Announcements there are no announcement. Ite item 1, ovlose present. Compose absent. Xhigdser cohen, present. Commissioner kim, present. Commissioner mar, absent we have a quorum great, lets go to our consent calendar. Consent calendar item 23 are considered routine, staff isnt planning to present on these items. If a member objects any consent iletm may be removed and crrbed separately. We have minutes and report. Any comments or questions or changes to the minutes . Okay, see none well go to Public Comment on item 2 and 3. [inaudible] isnt on the item today. We need to stick to the items thatd are with us. We vuproval oaf the minutes and item 3 can we have a motion tew prove the minutes . That is seconded by supervisor cohen and take that without objection. On the consent calendar, commissioner avalos, aye. Campos, absent. Commissioner cohen, aye. Kim, aye. Mar, absent. The consent calendar passes var good lets go to item number 4. Item 4, state and federal legislative updatement this is a action item. We have mark watts here to give us a report. We is a special session happening in sacramento i apologize if i caused any delay here. Thank you for having me here. Mark watts your representative in sacramento. There are several new items to add to the matrix mostly coming from introduction of bills in the special session. However, the first bill i would like to highlight, ab 779, dealwise elimination of level of service as a measure in the environmental process and elim namesinates Agency Responsible for [inaudible] no longer have to track the level of service. The bill was amended lailt in the process and has not been herds. It was set for commit a but the author pulled the bill. This will be a bill that is available in jan unless it pops up in a essential session but we wanted to get on record in support of this measure. It is consistent with long standing policy and believe it will be coming back in january and will make a strong push for it. The other measures i want to highlight are bills that are extraordinary session measures and that is why they are coming so late. Several were introduced in late july and in midaugust. There are 4 bills. They go by the gnomeing claicher x 1. [inaudible] 7. Mr. Chew, ab 8 and senator hills sb 8 and senator alan sbfore, those are 4 bills, 2 of which are identical to the other 2 in the other house. Strong effort by the California Transit Association to put transit discussion into special session. These measures do it 2 different ways even though there are 4 bills. One instance the measures seek to increase thumount of Green House Gas reduction finds, in other words cap and trade auction revenues into transit increasing current programs there and the other 2 bills also address transtd funding by trying to increase the level of the sales tax collected on diesel which is the foundational source for state transit assistance program. In my view the latter one is a tax increase and therefore more difficult to achieve but none the less, the administration has taken a queue from the introduction of these bill squz the press conferences conducted around the state by the office of had bills to actually feed into their Transportation Program increases in trazt which was unexpected. They were resistabout but now that the final package is out they have funding in them. We recommend support in those 4 measures and i would like to highlight 3 bills we recommend opposing positions on. Abx 16, the issue there is it requires more funding dedicated to rule counties and throughout this year as Green House GasReduction Fund bills have come through the process ones that tend to isolate or favor other programmaticwrairias or regions of the state, we recommended that you oppose that and keep it as wide open as possible so you can be competitive in these grants and recommend oppose on that measure how does it appear that has a lot of support . No, it does not at this point in time but you never know as we get close to the end of special session dish cushion discussions ensue [inaudible] abx 16. I dont have the page number, it is toward the very end is this different from ab 6 which provides no further bonds correct. It more of a isolation and dedication to rule communities of the arkz grants rather than sebd sepding to other programs it is locking out urban areas from having access to those funds this is for high speed . No, that is this is different. Soree it is cap and trade action revenue got it the last abx 113 by Assembly Member [inaudible] would repurpose the cap and trade revenues that now go for Affordable Housing and other programs that have been successful into high ways it isnt running into success and would have problems even if approved meetic the nexus challenge in the view of many folks in sacramento so it is a exercise that is doa as well . Correct. Abx 117 is a different way of approaching taking green housethis would take the Green House GasReduction Fund monies dedicated to the high speed rail project and instead transfer nem to state high way maintenance. Very diligent folks in the republican caucuses. The last meser sb 16 does the same thing. Takes Green House GasReduction Funds [inaudible] lot of success with the high way program back in theizeen how administration those represent changes for action. I have a few other things if you would like me to update you on. I have 2 questions if that is okay. I just want to ask quickly since i asked about ab 6 and you brought up ab 6 , x. If you can give a update on that. I know our official position is opposing this measure. It is not a threat to move this year. It would car eover potentially as a 2 year bill next year because it did not passit didnt meet the deadline this year so could be available in january is this something we expect to gain grounds or movement in sacramento . No the second question because you brought up cap and trade is ab 23. Which is on the Effective Date of cap and trade this is the same issue in terms of where it stands. It failed to meet deadlines and could be taken up in january but not likely to move and dont think there is support for it. [inaudible] of the documented it provided to us. Ab 2 is author is [inaudible] committee revisalization authority. The intents is provide for Community Revitalization authority [inaudible] we vaindication we are watching it. Can you talk to me more about what is the temperature for this particular measure. It has been moving right through the process. There has been a strong interest in tax increment financing, enhance the ifds parallel to this and think it has a good chance to get to the governor. I dont know his attitude on further expanding ifd. That leads me to my next question. I think there is a item that isi think it is tony atcons, ab 313 that also deals with addressing the elimination of the dwelling units. Can you give me a pardon me for interrupting. It is advised that the enhanced ifd law need today have a separation between the entity that governs the plan and the entity that is in charge of collecting voluntarily the revenues so what mrs. Atcons bill does is it seeks that separation. It is thought by the original proponent of the program to be a enhancement and make it more workable. Yet dollar is no indication on the governors feeling . No but im crft the speaker is confident. I talked to her and feels she has a fair chance. She snpt changing the dynamics it is making it more [inaudible] from post approval actions by folks who may want to challenge it. I want to go back too ab 35, assembly men chew legislation. Increase tax credit for low Income Housing and allocation by additional 300 million. I [inaudible] support position. The Senate Second reading, what does that mean . That means luck lael or forninately it passed out of propeation so think it has steam moving forward are there other folks that are helping move this forward . [inaudible] some transportation agencies, i caents tell you one is there opposition against this . If is it is modest. There detaurmtinant is the department of finance because it allows a higher level of debt to be available for this purpose and it seems to in my view seems to be meet wg success. You may or may not know how toanswer this nex queckz but how would we apply this . If this passes how do we apply this additional 300 million dh dollars to San Francisco . It allows the state wide amount available through housing programs to be increased and so it is through your normal grants programs at the state level so you just have more money available. Okay. Ab 61 deals with bill expanded