6 oclock that morning my brain gets shadow but neighborhoods within San Francisco maybe many body should send a memo to the board of supervisors for review on the on that notice issue bus given the 50 percent of at least by ascertaining maybe not having the english only the board of supervisors should review that issue hell let someone else put forth the motion. For consistency we that this permit was issued in error the same motion unless someone else want to make that guess not. Commissioner honda your motion to grant the appeal and deny it on the base it was defective commissioner fung commissioner president lazarus no commissioner wilson commissioner swig that motion carries and commissioner president lazarus that concludes our business this evening were adjournedembers of the audience that the commission does not tolerate disruptions of any kind. Please turn off all Electronic Devices and when speaking before the commission, if you care to, do state your name for the record. Id like to call roll at this time. Commissioner president fong commissioner wu commissioner antonini commissioner hillis and commissioner richards we expect commissioner johnson to arrive shortly and commissioner moore to be absent commissioners, the first item on your agenda is consideration of items proposed for continuance items one ab and x at 1601 mariposa street adoption of the ceqa and the larger appropriation is continued case two townsend Street Office Development Authorization it proposed until november 19, 2015. Item 3 requirement for certain restrictions on dwelling units in december 8th is proposed for continuance and item 4 requirements for certain restrictions on about dwelling units in district 3 planning Code Amendments to proposed for continuance until january next case 29 through 31 has to do with i didnt street promoted for january 28, 2016, and item 6 new restaurants and bars in the north beach special use planning Code Amendment is indefinite continuance further under our discretionary review calendar dr m an lombard street just received a request from supervisor farrells to have this continued as well inform proposed continuance date but ill recommend the 5 or telephone that is consist commissioner richards. Any Public Comment. Any Public Comment on the items proposed for continuance. Okay i dont see any Public Comment is closed. I move to continue 1 ab and 4, 5, 6 and 17 and due to move it to december 12th november 12th would be my recommendation you can also continue to november 5th. The 12. Very good commissioners second. Commissioner antonini. Yeah. In addition to admit second i wanted to comment on items three and four which wither continuing i did talk to staff and apparently, the supervisors i thought those were finished the supervisors added conditions to those it has to come back to us for the approval the conditions i guess they extended our Comment Period until january. Very good commissioners theres a motion thats been sect to continue items as proposed shall i call the question on items promoted i mean on items continued as proposed commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner richards commissioner wu and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 4 to zero and places you under commission matters. Consideration of Adoption Draft minutes for october 8, 2015. Any Public Comment on the draft minutes not seeing any, Public Comment is closed. Commissioner wu. Move to a approve draft minutes. On that motion commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner richards commissioner wu and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 5 to zero and places you on item 8 commissioners questions or comments. Commissioner wu. I just want to point out that every other week in the planning directors report this is the residential pipeline maybe a year ago this was attached to tell you Residential Projects and now in the report so i just wanted to note that we have the arena goals the market against the arena in the above hundred and 20 ami maurpts it one hundred 16 percent it is hard to understand exactly what to make of those numbers are there and continue to make sense of what this means. Commissioners, if theres nothing further move on to Department Matters directors amazements. Good afternoon, commissioners actually, i have nothing on my plate well move thank you. Item 10 past events of the Historic Preservation commission and board of appeals. Aaron starr Planning Department at this weeks Land Use Commission the sustainability extents several amendments were added it is continued the amendments could be properly noticed at this weeks ago notice a minor clerical amendments and they voted to recommend it to the full board. The Emergency Rooms for the Transit Center district planned area was continued until november 2nd and the general plan amendment planning code and zoning map for the jewish home was heard as well this project will allow nonresidential uses within the st. Jude a slight increase from the xs at the hearing a number of individuals spoke in favor none in opposition commissioner Bobbie Wilson said do longstanding existence and the committee voted to recommend to the full board as a committee report. Also the agenda were the interim prosecution on commercial mergers in the quatro special use district by supervisor campos those prohibit the storefront of one hundred 99 square feet the st. Jude r std by potrero avenue and cesar chavez from cap to bartlett and joint lots on august 4th of this year mayor ed lee signed it as an emergency owners the original controls only last 45 days the hearing to extend the interim controls for a total of one year at the hearing supervisor campos a office provided testimony to the community regarding the interim controls and the expectation and indicated the interim controls are part of the large process to create an sud the special use district will be introduced at the end of this year no members of the public spoke the Land Use Commission delivered and moved to forward to the full board it was approved by a 2 one to vote and supervisor wiener voted against it and the original interim controls finally they heard the annual balance report for 2015 director ram and teresa and sophie from the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development presented the housing balance and Committee Members asked about classification why there are negative numbers for in some districts very little Public Comment it was the accuracy of the numbers at the end of the hearing the resolution accepting the balance report to the full board unanimously and at the full board of supervisors the 2015 code corrections passed its First Reading the tentative map of sdroouns was continued middle february 1st and the zoning map amendments for the jewish hematoma pass it First Reading there was quite a few of the introductions by supervisor wiener the first thing was to allow Affordable Housing in public Zoning District this was sponsored and supervisor wiener the second one to allow bars on the second floor in the upper market commercial district sponsored by supervisor wiener there was another ordinance amending the building housing electricals plumbing and fire and miranda to clarify the standard defenses codes relating to buildings and property to require the department to report on Code Enforcement and to direct the city administrator to get the forms for citywide again sponsored by supervisor wiener the reintroduction of the Affordable Housing as a principle use this will be heard by you in in conjunction with the Affordable Housing Bonus Program and finally the zoning map and general plan and planning Code Amendments for 445 harris street was introduced they boards that concludes my remarks. Commissioner antonini. Thank you mr. Star a general question i should know by now in the instance of the environmental report is appealed only something that is going about the board of supervisors do they deal with that collectively or do they have to deal with the appeal before they deal with the approval the particular project. I believe they do it collectively. I believe thats correct with the changes a year ago with the admin code with ceqa deals with those two hearings typically. Yeah. He remember a time when a very long and dragged out process on the appeal of the environmental it is condensed by legislation for the last year this is good to know about. Thanks. Commissioners i believe no board of appeals report, however, the Historic Preservation commission met yesterday and discussed several items that maybe of interest some minor correction like combaukz but the brt station store the Land Use Commission district they reviewed and my recollection they were not two pleased with the design proposal for the Design Center stock and the Design Center itself and recommended modifications and reviewed. For the dine for the Mexican Museum on Mission Street youve heard were pleased and grateful for the minor modifications they made after the first review by the architect if there are no questions commissions well move on to general Public Comment not to steady is a period of 15 minutes to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items. With respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting. Each member of the public may address the commission up to three minutes. I do have a couple of speaker cards. Thank you georgia and ron. Good afternoon. I sent you all on email at the 1246 00 a. M. This is in there request 5 attachments i did go back and looked at the file again and what i did see i hadnt seen before for this building this project was that in 2013 they had a very you know prescribed demolition plan that kept the original building by the time it got to the 36 it was different the 311 sent out was totaled different no connection i never did see any of the memos im used to seeing or if anyone dealt with those projects would expect to see and i mean everything is there you can rhetorical read it ill show the pictures for the Television Audience some people watch i all the time believe me it is sprooelz how many people see you an tv overhead please the original building here it is well cant get in focus. Thats okay. Anyway you get the point i i mean, i made it repeatedly everything in any email i have i would like to understand what happened here i mean, i know what happened maybe is that something happened when was presented to staff and the 311 was different and maybe nobody caught of or cared the neighbor it didnt care maybe filed a dr theres the original house interest it is in january 2015, there is february and somebody said that wall came out i was not able to caught that here it is before the final and it is asking nearly 5 million and that sale pending i dont know what about the sale but nice to have a postmortem i sent to all of you and a bunch of other people that is mattered it is happening right now on castro there is the house. You need to speak into the microphone. Im sorry theres the house as it was sorry i showed you learn by now it is too unit theyre making it two really big units i forgot to bring in the open home sections a few weeks ago in rock ridge in oakland it said innovating comes to rock ridge i thought noah valley is a brand that is part of the problem. Your time is up. My time is up thank you. Ron and toby sorry. Director ram commissioners, i was up there when we rezoned the eastern neighborhoods and we expected a rash of pdr and residential but potrero hill and dog patch have experienced this in a marijuana that was unthought of and unprecedented in San Francisco there has been a wave of what can only be repetitive medicine cac design for the emphasized mass and minimized design itself its been dealt with in the main by amateur but the dmv Association Architect developers have come back time after time aftertime changing and improving their projects and a lot of of us are tired as amateurs so you have an invitation for the department, the commission and theres a number of construction and land use related people in the audience have invited on wednesday the fourth of november to the California College of arts for a forum a discussion and maybe even an argument on new challenges for the architecture in the eastern neighborhoods this is being sponsored by the potrero boosters and cca itself how can we inspire better architecture that rewards a growing neighborhood a boy it is growing and create better buildings during a building boom i got together with tom kelly the former president of the boosters you know were not always on the same side of coin but i contacted an old friend someone you know well on the architecture staff of the uc berkley and stanley put together for 80 i didnt and i a short power point that is destined 101 it will be expanded and will be the original focus we want you to participate we do not want you to sit in the audience we want to hear you we want to hear everyone and maybe some people get the idea that we can improve some of the things being built in San Francisco ill send jonas an email youll have it in detail but i want to see everybody there thank you. Commissioners my name is toby id like to speak as a member of prozac the Parks Open Space Committee and a member of the cca as you know your sdrern and have the eastern neighborhoods he urge you to have a better plan for open space district 6 is soarly lacking in open space were lacking in money to acquire open space given the current boom im concerned there are in patriarchs overlays for the open space we get we get a parcel for 3 million or a smaller parcel for 4 million or we get open space those are 5 m the flower mart, the upcoming tennis club i know the Planning Department staff need to work Program Michael with the committee own open space, with prozac and their staff and the rec and Park Department to get us the open space but to get us the program accident neighborhood needs it been nice to a discriminating pool and bacteria courts like any other district this will not happen unless he get the space programmed for the affordable and market rate housing planned im concerned were getting lunchtime plaza and getting other sort of almost useful open space we need space that is programmed and coordinated with rec and park thank you. Aaron on representing San Francisco tomorrow i want to speak in support ever mr. Ma gills district that need focus and comments again transit and the need to focus on transit i attended the bayshore facility a phenomenal ability to connect high speed rail with the bart station and on 19th avenue we need a better connection as well as the park station better investment in the bart station so hopefully more than just the downtown area and there tax think businesses and corps i was also president of the district 11 i submitted comments in the jewish home that was a great project they did a great job and at the street level that will enliven that but the excelsior needs help in terms of planning and in the chronicle issues and it is important to do Long Range Planning and getting Timely Community input would be good thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment general Public Comment i dont see any general comment is closed. Commissioners on regular calendar and commissioner richards sorry. A couple of things somebody in the audience is talking in the audience in a muscled sound. I approached the person that was speaking their translating for other people in the room ive asked them to keep it down. A couple of things to the request ive met with the Zoning Administrator hes agreed to sditd sit down with you and i and walk through kind of with the building inspection walk through the examples you want us to see the basis for the changes you can expect on email or call about the scheduled the other question i know that last week 101 kelly requested formally commission ron miguel get an agenda im not sure youll make it on the fourth go request we give them 4 or 4 minutes to go over the design for last week. Thank you. Thank you. Commissioners, if theres nothing further to our regular calendar for item 11 case the potrero project the certification of the Environmental Impact report please not the public hearing is closed the public period e i s end and Public Comment will be received when the item is called, however, comments smimthd may not be included in the final eir. Thank you commissioners secretary good afternoon commissioner president fong and commissioners rachel mrach as existence secretary the item before you is the certification of the document for the potrero hill master plan project it should be noted no approval is requested at the hearing the city staff is working with the project sponsor and the project sponsor team on the entitlement passage that includes a Development Agreement between the project sponsor and the city and proposed special use or sud and the remaining the zoning code code to allow for buildings 40 feet above and the guidelines document the preliminary plan for staff to introduce legislation in the spring of 2016 that reflects the structure that is proposed for the second to none daily master plan project in the Environmental Impact report document is certified the next step for the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development or mohcd to prepare and submit a request for the United States department of urban development more timing was provided in a memoranda hsa as part find packet in you have additional questions our citywide planner of moh are present along with the members of the project sponsor team having said that, the the item before you is the final Environmental Impact report or the eir example e i s the Department Case the response to comments document was distributed on 2015 and the site is located on the block on the potrero hill bounded by connecticut and wisconsin and 23, and texas and 25 street the proposed project the demolition of 6 hundred plus Public Housing and 17 hundred residential units the proposed project will include new vehicle and pedestrian connections and new blocks transit stops. New wastewater and San Francisco Entertainment Commission and open space the proposed project will be conducted in 3 main phases over a 10 year period it is located in the residential mixed use and public Zoning District a 40 height and bulk district a copy of the certification is before you the draft eir eir e i s was held and the Public Comment closely on january 7, 2015, and the responses to the comments was published on october 8, 2015, the responses to comments in combinations with the draft eir e i s is the final one the final eir example e i s the castro hill master plan will result in unvoidable transit impacts and delays at intersection and noise levels and cumulative construction period criteria for levels as detailed in the draft certification go motion those impacts cannot be mitigated as a result, the commission need to adopt the California Environmental quality act should the commission need to approve the project at this time, id like to say weve provided comments to all commissioners and sate state and regional agencies and members of the public we believe the eir e i s provides the public and others with the information pursuant to second for the proposed project on this basis we request that the commission adopt the motion that Services Servers the procedures are present comply with the provisions of ceqa and Chapter Three 1 of the administrative code that concludes my presentation. Unless the commissioners have any questions okay. Thank you well open up for Public Comment. calling names line up on that side of the room it will make that easier calling names . Ready. Hello, everyone im actually a resident if potrero Public Housing and work interest its been a link time coming 4 years for the eir to get to this point where it can finally be approved im hoping youll approve that so the living situations were in now from the buildings to the land it is very important that this does get you know passed we have another residents here in the audience some are spanish and cantonese speaking as well as English Speaking so this is why we have translators here he feel because of all the extensive work into the eir with all the Public Comment as far as residents and surrounding Community Members and stakeholders there is a lot and a lot of focuses groups and meetings Everyone Wants to see and what they thought so far it is taken into consideration and bridge has done a good job but the residents have done a good job in saying how they feel and the monitor of residents hoping that everything will get passed this year it was promised over 20 years ago the Public Housing would be rebuilt so a lot of people got depressed this is never going to happen when bridge came in 2008 it is 0 so long were in 2015 almost 2016 so the faster you guys approve that the faster to ground and once the bulldozer come and breathing the residents will have a hope again to see it is actually going to happen and deal with the process it is taking a long time on that note ill stop i have a couple of moms and i must say this so we have translators here we have cantonese and spanish speakers i know it might be a little bit uncomfortable for some people but at the same time in the near future somewhere drooerdz city hall there will be provisions for translators that is in all meetings so that way people of ethic background can come to the meetings and feel comfortable in being able to hear things in their own language and not worried about theyre being two loud or not been able to have translators but let that not decide youre not going to approve the eir laughter . Commissioners if you look at the number for this project you will see it is dated 2010 and this being the eir it started before that this is my neighborhood i starred work on it in the beginning if so been a very, very collaborative effort i have mentioned this before some of you may remember in you look at aerial photographs of the projects like this throughout the United States that were done following world war ii the sdrier street was scooted to isolate the neighborhood this corrects this is the most important thing happening here and in the world the eir is adequate, it is accurate and i urge you to certify it with the closing note thank you for postponing number 17 i wont have to stay here and miss my diner. Good afternoon, commissioners im donald hill a long residents of krooefl i want to say im looking forward to it and let me let me say im looking forward to it thank you for linking thank you. speaking foreign language. sir, you can actually use the other microphone. Im going to concentrate im raid this is scary i live in this neighborhood for over 10 years then the environment here is good air is fresh but how the houses are old and very delipidated and most of our Community Facilities are outdated. speaking foreign language. i often participate in Community Activities so i have a lot of friends from all over the world and neighborhood we often communicate with one another we agree and support very supportive to the review plan we want to have more open space for our old age people. speaking foreign language. we have two common needs number one after the repair we hope our existing rent can stay and number 2 as for now we dont have to pay cost for water and power and other expenses and we hope this can also remain thank you. Good afternoon my name is Kim Christensen a resident on potrero hill id like to let you know that i support this project to rebuild potrero Public Housing and acknowledge