Our guest is the Massachusetts Senate president stan rosenberg. Mr. Rosenberg good morning. Janet everyone is talking about what happened in the aftermath of paris and the governor s stance on Syrian Refugees has weaved since the bombings. First he said he would accept them, and then sent a letter saying they would not accept refugees. What is going on here . Mr. Rosenberg the governor was trying to communicate that his first responsibility is to ensure the commonwealth is safe and the people feel safe. His second response was to say i want to make sure the betting system in washington is secure and will make sure that we are wellserved and wellprotected. We did Data Research on this. From syria, over the last six years, i think we have had 24 immigrants. It is not like there is a flood of people coming from syria. Nonetheless, people want to feel government is doing a good job making sure only the people that should be here are welcomed into our country and into our state. Janet did you play a part in convincing him to move from where it is now . Mr. Rosenberg i actually did not have conversations. Meeting this week. I did not have an opportunity. Janet did he do the right thing to because his first and then moved to, shall i say, a more open policy . Mr. Rosenberg i think by using the word know when response to the first question and thinking out loud after that his First Response abilities to make sure our Public Safety system is working him and in a situation like that it is extraordinarily important. Clear what his intention is. Ed other than political really powerless. Mr. Rosenberg the federal government has rule over who is the freedom of travel, they can they choose. The only thing he can control is a minor amount of statefunded he cannot even control whether federally funded services. Ed it is sunday morning. I want to talk about draftkangas, which has become it draft kangas am a which has become a major event. It is fighting for survival nationally because it is expanding rapidly. First, do you think it is a game of chance or skill . Mr. Rosenberg when i think about it, i substitute the word athlete with the word horse, and when i think of it that way, it is absolutely a combination of gambling and skill, he goes have you have to measure them up against the performance of other teams, other players, etc. There is some skill to it, but in the end, you cannot control how many touchdowns will occur, but you can bet on how many touchdowns. Ed you did use the word gambling. Mr. Rosenberg it has to be regulated as a form of gambling. Ed thettorney general has put forth regulations. I will boil it down to the bottom line she is talking about regulations. The state of new york wants to put it on hold to assess it. Nevada, the same thing. Is the bottom line the state wants a cut of the 4 billion business and they have to figure out a way to get in there . Mr. Rosenberg first responsibility is to make sure it is honest and lifted protect the integrity so that people who play know it is an honest game. For all other gaming, we connect revenue of some sort, so therefore we should take a look at it as well. Janet this is gaming as far as you re concerned. Concerned, it is in part gaining, and should be regular. It, addiction services. Ed do you play fantasy football draftkings . Mr. Rosenberg i do not. Ed i do not either. Janet no one will ask, but i do not either. Mr. Rosenberg i gamble on election day. [laughter] janet playing yourself mr. Rosenberg i have no interest in doing that. I do not judge anyone who does, but i have no interest. Janet energy there is a move to allow a danish firm to build Wind Turbines over off of martha s vineyard. Is this a good idea . Mr. Rosenberg a group of legislators went and looked at hydropower. We need to diversify our energy i think the answer is yes properly put together, so that the industry can grow and thrive, and meet energy needs. Look at what we have done with solar. We are the top solar state in the country, in spite of not being a sunny state. Ed drive along the pike all the free spaces mr. Rosenberg absolutely. We have heavy winters, but we are still a productive solar state and number one in installations in the country. Janet what you know about the Danish Company and the wind farm they are proposing . Mr. Rosenberg i am not sure about their specific proposal. Janet you know nothing about it . Mr. Rosenberg we want offshore wind properly installed to continue to our green energy future. I do not know if the proposal is a good one. There ought to be Competitive Bidding processes, etc. , but we want to make room in the portfolio. Ed are you ready for the pop quiz . Mr. Rosenberg never. Your political skills are wellknown, but your closest colleagues will succeed they are no match for your musical skills. You played the tuba as a student. Mr. Rosenberg and i try to played in the senate. Did not go so well. Ed here is a video. 