>> "bbc wod news" is presented by kcet, los anges. funding fothis presentation is made poible by thereeman fodation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolul the newman's own fodation. the hn d. and catherine t. carthur foundation. a union bank. >> union bank has t its financiastrength to work for wide ran of companies, from smalbusinesses to mor corporations. whatan we do for you? >> and now "bbc worlnews." >> a car bomng in pakistan killed at least 88 people and unds dens more. aq will start legal proceedings against employees of ack water after a u.s. cour cleared them from kilng 17 iraqi citizens. there's growing islamic militancy in yeme welcome to "bbworld news." comingp later, russia sets a new minimum price r vodka. he hard had a leg to stand on. a stok was given a new lease on life. ♪ >> almost 90 people ve been killed at a commity volleyball tournament in pakistan after a icide car bomber blew himse up. the attack took place near lakki marwat. more than 20 buiings were destroyed. peoplere stillrapped inside. e have this reportrom islamad. my of these people have been joying a volleyball matc. the games are played every day, is masays. weere watching together when a vehicle came onto the ound. a car packed with explosives group -- blow up near e spectators zens were killed instantly. ma more werbadly wounded. local television show parts of at they thought wasthe hicle used in the bombing. they also showed remains ofhe buildings stroyed in the maive blast. all of this happened close to south waziristan. it was ly a feways ago in karachihere this happened. a suicide bomber manad to get tohe heart of a religious processi in pakistan's biest cityefore blowing himself . over0 people were killed. it has been three months since the pakistan army staed biting -- started fighting militas in the outer are. it has been relying heavily on pakistan in the fight against militancy. civilians are being worn down by the continual bodshed in a ountry that is struggli to defe itself. bbc news in islamabad. >> the iraqi governnt says it will pursueourt action against five secury ards froblack water. his follows a.s. court ruling yesterday that dropped charges agait the grds after they wereccused of killing 17 cilians in baghdad two years o. a government spokesm described the decision as uacceptable and unir. he called on the americ justice department to appeal th decisn. earlr, i spoke to the cirman of the forgn affairs committee iraq's parliament and a former natiol security advise we expected much tter than that. 17 iraqi civiliansere killed onhe road from baghdad to the international airport. justice ha to be done. iraq ll pursue other options. one is to appeal withithe american legal system. another option is to bring the blackwater eloyees back to iraq to try them accordingto the ira legal system. we have to have proper closure for this case. there are 17 famili waiting for clure. >> you have worked csely with the american government on securityssues. does n erupt have to accept the independence of the america justice system? -- ds not iraq veo accept the independence of the amecan justice syst? >> we have other eviden against these pele. the wer 17 innocentraqi citizenshat were not armedand that were not military or police that were killed othe road, probably by mistake. but somebody has killed them. >> you c find much more on this story on r web site. st go peter moore has arrived back i britain fromaghdad. it brings to an end his two and a half year kidnapping ordea in iraq. he was seized by militants along wi his four bodyguds in may of 2007. two french journalists arelive and well, according to the employer the are no reports on the three afghans traveling with them. they were kidnapped while travelling noreast of the afghan capital okabul. the somali group says it is ready to sen fiters across the red a toupport islamist rebels in yemen. a top gro offial made a ledge of aally where ndreds othe newly trained fghters were oparade. after a failedttempt to blow up an airplane over detroit, the would-be bombers received much of hisraining i yemen. prime mister gordon brown called for annternational meing to tackle radicalization ere. he describe the bombing attack as a wake- call in thfight against trorism. he is urging a revw of rport security in britain. >> christmas day and in othe terrorist atrocity nearly -- narrowly oided. the man was charged with attempting to block an aircraft in mid-air with explosives hidden in his uerwear. e prime minister sayshe will order an urgent view of counr-terrorism policy. he said we wil exame a range of new techniqs beyd traditiol measures. among those are the coroversial new body scanners that seek tolothing. perts warn that governments are only playing cch up wit the bombers. >>eed to think about what the terrorists might din the future. they can only see beneath the othing. we need to think abou pele who may carr out oth attac with iernally conceal the devices or putting the device to gather orsing the airport aff. >> the prime minister dscribed the latt attempts to block a aircraft as a wake-up call some queion why wake-up call was needed. al qaedaas bee targeting rcraft for well over a decad mps calli for a far greater sense of urgency aund airline security. gordon bwn has called a hig level international meetg on youemen,he country wre it is believed the suspectas indoctrinated and tined. the meeting in london wilfocus on helping yemen security foes deal with the al qaeda-linked extremists opeting in rote areas of the country. a former cse friend of the aeged underwear bomber believed hwas only ricalized recently. he told me that he knew him well for ree years while they were both studts in london. >> we would often have meals together. ever fridaywe tryo go to a local restaant and get some food. we would often play a ekly football. it was only when i saw e mug shot picture and images o him being draed off the airane that it dawn upon me that this was the indivial that i was a very close friend to. if i could speak to him now, i uld ask m