Transcripts For WBAL Today 20100430

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today. right? >> that's right. but it's very exciting. 136th running of the roses, the kentucky derby. we'll have more, including the sights and sounds and the tastes of the kentucky derby, guys. >> sounds good. we need some mint juleps here! >> we're waiting for them here. >> we'll check in with you in just a moment. we have a lot coming up. reial hunter speaks out. she's the woman who had the affair and the child with former presidential candidate john edwards. reial says she is not to blame for the breakup of his marriage to elizabeth. coming up we'll hear what she has to say about her current relationship with john edwards, how he feels about their daughter and what she really thinks about those "gq" photos. also, we reported about some serious bullying cases recently, the teenager phoebe prince who took her own life. but it is not just a young-kid thing. many of us run into adult bullies in every day life, either at the grocery store, on an airplane, perhaps in our own family, friendships. so how to deal with this without getting stepped on. >> that's an interesting topics for grown-ups. >> we think we can put up with things we don't need to. we don't know how to do it. we'll figure that out. first we have a little check of the news. the white house said today no new offshore oil drilling will be authorized until official learn what caused last week's oil rig explosion in the gulf of mexico. oil has started coming ashore in louisiana threatening an all-out environmental disaster. nbc's chief environmental affairs correspondent anne thompson is in venice, louisiana. hey, anne, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, hoda. at this hour, bp crews are in the air and on boats looking for oil at the mouth of the mississippi river. there have been reports that oil has been spotted in an area, but those reports have not been confirmed. there is a crew of 150 people here ready to go at a moment's notice to try to stave off what many fear could be an environmental catastrophe. on louisiana's fragile coastline, plastic barriers called booms are the last line of defense. the well 40 miles out to sea is pouring five times more oil into the gulf than first thought. now some 5,000 barrels a day. despite efforts with underwater robots like this, ten days after the explosion, bp is no closer to plugging the leak. >> absolutely nobody wants to get this oil flow stopped more than i do. we have people working 24 hours a day in four different locations to both stop the flow, to actually fight this thing offshore and protect the shorelines. >> reporter: president obama mobilized a team of cabinet secretaries to monitor the investigation and the cleanup. >> my administration will continue to use every single available resource at our disposal, including potentially the department of defense to address the incident. >> reporter: louisiana's governor bobby jindal declared a state of emergency and asked the defense and homeland security departments to deploy the national guard to respond to the slick. u.s. military officials tell nbc news a list of options are being put together that could include sending additional planes, boats, skimmers and booms. the spill could do serious damage to louisiana's wetlands. at this time of year, the marshes are breeding grounds for hundreds of different kinds of wildlife. an ecological marvel threatened by a slow-motion invasion. and the floodwaters behind me are home to one-third of the nation's seafood production. now the big question is, who is going to pay for all of this. well, because the well belongs to bp and the oil belongs to bp, so does the bill. and that bill is running $6 million a day and if it has to drill a relief well, that could cost up to $100 million. hoda? >> anne, we'll be covering this for a while. thank you. the commerce department said this morning the u.s. economy grew at a pace of 3.2% in the first quarter of the year marking three straight quarters of growth. two kentucky miners were found dead on thursday after a roof collapse in a coal mine. the mine had been cited at least six times this year for using too few support bolts on the roof. an electrical fire at a downtown boston subway tunnel late thursday forces evacuations and sent at least 20 people to the hospital mostly with smoke inhalation. high winds are expected to ease but still cause problems today in new mexico where 60-mile-an-hour gusts bowled over tractor trailers on thursday. dust storms closed highways in arizona and the winds have knocked down trees and power lines in california. and it was the tallest structure in alaska and the tallest tower of its kind in the u.s. but not anymore. the coast guard demolished the 1,350-foot tower this week fearing that without major repairs it would have come down on its own anyway. what a picture. what a picture. you're