Additional visitors were having the next few weeks, what we just had, in open world and [inaudible] quite a few people in the city and we need to of course keep them all safe thank you for making sure that your roles are played out on everything from the streets to the events, to being ready and the responses. That is going to obviously help be helpful to both our economy but also to the people that are invited here. I also want to let you know that there is, and we are monitoring, a fire in moccasin in the areas that are close enough to our water facilities, upping hetch hetchy to pose a potential threat, so we do have a very large Something Like almost 900 acre wildfire thats going on good that has the potential of affecting so we moderate that. California fire is the incident command there in all the different agencies including the state, are there to respond and begin the attempts to fight this fire, but as you have readily known, many of our firefighters are often very difficult to stop and so weve wanted to make sure that the entire staff at moccasin and our Public Utilities commission are fully alerted. That their own safety is paramount and then the facilities that operate our water system are also being monitored as well. So we willi want to thank all the ages ago might be asked to respond including our own Fire Department and obviously, our controller and others who have focused in the past on the impact on past buyers near moccasin that therell be already as well to assist. I want to also again thank everybody for a continued effort to make sure our city is seismically safe. [background noise] im been saved by the bell. [laughing] that measures for example the third year we have the mandatory soft Story Building retrofit that are going on in i want to say thank you to all of the building owners in the city, to participate in this in making sure that our buildings, particularly, those that are wood frame seconds of the vulnerable in a seismic event are complying and doing everything they can to get to a higher level of resiliency. Of course, seismic actions continue to be on our mind for a variety of reasons that are part of todays agenda. I want to make sure that Everybody Knows that we are paying specific attention to the sinking and the tilting of 301 mission, and that given the number of conflicting viewpoints as to what is going on, i havei am organizing and have tasked our city administrator, as well as dbi, but also this department of Emergency Management, to colead a great group of experts that are, there are no contractual relationship to any of the of buildings under construction or buildings that have been constructed to give us as a city and the board of supervisors a independent transparent analysis of the Geotechnical Engineering challenges that might be associated with the sinking and the tilting. We will, for lack of a better phrase, get to the bottom, of making sure we understand much better not only what is going on and causing, but that we want to go well beyond the 301 Mission Building and take a look at established buildings, new buildings, those that are proposed and under design, and to match up with the best and higher level Safety Engineering that we may be required. We will of course, absorb those engineering reports that are currently under scrutiny as well as those that are being conducted by current owners and developers, but we will also add to that a good look at what is being done and what should be done and considered by all development and construction including our tjpa, our transit center, as well as those buildings that are being planned to be built in and around the Transbay Center as well. I want to thank naomi and and i had of time for leading this effort because there are a number of people whose confidence in their ownership and rentals are very shaken and we want to assure them that have the highest level of safety in the citys attention and i will make sure that that report comes directly to me. We will be finding opportunities once we start this process, we will take little time to meet with any and all residents of that area. This is a big area of cities investment and client neighborhood. So we want to make sure that everybody that weve invited to the area businesses as well as developers, and residents, are assured that the highest level of safety is being examined and also that the jurors in which to prevent further sinking and other aspects will be there. I say that in the context of seismic activity as well because the geographical area is already challenged being above mud, and so the techniques have to be examined in light of their performance, should there be a seismic event happening. So we are very well aware of that and need to have the highest level of safety regardless of what our current codes may provide. Going to code is one thing. But assuring a highest level of safety is got to be paramount and so thats what is going to be examined by this group. In fact, directed already the department of building inspection and the office of resiliency and recovery two and immediately amend a 30 year earthquake safety and Implementation Plan to really expedite the safety of new and existing highrise buildings and, again, with a very good focus on the geographic hazardous areas that are being underdeveloped underdeveloped. That could be more challenging in a seismic event. So that is