35 years. [laughter] [laughter] janet what is the hardest part . Mr. Rosenberg tied at not having a wind, and my embouchure is weak. Ed a politician did not have enough wind . [laughter] mr. Rosenberg that is i switched why i switched to tuba. Ed the Team Nickname is the minutemen what is the band nickname . Mr. Rosenberg power and class of the women. Ed there you go. Ed there you go. Question two, we have a prop. We will bring in that prop. The question is can you play some of the umass fight some . Mr. Rosenberg no. Janet [laughter] ed can you put anything on the tube . Mr. Rosenberg this is not a tuba. This is a baritone on. Horn. Do i get a point for that . Ed we ll give you a point for that. Mr. Rosenberg three blind mice. That was easier because i needed less wind. Ed back to the pop quiz with the new Senate President the new minutemen marching band at your on the monitor is named after your band director. Mr. Rosenberg george park. Ed you are three for three server. Can you name three insurance used most often . Mr. Rosenberg flute, drama, drum, and fight . Ed drum and bugle, actually. In the book, the officer blows his strong wind instrument to stop traffic so the mallard family can cross the street. Mr. Rosenberg trumpet . Ed a whistle. Mr. Rosenberg a whistle. Ok. Ed you re off the hot seat. Janet speaking of children let s talk about school issues the school state board of replace. Is this a good idea . Mr. Rosenberg tca proliferation of tests. It is better we keep in the direction of keeping what we have or amending what we have. Janet even if it means spending millions to invent a new test . Mr. Rosenberg well, it has been 20 years. It is time to review and revise the test anyway. We have the base of the test. It does not mean we have to spend as much. I am not a test developer. I will assume we have to spend much, but i could be wrong. It is better than going with park because we have control. Ed speaking of spending, the city of boston is looking for 1 billion to rebuild its schools, and most of the money would budget. Boston . Understanding where boston is in the state, newman, and in the country, can we afford to do it . Schools construction, and it has been in place for a decade, maybe a decade and a half, and it is working. It means you get on a waiting list because there is not enough to do all of the schools at the same time, but there is help available. You wait your turn. The city of boston will have a lot of schools. I cannot do it all at once they cannot do it all at once, but they will get help. Janet a report was released last week and it basically said dcf is struggling with Management Issues and poor record keeping, despite the fact that governor baker has made an effort to overhaul the system. When does the public have the right to be impatient with everything going on, and are you inpatient yet . Mr. Rosenberg we are all impatient. The best country. It has fallen on hard times. We cannot wring our hands. We have to focus, find the problems, and fix them. Management, policies, training, adequate staff, holding the staff accountable for limiting the policies, and not cutting the budget during fiscal crises. Re concerned, the governor is moving as quickly as he can . Mr. Rosenberg i think the governor and the legislature are moving as quickly to move as quickly as we can. Every child a move from a home becomes the state s responsibly. We become their parents, collectively. We need those kids treated as though they were our own children. Ed look in the screen, if you would. Or is a new poll from celtics that shows 47 of massachusetts voters believing governor baker is the most powerful person on beacon hill. The speaker got 13 . I will not mention the 1 . Is it accurate . Mr. Rosenberg the governor is the bully pulpit. The speaker and i speak once a week or so, to the press, after the leadership meeting. Janet do you feel you have more power than the survey indicates . Mr. Rosenberg we re working collaboratively janet , on, not political talk. Mr. Rosenberg sometimes the governor has the power, sometimes the senate, but at the end we work to enhance the interest of the public and we do that well together. Ed 12 for being here. Thank you for being here. Mr. Rosenberg i love being here. Ed we will say we love to have you here because this is a t you want to feel connected, informed, included, on every screen we are broadcasters; always here for you, wherever here may be. Tell them local stations matter. Across america, including here in massachusetts, governors have wariness, even resistance, to resettling Syrian Refugees in their states. For its part, the government says it s twoyear that in process vetting process is rigorous. Where do you come down . It should have to go through a process to identify who they are. Resettle them. Qwest the risk is not too great the risk is not too great. It is a humanitarian issue. Should they be let in . I do not think they should be allowed over here. I agree with them. Cutting the refugee crisis is due to the war in iraq that george bush started and it is up to the American People to step up and take care of people they displaced. I think we should allow them. I feel like it is a humanitarian issue. This country was founded on immigrants and people having a chance to improve their lives, and certainly flee from oppression and terrorism. Ed time now for the otr political roundtable and we are joined by maryanne marsh, and eric. Thank you for joining us. Janet you heard what the public has had to say. Our president ial candidates taking their lead from the public, or are they leading the public on this issue, maryanne . Maryanne on the republican side, they are pandering to their base when you hear the rejection of refugees, the return of water voting. On the democratic side, Hillary Clinton is in front of the president on this. I think you see different approaches with both parties. Janet