up to date. five minutes past the hour. >> lucky that the camera didn't get hit. thanks, hoda. now let's get a check of the weather from a very dapper al this morning from churchill downs in louisville, kentucky. you look wonderful in that hat. >> ann, hoda, thank you. the weather is gorgeous now but we've got a change coming. this line of showers and thunderstorms working their way through all the way from minneapolis, aberdeen, down into oklahoma city, and into texas. this is ahead of a risk of area of storms, super cells that could produce tornadoes from fayetteville all the way up to minneapolis. overnight we still have to worry about this as very warm, moist air collides with cooler air from monroe, louisiana to green bay, wisconsin. then tomorrow, saturday, we are looking at a risk of strong storms from dallas, texas all the way to louisville where there are flood watches in effect from little rock to louisville as well. rainfall amounts, talking generally one to three inches of rain, but in a bull's-eye from memphis up to cincinnati, we could be looking at seven inches or more. some local areas may see ten inches of rain. that brings us to our forecast for the kentucky derby. not a lot of great news. cloudy, mild and 80% chance of showers. locally heavy thunderstorms. a temperature in the low 70s. they have never canceled the kentucky derby butut >> the sun is out and the storms are way to the west. we have great weather today. a lot of sunshine to warmer temperatures, low 80s. >> and that's your latest weather. hoda? >> all right, al, thank you so much. it looked like john edwards had it all -- a loving, long marriage, a successful career as a lawyer and senator, and a shot at the highest office in the land. then came news of a mistress. now reial hunter is speaking out for the first time on television to oprah winfrey and talking about everything from the first time they met to where the relationship stands now. nbc's norah o'donnell has all the details. hey, norah, good morning. >> reporter: hey, good morning, hoda. reial hunter went on "oprah" to talk about what she called john edwards' life of integrity. john and elizabeth edwards are now separated but reial hunter strongly denies that she broke up their marriage. >> a lot of people bought into the myth of the marriage. the edwards marriage as being a storybook story and it was so perfect and so wonderful and i destroyed it. >> reporter: reial hunter says it was not her fault that the edwards' marriage fell apart. >> people aren't property. you can't steal someone else's husband. >> reporter: but last year in an interview with oprah, elizabeth edwards said hunter seduced her husband. >> i blame john but i also -- of course, women need to have more respect for other women. >> reporter: hunter claims she and john edwards were drawn together like a magnetic force at a chance meeting in new york. >> he was just so excited. i mean just lit up like a christmas tree. white lights, just like bright as can be. and i just turned to him and said, "you're so hot." >> reporter: edwards later invited hunter to his hotel room. >> did you stay the night? >> i think that that now -- as i always like to say, okay now fade to black. >> reporter: more than a year later the affair was still going on. >> were you using birth control? >> no, we never used birth control. >> reporter: by july of 2007, hunter was pregnant. >> in july. so when john edwards is renewing his vows to elizabeth edwards, he knows that you are pregnant? >> yeah. >> did you think now's my time to get out? >> no. i was pregnant. now he's turned into the father of my child. >> reporter: but john edwards would deny he was the father. >> i know that it's not possible that this child could be mine. >> reporter: admitting only now that he lied on national television. why the public denial? >> elizabeth really wanted him to do that interview. she wanted him to say, you've got to get out in front of this, say the truth and speak the truth. and she didn't know the truth. >> reporter: hunter, who now lives in north carolina with 2-year-old frances quinn, raised eyebrows when she posed half-naked in "gq" magazine. >> what i was thinking was, i would like to have one sexy shot where the world can see me as a beautiful woman as opposed to all those photos that are out there of me looking like some wicked witch of the west. >> what did johnny think about those photos? "where are your pants?" >> reporter: now, four years after their affair first began, hunter does not deny they are still together. >> do you still love him? >> oh, very much. >> does he still love you? >> i believe he does. >> reporter: now as for that infamous sex tape, hunter says that she wishes she destroyed it. she's actually suing former edwards aide andrew young worried that he has copies. now john edwards is going to have to give his side of the story in a deposition on may 13th. hoda? >> this