Roman inspector was passed away and will adjourn employment of the agency since 2001 moved in the enforcement and he was an exemplar employee with your content well adjourn in his memory. Item 6 introduction of new business by the members of the board seeing none, item 7 directors report ed reiskin. Members of the staff and public to compensate for the lack of new business i have a lengthy report we had only one meeting in december 1st, i do want to ask our director of finance information and technology to recognize one of her employees. Good afternoon. Happy new year id like to introduce adrian part of our team in finance agency her manager wanted to introduce her ill let her do that. Good morning what a great way to start the year adrian a fourth generation person grew up here and went to Lowell High School and graduated into Lowell High School and San Francisco State University i want to say a couple that things shes been one of the quiet assets managing a lot of people in the team over one thousand moves now evolved that role to encuss our 28 facilities and our zero Waste Resources shes saved us over 800,000 from mother pretty much new items and recently became resoundproofed associate but want to recognize her on our team representing us when it comes to new hires and dealing with peoples changes in the organization and say thank you for your service and appreciate you. Thank you clapping. so the only thing ill add as you may know our Strategy Plan goal 4 has a vision to create a Great Workplace for our staff i never always underestimate the importance of an individual jangs shes keeps our staff happy and she often deals with controversial issues adrian i know know youve dealt with issues and directors asking for Different Things and manage it to well, we appreciate our attitude and our expertise to keep us in mind so thank you, thank you. clapping. on behalf of the director of public works the people of San Francisco thank you for your outstanding and important work. Thank you so much i want to say a few words i received the agenda ill keep to short greetings members of the audience and sfmta thank you for this wonderful recognition for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency i want to especially thank the manage for mentoring and fascinating any placement from the Redevelopment Agency and like to thank my fellow members in the administration they can stand up for one moment were a small team. clapping. so like to thank in addition calling names whose new to the team were a small team of 6 everyone is not here were a small team of 6 and the first people in problem solving unpopular decisions as director mentioned our team works to fill in gaps and answer questions and implement policy and to to look at the new issues about members having their own phone number and computer those are the Little Things people overlook but to make a huge impact on the impression on the workplace i want to thank the Technology Director who just spoke and director of transportation ed reiskin for trusting any ability to assess complicate issues problem solve, develop clear administrator processes to be a responsible fiduciary custodian for the public and cost savings and again, thank you members of the board and i looked at it to continuing my work to support the agency thank you thank you very much appreciate it. clapping. thank you. Director reiskin. Yes. Thank you, mr. Chair want to start with the updates related to vision zero notably last month we completed the first protective sdshgsz in San Francisco this is at the 9 and division street and cut the ribbon a week or two ago we reported back in Early September thanks to the good work by the public works and their contractors this is one of the spots if a High Injury Network where 12 percent of the city streets are responsible for facility cloiksz if you picture the intersection a wide intersection has a a gavel bicycle traffic and pedestrian traffic and taking inspiration from a dutch intersection design in San Francisco basically brought did concrete islands to making it requiring all road users to move for slowly as they communitybased to the directions and providing them all better erected were not to each other for pedestrian, etc. So very excited to get that done and it is now will be evaluating it a tool in the tool in the tool kit the right fit as we advance design work and with regards to vision zero were finishing up two week dry time radio time on Traffic Safety the additional methods that signifies are given out for speeding and we know that speeding is the leading clockwise factor when it comes to fatalities so this will think one the top messaging we have message time up reminding people to drive 25 it is a law and to remind people of Traffic Safety and continue on all fronts on vision zero couple of updates from project updates to vision zero elements good news with respect to van ness we were what did you do a one and 75 million grant from the department of transportation this was a grant we expected and was part of funding plan that but we are happy to have money the bank 2 make up the core project the bus ryan white and this includes other infrastructure and the vision zero components that brings the total to over 3 million that is 75 million from the federal government significant investment here in San Francisco leveraging a lot of funds as you may know the construction is underway and will continue for the next few years so great news to get it signed and next move on to terryville we know the muni forward project that you all authorized the legislation for a few months ago is moving into its phase one the pilot improvement in september and it is the first phase of what obviously will incorporate full infrastructure redo of the streets in this case the rails as well as underground fatalities and street paving but after working closely with the communities members and merchants and District Supervisors Office to shape the changes that were approved in september we are ready to move on the improvements now that will have more immediate impacts on safety improving the experience for the riders of which thirty thousand trips aon a day in the terryville as you may know 46 people were you hit getting on and off the l in the past 5 years we didnt want to delay and make the improvements to the improvements will start rolling out this month includes the following temporary clear zones basically painted areas that will demarcation the area adjacent to the vehicles where people hopefully makes them more visible to drivers these will urban design in place eventually have full boarding islands for full protection but will make it more clear the drivers are by law to allow for boarding and off boarding and pained safety zones at the curves around this part of town and others that are bulb outs and the paint instead of concrete were going to be converting some Parking Spaces to clear zones to make space for where the future boarding islands will be so the cars can move out of the way and give more space for people getting on and off the trains and think in bound does the boarding consensus as you may know it was controversial was of the collision parents or patterns were not the same on the in sighed and we did a pilot a painted safety zone adequate to prevent cloiksz well start the pilot and implement the wider stop spacing to reduce the muni service to replace the transit only lanes and will be continuing to work with the community i know ill be going to meet with some of the terryville merchants later this month or in february we continue to be very much engaged with the community and the Supervisors Office we are still out one item we have to come back on the 17 street in bound 17 avenue in downed i bounds zone we are coming up with a proposal so that will be on ongoing process excited some of the temporary improvements are getting into the ground another muni forward and vision zero project is the geary Rapid Transit 52 thousand people on an average day after many years with respect to the geary brt with the state Environmental Impact report under ceqa is completed and releases as the final was released about a month ago after more than a year of ongoing outreach to more than 60 meetings from that process from the time the draft was issued early and to the final there were a number of changes made to the document and to the project in order to address the very good feedback from the communities that includes retaining the webster crossing well call the over crossing for webster and steiner maybe 6 or 7 years ago at webster put in a crossing and move the bridge to make room for the vehicles we heard from the community that was important and work with the partners of the Transportation Authority to redo the design so the bridge can be retained there are a number of improvements for people walking and biking things that came up in the thats a great improvement also added a local only stop at the spruce street to make the rapid bus parking space for adjacent businesses that are a concern a few remaining outstanding changes that weve heard a lot of desire for those include the proposal for the local stop at the collins street, the transition from the center brt back to side running out of richmond between 26 and 27 and then changing the luna stop to a local stop well have strong concerns about all 3 of these and met with others o these groups to develop potential changes that can be incorporated into the final documents now or at a later date to address the concerns the public is invited to attend the hearing and the final Environmental Impact report which is tomorrow at the 6 00 p. M. Geary brts Advisory Committee with the transportation on 55 market from the 22 floor and then the item be up for concern of certifying the er the staff is recommending at the county transportation boards meeting 24 thursday in city hall in the board chambers following Public Comments at the geary brts Advisory Committee that 16 member group will vote on the finding and maybe adopt on thursday after arguably 10 or 20 years going back to the Corridor Study recommended this project very significant milestone following the action of the Transportation Authority board we will continue working with the Transportation Authority and the fta during the final Environmental Impact report statement that is the clearance that commitments the state clearance ones that are done and the remaining outstanding items have been addressed and incorporated into the Environmental Impact report should the ta board choose to incorporate them we will bring that whole package of the eis and eir and potentially parking and traffic legislation for the phase one the inner portion of geary to this board early summer so big milestone on guess geary brt that is a vision zero project especially with the additions weve made the last vision zero update is with respect to fulsome and howard in the south of market area we recently kicked off the project in early december with two open houses an