Good afternoon everybody and welcome to San Francisco board of supervisors meeting of tuesday september 20, 2016. Madam clerk please call the roll. Thank you madam president. Avalos, present. Breed, here. Campos, present. Cohen, here. Farrell, present. Kim, not present. Mar, not present. Peskin, present. Tang, not present. Wiener, present. Yee, present. Kim, present. Madam president yoi have a quorum. Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, please join us for the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Alright. Madam clerk are there any communication . None to report. Okay. Can we goto regular agenda. Idem 1 is ordinance to order the conditional vacation of portions of streets and public serveish easementsthality exist within subphase 1 a and b of the park mur sefd development to receiver easement rights in favor the sate eand third partyuletilities to execute quit claim deeds and adopt the appropriate findings. On the item, madam clerk call the roll. Supervisor yee, aye. Avalos, aye. Breed, aye. Campos, aye. Cohen, aye. Farrell, aye. Kim, aye. Mar, absent. Peskin, aye. Tang, aye. Wiener, aye. 10 ayes the ord nance passedue naninously. Item 2 is levy property tax of 1. 18 on each 100 tax able for praument. The Unity College district u the bay yauria Rapid Transit and air quality and establish a rate of 8 cents for 100 dollars for residential tenants endsing june 30, 2017. Roll call. Yee, aye. Avalos, aye. Breed, aye. Campos, aye. Cohen, aye. Farrell, aye. Kim, aye. Mar, aye. Peskin, aye. Tang, aye. Wiener, aye. There are 11 ayes jrfx the ordinance passed unanimously. Supervisor kim. Item number 3. Item 3 is ordinance to amend the administrative code to establish the San Francisco city College Enrollment fee assistance fund. Alright supervisor kim i want to thank the colleagues on the board for their strong support. We are at the next stage where we are establishing a fund for Free City College tuition. When we first introduce thd lexry real estate transfer tax in december, we will still brainstorming ways to use a estimate according to the controls office of 44 million that we can spend down to help make San Francisco more affordable for our residents. While we look at the crurgz and building Affordable Housing, we were also approached by 2121 and San Francisco labor counsel to consider how to make commUnity College free for San Francisco resident. This is something Bernie Sanders was talking about and Hillary Clinton is talking about. This is something that is absolutely possible. Making City College Free for San Francisco residents cost 12. 9 million and hope enrollment would go up so have to spends more of the real estate transfer tax dollars on city callurg. We note today student are make agchoice between paying rents or tuition. Higher education isnt a luxury but a necessity and want san franciscan to compete in the workplace and market. One difference city college can make is putting more pluny into the the pockets of san franciscans. We know a sitee College Graduate with a associate degree makes on average 11 thousand more than the same individual with a high school diploma. CommUnity College is the foundation for households and individuals into the middle class and excited to have the funds put forward by the board to insure new revenue coming in if proposition w passed obnovember 8 will allow the sitdy to administer a fund that goes the the city College Administration to make City College Free yet again until 1983 for all San Francisco resident as well as employees of city college, city and county of San Francisco and employees oof of sfusd. This could vpt have hap pened without the support of the board and city College Administrators [inaudible] with your support we will make City College Free again in august of 2017 and that is wlie the fund we are passing today is so important. To that end im introducing a supplemental appropriation nat will hold and reserve 9 million contingents upon the real istate transfer tax increase becoming effective afterthe november election. I do have one amendment to make to item number 3 , it is delation section d page 4916 that dusinginated the department of children, youth and families provided administrative support. We are continuing discussion regarding a possible phase in approach to implementation and appropriate administrative support in the designation och the mandstory mou that will be developed between the city and city college and i want to recognize cosponsor supervisor norman yee who is working closely with us on this ordinance. Thank you. Colleagues i ask for your support. Thank you supervisor kim. Colleagues can we take this item same house same call . Without objection the ordinance passes unanimously on the first reading. 4 resolution to authorize the dist rict to extend a . Inkind gift for Research Support for project through april 19, 2016. Twnts 18. Same house same call . Without objection the resolution is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk item 57 please. 5 is resolution to provide issuance of 310 million in principle amounts of city taxable and tax exism general obigation ponds for Affordable Housing. Item 6 is resolution to authderous 77 million of city taxable general Obligation Bonds and ratify other actions previously taken and certified here in. Item 7 is appropriate 77 77 million from housing bonds 2016 f to mares office of housing and Community Development for Public Housing low Income Housing, invest in Mission Neighborhoods and middle Income Housing and placing the funds on controller reserve ending the sale of the baunthds. Bonds. Same house same call . The ordinance passes on the first reading. Item 8. Item aketd is resolution authorize bonds not to exceed 52. 5 million to provide construction of 143 unit housing praublgect as 6 26 mission bay boulevard. Without objection the resolution is adopted. Next item. Item 9 is resolution to approve authorize the acquisition of temporary construction easement and one permanent surface easement for sanitary sewer and electrical lines from tse serramonte lp for 23,000 23,000 and Recovery Project and adopt had findings and approve the agreement and make modifications and taking other actions. Same house same call. Without objection the resolution is adopted. Item 10 resolution to authorize financing for portsmouth plaza not to exceed 12. 5 million and Grant Authority to take action necessary to implement the ruzlution. Same house same call. Without the objection the resolution is adopted unanimously. Item 11 is ruzlution to altogethererize approximately 17 thousand square foot lease at 1360 Mission Street 3 august 17, 2020 for base rent of 763 thousand. Same house same call. The resolution is adopted unanimously. Item 12. Item 12 is rez lukez to approve the 5th amendment to thugrument with prwd service inc. For citation processes and support service for total contract not to exceed 76. 8 million through october 31, 2018. Without objection the resolution is adopted. Madam clerk can you please read item 13 and 14 together . Item 13 and 14 are two resolutions that determine the type 48 on sale premises license for 355 llc at 432 and 488 and pandora karaoke at 50 mason street will serve the public convenience or necessity. Same house same call . Without objection the resolutions are adapted. 14 is motion to conform francesca vietor. Item 16. Motion to confirm Ann Moller Caen to Public Utilities commission for 4 year term ending august 1, 20s 20. Without objection approved. Item 17. Motion to conform the reappointment of Vince Courtney to Public Utility Commission seat 5 for unexpired portion endsing august 1, 2020 without objection the motion is approved. Item 18, motion approving the may oral reapontment or appointment of sam moss to had treasure islands Development Authority for unexpired of 4 year term ending april 28, 2018. Motion to appoint to the childcare planning anded visery counsel both burfbly mu lugen term ending manch 19, 2019 and graham dobson. Same house same call. Without objection the motion is approved. Can you call item number 20 first. Item 20 is motion to appoint katy tang to children and family first commission. Motion by supervisor peskin and second by mar. Colleagues take this without objection . Without objection supervisor tang is excused. Item 20 can you call the roll. Supervisor yee, aye. Avalos, aye. Breed, aye. Campos, aye. Cohen, aye. Farrell, aye. Kim, aye. Mar, aye. Peskin, aye. Wiener, aye. There are 10 ayes the motion is approved unanimously. Can we entertainmadam clerk can you call item 21, please . Item 21 is motion to appoint jarn ablose to reintrentty counsel entertain a motion to excuse supervisor avalos. Colleagues take this without objection . Supervisor avalos is excudeed. Yee aye. Breed, aye. Campos, aye. Cohen, aye. Farrell, aye. Kim, aye. Mar, aye. Peskin, aye. Tang, aye. Wiener, aye. The motion is approved unanimously and will skip over the 2 30 and 3 p. M. Specialordser and go to roll call. Actually madam clerk go to the Committee Report. Supervisor kim. Thank you president breed. In my exassignment i made motion to amend but it wasnt sucded seconded so like to make the motion to item 3, have it seconded and passed. Resend the vote first motion to resend. Motion to resend item 3 and second by supervisor yee, take without objection. Without objection the motion to amend the vote on item number 3 passes unanimously. Supervisor kim. Thank you, i did already make a motion to delete section d, which is on page 4, line 16. That designated department of children youth and families provided admidge administrative support and it will be designated in the mou between the city and city college. Supervisor kim made a motion to amend seconded by supervisor yee. Take the amendment without objection . Without objection