going on. I want to also make sure that we know that the seismic events, because it is just the beginning of the month of october, of course, it is our month where we do a lot of both recognition and celebrations, but also repaired this with schoolkids, with our property owners, with all the agencies practicing and, of course, the really direction of our fleet week has been to really join with other agencies and federal government and State Government to exercise our ability to be better prepared in case of disaster. I want to thank all those that are working on the fleet week preparations because its no longer simply as operation. As all of you know. Its an opportunity to practice what all of our different agencies, the kinds of events that will challenge us and how we Work Together today can create the kind of relationships we need when an emergency hits. So i look at this obviously in total preparation for an event that will happen in our lifetime. Its not and if could it will happen and more of the predictions of the best signs indicate in the next 25 years. So if i can again, in every opportunity i have those of you in this room, please, be prepared. You and your families, you are number one responders and youre called upon to respond i cant have you worrying about your families by not taking care of them now and being part of a deliberate plan. Then, for those of us who have the opportunity to prepare our communities and our leaders with that opportunity now and practice it, and get them to sf 72. Org website for further preparation could introduce him to the agencies that were all working together on because i certainly think that if you gone to a Disaster Service worker training, if youre able to take some skill set training yourself, neighborhood leaders as well, we will all be for the better in recovering much quicker from a seismic event. Obviously, we may not be be able to prevent an event but we certainly can prevent a high degree of hurt from that event. So please do that and maybe three please make sure that those of you that work and respond to departments work on the continuity operations the bars they are obligated to understand and implement. I know that we have a lot of new employees coming aboard good this government of ours has gained a challenge of a good economy but with that comes the obligation that we train everybody to be the faster workers and disaster prepared along with all of our utility agencies that ought to be constantly practicing with us. So with that, i know we have as and has indicated, a very elaborate agenda. Lets get to it and have that exchange. Thank you. Thank you very much mr. Mayor. Dem conducted nearly a dozen exercises this past year in our mission to get San Francisco repaired and ready to respond to any disaster or significant events. They are aligned in my directors report, which was on the table that you could pick up. Im not one to go to every single one with you today, but i do want to highlight a couple. Last year during fleet week we did something called a rehearsal of concept or a rock drill. Where the department of defense work with us to test our disaster transportation and would just ask strategies. We learned from that a key lesson that we learned was that the last tactical mile was very important and we dont often exercise that. So the details of moving to the next stage of this kind of exercise is to exercise Community Points of distribution. Seed pods and we are doing an exercise with fleet week this coming year, see but exercise and folks are welcome to join us with that and i think well learn a lot from that. Youll hear more about details later on because that is an agenda item. The mayor also mentioned that we have done a lot of very successful things this year including super bowl l i know many of you were involved in the planning and preparation for that. That was not only a citywide planning effort, but it was a Regional Planning efforts. Working with all of our partners at the local, federal, and state levels and i think was incredibly successful could we had a huge turnout. It was better than i think anything we could have imagined and the possible negative things that might have happened, thank god, did not and i think a huge part of that was the effort we put into the kind of security we wanted. We wanted the event to be a safe family friend friendly event and it turned out it definitely was and it highlighted the bay area in San Francisco in particular, for the gorgeous part of the country that we are. This past summer we also partnered with the National Counterterrorism center, the department of homeland security, and the fbi 20s the San Francisco joint counterterrorism awareness workshop. This twoday workshop brought together local state and federal partners engaged artisans in discussion can recognize a best practices, and encouraging information sharing in the event of a complex terrorist events. This unfortunately as you know, listening to the news and reading the paper, is a challenge that is very much real that we need to be prepared and make sure the city is ready to respond. The last exercise the want to highlight this morning is our urban shield. Yellow command. Which test the regions ability to Work Together during a catastrophic event. This years scenario involve eight evan. 9 magnitude earthquake along the San Andreas Fault and Cyber Security attack on the