Thirty other people. speaking spanish. i have been living in my car for a year and looking for housing but the social worker cant help me because i have bureaucracy. speaking spanish. thank you. Thank you. Good afternoon. Thank you. Next speaker, please. speaking spanish. thank you. Maria tell him his time is up. Maria tells you what he said. He was saying another person that seeks help from the state and can afford the 1,000. Any other speakers in need of translation either in this room or 416 . speaking spanish. last call for Translation Services mr. Rothman any person in 416 . One more . Okay two more. speaking spanish. i come from the Neighborhood Center on cap street here to support the project to help the seniors that cant afford regular housing and all the people that are living on the streets the homeless we need Affordable Housing thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We have 3 additional speakers that feed translation. speaking spanish. im here to support in project we need Affordable Housing we video a lot of Homeless People and sometimes money is invested in other things we have the superbowl they invested a lot of money and hid away Homeless People so the tourists couldnt see them. speaking spanish. theres also a maintenance in parks and families and people can use them we dont live in parks we need Affordable Housing for seniors to live in. speaking spanish. please support this project and support the speakers of the city and god bless you. We need translation for another person. speaking spanish. thank you for listening to all of us seniors commissioners, i want to tell you about my dpaut a single mom with two kids and allocate daughter a widow on a wheelchair. speaking spanish. it has been hard to find an apartment we can live together and afford. speaking spanish. we need xhoomthsz for my daughter in a wheelchair. speaking spanish. and i hope you support this project and god gives us the witch to build those types of projects where we can all live. speaking spanish. thank you and god bless you. Any other speakers need a translator one more . One speaking spanish. i really ask you to support this project from the bottom of my heart seniors need this housing. I see others coming forward please. speaking spanish. i come here to support i really want you to help those peoples ive seen on the streets and seniors sleeping on the street and want you to support this legislation. Thank you. Please come forward. speaking spanish. i come from a Latino Center and im low income person i live with any son were you i know when i see a lot of people that make those types of projects i ask you to support this thank you. Thank you and a few more. speaking spanish. my name is olga. speaking spanish. im here with any seniors. speaking spanish. i represent the Latino Center of San Francisco. speaking spanish. and were supporting meta. speaking spanish. and the application of 100 percent Affordable Housing. speaking spanish. we really appreciate our support. speaking spanish. and most people weve seen here they are telling me they live with their sons and daughters. speaking spanish. they feel frustrated. speaking spanish. and they feel theyve lost definition. speaking spanish. and a and faces of those come forward. It is the faces of many people that are in the Latino Center. speaking spanish. this is why were appreciative that you collaborative with us in this project. speaking spanish. thank you. Any other speakers in need of translation . Okay maria thank you very much appreciate that those popcorns that are here to speak on this item line up on this side of the room so we dont have a fire problem ill call the names again calling names again, if youre speak please line up on this side of room find a seat or watch the procedures in room 416 i can good afternoon, commissioners and good afternoon mr. Rahaim im craig weber the author of the letter i sent to the Commission Members and the director of planning regarding our opposition to this project we support low income Senior Housing to the 1296 shot well streets the we oppose a 9 Story Building i make that point very, very clear i listed out items in that letter weve not heard discussed by mr. Rahaim regarding the recent board of supervisors action to accept the appeal of quatro that opposed the lennar project next door to this one question is why why are you going to go forward with that project when it effective the board of supervisors indicated that the eastern neighborhood eir was in effect obsolete and not relative to the development on shot well street not two standards for two different projects very important that the neighbors on shot well the inner Mission Neighbors i represent and some of whom were earlier here had to leave give an answer to that question we shouldnt go forward with that for Environmental Issues that are very critical to the quality of life, of the people that are will be directly impacted that live within a block or two of this development it is too tall, no parking, high density on a residential street you, you need to consider that, please thank you for your time. Thank you, mr. Weber. Next speaker, please. Im tommy im with the Human Rights Committee were total in support of this project and i want to is personally this is an issue that effects me personally i turned 65 in july im a senior and can tell you very, very honestly that if i lost my regular calendar apartment ill have to leave San Francisco as a queer person im not safe in this country this is the safest place for the queers to be we need to look for the elderly youve been heard the Horror Stories we here those seniors sleeping in their cars because no housing we hear about seniors living in decreed that is effecting their health theyre afraid we hear stories about seniors that are applying and applying and applying for housing and never getting anything that is not acceptable we shouldnt be treating our seniors had 24 way this project is long overdue this is what should be happening in the City Building 100 percent and ill repeat that 100 percent Affordable Housing for people in this city especially for our seniors so, yes we are 100 percent behind this project we want more of this to happen were especially happy about the fact that a lot of years is at 20 ami and more homeless more, more more, more 100 percent Affordable Housing thank you thank you, mr. Mecca. Hi, im one of the neighborhoods near the project on 20th street i want to address what mr. Weber said about the appeal i was appealing the luxury condo on 1515 south van ness with lennar the board of supervisors has called for a plan regarding the gentrification and whether that has any effects on the latino cultural district i dont think that 100 percent Affordable Housing will be cause gentrification it is a completely apples and oranges situation the woman sitting next to me said too much Affordable Housing built around here the mission has enough thats not the case myself a landlord and resources being a senior scares the hell out of me and getting close but high motherinlaw any partners mother just lost her home in baton rouge and start looking for housing for her in the city we couldnt find anything that myself as a landlord with resources could afford to support my cherished partners mother so shes in baton rouge 2000 a month and gets 3 meals in independent living thank god they have housing 7 to 9 thousand here so i see the old guy that is on the street in front of my how did with a shopping cart full of stuff and sleeps in the rain covered by a blue tamper we have to walk the walk as a society protect our elderly and provide housing this is one of the best projects coming before you in a long, long long time please support it. Thank you. Okay. Ill remind the persons stan in front ding in f the hold on until they move in front of the doorway. Unless ive called you to speak find a seat or go to the overflow room. Im the cochair the Community Organization that spearheaded the project to transform shaefdz street in a sewer to a more pollutant place for people to cross especially for a long time resident and children and seniors and people with disabilities im speaking personally i think one of the things that made us proud in changing it chaefrlz can support a project like this with seniors living around the corner that project won best project of 2014 over one hundred other projects and seniors that had to deal with 6 lanes of speeding traffic this is near transit and medical and