john, officials warning driver expect delays in the coming days here. They are. All morning though people have been coming in and out of easy pass Service Center trying to get ready for the changes. Come tonigol this one will be completely different. Days of physically handing over money at tollbooth are over. 10 00 friday night massachusetts goes to all electronic tolling. The main thing im concerned about is well, of course a traffic. Its going to be crazy. And then on the other thing is the money. As the new system implemented mass d. O. T. Warning driver about possible delays because of changes in traffic patterns. Customer center will have extended hours throughout the weekend. The department of transportation releasing this video of what the changes will eventually look like. The new tolling system will be cheaper for people with transponders. But if you dont already have one. Theres a six month grace period. Heres what you need to know. If you dont have transponder. You will get a bill in the mail. It will include application for transponder. If you apply and get one. You will be credited with discounted rate. Its more hectic. Get up a little bit earlier. Might be a little bit of a problem. So the demolition of toll plazas will start late sunday night. It will run through 2017. Drivers need to be ready. John cocoa. 7news today in new england. Community on alert. Police in concorde, massachusetts are on the lookout for suspicious who they say approached a child. Nicole oliverio live in concorde nicole . Well, sarah weve been waiting to hear from police. We still dont know yet this morning where this student went to school or what neighborhood this happened in. But police say they are going to be on alert and have out more patrols throughout the town. This all happened as this student left around 3 45. That student apparently reporting that man was fleiolwi continued on his way home. He said at that point he noticed the man got out of his car and began taking pictures. That boy reported it. They told police and now police are investigating. Theyve given a brief descriptions of a car saying newer model sedan. A white male possibly mid 30s early 40s the stocky build. For now thats the latest live in concorde. Nicole oliverio. 7news today in new england. Were learning more details now in an alleged abduction that happened in New Hampshire. Safe. Police say vickor resoro forced the victim in her car yesterday afternoon. Massachusetts state police were able to stop him eventually in worcester. As the investigation unfolds rosaro could face several charges including kidnapping a man will be facing a judge today after police say he tried to rob a credit union in west rocksbury. Investigators say the 51yearold suspect walked into the credit union wearing a mask. Police say an off documen chased him out of the building. Officers later tracked down the suspect in front of a restaurant and put him in handcuffs. I see the cop like taking the gun out and put the guy out of the car. It didnt seem like anything was wrong. After i came back to work thats when i saw the police. I was like, oh. This morning the suspect is facing several charges. And still ahead this morning. Shots fired at police. The tense moments that were opens fire on an officer in the southwest. A marathon bombing survivor reunited with the clothes she was wearing that day. And mixed emotion she had when seeing them again. Rain tapering off in many towns. Risk of passing shower this afternoon. Seasonable weekend ahead. Timing of any rain coming up. We have class act coming your way. Highlighting a teen with a musical gift being put to good i heard a strange sound coming from my basement, and my hot water heater was leaking. Luckily its protected by a repair plan from homeserve, which covers things from drain valves to burners. A technician came right over. He handles all kinds of unexpected problems with my heating system. Hey, homeserve guy sorry. Thats my homeserve guy massachusetts has many great public schools, and we took it for granted that our kids would go to great public schools. But some kids arent so lucky. Where they live, they dont go to a great school, and they have no choice. Imagine if your kids were trapped in a failing school. Public Charter Schools give parents a choice and are a pathway to success for these kids. If you like your school, question 2 wont affect you. But question 2 will change the future for thousands of kids vote yes on question 2. Police stumbling upon two horses overnight. It turns out the two decided to go for a stroll after their barn doors blew open from the wind. The officer on duty was driving on the road when he noticed those horses. They were eventually corralled go for it. So were all a little bit crazy with this weather. We saw some snow. Im trying to block that from my memory. 