authority that now is existing for local authorities to grant transit agencies the right to stop and pick up passengers to also apply to Shuttle Service vehicles. This reminds me of our long hearing with [inaudible] and addressing the shutting buses. One of the things i recall the most is mta acknowledged their hands were tied and it was a state law that superseded how much could bow charged for any entity that wants to use the loading zones. Is this legislation going to correct that or amend it . I am not following this one very closely. We have it as a watch position and then it says the Status Assembly 2 year, what does mean that means it missed all the deadlines and wont be available until you take it up in january. Do you know the intent or anything behind why this looks like coming from Southern California that is sponsoring this. He told me he read a story after he got elected and thought he would jump into thisue and try to put something into play. This is a new member is that why are l the deadlines . Perhaps it could have brin resist toons the naich thorf bill is there support . There was support on record at the committee, but not enough to move the bill along were our elected representatives of San Francisco supportive of this bill . I dont know can you check for me and report back i will. Thank you. I think my last question has to do with ab 744. Proposed by chow. This bill would eliminate minimum parking requirements for developments near major transit stops on senior or special need housing. It is indicating our city planning staff is supportive of this legislation. I wonder if you can expand a little about expand more on Assembly Bill 744. Other thanno i cant. Okay. We areyou made a recommendation of support because of our planning departments recommendation . Okay, ill chick with the planning department. Mr. Chair i have no further questions. We doknow that ab 744 passed assembly sknr going through the senate, correct . Correct, that is likely to pass . Yes. Given deliberation has happened on it. This measure did not bring significant opposition. I remember sitting through the hearing listening to it and it passed readily so expect it to move ahead. Great. Thank you. Colleagues any other questions on the docket . Lets go to Public Comment. [inaudible] [inaudible] thank you. Would you like oo quick brofeing on the governors proposal . I received the language monday afternoon and gown through quickly. I can give you a sketch of what it looks like. Okay. Generally it is going to raise about 3. 6 billion dollars on a ongoing basis and 1. 6 will go to cal transfor maintenance, [inaudible] bridge repair and shop program as well as 200 Million Dollars for high priority corridors. The local nob mob will receive a like amount but distributed different lay. In terms of local repair unds funds that is 1. 15 billion split on normal al county and city roadway distribution formial oz. There is no low Carbon Program which is 100 Million Dollars dedicate today complete streets and done in conjunction with road repair or preservation projecs. There is a 250 Million Dollar local partnership for self help counties that exist or come into being in the next couple election cycles and last, they provided 400 million for rail and transits grants through moving Green House GasReduction Funds auction revenues to the 2 programs that are funded here. The revenues roughly there is a fixed to the annual adjustment that we talked about from time to time of the [inaudible] tax that was a remnants from the old tax. That will result in about a 6 or 7 couldnt immediate increase in gas taxes. There is 11 cent per gallon in diesel tax, 6 fifen dollar per vehicle road user charge collected just like the Registration Fee is and there is a 1 time up front repayment of the last of othe outstanding loans from the general fund back to Transportation Programs so that is pretty much the overview of there are other elements. They proposed in their lajerage wn toolg provide for advanced mitigation praim to help clear projects with a more certainty path of get thg project through environmental process because they know what mitigation is required at the end in terms of provided fundings for land bank. There is expansion of existing program that provides a stafftory exemption from sequa for safety and minor road repair projects within the existing footprint of the existing right of way. In addition, the bill also includes extension of p 3 law that we supported from time to time. That is wrapped into one significant bill and that is going be the center piece of discussion for the rest of the week. T thais it in a nut shell that could be approved in the session . Crecktd, special session running concurrentsry to the regular session and it ends on foy day but can be extended. Bills that raise taxes or have urnsh clauss become Effective Immediately otherwise any other bills attached in special session thise package become affective 90 days. Including the governors proposal . The governors proposal because it has tax increases in it would be Effective Immediately. Okay. Thank you. Thank you colleagues any other questions for mr. Watts . We have Public Comment open and it is still open and havent closed it yet. I was listening to you quite intently. These are some of the bills being deliberated in sacramento and think as i listen to them on caps and on how our roads are going be repaired, we in San Francisco need to look at our congestion and our increase of the Carbon Footprint we cannot take lightly. So, i understand it is good to have some questions and i understand that sometimes we can be a little bit cynical when certain type of legislation is put in by maybe small counties and we may be a city and county of San Francisco with a 9 billion dollar budget and we do have supervisors who are supposed to represent certain districts and address quality of life issues but i can tell you very clearly in the south east sector there is much to be done and right now whether we like it or not, our roads are being destroyed in the southeast sectors there are thousands and thousands of vehicles with contaminated dirt [inaudible] with the San Francisco county Transportation Authority doesnt Pay Attention to because we have to think about cumulative pollution and how to repair the roads, when will the roads be repaired and keep bragging they will build 30 thousand units in that area but are we addressing quality of life issues when it come tooz the environment especially res putory diseases, cancer, heart problems and so on and so forth. Thank you very much. Thank you. Okay. Good morning. Chair avalos [inaudible] i just wanted to thank the governor for his leadership and recognize the delegation and hard work orphthe inlegislature in bringing the revenue proposal of transportation to this point. Early in the session there was a clear indication this would be a yoor we would address the high way back log which is very sig cnts, about 60 bill wn dollars mptd San Francisco was consist nlt working with like jurisdictions on alad voicateding for transit to be part of the conversation [inaudible] together with his colleagues with transit operators and cities to aed voicate for transit, bike, complete street and vision zeeree investments. I believe this is a Great Development and comprehensive approach and have a few commentss here and there but hope this gets across the finish line with our l our support. Thank you. Thank you. Okay, so well close Public Comment and this is justthere is a action item . Colleagues we have a motion . So moved second. Motion fraumg supervisor kim and seconded by commissioner cohen and take that without objection. Item 4, commissioner avalos, aye. Commissioner campos, aye. Commissioner cohen, aye. Commissioner kim, aye. Commissioner mar, absent. The item passes. Great, thank you. Before we go it had next item commissioner mar isnt able to attend today due to family emergency. Would like to have a motion to excuse him. Motion by campos and second by commissioner cohen. Item 5, executing a Funding Agreement with Bay Area Rapid transtd for 3 year peerds in thumount not to exseat 406, thousand for San Francisco bart travel and authorize to negotiate Agreement Terms and conditions. This is is a ookz item senior planner with Transportation Authority to present the item which begins on page 63. The item focuses on your authorization to execute a Funding Agreement with bart up to 406 thousand to work on a Pilot Program we have come up with. That is the focus othf item but we want to take the opportunity