opportunity to introduce members of the public in the early planning stages we may have had a presentation recently but a prolong that essentially came out of eastern neighborhoods plan back in 2007 variation or ideas for what the fulsome and howard project is in the soma plan this spring we are bringing forward now the concepts to get Public Feedback on this project all of it to prier his i its with the enhancement and the improving the unservice and traffic flow the next steps to the project will be for us to technically analysis some of the roadway configurations and incorporate and come pile the Public Feedback the Community Outreach will be ongoing and online questions in charge to the public can sfmta fulsome dash howard and as we get that well be able to understand the traffics involved a number of ideas such making fulsome a twoway streets umgs their wide one way streets and also proposals to keep them both twoway centers but enhance them from a perspective but once we have feedback well come back from the spring to anothers open house in the meantime there are things in the near term to implement the bulk and mass on fulsome and howard so like with terryville and other projects not waiting for the large big with respect to the central soma the draft eir was released he and has a 60 day period youll find the link from our sfmta. Com and howard a few other things sorry for the lengthy report we had a number of changes that went into place on january one notably we know that using cash free pavement like clipper and muni mobile make the process faster and saves people time and saves poem money that is because single trip fairs that are paid for with the mobile app or clipper will be 0. 25 less than cash fairs i want to note that if you pay with cash and get a paper transfer after 8 30 p. M. That is a late night transfer good for the rest of the service we are changing our practice to honor that think muni and clipper so not desensitize people that means if you get on after 8 30 p. M. Once youve activated our muni memorable or clipper card doesnt have to do so to ride the rest of the night so the system is easier and user friendly the other increases part of mandated automatic policies that help with the labor increase costs are changes you approved in april and that were part of budget signed by mayor ed lee on august 1st i think im not going to go through all the variation but the other not able change is that following the decision to make muni low income free were increasing the cost for people who you are not in the lower categories those are the other major fair changes that current think january 1st as you may know nobody like fair hikes and not popular but we need to pay for the system and arbitrate to the strong Credit Rating that helps us to borrow money such i talked about in the previous projects there are what gives good marks if the Financial Management so theyre important we did a lot of outreach to make sure that no one is left unaware with the language mechanisms so whether you like it or not nobody should be surprised those were approved last week and two more quick things i promise ill stop talking oh, 3 ill save the best for last wanted to acknowledge with regards to Transportation Network companies because it was quite a new story towards the end of year we learned from the fuzz as everybody that uber operating on driverless vehicles in and halted the program a week later with the demand from the california dph and we understand 16 volvo suvs were operating an uber engineer behind the whole with the vehicle equipped as we understand not only didnt have a permit but even though they didnt wouldnt allow passenger yours for the Autonomous Vehicle testing we had seen video and others first hand reports very disturbing and unsafe maneuvers a lot of certain from folks and the mayor and many of you what we were seeing happening on the streets the cpuc is considering a new rule that will actually that allows the uber and lobbyist to use rental cars a lot of things happening right now with regards to tdms and rapid changes that are very different than what theyve first said when they first came in being they were personal vehicles that were otherwise driving around with mtc and phil the seats and more a commercial operation has been for years but more legitimized by allowing people to rent a car and drive that with tdm let alone having none operated by the tmcs so a lot of changs as you may know weve submitted formal commits to the cpuc done that 26 times since the rule making began repeatedly calling for the cpuc to raise the standards for the mandates for the medallion holders and criminal background checks anddmv and encouragement of lower chore assessable vehicles and say frustrating very little of what weve requested and few have brink adopted by the cpuc and few by the legislature has circumvented and well continue to push the cpuc and the dmv to make sure theyll operate safely we dont have regulation over them but, but to push to make sure they are safe operating on the street and pushing for a level Playing Field that was in the news a lot i wanted to acknowledge that with regard to the muni brt the images from the local artists the contest was small San Francisco boost will be displayed on one hundred buses around the city 53 were submitted and and it is a great way to be supporting local artists through the program the second year in a row and then finally i promise finally the arrival of our first new light rail is scheduled to happen this month where this couldnt be more pleased that is arriving not in service right away but communitybased to rigorous testing through the Quality Assurance Program Later in the fall and this is the first of a total of potentially up to two hundred and 60 new light rail vehicles we have the first 64 under contract that are enhance vehicles they dont replace the existing vehicles but add to the number of vehicles we have and when we meet at the board retreat in february well go into detail but the timeline is first one arrives this month the first 24 will be arriving over the course of the next 24 months by the he said of 2018 more deliveries and the 40 more will be rolling in as we open up the subway and increase the seat size by a large amount on the rail lines and even more excitingly the new vehicles performance and the co experience will be better than the vehicles we have today, the vehicles will succeed the crash units and more efficient and reliable, they will an safer and more comfortable for the operator and riders much more modern and assessable components and electronics that will be address addressed to fix things before they break it will be quieter and comfortable with wide israel and more space and much more easily this is something that john haley has been working on for a long time and acknowledge his team and calling names the project manager has been a its been a Long Time Coming but with the leadership and support of what was at the time the light rail biggest light rail contract in modern history and this is pretty much on schedule and the first 24 cars will be delivered on schedule and the budget is holding for a great project well be enjoying the benefits of that concludes my report. Director borden. Maybe you can can you talk a little bit about the outreach on Mission Street that was an issue about ongoing i dont think you addressed that. Ill be happy to come back we are that scheduled to come back with an update on mission so ill be happy to do that. Thank you. Other members of the board. I just want i want to acknowledge the first protected direction in San Francisco i rode it over the holidays there was not much traffic my my husband and i were riding our bilks but a groundbreaking design for San Francisco i just want to extend any preservation to staff to get that project on the ground it is a different really different fell to an intersection a will go a long ways to realize what we can do to make bicycling feel much more safe and assessable so congratulations to staff im looking forward to see how that work outs and looking forward to riding it with car traffic. Members of the public and by the way, welcome board secretary today thank you very much. Is that microphone on. Good afternoon. Directors and sfmta directors i appreciate day and night life you work for the public but there is one thing on bused street heading to the bay bridge from Market Street to the bay bridge is only 4 blocks the wasting time is 45 minutes to 2 hour 45 minutes to two hour what punishment do the citizens want to give it you cant move the traffic you can blame on bay bridge you can blame on something no it is not that the system needs to be modified over there and it can move traffic much easier, much better so much so at a blink of an icy, move our 80 person traffic in ten seconds whats wrong with the system you have to put a team on it is going on for tens of years 45 minutes to two hours wasting time that is too much thank you. Next speaker, please. Thank you, chairman north korean and directors mark ive been wishing people a possible new year so about the ninth and division this is would on the z i hated to go through in San Francisco so looking forward to seeing whats done and hope that the carries over to other places that are problem sdshgsz on the tmc and the Autonomous Vehicles you know uber has shown over and over and over again theyre only two happy to break the law in this case they were called for but interest was another aspect of this you know where they were also breaking the law and asked them to the vigilant in the future you have the mules and power to get something done about those things that is they are not to operate vehicles the minute a passenger is in the seat has to be owned or leased by a participating driver i can only imagine that the engineers area hired by the uber people to sit in the seated a qualifying participating drivers paid by uber and uber is undoubtedly owning the vehicles and leasing them themselves a clear violation of law look at other aspects how their breaking the law commercial plates and Valid Insurance not just insurance. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. My name is mark taxi driver medallion member 291 uber and driving cars one of the greatest pr stand in the past year i read about that in my native newspaper but moving on later than i want to address this possibly taxi regulation changes that will be presented today such as we appreciate the work and i want to help. Condemn that is later this only on the directors report. Okay. Im going to repeat uber this was the greatest pr stand of this year. Thank you look forward to that. No one else has submit a car next item. Item 8 Advisory Committee Council Report and item 9 is Public Comment on items not on the agendas and at least two people that submitted speaker cards. Thank you very much directors we have is in the taxi task force and that task force so many bad has happened he spoke in front you in the 3 months and release the damage is already done but start tlums what is going on you didnt listen to it im quoting section 45 of the sfmta rule and filing a complaint on this issue too im giving you a copy that a taxi driver found 97 person are medallion and taxi driver no driver on a paper im giving us which is taxi task force the 6 seat for the drivers if you look at the names im giving you the paper 4 people are not the real driver medallion driver that is no a technically a taxi driver so ive handed over ive emailed several times and spoke in front you so all the documents by the Technique Department should be waived and not accepted im filing a federal complaint. Thank you next item. Next speaker is mark huber. Thank you again so i want to talk about the items that were taken out of the item 12 youll hear later has to do with with the medallion sales i think that was a wise decision to take those out frankly i dont think that the plan will work and it might have made actually made things worse having said that, i think this agency has a morale if not a legal innovation to make medallion holders who purchased their medallions whole those are people that were lured into buying medallions they were offered way belowmarket rate down payments and a fixed price to the medallions seemed like the owners couldnt losses their money we know their prisoners in the medallions and nobody wants to buy them you give them the right to step front of hundreds and thousand of people that were waiting for medallions which was another huge incentive and took away the possibility of getting a medallion in my other way this is all your responsibility you have to make those people whole i think that can be done over time their possible revenue enhancements and i think you know it is going to take the commitment of some resources but can be done and to take i have several thoughts but to intro out the further one think of a bond issue thanks. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Herbert wiener followed by good afternoon mr. Wiener i dont know how many of you have been almost hit when a pedestrian i have an inexpensive proposal in pow would you a signal that says walk bikes i saw this last night and San Francisco state very this is it wont break the mta budget especially in a setting a to remind people including members of the board walk their bikes i noticed other members of the public do that as well but still roads and renegade bicyclists that hit people and knock them down and many of them are aged and your endangering the lives of people by not getting on this problem the least you can do put a stencil on the walk wont break the bank of this agency. Next speaker, please. calling names good afternoon. My name is tom as you may know the park system is very crutch the mta but as you may know the bart people every year they strike they get the most money they have a good salary so the San Francisco by the bay bridge where 101 green street and downtown judgment into the bay bridge thats why the whole city is blocked up you have blocked the entrance and not allowing the private cars to get on the bay bridge the downtown area but were give the optimal people have to go home this is called the flexible system a point and point the people are going to use our system that is more less timing more or less money to go home they dump their cars this is a big market and big money youre going to build the market and operating to separate two layers gift the operation to the people that work for you, you have to built the market and put the city like a station people get on with so boom somewhere go to theyre only bay bridge not going to just this ink uses their own car the problem we need to go home the flexible you have to compete you have very corrupt and State Government is more crutch than the city government. Next speaker, please. The last person to turn in a card. Good afternoon it is an exciting one. So it is listed within things that be approved by sfmta and the statement with San Francisco attractively by bicycle and emphasis a foot to travel imply private automobile in the fulsome street by fulsome and the others parallel one it is regularly not and seems mostly to come down to lack of existence of enforcement including the knowledge of the sfmta Traffic Enforcement staff to the extents of findings the vehicles parked in the bike lanes the dumpsters on fulsome and first, i filed things through 311 for more than 8 months now and spoken to sfmta and they cant say do anything about the vehicles improvement with regards to the bike lanes within the city but in this corridor because the frequency a very good target further to enforcement bike lanes and parking that the enforcement is lacking so much gets to vehicles parked in the bike lanes you didnt even try our blocking next to a parking space and in the parking lane i dont know who to reach out to so i come to the board with the education of the staff and the assignment of them didnt reflect a continent issue id like to see that change or get in touch with someone i can reach out to. Next speaker, please. Thats this last person that turned in a speaker card. Next item. Item 10 is consent calendar that you will vote on as a whole. None expressed anything be severed. Move to approve all in favor, say i. I. Opposed . The is have it. Thank you very much next item. Okay next item. Is item 11 and presentation and discussion of the fiscal year annual report act mr. Chair were able to present the performance of the agency over the last fiscal year presenting a report is required of all departments in the city administrative code we completed ours and released it last month im not going to go through the entire report but walk through to the organization of the Strategic Plan and highlights of what we all accomplished to make that easier and safer and better to get around the city i want to acknowledge while many people within the agency contributed to the development of this plan it is a lot of work to pull all this together and there was a team under our communication director candice leadership i want to acknowledge kelly calling names one of the led arithmetic bradley will push the buttonss on the report. So the reports covers a number of things and if we can where 6 thousand employees from muni operators to mechanics and engineers and carpenters and planes planners and many others occupations that make up the workforce of this organization and working with the partners in the community our mission and transportation and the Public Interest the agency has a broad scope from the number of vehicles to the number of that his of infrastructure were responsible for it is broad as you may know in the country put together in 1999 to perform the functions of taxi and Transportation Department and, of course, Transit Provider functions that are typically spread across 3 agencies altogether gives a large great opportunity to plan and manage and coordinate all transportation thats what the voters had in mind when necessary put us together our Strategic Plan to remind folks that was the plan you adopted in 2012 as a 6 year plan where we are now in the last two year cycle of that plan that has at least 4 goals of which ill give you some highlights as i walk you through the presentation with regards to goal one that shows a map the first goal intentionally it is top priority are restraining order of this agency and a lot weve been could go in this realm and we talk about at the board meetings some highlights include a lot of the safeties improvements that youve legislated that includes more 20 miles improvements along the high injury corridwith that with the adoption of vision zero got up to thirty Infrastructure Investments such the integer phone system that are less visible you can see those green lights less visible from folks from the. repeated. the constitution of the United States. Perspective and important from an important perspective other things like our taxi driver drug and Alcohol Program and on the Infrastructure Improvements as well as the education improvements associated with vision zero like the it stops here campaign and increases the enforcement so a lot of things with regards to safety and the format of this presentation ill give highlights and walk you through the could he Performance Indicators youve identified when you adopted the plan in 2012 with respect to the Safety Indicators the first one as again those indicators are not meant to cover all measures the sfmta performance just the key one indicators of how we are doing with regards to safeties has to do with with crime on muni and union square r as you can see after not good move in 2014 we now had some significant improvements over the last few years how goal to reduce by 10 percent every two years theres a number of things we can attribute the success to but the dynamic of the San Francisco Police Department materials weve use data to identify where to deploy the resources the cameras on the vehicles their extremely fiscal in helping the Police Department and the District Attorneys Office to identify and prosecutor the folks that want to do bad things on muni it is much harder to get away with committing a crime on muni and look forward to continue to drive this down next has to do with with workforce safety the injuries to the employees after a number of years in the right direction that the transit up somewhat bloer below we have issued a new Prevention Program and annual program for all supervisors hundreds and hundreds of folks in the agency are given extra Safety Training every year well work to reverse the trend on this one as well and our final indicator on safety has to do with with the muni collisions this is the one that is most concerning so us this number is creeping up every year our geography e goal to reduce it by 10 percent every two years weve recorded to you prairie in the policy and Governance Committee on a number of actions youll see more of this at the retreat in february and we have staffed a new clockwise and incident action team you helped to fund in the budget and working more completely across the agency engaging our street engineers and body camera our labor partners really bringing everyone together to focus on how it get the numbers down ill note not making accuses by last week, we provided a little bit less muni service because of the holidays not running the express buses we reduced the number of collisions by 50 percent and the main difference between last week and a normal week so much less traffic in the city because of the holiday we need our operators to operate safely no matter how congested but this may be a contributing factor and making lanes wider and creating more separation from transit trying to address that maybe part of what is behind the numbers but this is something not acceptable to us and we were working hard to reduce this and moving on to the transit first policy kind of inserted into the Strategic Plan really about traffic choice the transit first not just walking