sfushgz and as far as the parking if you add free parking like wooulgd a highway is increases driving and theres no need for parking in this location that is very close to bart and several muni places healthy im 67 and ride my bike and people i wish could do that one thing weve found that wealthy people have cars and the people that drive expensive car are much less considerate to pedestrians and one final thing Social Security has increased this coming year 4 a month for seniors and last year that was zero. Thank you, ms. Tailor. Ill call more names please line up on the tv side of the room calling names . Hi, im iris a nurse a senior and 40 years in the mission yes. I strongly support shot well the statistics of our seniors are grim but the reality of homeless on the street is worse those are the people evicted in 2010 and 2013 i couldnt find up to 2016 and it is called gentrification and displacement a disease more dangers than the virus we need this now africanamerican and people with disabilities who have been evicted are desperate for real Affordable Housing we dont have the lecturer of waiting thanks to rampant displacement San Francisco Homeless Population is older and sicker thirty percent are seniors up from 17 percent three years ago in the mission shelters at santa maria an 21st street thirds of people spend the night have seniors people that are threatened with eviction surf disease from stress and hypertension and high blood sugars and asthma attacks and parkinsons and poor nutrition and isolation is a problem theyre the canaries in the coal mine a study at usf people that are homeless were 25yearold than their calendar years 1296 will be dedicated housing we need to multiple shot well and not delay it any more delay will lead to more suffering thank you calling names please, mr. Moss. Good afternoon commissioner im here as the executive director of Mission Housing Development Corporation another nonprofit that owns Affordable Housing throughout the mission we are absolutely in support of 24 project you know one thing id like to speak to la jolla people said no parking im here to tell you we have hundreds upon hundreds of senior unit none of them have parking we seem to get along for the something i think should hold this project back and peoples views shouldnt get in the way of housing human beings please accept my support. Last call. Please. Good afternoon, commissioners im sharon york a member of ace and a long time resident of the Mission District over 35 years im a senior and, of course, in favor of this project i didnt think i would be crying here from some of the stories i was and at the moment im not at risk but can see what the future might hold so im standing with seniors for this housing ive seen so many people displaced over the last years and this country calls its the greatest country in the world if you check other countries a lot of them are treating theyre seniors a lot more humanistic and a lot of them dont have the homeless problem that we have so i want to stand for this project and as someone just before me said for many more projects like this i dont think that parking is an issue because the city is going the way of no parking, no more parking, less cars so thank you thank you for your time and effort and thats it. Thank you very much ill call some more names calling names . If usual name has been called feel free. Mr. Buck in her you first. Im born and raised for Mission Housing here to support the affordable project on shot well with the increase in height as you may know from the profound and honestly payne fully honest testimony that is a need for housing in San Francisco i want to be clear those are not just 94 unit need inside of a building but for people were endepth to our seniors and elderly they dont exist in the abstract not caused gentrification displacement and despair in our neighborhoods and indeed the victims of our runs to have Affordable Housing in San Francisco and estimated 57 percent of single households and 39 percent of two percent senior households have inadequate income to meet the basically standard of living this is 38 thousand people 65 and older in 2015, 20 percent of all San Francisco shelters opts out occupants were 60 and older we have an obligation to take care of our elderly one of the things we do as adMission Housing we have some buildings dedicated entirely to seniors and support of the project sponsors vulnerable here and welcome a place for seniors to have stable and supportive of housing and hope youll support this as well thank you, mr. Buchner. Good afternoon, commissioners im eric im the counsel president for quatro latino cultural district weve gone to the council for projects and been involved and discussing design a great something that is needed for the neighborhood just im proud of our seniors coming out and speaking and this is just a small fraction of the stories we hear everyday in and out of our neighborhood those are the people that are suffering and the most vulnerable thats who we want to house the people that are sick and cant find housing and not working and disability this is our priority in the neighborhood that will help that population i think we need to support this. Thank you. Ill call some more names calling names . Good afternoon, commissioners my name is chelsea im here to strongly express my support for the shot well project and asking for you to approve the height limit through the im a renter and my parents are stronger supporters they were not able to be here they are homeowners in Bernal Heights and were able to had the privilege of buying a house in Bernal Heights in 1977 not true for many families and folks in San Francisco but as they age im clear how critical stable housing is for their wellness and dignity and this is not true for thousands of seniors and elderly who are among the most vulnerable particularly low income seniors and they deserve the housing stability were in a housing crisis and this project like this this 100 percent projects we need to move forward and do this as quickly as possible i hope you approve the height limit and support this project. Thank you ms. Boiler. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. Im working for the department of Public Policy my job is to work with folks across the city to hear the stories of the pafrndz day to day i hear especially from seniors and families stories of displacement and fear much similar to what we heard im coming in support of building as many unit as possible i live 5 blocks from the shot well project go to church across the street in st. Anthonys i volunteer at the soup kitchen in our church we serve one hundred people everybody morning and half of those people are seniors my only parent lived in Bernal Heights about a year and a half my mom feel ill they were not able to pay the 1,600 for rent they were homeless for one year and a half now they had to move and live with friends my own family is an example what is happening to any of the parishioners i ask you and understand concerns of parking whatever what the building looks like and this and that but we have a morale obligation to houses the seniors this is a great opportunity to do the right thing. Last call for maria and Michael Smith calling names . Ill call some more names calling names . Thank you my name is im the founder of sf bay renters foundations a great idea for a project all of the people will live in it need housing also like to plug for coming forest hill all the argument whether apply there the mission is very lucky to have a Supportive Community for this type of housing and forest city didnt didnt mean we shouldnt port the housing in forest city that serves the same population thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi, im vincent and work with sonya and we should try squeezing as many floors im lucky to have my grandfather live in soma like places like soma i feel like being able to get in the Affordable Housing on shot well and mentioned in forest city is important for a place it live with our grandfather or so people in various ages on the street im in support of this project and hope youll approve the project with the height increase as well. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi, im benjamin pen i work in the city and lived here two years im in support of the project and the height increase people are looking this issue one way where there is only positive and only negative but this is not a zerosum game i think that there is a lot of good from this project and loss will be grandchildren the gain if you approve that thank you. Thank you next speaker, please. Good afternoon. Im the activities corridor in the missed Neighborhood Center im here of have emergency housing for seniors i see seniors coming to the centering if i know or have information that is an emergency i would like you to consider and approve the need for the housing im sorry im going to have to stand up i have to take them home theyve been here waiting and they need to go home and please understand they need an apartment to stay. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, commissioners im charlie building this is a beautiful project for the neighborhood i think that is a giant step forward for San Francisco to have housing those are the people that took care of us there are so many other housing sites not the investment to increase the density to have more units we have it magic combination we can raise the height limit and create Affordable Housing and the investment is there it feels like a nobrainer i hope you approval this. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello, im a member the San Francisco unity project this is a great project and the density bonus is appropriate we need housing for everybody including the seniors and the notion that empty space in the city is more important for homes for people to else i think is ridiculous whatever changes to a neighborhood that palace in comparison to the dire need of homes for people so, please approve that and other projects similar to it thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, commissioners i live about 3 blocks from this project and here to support that and one of the reigns i wanted to provide support and share with you growing up in the neighborhood ive seen many of my neighbors lost their housing and seen my neighbors in need of housing this were folks it raised the youth in the neighborhood that created and contributed to the cultural richness to the neighborhood as well as San Francisco i believe that you guys supported did project many of the folks that actually are in need and requesting projects similar to this folks that actually have given a lot of the years with the work and their taxes to contribute to a lot of the positions in the city so i want to remind and want to encourage you guys to take into consideration those folks this is the at least we can do for folks if need you heard the stories they need 100 percent Affordable Housing and they need as much room and possible the lack of housing in the city so if you guys could davm support the community and support the neighborhood and support San Francisco well appreciate it dearly. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, commissioners im here to ask you to approve the project at 1296 shot well and approve increase in the height limit i could tell my stories of the homeless he can ask you to consider how much of an impact on vulnerable seniors but youve heard over and over again come the victims from one of the seniors about their own experience from the victims theyre here to build Affordable Housing and it is emphasizing marketrate housing and filtering the mechanisms we know that is not the best way to house low income and others i beg of you, please listen to those seniors, please approve this project and the height increase as a first time step towards building the many, many projects needed to get people off the streets and keep people off the streets to make that more humane place thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Ill call more names calling names . Good afternoon everybody im laura im a housing case manage for the seniors that builds the Housing Program i see from my experience many, many of our seniors targeted for evictions, for rent increases when they. Could to us and say if i lost my place where can i go there is no application for Senior Housing we have to tell them to come back we need more places in addition to that they are also targets of harassment on the streets when there is leaking on the streets at their own homes relatives they live when they want them there to charge more rent their harassing them to leave for people worried about the parking and the environmental an impact theyll be taking Public Transportation this location is very, very convenient for a lot of the seniors we ask you to approve the height increase and i also have hear of many, many cases our senior who is sleeping in their or his car had to go to pomona to stay with his friend he cant afford to stay here they. Come with depression so, please approve those projects and many, many more for seniors. Last call for anna and sharon york calling names . Good afternoon jessica the executive director of San Francisco seniors and disability action were here in spoirng support of this project we have seniors and people with disabilities come into our officer almost everyday desperate to find housing people that are evicted 80s and noticing evicted and People Living in shelters and afraid to stay in shelters dont feel safe and people on waiting lists for housing for several years not just enough Affordable Housing especially for People Living siding and ssip this is a good project that is ready to move forward and please allow that to happen. Thank you calling names . Hi hello commissioners my name is marilyn just to start off an organizer born and raised in the mission and fighting more Affordable Housing since i was 13 so this to me is so, so exciting i dont expect to cry but be prepared im so excited to have this built and our seniors feel theres something coming for them those voices marginalized in the community and voices sometimes theyre afraid to speak im proud to say people support the Affordable Housing and support the ive lead meetings two Large Committee meetings and weve listened to the folks but for me mainly those folks that dont get to speak and have a say what their homes will look like when theyre seniors on fixed income so im overjoyed to hear seniors are for this and i you know theyre all saying that im not religious by hoping the lord guides. But anybody you look at to this is really important this is peoples lives i think know youve heard those are peoples lives on the line and 50 more seniors can be housed if we raise it to 85 feet will benefit and a thank you for that and anymore Affordable Housing this is the first step and thank you for all the seniors and the folks that are here we deserve a pat on the back whats your name. Im jesse with the environmental rights area here to urge your support for the increase in height for the building for seniors im overwhelmed completely by the wisdom and the trials and tribulations youve heard here today makes my heart really, really heavy but im proud to have folks come out and represent themselves to put themselves in the front of a process it so often excludes and marginalized them in the foyer years should be retired but making the city work for them they need respect lets go ahead and increase the height on this building and take advantage of the golden opportunity for 100 percent Affordable Housing for seniors but lets take advantage the golden opportunity and let the folks will their golden years with dignity and respect. Thank you, mr. Fernas. 