Better and better. And then finally, it dawned on me, yes indeed, this was supple. And it, it was a miracle to me. It was like taking, having absolutely somebody giving me a miracle drug. I could get up in the morning, i could get up and i could actually walk right away, i could come down the steps and walk. I didnt have excruciating pain any more. I would recommend this to anybody. This is the best thing i have ever found. Thats an amazing story. I mean really all the stories youve shared with us today have been really inspirational. I know. Theyre just incredible. Now peter, were running out of time but do you have any last minute thoughts you want to share with our viewers . Yes. I suffered from severe arthritis pain for decades. But today, my life is completely different. I have no more pain, no more immobility, no more suffering, i can sleep better at night, i take no pain drugs, ive avoided surgery completely, im fully active again. No matter what i do, i cant even get the pain back, and its all because of supple. If you just drink a can of supple every day, youll feel a significant difference in just 7 days and better every week. I drink supple every day. I absolutely love the taste. Its delicious everyone loves the taste of supple. I am so confident that supple will work for you that i want to challenge everyone to try it riskfree for 60 days, to drink every can to the absolute bottom. If you dont completely love the taste, if you dont feel better week, after week, after week. If supple does not give you your life back, ill give you your money back. Youll give everyone their money back. Ill give your money back. Thats how confident i am that supple will work for you. So youre guaranteeing the product. Im talking about a 100 percent unconditional guarantee for no more pain, no more immobility and no more suffering completely getting your life back. Thats exciting, isnt it . Absolutely. I want people to be able to experience the same incredible results that real supple users have for 60 days riskfree. If anybody tries supple and theyre not completely satisfied, just call us, well give youre money back. I noticed a difference after about a week. But after three weeks, i felt great. Since taking supple, i dont have any pain. Now, theres no pain, at all. Supple has really kind of just deleted the pain. Im working much harder, more hours a day, all in a months period is just incredible to me, with no doctors assistance. Strictly, right here, just out of this can, is just incredible. Arthritis doctor after arthritis doctor, and theyve given me steroid shots, theyve given me pain pills that didnt work. And your body doesnt need all that garbage. Plus, this stuff tastes good. I enjoy it. After the first week, i could sleep there was no pain. I ran out of the product, and when i was off of it for a week or so, i was hurting very badly. And i went back on it and almost immediately i had relief. The problem is that i would always do every activity that i wanted to do, and id pay for it later. And now, i just dont pay for it later, as much. Its, its made a world of difference. Thats what sold me, was how great this supple tastes. Supple is, its amazing. Go ahead and try it. Youve got nothing to lose. If it does what it did to me, supple will be what you want. If youve ever had any kind of tendonitis or arthritis thats really a nagging, gnawing problem, you owe it to yourself to try this stuff. Its just an incredible thing. And i find it hard to believe it will work just for me only. If youre watching right now, were running out of time. But if youd like more information on how to get supple if you or a loved one has joint pain, back pain, bone pain, muscle pain, overall weakness or fatigue, arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or even fibromyalgia, and youve tried everything and youre fed up, pick up the phone and call the number on your screen. You can try supple riskfree for 60 days and its guaranteed to work for you. If you call right now, you can receive a substantial Introductory Discount off the new, more powerful supple. Supple is a drink for complete pain relief that really works. Peter, thanks so much for being on the show today. Thank you. Its been awesome to be here. My name is dr. Monita poudyal and youve been watching the smart medicine show. Thanks so much for joining us and well see you again, very soon. The preceding program was a paid advertisement for supple, the new, more powerful, Health Regeneration drink, by supple, llc. Announcer the following is a paid presentation for 10 minute trainer, brought to you by beachbody. Hi, im mark steines, coming to you from hollywood, california. We would all love to lose weight and get in shape, right . But the problem we have is time. Look, i had all the excuses in the world i was too busy, i was too tired, not enough time. That is, until i discovered 10 minute