Was more flexibility. I think to meet those needs. So just so i understand. So the reason that so much, um overtime is used in central is because of the robberies, primarily well robberies. Right now or one of the issues that we have to contend with. There is the other thing we know about the retail staff. Of course, we do still have um, safe shopper depart deployment and union square. Weve cut it down significantly from where it was, you know, a year ago year and a half ago, but its still there. Ah i think we have 10 officers. Now last assistant chief has already come up in a second. But there is a need and then you we hate. We ran tourism deployment for over a year. Ah lot of the spots that people go to when they come to San Francisco or in the Central District union square fishermans war. Embarcadero at least the central part district part of embarcadero lombard street. So what our experiences told us is that theres a lot of victimization in those places. So weve cut that down so we can do a better job distributing overtime to different parts of the city. But theres still a need there, so we just have to constantly reassess and do what we can until we get our staffing back up, so let me see. Im going to ask if you dont mind assistant chief bazaar if you have anything to have their good afternoon chair chan and members of the board of supervisors budget committee. Um so yeah, just to add that you know when we think about central station, its not just union square. Chinatown we have a pretty good deployment there as well. Um union school he mentioned fishermans were chief mentioned Fishermans Wharf and then also backfill trying. Thats all i believe, combined in there the backfilled to make sure that we have adequate staffing for patrol. But one of the things we pivoted on from the last time we were before you when we received the supplementals just making sure that every Police District had overtime and deployment. Um. Put forth so that we can make sure that the whole city is covered and so i have that. For you. If you have any questions about that, thank you. Thank you, supervisor. Self chief. I dont i dont want you to respond. I just want you to bring the information next week. Okay so your budget calls for Community Ambassadors go from 75 to 100. Um weve been asking for foot patrols for seven years. We havent gotten any. I know weve walked a few times and weve got them period would like to know how youre going to deploy those additional Community Ambassadors citywide. You have 100 of them. Theyre retired. Um so id like to see where youre deploying them and what neighborhoods i id like that information next week, okay . Second id like to know how um, i understand that theres a focus on recruitment and retention chair. Chan already talked about that. Just want to know what the projected the size of your projected academy academies are the number that are funded in the budget and what youre anticipating to be in them. I know you have the sizes. I know youre doing the recruitment but um, i know it varies until you get closer. So you can give me that information next week, okay . I dont need you to respond right now. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, supervisor saffy and to conclude that chief i just again. Like were not expecting. We will see you again for your second appearance. Here is the list of things that we expected to see. And i just want to conclude sort of, uh, from both president s to supervisor ronan to supervise yourself ie and what this body would like like to see. And uh so first, i think that for board president has mentioned i think, after all, were just really trying to understand the leadership. Uh of the structure , leadership number of folks that as are in leadership role and how how do they impact the rank and file . You know it within the Police Department, and so heres a bit more. I technical ask, um, of what really board president has eluded to or have discuss with you would love to see um and here i can see about a 15 fte s deputy chief, three and commander, three, which is zero. 402 p and 0490. Dont worry, i will think that list. And uh and this is the same thing with the budget and legislator analyst that we have actually asked all across different city departments. Im i have given you that example before as, Like Department of public works, trying to understand how many streets supervisors versus how many street cleaners and your case and trying to understand not just the deputy chief and commander positions that you have, which i think from from my account here, its about 15 fte s but also wanted to understand, um managers, which is the 0 900 series. I can see that theres in in the administration alone. You have 17 managers and Deputy Directors at in those numbers 0 900 series so also looking for those numbers and meaning not just the numbers but understanding their roles within within the structure and help us better understand, uh i so essentially, its kind of your or char but specifically breakdown with those. So thats thats one but thankful that you are providing at least supervisor ronan for that bi weekly report of your overtime spending. But as as i have said its a commitment to work with the budget and legislative analyst as well as the controller should start exploring the how do you you know . Is there a way to put your overtime spending or your budget on reserve and then on a quarterly basis that we help us understand the incident that you spend your overtime ends the number and, um, arresting clearance rates that produced out of those and, of course, the number officers that that accrued those over time and then locations which is in your in this case, its just breaking down with the Police District station we are looking for with supervisor safa you mentioned were looking for the retired Police Officer slash ambassador , you know deployment. Um you know the list of them how many are there and then what . What is your deployment plan . Um anything else . Im missing colleagues seeing nine, okay . Thank you for being here today. We appreciate it. I cannot believe that its only 50 clock. Dont dont speak too soon because we have Public Comments coming. Thank you. Chair chan. Thank you. Committee and president peskin. Thank you. Thank you for being here. Click, i guess, uh, i think that is all the presentation for today from city departments. Lets go to Public Comments for item one and two. Very good. Thank you, madam chair. This will be the last time that we take Public Comments during todays meeting. This is Public Comment on agenda items one and two, the annual appropriation ordinance and the annual salary ordinance for fiscal years. 2023 24 24 25. As well as all the Department Presentations that weve heard throughout the course of the day today if you are here to provide Public Comment on agenda items, one and two, please line up to speak along the curtain wall of this room. Thats to my left to your right. The chair has set Public Comment period for one minute today. If youre connected to our meeting remotely, please dial star three and that will lead you to the q and well hear from you after we hear from the folks. Who are physically in the chamber. Im going to give the room just a moment so we can empty out before we hear from the first speaker. For speaker please come forward to lectern. For Public Comment on agenda items one and two. Good afternoon supervisors. Im accredo manager with the latino task force. Uh thank you for holding the hearings. Its been a pleasure to be here with everyone. As you can see, you know, theres definitely a great need to invest in families 0 to 5. Children and community. We just have the opportunity to make sure that those investments are preserved. So please, please , please protect all the voices of the families and the services that are critical to the city. Its an opportunity for us to invest in services that can help our families continue to thrive , and theres an opportunity for them to contribute so again. Lets invest in 0 to 5, children , families and community services. Uh we can definitely make sure that, um you know, the city gets to a place that its always been, uh, we can change the narrative because the narrative on in the community is very different than whats being told in somebodys hearings. Thank you. Thank you for being here. Thank you. Ivan prado for sharing your comments. Can we have the next speaker, please . Hello supervisors. Good to see you. On a friday afternoon. David more off with San Francisco pretrial. We just like to thank that the Sheriffs Office for, uh, supporting us with the ad back request. And you know, as weve had a lot of discussion about prosecution and enforcement today, all those all those actions come downstream to us, um, and our caseloads and our workload or historical highs. Um and were still at the same capacity when we were at half the work, so i just wanna thank you all you all have been very supportive over the years and theres anything we can do. Please let us know. Thank you, david. More off for sharing your comments. Can we have the next speaker, please . Supervisors jamie lang Homeless Prenatal Program treatment on demand coalition, do you six voter my neighborhood is pretty sketchy right now. I live in some, uh i used to live on the streets. Ive never felt in danger. Until recently. I worry for my child safety. I wait for my neighbors , including my own housed neighbors. My safety and my daughters safety are no more important than anyone elses, including people who use drugs. I can see lots of action from my window all the time. I could see 10 cop cars pull up to officers in each car responding to a person with a psychiatric emergency, the police need to budget their time. Better jailing drug users will end in depths. We know that for a fact , i want to see more investment in community and less policing. I want to save San Francisco for everyone, not just folks of privilege. But for folks in poverty as well. Thank you. Thank you, jimmy lane for sharing your comments with the committee. Could we have the next speaker, please . Hi im Sarah Greenwald with 3, 50, San Francisco and San Francisco Climate Emergency coalition. We support the department of environment request. We thank the mayor for funding some of what sfe needs. The other key need is the Climate Equity hub so the city can best make the switch from natural gas to electricity. You all know, methane and explosive climate destroyer and the terrible diseases that burning it causes. Especially to children. Asthma, heart and lung disease, cancer and so forth. You know, also, the regional air board back mud will forbid the sale of any non electric water heaters in 2027 and furnaces in 2029, so when they were out, we are retrofitting, ready or not. The Climate Equity hub will get us ready to do this efficiently, equitably plus get jobs for the historically underserved residents to do this critical work. Thank you. Thank you, Sarah Greenwald for sharing your comments with the committee. Thank you for your patience and sticking it out until we get to Public Comment on one and two can we hear from the next speaker, please . Good afternoon supervisors right into that microphone, please. So we can hear you right in the mic. Please speak loud into the microphone. Good afternoon supervisors. My name is richard farina. Im 77 years old and lived all my life here in San Francisco. I now live in Lower Nob Hill. Im representing the Lower Nob Hill neighbors alliance. The stop crime, sf and other organization as a senior. Im here to advocate for, um, d a, um jenkins and her office to fully staff her. Office because i believe we need um, better prosecution of. The crimes that are infecting our community these days, and also im advocating as a victim of two muggings in the last seven years, seven months and so i would like to see, uh some justice done. Thank you very much for your attention. Thank you for your comments. Richard green can we hear from the next speaker, please . Hi supervisors. Im ken lamba ds a president. Um and you know, i thank you for your time. First of all, and you brought up some very good concerns with staffing with the Sheriffs Department. And so have some of the speakers are residents here . Theyre in fear for their safety. Um some of them have been violently attacked in the have family members that are in danger in the city. Um the Sheriffs Department spoke and he stepped up and he activated the Emergency Service unit to assist in the tenderloin. Ah um which is a great thing, and we support that. But also we have a staffing problem, which could be resolved. Now with the longevity incentive. The mayor denied it recently. And its frustrating to hear when the Police Department comes in and gets civilian positions where Police Officer positions are civilian ized. And they get that, but the mayor denies Law Enforcement. Positions to the Sheriffs Department, where they could retain them. It makes absolutely no sense theres the ability to arraign to retain about 50 to 70 mamba for sharing your comments with the committee. Weve reached the minute limits we have to hear from the next speaker. Those will be the speakers that are connected remotely. Thanks for sharing your comments. Could we please be connected to the first of our remote callers . Hello supervisors. My name is michael alexa. So im here in support of the San Francisco Climate Emergency coalition. And they request for the supervisors to put back the ad back for a Million Dollars for the department environment. Um federal government has reduced has released a large trunk of money about 600 billion from the i. R. A from the chips and science act and the Infrastructure Investment jobs act. If we dont get with it, and we dont supply this money to this hub. Ah, we may lose out on a large first the money. Were already losing out on some of the other cities have already gotten to thank you for your time. Thank you, michael. Alexa for your comments. Can we have the next speaker, please . My names deputy, rocky jovan etienne with the San Francisco Sheriffs Office. Just speaking in regards to, um staffing myself and the fellow deputies are overworked over tired and i know that your whole miyamoto and his administration are doing their best for us. But in terms of overall mental well being our physical health or Mental Health and our relationships with our loved ones. Are being impacted by the mandatory over shift and just trying to meet the needs of the incarcerated individuals in this city and county in separate cisco, so with the longevity incentives, it would be nice to see the mayor have the back of the Sheriffs Office like she does. With the Police Department, and it would be nice to see your work. Alongside with chair paul miyamoto. And can laba take care of the deputies. As you know, like, he said, were the csu is stepping up to help with the tender one. I mean, the youre lying staff in the jails working with incarcerated people need support to and need a break. Time is okay. Thank you. Thank you, speaker for sharing your comments with the committee. Can we have the next speaker, please . The Police Department asked the money every year, and with every increase, there is an increase in harassment, criminalization and murder of our Community Members, specifically black brown ports, young lgbt q working class communities, the mayor is setting Early Childhood Development Community Spaces Program specific System Impact that you can housing. There are massive cuts to basic needs and preventative measures to impoverishment and criminalization. The murder of banco brown was preventable. The city has failed not only him, but the youth and families. Francisco the city like the political will to invest and prevention if the Police Department cant operate. With his current budget of 713 million. How will it manage 775 do not increase their budget. Katie miller also failed to mention that during the pandemic by the sea, on average, only had 3 to 7 young people locked up at any given time. The reopening guys would be there was a huge spike of juvenile detention, invest in prevention by housing the homeless by providing clean cars and investing in arts and culture by not waiting for young people to come in contact with Law Enforcement, but instead create safe, supportive environment. Hummingbird farmer staple in excelsior also just lost all of its funding, along with many other crucial elements of Community Safety and well being moving spaces that provide comments and food space concluded. Thank you for your comments. We need to move on to the next speaker. Can we please be connected . Hello i think thats right now prioritizing funding for police over housing , Youth Programs and Meeting Basic Needs is disgusting and, frankly disrespectful in terms of what, especially following what just happened to banco brown. This sends a message that San Francisco government view San Franciscos as criminals to control instead of people to take care of. It is not true leadership mayor breathes that she wanted to entrance, transient homelessness, and we know that that is smoke and mirrors because after bongo brown was killed for being young, trans black, homeless and hungry. She is proposing to divest from housing and Youth Services and Infection Prevention and give more money to the police. That is unacceptable. Completely disgusting and know that if you support shame on the mayor for proposing this budget and shame on anyone who supports it and know that we are watching, who supports this budget, it is completely undemocratic, and nobody asked for these programs to be cut. The Police Department is here gets like an hour to speak. We each got one minute out of citizens of San Francisco, and we still have officers on here giving up Public Comments. You know, this is completely unacceptable. So this process is undemocratic joke. Thank you for sharing your comments with the committee. Could we hear from the next speaker, please . I would just like to say that homelessness and poverty and crime are not natural phenomenon. They are created and perpetuated by the state. Um theres criminality is manufactured the number one theft United States is not larceny or burglary or auto theft, but wage theft. Um we should not be criminalizing people. Um for being homeless for being hungry. Um, i think that is incredibly prevalent with, you know, which has occurred to bingo. Brown that should be the last time that ever happened to someone. Mm hmm. Um the police are not protecting people. But they are protecting, um, property and they protect the ruling class. Um i think its absolutely unacceptable that we are not prioritizing housing people ensuring people have jobs, ensuring people have, um, groups over their head and clean water to drink and food to eat. Why are we not, you know, prioritizing children and youth in this city. Its again absolutely unacceptable as a concerned citizen of San Francisco. Born and raised might , i add . Concluded thank you for thank you so much for sharing your comments. The committee we do need to hear from the next speaker. Could we please be connected . Im born and raised in the 10 and educator amongst other things, too deeply concerned with the mayors proposal to increase the Police Budget by 62 million. I was outside at the steps of city hall city with hundreds of young people and organizations who demand our city prioritize spending for prevention and solutions that address the root causes of poverty. We know that a Healthy Community is a fully funded community, it is unacceptable that every year Vital Community organizations have to organize doing aspect process because theyre on the brink of shutting down. The proposed cuts are shameful. These are included in her 100,000 for after school programs. 