one won't end. norah o'donnell, thank you so much. up next, from a tough to deal with neighbor to a pushy co-worker, we'll have advice on how not to get pushed around by grown-up bulliebullies. and later, fun finds to keep the whole family entertained this summer. but first, these messages. [ female announcer ] introducing new all oxi-active, for all active families. our advanced 2-in-1 power cleans tough stains like grass better than the leading oxi detergent and helps get your family's wash incredibly white and bright. try new all oxi-active. it's all good. a tornado hits, air life denver takes off... their night-vision goggles keeping the rescue mission safe... and powering those goggles-- the only battery air life trusts: duracell. trusted everywhere. to help your skin get healthy and clear. fast forward a few years... ...and now that your problem is wrinkles we still have the solution dermatologists recommend most. neutrogena anti wrinkle moisturizer with pure retinol sa. in just 1 month it's clinically proven to smooth even the deepest wrinkles. so all you neutrogena girls it's time to become neutrogena women. neutrogena recommended most by dermatologists. so all you neutrogena girls it's time to become neutrogena women. why do women like you love activia light? sometimes i have no choice but to eat on the run... and to eat whatever happens to be around. heavy greasy food that's hard on my diet... and my digestive system. so i eat activia light every day. activia light, with bifidus regularis is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system. mmmm. the new taste is better than ever. and with only 70 calories activia light helps make it easier to watch my weight. it helps me feel good and look good too! ♪ activia! kids are hungry after school. that's why i always have totino's pizza rolls. big pizza taste. in a bite size roll. kids can't resist their delicious pizza flavor. totino's pizza rolls. the pizza way to snack. i've got good news. you need more fiber. huh? don't worry, it tastes great. froot loops now with 3 grams of fiber. fiber makes your tummy happy so it can absorb the good stuff you need, which your mom is gonna love. it does taste great. fiber is a great way to start your day. i can never read these things. kellogg's froot loops, apple jacks, and corn pops! cereals, now provide fiber. kellogg's makes fiber fun. there have been a lot of stories lately about the tragic consequences of teen bullying and child bullying. what about the adult bullies we meet on a daily basis? you might remember this scene from "friends." >> hey, you're in our seats. >> sorry, we didn't know. >> hey, we were sitting there. >> okay, there is one more way to say it. who knows? >> it was ridiculous. these guys, they were bullies. actual bullies. you know? we're grown-ups. this kind of stuff isn't supposed to happen anymore. >> oh, hon. >> now wait a minute, i have no one. >> here is some advice on how to deal with adult bullies. psychologist dale atkins, "sanity savers," and psychologist and "today" contributorafter gardere. good morning. that was a funny example, not so funnily in terms of being bullied. >> when aur he waiting in line for the movie and somebody cuts in front of you or when you're on a plane and somebody insists on taking their bag and pushing yours or pushing you out of the way or verbally assaulting you in a way -- making you feel less -- >> or you're in new york city and you get on a subway and you want to sit down and the person just won't move over just a little bit or they sit practically on top of you. >> you're talking about people we don't know. there may be people we actually also know. could be in friendships, in our work environment. there is a kind of passive-aggressive bullying as well. >> absolutely. generally when people do this they're very intimidating and they try to kind of puff themselves up. what happens is, that you feel as if they feel there is kind of an entitlement and that the rules that apply to the rest of us don't apply to them. what happens is you can feel very much less than because you don't stand up to them and there are ways to stand up to people. but generally they're frightened and they feel threatened by you but they don't put that out there. what they put out there is i'm going to get my way at your expense. >> you're kind of giving us a bit of a psychological profile here of what's going on in their mind. >> that's right. the thing is that if you're the victim of that, then it truly is bullying if you feel you've been blind-sided. you're like, wait a minute! what just happened here? that's a sign that you have been bullied. you just don't good feel about it. >> you know the person doesn't feel good about him or herself but you may not have the resilience in the sense of wait a minute, this isn't really my fault and it is not about me. but we have to understand that people have to take responsibility for