and biking and carpooling and lining with the transit first policy that is really some of the core work that the agency so some highlights in terms of what we did hit the main k by i saw we recorded to i think at the last meeting that customer rates on muni continue to grow at a alltime high we measured that since the agency was created and a lot of the prolongs that youve been approving over the years and the recommended Service Increases led to the biggest muni Service Expansion in a generation weve also seen significant there in cycling and weve put a lot more muni buses in services so a lot of good things happening in the go two front one of the best is not something us murray ourselves but the public measuring us you saw the start i want to share it is this is a trends weve worked hard at the a lot of the policies and investments youve sportsd i think responsible for this and the great work of our operators and engineers and staff and this is something we will work hard to sustain and continue to see going upward with regards to the muni performance we have added budgets and gaps that is more aligned with the schedules and as you can see not a lot of movement here but bunches up a little bit again a little bit perhaps related to congestion not be able to get the gaps down by getting newer buses on the street that dont breakdown and having operators to operate those buses so more work to do in that area and then the more standard and charter measure of muni is on time performance and here as you can see to a little bit of the uptick and get into this more at the retreat in february our percentage of service that is cliefrdz it is another charter mandated goal but the on time with the congestion on the streets remains stubborn in terms of mode shift weve sustained and slightly seen a bump in nonprivate auto traffic er trips and i think the investments that we are making to make biking and walking for attractive for more trips is a big part of that, of course, is Customer Satisfaction with muni and making muni Service Better and more reliable a better choice for all people well need to sustain or grow this number of we hold this number study as more people come to the city mower absolute private auto trips if we dont grow the number as we develop the flex Strategic Plan we say to think about another 50 is the rights the fact of the matter given we are beating it already probably too low but a reasonable number to be enforced strategically and the final goal has to do with with parking and the inching up of spaces with in rate change essential we are meeting the goals in terms of making Spaces Available and youll see that is something he want to expands on in the coming year monkey off my back to goal 3 about improving the live ability with the quality of life it is something that obviously being the transportation sector transportation is a big part of peoples give a big part of impact on the environment and weve long been a leaders and transit first was an environmental policy so weve been a leader in the provision of Sustainable Transportation options so some highlights there and show you this in the chart significant reduction of Carbon Footprint driven by changes in the fuel use and fleet ill talk about but working to make sure that the kinds of wastes that were continuing to divert and reduce whether water or energy or solid waste we do have received the highest rating for a revenue bond in a Transportation Agency in the country and their increases are one small part having good policies in place are a part of it and the way the city put together the diversity of wages is a part of it but a lot of work weve done and the budgets ill get to accountant later in the Capital Improvement program prep among the highlights we can be proud of in terms of the profrmg indicators as you can see a pretty big change and really two major factors that play one is that we continue switching out or retiring old Diesel Systems so the judge by swishing to hybrids were using less diesel and those are replacing 20 and 15 years old vehicles theyre more efficient and what made the change in the last fiscal year we swished in bio diesel to Renewable Diesel a better emissions profile and a big swift as we retire the balance of diesel fleet we should be able to keep that number low a significant change in doing our part to contribute to the citys climatic change goals and in terms of the other k pi this is a measurement we dont like because of investments in the vehicles and the infrastructure weve been able to see that come down significantly by reducing major details and as new trains come online in the upcoming Infrastructure Projects come online in terms of making those Infrastructure Investments another metric in the right direction is on time and budget delivery of our capital plan that is a 3 billion program and it is important that the money we are stewarding the sooner we get this done the sooner the improvements whether transit go reliability improvements were the equipment is the timeliness is important and making sure we bring those under budget is important so a lot of effort one the agency to continue to focus on project delivery and hope to see that number continue to rise the next measure at the govern and policy this is a standard metric of cost per revenue hour as you can see this is down a little bit in the prior year but rising and this is one we essentially have a policy because of investments in maintenance and others peripherally under staffed agencies intentionally driven up the investments because of the investment will deal with better results from our customers so we are because we dont think that reflects what we are aiming for but well measure and shift to passenger i think passenger per revenue hour that is, i think a better efficiency matrix that will better reflect the fact if we are doing the right thing we are getting more people on the buses and with more buses in Service Without occurring crowding the final measure has to do with with addressing our structural deficit we continue to make progress that shows on is capital side to widdle that down obviously the failure the sfafz but our needs are not gone away despite the fact it doesnt materialize but the terryville and including the twin peaks project and elements of many others like the van ness brts well place all the overhead wires and a state of good repairs youve exhausted many past jars is going into the ground now that is good news the final goal that was made reference when she was acknowledging one thought her outstanding employee is creating a workforce that delivers Outstanding Services when you adopted the plan back 6 years ago or so 5 years ago was that we noted to make sure that we were supporting and investing in our workforce to achieve the other 3 goals so some highlights whereas to supporting the employees not very sexy issue but incredibly important for the 25 hundred employees were christopher muni service to have a place to use a restroom some of us with offense jobs and other types of jobs take for granted that is something we identified early on it a gap in the area and in a workforce issue for the operators so making huge strides in closing gaps in terms of restrooms out in the field were established an Employee Recognition program and part of what ms. Anderson was recognized for her contribution earlier today we have a dedicated e e o officer that provided a lot more training to the folks that manage the front line employees to help them be more supportive of the employees that theyre now responsible for and providing a Front Line Service we recently hired a new Workforce Development manage that will help us to focus our efforts and organizational focus our efforts so we measure by asking our employees how we are doing and as you can see kind of uneven results nothing moving strongly in a good direction the way to read the charts that is based on Employee Surveys 4 years in a row the bars are the percentage of employees that agree or strongly agree what the statements and the circled fabulous is the average ratings on a one to 5 scale 5 is strongly agree and 1 strongly disagree after making progress in some areas we installed out and got more participation in the employees and got staff we emailed to all front line staff to their home addresses surveys for them to fill out and additional options including an online version and this is one of the most important areas of the agency to work on a big focus Going Forward so not much trending down but mostly flat some areas that within certain divisions saw good improvements ill be trying to capitalize and expand on these next measure has to do with with all employees have performance plans and completed this is one we continue to work on the data sometimes difficult to measure so i dont think this fully captures all that has actually been done but need to make sure the individuals have their exceptions laid out claerlg and get the feedback of the exceptions at the end of year i think were doing better but not at the 100 percent the last metrics has to do with with the stakeholder rating more external stakeholders this is also the same one to 5 scale so as you can see where were up over 40 percent of stakeholders and this comes from a external poll of rerjdz san franciscans theres a lot of weve been doing to engage more with the general public with the text updates with the muni alerts project information and other things 7 days a week realtime messaging going out to folks on system performance as well as the creation of a standardized Outreach Engagement Program i think weve seen in the recent practicing projects getting a much more comprehensive outreach as some of the major work were doing in San Francisco so those are the four goals just wanted to because the report just does note it highlights the budget sources and uses starting with the operating budget which is up over a little bit over billion dollars in terms of the revenue in the last fiscal year on there one Million Dollars in the expenses we need to make sure those expenses come in under revenue well be addressing the affordability and making Strategic Investments to make sure the some is safe and more reliable and resilient this happens on the capital side and the 3 billion Capital Budget will be over the subway hump that brings us down to a little bit more of a steady state but right now the subway and the side of van ness and geary and terryville so much smaller but important projects at sdshgsz and speed humps and traffic calming and as well as Technology Improvements are more than 200 and 20 Capital Projects altogether from the muni forward projects the light rail vehicle expansion ive talked about are the major corridor work that started last year on mosaic and pulps significant projects and, of course, the central subway continues its work ravaging back up after the holiday moratorium although will ramp down before the Chinese New Year moratorium but other projects in the works and youll hear a little