Of 11 news today. We are bringing you extensive coverage of Hurricane Sandy as she makes her way up the east coast. What we have live coverage as maryland prepares for sandys arrival. Were live in Baltimore City. We will begin our coverage right here. I will give you the wide view and the close of view. We have good and bad news in boast both respects. The center of the storm, the white bob, on the right hand of your screen you noticed that it is a parallel to the chesapeake bay. That is the mouth of chesapeake, that is the center of the storm. Yesterday, we thought it would go in this direction. It looks like that will not be the case. We will miss the worstCase Scenario here in maryland. We still think it will come on shore somewhere in the southern part of new jersey later on today. The bad news is that the storm is getting stronger. The winds are 85 Miles Per Hour. It will get Even Stronger before it makes landfall in new jersey later today. Around baltimore, the big story this morning is the ring, not necessarily the route the wind. The rain has been coming down at about an inch, inch and a half per hour. We will zoom in and see what is happening in some of the rainfall areas. Switchback over to the radar. I got to read every once in awhile. Tony, in the control room, switch over to the radar. There you go. The heavy rains are represented by the dark read dark red. Inside a baltimore county, down into the western part of that around the county. Those of you in the western suburbs that have had it easy, had it a heavy rain is headed your way. Lets switch over to the weather computer. We will take a look at the winds. At the airport, gusting up to 25 Miles Per Hour. The wind around baltimore is not terrible. As soon as the storm comes to new jersey, the winds will pick up. The worst part of the day will be Late Afternoon and this evening. The gusts will be between 40 and 60 Miles Per Hour. The rain today, heavy at times. Assumed you had flooding in your neighborhood. The worst winds will come in this evening and tonight. Then it gets cold. It could snowe tomorrow. Even in baltimore. It will snow in the mountains. Can you believe that . We have a blizzard warnings in effect the same time were talking about our hurricane coming up the coast. That is the first time i have seen that. Eva, you guys have a high tide 40 minutes ago. The water should be receding. We got a report on the twitter think that one of the peers in ocean city may have partially collapsed. Have you heard anything about that . Ok, i just want to clarify. This is a very dangerous part about social media. Things start swirling around and they are just not true. The only reports that we are getting is that a fishing pier has been damaged significantly, but it has not collapsed. That is the only record we have gotten confirmed by officials. It is not the big. But everybody is thinking of, just the fishing. Fishing pier. Until we confirm anything, it is just unconfirmed. Be careful what you hear on the social media. Lets talk about what is happening in ocean city. Boy, are we drenched. The winds are starting to pick up. Look at those waves. The pictures and videos do not do justice. It is an incredible sight. Easily up to 15 feet, at least 100 feet from us from shore. Notice how it is starting to erode the dunes on the 32nd street and allowing the water to come all the way down into our hotel. It is grating almost a river we are kind of in a moment moat. Trent homes are starting to seek some flooding. The water is pouring into the property. Unfortunately, this is the time we have seen the worst coastal flooding. But just had a high tide. It will come down as it goes through the next couple of hours. We have another high tide at this evening we will have to worry about. The roads in ocean city are starting to flood as well, from the rain as well as water going inland. The Ocean City Police are urging people not to go outdoors. A lot of people want to get out to look at it, because it is an incredible sight. That is why we are here. We want you at home to be sitting there safe, warm, and dry, and let us be out in the rain. It is a dangerous situation not only for you, but it is preventing a lot of art and see people from getting out and doing their job. Stay inside, the state, and keep watching our coverage. Do not go outdoors in ocean city. That is the latest. Eva, things are continuing to get worse as they are in most parts of the state. The winds are picking up here in the last hour or so. The rain is coming down. It continues to fall. It has been falling since we have been here since about 3 00 in the morning. It is accumulating on the roadways. Officials say the low lying roads and annapolis city are flooded out. Any other area that normally floods is probably a safe bet to say they are flooded out too. There is water where we are gathering in the parking lot. It is starting to pull puddle and pool. Lot of the roadways are very slick. As far as the water is concerned, emergency officials are worried about a onestreet but storm surge. It looks like the water is 12 foot sotrm on surge. That would mean massive flooding. Of course, if the rain keeps coming down at the rate it is coming down, it will not a good thing for annapolis. If you do have a car in annapolis, City Residents can go to the parking garages in town. They are