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Cards. Does any member of the public wish to speak so a non agenda item . Seeing none Public Comment is now closed. Great. Commissioners that places us under department matters. Item 1 directors announcements. Good afternoon commissioners. Just one item i thought might be of interest to you. Last week the mayor introduced legislation called the Affordable Housing Bonus Program which is legislation that will allow density and if necessary height in return for additional Affordable Housing units. This is one piece of a much larger package of policies and legislative actions that we are putting together to try to address the issue of Affordable Housing. This is a two piece program. There is one piece that would allow us to comply with state legislation which requires us to provide additional densities for development that does provide Affordable Housing. There is a second piece of the program that is designed to Incentivize Development for middle income housing. This will apply to many parts of the city where we havent done area plans in years, places we didnt change the zoning in a long time, so we think its a program thal create incentives and pools of Affordable Housing in the city in areas that havent seen a lot of development and growth. The impact on Historic Resources we think is minimal. Conceivably would allow for additionos existing buildings. We think its more likely to be new development from the ground up but if youre interested were happy to have a hearing and get you information about the program. Thank you. Commissioners if there is nothing further we can move to item two, past events of the Planning Commission staff report and announcements. Commissioners time frye staff and a few things to share with you of updates and housekeeping things. I wanted to give the advance consent calendar for the cultural hearings and we will have one in november and december. It is my understanding were moving the november hearing to the 18th to accommodate commissioner matsudas schedule. Right now we have lined judy from the Sf Arts Commission to talk about the cultural program. This was a request by the committee a couple of months ago and shes the Program Director at the arts commission. Does december 2 members from supervisor campos office as well as regina from the office of Small Business will come and present an overview of the legacy business Historic Preservation ballot fund measure and the assumption is if it does past we thought it would be great to have an overview before it goes into effect with the commission since theres a rule for the commission as part of that ballot measure. The University Mound ladies home is scheduled for a Land Use Committee hearing. The Committee Hearing will be on october 26, and the Department Staff will be there representing the commission on that proposed designation. Also last when we there . September 28 Department Staff, myself and ms. Shannon ferguson we attended a buildings grounds and services Committee Hearing at the board of education. This was to give the board an update on the proposal to locally designate washington high school. As you recall that supervisor mar gave the department 10,000 to hire a consultant to prepare an article 10 designation report for that high school. The committee was very interested in the report and eager to work the commission and forwarding the designation they did have a number of questions how a designation would affect a state owned property like a high school, and we agreed just to keep them in the loop, invite them to a future hearing. Once this Commission Takes up the matter and we will go back and share the designation once consultant has been secured. There was discussion on including Roosevelt High School since its the same architect and likely period of significance, so there maybe an expansion of the designation and i will let you know as more information is available to us, and if we can secure additional funding for that part of the project. And then i thought there was one more thing oh, there is one more thing. Sorry. Yesterday this is more just for your information. Yesterday at the board of supervisors, supervisor breed introduced an amendment to the fillmore sign ordinance and primarily to allow Entertainment Venues like the fillmore to install signs that are much larger than what is allowed today. The department is supportive of the measure because we feel it helps define neighborhoods much like the castro theater sign defines that area and currently the sign requirements do not allow for signage in excess of 24 feet, so we were able to work closely with the Supervisors Office in drafting criteria to make sure that residential windows arent impacted by flashing lights or bright lights from one of the signs and that the architectural features of the buildings wouldnt be impacted either. We dont anticipate this will come to the commission for review and comment but if youre interested were happy to reach out to the Supervisors Office to see if theyre willing to present. That concludes my up dates to you and happy to answer any questions. Commissioner hyland. Commissioner matsuda. No, no im sorry. I just wanted to ask. You were referring to roosevelt middle school. Yes, middle school, thank you. Commissioner hyland. Yes mr. Frye when the Cultural Assets meeting for december has supervisor campos update could we ask his office to update us on the legacy registry legislation. Yes. And there was a deadline of december for the Small Business commission to do some recommendations. I would like to know what the status of that is. Okay. Or have that in advance of the meeting. Yeah. And i had a question for you related to past events of the Planning Commission. This commission wrote a letter regarding the 5m project at the time we saw the preliminary draft eir mostly regarding the demolition of the building of the name i cant remember and look at that and i am wondering if that project is now approved and tell us what happened with that Historic Building . Certainly and that is a large item to neglect. I apologize. And i will certainly get more information. I believe youre talking about or referring to the camline buildings. Thats right. I dont recall the specifics that occurred at the hearing, but maybe mr. Ram is able to fill that in but i know from discussions with the project sponsor we were able to confer the preservation of the building and as part of the central soma survey and the area plan we are now proposing that building be designated under article 11 of the code so once the area plan moves forward and comes to forward for neerkz you will see an initiation to protect that building and as you know heritage was very initial in providing influ yecial and protecting that project. The Planning Commission approved the smaller alternative that allowed for the retention of that and i think a couple of other smaller buildings in the process. Okay. Thank you very much. Commissioners that places us under commissions matters. President s report and announcements. I have no official report but i want to tell the audience were planning on moving item 12 to the ging of our regular calendar. There has been a request for a continuance from the submitter of the landmarks report and make senses to take it up as a regular item before item 7 so item 12, the item 11. Im sorry. No, item 12. Or is my calendar out of date . Youre looking at a draft. Okay. Item 11 which is at 815825 tennessee street will move forward before item 6. All of the numbers are off. Sorry about that. Commissioners if there is nothing further we will move it to item 4. Consideration of adoption minutes of september 16, 2015. Commissioner. Yes, i have a suggestion. My recollection is for the Hunters Point informational presentation we had a recommendation to denor and the staff lenore and the staff here of what we would like to see in the future with Hunters Point and my recommendation is that the minutes include or sentence along the lines of commissioners expressed great interest in the plans for the Historic District at Hunters Point and would like Progress Reports from lenard regarding i know we were interested in security, interim reuse opportunities and potential preservation of buildings [inaudible] so thats the sentence i would suggest adding to the minutes if that is appropriate. If its too much detail we can narrow it down but do you agree with that . Totally and we clarified what security meant and not only physical security of the premises but the longevity of the building being [inaudible] stabilized so it doesnt deteriorate. I am wondering if a member of the commission can confirm is the name spelled correctly . [inaudible] so mr. Turney is churny . Its item 6 on page three of eight and it occurs in numerous places there. Cher . Just a point of clarification. Theres no e. Its just y at end. Yes. Yes, i believe thats it. Its not the [inaudible] attorney no. Okay. Does any member of the public wish to comment on the draft minutes of september 16 . Seeing none we will close Public Comment and bring it back to the commission. Do i have a motion . Motion to approve yeah, second. Great. Thank you commissioners. On that motion then to adopt the minutes as amended and corrected for september 16. Commissioner hyland. Yes. Commissioner johnck. Yes. Commissioner matsuda. Yes. Commissioner wolfram. Yes. Excuse me, commissioner president. Yes. Commissioner. Yes. And commissioner president wolfram. Yes. Thank you commissioners. That motion passes 50. And places us under item 5, commissioner comments and questions. Any . Commissioner johnck. I have a question about the minutes and doesnt require a change in the minutes but about the Cultural Landscape inventory. We spent a lot of time looking at the issues that mr. Hasz brought up about the inaccuracies and wondering how that is going to be handled . In the revised report . Commissioners, time frye Department Staff. We have been meeting internally to talk about editing will be made without throwing off things and we got a revised edits to make them in house. I think we saw that that. He may have copied you on the email. I cant recall but he sent a follow up email which has been helpful. Our goal is have it done in the next month and send you a finalized report but we think we can handle it internally fairly quickly. Great. Thank you. And make all of the ed r edits suggested. Are there any disclosures commissioners . I received communication from Tara Sullivan regarding the tennessee street landmarking as well as members of the dog Patch Neighborhood Association. Ive also received an email from Tara Sullivan. So have i. Okay. Thank you commissioners. If there is nothing further we can move on to the regular calendar and the Commission President has requested to pull item 11 out of order so we will take that up now for case 2015oo 2015oo718 upon first at 815825 tennessee street. Thank you. Good afternoon commissioners. Shannon ferguson planning Department Staff. I wanted to clarify a few points regarding notification and meeting requirements for this type of hearing item. There is no required notice for this type of hearing item and i just wanted to also point out that the applicant was informed of the hearing date on september 29, 2015, and packets and hearing agenda were forwarded to the applicant and the dog Patch Neighborhood Association on october 1, 2015. Once it was published online. After several calls and emails with them the dog patch neighborhood respondod october 2 they would like a continuance. Regarding meeting for the landmark designation application this meeting is not a requirement. It is discussed in the application as an opportunity for the department to work with the applicant in case there are any Unanswered Questions questions or Additional Research requirements regarding the application. Given theyre two consultant reports on the property and the Central Waterfront survey form there were no additional questions to warrant a meeting. So this item is a Community Generated landmark designation for application for 815825 tennessee street. This subject property was designed by August Nordin in 1926 with bowie switch company and addition of william muser the second or third. The commercial building is located at the Southwest Corner of tennessee and 19th street. Its two stories tall with one story addition to the south and that is the tennessee street facade. The 19th street elevation has a partial basement due to the slope of the street and primarily one story with the second story to the west. The North Elevation has two signs. The property is outside of the boundaries of the dog patch Historic District. The Historic District boundary is actually across the street. It has been the subject of numerous previous evaluations and determined to be a contributor to the potential third Street Industrial district but not individually eligible for the california registrar. The Planning Commission approved this demolition with part into a five story residential unit with 69 units. The application lists the permits and ownership history, a description of the subject property and neighborhood, copies of patents by the original owner and photographs. Not include are things historical photographs and maps and drawings and other references. A statement of significance is provided for events, persons, architecture and as a valued visual landmark. So first the property is nominated for its association with historic events. Its nominated for the Cultural Association with ethnic workers in the area. Documentation does not support the unique role in the electrification of the United States as the first new technological enterprise of the bay area and early precursor to sill sill nor valley really and the property is nominated for the association with an important person who had dants on electric switches. Staff peoples that bowie switch manufactured the inventions in the building but invented and patented the products before construction of the building in 1926 so the important achievements are not directly associated with the property. Furthermore his roll in the development of Silicon Valley is unlikely. Its nominated for the classic architecture by architect August Nordin and represents an architectural shift in response to the shift from light to heavy manufacturing. Staff finds its not a strong example of strong revival architecture but example of utilitarian warehouse with minimal classical detailing and typical of the businesses in the area during this time period. Department staff agrees that hes an accomplished architect and designed buildings with revival styleornment and with heavy decoratives and this property doesnt appear to be one of the significant works. Its designated as a landmark and the two graphic murals on the 19th street elevation which you can see. Staff believes that the futures are signs, not murals. Murals genuinely serve as communicating ideas and hopes and aspirations of the people and alternative vision of history and social medium of protest. The features conform to the definition of a business sign while sign type with parallel copy painted directly on the wall. Staff acknowledge signs can be defining futures in some situations such as landmark 264, the twin peaks tavern sign but staff doesnt find its a feature based on this with documentation. Staff doesnt find that the property rises to individual significance as required under article 10 of the planning code for an individual landmark and doesnt appear to meet the Historic Preservation commissions priorities for designation and properties associated with under represented Cultural Association, property type and neighborhood and modern design. Commissioners you may take action today to add or not add 815825 tennessee street to the landmark Designation Program. Direct staff or sponsor to give more information or give landmark designation based on the application. This concludes my presentation and i am happy to answer any questions. Thank you. Go questions for ms. Ferguson . I think its helpful to for continuance on the item so when we go to Public Comment the public is likely to know if we continue it or hear it today. When do we need to decide . We can give a general sense. We need to hear Public Comment if there is a motion but if we are not likely to continue the item the public will know this is the opportunity to hear the item today that