to tell you more about the Pilot Program itself. It is interesting consopet and want to share the overview if you have questions or comments rchltd we call the pilot tentatively the San Francisco bart travel smart rewards program. Well work on developing a new name. The pilot will be focused on trying to address peek congestion on bart using travel incentives. As many are aware we have a very extreme condition on bart now with our employment growth in San Francisco. We have seen very steep ridership increase particularly as you can see from this graphic the embarcadero and Monk Montgomery station the most. This illustrates the ridership growth for you all just looking at 2012 to 2014 there is about a 20 percent growth in the transbay market in particularment this graphic shares a little about the crowding that resulted in. Barts standsered for crane occupancy is 107 passengers per vehicle. Some of the peek lotes are up to 140. We are inl conversation with bart and the other regional agencies about how we address this crowding and as im sure you are aware there a number of different efforts. There is the transbay study. Bart has train cars coming on line in 2017 that are more capacious and reduce the crowding by providing more standsing room however in the shorter term, the remainder of this year and next year and to the following we donts have a short term solution. We came across a Pilot Program that was done in singapore and this will replicate. It was called the singapore rewards program and this is a screen shot of that portal where the transit riders log into the portal, provide transit card number and they get pointsall their transit travel but they goat greater points for traveling off peek period. They accumiate ports and provided with rewards and can cash out their points. In their case they provided them with transit value but their card can we used to make purchase. You can cash out or play a came game. This caused a 79 percent decrease in peak paerd congestion. That is a significant margin which is relative to other strategies we have available. We were interested to see if we can replicate this in the bay area. Just chted to share a little about the scrope we have in mind. We want to replicate the singapore program. What well do is we already have a partnership with bart want to conform if objectives what we are tritoog achieve. At this point we are look ing at train crowding. There was a Software Program that they look at licensing and market that to bart rider squz request they sign up and offer incentives. We also envision a employer outreach component and that involves working with employers in case there are issues they have with respect to allowing their employees more flexibility. We have done 2 workshops with the San Francisco chamber of commerce where we invited employers to come in and give resources for them. That will be a component. We are hoping to launch the pilot next spring and weual expect it to run for about 6 months and do an evaluation where we look at a range of metrixes particularly the cost effectiveness and whether it improved ridership ovall, reduced crowding. Well look at a couple different metrix [inaudible] then we make a determination where to go from there. There are lot of potential application squz if it is successful we can see this to grow. In the netherlands this is a screen shot of their program where they have daungals they keep in the vehicle jz receive points traveling in off peek periods and created a partnership with shell to provide frunds the incentives. There are interesting directions we can goin. We see it as a interesting pilot to explore and look forward to hearing your thoughts and questions and just to wrap up for this item all we are looking for is the authorization to execute that Funding Agreement with bart commissioner campos has a question but before him my biggest question is what is the experience we had so far in doing outreach to bart riders and leping to change behavior . Do we have something in the past we have done that will show this will be a Successful Pilot in terms of reaching people we need to reach . I think there is outreach to bart riders but i dont think to this scale and nothing that im aware of with specific provision of incentive combined with tracking behavior. We ask people to sign up with their clipper carbds and see if they respainds it the incentives. That is why we view this as a pilot because it is testing a snu concept, however givethen experience in singapore and similar programs in the netherlands it looks like there is a good track record that allows us to expect success. There are challenges, one being the peak is very spread. We have been looking at the data and it is a pretty crowded for a large window of time so that is a challenge but wile design the program to address that the best we can. How does it work . How does the software . The software was created by urban engine and based out of pala alto where google and stan ford people. You sign up with the clipper carbd and the program will be monitoring that information and looking for those who are most responsive to the incentives and continue to provide them with opportunities to win additional rewards. Again, there is a algorithm built into the software that make as aermidation as to the level of incentive dependent on the travel pattern squz how responsive they have been in the past. Thank you okay. No other questions from the committee . Mrs. [inaudible] if i can quickly outline the funding for this program for the total cost is about 950 thousand dollars of which 500 thousand is provided by the federal high way administration. The Transportation Authority work wg bart submitted a application and successful achieve thg funding from shwa. Bart is contributing 400 thousand dollars and will see a request for [inaudible] thank you. Open up the item for Public Comment. Any member of the public like to comment . [inaudible] thank you. Well close Public Comment and colleagues can we approve this item . Okay, well take that same house, same call. So done. Our next item please item 6 introduction of new items. Colleagues any new items or new issues to bring up . Public comment is open on this item and seeing no member of the publicnot just yet. It will be the next one. General Public Comment is now closed and our next item is general Public Comment. Yes. [inaudible] we cant take about Campaign Issues at the committee. Thaupg very much. Any other member of the public like to comment . Seeing none well close. Item 8, adjournment we are adjourned. Thank you. I want to teach you something you say i will and ill our goal and now we in this is a pouring out of honor for those who have passed away could the soundman give me a little bit of vacuum can you hear me in the back . Can you hear me in the back live nation is the pouring out of Liquor Stores in honor of those who have passed away as i pour this liquid into this plan assault r j r j means bless you it mens amen you go it means uhhuh when i pour this water my voice vibrates through the liquid it becomes Something Special now livetion is pouring in every nation in the country of african that is the way we remembered those how came before us say r j repeated. i power outage love age love for all those 20 great africans that started the mark of certifytion two thousand miles up and down the river nile valley say r j i pour out a little bit of love. Say r j. repeated. say r j. repeated. i pour out a little love for the millions of africans that reason marked across the interior to the west coast of african taken out into the atlantic and brought to north america to start the fight for freedom say r j a rip i will in the motion is for the africans that were enslaved for the Million Dollars say r j. repeated. and everyone in the room has ann sherz everyone in the room has soldiers they inventing sends on and obligated we have to remember those who came before us the free speech fighters the ma rotundas and the run uaw slaveries going to south of florida that struck the first freedom blow say r j repeated. president douglas say right direction j. A man illicit of kansas say r j we pour livetion for those who have passed away we remember their names you say their names who people stop saying your names you are truly dead remember i pour out a little bit of Love Food Bank for all the great indicators like dr. Gunshot carve dr. Charles. Say r j i pour out a little bit of love for hawkins say r j and hills say r j and freedom fieshthd across the bayer in oakland say r j. I