all free for residents. Emergency officials wanted to get those cars off the roads in case any emergency officials wanted to get through. If there is anything of any kind. Take advantage of that and get your car off the road. There is a shelter set up at annapolis. Annapolis high school. You can take your dog or cat there for any reason if you have a power outage or anything of that nature. Use caution if you had to have to go out. Do not go out if you do not have to. Reporting live in annapolis. Now we go to tim who is live in Baltimore City with the conditions there. Still range. Coming down still raining. At 11 00, the shelters open. A half dozen shelters, the war memorial buildin the community center, the junior academy, patterson the school opened up with a shelter, edmonton i school. There is a place you can go. Here on the 21st street, people are getting what they need to make sure they can ride this storm out. Since 4 00 a. M. , people have been coming, loading up, water, bread, etc. It is raining in Baltimore City, but it is coming alive. The tram will not be running today. You may need to get other means of going around this area. Live in hamden, back to the top number one and we are drive and we are dried too. All along the eastern seaboard, thousands of people have been evacuated. Daniel is in new jersey this morning with a look at how towns there are bracing for the worst. Across the northeast, are rising tide is sending a violent waves crashing down on the coastal communities. In new york, the water isnt comforting and comfortably close to home. Got only knows what can happen. From york to new jersey, thousands have been forced to pack up and get out. Public transportation has been shut down and thousands of flights canceled. Business is on hold today. New jersey gov. Chris kristi had stern words for anybody ignore the evacuation orders. If something looks like it is stupid to do, it is stupid. Whats a similar tone from mayor michael bloomberg. Youre not only putting yourself at work, yourself at risk, but also the First Responders. Sandy is over 700 miles wide. Home owners in its path were boarding up, laying sandbags and gathering last minute emergency supplies. What we lucked out with irene. This may be worse. The time to prepare is now over. People need to now stay inside and hunker down. Emergency officials in new jersey said, this is the worst Case Scenario ago they are predicting record flooding and Power Outages that could last as much as two weeks. Daniel, thank you. The time, 9 10. More Hurricane Sandy coverage coming up, including a check on the roads and bridges. We will also be checking on the right on the aerial area roads if you do have to travel. That is next. Here is a live look from virginia beach. A photographer brian off the lens. It is looking nasty there. This is an ocean city. Coming right back. Time to take a look at the morning commute. It is a busy one, as you might imagine. If you do not have to be on the russ, we discourage you from going out there. Outlook some good news to report on that accident. That is gone. We have some downed wires, and that of course could create some Power Outages. We will let you know if be here of anything. River parkway, at 175, we had a defective traffic lights. Near the intersections here are the intersections that are closed in advance of expected flooding. Monument and pulaski highway, carolina street, north avenue, watch for closures along but a live look at traffic. Here is what it looks like at the beltway. Definitely starting to deteriorate here as you make your way to the key bridge. We either have one its are restrictions at all the area bridges. Traffic leading up to the bay bridge, not an awful lot of traffic. A lot of folks are heeding the warning and staying home. You want to let you know that all flights are canceled after 10 35. If youre planning on having out of town, definitely call ahead. There are still some flights that are on time. Most have been canceled. Also canceled, amtrak, train services. That is the latest on the traffic. Now we want to go to reports we have our report from Baltimore City. A little bit of daylight some of steady rain. What started out as like to bring a couple of hours now, now heavy rain. Winds have picked up. Nobody is on the street. Cars were taken here out of taken out of here voluntarily others have been towed out by the city. Theyre trying to prevent any damage that might come from flooding. Businesses have taken the precaution using sandbags to protect their doorways. All up and down the street, you see businesses with sandbags piled up. Everybody remembers september 2003, hurricane isabelle. Everybody is hoping we do not have a repeat of that. All right, some major stories around baltimore. This heavy rain that we have been tracking has been inching its way from the east to west. Folks in the western suburbs have not much going on. The heavy rain is now drafting or drifting over towards you. That is represented by this bright orange band. It was right over the city a half hour ago. It has shifted over into carroll county, frederick county. It will continue to inch its way to the east. And we will get that light to moderate rain across the Eastern Shore counties. Just about every county in the state is under a flood warning. Expect that there is going to be flooding in your neighborhood. We will wind up with close to 7 8 inches of rain before this is all said and done. This is one of the outer bands of the hurricane. This storm is about 250 miles east, south east of ocean city right now. Baltimore is about 350 miles away. You can see how long this storm expands. It is an incredibly large and powerful storm. On the back of that, we have a snowe starting to form. That is an indication that it is making its transition from a tropical system into a noreaster. Temperatures are in the 40s. That is not a clue what to see what tropical system comes through. Youre not used to being called. 