being respectful to others even if they're not getting it. >> what's the best solution? you talk about killing them with kindness, jeff. >> that's what i do. i was online to see "avatar" many weeks ago. two people just cut right in front of me and i said to them, hey, guys, if you just had asked, you could have stepped right in front of me. it's not a problem. we can all go see the movie, together. and they just said -- they started laughing and they got off the line, went to the back of the line. so i killed them with kindness and let them know -- >> doesn't always work. it doesn't always work. >> it doesn't. but most people don't think that that would be their first step. they'd want to match the aggression with the aggression and you don't do that. >> that's right. >> you try and have the presence of mind and sense of yourself and relaxed moment, that is a great example but sometimes it doesn't work. when it doesn't work, you think you do try. step back, watch your body language. oftentimes we're shocked and go like this. stand tall, look at somebody and don't raise your voice because they're raising their voice to you. >> you only raise the aggression up. these are people who already have issues of self-esteem and are fearful to begin with, then they just become even more fearful and more aggressive. >> what is there really in your life on a daily bay dis -- what if you have a friend who in a way is not overt, is sort of bullying you or maybe bullying someone else. >> some people are not conscious of it. they don't realize because it is the way they've very often been treated their entire life and they aren't conscious of it. so in a quiet moment, not when they're in the throes of it, because they're not going to hear you. say sometimes you will bully someone, sometimes you act in a way that's really aggressive, not sure if you're aware of it. but it is uncomfortable for me as your friend, it is not getting what you want and it really is difficult. perhaps you can try this. as your friend i want to let you know. >> but if you are being hurt by this and you can't stop it and the person is not stopping after a conversation like that, what would you advise them to do? >> you really do need to number one, remove yourself especially if you have children. remanufacture yourself for the moment because you don't want the children to see that this is a model of how we get what we want and you're modeling disrespect. >> it is very important in a marriage because there's bullying in a marriage. it really is about having that constant communication and somehow getting through and modeling better behaviors for that partner or friend. >> please don't take this wrong but we've run out of time. >> you're bullying us! >> dale atkins, jeff gardere, good advice this morning. two lucky women get a whole new look. the dramatic results of our instant makeovers. but first, these messages. his coat is incredibly shiny and soft and very thick. everybody thinks he's the most handsome cat they've ever seen. [ woman announcing ] purina one for indoor cats... unlocks the brilliance of nature... with a natural fiber blend that helps minimize hairballs... and maintain a healthy weight. [ laurie ] he's a character. he brings so much laughter into this household. and he's the best-lookin' cat there is. [ announcer ] it's amazing what one can do. can you believe how fast kids grow these days? that's why there's new danonino. new danonino has twice the calcium of milk, ounce per ounce, with vitamin d. so it's power packed for healthy growth. yummy! new danonino from dannon. power packed to help kids grow. 100% natural nuts and granola in bite sized clusters. it's a little bit of nature... a little bit better. and nature approves. granola nut clusters from nature valley. would we eat better? [ rewinding ] at hellmann's, we search for the best sources to make our mayonnaise. we use eggs, vinegar and oil rich in omega 3. ♪ for the quality that could only be hellmann's. hellmann's. it's time for real. and, now introducing hellmann's light. it's made with 100% cage free eggs. >> announcer: today's top dog" is brought to you by the makers of zyrtec. love the air. this morning on "today's top dog," the results are in. time to announce our last semi-finalist moving on to the final round. earlier this week we introduced to our last round of semi-finalists. let's recap. shall we? first bowty, an 8-year-old peek niece in connecticut. >> next up, a. you who can bring smiles to everyone's face. emma is a 7-year-old from illinois. she's got a wave about her. there she goes. finally we have 22-month-old fluffy. this doberman pinscher from salt lake, utah likes to belt out a tune. no instrument is necessary. this big guy. drum roll, the winner of the semi-finalist. >> an overwhelming majority of 77% of the votes this week -- is fluffy. so fluffy -- >> okay. that's so funny. on monday we'll see these four dogs