100 percent im tony rob less i work with the action and president of the the i hotel and the legacy that was an injustice that happened 40 years ago thirty of those years were waiting to get Senior Housing built on this spot with the origin hospitality was on the corner of jackson and kearny it happened lets not make the same mistake but built Senior Housing and approve the height limits seniors have been left off the table in the citys success isnt several years their needs have been secondary and we need to stop that that paradigm in my own work i see seniors that have been evicted out of homes they were once housed and part of the community but because of the lack of affordability the capital that is come into the city a diver situation for seminars lets this is a great start but keep it going to make more of the development in the future our seniors are in desperate need of the housing thank you very much for your help and work. Thank you, mr. Rob less. So im here in support of this project and the increased height of this project our seniors are the greatest asset our treasure and for us to drive them out of the city or cause them to be homeless is really a crimes are we just going to have a city of young people who are being you should into all of those new tech jobs or are were going to draw on the wisdom and the abilities and displacements of our seniors it is sad to see people lines up in no fault of their own evicted from their homes up to you to determine what the quality of life is going to be for the seniors and the general population i ask you to do the right thing and vote to support this project. Thank you. Your name is jackie . Thank you jackie next speaker, please. Hello commissioners. Im jeremy id like to urge our support for the project with the height increase as a native growing up in oakland and now in San Francisco so for the last 4 years myself and others see the change happening and more often than not the marginalized people getting the short end of the stick with the seniors and people of low income so we can provide housing for them to remain in the city especially for people that help to make that wonderful and ill urge your support for this issue. Calling some more names calling names . Oh. Im sorry okay. You bet. Lets try calling names okay i got thrown off calling names . How about anyone else. On this item. Hi laura clark grow San Francisco and obviously in support of this project more housing it is great im not in support of time wasting get everyone out in support of those projects those are the kind of projects that should be speed through the system approved watt the work that everyone has put into that to get people out on a thursday afternoon we could be doing things better with their time although this is fun theres a real opportunity to say we dont have to go to the song and dance with those obvious Community Benefits im excited were getting to use the Affordable Housing Density Bonus Program and more projects like this i hope the commission and Planning Department can look for more opportunities to figure out thirty how to expedite and get rid of of bureaucratic steps and say we dont need San Francisco have the community put that kind of effort in supporting this project is so obvious what we need all the seniors that had to leave couldnt sit through the hours of hearings thats a tragedy not doing all the work that again have obviously benefits for everyone. Thank you. Any additional speakers on this item. Please. Anyone else . Either here or in toverflow roo i came here to say im opposed i know im 9 months unpopular person but the project is important and should go forward more Affordable Housing what im not hearing e hearing the quality of life house people in. TallTall Buildings thats not the kind of San Francisco that people want to live in including the seniors and the idea of stopping evictions and causing this problem to happen in the first place why take people that live in their homes and have to stick them in a Tall Building in the middle of the mission not good but i have changed my mind and hope the project goes forward we have a desire need for this particular issue. Next speaker, please. I support this program and this project and ask you all commissioners to look into the academy of art universities the thousand of units that were removed rentcontrolled units and give priorities to seniors you can do that i brought that academy of Art University some 10 years ago and the mayor and some others have been stalling this to do the right thing and i know that several of you commissioners maybe one or two should spear this and make those Units Available that will rental units to seniors and finally thats been said by the mentally and file number challenged need all our assistance thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, commissioners im an organizer thank you for the opportunity and im going to make it short please support the increase in height and density this is what weve gone fighting for clamoring for years of organizing and on the ground multiply house members of the committee and this is this is heartfelt seniors coming up as my parents age in an amazing city people should be living their golden years living not in cars and sofa so sofa theyre a burden on their grandkids not what the city is about and the Planning Commission please approve the increase in height thank you very much. Thank you good afternoon, commissioners mission resident 3 blocks away from the project working thank you, commissioners commissioner moore and the commissioners that went to visit the site but we were discussing with some of the neighbors opposing we were able to cause the focus group on basically we are asking is approval of the height and the density and no compromise because youve heard the testimony from the elderly we need Affordable Housing and remember this is the Land Education from the luxury condo in the Mission District that note all the community agrees a land use case a luxury in the middle of the mission and it was a different land i want to thank the architects because they trying to make what was the best design for the piece of land in the middle of nothing i hope you support the project and more importantly ive not been here most of time im against something but this is the second time im for something we support this were for for Affordable Housing for workingclass people and seniors in the city this is more important thank you. Thank you, mr. Ramos. Any additional speakers in support or not seeing none, commissioner melgar. It makes me happy to have this project come before us i want to remind us mr. Ramer spoke of this this was the parcel on Mission Street and you will remember that was the first time the land dedication around 2. 3 million for that and roughly a building about the same size as 8 washington that would be 13 million in the Affordable Housing fund this project that is now you know maximizing the density to get more units is an appropriate response to correct some of that something that many of us didnt like and it is obvious that we need the neighborhood we need this this the city and im grateful for the folks that we were creative and also were does such as outstanding job in meeting with the neighbors and folks may not have liked the height but they engaged and really went out of their way to address the design issues and affordability issues and the needs of the community i wholeheartedly support this project. Commissioner moore. Im touched and moved and inspired by what went on in the last two hours the testimony of those for who this project will be built and for those who spoke in support of them im proud of the Department Im proud of the architects and the effort that has produced a building i think it fully portable and move to approve. Second. I think this is great how taller buildings can work it is welldesigned and one thing ill point out shot well, i you know this continues to develop the designs make sure that the shot well street frontage is open and pour us it is a relatively quiet block and the housing across the street tends to have its back to shoot well street so more effort in diligence but i wholeheartedly support this. A couple of points first of all, the eastern neighborhoods issue with the board of supervisors on 1515 south van ness i think someone said apples and oranges it is truly the case what of those before the board an 115 south van ness was the gentrification of the mission and here were actually allowing residents part of mission not having homes to have homes those arguments are different and the lady said shes a nurse hit me the Health Impacts of stress not knowing whether or not youll have a house to live in or on the street and take medication and find services and eat i couldnt imagine it i think ms. Clark has a point about the process i wonder how much time dedicated to get this over the finish line you know part of the process im not sure of the cost of the time given the emergency we were but seen before use it opened my eyes it was an abstract to me before Senior Housing i had people in the building come up to me and say im the kind of person i live in my car with any son it became abstract and actually to me im not sure its a worst the additional time i i get it and i wish we donna could take on an additional floor the parking someone made a comment about the parking im not sure what the rate is but the parking issue will not be a big deal given a lot of the people in the building probably dont own a car i think the height is fine i think the architect did a wonderful job putting that contextually in with the 1515 south