49 in part tim, these temperatures will not move all that much. As far as the winds go, they have not been terrible around baltimore, gusting up to 2025 Miles Per Hour. We had a gust of 25 m. P. H. At the airport. You have a strong winds as you get to the coast as you get closer to the center of the storm. Here is the center of the storm. You will notice that the direction of movement has changed from the northeast, now crawling back to the north west. That is another indication it is making its trends its a transition it is moving northwest at about 20 Miles Per Hour. Sustained winds are about 85. It is getting stronger. It will continue to get stronger as it heads towards the jersey shore. The cold air will wrap in a behind it and pull the storm back towards the coast. It led all around Atlantic City this evening. Again, i hate to use the word catastrophic. I use it as little as i can. This baby a catastrophic event for new jersey. The live at handpulled foot storm surge. Winds will gust up to 8090 Miles Per Hour. That is better news for us and maryland, but bad news for new jersey. We do not get that the worst Case Scenario. The mark, it will drift across new jersey into Northern Maryland. That means the colder air will settle in. The rain the aptly change to snow in baltimore. Blizzard warnings are in affect for western maryland. There will pick rick up rain today, heavy at times. The wins will pick up this afternoon. There will cost about 2530 Miles Per Hour this morning. Up to 8 inches of rain, maybe even a little bit more on the Eastern Shore as you get towards the beach. Seven day forecast, winds and a mix of rain and snow. I will be optimistic about halloween. It will get a little bit better. There could be scattered showers, but a high near 55. Finally going into the weekend, therell be nothing to talk about. Im looking forward to that. Of the traffic, the rain is driving horizontals. As weather picks up in baltimore, it is much the same in the nations capital. Will go to Holly Jackson with an update on the conditions in d. C. I am Holly Jackson in washington where president obama has signed an Emergency Declaration for the District Of Columbia along with seven states up the eastern seaboard from maryland, massachusetts, as far west as pennsylvania. Government offices have been closed, and most federal employees will not be reporting for work. That does not include emergency personnel. They will have their hands full. The president has promised the governors and mayors that he will work to cut through rotate to make sure that people get help there need a need after sandy strikes. The director of fema has been urging people to listen to local officials when it comes to any evacuation orders. Thank you. You can track Hurricane Sandys movements on our radar. You can see the satellite images. Find all of that at wbaltv. Com. Officials are telling maryland residents to prepare for losing power for a while. Crews are working to restore 700 outages in maryland, including more than 400 of them in Baltimore City. More than 100 in baltimore county. Officials say more than 3000 workers will be available in the coming days, ready to help restore the power. To report any Power Outages, call them at this number what is happening in Baltimore City . Lets check in with tim. He is outside of the giant. Are you doing some shopping . No, im not shopping. This is serious business. We are making sure this is the kind of rain that no matter how you move, you get wet. Turn left or right, you get wet. The shelters opening in Baltimore City there are six of them. Make sure that you check in online at wbaltv. Com. People have listened to tony all morning. Theyre trying to get the supplies just in case they can ride this thing out a little bit. Right now, it is almost like there is nothing. But it picks up every couple of minutes Something Else happens. Emergency crews are standing by. Centers are ready to go. Shelters will open at 9 00 today. We will go to aid the to eva who is in the thick of this thing. What good morning. Hopefully you are staying and dry. We are soaked through right now. I am dressed as if i am through a snowstorm and because it is such a cold rain. It has saturated my waterproof clothing. That gives you an idea of the conditions we are dealing with. Look at these waves. They are absolutely incredible. I do not think the pictures do it justice. The waves are at least 15 feet tall. Notice how the, towards the shoreline almost in sheets of those waves. They are coming in as entire walls. That is helping to erode this beech line. Notice the dume at 32nd street. Notice the crevices, that is new beach erosion. Ripping out the vegetation it is starting to flood around our hotel. It