Water Systems requiring Community Pots of distribution which again were doing an exercise next week, to be staged throughout the city and throughout the region. Other things we exercise this year and we also updated for of our plans. The winter storm and flood annex the Emergency Support function 15, which is the joint Information System and asked, the sunol meet annex and the Emergency Support function Outlook Health annex. So, we know that emergencies dont stop at the county line. Thats what work with our regional partners to make sure that we all owe each other by first name that we know the functions that we each perform. So that in the event of a large emergency we are not meeting each other for the first time during the emergency. We worked very collaboratively with our region and i want to thank all the city representatives here today who sit on the disaster counsel and also our partners in the community who are with us as we continue to be repaired and make sure San Francisco is ready to respond in the event of a major disaster. So that concludes my remarks. I hope you do beat my more detailed briefing because im very pleased with the work that my department has been able to accomplish this year. Ive got incredible staff who have worked very hard to keep us safe. The next item on our agenda is the fleet week briefing. Fleet week is coming up starting this next week. It is something that we all love to embrace. Its a great party for San Francisco but it is the mayor said, its also a wonderful time for us to have an educational experience and get to know our partners in the military. Francis smore planning and zoning are Public Information officer and director of external affairs will give the briefing. Good afternoon everybody and [inaudible] were excited about it. The annual event in San Francisco since 1981 and over the years billions of people [inaudible] have come from throughout the bay area to [inaudible]. Since scuttled the city has coordinated joint with with exercises with our military departments. These exercises ring together civilian responders and [inaudible] with military units responding in the event of a major event like an earthquake. So this year San Francisco fleet week is from october 3october 10. I just want to go over briefly some of the events taking place. Theres going to hear a lot about c Potter Community place of distribution that is a major exercise thats taking place during the week visit. Thats monday, october 3 [inaudible] begins at 11 am and so what is going to happen this is going to act as our exercise our ability that should we [inaudible] catastrophic event. Things like food, water, and other lifesaving materials that will help people stay in their homes following a catastrophic event. This exercise will feature more than 100 volunteers and many of the staff are coming from the departments representing in this room but also within our partners in the military and california [inaudible] as well as some nonprofit partners as well. Volunteer members in the community [inaudible] players earthquake disaster that can drive their vehicles to see but since he seek water, still other comfort supplies and get through the major catastrophic events. If you have an opportunity to come out we incurred you to do so. The key thing that people should remember about a seed pod is that they are a last resort measure. If regular means of getting water or food are unavailable, then the seed pods will be set up. This is why its so important everyone in the community has at least 72 hours worth of supplies at home. These are things that we find every day inhome was just a matter of gathering them up and having them in place. If you need help doing that go to sf 72. Org. Youll find civil tips to do that. What of the other key events is the senior [inaudible]. That takes place on wednesday thursday a fleet week. This is an opportunity where civilians leaders, well, senior military leaders get together to discuss emergency taking place both internationally and domestically. [inaudible] best practices to Exchange Education and to share ideas get this out we learn from each other. So the previous years without representatives from all over the world life buildings and nepal but also within our own country as well. This is a special program that is a key to the humanitarian assistance of Disaster Response mission. Finally, on saturday [inaudible] enjoying having a [inaudible] in San Francisco. This is a familyfriendly events. Where civilians and military and Nonprofit Service come together and provide demonstrations and things like search and rescue, explosion detection, and we would have a Nonprofit Service of help people with disabilities [inaudible] that of come home with ptsd. Integrate familyfriendly event 11 am on saturday. Finally, i would remiss be remiss if i didnt mention we will have our [inaudible] active during fleet week. That begins on friday. This is a so we can keepso we can keep an eye on things taking place in the city during the week not only fleet week with this number of events taking place early in the week we have [inaudible]. All fleet all those things go well these next two weeks. Will have [inaudible] one thing [inaudible] ill be happy to [inaudible] but theres a lot going on in the city. We want to share their coordinated or anything that goes on [inaudible] we are ready to go. The final thing i like to