minutes. we have a motion and second. all in favor? >> aye. >> opposed >> motion pass unanimously. the minutes of the october 11, 22 meeting were adopted. >> item 3 is public comment on executive session. >> we will take public comment on executive session is there public comment in the room? seeing none. will provide instructions for remote participates. >> thank you president adams. >> at this time we will open the queue for anyone on the phone who would like to make public comment on executive session. please dial star 3 if you wish to comment. the system will let you know when your line is open. others will wait until their line is open. comments will be limited to 3 minutes per person. the queue is open. dial star 3 if you wish to make public comment. there are no members of public on the phone wish to make public comment. >> thanks. public comment is closed. next item >> 4, executive session. there is one conference with a real property negotiator as agendized. >> may i have a motion to go in executive session. >> moved >> second. >> all in favor say aye. >> aye. >> opposed. motion passes unanimously. we are now in closed session. enter access code, pound during each comment period our moderator will instruct you to dial star 3 to get in the queue. if you're watching this movie on, please dial when the item you want to comment on is announced. and mute your device and listen through the telephone which has no delays. this brings us for items not listed on the agenda. >> we will take public comment on items not listed on the agenda. are there any public comment in the room? if so, go to the mic. seeing none. >> thank you, president adams. at this time, we're open the queue for anyone on the phone that would like to make public comment on items not listed on the agenda. please dial star-3 if you wish to make public comment. the system will let you know when your line is open. comments will be limented to 3 minutes per person. the queue is now open. please dial star-3 if you wish to make public comment. at this time, there are no members of the public on the phone wishing to make public comment. >> thanks jenika. call the next item. >> 9 a is the executive directors report. >> good afternoon, president adams, president, i'm elaine the executive director. today is election day first and for most. if anyone needs information to vote go to sfelections.gov. they stay open untille p.m. i'm going to enter the economic recovery. we're entering the holiday season, which is a great time to welcome people to the front. we have been bringing people to the water front and this is a sign of our revival and economic recovery. at the direction of the port commission this summer and fall, we welcome back millions of people and we reviewed our commitment to providing a clean, safe equity and vibrant water front. this water front activities continues to fill water port revenues. i'm happy to report that international passenger traffic which was very slow to recover has now accelerated and is the same as prepandemic domestic traffic. same level as domestic traffic. we're looking forward to crab season this winter and the water to table fresh free food experience. crab season, the san francisco fort boats have reported limits on all trips so far. the department of fish and wildlife have have four years in a row. and this is because of the mie grietion patterns of humpback whales along the coast. we know that we will enjoy the delicious crab when it's time. another assessment of fishing grounds will be conducted around november 23, and we're all hoping that commercial fisheries will open as soon as possible. in more water front activation, they have secured off the grid at our terminal plaza to give in a world renown open space with spectacular views. 26 and 27 and even more exciting news to share for our recovery just last friday, mayor breed announced 9.6 million dollars grant award to the port and the city from president biden, speaker pelosi and u.stauts dot as secretary butajudge. the grant was made possible by a buy partisan and additional appropriation. as you know, am dor is a gateway to our maritime district which provides local jobs for working people and in diverse industries and this grant highlights how we're prioritizing and mater activities in our recovery. the roadway will be rebuilt and this will bolt storm water drainage and improve surrounding landscape in the southern water front too. we have appreciated president adams for attending and bringing key leadership from the fed cal and transportation mater sectors. we tour chairman, daniel from the federal mayority time. we've had enormous success securing state and federal funds these last two years. i would like for to you legislative manager from l provide more of an update at this time. >> good afternoon, commissioners, thank you director forbeses, i'm the affairs manager. i'll provide an update on some of the legislative priorities, we pursued in calendar year 2022 in the past two years, significant attention and resources have been dedicated to ports in bolting sacramento and washington dc. working with our federal lobbyist and industry partners like the california association of port authorities along with your support, we've been successful in getting in front of policy makers to advocate for our interest. as director forbeses menged, we were notified last week for a federal grant award for amdore street. it was made possible by infrastructure plan. it was funded by the port infrastructure program or pidp it's our first allocation from the infrastructure plan. the pidp is a reoccurring program that is fully funded for the next five years. we'll be applying for more grants in years to come. in 2022, we had submitted a four million dollars funding request for amdoer. that was denied, following the denial, we did a deep debrief to discuss our strengths and weaknesses and incorporated their recommendations to our application. we toured our facility with gus hine, he's the merit directer of mid-pacific gateway. and in april, director forbeses and andre, met with deputy secretary of transportation under pete baoudabich and that help push our application to the top. as you know, pelosi has been an incredible advocate for our office. applications for the future p id p applications. upcoming calls for projects, including the race program in december and protect in early 2023. both of these are opportunities for resilience planning to support along the water front to compliment our army corps of engineer program. we're also awaiting details from the environmental agency on the process and schedule to award approximately 3 million in port he electrification funding made available available through the past act. expect today grow two and a half times and this is a timely and key funding opportunities that we're keeping an eye on. now turning to state advocacy, the fiscal 22-23 budget was very good for ports in california. it includes .2 billion dollars for one time port and freight infrastructure program administered by calsta to help ease congestion. we've monitored and add advancements, earlier this year, we joined other california ports to ensure that the funding for ports remain high in the state budget. but also to make sure that the rules that are established around disbursement are, beneficial to the port of san francisco. along with our partners in san diego, we made a good case for the role but small and mid-size ports like ours play, more resilient across the state. last month with application due in early january. we're working with maritime to target a 40 million dollars grant to support projects in our mer ilt time complex. through the budget also adopted 140 million dollars in sea level rise funding with priority going to urban water fronts ports and eco systems. this is significant as it's the first time urban water fronds has identified as a sea level preference. the first will be this fiscal year and the port is well positioned to compete for the dollars and get the dollars to secure additional funding. we the port in the budget also includes 55 million dollars from the california energy commission for ports to prepare for the rapid development of board industry offered by former assembly member and current city attorney david should you who laid the groundwork. we met with representatives from the california energy commission last month to understand the process, and made clear that we support the state in achieving their off-shore wind goals. and then finally, in august the state land commission allocated the 2.2 million dollars in covid relief funding. this was the last traufrj made available from the total 250 million dollars that came from the through the state from the american rescue plan. in total san francisco received over 116 million dollars in arpa funding. in terms of next step is we're working on the grant for cal ?nd sta. the photograph on this slide was taken through a boat tour that we provided. his teams were here to submit some of the projects that we were having. thank you president adams for participating in that tour. our coo will be participating in the panel tomorrow at the floating wind u.s.a. conference being held in japan town. i participated in the committee facilitated by cap a and we feel like we're well positioned on the off-shore wind front. also work withing the our lobbyist on electric frickation and i'll turn to poor commission to layout our priorities for the coming year. in closing, i want to acknowledge the good work of our lobbyist. and you for helping us happen. this is a promising and exciting time for ports in california and i look forward to providing additional updates if they become available and i'll pass it back to director forbeses. >> thank you, brice, that was very informative and excite ing. now i would like to turn to equity. our tenants continue to prioritize equity and we're seeing more and more results. building on the juneteenth on the water front events, we have partnered with the human rights commission and dream and sponsor food wise, former quesa pop ups on the sarah. at the fairy terminal plaza, the first event was late last month and it was very successful. thank you commissioner brandon for your leadership on this effort. and 15 different vendors featured in an activation on pier 70 where people ate and drank and discovered artisan products. president walton was in attendance so we're excited that our partners are providing this opportunity. we're celebrating native american heritage month and indigenous people's month, focusing on resee yens culture and achievement. today native americans represent less than 1% of the population in california. while this is small, the port is committed to creating a diverse and equity organization that reflects representation throughout the ranks of our workforce. in celebrating the native american history and culture as part of the ports goal to create a culture of inclusion and belonging. also all port staff will participate in equity training before the end of this year. this is foundational to become anti racist organization. to recilience. last month, we updated on the work that we're doing with the army corporate of engineers. they're up for public feedback and we have a goal to reach a draft plan in the sum cer of 2023. two weeks ago, we hosted a community mixer at a frick and bay view kitchen. it was a great he vept. we can see the trust building so we're ready to engage on the staff strategies. happening through storytelling and surveys. in the coming months, we'll ram up evidentlier with the army corporate of engineering and communities city wide working on a plan. the best ideas will come together to create a plan. we're moving ahead to advance interventions including the early projects along the embarcadero. what happens along the water front impacts san francisco's from every corner nft city and the scale of change necessary provides a once in a generational opportunity to get our water front right and give it to future generations. now to key project to enhance the experience, the san francisco arts commission is inviting team to qualifications from an art piece. from a large sculpture to series of smaller sculpture. the rfp is through october 2 and applications will be accepted until midnight. once the committee has been scored we'll be bringing to the art commission in september of 2023. this is funded by our general obligation bond and part of the enrichment program. so in closing, finally commissioners consistent with the write off policy adopted pursuant torres losing 22-11, summarizing the accounts which accounts have 30 days before you process. if you have any concerns, please contact me within 30 days and we can schedule a future commission item to discuss. and in closing, don't forget the tree lot that uses our own piers, 32, 59 embarcadero. it's the self-help organization for former substance disorders, incarcerated individuals and homeless and others who have hit bottom and on their way up once they hit the street. the lot opens after thanksgiving. and finally, finally, in the spirit of gratitude, i would like to offer gratitude to our staff and commission, who serve our city and residents and meet our port mission and as we approach the end of 2022, it's a good time to reflect on how much we've accomplished as an organization. thank you commissioners for your continued guidance and staff for your continued hard work and innovation. we're showing lots of results. thank you, that concludes my report. >> thank you, director forbes. now we will take public comment. is there any public