60 million for prophecy and unhealthy families. 30 million for childcare and early education. 5. 2 million for families that live in sa rose 5400 for victims of wage theft, 10 million for vital Food Bank Services and the funding hummingbird hummingbird upon in the excelsior, it is irresponsible to keep throwing money at the problem. We show up to these hearings and wait hours for Public Comment just to repeat the same data of sfc ds ineffective and violent practices that disproportionately harm black and brown people. The city lacks political will to take critical action. To expand our Public Safety over the last comments, speakers time is concluded. Can we have the next speaker, please . Hello my name is denise dory. Im San Francisco residents. And, uh, im from the idea. Outreach work in the tenderloin , uh, for senior and disability action. And the police shot and killed my dad and when i was 14 , so this is really something that hits close to my heart. Weve got a fund. Um well, i volunteered for the food bank, and theyre taking 10 million away from them, and people depend on that food. And theres all the lady before me just mentioned all the issues and took the words out of my mouth that i was going to say so ive got other things like, you know, um uh, dont increase the Police Budget or ask you to do not make harmful text to our community programs. Its not acceptable for sfpd to be given 63 million increases in this years budget , while San Francisco struggle to find Affordable Housing, nutritious food, Public Transportation and free and clean parks and gardens spaces in the city with the lowest population of youth in the entire nation, we could do better about supporting their well being and success. Dont need denise story for sharing your comments. We do need to hear from the next speaker. Could we please be connected . Hi im from this chicken living. Im here once again. Sorry jr. To please biotech people. When i said that people i mean black and brown people, low income families and anyone else was being affected by the damage that we already and so it is acceptable that were made you suggestion increase of 62. While she wants to get many of the resources we are blowing them. Find me some black surrounding it is no. We already strolled, finding Affordable Housing accessible Public Transportation. Opt in any resources that is supposed to be out there for it. As a community organizer. I can tell you that i know how how hard is to navigate the system . And theres always the same answer, which is theres not we dont have enough money to help you out. Tell them it is going to be really disrespectful because were supposed to be a century city and we claim that we care for our people, and when it comes to practice, we said the opposite. So our agent to stand with us and dont allow this question to happen. Thank you. Thank you for sharing your comments with the committee. Could we have the next speaker, please . Hello good afternoon. My name is chris has born and raised in San Francisco. It makes no sense how the mayor is 62 million more police when our youth statement police, i would use the meeting housing access, supportive spaces quality education. That is where the money should be going. There are people struggling out there for the basic needs. My main concern is who is the city actually choosing to protect what we keeping safe sent the safety are we honoring . Clearly the privileged folks reading the budget of sf police will increase criminalization for black and brown children, youth students, my friends, my family as a youth leader in youth, making a change at home and advocate. I know we were elected to protect and support black and brown nears. I grew up in an immigrant family, francisco we needed and use these types of exact budget that are being cut. Um like, for example, the immigrant Voting Rights program front. There isnt a lot of support out there. Except those programs. They matter a lot to immigrant families in San Francisco and family. Thank you for sharing your comments with the committee. We hear from the next speaker, please. Before you begin. You want to go . We got you. Please begin. Hello. Hi im a case manager and Youth Program manager with the fcc born in d nine and raised in d 11. Im here to advocate alongside s uprising from an advocate Young Women Freedom Center and justice for banco brown on their Budget Priorities and expressed my opposition to the outrageous balloon budget. Sfpd the most egregious and violent Budget Proposal that this city has seen in many years. Community Service Providers by day and grassroots organizers. By night. We recognize that the mayors proposed budget has yet to reflect the many Socio Economic ills that based argues in fact, francisco whose experiences and suffering since the pandemic touch all affirmations sectors, their majority working class and for poc and migrants, and simultaneously the fiery and bright spirit of our future. They are in constant danger in the streets, and we cannot rely on Law Enforcement to protect us and it is going atrocity. We cannot bear to stay in that chamber and voice our concerns because we have to work to the bone to serve our communities. The police have continued to neglect or harm millions more will not fix this funding for Early Childhood security s r o programming. Thank you so much for sharing your comments with the committee. Could we hear from the next speaker, please . Hello . Yes. Hello. Youre on. Hi my name is may im also born and raised in San Francisco. And im calling to voice my, you know, other discussed with the proposition of this budget budget that were pitting housing, justice and food justice against an increased Police Budget is absolutely its it blows my mind that were even considering this Community Safety comes in the form of house individuals, people who are, uh said and taken care of it does not come in the form of over police. Um uh, violence against our black and brown. Uh neighbors, um. Yeah just utterly disappointed that this is even on the table. Thank you may for sharing your comments with the committee. Could we hear from the next speaker, please . Good afternoon supervisors. Thank you for holding this hearing calling to help you breakfast down a little more simply. What is the Faith Community looks like and the Community Looks like one thats getting less and throwing money that tv is not going to create more housing. Its not going to create after school programs. Its not going to create beautiful places like hummingbird Garment District 11. That is, uh im not sensed and gives access to low income communities to organic vegetables. On a regular basis. Its also not gonna provide counseling when the evictions parts, right, so i was intrigued all of you to please divest 62 million that are proposed and invest them in the programs that are going to keep our Community Space that are going to actually fund solutions. And so, please, we need more attendants sampling. We need more safe spaces for you. You need more Educational Programs where you when youd better job we need affordable, affordable health. Thank you. Thank you so much for sharing your comments with the committee. Could we have the next speaker, please . Good evening supervisors. My name is raven gray. And i want to begin by his knowledge in the money privileges i have in this city as a white middle class residents may be inappropriate for me to speak on the matter. That does not directly impact me. But i believe this council dependent dedication to constituents skin like mine and corporations with more power than my own justified this overreach. I find that irresponsible that the mayor celebrated and slavery today while simultaneously increasing the budget for its modern day successor, policing and prison. What is the freedom you speak of . When you invest in those whose only job it is to take that liberty away after you since consider the value of prevention over punishment and to dedicate your resources, lifting our communities neglected residents instead of locking them away. Theyre experts in this audience who can guide you the three this responsibility many of whom you have, and well hear from today i only ask you to listen to their words and forget your prior notions of what is possible. While evaluating with the mayors proposed by just bringing to the city. Thank you. Thank you for sharing your comments with the committee. Could we hear from the next speaker, please . My name is diana, community organizer, the baby President Community member. Hello. Community member. I urge you all to not increase the Police Budget. Hello. Yes. Please begin continue. Hello yes, we please continue. Menopause the speakers time is the speaker still there . We were connected. She hung up. Okay. Can we get the next speaker . Please reset the clock. Supervisors. Its a shame that they are not paying attention. Two. The citizens of San Francisco. People. Wanted. For money to be spent on our children. So called Affordable Housing. And other things. That are linked to its quality of life issues. And you are going to spend them. My voting against the people. This is a scam. Thank you very much. Thank you, Francisco Acosta for sharing your comments with the committee. Could we have the next speaker, please . Good afternoon supervisors. My name is hello. I am a youth organizer. That is part of an appliance. See csf and im a San Francisco resident. I want to point out the concerns with the additional 63 million to the Police Budget and five millions of the d a s budget. These increases in budget are made as efforts for Public Safety, but real Public Safety should be provided the budgets for housing, education jobs and after school programs, especially for the youth in this city. Public safety does not look like ruling. The death of banco brown is self defense. Public safety does not look like the department of children, human families being only one third of the Law Enforcement budget. We need to increase our funding and services for the people not policing. Along with this. There is a 10 million cut this year in food banks, the Filipino Community center run the Food Security program in the neighborhood, so youth families and seniors who need these to live day by day in this city, the budget cuts to Food Security would affect their livelihood tremendously on top of the police and d a budget editions. Mayor breed also decided to put 20 millions worth the apec summit. Bring fascist heads of state like acrylic filipino president bumble marcos and its reception, including the increase of policing and sleeping on the street. Thank you for sharing your comments with the committee. Could we hear from the next speaker, please . Supervisor this is raven kray again. I just wanted to say that it feels deeply unprofessional for you. How died conversations while youre supposed to be listening to the number that you represent, so i greatly appreciate it. If you tried to actually be responsive and acknowledge our points for future meetings. Thank you. Thank you for sharing your comments of the committee. Could we hear from the next speaker, please . Hi my name is joe kelly and ive lived in services. Uh, 1971. I dont understand why the police are present during a fox encampment resolution. The Police Commission does not want to legal involvement in these engagement. With people who do not have traditional homes. People who are traumatized by seeing Police Uniforms and with their guns. Also, people who are using drugs should not be arrested. Over and over again. Studies have shown that arresting users does not lower drug use does not result in people going to treatment. Instead it just increases our incarceration rate, which is devastating to individuals, their families and the entire communities. Do not do the same thing over and over again when it does not work, and it has not worked at the city level, the state level or the federal levels. In any country has concluded ours. Thank you so much for sharing your comments of the committee. Could we have the next speaker, please . Hi um my name is parent and i am a gun violence prevention advocate and one really important way that we can help keep sampling cisco state by fully funding the City Attorneys Office to pursue gun violence, restraining orders against people who are a danger to themselves or others and who we know have guns and who have been being sort of unfitting and to have those guns. Thank you very much. Thank you for sharing your comments. The committee could we have the next speaker, please . Every single one of you on the border. So disrespectful on the camera. We can offer you chatting, laughing, texting and completely disregarding all of the Public Comments from concerned Community Members. I would hope you would all give the same time and attention you gave to the presenters today. The community you all represent. Let me remind you that you work for us and our taxes pay you. Your actions just now are violent. You all sit by and do nothing and show no carrot concern for the community. You should be aware that the closest to the problem are also closest to the solution. And it would all do you well to listen. We need jobs that pay as well as yours. When you clean communities. We dont need police. We need stability. Refund the community deny sfpd. This increase fully funded solution by funding community. Get off your phone. Sit up straight and Pay Attention to the rest of these Public Comments, please. It is your responsibility and your duty. Thank you for sharing your comments with the committee. Could we hear from the next speaker, please . Is there a caller on the line . We may have hit an unattended line weve got you please begin. Oh, hello. Can you hear me . We can please begin. Alright this is jim irving, Vice President of Deputy Sheriffs Association Sheriffs Department is currently facing significant challenges related to funding and staffing, which are affecting our ability to effectively carry out our duties and ensure Public Safety and to ensure programs and services do incarcerated people giving them a clean and sober environment to change your lives rather than the dangerous environment in the streets. We are now at are going to be going, helping providing patrol functions to our fellow Law Enforcement agencies. We should also receive the same retention incentives offered to them to help with our critical staffing levels. And i thank you for your time. Thank you, dan murphy for sharing your comments. Could we have the next speaker, please . My supervisors my name is emily lee. With francisco rising. Um you know, its a long day for everybody for the folks who came out, you know, over 100, young people and Community Organizations who came out this morning at 11 a. M. To talk about the impact of the cuts and supervisors sitting, um in the committee meeting, and so you know, we just i think a lot of the calls are expressing their frustration. Community field, which is you know what you know. How are we supposed to reconcile the mayors budget, which makes them really serious cuts to really needed programming to Food Security. Childcare housing for on . How do you . Um and how how are we supposed to understand how then other departments like the sfpd can have an increase of this size . You know, and i think in a year when it wasnt a deficit year, and maybe there could be an argument made but i think in a year when everyones being asked to tighten their belts and to, you know, make some hard choices. We need to see that parody across the board and you know its really incomprehensible. I think, as you can see from other speakers, those names how we can make those. Um thank you. Emily lee for sharing your comments with the committee. Could we have the next speaker, please . Hello. Hi. Please begin rather than hello. Youre on. Please begin investing. Brothers gonna investing in increase with practice probably believed that these resources should be re allocated to support vital programs for youth and students in our neighborhood services. Funding for Early Childhood security s r o program. Senate right education are taking enormous cuts. Which puts it in a position to decide whether reprioritized opening up her office free. Mm youre right training checked for our youth, faking suicide ideation or building capacity that feeding our Community Sources severely. Students secure pd challenges for inadequate or adequate recruitment and employment are rooted in the main bit basis. That the young people sentence system and not have the desire to be part of an organization that hurts. Its people where their people there is long term and continued hard costs. We cannot talk about any year total of 18 million battles increase for the police without getting to rescind the white people. Thank you so much for sharing your comments with the committee. Checking now to see if we have any further colors in the queue. And madam chair. See that we have no further callers. Thank you, mr clark. And seeing no more Public Comments. Public common is now close. Thank you colleagues for this week and for all your work and on this and also just want to thank again all the Public Commenter can forward. Uh we, mr clark, i dont do we have any other business before us today. The gender items one and two are still called. Yeah sorry. So im going to make the motion to continue them to next week and second by supervisor ronan and with that a roll call, please. And just to be absolutely clear for the public. That is a continuance to the wednesday special meeting, so i dont know if its special or not. Excuse me, i should regularly to the june 21st meeting on wednesday of next week offered by chair chan seconded by member ronan on that motion. Vice chairman delman i remember safi. Suffer a i remember ronan. Ronan. I remember walton. Walter and i church and i, i madam chair. There is no opposition. Thank you. The motion passes and do we have any other matter before us today . Theres no further business. Thank you. The meetings adjourned. Who doesnt love cable cars . Charging emissions and were free which were proud of you know, its not much free left in the world anymore so we managed to do that through donations and through our gift shops. You got a real look and real appreciation of what early transit systems are like. This was the transit of the day from about 1875 to about 1893 or later, you know. Cable car museum is free, come on in. Take a day. Come down. Rediscover the city. You can spend as time you want and you dont have to make reservations and its important to be free because we want them to develop a love for cable cars so they do continue to support whether they live here or other places and people come in and say, yes, i have passed by and heard of this and never come in and they always enjoy themselves. People love cable cars and theres none left in the world so if you want to ride a cable