bit more in depth of some of those when we cover the specific projects in february so i just want to end by just kind of thanking did board and staff for all the work that made this possible this slide shows our enclosing bell ringing champions as well as the runners up the one in the center as well as byron i got the wrong last name but byron second runner up and those folks are dedicated and the commitment of the agency folks that make the system work better and finally, i want to note we should have that but the best part of report the attribute to the second to the last page to the outgoing board chair. Grifrn after me. But over the many years of the leadership we wanted to take the opportunity to recognize him. Thank you for an excellent report and members of the board questions or comments. Just two questions and comments i think the cloiksz seeing that number is definitely troubling you know interesting and make sense but on a holiday week when traffic is down and i know if you look at nation wide i know in the nation Transportation Safety board it unsure what traffic collisions are going up as the millions are going up or staying the same do our collision numbers mirror for the federal and others cities and just as the federal government keeps not necessarily but i dont think we have yet that clockwise data was muni cloiksz so actually a very, very small subset of the traffic cloiksz concurring in the city for or less impartial to the National Numbers the National Numbers did uptick in the last year or two i dont think we have the most current numbers but ours are closer to flat and at the same time having more trips from the cloiksz are going certainly for the fatalities er the numbers are staying flat a lot of speculations as to why cloiksz nationally are increasing i think that there are more definitely more trips with the growing economy that happens industry not necessarily others and distracted driving is something that possible is a possible factor i think any instinct the distracted drivers well pointed out that distracted driving is not a phenomenon in the United States and other countries are not seeing the same rates with regards to muni cloiksz i dont think we very specific we cant say with specificity i was throwing 0 out a speculative one week a Traffic Congestion is part of a cause no matter how the congested the roads we should be operating safely and that is no excuse everybody in the city seize a lot more cars and a lot more people that appear to be distracted when theyre driving including amateur drivers that are acting like experienced drivers whether or not thats the fact were trying to drive youll cloiksz down. Great one other i noticed in the bunch and gap members weve been talking about gaps a lot of the governance over the years im pleased to see the gaps going down our definition of a bunch when i arrived ride the 38 er 5 i dont are the bunching a bad thing i see the next one is super crowded there is one behind that that maybe less crowded that brings me to the question what is considered a bunch we may not want to get rid of the bunch. I dont remember exactly how we talked about about that you relate to the frequency of the service i think the same for gaps if is more than 50 percent or anywhere double if a 10 minute route more than 15 it may be a gap i think we did the same thing on the bunching if theyre coming more frequently than half it is tough on a line line is 38 or the one california the service is so frequent it will be hard to avoid the bunches that is covering the whole system it is something you, we can bring down the numbers are low it is really the gaps that are now more ever concern we want to bring down the bunches are problematic but that you wait for the second bus more likely. Thats all thank you very much. Thank you just very good report and informative on what was called the stakeholders satisfaction report we used to call that a Customer Satisfaction report are we powell the same people we say historically and not what is the Stakeholder Group we are asking for satisfaction those days. This is a Different Group that is a poll of registered San Francisco voters. Right. This is maybe we can ask our Communications Director to come forward a number of different types of surveys we do as the one i showed the chart ill be happy to show you again, we hit 70 percent laughter there was a quarterly Customer Satisfaction survey we report on this one is different and was meant to capture a broad external audience. It is credit ed we conducted a baseline perspective of our system and how the sfmta is viewed on primarily by voters on 86 hundred voters were polled on a bunch of issues to understand how they understand what the agency in terms of trust and value of the agency and thats the result of this particular measure the best measure to poll stakeholders we also do a regular satisfaction pulse survey we report at the policy and governance meeting but the statistics refer to the perspective pole poll we had in 2015. This may be more academic than policy you alluded to it im guilty of the leading question but a gap between what we saw as customer or Rider Satisfaction and now Public Satisfaction and my guess is when you go beyond the riders to drivers and people that are not maybe riding the system regularly people maybe upset with traffic and this is increasing i wanted to clarify that obviously want to make everybody happy but i think some of the problems and maybe may be making people upset are problems beyond our across the Street Control did we reaching a broader audience and asking about the entire agency not just. Right. Parking tickets. And taxis and everything. So i guess you know as we go ahead to put something out there if it is possible to see where it gap a lining up that is significant to have a high Response Rate and positive you know historic Response Rate from the riders and have this response you know if possible id like to know what the delta is and of its one or two areas that can be telling we should focus on. Director borden. One of the challenges youre trying to get people if you have a Large Population not on do road they think that is terrible and not talking about the people on the road we have work to do to educate the public and the kind of service we offer and the aps when our bus is coming and assess the system and where what i mean, if people knew a little bit of education to trip to a certain location making better decisions and were as an agency will be instantly under attack and well communicate to the public what that larger group of people can see what we are doing and having a hard time converting so looking at the overlap of where you know is there a group of people on the negative side saying more likely for shifted to the open side if they have a more active system that is critical in general is all things were doing to support our transit first, it has to be were able to convert people the system is obviously working for some riders overwhelmingly; right . So on another issue youre talking about cloiksz i wonder selfwe are looking at pattern in the data age range and disability any sort of trends we can look at so we can identify whether or not this is training as we know an aging population in San Francisco and more baby boomers age and if this population disproportionately is engaged in the cloiksz whether in a car or train, etc. That is something we should look at the patterns we might be able to come up with a intervention. With regard to muni cloiksz we have instant information about the cloiksz about why it happened, about the tenure and track record of operators, about the mode of clockwise a side swipe which most of them are and most of cloiksz is are not big car crashes cars and buses colliding but generally minor but concerning youre only inches away from a minor to a major so a lot of location data and a lot of interventions we are making with muni are based on with data seeing where the cloiksz and understanding where to address this this is the same approach with dissolutions we always talked about very much data driven approach in terms of the Demographic Data it more challenging because it is slow information it is slow and we dont have all the information we do in vehicles certainly not in a timely way so vision zero is led by the department of health and the led on the data side really understanding did cloiksz and who their happening to and why and certain demographic patterns in play therefore using that to guide the education who is it targeted and what is for and seeing where the physical interventions that we are making so you know more so than probably anything outside of p uc to try to drive the investments were making whether physical changes or education changes or how were taert enforcement. And in the final area youve mentioned around Employee Satisfaction where will that be going for 2017 a lot of efforts and whole work plan and the entire kind of internal open ration. A fulltime person is an important part of it pockets of things are working well but systematically not across the agency in terms of engaging our employees in a meaningful way in the work we do making sure that they are feeling respected and supported and their input is valued it happens in places but not systematic and institutionalized really the work is so identify that a lot of it a working and replicating that but part of it is about changing practice and behavior and a large part of organization transit agencies tend to be pretty hierarchy and par military a top down go management i think that led into probation officer other areas of agrees and changing the shift seeing how employees are respected and the training for the front line supervisors one day youre wearing a brown shirt operating a bus and thats friday and monday under promotion youre wearing a blue shirt and directing the people operating the but, but north necessarily having the tools and training to do that job so sometimes if youre treated poorly as a bus operator so a lot of the tune is counsel at the levels of the organizations starting from the top and working down to ever manager and supervisor to give them the tools and training they need to support and get the best out of their people as opposed to work on controlling the people this is really the work to be done and in an agency of 6 thousand people it is difficult to change with the work in transit and other parts of the agency i think now with dedicate resource to help us replicate thats the hard work. One more question do we know if people feel they have the opportunity mobility and want the market generally, we talk about that. It various and some of the questions in the Employee Survey we had an open ended question what are your concerns and issues and more difficult classes of employees things like promotional opportunity ranked high in terms of what those opportunities are and it really varies depending on where you are and the class there is opportunity there people move almost every