that Bridge Housing and the city have done an outstanding project on the building process hundreds of opportunity for neighborhood all over the hill to participate and planning activities of Community Build in a lot of these claufksz and neighborhood project and deep long lasting friend of mine this is important to say id like to say keep it up and more investment in Community Building, and, secondly, the jobs and Economic Opportunities that this project present especially to Public Housing residents could be fantastic ive seen residents that have already gotten jobs in the planning process and the community each their blooming so the fact ive seen them become Community Leaders and put more emphasis on the Jobs Available to the residents this project is expected to spend a cost over one billion dollars so i think that would say a scandal if not a shame to say at least the residents dont get jobs lets not miss that opportunity the third item the relocation plan potrero hill has one of the last in take Africanamerican Community in San Francisco as you may know San Francisco africanamerican populations has dropped from 19 to 4 percent this is pretty shocking so id like to make sure that we track the relocation plan to keep the neighborhood in take because it would be a shame to see the Community Building go to waste if it skartdz to the wind and the potrero hill Reaction Center at the top of the hill next to the planning area are spectacular we need to keep those in take the potrero hill Reaction Center is the dlorlgz park all the neighborhoods come together and the kids play together it is essentially, we make sure those views are not lost thank you. speaking foreign language. good afternoon im a residents of the potrero hill project for the loose 10 years and today, im coming to provide my support and to request that you approve this project because the Current Situation we are environmental is not the best environmental the situation the best for the community were asking that you rise or review the Community Impact the Environmental Impact report this was provided to you so you can see how it can effect we are proud of the people that came together to work on it they take into consideration the sign and the best use of space were hoping that the prigs and the permits that need to be granted are grant especially to look at the environmental effects it create the construction will create in potrero hill the environment is not very good but with new construction that will change thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. Im with Bridge Housing the director of the building and nonprofit partnerships i actually would like to read a comment from a resident that will not able to attend today matt so he says dear members of the Planning Commission i reside in the neighborhood and want to express my appreciation of the pass two years ive worked with a my neighborhood to plan and execute the events on many mornings i help the leader from the healthy generations with the walk to school that provide a way for kids to Daniel Webster and Elementary School those and others experiences have valid dated the building in potrero hill is well underway and build what needs to be done a community it comprised of individuals not roads but in order to build a better potrero we hope to approve the quality of life for residents who work hard to stay in their homes and raise their children the roads that run through directed and it is unsafe and inaccuseable understandingly some san bruno certainty i consider many residents my friends i believe we need to moving forward and insure the rights and winging wellbeing are the highest priority the wrong approach to delay there a or going it on the process so far this will exacerbate the situations for the residents and neighborhoods and communities at large i urge you to certify the final eir e i s youll help to add up to one thousand units of housing to address our citys housing crisis and beyond that to bridge the community in potrero hill and ultimately improve the quality of life for hundreds hundreds of thank you for your time and consideration ill leave this here thank you. Thank you. Commissioners thank you for this opportunity to to you today im very pleased to introduce might have as the new director the potrero initiative glad to be before you here in this capacity ill keep my comments brief youve heard from people that subpoena duces tecum a examination with the Public Housing were speaking to address youve heard from neighborhood that support this and address the issues in the larger neighborhood and improve the neighborhood as a whole were excited to take this next step as you may know its a Long Time Coming this is a transformation of it to neighborhood weve been engaged with the residents since 42008 and building a sense of rapport that isotopes overview helps us i encourage you to deliver it on the on the promise of hope sf im available today to answer any questions you might have on the project and in the weeks that follow as staff presented w will be back before you and eager to address any concerns or questions im here to answer any questions appreciate our time thank you very much. Is there any additional Public Comment on this item. Okay in any order Public Comment is closed. And commissioner johnson. Okay mikes on so this project is going on for a very long time i among the commissioners are excited to see movement here and were excited to move forward, however, this eir this process is absent immediate of the project approval process and for many reasons that we need to align them more carefully both to look at the material of eir to make sure it reflect what is happening on the ground and were in full alignment with the city for that reason im negotiation going to make a motion to continue the eir for the future the eighth or the 10th to do the alignment a little bit more carefully. Ill second that commissioner antonini. Yeah. I need to know a little bit more detail for commissioner johnson exactly what were supposed to be doing it seems like a complete document. A couple of things the firster in terms of the material from the eir i think the biggest use the eir plan the eir did an adequate job beginning the physical impacts the physical impacts from this plan as much as defined with the eir was written but since then weeping weve learned information how the city will move forward and there is probable some things to reconsider awe how this is represented in the eir i think the is that you know for transit and looking at the attorney there is also another more gentle issue of if we were to certify the eir under ceqa there is a certain amount of time to appeal that if if period of time is up before we will be largely the project approve that is problematic so City Attorney and yeah. Deputy City Attorney susan clevelandknowles its correct the normal process to consider the eir certification and that does align the appeal period and the procedures in more detail is like to say the rebate to hold the hearing today for so the certification of fund if hud could move forward and the holdings the hearing today and with no outlooks on the contestants of the i eir will allow to to move forward so the certification from hud can move forward and u gene from the may i have it here if you have any questions. I want to continue i asked a question but isnt the relocation something part of project approval itself more than the environmental document so i would think this is a separate issue and that could be dealt with before the approval comes. Thats correct why some of the relocation issues are dealt with in the ceqa document and again, i, let the staff speak to the issues i dont think i dont think that commissioner johnson was questioning the eir reenforces or may not until project approval time all the information youll normally have at our disposal. The followup if we delay this until the 10 of december do we risk losing funding we may be able to get and my understanding no delay in funding will result that is a hearing that is required on the e i s but again ask mr. Expandingy from the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development. Mr. Expandingy comment. From the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development this is a combined ceqa document, however, the approval process is separate and distinction from one another the request for the release of fund is filed upon the responsible and svrl officer that is a certification of the federal Environmental Impact statement if this hearing is a part of combined document process not required not required under this is schedule and noticed it was required to be held thats one point i need to make the other point the responsible entities federal impact statement is not dependent on the Environmental Impact report, however, if you dont eventual certify that is a problem, no problem with the quality or district of the document so it is our intention to submit the release of funds for the common period that ends around thanksgiving and well incorporate the comments here if a directed decision and submit to hud open for a 15 days period for objection from the Public Matters tarnished r articulated in 48 section 65 if i care to look at that it is narrow mostly procedural grounds i hope it answers our questions not anticipating any problems with federal funding only in the urban likely event you dont certify the Environmental Impact report. Okay. Well thank you. I still dont quite understand the definition because everybody this spoke has spoken in favor the certification the quicker this is comments and responses weve already had responses. Ill defer to the City Attorney this is a ceqa question ill restricted to the federal side basically our process runs did not of the city and states process. Maybe i could help my understanding it is unusual to certify an eir without the project that was this was unusual and commissioner johnson saying shell be more comfortable if those actions are close together and the given where we are and the funding situation 2 didnt effect the project at all or the federal funding the federal funding on the impact statement the e ii s is it can be certified prevail separately from the eir so it can be certified and moved forward and the commission ive not heard any objections to the eir, e i s it it the certification can move forward. Are were going to get enough of an answer it sounds like we have quite a while before the plan and the continuance is for december 10th for certification. So the question that i think the goal to have other project actions in front of i on the 10 and well be working on that over the next few weeks. I think i understand a little bit more no down side and maybe a few of the answers there i well, i have one more question for the eir, just commenting on coordination with projects before us that are near this project for example, a project that is coming up on texas and pennsylvania and theyre building a stairway and mar that i didnt read it in the document but i dont know, there is any problem youre responsible for the Environmental Impacts but im hoping there is coordination with the neighboring projects so that mission bay anything you analysis will be take into account things that are happening around. I think we you are asking you want to make sure youre asking a cumulative analysis of this project and some of the promoted projects that are located nearby is that the question. More so your project cognizant of the things happening nearby we cant analysis did you Environmental Impact but asking this is more a question for the 10 when we have more of the plan before us i want to make sure interest is coordination between our project and the neighboring projects. Sorry so youre asking about the 22 stair that would lead from this site. One of the issues yes and so yes, this bridge and moe is aware of that project im looking at be both of them well make sure their cooperated. Commissioner wu. First of all, thank you to all the public in favor of the project great to see a multiple ethic calculation but want to see this versus second to none daily weve already certified sunnydale is it can you want to go for december 10th the Property Owner o project sponsor has to prepare certain documents. Commissioners the short answer as i think so there are some theres more a or of a risk in terms of the legal issues in the certification action and the other is separated it is a little bit more protective if we work forward with the actions on the project itself and the certification. So this is a change of policy how we do all the eirs. Yes. A change. This is something i apologize this is a little bit confusing but weve only recently been made aware of. And to the project sponsor mr. Adam and were prepared to bring project action for your consideration on december 10th and effectuate the eir should the vote be postponed until then. Commissioner richards. Highly unusual for ive seen this happening where the policy will go in the future this is the first one out of the shoot i support it continuing it until december 10th. Commissioner hillis. Yeah. I could support a continuance i can approve that i think that this document is adequate and the comments and responses are thorough but given kind of the advice from the director as well as the project sponsor willing im happy to continue it also. Commissioner johnson. Yeah. Thanks verizon real quick i had questions about the distance from the eir when it was written and actually designing the project but now sort of definitely are hearing a potential legal issue we were certified the eir and someone goes to the court with the ceqa appeal and the judge says okay city and county of San Francisco whats our project to be able to see you know what are the merits of appeal there wouldnt be anything before the appeal timeline is up thats a major be issue im not were dwup that even in sunnydale other actions thank you very much for the questions or comments. Supervisor bedrosian. Yeah. I totally understand and navigation the exception for public projects like this one with public projects weve had a policy the eir and approval on the same day or exactly the fear that has been expressed that make sense we have the same issues with that sort of thing whether this is a treat or not a good idea ill understand the reason for the continuance. Commissioners, if theres nothing further we do have a motion to continue until december 2nd. Commissioner antonini. Commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner richards commissioner wu and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero and for the benefit the public who might be here for items 17 under the discretionary review sclarnd that matter has been continued and will not be heard today commissioners, that places you under your item 12 for case this is departments supported amendments to the zoning map to establish the japantown zoning map. Planning Department Staff were here to get our approval for the proposed legislation for the japantown commercial district can i get the overhead for a second the neighborhood commercial district is this area between fillmore and laguna and rubs up buchanan to halfway to bush this area represents the Commercial Area that is more affiliated with buchanan street it is n c2 and c3 those are the neighborhood commercial district those are generic district they used to be found but the trend is to create more and more neighborhoods with the c district to energy the characteristics of the neighborhood and the desires of the community the city as 32 mcds little legislation was the process to create the japantown Culture Heritage and sustainable g h s a policy document that will was ignored or enforced by the Planning Commission and the preservation and is board of supervisors the h s japantown will thrive as an economic neighborhood the culture heart the japaneseamerican communities one of the 19 represents of the g h s to energy the community to derail and a a there will to prepare the mcd legislation this is september of 2013 so the action today for the commission to remedy the approval to the board of supervisors in terms of content the proposed mcd is not radically different but not able feature it includes the parking max and an increased density not remove the density altogether and the district as ground floor retail and allows bonus for ground floor retail and woorl to the communities their desires are met setting limits on bars and in addition to mraerments this district is meant to reflect the district communities and waited for the community to vet it and support it after the g h s was do you think it was a year to reconfigure our board and vet this process and bring that back we hope the proposed legislation was unanimously supported by the diverse bend over backwards board of the Japantown Task force thank you. Project sponsor. Department sponsor. Separate to Public Comment then and no speaker cards. There are no speaker cards. Good afternoon, commissioners im bob the executive director of Japantown Task force and im here to urge your approval to adapt this ordinance and recommend the resolution to the board of supervisors for japantown neighborhood commercial district were very encouraged by the potential for continuing our Economic Development and that the provisions include an ability for more housing unit in the neighborhood we really, really appreciate the continued support weve had from steve and from our director john ram thank you very much and appreciate the time and the opportunities thank you. Thank you. Excuse me. He had one more thing one of our major Property Owners county be here robert of the company and asked me to bring this short letter in for his support okay. Thank you. Good afternoon commissioners im paul wormer this has been a Long Time Coming the japantown planning process started in 2007 in the most recently iteration and dealing with commercial district was an important way back at the beginning great support from Planning Department staff with paul and steve in particular i want to acknowledge the help in getting the language around noise controls because we got language about noise controls there was a lot less concern about letting restaurants coming in with the as of use letting game arcades come in without conditional use because of the concerns the neighborhood were addressed in los angeles that was supported by Planning Department staff and supervisor president London Breed Office i want to this i have one letter from the gentleman with copies endorsing this project im discouraging you to move forward to the board of supervisors thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment . Thank you good afternoon, commissioners technically not a member of the public Conner Johnson lavdz la lazarus japantown is in supervisor president london breed district i had the honor of judging a contest i was a celebrity in this contest it is a jewel a tremendous asset to San Francisco and supervisor president breed is happy to represent the neighborhood and happy to be part of the process she support g h s to make sure it had the resources it needed and thankful to steve and Planning Department staff what have done a great job and some of the representatives theyve done phenomena work getting mcd ready and supervisor president breed would last week to request in sponsoring from the commission to the board of supervisors shes happy to support it as with the fillmore and Environmental Impacts did care neighborhood that had mcds that brought to the commission they passed unanimously ill hope ill do the same with the japantown mcd and thank you to you and your staff for making this happen. Is there any additional Public Comment on this item . Yes, im charles senior im the chairman the fillmore Neighborhood Association and ive been looking some of the things that is going on in the community for one some of the remodeling theyre about to do to pits some of the residents not satisfied that some of the rules they have to live by some of them, you know, they have not been attending the meetings im trying to found out why you know when are you have hiring in San Francisco im retired from local 24 and you carpenters local 22 im on the central subway job i get tired and im told that it is a lay off for me but the guy they kept on the job was illegal so also one company safeway scaffolding i worked on this job everybody it you you know from la i got laid off on this job and another africanamerican on the job for a month and another hispanic on the job the same day i got hired they laid off the africanamerican and kept the one that that started for one day there is a problem having hiring with africanamerican in the Community Also the fillmore the Fillmore Center they have p. S. Two working for year and a half no blacks only latinos ive been noticing that for a year and a half the reason im speaking im the chairman of the fillmore Neighborhood Association and none is doing if you go about it, it is recognized and sitting out like a soar thump and anyone can see that nothing being said my name is j dennis us with the for me group i have the same complaint as my friend right here weve been left out of every process as africanamerican being displaced from this neighborhood and for the jazz neighborhood district weve been completely miss played we need to be involved in the process whatever it is you know weve had a problem would be you know what im saying were asking for a few chairs for the process being done thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment on this item . Okay in any order commissioner antonini. Thank you. Yeah, my understanding is a lodge and exclusive process been here for quite a furious i have a couple of specific questions we have the summary within the longer copy probably the dlalsz but for the benefit of the public the formula retail carols will be similar to other areas where it is by conditional use is that the answer for formula retail. Yes. The formula retail will be controlled the same and everywhere else. It is more confusing and well to discuss it weve had this brought in other neighborhoods if you have ground floor ceiling hes in excess of 10 feet than a six feet bonus in other areas you thought you needed 15 feet or more is it 10 feet or more in japantown. This is the same as district where if you do ground floor retail this is required youll get foot bonus but 50 feet to 10, 10, 10 to 55 with 15 an is ground floor and 10, 10, 10 making sure that retail has higher ceilings. Okay. So to clarify one more time just has to be 15 feet on the ground floor and then theres a total of 55 feet allowed. Right. Is there a minimum floor to ceiling height to the floors above the ground floor. Whatever it in is in the code. The pardon said typically 8 feet. Not indirectly by numbers of floors but by the code so be not steady 55 feet except the top structures above 55 feet okay. Thats pretty clear i think that is very good document ill see what my fellow commissioners have to say. Commissioner wu. Thanks ill also supportive i wanted to ask more on the issue ive seen in the other neighborhoods people are doing a retail corner and only the 15 feet on this corner and the rest of the building 10, 10, 10, 10 i guess the question is retail required on the inspire it of the ground floor. The retail will be required in the frontage so over 25 feces feet of the building facing the streets. The question it is it required along the frontage of the commercial street. Yes. Except for lobbies and entrance to the building yes along the street not necessarily the whole depth. Id be interested in two things interested in required it along the footage the 15 feet or the commissioner fewers also i think that some of the my understanding has been people want it on the entire ground floor i feel it didnt make sense in some cases if theres part of building that is you know has no frontage at all towards the back a provision to see the street frontage the higher height has to be commissioner fewers and the depth. It is codified in the 145. 