i have a feeling you disagree. Eric you have to maintain a humanitarian speck as we have as a nation, but you cannot ignore the unitarian concerns, especially in the wake of what happened in paris. You are seeing the candidates responding up for really to what happened, except people like Hillary Clinton who has opposed letting in more Syrian Refugees than even the president wants. There needs to be a balance. You cannot shut the door completely, but we cannot adopt a headin sand approach. Mary anne the fact is it takes two years, which is a stringent approach with National Security considerations at all. Eric those are just words. We have experienced in massachusetts with terror. We have refugees responsible for the Boston Marathon bombing. Mary anne they became american citizens. Eric but they became came here as refugees. Mary anne they were american citizens. Ed donald trump s leading in the polls, but there is one noncandidate getting bigger numbers, and that is mitt romney. Eric, is there any chance your old boss would rethink his decision and jump in . Eric he is a leader in the party and the polling New Hampshire reflects that. The rankandfile wants him, but he will not reconsider his decision. People want most what they cannot have. The good news is we do not need mitt romney to defeat Hillary Clinton. Fox news did a poll last week that shows six different public and candidates beat her head to head. I think the reason for that is because National Security is the new focus of this race and there is a recognition by the American People that Hillary Clinton and the president have failed at containing terror. Mary anne here is the beauty the draft Romney Campaign continues and it is interesting to watch eric and his former colleagues on the Romney Campaign behind this effort eric is trying to make Hillary Clinton the Second Coming of dick cheney. Spencer zwick, the moneyman for romney, not working now working for speaker ryan to freshen up his fundraising contacts i do not think it is a coincidence. I think mitt romney would love to be the republican nominee and is positioning himself to be the establishment nominee because none of the republicans will be able to beat donald trump. That is where eric is. He is writing this oped trashing Hillary Clinton every day. Eric i do not know where to begin. Mary anne tell me where i am wrong. Eric we have 14 carats. Ed is she wrong . Eric he is not going to get into the race. We do not need mitt to defeat hillary condon. Mary anne at the convention, if his country calls him, he will say no . Come on. Janet we can stay on this all morning. Governor baker got high marks in a poll released by suffolk university. His popularity in handling problems got over 70 approval in most areas. What is the secret, eric . Eric the secret for him is he if you are a republican governor in massachusetts, to the extent you can get anything done, it is with cooperation. Mary anne Charlie Barker does well when he does not act like a republican. If he ties himself to the National Republican party, his number will go down. Ed one area they are not happy the teague. Mary anne he understands the challenge politically as with dcf. Solve. Ed what do you think . Eric if the mbta is the biggest of them, that problem, he does not have to worry about biggest problem, he does not have a problem. His Approval Rating is around 70 . My guess is he will come forward with an ambitious agenda. Mary anne everyone cleans up after their predecessor. That is what he is doing. Janet his 100day legacy intact. Would any democrat think about challenging him . Mary anne every democrat knows Charlie Baker only won the race by 40,000 votes and it was not the strongest campaign or candidate. Better candidate, better campaign, a tough race for him. Eric massachusetts is the capital of the democratic party. It is the home of kennedy, kerry, dukakis. You need to be concerned about a strong democratic opponent. He also has to be concerned about keeping conservatives under the republican tent, because the last thing he wants is a thirdparty challenge. Jeb bush heres the truth you will not hear from our president we are at war with radical islamic terrorism. R it is the struggle that will determine t the fate of the free world. R the United States should not delay t in leading a Global Coalition to take out isis with overwhelming force. Ttheir aim is our total destruction. P we cant withdraw from this threat or negotiate with it. We have but one choice to defeat it. Vo right to rise usa is responsible for the content of ed this thursday you spend timer on your table saying what you are thankful for. Without we would do the same. Mary anne i am think of for the system we have, most of us can policy notwithstanding. That is why my parents came here. Ed eric . Eric we got to enjoy time with our friends and loved ones, and there are military men and women serving around the world who did not have the opportunity to spend time with their loved ones. Ed marianne . Mary anne the 20 16th president ial race, all the candidate s, especially donald trump, and the opportunity to be with you. Ed i have a picture you see all of us enjoying the feast. These are the people who prepare the feast, the best people who do television in this business bar none. I am grateful and thankful for all of them. [applause] we are sending them back to work next week. Senator tim kaine is the guest