comment in the room? seeing none, jenica will provide resources for remote participant. >> thank you, president adams. at this time, we'll open the queue for anyone on the phone that would like to make public comment on the executive report. please dial star-3 if you wifb to make public comment. others will wait on mute until their line is open. comments will be limb thed to 3 persons. please dial star-3 to you wish to make public comment. we have one caller on the line. >> go ahead. >> thank you. hello, caller are you there? okay, i'm going to mute their line back up. we have no other members of the public wishing to make public comment. >> commissioners? any comments? >> no, i think it's great. i notice more out reach on facebook about the tours, the public tours and water front and sea wall which is fwrait. i'm sharing it with everybody so keep up the good work on that, is all i have to say. >> commissioner barton. >> just very good work, very good. >> thank you. commissioner gilman. >> thank you for the report and congratulations on federal investments, it's foundational to get us back to where we were prepandemic. and i'm excited about the off the grid and have two, you know, rise in social media but i believe we should still be advertising all the events in any way possible so we can bring people to the water front, it's exciting. thank you, director. >> vice president. >> elaine thanks for your report and a lot of great opportunity for their update. and thanks president adams for continuing to bring opportunities. we've done a great job in finding opportunities, because we had so many projects that we need to get done so everyone can continue to enjoy our water front. so i think the staff and the commission has done a phenomenal job in that area. i'm just happy that we're doing and continue to bring we're to the water front. the water front is the place to be in the city. thank you. >> director forbeses and to you staff, great job and boris, i think it's important not only state wide but nationally, people looking at the port of san francisco. and when you have the secretary of transportation to be here, omashan to tour the port of san francisco, governor newsom he's authorized to give two billion dollars in california. california used to be the 5th largest economy in the world so we have to have our infrastructure in our ports. and also to have chairman of the federal maritime commissioned here, that's important. he was here in the port of oakland. he's the chairman of maritime commission. he didn't even know we had a port here in san francisco. and we took him out on the port of san francisco. and the only way to understand this port is you have to see it from water side in and to look water side in, to see that we had a loet in to our station in theful to take him down to our cruise term na. i think that waz something. both men were really excited. not only on the federal. we have to be ready and jump and is the hot. it's funny, and i'll say that, i remember when everybody hit cam bus came out, those in front did well. and this is what is going to happen with the port show inn, we're not l.a. long we're so we're to do something and basically be like that blue present of what we want and that what it had its own swagger. so i think we have to get out on it. and all over the couch reand go and i need to say this. a special shout out, not om to our media staff in the back. but i'm embarcadero, i'm a running but the mayor's department. sometimes they never get any credit, no recognition. they don't want come to meeting here. i want to acknowledge the men and women that work in the department that clean up the water front that make it safe. i want to he can nal. everybody appreciates them for what they do and to be acknowledged. it's no good. they can't see you. don't even bring them flowers, we cannot tell. this commission appreciates you, the work that you do, it's a crazy water front, you've got people walking, scooters and skate boards and you try to get out of the way to do it. i want to personally thank you and definitely, you are heroes of this water front and we owe you a debt of gratitude on the behalf of the commission. >> thank you, call the next item. >> mr. president. >> yes, go ahead. >> i want to make one comment, we should not forget but we have you know, budget chair phil who is in control of the budget. we had the state senators. did push to get the money into those budgets and at some point, it would be nice to you work they've done. i know personally from being up in sacramento and nothing what did does. he's like a pickpocket and he picks a pretty good pocket through san francisco. we should recognize that because as much as public serve nts to it, because your president says, they call. >> thank you mr. president. >> thank you, commissioner burton and we thank ill. thank you. call next item please. >> clerk: item 10 is consent calendar and 10 a requests to allow certain numbers of this body to attend meetings remotely. totaling for a retail use at pier 50 shed b, 2250 5* 2, 10c requests approval for approximately 30,590 up 12 months with a one-12-month option to extend. subject to approval. that's resolution 2393. an agreement to enter into non portable water and other port accepted areas of the mission rock site. bound by china base in channel and san francisco base. it's a resolution 2254, 10e requests for retroactive to mote fie contract number 2814r. to ebbs tend the resolution 2255, to accept and pand p the of,,000 for the inside shore lines project. and approved the grant agreement subject tho board's resolution approval. number. had hoer that's resolution 2257. 10h requests approval to ports operating reserve policy. that's 258 and 15i recertification. resolution 225. >> commissioners is there a motion to approve the consent calendar. >> i make a motion to approve the consent calendar. >> second. >> we have a motion and a second. at this time we'll take public comment. is there any public comment in the room? seeing none, we'll can. --jessica will have instructions on public comment. >> clerk: please dial star-3 if you wish to make public comment. the system will let you know when your line is open. others will wait on mute. comments will be limb thed to minutes per person. the queue is now open, please dial star-3 tofu wish to make public comment. at this time, there are no members of the public on the phone wishing to make public comment. >> thanks jenica. we have a motion and a second. all in favor say aye. >> aye. >> opposed. motion passes unanimously. 22 through 22.59 are adopted. next item. >> clerk: retesing to expand program to include fish at fisherman's wafsh 2250. >> good afternoon, i'm dominic with the maritime division. i'm going by maritime director and businessman jer. today he'll be providing the fish sales program and to include san francisco wifsher as background commercial fishing is a commercial for the city of san francisco. fisherman's wafsh continues to be home to the largest concentration in northern california. dating back to 2017, the ports retailed fish sale program has been the result of public to februarier locally shoeld. the port commission authorized port staff to establish a retain off rote to term pot public from the bifrgt to their the wafsh. including includes salmon, tuna, rock fish and halibut. thanks to strong and initial success, the program was expand today allow off the the boat sales in 2020. wooer wishing progressing tep so will the in to also participate in the retail market. as an enterprise vept the port relines to operate all 7 and a half miles of the waufr front. they rent annually to keep annual staff is proposing to amend to allow commercial fish processing prosecutors to conduct the retail sale of sea booed products and good great since the coat beached, the port has received extensive out reek and has received positive industry leaders, requesting further expansion of the program to increase access to fresh locally caught sea food products. the see food fishing is the and supporting businesses. limiting to wholesale operations, over 3.5 million pounds of sea value valued. city taod. contributing to the long limitations to whole sales is included in each tenant lease. authorizing fish process with the abilities to sell their product directly would further support that tradition, promote connie from and allow others to visit the wafsh. based on the positive experience off the boat sale programs they recommend to remove the turpt and also allow them to self flake ice to support themselves. ebbs panedinging kailz to pro access to fresh sus ainable as a material condition of the lease, all ten ans are required to come by with preser. wish process should be permitted issued by the fish and wildlife for the processing of sea food. and all relevant health permits associated with retail sales of food products from the san francisco department of public health. in line with passport commission, practice, staff recommends expansion of the sale program. throughout the port's history, the port has waved or amended for agreement concerning ficker operations to ensure a vital industrial base for associated economic. these commission policies reduce the reduction of fishing gear storing fees and, products and facility by tenant and the expansion of standard fish processing leases to ten year term to ensure their economic viability. waifb the potential wish sales is strongly and support for the fishing industry. because the prohibition, is qulud in the processes tenants lease. staff recommends against the pilot program or temporary lift of the program because it would require amending each lease. to simplify administration and pass on past experiences, counsel can remove by fish praoses. and will return to the commission with an all date and retail sales by processing tenants in one year. the retail fish sales program supports two key goals of the plan including engagement and economic vitality. givener the reinvitation, poor staff to expand the retail fish sales program to include processing tenants. in locating fresh food opportunities around the wafsh. >> thanks dominic. >> for your presentation. commissioners is there a motion. >> so moved. >> second. >> >> we have a motion and a second. now open to public comment. is there any public comment in the room. at this time, jenca will have open the queue. >> at this time we'll open the cue for anyone on the phone that would like to make public comment on item 11 a, please dial star 3 if you wish to make public comment. your system will let you know if the system is open. comments will be limited to three minutes per person. the queue is now open, please dial star-3 if you wish to make public comment. at this time, there are no members of the public of the phone wishing to make public comment. >> thank you, public comment is closed. commissioner gilman. >> dominic, thank you for this report. i'm so enthusiastic about this. as somebody thought that our tenants would do that and just to realize that they cannot sell to the public. i really appreciate us moving forward and fishery is such an important part of our history to san francisco and vital thing for us to keep going. my only caveat is when you come back, when you give us these updates, i wanted to update, that if we see sales double, you tell us, we jumped in fish sales and if you need to revisit as a commission whether we want to change our participation in that. but given a year and sighing how much retail sales changes the bottom line is really important. and i look forward to hearing when the first person is in compliance in cooperation i'll be the first in line to buy fish. >> thank you. commissioner burton? >> no comment. >> commissioner lee. >> yeah, it's this thing is, quite exciting. it's kind of like the flower market kind of thing. now is the public able to go on shed now or is it operational only? >> public access is at pier 45. >> so if we grant this, will you do some signage, kind of like what they do at other ports? >> so we have developed pointing the public directly at this current time to the off the boat sales but we'll also include processors. >> i mean like a big sign on the roof. so suck see it. >> the whole idea is to do it, if we're going to do it without a test pilot. we have to be partners. do we have budgets to do a little signage. >> we have budget for signage and i just want it clarify that these are off the boat sales. so there is not infrastructure like a fish market, that could be a down the road improvement but i want to clarify the vision. >> okay, so basically, they have their existing shed and they can sell to the public. >> so the fish processing, dominic can you paint that picture. >> so the public would go in the brick and mortar facility and purchase directly from the processor. yes, we have a budge he for signage and i'll work to develop it. >> if you can turn it into a micro tourist attraction where you can walk in and actually shop in a different processes. >> let's go shopping. >> vice president. >> dominic, thank you so much for this report. this is very exciting. and i am very supportive. thank you. >> thank you, vice president. >> not only am i supportive but i want to publicly say that you stepped up to be andre's number 2 and you come on, and i really like the way. you laid everything out. this is our history here with the fisherman and this is a no brainer. wooer going to support this and i'm on board on this. >> we have a motion and a second. all in favor say aye. >> aye. >> opposed. motion passes unanimously. resolution 2260 is adopted. call