the amendment passes. Item 3 can you please call the roll. Item 3 yee, aye. Avalos, aye. Breed, aye. Campos, aye. Cohen, aye. Farrell, aye. Kim, aye. Mar, aye. Peskin, aye. Tang, aye. Wiener, aye. There are 11 ayes the ordinance passed on the first reading. Madam clerk go to Committee Reports. Item 28 is considered by the government audit and oversight xhilty thursday saep 15 and forwarded as a Committee Report and recommended with the a same title. Resolution to respond to the judge on superior court contained civil grand jury report entitled maintenance funding. Findings and recommendations through his Department Heads and through the development of the annual budget. Alright colleagues take this same house same call. Without objection the resolution is adopted. Lets go to roll call for introduction. Supervisor yee the first to introduce new business. Thank you madam clerk. Colleagues we have spent a great deal of time discussing how pornts porpts important it is for San Francisco to invest in the urban forest. Maintaining our trees should be a basic Public Service t. While the Charter Amendment is in the hands the voters i believe we should prepare ourselves should the tree take back come to frauition. This is something we discussed prior to our recess and we were working towards the agreement to put the measure on the ballot. I had also introduced language to say that we should do something in the mean time. This is why i am establishing the tree maintenance funds today and introducing a supplemental request to gear up for the citys tree take back program. The is essential that the program is successful to insure that there is nothere are no gaps in service or maintenance this yearnext year. The Property Owners have taken on the e responsibility for far too long and greater disservice if the city can not implement a promise effectively and sufficiently. The supplemental will help department of public works build up staffing, infrasfruckture, support and equipment inventory to prepare for the relinquishment of street trees back to the city in june 2017 should the measure pass by the voters. I think it is important for us to do and hope i can garner your support for this effort. I want to thank my cosponsors avalos and kim. I want to thank the friends of urban forest who works so hard to make this measure one that we can not dismiss and want to thank department of public works staff in working with my office to establish what they think they can actually ramp up in terms of staffing and so forth. The budget was created by that department. The rest i submit. Thank you supervisor yee. Supervisor avalos. Thank you. Just an announcement about a very big decision made by the Mayors Office of housing last week that effected by district. Actually good news. Very good news. Last year as you recall the mayor prfs afs and my office came out with a housing bonds. We met in the middle to get 310 million. The reason i was working on that is i know if we were to have a larger bond that my district that is passed over in the affords nl housing struggles in San Francisco would not get any funds. So, with that increase there was money available to award to a project that is just starting up on Mission Street in the excelsior at the vulenta site in existence for maybe 50 years maybe longer but that funeral pauler is moving down the coleman under a different model and leaves a dead space on Mission Street. With the decision to award bridge housing, this Development Fund in district 11 we know will have a project that will be there that will span between Mission Street and almany boulevard. By having housing we can stop dumping by having better infrastructure for the community and on the mission side about 114 units of family housing. I caents say quhautd is more important to serve the commercial corridor but greater density and more people walk{shopping and getting their household needs there met on Mission Street. Im very very excited about the work that has been put forward. I want to thank the Mayors Office of housing for working with excelsior district to put this forward. Communities for health and justice came together on that. [inaudible] culmin advocates for children and youth, [inaudible] Filipino Community center and bruno heights to get support for the project. Bridge housing is putting together the project and seeking to purchase the project. There will be not just housing but will have a Childcare Center there or helths care center there dependent on whether the [inaudible] will get certain type of development there as well. I want to say colleagues thank you for supporting the housing bond last year. It made a huge impact on the Community Development in district 11 neighborhood that has not seen such development happen in many many years if not decades. Thank you, supervisor avalos. President breed. I just have one in memoriam for the late frank taylor. I like to adjourn todays meeting in his honorment mr. Taylor passed september 13, 20s 16. He was a beloved City Employee in the City Attorneys Office. He began working for the city of San Francisco in 1962. He drove every muni line accept the cable car. In 1990 became a claims investigator with the City Attorneys Office. We will be dearly missed by colleagues at the City Attorneys Office and his daughter, rachel. May he rest in peace. The rest i submit. For supervisor camp pose. Thank you madam clerk. Have a couple items. The first item is a very important effort that is in the works for quite some time and want to thank supervisor avalos and cohen who both represent the geo graphic area that is part of the neighborhood or near the neighborhood and that is presenting a resolution to recognize the port la as the garden district. My office is working closely with portlaleaders and stakeholders. I think some may be in the audience. I see some of them and want to thank them for being here. There are many people who worked on this to make this possible and i want to specifically thank the portla garden tour. The [inaudible] neighbors group. The portla neighborhood association. Help mclaren park. The portla urban greening committee. [inaudible] green house project. The Branch Library and all the schools in the neighborhood that worked toorlth together on green projects over the years. With the zoning changes, the portla neighborhood is divided between two districts and time to time there is a sense this neighborhood is overlooked. However, not withstanding that this is a beloved place with a unique history and a very engage and active neighborhood. The portla was a prime or source for cut flowerss for San Francisco and known as San Francisco garden with flowers grown in open fields and in many family owned commercial green houses that were throughout the neighborhood. It also provided much needed aid after the 1906 earthquake feeding survivors with locally sourceed vegetables and meats as well as new homes for many of those who had to relocate. Some of these green houses still remain on 770 wulsy street and they are historic treasures of the city. Our office together with the portla stakeholders are collaborated with rec and parks to insure that our city can transform these places into urban agriculture spaces enjoyed by the public. Today we also want to acknowledge an aseemed neighbor leader andm i dont know if he she is here, ruth [inaudible] ruth and her labor of love creating the portla garden tour led the neighbor publicly and proudly in rediscovering the garden district. If you havent taken the portla gourdsen too tour i urge you to do that. Neighbors all over the neighborhood open their homes and their gardens, their amazing guardsens for a day to celebrate this district. This year the tour celebrates the 10th consecutive anniversary, this saturday sen september 24. The tour is joined by other organizations. Again, we congratulate the portla gordon tour and grateful to ruth wallace for everything she does. The community is devoteed maintaining the urban agcurltural identity and think it is fitting we recognize those effort officially today by supporting this resolution when it comes back to the board. Again, im honored and proud to introduce that and supervisorarve avalos and cohen for their cosponsorship. The last piece is a resolution that will help insure that more businesses can benefit from our Legacy Business Program. As we know, voters made it clear by passing prop j which passed last year they want to protect our historic Small Businesses. The diversity of historic businesses is what makes San Francisco so special. Whether it is caf e denor to casa sanchez to the cliff house, cafy [inaudible] mitchells ice cream. Chinatown cdc and non profits. We are giving legacy businesses a fighting chance to stay in San Francisco. Unfochinately because implementation of prop j by the Small Business and office of Small Businesses did not begin until 6 months after passage of the ballot measure, we want to make sure we extend the time that people have to actually benefit from this program. The original intent of the law is give the broadest spectrum of Business Owners a chance to apply for this fund. Especially during the first year. This delay in implementation has meant that businesses havent been able to form aul apply until recently. My office is correcting this issue by extending the grant deadline by 2 and a half months from september 30, which is the current deadline to december 15. We need to insure that the Legacy Business Program and the grants remain relevant and accessible to the important local pz businesses that need help. My office will continue to work to make sure prop j is implemented the way we wrote it and the law approved in a way that is manner consistent with the intent of the voters. I ask for your support and again, i want to thank