car, youve got to come to San Francisco. That what makes the city. Without the cable cars, you lose part of that, you know, because people who come here and they love it and they love the history ask they can ride a cable car that has been running since 1888 or 1889. Wow thats something. Cant do that with other historical museums. Rarely, have i run into anybody from outside who didnt come in and didnt feel better from knowing something about the city. Its a true experience youll remember. I hope they walk away with a greater appreciation for the history, with the mechanics with people are fascinated by the winding machine and i hope the appreciation, which is a part of our mission and these young kids will appreciate cable cars and the ones who live here and other places, they can make sure there will always be cable cars in San Francisco because once they are gone, they are gone. Its the heartbeat of San Francisco that founded the cable and the slot and without the cable cars, yeah, we would lose something in San Francisco. We would lose part of its heart and soul. It wouldnt be San Francisco without cable cars. [bell ringing] is r. My name is Debra Alvarez rodriguez. Im the Deputy Director in San Francisco. My background is one in which i have spent the entirety of my life committed to finding solution to poverty and addressing the issues of inequity so people and communities can have accesses to resources and financial freedom. One thing true anode dear to my heart was the power of Business Ownership in creating pathways to financial freedom. We have still in infancy. We had over 100 entrepreneurs come and start their businesses. Some are food trucks. Some are restaurants. Some are in farmers markets and so farther. Thats an incredible legacy and record to build upon. This was the perfect opportunity for me to come back home, you know, come back to the neighborhood and take my skills and networks and resources and put it backseat in service of the community. Given everything with racial reckoning and pandemic it was time for me and everyone else that had the opportunity to leave and get educated to come back home. We have a opportunity to grow our impact in terms of the number of people we serve and how we serve them. We grow our impact in taking the money we make with our entrepreneurs and circulate those resources back interview the community for community development. The third thing is we have a opportunity to have an impact on Public Policy in terms of the policies and practices the district has been notorious about interms of inequities. All of those are just the beginning of what is possible in terms of growth and impact. [ music ] driver, bye. Hi. Im will b. Mixture weltake a walk with me. I just love taking strolls in San Francisco. They are so many cool and exciting things to see. Like what is that there . What is that for . Hi. Buddy. How are you. What is that for. Im firefighter with the San Francisco Fire Department havings a great day, thank you for asking. This is a dry sand pipe. Dry sand pipes are multilevel building in San Francisco and the world. They are a piping system to facilitate the fire engineaire ability to pump water in a buildings that is on fire. A fire truck shows up and does what . The fire engine will pull up to the upon front of the building do, spotting the building. You get an engine in the area that is safe. Firefighters then take the hose lyoning line it a hydrant and that give us an endsless supply of water. Wow, cool. I dont see water, where does it come from and where does it go . The firefighters take a hose from the fire engine to the dry sand pipe and plug it in this inlet. They are able to adjust the pressure of water going in the inlet. To facilitate the pressure needed for any one of the floors on this building. Firefighters take the hose bunked and he will take that homes upon bundle to the floor the fire is on. Plug it into similar to this an outlet and they have water to put the fire out. It is a cool system that we see in a lot of buildings. I personal low use federal on multiple fires in San Francisco to safely put a fire out. I thought that was a great question that is cool of you to ask. Have a great day and nice meeting you. Thank you for letting us know what that is for. Thanks, everybody for watching bye [music] when Oshaughnessy Dam opened 1923, there was a grand celebration that was an achievement of ensuring San Franciscos new water supply but it was the beginning of a unique collaboration between the city of San Francisco and Yosemite National park. Lands around the dam are critically important. We, along with the park service have a very common goal thereof protection of that watershed, both for National Park values and water supply values in yosemite is the cub trees premiere National Park visited by millions of visitors but the protection of our watershed and the city provides significant outside funding for the National Park, over 8 million a year is for trail maintenance and wilderness education and park operations and Security Keeping the water safe and the park a haven. One hundred years ago when the dam was first built, there was a different view of the environment back then, than there is today. And the dam was part of changing that view across the nation. That brings an importance to our work here at Oshaughnessy Dam, how we manage this dam and manage our releases and the environment downstream, its very important to San Francisco that we need that challenge. For 100 years, Oshaughnessy Dam and the park service ensured the bay area has clean water, along with ongoing stewardship much our precious natural resources. This oshaughnessy shop and dine in the 49 promotes local businesses, and challenges residents to do their shopping within the 49 square miles of San Francisco. By supporting local services in our neighborhood, we help San Francisco remain unique, successful, and vibrant. So where will you shop and dine in the 49 . I am the owner of this restaurant. We have been here in north beach over 100 years. [speaking foreign language] [ ] [speaking foreign language] [ ] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [ ] i went through a lot of struggles in my life, and i am blessed to be part of this. I am familiar with what people are going through to relate and empathy and compassion to their struggle so they can see i came out of the struggle, it gives them hope to come up and do something positive. I am a community ambassador. We work a lot with homeless, visitors, a lot of people in the area. What i like doing is posting up at hotspots to let people see visibility. They ask you questions, ask you directions, they might have a question about what services are available. Checking in, you guys. Wellness check. We walk by to see any individual, you know may be sitting on the sidewalk, we make sure they are okay, alive. You never know. Somebody might walk by and they are laying there for hours. You never know if they are alive. We let them know we are in the area and we are here to promote safety, and if they have somebody that is, you know, hanging around that they dont want to call the police on, they dont have to call the police. They can call us. We can direct them to the services they might need. We do the three one one to keep the city neighborhoods clean. There are people dumping, waste on the ground and needles on the ground. It is unsafe for children and adults to commute through the streets. When we see them we take a picture dispatch to 311. They give us a tracking number and they come later on to pick it up. We take pride. When we come back later in the day and we see the loose trash or debris is picked up it makes you feel good about what you are doing. It makes you feel did about escorting kids and having them feel safe walking to the play area and back. The stuff we do as ambassadors makes us feel proud to help keep the city clean, helping the residents. You can see the Community Ambassadors. I used to be on the streets. I didnt think i could become a community ambassador. It was too far out there for me to grab, you know. Doing this job makes me feel good. Because i came from where a lot of them are, homeless and on the street, i feel like i can give them hope because i was once there. I am not afraid to tell them i used to be here. I used to be like this, you know. I have compassion for people that are on the streets like the homeless and people that are caught up with their addiction because now, i feel like i can give them hope. It reminds you every day of where i used to be and where i am at now. At now. Okay. Good afternoon and welcome or good morning. And welcome to the San Francisco Planning Commission and Historic Preservation commission. Long over due and anticipated joint hearing for thursday, june 15, 2023. I will rep minds folks that are standing in the room. You cant stay here you have to go to room 408. And which is an over flow room provided where you hear and listen and watch and listen to the proceedings live. When we accept Public Comment you can come back to this room to submit your testimony unfortunately if you are standing and cannot find a seat you cannot remain in this chamber. Room 408 provide as over flow. To enable publicing participation sfgovtv is streaming live and join us in broadcast as soon as rec and park is done with their hearing. We will receive picture everbeing p Public Comment for each item. Each allows up to 3 minutes when is you have 30 seconds remaining you will hear a chime. When reached your time is up and i will take the next person. Well take Public Comment from in city hall first and then Remote Access lines. For those call nothing to submit their tum need to call 4155540001, access code 2593 558 2871 you should be able to listen to the hearing live. Wait for the item you are interesting in and Public Comment to be announced. To comment enter star 3 to raise your hand. And you should then hear a prompt you raised your hundred to ask a question. Wait until the host callos you. When you hear you are unmuted that is your indication to begin speaking. For those joining via web ex. Log in on the link on todays agenda and enter c pc 2023 and use the raised hand icon to ask a question. Call from a quiet location and mute the volume on televisionor computer. In person lineup on the screen side of the room or to your right. Speak clearly and slowly. If you care to state your name for the record. I reminds you the commission dont tolerate disruption or out bursts of any kinds. I will ask we silence mobile devices that may sounds off. At this time take roll. Planning Commission President tanner. Here. Planning commissioner Vice President moore. Here. Planning commissioner braun. Here. Commissioner diamond commissioner koppel. Here and commissioner imperial. We expect ruiz to be abcents. Historic preservation Commission President matsuda. Here. Vice president nageswaran. Here. Commissioner foley. Aye. Commissioner so. Here and welcome commissioner vergara. Here. Thank you. We and historic commissioner wright to be absent. First on your agenda, under commission matters item one the land acknowledgment. Before i say it i want to welcome the Historic Preservation commission. President matsuda and commissioner vergara welcome to an exciting hearing we are glad to have you with us and thank you to the public whether here thank you for coming in over flow room or online or you have written a comment to the commission, thank everyone for involvement today. And hopeful low we will have a successful hearing everyone will be heard. Say peace and have the dmigz have a chance to understand your perspective and conduct our dlksz. I will share our lands acknowledgment. Ramaytush ohlone acknowledgement the Planning Commission acknowledges that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the Ramaytush Ohlone, who are the original inhabitants of the San Francisco peninsula. As the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions, the Ramaytush Ohlone have never ceded, lost, nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. As guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. We wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders, and relatives of the Ramaytush Ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples thank you thank you. Place us under special calendar items 2a and b. And items 3a and b. For case 2022005693 pc a. 2022005675coa. 2022005693 pc a. And 2022005675. The entertainment cost row planning Code Amendment. Upon the castro theater certificate of appropriateness. Again. Planning Code Amendment and then the cu authorization. Please note that following items 2a and b the Historic Preservation commission will adjourn and Planning Commission remain to consider items 3a and b. Well hear from staff first on all matters. And then conduct a single Public Comment period i believe through the chair be 3 minutes per speaker. And we do have organized opposition j. And a presentation from the sponsor as well. Indeed. 15 minuteful i want to make disclosure i say i conducted a site visit at the theatre and a phone call with representatives of ate and also a meeting with the lbgtq cultural district. Along with commissioner matsuda. Are there other disclosures . Commissioner braun . Yes , i met with the project sponsor and the tour of the theatre in march and i also meeting with the lbgtq cultural district. Thank you. Commissioner moore. Y met with the lobes cultural district online. I vdz individual the theatre vower in the past does not end in other [inaudible]. Thank you. Commissioner verg verpg. I had a site visit where the representative from Planning Department from the architects and from ap e. Thank you. Why commissioner so. I visited site last year with the architect and one of the representatives from ap e. I saw commissioner will diamond apologies. I too, met with a representative of project sponsor. At the theatre and i met online with representatives at the lbgtq cultural district. Vice president nageswaran. I previously will met at the site with the project sponsor and the architect prior to the landmark designation. I did as well. Thank you. Commissioner imperial. I met online with castro lbgtq district. Thank you. Finally before we start i want to make a disclosure that individual commissioners may step away in their executive chambers in the back but i wanted acknowledge that there is a Television Screen they are able to listen and watch these proceedings live. Good morning, commissioners odd row, planning staff. I am present on the ordinance and after my presentation alex with planning will present on the other action items before you today. So, the ordinance amend the planning code to permit night Time Entertainment on the second store in castro street. Currently not permitted boost first store. Currently in the castro street nonresidential use are permitted up to 1, 999 square feet and require a cu for any size 2,000 and 3, 999 and not permitted for uses 4,000 square feet and above. To provide context to the ordinance i would like to emphasize although supervisor mandelman introduced this legislation with the cast real theatre in mine evermoindz it would affect the castro street ncd our recommends are based on affects of not just the theatre but the entire district. That said the department recommended the Historic Preservation commission adopt a recommendation for approval with one modification the Planning Commission approve the proposed ordinance. One recommended modification to both commissions to remove nonresidential use size limitation for article 10 landmarkings in the castro street. The reason article 10 land marx must have certificate of appropriateness to alter the structure part of landmarking and includes interior of the building. They are companied with use size limitations look at suitable tenability for large are landmark buildings the modification will make it easy for article 10 in the castro street to find attentives removing the size limits and keep the important historically significant building active. Also you know the level public interests on the items has been hymen although the department received thousands of letters none receive in the regard to the ordinance specifically. The department has received Public Comments regarding the changes to the castro theatre generally. As such we combined the Public Comment for the item and tallied them and summarized them together. Why with that, in general the department received 1, 580 letter in support of changes to the castro theatre this. Is an update from your packets published on may 10ful additionally have been 704 in opposition to the changes to the cast real athlete and 80 submissions of comment that dont mitt in the can having either full supporter opposition to changes. I will let you in Public Comment in detail when he gives presentations. And i will conclude the presentation on the ordinance and turn it over to alex westhoff. Thank you. Thank you perform good afternoon members of plan and Historic Preservation commission. Alex westhoff from department staffment items buffer idea include rehab of historic theatre and establishment of night Time Entertainment and bodily harm use on the first and second stories on the existing movie theatre use with multistory movie thiertd building the castro theatre. Subject Property Article 10 landmark building at 4 twine castro. Block 3582 went castro neighborhood zoning district. 65b height and bulk on the castro lbgtq cultural district. The item before the Historic Preservation commission today is a certificate of appropriateness for the subject property. The proproposal restoration and repair of interior historic fees urs the sealing, murals, original and light if i can urs. Interior alterations the remove of ground floor level seats. Tiered levels with chair lifts over concrete. Installation. 2 fixed back counters in the auditorium. Installation offent row lobby fixed counter, a new mezzanine concession area and fill of the stage stairs. Organ lift. Trap opening system and restroom improvements, construction of modest new one story rear adichlgz new h vac system. New acoustical door baskets and new front security gait gate the item before you is a cu authorization pursuant to code sections 122b. 303 and 715 to establish a night Time Entertainment and bar use on first and second floor along side the movie theatre use. As of june 13th the department received 1, 580 letter in support of the proposed project. 1, 557 of these utilized were 2 form letters accessed and submitted the cast real theatres website. Letters support the renovation with upgraded seat to allow flexibility of space to accommodate variety of events. Benefits sited include economic actaoism access ability upgrades for better access ability for persons with disabilities and physical improvements to the spachls noting a trust with the sponsor to restore the historic venue. Second form letter supports the commitment of ape to host events highlight lbgtq performers and ape pledgeed dedicate programming to movies and Film Festivals. As of june 13th. The department received 704 in opposition to the project. 