the next item. >> 12 a requests approval to transit shelter agreement with the san francisco municipal agency and clear channel outdoor ink to extend for five years through december 10, 2027 and reduce the minimum annual guarantee and administrative and marketing payments for the extended term. res ducing 2261. >> good afternoon, president adams vice president brando not, commissioners, executive director forbeses, i'm director with real estate and i'm joined today by comedy dow with the san francisco transportation agency. and we're seeking approval of transit shelter with clear channel. so in 207, entered into a 3-party agreement where clear channel is to install and maintain transit shelters in exchange to display advertising. there are over 1200 shelters city wide of which there are approximately 20 within port jurisdiction. term of the agreement was 15 years and one five-year option to extend. the term will expire december 9th of this year. so under the agreement clear channel is required to pay a minimum annual guarantee payment based on revenue in addition to maintaining the transit shelters. thed payment and the contract were based on projected revenue since the beginning of the contract clear channel has never been to maintain the revenue maintained. payable to port and for this yaen, an amendment to the opposite period is being requested. so this slide shows the most resent amount of revenue, relative to the collected prepandemic. the actual advertising by the new decree significantly, from 2021, 2022 compared to 2018, 2019. this is showing in 2019 projected revenue were 41 million, actual was 14.1 million. after covid projected revenue for the 2021, 2022 same period was with 46 million. actual revenues have been 7.9 million. at this time, i would like to introduce the highlighted propoeds changes to the agreement. >> good morning, acting senior manager at the sfmt a. i'm going to go over some of the key changes are to the contract so the second amendment shelter advertising agreement. so in the agreement of fy23 and 24 budget, we created key priority that we wanted to focus on. two were safety and passenger experience and of the transit system, in restoration of rider is ship is something that we focused on post pandemic. that includes getting passengers from point a to b. and for many passengers ha begins at a platform or bus shelter. so the plat forms forms are along the embarcadero, and include, green, bay, pier 39, wholesome s brenann as well as those on jefferson at pa we will and taylor. and those 44, in those plat forms there are 44 add space that's are assigned specifically to the port. to improve the contract with both parties. so the two, i'm going to talk about today are the minimum annual guarantee of the transit shelters and the creation of asset management and shelter refresh program with clear channel. so like i said s the minimum annual guarantee has not been able to realize the 15 years of the first contract that we have with clear channel. you'll see here with the new updated mag amounts are. the total amount is 56.4 million dollars. and in the ports proportion of that is just about 2% or 1.4 million dollars. i do want to say it took over p months of strong negotiation between, 7 months of strong negotiation to reach this agreement. and as i will highlight that we will be receiving from clear channel are significantly higher and, going with that theme of service improvement, we will see marked improvements there. so now shelter. one members that partnering over 1200. shelter, flat form, monday to saturday. information and then, 46 months. also committed--the final element i want today bring up today is shelter refresh program. we have over managementle program and we work closely with clear channel to get our shelters an asset program as well as associated capitol improvement in those assets. for replacement. right now we have an independent contractor assessing each of our 1200 locations giving them a condition assessment score on each of the shementers. within 30 days of the completion of that report, clear channel must begin repairs of the highest priority shelters in platforms to bring them up to an acceptable condition. i will note that was not originally in the contract. the board of supervisors changed it from 6 months to about 2 months. so it's a marked improvement that will get moving on this very quickly. in the capitol investment that is going to go towards this. is estimated at 3 million dollars for the refresh work and 3 million dollars for investment in digital shelters for a total of 6 million dollars. also i want to note that clear channel has worked to procure about a million dollars in park and glass and infrastructure items so that when this report is done, they can immediately begin working on it and not be affected by having to wait for supply chain or things like that to start working on these priority shelters. approved the second amendment and made vemation at that time board of supervisors, the port commission also approved to summarize the guarantees are 56 million dollars in revenue, no matter what to our agencies, it also includes the 50% increase in maintenance and 6 million dollars of capitol investments. it also allows us to take full ownership of all the assets at the end of the five-year term that we're hoping to exercise here at no cost to our other agencies. i wanted to highlight some other investment that's s a t has made. prior to our actions like superintendent, the program was pretty much imagined as a contract management. we have somebody her name is lisa, i think she's the next superintendent. she is in the field working every day to address these critical areas. including the police department and department of homelessness and department of public health. set aside in our, fy23 and 24 bumming et cetera, 16er 0,000 for work words for dpw for street cleanings, specifically around shelters. we also set aside 150,000 for work order to proper lea dress encampments and providing the necessary support for people who are in our shelters and close to 300,000 for work order with the police department to provide realtime support to make shelters and plat forms a safer place. thank you. >> got a question. i'm going to do a quick summary and then we welcome the questions, is that okay sir. >> not really but go ahead. >> to be clear this is not a new agreement this was an existing agreement that was negotiated back in 2007, however we realize that there are financial challenges and therefore looking to amend the agreement. so under the second amendment, there would be a reduction on mag payment to port so that would be reduced on estimated 2.9 million initially under the existing agreement to 1.4 million but city wide there will be a increase in the daily maintenance. 6 million dollars capitol investment and sfmt a would have full assets where under the existing agreement they would be required to get knows installed by clear channel. revenue tolt port of of equity because this program will replace or repair aging shelters and increase the level of maintenance including the riding experience on those depending on public transportation. so next steps we're recommending that a port commission approve the second amendment to the transit shelter advertising agreement. after which sfmta and staff would bring the item to the board of supervisors for approval. and with that, port staff and sfmta welcomes the commission's questions and comments. thank you. >> thank you, rebecca and for your presentation. is there a motion. >> i make a motion. >> second. >> now let's open it up for public comment. is there any public comment in the room? anybody want to comment? >> mark representing our locals which represents the workers at clear channel before we miss work now for many decades. for so long, our members have had a very difficult time with this job and as anybody can imagine, the street behavior, the other damage that is done to these facilities and so on. and we're enthusiastickly supporting this today. but also gives an opportunity to address so many of the issues that our members have phased at our work site. and their work site is their work shelter. members have just revoted and approved their collective bargain agreement for this unit. double being the workforce but you bring better wages and benefits to our members as well. and with this, i also believe that one of the workers of this unit is going to be here and we look forward to hear from him. and he'll be able to give more details about what it's like to work there and what workforce is looking forward to in the future, thank you. >> thanks march. is there anyone else that would like to speak on the issue? seeing none, let's open it up for public comment. sorry about that. okay, at this time jenica will provide instructions for remote participants. >> thank you, president adams. at this time we'll open the queue for anyone on the phone that would like to make missing comments. others will wait on mute until the line is open. the queue is now, open, please dial star-3 if you wish to make public comment. at this time there is nobody on the phone wishing to make public comment. >> thanks, public comment is closed. you're up supervisor next. >> it was testimony. >> nobody called in. >> i thought the last speaker said. i guess to somebody, how many shelters are we talking about on port property? >> thank you for the question, there are 20 shelters on port property and of which there are 44 advertising panels total on those shelters. >> about 2.5 percent of the total contract. they basically clear channel is ther the ports like chum change talking about it. >> we are yes, very small part that we are party to the agreement. i was responsible for how long for the before the bus shelters were even there. this is what the supervisors approved, is that in what ports, would you drag a portal on for the master contract, which is fine? >> yes, since there are, there are shelters on port property that fall under this agreement, yes. >> right. >> anything you want to add to to this. anymore questions. anything you want to get out. >> i had so many things. >> you've got the floor so go ahead and i want to make sure you've got everything you need. go ahead. >> you got me embarrassed, i'm all for it. >> okay, thanks. >> commissioner gilman. >> thank you, kimberly for this report. i'm very supportive of the item and i want to thank clear channel for representation in a uniontown. i just have one question and this is for the sfmta. and i'm just curious, i'm it may be a question for clear channel. it's pretty, astounding when the contract first developed. i don't have a great answer to that. i'm going to hand it over for clear channel to answer that. >> i actually don't have any answer. i came in in 2012cious so good question. it was overly optimistic by all partners is all i can say and mr. burton alluded to his thoughts. >> it was pure cure os i. >> supportive keeping it clear. i see on here, that after the term is over, sfmta owes all assets. why don't we get a cut of some of the assets. is that part of the original agreement? >> they will keep the transit shelters, we think that makes good sense. if there were a future contract, of course we participate each other. being on our report even though we don't care of that actual structure. >> for advertisement it would be,. >> i'm just, also curious, i mean, i know that, because of the epidemic and current situation has it really been that extreme maintenance where we're bringing in double workforce? i'm all for it because small business and everything, we need good shelters and trans poerltation. but just for my own information, because i don't see any data of exactly how much more damage, you know, i think the public would like to know exactly what how much more maintenance is involved here. >> i'll turnover to clear channel representative to do work. >> as mentioned, we spent a lot of time with staff working through this. so if you would take the 311 hotline numbers for the city. you would see that graffiti increases by 3000 percent, homeless encampments increased by 1500 percent. homeless activity in the shelters was up equivalent. the feces and things like that, was up about 2000 percent. so big increases in terms of what happens. so you had revenue devastation, because of the pandemic and then you significant increase based on the city's own 311. so that's part of what we're doing and what this did was create a lot of flexibility in terms of increasing in cleaning, increasing from 5 days to 6 days, the the asset report to new roof and new structure and new glass panels and he quit built into that. in tefrmz of over doing that, we're investing three million dollars. so revenues go up, and the park will enjoy that. so there is a lot of things that went into this. commissioner you had another questions, go ahead commissioner burton. there might be transit operator restroom but no public restrooms. so in words, they have eliminated. >> i don't think that's part of the agreement. they're good on the toil hes. >> yes. >> commissioner you have another question, i have a question for, oh my god i'm having like a senior moment. i would like to have a report back. none should have a terminal because they don't have a safe place to go. i know we're not your commission, we don't oversee your budget. but i would like to understand, thank you, i would like to understand if there is encampment happening in our bus shelters along the water front particularly because we're more tourist sensitive and i would like to have the homeless department