we will hear the item today fully and have discussion about it. Im sorry. I didnt follow why considering continuance . There is a request from the applicant and to continue it and theyre not able to be here today. I am in favor of hearing it today and i think the staff report was clear on that. Thank you for that. Im not necessarily in favor of continuing but i will hear others. Mr. Hasz, mr. Hyland. I would like to understand why they have a continuance . We have the information we need. Yeah, i personally know where i am going with this so i am happy to hear it today. Okay. I think we will hear the item today so i have speaker karsd from a number of speaker cards for Public Comment. The first is janet carpnelly and you will have three minutes and there will be a warning bell 30 seconds before the time is over. Good afternoon commissioners. My name is janet, president of the dog Patch Neighborhood Association. The reason we asked for the continuance because john lummus who is the applicant for us had a family emergency and had to go out of town. At any rate when this project came before us last year we believe that we were mislead by the then developer who said that they had gone through the historic evaluation again, and that though earlier the building was said that it is significant and that the whole building should be kept and the design should be made around it and thats what the original developer actually showed us, but we didnt get very far with that and they sold the project a year later. When they came in they reevaluated it and the only part of the building worth keeping was the original part of the building. Well, we thought those were nice people and honest, but having been inundated with tens of projects in dog patch over the years we feel like were a Quasi Governmental Agency looking at the projects and do our Due Diligence and we dont feel we can do that nor do we feel that the staff did the Due Diligence on reviewing those evaluations, so we feel that the building actually should be kept as the original historic evaluation said that the original building should be kept with the addition and that the two Story Building should be left, and any additions should be done around that. Unfortunately for some reason during the Rome Development evaluation they were still considering what tim kelly evaluation had said. He was strictly speaking about the entire two Story Building being kept when he said it wouldnt be a problem to demolish part of the building. He was talking about the later additions. That mistake wasnt actually taken into consideration by staff until much later and thats when tim kelly went back and tried to reason why even going down to the demolishing everything but the original building was okay. I dont feefl that was proper of the situation so were asking for a continuance. Thank you. Joe boss. Hello. My name is joe boss. I live in dog patch, worked very hard to have dog patch designated as a Historic District, and was successful at that. In the meantime im sure youre all aware there is a lot of Development Going on in San Francisco, and that dog patch and potrero hill under went eastern neighborhoods rezoning which i was involved in very closely and currently sit on the Citizen Advisory Committee for the impact fees, but as time has gone on the character of dog patch is slowly changing. I understand we need to refresh everything, and we have done a pretty good job with things like pier 70 and the ord an project and you know, but when it comes to the small grain individual buildings that made up dog patch as a industrial place theres little regard for it, and i think the neighborhood character is an important issue, and in this case i thought we had gotten there with rome and subsequent buyers, seller, blah, blah, blah, we are where we are. Unfortunately dog Patch Neighborhood Association is just an association of hard working neighbors, and we left the project for reevaluation in the hands of someone who certainly has a record of i would say not dealing with the minutiae of dealing with a Governmental Agency and although he is very passionate about saving the historic fabric and Everything Else the project was pretty well booted by his application that was not really listened to by the staff, and i know the staff is inundated with all sorts of requests and projects, but so i request that and you have already heard it today. We were hoping to get a continuance so that we could fix the difficulties in the application, et cetera, so thank you. Thank you. Jackie [inaudible] good afternoon commissioners. My name is jackie braver of Dm Development San Francisco. Were the Property Owners, and San Francisco bays project sponsors for the fully entitled redevelopment of 815825 tennessee street and acquired the property in 2015 and in the letter of support the dna supported the redevelopment plan for this property. We have shared that letter as an exhibit in the staff report and to the commissioners. On september 18, 2014 the cpe was published and approved by the city planning and preservation departments. In a publicly noticed hearing 815825 tennessee street authorization was approved by the Planning Commission. Mr. Lummus filed the landmark designation eight months later this summer. In june and july when we had meetings with the dna and introduction of the project and we enactod the request for Additional Information on the buildings historic significance and gaps in the reports that have been done, the 3hres done on the site. We commissioned tim Kelly Consulting and dated august 2012 and julie mais author of this and the supplemental one dated as listed to fully address the inquiries and offer their professional opinion as to whether or not any new information had been uncovered or unduring the entitlements and planning entitlements. We notified the department we would commission the studies and share our findings with the city staff after evaluation of the material. We informed janet carpnelly of the dog Patch Neighborhood Association we were waiting for some of the research and consupting the community and gain feedback from the city planning and preservation departments. Janet expressed she didnt feel that tim Kelly Consulting or at the time rotech were qualified consultants and encouraged us to engage another consultant, a third consultant which we did and left coast architectural history and on the city approved pool. He claims that the application he discovered new information not available during the entitlements. Is there is concurrence with the experts and three hres done and the reports we prepared and response to the inquiries included in the city staffs report. All four statements they they all concur that the statements are unsupported that the building doesnt hold individual significance but possession of strong cultural historic event and persons and associations. Thank you. Catherine petrin. Good afternoon commissioners. Im an architect url historian. This is a rather confusing matter so i hope i lend some clarity to understand the situation better. I dont have the background on the project going back as far as dog Patch Neighborhood Association. I was i am sure today at the request of Professor John lummus who prepared the application for lands mark designation of the bowie switch company building. He prepared the nomination on behalf of the dna. He cant be here. Hes out of state and wasnt able to change his plans. I think it would be far more beneficial for you to hear from him as the planner as the preparer of the application as to some of the nittygritty but i can offer my opinion about it, and just give you a little more background. I also think that a request to continue this might be the best way to go based largely on the process, and ms. Ferguson outlined the dates leading up to todays hearing quite accurately, but from what i understand from professor lummus he submitted his application on july 21. He was relying on the departments Information Online in terms how to hes a first time nomination preparer which i think is something to be considered. I dont think anyone has spoken to his professional qualifications but he is also a faa architectural professor at san jose state, but his understanding was following the departments process online, and it was his understanding that a meeting between himself as the applicant and hp staff would forthcoming after his submittal on july 21 to determine what information maybe missing or to answer any that staff may have. In addition it says online and all of the department process information that reasonable period of time is allowed for the applicant to respond and amend the application, and after that the application goes to the hpc. That isnt exactly what happened. I understand from ms. Ferguson who the departments thoughts are on that but he should have the opportunity to amend the designation. I also think that thank you very much. Kara fortune. Hi. I am representing tim Kelly Consulting and prepared the hre for the project. Primarily i want to go on record saying we support the staffs findings regarding this lummus statements of significance. The building is not within the dog patch district strict. The business designs were painted in 1983 so fall outside of the Historic Preservation realm of consideration, and mr. Lummus primary patents were issued a good decade before the building was built so its outside that period of significance. I also wanted to address the concern that the two story portion of the building be retained as recommended. In the initial hre the permits were issued based on the at the time rotech hre and a different project and as we analyzed it it was with the two story portion and we didnt advocate that but as the project stood at the time. Thank you. Thank you. Are there any other members of the public that wish to speak on this item . Seeing none Public Comment is now closed bring it back to the commission. Commissioner hyland. Yes, i have two questions. One is the project this is for mr. Frye. The project as its proceeding whether or not this goes forward is added to the landmark Designation Program that will not delay or hinder projects; right . It wouldnt put a pause on the project, would it . Time frye Department Staff. Potentially it could. If the commission were interested in initiating designation then the project would have to be considered by this commission for a certificate of appropriateness and compliance with the secretary of the interior standards. So if we continue this to give mr. Lummus an opportunity to present and i guess the other thing that i am understanding now is the desires for him to update his designation report, application. Is that correct . He may have a desire to update the application. Staff felt with the departments analysis and the analysis of three other consultants that there wasnt any new information we felt would be necessary for us to render a recommendation to this commission which is why the meeting wasnt scheduled. As you know in other situations where we have a first time applicant and theyre still preparing information and theres a lot of unknown or Unanswered Questions we will generally help them but we felt with the Additional Information as long as with the subsequent information and evidences evaluations we had enough to bring it to you so if he was to update it im not clear what that information would be. Let me clarify the question. If we initiated it there is 180 day hold on the project and during that time period it could be approved as if it was a landmark and give it a certificate of appropriateness. Is that correct . Thats correct. But if we continue it to some future date then we just make this decision later and the project proceeds. [inaudible] off mic i dont think my mic is on. Is it . Okay. Sorry. Once you initiate designation there is 180 day hold on any permits. Theres no permits understood. My question is if we choose today to consider it then there is no consequence. Right. So its just a matter of either making the decision now or making it later and the information might not change. Right. But the project is submitted for a Building Permit . Is that correct . Thats correct. We have the permits in our office and out of the respect for the applicant and this body in making a decision or having an opportunity to review it we have been holding off on approving any permits until you were able to render a decision. Commissioner johnck. Yeah, i think this discussion is important for clarifying the options are. We take action to initiate or do something about this landmark application, to initiate further or we continue. I mean and i guess the reason i might lean towards continuance i am concerned about the process as the representatives of the public have described here, but frankly i read whats been submitted to date and the staff evaluation and i have no quarrel with what youre saying that this doesnt warrant landmark status, so i would be prepared to do it today but the only thing about continuance is postponing. I dont know what will happen that will change. How significantly would it change the staff recommendation at this point . I dont see too much evaluation that the staff evidence that the staff recommendation would change. Go ahead. I am waiting for you. Commissioner. Thank you. I am going to follow the lines of commissioner johnck. This area and building seems to have quite a bit Research Done on it previously and i dont see what would change anything and to me it would have to be incredibly significant information that would have been uncovered by now and i would be voting against the landmark designation anyways. Commissioner matsuda. I think im in favor of a continuance just to provide the opportunity for mr. Lummus to share whatever new information he has and i would like to decide at that time because you never know. There might be. And i would like to make sure that opportunity is available to him. Hes done a lot of work so far. I guess i am leaning to that way as well. I think it would be just listening. Thats i didnt was asking what it would do to the actual permit, so currently youre holding the permit out of respect, so you would have to decide whether youre going to issue the permit whether or not we continue this. And also lets be careful about precedence so now all of a sudden it becomes a tool, right, to hold up any permit. Lets be real careful here. Yeah. We do it for this project where do we stop it . I want to Say Something for the public in landmarking. The process is if the Historic Preservation commission chooses to initiate a landmark we have two hearings and we make a motion to go to the board of supervisors and the board of supervisors ultimately makes the final decision and the mayor signs it. So my concern is that even if there was interest in a landmark designation which i am not hearing strong interest in the commission it seems like this is something that is going to drag out a process that is unlikely to be approved by the board of supervisors at least. Again thats how the board would go and unlikely the board would go that way given the desire for more housing in the city and would cause delay and cost to the project sponsor but not a benefit to the community but sounds like we have a desire for a motion about continuance, so why dont we hear if there is a motion and a second for that. I would like to make the motion to continue. If i might ask well, anyway do we hear a second . I understand the dog Patch Neighborhood Associations desire and i just dont see based on the Information Available that would change our decision later, so no. So i stand alone . Okay. So we dont have a motion to continue so let us discuss whether we want to add this to the landmarks program, so we could can we take no action today . Do we have a make a motion about this item to add it or if we dont want to add it is there no motion at all . Commissioners i would defer to the secretary and the city attorney, but i think as a benefit to staff is taking a formal action on whether or not to include something in your program is a signal to us on whether or not you want us to prioritize and work on something so i think its helpful for us to know definitively. Because it says review and comment under this. Youre not required to take any action. However, as the preservation coordinator mentioned it would give direction and clarity as to how to proceed and its it to you whether or not you