pour out a little bit of love a little bit of love for people that fought for their families say r j i pour out a little bit of love for diego rivera say right direction j i want you to to say the name of your ann sherz your grandma and grandfather and aunts and people are that have passed away fill the room say the names of your ann sherz a. M. Democrat a. M. Democrat say their names say their names say their names honor them in your hearts pour out a little bit of love for mr. Graham say right direction j. repeated. live satisfaction is the pouring out of love for the people that have passed away the next time you have a drink of soda or water say the name of your ann cherries i pour out a little bit of love for others say right direction j right direction j right direction j. You honor me by allowing me to pour this my name is brother clint give yourselves a hand clapping. every voice that sings to the hearts and heaven rings bring with the harmony of liability liberty let our reenjoying rise as high as the listening skies let it resound loud as the rolling sea sing a song for love the faith that the dictate past has taught us sing of a song for love the hope that present has brought us say sing the rising sun of our new day begun let us mark march on till victory is won god of our wearyness god of our silent tears though who has brought us up for oh, lord the way 34 who how fast by 34 mitigates let us into the light keep forever in the path we pray let our feet stray from the place as our god where we met theo until our hearts drug with the wine of the worlds forget theo shadowed underneath 32 hand may we forever stand true our god, true to native land clapping. good morning good morning good morning good morning welcome to willie l. Brown middle school clapping. on monday august 17, 2015, the founding teachers and staff of the willie l. Brown middle school were opening the doors of this school for the 2 hundred plus pioneering students and families for the first day of school in the sfusd today, we the staff of willie l. Brown middle school in San FranciscoUnified School District leadership are honored to host all of the elected officials funder and Community Partnerships pa partners and students to our official Ribbon Cutting ceremony and tour clapping i am demetrious the founding principle of willie l. Brown middle school clapping. and im humidity and honored to stand here before you today, were gathered to celebrate a vision that strongly communicates to the children and families of San Francisco that the adults of this city care about their futures. clapping. thank you San FranciscoSan Francisco unified district under the leadership of Richard Carranza and Deputy Superintendant superintendant guerrero tarnished articulated that vision in the Unified School District vision 2025 guiding documents by reimagining Public Education in so for inform the next generation were adjourned is did first Stem Middle School we designed on that vision we reimagine the space and time by creating longer course blocks for students to engage in deeper learning we call this the garage where students use the willie l. Brown middle school thinking process to explore to imagine the prototypes for the hands on learning our curriculum was designed for students to experience the real life inexperience by Technology Every student at willie l. Brown middle school will be assigned a laptop to assess the internet everyday in every class including their personalized learning plan we sure our students for the Education Program we want our students to be physically and ooeshlg healthy as well through the partnership with the department of education we have a Health Care Clinic and the department of Public HealthStaff Members please stand yeah clapping. our Health Care Clinic will be staffed with the Nurse Practitioners a psychologist and social worker we work with the physical education to support our students we have a stem school focused on the whole child in addition to the core content math and scientific and english language and arts were offering arts and spanish and Youth Leadership through our partnership are the San FranciscoBeacon Initiative funded by the Children Department of youth and families well provide the learning opportunity before, during, and after school to support our engagement efforts for the programming during this the school day can we have all our beacons and Staff Members please stand clapping okay there are in the back at this point that all the employees of willie l. Brown middle school who are wearing our phenomenal drastically and powerful spark of creativity we like the staff of willie brown to step forward and join me here clapping . Yeah. Come here come here come here this is the theme it is going to take us to the next level . The theme that will manifest vision 2025 this is the willie brown founding staff of willie l. Brown middle school. clapping. teachers transform lives and here at willie brown well be tromd to and from the lives during the prediction summer at a professional Development Training one of our teachers declared dem trust were to crush it this year this is the spirit and enough of them that the founding staff of willie l. Brown middle school will bring to our students everyday and every class to lets give up for our founding staff clapping as he present to conclude this this would not have happened without the cooperation of resources before within the San FranciscoUnified School District and city agencies and Public Servants or servant and leading organization and families and parents and everyone in San Francisco who has been extremely focused on willie l. Brown middle school and its construction so we want to acknowledge over the Construction Company if youre present please stand thank you clapping. and so i perp want to thank malia cohen district 10 supervisor clapping. carle carlene naming kelly the San Francisco with julie la and jess and others to sarah and vin williams and emily and marshall of the San Francisco black foundation reverend brown for the National Association for the advancement of color people. clapping. willie loshgs junior the man himself thank you interest mayor ed lee. clapping. mayor ed lee thank you, sir there are so many supporting organizations and individual that might welcome could wlaft for hours in the interest of times our students and families are filled with gratitude for all our support thank you to the spinsters and the departments under their leadership Deputy Superintendant lee and superintendant guerrero over the social justice and the entire central over 555 frankly including leslie and the dramatic julie ann bulk clapping. please step forward and please join us. clapping. thank you. This has support all corporate cooperate resources my success is every time of her talent and dedication now im pleased to bring to the podium richard clapping. a so what do i think about this the school in the heart of bayview clapping. i want to sincerely thank principle hobson were really proud we searched the nation for a founding principle at willie l. Brown middle school i think that we crushed it what do you think . clapping. so ladies and gentlemen, colleagues and friends and supporters san franciscans this is truly a wonderful day for us not only in the San FranciscoUnified School District but in particular for us in San Francisco to think that in the heart of bayview in the heart of one of the most dynamic communities in the city rich with history rich with passion, rich with artist address scientists and transitional leaderships of all strips a rich history we have a middle school in the heart of the bayview commemorate of the beautiful rich history in the community in which it resides clapping and i can think of no finer namesake than the mayor as he is effectively known willie lowerincome brown yes clapping. i still remember a few months ago when we took him to see the rendering of what this would look like in his way asked deliberate questions about locations and color swatches, finishes, never quite asked if it was going to be marketable but we knew what he was think he was engaged and he always said i wanted to be useful to the families of the city not about i himself but about the community so thank you, mr. Mayor for being our partner in the design of this school i want to point out if you look out this window in the right direction youll see the willie loshgs brown bridge you might have heard me say the willie brown bridge to coverage brings people from the world 0 into this beautiful city of San