come in the work order whether they're doing for encampment and out reach to those unsheltered in the water front. >> are you done? >> yes. >> thank you, i think a lot of my questions have been swefrd. that's how we handle it. >> thank you. you know, this contract is a hard one because it's such a hard percentage of overall. so there is not a lot that we can say or do. i just know that if it was forever the port commission, we would have a very hard time approving. and it's not because we understand that the revenue right side down and we understand that you know, cost have gone up. it's just the overall projection, the lack of revenue and now we're paying and we're paying for all of this extra security and work orders. but i'm very happy that you're increasing employment and bringing on new workers. and hopefully helping to keep the city beautiful at the transit shelters. >> thank you, i guess to bob and mark, it's good to see the management and labor sitting next to each other. and that sends a different message instead of one person sitting there. i really like that. and i appreciate the brotherhood of teamsters and benefits. i will say that things have changed. when it's time to bring on more workers, you have to do that. and sometimes workers will work under staff and things like that. and they're the frontlines worker that have been out tl. myself, being the president of iow, i understand that. so i appreciate the work. >> out of curiosity which local is it? >> stick to the mike, everybody has to be on the record, sorry about that. >> i will make a point of privilege too, one of the largest and i think i'm, okay to say here at a public hearing, the former officer is a dear friend of mine. roy malois and i appreciate the comments that you made. >> wonderful human being. but thank you, that's where our members are. >> can we have a motion and a second. all in favor say aye. >> aye. >> motion passions unanimously. resolution 2261 is adopted. call next item please, good luck. thank you. >> item informational presentation regarding memorandum of understanding for approximately 27,502 paved feet and approximately 3615 square feet of shed space for a term of five years. >> good afternoon, kimberly assistant deputy director with real estate and development and i'm here with a informational presentation concerning a proposed new memorandum of understanding for space sc344 and i'm join senior green building coordinator and senior waste coordinator at the san francisco environment department. they occupy 7,000 square feet consisting on paved land and current m.o. u expired march 21 of 2015 so the current tenant see is month to month. at the site through its operator san francisco community recycler, doe operates building resources reuse facility for salvage material and materials being dis poeds through active recycling. the private so seeking new m.o. u and also looking to issue an rfp for new site operator. with annual 3% there after. the term will exceed one million dollars which is one of the reasons why this is brought before the port commission. the m.o. u is subject water front benefit and beautification policy. so 6.5 percent of the revenue or approximately, 80,000 over the term would be set aside for community benefits and beautification and in addition through its operator would focus on beautification at the site. example of questions, staff requested be incorporated into the rfp include how they value and priorities and classes be offered to the public on how to utilize rebuilding materials and explain plans to incorporate diversity and equity and ip conclusion goals into the business plan. as part of the rfp, doe has also agreed to include a board member on the election panel and also looking at considering s a.c. member providing they meet expertise requirements. and we've also agreed to come back to the port commission and provide results of the rfp. by entering into the m.o. u, we believe this will meet the strategic objective of stability to maximize value and income to the port and retain a tenant that can perform through cycles and sustainability because it will advance the concept of environmental stewardship through recycling and efforts. and at this time, i would like to introduce senior building coordinator with the san francisco environment department to discuss city wide goals and how this fight helps to meet those goals. thank you for this opportunity to provide additional context at center in creek. as mentioned i'm he'd an, senior coordinator for san francisco environmental department and i'm joined today by my colleague alexa senior waste coordinator. primary function of this site has been use retail. to keep these whies in use instead of being prematurely disposed. building product reuse is a form of climate action. not only does it reduce demand but also replaces emission that's are associated with purchasing something new. several goals that correlate with this activity. as a city we updated our goal to be carbon neutral by 2040 without the. san francisco also colead the development of a advancing towards zero waste declaration in 2018 which targets reduction of the dispose of the landfill 50% by 2030 using a 20-30 base line and material generation reduction by 15% in that same time period. this speaks to change our consumption patterns and introducing items into first place so they don't have to be a burden in the system. it nicely compliments the declaration that we signed on to at cop 26 last year which includes impact reduction of building and construction profits as well as reused theme. in december, san francisco updated our action plan to capture our priorities. with several program and policy goals identified for implementation by 2025. in addition to the environmental ben fitz of building product reuse, also economic and social benefit by way of example some resent report completed, the occupants one compared benefit, comparative benefit for three different categories using the model of one pellet. you can see that they have a retail value must be organized to be preserves and this expands local by adding labor hours compared to demolition. already known as to go place in san francisco. thousands of people such as small contractors, xartist and home improvement do-it-yourself think of of as an institution. has been operated by san francisco community recycler since 1980 more than four decades. this is why 704 is so important. we also want to leverage this opportunity to improve inventory management and beautification efforts too. environment will continue to work in coordination. we plan to issue in the near future. we have incorporated the workforce expectation. will be on the review panel that is slated for spring of next year and onsite operator. we appreciate your time and i'll turn it back to kim. thank you. so what staff is recommending that they notify the fcc of this item. and with that, we welcome the port's commission and questions, thank you. >> thanks, kimberly and rebecca and eden for your presentation. now let's open up it for public comment. i see none. and now jenca will provide instructions for remote participants. >> at this time, we will open the phone lines to anyone that would like to make public comment. please dial star-3 if you wish to make public comment. >> at this time there are no members of the public on the phone wishing to make public comment. >> public comment is closed. commissioner lee. >> so question, so the operator now, wants to extend or is actually retiring? is that why you're going to find a new tenant or expanding on this? i really like this, because i have a ton of material i wanted to donate and i couldn't find a place so i don't know where the out reach is. at the same time, my wife is an artist and she looks for stuff like this. i'm hoping that it continues. are we looking for a new tenant. >> i will have alexa answer your question. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm alexa ktm the zero waste coordinator. happy to answer your question, we're at a time at a transition, there is a couple of things that have happened. the mayor has issued our climate action plan which helps us focus in on deinstruction and how that impacts the climate as eden pointed out. in terms of education and inventory management and as you pointed out, you know, advertising. we should be marketing this more so folks throughout the community know this opportunity exist. the current operator has the right to apply to the rfp so, they may be in the running but our hope is that there will be other players that may come to the table to improve the space and help us achieve our goals. ?o. what happens in the meantime? he continues to operate? until the rfp is ready to go out. >> that is the plan. >> i see, okay. thank you. >> i have no questions, i just want to say it's very impressive. >> thank you. vice president brando not. >> kim berry, eden, thank you for the presentation, i think this has a lost environmental benefits and i think it's something that the city needs. and i'm glad that this rfp will be focused on the beautification because that site has been an aye sore in the water front for many many years. and i would like to recommend since our m.o. u will be with dle that they are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep in inventory management with the new selected person. i really hope that that is an major concern and hopefully there will be an investment in beautification along with the inventory management. but i do think that it's much needed here in san francisco and i'm happy that we continue to choose it to be on property. but it's we can do that. and when will you decide if you're going to put an fcc on the panel? >> we're working with our city attorney to figure out how to draft this document that we need to put together. once that is through, we'll work on the port on the review process. >> the port and s a.c. >> the poster and s a.c., yes. >> thank you. >> kimberly and eden, why don't you address president's brandon's comment. >> so with regard to your concerns about dob being responsible that's one of the reasons why the mou will be with eod as opposed with the operator, they will be the ones responsible to make sure the items are carried out through them or their operator. maybe a participant in this. and they get actually some kind of detux. >> yescious so is your question, can nonprofit apply to the rfp. >> yes. >> okay. and then in terms of donating material, private entities can get tax write off if it's a nonprofit running the facility. >> how about right now. >> yes, correct. >> even know. >> correct. >> thank you. >> any other commissioner comments? >> once again, great presentation and i'm looking forward to when you come back. carl next item please. >> informational presentation on local contractor activity for fiscal year 21 through 22 and recommendations. >> hello, my name is stephanie tang, i'm the contractor pro curement manager. i'll be covering two areas today. first is reporting the numbers and all the charts in terms of contracts awarded and payments and all of that. and then the second part of ventation will be sharing some of the improvement that we're making, especially as it relates to out reach equity and our operations. at the star, 1,000 mlbes and mbes and wbe women own and pretty stable. and 169 asian owned firms. while in was up it's pretty mixed. i checked the numbers yesterday and unfortunately the numbers are down to 910. this slide shows you the contract award in the fiscal year and and i don't need bury the lead here. flt ten contracts six were awarded to the. black owned firm and 3mbes were awarded contracts. of 0% of contracts were awarded and 88% of the dollars this is pretty much unheard of in the city department. awarded to a firm outside of san francisco but a women owned firm. on this slide you're going to see payments for the year. in total close to 15,000 with 77.4 million going to lbes overall. all areas are pretty much on trend with on needed contracts. construction contracts of 58% and professional services contracts of 53%. when you look at the overall trends we were in line on how we were doing. and bottom chart looks at looks at the dollars that were made. --paid. but we're still doing very well. in terms of some of the private developments to report on, the both pier 70 and mission rock has 62.2 million which has been awarded to small mission rock is at a 124 million dollars. for the balance of the presentation, i'm getting to the fun part which is to tell you about some of the improvements and changes we've made in terms of how we're using contracting for a tool. a huge thank you to tiffany on the team who has been very instrumental these past few years to do our most important strategic which is to embed into the port activity and racial equity action plan. for out reach, one of our reap items has been to develop more robust list, professional groups and we've been hosting office hours, it's also been really fun for tiffany to have others call and say how do you make yourself available. so we've been developing these districts. so one consideration that staff has, we must communicate equally and we cannot confer the advantage. know about the opportunities because they read the staff agenda and they say on fridays they go online and they look to see. what we realize we can use the publication of staff reports on friday as prenounsment for advisement. this is giving at a minimum 5 days more advance notice of an opportunity. we knew there was going to be a lag. we then sent the staff rofrt for firm out reach list and