van ness that had been coming getting built im sure once the department gets back on some of the answers that supervisor campos had i i dont think ive adu use this in support but couldnt go to sleep if i voted no on this project i absolutely find no reason not to support this project. Commissioner moore i walk down polk street all around the world from clay to city hall im passing 988 polk street which is a beacon a senior project on the corner of geary and polk that is a project of similar size and similar quality and gives folks a feeling of neighborhood when you come into the plain clothes on the ground floor chairs are outside a feeling of community that comes all the way down to the street polk street is absent but i think that those buildings have a great deal to support in a cultural with the elderly live nearby it is important but for everyone to realize that getting older is part of the reality im putting that in a dignified way that is the best thing to do when you look at at it closely the upper floor plans you see not how your coming down the straight corridor but working south to address the defused light and at the end of the corridor a place to go on the balcony that is sensely designed not institutionalized the expression of the building on the outside doesnt make that look like some form which someone put to save money were seeing just a need to make that cheap and i think were getting a lot for what is proposed. Thank you commissioners, if theres nothing further, there iis a motion and a second to approve with conditions. Commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner koppel commissioner melgar commissioner moore and commissioner Vice President richards absolutely. So moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero. clapping. 5 minute break. The commission will take a 10 minute break. Operating within on the planning code requires the operation between the hours of 10 00 p. M. And 6 00 a. M. Within the Zoning District after the hearing packet was distributed the project sponsor amended the proposal reducing the scope as a result of Neighborhood Outreach and input discussed in the Commission Packet to extend from 11 00 p. M. To midnight on sunday through wednesday night and from 11 00 p. M. To 2 00 a. M. On thursday there saturday nights the revised project has been escalated back the proposed closing time on thursday is scaled back from 2 00 a. M. To midnight the current hours of operation at the restaurants are 8 obama a. M. To 11 00 p. M. The operation has been black sands is selling supplies for home breweries that was vacant for several years and previously opted out by a laundromat two Public Comments were noted in the Commission Packets and copies of 4 additional Public Comments have been provided by the Commission Secretary in general neighbors building the restaurant is an asset to the neighborhood and praised the applicant for diligently working with them they support the restaurants but concerns about parking and traffic and noise the commercial establishment characteristically have prominently restaurants and bars area personal service use the surrounding zoning is Residential One bar a block to the east on hate street is currently open until 2 00 a. M. Two additional bars two blocks to the east on hate street and one restaurant which is opened until 11 30 p. M. Im going to mention there recent or were two amendments to the draft motion handed to you one to art the hours of operation to include thursday nights until 2 00 a. M. And the second one by request of the applicant in his further negotiations with the neighborhood is number 13 Good Neighbor policy that is a standard condition for bars typically that concludes any report staff is recommending approval of this conditional use authorization request based on the criteria listed in the executive summer thank you very much. Great, thank you pursue project sponsor please. Cynthia goldstein im Robert Patterson one of the owners of black sands i brought pictures of bar if anyone wants to see the barrier the posting on the notice was located on both hate and pear street a corner location i think were a very strong collar for the neighborhood the reasons for the extension of hours is basically our bar is open from 8 to 11 00 p. M. Daily and several of the customers work in the restaurant entry and the only brewery in the neighborhood they want to enjoy our beverages weve met with the folks above in the building and the neighbors we originally thought we wanted thursday and friday and saturday extension and concerned or sunday but were after talking with them we restrict the hours to saturday and assisted to 2 00 a. M. And other other nights to midnight and breakfast and lunch and 40 people one of the challenges is retaining staff it is hard to compete ive got noticed in the residential neighbor directly next to us above and behind and weve met with pretty much everyone in the neighborhood we will meet people as well anyone lastly we live in lover hate a block from the establishment the low hate has a feeling it is important we have a positive relationship with the neighbors to the commercial customers that come to our bar so after 10 00 p. M. We direct customers outside of our corner location and put signage to direct people not to exit from the pear street for the the last amendment id like to make to the conditions that one of the neighbors across the street hes a land use lawyer and this morning we requested we add section 13. 1 of the police code that is usually used for night clubs that usually has guidelines how nested bedrooms be handle patrons outside of their establishment we look at the kwlz were not a night club but were happy to comply with the general provisions and if none has any questions. You want to put those items on the rail and open up for Public Comment jonas thats great any any Public Comment on this item. I met that young man today and as you can see i meet various types of people hes done Due Diligence i appreciate and we want to support him on this venture im not a drinker but share a beginner rail with him and wish him all the best audience any Public Comment on this item not seeing any, Public Comment is closed. Commissioner johnson. I think this make sense move to approve. Second. Thank you commissioners hand that motion to approve with conditions has been amended by the staff commissioner johnson commissioner koppel commissioner melgar commissioner moore schematics and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero. Commissioners that places us on items 18 ab thomas melony circle this is a conditional use authorization and permit review. Dpooj commissioners alison Planning Department staff the request before you for two actions a conditional use authorization to allow Planning Unit Development and permit in the executive special use district for thomas melon cistern 8 acre between 0 thomas in the rh3 and the 65 height and bulk district the project proposes depiction of the 3 Story Office Building containing nine hundred 85 dwelling unit 72 had been onsite affordable and approximately 9 thousand 8 hundred square feet of retail use this will be 6 stairs or stories the north west is 85 feet in height and the tallest is one and 70 height and 17 stories that develops the internal streets and has approximately 54 square feet of open space the project sponsor as architect low give a detailed presentation in order to proceed the project requires a conditional use authorization to allow the Planning Development for Development Site over half an acre in size the project is requesting modifications to a planning code retirements for residential density and frontage and the method of measurement of teeth compliance is described in the draft section motion in your packet staff building these required modifications are warranted due to the overall project design with the context felt neighborhood meeting the crepe established in the code in addition it is located in the Executive Park special use district and therefore subject to Design Review under the section staff believes it is consistent with the park guidelines and sub area plans and guidance with the permanent review is in the section motion staff would like to remedy the addition of a new condition of approval that the project sponsor has agreed to the condition will require the project sponsor 0 work with the office of Economic Workforce Development to create a relocation for the existing tenants by no matter 3 