6 inch of snow. Not just some snow. They got healthy dose in higher terrain of western mass. You get into the corner of franklin county. They picked up 5 or 6 inches of snow. Springfield the city there picking up an inch of snow. Paled in comparison to what we had five years ago. Re we didnt pick up a ton of snow. The western suburbs close to half a foot. Worcester picking up 15 and you had over 20 inch of snow in portions of western mass and also into northern Worcester County as central and South Central New Hampshire. 1. 7 million across the northeast lost power with this one. Coastal wind gust of 60 to 70mileanhour. Thats a powerful noreaster we dealt with. Its hard to belief its been trickortreaters issue there with a lot of downed trees and snow lining the roadways. We saw some strong winds across the vineyards. Cape ann had a few gust close to 50 Miles Per Hour as early as this morning. A lot of the rain has tapered off south of the mass New Hampshire border. We have lingering showers close to the border and i would say were all systems go. With everything pivoting around. I cant rule out a passing shower as we get into the afternoon. Still get your dry hours out there. Keep the umbrella handy. If you open it up and fly away in the wind. Thats another struggle to deal with. 52 in boston. 41 worcester. The cooler air pressing from the west so that 52 in boston is down from 55 earlier this morning. It may indeed fade back into the 40s. Its a brisk wind at time the cape and islands. You may see gust 35 to 40, 45 Miles Per Hour through the day today. Area of low pressure moving to north and east here. Quiet start to the weekend. Sunshine tomorrow. Seasonable weekend. Midtoupper 50s. More clouds around tomorrow. I cant rule out a stray sprinkle or stray shower. But much of the time will be on the dry side. Front starts to slide through sunday. The question is there a way of low pressure riding close to us on this front here as some rain thinking at least the chance for couple of showers is there. This forecast model doesnt show. It mate be further to the north and deliver a passing shower or two on sunday afternoon. You will still get dry hours in there especially in the morning. 45 to 54 this afternoon. Coolest across the worcester hills. We may lose a few degrees thanks to pressing cold air coming in. Drying out tonight. Partly cloudy skies 34 to 42. The overnight lows. Most of the time dry midtoupper 50s. How about the halloween forecast. Not so scary weatherwise for trickortreaters into the 40s by trickortreat time. Kids on sugar high early next week. Get them outside. The weather looks like it will cooperate on tuesday or wednesday. Quite a shoot out in arizona caught on camera where two officers were chasing a suspect. One of the officers was grazed by a bullet and fell to ground. While on the ground continued to open as you hear there there was heavy gunfire. The officers partner then shot the suspect several times. The wounded officer has been released from the hospital. The suspect now in stable condition. Still ahead at 9 30 this morning. Were Aaron Hernandez phone calls taped. The new details about the patriots calls while he was awaiting trial. History in the making. Cubs fans fired up as the world series returns to chicago for the outside corporate interests bankrolling question two are trying to deceive you. Heres the truth every time a new Charter School opens, it drains money from the existing public schools. Thats 400 million just last year according to the states own data. Which means real cuts to our kids in arts, technology, ap classes, preschool, bus service and more. Thats why question twos opposed by the massachusetts pta Andrew Crossley New Hampshire has a senator who works just as hard as we do. Gerardine ferlins kelly ayotte believes in the potential of New Hampshire, and wants to unleash that potential. Ron goguen shes out there fighting for goodpaying jobs. Andrew crossley kelly introduced bipartisan training initiatives to make sure we have the skills for the 21st century. Sue winter shes fought against Workplace Discrimination and for equal pay. Claude poisson shes working for the little guy im the little guy. Barb fredette we need kelly fighting for good New Hampshire jobs so our kids can raise their families here. Sue martin kelly is a powerful voice for New Hampshires working families. And i approved this message. World series fever. A long absense. Cubs fan so fired up as they battle for championship. With the series tied at one apiece. Emotions are reeling running high. Chicago has been planning cubs fans are finally getting their chance to host the world series. It is absolutely about time. Its been about time for a long time. A really long time. In fact, no two teams have waited longer between world series wins. The indian havent won a championship in 68 years. And for the cubs its been 108 years. Power. Number for the cubs. Some fan look at the signs. Theres 108 stitches in the are 108 