trainer. Thats right, 10 minutes. Look, ill be very honest with you. I was skeptical at first, and then i heard it was developed by fitness trainer tony horton hes the guy behind p90x. Well, i just had to give it a try. I lost 25 pounds using 10 minute trainer and more importantly, with my crazy schedule, i have kept it off for more than two years. I found abs i didnt know i had using 10 minute trainer, and i havent felt this good since high school. As a stressedout business owner, it was hard for me to take the hour to two hours to go to the gym or go to pilates class. Its not difficult for me to find 10 minutes to get a workout. With 10 minute trainer ive lost 35 pounds, five inches off my waist. All of a sudden i have no excuses. It literally makes working out doable for me. Im at the office, i can be there from 8 30 till 6 30 at night, seven days a week. With the 10 minute trainer i come home from work, i pop in the dvd. All i need is 10 minutes. With 10 minute trainer i lost over 41 pounds and more than six inches off my waist. I dont have any more excuses. It is brilliant if you want to get your workout done fast, and who doesnt . Tony has taken his most efficient moves and he has stacked them in a 10 minute workout so literally, in 10 minutes, you will get a total body workout. There is no gym, no equipment and no wasted time. It is so simple. I just pop in a dvd. 10 minutes later, im done. [panting] see that . Thats progress. Thats work, baby. And. Its not just me. Im a single parent. I have two boys, theyre 14 and 16. Fulltime job. I take care of my 81yearold father, so theres not a lot of time left to exercise. I am very busy, but it is very easy to work this 10 minutes in. I have 10 extra minutes. Nobody doesnt have 10 minutes to work out. With 10 minute trainer i lost 20 pounds and 51 2 inches off my waist, and i look fantastic and feel fantastic. 10 minute trainer is the workout system designed for people who think they are too busy to work out. From 10 minute trainer alone i lost 30 pounds and six inches off my waist in that time that nobody thinks they have. With 10 minute trainer you always have time because tony super stacks the moves so you work your upper body, your lower body, abs, and get a cardio workout in, all in 10 minutes. Im gonna work your legs, im gonna work your arms, im gonna work your core, im gonna work your back, im gonna work your shoulders, im gonna work your biceps. Im gonna work your heart, your lungs and your legs. Hello thats the reason why 10 minute trainer works. Mark plus, it is scientifically proven to burn as many calories with one 10 minute trainer workout as you can with 30 minutes of jogging. It is fast. 10 minute trainer. Theres no driving, no gym. You need your own body weight, you need a band, you put the dvd in, you push play, youre done. Mark its intense. Its worth every minute. All 10 of em. Mark and it works. With 10 minute trainer i lost 34 pounds and six inches off my waist. I feel like i look amazing, i feel amazing. Superstoked about it. So if finding time to lose weight and get in shape seems impossible for you, then stay tuned because youre about to discover the fastest Fitness Program around. All you need is 10 minutes. If you give me 10 minutes, i will give you the body that you want. Mark coming up, more 10 minute trainer customers very busy people just like you and me who thought they didnt have time to get in shape. But we gave 10 minute trainer a try and im telling you, it really works. Come on, dont tell me you dont have 10 minutes. Im a busy corporate attorney. I can work anywhere from eight hours to 20 hours a day. I got married about a year and a half ago. Yesterday, i think i left the office at about 9 00, uh, came home, just grabbed a quick bite here, saw my baby, saw my wife, and then its back to work. Thats why 10 minute trainer, i thought, would be so good for me because i need to get in, i need to get out. [panting] working out with tony at home. Better than any gym workout i ever had. I can barely even talk. Im sweating. With 10 minute trainer i lost 39 pounds, seven inches off my waist. When i look in the mirror i just see a different guy. Its kind of the body i always wish i, i had. I have it now, its great. People at work are like, dude, what is going on with you . Did you lose, like, a ton of weight . No more excuses, those 10 minutes, get it done. 10 minute trainer is the real deal because it was created by tony horton. Hes a fitness author and creator of p90x. Tony has helped millions of people around the world get in shape. He is 54 years old and ill tell you, this man practices what he preaches. The number one excuse that i hear all the time is time. People dont have enough time. Theyve got the kids and they got the job, they got the carpooling, theyve got all the other things that are going on in their life that make them crazy. People dont have time. And so thats the reason why i created 10 minute trainer; its because its an excusebuster. You will make the time with 10 minute trainer because the excuses that i have, you know, ive gotta work out for 45 minutes to an hour are gone. With 10 minute trainer you will have no more excuses, and its so simple. You get workout dvds, resistance bands and everything you need to lose weight and get in shape in just 10 minutes a day. I can find 10 minutes almost anywhere in my day. Its just 10 minutes. 