say [inaudible] this event cannot be done without the coordination of our nonprofit partners and so [inaudible] and we look forward to another successful week. At this point if theres any questions of happy to answer them. Any questions . All right, thank you very much. My favorite event is [inaudible] so it is familyfriendly [inaudible] bring out your kids bring out your dog. Its going to be fun. Next on our agenda is [inaudible] is going to present on San Francisco bay area earthquake plan and mike is our Deputy Director and director of our division ons [inaudible] services thank you for the opportunity to talk about about the bay area catastrophic plan. This plan was developed by California Office of Emergency Services and fema region nine. Obviously, the mission of the plan is save and sustain lives. Minimize suffering. Stabilize and restore Critical Infrastructure and it also delves into recovery. The overall objectives are really organized and unified state and federal response and even though the plan is really written as a guide for state and federal response, it talks a lot about the unified Coordination Group and how the state will organize the response and coordination with fema that the primary objectives are to deploy personnel to and from areas unaffected in california two areas that are affected by catastrophic earthquake. Probably the most challenging component of that is developed in the access strategy and temporary supply chain. Odyssey, were going to have the quick action is going to be a major factor for transportation to Debris Clearance is going to be a major issue. So all of the staging sites laid out in the plan are across the bridges. So those are going to be areas that we are working with fema on. Just in terms of the risk, the planning itself is based upon hayward fault scenario. This is generated from the estimates from the United States geologic survey. According to the usgs, this is 78 chance of at least one 6. 7 magnitude earthquake by 2043. Theres a 90 chance of at least one 6. 0 earthquake by 2043 and jessica you know theres a 12 chance of a 7. 5 and 2. 3 chance of and 8. 0 and at the same time frame. Just for comparison, obviously the great earthquake of San Francisco is 7. 8 that hayward last time that a major seismic event there was an 1868 and was a 6. 8. So theres been 12 major seismic events on the hayward fault spanning about 1600 years good thats where they come up with a probability of okay, this false escape hole of producing a magnitude 7 and when they calculate the risk that hayward fault is actually 33 of the risk of these calculations. The san andreas makes up about 22 of the risk. The calaveras is 26 and some of the lesserknown falls make up the remainder. In terms of the state federal organization this unified Coordination Group for those of you are not familiar with the unified quarter nation group is made over the federal senior officials. Its made up of the state senior officials usually the director ofand fema region nine so fema region nine, under this plan, they will not be operational in oakland. No actually deployed the Risk Management team to sacramento to okay with the state Operations Center and in and out todays they will establish a joint federal office of operations there and also in the unified quarter nation group the California National guard will be there could be a defense coordinating the show there as well. I think the porn thing for us theres not a direct seat for local government there at the unified quarter nation group. We talked to the state about we will send its our intent to send a liaison to that entity so that we do have a voice at the table at the unified Coordination Group. Then all of their work is supported just like typical ics, by operation section. The new elements of this clan in addition to the ess that i think everybody is familiar with the Emergency Support functions, it also calls for the establishment of several task forces. Those taskforces, the people not been identified to serve on those task force is good some of the work ahead of us is identifying who best from the city will be serving on the taskforces and how we will work with our counterparts in the regions to really have a unified voice when working with the state and federal response apparatus. So, to give you a very high level timeline of what will happen after it has tropic quake from the most earth that perspective it will take him a day to probably establish a unified quarter nation group. They will be very relied upon us in the first 24 hours to provide Situation Assessment along with the other operational areas and obviously thats going to be focused on transportation routes and the status of Critical Infrastructure and weve got a good basis to operate on from all the work at the last council and then from 24hour2472 hours, fema deploys the National Incident management assistance team. State operations under two manage the event him andwill activate and avoid all eight state [inaudible] search and rescue teams and ozark eight sounds insignificant but those are 70 person teams that will be immediately coming to the bay area to help with immediate search and rescue operations. They also up 12 level for teams that will be deployed. So thats all part of our Planning Efforts is how to receive those First Responders that are going to be coming in, and then in addition, in that 2472 hour fema