is like amount a moat is forming around the elton. There are some beachfront properties. As i look down the shore line, there is just water everywhere, coming in from the ocean. The winds are starting to pick up as well. One thing i do want to reiterate. We are getting a lot of false reports on the social media about the ocean city. Being damaged that is not true. The only confirmed report is the pier. City fishing that is damaged. Police are urging people to stay inside. A lot of people are trying to get outside and see the damage for themselves. Not as a thing to do right now. You need to keep the streets open for a martin c. Personnel. The streets are starting to fill with water. An emergency personnel. The streets are starting to fill with water. Act like our own reporter is going to go to our press conference at 10 00 a. M. To get. Update from the officials in ocean city. He will continue to bring up dates dropped the day updates throughout the day. The wind is driving, and we have a very strong waves starting to flood coastal areas. Eva must be chilled to the bone. Some interesting shots along the beach. I want to see how bad the plotting is. The time is 9 24. It is 62 degrees at the airport. You saw back and looked in ocean city. It is even worse in virginia beach. Look at those waves. More on that when we come back. Millions against question seven. That upsets me. And that upsets Jonathan Ogden. You dont want to upset Jonathan Ogden. Ogden no you dont. Mayor question seven means thousands of jobs and millions for our schools. But these West Virginia casinos want to keep it all for themselves. Were not happy about that. Ogden no we arent. Mayor so join us and vote for question seven. And West Virginia, dont make me send Jonathan Ogden over there. Mayor vote for question seven. Ogden for baltimore. Welcome back to our extended coverage of Hurricane Sandy. As tony told us, sandy could stick to the north of us. A foot of snow . They are starting to feel the winds and a bracing for what is to come. We will have a look at the Current Conditions in north hampton, New Hampshire. I am in north hampton, New Hampshire, where the rains have eased up global a little, but the wind continues to whip things up. One of the concerns along the seacoast is the tidal surge. Astronomically high tides expected at around noon and midnight. That could lead to some beach erosion and some minor flooding. New hampshire is only anticipating about one3 inches of rain. 13 inches of rain. The wind gusts are expected to go from anywhere from 5060 Miles Per Hour. That could lead to extended Power Outages throughout the state. Utility crews have been brought in from as far away from wisconsin and texas. Utilities tell us they are ready. They are already dealing with some Power Outages. Hundreds have been reported. Hundreds of schools have closed today in anticipation of problems along the roads. The worst is expected to hit around noon. Once again at midnight until then, the crews are on standby. The governor has not declared a state of emergency, but he has mobilized 100 members of the New Hampshire national guard. There are a emergency shelters opened by the red cross. Is that they will open more if they are needed. That is currently the situation in north hampton, New Hampshire. Back to you. The state of emergency in New Hampshire. But we do have one in maryland. We have been live in annapolis all morning. What is happening right now, can add . Right now, the rain seems to have let up a little bit for the time being. The winds are picking up now. We are seeing more went right now than rain. The rain has been coming down all morning, and we actually want to show you a nearby road over here to our side. You can see that the road is covered in water. A lot of the lower rates according to the Emergency Management officials are flooded out at this point. This road is not flooded, however, cars are going through it is very wet. The water is pulling on the sides of the roads and the parking lot where we are standing pooling on the sides of the roads and parking lot where we are standing. You do not want to drive through any standing water if you can avoid it. As far as the rain and harbor are concerned, it looks like things are Holding Steady for the time being. We have another foot or so before the water would come up over the dock. That is some good news. The celts are out there they are just kind of bobbing. The sailboats are out there, theyre just kind of shopping in the wind. The rain is a little bit like her right now. They are expecting a 13 foot storm 13 foot research. The Emergency Operations storm center is monitoring the situation closely. They have activated a shelter at annapolis high school. You need a place to go, you can certainly go there. Dogs and cats are welcome. Take advantage of that people you need to. Reporting live in annapolis. Thank you, kim. You get kevin feeble cabin fever. We are tracking sandy all day long. Stick with us and for the latest on hurricanes pass. We will let you know exactly where the storm is located right now and how we can expect things to progress here in maryland as we had through the day. As it intensifies, more problems expected on the roads. We will bring you uptodate if your heading out any time soon. Here is a live look Atlantic City, new jersey, the bullseye of the