essentially gave people a two-and a half week jump getting to read the scope. everything in the public domain that anyone can access. and i don't know if this is the reason why, but when we had a preproposal meeting, there was 120 plus firms that were in the meeting. this is unheard of. even the developer toent get as much. i had staff tuger the meeting, where are all of these people from? the next one i want to talk is the check mark. we know that they've been working to advance. we've been sharing these values with contractors and you're already familiar with the maintenance which is not a diverse industry and we put a question in the proposal. so we're slowly letting the community know these are our expectation. we've taken our one step further where we included a score criteria. to say hey, do you have a dei plan. we know this is a poipt and this is only a start. we think this is going to expand the influence about firms to know what they need dei plans and not is going to impact the city and also our contract partners. and i've been working to review these plans that in the future we may be able to score them and we have a convenience of what goes into a good plan. finally the last few changes fpt we know a lot of respondents, they look at our documents, it's a lot and we tell them and rerequire them to answer every one of our questions. so sme thit and give it to our voluntary tees and we ask them to shift through them and make sense of these proposals. so what we did, the team moved our rfp responses to be form base. this means that all proposals are organizing the same way. it's clear it's also crystal clear whether the table and you just have to add the information. look it's still not easy. there is two things that i want to share. one is scoring this type of form proposal probably saved him, he said he estimated at least 25% of his time just to be able to find everything. but i was most delighted to hear from an lbe who said this time around there was far less back and forth in termds of getting on a team. but then thing i had not anticipated because of the lbe knew what was required they shot themselves with the other teams. they didn't have to create the entire package, they just had to say this is the experience if i'm a good fit, put me on the team. to be clear, this approach is more work for me. members are being able to participate in the processes and that's a public service that we think the port should be providing to our community as well as the contract world. finally, if you ask firms about working for the city, they will say that responding our competition takes a lot of time, we ask a lot of questions. and i'm bound to follow the code. time and labor for something that resulted in nothing. we would like to and we would like to. everyone who put them in a prequalified pool. we can look at people who responded with something similar and we're going to for additional contracts. but for respondents, this means less time with my processes of getting competing for work and more time in the process of get the services that we need and let people to their business. this concludes my presentation, i welcome your question and dialogue on what i presented. thanks. >> thanks for your presentation. now let's open up for public comment. seeing none, jenca will provide for remote assistance. >> thank you, at this time we'll open the queue for anyone on the phone who would like to make public comment on 13 a. please dial star-3 if you want to make public comment. please open the queue for public comment. at this time, nobody wishing to make public comment. >> public comment is closed. commissioner burton. >> i think it's terrific. i only have one question. why nobody wanted to comment? i know you can't answer but that's kind of weird. >> i just want to cop grad late you. >> are you done? >> i'm done. >> stephanie, i just want to sai, your enthusiasm for this project. and i want to congratulate you and your team for your effort to center equity that is very complex. i want to commend you it is unheard of and anything that we can get to simplify it and hope that other departments are listening, even though i'm no longer responding and many of my friends do. i'm having standardize list and tables mainsing a huge amount of difference. for any rfp it's a waste of trees and money. i want to commend you for your creativity. this is very very impressive. where we're seeing in the past. we heard that many of our lbes and minority owned businesses get the modeling work or sort of the less lucrative work. i would like if it could be a staff report and writing and understand the work that we're seeing more of kind of, substantial work being done within the professional services pool for lbes i really appreciate everything you're putting towards this and your enthusiasm really really comes through. thank you for your hard work. >> commissioner lee. >> no, no real questions other than can i hire you for my video documentary? voice overser you're great. i usually fall asleep for some of this but you're really good, congratulations and thank you so much. >> thank you, i think you and your team need to go on a road show to show them all that you have done and all the great ideas that you come up with. and maybing it easier for our lves and this is with the port and out reach and community engagement is just been me nominal. i mean, everybody talks about what a star you are staffing. so i want to let you know how much i appreciate all the work and i read the entire report and i have to say, i went through it and had no questions. it was very clear. >> stephanie i think my fellow commissioners said, and i just want to say, you're very humbled and measures and just the work and your team have been doing. i want to thank vice president brandon who i know constantly has been on this and her fingerprint is all over this too. she has been an inspiration and taking all of that and for vice president brandon so say they don't have a question. i real estate' like it but, she said but. great great job. we're pleased to have you. thanks. >> item 14 a is an informational information on amendment port of san francisco building code. >> good afternoon, commissioners, i'm rod chief harbor engineer for the port. and i'm here to present an informational item on 2022 building code amendment. but before i start, the prime beneficiary of stephanie's action, i do echo her appreciate of hefter as well. she is great, so thanks for the appreciation. so every three years the california code is updated and allows the jurisdiction to add amounts to the state code. the combination of california building code and port amendments make up the port building code. and historically, this process has been of having the building code, has been a two-step process with informational, presentation at one port commission meeting and then a, action item to approve the port amendments at the next commission meeting. so today's informational presentation will summarize the notable amendments to the 2022, california building code. there are other port amendments but they're mostly editorial in nature. and as a slide says, the local amendments must be adopted by the end of 2022, so we'll be back with an action item next month. hopefully on the consent calendar. the court amendments, address these two port strategic objectives. i had a whole bunch here but given the time, i can skip this. i will say that there is a typo in the slide, i apologize. we're incorporated the 2022 green building codes amendments, or the green building codes into the port building code. okay. first amendment of note, not regulated by the u.s. coast guard. this amendment clarifies the jurisdiction of the court to include floating marine vessels that are not non regulated by the coast guard. this amendment clarifies the port use of site permit and aligns the process with same process of building inspection. and it allows the permit process to move forward when certain member cal typing design, the overall design process. and the third item is the insertion of special inspection requirements doing aluminum fabrication. this qualifies the requirement for special inspections during the aluminum of 'ems, california building code is, ambiguous for fabrication using aluminum. along the water front, this material is commonly used for gangways and ramps and other fabrication due to its light weight and resistance to marine base corrosion. and that is that concludes my presentation. chief building inspector are available to answer any questions. >> thank you for your presentation. is there any public comment in the room? at this time, jenca will provide instructions now for remote participants. >> thank you, president adams. at this time we'll open the queue for anyone on the phone that would like to make public comment ob item 14 a. please dial star-3 if you winer to make public comment. the system will let you know when your line is open. others will wait on mute until their line is open. comments will be limited to 3 minutes per person. the quaoe is now open. please dial star-3 if you wish to make public comment. >> members on the floor wishing to make public comment. >> public comment is closed. commissioner lee. >> i have no questions. >> commissioner burt? >> no questions, sir. >> vice president. >> well yes, thank you so much for the report. i'm supportive of amendment. thank you. >> commissioner gilmar. >> thank you so much for the update and i have no questions. i don't have any questions, very well laid out, thank you very much. >> carl next item. 15 a is fashion al information and update on traffic safety and other changes between mission street and broadway for the san francisco transportation agencies embarcadero enhancement program. >> good afternoon, thank you for having us back yet again. we're here to provide a progress that has been made and some further test that are going to be coming. the bulk of the presentation will be by tracy and then i will come back and talk about the en barca dero promenade to conclude the prept abesing. presentation. thank you. >> thank you, dan for the introduction, director forbeses president adams, vice president brando not, he is steamed commissioners, it's nice to be back in-person p.casey planner with to talk about the results of our evaluation on 'em barca dero project. the central embarcadero project part of enhancement focused on. so while i'm focused we always keep in mind since everything is so connected. just making sure that we're thinking about the long term and short-term and doing what we can to provide a pathway from one to the other. and while my team does not regulate the program, my colleagues do. we certainly do share information and communicate and so work together with that. as part of celebrating that mild stone as well as getting out some of the messaging we knew was important but also interesting the regulations around no e-bikes or e scooters along the water front. thep celebrated project. soy do encourage folks to visit that link if you can on youtube page. so the program was open in february but no means were we done. we've been tiding up and adding to the project. we added programs to make sure that our loading zones were accessible at the request of folks from the farmers parking lot and others. really beefed up our design we decided to add more green add more coast. and then finally once our vendor delivered signs, we installed en kaournling proper bike usage as well as reenforcing the wrecklation of e-bikes along the promenade. and we'll talk about more expensively in a moment. to the evaluation. so, so that we're consistenting understanding what can be better and what is not. a lot of our metrics, our project looked at 13. so we tried to be as ex --we can come back to anything that you have questions on. but to gelt to our main goal. did this project do what it said what it intended to do? also, release some of the pressure off the promenade and get those devices into the bike way. we saw rapid increases in the aoutization of the bike way. at the end of the day of all the people that are on a real device we're seeing between 78 and 94% usage of that bike way. which means we're confident and excited about the results that we're seeing from the project. in terms of overall number but the needs of which they're travel. what we also found that those that are choosing to remain on the promenade are those that are traveling the most slowly. waoeg seeing precould wid numbers. we do see that this is facility is attracting new uses along the corridor and other uses. we do see some opportunities to make modest improvement with our follow-up capitol project in this area. and triefz trying to get into peer driveway. in terms *f loading, are they staying out of the bike lane, the answer is yes. and then, in terms of providing flexibility for the farmers market at the ferry building in particular, we think that is working well. we do want to acknowledge that food wise, the operator does require them to do a little bit extra lifting to shift the bake way when needed so their vendors can access the promenade and load and unload their gifts. we didn't see any trends related to speeds vehicle speeds that we could point to. and in terms of travel time, you know, we did take away one northbound lane and to repurpose for the bike way. we did expect some increase a in travel time. we saw less than we were expecting in large part due to the depressed involves. the one metric that we did not see positive indications was the performance of the of the broadway. we did have to make a trade off and have