1b ill have to look at that and only the 5 feet for the commercial space and not 4 feet across the ground floor. The goal is the other way around across the entire frontage. Right. Okay im happy to make a motion not sure how to word it to approve with you know attention to the issue we were talking about. Have it figured. I do. Commissioner antonini. Yeah. Ill second the motion and just as we discussed this clarification also they have been distanced a elevation change in the building that may not be the case in japantown but a possibility beyond three feet there is an elevation change we understand this requirement does not apply to residential units that are not fronting or street frontage and beyond the department of 25 feet as far as the roe vs. Wade of the alleged height is not making the building taller but a change of elevation. Commissioners a motion please correct me if i am wrong if im misstating to do you want a recommendation to require the 5 foot bunk i bonus on the minimum depth of 25 feet. On that motion. Commissioner antonini. Commissioner hillis commissioner johnsons commissioner wu and commissioner president fong. So moved, commissioners, that motion passes 4 to zero commissioners that place us on item 13. Clarifying creating preferences for affordable units this is an administrative Code Amendment commissioners you did hear this in close of public hearing on the fourth. Good afternoon commissioner president fong and fellow commissioners im here to recommend approval of the adaptation of Housing Ordinance ill provide a brief overview and others from the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development will be here to provide a presentation and followup comments a. Theyll have a handout for you table one in your case packet has some of the numbers switched on september 1, 24 there was an adoption hearing to clarify the preference for apples and oranges the proposed legislation has two sets of preferences for the citywide air force one applicants in our projected units and the definition of the adapted tenants at the adoption hearing it was continued to the ordinances for 4 weeks week to staff could analysis the boundaries for the neighborhood preference it is continued to outreach and have a discussion recommended to the preference staff from the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development has met with stakeholders including the Displacement Coalition to discuss the adapted Tenants Preference the current and revised provision and mohcd is the legislative sponsor to pilot it to two pieces it will focus on preferences the proposal is the following one for the adapted component of the legislation be stricken to allow future outreach and no stakeholders that will b will look at as a separate ordinance that will be referred to the Planning Commission and the two the component remains with the sproifrl district with the preference of three percent for new affordable units and 3 there continues to be no changes to the certificate of preference but it places the preference in the administrative code with reference is proprietary in the planning code the ordinance provides the neighborhood residents living in the neighborhood where the oh, say does that starspangled banner yet wave are being built we ask the committee to do you want it now mohcd will present thank you. Good afternoon commissioner president fong and my brothers keeper im sophie hsa wood with the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development we have a presentation today, im really grateful for the opportunity to come back and answer in of the questions that came up at the last hearing my plan to just present an overview how we Rearview Mirror and recommendation and paths forward and spent a little bit of time talking about the lottery and how we applied the preferences and have a deeper dive how we why were proposing moving forward with the dwoefk preferences for the supervisorial level and three percent of units and halfmile buffer around each project i want to note when the changing questions come up im joined we kate hartley the Deputy Superintendant for hours and mohcd a gentleman that modeled the groups and walk you through those numbers and results we are joined we van excess the ellis act program our recommendation were in completed agreement with the plan it seems the clen it path forward to treat the two board topics of expanded adapted Tenants Preference and the new grow graphic two stand alone program having said that, i want to note we feel the expansion the adapted tenant is an important area to address coming out of the last year, we immediately started working on outreach and continue that process we fully anticipate to be back with a separate piece of legislation shortly i think ill turn to the presentation. As you may know we have two exist preferences more Affordable Housing the certificate of preference and the licking Housing Program i want to take a moment how the lottery and existing preferences are applied as you may know mohcd finances and has two distinction the inclusionary Housing Program that is privately funded when a marketrate developer opts to have onsite or offsite program with and one hundred percent tax credit portfolio those are pub fund with city dollars and state and federal tax credits i make the distinction because there is units made available in slightly different ways with the inclusionary Hours Program each individual Building Developer communities the outreach and making and mohcd approves it in advance and then the initial sales or the release of lottery by mohcd at mohcd that lottery process creates a list of applicants certificate of preference holders and protecting housing households are pulled next those take up to 20 percent of the valuable units and the third category usually make ups the rest of the lowered for people that here on behalf of the appellant. Excuse me. Im sorry and will the person with the telephone turn that off please it is stealing disrupting. Lets see the are certificate of preference holders get pulled first and ellis act get pulled second up to 20 percent of new units and last the people that live or work in San Francisco each rerental and resale for the inclusionary Housing Program a new lottery is conducted at mohcd there is no wait list for the inclusiony housing thats the distinction our multi Family Rental portfolio each individual developer conducts the outreach and conducts the lottery and the marketing and if approved by mohcd the lease of lottery by the developer at onsite and offsite locations not necessarily by mohcd the rest of the process is similar a lottery that processes a list for stakeholders their pulled first and ellis act are pulled second up to 25 percent and the people that work or live are pulled from the list the difference the people that dont get units are placed on a waste list thats the difference a water list for the multi housing and not one for inclusionary Housing Units as you may know our police for today to create a third preference this would be a geographic preference the piece of 2 were talking about i prefer to call the geographic preference the supervisorial district or residents existing residents within a halfmile buffer up to 25 percent of new units our goal for this preference is anytimely tricky to balance our mission our obligation to provide equal assess to the precious resources of housing unit we also want to acknowledge and honor the fact that there are many residents and neighbors in the supervisorial district that are rent burdened and faxing displacement and want to stay 2, 3, 4 their neighborhood and want to the have an opportunity to find Affordable Housing in their neighborhood we arrived at this particular proposal after extensive discussions and extensive analysis by charley hell get up and walk you through what exactly he did we analyzed the proposal for 4 groups and the yeoman that ma many of you are familiar with the planning neighborhood district and we also analyzed two additional geographies and analysts the proposal at the 25 percent and 50 percent preference our analysis was streamlining through the fair lens and to make sure that our proposal maintenance access to a Affordable Housing to hoerlz citywide ill explain that and charley will show you the supervisorial district have the distinct assemblage of being created with equal density and levels of exists while our Affordable Housing opportunities are not evenly divided throughout the city there is at least some opportunity in every single supervisorial district that means that by creating a preference at that level every household that is eligible as an opportunity to assess the opportunity when we reduced it to the neighborhood level thats not the case depending on how the neighborhood boundaries are are defined some have no Affordable Housing with 4 or more by creating a preference at the level you could be creating a preference in which in income eligible household would access it ill stress our effort were about balancing the access to units and the real neighborhood concern we said that neighborhood are aware of people find their safety netted and communities are built we want to acknowledge that that also maintenance maintains all fair housing im going to turn it over to charles i imagine youll have questions and were all available to help you. Good afternoon. I commissioners im charles im the staff person at the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development who conducted the analysis on the neighborhood preference that my colleague alluded to ill give you a brief summary of that analysis talking about the details of the geographies we elevated and ill it up on the desperate Impact Analysis we did that we that was used to elevate the preference percentages the neighborhood preference the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development evaluated had sets of groups supervisorial districts planning necktoneck naifshdz and planning district what we call the city analysis neighborhood looking first at the supervisorial there are 11 subsequence their drawn up by the task force after the census to insure equal population for district elections the second geographic are the planning neighborhoods there are 37 subsections that are real estate boundary and essentially used by the Planning Department for the notification and thirdly, planning districts of which there are 17 there uses by the Planning Department for reporting for example, in the Planning Department housing inadvertent and lastly we have the city analysis neighborhoods those are recently created boundaries that were done through a collaboration of 40 city departments to provide consistent in our departmental analysis and reporting this is a sense of the geographies we were using to which we applied the neighborhood preference table with an summarizes the results of our analysis of those groups along 4 criteria ill notice in our handouts weve made a correction between the column four ill give you a summary of that analysis we elevated each geography using those 4 crazy as measures of the neighborhoods access and he opportunities ill run through each of those in the orders as present on the table we like to refer to the evenness of household population that measures the unable number of households between each geography subsection and in the table here the smaller the number is better indicates there is more evenness between each of the geographies so for the supervisorial district its number of households are evenly distributed and planning for the neighborhoods theyre less so the next criteria is the various the race and ethnicity this is the number of households by race and ethnicity by the subsection the smaller the number there is less various thirdly, we have the size of the smallest neighborhood this is measure is the number of household in the small irrelevant groups with the large neighborhoods are generally appreciable for the neighborhood preference because participation is important aspect of the success in the case of supervisorial district all of the geographic have a number of households that stands it adjust to the geographies lake planning neighborhoods and analysis neighborhood that have small numbers of household they tested ami level we used for this analysis and finally as sophie allowed to earlier the number of households excluded in the neighborhood preference this is the number bans our projections of Affordable Housing to be completed by 2020 based on is results the analysis with regards to the geography the supervisorial district performed better for the criteria they have a more even distribution in the number of household the lease various in the race and ethnicity and more superiorly represents the city overall a population size that support the neighborhood participation and they exclude no households from a neighborhood preference based on the pipeline of Affordable Housing. Further in support of our recollection for the supervisorial districts they are codified in city chart unlike the other 3 geographies that are not in the administer or planning code developed there a process and with a set of defined criteria that counts for voting act with language minority and preservation of recognized neighborhoods as well as preservations of communities of interest. Im overwhelming to turn next to the district Impact Analysis that is used or was used to evaluate the preference we created one using the household data by race and ethnicity to look at it the district impact this policy or program disproportionate adversely effects any particular protected group by race or ethnicity that he applied two informed test this measurer whether or not a selection rate for minority or ethic groups is less than 4 5ths or 80 percent of the larger race or ethic grew up for the geographic subsection this will generally be the adverse impact the second test the standard deviation that measures the math by state of california evaluating the difference between what we see and expect to see in terms of of results the results greater than the 2 to 3 Dennis Herrera yagz is a selection bias we apply those tests to all four groups and to the percentages. Table 2 summarizes the results of those two tests and that are pleased to all 4 groups and for two percentages at 25 and 50 percent. Moving from again from left to right those tests the magics is the number of tests for all race that fell below 80 percent looking at the columns looking at inform the 25 percent no geography fails bloody that 80 percent with the 50 percent each the groups fall below the figures in the second and fourth columns for the delineation the magics is the percentage and number of geographic subsections for 25 percent the supervisorial has one distinction that falls below that threshold with a 50 percent preference, however, the number of subsections greater it increases to a range from 13 to 23 percent. The results of this analysis for the recommendations of the neighborhood preference at a 25 percent preference if that no race or ethic group is selected at 4 fifth or 80 percent and the definition that will at least result in the bias based on the geographic and desperate Impact Analysis our recommendation that at 25 percent a neighborhood apprehensive that in the supervisorial combined with a halfmile buffer creates an enhanced opportunity for the neighboring neighborhood level it did not exclude the neighborhoods because of geography so that concludes my summary of the analysis i object to answer any questions about the summary of the analysis. Thank you opening it up for Public Comment. calling names . Commissioner president fong, commissioners and our steemdz director john ram im Linda Richard of the palmer commissioners and im here representing the bayview Hunters Point Senior Center i sit on the boards and spent hours and hours actually you know working with all the stakeholders i think what you have in practice for you today given the spirit and Impact Analysis the Mayors Office loved one open to as we build all the housing we must have a balance swaegs evaluation for the first time were paying attention to the certificate of preference im im not to ask i to join us because of the inner just the africanamerican population experience and the western edition all the good people in the city and people of conscious are beginning to Work Together to make sure we make corrections and trying to stabilize and increase the population which actually resulted to be adverse impact and the decline were having now so this is really great it is the sector were building a lot of the housing and the southeast sector they represent the ethic diverse in San Francisco it is a great place and need to think about the most vulnerable among our seniors that some of them have lived in the neighborhood for decades thirty or 40 years i think we ought to mindful of their Housing Needs were here to urge you to do you want this legislation and well be back here again so as you provide this housing please help us to be asking questions about the certificate of preference and if he wanted to talk about the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development thank you for the efforts this is a great direction and again commissioners thank you for your time and your service to the city and county of San Francisco. Good morning, everyone commissioners director heinecke beacon hill richard from the Housing Corporation in the bayview not relationship to my good friend linda thank you for allowing me to speak about the certificate of preference i thought born and raised in San Francisco and seen over the years a lot of my friends from Grammar School and High School Get married and decided to move outside of San Francisco because of the affordability i have a couple of codify points id like for you to consider on this legislation. The housing crisis as you may know has a severe impact on district 10 residents and particular as on africanamerican citywide and the proposed local preference of the three percent we think is an important start in helping to stem the loss of all low and moderate income residents in San Francisco we building that will prove much more beneficial to look at possible implementing a higher percentage thats 35 to 50 percent especially in highly diverse neighborhood lake bayview Hunters Point and the western edition this will help the current residents to stay in the community they currently live and for neighborhoods they can support a smaller preference area like bayview and the western edition cancer a preference that is smaller than the supervisorial district it is good the promoted legislation to maintain the top preference for the certificate of preference holders we believe that cop households will benefit from the higher levels of down payment for purposes which is administrative code to the Economic Workforce Development and allow higher income levels for those certify households the legislation provide communications but on goes back to january 2010 it seems to omit many low income africanamericans families and others who are not global for a certificate of preference San Francisco has lost over 14 thousand africanamericans reinstated and now around 4 percent the proposed legislation allows only 6 years for the displaced to be in effect we ask for it to be for 10 years the shipyards and candle stick point will provide Affordable Housing opportunities and people that are displaced may not get selected for the unit with the laminated preference proposed potential units needs to meet the Families Income and size requirements consider adding a work preference for the bayview Hunters Point where the numbers should the unemployment are the highest and this reflect the demographics of the community thank you very much. Is there any additional Public Comment. Good afternoon, commissioners im kathy davis the Vice President of the Senior Services to reiterate the issue for me around the diversity index and how it is portrayed citywide i love the statistics but in some of the neighborhoods more displaced people and a lot more Affordable Housing we need to get them into it is not fair to take a board brush for supervisorial district to say what should happen in a neighborhood it is a neighborhood especially for asians if you are born and raised in bayview you dont want to live in potrero hill so the Senior Housing were building at bayview Hunters Point is nodded targeting the seniors i suggest it might not more calibrate and hard to do but as denver said the diversity i should be able to utilize this neighborhood and no expand it into supervisorial district that needs to be changed and the percentage of people that gets the live in the neighborhoods that get to live in the Affordable Housing some be lets 75 percent and i think we should allow people from other parts of city to come in but really focus on those neighborhoods were logging people right and left in those neighborhoods if so a crisis period if things were normal the proposed legislation would be fine about say not normal times were bloody people out of neighborhood we need to focus on those neighborhoods and raising raise the percentage of people that stay and live there i cant tell you how poem own their home it is not true theyre living wherever we need to focus on Affordable Housing on them thank you. Good afternoon, commissioners peter cohen counseling organizations i want to thank the staff and Mayors Office of housing essentially for heeding our discussion to split the ideas into twopiece the second one needs more work we days is is that simplifies the conversation we want to recognize that was a key decision on the issue the neighborhood preferences we submitted a letter a short one in the packet generally our organizations do support the neighborhood preference some type while the the devil is in the details where it matters youve heard from beven richard to see one of the members meta was not able to be mere and mercy housing and the tenderloin and chinatown Community Development weve asked everyone this make sense it is really how to get it right this is equally important we do concur with the critique it is not a geography that folks respond to they respond to naind neighborhood how aau you patch that but to concede and say it is a ameba to folks it didnt work take the 37 neighborhood and piece them together to get to a significant side you can make the formulas work this might not a way to do it maybe use a buffer so more work on the geography to get to tight to a neighborhood scale the second is it the percentage ill anytime we have members that. Percent as a coalition we dont think this is the right policy we believe a citywide access to Affordable Housing as well as mobile so getting that percentage whether it is 25 e. R. From kathy davis 75 gnp again hit the right spot ill august the real question did this equally apply to all neighborhoods youve heard from the bayview theyre experiencing a crisis as is Mission District this