storm. You are watching wb al wbal tv 11. This is 11 news today. You go this time. Welcome back to this special edition of 11 news today. We have the latest on the effects of Hurricane Sandy. All school and business closings are scrolling at the bottom of your screen. They are also on our web site wbaltv. Com. This is important. We are told white marsh and other malls are closed today. Sorry, no shopping. We will have more details on the bills closures and cancellations. For those of you traveling today whats the latest on the sandy. Where is she now . To under 50 miles east 250 miles east. I will zoom in here on a sandy. I will try to get the center of the storm right in the middle of your screen. What the last couple of friends. The looks like it is developing an eye. It is getting stronger. Sustained winds were 85 Miles Per Hour in the last update, but it might be stronger than that now. It is a good thing that bypassed the mouth of chesapeake bay. The worstCase Scenario there. It is not going to go this way. It is not coming up towards baltimore. It still looks like it is headed up into the southern part of new jersey later on this evening and early tonight. It is going to get stronger. It will slam the jersey coast hard. In the short term, how we are dealing the rain has been certainly coming down at a very good clip. It will continue to do so for the next half hour or 45 minutes. Youll notice that the heavy rain and that was going from baltimore and annapolis is now west of the cities. The rain in this kind of situation goes from east to west, instead of west to east, which is what we are used to seeing. It is stretching from westminster down into bellicosity. Washington, d. C. We will get about seven8 inches of rain total before it is all said and done. A lot of all of the individual flood warnings. Just assume that youll get flooding in your neighborhood. Lets switch over to the winds. The winds from baltimore are not terrible. There have been gusting up to 2535 m. P. H. That will be increasing as the storm turned back towards the coast. You might as along the beach, the winds are gusting over 50 Miles Per Hour. The worst winds for baltimore will be later this afternoon and into this evening. Lets go over stepbystep rain today. Heavy at times. The winds will gust 2030 Miles Per Hour. Up to two will be in the forties tonight and tomorrow. Therell be some still in the mountains. Blizzard warnings are in affect for garrett county. Incredible. We were talking about the beach, and theyre getting the worst of it. Eva is live oceanside. It looks like the storm is getting i. It may be beginning. It may be making a transition from tropical system to a noreaster. Goodness, any way to tell what the wind gusts are in ocean city . Were having a hard time road recording them. It is going off and on. I suspect youll see gus as high as 50 Miles Per Hour over the next couple of hours. 39 Miles Per Hour 15 minutes ago. Ok, what i learned yesterday is that everything reported at the airport it is much stronger at the beach. Last night, a wind gust of 47 Miles Per Hour. The water has basically flooded all the way. Where you see the fence posts that is where we were standing last night. As you can see, we are on higher ground. Notice all the damage there. The beach is exposed that has been completely washed away by these waves which are up to 15 feet tall. Couple hundred feet out from the edge. They continue to move and as walls of water. That is why youre seeing some much erosion. And that means the water will still go over these dunes and go into the beach front properties. A lot of flooding occurring at our hotel. A lot of area inland is starting to see flooding as well. We are hearing a lot of reports on the twitter and facebook rumors about the ocean city pier to confirm that the only reports of damage we have heard from ocean city has been a fishing pier. Reports officially coming in on anything else of any sort of damage. I did receive an email from the county of ocean city they have had to respond to numerous weatherrelated incidents. No major injuries have been reported. That is good news. We want to keep it that way. Everyone that is watching stay inside. I know these images are incredible. You want to be inside. That is why we are reporting out in the rain so that we can bring you these images will you can stay in the safety of your home. Especially for all of the arkansas personnel to want to keep the streets clear for them. They do not want at any more incidents to the list. The winds are gusting, depending on where you are, anywhere from 60 3060 Miles Per Hour. Live in ocean city. Doing a fabulous job. It is very interesting it looks like a moat around the hotel. It looks pretty deep. She made a good point. State, we will bring you the images. Other areas are bracing for the storm. 