will activate their contract with amr, ambulance provider, to send 300 ambulances to the bay area and then we would the state will assemble and diploid 25 strike teams in the strike teams are five and once is a piece. So thats to give you an idea of the amount of First Responders that will be coming to our systems, but we will have to care and feed them once they get here that your how to get them to where they need to be. They will also deploy that other mutual aid resources for Fire Suppression and support to Debris Clearance operation. Then, in terms of kind of what this plan means for us, its going to influence our planning thats already ongoing. We are as started in an initiative to update our debris management plan. We just completed an update of our logistics annex. But we will also be working on updating our Earthquake Response plan because we want to make sure that our local plan lines with the new federal and state client for catastrophic earthquakes. We will also identify local regional roles and response abilities because again, think of critical component for us is going to be on how we work with unified quarter nation group. Then and, with her work with the National Advisory council, big city emergency managers, has cost us to come up with Mission Ready packages and these are assets that we can deploy from San Francisco to other areas in the country if theyre facing a similar catastrophe but are also defining Mission Ready packages that could be deployed from unaffected urban areas across the country that would help us with the Recovery Efforts and response efforts. Exercisingtheyve indicated a pretty ambitious exercise plan for this plan and its 20 exercises, nadine the fullscale exercise in three years. So we are going to do our best to align that with our existing exercise. Epicenter [inaudible]. Any questions on the plan . Michael will move right into the next agenda item then. Spanked thanks. I just want i want to give you a quick update on some of the exercises, obviously in the winter thats not on the our winter storm annex [inaudible] in shape for winter storm. We lived it with the el nino last year so i think were in a pretty good battle with that but we do want to take the time every winter just to review the plan and see if we can make any improvements. One of the new exercises that we are going to conduct is epicenter. Theyll be held in april [inaudible] we want to take advantage of the [inaudible] 1906 earthquake and also make that more of the citywide event and focus on catastrophic earthquake recovery. So something we party talked about with the state and federal planted [inaudible] exercise that next item is are the state initiatives [inaudible] the new planted were going to do our best to align its but its really we are looking for all of feedback from departments about what elements would you like to see exercise. We will work [inaudible] disaster core neighbors and trainers on that. One thing the complex coordination attack, and mansion that previous with a joint counterterrorism workshop series that she brought out from dhs from fema. This a followup to that. Its one of the main take ways was develop a complex coordinating plan. Were in the process of doing that. But we would like to exercise one [inaudible] active shooter terrorist attack so that is our plan for going forward. Continuity of operations as the mayor mention, we just want to give a date for all the departments could this is where we would like that apartment of Emergency Management will be exercising our continuity clan but [inaudible] this other departments need guidance in doing that were here to help with that. We like to coordinate that in august in urban shield [inaudible] poster you are familiar with and [inaudible] francis you did a great job. Also, in november theres a medical health exercise. This year the scenario is trained to vehemence but that obviously Public HealthEmergency Management participate in that. If theres any questions [inaudible] i just want to commend spero particularly on the yi from the logistics side, from purchasing and real estate i know the [inaudible] that exercise was very the thought of goal and was very helpful from every report i got back so, thank you for your work on that and i know just from dpw and gsa, i know who worked a lot on those exercises with you. So, thank you. Thank you very much. Are there any questions at all. Mike gave a lot of information in a short period of time. Are there any member updates since . This is a time to have a little round table. This is what have you been working on . What do you want to share . They could, and should could afternoon. Joanne speedway from the Fire Department did i did one indicate but after fleet week night15th is Fire Prevention week where we are starting the continued message that the pm shares with everyone is on was our mayor and other Public Safety agencies the importance of having a Preparedness Plan in your home in your workplace and to exercise that. The more we can spread the word the better off all our city will be. At the end of Fire Prevention week, that same day, october 15, we have our nursed guilt Neighborhood Emergency Response Team took it we held at Marina Middle School nine3 pm. Great. Thank you, chief. If youre not a dirt volunteer and youre interested in this is a great thing to become involved in. We have many dedicated thousands of