is the latino and africanamerican population if you look at the census data the numbers are there we miter want to think about the particular neighborhoods need an aggressive policy to reserve p reverse this trend so maybe creative ways rather than arguing over one number one onesizefitsall we want emphasis we cant shoot low and suffer from the law afternoons but make sure at the work and then think about a citywide policy. Thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment in any order. Commissioner antonini. I appreciate staff doing it this make sense on complicated issues that is the simpler the two ive heard comments about displacement that is not us were talking about the neighborhood preference and i agree with this one hundred percent to speak to some of the comments from if youre not taking advantage of avenue and have income that is too high you have to compete in the marketplace many people may have a first choice but stay in San Francisco it is more affordable than the place they preference you have to apply the same thing here if i have people in overcrowded conditions that qualify theyre given a preference to get a place in San Francisco not necessarily in the few block area why theyre not living and first choice the other problem it is too small and two similar ethically it could be changed i would think not an attorney but a problem a preference to just very drink groups for the affordability if a particular area you have to balance that carefully and ive done a good job the supervisorial district with the halfmile buffer make sense you could sunshine have someone that is living on the edge of the district or very close to the district but out of the district still very much mart part of the district it make sense to allow them to be considered for this preference i have a couple of questions first as far as the certificate of Preference Program this involves people who had left the western edition or other areas a long time ago and given certify theyre still valid; is that correct. Educating hartley Mayors Office of housing yes. The certificate of preference holders are residents who were displaced by Government Action typically and the we work and bayview Hunters Point. And so those two still have the certifies their valid. Yes. Under the first preference. If they choose to move from one neighborhood to another. And avail themselves to Affordable Housing. We encourage all certificate of preference holders to assess the housing. Thats number one and ellis act number 2 is that anyone in the city that is has been evicted because of the ellis act or someone from the area that were talking about. We the ellis act preference has as a stands today as a obviously weve sgathd out that basing but it is a preference to people displaced 55 ellis act evictions specifically and certain qualifications to their eligibility to get a preference so in the meantime north americas they need to be living in the union and a certain window in which they have an opportunity to exercise their ellis act preference. Thats citywide. Yeah. Citywide. And quality collectively no objection levels to take advantage thats number 2 now were going to make it this geographic the new number 3 ahead of those two work and live in San Francisco thats number 4. Cop first and ellis act second and the neighborhoods the geography preference number 3 all and have a number four after for those who work or live in San Francisco. Thats right. Either of the two. Thats right. Thank you that make sense and it is fair the numbers make sense you have to balance giving help to people but most people that fall into 80 this category whether or whether have to live in the supervisorial district or a half a mile their, in fact, housed at this time it may not be you know it maybe overcrowded are more expensive a lot of possibility but you know it is only one segment of people youre balancing this is very good and three percent maximum is probably fair to allowing other people who are challenges throughout San Francisco to also have a shot at getting some of the units it is well done. Supervisor president breed and welcome to the Planning Commission. Hello, everybody im london breed the supervisor that represents district 5 thank you for hearing this item today, this item is near and dear to my heart part of the reason why i want to see us push especially for neighborhood preference is because when i grew up in the western edition there was a lot of Affordable Housing housing and promises made to folks in the communities but when this housing became available people from 9 neighborhood didnt have access because unfortunately, the lottery system made it difficult for people to be picked you had to be lucky when you have thousands of names in in a lottery system of names of residents who may not be San Francisco residents who could be residents from anywhere you have a challenge to make sure that the neighborhood mines its character but making sure the folks have access to that housing this is extremely important to me i want to make sure when i pushing to build more Affordable Housing in the city and asking folks in the city to support this Affordable Housing they have a right to have access took to housing as monthly that comes into our great city and want to live here so this is important to me i wanted to express and im interested in increasing the percentage for neighborhood preference more than 25 percent i dont know what that number should be i think we should make sure that folks in the communities have direct access to this housing and the other thing id like to say it definitely make sure that cast a wide net as possible to the folks with part of haurt community and make sure the net is cast as wide as possible im not sure from the supervisorial district is the right poach approach we need to come up with a system that make sense so folks that live workplace a specific neighborhood within a large component of that neighborhood have access to the housing we build 0 this is important to me hope you look at it carefully and make a good decision especially about the neighborhood component of that legislation and thank you, again, for giving me the opportunity to speak. Commissioner richards. A question for staff i still feel i know the supervisorial district still passes the sniff test legally it is good on outline fronts but i kind of look at my own supervisor district hey, i could be living literally on wallace street and the Housing Project that has Affordable Housing could be built in at outer park i take my mother 90 years ago i say mom youre going to go to glen park it is on the person talking about the seniors no bayview that as a big move it is huge i know that theyre the same population by district and in the city chart but to me something important grand last year, i look at district 8 and maybe noah valley and glen park that call that one district and at the top of hill street north that is another district and make two districts well, what would that do to the sniff test when the criteria will that pass when we excluded people the supervisorial district i know it is legal and in the charter i want to go one step further. Sophie mohcd staff i agree that supervisorial district is it not perhaps the perfect answer i think that we are in a difficult position of balancing between supervisorial district it is imperfect and neighborhood level which i will say it is imperfect because the number of household it excludes to we can go down the path of thought the combinations of district that work but as we attempt to do that is that that begins to sort of represent cat that feeling of not quite working with the supervisorial district take a couple of neighborhoods that make sense as you described but as you get to other parts of city is it begins to feel sort of arbitrary as the supervisorial district as the district get less dense the core begins not to match you, we opted a choose a boundary that exist has been vetted and gone through the cross the districts from the dependent process f this is not perfect this is where we came as a balance. One other thought some supervisorial districts are hit harder on displacement could we treat them different than the district preferences to district 9, district 11, we have tailored it to the amount not only of the displacement but for the district the most sdrement development could we match those and say district 1150 percent and district 2, 20 percent. I want to under skier that was our proposal we feel of felt what is of fairest one component that is of the districts that have for example, a high rate of displacement and aly rate of Affordable Housing production so if we increase the percentage of slots retired for one district that means fewer slotsz available for the person that is adapted in a district im waving my hand thinking maybe the outer richard not a lot of new or Affordable Housing but a lot of displacement and to balance the two concerns displacement in the neighborhood and displacement in a neighborhood without Affordable Housing weve tried to be carve i dont know if two percent is the solution but a solution were most comfortable with. Sure i could go with supervisorial district it is im trying to match up and get people as closed to where their displaced as possible we could look at this for years good work ill see what my fellow commissioners have to say. Commissioner johnson. Thank you i appreciate that supervisor president london breed was able to join us for a few minutes excited about the conversation well be having at the board level a couple of few things highlevel i get the sense were trying to boil the ocean and it that will be helpful to be clear about what are the policy ouvenz i feel like people are saying Different Things like different policy objects but i think it is confusing the issue so commissioner antonini mentioned that we are looking at the displacement of the legislation if only to make a representation to split have the boards recommended to the board split the file its our recommendation to keep this i have it sounds like there is no potential descent to doing that i want to put out something a work for the city and ask the question what is the policy ufbz for the displaced tenant legislation and also it so you would were going to recommend we split the file ill see or is there are a lot of unstated policy assumes out there not stated thats one of the reasons why maybe some a little bit more problematic for one thing we talk about the adapted r displaced tenants wear really saying what is our policy objective to maintain the sameness people have less no more than living in San Francisco youre having a displaced tenant covet legislation especially, if it good jobs some period of time the policy assumes youre making that is one pawing way of giving me opportunities to have San Francisco come back one way of maintaining diversity stating that up front and in our subsequent conversation sort of put putting that out there and getting responses will go a long way to get people to agree on what a displaced legislation look like i feel like this is the strongest feedback none has discussed but indefinite should be looked at in terms of the neighborhood preference again, i feel like ill go back were trying to boil the ocean the certain neighborhood that are experiencing a lot of displacement leaving the question of whether or not this is any Affordable Housing planned for those neighborhoods would account for this displacement leave that question alone for a second a strong sentiment we want to keep neighborhoods in take; right . The other side of coin were doing the city is doing but cant produce Affordable Housing in staying in San Francisco ill august that to some extent outside of neighbors that are experiencing the out fleeing flow you see for the most part people will be happy to keep themselves and families in the city theyll be happy for it whether it is you know 10 blocks where they or a mile away so i think i dont see and hear clarity what it is were trying to accomplish legislation if we were really coming out and saying the point of this legislation to keep people in San Francisco; right . And then if we want to doing everything we can to keep neighborhood in take number one keep people in San Francisco knowing where well put housing this shiftsd shifts the conversation to an stent the supervisors should consider additional legislation to keep neighborhoods that are looking at an esteem out flow that was done with the Perch Program was one example that was targeted towards residents that were displaced happening in general for a different reason he building if we state those policy objectives if, on the other hand, we do is it is about keeping neighbors neighborhood in take and some are more defused and less planned we have to make sure we are a not excluding people and that is the conversation; right . So im going to stop there are for a second and ask either ms. Hay word to come up and give comments that for me is challenging about thinking about what should i think about any changes to the Promissory Note Program or the changes to the staff and did not have come up with in terms of suggestions. Sophie well tag team this ill say the mission of Mayors Office of housing and Community Development is to keep people in San Francisco question are buildings citywide and build where we can and quickly to increase production i think we also have to acknowledge that are Community Safety nets 2, 3, 4 place people have their neighborhoods a they consider their neighborhoods home and we have tried come up with a way to keep neighborhoods in take without can you see other residents to be included thats why the number is a fairly low percentage. Let me see if kate hartley can laeshl and ill reiterate what sophie said we want to reward community for supporting Affordable Housing in their neighborhoods if people see their support provides for them an opportunity to live in f that Affordable Housing we think that as very good thing we want to acknowledge the expressed desire of people to stay in their neighborhoods people in San Francisco are very neighborhood identified and it is the way our city is part of this policy goal is to acknowledge that and help people continue to live in neighborhoods where theyve grown and where we have families safety net as sophie said but we also know that Affordable Housing is desperately need in every neighborhood in San Francisco we dont want to create the unintended consequences of excluding very worthy needy people for to resources that they you know they could otherwise take advantage because of preference that was imposed. Before i give up the my case one quick thing. Im hungry thank you kate so okay not as helpful as i was hoping i hopefully other commissioners it will resonate in our minds needs to be clear what we need to accomplish i definitely building we should be keeping neighborhoods intact that present a different set of exclusions i solutions and recommendations whether or not we agree with the specifics in the proposal and going with other direction one finally thought certainly, if we were to i think that the other elephant in the room is the lottery system altogether so right now i dont know how much people realize a presentation the real they know it is fragmented system mohcd manages the lottery for some portfolio but not as time going on were talking about outline ass things a lot of times up to project development owners and Property Managers to do that we open ourselves up to problems with the lottery system particularly because you have a waiting list potentially okay. But new projects arrive you wont have the wait list and youre having a neighborhood preference and youre putting. Huge burden on people that are i am mentally going to be displaced who you dont want to move but stay in the neighborhood thats a lot of work to make sure theyre in the lotteries the more you slice and dies it so i really think ill recommend we continue to do work on the lottery system and ill advocate for centralizing it taking the burden off of people not having them run around to every lottery and wonder if across the street theyre in the neighborhood or not so just want to put those points out there thanks everyone thats my time. Thank you. Commissioner hillis. Thank you for that a couple of questions on the geographic preference there was a suggestion by one of the Public Commenters of doing this almost on a project by project level basis a project from the area not the project meets the criteria you may not be to minimize the geography area it this something that is feasible. It certainly is feasible to evaluate the groups groups to any conversation the certain what guides that construction how do we decide which neighborhoods we want to connect together to meet the thresholds that are analyzed as part of the analysis and i think this is the benefit of the supervisorial district we know that is not an ideal set of geography it is taking into account already and if you were to for example, combining neighborhoods a reasonable place it start with how are they combined they take into consideration those communities of interest those or language or race and ethic groups that wouldnt surprise me any configuration of the planning neighborhoods will look last year to the configuration that is represented by he supervisorial district. Okay and then you this an analysis of like 25 percent he preference and the 50 percent preference was there an analysis done of percentages in between the third or 40 percent to see if they could also meet the criteria were hearing people wanting to see stronger you know more robust neighborhood preference but other things like kind of legal aspects of this is interest somewhere in between 25 and 50 that may work. The model we designed were allowed to analyze the percentage skwaern from 25 to 50 changes the results in terms of the number of the sub groups that fail the test if you were to start at zero percent at the three percent preference and move up to 50 a number of sub groermz that fall below the 80 percent threshold and fall below the standard for the deviation test our remedies to fall on the preference that minimize that amount of reflex bans the mellowed that was destined you can go up all are a degree of neighborhoods that fall below those two. I guess if you did plan district and at 33 percent and 6 districts failed that 6 geography areas failed that test could you combine those to make it you know do you get a higher percentage you may have decreased smaller geographic areas but something larger. The challenges and the reason the fundamental reason that informed the test while San Francisco is essential a difference city there is a low moderate to high levels of segregation those effect the skels success or the failure of the test the supervisorial district as an example closely resemble the district 6 higher thresholds are certainly possible and district or neighborhoods that at least resemble the city this is where the challenge it unfortunately geography district that are not contiguous in order to meet that threshold so combooim sea cliff that others they may not touch each other that creates the challenge. I would mention to say the neighborhood and supervisorial district that are the lease segregated are contained in the center part of city. All right. And then on the displaced Tenants Preference i am not ill troubled by splitting the process were talking about people being displaced how do we help them i mean to me that works best when it is combined were giving me neighborhood preference to people that have been displaced im curious what is been the discussion over the last come up of weeks he example there was each of and again to one seems less complicated there than the geography weve made head way an as geography have we made progress we had a presentation by the rent board the o m i was the displacing the present residents thats it there are the ellis act why is it easy not to include that into the structure we have. Sure sophie hiding ward from the Mayors Office of housing the discussions has been productive the things were looking at are no fault vibrations woodland into categories and coming out of the last one in particular looking at things we can control and not control so o m i falls into the area we want control and a number of no fault evictions we can slow the tide in the planning code youve reviewing every demolition and know was there is a rentcontrolled unit and some review of the one thought to limit the displaced tenant preference to those faction evictions. Mine is the largest number by far so from the city is not doing anything to limit people will still be evicted theyll wonder why they dont get a preference and someone ellis acted were trying to help people we can help them by changing the rules if possible and the board and mayor should look at or look at it seemed like o m us have gotten bigger we can help people are o m ii get calls on people that have within evicted through the example m i. We do part of second part of the conversation over the last couple of weeks how to address the o mize through the displaced tenants without having that pool of people take over the all the rerentals and leases as of now the rerentals the ellis act preference households have not overwhelmingly taken over the resale opportunities the o any i fabulous is so large be carve in implementing that as a preference because of the way of the resales and rerentals and. We should hope people and the emergency by which were looking at and im fine splitting this well, not fine to get it going but the preference taken place soon i dont understand the geography is more complicated i am interested in the displaced tenants and fought the complications thats my thought i think were not the final say in any of this the board will take it up i certainly want to see on the geography percentage some of the 33 percent maybe a finer grain analysis but im happy like kicking it forward and you helping to to the boards decision to get the geography down if we separate this id like to see the displaced tenant process back before us a week in the future or come up with some rules. I want to say we share your desire to bring the displaced tenants issue back i also on the issue of additional modeling of a higher graphic preference percentage i want to state that although weve done chavrl i didnt has done an extensive analysis over the last 6 to 9 months it is a lot of modeling it seems kind of abstract it wont it doesnt with certainly predict what will happen this is an imperfect process but we are not really assessing the reflexes entirely in the abstract we do know that in new york which is where we started were looking at their project as a model the first lawsuit for the Broadway Triangle project that project lays donor matters at hand it not developed currently another lawsuit in the works and the city for best practices is being look at by hud we dont want to have any particular project stoop that its tracks cant afford to have hud say we are violating housing were depending on hud with that mid market were assessing the risks how it works in the modeling it does you know have a degree of urgency the last thing we want to do it slow down our projects. Commissioner antonini. Yeah. Thank you a few words on this entire issue were dealing with a finest number of affordable units we presumably will have quite a bit more in the future you know weve heard the most important thing to deal with keeping people