my staff for all the work into these two resolutions especially the newest aadditional to the office, [inaudible] morales it is great to have your on board and thank you for everything you have done. The rest i submit. Thank you supervisor campos. Supervisor cohen. Thank you. Good afternoon colleagues. Two things i want to discuss today. First, just want to bring to your attention last month i introduced a request to discuss the findings and recommendsations of the Blue Ribbon Panel report. [applause] thank you. So today im introducing a motion to sit as a committee of a whole on october 4, 2016 at 3 p. M. Right here in this chamber so that the entire board of supervisor cz hear the findsings from this incredibly thoughtful and detailed report. The report was worked on by 7 law firms, two policy firms and 3 well respethed judges that collectively have over 75 years of experience between them. Most importantly that they build a very successful career on impartiality and it also included members including the San Francisco police department. The blue ribbon report indicates bias can be institutionalized when it promoted or condoned by policy practice culture. With that said i believe that the findings from the report and other studies that have been conducted are of high importance such that i believe the entire board should Pay Attention and engaging and listening to the recommendation squz working to implement them for the changes that we all i believe want to see in making San Francisco a safe place for everyone. I want to insure San Francisco is working withcontinue to work with residents for effective policing in our streets. The second piece that i like to share with you is, in memorial for wonderful gentlemen by the name of john seary. I like to ask that we close todays meeting in memory. He passed september 5, 2016. Was a husband and father, but to many of us he was the face and owner of pick low pete. It is a caf e and restaurant operating for 29 years tmptd is frankly a neighborhood institution with a giants and 49er games bringing customers on game days and other businesses down the street and husband a phenomenal following. Known for the sandswitches. It was a garden vaerlt deli where you get a big sandwitch, however, over time johns personalty transformed from a in and out sandwitch point to a hang out in the neighborhood. Johns family and friends describe him as a rough reverent boisterous and little crude fun lubing creative cuck pal passionate and generous to a fault, caring sensitive and loving mam. Most of all, he wanted all those fortunate to be around him to love life the way he did and he loved it like no other. John is survived by his daughter and wife. I know he touched the liferbs of many and will be missed. I personally have come to know john and have come to love him. He was also a play said in a band that would perform at the viz valley streets fest ival. Colleagues if we could moouv move to close the meeting in memory of john seary i appreciate it. The rest i submit. Thank you supervisor cohen. Supervisor kim. Thank you. I have one item for introduction today which is a supplemental appropriation for our Free City College fram where for which we just established the fund. This is appropriate free sund f unding. The total amount is 9 million with 6 million towards the program cost to begin free tuition august 2017 and 3 million to begin to grow reserve in the funds for years we bring in less than anticipated. City college will be on track to implement the Free City College as well as protect the program if there is volatility. The objective is have one year funding cushion built into the fund that provide stubt to the students to making plans in the educational pathd and assist with program implementation. I thank you supervisor campos, avalos, yee and peskin. This is contingents on the passage of prop w and excited to make San Francisco the first sitee to make commUnity College free. Thank you sfr visor kim. Supervisor mar. Colleagues im directing the Budget Analyst Office to work with my staff to draft a report and along with our San Francisco alcohol policy working group that looks at quhaul related harms impacting especially low income communities and communities across San Francisco. I want to acknowledge the 10 years of work more like 15 years of work of our youth Led Coalition Public Health coalition that the Youth Leadership institute and many others have been involved in. First passing a law with supervisor maxwell 10 years ago. It was in a wonky way called the deemed approved ordinance but i call it our alcohol monitoring and reduction ordinance t. This is about Public Health and equity for vulnerable communities. The coalition im work wg is youth led and i want to acknowledge not only Youth Leadership institute, but researchers like profesher laura smidth from ucs. Also include the Japanese Community youth counsel, the vietnamese. Asian youth. Horizon for open recovery and excelsior beacon working towards building healthier communities. This budget Analyst Report would help our city get a better understanding of the call related harms in the city and responsibility of departments and businesses for performance standards to keep the neighborhoods safe and reduce nuisances especially ijclose proximity to stores that sell call and look whether San Franciscos 10 year old deemed approved ordinance why it isnt working like oakland and some of the other cities that passed similar measures. I want to say the Youth Leadership institute is amazing model of organizing and Coalition Building celebrating their 25th anniversary this thursday at the soma arts at 934 branen. I want to give special props to inpower young people to speak for them sevl squz Development Campaigns to help youth become leeers and empower low income communities. I want to give a shout out to not only the 15 years work on the whaul reduction but also recently effort to prevent fast food chains and other Large Chain Stores from getting alcohol permits and i want to thank victor lim in addition to the alcohol policy working group on working on those issues. The Youth Leadership institute also formed tobacco reduce force from City College High schools and San Francisco state many years goy that worked with my office. Supervisor kims office and others to pass a major policy a few years gow ethat i call our Tobacco Sales reduction law which reduces the number of tobacco permits and cuts it in half eerfb 10 year period. I think many know that San Francisco is so densely populated with stores that sell cigarettes but also alcohol. I think for alcohol there is one business selling alcohol per 200 residents. We are by far the most dense city with call permits in the whole state and i just give props to [inaudible] for organizing around Health Equity issues. Limiting e cigarettes and preventing big tobacco hooking a new generation on Nicotine Products including vaporizing and e cigarettes. I want to thank you the Youth Leadership institute. To help lift our communities out of harm and into more empowered states of public helths. Congratulations to Youth Leadership institute for 25 years of amazing work. The rest i submit. Thank you supervisor mar. Supervisor peskin. Thank you madam clerk. Colleagues, following the summer legislation that we passed banning candidate control general purpose committees i reworked and reintroducing Good Government ethics refornls. As you may recall and introduced legislation to bring commissioners under the payment reporting schemes that we and other electeds have to adhere to. I want to thank lee helpner for months of working with the Ethics Commission and their staff as well as representatives of a number of different commissions who raised a number of concerns and to that nds i think we have now a balanced piece of legislation that will benefit the public by shedding additional light, but not the overly budencome with regard to report. Thank you supervisor peskin. Supervisor wiener. Seeing no other name that concludes new business. Thank you. Now we will go to our 2 30 commendation. We have a commendation from jane kim thank you for taking a moment to mow mooreium for san franciscan we know so well. There are not many individuals that i cannot imagine San Francisco without and the individual here today is one of those people. Yesterday was the first morn g ing i woke to a San Francisco that was packed and this is probably one of the hardest in memoriams i will do on my timet time at the board of supervisors. I met rose in 2001 at Chinatown Community gement centerment i met her at city hall at a Land Use Committee in a committee room. Gourdsen chin asked me to deliver her a message and i had not met rose before i heard much about her and nervously looked for her inside the john Taylor Committee room and when i saw her i ran up quickly delivered a message and ran to the back of the room as fast as i could and avoided talking to rose probably over the next 6 or 7 years. I only knew of rose from what i heard about her and so, it wasnt until many years later i finally got to know the person behind the icon and image that she is. She is often called a force of nature and that is true. She woolded influence and power without any money or any type of position elected or not. What is most misunderstood is what i got to know over the many years as i served on the city and county of board of education and board supervisors. She loved politic and the sports and was very good at it. She was tough as nails and as many knows she was relentless in the advocacy. What was most misunderstood about rose is what drove her. As i got to know her i realized she wasnt driv boon thesport or politics she was driven by her heart. She really loved the city and she rely loved our community and she loved chinatown. She