months after the project oewd will advise when the plan is complete in summer the staff supports the goals and objectives and the Executive Parks district to say a pedestrian are oriented primarily mixed use neighborhood at the office park the project is necessary and desirable and compatible and meets the ab applicable requirements noting the development the department has not received any correspondence in opposition or support that concludes my presentation. Im available to answer any questions. Ms. Chang from a supervisor cowens. Legislative aide to malia cohen. Thank you all for granting the previous continues of the items with this project as you may remember malia cohen was not informed about those items calendar fewer consideration and not had the opportunity to meet with the project sponsor to discuss the remaining questions and concerns but since the continuance met with the project sponsor and those discussions have resulted in some of the improvements before you today including an increase in the amount of retail and the form of construction, however, she haves several obviously concerns about the project specifically with the displacement of the existing tenants the project sponsor has confirmed theyve been actively and it that this project will result displacement of 8 thousand square feet of only folks cant afford the wrents and rely on the affordability of current site the Office Building is 25 percent occupied and the supervisor that believe the project sponsor should be evaluating the tenants with monies the supervisor wants you to consider a condition of approval to require that the thinking project sponsor work with oewd to work with the project sponsor and little oewd b low contradict we hope with the condition of approval the supervisor will be able to support the project thank you very much for your consideration. Project sponsor please. Good afternoon commissioner president fong and members of the board my name is john the original developer im and native san franciscan im a graduate of blood alcohol high school in fall of 6767 i formed a partnership with the owners when became San Francisco Executive Park i met with tom who say was then the competitive administrator he encouraged me to meet with the neighbors neighborhoods of the surrounding community and many of whom parents i mean kids i went to school with at balboa the Executive Park committee was formed ms. Shirleyly jones was wanting and the committee modifications to this day 38 years later im surprised to say standing it is important to note to Executive Park is the only one in the southeast part of the San Francisco it is has the complete support find every may since mayors to date in 1980 the first Office Building was opted and other developed and highly can he have is in mid2008 i received a call from director heinecke the planning director here in the city he asked for for a meeting mike my land use lawyer and i met with dean he said george San Francisco Needs Housing we are supporting a High Density Residential development at the park as youre aware in 2011 this Planning Commission unanimously approved the new residential project as he was unable to develop the property myself i sought a buyer to carry the Residential Development in 2013 we were fortunate to sell to ocean landing ocean has conditioned to working closely with the competitive Park Advisory Committee and seeking and then increase of 85 units our communities need as much housing as possible michael the director for landing has focused on a inquiry quality project youre voting on today hes represented the vision of a worldclass low Income Project that dean and i discussed many years ago in closing i want could express any presentation to john rahaim and matt snider and the many staffing members of the staff of the planning staff for all theyre wonderful support during all those years we remain one of the only reality with full Community Support and unanimous votes if the Planning Commission and the board of supervisors i will now introduce mr. Mike burk the land use attorney for the project. Hell be okay. If he leans across the table. Gamechanger commissioner president fong and members of the commission i apologize for the necessity of the approach we hope it ended there as the gentleman said on may 2011 the San Francisco Planning Commission unanimously certified the eir approved the sub plan and the Design Guidelines the board of supervisors did the very same thing and im delighted it those actions were move forward by the current District Supervisor so for the project as was said were now seeking 309 design approve for the project i can tell you shes support a contention the promissory note prolong in front of fits within the Development Envelope and complies with the zoning and the Design Guidelines that were approved in 2011 and seeking one more a conditional use approval that allows us to include an additional 85 units in the project those will includes an additional affordable units with the additional 85 units again fits within the Development Envelope and conforms so the sud and guidelines approved in 2011 as you consider this project please keep in mind this is a challenging site on a slope 5 acres in size in order to develop it in addition to buildings well have to provide 3 private streets 3 pubically assessable streets and 2 pubically assessable alleys and well over 11 thousand square feet of open space and plazas as a project that will be developed with holy union labor i think that is is it fair to say that our Construction Costs will be the same Construction Costs for any project anywhere in the city including downtown but combeven the challenges of our neighborhood and pioneering the rents or sale values were likely to achieve for the product are only 60 to 65 perris of who what otherwise might be available in the city nevertheless, because weve chosen to be creative, efficient, and this is important willing to accept a greater economic risk than most other developers we believe that we have been able to provide and will present to you today Quality Homes for residents, quality environment for the neighborhood and be able to work with the community with the full support of your staff including the lady that put in many long hours tutoring us very constructively along the way and with the commission a and as you heard with our District Supervisor another point that is important to keep in mind is that our project began in 2006 and we were told not asked we were told to step aside and wait until the city a figure out whether that and the 49ers could build another project that costs us a tremendous amount of time from 2006 to 2011 to get the legislative approval to move forward we did them and got what you could what a terrible economy it is coming back by legislative that was recommended by the Planning Commission this march we grandfathered in with a 12 percent affordable obligation we in fact, have voluntarily agreed to impose a 14. 5 percent affordable obligation on the additional 85 units for a total of 12. 3 and 72 the building and trades council is very supportive of the project and they will speak to you later but one sentence in a letter that had been presented to you, you later that im proud to read to you it is that is housing we will be very happy to build so we respectfully request you approve this and the cu a now id like to introduce our architects terry and christen i always make that mistake im embraced christen and will explain the project in more detail thank you. Your team has one minute. Michael for the project sponsor before my architects presented ero present the design i want to comboerd and say well agree to the new condition of approval for the relocation and specifically the conditions that we provide total subsidies so for any rent differential and the bibs that be capped in an amount not to exceed 2. 