10 minutes is all you need. 10 minutes, thats all it takes. To deliver the results of an hourlong workout in just 10 minutes, tony uses a technique he developed called super stacking. Tony combines upper body, lower body, abs and cardio and he has stacked them into every 10 minute routine. Look at the variety of super stacking moves. They work multiple muscles at the same time, so you get better results in less time. Lower body, abs, cardio, everything, all in one. Total body workout. Look, i know youre busy and your time is valuable. Thats why 10 minute trainer is made for you. This is front knee front kick. Nikola is working everything her arms, her legs, her heart rate, her lungs. Also, look at her abs. You dont get abs like that walking on a treadmill. Next move, deep seats. I think squats are important, they shape your buns, they change the way your body looks in a shorter period of time. But what ive done is ive added the resistance bands. More is better the more you do, the better you get. Pick up the speed, nikola. There you go. As you get stronger and better, thats the key, thats how you modify. Next move, hip lift kick. Let me show you this one, all right . Theres two versions. Im gonna show you the modified first because in all my workouts modifications are really important. So her knee is down, but shes still contracting her abs and her core, bringing up the knee, also, upper bodys working because shes having to hold her upper body up. Now, heres the advanced move. Oh, yeah, where do you feel this, girlfriend . Pretty much everywhere, right . So, we just intensified things. Thats the reason why 10 minute trainer works. All you have to do is give me those 10 minutes and i will give you the body you want. Its 10 minutes. By the time you press start on a 10 minute video, its over. I used to go to a gym and do this for hours. In just 10 minutes you get a good workout. I was working out before and i was going to the gym and not seeing any results, and here im home, you know, doing it in my, my living room for 10 minutes, you know, seeing a lot of results. With 10 minute trainer i lost 18 pounds and five inches off my waist. And that five inches off the waist, i mean, thats the difference of, of your cl what you can wear. Its worth every move and every minute. Its unbelievable, its crazy. Its almost hard to believe thats me. I think the last time i was in a bikini was my honeymoon. I see a happy, energetic, fulloflife, skinny person. [laughs] i know youre probably watching and saying, 10 minutes . How is that possible . Look, i was skeptical too until i tried it and i saw my results firsthand. Look, i wouldnt be here if i didnt truly believe in this program. And im not the only one. Watch this next woman. This photo was taken with a family that i love. Im the one in the middle, in the gray, and trying to hold my son up during the photo shoot, which i didnt have my muscles back then. I love to keep them around in my house just to remind me of where i was and where im never going again. Before, i would just be like, oh, i have to work, i have to spend time with my family, i have to go to p. T. A. , i have to do this, i have to do grocery shopping. My excuse was always that i was tired. With 10 minute trainer there really is not an excuse. You can just do the 10 minutes. I mean, thats less than a tv show. I never thought i would be this fit, this lean, but with 10 minute trainer trainer, i am. I lost 35 pounds with 10 minute trainer, six inches off my waist. I went from a size 10 to a size 2. Now i have a waist, now i have an hourglass, now i can see, like, the definition. I finally have biceps for the first time in my life and i have abs for the first time in my life, and its all thanks to 10 minute trainer. When i started 10 minute trainer i was doing one, but it just goes by so easy and so fast, but i love just to do three of em. I love to do the abs, the lower body and the upper body. 10 minutes, thats all it takes. Its funny. If you had started a 10 minute trainer workout at the beginning of this show, you would be done by now. Announcer now there are no more excuses. You dont need a gym, you dont need any equipment and you dont need a lot of time to get results like these. All you need is 10 minute trainer. Tony super stacks the moves so you can work your upper body, lower body, abs and cardio, all in just 10 minutes. A recent University Study