686 of these utilized one of 2 form letters the majority of the form letters were submitted from the cast real theatre website. That is titled, safety castro theatre. In the last week or so a new form letter received from a group called, safety castro theatre. In addition to the letters content, many writers added the personnel experience at the castro theatre. Background as a specific San Francisco residents or visitor or experience as a film professional. Specific objections in the letter included, the removal of the fixed seats and ateration of the slopped floor and along side occurrence on the proposed changes of use from movie theatre to entertainment venue with only limited Film Screenings. Some submissions include concerns with ape as the operator. And all letters of support and opposition have been forwarded to the Planning Commission and Historic Preservation commission. On june 6, 2023 the cast real lbgtq cultural district submitted the letter to supervisor mandelman. The planning director and president s of both commissions the letter include edits and additions to the projects cu authorization. Conscience of approval. That letter is also included in the packets for in hearing. Planning commissioner braun is also introducing revisionless to the conscience of approval. Am related to the use which are set out on the table here. The Department Recommends approval of entitlements with conditions. One point clarification is that conditional use authorization number 21 should read night Time Entertainment opposed to other entertainment. We are asking the Historic Preservation commission to vote on certificate of appropriateness and asking Planning Commission to vote on the conditional use authorization. Sponsor will make ape presentation but im available to answer questions. Thank you. Good morning. Commissioners im andrew with the law firm of rose we represent another Planet Entertainment. While we are here. We are excited present this to you. I want to thank planning staff. Guiding us through this process it hen a year we are excited to be here. Our team is here to talk to you today and part of our presentation after i speak will be carolyn will talk about the Historic Preservation aspects. Chris with caw architects talk about physical changes and walk you through plans and dan Vice President of Business Affairs at another planet will wrap it up. It is not an under statement to say there is passion. In is this proposal. We get that. That is not surprising. This is the citys most important landmarks in the most important and historic neighborhoodses. Main issue before you is pretty straightforward. Should the castro theatre allowed make physical and programming changes needed keep the theatre open n. Exchange for ape spending 15 Million Dollars to save the historic fabric of the theater. Bring the infrastructure up to standardses and create an environment more Entertainment Options the project sponsor is asking to replace the fixed seats with flexible system allow seatd and stangdz as well as adjustments to the programming available. Thats t. Thats all we are asking and all that is before you. Again we heard about the seats. Lets be clear there is no legal requirement those seats remain fixed to the floor. Good preservation policy accepts reality times change and Historic Buildings need to change. We discuss in our materials. The large that the large single screen theatre era as a busy model is over. There are exceptionless like paramount in oak land. Those are very different situations the Paramount Theatre is owned by the city and received funding from the city and a run as a nonprofit. You heard from the castro Theatre Owner directly. And they provide testimony the theatre does not generate revenue to keep the doors open or make changes. Project sponsor before you can make those improvements. They can save this land mark but need this theatre to evolve to a more modern entertainment venue. With that i will turn it over to carolyn. Thank you. Thank you and good morning im carolyn im a principle with average and turnbull inform 2019 assessed the theatre for the family includes architect, mechanical, electric and plumbing system. The building surface from defers maintenance on all fronts and required major investment to repair. Since this time, we worked with the project team and Planning Department staff to make sure the design approach is sensitive to the buildings most significant and irreplaceable historic features. Preservation and rehab involved change. The secretary of interior standards anticipate and acknowledge change. I like to walk you to show you how the theatre changed over time the front facade the historic image on the right and contemporary on the right show changes to marquee and play signful lobe modified through a concession stand and infill openings that connected the lobby with the auditorium. The original rear and small phil screen on the left were obscured with addition of a large projection screen. Upon ape will restore roar and install rebe fraktable projection the rear can be visible to the public. Next. Here you can see the original channelled leer was replaced and original ceiling dramatically darkened. Securing the paint scheme of here you see up close how the existing paint surface at the ceiling is peeling comploezing plaster under. To address the treatment throughout the theatre we have jeff green of evergreen architectural arts he is best in class and worked on 400 Historic Theatres and the most notable building in the counts real including radio city music hall. Empire state building and the u. S. Capitol. Employed here are images of his theatre work on the west coast the alameda theatre in the east bay. We collaborated with him on 2 other pflueger theatre in San Francisco they will bring quality work to the castro theatre t. Is important to note the propose the project will retain all character defining features. The orchestra level seats are not character defining theyre other most changed feature in the feature. The seats install in the 2001 off the shelf protect and dont represent the fine craftsmanship in the theatre and unlike other features the existing seats at orchestra level are no unique or irreplaceability the project will highlight and repair the important features and the theatre will give significance for generations to come. For more about the project i like to introduce the architect. Chris. Good morning, commissioners im chris. I will focus my presentation on the issue that is foremost on minds. The changes to the orchestra level seethe. There are other beneficial aspects of the project from better Public Restrooms to new performy, menities backstage will answer questions about those. The over arching goal is to create a flexible orchestra level that continue to graciously host Film Screening and adapt to allow standing room for audiences of live music. Image shows the existing conscience of the theatre. With the existing fixed seats on the sloping floor most is steer than allowed by the ad a. In plan next. Shows the existing upon conditions with the fixed seats and limited the path travel in Seating Limited to the roar of the house due to the slope. There is no path to the stage or backstage, either. This next image illustrates the tiered seating for seated performance or movie screen. Each row is on its own tier elevated boost row in front to optimize site lines gang the together and stored on site. A new organ left and slip stage will be installed. This plan shoes the seating layout with improves dispersion of seating throughout the house. For the first time, a path of travel will be provided to the stage out door walk way this accessibility solution employs 2 handy cam lifts on the southern edge of the house. These are allowed under the California Building code and a battery back up in case of power outage. This rendzerring illustrates the theatre ready for stajdz room events the common mode of operation for live music. Chairs removed and stored and the tiered rows retracted under the plat forms this shows accessible path ways and illustrates the mercial concession assistants at the rear of the room. Removed for screening or similar event. Movie screening or similar event. There is considerable and understandable concern over whether the theatre will continue to be a gracious and colorful place to see a movie. Will it retain the character. This side by side image on the left proposed on the right i believe am demonstrates it can. So how does this upon work . This is a Cross Section of the existing theatre. I will zoom in on the orchestra floor the fixed seats on a slopped floor. The individual here is the same view showing the platforms. The individual rows are nested below the tier above. The existing slab is almost entirely in tact with a small portion removed toward the front of the auditorium. This means this can be considered reversible. Here other rows deployed with chairs. The pace below all the new construction will be used to distribute condition from the new mechanical some of cytokinesis lines necessity and have the series of comparrisons. Existing on the left for proposed on the right from the front of the house, middle house and rear of the house. I think in most case equal in a few they are bfrment thank you and now id like to turn it over to dan from ape. Good morning, commissioners. Im dan. Im the president the Vice President , pardon me of Business Affairs with ape. We first want to thank you for your time and service considering our proposal for the castro theatre and are appreciate your consideration of the out pouring of support for this project which is come in thousands of letter and calls to your office. Ape was found in the the bay in 2003 the former employees this bill graham presents. Bill graham is the father of concert promoting and put the San Francisco music scene on the map in the 60s. It sell that legacy that another planet come from which the events produce are at venues we operate the independent on divisidero. Bill graham and fox theatre in oakland and berkeley. We produce events in bimbos the bal palace of fine arts. Chase and many others and the outside Music Festival in Golden Gate Park and pride ourselves in company and history of putting arts and culture to the bay for over 40 years. Huge economic engine our events have come generating 1 billion dollars in Economic Impact for San Francisco. We are before you our citys castro it theater a failing financial low for decades. And in a state of disrepair. We are taken on this project to restore the theatre and for the needs and demands of today the ordinance other original family that built thor in 1922 and almost operated the theatre for the last 100 years. In the late fall upon 2020 we were introduced to the nas sxars began a year discussion about a potential partnership ape would be the operator address years of maintenance. And update the theatre to the 21st century. This includes the updates you heard the modern vent lagz system to provide fresh air and heat and cooling. We have been working hard with the best preservationists, architects and theatre consultants to develop a plan for the restoration and modernization of the theatre allow us to broaden presents. In addition to phil and other seated events the theatre will most concerts and bank wets cabaret events. All of years of experience this will be our hope to financially support the theatre and preservation for the next 100 years. Through community out roach we received feedback from the residents of the castro, lbgtq and phil communities and we add 3 Million Dollars to our budget to better accommodate phil in committed to operate the theatre with conscience before you. In response we received support. Endorsements from the castro merchants. Over 100 merchants signed in support our project. Casted Row Community b. Homeowners association. 45 neighbors live behind the theatre support our project the largest lbgtq festival. Lbgtq Industry Association build out and of course the first lady of the castro donna sashy. Another planet is a local bay area business. Focus to bring arts and culture to the bay area and Northern California we are good stewards of historical buildings. The greek theatre or the bill graham odd storium there is one thing apeness besides event it ises how to bring an old bodiesing back to life and grateful for this town to bring the casted row back to life im here with mary all day to answer your scombes thank you very much for your time. Thank you. That concludes sponsors presentation. Before we sept organized opsuspicion i need to reminds the folks who entered the room you cant stand in front of the door and block if you cant find a seat you need go to room 408 the over flow room where you watch and listen live. When we receive Public Comment you will be allowed to reenter the room. Thank you. All the seats are taken, guys. Thank you. Room 408. At this time i like to acknowledge organized opposition. Come forward. 3 speakers and then you will receive 3 minutes each. Well hello Historic Preservation and Planning Commissioners thank you for your consideration of the important issues in front of you today. Our group did not have a power point but provided a packet you can follow on this packet. Im gent rec a professor at San Francisco state university. And executive cochair of the castro lbgtq cultural district and member of friends of the castro theatre. Everybody today shares a belief the castro theatre should remain a core asset there are obvious agreements about what that mean and how to approach it. The threshold matter we dont believe ape needs approvals before to you succeed in returning the cast reto its mixed use vibrancy. In support of that we can look at the hundreds of testimonials, collected and comments from 12,000 signatures on the castro theatre conservancy petition that atest to keeping the theatre a queer multiuse performance space. We can look to harvey milks 77 letter sympathied lefthand side marking and described it as a commune asset. We can look at City Government who had the wisdom to create the program to ensure Community Self determination over neighborhood assets and reduce displace am. To that end. The cast relbgtq cultural district asks how do we Center Community voices to enhance lbgtq culture in the Castro District rather than a corporation with no ties to the neighborhood and poor lbgtq cultural competence to director the future of our most important cultural institution. We do through support and Self Determination and bodiesing oversight structures. Ape desires a blanket approval certificate of appropriate ness and zoning and permit changes in front of you. We ask that there be conditions of stewardship addd that have teeth and support that community determination. It is voilth to remember that this companys past and current behavior when considering why we might need structures for ape. Ape has not full filled promises at other venues failing to complete renovations at bill graham. People who worked with them found them unmanager to collaborate and recognize the concern is their own profit. They completely ignored the cultural district for a year and reached out to meet with our director a few months ago in meetings and interactions with friends of the Castro Coalition ape representatives regularly lied about actions and unwilling to compromise. We dont levy accusations lightly and the members heard store toes this affect including the report are ran a board piece ape only has itself to blame. All of these issues motivated the development of the communities condition in fronts of and you ask to you support them in your vote today. Thank you that is your time. We were told we can use the 10 minutes as we wanted. That is not correct. I did not tell you that. I told each person allowed up to 3 minutes i was specific. As you seat conscience amount and type of programming offered building accountability through an over site board. Commitment to lbgtq programming and spchlt local buildings community. Restoration and default arrangement of seethe nobody wants the theatre to succeed more than the co so called oping suspicion. For that to be possible at a landmark of this magnitude, we have defined compromise. Ape unable to work with us we hope this commission has it is information it needs. Im shane architectural history van heritage preservation. Director hillous and Planning Commission and Preservation Commission and policy makers i stand before you as a representative of programs in the field lbgtq history, architect history and Historic Preservation policy and practice. We followed the proceedings related to the project of the castro and intreszed occurrence through letters to the city. As we approach the crucial joint hearing urge all member s and policy makers to adhere to interior standards for rehab. Evaluating project that could have irreversal impactless from the castro theatre. The landmark designation fact sheet by planning and approved by Historic Preservation the flooring and seating in the ill configuration a character defining feature. Considering the castro theatre to the significant cans of the theatre to lbgtq Cultural Heritage on international scale, we feel firm low that the city has a clear course of action. Seethe configuration preserved. This seating arrangement in the element of the theaters grand ambience curved rows that sweep across serving a testament to historic sin mattick legacy. Failing to preserve the seating violate recall 10 of the planning code compliance with secretary of interior. Climbs made destroying it is necessary for operation of the castro theater we believe it to be misleading. Inform the of the Group Individuals closely involve instead theatres operations before pandemic it was operating in a profit am morph there are others ready and willing to assume operations on nonprofit base ensure it remains open for a range of programming without compromising the character defining features. Weave question whether commissions provided with detailed Financial Information that robust the claims. We believe that the commissioners cannot fulfill duties to the city and the public if they approve the drastic member. Why that is your time. Without evidence this such. This is your time. Good morning im peter executive director of the castro conservancy a nonprofit dedicated to preserving and protecting San Franciscos historic castro theatre as a cultural and entertainment venue near Motion Picture and Live Performance. During the 40 years before i was asked to help safety castro theatre i was executive director of the San Francisco symphony, philharmonic and theater i believe the preservation of the castro is essential to the well being. San francisco as preservation of the organizationless i serve said. And i believability that the plan being propoedz by ape entertainment represents an effort to destroy the physical and spiritual heart of the castro theatre. A theatre that successfully presented film, comedy, live music, drag hes and every form of art imaginable rendzerring suitable for rock and pop shows and private parties. They propose to turn the building that served the communities for 100 years into one that will mainly serve apes search for profit. San francisco has the most vibrant phil culture in the country the castro the soul of that vibrancy. Conservancey developed a plan that would restore the historic and physical features and restore to the center of lbgtq and cinema culture in