compete live in the studio and see who wins the title of "today's top dog." the grand prize winner will receive a photo shoot in the pages of "ladies home journal" and win a vacation to a hotel in atlanta for pooch, owner and guest. >> that's very nice. do we have al and natalie out there? >> yes, al is thrilled fluffy made it! >> we were rooting for fl inini. love the fluffster. coming up next, swim suits after your local news. [ woman ] dear cat. gentle cat. your hair mixes with pollen and dust in the air. i get congested. my eyes itch. i have to banish you to the garden. but now with zyrtec-d®, i have the proven allergy relief of zyrtec®, plus a powerful decongestant. i can breathe freer with zyrtec-d®. so, i'll race you to our favorite chair. i might even let you win. zyrtec-d® lets me breathe easier, so i can love the air™. zyrtec-d®. behind the pharmacy counter. no prescription needed. >> live, local, late-breaking, this is wbal-tv 11 news today in hd. >> good morning. i am mindy basara. a baltimore county lawmaker hopes to enact in immigration law in maryland. patrick mcdonough is introducing a bill for the 2011 general assembly session that would allow police to arrest suspected illegal persons. he is surveying people asking their position on the issue. a group finds illegal immigrants cost taxpayers millions of tax dollars every year. a midtown bar is closing after losing its liquor license. there was erratic behavior on behalf of the owner. he punched a dog in a car and vandalized homes. security video shows he was running in st. celebrating a raven's loss of last year. the bar had been in business for more than 70 years. now let's take a look at your forecast. >> the sun is out this morning. by this evening, the map will look like this. a warm front to run north. the storm will hold off for a while. 84 will be the high temperature today with mostly sunny skies. the wind will be about 10 miles per hour. we are way above normal. statewide, equally warm. temperatures right up around 80 or 82 degrees with plenty of sunshine. mid 70's's in the mountains and ocean city. >> thank you. thank you for joining us. promise me low prices. and stick to it. like seriously low prices. [ male announcer ] at safeway, we made a promise of low prices. and we're keeping it. [ female announcer ] take our fantastic club card specials like red seedless grapes just 99 cents a pound and 12 packs of pepsi only $2.66. i need to know that when i'm here, the low prices will be too. monday, tuesday, everyday. i'm a big fan of everyday. [ male announcer ] and with thousands of everyday low prices, you'll save all over the store. [ female announcer ] low prices you can count on. at safeway, that's our promise. that's ingredients for life. what's your deal, man? >> come on, len, you've been riding me all day. >> come on, sound like betty white out there. >> that's what your girlfriend is saying. >> that launched the betty white craze. she's been a fixture on american tv for decades from the ""mary tyler moore show"" to "the golden girls." she'll be here monday on today for a preview of her hosting "saturday night live." i'm ann curry along with hoda kotb and lester holt. robach, we'll get to you, too, in a moment. first, natalie and al are living it up in churchill downs counting down to tomorrow's kentucky derby. you had a very interesting reaction to the top dog finalist, fluffy. we were rolling. >> we did? >> fluffy. fluffy. >> fluffy! >> woo! well, our dog won. >> you two just have too much time on your hands. >> it will never end. >> guys, thank you so much. >> we're going on "american idol" next week. >> good luck with that! we have a lot coming up. as a kid, did you ever want one of those snow cone, snowball making machines? >> oh, my god -- i want my one. >> that's that little snoopy snow cone machine. >> that looks like the same one! >> it might be. they are -- everything's retro. ping-pong paddles, everything. all for summer fun. >> that will be fun. >> memory lane. plus the weather is supposed to be nice in the northeast this weekend. if you're heading to the beach, we'll show you some swimsuits we're told are going to flatter every figure. i think that one flatters you very nicely. meantime, lester and amy, it's all about you two. >> at least for this 30 seconds. right? make the best of this moment. let me tell you what's coming up this weekend on "today." we'll be live from the gulf coast for the very latest on the massive oil spill that's now come ashore and could obviously be devastating to the region. all the latest from there. plus, we'll catch up with basketball hall of famer nancy lieberman. remember she was called lady magic? she was the first woman to play in the pros with the men. now lieberman is breaking new ground. she is the first female coach for the nba. we get to meet her. she is an amazing woman. >> men's nba? >> she is coaching all men. >> of course we'll be live at the kentucky derby all weekend long. we'll preview the race tomorrow and talk to the winner on sunday. that's all this weekend on "today." >> you can get al and natalie -- >> no more. let's actually go to them right now. al, what's going on? >> well, we're doing a little cooking. we know about the horses. we've already told you about the mint juleps. >> and hats. >> but know jojo doyle is the official caterer here at churchill downs. you're going to go to 300,000 strawberries, 132,000 shrimp. >> for a lots of people. we have a great partnership. 