proved that one 10 minute trainer cardio workout burns as many calories as 30 minutes of jogging. Thats right one 10 minute trainer workout equals a 30 minute jog. Start with tonys 10 minute total body dvd. Just 10 minutes to sculpt your entire body from head to toe. The next day its 10 minute cardio, to burn off some serious fat and calories. No complicated dance moves here, just kick, lunge and punch and blast the calories. You get tonys 10 minute lower body workout 10 hot moves in 10 minutes that will slim your hips, sculpt your thighs, lift your buns. And 10 minute abs features tonys most effective ab routine ever. Youll fire up your abs and core for the flat, firm, sexy tummy youve always wanted. And yoga flex keeps your body flexible, lean and toned. Its an awesome total body stretch in just 10 minutes. Thats five workouts, each just 10 minutes. Plus every dvd includes tonys exclusive trainer tracks personal Training Tips to help you get the best results. Tony you want to have bent knees with your toes off the ground. Announcer well also send you tonys workout calendar. Youll know exactly which 10 minute workout to do each day. Start with one routine a day and add on for faster results. Youll also receive tonys rapid results guidebook to walk you through your transformation step by step. And youll get tonys 10 minute recipe guide, perfect for the busiest people around. Its loaded with healthy and delicious breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks, all easy to prepare in just 10 minutes or less. And you dont need dumbbells since were including tonys prograde resistance bands. These multipurpose bands work your chest, biceps, triceps, hips, thighs, glutes, abs great for traveling too. The bands have made all the difference in toning my biceps. Like no free weight would do at a gym. Announcer and as a special free option, you can burn even more calories with tonys power cardio belt. You can add the cardio belt to moves to dial up the intensity so you use more muscle, burn more fat for even faster results. These super stacking tools, a combined 50 value, and theyre yours free. With 10 minute trainer you dont need to spend thousands on fancy equipment or hundreds of dollars on a gym membership. Now you can have tony horton as your very own personal trainer for less. A lot less. Call now and try 10 minute trainer right in your own home for just three payments of 39. 95. Plus, call right now and get 40 worth of free bonuses. Thats right 40 in free gifts. Bonus number one is tonys on the go workout perfect for when youre traveling or dont have access to a dvd player. Bonus number two is tonys 2day jump start. Tony shows you how to stack the workouts each day and combined it with his 2day cleanse to jump start your results in the first two days. You can lose two inches off your waist in the first two days, guaranteed, or your money back 10 minute trainer doesnt just save you time, were gonna save you money too. So when you call in the next 18 minutes were gonna take one whole payment off. Thats right onethird off, but you must call now and we have a special anniversary offer. For the First Time Ever were including not one, not two, but three additional free 10 minute workouts, and not even the customers in this show got these workouts for free. And you get 24 7 access to tony horton online. Live chats with tony, meet customers like you, and access a 10 minute trainer personal coach for the motivation and support you need. But wait hold everything call now and well even upgrade your order to express delivery, an additional 15 value, free. Instead of waiting two to three weeks youll be working out with tony in just three to five business days, guaranteed. And we know you dont want to waste any time, so moments after your purchase you can stream your first 10 minute workout so you can be working out with tony before you know it. And 10 minute trainer is extending our moneyback guarantee to a full 60 days. Thats right two whole months. If you dont see results in as little as 10 minutes a day, or if youre not 100 satisfied for any reason, return it and well refund the purchase price, but keep these bonus workouts as our free gift just for trying 10 minute trainer. This is an e and is not available in stores, so call now and try the fastest Fitness Program around for just two thats right, just two payments of only 39. 