adequately housed maybe not in San Francisco in all instances the margaret economy not Affordable Housing people that cant afford to rent or buy in San Francisco family members will go do daily city or bringing ban nothing wrong with that but what is available and how to fairly distribute it weve heard one ask supervisor president london breeds talks about casting a wider net you need to includes more than the supervisorial district if i heard hear correctly and commissioner richards said cast a narrower net the problem were building in district 7 were building a lot of new affordable units in park merced and ocean beach if you make this percentage within the particular district to high your excluding leave people from other parts of city that could avail themselves of those affordable units that are being built in areas you know where there might not be as many people having challenges as other districts but creating and want to make that available people in district there are more challenges it means you move the needle with an way a it causes tribunal 25 percent make sense you have to be allow the availability to support Affordable Housing for people throughout the city regardless of where it is being built so i think that would be what i would be in favor of i think that splitting make sense im not sure the second part of question is not important but were having trouble with this one it seems to me this is a good solution im going to move to approve this legislation or recommend approval to the board of supervisors and not staying with the staff recommendations. Do i hear a second commissioners . Commissioner wu. Thanks. So i want to say first in the way weve been talking about displacement it feels walk were compensating displacement our work is to defeat displacement so people dont get displaced stay in their home the reality of what is happening on the ground i that will always what we are dealing to keep people from displacement im ready to move forward today and to remedy the spread out the two pieces it is handful to get the map and the power point i suggest whatever analysis for the next Decision Making body to make sure to have the maps available if it is supervisorial because the halfmile burgundies lets see what the brurndz are we have to make those decisions knowing what the physical land use area is i was going to suggest Something Like that commissioner hillis to look again at planning district and maybe some ability to combine them or Something Like that i still think that supervisorial is colombian i didnt i dont know what does politically im not sure i havent gone introduce this it seems like an odd geography i think one of the biscuit challenges is the fair hours challenge for many neighborhoods not as much racial diversity that wants to keep the neighborhood intact maybe it, it is bayview or the africanamerican population is dwindling people want to keep the fabric of the cultural neighborhood intact this is bumming umg that against fair housing lets ask for continued work going forward. Commissioner richards. Some additional facts i have a larger crisis in context he look at what commissioner johnson said by keeping neighborhoods intact youre keeping diversities in the city i look at the 5m project why on the hill leading the charge to approve that we look at that in the filipino communities south of market if i am to the i guess casting the wide net commissioner antonini means for me more casting the live net for people global to the people im a filipino in the top of market someone buys my building and goes out of business being a Housing Provider i get ellis finding but if someone buys my building and move into im out of lucky know that o m us e is will overwhelming it we need to look at other mechanisms for that looking at the o m i were not there yet with continued work with 5 m roughly turning 50 units of Affordable Housing through this project onsite and offsite in a quarter of a mile we looked at the number of Housing Units in the quarter mile area and found 6 thousand where what we consider stabilized rentcontrolled units and 2 thousand were not what was my logical we have the filipino march on the commission they were adamant keeping their neighborhood intact this was the second time they were displaced and i look at the number 200 and 50 peep get evicted they could move into the 50 units around the corner that will not happen why it will not happy the ellis act and the community if they were ellis acted so my justification around to being convinced 5 m was a good project new the details are flushed out out it makes that he pause to go this is not exactly what i thought we were going to be ms. Hayward with yerba buena we had loot displacement and actually, the Affordable Housing created through the redevelopment in yerba buena saved the neighborhood very it at all tweezers with senior people of asian decedent and represented of the community before how do that kind of concentration of existing population get placed into year to year where there are preferences do you know. Anybody know. Nobody. Sophie from meowed im give you a partial answer and my impression we know those were not cop birlz by there was a replacement housing requirement so a proportion of the units were provided for people displaced at that moment but i know theres a reason. Thank you that make sense so in terms of people that get a certificate of preference whether theyre work in environment or because of ellis acted do you have data once they move out of the industry you call them up and say youve been ellis acted how many apply for the preference and how many come back. People start their lives all fresh and out in Contra Costa County do they come back. I have that information but ill note the cop population is very different than the ellis acted. Lets do the ellis act. Okay and the other question all the people that have been ellised how many rehow many people participate in the program though they get notified they are entitled to get this preference in this lottery system how many apply how many actually get it . I know this is relatively new those are important issues to look at it and i like the idea of a specialized lottery process do it one and dont have to apply to all the lottery programs we should be replicating this great. Sophie hayward from the mohcd since is ellis act preference was infected in april of 2014 there hsa have been about hundred 41 caretakers issues 36 certificate of preference holders he received housing and 7 bmi and 16 in the tax credit Affordable Housing. This is in line with the percentages of preference so if if there are 25 percent in the process and 25. Far fewer. Up to 20 percent of units can be occupied by ellis acted preferences hollers and this was part of discussion of the displaced tenants expansion if we expand that to include the o m i. What is our thoughtful around why that was far fewer than it could have been. In some cases the ellis act apprehensive i can certainly have vanessa talk about that but no. You have to income qualify to get into the units youre taking a lot of people and incorporate the people that are income qualified from there the people that havent found housing so the pool gets smaller. Okay. As you qualify for the program. Im prepared to move it forward today. Commissioner johnson. Im to second. Second. I was going to second the motion and just want to ask commissioner hillis if he wants to add a finding that the board look at other geography boundaries yeah. Okay. Thats a good idea. Well, i mean certainly study that they can study others options. Thats a yes, so laughter . So that was amended how to recommend they study other options regarding the geography. Smaller geography boundaries than the supervisorial. My motion to approve but certainly consider looking at smaller units if it can be made feasible with all the requirements we have. Id like to add if he can future study how to include some type of preference that needs to be looked at as well. Thats number two. So its subsection. Well leave that out. Jonas want to try to read back what what you have. Thats the only amendment right now the motion to do you want the recommendation for approval with staffs modifications as well as an amendment to study small fwroefk boundaries. Staff recommendation didnt talk about o m i only thats the piece of legislation. Thats second part. So then commissioners there is a motion and a second to do you want the recommendation to the board of supervisors recommending approval with the modifications proposed we staff and an amendment to study the the geography boundaries. Commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner richards commissioner wu and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero. Okay jonas theyou. Good afternoon and welcome back to the San Francisco Planning Commission relay hearing for wednesday, october 21, 2015, id like to remind the members of the public to mrirdz please turn off our cells that he electronic if so. Commissioners, we left off x cu a on Market Street this is a downtown project authorization and a conditional use authorization. Good afternoon commission claudia the full name a large conditional use authorization for a mixed use development at 1075 Market Street under the large authorization the project requests exceptions from the ground floor wind current and section think outside the box 2, 3, 4 for of rear yard a conditional use authorization per section force the base area ground floor for the onsite dwelling units the project includes the depression demolition construction of a mixed use building with approximately 85 hundred square feet and below grade parking and 92 bike parking space to 51 two bedroom unions westbound affordable inclusionary units the commercial space been distributed between the frontages approximately 4 three hundred square feet of common open space will be provided and second floor courtyard and the rooftop it is 55 davidson street to recommendation to continue the project the project has the identical Affordable Housing leaflet will have 90 percent the medium income for the life the project after mammograms out of aspects of the project the Planning Department staff recommended approval it meets as all the planning codes explicit for the q conditional use authorization are the project is consistent with the objectives and policies of general plan the pledge allegiance adds new Housing Stock including 11 houpt that will expand the retail goods and Services Available and threw up activate the situations along Market Street and stevenson the project sponsor has prepared a presentation of note the project sponsor has also brought the artist so we will not need to amend the conditions of approval wont need to come back theyll be presenting for approval today. That concludes my presentation. And im available to answer any questions. Annex thank you. Project sponsor. Good afternoon commissioners my name is robert im with on and on core Housing Opportunities Fund first of all, thank to the staff theyve been incredible claudine spearhead United States i us to make that Commission Date ether the past two years since weve been work weve worked with cb b on the steve son additional activation we always worked to install the piece in front of the building to hide the strip club weve worked with them on relocating the 3 tenants upon the appeal well give the tenants goes to hopefully Start Construction next year weve worked with numerous neighborhood huckleberry and bicycles and programming the space specifically so for the bicycle storage and the tuneup center downstairs and programming the retail space and in addition worked with sf hack and weve worked with tie water capital across the street in the hall and in addition, we have 3 letters we have 6 additional letters of support were working with Billing Group your general contractor we have a lot of people from the Union Representing our project i even thats it if you have any questions for me, please let me know thank you. Excuse me. Overwhelming to leave the letters. This years oneand in addi leave the letters. This years oleave the let this years one more theres 6. S years one more s 6. Yars one more theres re 6. s one more theres 6. sre. Either one. Commissioners my name is toby the privilege of being the architect for the project as robert mentioned our project on the south side of Market Street if we could have the slides between 6th street and 7th street okay our proposed project is the one with the blue sort of sitting in the middle of the top slide in 19 nvrn as a a voidville after it was constructed i guess they introduced the movie the projection booth added with many lives none of which really loved this building and as richmond mentioned a strip club that was its final i think dignity its been stripped of anything several times over and has a deep recess in the bond there is nothing if you look at the steve son on the bottom of the page the back of the building like a 70 foot high concrete wall the promoted project between 6th street and 7th street and faces Market Street and stevenson the area faces the Federal Court House to pattern the open space in the mid block but hence we relocated our courtyards to it augments the lightwell of joining hotel this is the First Floor Plan were assuming it, it is full floor of retail with our driveway assessed immediately to stevenson and setting up for a separate retail space and expanding the sidewalk to help to improve the life on stevenson and augment that. Going upstairs as you can see the u shamentd building and at kwrlgd to the point it gets to this roof garden a combination of real grass, fake turf and several barbecue areas it is meant to be the respite for the building occupants as a whole and here as you can see in the section the courtyard steps back meeting the requirement the Building Code and adding privacy to the units this is the elevation on Market Street we chosen to pack a modern interpretation of the base middle top and embracing the two large vocabularies within Market Street the punched opening as you can see to the right and the larger vertical reading you can see to the left if you look at the upper righthand side corner weve setback the building so the corners of the adjacent building can remain intact and not for these anything to happen to that co corn is a bifurcated by the red awning and that talks about the break of the top where you can read the top piece as sort of evict an addict story there is youre seeing the falling balances weve hired artists daniel who is here to speak about the art piece and it sort of recalls the marque of this theatre lost district on stevenson street it is sort of made of concrete and metal panels it is relatively flat because of narrowness of additional but City Government still the mass is broke down and add a cornice that talks to the Federal Building almost kittycorner weve made this the slightly different vocabulary but changing because of nature of stevenson street and here is at night where the marquee is lit up and it shows how it does sort of recall the Theatre District daniel if could a good afternoon commissioners heres and summary of the nature of the artwork the sculpture public art echoes the feeling this district has since the turn the century and it tunneled it is reminiscent of the pattern that awaits inside is steel is 7 of the 8 stores there is will groubz greeks with an offwhite collar weve discussed the ability to be able to same thing the color for events and seasons thats my preservation. Thank you. Is that it. Open up for Public Comment calling names . Good afternoon commissioners thanks our your time if allowing me to speak on 80 this project on Market Street im a field help out e represent for the carpenters representing the carpenters local 22 i represent approximately 31 thousand carpenters over 3 thousand belong to carpenters local 22 here in San Francisco some of the members are here behind me carpenters local 22 fully supports this project for the following reasons this project is done by responsible developer that is committed to hiring a local general contractor this will create good jobs that provide living wages and health and benefits this creates opportunity for local san franciscans to build a criteria for a lifetime after this project is complete projects like this that represents the exaggerate. Furthermore this addresses the housing crisis that plaques our city by the bayer in conclusion we want you to approve this so exaggerate can work propping that creates opportunities for local san franciscans and carpenter and future carpenters thank you for your time. Thank you. Good afternoon, commissioners rob pool with the San Francisco Housing Coalition thanks for allowing me to speak for the committee about a year ago now this is pretty well planned by then but some of the design was not changed the members are supportive it is exciting to see more housing planned for Market Street considering the it is a rich transient oriented area it is neglected over the years low car parking ratio and onsite bmrs all the things in housing we like the focus on the greater one of the suggestions we to find a way to activate stevenson street and additional way it is the works for a couple of years and theyve been speaking spec wed like to not support a continuance thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment . Okay Public Comment is closed. One more. Sorry come up. Thank you commissioner wu danny with local one 04 we support this the developer supports you with the brothers and sisters insuring Career Pathways for local residents and a wide array of Building Trades and apprenticeship programs you you know this b will transform the former Adult Entertainment to a vibrant 99 unit mixed use project which as we all know how city needs now this this current times of housing crisis we urge you to support 2, 3, 4 project before you thank you. Thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment. Okay Public Comment is closed. And commissioner antonini. I think this is a very good project that is regretsable that the athlete had was originally been there cant be restored but long sing changed as mentioned other and still an opportunity to create a Theatre District along Market Street which will greatly add it to concept would be the fact youll have actual residents living in the area that is going to be be very helpful and welldesigned make sure the corner in his is well and definition within the middle and the capital of the building it looks like it could be a little bit larger maybe a little bit stronger but other than very well done. Commissioner hillis and i appreciate you putting that in to try to activate stevenson i looked at google maps on a retail do you think that is viable retail space but if not can you use it for something are there in the uses allowed maybe institutional use if ill try to answer the question were we reprogrammed that was separate spaces you didnt have access to Market Street and doing a lot of reach at not activated we opened it it up from front to back and also the two electrical meters and gas meter hopefully draw two tenants weve been contacted we various groups thats what were heaping to be getting a shaft to the top and prevent odors from restaurants but outside of that im not sure what else it can be used for. Thanks is the zoning allow for other ground floor uses on stephen so that besides retail. It does allow for other uses we want it to be actually so. Yeah. Yeah. I would too but id rather be quantitative than vacant. Can i ask one question to staff it is a little bit thinking orthodox were on the same page i want to make sure you have time to review it in conformity with the program. Mark could a speak to the review of the art yeah. Weve had the time to review it we feel it is an appropriate installation. Thank you. There is a motion and a second to approve this matter with scion both the downtown project thorax and is conditional use authorization commissioner antonini. Commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner richards and commissioner wu so moved, commissioners, that motion passes 4 to zero. And place you on item 1 clapping. for case geary boulevard conditional use authorization. If those persons existing the champs could do so additionally quietly we have additional business to attend to thanthank good afternoon, commissioners laura Planning Department staff the final project on our regular calendar today is a conditional use authorization for formula retail use within the m c3 district it is a cable and Internet Provider that direct your attention has one location in San Francisco the planning code requires conditional use authorization for formula retail uses within an m c3 district that was continued from the september 10th meeting so that a second mailed Public Notice could be sent the first was deemed invalid because of large number of notices were returned now the project is properly notices it is ready to proceed the subject projecting properties on the Northeast Corner of geary boulevard and divisadero with a 3 story commercial Office Building in 1994 with new external alternatives with business signage the site is currently vacant and the project will not displace any existing attended the former tenant was a formula retail used by honey backed ham that closes in january of 2014 the proposed hours of operation will be 9 00 a. M. To 7 00 p. M. Daily and employ 10 please state your full name and 6 to 8 parliament employees the neighborhood is medical and residential and public Recreational Use one formula retail use story located within the building and all others formula retail uses in the area are located towards the end of the map hear area that was lierltd in this presentation which is at the target or City Center Shopping center the formula retail uses are located in the area and the sole existing Affinity Store in the Mission District the staff has received letters from tenants representative the tenants in the building those letters were emailed directly to the commissioners just yesterday staff is recommending approval of this conditional use authorization the subject property meets. Applicable requirement of the planning code the proposed use fills a long vacant formula retail use and add to the vitality of the neighborhood and it is alternated by the Public Transit that concludes my presentation. Ill be available to answer questions and a representative for the project sponsor is here and would like to address the commission. Thank you project sponsor. Good afternoon commissioner wu and commissioners my name is scott adam the director of Government Internal Affairs we want to thank you for consideration of coming casts request for at ts a conditional use authorization at 2086 geary excited about this location as you may know comcast is within the cable internet and phone providers with thousands of customers throughout the city currently on one store where customers can interface in the southeast portion at castro hill we want access to the customers and we feel that 2186 geary is a perfect fit the location is next door to the ground floor transit public that concludes my remarks and the storage consistent with the retail uses to the neighborhood we have been in direct contact with the panhandle seeshgs and in addition to posting the Community Meetings and sending out mailings weve received no oppositions to our plans overall weve heard an eager thinks in activate the ground floor of the storefront im going to turn it