wh it was th drove him down this road. heas n like this when i knew him. was not like this when he was theresident of the islamic society. >> it suggests at hisourney from the son o a wealthy nigerian banker to an international terrist was very fast, 18 mths of the most. the last few mohs were spent in yemen. >> earlier, and spoke toichael foster from ebritis departnt and development. >> the country face a range of probms. there are pressin devepments. the unemployment rate i 35% in yeme it hs water shortages. it has a rapid growing population under the age of 24. tre are pressing needs. there aralsolearly some terrorist activities thaare being conduct in yemen. we are keen to support the government of yemen in its counr-terrorism aivity to get rid of the potentiathreat th al qaeda poses. >> the are different religiou groups. would it regard alaeda as its main enemy? >> iis in e mix of the range ofecurity conces that the gornment oyemen is grappling th. that is why the intnational conferen announced today is important. we can get the leading international donors and lies togethero look at how we deal with is potent mix -- deal with this potent mix of civil war in the north of yemen, calls for secession in theouth. in the middle of that, we have al qaeda and other terrorist training going on and things being planned. clearly, te international nference is important to put all of that together, to gt a coordinad approach to support the vernment of yemen. we ed toreate a more stable envonment and get rid of the potential threat. >> wt if yemen says to britain that t radicalizaon could ha taken place in london at a british uversity? >> we have a strg partnershi with the goverent of yemen. our international allies do as well. it is clear that we needhe support of the inteational community, particularly in t gulf states to get them on board wit this conrence as well. wneed to have one voice working with the goverent of yen. i have doubthat other leaders about u the support of thunited kingdom and other international donors -- that they about you the suppt of the united kingdom and otr international donors. >> hea rain and landslides in rio de janro have killed at least 30 peoe. the lest inciden had a tourist sort some of the way. >> pictures show the extent of e damage. a huge scar hasppeared in the hillside. hey rainislodged a lae wall of mud that slammed into the houses and a luxury lauodge below. it happened aer guests return to their rooms after the new year' celebrationon the tourist isnd. rescuers ve been searcng the ar. it can only be helped -- reached by boat. earlier this week, at least 19 were killed inudslides across the ste of rio de janeiro. it happened mainlyn shantywns. in oneudslide, five members of thsame familwere killed. sustained rainfall has used rivers tfled homes. water cascaded down t streets. theuthorities in rio de janeiro have been uing residents toove from high risk areas. many have been reluctant to leave thr homes. >> you are watching "bbc world news." aletes around the world gear up for the winter olympics in and over. we look at the impact onthe first nati communities in nada. in finland, the gunman who kill five pple onew year's eve apparently chose his victims. people there have been mrning the victims of the multipl shooting in a shopping ml. it happened 10 kilometers outside the capital o hsinki. it has opened vigorous debate onhe country's gun laws. it is 12 below with a chill in the hets of many people. candles have been laidn memory of the retail workers. a fifth victim was killed earlier i her home. picture isemerging of the gunman who also shot himself. a ma believed to be him was interviewedseveral years ago by television chael. he egrated to finland and suorted his countmenwith medicaequipment. he was asked aut the high leve of gun ownership i kosovo. >> you have toefend your he and youramily. when it is peaful, you do not ed guns. now, you havto. >>hose views superfially echo those o other fins. more than 1/3 own guns. the police have said is first victim was his ex-girlfriend who worked at the shoppingall. it may note random. that is one thing we will investigate. >> he ha alied for finied citizenship t was rected because of his crimina past, including carrng an unlicensed g. his girlfriend had gotten a order banning him fm contact with h. ♪ >> this is "bbcorld ws." thsuicide bombing attack in northwest pakistanas killed almost 9people. aq vows to press for court action against five secity guards from black war. they're accused of killg unarmed civilis. scheap russian vodka has become more expense. the measure is designed to tale growinglcoholism. it ll also make it harder to produce spiritsllegally. we have this reportrom moscow. >> the cheapnd high-quality produc are safe to dri. the russian vka market has not been controlled for thelast decades. the gornment hasput a minimum ice on a bottle. it is still less than $3. officials say will help to tackl illegal production and reducevodka consumption. > 900,000 people die from alcohosm in russia every year. this figure grows as some people start to drink. wherelse in the world can you nd vodka for $1 a bottle only in theussian federation. >>t is no surprise that vodka is the most popur spirit ang russians. people here consume 250 million bottles of vodka. the only half of themave been produc legay. >> most of th spirits are pruced according to sndards. the only dierence is the producers do not p the exci duty. the duty accounts foruch of the pric if you dot pay the duty, you can sell it chp. it is illegal to sell cheap vodka in russia. producers considered thateople will choose safe legal brands when there is no bigifference in therice. no one expects people to be adyo pay double the price for a pduct that they consider to be the same. >> according to experts,heap voa consumers may switch to dangerous substitutes. the who can pay $3 pe bottle will not stopdrinking eitr. >> it is not a solion. theajority of alcoholics do t haveoney to y it. they wil drink dangous subsnces as before. the mai reasons f alholism