FranciscoPolice CommissionSan Francisco and the willie l. Brown middle school will take the students to all corners of the world to compressor explore their academic. I want to point of privilege and recognize individuals that are structural in us being here today to cut the ribbon on this Beautiful School a group of individuals im very proud to serve with and to help to educate our students our elected board of education id like to recognize them by name. Thank you for their leadership first, the Vice President matt haney who is here with us clapping our medicine past pointing sandra fewer clapping. commissioner Shamann Walton clapping clapping. clapping. commissioner norton clapping. and sending her regards she had to be out of town and absolutely wanted to our president of the board of education commissioner president murase. And also just a moment to recognize another two individuals who were critically important no longer serves been the board of education by part of the planning of seeking a bond of the voters so for the city of San Francisco and a staunch supporter of us moving forward that is former commission kim moving us who honors us what her presence today thank you clapping if i may i want to recognize my immediate predecessor mr. Garcia said the kids deserve a school that you are commemorate he couldnt be here but a shout h sweat shirt to carlos. So ladies and gentlemen, that where i go avenue scrip principle hobson has recognized our partners youve seen the staff and faculty the faculty and staff willie l. Brown middle school we are count on you to crush it this year and future years when we said we were going to build this and have a stem school it is focused on a graduate profile the community has defined what is the graduate we want to produce and tracer the characterizations and if you think about everything that principle hobson to talked about it is landing aligned to our vision 2025 i will be very boost full unapologizely this is the finest middle school Stem Middle School in the nation right here in San Francisco it is clapping. and for me, i think what is more important ladies and gentlemen, is that in San Francisco in San Franciscos Public Schools were absolutely not interested in School Improvement and were not interested in School District improvements were not interested in that ill tell you and propose to you if you look at every indicator School Systems are working exactly the way theyre designed to work their sorting kids and certain kids get opportunity and some dont and students have pathway to high paying jobs and sustainable liveable jobs were not interested in proving that system but system change and changing that system clapping. and one of the questions were always asked it is beautiful rhetoric mr. Superintendent that sounds really good but where the rubber meets the road ladies and gentlemen, look around this is where the rubber meets the road this is going to be the school it puts into effect how graduate appraisal for the 2 hundred and 16 students for the freshmen class for the pathway to be successful students in life, career and in the future and theyre going to do that here at the willie l. Brown middle school so were interested this is our down up to that time to the city, to the bayview and country to educate our students particularly students not been served well by the system we call Public Education it changes here and it changes today clapping. so all i have to say were counting on all of us to crush it not only this year but in the future years in my final comments one of the questions we were ask the posed to the question about the willie l. Brown middle school if you build it will they come in our system where parents have full choice where necessary send their children to school it is a valid question when we opened the doors to our 2 hundred and 16 students on monday be understood there is over a hundred students on a waiting list who choose to come to willie l. Brown middle school and there wasnt room yet so do people want to come absolutely they want to come who you look at the classrooms of willie l. Brown middle school it is one, in fact, the most diverse middle school in San Francisco it is the world right here in our neighborhood clapping. with that, i also want to thank one last person here as well hes been incredibly supportive he knows what hes a talking about and more importantly is ground in the realty of what it takes to support Public Education you cant have a worldclass city without having a worldclass Public Education system i want to thank our mayor, mayor ed lee for being here today and all your support clapping. so as and go forward ladies and gentlemen, i want you to get used to what this School Looks Like and celebrate in 10 years weve built a new school that is the first of many to come the world is changing and were going to meet that change whether a conciliated area of poverty and disengage the only solution is concentrated great education thats what were proud here at the willie l. Brown middle school. With that, welcome. speaking foreign language. our home is your home and i have the incredible honor of introducing our congresswoman who is fighting for us and equality in washington, d. C. And if you think our hills are tough you should see that hill were glad we we have a fighter that keep in mind it is a pleasure to invite congresswoman Jackie Speier clapping. thank you superintendent i want want you to stand up for a moment and i want you to see the incredible tie the superintendent has on that that matches the colors of the school willie brown watch out youve got competition in the style hear area mr. Mayor to mayors family and the members of the school board and all the honored guests here what a privilege for me to join you today to cut this ribbon and announce the willie l. Brown middle school now you may remember that there was an Elementary School named after the mayor and now a middle school pea maybe someday if you live long enough a university named after you in fine design for fashion im not sure about that by the one thing im sure about is that this school is going to educate young people people into the century this is the kinds of skills they need to truly achieve your now im humored by the fact the mayor and i wouldnt be accepted we know nothing about Civil Engineering and such some of the classes offered here it may have our namesake but i dont think youll be admitted here mr. Mayor so hundred and 64 years ago in 1851 senator broderick in sacramento introduced legislation for the First Public School system and district in california none other than San Francisco clapping. so its appropriate were here today may the act its been some 10 years brick and mortar before weve been in a situation . Sterile school and beyond the kinds of stem classes that will be offended this is the only school in San Francisco with a science lab a Health Clinic noble for the students but for the community and this particular facility here is not just an auditorium for the students but the community as well this is truly a Community School and that the vision of the future and something we should attempt to achieve everywhere in this city i want to say a couple of words about the namesake of the school youll be happy to know more money was spent on this school than any middle school 43 million i was told and, in fact, i was also told i do my doctrines when the school as named an; isnt that right Dianne Feinstein she people i didnt do up the money so get ready mr. Mayor there maybe some opportunity as the school enjoys its growing pain for in many years in San Francisco i was the guest speaker i will say his best voting record was when i was here i had the great opportunity to observe him in action every single day and the young kids that are going to come here and learn about w0i8 lowerincome brown will learn he transformed the legislation the city hes always been there taking care of those 90 in need and hes not forgotten his roots and not his sense of humor all has served him its an honor to be with you mr. Mayor as we death this school after you and look forward to accommodating this today clapping. next well have an Assembly Member david chiu clapping. good morning are we having a good day today excellent i want to thank you first and foremost more being part of the syringe take a moment and look around we represent every strip of the city we come from the government and private sector and nonprofit we are San Francisco and couldnt be more proud im delighted to be here in celebration of a school