people throughout the city look taken dirt and i applaud the efforts. Thank you. It looks like todd, you have an update . Yes. Two updates. We recently completed our twice a year training. This one had 45 city staff attend the sf with their finance and administration disaster academy. So that brings up the total trained finance and Administrative Professionals to nearly 200 or the last year and a half. That includes all Basics Department said that active attendance so thank you to the Department Heads here. Your folks have been really good to work with. In addition to that, in coordination with the City Administrators Office department of technology, we developed and that to all city departments it related updates to the continuity of operations plans. In it updates to the Emergency Response plans for your deponent. So over the coming year and a half, your draft it sections to those plans as well as your final sections to those plans will be items that your staff are working on. So thats good news. That policy adopted byearlier this month has in mind both manmade disasters as wells natural disasters like earthquakes. There is a companion cyber threat and Cyber Security policy that is being further perfected and will come back to. Thank you thank you very much, talk. Guess, michael . Not an update but more thank you and commendation to and anna stop. And made mention of the joint counterterrorism awareness workshop series in the presidio. I was asked to offer a prayer in and up staying three days. I think for this program. It was really a fascinating time. The were a lot of highlevel people there. What came after that was of great benefit not only to our counsel but to the Greater Community because at several meetings with members of the fbi and unlock other Law Enforcement folk. Their concerns about terrorism and especially islamic communities in San Francisco but which are vulnerable, we were able to make connections with the religious leaders in those houses of worship and right now, they are in communication. So thats what came out of an invitation to offer a prayer. In my mind, it was a [inaudible] wonderful. Thank you for a much and thank you for the work you do at the interfaith council. Youre a terrific partner for the city. Thank you. Other comments . Yes, connor i want to briefly yield the floor to dnra purchaser for supervisor tangs office was a brief update. Thank you, connor. So im jannawith supervisors katie tang softy i just want to update everyone on our [inaudible] effort. The supervisor tangs effort to raise [inaudible] and campaign. This is specifically with the members of [inaudible] we want help our members become specifically reserved you will be created with help of members of our community is a sunset district preparedness guide in of a few copies could we also have it of able online. So i can send out those fires as well. The other thing we created with a monthly [inaudible]. We partnered with six local businesses as was [inaudible] walgreens creating a monthly schedule so when residents shop in his store stores during specific month specific supplies will be on to. For instance, in the month of september flashlights and batteries will be on sale at hardwood. The next part of the campaign will be providing supplies to members of our dirt Neighborhood Emergency Response Team bill be creating many caches of supply and make those available to all the residents on their block. So when theres a need residents have created their own supply then they can go to that residence and get the supplies from seattle so we are excited about this effort. Spread the word across the sunset district, weve had members that the community directly participate in this effort because we know this can be a long Term Campaign and we want the residence to really own each aspect of the campaign. So were inviting the sheriffs information and other neighborhoods [inaudible] if you want to adopt a were happy to share how we did that. I will pass out the copies of the guide [inaudible] i want to thank the office of [inaudible] for helping both all the materials beyond [inaudible] it we hosted somewhere. [inaudible] access the information. Thank you. He was fantastic. Thank you, naomi supervisor tangs office has been one of your we are at so many initiatives are on the subject without resilient in diamond heist and resilient bayview. Resilient menlo park and theyve taken the bull by the ones that really got out the word and it janna is absolutely right with officer resigns and Neighborhood Empowerment Network were trying to get more neighborhoods involves ingesting resilient get so, thank you. That is fantastic. Thank you. Otheryes . Will sydney, first . Earlier this year . San francisco threeweek exercise the port hosted in conjunction with the coast guard and army corps of engineers the port opening exercise to identify who is responsible, who had what and what would be required to bring a ship through the golden gate, up to a port offload it and hit Office Supplies to the city of San Francisco to become see brought. It was very useful exercise. I like to think dm for the participation because we had a lot of people helping us with that. We learned a lot. Thank you. Other things that members want to share . Yes . At the Housing Authority would always completed a community of operations plan. Were about 90 complete we like to have you review it. We have