San Francisco and the world. We understands that the nas arts own the theatre and dont wish to steal. They have no incentives when their advantaged proceed with their plan. You can compel ape to make a serious effort to serve the community and honestor great tradition by imposing conscience we suggested the castro being dark and security gated more than half the year, avoid there being no daytime activity in the theatre that brought life to the neighborhood every day. Avoid a great public building debase in the a night club and sent for private parties. We believe this our proposals are achievable and justifyd and respectfully request adoption to mitigate the alterations. For those in the over flow room wait until we get through some of the speakers. Each person allowed 3 minutes. Why the clockwork great. Make it easy. Commissioners. Planning staff, all importance present. Im Andrew Bennett pedestrian local 16. For 125 years we have been representing workers in the entertainment industry. Represent the projectionists at the castro. The last union projectionists in america. We represent workers that made the films that appear in the castro screen in frame line and historic vintage presentations. From last black man of San Francisco to vertigo. To any film you materic 2 and 3 at the cast roechlt our history is the castro theatres history the seats replaced 20 years ago 2 of them i sit in my living room i could not be more passionate the desire to have the castro theatre succeed and be a shining beacon for the arts in a city that is a shining beacon for civil rights, human rights, cultural right in america. A vital importance that the castro theatre survive. This point in time were at risk of logs the jobs that are provided with justice. We are at risk losing the venue itself. Over a debate about a reversible condition removing nonhistoric seats and removing the raked flower this will be a reversible condition under this proposal. It is of im a terrible public speaker and im nervous thats why i work backstage. But to that end, we stand in support for 2,000 members of approval of apes proposals. And we wish the referred to be corrected. We are in negotiate with employers not on the side of the table with rock promote irs we are mutual come respect. What has been trafficked is that outrageous. The amount money spent at the bill graham auditorium is under represented dramatically. It is important the record be straight. I encourage the Planning Commission all present to support the project so we have a viling beacon of cultural activity and jobs with justice as opposed nonprofit that may winds up unable to provide services required. Dont want to see another stud happen to the castro. We need this to survive. Thank you. Refrain from clapping if you want to wiggle if anything exerts ears go ahead. Hello commissioners im audrey joseph. A long time residents of San Francisco. Form upper commissioner and Commission President of the entertainment commission. I also an entertainment produce exert wed on pride for 22 years lastly as produce are main stage. I urge you to grant the certificate of appropriateness for the castro theatre proposed by apeful i live instead cast refor iary and produced events there. I had to bring in generators the electricity was inadequate among other issues including the bathroomless. Besides Film Festivals the attendance is mall. Even upon though excess of 1400 seats. We all than movie theatres decline, streaming allows folks to stay home on their couches. It is in the the times are changing. Times have changed. I want this beautiful theatre with the castro blade to survive. It stands a symbol for our worldwide lbgtq community and i am so proud of it. But it it is also a privately held business and the way it is no long are makes sense for success nor for its owners to burr bearing the burden of upkeep and expenses without the income it needs so much work. Ape guaranteed to do this work and prit the theatre. As a lesbian i never felt anything but love and acceptance from the staff and members of another planet. Things they say about doing away with gay culture is not true. Keep San Franciscos gay i conthe castro theatre a productive venue and grant the certificate it will surely benefit all the businesses in the neighborhood. Thank you. I want to for folks standing thank you. You dont Vice President to stand, you can sit and wait and lineup if you have a position you want to keep it make sure if you want to take a seat could be awhile if you are in the back we will get to everybody you dont Vice President to stand in line to hear Public Comment. Why thank you. Good afternoon, commissioners im Joanne Desmond here on behalf of the 2,000 plus members of local 16 stage employees. Our membership is in support of apes proposal. Another planet would provide needed funding to restore this gem. And keep the doors open. By revamping the theatre to include film, music, dance sxshg live events this provides valuable jobs to members and providing San Francisco with an exciting new venue. Potential is limitless. Thank you. Good dame im sam peterson a private citizen living in twin peeks lived in San Francisco for almost 25 years. I like to state im in spchlt apes plan to renovate the castro theatre. The city and the neighborhood need it. Ape is an upon proven quality prirt that successful low redone high profile venues tasteful and fit in environments. And spurred investment in communities. Ape is also a local Small Business with a diverse set of 40 full time employees. It is not a corporate menace. A new castro serving programming with a bipartisaning lbgtq focus for the neighborhood would be a mecca for entertainment bringing thouz anldz to the visitor weekly. In a neighborhood hovering around a 30 vacancy rate with tremendous neighborhood support for the project i believe this will is an obvious choice. Create something amazing for the next 100 years. Im al song i lived in the city for 25 years with my family. And i am enemy full endorsement of the certificate of appropriateness proposed by ape. For the revitalization of the castro theatre and urge you to approve this project. I now reside in cole valley overnight hill from castro and my family and i freak went the shops and took my daughter to sing alongs at the castro theatre. We have been watching this neighborhood change over years e approximately now after the pandemic. Businesses are closing. And the neighborhood is not when it once was. The neighborhood needs the castro to be renovateed full potential to draw people and traffic back to the area and the surrounding businesses. Another planet is the company to do this. They will be able to make the theatre to what it once was and still able to provide programming that includes move and hes comedy, music and special events. This is what will keep the theatre open and make sure it thrive this is people will come to for entertainment. Sad low people are not going out to see movies like they have done we have seen many of the movie house in San Francisco close. Just to be turned other things like gyms or demolished. Apes plan will include a full renovation restoring the build to original detail but to condition to have 33 of the programming still dedicated to film. Everything going on in the city, currently, the downtown, this is a simple decision that benefits everyone. I have been following this case since it started a year ago or long and tried see both sides of the issue. I heard beautiful stories of memories formed at this theatre this money a lot to so men in the neighborhood and the lbgtq community. These memories will not be lost and new ones can be made no weather seats or no seats or reversible ape has plans to provide both and save the theatre for everyone to enjoy. Thank you. Hello, commissioners i have been to all of these meetings but this is the first time i have spoken i figure it is the last gasp. Im matthew. I to being my first breath in San Francisco and things work according to plan i hope to take my last breath here. My attendance here today is more likens when you have to have a pet put down. It is the hardets thing in the world. To be thereupon in the last moments. But tuesday be a betrayal not to be with them. And so thats why im here today. Um yea. Im you know seeing this out to the bitter end im heart broken this can happen. San francisco could let this be lost. Which is the last remaining movie palace. Other major cities have been able to keep a movie palace alive. So, just for the record, i feel betrayed by supervisors. And their vote last week. How can they call themselves san franciscans . And let profit trump the historical and cultural significant cans of i landmark. The last movie palace. For those people that architects worked on on radio city music that you will has the seats. Not turned a standing concert venue. I feel betrayed by frame line. And their support of apes plans. Frame line i wish if there is anybody from frame line here i wish look at eddie muellers video create in the support preservation of the cast real theater. And ask yourself if you truly are an organization devoted to international cinema. And to ape you took advantage like the castro was struggling. Swoop in the like the opportunistic people in your profession must be i get it but took San Franciscos greatest giftes grant palace to former gloer that accommodate Live Performance that is an in your business model. Good afternoon im yawn learner i 20 plus year Small Business owner in San Francisco and a 30 plus year residence devenlts the city. Im here to endorse approval the certificate of appropriateness proposed by ape. I advise you to approve this project. As an owner and operator of multiple venues in the city including a landmark at swedish american hall. 116 yearo landmark building. I know the challenges of operating. One of these buildings. Keeping the historic nature while offering a modern experience to guests. Which they expect. I know ape is suited keeping the castro theatre an amazing historic landmark and venue. They other best suited operator to take on this task. And shown expertise. Through several successful projects throughout the city for many years. The theatre in the neighborhood need the renovations in order to survive and thrive. The irony is that the opposition to apes plan calls save the castro theatre. And my. Way to save the castro theatre to approve apes plan. Thank you. Im baun dawn a member of Stage Hand Union for 25 years. Married a nay and i have sending my kids to Public School im invest in the the city. Spent happy times at the theatre taking family to sing alongs and the film vest cals i enjoy it i want the castro theatre to survive and ape is poised to do that. The conservancy the opposition has a plan not fully realized. We cant let another building in San Francisco languish vacant we need the Economic Development of a neighborhood and the commercial corridors to have an influx of money. Small buildings are on the edge after the pandemic. The castro theatre is iconic like the San Franciscoom are and the simple font and he people come to the city for that reason t. Is important to the neighborhood. And we want that programming to continue but again another planet is poised financially, planning wise. And out reach wise to do a thing. I am asking to you endorse the conditional use authorization. Good afternoon im pete im a member of local 16 for over 20 year and before that i was working for bill graham presents. A lot of the folks that are there not a giant corporation of people here to make a profit. They are like minded individuals as myself who Love Entertainment and love to bring those to life. I also have history of doing film review in college and i remember as a child in 1977 going to the theatre. Which is not longer there to see iconic movie, star wars. I endorse the approval the certificate of propertiness. And the revital wragzization of the castro and urge to you approve the castro theatre iconic and important part of San Francisco like this build nothing which so many items grounds break legislation have taken place the castro seen many iconic moments in its own time. This building was in disrepair many year okay this building was able to revitalize itself. Do we want the castro to fall in disrepair. Everyone is committed to success and ape is committed to keeping the castro open committing 15 nilgdz on revitalization. In order to move toave viable future moving forward there must be a way to have standing and seated events. Apes plan take this is accounts and preserving the theatre. I ask you afrouf this project. Thank you. Good afternoon will thank you for listening. Im john i live in the castro and have for 8 years. I work in downtown San Francisco and really seen decline of neighborhoods it is sad im not willing to give up on my city unlike others i know. Castro theatre is important im a lbgtq residents i enjoy arts and entertainment. I go to many of the venues they talked about. Worked on the chase sxernt see what development for the city in terms of the economic boom and stewards for the neighborhood. When i go to consevers i go to the fox theatre and many place. The 1s that do are lacking. I will skip a concert we get a seat at the upon tom. This is not about this is really about the castro and Small Businesses and the residents and a chance to revitalize the neighborhood. I work downtown and today it is sin mark is closing. The mall is closing. Hear the economic doom with the downtown. I fear that is already happened or happen nothing our neighborhood if this project is in the approved. I tried hard to really take in both sides and see the plans. I have zero concerns about the lbgtq community, programming and events and condition to show case the films we all pressure. I used to work in entertainment for 10 years things have changes in the economic model of the Film Industry and movie theatre houses. It is in the working and we can make that work with the plan. I mentioned many of this will have great benefits for the Retail Stores and embarrass and neighborhoods the things. I urge to you continue to support this. And approve the certificate of appropriateness and conditional use operations before you. Thank you. Commissioners. Im bill banning. Like to have distributed after i speak i dont have time to read the whole things. San francisco and since then i worked in the film distribution. Theatres did not survive. Combu 15 years ago i donated the rox tow a nonprofit organization. A few years now thriving and i think this is the castro. Im the not good except for every other row or fourth row. E approximately when you have subtitled films. So the castro is just a place the only standing theatre of its kinds. Paris, new york, london no other place has a theatre like the castro from its age. San francisco lost many great theatres. And the list is long. But there is only one theatre other than the fox theatre. Which 60 years ago was destroyed by the city. Thank you. It is your time. Can i make one last statement. I like to say in sum rising and i would like to paraphrase Richard Blain if you dont desire this you dont decide to preserve the castro ledge endary cultural treasure. And the cultural [inaudible] dreams of San Francisco and unconscious of the amazing city. Quote you will regret it. Thank you. May be not today. Soon thank you, thank you. Im sorry. I brought visual aid. Good afternoon im dylan and a Small Business owner in the castro and long time resident of San Francisco im in spchlt apes plans and i want want to show you why this is the best use going forward. People dont entertain themselves like they used to expensive to maintain historic venue is not viable. San francisco lost 2 theatre in the last year what chance to facilities have . Castro theatre is in the the only movie palace on hard times i brought examples where we are headed if we dont allow the planned upgrades. With avalon casino a palace and ball room and murals. They can close and turn to rubble. Like the Paramount Theatre in new jersey turned housing. The next generation does not have the love of film as we do. In a few decades when they are gone and people are home with apple vision goggles you may see Something Like the theatre in toronto turned to a Shoppers Drug mart. You may see the theatre in san diego turned a barns and noble which is now gone because book stores are not viable. And now it is a museum. May see the ufo museum in roswell, new mexico. Or a crunch zim and you may see in berkeley the ridley theatre a 99 cent store. This brings me to what the most appropriate use is. And i have a picture here of the fox theatre. Tht only one this keeps the intended use a beautiful accomplice for the community can garth. Be proud and dance. Preserve the castro supporting the another planets plan to preserve this historic resource. Thank you. Good morning. And Historic Preservation committee im casey. I live in San Francisco. District 8 and im gay. Support of a private building and their owners able to work with venders than i chose went restraints that are put on them. They are working with all of you to make a decision. And you know i have been doing research on the city the last year and when really started this was the near low over 1 billion dollars deficit looming the next 5 year in San Francisco. And so i would urge you to think about pragmatically what is preservation and the Historic Preservation along with progress . I think we need to balance the 2. And i think we are making hard on you all. I have i hope you can see. This right here. This represents the Planning Commissions ref now versus spending. 