want to add it to the work program. Yes . I think adding to the work program implies you think there is potential merit to the building to be landmarked so that would take much more time and we are sitting on a permit thats been in our hands for some time so its an awkward situation. I want you make you aware of that. Its unusual to have such a situation after the project has been entitled and i want to point that out. Yes. Yeah, the likelihood we would add to the work Program Based on the priorities we established and the work load that is backlogged and keeping the program moving and if we continue it and the likelihood to add it to the program i wouldnt support that. I concur. Unfortunately. And i recommend you want a motion . I recommend that we do not add this item to our work program. Second. Thats a motion. Yes. We have a motion and a second. Okay. Additional speakers. Sorry. That was they have already spoken. Shave spoken. Very good commissioners. There is a motion and a second not to add to the work program. Commissioner. Yes. Commissioner. Yes. Commissioner hyland. Yes. Commissioner president wolfram. Yes. That passes unanimously 50. Commissioners that will place us on to the regular calendar on item 6 for case number 201400327ocu at the 1126 Howard Street. This is also a request. Good afternoon commissioners. The project before is on the proposed project at 1126 Howard Street. The proposed projects seeks a change of use from retail to office use. Within thes Zoning District the Zoning District office use is not permitted unless its within a qualified historic property. Under the Code Qualified Historic Properties include those that are determined eligible, individually eligible for listing in the register. This property was determined to be eligible for the listing in the register as part of the south Market Research survey and adopted by the hpc in february 2011. Under the code the plan offing Department Seeks the advice of a Historic Preservation commission to inform the Planning Commission in their determination of the projects ability to enhance the feasibility of preserving the Historic Building. The project needs conditionallal approval to proceed. As part of the project the project sponsor will remove exterior features and restore important elements and new ground floor and windows and compatible wednesday on the second and third floors of the facade facing Howard Street and replace the entry way with a wood one and match the design in the historic photograph. It would construct a new mechanical platform over the roof and setback over the street facades and not visible from the rights of ways. To support this the project sponsor has submitted a Maintenance Plan for regular maintenance, prepare of exterior materials and windows and glazing and the roof. To date the staff hasnt received any Public Comment on the project. We find it in compliance with the standards for rehabilitation. Further the Department Finds that the project would enhance the feasibility of preserving the building and removing exterior features and insuring for regular maintenance and repair. The project sponsor is present and available for questions and this concludes my presentation. Thank you. Thank you. Are there any questions . Does any member of the public wish to comment on this item . Seeing none Public Comment is now closed and bring it back to the commission. Commissioners. Commissioner hasz. Thank you. I am in support of this change of use, not always in support of an office on the ground floor but on this block it could use more pedestrian traffic to liven that block up and maybe other Retail Locations will be more viable because right now that block is really would be difficult for retail, so im a big fan of it and i think its the best thing for this building for maintaining it. Thank you. I have a question. With this change of use so lets say there is a Office Tenant and they have a five year lease and they leave is this change of use is granted in perpetuity for the building or how does that work . Correct. As long as they dont abandon the use in the future it would be considered office use regardless of who actually is there. All right. Thank you. Commissioner johnck. I thought the applicant and their firm submitted an excellent plan for historic maintenance and it looks quite beautiful and i am wondering what is our enforcement on maintenance . There were a lot list of iterations and five years do this, ten years do that, and i should be maybe know this, but enforcing maintenance. Are they coming back to you with a Progress Report during certain periods or time . Commissioners, time frye commission Department Staff. In the permit tracking system were able to flag certainly milestones like a mills act contract. Okay. And there are milestones that have to occur at different ifert rales and this is a project were reminded we have to follow up with the project sponsor to ensure theyre adhering to the commitments they made under the change of use. So i move approval of the staff recommendation for this and the Maintenance Plan. Second. Is there an actual motion associated with this one . [inaudible] thats right. All right. So this is thats right so that is fine. Right. So on that motion then to adopt Findings Findings under the resolution. Right. On that motion commissioner hasz. Yes. Commissioner johnck. Yes. Commissioner matsuda. Yes. Commissioner hyland. Yes. Commissioner president wolfram. Yes. That passes unanimously 50. Commissioners that will place you on items seven, eight and nine and called together as theyre all mills act items. Oh im sorry san marcos. We have one more, sorry. Item 7 case 20110685l at 171 san marcos avenue. This is a landmark designation. My apologies. Shannon ferguson Department Staff. I am here today to present the departments recommendation regarding designation of the house located at 171 san marcos avenue and added to the work program in 2011. Landmark designation occurred in 2015 and president wolfram, Vice President hyland and staff conducted a site visit of the exterior and interior of the property. Staff has updated the landmark designation report to include more current photos of the house. 171 san marcos avenue historically known as the cow house is significant for the association with henry call and composer and pianist and major force in music and introducing sounds and techniques into music during the 1910s to 1930s. His association with the house and commissioned by the step mother is reflected in the design including the modern style and a living room design to enhance the acoustics of the performances there. The house is also significant as the first modern Single Family home constructed in San Francisco and work of master architect morrow morrow and. His wife was the designer of the Golden Gate Bridge and was an architect of the house is a rare example of morrow morrows work and the influ ecial collaboration. The house retains the design features present during the established period of significance as listed. A list of character defining features can be found on page 39 of the report. Interior features such as the living room are ineligible because theyre not accessible but the strong recommends that the interior is preserved through an easement or sensitively designed. Theres no known public or neighborhood opposition to the designation of 171 san marcos avenue as an article 10 landmark. The Property Owner Christine Williamson was unable to attend the hearing but in support of the designation. You will find her letter in the packet. The department believes that the building meets the eligibility requirements and landmark status is wandered. The department warranted. The Department Recommends designation to the board of supervisors. This concludes my presentation. I am happy to answer any questions. Thank you. Commissioners any questions for ms. Ferguson . Commissioner matsuda. Im sorry. You mentioned a conservation easement for the interior. Is that part of the it is not. Its something that the Property Owner may explore if she wants to be an conservation easement on the interior as well as the exterior. So how do we do that . Do we encourage her pursue the conservation easement or how does that work. Time frye staff. We have been in contact with the owner and the group in the city and there appears to be some general interest but not much of a role for the department or this body other than strong encouragement. Do we include that in the license of the motion . Its not included. If you would like to amend to do that we are amenable and help clarify things. Just looking at the beautiful photos here it would be a shame not to strongly recommend that. Yeah, we agree. Thank you. Oh im sorry i did have one other thing. Thank you very much for the recommend. It was a great report and such a Beautiful House inside and outside. And we should thank the owner for allowing us to peek inside the house. One thing i am hoping we could add and i hope the commission supports me on this under the article 10 landmark designation, the actual that report, under statement of significance of association of significant person i was wondering if we could add a paragraph about olive call. I know you shared information about her in the report, but i thought we could possibly add her here because she had such a huge influence on the creation of the house. She was one of the first woman to be a professor of international relations. I think thats significant and we rarely for this time period recognize women and their role in many different areas and i think this would be a Good Opportunity to make sure that its part of the record that she be included because i do think shes an important person in our San Francisco history. Thank you. I think we will move Public Comment. Any member of the public wish to make Public Comment. I see ing ga horm an approaching the mic. Good afternoon commissioners. I strongly support the landmarking of 171 san marcos avenue, and it is really marvelous building, and also Christine Williamson did a marvelous job in maintaining it and restoring it. And i agree with commissioner matsuda that i would like to have see as a Significant Association included olive call and i am concerned about limiting the significance of time period [inaudible] was incarcerated. I mean that doesnt take away from the house, and okay. Thats my comment. Thank you. Thank you. Does any other member of the public wish to make comment on this item . Seeing and hearing none we will close Public Comment and bring it back to the commission. Commissioner hyland. Thats actually a good point brought up. Ms. Ferguson can you elaborate on the period of significance and what the options are and whether you would recommend expanding or changing the end date i guess it would be. The end date does reflect henry calls association with the house ending when he was incarcerated. We had said before that she was an interesting person but didnt rise to the level of a significant person with criterion b. We can look into that a little more and perhaps San Francisco state might be closely associated with her productive life, so we would have to look into extending the period of significance if we wanted to include her as a significant person. She died i forget when she died 84 i think. So she was living in the house up until she died so it would extend the period of significance quite a bit. That would be great. Mr. Frye. Commissioners time frye Department Staff. If the commission is amenable or believes that olive was significant and should be considered under criterion b its totally within your authority to amend the resolution, include that. We could provide Additional Information in the final designation report that goes to the board of supervisors. That way you wouldnt have to have another hearing on the item if you wanted to move forward. Its just a suggestion but were happy to do that Additional Research if you choose to amend the resolution to one, include her, and two, extend the period of significance to 84. I would be in favor of that. I would support that. I would support that. Sorry physical ferguson more work. Before we have the motion i want to thank staff for a fantastic job with this report. I know ms. Ferguson worked on it and marry brown did an amazing job. May i add ar . I met the owner and its definitely in good hands. Shes taken great care of it and has a huge desire to maintain the building and i dont know if its appropriate here but she should also look into the mills act for the exterior conservation issues. Yeah. Shes only the fourth owner, right, or third owner . [inaudible] beautiful. Do i have hear a motion . Are you going to move . [inaudible] i move to approve the designation as amended with the extension of the period of significance and inclusion of olive. And also the recommendation for the owner to pursue conservation easements. Okay. Second. Very good commissioners. Then there is a motion to adopt a recommendation to the board of supervisors as amended to include extending the period of significance and adding her as a person of significance and pursuing conservation easements so on that the motion. Commissioner hasz. Yes. Commissioner johnck. Yes. Commissioner matsuda. Yes. Commissioner hyland. Yes. Commissioner president wolfram. Yes. So moved unanimously. That passes 50. Commissioners now it places you on the mills act items. Items eight, nine and ten for case numbers as listed at 722 steiner street, 761 post street and 807 montgomery street respectively. Mr. Frye are you making a presentation . Oh ms. Ferguson. Good afternoon commissioners. Shannon ferguson planning Department Staff. The last items are three mills act historical property contracts and submitted to the Planning Department on may 1, 2015 and ready for your recommendation. This authorizes local governments to enter into agreements with the properties and provides property tax reduction to owners of the Historical Properties and allocate the savings towards maintenance and restoration plan. To date the department holds 18 contracts. The staff receives five mills act by the filing date. All applications were reviewed by Department Staff for completeness. Comments were provided to the applicant and Department Staff conducted preapproval inspections. One applicant decided not to move forward this year and another application was withdrawn on december 10, 2015. The remaining Property Owners will enter into a mills act contract with the city and revolving contracts renewed annually. The packets contain a draft evaluation for each property outlining the potential tax savings and by the Recorders Office and by the board of supervisors. Each Property Owner outlined a rehabilitation and Maintenance Plan ensuring that work is conducted with the standards for rehabilitation. Okay. 722 steiner street is a two and a half story raised basement Single Family dwelling 89ed in the queen anne style and by Master Builder Matthew Kavanagh and in the landmark district. It is valued at over 3 million. The report was submitted and demonstrates that granting the exemption would help the property in danger of demolition or alterations. The owner did upgrade and repair of walls and roof and setting and painting. It includes annual inspection of windows, doors, wood siding and trims and any elements as necessary. Staff recommends that the hpc recommend approval to the board of supervisors for the following reasons. Its a Historic Resource under the planning code. The rehabilitation and Maintenance Plan was appropriate for the Historic Resource and all works meets the secretary of the interior standards. 761 post street is an 18 story hotel sro building designed by Architecture Firm weeks and day in the ark deco style and constructed in 1930 and a contributor to the tenderloin district strict. 761 post street is valued at over 5 million, a report was submitted and demonstrates that granting the exemption would assist in the preservation of the property that is in danger of demolition or oolt alterations and completed upgrades and roof replacement and concrete to the fas sad and includes concrete repair to the elevations and window replacement. The plan includes inspections of all windows annually, inspection of facade and roof every five years and repainting every ten years. Staff departments the Historic Preservation commission recommend approval to the board of supervisors for the following reasons. As a contributing building to the National Register district its a ris toric resource. The plan was found appropriate for the Historic Resource and all work is meeting the secretary of the interior standards. 