a lengthy exchange on how to best do that. we decide today leave two northbound lanes from 2 to 1 and that has resulted in additional consistent and substantial delay for that movement on to broadway. we did additional analysis looking at what would happen if we maintained one northbound lane and added back that second turn lane. what we think is that, we can really move more people to that intersection overall. we think we can get more people through that intersection turning left while still really minimizing the delay for northbound travel. northbound direction. while we do expect back up to see occur, those back ups are going to clear the intersection. so for the most part, they should not see a dhai but we would be doubling the capacity of that left turn on to broadway and believe that's important to again move the most people through the intersection safely. and then, here's some slides but i will skip those details if necessary. we should try to do this more we can. while we run out of opportunities, we are focused on extending it south wards towards the ballpark. here we're not talking about traveling reductions. it's mostedly about the accommodations of civil changes. nair owing the median and observing the northbound bike lane and then adjusting the curve to extend that protective bike way south. but giving you at harrison in particular. we know that there is a sea wall project this is a very constrained project as well. we have a lot of work to understand the details but we're bolster of the evaluation. so the evaluation results that we shared today, were shared with our ad hoc advisory groups, in september as well as the ports nac. we do, again hope to feed the feedback, the feedback that we get from stakeholders as well as our evaluation into you are our capitol design and we're proposing to test it early next year. again, picking a moment of a calendar year na is least disruptive towards tourism and then, we do think come the springtime, we would be able to really understand is this a viable design do we want to continue to monitor it or is it something that does not work and we can close the book on that question. hopefully we're delivering impacts and value to the port and that's just one of three segments that we hope to tackle in the years ahead. so with that, i will turn it over to dan to finish up the presentation. and port staff return with suggestions on how concepts can be reduced between pedestrians and people riding scooters and other electric wheel devices. scooter riders are moving off to the prom ned particularly during times of heavier use. and majority using them tend to ride more slowly. these improvements and behavior could be credited to the new bike way. further compliance will likely occur when all the sections receive a protected bike way and the associated improvements. and when required for technology to detect and prohibit promenade riding for scooters is implemented. as you see in this slide, some signage has been put up. no motor eyesed vehicles on tl. they do allow the bicycles to use the promenade at this time. and the commission looked at, we presented for the options pursue changes in the port code. and which require changes in the city code. it may volve action by the board of supervisors as well. we would be doing public out reach on it of course. if they're 13 or olders, they are not allowed to ride a motorcycle. two-mile long that they worked that the commission and staff have worked hard to clear clear of crossing vehicles and minimize impact. so we have families riding together. so a comment that has come up in the public meeting and even internally and staff. public complaints recently lead sfmta to consider increasing the sign from 150 to 500 dollars. and walking speed when they're on the promenade. sidewalk detection technology is kufrntly in development and could be deployed in the coming year. for illegal parking of scooters. the resolution also urged sfmta to immediately require anti sidewalk technology on all scooters. on october 25th, sfmta submitted a letter to the three scooter companies contracted by the company that would prohibit users from leaving scooters parked in the water front promenade as we know it. and this was specifically from pierce 1 through 35. for at least the month of november and assess mta could extend the date. the new restrictions will not apply to e scooters only to the contracted companies. with all of this, regarding where we go next. the project evaluation and research and for project modifications that are on going through 2023 and to perform a field test at broadway with two-left turn lanes for the reasons that were outlined there. which were estimate today reduce vehicle delay through that intersection. regard promenade of the new protected bike way, adjacent and actions by the sfmta to reduce speed, adequately resolve conflict or whether other changes or regulations should be pursued. i don't think we believe we'll ever get 100 percent compliance but compliance numbers have gone significantly up. a lontion the 'em barca dero and ports. that concludes our presentation. thank you very much. >> thanks, dan and casey for your presentation. now let's open up for public comment. is there any public comment in the room? is there any public comment. seeing none, jen ica will provide instructions for remote participant. >> thank you, president adams. at this time we will open the queue for anyone on phone that would like to make public comment on item 15 a, please dial star-3 if you winer to make public comment. the system will let you know when your line is open. others will wait on mute until their line is open. comments will be limited to flee minutes per person. the queue is now open. please dial star-3 if you wish to make public comment. we do have 7 callers on the line so far. so let me open up that first line now. >> sounds good, jen, thank you. >> speaker: good evening, commissioners with teamsters. we want to weigh in, we have and other organizations on peer 39 as well. and we as partnered with management on their concern about the plans or or the bike lanes. we have just come out of the pandemic. to have this study done further into the summertime, real estimate on how this is going to affect business that can be taken place. thank you for your time. we support. >> thank you, next. >> opening up the next line. >> thank you. >> speaker: hi there besinger thank you for the opportunity to comment. my name is alejandro, the accessories, we are a small retail business we have two stores and another one up north on jefferson street. we want to call in and echo the thing of previous speaker. and i guess express concern with the lane. we think the uncertain of the impact and ramification that a measure like this can have are big. and more studies before any actions are taken. now obviously i can only speak for our business. but i'm sure the same goes. we're only recovering from the pandemic. so taking all of this into consideration, i guess the 'em barca dero, north stuff artery for visitors to get the wharf. so, you know, we move the lane is another way to increase congestion. we should dig fully to fully understand to the multitude of businesses that work on the north and water front. thank you. >> thank you. next? ?fm opening the next line now. >> speaker: i'm dave and i'm with pepinos restaurant and five other retail stores right along 35 years. and we for the last three years have been very very challenging. we keep hearing staff about making it more efficient and this way and that way than it could be or somebody. well we don't know what it does. it backs up traffic it chocks up our businesses. all things all the time, this proposal keeps coming back. we can't continue to pursue this kind of action. my proposal is that we start thinking about bowing and deletion to the last remaining business. thank you. >> thank you, next. >> opening the next line. >> my name and i'm property owner back in fisherman's wharf. and we talked to all of our tenants as well as other merchants in the area. as you know embarcadero that they access fisherman's wharf. and the business cannot survive if another lane of traffic is removed. we're so behind on sales and 2018 was not a good year for us. large majority of the visitors are coming from the bay area, they're still way way below. this is no prepandemic fm we lost countless raun and retailers because of the pandemic. and we cannot afford to pinch our main artery because this would, obviously increase the amount of time that it takes. we need to make it easier for the people to get to the wharf not more difficult. i'm not aware of any issues of congestion in those bicycle lanes. they're the economic driver in the city and cutting out another lane of traffic will be the definition of kicking us while we're doing. --down. so just to summarize the wharf needs all work that it needs. i don't need additional need for more bike lanes, we should be looking at how to increase lanes of traffic to people can access the wharf. so i urge the commission to keep 'em barca dero as it is and to cult with the businesses on how you can help us bounce back from the pandemic. thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker please. >> we have 7 more callers. >> oh. >> we'll open the next lines. >> i'm dawn smith i'm also a owner of small business in pier 39. i'm concerned about the negative effect it would do to the movement across the 'em barca dero which is our main access use to get to our property, to fisherman's wharf and also to the marina. i'll share with you two experiences that i have. on wednesday october 19, between 11:00 am and 12:50 p.m., 675 cars pass compared to 65 bikes. inner reality is the intersection. that is our current reality. this is not a lot of bikes, this is a lot of cars. 271 cars went through this current went through that intersection. again, not a lot of bikes and a lot of cars. they use to to get to the it's not just not a peer 39 situation. i believe that we need to have more ex as ability to cars so that people can have freedom of movement. people need to choose their transportation that they want to have. and rather than seed of access to a small group of people, we need to address the people who are actually using the most, transportation choices which are auto at the moment. thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. thank you for the opportunity to speak today. i'm the executive director of benefit district representing over 400 properties and businesses generally speaking, from bay street to the water front. the city and county tourism. fisherman's worth host 55 percent. taking away from the vehicle days, to alt na modes, yes it is important to the wharf to be accessible to the locals and part of the fabric to san francisco. but let's face it, tourism pays the bills. people in the cars have rights too and need to represent as well. continue to put forth plans that have existing northbound lanes. and by the way, will be arriving by car. thank you for your time. >> thank you, next speaker please. >> person on the next line. >> last year. >> excuse me. >> go ahead, paul. >> speaker: last year, proposed taking away one lane to create the two bike lanes. now we're coming back and suggested to take one more northbound lane away. this is unacceptable even on a trial basis. the test of having two left turn lanes has been tried for 15 years when we had two left turn lanes and two northbound lanes. if you drive northbound on the left hand lane, you automatically got stuck in the right left turn lane. most people did not intend to be there so they would merge into the left northbound lane that would cause the traffic lane. but back then, we had where traffic can get through. same situation is going to happen are going to get stuck in that right left turn lane and they're going to merge what will be now only one northbound lane. so that is going to cause the traffic at broadway intersection and traffic will not get through period. for shift loading, it's a traffic jam and i think you've all been through it. 1030 in the morning and i thought well it always stops here. examine they were loading about 50 feet, the right hand northbound lane at pier 33. there is police there directing traffic. it took 55 minutes to get from ferry building to pass 23. that was with one lane open. 'em barca dero has way too much traffic that one lane will support the traffic. thank you for listening to me. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> okay, we have four more callers. >> food evening, vice president and commissioners, this is taylor. as you consider how best to reconfigure to accommodate the bike lane, i would like to share the following information with you. at pier 39 the port's busiest and largest attraction, 50% of the of million people who came to the property in the past 12 months ride by car. they accept just 54% of our obviously we have a long way to go before we fully recover. 100 tenants continues to struggle from devastation of the pandemic. driving up from the airport and using freeways and big ridge to get to the northern water front fpt any traffic test that you waun to take is again hosting its precovid 16 million visitors a year is going to understate what the long term tax will be to businessesment please carefully consider what the downstream will have on hundreds of businesses in the wharf and tens of thousands and the many millions who come to the wharf every year. commissioners, my ask is first consider holding off any lane changes before the they have recovered. second, reestablish 100% of precovid service as a precondition of any further roadway changes. third, please investigate what economic impact will be on the water front for eliminating one to two northbound lanes before you make any final decision. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> opening the next line. >> speaker: good evening everyone and thank you for allowing us to have public comments this evening. my name is ray connolly. i own a business in fisherman's wharf squ i'm also a property owner. and i think we need to paws here for a second with this study. because of the pact that with magnitude of individuals this drives, they act city through the cities and all the major freeways and if they were to give the 'em barca dero and sit in traffic for an hour to get to the pier o or the wharf, that ads a high level of frustration to those families that are trying to have a, nice day of enjoyment. so not only are you reducing the access to the peers and to the wharf but you're adding individual frustration when they sit in traffic. how does that impact the frustration. that takes away the amount of time that they have allocated to spend visiting the restaurant, touring around the pier, walking around the wharf and if they got limited time, that means that they're going to limit the time that they spend in raun, it going to limit the time that they have going and if they don't have a lot of time, they're not going to spend a lot of money. then they're going to say it's too hard to get to the pier. it's too hard to get in the heart of fisherman's wharf. individuals that are going to try to get there. i think you may want to take another letter of this evaluation and think about the individuals frustration when they're sit in deadlock traffic. i ask that you cause this evaluation through the sirm. a lot of businesses that are still coping trying to rebuild their businesses after covid. there is a lot of frustration and this is going to add more. so if we want oufr crown july, this is not going to help it. so thank you, and have a nice weekend. >> thank you, you too. >> next speaker. >> unmuting the next line. >> good evening, i'm steve a brahams i'm a traffic engineer with 7 years experience. based on my review, i strongly recommend that further study be conducted on the economic impact that would result from reducing the northbound 'em barca dero to one lane. and this should be included in the future he value ace. current proposal ignores the economic vitality of northern water front. this unique location of parameter of the city. there are now state and policies that strongly discourage the expansion of roadways. so if this is reduces, you know, unique quarter of likely wood of lane being restored is highly questionable. it could become permanent. this could retwos in the reduction of in pound visitors of about 750 per hour. and peek period of reduction of over 3000 people per day getting tolt wharf to you know, spend their money. they're visitors. and they're alternative. but the other alternative, they would just be more expensive so they would like to take out a lane. this traffic cauz created by simile reducing the amount of time green time available for northbound traffic at the 'em barca dero. you'll have to decide for yourself. but as a traffic engineer, it's clear to me that these changes were iment mrimented to constrain traffic to justify changing the 'em barca dero to a one-lane road. they're rightfully concerned which would be a 50% reduction during peek periods. we strongly encourage you to research this further. thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> next speaker please. >> okay, we have three more callers. >> okay, let's take them. >> speaker: good evening, i'm the--in the heart of fisherman's wharf. the visitors, still have not reached precould vid numbers. we have very minimum out of state and international visitors. our fishers consist with the families that drive into the wharf. and these are visiting. they're not ride their bicycles from their homes to the wharf. the embarcadero has been bee seiged with traffic. with the removal to create another bike lane will only accesser bait the traffic especially on weekend. only major north vehicle. both in any current will only make the traffic worse than ever. i urge you to please not allow this to happen. thank you for your attention to this matter. >> thank you, next speaker, please. >> i represent the cafe with two stores in water front. and i don't think there is anymore to bring up that has not been brought up by previous callers. but there was a couple of things. one economic impact, in addition to the i am panting on the merchants, and at first impact or city. is a loss and the visitors that we see come in now, primarily from the local bay area, but people visitors who fly in internationally, also need to use the embarcadero are going to come in. my personal experience is that commuting using the 'em barca dero without any traffic, it only takes 20 minutes. and with the closing, that added another 10 to 15 minutes. and now you're going to close another lane, i don't know how much longer it's going to be. it's going to take forever to get to work. also very difficult for us to hide employees. thank you for the opportunity to speak. >> thank you. >> next speaker please. >> opening the next line. >> yes, commissioners and staff. born and raised san francisco here in san francisco. and i want 'em barca dero about 300 days of the year. i remember when we were younger, out by just say day bridge and still and hope that they don't come after me. anyway you have done a great job. i must say, the biking is great. when they have bikes at each other. it could be very dangerous. in the bike lane, heading at each other, it's very dangerous. but what i do see is traffic jams, you've been in it, so we cannot deny it. and i'm watching it all the time and the ferry building, they try to pull into the building. traffic is always backed up to the bay bridge. so i just did very unfortunate, i can see item merchants are very upset. we don't have to do more for the bikers. the 'em barca dero was designed for bug he's. i feel safe, my biking friends feel safe. we have to live with the cars, they're not going to go away so leave the two north and keep them open, keep them going. and i heard engineer talk earlier, if the northbound lanes have more time, we'll give them broadway and a little bit more time to get through. if it is not problematic, let's go ahead and not make it a problem. it does not go ideally as far as realization of people and how they move and how they think and they don't, move and think ideally, so embarcadero is a beautiful place to ride your bikes, but as far as cars? really, i feel really bad about the cars they're stuck in traffic jams all the time. >> thank you, your time is up. >> thank you very much. >> okay, do we have anybody else? >> there are no more on the item. >> thanks jenica, you held that very well. public comment is closed commissioner gilman. >> thank you, president adams. i have a couple of questions but before i get to the questions, i just want to actually i'll dot questions first and then i'll have some observations. >> i've got to go get my daughter. gentleman come up and, so i just want to make sure first of all, we entered this project in my opinion with three goals dating back one is how do create a pro tektd bike lane because we had bicycle fatalities along stretch of 'em barca dero. while we had no fatality riding in the fatality, we had collisions between the pedestrians and bikes. to my study, the end result with either be just because i feel some confusion with public comment, it would either be maintaining two lanes on to broadway with one northbound lane to pier 39 or it would be having one turn lane and two northbound traffic lanes. >> where it's at right now. >> so currently we have one lane turning into broadway and one towards pier 39 and a protected bike lane. >> yes. >> some callers were concerned that it was going to be one lane only. i wanted to base line that assumption. several callers stated in public comment that we don't have whole service right now through the corridor. my understanding is that the shoulders are truncated and i believe that we're at similar head ways. i believe it's slightly reduced with slightly shorter period overall period of time. >> okay. so with that, i'll--i have to leave soon. we do need, my ob sefbation, we need to be making our decisions based on data. and i did appreciate the observation al data as with as the people that called in. and this is not vehicles versus bicycles. we have environmental reasons, and other reasons that we need to be en kaournling people whether they want to take that encouragement or not. overall as a society. but i do think that we need to look at our data and how it it has an economic impact and especially with us promoting fish sales and other things we're going to be more and more people travel through that corridor. i'll be making my decision based on data but i to want to ask a couple of things. one is that we can't, change traffic flows through the corridor if we diminish public transportation services. to me, it's coupled with enhancement are we going to provide to mitigate for that. and how are we going to protect both our tourist traffic, both locally and how are we going to help our workers get to work in a timely fashion? i think that's incredibly important. my other observations with the protected bike lanes and signage, there appears to be less bicycles on the promenade which i think is an important aspect for us and i appreciate that. i would like to see some traffic stopping, i don't know what you call them but on the quarter the bike lane has its own little signals, i have seen a lot of runing of lights and running through intersection to see hit pedestrians while they're crossing i wanted to offer that observation as well. i just want to note that we received no calls about the people concerned about the turn on broadway. you can turn on front street and bay street and a lot of other ways that vehicles can get. and i hope that we would check in with those merchants too. we heard that diminishing northbound lanes is a high concern for them. so we need to take public feedback before we make this decision. and i want to assure the public that this is informational item we're taking no action today. and dan, i would really love to see, if we end up with a protective bike lane, the signage is great. we just need a lot of it. i also want to see if there is a marina having a little stripe for bicycles. i don't want discouraged recreation on the water front. especially around the ferry building, such congestion of bicycles and people. we can continue to look at all of those ideas, thank you very much for those observations. >> that concludes my observations and questions. >> thank you. commissioner lee? >> well you know, i'm not a fan and to listen to all the peer 39 merchants, i find of feel for them, i happen to a number of my business in the past too where they took away parking meters and to put express lanes without having, any kind of feedback from the mefr chants. and for me to make any further improvements so-called improve manies, to expand further than what is happening right now, i'm all about like let's fix the problem that's we have before we over expand. as they said when they were come back, there was a some maintenance being done in front of the ferry building. they blocked off one street so we were stuck. i understand the situation for those people up there on the north side. as i come here and i was late because of the lights. as soon as i still see a lot of bicycles. nobody is using the bike lanes. we spent a lot of money on it. and i see the beautiful sign, it's great and b*u it's kind of high up there. also i saw on the scooters, you ride ob the sidewalk you're going to get find 500,000. these are the little things that need to be fixed before you can expand further. not just knocking out a lane but how about like commissioner gilmarch said, at least don't ride your bike in this area and let the pedestrians walk by. i don't know how many times i've seen collisions with little kids because they were not looking and they ran away from their mom. regardless if you're going one mile or two. for me, anyway, sfmta has more passion for us small business. i'm not going to vote for anything that is going to go beyond that. unless something new comes up. i've got a bunch of things. like your evaluations you know, tour season, traditionally, is usually june, july, august and it dies when everybody goes back to school. why do we do evaluation. there is a lot of foot traffic there. so future evaluation should be changed with more in the tourist. we don't get any international tourist. i just got back from las vegas, they're not getting any. we're going to take at least a couple more years for recovery. and we only got the locals to participate. i don't know if you know that i'm a musle car cruising kind of car. we used to stay at pier 23 and have lunch. or park my car in front of the fishing boats. but if you put the maoun' line in there, i would not park anymore. you have o do more for the small business in town. you're not going to get much results with that. i don't feel anything new unless you change that. >> thank you both for the report. >> from the public comment, it looks like we still have work to do. and i think when i heard we were doing this study, i didn't know we were just studying peek hours. for me, why are we going to make this change when we need more flow going to