fought every day h every minute of her life for this community. She didnt have a family of her own, because she wanted to make sure that could give everything of herself. Each call, each curse word, each zingger was routed from the deep seated love in her body. For our [inaudible] to many immigrant families who work in the restaurants or Small Businesses surviving on minimum wage, to merchants on stockton corridor, she fault for them every day. She fought for beautiful parks for our children and seniors to use as their livingrooms because so much of the Housing Stock in chinatown are single occupancy. She insureed a central subway for our residents, 90pert of the neighborhood dont own cars. She fought for chine ease hospital because she knows it was a institution that served the poorest among us and weld the building beam by bean. Recently, she successfully achieved the Monumental Task of bringing to the table the rebuilding of the Public Housing in chinatown. The only Public Housing in the community. A task that was important to take on but no one thought could take on but it is real discussion at the table and those left behind it is our task to continue the work. Not because rose wanted, it but the Community Need said ed and that is why she fought for it. Rose was also for me a mu turnl figure. In many ways she was a political mom. She gave advice on negotiations on my work and daily life. And im so grateful for the dinners and lunches and trips we took. She and my mom got to know each other very well and the dwo of them and sandra furor oare my mothers and as a Asian American woman im so lucky to have these really strong women who kick ass every day and never take a day off fighting for their families and the communities as my role models and as my care takers. They are passionate and in many ways seemingly hard to achieve but so many of us have to take on the work and roles they played to continue fighting for our city and the city that we love. Rose represents part of the San Francisco whether you agree or disagree she represents the city that we love. She represents San Francisco that i want to be a part of. And so rose, she already rest in power. I donts center to wish that upon her because she doesnt know any other way than to rest in powerment. She left having dinner with friends on saturday night at a favorite restz raunt. She had tickets to vegas on friday. She raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to build new quality Affordable Housing for our seniors and families. I will miss rose tremendously, but i also know she rests in love. She gave her heart completely to the city and truly left her heart in San Francisco. I know we have several members of the community here today who are representing roses family. [inaudible] cindy woo. Victor wong and [inaudible] thank you for being here. Portia you were a good friend to rose and know you were supposed to have lunch sunday and want to thank you for being there for her. Before i bring thup community to speak and want to acknowledge our board of supervisors member who also want to speak in her honor and of course rose, was a constituent of mine in district 6 and in below market rate condo in rincon hill and move today the community in supervisor peskins district so hand over to supervisor peskin. Thank you madam president and supervisor kim. Thank you for giving us the time to honor a matriarch. I concur everything supervisor kim said but it must be noted rose had a wicked sense of humor. It is a rough couple days and want to acknowledge that her friends and family are here both in the chambers and outside of the chambers. I see phil chin and cindy woo and victor wong in the chambers. In fact, we will be giving them the tribute rose got to receive here in the board chambers or was suppose today receive in the board chambers. Earlier this year i dried to recognize her as the district 3 api heritage honoree but she was recovering from Health Issues in china mpt i think david lynn from the Chinese Hospital stand in for rose and if memory serves correctly, there was a large protest that interrupted the proceedings that we didnt have the opportunity to give her the proper due she was warranted so this is bitter sweet to honor this woman. As stated before rose was born in 1947 in china and grew up as a refugee. She carried the history of home land with her to San Francisco and the age of 17 accepted a scholarship in San Francisco. She was a trail blazer eerfben as a teenager. Obtained master of arts in journalism from Columbia School of journalism in jew york which gave her all that journalist insight and served as the first asian female journalist at the San Francisco chronicle which she lasted despite sexism and surrounding by staff comprised mostly of white guys where she was the butt of jokes but rose never let anybody get the better of her. Willie brown said on sunday when we were at roses house on jackson street maybe she was a little too opinionated for the chronicle. She was given story assignments. I recall once telling me that she was given an assignment to cover a cat that was stuck in a tree. Rose did a exceptional job reporting and she would do the best job possibly and be the best reporter possible and i see portia lee who supervisor kim referred to and know you can relate and understand the significance and importance of what rose went through. Rose pack was one of the smartest human beings i ever met. She was one in a million. She was a strategist and negotiateateer and well deserves to be honored as the matriarch. Givethen 40 years of advocacy throughout the chooun r Chinese American Community. Leder efforts to rebuild the Chinese Hospital she was larger than life, a trusted advisor to many mayors and members of board of supervisors. It is completely accurate to call her a trail blazer as a woman who commanded respect. She was a passionate advocate for elevating Asian Americans in political life and mentored leaders in San Francisco including supervisor kim. She helped steer and guide the formation of a new Democratic Club, the modern api democrats known as mad. To insure that Chinese Community voices were not drowned out boy real estate speculators and dark money that conducted campaigns in chinatown, viz valley, the richmond and beyond. She was a tireless advoctd for preserving china tune even in the face of a changing city hit by intensifying waveoffs gentrification. Rose cared about chinatown. You can never doubt that t. Is a rosen that eerfben though chinatowns across the country are losing ground inch by inch, our chinatown is a strong and vibrant. I remember her telling the story of the struggle to get funding to field chinese seniors living below the poverty line. It is a different age now. She talked about the fact that they were living off mush and how it broke her heart to see c3450u7b members suffering. When city hall refused to release the fund she vowed to find it herself. You heard about the effort to stop evictions of 176 low income chinatown 10 rnts and that was the beginning of a move that didnt just change tenants rights, that is the low income protections that we have thood are a result of that battle, the battle of [inaudible] she was involved in all that. This was her level of dedication not only the people of chinatown, but the down trodden throughout our city and county. Many are familiar with her whit and have been caught in the cross hairs of her sometimes brutal sense of humor. As a matter of fact, rose made one big mistake is she supported my aopponent 15 years ago. I barely said a word but we were at the annual district 3 chinatown clean up and there is a stagei dont know if aiornl this cindy, we were up on the stage and then head of dpw, today ed lee gave all the eke speaker as broon spray painted in gold and when i was speaking rose started hitting me with her gold paintedit is true. After that we became friends. We allthere is never a Chinese New Year per aid where we are not worried about what she will say when our car goes by. I just a few minutes ago goty mail from a former san franciscan who made the mistake of moving to texas who said he will never forget when we drove by and she said, stop that car, stop that car aaron peskin is jewish , his wife is irish and the driver of his car is gay. Isnt that a San Francisco car, she said. That is the San Francisco that we love. Rose, we will miss you very very much. With that, if i can ask phil and cindy and victor and anybody else who is here on behalf of rose to accept our certificate of honor back from may as well as a certificate of congressional recognition provided us on that occasion. Thank you supervisor kim, supervisor peskin. Im phil chin from the Chinese Chamber of commerce and with me is commissioner victor wong and former commissioner cindy woo. We are here with heavy hearts to accept this honor on behalf of the family. We want to thank you for recognizing her. As much as you recognize her, there will be nothing that can replace her. We want you to know that as we receive this honor on behalf of the family and chamber, this is a incredibly difficult time for rose s family, her immediate family and larger extended family. Want to acknowledge her sisters theresa and joanna. Her brother in law, joseph, nephew oliver and all the extended family in chinatown. Media stories the last few days have focused on rose the personalty and have spoken about a void in the community. We should let you know that rose would not allow that to happen. She would not let anything divide the community and she was a very for that. What she has done for 40 years is bring people together and it is certainly our intent to continue her work working with friends and people who are not our friend alike to get our mission accomplished. There were many