807 montgomery street is a two story over basement wood frame brick commercial building in 1909 by j butler and used as a smokehouse and meat packing plant. At the time of the application date the property was valued under 5 million and didnt require a structure report. The plan includes structural evaluation, resetting and repair of bricks and window sills and sky lights and bracing. The Maintenance Plan includes a cycle of inspections of the walls, roofs and windows. Department Staff Reports that the Historic Preservation commission recommend approval to the board of supervisors for the following reasons. The property is a Historic Resource under the planning code. The plan was found to be appropriate for the Historic Resource and all work meets the secretary of the interiors standards. This concludes my presentation. I am happy to answer any questions that you have and the Property Owners representatives will answer questions. Theyre also in attendance. Representative from the assessors Recorders Office is here for questions of the property tax valuation. Thank you. Commissioners any questions . Seeing none we will move to Public Comment. Does any member of the public wish to comment on these items . Seeing none Public Comment is now closed and bring it back to the commission. Do i have a comments, motion . Commissioner. I move that we accept and approve these mills act contracts, all three. Can we do that or do you want individual motions . You can do them together. Okay. Great. Second. Super. Second. I would just like to comment this is exactly the kind of work that we hope to have come before us with these mills act applications and were really grateful that the Property Owners are moving forward with applying and taking on this responsibility, so thank you. Commissioners there is a motion that has been seconded to adopt findings recommending to the board of supervisors to approve these mills act applications. On that motion for all three properties. Commissioner hasz. Yes. Commissioner johnck. Yes. Commissioner matsuda. Yes. Commissioner hyland. Absolutely. And commissioner president wolfram. Yes. So moved commissioners. That passes unanimously 50. Final item. That was the last item this agenda. All right. Meeting is adjourned. [gavel] as a society weve basically failed big portion of our population if you think about the basics of food, shelter safety a lot of people dont have any of those im mr. Cookie cant speak for all the things but i know say, i have ideas how we can address the food issue. Open the door and walk through that dont just stand looking out. As they grew up in in a how would that had access to good food and our parent cooked this is how you feed yours this is not happening in our country this is a huge pleasure im david one of the cofounder so about four year ago we worked with the serviced and got to know the kid one of the things we figured out was that they didnt know how to cook. I heard about the Cooking School through the Larkin Academy a. Their noting no way to feed themselves so theyre eating a lot of fast food and i usually eat whatever safeway is near my home a lot of hot food i was excited that i was eating lunch enough instead of what and eat. As i was inviting them over teaching them basic ways to fix good food they were so existed. Particle learning the skills and the food they were really go it it turned into the is Charity Foundation i ran into my friend we were talking about this this do you want to run this Charity Foundations and she said, yes. Im a cofound and executive director for the cooking project our best classes participation for 10 students are monday theyre really fun their chief driven classes we have a different guest around the city theyre our stand alone colas we had a series or series still city of Attorneys Office style of classes our final are night life diners. Santa barbara shall comes in and helps us show us things and this is one the owners they help us to socialize and ive been here about a year. We want to be sure to serve as many as we can. The San Francisco Cooking School is an amazing amazing partner. It is doing that in that space really elevates the space for the kids special for the chief that make it easy for them to come and it really makes the experience pretty special. Im sutro sue set im a chief 2, 3, 4 San Francisco. Thats what those classes afford me the opportunity it breakdown the barriers and is this is not scary this is our choice about you many times this is a feel good what it is that you give them is an opportunity you have to make it seem like its there for them for the taking show them it is their and they can do that. Hi, im antonio the chief in San Francisco. The majority of kids at that age in order to get them into food they need to see something simple and the evidence will show and easy to produce i want to make sure that people can do it with a bowl and spoon and burner and one pan. I like is the receipts that are simple and not feel like its a burden to make foods the cohesives show something eased. I go for vera toilet so someone cant do it or its way out of their range we only use 6 ingredients i can afford 6 ingredient what good is showing you them something they cant use but the sovereignties what are you going to do more me youre not successful. We made a vegetable stirfry indicators hed ginger and onion that is really affordable how to balance it was easy to make the food we present i loved it if i having had access to a kitchen id cook more. Some of us have never had a kitchen not taught how to cookie wasnt taught how to cook. I have a great appreciation for programs that teach kids food and cooking it is one of the healthiest positive things you can communicate to people that are very young. The more programs like the cooking project in general that can have a positive impact how our kids eat is really, really important i believe that everybody should venting to utilize the kitchen and meet other kids their age to identify theyre not alone and their ways in which to pick yours up and move forward that. It is really important to me the opportunity exists and so i do everything in my power to keep it that. Well have our new headquarters in the heart of the tenderloin at taylor and kushlg at the end of this summer 2014 were really excited. A lot of the of the conditions in San Francisco they have in the rest of the country so our goal to 257bd or expand out of the San Francisco in los angeles and then after that who know. Wed never want to tell people want to do or eat only provide the skills and the tools in case thats something people are 2rrd in doing. You cant buy a box of psyche you have to put them in the right vein and direction with the right kids with a right place address time those kids dont have this you have to instill they can do it theyre good enough now to finding out figure out and find the future for you. How is everything doing this morning. Yeah. Good morning, good morning happen october 1st welcome to the indemnification Awareness Month events im dr. Murase executive director of the one and only status of Women Department yeah. While were waiting for the mayor who is in the audience please raise your hand if if your part of the con tomorrow other nonprofits service paradises in the room please raise your hand clapping. do we have Commissioners Department heads are city officials or city staff to support this cause clapping. there office of the city administrator other Community Members to dedicated to uventd solutions for Domestic Violence clapping. all right. Thank you everyone for coming out we have a role in england Domestic Violence were especially Police Department to have mayor ed lee his comment to ending indemnification is evidence in the hectic budget and beginning later unanimous lighting of city hall purple youll have to come back to see city hall to demonstrate his commenting commitment a number of very important announcements to make many morning please help me welcome the champion to end Domestic Violence mayor ed lee clapping. thank you emily and thank you to you and the commission to our city agencies our elected leaders that are here as well to join me in a need to refresh our collaboration and to do more to end Domestic Violence were not just talking about reducing it we should really focus our sites on ending it and emily is right. I begin by making sure that the budget that we have and its a large budget but what ive tried rush very much in the years to make sure that the work with the board to say have it budget reflect our San Francisco values and one of the strongest value together agreement walter without any doubt to end Domestic Violence and in doing so i want to point out that more people and everybody has a role in this it is not just our eloquent Community Basis agencies that do an tribal wonderful job a key to our success noting not only the commission on the status of women not just me or elected officials we should find more partners and increase and build a movement constantly to find more partners to evidently ends Domestic Violence were finding out more and more it takes our entire voyage of San Francisco duo to do a better job im very proud of our budget an additional Million Dollars i know when we announced that not only were their smiles but conform that the voices and the ideas you have the penetration that goes into ignorance about this or excuses or misinformation we need to go deeper and wider with our message this additional noirldz is consistent westbound a direction weve had 90 in our entire budget in the years weve increased grants in our Domestic Violence programs by over a hundred and 10 percent and we will side more if there are better ideas to come up with those ideas penetrate that ignorance that we know is out there make sure were always doing many currently and competent way go to our youth and hit the next generation theyre with us and always say not only Domestic Violence it is skulks and Human Trafficking alls areas we care about we Work Together to make sure we do even more we also and know there are victims here we need to work but even better you can help us identify the things that led up to the horrible incidents youve faced but also about recovery how do we recover completely not no one gets left behind how to help their fathers and mothers the family nebraskas members dont even better so symbolically this city will be lit up and wear purple and show purple and have that meg out but as you may know those things are symbolic we need to have that message taken t taxi is deeper and wider today, im very proud to make sure that you know your city is not only supporting we want to be a great part of it thats why a couple of announcements today on very important programs were launching today the very first consistent with what i said we need to have a lot more communication so were providing very strong adds and were going to infiltrate spaces an muni buses to maybe anymore areas of the city that will want it place adds out to launch and Education Campaign that we fled to end Domestic Violence and we need to help people understand what to do so this launch on the muni spaces begins now we b have been working with muni were going to smartly not just kind of saying lets put up adds but took data from the family violations couldnt and look at the 911 calls come from in the city and concentrate our areas this is where things are or things are happening this is smart using dale data an Incredible Council of people report to us where things are happening and focusing our energy and hell on the other hand, youll see some are wearing ive getting got 3s in different languages and complained in areas of the city we know things are happening chinese and spanish and english, of course, and more languages to make sure he got to make sure the message is out so not just the symbolicness of purple as explaining what we do we are also part of the message here is that we created a website the website is called learn what to do. Org learn what the do again educating everybody about how to help folks in need and help folks recover and recognize and understand the red flags the commission has been great in identify that people on staff have identified there is also part of that launch and learn experience we now have a website you to go to a cultivating competent websites in difference of different languages to understand how to help im also proud in announcing implementation that connects our City Employees directly to the officer efforts in the community weve worked dwlos with nike and all the departments within our audience as i said earlier volunteers that xhimentd committed yourselves to be part of the movement within the city family of volunteers to create a liaison people who are going to do help others understand and make sure that things are record this is an incredible effort by the city i know that our director of Human Resources mickey is hear and speaking in detail im proud of City Employees ive worked alongside of you for 27 years and stwreel proud whether you work with the Police Department, in over commission on the status of women with our staffer on the board and staffer in the Mayors Office whether youre working in addition like the city Planning Department or commission i want everybody to talk about it and understand it even more this is a Great Movement this is something that weve been proud of i know in recent years we slntd you know months of no homicides and, of course, we are met up with unfortunate circumstances and this reminds us how much more work we have to do more than just standing beside you we need to bring more people in and have city hall with no room for standing of people that want to commit themselves for more we begin with the thirty thousand people government that we have im proud to represent but i also want to say thank you to the numerous communitybased agencies i repeat it youre the key to our success and able to talk to people their culturally challenging different languages and the things that happen in their families and connect in a right way the Police Department and the department of Public Health and the social department and responder to be we have to do better and more and more in government given a Stronger Foundation we have it were trying to prevent this from happening we know if we let go of things things will happen and get more and more about preservation we need more propose properly educated and trained in other words, to do that im proud to make sure your city is lit up and people to wear those the purple and to make sure that people are aware what im mostly proud of the day to day work the confuses the break there is no when our dealing with violence you know when i speak of a victim but people that know people that are involved in violence Domestic Violence you know it is sometimes extremely difficult to talk to people a brown that tension started happening and gets away this is a challenge a lot of people it is kind of easy after the violence has happened to then touch someone it is harder it is harder to get to those red plastic bags flags and say this is going in a bad way stop slow down and Start Talking and resolving that before it gets out of hand this is what youre city is privileged to do with a strong budget and have that budget reflected in our San Francisco values thank you for being here today and not only celebrating awareness but making sure that works more for everyone and thank you for understanding the more roles that everybody has to play in order to get to zero homicides but also stop the violence thank you very much. clapping. thank you so much mr. Mayor this year were focusing on the people who are working in the trenches we have our Services Providers and liaisons over here clapping. and were so fortunate to have our Assessorrecorder Carmen Chu clapping. and Supervisor Scott Wiener has joined us today clapping. and next up the president open the commission of status of women airbnb debris served over 15 years under there 3 marries a mayors a fierce leader please join me in welcoming our leader. clapping. thank you well, good morning San Francisco look at us my goes on every year we gather to acknowledge and get moving on