1,400 pounds of sausage is coming in, i ordered 3,000 pounds of peechg we're cooking right now. this is the bourbon caramelized cherries going over crepes. i wanted us to talk about everything. you hear that? that's what you want to hear when you're cooking. >> there is a little more love. >> back up. >> official bourbon of the -- >> it is all sweet and good. >> nothing like a butter bourbon facial. what else are you making? >> these are seared scallops, parmigiano-reggiano cheese. seanable, all natural products. this year we have a living green salad, basically made here in kentucky. hydroup up hydroponic, no pesticides. that's fresh. in ten minutes you're having that salad. honey chipotle. then the peppers. >> can't forget the roses. it is the running of the roses here. >> this is to represent the garland. of course the garland cupcakes. every floor will have these. over 14,400 cupcakes for this event. >> over half a million people over the course of the weekend. it starts actually today because the running of the oaks is today. >> it is just the best time. yesterday, today, then tomorrow i can't wait. >> that's right. >> great. >> are you going to be able to cover all this, keep it from getting soggy? >> yeah. i'm going to stick to the food, you stick to the weather. can you change it for me? >> if i can do that, i wouldn't be doing this. don't forget, nbc's coverage of the 136th running of the roses, the kentucky derby begins b >> it is a summer-like weather pattern. plenty of sunshine during the day today. temperatures and the low eighties for highs. >> now that's the running of the roses. >> breakfast of champions. >> did you smell those, how good they are? >> i never fall for that one, al. but you should. >> back to you guys. >> they're having some fun. next, getting into the summer spirit with fun finds for the family. but coming up right this. go, jill! take our quesadilla explosion salad. i hand-toss it with fresh greens, corn relish, and tortilla strips. add grilled chicken, and finish it with crispy quesadilla wedges. the quesadilla explosion salad is part of our entree plus an appetizer pairings for $9.99. pick one of our 16 entrees, like baby-back ribs or honey chipotle chicken crispers. then choose an appetizer -- all for just $9.99. for a limited time, only at chili's. can you believe how fast kids grow these days? that's why there's new danonino. new danonino has twice the calcium of milk, ounce per ounce, with vitamin d. so it's power packed for healthy growth. yummy! new danonino from dannon. power packed to help kids grow. [ woman ] nine iron, it's almost tee-time. time for new zyrtec® liquid gels. they work fast. so i can get relief from the pollen that used to make me sneeze, my eyes water. with new zyrtec® liquid gels, i get allergy relief at liquid speed. that's the fast, powerful relief of zyrtec®, now in a liquid gel. zyrtec® is the fastest 24-hour allergy medicine. it works on my worst symptoms so i'm ready by the time we get to the first hole. new zyrtec® liquid gels work fast, so i can love the air®. begins with a balanced breakfast. country crock has 70% less saturated fat than butter, and 30% fewer calories. add multigrain toast, fresh fruit and low fat milk, and they're off to a good start. country crock. welcome to the modern world, people. woolite isn't just for your delicates! it's for all your clothes! with woolite complete you can wash everything, from jeans to tees, 'cause it has the right balance of care and cleaning. and say goodbye to fading, shrinking, and stretching. after all, a lady never reveals the true age of her clothes. woolite complete, cleans and cares for all your clothes. welcome to progressive. nice calculator. i'm just trying to save money on my car insurance. you know, with progressive, you get the option to name your price. is that even possible? uh, absolutely. trade? and i still get great service? more like super great. oh, you have a message. 