11 News Reporter daniel has been in new jersey all morning danielle has been in new jersey all morning. Across the northeast, the rising tide has brought waves crashing down on the coastal communities. The water is on, korff greta uncomfortably close to home. God knows what can happen. To new york from new york to new jersey, thousands have been forced to pack up and get out. Thousands of flights have been canceled. Homes and businesses on hold today. New jersey gov. Chris christie had strong words for anybody ignoring orders. If something looks stupid to do, it is stupid. A similar tone from mayor michael blumberg. Youre not only putting yourself at risk, but also the First Responder predict First Responders will have to assist you in an emergency. Sandy is over 700 miles wide. Homeowners in its path spent sunday boarding up, laying sandbags and gathering last minute emergency supplies. We lucked out with irene. People need to stay inside and hunker down. From new jersey. But as we continue our coverage, which avenue some we have some new information we will be working on. He will look at conditions closer to the bay. We will have the 10 00 a. M. Press conference from gov. Martin omalley. Well have the Conference Live here on the tv 11. As eva mentioned, we are getting the latest updates from ocean city officials. We will provide the latest updates from in and around the maryland region. Whats another live look from a virginia beach, virginia. Back with more in a moment. Good morning. Once again, were checking on the conditions on leave the area roads as they continue to get worse. We do have some problems, and. We have an inner loop accident. We will let you know when we hear if any lanes closed. We have a down the pole and wires affecting land a travel. Monument at pulaski highway, that intersection is shut down. Number avenue, all in advance to prepare for flooding leader on this evening. Would restrictions in affect at the bay bridge. We also have in restrictions at the titans memorial bridges. Lets give you a live look of traffic. We will see what is going on in terms of the area roads. A lot lighter in volume. Books are encouraging folks, we are encouraging you to stay home. There are a few folks out there. Not showing much in the ways of delays. For a live view of traffic in the area of Baltimore National pike, coming out of out to look at traffic and no delays there. But we are seeing is pooling on area roads. As the rain continues to build and went around the area we expect to see more problems. Right now, we want to remind you that all flights out of bwi are cancelled as a 10 35 this morning. Amtrak and other trains are not operating. That is the latest from traffic. Whittle will go live to lease a matter mr. Robinson. I am at the Emergency Operations center, and as you can see, there are a lot of people here working very hard. There are about 45 agencies around the state, including federal agencies, the red cross, the governor here with his cabinet members the governor has been here since 6 30 this morning. Can you give us an idea of where things stand right now . What are you all doing in this room . For the last several days, we have been preparing for the worstCase Scenario. The Weather Forecast is today thought we would not a bullet. Then it deteriorated. We have always been preparing the the worst possible flooding conditions, responsible worst possible Power Outages. We are making. Were working to make sure that we had people deployed in the right places. Are you hearing of any practical problems around the state . What the Eastern Shore started to get some floodwaters. Brought one in delaware was flooded with ocean water. There has been flooding in downtown ocean city. The Eastern Shore is really feeling the effects before us. We are starting to get some rain. You have heard of the traffic reports. There have been some issues there. We have not heard of any major incidents. We hope it stays that way. But even when i was driving, not a lot of people on the roads. It seems like they are heeding the warnings. Your saying, try to use a Little Common sense. What is obviously a lot of Government Agencies are closed. We cannot tell the private sector what to do. Many of them need to be opened. Use some common sense in how you hit your employees around. This afternoons rush hour make considerably worse than this morning. Thank you so much. We will continue to check in at 10 00. Well hear from the governor, and we will hear about what hes been talking about in this strategy room. He has been getting reports in from all over the state. We will bring that to you live. I lisa robinson, back to you guys. Thank you so much. Were getting a better look as at how Hurricane Sandy is affecting roads and the beaches. The big story run baltimore has done the heavy rain. We have picked up one or 3 inches anywhere from 1 welcome back. The time is 9 48. 56 degrees downtown. It is going to back it is going to get colder. The temperatures will dip into the 40s in most locations. The big story i mentioned is a heavy rain around the baltimore. The winds have not been a big deal yet. That will probably change later this afternoon. I will explain why in just a moment. Here is the hd doppler. We have two bands of heavy rain showing up. One of the Eastern Shore, a little bit of light rain around a Baltimore City down to annapolis, and another band of heavy rain in the western part of power county. The rain is moving from the east to the west. Normally we see west to east, right . When youre looking at this image and you think stuff is moving away from you, it is actually moving towards you. East to west. Lets take a look at what is happening at temperature was temperaturewise. It is chilly. 40s and 50s there will even be snow in the mountains. 51 in catonsville. 