50 per month and provide relocation costs invited 4 a secret and engage a competent assistants broker to help to relocate er locate a new space and attempt to identify the space within the city of San Francisco with that thank you my name is terry im with woods architecture in San Francisco heres my, my colleague the project architect ill see im running short on time if it is okay. Well go quickly through this okay there we go. Go back one very quicken the project High Density Residential project we focused on creating something that people can be proud of and working with street frontage to create a community throughout this project as you can see the project that is location connectivity is an extension of San Francisco and the next piece of really creating discontent in the part of San Francisco that is underserved frankly for quite a few years the postcard from the bay you get to see all the buildings together and heres the master plan of the inspire Executive Park of the blocks in gray are a combination of existing and to be built projects our projects the 5 buildings that are note as buildings abc d e abc and d just to note buildings ab in one parking garage that is below grade and has mentioned the highrise in building a is 8 stories and b is 18 stories and c, d, and e on top of one parking garage with framed construction overall landscape plan for the project this is in compliance with the streetscape master plan approved by this group two months ago keep on going this is the lower ground level as i nodded parking garages and there is subterranean but given the typography they impose themselves along the Executive Park and thomas melon the colors are a combination of amenities and commercial spaces the commercial spaces so for rent were envisioning cafes and rations and other types of uses like that the green space are amenity for not only other folks but for the amenity in future elements. Again the ground floor the tan boxes kind of see the tan boxes the think residential unit theyre at grade as another minute or so. Their gray and the orange is the commercial and well keep on going building a the materiality in building a we have the materials in the front if people want to see them their heavy theres a lot of solid materials keep on going conveniently yet of some of the again, the materials youll see only the board an settled image of building c again, the materiality to a blue one of the accents looking at the main view at the end find this mingle the commercial at the two ended thats part of the request from the community and image of that vista starting from the tunnel to waterfront and building d and e are a pair on one centennial block those are the material in order to create a softer zone for the coast guard. We may have a few questions but very good thank you very much. Okay. Okay opening up for Public Comment i have a couple of speaker cards looks like brad norris and francisco da costa and carlos duriandurand. Good evening, commissioners im carlo a field represent with the carpenters local 22 representing close to 4 thousand members and on behalf of the brothers and sisters standing behind me today and the 4 thousand members i represent we want to say i look forward to working with the developer on this project thank you. Thank you. My name is francisco da costa im one of the tenants who has swarthd on Thomas Circle doing all sorts of Community Work i had office space of one thousand 200 square feet he turned over to the Intervention Program they didnt have any good space to do their work so they were in my former office for sometime before the present owners decided they were going to demolish the building they moved to the other building on one 50 executive ive mother one tenant that is insisting on the owners gym some money as part of displacement just one person he spoke to him yesterday and introduced him to the president of the building he said hell accumulate his wishes so despite that many tenants are looking forward to some displacement fees most of the tenants are contestant in the last 3 why remembers the residence havent increased but we dont pay a single dime for parking parking is free in San Francisco most people pay a lot of money for parking so as far as im concerned, im very picky my relationship with the owners has been an excellent one ive known george for a long time i intend to stay there until the time comes to demolish which at the present is slated to be around may and i look forward to a lot going on in that community including the crossway that brings in better transportation hoping once the building is west portal theyll have shuttles that will take us to certain hubs be it the light rail which i hope had been stand to balance boo the Executive Park is built on solid rock im better with that than soil with contamination i support this project 100 percent and god willingly maybe im a i may live there. Im a senior more 65 years old but still going strong he support this project thank you very much. Additional Public Comment . Im danny a representative with local 104 and a delegate to the San Francisco instruction trades council i brought with me the letter that mr. Burk spoke to i brought other copies i believe they were sent to the commission by the secretary the letter reads dear commissioner president fong and commissioner Vice President richards and commission on behalf of the San Francisco building and trades council it is 32 alleviated local units and the tens of thousands of workers we represent owe urge you to approve the justifying in the Executive Park special use district for ocean landing 5 thomas melons project that make a key contribution to the part of candle stick point with the projects approved for the schlage and candle stick. Point sites to provides housing in the middleincome range that is so lacking in the San Francisco development we have coordinated with the city for more than a decade now through the citibuild academy to launch the San Francisco residents into careers in our trades the housing thought 5 thomas melon circle is the range of housing that permits those residents to remain in San Francisco to contribute to their communities were happy to build those houses please grant the approvals that make that possible id, remiss to say from the commission has well be partnering and building this housing were pleased it came to us and understanding of our concerns thank you is there any additional Public Comment . Okay not seeing any, Public Comment is closed. Commissioner johnson. Thank you very much appreciate the work that has been done on the project when we last continued it im highly supportive p this is a site that has Development Long in coming and particularly were starting to see housing and buildings going on in Hunters Point and candle stick point that is for this is quality that wedged next to the 101 and an important site to be integrated into the rest of the community i appreciate some of the changes in reconfiguring the open space and personally he asked we made sure to ask this Muni Community is selfsufficient i believe there will be shurments and comfort transportation that will go later than kearny way it on the other side of sunnyvale and not that convenient to people in the community and down the hill from candle stick is definitely needs to be selfsufficient ill have just one question on the business relocation sort of agreement that the developer has said, yes to with the sort of sfoefs i guess looking at the City Attorney can we make those sort of findings i know we get tricky when it comes to the private agreement it is not a Development Agreement can you talk about what we can and cannot do. Deputy City Attorney kate stacy commissioner, i understood what is happening here the project sponsor has indicated what theyre willing to do for the commercial tenants because of state law limiting the citys ability to be involved in commercial roll call or relocation issues the conditions i understood malia cohen aid to read that the project sponsor will work with the Mayors Office of Mayors Office of Economic Workforce Development but the city didnt center Approval Authority nor can the city require elements for the relocation plan as i understand the condition to confirm with the Mayors Office more than a requirement that the project sponsor actually undertake the relocation i think the gentleman may have the specification of what is into the motion but really a work with rather than a requirement. I dont mean to belabor the point i think that is a good move but make sure were not getting into trouble if they today tomorrow dont want to work with the oewd i mean. Commissioner e line a lot read into the record the condition youll act on simply schisms to meet with and be reviewed by oewd but the project sponsor read into the record was more specification about what he is willing to do not part of condition the condition they submit the plan. 0 r and are those finding in the updated motion. As amended by staff. Move to approve as amended by staff and second. Scope. Definitely supportive of the project i want to commend the