meters from home plate. And the last two cubs to enter the hall of fame ron sando and andrew sawson wore number 10 and 8. Others say a chicago win is in the stars. The sun is 108 times larger than the earth. The distance between the sun and earth 108 time diameter of sun. The distance between the moon teams struggle a World Series Game at wrigley is overwhelming. Its something to be emotional about. It turns out there is crying in baseball. Tears of joy for fans and two teams taking a swing at history. And as we mentioned the world series is currently tied 1 so exciting. It is. I feel Like Old School red sox fans can so commiserate. Or excited for them. Absolutely. The heartbreak. The years the torment. Ahead at 9 30. Secret Service Agent paycheck cut short. While they are not able to collect overtime pay. And it comes during this busy election year. Up next a class act with the musical twist. One student using talent to joanne shes not fooling me. Britt kelly ayotte sides with the special interests. Vivian now, shes even playing politic games with medicare. Vo kelly ayotte voted to cut medicare and cost seniors up to 1,700 more for prescriptions. While protecting tax breaks for the wall street banks and Big Oil Companies that fund her campaign. Fred kelly ayotte sold us out. Britt with kelly ayotte, its all politics. Joanne shes not looking out for New Hampshire anymore. Vo Senate Majority pac is responsible [ roars ] [ up tempo music ] dinner may i be excused . Get the new xfinity tv app and for the First Time Ever stream live tv, dennys knows the holidays should be shared with friends and family. Except dennys allnew holiday pancakes. You wont want to share those with anybody. Dennys new fluffier, tastier, better pancakes now in holiday flavors. Its time for this weeks class act. One is certainly m are about to hear. Another is care giving. He blends the two in such a nice way and lights up the lives of so many people. Hes this morning class act. This week melodys of viola and the gift of music. Is what this weeks class act is all about. Music as therapy. I thought he was really good. I like what he did. Its beautiful. And very skilled. For noah is only part of the skills. It gives him a huge sense of purpose. The they are reminded of all the great things they have done in their life. They have all great memory. Hes studying nursing at blue hills Technical High School in kanton where we surprised him. We wanted to present honor with outstanding musical whose is making people feel like they are being healed. Noah similars can you come to front of the classroom. [applause] come on over. Noaa a junior and on way to being certified as nursing assistant. And noaa has been playing since age four. His skills in such demand he started small business. He makes the round at several assisted living centers. He knows they like it. More because it really like brightens their heart. It mean a lot to noaa to be able to help them. Noaa is compassionate. He enriches our lives every time he come. He gets into what their passion is. We talk about a lot of the memories theyve had. I think they kind of get the sense its impacting maybe because they are so young. That gives them a huge sense of purpose. You dont need a Scientific Study to tell you music is healin better and calm after he hopes to play with the longwood symphony and go to college for nursing as well. If you know a student or Student Group between 6th and 12th grade. Please nominate them online. At whdh. Com. We have much more ahead at 9 30. Police trying to connect crimes here. The man they are looking for behind several redding breakins. A left over shower this afternoon. Cool breeze to contend with throughout the day. Fiery crash kills a man in milford. What investigators say played a role in his death. This is where the Oil Billionaire Koch Brothers hosted a fundraiser for kelly ayotte. This is where ayotte voted with the Koch Brothers 90 of the time. Ayottes campaigns collected millions from corporate interests. And voted for them, not you. She voted wall street banks ted Big Oil Billions in tax breaks. But kelly ayotte voted against letting families refinance student loans. And against lowering the cost of prescription drugs. Kelly ayottes not working for New Hampshire. Dscc is responsible our children, they look up to us. What we value, how we treat others. And now theyre looking to see what kind of leaders we choose. Who well entrust our country and their future to. Frightens our allies and emboldens our enemies . The one with the deep understanding of the challenges we face, or the one who is unprepared for them . A steady hand . Or a loose cannon . Common sense and unity, or drama and division . A woman whos spent her life helping children and families, what example will we set . What kind of country will we be . Hillary clinton, because were stronger together. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Plane scare for Vice President ial candidate. Emotional reunion. What she had to say when she receives the clothing she was wearing during that blast. Secret Service Agent not getting their fair share why they are not paid for all of their overtime hours. Its 9 30. Im sarah french. Very busy weekend ahead for so many people with halloween parties and all that. I say mostly nice weather over the weekend. There could be a couple of showers later on sunday. Maybe a sprinkle saturday late in the day. Dry hours in there and certainly not seeing torrential rains like we saw last night. Boston picking up over an inch of rain. Many town between an inch and inch and a half of water. Still consistently showing showers in southern New Hampshire. The bulk of heaviest rain tape yerd off. If you note one thing. You watch the temperature here across the coastline. The wind changing direction back out of the westsouthwest. The cooler air thats in Worcester County now making way toward the coastline. Gusty wind at that. Gusting over 30 Miles Per Hour. Contend with that strong breeze throughout the day. Low 50s back into the upper 40s. Late day sprinkle tomorrow. Milder weekend temperature midtoupper 50s. More on that forecast, ahead. Get to breaking news medford. Fire crews on the scene after boats are damaged. What started it or if there are any injuries at this point. But well certainly let you know more when we learn it. Hard to believe theres 11 days left until the president ial election and this morning one campaign is dealing with plane scare a flight with mike pence and family onboard skidded off the runway at La Guardia Airport. Luckily no one was hurt. The Vice President ial cappmpaig trail today. Asru where he and Hillary Clinton are locked in a battle for votes. Lets go to victoria warren with more from manchester. The microphone was not supposed to be on. Donald trump once again taking on nbc over his now infamous access hollywood interview trump hinting at a possible lawsuit. The republican spending thursday in another battleground state, ohio. We should just cancel the election. Right . What are we having. Her policies are so bad. Bill clinton sharing the stage with bonn jovi thursday amid controversy. Stolen email posted by wikileaks. Former clinton aid doug band said hes secured more than 50 million for the former president but no donors. Trump pouncing. Mr. Band called the arrangement unorthodox. The rest of us call it outright corrupt. Hillary clinton hitting the campaign trail with Michelle Obama on thursday. Is there anyone more inspiring that Michelle Obama. The first lady reaching out minority appealing for them to vote against trump and his tactics. About a global conspiracy and saying this election is rigged understand that they are trying to get you to stay home. They are trying to convince you that your vote doesnt matter. Are you with me . Donald trumps event taking place here in manchester, hes scheduled to speak at noon. In manchester, victoria warren. 7news today in new england. New details regarding Aaron Hernandez. Authorities say his phone calls were while he was being held at the Suffolk County house of correction. He was charged with killing oden lloyd. Waiting for that trial to begin. According to the herald defense attorney and prosecutors never learned about the tapped phone conversations. Hernandez is right now serving a life sentence for killing lloyd. Official say former massachusetts House Speaker condition appears to be worsening. Prison. According to the global court filing said he may need to use alternative feeding methods. Prosecutors have recommended he be released early. Hearing has been scheduled for tuesday. Right now Redding Police are asking for the publics help identifying the man you are about to see her. Police say the breakin happen endoscopy at commercial businesses throughout the money. New this morning. Emotional union for becoming survivor. Shes getting back her more than three years after the attack. Jennifer eagan in the control room with more on what the fbi handed over. Sarah, erika was watching her mother run the marathon when the bombs went offer. She just got her things back including her cell phone filled with messages from that day. For erika every step is reminder of the deadly attack near the Boston Marathon finish line. Shes undergone multiple surgeries and the now living with a prosthetic leg. Seeing the clothes she was wear and where the pieces of shrapnel pierced her body. At first i wasnt sure i wanted to see my clothe. When i was there i decided i wanted to see them. I had a ravens shirt on. I was so upset they cut it. And i had my jeans and i saw how shredded and torn apart they were. And oddly enough my left shoe they had kept. And now that amputee on my left side its emotional seeing my shoe. The fbi held on to items as evidence then sense them off to be decontaminated. Last month she was able to pick up her possessions. I charged my phone. It still had everything on there. I had 67 Text Messages and over 10 voice mails from that day. She doesnt know what she will do with items. It was a weird it was very emotional. But also healing at the same time to kind of come full circle with it. Brenick back teaching preschool. Teaching teens about violent extremism. Jennifer eagan. 