has social roots. is about the availability of education and so on. >> it is not the first tempt to put a mimum price on vodka in russia. e one made fi years ago has not changed much. the marketf the legal fight that is comparable to t lega one. it does not seem like itill changen 2010. -- t market for legal baca comparable to the legal one. it does not seem likit ll change in 2010. a chinese factory -- and chineseairy factory was shut down after ey found melamine in the products. the dutch government has denied all accusations from venezuela about preparation for an attack ty sd u.s. military launched spy fghts off the venezuelan coast. . sabena rigid herzigovenaoins the coalion. it is described as one of the most impornt foign-policy suggestions. of valuable painting by degas. was missing when the meum was open on thursday. police have released man withoucharge. they say the investigation i continng. here is a hetwarming and bizae tale of a german stork who lost a leg he has been saved becse of a woman with a passion for saving birds. >> she is known as "crazy rd wom jur " se has turned her garden into a sanctuary for feathed friends. there is one creature hre needs special re. heis a little stork with a big problem. he only has one g. it is thought at he st the other e after he flew into an electricity pylon. she came to the rescue and took him under her wing his injuries were so bad that she thought height have to put to sleep. instead, e has manag to give the bird a new lease on life with a new leg made out of carbon. she odered it from a company thatakes prosthetics for people. here is the result he is mobe again. sort of. he is taking his rehabilitation one step at a time. >> when we fst atched t leg,you could tell he was wonding what it was. a couplof minutes later, he started to walk. hetook sml steps to begin with. hes growing more coident. >> this artificial limb has put the bird back on two feet. his life wilnever be quite th same again. he would not survive for long in the wild. he needs constant care. hat is why in the animal sanctuary, they have clippedis wings to keep them grounded. heas gained leg but what he needs now are some friends. she hopes the new year she ll be able to find him a partner. so far, sto frei has been keeping her distance. you canno hurrlove. peaps, she is waiting for him makthe first move. >> organizers ohe winter olpics in vancouver hope the games wi hve a positive impact on the abiginal people. they've started aariety of progra to encourage delopment. the useyouth legacy fund s started the snowboarding team in vancouver. >> i am executive director. t snowboarding pgram is a way to get the aboriginal you people othe slopesnd impaing the community. e program helps to overcom obstacles to get onto the mountains. we provide resources that they can earn by doing well in school. our ogram would not exist without the games coming to vancver. it came with a vision of bringing communities gether and getting the young people active. it is great to go inta community to help the ung people gethe equipment. we go in with uipment and seas's passes. we let them knothat they can get it by dingell in school. it is very meaningful. on a spiritualnd cultural level, a lot of ourpeople used to travelhrough the mountains. we have songs anoral traditions aut goingo the mountns to gain power, knowledge, and strength. this is a great cultur experience for the yng people as well, physicly being out in e mountains. ♪ ma times, willremind somebody about how their life is. we will tak em up and show them how great lifis. we arble to remind the aboriginal people that wewere nce very wealthy and flouried in our tradition lands. we are still ver wealthy. we do flourhed within our nd. we can eliminate the midd pross and live as we once did. it has been goa t put an athlete on the podium. we have ne to the national level this year. i would likeo hve an athlete the podium. at is still our main goal. one day, it will happe possibly, 2014r 2018. ♪ you are wtching "bbc world news." there is lots more on the top stories on o web site people wereilled at a community volleyball touament inpakistan. itappened after a suice bomber drove on to the field and blew himself up. e attack took place near lakki marwatn an area known to be a strohold of the pakistan taliban. peoplere still trappeinside the collapd buildings. there' more infmation on our we site >> fundingas made possible by thfreeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermo, and honolu. the newman's owfoundation. the john d. and cathine t. macarthur fountion. and union bank. and union bank. >> union bank hasut s financial rength to work for a wide range of compies fr small busisses to mar corporations. what can weo for you? >> i'm julia stes. >> i'm vin bacon. >> i'm kim cattrall. >> hi, i'm ken burns. >> i'm li taylor. >> i'm hey louis gates, jr., and public broadcaing is my source for news abouthe world. >> r intelligent conversation. >> for electionoverage you can count on. >> for cversations beyond the sound tes. a commitment toournalism. >> foreciding who to vote for. >> i'kerry washington, ad publ broadcasting is my urce for inteigent connections to my community. >> "bbc worlnews" was prested by kcet, los angeles. prested by kcet, los angeles.

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New York ,United States ,Moscow ,Moskva ,Russia ,South Waziristan ,Federally Administered Tribal Areas ,Pakistan ,Lakki Marwat ,North West Frontier ,Germany ,Afghanistan ,Islamabad ,Vancouver ,British Columbia ,Canada ,China ,Kosovo ,United Arab Emirates ,Washington ,District Of Columbia ,London ,City Of ,United Kingdom ,Rio De Janeiro ,Estado Do Rio ,Brazil ,Iraq ,Nigeria ,Netherlands ,Baghdad ,Lakki ,Punjab ,Finland ,Somalia ,Yemen ,France ,Venezuela ,Nigerian ,Venezuelan ,America ,Chinese ,Russian ,Afghans ,Britain ,Afghan ,French ,Iraqi ,British ,German ,Dutch ,Gulf States ,Russians ,Somali ,American ,Los Angeles ,Li Taylor ,Peter Moore ,Al Qaeda ,Mister Gordon Brown ,

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