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(announcer) general mills makes getting whole grain an easy choice. just look for the white check. this morning on "jill's fun finds," a little summer something for everyone, from snow cones to bubble speakers. if it's fun, jill found if t. jill martin is a "today" and "us weekly" contributor. >> i want to start with something i grew up with. everyone when they saw this, oh, my god, it's back. the snoopy snow cone maker. you crank the ice and it comes out, then you make the snow cones. this was so big in the '80s. i don't want to date myself. $25. it's ice. what do you mean? it's delicious. >> that is cute. only $25. is this the same? this hasn't changed over the years? >> it's only back for the summer. they sort of brought it back. >> if you love music -- >> which you do. this is your ipod. i stole it from your dressing room. it is a bubble speaker. it looks like a clown nose but this is at, $44.50. it travels with you. it is a great speaker. this i love. i'm a big barbecuer. this is $20. it is a mini picnic set. >> it is a nice little setting. this is something that all the kids are going nuts over. >> silly bands. they start at $5. they are in animals, there's numbers. >> what are they? >> every crew member and staff member here said please give them to me for my daughter. every age loves them. they're bracelets. kids trade them, you stack them. it is the biggest craze right now. >> that's adorable. >> kids are going crazy for them. >> what age kids? >> i asked. they said 4 to 14. everybody loves these. these are going to different members of our staff. >> thee aren't just for girls. boys are wearing them. i'm hearing from sources. >> really. who were your sources? >> my sources are very smart. >> boys definitely love this one. mini foosball table. >> this is adorable. all the old stuff is coming back. >> i love that. >> what's this called? you have to turn it on? >> air hockey. >> i hate that game. okay. ping-pong is still in style. >> at my house, in my basement we have an old ping-pong table. this is just a way to update it, fun, ping-pong. just update your old table. these are $39.50 at it is a fun way to update an old table. >> this is if you're paying attention to one thing in this entire segment, this should probably be it. >> that's it? >> this is the highlight. >> $129.95. you e-mail the pictures to the frame and they show up. i e-mailed my address to i just gave my e-mail. you can reject them or they go to spam. >> look at your mom and dad. how cute. these are all family pictures. >> i e-mailed them to myself, if i can figure this out, anyone can. >> if i want to e-mail you pictures i can e-mail from my account to your frame? >> right. and i can either accept or not accept them. for travelers, these are expensive. about $200. but because of tsa requirements you always have to take your laptop out of the bag. this allows you not to. this opens up. >> will they know that? you'll say they said this is fine and they'll say, no, take it out. >> i asked them. they're fine. our producer has one. now he can travel. >> you're trying to kiss up to don nash. >> i always kiss up. >> what do we have here? >> this is a bluetooth printer. it is $149. available at target. you take the picture, and then as long as it has bluetooth it connects to the printer. it prints the picture. you don't have to hook it up. no wires! >> i love it! jill, thank you so much. all right. speaking of summer fun, the best bathing suits, they say for every type of body. right after this. thanks to the new venture card from capital one, we get double miles with every purchase. so we earned a tropical vacation in half the time. we earn double miles every time we use our card. ( shouts ) double miles add up fast so we can bring the whole gang. 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[ indistinct conversations ] [ mindy ] take beano before and there'll be no gas. [ indistinct conversations ] can you believe how fast kids grow these days? and since 90% of bone strength is developed before adulthood... it's so important that they get enough calcium every day. that's why there's new danonino. danonino! unlike leading kids yogurts, danonino has twice the calcium of milk, ounce per ounce, with vitamin d. so it's power packed for healthy growth. and its rich creamy taste is... yummy! so they can start building strong bones today... for stronger bodies tomorrow. new danonino from dannon. power packed to help kids grow. this morning on "today's style," attractive swimwear for all shapes and sizes. if you plan on hitting the beach this weekend with all this good weather, you may want to have a look at the suits we're about to show you. jackie stafford of "shape" magazine says they are sure to flatter every figure. a lot of us have trouble when we go looking for suits. what are the trends this year? >> we have lots of trends. bold florals. great very retro-looking suits. we have some wonderful roouches pieces. it is all about the piece that flatters your figure. >> let's start with the pear-shaped frame. we have a before picture. our model is named ellen. you don't really like this suit for ellen. >> not really. the reason why this doesn't work, it draws attention to the heavier bottom half of her. if you have a pear shape, look for eye-catching