over to our tech thank you. Good afternoon. Im jean with the architect and represent comcast weve working closely with the Planning Department to meet all the guidelines we provide full vibrator into the store on embarcadero and kept to a minimum on one side of geary street the story 19 stores will be located one of the two and within San Francisco it is centrally located it allows people to access with Public Transportation bus or adjacent paved parking lot and so we met all the planning requirement and feel the store a comparability and desirable for this location thank you. Okay open up for Public Comment calling names and good afternoon, commissioners im a resident in the neighborhood and i urge you guys to support 24 project were going to be bringing services to the area not with comcast rather and with our approval that can mean assess for residents on the ned and west side of city who need to you know get cable needs addressed i feel like that will happen with that proposed store with the sgrkt Essentials Program that allow the fathers and mothers with lowcost access to the internet this space has been vacant i remember when the Honey Baked Ham was there i dont eat pork but feel like to cite will help to acclimate the pace and bring beautiful i encourage you to vote yes on this project and approve the conditional use permit thank you. Next speaker good evening my name is david im representing ownership in the building as well as a director board of directors of the geary complex Homeowners Association we all are very excited to see this store coming in unanimously supporting and approved the project for our complex and that computed all the owners of that complex so we are excited to see this one moving forward and thank you very much. Thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment . Okay seeing none, Public Comment is closed commissioner richards. Im generally supportive of the project i have one question about the signage i guess project sponsor a illuminated channeler is better than a flat panel sign that is lit from inside have you considered a back lit a hall lo low sign. It is a channel sign. Im not sure. Is it on there. There you go. You cant really see it. You have a printout i can bring you. Do you have a printout you put it on the overhead projector and zoom in. There you go. Okay. So the letters are lit from within the letter not behind it. Correct. I was asking how the letters the sign be lit if the back the letters are are a silhouette a back lit. Uhhuh. I think it will basically, you want them behind and basically highlighting and considered this is kind of the way it is how they do their signage it met with the requirements of city we went ahead with that. I cant tell you what to do the building could use a little bit something surfaceer. Commissioner antonini. Yeah. He agree i think the project is fine possible could be a little bit more on the side of the building but it is nice and clean aside from the sign as long as the color is an appropriate one it is probably fine im looking forward to a place you can go and talk about your bills and youre coming cast bill it is significantly a monthly investment things comp come up and the services over e over the feign but nice to have someone to yell at another person im in favor and may we have to approve it. Second. Commissioners, if theres nothing further there is a motion been second with conditions. Commissioner antonini. Commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner richards and commissioner wu. So moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 4 to zero commissioners and for the benefit of the public if none was not aware item 17 was continued and not considered together commissioners on your final area under the discretionary use authorization calendar number 16 at lion street a discretionary review commissioners youve conducted a full hearing on this matter authoritative ill advise the project sponsor will be afforded 5 minutes and the dr requester 5 minutes and the others 1 minute. The City Attorney wants to make a few comments. Commissioners kate stacey from the City Attorneys office a few questions about the last hearing of reasonable accumulation and disability assess he want to followup and provide the commissions answers to the questions that were raised First Federal and state assess and fair hoosiers laws are designed to protect disabled individuals rights to equal access to housing it applies when an individual is an inhabitable tenant those rights are not i am cant take down secondly, another question whether a roof deck would be considered a habitual area we think this is considered habitual area there is reasonable assess for an individual who has access to all areas within the private home the third question what the mrashlt of the planning code section 35. 1 we discussed this with the Zoning Administrator and it applies when modifications to the code are requested and here bus all of these elements of this permit application are code compliant that the process so forth in the section is not applicable here. Good afternoon, commissioners sarah of the Planning Department staff i dont have a lot of information to presents nooinz u mines is the sponsor and dr requester are reaching an agreement and unfortunately, i think dont know this is happening and ceqa process for this project we have a department has addressed the concerns and reissued it in the Advisory Committee of some preservation Planning Department did in the spring and the fact that the building changed the work we did in the spring changed the rating of many buildings in the cal area from the b to an a it didnt necessarily mean their subject to the reviewed criteria of an a building, however, given this information and it is referred we went ahead and reviews it against an a rating and could exempt the project youve been given the exempt and a couple copies the pardon has it and dr requester he can get into that thats an overview im available to answer any questions. Dr requester you have 3 minutes. Planning commission i want to summarize where we stand and answer some of our questions youll describe a new proposal for rooftop access vehicular platform designed with ada experts i urge you to consider that proposal closely your set a permanent precedent ill conclude the reiterating any requests that you exercise our discretion to rise e revise this project is a very large fourth floor hundred square feet penthouse and it is a 6 hundred square feet deck with 8 foot high above windscreens. The problem here our block has no developments like this on the roof our entire block if so the Largest Development it sets a precedent for the whole block this is acceptable at the hearing on october 22nd commissioner hillis made a motion seconded by commissioner president fong reduces the walls and setback the rails and eliminate the penthouse over the foyer and staircase the commission has broad discretion 88 didnt that apply we brought an expert you can see his letter on page 10 of the packet i gave you the plans sponsor has filed two sets of plans with the city and now submits a third draft the plans submitted by the to the commission at dr are inconsistent with the project according to the sponsor based on the review the plans in the documents the ada expert ken said quote unquote the home is not designed to accumulate an disabled residents a few dedication draft plans were submitted the plan sponsor hastens to add the commission cant rely on them theyll likely change again, the commission cant render an informed past, present, and future as necessarily assess without a plan. So finally id like to show you our list weve proposing a vertical stair lift excuse me. A vertical straul lift perfect for someone in a wheelchair to assess different floors without assessing an elevator. Thank you. Thank you. Project sponsor. Im sorry the speaker is in support of dr and well take public speakers first in support of dr. Youll have one minute each. Hi, thank you for seeing us today, i want to introduce the alternative proposal for access to the roof dr requester already put forward picture of the lift a vertical platform roof well ask our ada expert to testify how well, that works there are architecture plans put forward in our passage clipped to that an architect drew a plan that proves this can work in the this this place basically have an accelerator to the third floor and moan a platform lift liquifies lifts you up to the roof we know that works well talk about that in conclusion i think that the commission at the last hearing or hearing left it in the right posture the rails need to come down and all that is left to decide penthouse assess thank you. Thank you. I have a number of cards you can come up in any order calling names . Go ahead. I wanted show you is updated list of petitioners people against the project were now at 29 households and growing so the households the properties in red hltd eyed hello red are the project sponsor that are here youll see that your decision is very important setting an immediate precedence on our block alone we hope youll consider this seriously thank you. Next speaker scott hoops i live on union street is a few houses away at the last meeting we talked about this commission has tried to minimize no our neighborhood and the motion was before you for 42 inch windscreens and a substitute for a 10 foot high elevator shaft a penthouse this property already has a flat garden with a Swimming Pool and nobody is opposed to them getting a roof deck but keep it minimum thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. My name is a malcolm on the cal hallow and on the Zoning Committee and were opposed to this project because it goes beyond the principle guidelines it evades privacy of the nearby neighboring neighbors the penthouse is unwarned there recent ultimate means of getting a disabled person to the deck sets a bad precedent as far as the neighborhood is concerned thank you. Or not cal advisors board im opposed for all the reasons that was stated by the persons in cal hallow Board Members you decide each application on its merits human nature and fairness comes into play in you allow sometime last week this multiple times it is not fair to deny it to the next person please look at that for the next person. Thank you. Ken im a assess consultant specializing in ada housing i was requested to offer some thoughts on the this project question of requester one of the questions what are the obligation in the ada from the state Standard Open this singlefamily homes there are no requirements on this singlefamily i was asked to look at the mr. Chairman list and a couple technologies the platform with the stair lift as an alternative to the stairwell with the technology they work well in lots of installations theyre very case depends on the applications that are better or worse than others but thats the same with any vertical system as thank you, sir, your time is up, however, the commissions may have followup questions. Fair enough. Hi im Charley Dickey online street im against the project i feel that the revised project this casts a shadow not thats assume the glass stays transparency as well as the last Commission Hearing i brought of up the point the second document was inadequate theyve revised it and only recently, i guess mary goggling the answer is urging the staff look at this and revises it was given to us an hour ago if you dont take discretionary review i ask youll continue the item more commissioners here as well as give us a chance to look at the second if this is necessary thank you. Thank you. Good afternoon, commissioners johnston i live in the adjacent house to the project sponsor uphill i appreciate very much how busy the Planning Department is at most of cases that are larger than ours frankly in this case, the Planning Police radios had not been flawed the Planning Department development their facts and disregard our plan and designed to work but p us weve asked and never met this troubled to speak mistakes such the one in the residential Design Review number 2 in which they support the winds screens because of uphill house is higher and will block the view i live in the uphill it is not higher but 4 feet lower and in fact, the winds screens are doable thank you thank you, sir, your time is up. Thank you. Good afternoon, commissioners im jennifer he live nbc to the projects. Please pull the microphone down please. Im Jennifer Stefan live next door to the project sponsors having lived inform so for for 45 years and 44 on the street ive appreciated a much love the diversity of the historical values of San Francisco and would like to preserve the character of cal hallow that make ups the neighborhoods in the city of San Francisco which makes it such a beautiful city to live in so please think about when when you consider making changes that will effect the character of our loving neighborhood thank you all for your care of consideration which is so important to all of us thank you. Thank you. Next speaker commissioner my name is brook a member the cal hallow Zoning Committee the Cal Association supports the motion by commissioner hillis and seconded by commissioner president fong on october 8th we agree that project will establish a standards the project sponsor roofdecks in exhibits ab and i can only come to one conclusion their insighting and should be prohibited especially, if an alternative access to the structure the roof deck 2764 union street we attended the example is in our packet never told an elevator in the penthouse and 27 baker is a roof deck as you can see if i could have thank you a notice of special restrictions under the plans that was fine and the plan state of mind. Thank you, maam, your time is up. Thank you. Next speaker good afternoon. Im ann harvey he live on union street our backyard abuts the project here picture id like to read what the other speakers said this project is like another room on top of the building with walls and built in appliance and this sets a disaster for the neighborhood and should be cut back thank you. Thank you. Good afternoon, everyone. Im the husband of ann so i dont need to talk about our building specifically but i want to mention in the placing last meeting our building was mentioned we built an extension to our house and that our neighbors will have the same right to build an extension were very within the cal guidelines and within the zoning restricts absolutely no opposition of anyone to our project so in fact, also a neighbor scott hoops here he wanted to build out we objected he commodity thats what we want there needs to be a compromise because all the neighborhood ive encountered have always come to a compromise how hallow guidelines and the zoning restrictions thank you very much. Thank you. Hi, im keith i live around the corner from the subject property the last hearing you guys were clear by commissioner hillis and seconded by commissioner president fong about the agreement there will be a roof deck there is an agreement will be setback 3 feet and the winds screens need to be 42 inches thats the easy part the question is the access for an elevator or lift i think this is only the question that is left youll hear if our experts interest theres a real easy solution with the list that should resolve it and give the folks what we want the rest should be easy. Thank you. Hi, im jill i live online street it is a roof deck where you enjoy the elements pea when air is part of appeal with the roof deck the wind sweenz and banish and refrigerator and Running Water is a for the truth of the matter floor addition most people remodel an home typically requires one to be flexibility and compromise on the wish list ive not heard anyone talk about a roof deck but please be mindful of the guidelines so we can enjoy here not one period of time in hallow supports this we have a new precedence we will have large penthouses looming over the neighborhood i will again remind everyone those look like stucco walls it is way out of the characterization and ill acknowledged about our homes. Thank you, maam, your time is up. Is there any additional Public Comment . Patricia cal hallow two other cases on this block you have made the roof deck smaller from 6 hundred square feet to 250 both of them this was message wilson son and the chief baker as far as the slate is breaks not only cal hallow guidelines but breaks the city guidelines and cal hallow is considered a city visa and must be awe herd to this will break the code thank you. Thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment in support of dr . Okay project sponsor you have 3 minutes. We have taken your comments to heart and continues to revise our plans raised a medicine but the dr applicants declined in the morning we met anyway and made further compromises as a result of meeting with her we have eliminated the grocery over the supernatural and have a smaller landing and made did elevator comparable to preserve character to add glass for windows transparency and moved the Property Lines with no sobriety along the eastern edge at the drs suggestion weve reduced the 42 inch above and reordinary the barbecue area to face inadequate instead of north the neighbors want us to establish a separate please be advised the ringing of and use of cell phones, to go from the thirdstory to the roof this is an unnecessary and times uncommonly maintenance extra speed up stepping that likely will need an grocery for safety for children and even though lift to extend to the foundation and will setback the floors ive personally not been to a house with a separate lift to a different level if i had one i would be embarrassed the neighbors are asking for it extraordinarily our block as penthouse and at a block and a half way u away in cal hallow 47 feet and and ether the twice Square Footage one 35 versus 65 this is super impose on that penthouse an union it is half the size of that penthouse next mislead slide this penthouse was approves december 2014 to allow a vertical addition with elevator and penthouse setback and this shows us the penthouse will be visible and is visible now from everyone housing emotional else 80 that spoke here shell hire windscreens were not trying to design a ada compliant house since our plans were first drawn up my mother has broerj broken here back we want to modify our house so she can come and live with us. We have listened and commodity we urge you not to take dr we received the packet at 9 00 a. M. Of Additional Information we ask you allow our attorney to address those items. Thank you, sir, your time is up. Any Public Comment in support of project sponsor. Arrest i didnt i want to make a couple of comments and points first of all, myself and a partner that works with the may i have they strongly discourage two means of vertical assess it fails and second everyone is treating this left like a piece of lawn furniture ive given the picture of the lift that is one of the most common lifts weighs over 2 thousand 50 ups and downs youll have to take those in the foundation making another shaft because of the thirdstory of an older house with support and second we want to comment about mary gallaghers comments she quotes from the planning code section 30. 1 for rules that would govern not an swlart by the planning code and shes trying to make you think those rules apply to the 10 foot savings accounts it is not true so thank you. Thank you is there any additional Public Comment. Okay. The Public Comment portion is closed. Commissioner antonini. Okay. Thank you all were getting closer and hopefully reach a decision today, i have questions for staff there is talk about the varieties been 10 feet believe from top to bottom but the parapet is thirty inches i think the part of elevators it is is seen above the parapet by my map is 7 feet 6 inches isnt that correct. Ill rely on our map. Im sorry. It is technically you know. Definitely less than youll innovating not see the penthouse if no parapet. Right so this thats going without saying another thing to ask one of the speakers brought up the city visiting ca a im not sure what shes talking about. Im not clear technically we protect public spaces not private this is technically not from the top destroying the view if the top of the stairs not destroying the view from the presidios there is i believe maybe shes ref to the portion of cal hallow guidelines that talks about being able to see over the top of other buildings for uphill buildings when the Residential Design Team looked at that particular components of cal hallow guidelines didnt feel this fairly minimal penthouse will block a view of private or public areas. I tends to agree having been interest this is a large deck on i think 27 hundred lion but it is blocked off by the one of the be gables of that house 0 from above in the presidios youll see that as well as seeing that it depends on where your standing thank you for your comments i think that answers most of them i have other feelings i dont believe building approval with the elevator penthouse will set a precedent for two reasons my vote and support of this will have to be sub take down by two things first, the project sponsor mother is, in fact, a resident because as we were told easily by the City Attorney for some of the accessibility requirements are for residents not for visitors so it is number one there has to a way to stash that whether a notice of special restrictions whatever that has to be the case the second case the plans that we approve do i have to show the elevators comes all the way from the bottom to the deck many it is part of plans we cant have a draft two sets of plans maybe an answer in a minute if project sponsor whether those do exist if they dont ill be reticent to support but from the elevator goes all the way from the bottom to the top and from the project sponsors mother is an enhabitual i feel in faster than to approve the elevators with a small overhang to protect it into the weather that has to be 5 feet and there will be a flat hatch ether this staircase no enclosure i think we agreed the rails on the north and south setback 3 feet in each direction i think project sponsor or someone said 2 a wasnt going to be maybe someone from the project sponsors team tell me why this is 3 feet on the north and south. Well, he met with the dr applicant over the weekends and had a couple of phone calls she suggests that very really only required the 3 foot setback on see the gable portion of her roof or skylight and she was okay with having that. Im going to ask the dr requester so dr requester you want to tell me whether or not this is true. We discuss it to a that have the compromise ill be able to compromise if he offers a compromise he took my offer as im im not im going to move 91 my deck this way im not sure. Maybe a discussion for another day thats what im hearing your not necessarily in favor of moving it ive heard the comments if we set the rails north and south. That would be wonderful. Not close enough to look into anything and the deck is smaller thats my feeling on this. Those are the elements of what i think the windscreen is the final thick the windscreen should remain on the parapet that makes it less of an element even if you set it inside the parapet you can get but with a smaller amount theyre looking for 42 inches im not sure that needs to be that high thirty inches is a total of 5 feet thirty inches over thirty inches is 60 inches youll feel the winds but you can sit down if dont want the wind in your