2023 is projection. This is all data based off of the city the listen on the bottom is the deficit of ref now spending. Had that means to mow should we see more permits and work coming out of the group . Thats not happening either. We are making the job really hard take up alegality of time to move things forward. Because permit types are downful you will seat permits created the top is alterations they are going down but taking a lot of time to make decisions. The average time to make a decision right here. For 2022, has gone down. It is 30 days. If you look at the yellow line it is the district 8 permits. Business permit and merchant permits are high. All of those times extenting thission got to be harder than ever before but i urge you finds ways to make it faster. The initial new business in San Francisco we see this number drop thanksgiving is not because of 2020. We seen a decline in businesses since 2016 in new growth of businesses and here you also see the number of businesses this are ending by year this is public data sorry hard to see. It is all a bit mall here. We are losing businesses i urge you to move fast am help us keep San Francisco i have brandtful we need to move forward i know we have to preserve history at the same time i love to live in a city with people. Good afternoon i come the lbgtq history yen work cited in the landmark dezificationination fact sheet for the Historic Preservation commission. The key tasks of queer historiology analyze with consideration the ways they are used to construct systems of power. In the caves lbgtq people, the system of power have all often and all too long functioned system of abuse erase our path and under mine our cultures. With the record of ape regardingly the castro theatre we near a position to apply tools of queer history yens in ape dma city give permission to transform to a concert hall and private rental venue. Ape used the vast resources to impos 4 claims. Ape asserted movie palace seating is noa character defining feature of a palace this is not factual it it is alternative fact reference the classic film it is gas lighting. Ape upon is asserted restoration means demolition. Demolition classic movey palace orchestra configuration. This is not factual. It it is gas lighting. Ape acerted presence of seating means absence of seating much or all of the time this asertion is in the factual. Ape acerted without evidence vandalizing the orchestra is in to the survival of the theatre. This is not factously it is gas lighting. Commissioners you are in a position to reject the mystifications and lirment plans to damage an lbgtq Historic Site of World Heritage importance. Place the weight of state purin your hands not on the side of corporate interests on the sufficiented lobes memory and culture. Thank you. Im patrick rilet edforof lobes news site comprehendace q. Com. 5 months im going took on the task of being a producer. Ace clubs in north beach im putting on a drag show producing there. And in august. I got to know the ins and outs ofgoos behind a theatre it is expensive to put a show on. I admire the fact that ape is doing something forward thinking. As a resident of Telegraph Hill and north beach i saw the impact that when the club and beach blanket closed the impact on the restaurants in the neighborhood when the club brought in the new show, doctor San Francisco all restaurants up if i could you go to north beach now that neighborhood is better than it was prior to the pan dem and i can a part of that is the foot traffic that dear San Francisco brings in via through the club. I go over to the castro periodically now i used to go 23 times a week. It is a dead neighborhood. I go to north beach and well is a buzz there. This is a lot more found stay in my neighborhood than it is to go into the historically gay neighborhood. That saddens me. Im behind apes plan to reverify castro theatre. It will bring foot traffic in and hopeful low open more stores and bring business to the restaurants and bars there. Thank you. Hello commissioners. And thank you for your service. Im joes im a proud gay man and castro resident. We are discussing the future of castro theatre and our neighborhood. A moment in time when movie theatres are closing in the country businesses cant leave San Francisco fast enough we have a local Bay Area Company willing to invest 15 Million Dollars in our neighborhoods. Apes proposal for the theatre preserve the castro history and protect the future. The proposals will keep the theatre open breathe new life and survive but thrive for generations. Today is a turning point in our neighborhood. Union support for the project. Support from the castro merchants associating. Castro Neighborhood Association and other organizations dedicated to future of lbgtq culture and our neighborhood. And over 600 residents sent and you the board letters in support apes plans. We are fighting for you or theater and neighborhoods future. Apes plan will make it ad a accessible. Flexible and viable. Continue historic lbgtq programming. Protect film a main stroll in the thor and start the process of building active, vibrant neighborhoods. Activists fought for the future of program and responded by meeting many of requests and demands. Is have street credited around the cast rowe and came as a member of the board of directors of the castro merchant association, came to look at the issue of the theatre in apes plans. A year ago with an open mind and initial low in favor of proposals. And unfortunately the left year, i sfrnsed a lot of disappointment. Not just with ape but with members of community who will feel. Counsel size to apes ambulance i look had ape is prosecute pose suggest to have 175 days out of the year. Nights oust year where they will have programming. This means more than half of the year the theatre be closed and every day during the day when there was one or 2 admit nays the theatre will be closed. Of the capacity will not be increased by apes so called renovation plans are remodeling plans. So your 1400 people plan to install several full embarrass if you, prove the permits today which will allow alcohol to be served in so patrons the ape audience that come to the castro am drink in the theatre and in the patronize the bars in the neighborhood. When you add this up it does not make sense tell be an economic boom bring thousand to the neighborhood it is in the possible. Will not happen. What we have done is exacted promise fist ape. Which i think are very promising there is a lot of changes that would not have happened without community. We need your support strengthning the community over site and the conditions proposed. We dont have those. This is your time. We will lose our culture. Thank you. Good afternoon im jeff row the president of the harvey milk lbgtq Democratic Club i come representing organization cofounded by harvey milk. We had the most events of sudden Front History and harveys history at the castro theatre. From the of first visual after mos sceney and harvey milk the seats over flow to castro on to 18th and market street. We hold vigils every year in front of the castro and at the subway station. For youth a philling of milk castro is a historical land mark a place of queer heritage. We hear about news of queer space coming under attack. Last year a Colorado Springs vigil in the castro. Every where gay people feel unsave and the castro for decades have been a safe haven for the Queer Community. A sacred space. I love the previous speakers said ape having 33 of time dedicated to film. And x amount of days to the Queer Community and thats through our efforts to make sour we hold ape accountability to the Castro Community to the Queer Community. We continue to urge commissioners to hold apa counselable we are correspond the fact that ape is committing to 175 days of opening. And there is no conditions whether or not those evans are open to the public from november, nothing through january we see at the fox. Christmas parties. Corporate rentals we want the castro to remooin main open for the castro, neighbors and the lbgtq communities. President peskin brought this up in regards to failed promises temperature is heard for the city to go after ape after this conditional use permit is grant period. Such as renovations at bill graham, which is granted then years ago and still behind. It is difficult for the city to hold them accountable after the permit is given. And we support having castro theatre. I sang in the gay mans chorus Christmas Eve a place for gay men for decades who did not have a family tom go home to on Christmas Eve. We want to continue what tradition. Help us maintain the castro as a community resource. Thank you. Hello commissioners. Im will emrocket i go by rocket thank you for your service today. I can imagine how it must be to bear a day like today. I have many clothe and allis and in our friends of Castro Theatre Coalition im here to urge you to adopt the continuous that we have proposed. Murder to maintain this queer Cultural Heritage site. I will leave it to others to give the data points and over load you with their bar charts. And our others who can speak more eloquently. But i feel like you guys other last hold outs the last once possible to maintain the space. And whether there were 500 people in support of the new management company, and 2 people in opposition. Their point does not make it right. Does not make it right to have a corporate take over of a Community Space. It is imagine some corporations saying that we dont need cable cars because it it is more efficient to run electric vehicles. Our cable cars are characteristic of our fair establishment the castro theatre is not just any theatre. Not the clay. It is not any other music venue. It is a church to many of us. Not just to us in the city but to queers around the world. See this as our chaufrp a place art, film and performance is made by us for us. Any people who celebrate us. If t is our church. And whether or not you have a spiritual practice, you can imagine that people who do, revel in our able to garther at our church as it is. Ape made many claims over when they are doing with the floor. This is the first i heard today this there is minimal damage to be had t. Changed no matter who they are speaking to. That should indicate a lot. It is our church. Police consider it if you dont believe in temperature consider that is critically important to us. Thank you. Good afternoon im chad buckner a day resident of San Francisco have been for 39 year. I have been a regular film goer at the castro seen more there than anywhere else. Extents about adopting to the 21st century we need to take stock. The fact that im old enough i remember what working cla says families go to ball games. My mother would take mow to the bally and sit up in the cheap seats of the opera house to see performance but afford to do this. It is increaseingly difficult for regular working people to engage in cultural venues. In the Public Sector and private sector. The miles an hour occasions now when the parks are cut off for private parties that are not open to general public. The same to private indoor sectors. And really concerned me the ghostly facade of the castro to think in time it is not used at all and much of the time typeset is it is for people who is afford to send a lot of money thats what the castro is not about and should never be. I really urge to you consider the changes in the culture and with the huge wealth gap we have in the bay area are you going to make that even more severe . And no offense to al ice i think about the venues open a lot would be the ape proposals. I envision a lot of heavy drinking straight men out of concerts no offense but it is in the the character of the neighborhood. Please. Consider who i it is tantalize to have 15 Million Dollars drape in the front of you. San francisco is an extraordinary place with extraordinary resources with a lot of passioned people. Willing to present an alternative. We are very much a major film center in the wormed. Last night frame line was the line around the block gaevenl there will be a continued enthusiastic Film Community and with creative low we can make that continue this is an extreme low sacred place. This is a very sacred space a part of the Community Moving Forward with organizations that are willing to engage with the community and not avoid them. Thank you and consider had i said. The thing not used now is the entire castro neighborhood. Im zack tailor i endorse severalty appropriateness for the quaff row theatre and the castro neighborhood. It is necessary. I have been a residents for 10 years zip code is 94114 i seen a sharp decline in beautiful and once vibrant sanctuary. Businesses are closing every month. With those attempt to move in shutting doors due to low or no traffic. I think of the new business on no and he castro back that cafe. I pass it every day it is empty i seen one table ever in there at a time. I walk around the neighborhood every day. Am i implore to you dot same. Are crucial to survival and as a queer haven. My friends the 26 year old lives in the south bay said they and out of town friends used to love investigation instructs and shopping and abandon today in favor of seeing show in oak land at the fox and oceanal soma. They said they no longer have a reason to in to the castro i heard this many times the theatre is an influentialing boekon of inclusive welcoming and progressive nature. It is life is fading. Renovating to include a variety of programming in our opportunity to entice diversity of queer young people and eli have it beyond when it hen before. Not just for gay men anymore. Donts drive the last nail in the castro coffin by preventing progress. Thank you. Once upon a time not long ago i asked my 22 year old gay son has 2 mom and grew up in noe valfehe wanted check out frame line he said what is that . Are you kigd the lbgtq et cetera Film Festival at the castro where the old people lineup on the sidewalk. Yes. I have been liningum there for 25 plus years and amazing memories of that movie palace. Back in my day rocket screening. Classics, packed houses reciting betty davis lines it was fabulous. A year ago thinking i schooled them i to being my son and boyfriend to see all about eve at the castro and may be 27 people in the theatre. And no one chime in the on fasten your seat belt. Hart and he anthony fell asleep. Sitting in a cold empty theatre sprngs live music is if they see their favorite musicians they would bring enthusiasm and economic boflt to the neighborhood. The cast roast and the castro 32er would be a destination again of so realizing change is inevitable im in favor of ape plan to improve our mag 95 cent movie approximatelyace to provide a flexible future. So hart and he hisieneration can make memories at the cast rethey can board their kids with. Thank you. Im Ross Gonzalez i started one of the first aids organizations. Save lives. And philadelphiat second latino aids organization. I have public art work in philadelphia. And a childrens book, proverbs and may be a few people need to read proverbs. What im here for is to ask about bill graham. Ape people said they would remodel bill graham. Yet right now every day you can see People Living there, selling drugs and yall know you can buy what was handled dollars worth of drug system 3 dollars now. Yall dont know this. This theatre that place is not remodeled. It is a loyal. Today we have new proposals that will number a super bar. Last night a friends of motorbike we were protesting peaceful low in front of the castro and a woman that owns the castro my friends is powerful but [inaudible]. The scholar holding this. And she was and this i guess karen she owns the castro. She is in here. She was like, are you gay what are you doing here . I feel threatend and i know that i am going to get she is is funny. When i feel uncomfortable, expressing myself these people are in the communicating with our community. And i have sprjsed latin movies with female that have died for their last film spanish movies. When are we gooing to see the wizard of oz, movie this is straight people that want to open a club and private event place or corporate place, 30 dollar tickets for one movie. Or manage this gay straight people think gay people want to see . A fast dollar makes more money than a 30 dollar, 2 hour ticket i cant ford that will go back to the fox theatre. Can you buy drugs 24 7 in front of the fox theatre, has it been remossed. The next show at bill graham look outside it is up there the next show is july 15th. July 15th. How can this be we are going to close the castro all the time the reason the neighborhood is die suggest because you can buy drugs 24 7 after 2 oclock at the castro. Thats a fact. So im not a consultant i over heard somebody i hate being here i dont like talk nothing public. They told us we had to come here and bring our family. So when im sayingil be discriminated im scared of had woman she loved at me and i think that should like they will remoss something remodel the graham first. We had a lot of respectful [inaudible] proposals here today. Im sue. I am against apes proposal and for not just saving the seats and the raked floor but preserving the essence of an approximatelyace on the other hand for over a human years. It is in the the only movie palace that is still aroundful i gallon into which im historian and a patron of the castro and im a bad ass and here to tell you the theatres that failed reasonable are direct. Galaxy. Failed 30 years ago because it was direct. Cgi made a cadillac of dealership in an airport. Where people watched moveys. Direct. It is about upon gentrification of the castro. Nobody said this. Gentrification of the castro. I will talk about the fox in oak land first in San Francisco. Which was knocked down because it was a sad looking theatre. Well look what we have now. Thank you very much. The fixture in oak land was abandoned in 1966. It sat empty for 30 decades. Before ape stepped they have a great concert hall there. But it is in the preservation. The castro has never been abandoned. When helped in the 1970s, we came in, women and men. Queer, lesbian and gay and if not for us, the cast rowe probably would not have been preserved. Because we filled the castro. We watched the movies. We had the Film Festivals. Dont give me this. The california theatre in san jose was total low refurbished with the preservation of all of its features including the seats. It now hosts and a profitable venue in san jose not just for speakers like bernal sanders i attended a while back but for wedding and other meetings. So, i want to reminds you that castro is not a mild mannered movie palace weird stuff help thered i was there lust in the dust when divine rhode down the middile on a motorcycle. I was the winnure sound of music 1015 best costume. Who else can be an expert. I need with you. No , i dont i demand that you keep them seats. Keep the castro. Thank you. Thank you. Hello. Im scott johnson. Im not a paid consultant i was born in San Francisco and with my grandfather, father and son. I love the city and love the neighborhoods that make up the staechl i fully endorse the approval the certificate of appropriateness. Proposed by ape. The revitalization of the castro theatre and urge you to approve. I support the arts and culture that add value to the local communal. I believe in the positive Economic Impact the types of Restoration Projects can have on the current state of San Franciscos commercial, Business Districts. Ape prudent this they are committed stewards of the staechl the fundses that outside lanesien rit have impact on the preservation in beautification of golden gate p. We need more businesses like ape who are committed to invest nothing San Francisco. I urge you to approve this project. And i thank you for your service to the city of San Francisco. Im james a board member with Eureka Valley neighborhoodsorption representing the castro and our organization with the Business Association support apes plans. It is representative the overwhelmingly support we see for the plans. In the neighborhood that we see every day. I want to say as a gay man who live in thes castro. Involved in the issue after the benefit plan was announced. That benefit plan which guaranteed queer programming product of the people here in red shirts. I think difference of opinion whether a theatre should have fixed or fleckable seats i reasonable position i dont continuing is recently toar tick lit fixed or not as gay or antigay that is absurd. I have sat in the new seats they are wired and comfortable and more gay to me. I think that there are reasonable things but you know a business cant be run boy the community. There can be commune input and time to move on. I des prit low ask you to swift low move on and let this project move so the neighborhood can move Forward Society community can move forward and have a theatre that can help and hopefully restore itself