95. So dont wait another minute and get tony hortons 10 minute trainer right now. [. ] call or go online now. [. ] what i love most about 10 minute trainer is that i can do it right at home; i dont need to go to the gym. In fact, the time it takes me to get to the gym, im already finished. And my two boys see me working out, occasionally they will join in, and thats important to me because im setting a good example for them. Im a wife, im the mother of five boys. Im a business owner, im an artist. I drive carpool, i take care of the kids. Im busy. I tried classes, i tried yoga. Nothing ever seemed to fit. With 10 minute trainer there are no excuses. Its 10 minutes, and i can find 10 minutes. With 10 minute trainer i lost 30 pounds. I went from a size 10 to a size 2, i lost 51 2 inches off my waist. Its crazy. The clothing i can wear, the way i feel, the way look its amazing. Im gonna wear a bikini this summer. Its amazing these were my favorite beige pants. These were my goto when i needed a little style other than basic black, and they are enormous. My stomachs flat. I had a flat stomach when i was in my 20s. Now i have it in my 40s. My husband just keeps talking about how hes got the wife he married back, you know, im back to where i was when i was 23. I have the shape and the body and the energy i had when i was 23. Its just. Its fun. Life is much more fun now. People love 10 minute trainer because it fits into their life, it doesnt require a huge commitment of time. You know, with 10 minute trainer the excuses are gone. Im very busy. [chuckles] im very busy. Im a professional, um, im a wife, im a mother. I wear lots of hats. And once i had children, forget it, i mean, they took up most of my time. I couldnt get to the gym. That was just. That was just something i couldnt fit into my schedule. 10 minute trainer appealed to me because i can do it in 10 minutes. I mean, everyone has 10 minutes. My daughter and i, in the mornings when i was getting her ready to go to school, id stand in my living room and say, go brush your teeth. Im gonna do a workout. Bria, what did we do in the mornings when you were brushing your teeth . 10 minute trainer. Shed come out, mmy you have youre done, thats it, 10 minutes who likes to work out with mommy . With 10 minute trainer and three months ive lost 32 pounds and six inches off my waist. 32 pounds. Whatever excuse i thought i had before i started 10 minute trainer, 10 minute trainer took it away. Theres no more excuses. We are all busy, crazy busy in fact, and i know its hard finding time to exercise and eat right. But im here to tell you you can find the time. 10 minute trainer includes five rapid fire 10 minute workouts cardio, total body, lower body, abs and yoga. Youll start with just one workout a day and on days you have more time, you can add on a second or even third routine. Youll also receive tonys custom workout calendar which shows you which workout to do each day so there is absolutely no guesswork. Plus tonys rapid results weight loss planner along with his 10 minute recipe guide for healthy, delicious meals and snacks that are all ready to go in 10 minutes or less. Youll also get tonys prograde resistance bands along with his power cardio belt so you will have every single thing you need to build lean muscle and burn that fat. And we have a special offer for you today. Beachbody is including three brandnew 10 minute workouts for free upper body, core cardio and total body 2 as a free bonus. This is a limited time offer thats only available while supplies last. And you can try 10 minute trainer right in your own home for just two low payments of only 39. 95. Thats less than the price of one month at the gym. And youre gonna get your product fast you wont have to wait two or three weeks youll receive 10 minute trainer in three to five business days, guaranteed. 10 minute trainer comes with beachbodys riskfree 60day moneyback guarantee so you can try the whole program, try all the workouts in fact, and if youre not satisfied for any reason whatsoever, just send it back and theyll refund the purchase price, no questions asked. Theres a reason you are seeing this show right now you were meant to get back in shape. And i know you can find 10 minutes for your health, so call right now. [. ] call or go online now. [. ] if you think you never have enough time to exercise, ive got a solution and all it takes is 10 minutes. This is super stacking. Its called speed skater. Nikola is working everything her arms, her legs and her abs. Hello that is real fitness. Next move, charleston kicks. Same thing. Backtoback moves to get the body to burn calories. You name it, shes working it kicking, lunging and reaching it is everything you need to get the results that you want. I like to lift weights but i want to do more than one or two things at a time, i want to do three and four. See . A lunge and a press. It all happens one after another, back to back. Everybody has 10 minutes. Now you have no more excuses. My day at work is extremely, extremely full of events. Sometimes its hard to grab lunch, its hard to grab dinner even. There will be days when i show up at work and i dont get back until 11 00 at night. Before i started 10 minute trainer, seven inches literally out here. I had this huge belly. [panting] 10 minute trainer changed my life. Whoo got rid of a lot. Its all gone, its like really. Everything just kind