agency weve been drying trying to do a better job of letting folks know what the opportunities are and some folks are served in the roles anything we can do to encourage that for most employees that is important. Director hsu. Thank you classroom im happy about the jump in performance through ti percent im curious if there is anything behind that i that points to the change. This is a strong focus of the agency back when i first got here within the first month or two i was handed an audit report done by the board of supervisors budget analyst had a number of recommendations weve been systematically working from a starting point to a comprehensive reevacuation of how we inclusive projects in the agency one is different parts of the agency not a single place their delivered to parts of the agency and done in different ways and likewise some good practices but not across the board weve done a lot of training for project sponsors and put in programs and policies that the project sponsors have been trained and people in place in our two main project mechanical and sustainable Streets Division and created a inner agency a produced improvement that puts a lot of the meat on the bones and body camera with the engineers to understand the reasons we have details we have schedules runs and working those out of the system and putting Early Warning signs looking at external best practices. Putting a much more say professional listed strategem for better guidance for the project sponsors and the finance staff and support them in terms of better equipped to take ownership of schedule and delivering a project were not nearly where we need to be but trending in that direct and systematically putting the Building Blocks in place to continue moving that up and weve had a lot of successes no question with projects that run over with time and money quite a number and some under budget tends we have to redirect the resources we have been getting a lot of work done and very important particularly as we continue to need to ask voters and other funders to give us money to make the investments we want tool establish the credibility were any dollars whether state and federal well be able to do what we said and do that responsibly and well. Thank you. I since the number of projects under construction that was great. Any members of the public that wish to the board. Yes. One member of the public mark. Thank you theres a lot of substance i want to comment on one has to do with with the environment and also the suggestion that perhaps congestion is having an impact on accidents that is a safety issue and ill point out that the Tax Collector identified 40 thousand taxi drivers that are providing services in San Francisco this is adding measurablely if not immeasurable to the congestion in San Francisco i wanted to commend the agency because that was mentioned before about the 26 submissions to the sfpuc and the latest submits have taken a strong stance on the environment and unfortunately, the cpuc and our group the taxicab alliance has been pounding on the agency for years and theyve had their head in the sand theres a role for this agency to play which say you have this data you have the ability to collect more data and a breakdown of information on not only congestion. Accidents and who is causing them and a speak part of that related to the tmcs as you must for business and taxis and trucks and any other mode perhaps you need the help of the police to do this is very valuable information both for you and is cpuc and for the citizens of san thank you next speaker, please. calling names and good afternoon you have very, very good goal very, very good but just like you have very good house but you have life visitors and guests your living room is not nullify the public concern yes. The downtown area is packed and college is because of the bay bridge you are missing the point that youre looking at the problem but the problem in doubts in the financial district we have hundreds of thousands of people outside of San Francisco everyday you are going to make the red carpet zone sooner or later you have a work with the governor and regulate those 3 to 8 is only on carson street buses on the legal unit to busft hand can you can start with you also like problems so start with parallel every bus can delete one and 20 personal car on the road on the 101 the last point into the bay bridge must on Caesar Chavez and the last exit before the bay bridge this is the only way to delete traffic in downtown area sooner than later you have to you cant get into the bay bridge on coauthor son street and bryan street side this is the way no more cars try to jump that and like the two hour get on is bay bridge people are abusing they have no choice the government is not doing their job. Herbert wiener. Herbert wiener. Some questions come to mind with the report now i think a lot of the accidents are due to Traffic Congestion i think the more cars there are the more frequency youll have the accidents and i think the congestion is larger due to one roller of that concludes my remarks this agency golf balls up like dessert and the eliminations of driving lanes attributes to congestion and also a concern a longstanding concern is Pedestrian Safety when you consolidate and remove parking lanes parking bus stops and reduce the saeshltd to bus stops youre increasing the probability of people falling and having fatality hip frameworks natural the legislatures factor in and what about the survey their was email ive con those surveys how the surveys is conducted are they conduct by telephone or a random sample to the phonebook i dont know if those are accurate i wonder if someone is not favorable to mta that is an ancillary perspective of services and what about the internal proclamations being arbitrate to the public those are the communication commanding controls of the organization which you not limited to are hierarchal and you know we dont see any transparency with it and what i really dont like it ignoring the Public Opinion you are the the meeting the Cultural Center in june was an example. Anyone else here to address the board seeing none, thank you director reiskin and everybody involved in the preparation. Next item. Item 12 amending the transportation code article 11 hundred and article three hundred section 310 and 320. Good afternoon. Nice to be here happy new year everyone kate director of assessable taxis and services what is before you an ongoing process to review the transportation code and make sure that the code allows for for the most part the focus on Public Safety and Customer Service a in addition allows the industry to initiative and exist consisted in the paradigm we were before you a month ago and vesting those changes and nearly 20 meetings with the Task Force Meeting taxis and town hall about of month period and what im going to do a point out some of the highlights you have a long staff report and a big packet of legislation and a lot of the items before you are clean up and clarifications ill mention some of the highlights and then focus on some of the more substantive changes and ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Okay. So lets start with so the clean up items range in simple editing and spelling out acronyms and, etc. To eliminating outdated references and references to a medical examination for taxi drivers that is a never implemented but held over were proposing to eliminate those the were proposing to eliminate fines society with the rules were proposing to eliminate like the medical examination requirement that all again those substantive changes from our perspective but the necessary clean up and streamline and modernization with the streamlining color scheming reporting requirements eliminating the fair vehicles being reintroduced into the fleet eliminating the requirements for spare vehicles to be schemed places of business and related to the drivers and are proposing to streamline a number of those requirements to allow for want a better experience for the drivers and allowing the drivers to return to the industry in an easier fashion were proposing to eliminate the letter of affiliation that drivers in the pasture have been required to produce before they can get their driver permit and mentioned the elimination of the medic examination the requirements is on the books which we think again outdated we want to allow the language for drivers are right now the code requires in a driver lapse they go through all the training even if they lapse for a period of a month we feel like the straining can be streamlined if the driver was within a decent timeframe that allows easier assess back into the system a lot of the drivers have left the destroy still may drive in the higher fold and may want to come back to the taxi field we want to make that easier for the drivers some of the more substantive amendments include the eliminations of driver shift change on properties that pulls a lot of apply off the road during a peak period and as the industry tends toward decentralization we feel the city should be allowed to avail themselves were proposing that new color scheme facet with the manages to be obstacle for the color permit and grandfather in the color schemes with fortune 50 medallions were also proposing that the impact fees equipment should be required to be integrated with the meter currently in some systems the metered can function separately than the impact equipment we want to make sure their integrated was we allow for flexibility were in the reporting requirements we want more the ability for more structure in other areas that allows with this sgroogs we make sure to get the data through the our electronic technique assess system so again providing for flexibility on the monthly reporting requirements which we have kept in the code as an needed or upon request of mta but make sure the data is coming through our system and also proposing that ive to eliminate the requirement that the waiting list for medallions be based on snornt and based on the Chronological Order from an eligible qualified applicant so thats a substantive change i want to note were proposing to change the term passenger information monitor which weve referred to as a passenger device and remove some the language that gives a laundry list and replaced instead with functional requirements so again to allow more innovation and focus on what the function should be and let the industry come up with appropriate solutions to thats an example of again a more substantive change that highlights what we are trying to do with the whole package of form to have the functional requirements make sense and focus on the main goals of Public Safety and Customer Service and allow the mta to enforce but allow the industry to innovative innovate and proposing the system went from the waiting excuse me drivers big deal to get a medallion if a waiting list to a medallion fail program in this language in the code related to the half price Medallion Program proposing