52 at the airport. Temperatures will not move today. There will probably end up going down over the next few hours. Lets take a look at the winds. The current wind gusts we plotted at the top of the hour. As you might expect, the highest winds have been at the beaches and coastal areas. We had a 43 mile per hour passed and the salzburg. Aiding in westminster. The winds will not be terrible around baltimore. There will cut between 2030 Miles Per Hour. By the time we get to this evening, they may cost between 4050 Miles Per Hour. Lets talk about the storm. It is actually getting stronger. As of the latest advisory, 85 Miles Per Hour sustained winds. I suspect it might be Even Stronger than that right now. As of the 11 00 adviser, they may issue a 90 bopper our change. It is trying to develop and i an eye. May lose its tropical characteristics and get stronger at the same project at the same time. Normally when a tropical system calls, that is normally good news. It will actually get stronger as it heads toward the coast. The cold air will dig in and behind the storm, and it will pull it back towards the coast. Hopefully, we can say confidently that we have avoided the worst Case Scenario for maryland. It will still slammed into the new jersey coast around Atlantic City sometime around 7 00 or 8 00 this evening. When it does, it will bring with it that big dome of water that sits beneath the hurricane. We will see a storm surge anywhere from 10 feet to 12 feet. They will get a Hurricane Force winds. 7080 Miles Per Hour. The good news is, when it comes onshore, it should we can pretty quickly. The wins will spin down a little bit. We will get a break as we head into tomorrow morning. The center of the store will be in Northern Ireland or southern pennsylvania, but the winds should be winding down Northern Maryland or southern pennsylvania, but the winds should be winding down. Expect a lot of snow out in West Virginia. As we head towards a baltimore, maybe just a couple of flights mixing and with the raindrops. No snow will be sticking to the ground around baltimore. Here is the forecast for today. Rain, heavy at times, the winds between 2030 m. P. H. This morning. This evening, more like 4060 mile per hour gusts. Anywhere from 28 inches anywhere from two to 8 inches of rain. Portis tomorrow, wednesday, but the rain should not be quite as happy. I will be optimistic about howling, and just say scattered showers with a high of 55. Finally aboard going into the weekend. The time is 9 52. It is 52 degrees at the airport. We will have more coverage of Hurricane Sandy as we continue. Another live look from a virginia beach. It looks pretty, compared to what we have been seeing for the past five hours. But i think it is the shot. But he does not look a lets allied to Baltimore City. The Baltimore City conditions have been deteriorating. You have been out there so long. This place is jumping. Even with a small car, it is hard to find a spot at the giant, because people here did you get everything you needed . I did. My granddaughter wanted some hot chocolate, so i came out. I have been to the store every day. I have been prepared. My granddaughter wanted hot chocolate. That was the one thing i did not get, and i had to get it for her. What you are a wonderful grandmother. Grandma came out for some hot chocolate. Right now, were talking about that little space. Nothing is happening right now. If you want a spot, you better hurry up. This lady is leaving. She had to get a hot chocolate. You know what that is like. You know, this is one of the few small cars people are coming and we hope to get some other folks. We will get him next time, ok . Back to you guys. What a nice grandma. But she was sweet. Were going to sarah with conditions with an update on road conditions. Courts a little levity to the situation this morning. Lets bring you an update. Not seeing a lot of cars out there. Folks are heeding our warnings. The interlude, we have an accident coming in. Rates rose at montevideo road, we have a down a couple of wires. Monument at pulaski, caroline street, north avenue, that is in advance of flooding expected in those areas. Westbound side of the bay bridge, some debris was reported there. We will have to look for road for wind restrictions. Bwi has cancelled all flights after 10 35 this morning. Trains, mta, and amtrak are not moving. Lets update you on a 95 eastern east of southern avenue. No signs of problems there other than what roads. We advise you to stay off the roads as conditions get worse throughout the day into this evening. The Baltimore National pipe in pretty good shape despite some wet roads. We are seeing pooling on the roads. That is the latest on the traffic. More of our c our coverage continues of Hurricane Sandy. Here in ocean city the conditions are just worsening as sandy approaches parallel of the coast today. Look at those waves, they are just incredible. We will have updates on the conditions in ocean city. Lets head back to tony. Howre things back at the studio . [captioning made possible by Constellation Energy group] captioned by the National Captioning Institute www. Ncicap. Org the storm is off the coast of ocean city, which is a good thing, and we will talk more about that in a few minutes. Stay with us. We will be on the air all day long tracking hurricanes sandy

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