and the neighborhood i live in. Thank you very much. Good afternoon im brett thomas a retired sag teamster. Im here to speak against the proposal. The proposal as is, is a concert venue becauses as was said, via Vice President. Violent. That concert producer. Everything they mentioned was a big concert they dont produce Community Events when they talk about a drag show or a chorus singing. There is no written documents to say, yes. And they dont have a 5 year plan. Im willing to bet attorneys here nullified your plan. Know where the ape wants to be in 5 years or 15 years. The community doesnt. We have a statementful we dont have an actual written thing. Document. What what happens when the do get the concerts going . Imagine this . The streets are closed. The rigors come in. The trucks with the sound equipment. The bus for the crew come in. Electronicer lights come in. The Kraft Service are those people going to be buying things . I think not. No matter what others have said are they going on revive consistent regular paying jobs for people in the community as ash prentices or Service Entry . I think not. At in point team are going to show up to concerts like the big things. And the doors will not be open. The doors open in a certain point. Where will the people congregate. Streets . Start the party early. Yes. Where are they using the toilet. Stheert is not open yet. The Business Plan as written has not been fully shown. Okay. And then somebody here with beautiful, beautiful sharp bar graphs and one said permits are up. But that way vacancy rates down. I think there is a correlation here over building. The thing that is going on in blight is not the castro it is the city. It is citywide. Union square and the wharf is blighted. Anyway. I will yield my time thank you. Yao dont have anymore time. Hi im melanie ruler member of Preservation Committee of Art Deco Society of california. It has been heart wrenching lynch to the testimony today. I just want to tell my store. I know that everybody can speak more eloquently. San sfrn a nightmare to live in i w in soma and have a horrible time each day. Threatened be electroniced down and killed last week temperature is in the fun to be the castro theatre has been a safshths iary for us movie goers, historians normal people. It is sad to see we will not have that anymore. June 23 of 22 i was on a muni headed from westportal station and an active shooting on the train car i was in. I was freshmaned in the train car. With the shooter. One man was shot dead in the head and the other man next to me shot in the leg. Car stopped at castro we got out the police came and looking for a quiet place for us to be interviewed by the detective. And we ended up in the mezzanine of the castro theatre. I was sitting there waiting. Listening. And i could hear music. Turns out San Francisco with janet and clark gabe in the theatre the 100 Year Anniversary of the theatre. Being a movey go exert patron i had no idea. It should not take an active shooting situation to know what the programming is at the castro. And over and over again in the meetings they have been bring up low attendance for 1 huh human Year Anniversary. People i am friends with and into move history did not know the programming was going on. And to be in the situation and how the 2 things were. It is shocking. I urge to you hold them accountable and have newys shown in the theatre. In the just under throne out and nobody knows about them. So. Accountability would be appreciated. Thank you. Good afternoon. Thank you for listen to all of us. Im donna sashay the first lady of the castro. I lived in and loved in San Francisco for 30 years. Last night i was at frame line. I looked and enthusiastic capacity crowd in this gorgeous venue. I cant believe we are about to confine this build to a huge out of time to oshg bliterate everything we love about the castro we are not. We are entrusting our castro stheert to a local civic minded group willing and able to invest 15 Million Dollars in a faded venue in need of loving restoration, technical and programming. Crowds like last night are rare in any theater but another planet conditions to believe. The castro continue to be a known destination. Protecting the significance and original design of the building. Yes, there has been opposition and i appreciate it. And another planet listened. Response to Community Outrage the change in the seating was done. Ape devised a system to have a raked floor and seating and improved sight lines. That is great expense. It opens up to variety of entertainment as well. I listened to the arguments on both sides and the most entrenched optimists for the city i love i joined local residents, businesses and fellow optimists encouraging to you support the creative and respectful plans of ape for revitalization of our loved castro theatre. Thank you. Thats hard to follow. Im aaron. Loft to are 2 blocks away if a vivacious event space one increases access ability and diversity and restores the historic lands america to former gloer. For my generation and all to come. Support the restoration of the castro theatre. Thank you. Good afternoon im andrea it is executive director for the Castro Community benefit district. I urge you to approve the proposal before you box the conditional use and severalty appropriateness. Another Planet Entertainment proposal. Will prom vied the castro theatre with expert loving Historic Preservation. I think you know this. You have read their proposal and understand [inaudible] the name of the whatever the the Architecture Firm is i think known in i understands. I believe that at the end you will have a restored historic lan mark that you will be proud of. So i u you to approve this quickly. On top of historic renovation. The theatre will bring in a new h vac system none there at this point we will cant have a theatre with will no windows. In post covid world. Have you to have a functioning h vac system to have 1200 people in a space. The their plans all will bring full ad aaccess to the theatre. Right now. The only ada accessible pace is the last row in the back. This new renovation will include bringing ad a accessibility to the stage and backstage. People with mobility issues can perform. And be part of performances. Because they will have become stage pace that is ad aaccessible i dont understand how you cannot approve this with these benefits. I want to peek to the fact that people have been saying that we cant trust ape they are a huge corporation. We understand they are a mall business under 50 people and their company. Bay area business. Grew up in berkeley. And ape is not committed to the lbgtq community and lbgtq programming . Look had they did reasonable. This proved they are committed to the lbgtq community. Thank you very much and i look forward to improved and restored castro theatre. Good afternoon im david kim a 19year residents of the castro neighborhood in d8. Im a Civil Servant for San Francisco im here as a private citizen. I say i live, breathe, work San Francisco. I see the castro theatre every day. When i mute to work or meet friends its it is a presence in my life. There is so much love for the castro theatre from both sides it wonderful. I love the castro theatre and support ape flon renovate the theatre. Last monmourners garthed for the memorial at the castro a perfect spot for the loved drag queen and strengthened my resolve for save nothing venue. Without the renovations and programming for the future that it, too will shut down like many of the other buildings in the castro. I want to see the castro thrive that includes experiencing kwoer, classic, second run films and the sing alongs. Hello im andy im a queer multidevelopary artist and add sunrisor to ape castro project. You heard, lot of people excited about the Economic Impact of the project for the city and the neighborhood and you heard loud Queer Community support but i want to focus is when we say is the most part the production, presentation and consumption of queer art. I like to speak to apes credentials. Who are the artists in develops making impactful queer work engaged the most queer audience the left 10 scombreers brought more of those artists to sudden front as another planet. Chances are it is via ape. If you cant name the artists made most impactful queer work may be you had not have a loud royce in this conversation. I reached out to queer arts organizations and makers of all develops and work with oasis to build infrastructure to ensure venue cost is never the barrier of entry. In walk through after walk through and conversations with local artises and leaders shaped gent rigs of queer culture temperature is clearow the past, present and future of artistic production is flexibility and willup lift artists and community in San Francisco and around the world. Thank you. Good afternoon will commissioners. Thank you my name is isaac. Im no disrespect to [inaudible]. I may be the third oldest business in the neighborhood. I lived in the cast reand i have my shop in the castro for 45 years. When i moved in harvey milk was walk around the neighborhood i lived through the years of aidses. Works heard to credit a business important. Both to the city and to the country. I focus on a period of American Design for 19001916. Donated to the deyoung. Sold to the deyoung put on exhibitions across the country. I continue to uphold the individual crafters distinguished in this period from San Francisco i want to talk if my personal point view. My shop on 19th street next to harvey milk civil rights academy. 2 months ago the license was stolen off my truck. I spent the day dealing with aaa and the dmv. A month o. K. Ago, my block has 6 businesses. 3 of the 6 had attempted burglars. 2 burgeled with young people when came in braise extent audacious with crow embarrass blow torches. Motorbike was the only one they did not get in. They broke my door. Broke my top look and the become look held. Last week afterip grade to the tune 3 thousand dollars my Security System i came out in the morning and my 23 year old truck was moved all my stuff in front of my building at 9 at night was stolen. Took 4 minutes for them to get, way i got it on tape i upgraded. I bring this to your attention because this is how it is what happen in the our neighborhood. Personal low impacted me. I see in the neighborhood horrible changes our neighborhood is in pero now. And i have people sleep nothing my door. Comatose if upon fentanyl. Tents out by the Tennis Courts and people all over home will and sleeping in the door bay ways businesses closing left and right. Each up the castro at any cost. Not at any cost. Ape has no concern for cinema they are concerned for the shell. We safety theatre or winds up with a shell. This is your time. Thank you. Sir. There is im john. And i support apes plans for the project. The castro theatre. I personal low walked the streets of the Castro District 18th and castro and so on. And i poke to 77 community businesses. And i got one person that was newt roll on the project. One person against. 75 were for it. And i just think that the story needs to be told if you walk the streets and talk to people you know thats when you will hear most likely. You know the thing with the seats. I just i dont realliment to make a joke but if you electric at the bright red seats behind you 25 of them are in need of repair. Right. If machine were to tell you, please, land mark the seats and dont repair them you would be like you are kidding, right . I think it needs to be looked at seriously. Thank you very much. Im steve mur de feo i castro resident moved to the bay area when i was 18. Look to move to a welcoming community. I had the chance to bea home dithat in the castro. I walk by the castro theatre every day. Im supportive of apes plans. One thing with ape and their propertying kwoer friend low programming at ape venues. If you dont know when is the hottest queer music act out there i had no idea. My queer niece assures me it is luna they will play later in the year over the greek. Lobbying for me to go. The left time we hung out together at bridgers a queer artist. I did not know did not connect. Im very excite the idea what this group might bring more relevant programming i life my queer 26 year old niecements to go. I love had she texts me about the music. That is at ape venues. Some people may actual they speak on behalf of the Queer Community or this is a decision. Im speaking on behalf of me and my niece but you know we connected with the programming and i love the idea this this might theatre might be activated with more 26 year olds like my niece who want to check out luna. Thanks. Commissioners im mike murray. Im a gay resident of the castro and cochair offish nas for restored cast retheatre a group of queer and castro communal members supporting apes plans for multiuse castro theatre. Group formed we were frustrated the last year despite brood passport for plans in the castro and lbgtq communities, misleading public narrative took hold suggest the same communities opposed the project. In months through organizing effort among Community Group and residence denial this is anywheretive shifted. As you heard the following neighborhoods lbgtq performance and film groups that depends on the thriving castro endorsed apes plans or oppose the land marking of the seats and raked floor. The lbgtq Democratic Club of the First Organization for gay dem credits in the u. S. Castro merchantss organization. Upper benefit district. Eureka valley Neighborhood Association. Frame line Film Festival the oldest lbgtq Film Festival. Hartford street neighbors. San francisco gay meny chorus performs at the theatre every Christmas Eve. The castro organ organization a group folk ulgsed on the theatre. And movies for maniac and others. Castro and lbgtq members likewise made voices heard. In addition to the letters you received, 600 letter writers participated in the cam pin to the board of supervisors. Urging them not to stop the project from moving forward. 77 of those letters came from the castros 941 zip or adjacent zip codes. You are hearing how strong neighborhood and queer support is from constate wents. We heard from gay district 8 supervisor rafael machine man spends much of everybody talking to castro constituents. His remarkings at youn 6 Board Meeting noted the sentiment in the neighborhood as i read it is strongly in support of the ape project. Castro and lobes Community Member spends our time in the theatre weave benched the same. We hope you will consider the communities strong punishment and approve the recommendations before you so this project with the benefits that will bring to our community can move forward. Thank you. Hemo~ im sherri im a member of local 16. And a proud woman who lived here in San Francisco for 33 years. I fully endorse the approval of certificate of presentness by another planet the revitalization of the castro theatre and urge you to approve this project. I have lived here 33 years. The first thing i did upon rifle go to the thor for the frame line Film Festival. I was in heaven being in a venue watching queer film with lets of queer people. I continue to go to Film Festivals and live events with my wife, child and friends. We lived in the neighborhood for then years and still live in sf now. Now when we got to castro i see closed businesses. And veryings foot traffic. When going to mutualies there there are few people in attendance. Apes restoration will bring people to the castro neighborhood. And will help to keep this bodiesing open. Not in disrepair they have a commitment to film program and lbgtq programming. They will instul a now h vac system is so important now post covid. And system that will give accessibility including on stage and backstage, which as someone gone there has seen people strug toll get up there who are different low abled. And artists, film make and ares community. I upon urge to you passport this and allow it to be the place that i can continue to go until i die. Hopefully. And i can condition to have the happy tears i go every time i walk in that inclusive, beautiful gem of a pace. Thank you. When we started meeting with groups in february of last year after apes plan were, announced groups got together and thank you we have an in person and mote and figure out when is going on. We wrote a letter last april in 22 this invited them to meet. Included what we thought the theatre needed. What it needed not in terms of renovations but need in the terms of community access. We are talking about Community Groups who for decades have relied on the space as a garthing space for nonprofit use and you know fund raising use and an accomplice of Queer Community. Want today make sure that was the part of the theatres future. It has been disappointing so see how the efforts were treated. That refused to meet with the executive director of the castro lbgtq cultural district. The leading organization on the prosecute letter for a year example i think this is the when we are dealing with going forward. I appreciate that there are 2 sides for, while there were hundreds on one side the left time we came now there are 2 sides. Acknowledge thanksgiving is a commune divided. And this is sad. I think this division has been shown by ape. I come arnold to understanding they will be longterm operators of the theatre im asking this commission for leadership. Which has been ab7 in this conversation. Leadership to impose conscience this hold ape accountable. Now what i see is 180 days of programming all of which can be private, corporate Event Rentals not open to the general partial ape supporters support this conditionful i would prosecute pose mixing private corporate rentals at this community garthing space. In my closing seconds the castro Oversight Board let us have a mechanism the next few years to keep tab and report to the body i think it is important that a structure for restoring community trust. Thank you for your consideration. Hi. Im elsey my family owns the home behind the cast retheatre. You might rescue noise my name i sent i letter on behalf of 50 neighbors on the same block of hartford including every home this shears lot lines. Our street accommodates lines that wrap the block happens once or twois a year. We are the once the family contacts had than i need ~age sesz to the to the back of the theatre when there are leaks example we are fully supportive of apes plans to revitalize the neighborhood and create new ways to celebrate queer culture. We have been invest in the the success of the castro before this theatre thing became a controversy. You seen us pick trash or we have hadding or hosting happy hours. You know many establishments struggled and shuttered. I long for the days had the castro was bustbling destination. Bargain apes plan is a district attorneying sentence for the theatre and the businesses this remain. It would reverse the work my family and friends put in to making the castro a great accomplice to be ape offers a logical solution for our neighborhood. Im excited for modernize building to not coordinate repairs through our backyards im thrilled saying highway to concert goers. Conference atend xees wedding guests. The restoration plan we saw, stung. Tell restore the architecture to former glory. Not only this