named after one of our citys leaped im here representing the state assembly with the Assembly Members but im incredibly humbled to representative the east side of San Francisco it was represented for 31 years by a man we honor today but the longest serving speaker the california state seeming anywhere willie lowerincome brown junior this is your legacy this rebirth because this is a school that looks at as good as our suits and it is fitting were here because this is a school that is going to be on the cuttingedge not have technology or Stem Education but how we imagine what education should be in the 15 youre a mayor that presided over the beginning of the evolution of the city as an International Center the innovation no technology it is fitting were here in the heart of the Bayview Bayview so much history and passion and community and we know a part of our city has had so many challenges pear with the Africanamerican Community how many of you visited or spent time in the former Willie Brown School raise your hands i had a chance in the final weeks before that School Closed it was hard to imagine the school were in today but at a time of growing inequality we see all over the country and the state of california and, yes even here in San Francisco it is appropriate that our city our San Francisco leaders and school board and district has invested im quickly with Jackie Speier it wasnt 43 millions but more it was appropriate we have felt that because as i think many of us often say when bayview succeeds when our children if the bayview succeed finally all san franciscans can be successful. clapping. so let me close with the following i know from this school were going to have young boys and girls maybe their names are ed or jackie or richard that someday been the next mayor the city will be the next members of congress or the School Educators someday a young boy who walks stlos those school doors maybe his name is willie maybe he comes from a background and comes to this school and go to the top high schools in San Francisco and perhaps the next mayor or speaker of the soberly or next good afternoon maybe the next president of the United States with that thank you for being part of this and its my honor to introduce the next speaker someone that learned about leadership and management if the man were heroin today someone that is committed to schools and families and kids that helped to build San Francisco as a center of nation your 43rd mayor of the city and county of San Francisco mayor ed lee clapping. wow. What a place to be at today on the eave of schools reopening we have an opportunity to be at the newest school named after my friend willie brown wheres the mba trophy this is where it should be base knowing the kind of initiatives of investments were all making in the schools and teachers this is going to be a companionship school i know that im joking about an mba trophy that was talked about this morning that willie brown had as part of a radio show i predict and expect this school will earn the leadership of the administrator principle hobsons theyll earn more worldclass trophies of excellence this is what we expect let me ask you or tell you i was recently asked a question mayor ed lee whats a good investment in San Francisco and for a moment i paused because i dont know whether he asked the question i was not the ceo of twitter even though my name gets associated or salesforce which i would love to be over and over myriad a Success Company that has shown up in the last few years to be tremblesly successful in the part of successive of the 36 percent employment in the city whats a good investment well, they may have been surprised i answered them truthfully the best investment you can make is to invest in our kids in San Francisco thats the best investment. clapping. because the refinery will be multiple decades of success more than just a few years of economic success for people it will be years of success of families growing up participating, innovating and kathys thats why im happy to be in the room as i am all the time with the superintendent, with the elected school board and school board matched up with our city agencies, our department heads, people who themselves have invested in our city gridlock because we want everybody to be successful and this particular school is going to go well beyond equality it is going to be about total success if the city. And for the individually selected teachers something that willie whispered in my ear all the teachers were individually selected youre going to find a lot of attraction to our pertain he is now, one of the 21 principles that i have adopted as part of middle grades with the salesforce initiative thank you to mark benny hoff and his passion for the city and hes about to receive one hundred thousand dollars innovation funds as being the principle in the middle schools something wife negotiated a while back with the other principles of middle schools because of the challenge they have not just in the bayview but the middle schools are being challenged from the breakdown in parentsal engagement to the school sites to the teachers, and principles having to spend more and more of their times on less academics excellence and more on the quality of the school site we have it all here this investment of the willie l. Brown middle school is a combination of many investments the city, the agencies, the foundations, the private companies we have the entire San Francisco chamber of commerce a unite sf program to embrace the education 2 hundred 4 hundred Technology Companies that embrace all our Public Schools and we have salesforce and a number of foundations that believed that if the mayor can focus a little bit on the most challenged grades theyll also make some serious investments well, they have and they have here not only with the offer 50 million of investments, with the very intellect or deliberate selection of the staff with the improvement to recruit the best talent out of chicago to offer his character and his enthusiasm for the kids and enticed the best companies to invest in the bayview and all the middle grades i say to you it is easier to answer that question more and more in San Francisco when people ask what is a good investment not necessarily the highrise condo downtown or the buildings well build on market and van ness are Market Street there are plenty of those economic investments but i want a Long Term Return on our investment i want to see our kids from the bayview be the department heads, the scientists, the ceos, the Police Chiefs and fire chief of that great city i mean that you know weve acted on those are not entry promises those schools are here because the investments are real now we get to say to our kids we expect a return im going to look at those kids and we expect you to return on our investment which means basically, you have to succeed we not going to let you fail were going to embrace our success so i. Here on a day of great happiness because it is not just the School Season opening it is an opportunity to say once again associate what ive often been challenged within any careers in the past we dont just want people that operates things, willie before a knows the bureaucrats but wants people who produce excellence thats how we get the gold trim on city hall thats why we have the most noochtd companies coming to our city thats why mayor brown and i present those when 4 hundred mayors come to visit our city we boost what you got . In short years were going to say reverend brown what you got we got willie l. Brown middle school in the bayview in San Francisco with the most successful kids that will ever have this is the story of San Francisco being the most initiative successful city in the country we make the right investments thank you for being part of that great investment we look forward you to being here on Graduation Day all the other celebrations will be here thanks very much clapping. oh, of course, well as we look at to the this community and everyone else i have the undifferent privilege of inviting up here our former mayor and historic peculiar but someone on a daily basis that loves our community and loves interacting with them and continues to challenge me to be the best mayor, i, be to match his record welcome the mayor former mayor willie brown willie brown, jr. clapping. a mr. Mayor, my former seatmate Jackie Speier and david chiu, essential district i represented for so many years, to the members of the school board now and then and then and then and im talk about