to eliminate and also wanted to mention there is a proposal to lower the monthly use fees for color schemes to operate a medallion in certain instances upon the death of a medallion holder or a suspension of a medallion holder currently in the code at the 1,900 were proposing to lower that to seven hundred and 50 that aligns with the fee for the 8 thousand series so theyll be in sync as i nodded earlier we vested the proposed change with the stakeholder and reviewed the red roof line version of the code taken a lot of input weve made some you know some of whats before you today is based on some feedback from many stakeholders andlipid theres a lot more ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. A clarification. On the payments device this is a laundry list is it still assessable for people with visible disabilities. Yes. I brought it so i had it before me so with the language says payments must be available to people that are blind to be determined by the sfmta that is responsive to the users of the device instead of what we have now is that you know it needs to be exactly xyz and here weve set up a process to make sure the access is here and it is functional and usable. Some drivers have not to use a fair versus the payments is there a stop to do that. Drivers are allowed to use square have to ask the customer if theyre okay the customer has to give their approval and weve had issues with that the drivers you know were sent out communication to the drivers to make sure they inform or theyre requesting the customer before they go ahead and process the payment some people are fine with the square and some people less familiar the square is allowed under the code. Anyone else. Well get to the public. First person that submitted a card martin followed by calling names . Good afternoon. Martin as much as we appreciate the work which, of course, will help us as the taxi industry i think that is a bigger question that should be answered and like to ask the Commission Director reiskin to start the discussion with other cities and state officials do we need taxis anywhere whats the roll of the taxis how many taxis do we want or other people wall street, however, you look at it around the Transportation Business and then what have some kind of answer in different cities and jurisdiction we can act cola the answer from the group we dont need taxis anymore other people can do it cheaper we should think about selling the whole entire industry from San Francisco and the answer about, about will be yes, we need a taxi taxi is part of a Transportation System then make sure we can stay alive and for that we have to i think act on a state level with governor jerry brown shes the allows crutch hes not going to be the president of the United States this is my request so ask the correct to start a discussion we need that and depending on the answer this is a bandaid for this it is going to help us here and there but in the long run do we need taxis anywhere thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. calling names . The question arises this bundle present by kate no drivers on the taxi task force so when we bring something to you and say approve that and then we bring on this seat the favorite friends of her just to fill up the seats added medallion holders or some on the references how that taxi task force bundle what about true to be accepted youre the judges we present you a false document and say approve that would you would you antics go that low will you say yes were going to accept it send this bundle back and ask her to put taxi driver on the task force and go to meetings number one the taxi city is about to end will lead to a point where 4 hundred people that bought the medallion put their names to sell that 4 hundred other people got it for free want to sell that and 8 hundred people are sitting there 12 hundred medallions have arrived back because of land lock payments going to this bundle she spent three hundred and 32 emails to get taxi driver meters approved advertised wrong ive been sending emails to you there are others investigating this case elsewhere we want at the moment stop this bundle or at least 1102 or 11057 it can be 23, 1113 required and 1113 j please send this bundle back. Next speaker, please. Next speaker a al followed by calling names . The last person who submitted a speaker card. Good afternoon, sir. Hello, everybody i said to you guys Merry Christmas and happy new year but not im very, very upset about the whole system if you driving this couple of weeks for around the time scheme until today, i have to cry i have to head myself to explain you, you guys what is happening to us, please listen to us thirty years, 27 years i drive i cant do it anywhere please gentlemen, ladies do something i want to get up i already made my dues from 1974 ive citizen of this country i want to retire im very very Good American and good citizen i cant do it your guys not do it you blow up the whole city look at our problem you cant fix that medallion there are many put a number on it three hundred and 50 medallions you issued you beat any medallion i pay for that. I have to get free but you put me to the force me to pay and buy that i right now i cant handle it im going to this situation to any house to my kids believe it or not you, you know from two clock though morning i have to cry until right now one and 25 my expenses with that god damn company you talking about company one hundred and 30 200 and 10 any expenses in i go home tonight. Thank you, sir. Thank you, sir. Next speaker please. Thank you, thank you very much. Mark or. Thank you. I hope that was heard ill comment on the item these are modest changes most of them make sense or at least not objectionable it is go to get rid of of rules and regulations i do have a few concerns are the provision that requires 50 medallions of new car schemes i think is an unremarkable restriction the idea is to free things up and add more flexibility and that goes in the on the direction a lot of Small Companies including my on cab started maul we are going a great job im concerned with that im concerned with the procedural aspects of the more thought theres no longer going to be notice to the public if somebody applies for a medallion or another kind of permit and theres no longer an opportunity for a member of the public who objects to a entrants of a medallion to these have to be looked at again, i have to say inconsistent language in the proposal in one place removes the opportunity for the public to challenge a grant of a permit and another allows it so that needs fixing. Thank you. Next speaker, please. calling names. thank you good afternoon, sir. Thank you for having me. To talk about youre our griefsons ive been driving for 26 years 21 years number one thing i want to they mention the annual fee for those who pay one Million Dollars for a medallion and one Million Dollars you are acting on it is unfair and some drivers you not charge that amount i think people pay a quarter of a Million Dollars should not be pay an annual fee they already paid what quarter of a Million Dollars that fee is unfair thats number one thing im not going to get emotion and insult you, you appreciate you listening to us and trying to feel our feelings because when i paid that money my family told me to not do that lets buy a hows that quarter avenue Million Dollars we can save money not renting i didnt listen none of the companies offered medallions so i did this and just shortly after that uber and lyft came about and i had to have such a miserable time with my family i didnt listen to so thats on the side only very like that hundred of us that paid for the medallions. Thank you, sir. The last person to turn in a card. Can i have another turn. None everyone is restricted to 2 minutes mr. Lee. Good afternoon again the medallion has no values as long as this medallion cant run in individually without tied to a cab company we used to have a pay for a color scheme our mta must be reformed as is missing the point the very important pointed we must not tie to a scheme its not right not survive by this amount of ability but the blind icy bring this point before and until now katie but our using this color excuse me making money for yourself but the driver has no where to go i was lucky i sold it but the point is the public today is live without the tmc you cant take away tmc at all the public coming to strike you or put all the publication against you like they net tmc cheap and convenient taxi was good the public dont want the taxis out of business from the taxi industry goes out tmc will raise the prides and monopoly by the tmc so want to see competing the most get the benefits the tmcs makes sense because of no color councilman and no instrument in this is abusive and brutal you have to buy the car and manage and pay a lot of the payments and no fair on the street at all you have to give the taxi column running with ourselves. Must anyone else director if i can ask you a couple of questions the issue was raise by the 60 r 50 cabs for a new color schemes how it a rational number arrived at. It was discussed and i understand the controversial and didnt fit well, that with the current holders of a color scheme permit the rationale behind it we feel like there needs to be a clear color scheme standards there are the flexibility so we feel that that 50 medallion minimum will provide a level of stability and allow the new permit holders to provide service that really can reach the entire city i know there is a dispatcher requirement as well as a color scheme requirements but the 50 is a we feel the best starting point i understand that is not it is you know not a Science Behind that but an art to come up with the best fabulous there. And the second question has to do with with the annual fee people have bought these things theyre very expensive and the annual fee can you talk a little bit about a little bit of history and where we are at now. Another topic that has been raised valid points to be made there were to look at that Fee Structure and were planning to come back to the board this is sort of phase phase two were going to you know look at the medallion piece of that but other standards look at the dispatcher standards in light of the new reality and the system so as we continue to reform process i think what ill do it make sure that the fee for medallion rules for a transfer the medallion holder is part of a discussion well look at there are valid points to be made and i request that and the number 50 for a new color schemes okay director heinecke. Thank you director nolan. So certainly was aware the 50 permit limit or minimum excuse me for the color scheme coming in i had conceptualized i understand why youre doing the context he share the gentlemans concern for two reasons one i think in the ornamented days a color scheme requirement i advocated personally for dispatch we wanted to provide the service and now fly wheels so thats issue number one, your second