the water front. next year we're fwg to have record crews. there is going to be a lot of traffic along the water front and just have one lane? we have to do what we can to help them recover. i think the timing is off right now. and i think we need to do more out reach. we need to have more conversations, with those that are going to be impacted. and i think that's a great way to do an impact report. >> if i may. in terms of the merchants in pier 39. i have been having conversations with for years. i talked to numerous, there is a lot of emotion behind the last couple of years and we taing that very seriously, which is why we moved ahead, you know and listened to them last year with moving faveder with their recommended design. i think when you mention the crews calls. this change that we're proposing to change. it's about tactic, i actually agree with a lot of those callers, we do need to be doing more study to understand the impacts. what we're proposing is do tt least costly time of the year as it ramps up towards april which. so before the peek of the season, we can understand does this have any legs or not? and if it doesn't, we can put a we can close the book on this idea. this proposal is meant to move for vehicles to make it easier and to one of the callers points, when you do have a caller called in and pier 23 is backed up, is to get around that congestion. so the itemed to give options and to understand the impacts in realtime. i just i really take those comments. >> but if you do it in a off season, you're not taking the real impact realtime? you're not seeing how the corridor will really be affected if there is heavy traffic. >> well i think april is a good month, it is really close to travel time. there is a definitely a rhythm to calendar year and april was a good month to test. we wanted to do that and have hare nn man businesses. it's just a way to test it to understand impacts and to address a lot of questions and concerns that a lot of callers had. we do do a lo of out reach. we have heard complaints from some of those residents and constituents. as we're trying to look at what is an equitable solution, we think this is a valuable test. but by no means are we, we hear a lot of emotion and the concerns and the ept skepticism that we've heard for a number of years. it's based on on going conversation with those people as well as commission. >> but during thele years have you done an economic impact report? >> you mean, most economic studies around complete streets and safer streets point to increased sales for food, establishments, i think it's, it's really difficult to scope that study given the nuances of what we're talking about. we're not talking about a trail that does not exist. you're talking about deleting access. >> we're going to improve access overall. and if we're wrong, we'll know that right away. and the only way that we're going to know that is through realtime testing. i want to add to your point, and i'm just, i'm not a big driver, if you don't have, other parts there is a sign that says, 25 minutes to the bay bridge or use this alternative route. i want to caution you, it's not to be we give people moefr credit. i know i can expect third and turns into kearny. but if we don't have wait times and electronic displays. so i want to caution that when we're going to do these studies, we're not going to have signage weight bearing et cetera, the impact is going to be detrimental. i want to en kaournl that we provide tools the way when we pel people when parking lots are full. turn on here to get where they need to go. google is not going to tell me that. >> and we have prioritized as part of the capitol project. that's feedback that we have incorporated into the larger capitol project. regardless of what happens at broadway that will be part of the capitol project. >> go ahead. when scott wiener ordered one for the nightclub industry and everybody thought we were underground and illegal. and they found what impact study that night life business brought 8 million dollars to the economy. so it was p that we were creating a district, it was an understanding that how much district, like fisherman's wharf brings to the community. and if you cut off its leg, how much will we lose? it's a data that is very important. i'm very supportive of this kind of study. that we're going to creating a district but at least what the economic i am pabt is. and tt a trickle down affect. because if they can't pay, look at how much rent we've been giving away. i mean, every meeting since i've been here, we've been giving millions of dollars away because of covid and now because they can't pay their rent. we should be helping them and not being negative. i think more study needs to be done. public safety is number one for me. i don't want people to get hurt. let's go zero vision on the sidewalk and i'll support everything that you have. but for now, i can't support anything right now. especially if my brothers in small business up in the north side, they're barely coming back and we're working very hard to get to be there. so. i'm done. >> thank you, what are you looking for from us? or do you need anything from us to do whatever your next step is? >> i think i can respond to that. so the key question, are cars backing up because they should be turning on broadway and instead going down and creating traffic northbound on the 'em barca dero or not? that's the question that they're trying to ask. that's what study is involved w.per our prior conversation about the quick bills we were to come back with data after the signs were installed. we have a lot of signage actually and we got pretty data about folks getting off the 'em barca dero into the protected bike lane and then we were going to move forward to the study to move to two prod way turns. to see if they were impacts off peak season. i agree with vice president that there is upset and conversation that needs to happen. i'm concerned about the small businesses, i'm concerned about our wharf as you know a major is to return the wharf to well being. but i also want the traffic to flow in the best way possible. so based on what i heard tonight, let me see if there is any recommendation from the floor. i would say that we should continue talking with our constituent, at pier 39 in the wharf. i know the director really wants to try this study and see what is best for traffic flow. i think we should have conversation and come back again when the time is right. signalization does appear to be a traffic causer along the 'em barca dero. so what i would suggest is that we come back again after we've had a couple more conversation and are prepared to make a recommendation, it may not be popular to ever study this, even though the data may show that the traffic engineers are on to something. so we may have a challenge and i would urge the commission and our team to get folks comfortable with the idea of at the time, right. but i agree, i don't think we're here tonight, i think there are major concerns and very important in our portfolio so that would be my suggested next step. >> we could have a policy change recommend to you which is to treat our 'em barca dero prom mad more like a city walk. at this time, staff and i do not recommend that. we think there is been a lot of diversion into the bike facility. we think signage is beginning to work. that has been an immediate positive change. >> so when will you make the decision? >> well if we continue to see good diversion and good harmony between the walkers and the bikes, we'll recommend that it stays status quo. this appears much more harmony and with small children who are visiting bicycling to be able to still enjoy the promenade at this point. so that's where we are but at this point we will not consider more changes. >> your turn. >> casey and dan. i agree some of those scooters are flying by they're all out out there. sometimes you get some maniacs down there, i'm serious. because you've got small kids. i know senator burton almost got run over. now in this other issue, this is a situation that we cannot rush to judgment. just from what i heard from the commission, sometimes it's better to listen than to talk. couple of questions, because vice president asked why are we doing it at a certain time. you might have to do one in the middle. that's my thought. this is a painful conversation. i did hear the unguy who said don't change anything. so there is a mixture and it reminds us when we put the homeless shelter. and it was a very very heated but i liked this because this commission is built to last and this commission can handle that type of criticism and whatever we do, somebody is not going to be happy. that's just life. and sometimes leadership is making those decisions and living with those decisions. i don't think we have to rush. some of those i'm going to call to feel comfortable and we have more dialogue and i want to hear more from you. i appreciate what you're doing. you're in the bad situation. you see right now, over in china, they may not open up until 2025, the world has changed as we know it. and we remember the good ol' days in san francisco but this city has changed a lot. and sometimes you never go back, it is like an athlete. you don't, sometimes go back to where you were when you were a prime. when you get older, you remember, i remember steph when he was but one day he'll be 45 or 50 and he'll be the same guy now. >> still great. >> still great. we're talking about doing a hotel down and entertainment and stuff like that. i think there might be a possibility that we may have cruises not just here but up here too. when we talk about water taxis, this is all part of transportation. what i thought we would always said, i thought we wanted to make the 'em barca dero as seemless as possible so people can flow in and out and we encourage people to take water taxes. 20% of the people that go to the giants game, go by ferry. i agree, i know that's what you're trying to do and everything. i would hate to see somebody get ran over. some people just down and we got a mixture, wee got a mixture of everybody down there now. it is crazy, so anyway, that's just my thoughts on it. i want to thank you both and i appreciate the efforts and i know we'll get there this is painful conversation. my favorite song is by michael mcdonald what a fool believes he says, and i think we'll get there some day. thank you. >> carl next item please. >> item 16 is new business. >> two items of new business, one is to come back on the services provided to homeless individuals on the median related to the transit commissioners gil man asked for through the department of homelessness and the other item is to return on the broadway turn and the quick build project. and that concludes the new business i conclude. >> i just want to say thank you to the staff this has been a long day. you know, we're doing our job. we're doing our due diligence. i know you have families you got to get home. thank you for being patient and thank you for staying until the end and supporting our director and everybody. thank you. >> the board of san francisco waterfront stretches 7 and a half miles and while it seems it will always be there, our waterfront needs us. san francisco faces coastal flooding due to climate change with expecting sea level rise up to 7 feet by the year 2100. we also need to strengthen the wateren front gaest urblth quake risk. the waterfront resilience program is leading a city wide effort to adapt the waterfront kaess this unique combination of risks. what is at stake? small businesses nearby housing open spaces and attractions and initial historic district, mare i time and industrial use, transportation like bart and muni, critical drinking and wastewater utility and disaster response facility. guided by robust public engagement process since 2018, the port and city and federal agency partners have developed waterfront adaptation strategies for public review and engagement. adaptation strategies are a combinationf construction projethss and policies to defend san francisco against flood and earthquake riskbs to create a resilient sustainable equitalb waterfront for the next 100 years. we'll need to use different approaches dependling on the unique characteristics of each neighborhood and shoreline. continuing to defend locations against current and future flooding at the shoreline while defending further inland in other locations to create space for our expecting future fwluding. the port is committed to insure adaptation strategy create students for san francisco historically underserved communities. we want residents to engage in decision making and benefit directly. we have a once in a generation chance to defend waterfront jobs, housing and public spaces from floods and earthquakes and reiman jts with more pub luck open space, better access improved mobility somewhere enhanced ecology. join the port of san francisco and let your voice be heard on the future of our waterfront. learn more at sfport.com/wrp. >> welcome everyone to union square my name is marissa rodriguez and i'm executive director of union square alliance. what a beautiful, sunny welcoming day here in union square. [applause] we are in the heart of san francisco, the crown rule, union square where the holidays are synonymous with union square. i just want to take a moment to acknowledge all the folks behind me today. it takes a village to ensure that our community is safe vibrant and beautiful as it is today. this time last year, was very difficult for all of us, we were still in the throws of the pandemic and