face the 11 oclock of penthouse will be predicted on the things we want to see and the lore the winds screens and 3 feet separation on north and south with the rails to prohibit moan from coming closer to the sites ill see what my fellow commissioners have to say. So can i ask the project sponsor a couple of questions i appreciate the discussion of in changes that are made im not one hundred percent clear where your current proposal stands i dont know if there is a drawing of a revised drawing that will be helpful either you or the architect. Just i am not as a broads statement he appreciate a lot of effort but my sense weave got a lot of controls when people build houses next door to each other windows or their opaque weve were faced with a relatedly new forgotten o phenomena people are building decks they abut your neighbors an entire window area i can be closer to our neighbors not necessarily how we build buildings towards the back and front there is light and it unique and were moving towards the policy directions i thank you all. Helping us think more about this so i think that this is the image lets see if it shows on this screen. Okay. This see curiosity what we submitted on tuesday after the decision with the dr applicant over the we understand so we have here this is the north side we have a planter bed setback 3 feet on the cable and per discussion with the dr applicant pulled the windscreens out to the Property Line and on this side we pulled the winds screens back a fuel 3 feet from the Property Line and removed the enclosure over the stair and created a hatch for daylight and we have the elevator and reduced the landing to this 5 feet by 5, 9 and a half area. Eject. And moved the barbecue and the sink and the refrigerator counter here it used to be here. Right. And can you in some in elevation what are you proposing for the weekends screen for the railing slash windscreen. Well, this is a read but basically, what wear proposing you have a thirty inch parapet and were proposing 42 on top of the parapet with the reduced terrace the Lower Terrace we talked about previously the parapet is along the parapet is along the Property Line; right . Correct. How do you get the windscreen on top of that. This is the bed and this is basically an extension of the parapet the same height along the Property Line and at ts the glass screen on top of pulled back from the Property Line 3 feet. Except in one one area. North. Where the parapet sits on top of that. That Northeast Corner up to the gable portion of lion the winds screen will be here and the especially parapet im sorry the planter will be on top of the deck. So i guess my issues are two one is that the height of that kind of everything the parapet and the windscreen weve been fairly consistent to keep and everything youve showed examples of things around the neighborhood since im on the commission i dont think weve lout that railing or windscreen to steady what you need by code 42 inches from the base of the roof deck. Uhhuh. That would be how far above that parapet you dont need that parapet. We need a patentee Property Line. Yes. But to answer our question if you were to have the top of glass above our lowered roof decks that put 12 inches of glass on is parapet does that make sense. Yeah. 3 feet from the Property Line. 3 feet yeah and did you want to add something else. If i can just to provide context the 2735 project that is an image of that this shows the railings on this blueprint cal hallow on the same block their 58 inches were proposing effective 57 inch wears o were consistent youll have 48 inches and everybody is 48 inches the parapet are visual from the ground hidden youve seen those hearings were trying to minimize everything on the roof deck not necessarily the viability from the street marking down the street everybody has a roof deck and 60 foot wind deck on the parapet. A couple of things one is not a solid fence a transparent material the high quality is it transparent so there is that aspect i mean it is still code compliant. I get it were building roof decks along the sides it is go or ive driven around the city there are roof decks in those grass railings coming to the Property Line so properties but in the morning or afternoon theyre not clear especially in the morning you know water on them or whatever else you see them their visible so thank you on this on going to the so thats my one i in issue with the proposal id like to see that 42 inches railing height everyone where you know no record ray read to the parapet and can i clarify something so your original question about the glass height 42 inches again, the Lower Terrace our making reference to 42 inch Code Enforcement glass railings on other roof decks im contend those roof deck i would bet they dont go to the extension of lower the roof were proposing this is a project built on the framing of the roof so the 42 inches is probably from the existing i know top of exterior wall you see if front street just to be clear. No, i get it, it is not just seeing it it the street or the future roof deck two doors down and everybody has a 60 inch screen the other question own the kind of how you assess and thats another weve been fairly consistent since ive been here in trying to minimum the infrastructure you need to assess the roof deck and you know in a lot of cases put a hatch ether the stairwell for access in some cases the stairwell. You dont you know what makes this an elevator and Additional Space so i guess you know the question is can you can it work with just the stairwell in a kind of hatch weve heard a lot about that you prefer prefer an elevator the elevator didnt need any kind of built landing there could ive seen elevators that open and doors you open the door from the elevators door to get out to minimize that so it is almost more stair hatch than the elevators the problem with the elevator an elevator need a landing to open in weather i cant imagine a way to for the protection of the elevator and the redistribution of house. I prefer no elevator but if there is an elevator it has to be stair hatch elevator and not you know more of an elevator and you know, i know the neighbor to the north i forgot to the south he forgot what address 2710 more of a lightwell you you know their elevator is sitting on kind of how far it is if elevator from that lightwell. So this is the courtyard lightwell at 2710 and this is our elevator it is not in the area of that lightwell it is actual east of the courtyard. But something theyll see from the entry courtyard. Im not sure if this is a entry or opens to rooms below. Yeah. North we have a picture of it so is there any way to shift that elevator in or you know to try this is why i asked for the interior a lot of times we look at how you know that could work but away if that 2710 light coward court the difficulty with the design in three foot lots three feet wide in San Francisco you pretty much have to decide one see or the other where the circulation is going to be offset if the propelling that takes a lot of valuable Square Footage interest the circulation and Property Line and interests not much useful program you can put there so design wise it is ideal to have it on with an side of Property Line. Can you show what is on the Property Line. Did you want to shift that to the east. For the necessarily the ideal way to show you. Its a all right. Nfor the ideal way to show you. Its a all right. Ofor the ideal way to show you. Its a all right. Or the ne ideal way to show you. Its a all right. R the necl way to show you. Its a all right. The nece way to show you. Its a all right. T the necl way to show you. Its a all right. He necess way to show you. Its a all righe necessari way to show you. Its a all righ necessaril way to show you. Its a all right. Necessariy to show you. Its a all right. On the thirdstory the designed at the moment to have the two bedrooms in the rear closets and entries the elevators, the new interior stairs and then a bedroom in the front. Yeah. So you swap the elevator and put the elevator more into the yeah. That spiral staircase not going all the way down. No to the thirdstory and once down the spiral stairs to the street level. Okay. To answer our question did we consider it on the north side we put a lot of 7, 8, 9 and thought where this should go on the north side that is dramatically going to effect what happens over here with the light into the neighbors the light is coming from the south if you put it obviously further this way west where the stairs we dont want to be in the courtyard at all we positioned it east of the courtyard. Okay. Yeah. I mean, i would definitely support bringing the rail back 3 feet a 42 inch rail from the floor of the roof deck im trubd by the roof deck if we make a composition to allow an elevator that is unusual it has to be minimized and perhaps shifted to the east away from that lightwell. So, i mean ill see what my fellow commissioners have to say. Okay. Thank you. Commissioner richards. I i guess i want to ask the project sponsor and the other gentleman coping please mother mentioned at this hearing is in the gentlemans letter on page 9 i believe we talked about alternative means to assess the roof deck weality talked about the stair lift if a costs point of view it make sense but what about the stair lift what you tell me what that is about. In my view the disabled individual that is going to use the access is occasional we think in our decision do you need American People variety to the fourth floor i was encouraged you have it as successful as possible if we are talking about an occasional use with someone walking with a cane not have an elevator but stair lift maybe the visibility didnt work with the stair lift i dont have those kinds of facts and could you tell me. About can you tell me how a stair lift functions describe it. Theres a lot of functions one in the building here falls down if the stairway and travels open a track and others have is chair you get into and travels up on a track tolysis a number of different designs a number of different needs he wasnt asks to analyze nor do i have permission from the sponsors mother or quite frankly it is a question of you know what are we trying to achieve the occasional trip to the roof that someone uses a crane or walker or the selfreliant demand for the sclarl elevator. A question when people buy property in cal hallow part of Design Guidelines they have to sign off as an disclosure. I dont believe there is a signature required i do know theyre informed we have cal hallow Design Guidelines adapt to over lay the residential design. Weave heard the residential design was adapted but the appendix covers this portion. In the adopted section as under 2 building envelope rooflines refers to the profiles of the building against the sky indicates cal hallow the appearance of roof downhill roofline refers to the prospective of roofs from Higher Elevations and blah, blah to a flat roof the choice of the materials the random placement of skylights and the construction of elevator and stair penthouses and this can effect the character as perspectives from locates within the neighborhood this is in the adopted section of guidelines. Okay. Could you puts that on the screen so we can see not an appendix. It a writeup of our elevators and staircase guideline penthouse guideline i can pull it to up on the computer it is i swear. In here as well. You can see below in the appendix we have the cal hallow Association Policy to hold everything within theo feet for rh1. Within theo feet of . The mid point to curve to the top of roof. Okay. Thats any setback lout this is 25 feet back. This is 35 feet period. Okay no setbacks this is a policy of cal hallow association and an appendix section. The other question mr. Semi son 2764 was brought up that elevator penthouse and landing against his shows it is smaller this were you aware of that precedent setting. Question he attended the preon the meeting the architect stated there would be an additional of a third floor and a roof deck added this is where we end so we attend the preapp as part of dr reform and go through and comment at the time any areas that might be concerned red flags obstruction with neighbors and at that moment the architect works with the project sponsor to come up with a solution that will mitigate those concerns. Sure. We attended the penthouse and discussed the architect they worked with the neighbors my understanding and the plans were sent around and not heard further if that point we did what we were ask do to do. How far away is the decaying 64 union a question request. This is a block and a half around the corner of on union about a block and a half. Okay. At the had and this is on the south side the street an odd number it has less of an impact from Pacific Heights from the lion street crest down to the baker hallow we are down if a lateral slope neighborhood in the adopted section of the guidelines with the typography in this case an impact coming down the slope. And she was mentioning a dr requester on the 2765 union Street Project if you have any questions, ill encourage you to ask patricia. Please this commission allowed this to happen. No there was never any elevator shown to us thats the case we went from a 6 hundred to two hundred plus no elevators was present to us. Did you file a dr and. We files it and withdraw it they commodity on the deck but the elevator was total we didnt know about. Okay. Okay. I understand. And subsequent spurs i wish i would have continued it. You can request a block plan and youd like to respond to something that came in this morning. Maybe ill address the 2765 union street we have pulled side archived and i dont have that but a copy of the printout of dbi site it shows what was submitted it clearly talks about a roof deck downward and additional elevator and with the department talks about signing off and the penthouse a roof penthouses with no decks no drs so this is what is under construction the reality here is that we have planning code that tells you exact measurements you can and cannot do the guidelines apply when to have dr a higher scrutiny of projects that get dred and the others dont it was higherup what are the adopted guidelines if this project with all the xchromesomes with pulling and tugging it is this is from extraordinary a visible structure without taking dr. So one other question before i make a motion here. Is the Design Guidelines im contrary within the adopted or the appendix. I believe the adopted so the do you want guidelines talk about roof forms as i think that was broke was mechgs it o mentioning it come down with you call a roofline if there was a roof form that could be modesty look at that different from a penthouse were not looking that but what a small reasonably small penthouse structure is on the top of fairly typically sized roof so i think that is, we dont consider it a roof form if it was it would be a small one and weekends screens are transparent you dont get the idea that is a whole new floor. Federal and state this ke i may we have to take dr and on this have the elevators shaft itself with maybe no less than a foot of weaver proofing in the front notices foot by 5 foot landing i get the issue of the weather proving and keep it under a foot so the water didnt come in or whatever i like the 3 sergeants you have and i would accept those as part of project in terms of of the windscreen i appreciate the fact your lowering the roof 15 inches i will give you that 15 inches back and have the winds screen no higher than including the parapet no higher than 47 inches and accept the transparent sides of the elevator youve proposed he accept the reconfiguration of roof for additional privacy from the neighbor, and i believe that is it. Thats a motion. I will second i have some questions on it first of all, id like to see maybe project sponsor can you show us Cross Section plans of the building showing the elevators extending that to the ground level. Why it happens for any members of the public item 17 was continued to november 12th. Eject. While hes working on this i have another thing can we add a notice of special restriction that we have to have documentation of residentscy of project sponsors mother within the residence. Is that allowable . Ms. Stacey. Commissioners kate stacey interest the City Attorneys office they have been other projects that the commission has approved where maybe an extra parking space or anything else an accumulation for a particular residents and the commission did attach a condition from the disabled assess was no longer neatest or the particular accumulation not needed the person moved out it could be roach but youre asking for may be written conformation from the project sponsor that. Our approval was contestant on written conformation the disabled person is a fulltime residents of the particular project. And that would have to be submitted as part of approval. I think the commission could ask for written improvements about the residents and the needs for the reasonable accommodations i dont know from the director or she has a comment on. Is that okay with you. I mean as a maker of the motion if theres no assess requirement i kind of take everything back i understand im assuming ill agree to it. I mean, maybe to clarify are you suggesting that unless the residents of the house was needed the accommodations youll not approve the elevator. Yeah. We heard if ms. Stacey the original accumulation was a resident and innovate a visitors that was key to my approval as were hearing this individual a residents therefore, need to have the variety it make sense we want your motto come up there but i dont if it is a pressing need if she was and residents of the building and having family parties she wants to be part of the events. Can i. Are you ready with our plans. The point your hearing hearing not a legal requirements if shes not a legal residents off the building. Right that makes the case stronger for having the elevator approved if shes a residence. Can you just clarify eave weave obedient contrary the person cant live there because of stairs were talking about ricks mothers at the current state with the flights of stairs she cant say she didnt live there the purpose of this project is to accommodate for future so ricks mother for example, can move on to the property. There will have to be some certify of completion signed off certify of occupancy includes an affidavit shes a residence upon certify of occupancy. Can you ask the City Attorney to opine. Commissioners kate stacey from the City Attorneys office im not sure i ska can give you a yes or no answer the commission is deciding to be honest whether or not to take discretionary review is from the at the time of certify of final completion that this person was not a residence there for whatever reason it is difficult to take out the escalator so i on the commission needs to sorrow whether it from the commission doesnt want to approve this elevator or this roof deck ab sent the thinking habitual habit the commission niece to figure out that now i dont know how the department. The notice. Ask for some kind of slaurns in writing the tension for the person in question. The problem she and live there she cant say tell you a resident because shes not so if you approve that today with an elevator and she didnt move in this will be awkward to rip out the elevator it is up to the commission to approve the elevator or not regardless of this situation. Certainly put it in as a understanding at the least. I think weve been contrary where the elevators 19is important an important reason why rick wants this. We had a presentation at the time the things are finished so as so show us the completion that would be a condition but something we might sir unless your asked a question youre out of order. Lets move up to the design issue. Yeah. The design thing. What you see the section drawings that were submitted in the plans documents so we have 3 seconds in this house the first section goes directly through the elevator off the south Property Line and the elevators with the roof decks and the shaft going on to first floor and this is the spiral stair as you can see the spiral stair stopping at the thirdstory this is a lateral section. Lateral section going northsouth looking at east as you can see the elevators shaft on the right from the roof deck to the first floor. That looks at good i assume are entrance to the elevators that seems to answer my question and some of the dr requesters brought up this is not possible it seems to me it could be but not possible to do that did you want to Say Something dr requester why this is impossible i dont see why this is impossible with an elevator. I agree that is not theyve not commented to those plans those plans were not formally submitted they were submited has today and said in the statement those are not final. Thats answering any questions the ones were approving are the plans if those plans are not approved used that approval is and the plans that are currently before you are the plans that were in the original packet if you want to require that the elevator go all 3 floors you need to make that requirement of dr. Thank you. Thats part of motion and my second. Commissioner hillis. Im generally supportive i think the on or about is on the height of the railing and kind of tying this could you say why i dont understand the lore the roof and is there a crawl space what is there now. Let me try to find that document again. Im going to show you the one earlier in my papers in is the winds screen as originally proposed two weeks ago so days regard this is the dash line that is basically the cellist roof from the street . The exterior wall the top of the exterior wall around the property okay. The roof falls off to drainage okay now this is the line of the existing framing of the ceiling on the thirdstory there is a space between the roof and the ceiling and twaegs where you put mechanic and spider web we plan on taking that out and installing the heating we dont need that space for mechanic well build the roof deck on top of the third floor thats how it is. I think we should be consistent on rail height or windscreen height and not tie it to somebodys parapet you could build that i have the same condition at my house i respectfully ask it stay at 42 inches. Youre making the motion. So im lets seconder not necessarily the effective he like the first version you can a 12 inch grasp above of the parapet is sort of an odd looking thing im not sure that is had 2 inches is high enough for safety you should have 4 feet i mean, i this what code is 42 inches it seems to me collectively 48 inches would be a lot safer railing around the structure where people are so ill ask for some kind of a middle ground. Director ram. I think so it the glass would be on top of of the existing the at that particular time on the inside of the 3 feet planter box a 12 inch railing on top of the solid wall not angle unusual situation up to the commission ill suggest a 12 never seen railing on top of the wall is a reasonable approach to this. I will support that. Okay. Thats 42 inches. 