Domestic Violence Awareness Month this crowd gets larger and it just makes any heard heart 80 so glad as emily mentions ive been on the commission of status of women for women for some time a privilege and honor when they says im the most Senior Member people are calculating my age im proud to stand with the folks behind me and most specifically with our mayor every time i hear the mayor speak to those issues i know from more than just strong policy stance and problematic efforts it comes from his heart i, tell i appreciate that so very much lets thank our mayor for the leadership hes providing on a daily basis to make sure all our families are savvy want to quickly acknowledge other folks with us certainly we have our friends from the district Attorneys Office that worked very hard give them a hand absolutely clapping. and our collaborative efforts sunny shorts a champion against Family Violence in the brainchild of so many great things including working with the sfiekz and the rfp program so were god gladys shes been with us for some time and dedicated leader on this issues that is the first Domestic Violence campaign at aimed at by a stands in the city that is very key and very important i think that maybe the first bystander campaign in this country so you youll are here not only to gather together to get things started for San Francisco but you, your leading the way for 24 nation so as the mayor mentions that were addressing all relationships all family relationships and espousedal relationships including the lgbt relationships the ads are in english and spanish and chinese and has mentioned we use and working hard to make sure that is driven it is database so we dont just go out and plaster the city with information and that may not necessarily target those audience or those members of our community that need it the most the Family Violence council has been just exceptionally so wonderful and so very helpful and so strong and they focus on this particular campaign so we thank them also be running adds an facebook so talk about a really powerful partnership with our tech leaders here that are based in San Francisco theyre going to be a very critical part of this particular add campaign along with okay. You cupping that i had gets the grinders laughter and people media so we thank them and any of their representatives many, many thanks and appreciation everyone has a role no stopping Domestic Violence we know a value of this city is Domestic Violence is a Community Issue is as Community Matter thats when we come together as San Francisco family to make sure that those persons that are witnessed to that are seeing as the mayor described feel safe and supported in their effort to possible save someones life to possible save someones life so we want to make sure that we create and atmosphere and environment and ethic in this city about safety for everyone that is appreciated and imagineable that someone can provide to be an aide and assistant ive very proud to represent the Historic Commission on the status of women and this particular effort and going to count on every single one of you to spread the word to make sure we end Domestic Violence so thank you all for being here this evening clapping. and one other thing that people can also go and visit learn what to do. Org got that is a that with me. Learn what to do. Org. repeated. spread the word. If i could ask the Domestic Violence liaisons to come over your next speaker someone making the first appearance so liaison come over here well recognize you. Go liaison. laughter . clapping. while with were going it a few for shout outs representatives from the Police Department lets give them a beg hand clapping. and folks from the Mayors Office km clapping. the juvenile Probation Department thank you for joining up i us clapping. barbara gazacy from the Health Department and joys and beverly from the office of labor standards i saw nancy from the das Office Someone making her first appearance in this annual Human Resources mick write callahan responsible for the recruiting and remaining over thirty thousand employees of the number one employer City Government a new program that the mayor annuity please help me welcome Human Resources director Mickey Callahan clapping. thank you very much it is a privilege to be here and privilege to speak about an Exciting New Program that dr. Murase and mayor ed lee mentions our Domestic Violence Liaison Program were struggling about how to reach out to at the employees with though thousand employees there will be 13 hundred City Employees that are survivors of Domestic Violence Domestic Violence is also a Human Resources issue with 65 percent of humans reports that effects their ability to work and the cdcs the Domestic Violence is 1. 8 billion nationwide we care about our employers we wanted to provide them resources in the same way as a Wellness Program were happy to work with wonderful staff in the department want status of women i want to call up kendall and some of the clapping. Human Resources our chief policy person clapping. and so the program is launching this month we have posters on the workplace and 50 people as you see men and women all backwards we want everyone to feel they can call someone they trust i want to close with at quote from one the application we received from a volunteer which i found compelling actually 3 but youll only cry but let me read this one ive been a victim myself and believable it is extremely important for someone experience Domestic Violence it have support and wanted to their my journey to emphasize it can happen to anyone and survivalable thats the wonderful kind of volunteers we have thank you very much dolores park thank you very much nike and a couple of folks we have the 3 Family Violence youll hear if later clapping. so next is we have a very special treat christian from a sfusd while at Burton High School startled an Innovative Group that helps athletics to raise awareness and your understanding a grant from the children of families please help me welcome christian organ clapping. hello and thank you one thing im christian im the cofounder of this my sophomore in high school there was so much t of assault from athletics and work with my quiche to the side he cape about how to be part of the solution he kauptd with that a rape preservation to know that athletics are telling the exultant that is going on and needs to stop at that time the other athletics in the High School Football team we trained them how to write grants and went back to the department and started that is consistent of a curriculum and taking talking about the infrastructure of rape and what is didnt understand as we talked about the deposition rape and soushl souls that he rape and gang we give them the specifics and the real life situations we got into the puma prevent they wanted to take this message out and showed what we leaders how to come up to reach a mass of people we calm can you came up with the annual preservation of rape we got approval from the staff from Burton High School i went to the principal and explained it and rape awareness from there, i took news to the academy and they were ecstatic from there we created poster in every language to plaster the walls of Burton High School so anyone that walked the hauls we are supportive of the victims after that we keep k kept Going Forward and now at santa fe state weave had our first rape awareness last year clapping. the pumping school to move forward having chapters United Nations nationwide to educate young men so they have a knowledge and opening the table for discussion which they grew up they can be better functioning adult and have a role in the conversation so sooner we can put an end to this heinous crime thank you clapping. thank you so much christian and telling missouri ma we appreciate that now turn to a Nonprofit Service committee as you can see the Society Director the asian shelter in so 88, 27 years ago i went to this year shelter which will go on to become only the third shelter in the country to help asian families please help me welcome clapping. good morning, everyone start to wiggle our tows so how calibration keeps going im very happy to be here im over and over kid with the asian shelter some of my coworkers are here on october fierce the start of the Domestic Violence month we know that Domestic Violence Awareness Month not the most were aware of Domestic Violence we know department of transportation Awareness Month is the month we push awareness heard than at t any other awareness we growing and working to address it in all the diverse ways so when i look across the room and till when i drive around San Francisco on any day this might be a mark but when i drive around the city i think about all the different was and the different people who are work on case of Domestic Violence every day i think about crisis workers and the shelter advocates and Police Officers and introoerm decreases and lgbtq advocates and burn staff and probation officers and leaders and journalists that be definitely putting a story out that Public Benefits worker in every sector but youth workers and teachers and childcare workers and attorneys in immigration law. Criminal law and judges and Family Members and friends and loved ones and it is a lot of people who are really toughing Domestic Violence every day with the roll im not talking about the people that are just in life i think about our city as people mentions a hard year in the Domestic Violence field so i think about children who have stopped their fabricate from killing higher mother and crisis to protect themselves from acts and about transgender women that have lost their life since we meet october 2014 im thinking about the access support for the people in the room and been the people that have not the people who lives have mattered more in the public eye or the mainstream movement and people lives that have not and people that come into contact and witnessing Domestic Violence and nerve and feeling there might be more dread of Domestic Violence and currently using a pattern the graduation and cell and denies october 1st what will i say what are we trying to make more aware and what conversations are the conversations we want to push ourselves this month than many other moments the sooner moment to have those conversations not the moments after a tremendous loss has happened we want to talk about more than that denies though sometimes starting the conversation is more than just recognizing Domestic Violence happens in 11th relationship not just straight relationship we the 80 want to go further, however, from the conversation starts there lets start where we or it is more than that making survivors and Community Members aware obviously the conversation should start there or not we want people to know what we provide in the city were not here to tell you what you do or judge you over the experience the violence were not here to say you must do abc d or whatever thats not what we were going we want to people to know im with the asian shelter or people to know weve trained anti advocate Domestic Violence protects to talk about what is happening to you not a special right were not going to think about it which someone calls what language is that we want people to know transpeople you can come o to a ows some save places in the area and other lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders we have programs that are not just thinking that we can fit you into what exists but programs trying to center you this is real and barriers our addressing and lowerincome but youre addressing barriers youre facing that deserve special attendance and special programming safety funding not other funding that gets cut i think also the things were trying to build is also more than saying there are all those bystanders with a role to play we know that every survivor didnt get programming he know that we do know that every survivor goes to someone that he trust at some point you go to the friend the trusted Community Member maybe not member who that will support you but go to Small Business that is our role to see those people as the kind of personnel whether they have a badge or degree maybe in mechanic engineering theyre also people that need support and training they need help with awareness and understanding that not just Domestic Violence happens but their victims or perpetrators but Domestic Violence is a nuance we want them to know we want to build their awareness if someone fights back or swears or there is no something that didnt mean that person a an abuser if youre a mythical unicorn of a human being we want our people to be seen as people and respond with xhashgs compassion and nonin the right direction judgment and support and in the papers all the time having the responses ive never seen him angry or upset which hes at my housed we start from different places some people start with that and hear department of transportation no, no were totally respect if he will if he thats not how Domestic Violence works what happens at home didnt happen everywhere thats the whole point we want to build are you think the awareness of everyone ourselves as workers and Community Members and family friend and sooner rather than later and action dominates from awareness so action in weve come a long way month is a big deal. clapping and next it alicia the volunteer corridor for women inc. It stands for women organized to make abuse nonexist shell let know about assistance to family and friends exercising abuse please help me welcome. The clerk will take the roll good morning, everyone. Good morning. Aim alicia the Economic Workforce Development corridor at women inc. Weve worked to empowers the survivors to create lives free of violence within the lastful few years we offer services to those if he should by woman we receive call many from survivors themselves and receive calls from Community Partners and friends and families seeking support how to help loved ones we notice the gap in San Francisco of Family Members of survivors weve created a support group with the Family Members impacted by Family Members the support group begins in october we encourage you to call for information we recognize denies can effect multiple people at levels we recognize that ding is a communities issue with a role to play the healing is important we hope by offering the forgives tools to take back to our communities to help the communities healing where our a friend or Family Member embarked by defendants no. 1 denies youre not alone and support it a big deal thank you clapping. thank you, alicia before we introduce your last speaker talking about how everyone has a big role to play shout out to her and her team theyve created an app for Domestic Violence i siefrlz looking for sincerity so, please checkout that auto save night an app on your phone next last but not least i want to thank Beverly Upton the director of the Domestic Violence consortium clapping. shes a true force of nature nothing gets in between beverly and woman experiencing Domestic Violence countless lives have an saved by her were pleased to stand together with her please help me welcome our hero Beverly Upton clapping. thank you so much thank you all im also so overwhelmed when i see our work is seen thank you all so San Francisco is on a long road and the road leads towards progress and safety and justice it is long i been at the consortium tech 10 years and youve been there 15 years were on a path heated in the right direction we have a lot to do and were going to do it were going to do it together when we look at the progress weve made over the last few years i wish mayor ed lee was here thank you for increasing the small budget but it gets bigger every year for people shelter and seeking hedge Fund Different languages to survivors everyday those dollars make a huge difference thats a Huge Investment in our community our beloves communities the Mayors Office wait laughter the San Francisco Police Department wow. I mean, look how far weve come bilingual apps on the phones and language lines figuring out how to speak to the survivors everyday trying to do berries the commission everyday under suzy loftus trying to do betters everyday is it perfect no do we agree on everything no, but we are on the path we are on the path clapping. c hr wow. Progress huge Police Radios making something that was a dream happening looked at