7news today in new england. Caught on camera two people are arrested after a crazy crash lebanon, New Hampshire. Officers lasht found prescription drugs in the car. Police are investigating after a man is killed in a fiery crash in milford. Investigator say the driver was speeding when he lost control of the car and hit a fire hydrant before flipping the car over in front of dealership. The car then burst into flames. People nearby raised to try to help that driver but it was just too late. Jerry took the extinguisher smashed into the back window. As soon as the window smashed. Smoke started coming out. The car sounded like it would blowup. We had to make a decision to back away from the vehicle. Right now police are looking into whether the driver had a medical emergency prior to that catch. Also this morning Boston Police say they dont expect an uber driver to be cited or face charge after crashing into a home in beacon hill. The driver has been insolved in numerous crashes over the years. Ans record include license suspension since 1985. He also scraped a scar and hit this home. State and city officials are calling for more liability after smoke filled Back Bay Station on wednesday. The mbta said the issue was a trash fire on the tracks that started when a motor overheated. Video shows passengers breaking windows to get out of the orange governor baker said new cars are being built but it might take two years before those cars are on line. Theres a Million People a day. For the most part safely. We need to make it more liable than it is. We are still having the same conversation. Its not a simple fix. But its the plan. And lets pay for it. The nbta said its conducting a full investigation into wednesday incident. We also have on incident involving the u. S. Secret service. Apparently officials are speaking out about some overtime concerns for these agents. Ability one third of secret Service Agent working to protect the president ial candidates are not being paid for all the because apparently they need to be properly compensated. Theres no reward. Theres a major moral issue for that. Several officials in congress believe the solution can be reached by the end of the year. And theres more news today. The pipeline protest in north dakota intensifying this morning after a dramatic stand off. Police arrested at least 141 people thursday after protestor set several fires and blocked a pipeline is expected to be built. Ems Officials Say one protestor even opened fire on an officer. That officer was not hit. Were trying to avoid the confrontation. They drew the line in the sand today. This is about protecting water. Thats a good thing. It needs to be protected. Officials in the area have asked the department of justice to get involved. Jury in st. Louis reaching a verdict in a talc powder Million Dollars to a california women who claims that Johnson Johnson baby powder caused her Ovarian Cancer. Now thousands of women have filed similar lawsuits against the company. Rexing though has not found a link between Ovarian Cancer and using baby powder for feminine hygiene. Could it keep from starting the season 2and0. You take us into the kitchen here. Ghoulishly good dish in todays whats cooking. The forecast looking good for halloween as well. What about the weekend . Well take a look at the i just want whats best for my kids. When i hear arguments that massachusetts needs more Charter Schools, i think what about the students in all of our schools . Every new charter takes away more money from the existing public schools. Thats 400 Million Dollars, just last year. Because theyre already losing so much. Im not just standing up for my own kids; im fighting for yours, too. Please join me in voting no on question 2. We heard this growling sound coming from our basement and our heating unit was blowing cold air. But we didnt worry about it, because our plan from homeserve covers costly repairs. A technician came to see if the problem was a loose blower belt or a faulty valve. He fixes all kinds of things like that. Hey homeserve guy, was it a faulty valve . That was my second guess. Youre right, honey. Help protect your heating system with a repair plan and save 50 your first year. Police in falmouth responding to a deer. The white tail buck was found struggling in the water in boat from county Sheriffs Office the deer from the water and back on to land. You can see the deer looked pretty exhausted. Officials say another deer drowned three days ago in a similar situation. Here though were dealing with snow. Rain and its notten november yet. Snow to the west. We did see our fair share of rain. Its cleared out now. Many town picking up an inch of inch and a half of rain. Its welcome new in a lot of regards. 