my friends and family those with limited motional. I cant wait for revitalization of the night life scene. The castro is our home this should be our choice the voices of those who dont live near or those fixated on the seats are over riding sound judgment. The people can go elsewhere. But if it closes mow and my neighbors will live in the shadow of an empty untouchable theatre. Im thrilled that ape will honor of the original architectire and e involve the purpose to host a diversity of art forms and audiences, a row against ape is vote against open mindedness and so sightal progress. Thank you. Remind folk in overfully if you want to give Public Comment the line is getting short. It is. And this is great. Thank you so much for your comments. I support another planets entertainment plans to restore the castro theatre. Police approve the certificate of appropriateness. And conditional use authorization that is before you today. My family moved to the 500 block of castro street in 1936. I stoel still live there. I want you all to know. The nassar family has been fantastic stewards of our neighborhood. They have been excellent stewards and supporting the castro. And we need to allow them to do what is right with their property. And and end of conversation. Period. They know when they are doing. They would not be doing being there for this many years if they done know when they were doing. They have been good to the castro. So thank you, nassar family and thank you ape. And lets go for it. Hello im upon james im a store owner next to the castro and mfbt castro merchants associating. I opened my business in the middle. Pandemic i believed in the neighborhood and ability to bring it become to life. The last 2 years witnessed life and excitement who i the theatre is in use and the depair of the neighborhood while will it sits dark. Over 15 vacant store fronts with more leaving every among. I believe that we are luck tow have i local kwuchl born out of legacy of bill graham help reverify our neighborhood. Prune themselves and i dont doubt ability to run this theatre successfully. We would be fools to let this opportunity pass you. Support apes plan to restore the castro theatre. Im a member of the lbgtq community. I live on hartstored street and house behind the castro adjacent and impacted whether the theatre is successful or not. Im a naesh on hartford many are here who the millions ape will invest is the learningest the castro has seen. If this proposal is blocked well is a big risk the theatre will go dark and become a 99 cent store. Let alone 100 years ago. Theatres are closing and in fact the last screening in the west field mall took place this morning. That theatre is closed and opened if i have then and there vacancy. No amount will driveway 1,000 people or hundreds in a theatre regular low for film. In the years leading up to the pandemic the innar family covered costs a third of the nights. Many showings drought a hahnful of people this family based Small Business should be able to e rolfe and should not force them to operate at a loss if 9 years ago the city blocked fans adding sound had silent film fell out the theatre would have closed 9 yearing ago. Ape will restore this gorgeous gem. I want to see the theatre thrive and i dont want to so it dark and saving the theatre requires approving ape plans the best path forward. Thank you very much for your time. I lived directly behind the castro thor and share a lot line. I live with my sxon wife and we are fan of the theatre and want to continue to be big fans. One of the dozens of niches on the street this support apes plans. We walk our neighborhood every day and watch the demise of the theatre exclusive neighborhood i agree with autopsy points in opposition today and had is why we are in support of apes plans. Good afternoon im richard, i w for the city of San Francisco. And im speaking to you as a castro residents. For the castro theatre dont allow the certificate of appropriateness to include removal of ground floor level sxeets installation of tiered levels with chair levels. Preserve, fixed seating in movie palace style im concerned about the future of the theatre and the neighborhood. There is a thor in the north park neighborhood in san diego and now which the now owner of the theatre in 2014 removed fixed seating like this proposal. The venue became a problem. And within 5 years declared a public nuisance by the city of san diego. Theatre built in 1928. By 1990s it was vacant and decrepid after failed ownership. Like the theatre in ocean avenue. And i worked for north park Business Improvement in 90s revitalized the Business District and reopens the theatre with fixed seating and a jewel of the neighborhood. Owned by lyric opera san diego and operate friday where are five to 11. A new owner bought and removed the fixed seat nothing 2047. Why . All about the alcohol. They can sell more drinks to people stajdz. What is the result . Within 3 years there was growing concerns about crime and other problems. There was i brawl and stabbing. This forced businesses and management of the thor to address the occurrence. Within 4 years in 2018 the venue was shut down. For alcohol some safety violations. Within 5 years in 20 then it was a source of complaintses. Noise, violence, teen drinking, into beingcasion, vomiting and accumulation of treasure and human waist result nothing 174 calls to the reasonue and 500 hours of police. The it was a public nuisance by the city and pay fines. Removing the stooet seating negatively affected the neighborhood and Community Members deal with loud music. Fights. Homeless, riot in the neighborhood. Cigarette, vomit, blood near homes. Dont let this help to the cast retheatre. Dont allow the certificate of appropriateness to include the removal of fixed seating. Thank you very much. Gr im jessica a residence den and 4114 and other middle eastings here previously. Can you peek a littles louder wrochl sorry. Im here on behalf of myself and others who work and try to help safety seats for the castro i know it looks like there are options coming what i like to request dont approve the certificate without conditions to hold the attentive accountable. I believe than i can make money without demolishing. Since the clone up was brought up one thing she post in the yen 2022, i had a life altering experience as a fill loving audience member. Not a venue or land mark it has been the heart of the city. Hopeful low this next chapter goes well. For me the castro the heart of the city as well. And a big part why i live near. Police take into consideration only, proving the certificate with conditions to hold the company, accountable. Thank you. Hi. Im aroara i never come to a planning meeting before and i had misconceptions. Thank you for your service and thank you to everyone involved in this and trying to save the castro theatre. And mote the needs of the community. I want it say although im not an emotional lbgtq community i appreciate the freedom that their community affords everyone no merit when their sexuality, race or preconceptions about life i appreciate this thank you to the lobes community for froing mow to be a better person. Sorry. Makes me cry i came here from alaska in from a mixed community. An lbgtq brother who was murdered. So i appreciate having venues that allow for people to understand each other. And to learn to love each other depilot differences i appreciate this so much. I know that progress is ineffootball i sought alameda reason vague i have mixed emotions i know progress must happen seeing communal pace this is bring joy and,llow for affordable entertainment and art expression is important to me. So i feel like im with all of you. In this endeavour am appreciating how difficult it it is to do anything rit in this world today. So i wanted to share my word and share my appreciation for when things are done right implore all the business side of this to do things right so this can, this accomplice can exist for as many years as need not just the lobes community. Those of us of all economic races, graces and levels and whenever is going on in our world it is confused. Please do hold them ash counselable to doing the bestion for as many people not just the profitability. Profitability exists if the community exists around it. Thank you. Good afternoon alan, im a 30 year residence devenlts castro i live 100 yards, way. I could not fully support the severalty appropriateness. I urge you to approve. Thats all. Thank you. Hello thank you for your Civic Service and im jack i live on 18th street close to the castro theatre i walk about it daily. It mean a lot to me like as a queer person in the castro. One thing that i want you to think about is this the castro has been business everybody talking about business, bleeding you know. And i think it is important to think of the old saying the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over and expecting the same result it it is not working the way things are. We need to make drastic change. Accept in gift this another Planet Entertainment is presenting to us and i think it will really revielthize and bring businesses and bring strit alis to the castro to help support the businesses and revitalize the community. That the castro really is. Thank you very much. I support ape plan for restoration employs i in the castro and live there i came back for long last chapter. I all formed my opinion as a San Francisco city guide. I have been for many years. And my territory is the castro. I have the privilege of walk with people who consider the castro mecca. If you will. Than i travel from all over to visit us here. Special when we reached pana play at the bottles of harvey civil rights plaza, which is inadequate and pent 5 years 25 year working on a new plan exit continue is now approved and thank you for this. This was the first step in revitalization of the castro. And i tell my visitors who come become in 5 years you will see what this looks like you will be excited. Now we mead to put in the next step. And the next step is revitalize the castro theatre. People stand in front of it from the world and crest fallen not only they cant go in but this it looks dilapidated. So i think we need to understand that changes are inevitable and mode to do this for the district or it will fail as a neighborhood. I thank you. For your attention to this. And hope that ape will prevail. Thank you. Good afternoon, commissioners Steven Torres disclosure i hit on the cultural district and entertainment commissioner and borrow tender at twin pokes tavern i have concern about the principle and the impacts on the cultural and historic legacy but night life ecosystem in the castro. Im in spchlt night life industry and in order for a night life ecosystem grounl work must be stebs to ensure harmony with the residence denials and night life space. Based on feedback i dont believe out reach has been done by sponsor in 2a, 3a and b result in challenges for residence denial and Business Owners and departments and agencies regard to sound and night life impacts in the future. I think this concern is supported by your staff and noticed they were left out of sponsors report. With the threats that face the lobes community and spaces whether violence or measures 10 boy insurance companies. The declined coverage to businesses featuring lbgtq entertainment, i believe that conscience protecting lbgtq programming a permanent and center ral to the theatre. Not on Business Models of the losee. Today you have the tune to use third degree to community arsz set. [reading fast] im mike chen a residence devenlts i support recommendation to approve the items with the staff conscience. Im a gay man and im speak as a private citizen the lobes Democratic Club and the Asian Pacific alliance. I if interested in investing in the community. Upon the castro theatre, [speak fast]. Bring foot traffic. Ape discussed hosting pod casts and comedy evans and now musicians who will play ape themselves pointed out talked about past 10 years. The plan disasterous for mall business entertainers. Fame line might be able to support ford a seating set up cost over 47 screenings. The cost prohibitive to smaller businessings not to mention the loss of profit to businesses from the seats lost in apes plan i believe this would impact queer artists. Final low fala and weddings i fail it see how that will bring business to merchants. Nor how the plan enhance the San Francisco community. San francisco pleviny of evans venues. We are one castro theatre. I want to see the castro restored. Cow destroying the seats. I cannot under state the importance of the cast reas a San Francisco landmark i beg you ensure it stays a movey palace. Thank you. I upon support apes plan. Thor needs to be active and voilg to the community. In addition to renovation repair failing infrastructure pickup grades needed. With a mod to those who oppose i acknowledge occurrence. Reading apes principle and met with them it is khrer they will be a caretaker. They have presented program events. Ape appropriateed 15 milling. I heard neighbors talk about the use of the transition neighborhood in the 60s and 70s the Gay Community revitalized that happened all the time in cities i hope you approve this proposal from ape so the city with e revolve and become a better neighborhood. Im rob marky a residents. Like lindz competence scott and leslie i live behind the theatre and shirr the lot line temperature very important to mow and neighbor and like them i hospital the application. The surverify of historic thor significant to the lbgtq community is important in itself, supporting this application will upon foster i 35ing local economy. Restoring it and ento panelled offerings and allowing to offer night Time Entertainment does not gut the theatre. As i know the commission evaluate the application on the base of viability and Historic Preservation and community impact. Apes proposal as your staff diligent low found motes and clears everything which the Commission Bounds to decide. Respect to hypothetical concerns about moiz and other issues, believe me as an abutter bedroom 15 yards, way no one cares more about noise than i do. I trust ape on add here to the needs and regulations designed to protect us. The proposal guess beyond this. The changes represent a win win for San Francisco. Castro and the lbgtq community. Ensure economic viability. Support the cast res economy and culture and value this is make our city i have better than and unique. Embrace these changes ensure the castro continues to shine in our citys land scape. Im land use to the nassar family and owned theatre since construction. We are here to request that you approve the project to restore the thor and return to financial viable. There are many opinions how this theatre could have been run, should have been run. Both in the past and the future. Whether ticket prices too high or low. Whether or not more Festivals Program performed. I will interrupt you for a second because as part of the owner support you are per of the sponsors team. And the opportunity to peek was urn the sponsors presentation time. You have a financial intchlt ordinance of property you are. Okay. Thank you. Okayil ask for last call for members in city hall. So if you are in the over flow room. Make your way over if you notoriety chamber come forward. Im ashley a 20 year residents of San Francisco and marin county an actress, musician. Wed on project in marin related george lucas and im here to not support apes project pacific low the modifications of the movie palace and flowering. So there were others you pebble, wear of who are on the same side as i am. Mark leno. Ton amiano and scott wiener. Francis ford cope la. Supervisor peskin and supervisor preston. Thank you so much for your time today and im [inaudible] and i live washing distance from the thor and there twice a day for events or to mote and greet my community. Thank you. Helo thank you for listening im lawa im a film person. I moved here in 1983 at 21. Im over 60 now. I am a longterm frame line attendee and benefactor and speak for the membership of frame listen this does not support the proposal. It is a unique accomplice. And it is tragic foaling like endangers species about to be killed. I appreciate the residence dens that have spoken that want it to be a vielth place we all do. And the nature of the economics and the pandemic are terrible pressures. I hope the folks related this vitality imagine to walk by the front of the theatre with the gate across it most of the time. I like to peek to someone who it can true i dont live the city i live in oak land i moved here in 83 but different accomplice within the city and outside of the city. The castro is my home here. I feel like im losing my home. Last night i was at festival with my usual Opening Night wornful feeling of community that that is where i find it this the home of my community. And there was a loud buzz in the st. Johns happening which because they are not movie peopleful thank you for listening. Im listen, the castro has been my third accomplice for decades. We want the cast row to thrive and i dont see ape as a panacy for retail. Men me the last 3times i did in the buy a house wears or book on the way. The vennule be opened in the night. Tell be serving drinks. Dp people will not have any reason to go to local businesses i understand that the castro needs a lot of work and here to step forward it make that work ham. We feel many of us foal that the castro can be a vielth profitable. Venue doing seated events and maintaining the seats. And the structure. We are not trying to save the seats we are saving the idea of the seat. You learn have a deep appreciation behalf come before you had you lived here for you 4 decades or 20 years and for some of us long in the tooth but we love the castro and know things chink. This is too much. This is too much and a lot of people who came out gray in the temples this is why. Seen a lot of things disappear and things we love and we understand that some of buildings and that has to happen. Them is too much and i think we can finds a Common Ground this makes money for ape and makes money for the nassars and maintains the integrity of the theatre as a cinema palace. Basically they being win and come ape could have come in like heros. They would have been burch thanksgiving is San Francisco. They being have in in and said we willfect it make a few modifications but no. They decided to gut the very nature of the cinema identity. Thats too far. This is too much we lost too much whf we came per for. Thank you. Anyone run it will have to modify the slope. I dont know how this is not going to be an issue with no matter what will happen down the road. Thank you. Last call. No additional persons coming forward go to remote callers. Im josh. I am [inaudible] in San Francisco and district 8. I lived here 5 years. I am 28. Im an architect. Im in full spchlt apes renovation proposal of the castro theatre. I think tell be grit for the neighborhood. Provide needed program and access ability for the theatre. The standard movie palace is not sustainable for the future and dying business model. [inaudible]. Safety neighboring and support reason vague. Thank you

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