developer mrs. Cowens office in collaboration working with the building trade to make this a great project for San Francisco it as its been a Long Time Coming and weve been working and glad to see this project today and i want to commend the developer on completely filling out the first local hire form with the number of positions each trade checking boxes that will promote prevailing wage to the henry projects that will keep those workers working in the trades not just on one job but give them a career and definitely in support of project. Commissioner melgar. So thank you this is much more thorough than the last time i saw i appreciate the ethnicity of the Building Materials i have one question i dont see in the plan for the parking where it is there is where where are they . If you go into the plans set i think in front of the the presentation but you will see there are two levels of parking i guess they call that the basement one and basement two do you have a copy of the presentation . The presentation are you looking at the presentation or the planned site. In relation to the building. Two parking garages two lower parking garages one blow building ab and then the other parking is extending to buildings c, d, and e so the private streets cross over the top of the garages. Can we show the screen sfgov go to the computer please. inaudible . And c, d, and e is sitting on top of the garage. Commissioner moore. I appreciate the more thoroughly rendered presentation but want to shout out to the gentleman and mr. Burk when the project is sold mostly the former owner disappeared and it starts over again in this case i want to acknowledge the strong commitment and responsibly carrying it throwing thats something we like to see that in every case the department and the department spends a lot of time in shaping the projects and just as the project gets what well call flipped and everything we did basically going to square one but that hearing should be called out and like to hold it up for others to follow. Commissioners, if theres nothing further, there iis a motion and a second to approve that with conditions has been amended by staff commissioner johnson commissioner koppel commissioner melgar commissioner moore and commissioner Vice President richards and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 67 to zero. Commissioners that place us under our discretionary review calendar dr gilbert a mandatory discretionary review. Commissioners before we begin i wanted to introduce one of our new Staff Members that are. Excuse me rich excuse me those persons exiting the xhafrmz do so quieting we have business to still attend to. This is the first hearing for meekly he was a planner with the city of hayward downtown mixed use and new singlefamily home divisions and prepared the ordinance that permits livestock and initiated a simpler permitting process and michael was the lead in implementing the citys permit progressing and developer tracking system and got his degree from san diego and after the state eliminated the redevelopment he moved to cal Public Policy and got his masters with a focus on Environmental Planning and excited to join the Planning Department and happy to have him as part of team. Good evening tonight for your consideration a question for a mandatory discretionary review of a Building Permit application to have a medical cannabis dispensary on gilbert street the project site located within the Light Industrial Zoning District and a 40 and 50 height and bulk the project is sided by wholesales on all other does the residential use exit the project sponsor seeks to permit up to 4 mcds within the space each operating out of individual suits those mcds will occupy the space each the suits will serve as the penalty place of business and activities include administration and Product Development and Quality Control and storage and inspectors by the department of health the promotion mcd will not be open to the public at the project site nor any of the offers 6 medical cannabis all distribution will be Delivery Office of management and budget employees registered that the district will be onsite at any given time no cannabis plant to be cultivated and no onsite medical cannabis is loud the promoted hours of operation 8 00 a. M. To 8 00 p. M. The proposed collectives will utilize the offstreet parking for pickup and delivery the medical cannabis in order to limit the traffic impact around the traffic the landlords will require the pickup and drop off occurs before 9 00 a. M. And in the evening before 6 00 p. M. The district is the lead agency for permitting the medical cannabis dispensary is he is limited to the characteristics of mcds planning code section it 202 states all mcds are required to be heard by the Planning Commission that will consider whether or not to exercise the department has received 9 letters of opposition to the project, 7 of which are presented and many letters were submitted by the residential building across the street from the project site a common theme of the letters received concerns over parking and traffic impacts of the street a narrow street the Department Recommends that the department thank it sites more one thousand feet from any school and any active use facility the project site a served by the muni and caltrain the project area is generally under served by mcds none other in the one foot radius and distribution is delivery only no onsite medication of onsite medication is permitted and meets all planning code and advances the Good Neighbor policies of the general plan that concludes my presentation. And im available for presentation and the project sponsor has prepared a brief presentation. Thank you project sponsor, please. Thank you. Good evening representing the project sponsor this project is located in the south of market neighborhood on the blocks that is mixed use has both Residential Properties as well commercial properties including a selfstorage along smith and offices this project is designed to help up to 4 small cannabis startups not high volume businesses and in fact, nothing increase in the density of use in the building their 15 to 20 employees using this space in this amount of workers will not increase under the plan but the project sponsor is reshaping the space to include 4 offstreet parking there will be no business signage or increased security and the business will not be advertised to the general plan the personally or project sponsor is held to open houses and attended a meeting last night across the street and talked about with the neighbors hell speak briefly about the roll in this project going forward. Good afternoon, commissioners that is the building we purchased it 4 years that was a vacant kind of parking lot on the strip and spent a lot of time renovating the building and worked on the facade trying to make the street look nicer and trying to bring value to the neighborhood not just the building and my neighbors across the street they voiced their concerns and weve had a code of conduct written in the lease to address hopefully most of their concerns and 4 offstreet parking in the building and the building will is electric bikes we can put in electrical bikes and gilbert street has a mile within a mile of so many dense neighborhood that delivery the bike Service Brings it but out for people it is environmentally friendly and the south of market has been the hub of innovation great for startups thats why we think were in a good location and thank you. Thank you. Okay. Thank you. Open up for Public Comment. Good evening welcome the opportunities to discuss this evening im currently the president of the Homeowners Association across the street on gilbert street some of our residents are here today, we met with mr. Screeniweeney pr or an that could be mitigated by the owners not no leverage for us basically the location of the building is at differentiated a narrow street might be two ways but cars parked on the south of the street at the dead end part there is a furniture business and at the end there is a truck delivery the nature between our building and the neighbors on 111 and the other street as well as ups and other types of deliveries the notion that building could house a dedicated Delivery Service is just horrible really the proposal to allow for four car spaces is nice that takes the cars off the street it only a two car garage wide so cars have to park two

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