51 in boston now. The west wind active steady at 17 Miles Per Hour. Occasionally pushing closer to 20 or 30 with higher gust. You will gusty wind all day long. 51 in town. We were actually 55. Just a little bit ago. Whats happened the winds have gone from being onshore to now back out of the west so some of the cooler air out into Worcester County pushing toward the coastline. I do expect general hold mit to upper 40s as we go through the afternoon in low 40s into Worcester County. You factor in the breeze gusting near 30 Miles Per Hour if not closer to 25 and gives you a little bit more of chill to atmosphere. Not expected that breeze to continue all weekend long. In fact i think its milder over the weekend. Temperature bunsing back up into the midtoupper 50s in the wind less of an issue out there. The rain less of an issue than this morning. Damp roadway. Most confined to New Hampshire and you go far enough in maine. Its snowing to meet the man of maine. Good news for some ski resorts up there. You get near sugarloaf and its snowing good. Rainfall picked up over an inch. Well above the average for the month and its the first month since february that weve actually been above average in terms of the precipitation. If you look at the summer rainfall when i say summer rainfall its the month of july and august. We saw more rain in october than all summer long. More rain scattered about across southern n 1 2. A couple of these showers pivoting back in across eastern and central mass later on this afternoon. Not a lot of rain. Dont be surprised to see sprinkles out there. Still could use a lot of work. Severe to exsteam. Well try to continue to chip away at that. Over the next couple of day. Or even into next week. As we get the latest update well take into account the one to two inch of rain. 45 to 54 this afternoon. Warmest temp across the cape. Many of us midtoupper foerlt. Cool in suburbs above the freezing mark there. About 42 in boston tonight. The whipped not as tomorrow either. And the temperature warmer. Midtoupper 50sen a couple of towns in southeastern mass running close to 60 degrees. I cant rule out a late day sprinkle or brief shower north of Boston Northern mass southern New Hampshire. Most of the time dry side. Few showers possible sunday. But monday looks great for the trickortreater. Do expect temperature to run into the 40s. Tuesday and wednesday we warm it up. Wednesday were back into the 60s you heard kris mention halloween and all eyes on salem. Not just because were creeping up on this holiday. I headed there. I found this frighteningly good recipe for witch flounder. Lets take a look at whats cooking. With halloween right around the corner we couldnt think of a better place to visit than salem. We headed to turners s originally the grounds were owned by bridget bishop. The first witch burned in the trial. Its supposedly haunlted. Hopefully with help from bridget herself. The chef will show us a delicious corn bread and stuffed witch flounder. Especially during the month of october. We like to highlight the fact its called wiltch flounder. First melt some butter then saw just enough to soften them up a little bit. Add sherry. Then crumble up corn bread. This will be the base for your stuffing. Sometime better to use day old corn bread. Pour that in together. And then just start mixing together by hand. This is where i like to kid my kids involved. Now fold in your grab meet. Thats your stuffing. Easy. Very easy. Ma a then take the flounder filet. Wrap it around the stuffing and thats it. I felt like mine came apart more than yours did. Thats okay. Right on the cookie sheet or pyrex pan. A beautifulfully plated corn breaded and grab staffed witch flounder. There flavors in new england. I think i can make this at home. It looks so beautiful. To make. Quick and simple. Youre a whiz in the kitchen and youre a big fan of halloween, too. Which i love. Next in sports some good news for pats fan as the star running back returns to practice after an injury. Find out what a steeler quarterback asked for from tom at stop shop, shoppers are discovering low prices by the thousands, plus even more that just dropped. All these low prices what are you trying to do, get me to feed the whole neighborhood . No. Just trying to save you a whole lot of . Bread. . [ laughter ] thousands of blue tags, thousands of low prices. Our children, they look up to us. What we value, how we treat others. And now theyre looking to see what kind of leaders we choose. Who well entrust our country and their future to. Will it be the one respected around the world, or the one who we face, or the one who is unprepared for them . A steady hand . Or a loose cannon . Common sense and unity, or drama and division . A woman whos spent her life helping children and families, or a man whos spent his life helping himself . Our children are looking to us. What example will we set . Hillary clinton, because were stronger together. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Good morning. Celtics like a completely Different Team last night in chicago. Playing up to their competition after doing the exact opposition the night before against an the celtics went toe to toe. Making the debut. Even though the celtic hung tight they stuck a dagger with 26 seconds to go. Wade finishes with 22. Bulls win it 105. Celtics played well. Patriots getting the clock start on deion lewis return to practice. Practicing for the first time this season after undergoing a second surgery on left activate from the physically unable to perform list. Where would be bruins be without dade poster and his team leading five goal. We may find out soon enough. Set to have a disciplinary hearing with the nhl department of player safety later today over his hit to the head of ranger defenceman and wednesday nights loss. All name American League gold tom brady and Ben Roethlisberger taking place in jersey swap. They met on the field before sunday pats steeler game. Apparently big ben asked brady for jersey. Brady said he would give it to him after the game. Why not. Show of respect a Little Something to hang up at home and put it in a frame. Coming up next halloween invades portland, maine. The thrilling performance when a flash mob t a lot of rain and snow now up in maine. The rain for us tapering off as we get into the weekend seasonable temperatures hot the difference. Always putting people first. Maggie hassan helped energize our economy tion. The same approach maggie will take as us senator a detailed plan to make college more affordable. Lower cost prescription drugs for everyday families. And an approach to leadership that puts New Hampshire families and Small Businesses ahead of the corporate special interests. Thats Maggie Hassan. Always has been. Always will be. Im Maggie Hassan celebrating halloween a new days early. Putting smiles on kids faces here. From the teenage mutant ninja turtle. Dressing up as leonrdo and michelangelo. We have mutant Ninja Turtles in the studio. Im a fan. Halloween coming early in portland, maine. A flash mob invading. Michael jacksons thriller perfect halloween song. Dozens of people swarmed organizer say it took about three weeks to get all that choreography back. I love that video. Its still such a classic and all asome to this day. Standing the test of time i guess. It wouldnt be halloween. If that song didnt play and watch that video. By the way ninja turtle fans. Low them. That pizza was the throw was the best. Turtle toys thing of the past . I think not. Dry costumes monday. Today show is straight ahead. Have a great morning. Hopefully we will see this is where the Oil Billionaire Koch Brothers hosted a fundraiser for kelly ayotte. This is where ayotte voted with the Koch Brothers 90 of the time. Ayottes campaigns collected millions from corporate interests. And voted for them, not you. She voted wall street banks billions in write offs for executive bonuses. Voted Big Oil Billions in tax breaks. But kelly ayotte voted against letting families ring the cost of prescription drugs. Kelly ayottes not working for New Hampshire. Dscc is responsible massachusetts has many great public schools, and we took it for granted that our kids would go to great public schools. But some kids arent so lucky. Where they live, they dont go to a great school, and they have no choice. Imagine if your kids were trapped in a failing school. Public Charter Schools give parents a choice and are a pathway to success for these kids. If you like your school, but question 2 will change the future for thousands of kids who need your help. Please join me and vote yes on question 2. Joanne shes not fooling me. Britt kelly ayotte sides with the special interests. Vivian now, shes even playing politic games with medicare. Vo kelly ayotte voted to cut medicare and cost seniors up to 1,700 more for prescriptions. While protecting tax breaks for the wall street banks and Big Oil Companies that fund her campaign. Joanne shes not looking out for New Hampshire anymore. Vo Senate Majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. This morning on todays take kenny chesney. Well go oneonone with the super star. Its freebie friday. Were giving away prizes. Plus, a tasty treat for your big halloween weekend. Apple announcer from nbc news, this is todays take live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. And welcome to today on a freebie friday morning october 28th, 2016. Im al along with tamron and dylan. You do not want to miss. This is our biggest give away ever

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