only about gene laughter let me say to all of you i am indeed honored beyond belief so honored something ive salesmen immensely do so they dont need security because some of the things i do generates hostile situations most of you have you could a know i have a family because they fear theyll be the victims but they soundproofed they come i soundproofed they come for the occasion of this school and i want to have them stand as if they were part of your team dem trust and part of the decades and the heartache group or whatever they really constitute the foundation for everything that ive done and all the years and for whatever adherence thats bestowed on me it should be bestowed on willie brown family and it begins with blanching clapping. susan who occurred more time clapping. robin who has responsible for the other two clapping. and one who joined. Bus by way of of a marriage to any son michael a young woman that represents he everything michael that but with two children their grandchildren are here clapping. they e and then the granddaughters who decendents of ribbons so theres 4 grandkids that are here one is in school your kids at school; right . Down in florida is that michael . laughter my son michael laughter clapping . And the two granddaughters whom ive said robin produced 5 grandchildren and all of them are here ma at a it is all part of the family group that we have and a couple other kids theyre part of them i want you to see who those kids really are i must tell you a number of people room that worked with me for years and years and years they too deserve the, however, u honor because you dont get to anything or any place without an incredible bunch of people i had the pleasure of being very cold may be mayor in 1995 i was the first person are that person the human rights executive director it was ed lee hes steeled moved up to run the city many of the days when he was running the process of moving up he did the process of what makes me landmark good throughout the city and county of San Francisco and he still makes we look good in the city and county of San Francisco except when we introduces me laughter but mr. Mayor im really pleased with the relationship that all those staff people that you talk about who had with the city youre right this is an incredible city and mr. Superintendent when the that whole business of the willie brown dream school i dont know where you were at a time the dream School Concept they took the Old Police Academy no one elses wanted and tried to make it into a Quality School and drew you took photographs you owned your first camera for that occasion he has broken it since then but groovy to come out here and do we we tried to do obviously that dream school and work suddenly the board of education of San Francisco decided something differently should happen with the sites the voters were sold mr. Mayor, mr. Superintendent, School Members and x members on the idea of doing something differently here and different is what youve heard about i cant imagine how anyone can con conceive many years ago what in physical structure would be like i i have to tell you people who i met for the first time that the architect and the construction folk mr. Superintendent whom you put together theyre all here celebrating and put a merit on their resume and theyre entitled to do that because if at the didnt i want have claimed i designed this laughter so i want the public to see who those people are would those schools and construction people and architect and delicious practical take youre right full place and stand and be acknowledged for all the things you did clapping. and then mr. Mayor i was out here three or four months ago when we were under construction and a hard hat what a ceremony and dem trust brought us out here with an unveiling of a something that came from Housing Authority the Housing Authority decided to get rid of my bus it had to go somewhere the man who was the director of this project took it home and kept it at his home all that time and it was about 3 months ago they built the podium david where they wanted to put it and literally had the podium done and came out and pulled the coffer off and showed it was there he was smiling im pleased business he apparently kept polishing it and polishing it and polishing it and i look better in that form ii want to thank him very much for that occasion and he too should stand up the man that directed the project where is he, he and his wife are here they are out there clapping clapping. all those years it takes a long time to produce anything of real quality and this obviously took arrangement but it is, in fact, done and to have the idea of those windows you know, i went to a school didnt have any windows in texas that Little School had nothing but suddenly im going to tell everybody this is doyle the kind of school i went to. laughter and thats what it is thats what you designed to have just those windows those windows are unbelievable you see San Francisco at its by the evidence right front of the you that is part of who envisioned those students spiral to the families that are associated with this school when i walked out beyond and through the double or triple doors it looked a forum the whole circles where people subcontract with each other and do lecturers and soapboxs and all the things i went strait ahead there it was the people doing the things not only the school kids but the whole community thats a far cry from the old nurse concept that explicit work well, now all of a sudden youre in the drivers seat for all the schools for all over the country think about it this is the kind of facility youll only see where people pay 25, 35, 40,000 a year for each one the schools and the kids in the schools plus they do not another 15 plus and pay for the Capital Improvement that the voters of city of San Francisco paid for mr. Mayor when you outlined the number of people that were sharing their resources it eliminates to me totally what families try to assume that burden this is the structure we have the business of selecting who will teach the kids and work their and specialists think of the krorments the principle had to get from the union and the teacher organizations and the administrative organizations in order to make it work this is really an incredible, incredible place it has the potential to go beyond anything weve done in the San FranciscoSchool System i have to tell you im going to work really hard in every way to assist im going to bug the principle and everybody including the mayor to make sure that those parents and those children get everybody they richly deserve clapping. i really do and mr. Mayor you absolutely right. I really do want to see and david you talk about by name i really want to see coming out of this school the kind of youngsters that go to the schools and all the times theyll be reflective of the quality of the appropriations that have been done on their on behalf of i want them to continuing seek admission to this school that list of people waiting and trying to get in, i want to receive those calls upcoming parents still call im sure mr. Mayor they call you more than me but help us get into the schools i want them to say can you help us to get into our school laughter of course, im going to say yes laughter . As i always do how is that any different i want that kind of effort to be exposed for obviously will be a spectacular Educational Opportunity and a spectacular environment for school perspires for Public Schools and i want mr. Superintendent and mr. Principle i want everyone one of my friends and relationships through this school i want them to see it i want mayor ed lee to make that the school he brings when people from other countries come to see what education is like in San Francisco i want every aspect of the entertainment world to come and look at it their wanting to do something for schools alledgedly i want them here i want them participating, i want them to be a part of this Magnificent School looking at this achievement it is so many people are so dedicated jill i have no idea how you guys got the votes to name it after me i dont know what i was trading but to have it named after me and have it on the resume youre talking about bragging rights just wait until i see diane laughter and one of Nancy Pelosis staff people gave me a note unfortunately, he couldnt usher here shes out of the country ill read the note when she meets me out here to take the tour nancy needs to see this because nancy a clear was a part of the effort to produce