of tightens up. With 10 minute trainer i lost seven inches off my waist and 33 pounds. Ive never felt this great in my life. Working it out. No more excuses for me. I dont need a gym with a whole bunch of machines, a whole bunch of weights. I mean, im killing it right here. On days that i have a little bit more time to work out, i throw a couple extra of the workouts on, so instead of just 10 minutes i get 20 minutes or 30 minutes. Life is fantastic. Life looks great. Its no longer the grass is greener on the other side, the grass is green here. People ask me all the time about 10 minute trainer and they say, is it real . Does it really work . Am i gonna get any benefit from just 10 minutes . Well, the simple answer is yes. You know, everybodys got 10 minutes. It takes 10 minutes to go get a coffee or to fold laundry or to make lunch for your family. But if you commit to those 10 minutes, youre gonna feel better, youre gonna look better, youre gonna be more productive as a human being, youre gonna be a happy person, and thats a beautiful thing. So you can choose nothing and get nothing or you can do 10 minute trainer and really begin to see some change. You see, traditional workouts easily can take an hour or longer because you gotta do cardio and then upper body and lower body and abs. But tony has created a technique he calls super stacking where he stacks the lower body, the abs, upper body and cardio into every single move so really its like four workouts in one. Thats what i call exercise efficiency, or as tony says, multitasking for the body. Just what busy people like you and i need. As, you know, our company grew and grew and grew from one store to 100 stores to 200 stores to over 700 stores, um, so did my body. My days are long and they are packed and sometimes they dont end until 10, 11 p. M. At night, then they start over again early in the morning. I was packing on the pounds and the calories and was getting more and more overwhelmed by the size of my body and the state of my health, and my doctor actually looked at me and said, your frame is not built to carry this much weight and you are going to be unhealthy. I feel like i even looked older than i do now. It was so hard for me because i had built this beautiful wardrobe and this great business. I couldnt even fit in sizes that we were selling. I couldnt fit in sizes that my friends were designing and it was embarrassing. With 10 minute trainer ive lost 35 pounds and five inches off my waist. I went from a size 12 to a size 2. Its massive, its huge. Its also lifechanging. Your closet has to start over, but its so fun. It feels good and sexy to be able to put on a tanktop and. Im proud of my strong, tight core and my tight, strong legs. I feel like i can always find time for 10 minute trainer, because it is 10 minutes, and its doable. It literally makes working out doable for me. I am never going back. I feel the most powerful and the strongest ive ever felt in my entire life. I feel most fit and attractive and sexy and i can throw on a cute little bikini now and be totally confident. There is a reason youre seeing this show right now you were meant to get back in shape. I know you can find 10 minutes for your health. I found 10 minutes, how about you . Announcer now there are no more excuses. You dont need a gym, you dont need any equipment and you dont need a lot of time to get results like these. All you need is 10 minute trainer. Start with tonys 10 minute total body dvd. Just 10 minutes to sculpt your entire body from head to toe. The next day its 10 minute cardio, to burn off some serious fat and calories. You get tonys 10 minute lower body workout 10 hot moves that will slim your hips, sculpt your thighs, lift your buns. And 10 minute abs youll fire up your abs and core for the flat, firm, sexy tummy youve always wanted. And yoga flex keeps your body flexible, lean and toned in just 10 minutes. Thats five workouts, each just 10 minutes. Plus every dvd includes tonys exclusive trainer tracks personal Training Tips to help you get the best results. Tony you want to have bent knees with your toes off the ground. Announcer well also send you tonys workout calendar. Youll know exactly which 10 minute workout to do each day. Start with one routine a day and add on for faster results. Youll also receive tonys rapid results guidebook to walk you through your transformation step by step. And youll get tonys 10 minute recipe guide, perfect for the busiest people around. Its loaded with healthy and delicious breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks, all easy to prepare in just 10 minutes or less. And you dont need dumbbells since were including tonys prograde resistance bands. These multipurpose bands work your chest, biceps, triceps, hips, thighs, glutes, abs great for traveling too. And as a special free option, you can burn even more calories with tonys power cardio belt. You can add the cardio belt to moves to dial up the intensity for even faster results. These super stacking tools, a combined 50 value, and theyre yours free. With 10 minute trainer you dont need to spend thousands on fancy equipment or hundreds of dollars on a gym membership. Now you can have tony horton as your very own personal trainer for less. A lot less. Call now and try 10 minute trainer right in your own home for just three payments of 39. 