also created a number of Emergency Action plans for various different scenarios, situations that might come up. We have about 89 but actually coming to this meeting i think we have a couple [inaudible] though we missed [inaudible] and we dont have one thats physically for terrorist attack. But we would like to coordinate with the city and make sure were in sync and benefit from all the work you are doing on a citywide base. Fantastic, barbara. We would like to partner with you and mike will get you the appropriate Contact Person and wed love to review your continuity of Operations Planning good so that is terrific. Thanks. I would encourage all departments, if theyre not updated their plan recently to take this opportunity to do it. September is preparedness month and we moved into october very quickly and as we said, we have fleet week. Lots of good reminders for us not only as private citizens here in San Francisco residents and visitors to the city to be prepared but also our city departments. Other items to share . All right. Thank you all so much for coming. Is there any Public Comment before we conclude this meeting . Seeing none, this meeting is adjourned. Thank you. Hi, im supervisor wiener and i would be honored to represent you in the california state isnt we live in the best place on the planet yet face champions housing is to ridiculously expensive that people are beg pushed out i wouldnt be able to afford to move into my own neighborhood too much working families are struggling to make ends meet and health care and assess quality education we have twreshl congestion our our road ooze the Transportation Systems are struggling to keep up request demand working 20eg9 we can make a difference on those issues as youre next state senator ill go to work fighting to make a difference for you creating nor Affordable Housing you and your families can live here making it more affordable and suhr your children receive a quality education and your family can have Affordable Health care we must support working families he offer the legislation to guarantee parental leave so parents dont have to commissioner crews between passerby the rent and bonding with children as your state senator i will fight for you, we have a homeless crisis on the street we see that everyday i offered a measure to fund one billion dollars over 20 years for permanent housing for the homeless we believe that allowing people to live in squaller and tents and sidewalks is not a xanax approach for homeless we must get people out of tents and into housing as your state senator hell address the homeless decrees by creating more housing and rebe it further resolved our Mental Health safety net to make housing more affordable for the struggling middleclass middleincome we must not put that up roadblocks he offered to streamline the Affordable Housing legislation to add new rentcontrolled units inlaw units to our Housing Stock legislation to hold lymph gland affordable for Code Violations and protect renters into unfair evictions as your Senate Senator ill feet for all communities are creating enough housing for the growing population now at the time of trial may not be the biggest on or about by impacts us on a sdal business including may we have which is why he maids improving the Transit System a Top Priorities muni funding is tides to population growth so your system mass ridership i passed legislation requiring Regional Developers to pay impact fees and for circulates improvement and road improvements and projects to make it safer and easier to bike and walk and authorized legislation to require the creation of a subway master plan to a construction nor subways in San Francisco and also to improve our enadequate lairlt transportation he successfully fought the insurance they tried to erase hiv drugs and another leave satisfying drugs and expand care and protection serves and fought the Tobacco Industry to stop the products as a Senate Senator ill feet for the Community Health im a product of Public Education and fight to expand full funding and continue to expand water cycling because of the feet for lgbt rights is not close to offer hell work to expand californias role as a leader and fight for lgbt dignity including meeting the needs of lgbt at risk youth our seniors and transgenders brothers and sisters im the only candidate enforced but is democrat, etc. Party and honors to be endorsed by the current senator mark leno and u. S. Senator Zoning Administrator and Lieutenant Governor gavin newsom and the board of education tfa on most and the oaklands senator and our firefighters and the California Legacy of commercialism voters working together we can meet the many challenges i humbly ask for you thank you. My name is preston returning for the devil district in San Francisco im running on a platform of getting big money out of policy let me tell you sxhiefts shown the number one fact in wealth and quality has been congress the u. S. Correct me if i am wrong o Congress Congress is our birth enemy congress has stolen mean from marching americans not to one person but to the point deter commissioner kwon percent of the americans this happens because of what we Call Campaign finance by birthy zoning 45 thousand plus to a Congress Person not right as a campaign you can fund request tens of millions to help our candidate get elected thats seen as free speech the Reason Congress