this without the kind of thing that nancy jackie and the people at the congressional level john burton needs to see this the clan over the years couldnt have happened all those things all those things and people deserve to be a part of whatever honor is being extend to me i accept it with all humbleness and nypd proud and if youll just tolerant one more thing ill be allowed to do i want the brown family to come up here and in fact, of the fact i said we were going downstairs i want the brown family to keep hybrid theyre part of 21 chosen come on up, come on up yeah clapping. i want the brown clan to come on up stay right here i want you right here. laughter all right. Thank you thank you clapping. and to San Francisco, thank you clapping. nobody should have to follow mayor brown but im going to do my best good morning, everyone. Good morning. My name is matt haney i serve as the Vice President of the board of education i have the honor of providing Closing Remarks representing my colleagues on the board of education you know, i think the first thing and he felt this when i walked in here this is one thing to imagine that and see it on paper it is entirely thing to be here how beautiful is this how amazing is that i was able to come in earlier before most people were here and walked into the makers space i hope when you cut the ribbon you youll thank you for the opportunity to walk around literally the first one that came to mind the immediate rush of joy but also a sense of why cant all our students have this why cant this realty in the school be available to every single student in San Francisco and this community especially here in the bayview deserves this school so much and for this to be happening and what that means for all the people part of all the hard work and struggle and fighting to get this school here i want to at a on behalf of my colleagues thank you that we share such tremendous excitement and pride and gratitude to all the people who made that possible to marry brown and mayor ed lee and Jackie Speier and soberly supervisor david chiu u david chiu all the people that faculty for this school to be what it is to be the beautiful almost unimaginable place were sitting in here today from the given of this process of talking about rebuilding the school of willie l. Brown middle school this started before you was on the school board there was one guiding promise one guiding goal this school board had that if we were going to do this we were going to build a school that reflected the very best of what Public Education could be we werent going to just build another school and name it after that willie brown we were going to build the best possible facility a 21st century modern place that inspired imagination and joy and it is such an sterile i know thirty thing to be here in reality but ever more one thing being here without the students but imagine when the students are here on monday when they come in not only the experience of being in this place and how we value them in the future it is also the kind of learning that will happen here the idea that young people every single young person should is have the opportunity to fulfill their potential should be able to bring out their own energy every single child and the superintendent said for so many of our children weve not done that wife given up on kids the quality of education is going to be different were making a commitment to side with this school and the children who show up on monday this is San Francisco not designing more in the school and create a new model of what it truly means to serve the students where they can learn and its different from my middle school i dont know about you it wasnt like this for me in order to do this we had a great Leadership Team from the board of education and the superintendent but it was a community citywide effort all the folks who are in this room that are recognized the staff a for the willie l. Brown middle school, the private partners of philanthropic parts Community Partners that said we believe in you and the children of San Francisco, two i want to make sure we recognize phil is an incredible sponsor give him a round of applause for their partnership. If you notice it place looks at cool something about the design of whats happening is unusual very San Francisco in ways and there are folks that building we can have a different vision of the School Experience will look like i want to recognize the Williams Foundation for their leadership giving them a round of applause and heidi so many people made in this possible the members of the communities are here and are going to actually lists the vision of what it is for the students who are here when they start on monday that last i know i want to close and scissors that are not as big as i thought is a quote that i love which is from president roosevelt he said we cant always build a future for our youth but we can go build our youth for the future the young people here in the heart of the bayview in this school the young people who coyote of this school will be equipped with the skills and knowledge the experience they need to lead this city in the future theyll be the next mayors the next artists and the musicians in the city and for us all well be here together as a part this is is an extraordinary beautiful thing and the future it bright because of what is happenings thank you, again for being here and your support once again welcome to willie l. Brown middle school and i guess well cut this ribbon thank you clapping. already here we here we go already here we here we gh, 3. Yeah. I have 2 job titles. Im manager of the tour program as well as i am the historyian of city hall. This building is multifaceted to say the very least its a Municipal Building that operates the city and county of San Francisco. This building was a dream that became a reality of a man by the name of james junior elected mayor of San Francisco in 1912. He didnt have a city hall because it was destroyed in the earth wake of 1906. Construction began in april of 1913. In december 1915, the building was complete. It opened its doors in january 1916. Its a wonderful experience to come to a building built like this. The building is built as a palace. Not for a king or queen. Its built for all people. This building is beautiful art. Those are architecture at the time when city hall was built, San Francisco had an enormous french population. Therefore building a palace in the art tradition is not unusual. Jimmie was an incredible individual he knew that San Francisco had to regain its place in the world. He decided to have the tallest dome built in the United States. Its now stands 307 feet 6 inches from the ground 40 feet taller than the United States capital. You could spend days going around the building and finding something new. The embellishment, the carvings, it represents commerce, navigation, all of the things that San Francisco is famous for. The wood you see in the board of supervisors chambers is oak and all hand carved on site. Interesting thing about the oak is there isnt anymore in the entire world. The floors in china was cleard and never replanted. If you look up at the seceiling you would believe thats hand kof carved out of wood and it is a cast plaster sealing and the only spanish design in an arts building. There are no records about how many people worked on this building. The workman who worked on this building did not all speak the same language. And what happened was the person working next to the other person respected a skill a skill that was so wonderful that we have this masterpiece to show the world today. Good morning, everyone yeah. Today, im very proud to you know have this meeting because we are very luke in our you know city history we have the best leader you know leading us you know weve even though i feel everybody agree with me our mayor is the best you know working and dictated thats why we learn from him the department of building inspection our mission so to protect life and property for the public thats why today, we are proudly to have our honorable mayor, mayor ed lee to come over to you know make that announcement please welcome mayor ed lee clapping. director id like to give a quick interpretation. speaking foreign language. clapping. . speaking foreign language. laughter . I just want to say thank you to the young people here to the family people here and not so young folks that are here to come together to receive this very good news of our citys willingness to support grants that are aimed another