who were not able to be here today so i want today recognize a number oaf them. Her old friend and my mentor gordon chin. [inaudible] malcolm young, david ho, norman fong. I see jen low and want to recognize windle lynn from the new ly formed mad club and know noun as the ros pack cluck. David chin from the Chinese Hospital. [inaudible] commissioner allen low, edwin [inaudible] eddie [inaudible] and all the folks here today to help us accepting this on behalf of her family. Thank you. Thank you very much everyone forbying here and know there are other members of the board who would like to Say Something so we will welcome you to stay. Supervisor kim. I just want to make a final comment. I thought [inaudible] on behalf of Chinese Chamber of commerce and chaina town Community Development the rose pack Democratic Club the community will make a request to rename the central subway in chinatown after rose pack. Thank you supervisor kim. With that we have members of the board who like to make comment s and will start with supervisor yee. Um, thank you president breed. Um, there is a lot said and a lot printed in the paper about rose. I like to say that i have known her for a real long time but probably didnt know her. It is where we started in community advocating and fighting for things at the same time and have set the tracks. It is interesting for me to watch as i met her in the early 70s and things she got into versing what i got into and it gave me a opportunity to see her from afar and watching her one issue after another seemed so successful in advocating and fighting for things she believed in. It was interesting because when i was first elected into office which was like 3 decades later, i was on the school board and i guess when you are elected they ask you to go on the parade and ride in the parade and i have gone through the parade and been aroun where she makes announcements at the Chinese New Years parade. The biggest thing is having to ride in the parade and having to pass rose pack afraid of what she would say. You never know what she would say. All joking aside, she is been a remarkable person. I have also seen how she mentored not just one generation of folks but sev rg generations of younger folks to be leaders and many ended up to be city leaders on commissions and now we have a mayor. Not longi would question what is going on with this person. I knew she was a advocate, but i never knew her motivation. I got drawn closer to her i realized something about her and think this is quh i had a stop over on a trip earlier in the year and the stop over was in [inaudible] where she was in the hospital there. This is it first time i got a chance to sit one on one with her. Usually there are like a Million People around and she would say norman why havent you done this. I sat 2 or 3 hours just her and i talking and chatting. One of the things i realized about her advocacy is it is what others have said, basically her advocacy is really pure. It comes from her heart, what she believes to serve the community and that is it. I was thinking is there other motorivation motivation, and it wasnt cht it was about people she cared about, about the community she cared and city she cared about. Im glad i had a chance to get to know her a lot better and too bad i wasnt able to further extend that relationship so rest in peace. J thank you supervisor yee. Supervisor wiener. Thank you very much madam president. Rose pack she was about the whole city, but was a intense fighter for community and neighborhood and deeply respectful of her decades and decades of relationships and really a family with the Chinatown Community and just want to express that respect and admiration for this close nit fmly. Fam. My relationship with rose dozen go back decade but someone i respected tremendously. We were not alwaysoon the same side. Rose supported me at times and not at times. There were times when we were on the same side and times not on the same side. I got in a knock down drag out and she beat me. She tended to come out on top. But for rose it was always about the city and about her community and particularly about low income resident of chinatown. The passion that rose always had for the people in most need in the city and particularly in the Chinese American Community is something i alwaysa r admired. Rose got tarnished a lot in the press for and appellanted in a certain way called the power broker or whatever names she was called, but i think what was loss in the press coverage is what motivated and that is fighting for her community and neediest in the community. Rose, even when she and i were not on the same side was always gracious to me eve when she was making fun of me. She did in a gracious way. I dont know how do that but rose managed to do that. Avenue wn has their Chinese New Years parade story. Every year i would brace for the worst and every year she said the same thing, here comes the ger affand will use it this year. I texted her a photo of our logo. She did want respond but david [inaudible] told me later i owe royalties. I was hoping to take her out after the november election to pay my royalties and sad not to be able to do thatism supervisor kim mentioned the central subway and it is interesting rose is perhaps best known in some ways at least in recent history for her absolutely fight to bring the central subway in existence and keep it on track. I was to say as someone who fights for more subways in the city, it is something that im passionate about and a lot of us want to happen and trying to make happen, rose actually did it. We stop rolling subways after the 1970s and ground to the halt that was unfortunate for the city because we are paying a price now. Rose made a subway happen that will open in a few years and be the highest ridership on the day it opens and i dont think it would have happened without rose pack and she deserves all the credit for doing that and look forered with to support the effort to name the chinatown station after her. Rose, rest in peace, you are missed and your legacy will live on for many many many years. Thank you sfr visor wiener. Supervisor mar. It is nice to follow in. Im trying to think what rose would have attributed animal to us after passing i expressed Great Sadness being shocked by the suddenness of it. I know she was close with angelina eu and victor lynn. She cared about the underdog in chinese American Communities and express condolances to her families and friends and people she touched through her life. I like norman knew her for other 30 years. I think orange lynn was the first struggle i was active in the chinese as a united front to defend tenants and community institutions. I have had a in some ways a loveing relationship with her. She is very motherly, that is the hidden side of her always asking by my daughters welfare, my 91 year old mother. She knew how to be compassionate but she had her really mean side as well and i have been on that side of her as supervisor wiener had over different periods. I honestly have done my best to keep my dist nls at times as an elected official from her to be independent and ill esh press that openly. She cared very deeply about fighting racism and sexism which i know she in her life had to deal with without her life and respected and appreciate td a lot of her work to support the underdog and fight the risism and sexism that exists in our culture and San Francisco. On the Positive Side working in the [inaudible] campaign from the mid80s it fts a great experience to work with her and others from chinatown cdc but coming on the bad side as i advocateed for workers rights and environments it was a way of me challenging me the policies she stood for while trying to understand and support the work she did that i supported as well. Public helths policies and diabetes epidemic and many others and antismoking policies too. The side of hoar her i will remember mostly and very pleased i had a positive relationship with her over the past 2 years traveling with her, seeing her gamble, seeing how she spoke lovingly of Chinese Hospital and especially Community Tenants association and Improvements Association and chinatown cdc leadership that developed over the years and a lot of great recorders that have come out of chinatown. It is great portia is here. I will remember the caring motherly person with a great heart for the underdog and will really miss rose. Thank you supervisor mar. Supervisor avalos. Thank you. Tfs it was shocking to get the news the other day of rose packs passing and realize how it would impact me but i was shaken up. Im not very close to rose. I wasnt very close to rose but enjoyed every minute i spent with her just her whit, her ability to just make farce out of everything but at the same time be right and true in her analysis. I was just so amazed at her presence and just her ability to do describe what was going on in San Francisco. I know of very few people who actually set their mind to do enormous things. We seour mind to accomplish things in our work, but to think that of course with the help of lot of people and organizing abilities was able to achieve the central subway as well as work on Chinese Hospital, incredible monuments that are part of her legacy that will live on for centuries. I was struck by the work that she had done in the election ofeds lee as mayor for the Chinese Community that was a huge thing that no one expected would happen a year before. No one had any idea that would happen and that work of putting ed lee before the board of supervisors as a candidate for mayor, in the interim seat of mayor, was one that united entirelyi wouldnt sayclose to entirely the Chinese Community in San Francisco and as a oorginizer to do that thing was an amazing feat to see happen. There was a moment