42 collectively. Yes. Request a requirement of a transparent. Yes. He 12 inch transparent space. Yes. Okay. Commissioner richards. One other thing you know on this one in terms of intent of the project sponsor we have to rely on its district we get drs on specter how are you we know if their trying to make money and maam, misses all obscure inches maybe im a terrible judge of character i believe if his mother is capable of moving in and were going to have to look at wag we did im okay with it i truly building the cause is justified. Commissioner antonini. One other question for project sponsor we have allowing a one foot beyond the elevator for some sort of protection is that a doable thing according to the architect afford adequate protection for the and would that will i assume the one foot is an enclosed area. If youre suggesting it is the elevator door and 12 inches of enclosed space and weather proving. The minimum landing in front of of the elevator is 36 by 36 and 3 feet by 3 feet. Ill clarify that is minimum space for someone to actually spetd set out the elevator what the commission is saying with the motion last week if i can use the word shroud arent elevator door not necessarily another door. I misunderstood i 240u9 whatever you can it cant be more than a foot in all dimensions away from the elevator door. Ill ask for more than one foot if i could ask for more like 2 feet. The motion foot. Stays in. Eject. Let me clarify on the parapet heats with an it was things were lowering the roof by 15 inches thats an expensive maneuver. We understand. Id like to get the benefit the 15 feats or a 42 inch railings not taking the expense of lower the roof there is no benefit i ask were not lore the roof. Be free to not lower the roof if you dont want to. Youre voting on a set of plans you are to be clear otherwise, it is impossible to approve it it if dont lower the roof thats a higher wall. The roof slopes. Eject. I youre not going to have you cant build a what you want to build on a sloping roof. Thats sloping in f it. If it is a typical condition you see a lot of buildings interest is a space two feet higher than on one side and t it slopes and going into a gutter and a drains. Typically you have to slope you use the pedestal system with the manufacturers that basically takes the high point of that slope and provides a level surface. But then youll be higher than on the elevators enclosure i think we get it youre making concessions we want you to have the access tattoos roof were trying to get you the minimize impacts. But a usable roof decks were passerby for the lore the roof an expense in an effort to accommodate the neighbors we only getting 42 inches it is almost why here on behalf of the appellant 42 inches the minimum by code why lower it and take the expense. Just you, your 42 inches there is a real estate that is 42 inches sdh is what weve typically done on redirect examination large or small keep that rail height at 42 inches he get it but you see the a lot of them around the city weve been fairly consistent that that 42 inches is the height of the railing and try to minimize the impacts on things beyond the roof deck. I will roll call. The Commission Said what the situation is but i think there is a disagreement how to well, anyway, the commissions decision. If staff would reiterate the motion for us that will be helpful to understand exactly what is in front of us. As far commissioners a maker of the motion thats been is that our is not the rails on the norths and south side 3 feet your requiring that the railing be minimized to thirty 234i67z with a solid rail and 12 inches of regardless. 42. 42 inch rail the top 12 has to be transparent your allowing the elevators shaft on with the weather a proving element and a transparent elevator that was what i want additional classification youre talking about a transparent elevators they roof. Two sides in the new plans submitted the project sponsor agreed it do two clear sides to the elevator penthouse. Only the portions that protrudes above the roof that is assessable from all 3 level and then reconfiguration of the residential design for privacy and this is a what i have. Per the plans. Per the revised plans what were they dated, sir . Can you state that. What is our most recent plans youve been showing to the commission today. Those are dated 10, 20, 2015. Dated october 80, 2015 staff has a copy. Yes. A copy that will be mailed to everybody. On that motion commissioners commissioner antonini. Commissioner hillis commissioner johnson no commissioner richards and commissioner wu so moved, commissioners, that motion passes h is adopted 4 to one is commissioner johnson voting against commissioners under general Public Comment there are no speaker cards. Any general Public Comment. Patricia sorry to do this a subject about the cal hallow guidelines when the cal hallow guidelines were written a big movement in the city to the city to be viewed from all over the bay as soon as possible it was as soon as possible it was called and discovered by accident that the art that cal hallow was, in fact, a public visiting to as much as could be seen from the water had to be protected in their view the federal put it into the guidelines itself as you can see cal hallow from the Golden Gate Bridge if angle islands and over alcatraz therefore the public tourism tourists have a chance to see this beautiful city we were deemed a public visiting to this is how it came about a big movement for this and it was a surprise to us thank you. Thank you. Any additional general Public Comment. I have lived next door to the lady. Could you speak into the mike. Im sorry the house next door to us which is the project sponsors house i had gone. Maam, maam, this is general Public Comment not about a project that has already been discuses. I want do to let you you know the elevator didnt go down to the gsr. Seeing no more general Public Comment meeting a welcome, welcome to our new home in in which accepts. clapping. please champion la sar discharge is coming ive been here for 12 years so many people off the streets of north beach and not only that ive gone had people getting off the streets with the city and other homeless providers weve gone from ocean beach and the avenue ive gotten people out the fort mason over and the tenderloin and people that are partners appreciable appreciate our efforts and so thank you and thank you for coming today. clapping. thank you well, everybody welcome to the rain thank you. clapping. it is given it have other people join us a wonderful leadership and let me say with great appreciation that north beach citizens i want to say congratulations and thank you for again being part of great part of San Francisco is right in the heart of the city and, of course, a city nestled in the arcade and videos you found a home, i think expresses again, you are tremendous so for the for people in are in need we have housed more people in the city while were having to wait for all this to appear we can demonstrate our incredible San Francisco values by investing in the exultant that is a great connector that the north beach center is doing i was reminded almost 15 years ago i think dpw that we helped kick start some of the initial funding i know that in those years we were working with the city and using Community Art and sidewalks and streets to get resources and some train and jobs that people wanted to do something for themselves now there is a longerterm 12 year on this montgomery street to make sure that he with continue making the investments negotiations for people have a way forward well innovate ends homelessness overnight but certainly going to end hopelessness by seeing more than more and more of those kind of Navigation Centers and investing in people theres a place to go for help and programs that we want to fund that continue your severs it be actively and help you get off the streets and want to say thank you, again to champion lazzaro you are Police Department is part of our project sponsors and all that pill together clapping. they all know were not going to here on behalf of the appellant we want it to help people get off the streets with that, line item introduce a wonderful supervisor that recent working hard for the program clapping. overwhelming to be quick were all getting wet that couldnt be happening at a betterment homelessness in our district we have 27 percent so the partnership with north beach and our folks with the department of Public Health that makes those partnerships more important than ever ever i love the support of community it is all of you who have worked so hard to make north beach citizens a success and this facility a success thank you very much clapping. hello, everyone youll never see the tap of think outside the box umbrella we want to tell you it is an honor on behalf of San Francisco Police Department and every Police Officer that is in the station wear excited to have it a congratulations hes been a partner request the Police Department and as the mayor mentioned thank you, mayor ed lee for your partnership on all those issues homelessness is not a crime the Police Officers are an Important Role to connect with individuals in need of help what the north beach citizens and thank you to all the officers and again, were excited to be here were close to all the Community Partners i want to say i want to conclude that is the best stop really for the whole system for the office and the City Government and Law Enforcement coming together to solve the problem again congratulations clapping. let me say there are a lot of good citizens and agencies line simon and others out of their own pockets donate out of their pockets thank you to all the residents that are all making sure that the center succeeds ash. I thank you so much for coming and inaudible thank you give them another 5 minutes to julie. Oh, in that case. Not at all. So you have a couple of wrashgz my prayers is the sun will shine but i want to share and quote i found the other day dpruld with within the least articulateed emotions he have the great honor of thanking nbc for the committee that made that project come to lighted and this quote doing a good job of summarizing what im having trouble finding the right words so, please with that, id like to invite he was the Facilities Committee to join me in the rain calling names. clapping. okay. Where is gwen in a gwen in a a new to the board joining in 2013 and immediately volunteered to join the Facilities Committee gwen in a has an attorney to the extent of contracts and passports and all the details one goes through and gwen in a gwen in a thank you for you for your contribution clapping. and dick roswell that gets us to the champaign so like gwen in a jean joined the board in 2013 and immediately records to outlook the committee and jean transcribed her skills to this effort keeping the project on time and track and budget and to simon with all due respect referred to me as the bulldog you that that a tremors compliment so with thank you for your capacity and vision and quite frankly for your ability to get stuff done thank you very much congratulations clapping. okay. Where is janet im i looked at her sorry so janet im not sure where to start janet is part of board 2005 i think i would describe janet as a little train that could you know that story ill say that jean single handingly not walked through this hills of in which looking at vacant building after building for the last 7 or 8 years with a professional with an open mind well all have opinions will this this thing so the professionalism part as positive was that fits you youll see inside that design a your commitment to this pod humbles me so thank you janet thank you very much. clapping. the little train that could and finally my last comment before we go so i was in a meeting where and woman describes herself as someone that pieces it altogether ladies and gentlemen, thats how i share that story she is so truly helped this process inaudible and the vision since 1969 that project came within hundred percent of the budget that alone deserves a applaud and seem graduate congratulate him hell say he didnt do it and point to Everything Else dont believe it its his fingertip is on all things simon thank you for your efforts and your graciousness and commitment theres so many others to thank ive probably informational someone but im to pass the microphone. I have 30 seconds thank you. Theres a lot of people to thank and i cant name you but i want to say again, thank you for the work that maids those calling names too many more and folks that gave money and special engineers but everybody continued it be i dont know what aim doing at this microphone thank you, everybody and thank you clapping. and you remind me i want to thank you so much kevin and champion lass discharge two more minutes we would be critically remiss to not thank the donors not without the funding for every single we wound borrowing to do this christie as a temporary banner to recognize the veterans that changes into a permanent installation inside the building please feel free to come and look and thank you to those on the boards id like to invite george and pam to come forward and were now going to officially do the ribbon cutting. Wow. Were going to open the doors after the ribbon and food inside enlightenments and we have champaign. Were on the east side we get the total. Thank you. Were thankful to get on the inside. You and i are hold this. You and i are hold this. Ready working for the city and county of San Francisco will immerse you in a vibrant and dynamic city thats on the forefront of economic growth, the arts, and social change. Our city has always been on the edge of progress and innovation. After all, were at the meeting of land and sea. Our city is famous for its iconic scenery, historic designs, and worldclass style. Its the birthplace of blue jeans, and where the rock holds court over the largest natural harbor on the west coast. Our 28,000 city and county employees play an Important Role in making San Francisco what it is today. We provide residents and visitors with a wide array of services, such as improving city streets and parks, keeping communities safe, and driving buses and cable cars. Our employees enjoy competitive salaries, as well as generous benefits programs. But most importantly, working for the city and county of San Francisco gives employees an opportunity to contribute their ideas, energy, and commitment to shape the citys future. Thank you for considering a career with the city and county of San Francisco. The renovation of balboa park, the oldest in the city of San Francisco, and now it is the newest part in the city of San Francisco. Through our partnership, and because of Public Investment from the two thousand eight fund, we are celebrating a renewal and an awakening of this park. We have it safer, happier, more joyous. 3, 2, 1, [laughter] [applause] it is a great resource for families, to have fun in the city, recreation. This is an amazing park. We have not revitalized it without public and private investment. The critical piece of the process of this renovation was that it was all about the community. We reached out to everyone in this community. We love this park dearly and they all had thoughts and ideas and they wanted to bring their own creativity and their personality to bear on the design. What you see is what the community wanted. These ideas all came from the residents of this community. As a result, there is a sense of ownership, pride and responsibility that goes along with what is going to be an exciting park. p there has been an acknowledgement of the special places around San Francisco bay. Well, there is something sort of innate in human beings, i think, that tend to recognize a good spot when you see it, a spot that takes your breath away. This is one of them. An icon of the new deal. We stood here a week ago and we heard all of these dignitaries talk about the symbol that coit tower is for San Francisco. Its interesting for those of us in the pioneer park project is trying to make the point that not only the tower, not only this manbuilt edifice here is a symbol of the city but also the green space on which it sits and the hill to which is rests. To understand them, you have to understand the topography of San Francisco. Early days of the city, the city grows up in what is the financial district on the edge of chinatown. Everything they rely on for existence is the golden gate. Its of massive importance to the people what comes in and out of San Francisco bay. They cant see it where they are. They get the idea to build a giant wooden structure. The years that it was up here, it gave the name telegraph hill. It survived although the structure is long gone. Come to the 1870s and the city has growed up remarkably. Its fueled with money from the nevada silver mines and the gold rush. Its trying to be the paris of the west. Now the beach is the suburbs, the we will their people lived on the bottom and the poorest people lived on the top because it was very hard getting to the top of telegraph hill. It was mostly leanto sharks and bits of pieces of houses up here in the beginning. And a group of 20 businessmen decided that it would be better if the top of the hill remained for the public. So they put their money down and they bought four lots at the top of the hill and they gave them to the city. Lily hitchcock coit died without leaving a specific use for her bequest. She left a third of her estate for the beautify indication of the city. Arthur brown, noted architect in the city, wanted for a while to build a tower. He had become very interested in persian towers. It was the 1930s. It was all about machinery and sort of this amazing architecture, very powerful architecture. He convinced the Rec Park Commission that building a tower in her memory would be the thing to do with her money. It was going to be a wonderful observation place because it was one of the highest hills in the city anywhere and that that was the whole reason why it was built that high and had the elevator access immediately from the beginning as part of its features. My fears studio was just down the street steps. We were in a very small apartment and that was our backyard. When they were preparing the site for the coit tower, there was always a lot of harping and griping about how awful progress was and why they would choose this beautiful pristine area to do them in was a big question. As soon as the coit tower was getting finished and someone put in the idea that it should be used for art, then, all of a sudden, he was excited about the coit tower. It became almost like a daily destination for him to enjoy the atmosphere no matter what the politics, that wasnt the point. As long as they fit in and did their work and did their own creative expression, that was all that was required. They turned in their drawings. The drawings were accepted. If they snuck something in, well, there werent going to be any stoolies around. They made such careful little diagrams of every possible little thing about it as though that was just so important and that they were just the big frog. And, actually, no one ever felt that way about them and they werent considered Something Like that. In later life when people would approach me and say, well, what did you know about it . We were with him almost every day and his children, we grew up together and we didnt think of him as a commie and also the same with the other. He was just a family man doing normal things. No one thought anything of what he was doing. Some of them were much more highly trained. It shows, in my estimation, in the murals. This was one of the masterpieces. Families at home was a lot more close to the life that i can remember that we lived. Murals on the upper floors like the children playing on the swings and i think the little deer in the forest where you could come and see them in the woods and the sports that were always available, i think it did express the best part of our lives. Things that werent costing money to do, you would go to a picnic on the beach or you would do something in the woods. My favorite of all is in the staircase. Its almost a miracle masterpiece how he could manage to not only fit everyone, of course, a lot of them i recognized from my childhood its how he juxtaposed and managed to kind of climb up that stairway on either side very much like you are walking down a street. It was incredible to do that and to me, that is what depicted the life of the times in San Francisco. I even like the ones that show the industrial areas, the once with the workers showing them in the cannery and i can remember going in there and seeing these women with the caps, with the nets shuffling these cans through. My parents had a ranch in santa rosa and we went there all summer. I could see these people leaning over and checking. It looked exactly like the beautiful things about the ranch. I think he was pretty much in the never look back philosophy about the coit. I dont think he ever went to visit again after we moved from telegraph hill, which was only five or six years later. I dont think he ever had to see it when the initials are scratched into everything and people had literally destroyed the lower half of everything. Well, in my view, the tower had been pretty much neglected from the 1930s up until the 1980s. It wasnt until then that really enough people began to be alarmed about the condition of the murals, the tower was leaking. Some of the murals suffered wear damage. We really began to organize getting funding through the Arts Commission and various other sources to restore the murals. They dont have that connection or thread or maintain that connection to your history and your past, what do you have . Thats one of the major elements of what makes quality of life in San Francisco so incredible. When people ask me, and they ask me all the time, how do you get to coit tower, i say you walk. Thats the best way to experience the gradual elevation coming up above the hustle and bustle of the city and finding this sort of oasis, if you will, at the top of the hill. When i walk through this park, i look at these brick walls and this lawn, i look at the railings around the murals. I look at the restoration and i think, yeah, i had something to do with that. Learning the lessons, thank you, landmarks meet landmarks. The Current Situation at pioneer park and coit tower is really based in public and private partnership. It was the citizens who came together to buy the land to keep it from being developed. It was Lily Hitchcock coit to give money to the city to beautify the city she loved of the park project worked to develop this south side and still thats the basis of our future project to address the north side. We have a wonderful adult ceramic class. We offer over 10 Adult Classes in morning and evening. It accommodates people who work in the day, people who work in the evening, people who are day people and night people. We try to cater to the whole group. Its beyond just a clay lesson. Its really a lifeless on. When you meet people you never know whats underneath. Sometimes they show you what they want to. And you kind of expect that its just going to be that. But its never really whats on the surface. Its really whats underneath the surface. Thats what i try to get at when i do my clay. The camaraderie that we have here. We have students that have been for for many many years. We have students here for the first time. We share our skills, our formulas. This is how we learn. How did you do that . Let me show you. Thats the attitude that the students and the teachers have here. Its a really wonderful nurturing place. Ladies and ge chair called the meeting to order. Please have a seat. Thank you. Can we all please rise for the

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