our colleagues our advocates our friends in their purple lace how autism is that how autism is that we need to mix everybody and make sure that all the advocates know the liaisons and probation sunny and chief karen and andrea wow. A Great Partnership to make sure our Intervention Program is efficient active and Getting Better theyre too on the path to saving lives we have to help them get better we are we are clapping. and then we talk about the beloved community we have to talk about the department of the status of women born to do this work this was why the department and the commission was founded it grows every year and captains but this is added heart we love them we love their leadership the staff that does so much and the staff and emily who always such a thoughtful leader on those issues clapping. and then our beloved community our beloved communities while were at fundraiser and doing the things their answering the phones and getting people that are so afraid in so many languages to say you save wow. Thats huge you guys are are saving lives every single day i think about the department of the status of women the staffing and pulling together the council katie and shawn y in a and childs abuse fits together to continue on this path it such an honor im so grateful and have to say that we still have no more work to do the two lastly homicides i see you there you know my heart is with you the last two Domestic Violence homes we had and perhaps more but the 20 last who were gun violence someone that shouldnt have had a gun raised it in anger and killed someone at the end of a Domestic Violence episode we have to address gun violence the d b community clapping. and im part ever it i think weve been shy over the years because we have so much to do just doing what we are doing were kind of afraid to try to expand but look here is our opportunities we can join with our brothers and sisters trying to keep guns out of the hands of violent people those are our brothers and sisters were not alone all of us are moving on the path we need more i need to take a second before he hope to end on a high note i want to honor the folks that lost their lives to Domestic Violence and have to say it not as over and over kid said not always in the paper it is the suicides on the bmg or the Golden Gate Bridge or the child that was over and over infanticide over and over the person that left San Francisco or ended up in the bay they started here they are all ours can we have a moment of silence to think about them thank you silence . So with that, lets try to move into denies Awareness Month make sure that we all keep working together we all take care of each other that work is hard work lets move that path is wide and room for all of us thank you very much clapping. thank you so much beverly we want to ask my staff to come forward i want to thank all the Department Staff please come forward calling names. clapping. so given the amount of work our department do dont people think i have a department of the hundred people he want i to see our staff were also helped by policy fellows calling names who are here by really want to thank ken that has worked on this from start to finish please give her a big hand dolores park and so finally we want to thank the Deputy Director of staff paul monte sereno son and thank you all for joining us and be sure to take pictures of city hall purple tonight hello, i am with the recreation and parks department. We are featuring the romantic park location in your backyard. This is your chance to find your heart in santa and cisco with someone special. San francisco with someone special. Our first look out is here at buena vista park, a favorite with couples and dog walkers. Both have a significant force. A refreshing retreat from urban life. The romantic past that meander up and down the park under pines and eucalyptus. Hang out in this environment and you might see butterflies it, fennel, and then the lines. Dandelions. Is ada accessible. Public transit is plentiful. We have conquered the steps, we have watched the dogs, and we have enjoyed a beautiful view. This is a place to take someone special on a romantic stroll and enjoyed a beautiful look out. Welcome to Corona Heights located in the heart of this district. It offers a view of the downtown skyline, the bay bridge, and the east bay. It is one of the best kept secrets in the city. It is hardly ever crowded. On any given day, you will run into a few locals. , bought a 37 bus to get there without any parking worries. For legged friends can run freely. There is also a patch of grass for the small box. It is a great place. It is a wonderful place to have these kinds of parks. That dog owners appreciate it. Take time to notice of the wildfires that are on the grassland and keep your head out on the lookout for hawks and other bird life. Be sure to take your camera and be prepared to take a view of the city will not forget. It has a beautiful red rock formations. You could watch the sunrise over the bay. This is another one of our great lookouts. We are at mount davidson. 928 feet. This is the place for you to bring someone special. To not forget that dogs and enjoy all of the pathways and greenery that surrounds you. It provides a peaceful oasis of open space and great hiking trails. The spectacular view offers a Perfect Place to watch the sunrise or sunset with someone you love. It is a good place to get away from the hectic life of the city. Come up here and listen to nature, i get some fresh air. That view is fantastic. Where sturdy shoes. Hikers get the feeling of being in a rain forest. Mount davidson is also a great place to escape the noise and the bustle of the city. Take the 36 bus and it will drop you at the entrance. It is quite a hike to the top but the view is worth every step. This is the place to bring that someone special. Golden gate parks largest body of water is an enchanting place. Is a popular spot for paddling around in boats, which can be rented. Created in 1893, it was designed for these your boating for leisure boating. It is named for the wild strawberries that once flourished. There is also a waterfall, two bridges, and trails the climb to the summit, the highest point at more than four hundred feet. You can catch glimpses of the western side of the city that make this hilltop a romantic look out. For public transit, i take the n train. The lad the ad lake is ada accessible. Watch many ducks, swans, and siegels. Seagulls. It is a great place to stroll and sail away. Many couples come here to take a ride around a lake, going under the bridges, passing the chinese pavilion and the waterfall. For a quiet getaway, making for a memorable and magical experience. Located on 19th avenue, this growth is the place to where youre hiking boots, bring the family and the dog because it has so much to offer you and your loved ones. It is a truly hidden gem in the city. The park is rich with eucalyptus trees. Long paths allow you to meander, perfect for a dog walking in a wooded environment. I enjoy the history. The diversity of nature that exists in such an urban city, concrete streets, cars, we have this oasis of the natural environment. It reminds us of what the history was. There is a section for dogs and plenty of parking. Transit is available on the 28 bus to get you very easily. The part is ada park is ada accessible. It is also a natural lake. This is your chance to stroll around the lake and let the kids run free. It also has many birds to watch. It is a place to find and appreciate what you a wonderful breath of fresh air. Come and experience in this park and enjoy the people, picnics, and sunshine. This is a lovely place to take a stroll with your loved ones. In the middle of pacific heights, on top of these hills, it offers a great square, a peaceful beauty, large trees and grass and greenery. It features tables and benches, a playground, restaurants, and tennis courts. There are plenty of areas for football and picnics. It is very much a couples park. There are many activities you can experience together. Stroll on the pathways, bring your dog, or just picnic at one of the many tables and enjoy all that it has to offer together. Many couples find this is a perfect park to throw down a blanket and soak up the sun. It is a majestic place that you can share with someone you chairs. Lafayette park is also easily accessed from the 47, 49, and 90 buses. It is ada accessible. We are here at the historic palace of fine art in the marina district. Originally built for the 1950s exposition, the palace is situated on San Franciscos number waterfront. It is ada accessible and is reached by the 28, 30, and 91 bus lines. Set against the reflecting waters of the lagoon and eucalyptus trees, the palace is one of San Francisco post most San Franciscos most romantic spots to relax with that special someone while listening to the water and gazing at the swans. A beautiful to view from many locations along the mattoon, an ideal place to all lagoon, an ideal place to walk with a loved one. Reservations for weddings are available at sfrecpark. Org. Discarding contains plants referred to by William Shakespeares plays and poems. Welcome to the Shakespeare Garden here in the famous Golden Gate Park. Located near the museum and the California Academy of sciences, the garden was designed by the California Spring blossom and wildfilower association. Here is a truly enchanting and tranquil garden along a path behind a charming gate. This garden is the spot to woo your date. Stroll around and appreciate its unique setting. The gorgeous brick walkway and a brick wall, the stone benches, the rustic sundial. Chaired the part share the bards word hundred famous verses from a shakespearean plays. This is a gem to share with someone special. Pack a picnic, find a bench, and enjoy the sunshine, and let the whimsical words of William Shakespeare and floats you and your loved one away. This is one of the most popular wedding locations and is available for reservations. Take a bus and have no parking worries. Shakespeares garden is ada accessible. Located at the bottom of this hill, it is a secret garden with an infinite in captivating appeal. Carefully tucked away, it makes the top of our list for most intimate pyknic setting. Avoid all taurus cars and hassles by taking a cable car. Or the 30, 45, or 91 bus. The garden was designed by Thomas Church in 1957. Grow old with me, the best is yet to be is inscribed on a sundial. It is anchored by twin white gazebos and flowers that bloom yearround. This is the place to tell someone special or the place to declare the commitment you two share. Weddings and the event reservations are available for this adorable hidden gem. We know there are many other romantic parks in San Francisco. We hope you have enjoyed this torre of lookouts, picnics, and strolls that are available every day. Until next time, do not forget to get out and play. For more information about reserving one of these romantic locations or any other location, call 8315500. This number is best for special events, weddings, picnics, and the county fair buildings. Or for any athletic field, call 8315510. You can write us at or walk in and say hello. And of course you can find more information moresfrecpark. Org. Hi today we have a special edition of building San Francisco, stay safe, what we are going to be talking about San Franciscos earth quakes, what you can do before an earthquake in your home, to be ready and after an earthquake to make sure that you are comfortable staying at home, while the city recovers. The next episode of stay safe, we have Alicia Johnson from San Franciscos department of Emergency Management. Hi, alicia thanks to coming it is a pleasure to be here with you. I wonder if you could tell us what you think people can do to get ready for what we know is a coming earthquake in San Francisco. Well, one of the most things that people can do is to make sure that you have a plan to communicate with people who live both in and out of state. Having an out of state contact, to call, text or post on your social network is really important and being able to know how you are going to communicate with your friends, and family who live near you, where you might meet them if your home is uninhab hitable. How long do you think that it will be before things are restored to normal in San Francisco. It depends on the severity of the earthquake, we say to provide for 72 hours tha, is three days, and it helps to know that you might be without services for up to a week or more, depending on how heavy the shaking is and how many after shocks we have. What kind of neighborhood and Community Involvement might you want to have before an earthquake to make sure that you are going to able to have the support that you need. It is important to have a Good Relationship with your neighbors and your community. Go to those community events, shop at local businesses, have a reciprocal relationship with them so that you know how to take care of yourself and who you can rely on and who can take care of you. It is important to have a batteryoperated radio in your home so that you can keep track of what is happening in the Community Around and how you can communicate with other people. One of the things that seems important is to have access to your important documents. Yes, it is important to have copies of those and also stored them remotely. So a title to a home, a passport, a drivers license, any type of medical records that you need need, back those up or put them on a remote drive or store them on the cloud, the same is true with any Vital Information on your computer. Back that up and have that on a cloud in case your hard drive does not work any more. In your home you should be prepared as well. Absolutely. Lets take a look at the kinds of things that you might want to have in your home. We have no water, what are we going to do about water . It is important for have extra water in your house, you want to have bottled water or a five gallon container of water able to use on a regular basis, both for bathing and cooking as well as for drinking. We have this big container and also in peoples homes they have a hot water heater. Absolutely, if you clean your hot water heater out regularly you can use that for showering, drinking and bathing as well what other things do people need to have arent their home. It is important to have extra every day items buy a couple extra cans of can food that you can eat without any preparation. Here is a giant can of green giant canned corn. And this, a manual can opener, your electric can opener will not be working not only to have one but to know where to find it in your kitchen. Yes. So in addition to canned goods, we are going to have fresh food and you have to preserve that and i know that we have an ice chest. Having an ice chest on hand is really important because your refrigerator will not be working right away. It is important to have somebody else that can store cold foods so something that you might be able to take with you if you have to leave your home. And here, this is my very own personal emergency supply box for my house. I hope that you have an alternative one at home. Oh, i forgot. And in this is really important, you should have flashlights that have batteries, fresh batteries or hand crank flashlight. I have them right here. Good. Excellent. That is great. Additionally, you are going to want to have candles a whistle, possibly a compass as well. Markers if you want to label things if you need to, to people that you are safe in your home or that you have left your home. I am okay and i will meet you at. Exactly. Exactly. Water proof matches are a great thing to have as well. We have matches here. And my spare glasses. And your spare glasses. If you have medication, you should keep it with you or have access to it. If it needs to be refrigerated make sure that it is in your ice box. Inside, just to point out for you, we have spare batteries. Very important. We have a little first aid kit. And lots of different kinds of batteries. And another spare flashlight. So, alicia what else can we do to prepare our homes for an earthquake so we dont have damage . One of the most important things that you can do is to secure your valuable and breakable items. Make sure that your tv is strapped down to your entertainment cabinet or wall so it does not move. Also important is to make sure