doesnt represent the will of the people gnaws of the system of bribery and money thats why my campaign it is only getting small contributions the congressman got over 5,000 that means youll have to do not just to whisper not areas of the congressman thats 234509s fair my campaign only sclekz 5 hundred plus to insure a large wide because of individuals feel they have participating at the end of the day i am not Budget Committee holding to the folks but a large group of people donating this is an important Election Congress is destroying our in addition, we all feel 7 percent of americans in the congressional body but a incumbency rate have to go after them and cant keep on pointing fingers unless our donating tens of thousands of dollars theyre not on your team help me an november 8th help me be one of the small money candidates ill go in and make sure that legislation is passed that the American People ill fight against the writers they put on bills and passed on to the wealthy ill dedicated meaningful as a Congress Person not just raising money he needs our help on november 8th my name is president wesson ton ill be your candidate. Hi im sorry 25 years old and running to be our congressman not a career Congress Person to ask for your vote im not another raising income person more importantly i dont stand for more or the same i read the Job Description and realized the job is not getting done we need change innovate is the artificial organic bottomup change we need change that desired our economy by need a reviolation of law our district is suffering and need to make some calls before it is too late it didnt have to be about a pessimistic future but optimistic that comes with a change i was born two months prematurity and died with a heart attack thats not the ends by and miracle i was revised and my mom was convinced she named me angel my parents came to the United States in search for a better life for my sister and i i was fortunate to go to public and private schools which he odds were against me i steadier my way to success with a lifetime par for the course for conceives im studying bio engineering with a suburban commitment i made my way to a business person and founded my own company and started work i started found apply mississippi Political Associates my promises are what america has to eave and how the private and public sectors Work Together as your congressman we want to fulfill those promises thats what that election means to me solving the real problems whether the schools we send our children to or the traffic we spend our life in parents win when they send their children to public and private schools you should vigorously support both options for excellent o excellent opportunities or consider drives of Public Transportation will benefit if bart partner with uber and lyft if we allow for advertising publicprivate partnerships dont weigh down the free market but make that more efficient lets stands up to career politicians and revise the congressional much. Hello, im 345ek im a relocated green voter and running for the bart board district 8 to november let me explain why im a long term regular yours of that bay area and practitioner my responsibility social justice activism criteria expands four decades for lgbt and hiv persons locally and globally holding nonprofits affordable and expanding Government Transparency and fighting for human rights for all my partner and i our closet bart is on 16th street and Mission Street in june of 2014 i persuaded barts the department of Public Health and others to address the sanitary conditions my advocacy lead to cash washing and reform of fire hazardous debris and the pigeon speekd wires left birds poop for everyone regarding accessibility assess last july i complained to bart about the lack of the way finding signage at the 16th street plaza promises were made by back and forth leader to improve throughout the plaza area unfortunately bart didnt escape its word i want better signage telling the disabled and bicyclists folks with heavy luggage parents how to find that accelerator to assess the trains for bike users we want to remind you i was a beast that worked with others to pressure bart to allow us to brepg our bikes on the attractiveness and to set them aside in more areas on the trains while in transit my platform calls for a Pilot Program of an owl beacon booster at the end of rush hour treasons that will free up spaces in other cars and make that easier to use the bart system additional to have pop up bike maintenance cruise on hand at stations once a week you need nor racks better lighting and a guarantee from bart that the surveillance cameras are working properly for affordability over bart and the police force i need to defeat thatmanual of the bart police or at minimum taking am month we have local Law Enforcement agencies to deal with bart im concerned about excess use of force by the bart police we can reduce the harm from the police to a better training and enhance oversight felt bart police and Institute Best practices to insure that the cops that are riders legally to get with appropriate penalties and a very important issue reopening all public baths keeping them closed is unacceptable im asking fewer vote and welcome our endorsement for my scombn if i dont live in the district and proud to be a registered green voter and lets all work to make bart the best Transit System i