details to draw the eye upwards which is what we did with our winning suit. >> hey, ellen. come on out. oh, that is really winning. what makes this work and the other one not? >> this works particularly well. this is by jcpenney. it creates a classic hour glass silhouette. the deep "v" draws out the shoulder line to give you more of that classic v-shape. the eye is drawn upwards rather than focusing toward the bottom half of the body. it instantly slims down hips and thighs. >> you get an "a" for that one. i hope you can take that home. let's look at another body shape. that's the boy shape but basically it is a shape where there sort of doesn't go in at the waist. our model is carly. that looks pretty comfortable. >> i don't like that suit for her. it is too boyish for her. she has a slim muscular frame. when you are looking for a boy shape, create the illusion of curves. create the very feminine silhouette. >> let's see what carly looks like now. wow! >> isn't that gorgeous? we have the ruffles here, the gold print trend we were talking about, the flirtation with the little skirt. all the flats are by we have a matching baby. this is charlotte in the matching swimwear. >> she looks great in hers. >> this is matching swimwear. always come with an accessorized baby. the ultimate beach accessory -- a baby! >> and a rubber ducky. well, terrific. thank you, ellen. now we'll take a look at what we would call i guess the busty frame. we have a before picture which is happening here. and this is latonya. >> this look for her doesn't work for her because it is not flattering her fuller bust, it is not supporting the bustline. we do have some specific tricks to look for when you're going to buy if you have a full bust. >> let's find out what she looks like now. that a beautiful suit. >> this is by jantzen. it goes up to a double-d cup. it's got the actual bust cup in it. when you look for swimwear, look for pieces that have the bust cup so it doesn't squash the breast. we paired it with a cardigan. that's a classic design. the trick for flattering a fuller bust is make sure you're finding bra pieces that actually work for flattering the bust. >> that's an interesting point. have them built inside the swimwear. >> the halter nature also help? >> that's a great point. can you adjust it as well to fit perfectly. >> you look great. thank you so much. for those of us who have bellies after babies, that would be a lot of women, you've got dee dee in a before picture. you don't like this one either. >> well, no. i think we can all agree that this is probably not deedee's best look. the stripes don't work with her body. now look at this? a yummy mommy. we found this tankini from kohl's, a great animal print. it shows off her wonderful shoulders, it is all about that very nice nextline, great halter nextline. a little flats from it is all about the tankini, just a smither of skin. >> we'll bring out donna now, another example of a great suit when you are dealing with a tummy as well. that's a great option. >> this is a great option here. we found this at victoria's secret. the reason it works so well, if you are worried about a tummy line, make sure you don't go for too much of a low-rise. >> thanks to all of our models. thanks specifically to charlotte. you did such a great job this morning. coming up, much more after this. ♪ spread a little love today ♪ spread a little somethin' to remember ♪ ♪ spread a little joy and see ♪ need a little happiness to be ♪ ♪ living the life with me philadelphia cream cheese and i are looking for the next big cooking stars! four y'all will get $25,000 each. so send in those cooking videos. go to the real women of philadelphia on and spread a little cooking love! >> live, local, late-breaking, this is wbal-tv 11 news today in hd. >> good morning. i am mindy basara. here's a look at some of our top stories. some neighbors will be high and dry for this weekend. a water main valve will be worked on. water service will be cut off for several neighborhoods. in addition, back river will be closed in both directions beginning at 9:00 p.m. tonight. water service will be restored tomorrow. tomorrow. it's the chevy spring event. and everyone deserves a car they can count on. one that's backed by a 100,000 mile powertrain warranty. and named a consumers digest best buy, two years in a row. discover malibu for yourself and see why over a thousand people a day are switching to chevy. during the spring event, qualified lessees can get a low mileage lease on this new malibu ls for around $199 a month. call for details. the switch to chevy starts at chevy dealer dot com. >> the sun is out this morning. temperatures started out in the 40's this morning. a warm southerly flow of air. temperatures in the low 80's today. mostly sunny skies and a wind at about 10 miles per hour. a nice day. >> thank you for joining us.

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