that your book case is secure to the wall so that it does not fall over and your valuable and breakables do not break on the ground. Becoming prepared is not that difficult. Taking care of your home, making sure that you have a few extra everyday items on hand helps to make the difference. That contributes dramatically to the way that the city as a whole can recover. Absolutely. If you are able to control your own environment and house and recovery and your neighbors are doing the same the city as a whole will be a more resilient city. We are all proud of living in San Francisco and being prepared helps us stay here. So, thank you so much for joining us today, alicia, i appreciate it. Absolutely, it is my pleasure. And thank you for joining us on another edition of building good morning ladies and gentlemen, my name is combairth the Public Affairs officer for the fleet week if you for being here for the kickoff 35th fleet week the conduct of this press xhefrps will be speaking engagements by city and Civic Leaders immediately media availability and not about a q and a portion at this time id like to introduce louis the executive director fleet week clapping. thank you garth graisht is our public officer affairs the fabulous voice for fleet week thank you garth we are here on a ship in followup to a Disaster Response time we had joint multiply by government and private sector town hall how to move assets where the scenario bridges and highway are out and thats one of the things fleet week is about the humphrey Response Time weve been running response tabletop exercise and have the Senior Leader seminar during fleet week the senior response come together to share the best practices we have best cooperation within the military and civic and our very, very Strong Partner in the San Francisco Budget Finance Committee the port of San Francisco and, of course, the great event to the c men and women in uniform the wonderful blue angles that fly and fleet going on with live music and four ships will be tied up at the pier the men and women staying on the ships will have a nice food trucks and live music and a as and work their way towards the city the public will mixtures and band concerts the band challenge on monday of fleet week 8 High School Bands play at the Golden Gate Park after the marine cosponsorship plays their judged by professional band judges so fleet week has an array of activities beyond the blue angles one of the greatest friends i have fleet week and the greatest supporters is the San Francisco mayor ed lee and im going to go straight to introducing him mayor ed lee please come to the podium thank you. Clamoring. Thank you louis to you and the committee and general mit for your wonderful leadership welcome to San Francisco what a day, huh . I know that everybody serves loving coming to San Francisco and from the outset it is our tradition it is our pleasure, it is our honor to celebrate and to thank our men and women in uniform here right in San Francisco and i want to take this opportunity to thank new senator feinstein then mayor feinstein that recess instructed our fleet week and made that every mayor since that time including your own today embraces in entire week we always burglary pray and hope we never are visit by disaster and one way that helps us to have a Strong Military force to make sure our defense are laser clear we we celebrate our men and women that also serve in that capacity weve taken the tremendous opportunity were presented with fleet week and made that an additional to one of the most active fleet week we can image not with the events that louis identified as well as but in collaboration that the department of emergency our Fire Department and Police Department all of the agencies from muni to the public works to the volunteers that red cross and the tremendous communities collaboration over the years when we had navel landing contrast on ocean beach or in the replenishing we continued the very special practice of commissioner melara that we create the relationships that are necessary in case an event were to happen in San Francisco or the bay area no other part of country not only slbltd like we do but takes the opportunity to make sure we practice all the things we want to do in case an event man made or natural earthquake and be looking at you know winter were looking at all kinds of things that can happen well time to have practiced those very things that we want to have happen on the shores and within the boundary of San Francisco that means questions like how do we bring emergency workers back to the city in time and how we triage those are injured and on their own in the first 72 hours to insure we dont have pockets of solicitation in the city is given with something i everything the military is well known to, of course, the defense of country theyre most known for but i also think that is military including all of the difference divisions and our coast guard are most known for the logistics expert they get things when people need them in the constant of time when they need them weve been working on that as we work on Landing Crafts and we can fit on them just this morning to follow up with the desk tape experience on a 7. 4 i think earthquake or 7. 5 that we also wanted to have Landing Crafts that bring supplies in well bring trucks from other agencies not only the military trucks that are staged here but if you look at all the collaboration weve done youll see American Red Cross and go, of course, our that emergency vehicles and pg e vehicles in an effort to mash or make sure that supplies and Emergency Responders are there in any part of city to help them restore as soon as possible you you know why it takes practice this morning we find out that southern types of vehicles a local Utility Company will couldnt necessarily get on the level in which that Landing Craft was going to land in the city i know that is going to cause that utility work to work closer with us to make sure they have the right vehicles and they can respond when you need them those are times this should be found out not during the disaster its iris this is exactly why practice a simulations and Relationship Building with the military partners is so variable to city like San Francisco we are threequarters surrounded by water well know and often expect that traffic will be stopped for many varieties of reasons we have to take advantage of those Landing Craft and all the other military type of vehicles that might be assessable to us i want to say a great thanks joe who is here in the middleincome Family Association more than observing but Hermosa Beach up to critique the things we can do with our maritime friends and rear admiral to his wonderful staff with our navy and fleet i want to say a special thank you to them because the relationships were building is not just the mayor and the high command youve got to know the logistics the people that run this sheriff deputy ship are talking directly with the people that run our city day to day and make sure the logizing and engineers are talking with each other more handshakes exchanging practices that will necessarily be experienced in a large event in the invaluable to any city i ask every other cities in the country without that practice and the names and agencies associations generally the first 72 hours is confusion and misdirection it is one sacrificing to e casing saying to the other and command structures that are complimentary to each other in a major disaster there has of a be one set of commands that are obeyed and carried figure out that why we want to work with them and have our Fire Department and Police Department our emergency renders when i have a chance in addition to all the lovely beautiful things the blue adams to the vehicles that are here to military vehicles and ships that are here during the week with take into account something that it is special units of firefighters of Fire Department our emt and department of emergency has done in converting a muni bus this bus upon a large emergency is already reoutfitted with a tremendous amount of work with the mta staff and engineer and staffs did with the other renders parked outside on the wharf and take into account what, if anything, we have theyve converted a bus were good at converting old buses for showers and pit stops in the parts the city that one is equipped to cover up 12 people lying down with all the equipment to save and improve their lives those buses will definitely be on time they are and they say as the Fire Department vehicle they look at the regular buses theyve got all the right Energy Lights and systems on there and the Fire Department i think that very proud theyll have this he additional tool to reach the victims throughout the city 12 00 smart and inventive i ask you all take into account that as well one of the newer things weve done in collaboration to get services to people im arrived to have your military men and women here in San Francisco on the occasion of fleet week he know that is spends well beyond the celebration and support for them it is in recognition of their role we practice those things i cant say enough thanks to the fleet Week Association led by louis and general mit and all the wonderful ideas that allow the citizens and the residents and visitor of the city to feel more comfortable, more confidence and more graces of what we do like events like fleet week lets celebrate and identify the things we have to do and practice in understanding what peoples roles are in those fonts to prepare better and rim the public the first 72 hours youve got to go to the 72 hours. Org wednesday night to find out what you should do to compliment the entire brigade of people what theyre doing to help the city and the region thank you for celebrating fleet week i cannot r cant be more exciting and looking at looter look forward a to a wonderful week and the crack of the open sky to the blue angles thank you. clapping . Mayor ed lee on behalf of the fleet Week Association i just i thank you you are an inspiration and youre a great supporter and the words he speaks i believe see dooementd thank you very much to you and your employers City Government is wonderful yeah thank you clapping. next up were having a array of the organizations represented behind me the San Francisco Fire Department every year they off the on tdr their academy the urban rescue for the military they go over there and spend a day with the Fire Department learning how to do techniques it is an important thing to leernt folks from the military the small leaders become excellent at the leeds the missions especially the International Situations one of the great supporters of San Francisco fleet week is fire chief joanne hayeswhite ill ask here to come up here thank you. clapping . Good afternoon, everyone it is an honor and privilege to off remarks as we begin fleet week a lot of people to thank fire hydrant our great mayor ed lee he has credentials but as a leader of public works as the Public Safety and has a presents message many say would today is about i want to acknowledge the fleet week men and women in the u. S. Military and perp acknowledge the men and women in the u. S. Military that put their lives on the line each day and make sacrificed youre welcome here in San Francisco thank you for what you do clapping. similarly id like to acknowledge the local safety providers the men and women in the San Francisco Fire Department and joining with chief suhr the men and women Police Department for the efforts and sacrificed you make to keep over city satisfy that is about this would not have happened without the fleet week and the department of emergency under the leader ann there a civilian organization that gets you will i us together a practice and prepare as mayor ed lee it is about partnerships and teamwork all of us sx that if any, that yaefrdz were dllthd to host over wednesday the urban search and instruct at treasure islands you are youre welcome to come out and obvious spectacular on thursday, well be learning and doing ship firefighters were thrilled to partner and get closer and closer he spent the last 4 and 10 minutes to get to know the admiral and his dedication to the country as mayor ed lee said after you have at opportunity to view this ship were proud with the partnerships like mta with the men and women in auditorium get a lot of proposals but the muni transportation and the director neil pots representing the mta without the mta and the grant we received you wouldnt see the bus down blow it is the status quo and the only one it will transport 12 critically injured people 23 patients that will be treated and transported you know during the course a mass causality or for drills like today other tool in the toolbox thank you it is a perfect utilization illustration of what this week is about and prep and being ready for anything that may come our way thank you and enjoy the week clapping thank you, chief marad weve gotten into our fold the deputy administer to our seminar and talked about the capacities and their response system and their port of the exercise program and hosting us on the action is the executive directors joel joel clapping. thank you thank you thank you, mayor ed lee want to thank the city of San Francisco for inviting the maritime to host the kickoff for fleet week on one of the vessels here but most importantly for inviting us in and others to agencies to participate as part of fleet week the one of the lessons weve learned the exorbitance the cooperation whether for disaster or International Security i want to give a special shout out to the two andrew that are both the captain and a near the velsz vessel we have a crew of 10 people in the peacetime for whatever needs and partnership Maritime Administration manages a 46 other vessels like this some of them with faster with chips those are vessels their name applies can travel fast a rapid replenishment or supply and support we have vessels that are called gear vessels those are important for disasters and emergencies unload cargo from theyre on vessels from the port was damgd or no port at all but perhaps the most vessels we have perhaps the most valuable like the deck on the one were standing on our role on and role off i see behind me a type of equipment that can be moved and taken to a disaster area what kind country tells me that represents hundred and thirty capacities 3 hundred and plus more vessels can be loaded and taken quickly in case of an emergency so thats the need we have and the capacity that we bring and wear delighted to as mayor ed lee said last year to be part of exercise and working with the military and counterparts by the end of this week youre going to see some of the most dramatic scenes of ships and airplanes underlying overmedicates reprimand yourselves for executives than technology and platform are the men and women who serve them the men and women in the military but also the men and women in the Service Agencies as is private segment in the marines tennis e since 1774 regular sailors were called on to man those and they come in the time world war ii and vietnam and cc r weve had them whenever we needed them theyre there for us as long as we keep faith with the brave fornicated and when the men and women theyll be there for us thank you clapping. thank you yellow and thank you for hosting us on this ship it was really expresses us to be out here and looking at the equipment delayed you know, i think that was eisenhower said it was not the plan but the planning together and the third fleets and the e s g they start planning with us all the way back right after fleet week they plan for the next fleet week they and the next marine down no Camp Pendleton part of Emergency Management they talk about next years fleet week and the drills and others in the program it takes a lot of work to plan the events and with us today is the commander of the strike group 3 rear admiral if you could come up here clapping. ladies and gentlemen, thank you for allowing us to be here id like to say to the mayor the citizens of San Francisco thank you for having the United States marine corp in San Francisco ladies and gentlemen, those men and women in the uniform youll meet this week represent the bright and im bias every one of them the youngsters when i joined the u. S. Military were that not at war every person in the klgd and army and Coast Guard National guardian