issue to please the color schemes i get it and many three or four it becomes more difficult i guess my question whether or not this is the right time to go forward and at least a future green cab is a apply and show you to well be 100 percent on fly wheels and gets people in the industry i dont know if that get to the selective enforcement but here mr. Grubergs opinion i dont want this to go to the next green cab but this is one, if i welcome our comments on this we removed for now to see if it can be put in or if it is permissible if someone can apply were grandfathering in Small Companies now i know i have a invested a lot and reasons to do that but you can whatever the reverse of a grandfather clause an exemption for someone that we have good confidence to believe a good playground and on the fly wheel if we could accept this rule my own if you could prefer we not do this today or with the exemption process or pull it back i welcome our comments before any other question sure this permits the less discretionary it is better on staff and particularly the contentious nature of the permitting and the taxi industry to have a clear checklist to have those color scheme standards clear cut and our staff investigation based on a clear guidelines ill prefer we table that or move forward as is i understand moving in a different direction than the decentralization but for a Customer Service purpose because right now we have 24 color councilmans and many smaller color schemes and historically the smaller color schemes have more challenges and not exclusively but we feel like going towards fewer color councilmans that are more easy to visualize lids by the public is if better way to go but certainly does you know have its down side and the downside is that we are setting a standard that may not be able to meet. I guess my concern and sorry for raising this at the ppo meeting and not flagging that before im glad did gentleman is here my feeling were in a mode worry trying to help the industry whether that is norman and getting other industry we are hopefully, well reclaim its place and move forward so i guess if we are hearing and now thinking this is a restriction that might hinder the ability of some companies to come forward and fill that void maybe now is no the time maybe we should hold off i have to admit i dont like don on the fees but i hear that with respect to someone that is a medallion owner that purchased a medallion theyve lost their way into the system we have a proposed driving requirement and hit them with a driving fee im not saying were doing that today but this is a huge budgetary hit youve done so much to help the industry to be more styled and survive and i think those two ideas you know thats where i am today assuming that is okay with director rahaim pull back the 50 limit and maybe as simple as you can be in 50 if you compliment to a fly wheel usage not a discretionary but we saw the dispatch issue. Thank you correct. I agree ive written down 50 with a question mark for years i called citywide all the Taxi Companies and appreciated they showed up they were i thought better than some of the Larger Companies so whatever we can do to support that in a bigger scale so ill agree with director heinecke feedback and also the annual fee issue for medallion holders especially even if we wanted to do a reprivate we should look at that it is onerous people are paying on a medallion it is not a you. Over here. I concur i think that i look at the economics of all that is going on it is a tough, tough business right now the things we, do to weather the storm. Director. Yes. Thank you, thank you director. I think i do agree reducing the monthly use fee you know were proposing to take it from 19 hundred to 750 im not understanding we want to reduce it to 750 and you come back and talk about a further reduction now director heinecke said im not sure will that create a budgetary situation for you or your department not able to do what it say you need to do that causes us to be at the minimum of 50 medallions at a color scheme are we putting your department in an bad situation. Weve had changes with the Cost Recovery but given a limited population and let me clarify were talking about not part of this package so the fee reduction that is in here is different had an the annual fee and got it. Just for transfer urge medallion holders that is one thousand dollars an annual renewable fee i think we can look at that and i dont think that is so large that it will get us you know more out of Cost Recovery but work with the cfo to make sure we are doing what we can do to maintain the Cost Recovery the fee is rarely used the monthly fee we are proposing to reduce thats key to the monthly use fee for the 8 thousand series medallion that coagulate from 19 hundred to seven hundred and 50 that is only in the events of the death of a medallion holder more a suspension and the manifesting allows that medallion to be operate kind of a narrow. Band. Yeah. Yeah. So the idea then of the annual fee will come back at a future meeting. So ill commit to coming back to the board. And the minimum of 50 medallions to create a new color councilman would we im looking at the City Attorney right now could we change that at this meeting and if thats the case hammer out. Some of the ken tensions on the board eliminate that can we do that. Svks. Can you live with that. Theres a lot that will moved in the path. I appreciate the thousands of director heinecke trying to help the industry we know that is a struggle and for the companies and drivers appreciate all this work so i accept that position to remove that. I. The is have it. Okay. I move the item. Second to that. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . The is have it. Thank you very much, everybody. Lets well go into a closed session and take a little break. How about a break now should we do the motion to a okay. We have Television Video okay. Item 14 announcement of closed session sfgov board of supervisors met with the City Attorney and they voted to settle the case and disclose or not disclose. Not disclose all in favor, say i. I. Opposed . Well go back to adjourning this afternoon in memory of our jeremy San Francisco is known worldwide for its atmospheric waterfront where spectacular views are by piers and sight and sounds are xhanl changing we come to the here for exercise relax ball games entertainment, recreation market, exhilaration a wide variety of contributions easily enjoyed look up the bay the waterfront is boosting for activities boosting over 25 visitors every year the port of San Francisco manages 7 may have Million Dollars of waterfront from hyde street and Fishermans Wharf to the cargo terminals and name shoreline the architecture like pier 70 and the Ferry Building is here for the embarcadero and a National Treasure the port also supports 10 different Maritime Industries alongside with the recreational attractions making San Francisco one of the most viable working waterfronts in the world but did you think that our waterfront faces serious challenges if earthquake to damage the seawall and the embarcadero roadway rising seawalls will cause flooding at high tides and Major Repairs to a safe many of the piers the port is at a critically turnl point time to plan for the future of San Franciscos waterfront this year the port is updating its marts plan the Plan Working Group to invite a wide variety of poichdz from the city and bayview and other advisory teams to share their expertise if intense and Maritime Operations the waterfront Land Use Plan has guided the use and development of the lanes for the last 20 years major physical changes take place along the waterfront and now is the time to update the waterfront plan to continue improvements that will keep our waterfront vibrate, public and resilient the Biggest Challenges facing the waterfront are out the site an aging seawall along the embarcadero roadway and seawalls that will rise by 21 hundred to provide and productivity of tides seawall is built over weak soils and mud the next earthquake will cause it to settle several feet without the urgent repairs that will damage the promenade and other things weve been fortunate over the last hundred years less than one foot of seawall over the next hundred years Scientists Say well have 6 feet of seawall rise imagine the pier 30 32 will be floated, the embarcadero will be flooded our Transportation System is fog to be heavy impacts unfortunately, the port didnt have the Financial Resources to repair all the deteriorating piers let alone the adaptations for Sea Level Rise. It is clear that the port cant pay for the seawall reinforcement or deal with the Sea Level Rise on its own needs to raise money to take care of the properties at take care of the maintenance on the properties no way absent anti funding the issues of Sea Level Rise or the schematic conditions of seawall can be development. As studies talk about the seawall challenges the working group is look at the issues please come share our ideas about recreation, pier activities, shoreline habitat, Historic Preservation and transportation issues and viral protection. We know this planning process will not have one question and one answer we need the diversity of the opinions how people feel about San Francisco waterfront and want to hear all the opinions. The challenges call for Big Decisions now is the time to explore now and Creative Ideas to protect and preserve San Francisco waterfront. Now is the time to get involved to help to shape the future of our waterfront. We need the debate please come forward and engage in the process. This is your waterfront and this is your opportunity to get involved be part of solution help San Francisco create the waterfront we want for the future. This is really to dream big and i think about what our waterfront looked like for all san franciscans today and generations to come. Get involved with the planning process that will set the fraction for what is coming at the port. Find for in upgrading dates on the ports website. ship blowing horn in distances . clapping. in 2013 San Francisco legislators newsom agreed to allow the reciprocate of our soft story buildings those building house one and 20 thousand resident a program of that collect requires extensive outreach and this continuation of that process who is here and bill graham the perfect venue so in 2014 we have the first earthquake retrofit a huge success were repeating this model what weve done it put together venues that are time professionals and contractor are financing institutions a other services that help people comply with the retrofit and as you can see the thousands of members of the public their assessing over one hundred vendors to comply with the ordinance or make improvements on their property i came to get specification information and puck h picking up information if you dont know what twaur doing i take it overwhelming. Were pleased a

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