95. Plus, call right now and get 40 worth of free bonuses. Thats right 40 in free gifts. Bonus number one is tonys on the go workout perfect for when youre traveling or dont have access to a dvd player. Bonus number two is tonys 2day jump start. Tony shows you how to stack the workouts each day and combined it with his 2day cleanse to jump start your results in the first two days. You can lose two inches off your waist in the first two days, guaranteed, or your money back 10 minute trainer doesnt just save you time, were gonna save you money too. So when you call in the next eight minutes were gonna take one whole payment off. Thats right onethird off, but you must call now and we have a special anniversary offer. For the First Time Ever were including not one, not two, but three additional free 10 minute workouts, and not even the customers in this show got these workouts for free. And you get 24 7 access to tony horton online. Live chats with tony, meet customers like you, and access a 10 minute trainer personal coach for the motivation and support you need. But wait hold everything call now and well even upgrade your order to express delivery, an additional 15 value, free. Instead of waiting two to three weeks youll be working out with tony in just three to five business days, guaranteed. And we know you dont want to waste any time, so moments after your purchase you can stream your first 10 minute workout so you can be working out with tony before you know it. And 10 minute trainer is extending our moneyback guarantee to a full 60 days. Thats right two whole months. If you dont see results in as little as 10 minutes a day, or if youre not 100 satisfied for any reason, return it and well refund the purchase price, but keep these bonus workouts as our free gift just for trying 10 minute trainer. This is an exc and is not available in stores, so call now and try the fastest Fitness Program around for just two thats right, just two payments of only 39. 95. So dont wait another minute and get tony hortons 10 minute trainer right now. [. ] call or go online now. [. ] the preceding was a paid presentation for 10 minute trainer, brought to you by beachbody. From club 36, its health forum. Todays theme overcoming pain with omega xl. I am so glad you tuned in tonight and you will not be sorry, i promise you. It is going to be a glorious night. I tell you, i think about all the people that are going to walk in Divine Health after tonight yeah um you know the bible says a merry heart doeth good like a medicine. And so i hope we have a lot of laughs a lot of fun times but theres Something Else thats going to be here for you and youre not going to want to miss it. I had a partner with this, her name is rebekah. And she came to me and she said, dorothy. I have got something that will help the people. And i said oh not another something. written rebekah sue hammond you know i get tired of all the somethings that come here. But you said no you have got to listen to me on this one. And this is a product that you came and you said it really really works. And its an omega 3 product and its a pain killer. Is that true . Thats right. Well, i. The day you came i had ken meares here whos with us tonight lets welcome ken meares we also have dr. Downey with us tonight, uh dr. John downey hes down here from here in augusta, georgia. And so we got we got everybody here tonight to cover this whole thing but you said uh im going to bring ken meares here and we sat here that afternoon and one of our girls was having pain. Im not going to tell you what kind of pain she was having. She was having pain and she was just going to go home because she didnt feel good and so we took one of the little pills out of here and gave it to her and she said i feel better. Right. Does it really work like that . Sometimes it does. Sometimes it takes a little bit longer. But um weve had people get response with shoulder pain, for example, within three hours. But in my situation i had tell me about you. Well, and thats how i found out about it. Uh i had what is called a mortons neuroma in my right foot. I had great pain. I could not wear normal shoes; i had to buy the special ugly shoes which nobody wants to wear those. And uh it was very painful and surgery would have been the last resort. So um when i heard about this product, i began to take it, and, dorothy, my pain is gone. I have no pain. I can wear. Well you see what i