want and raise your right hand and enlisted knowing well, we were in houmz ladies and gentlemen, thats a trumps accomplishment for the men and women i offer to you if you see those folks theyre your navy and marking up and our requested i guarantee if i engage them youll be expressed mayor ed lee thank you for having us, sir were honored very, very much clapping. the mayor framed exactly what w what were doing as happily ill shire shire this that planning we talked about we do before beget her and several months back an awe brefk force a load we acronym everyone in the military quite frankly its cool. Confusing we were practicing how quickly to get the equipment to binge to support you and the men and women of San Francisco and the marking up and other military in the afternoon it is seasonally hot in san diego and theyre wet loading the gear he said i know what youre im doing in the most important position, sir ive detain this overseas im doing this for my country pretty powerful statement we work for you assistance wear ready to do it a honored i cant thank you envelope enough for the hospitality in the short time weve been here he promise promise you engage over navy and marking up and our other military mr. Mayor town to be training for the event we hope never happens but if it happens well get through that thank you very much clapping. thank you be careful what lunch your invited to in 2010 he got a phone call from a friend of mine that asked me to come to lunch at the memorial were to talk about fleet week it will be him and me that was a Conference Room filled with volunteers and an Organization Chart with my name an it thats how we recruit we talk about a Training Program for the joint military joint response i want to introduce the man who inspired me to stick with that and create the program thank you Major General mike mit clapping. and. Thank you we have a saying in the marking up never from a users yourselves on a battlefield get to know each other first this is what that is about it includes not only local people but the pentagon and the office of secretary of defense and fuming and north come and all the people of the agrees that is have been mentioned here previously i want to thank everyone for the participation and so grateful for picking louis to be the executive director larva but thank you very much and we have partnerships with the verizon with pg e, with the academy of Arts University that provides the transportation we use everyone here and everyone does it willfully thank you very much clapping. thank you general and thank you for that lunch it was where we will good laughter i want to say i want to say thank you to a number of folks general mentioned pg e and verizon their True Partners in the abruptly again you think about 2 if you cant community you cant command or cooperate and verizon is out there painstakingly with the Wireless Networks with the Data Networks we dont think their work as well and you know what verizon cant do a lot without power of pg e another Strong Partner in the execution of the exercise program thank you to the pg e and developing for their support i want to run down a list those folks are here and to host follower presentation interviews theyre available from the Police Department chief suhr and the department of emergency ann who i talked to 2, 3, 445 times a day to make sure that program will take off and be successful and as part of public works Mohammed Nuru and the Security Initiative greg and California National guard cornell is he here California National guard is here the bryan kelly from transportation, jed i didnt Regional Department of emergency and fuming region 9 officer a strong friend of fleet week cornell and responding fenton who is new on board but we know as a speaker now the regional administrator for the fuming region 9 and the army korea and joseph United States marking up cornell phil whos men have helped us plan throughout and mary hickey from pg e and eric from verizon i wanted to thank all of them and let you know theyre available for post conference discussions and tours of the ship are available after this so thank you, everyone for coming very much appreciate that and to the speakers behind them hi. I am cory with San Francisco and were doing stay safe and were going to talk about what shelter in place or safe enough to stay in your home means. Were here at the urban center on Mission Street in San Francisco and joined by carla, the Deputy Director of spur and one of the persons who pushed this shelter in place and safe enough to stay concept and we want to talk about what it means and why its important to San Francisco. As you know the bay area as 63 chance of having a major earthquake and its serious and going to impact a lot of people and particularly people in San Francisco because we live on a major fault so what does this mean for us . Part of what it means is that potentially 25 of San Franciscos building stock will be uninhibit tabl and people cant stay in their homes after an earthquake. They may have to go to shelters or leave entirely and we dont want that to happen. We want a building stock to encourage them to stay in the homes and encourage them to stay and not relocate to other locations and shelters. Thats right so that means the Housing Needs to be safe enough to stay and we have been focused in trying to define what that means and you as a former Building Official knows better than anybody the code says if an earthquake happens it wont kill you but doesnt necessarily say that can you stay in your home and we set out to define what that might mean and you know because you built this house were in now and this shows what its like to be in a place safe enough to stay. Its not going to be perfect. There maybe cracks in the walls and not have gas or electricity within a while but can you essentially camp out within your unit. Whats it going to take to get the Housing Stock up to this standard . We spent time talking about this and one of the building types we talk about was soft Story Buildings and the ground floor is vulnerable because there are openings for garages or windows and during the earthquake we saw in the marina they went right over and those are very vulnerable buildings. Very and there are a lot of apartment buildings in san that that are like that. And time to. Retrofit the buildings so people can stay in them after the earthquake. What do they need . Do they need information . Do they need incentives . Mandates . Thats a good question. I think it starts with information. People think that New Buildings are earthquake proof and dont understand the performance the building will have so we want a transparent of letting people know is my building going to be safe in it after an earthquake . Is my building so dangers i should be afraid of being injured . So developing a ranking system for buildings would be very important and i think for some of the larger apartment buildings that are soft story we need a mandatory program to fix the buildings, not over night and not without financial help or incentive, but a phased program over time that is reasonable so we can fix those buildings, and for the smaller soft Story Buildings and especially in San Francisco and the houses over garages we need information and incentives and coaxing the people along and each of the owners want their house to be safe enough. We want the system and not just mandate everybody. Thats right. I hear about people talking about this concept of resiliency. As youre fixing your knowledge youre adding to the city wide resiliency. What does that mean . Thats a great question. What spur has done is look at that in terms of recovery and in new orleans with katrina and lost many of the people, hasnt recovered the building stock. Its not a good situation. I think we can agree and in san we want to rebuild well and quickly after a major disaster so we have defined what that means for our life lines. How do we need the gasolines to perform and water perform after an earthquake and the building stock as well, so we have the goal of 95 of our homes to be ready for shelter in place after a major earthquake, and that way people can stay within the city. We dont lose our work force. We dont lose the people that make San Francisco so special. We keep everybody here and that allow us to recover our economy, and everything because its so interdependent. So that is a difficult goal but i think we can achieve it over the long time so thank you very much for hosting us and hosting this great exhibit, and thank you very much for joining what if you could make a memorial that is more about information and you are never fixed and it can go wherever it wants to go . Everyone who has donated to it could use it, host it, share it. For quite a great deal of team she was hired in 2005, she struggled with finding the correct and appropriate visual expression. It was a bench at one point. It was a darkened room at another point. But the theme always was a theme of how do we call peoples attention to the issue of speci species extinction. Many exhibits do make long detailed explanations about species decline and biology of birds and that is very useful for lots of purposes. But i think it is also important to try to pull at the strings inside people. Missing is not just about specific extinct or endangered species. It is about absence and a more fundamental level of not knowing what we are losing and we need to link species loss to habitat loss and really focuses much on the habitat. Of course the Overall Mission of the academy has to do with two really fundamental and important questions. One of which is the nature of life. How did we get here . The second is the challenge of sustainability. If we are here how are we going to find a way to stay . These questions resonated very strongly with maya. On average a species disappears every 20 minutes. This is the only media work that i have done. I might never do another one because im not a media artist per se but i have used the medium because it seemed to be the one that could allow me to convey the sounds and images here. Memorials to me are different from artworks. They are artistic, but memorials have a function. It is a beautiful scupltural objective made with bronze and lined with red wood from water tanks in clear lake. That is the scupltural form that gives expression to mayas project. If you think about a cone or a bull horn, they are used to get the attention of the crowd, often to communicate an Important Message. This project has a very Important Message and it is about our earth and what we are losing and what we are missing and what we dont even know is gone. So, what is missing is starting with an idea of loss, but in a funny way the shape of this cone is, whether you want to call it like the r. C. A. Victor dog, it is listen to the earth and what if we could create a portal that could look at the past, the present and the future . You can change what is then missing by changing the software, by changing what is projected and missing. So, missing isnt a static installation. It is an installation that is going to grow and change over time. And she has worked to bring all of this information together from laboratory after laboratory including, fortunately, our great fwroup of researche e g researchers at the California Academy. This couldnt have been more Site Specific to this place and we think just visually in terms of its scupltural form it really holds its own against the architectural largest and grandeur of the building. It is an unusual compelling object. We think it will draw people out on the terrace, they will see the big cone and say what is that. Then as they approach the cone tell hear these very unusual sounds that were obtained from the cornell orinthology lab. We have the largest recording of birds, mammals, frogs and insects and a huge library of videos. So this is an absolutely perfect opportunity for us to team up with a world renown, very creative inspirational artist and put the sounds and sights of the animals that we study into a brandnew context, a context that really allows people to appreciate an esthetic way of the idea that we might live in the World Without these sounds or sites. In the scientific realm it is shifting baselines. We get used to less and less, diminished expectations of what it was. When i came along lobsters six feet long and oysters 12 inches within they days all the oyster beds in new york, manhattan, the harbor would clean the water. So, just getting people to wake up to what was just literally there 200 years ago, 150 years ago. You see the object and say what is that. You come out and hear these intriguing sounds, sounds like i have never heard in my life. And then you step closer and you almost have a very intimate experience. We could link to different institutions around the globe, maybe one per continent, maybe two or three in this country, then once they are all networked, they begin to communicate with one another and share information. In 2010 the website will launch, but it will be what you would call an informational website and then we are going to try to, by 2011, invite people to add a memory. So in a funny way the member rely grows and there is something organic about how this memorial begins to have legs so to speak. So we dont know quite where it will go but i promise to keep on it 10 years. My goal is to raise awareness and then either protect forests from being cut down or reforest in ways that promote biodiversity. Biodiverse city often argued to be important for the worlds human populations because all of the Medicinal Plants and uses that we can put to it and fiber that it gives us and food that it gives us. While these are vital and important and worth literally hundreds of billions of dollars, the part that we also have to be able to communicate is the more spiritual sense of how important it is that we get to live side by side with all of these forms that have three billion years of history behind them and how tragic it would be not commercially and not in a utilitarian way but an emotio l emotional, psychological, spiritual way if we watch them one by one disappear. This is sort of a merger between art and science and advocacy in a funny way getting people to wake unand realize what is going on wake up and realize what is going on. So it is a memborial trying to get us to interpret history and look to the past. They have always been about lacking at the past so we proceed forward and maybe dont commit the same mistakes. clapping. the airport it where i know to mind visions of traffic romance and excitement and gourmet can you limousine were at San Francisco inspirational airport to discover the awardwinning concession that conspiracies us around the world. Sfo serves are more 40 million travelers a year and a lot of the them are hungry theres many restaurant and nearly all are restaurant and cafe thats right even the airport is a diane designation. So tell me a little bit the food program at sfo and what makes this so special well, we have a we have food and Beverage Program at sfo we trivia important the sustainable organic produce and our objective to be a nonterminal and bring in the best food of San Francisco for our passengers. I like this its is inaudible i thank my parents for bringing me here. This the definitely better than the la airport one thousand times better than. I have a double knees burger with bacon. I realize im on a diet but im hoping this will be good. It total is San Francisco experience because theres so many people and nationalities in this town to come to the airport especially everyone what have what they wanted. Are repioneering or is this a model. Were definitely pioneers and in airport commemoration at least nationally if not intvrl we have many folks asking our our process and how we select our great operators. The food option in San Francisco airport are phenomenal thats if it a lot of the airports yeah. You dont have the choice. Some airports are all about food this is not many and this particular airport are amazing especially at the tirnl indicating and corey is my favorite i come one or two hours before my flight this is the life. We definitely try to use as many local grirnts as we can we use the goat cheese and we also use local vendors we use greenly produce they summarize the local soured products and

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