where i was trying to decide whether i was going to support ed lee for mayor but it wasnt a question of doing that because i saw how united the Chinese Community was behind ed lee. We post poned the vote from tuesday night to friday afternoon of that first week in 2011 and had a conversation with mr. Lee at that time and we were talking with jane and jane said john, you cant possible vote againsteds ed lee. It is true. It was impossible. To see that moment in time in San Francisco where the Chinese Community had that sense of hope, purpose, all put togethers under his candacy for mayor i think is remarkable. I dont always agree with what ed lee has done but to know that type of support and passion from the community was amazing. I think rose pack was a big part of that. I say that why that is so important because i look at when i go to event in chinatown and see how many people can pack a room. That doesnt happen other places in San Francisco and doesnt happen in the latino community. We dont have it sense of unity. We cant get people who disagree so much come together aunder the same way and know rose is a big part of that. If we are able to unit the communities, her heart is huge and compassion she worked under and what she quirked worked about and it wants about her power but she may have liked it but was a power to improve lives and building housing to make sure young people have after school programs, all the things she did is super incredible and we can actually unit not just the Chinese Community but the entire community of working people in San Francisco under the same agenda. We will make this transform the city the way it serves working people immigrants and middle class people. Lets continue that work to do more for everything everyone in San Francisco. She would like that too. Have supervisor tang. Just want to send my condolens to all of roses immediate and extended family here. I think everything that everyone has said is beautiful and i want to start off by saying i agree with supervisor kim, that rose was often misunderstood in her motivations and so forth and over the years first got to know her working for former supervisor carmen chiu. Over the years grew to learn it really wasnt what all the head lines and news stories write. It was about how to better serve the community. As i reflect what she has done in San Francisco 3 things stand out and one is she ignighted the sieve civic engagement. I would never have run for office or be so outspoken in my views, she ignited how important it is to be civicly engaged. Advocateed for the Community Needs. Understanding what it is truly that our needs are and vising that and making sure you are heard. Of course the last thing is not being afraid to speak up. If you dont ask for it, you wont get it, right . She had a direct style which is very effective. I think it is easy for us to take for granted many things that have been achieved over the years and i think it is more important i think i hope that future news articles or other writings about her focus on her accomplishments versus her personalty because what she left behind is huge. I think that the last thing ill say is rose is proof that you dont need to be an elected official to accomplish so many positives thing for the community. Look at her history. Probably more than i have done as a supervisors so rose left a imprint in chinatown and San Francisco so for that we should be grateful and want to extend by condolances to family members and friends here. Thank you. Supervisor farrell. Thank you president breed. To echo supervisor tang i want to express my condolances for family members and loved one. I first met rose and didnt know her before elected to office, i met about 2 weeks before we were sworn in in 2010 and went to lunch at the hilton in chinatown. She was on a cell phone when i arrived with ed lee and she stuck the cell phone in my ear and said yoi need to speak to this guy he may be our next mayor. Years laitder i think that wasnt a coincidence. We got it know each other over the past few years. She was a one of a kind personalty in the city of San Francisco and for that as a city that embraces personalty so well i think we will miss her as a city so much and truly less because she is not here with us. Just respect all the advocacy she had done for our chinese. I know what a force she was and was a pleasure working with her. The one thing i will never forget is how she treated my children. With upmost respect. When she met my son jack she said, you are so much better looking than your father. I put my son front and center so she cant say anything bad and it worked. I will never forget how find she was to my family and children and can tell the love for children and think that was an amazing trait. Nothing that was reported but the one thing i will remember the most about her. Supervisor cohen. I like to take a moment to express condolances to the family and the larger community, the family up here local and abroad. Very difficult time for all of us. Struggle to find my word. When i got thei wouldants say the call but the text notifying me rose passed away it was a moment that was probably you will remember forever. Where you were and what you were doing and whom you were with. In this moment and time and space i like to take a moment to reflect on how a person had a impact on my life personally. All are two things that come to mind. First is similar to what supervisor tang said. Be confident and asking for what you want. I believe rose demonstrated that, the level of confudense. The second is importance of organizing and how they support each other organizing and asking for what you want and how they go hand and hand. Im grateful for the many lesson taught by rose. When shewhether she knew she was teaching she is a always a inspiration and grateful for the legacy she leaves not just for the chinatown neighborhood and community, but the leg acy she left for all of us for those that paid attention and took note on her style of leadership. Most importantly, the Coalition Building that she demonstrated when taking on massive projects. Again, on behalf of the Southeast Community of district 10 want to express my condolances. Thank you. Supervisor campos. Thank you very much madam president. Very difficult day for me. Im not really sure that i have all the words to say everything that i want to say about rose. I dont know why it is that this gay guy from and china connected but we did. We were in many respects Kindred Spirits and i dont know why that happened. I think some respects maybe it had to do with the fact quh when i first talked to rose and i did knonet who rose was, i wasnt trying to impress her. I really was just being myself and in many respects maybe she wasnt used to that because so many people would want to kiss her ass and i never tried to do that. I think that rose in the end appreciated that about people, people who were not afraid to be themselves. Ulate have so many stories to tell and one of the saddest thing about roses passing is so many of us at different times tried to get her to write a book or put all the stories that you told us, write them down so that they dont get lost and that is something i think we need to remember about this tragic loss. The fact there are people that you think are going to live forever and rose was one of those people i thought rose pack will live to be 100 and whatever years old and in some respects you take people like that for granted. I think that is one of the first lesson about rose pack that she taught me even in her death she taught me something, that we should not take people for granted. I think that is something that we have to think about because having survived a transprant and survived every medical procedure under the sun you would think that she was invensival invincible and she wasnt. People referred to rose as a power broker and as rose noted if she were a white male she would have been a civic leader. The treatment from the chronicle early on continued from the chronicle and other Media Outlets as she grew into the the civic leader we loved and respected. The fact that chinese woman immigrant of her generation was willing toable to do so much is a testament to her and also a testament to San Francisco. Only San Francisco could have given us a rose pack t. When you think about it, where else in the country can you imagine someone like rose rising to prominence and to be able to do all the things that she did . People talk about rose and her commitment to the Chinese Community and that is a given but i want to talk about how rose ultimately was not just about the Chinese Community but she was about any community that needed help. Rose pack would call me from time to time and ask me for things but in every instance it was to ask me to help someone else. It was to call me about the school in my district where she urd heard they ran out of lunch and that could i call someone at the School District so that they could send more food so that those families and kids could eat for that day. It was about the dilapidated building where there was no water that she heard about, was there something that i could do. Now, that i think is ultimately her legacy is the fact that she ultimately lived her life to serve other people. She was not a saint but in many respects she lived the life of a monk. If you went to her house and saw the humble simple way in which she lived, someone who had so much power and influence and yet was really living a simple life as anyone can live in the city and county of San Francisco. I look forward to the calls that we would have every few days and i remember rose saying, make a long story short, which is something that she could never ever do and never did. Those stories were never short rose, but they were amazing stories. So, i will close today with a poem by Mary Lee Hall which is how i will think of rose as we celebrate her life. If i should die and leave you here a while, be not like me others undone who keep long individualual by the dilns dust. For my sake, turn again to life and smile. Nerving they heart and trembling hand, to do something to comfort other hearts then mine. Complete these dear unfunshed tasks of mine, and i for chance may therein comfort you. Turn again to life. Thank you supervisor campos and before we turn this commendation back to supervisor kim, i just want to say a few word. I want to thank everyone for coming here today. Most people may not know that i have known rose for over 20 years. We had a up and down relationship and what i appreciate most is she was direct, she was honest, she told you how she felt and if she needed to curse you out every now and then she did that well too. The last time that we met and talked about seniors and chinatown she told me the story that not only did she tear up in the story but i got really emotional and upset that be were not doing better for our seniors in San Francisco which is one of the main reasons i supported the dignity fund. When she got back to the United States and she visited a friend and that friend had no refrejerator in a sro, a senior who had meals on wheels delivered, some were frozen and some unfrozen but they never the less needed to be refrigerated. And she had no refrigerator. And no way to really heat up and eat these meals being delivered to her. And, the agony and pain in her voice in describing that experience of her friend and what so many seniors in city go through on a daily basis without no one to look after them and care for them and to have to live like that, was one of the really unfortunate things that we talked about and made it clear to me where her heart was and why she fights for what she fights for. And i appreciate that fight. And i appreciate how she talked about her respect and love for the african American Community and how she really feels that a lot of the work that was done in the past in the city on the backs of the african American Community have a lot to do with why she as a leader oof the Chinese Community is able to do so much for the Chinese Community and she will always be grateful and always remember and always try to do what she can to make sure that the relationship between the chinese and african American Communities are better improved. I think that is why we continue to talk, we continue to meet and we continue to try and strategy how we can improve on the relationship t. Is still work in progress and hope that many of the people that she had the chance to mentor and support in the Chinese Community will not only carry on her legacy but will also carry on her passion for wanting to bring people together. Thats what she was about, that is what she had done in the city and county of San Francisco. So many different people all coming together for a common purpose of doing something great to help someone else. No one else could bring the kinds of people together that someone like rose is able to bring together and she really did it her way. With that, without objection i would like to adjourn todays meeting in honor of rose pack on behalf of the entire board per supervisor kims request. Colleagues can we do that without objection . Without objection that will go through for today. With that, condolances to the family, to the friends, to all the people who had the fortunate pleasure of having just a opportunity to interact with rose, may she rest and peace. I turn it back over it supervisor kim. Thank you president breed. I had failed to mention that one of my first conversations with rose i was about to jump into the race for the board of supervisors in 2009 and heard a rumor i was pressureed to run in district 10. The first thing she said when i sat down is you, as a Asian American will not take the last African American seat in San Francisco. She said we owe African Americans for their wurkt and civil right movements they fought for all of us and it is important to stick together as a coalition. She is like im supporting malia cohen. Supervisor peskin failed to mention the end of the story about the cat with the tree. She went to cover the story as she was told because she sfailed to do the duties and orders incumbent as a reporter. She got to site and before the Fire Department came she throw a rock at the tree and the cat came down. She went back to San Francisco chronicle and said there wasnt a story to write because there were no cat in the tree. There will be memorials and want to invite you to our annual dinner on october 7 and rose was the honoree and will be a huge memorial and parlty to her legacy and work. I was reading a stor San Francisco magazine did the famous cover of rose with the cigar and endsed with a story of where i lost something at the board of supervisor jz saw her the next day and she said, she told me to keep my head up and never let the people that beat me see me with my head down. What the magazine failed to mention is i lost to her the previous day. But, i walked in the room and she told me to keep my head up and continue our work together. Rest in poweringb rest in love rks rest in peace rose pack. Thank you to the boretd of supervisors for this memoriam. Thank you for vireer supervisor kim and everything wn here today and colleagues for your kind words. With that well continue with our regular agenda. Okay, madam clerk. We will go to our item 26 and 27. Item 26 and 27. Resolution 28816 adopted july 26, 2016. The boardual convene as a committee as a whole to consider assessment proceeding to consider modifying the management district plan and engineer report. The subject och item 27. Remove the district wide cap on annual assessment revenues in the Business Improvement district xeen as Central Market Community Benefit dist rict. 27 contains the plan and engineers report. Thank you the purpose of this hearing is to hear testimony on the propose d mods fiication and inginal ears report for the Central Market Community District pursuant to board of supervisors resolution of intention adopted july 26, 2016. As described in the plan the district contains approximatey 806 identify parcel ons approximately 42 whole or parcel blocks. Details of the covered area are in the file. The proposed chain eliminates the district wide cap, the formula and inflammatory increase remains the same. Eliminating the cap will allow the city to collect higher assessments from parcels whos pargt characteristics have changed over time. If development on a parcel cause a increase in building Square Footage or contained in the land use or other specific character stckzs istics. The parcel characteristic can increase by more than 3 percent annually. At the conclusion of the public hearing the department of elections will tabulate the ballot and report to the board of supervisors. Members of the public may view the ballot tabulation by department of election only on the basement level in city hall. Never levy assessment or approve the establishment orphthe district if there is majority protest. Without objection the public testimony will be as follows up to 2 minutes per speaker in support of the aess ement dist rict. During the hearing the Property Owner wishing to change his or her voted or not voted may speak with department of election staff as a table outside of the board chambers. They will provide with a affidavit and ballot. After the hearing closes the ballots will be counted. Supervisor kim would you like to make opening remarks . Okay. The office of econom recollect and Workforce Development have any comments . Thank you president breed, supervisors. Richard krillo the Legacy Business Program manager. Formally project manager with office of economic and Workforce Development. I worked on the Central Market cbd project prior to accepting the position at Legacy Business Program. I agreed to present this today on behalf of colleague chris corgish who is not able tabe here. Today you are hearing a resolution to modfay the district plan and engineering report for the Central Market Community Benefit district. Testimony will be in regards to the proposed modifications. The department of elections will tabulate the results. If no majority protest is found the board votes to resolution to modify. The Central Market engineer report includes a formula for assessing parcels in the district. Includes the linear street frontage, thraut Square Footage and building Square Footage. The plan allows assessments district wide to be increased each year if approved by 3 percent or Consumer Price index, which ever is less. The management district plan includes a table and ref erence the total maximum revenue referred to as the cap. The cap is a amount based on the status tfs founded in 1314. Individual assessment on parcels may increase due to parcel development. For example, preplacing a two Story Building with 20 story will increase the Square Footage. The formula in the assessment report remains the same. The modifications are enabled to [inaudible] accommodate development within the boundaries of the district. All assessments will still be calculated according to the same formula. The assess ments are uneffected by the change. Lastly, oewd will use Central Markets modified document for future cbd. I have a thank you. Chris cargs wanted to thank you people for their support. Supervisor kim and staff. Staff and Board Members of the Central Market including tracy everwhine. Project director [inaudible] board member david harrison. Staff from Clerks Office and department of elections kwon quatch and regen wong, [inaudible] erica major. For the City Attorneys Office thank you to [inaudible] for his assistance. If you have any questions. Thank you very much. Now, we will open this up to Public Comment for speakers who are in support of the modification to the Management Plan and engineer report. You have up to two minutes. Good afternoon. Tracy everwhine executive director of Central Market cbd and in full support. Our services are inteneded to grow with the development in the district and it is essential the cleaning maintenance and Public Safety efforts increase alongside the two million square feet of development happening now. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon president breed and supervisors. Tim [inaudible] with the company of nbs and worked on the Management Plan and injourn ears report. We support the modifications to this and the proceedings this afternoon. Significant development was anticipated in the area and this was part the plan that 234 creased services increased development that go hand and hands. The formula was predicated on the as built characteristic so as richard mentioned 2 story weplaced with 20 story there is more going on there. This is in line with lower polk and Central Civic Center so support the resolution. I am oversee property that is in the district and support that. The chaichck is good thing. If we were to redevelopment and make it larger we would have the cbd has the ability to take in changed assessment from that property. Thank you. Thank you very much. Any other additional speakerss in support of the modification to the Management Plan and engineer report . Seeing none, that portion of Public Comment is closed. We entertain speakers who oppose. Please come forward. Anyone in opposition, please line up to my left. Members of the board, rea heart director of San Francisco open government. As a advocate for open government i question the concept of Community Benefit districts. As a example when the San Francisco Public Library passed a resolution to join the civic center Community Benefit district i questioned what benefit the library would receive after committing a quarter Million Dollar over a 10 year period. The San Francisco library or Library Commission would respond with specifics. After being a member for a number of years there is still unable to clearly state any benefit that the San Francisco Public Library receives in return for the contribution of taxpayers fund. The Library Commissioners when asked im pausing your time. Please bring your comments back to this specific Community Benefit district. Thank you. Ill run your time now. This relates to all Community Benefits district including this one. The Library Commissioners would ask sit in what i consider to be dumb silence. In fact when it comes to most questions raised by the public and other meetings related to Community Benefit dist rblth anyone who attends on a regular basis will understand they have little or no knowledge about many of the things placed before them for approval. They just willfully blindply accept it. I feel sorry for a lot of the people not here, Small Business owners you are always talkic about protecting who probably have no say or control over the increased taxes that will be waged upon them and believe in some cases it will drive them out of business. We have it grocery takes which is a soda tax. The Community Benefit districts are nothing but a unlawful tax on businesses who have no choice but to either join or sucom. Thank you very much. Are there any speakers oppose today the modification or to the Management Plan and engineer report . Seeing none that portion of pub lic comment is closed and this hearing is held and now closed. At this time the tab ylshz ulation of the ballots will begin and well continue with the regular business of the board agend a. Madam clerk lets go to our next 3 p. M. Specialordser. Iletm 22dwoiv compize the special order. Pub lb hearing of persons interested in the Planning Department certification of conditional use authorization dated july 14, 2016 at twaivathy 5 an bruno to demolish a Single Family dwelling and construct 4 story mixed use building at 2785 san bruno. Item 23 is motion to approval the conditional use. Item 24 is motion to disapprove the conditional use authorization and 25 is motion to direct the preparation of findings. Colleagues we have before us the appeal of the conditional use authorization for this project at 2785 san bruno avenue in district 9. Madam clerk for this hearing we will consider whether or not to approve the Planning Commission conditional use authorization to demolish a one story Single Family dwelling within with unauthorized unit and construct a 4 story mished mixed use and 40 x height and bulk district. Without objection we will proceed as follows. Up to 10 minutes for preezen taishz for appellate or representative. Up to 2 minutes for speaker for support. Unto 10 minutes from the Planning Commission. Up to 10 minutes for the project sponsor or representative. Tupe 2 minutes for speaker in opposition student to the appeal and 3 minutes for rebuttal or representative and with that, we will nowope open up the hearing for the appellate you have up to 10 minutes. Please come forward. Thank you. Good afternoon. My name is Stephen Williams i wrept represent the appellates. The planings Commission Approval for demolition at twa785 san bruno. As specified in the motion and findsings and board agenda that contains two unit. At least that has been the fact of the matter for the last 2 years. The building contains a Single Family home and unauthorized unit which the board informs us falls under the protection of the ordinance. The Planning Department recommendation of approval of the conditional use to dw demolish was approvaled by the Planning Commission on july 14, 2016. There is over whelming neighborhood opposition to the project. We qualified this appeal with more than 56 percent of the signatures of the Property Owners within 300 feet of the site. That is a asronomical number since you only need 20 to qualify the appeal. Lets start with the discussion of fair synchronize and due process thmpt developers and department cannot change the basic facts of the application and this approval for the first time as the appeal. The application was filed in 2014 and during all that time for the past 1 and a half or 2 years the new evidence was never brought forward. No explanation offered by the department or the developers as to the sudden change of the facts of the units and appeal before the board. Why . Because it is a fraud. It is obvious there is a inlaw unit for years and perhaps decade. We submitted a letter from the former tenant who live said there 5 years with family and son in a severate unit with a full kitchen t. Is occupied. Why do i call it a fraud . The Developers Project plan label the bedroom in the inlaw unit as a workshop. If you look at exist one you see their plan submitted and still submitted claim it is a workshop not a bedroom. Thats our exhibit one to my supplemental bruf. Mr. Silverman calls the second unit a workshop and claims the department agrees. More fraud. Look at the photos we submitted. These were taken a week ago by a neighbor. Thrlt sl the tenant who lives there, that is exhibit 2. This is the entrance, the independent side infrance. Entrance. That is exhibit two. This is supplemental brief. There is the kitchen. You can still see the [inaudible]. There is the gas hook up with the stains of years of cooking. The workshop has a bed in it covered with clothing. There is the bedroom that is labeled a workshop. The Department Says they are basing the change of the facts based on leases they are renting out the waurkshop. If you look at the leases, the workshop is rented out as bedroom number 4. At the same time they erant out the bedroom i back units for human occupation they are labeling them as a workshop uninhabited and submitting that to the Planning Department. Our photograph evidence and testimony from the neighbors should put the issue of the kipen to rest. The second unit has h a stove and full kitchen many years and one until recently. The cooking stains are all there. Approval in this case under these circumstances jeopardize thousands of these units city wide. If all you center to do is remove a stove and sign a lease. The Department Analysis was wrong on every aspect. Even when the department conceded that thrfs there was a second unit it faild it note it was rent controlled and failed to deal with new findings under 317 for removal of the unit. They are improperly trying to change the Department Still has it wrong rchlt you cant find this project to be necessary and desirable in a city starved for affordable rent controlled units. There is a overwellming policy and mandate created by the affordsability crisis in the city such that the board must deny the project and preserve the affordable rent controlled unit. These are not my words, these are departments conclusion in numerous similar cases in the recent past involving request for merger or demolition. The mayors, extev directive 1301 the policy paper on 8 ways to make San Francisco more affordable and countless other cases make clear retaining existing house sg the highest priority for everyone. As policy makers i hope the board can see one cannot sime ultaneously claim to support the rent control cyst squm fight the affordability crisis and allowing the demolition of this kind of sound and affordableerant rent controlled unit. Every demolition is a direct attack on the tenants right. It attacks the integrity and what it represents. Enforce the policy and protect the units is a root cause of the affordability crisis. The Controller Office tells us we have lost more than a thousand of these inlaw unit in the past 2 years, all most all

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