Speaker cards should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the december 13 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated thank you. Mdm. Clerk can we take the litigation items five through seven out of order . Yes. Item number five is a resolution approving the settlement of unmitigated comp file by any scott against San Francisco. Item number six is a resolution of the settlement of unmitigated claims byobrien against the city and county of San Francisco and item number seven is a ordinance authorizing final settlement of claim number 162314 filed by ronald and Patricia Martel against the city and county of San Francisco thank you mdm. Clerk. Colleagues ive read as im sure you have the confidential Attorney Client privilege document related to these three settlements. Colleagues, do either of you desire a close session on these matters . No. If not is the recommendation to send these items to the full board with a recommendation on item number seven as a Committee Report . I will make that motion the motion made by supervisor yee without objectionim sorry. Is there any Public Comment on items five through seven the litigation items that the clerk just read . Seeing none, we will close Public Comment [gavel] without objection will send items five through seven to the full board and item 7 as a Committee Report to be heard on tuesday, december 6. That will be the order. Mdm. Clerk please read item number one yes. Item number one is a ordinance amending the campaign and governmental conduct code Filing Requirements for the city. San Francisco Unified School District in Successor Agency to the redevelopment agency. Thank you. I assume we will hear from our department of Human Resources. This is actually brought to us by supervisor breed as well as from our Ethics Commission could supervisor breed thank you. So this legislation is just clerical legislation im sponsoring at a request by the City Attorneys office. Under state law the city is required to update its form 700 disclosure clarifications every two years and thats what this does. Updating job titles at a new Department Like the department of homelessness and Supportive Housing etc. With that all turned this over to our deputy City Attorney and do shin. Thank you for your work on this mr. Chen. I know this is not necessarily a glamorous thing to do but its important thing to do and again requires under state law and so it must be done. Thank you. Deputy City Attorney shen thank you president Reagan DeputyCity Attorney and you should get i realize its not glamorous which is probably why i was doing it. I want to make a thank a few different people you different garments for helping out with this team effort its quite a process. I truly want to thank all the departments providing responses to our inquiries about making a cleanup on updating changes to their sections of the code. Want to thank the clerk of the board especially racial [inaudible] was born in getting departmental forces and sold them i think department of human sources be fanatics commission and also representatives of various unions are presenting employees in this bill provided couple comments and feedback help shepherd this process along. Last but always certainly supervisor breeds office andjohnson looked out with this as well. So the supervisor breed already mentioned this was obviously a cleanup legislation updating job titles updating the addition of departments of the city. In addition to what you have before you in the committee packet since this has been introduced there has been additional feedback from various parts of the city and requests for future further amendment which are before you right now. Theto summarize these additional amendment responding to a request from the mta reedit members of the Parking Authority commission as form 700 filers. Even though the mta board sits at the Parking Authority its our preference to not remove those positions from the code altogether. Ive deleted the members of the Produce MarketCorporation Board of directors and executive director from the code. They were actually removed from the code altogether [cough] i needed to be changed in the cycle. I also needed to make some additional changes that dph had previously requested and needed to be reflected in the person before you. These are merely deleting positions. It sort of part of their effort to streamline their section of the code. Fourth, ive added a few positions to the Public Utilities commission that i initially missed adding when i was behind the legislation. These are the positions of industrial hygienist or safety analyst, Senior Administrative analyst, senior i industrial hygienist and i has engineered an fifth and last, i remove the Commission Secretary position for the retirement system. After further conversations with that departments and their general counsel, the Commission Secretary only performs ministerial and clerical duties. The body and we thought it was appropriate to remove without thats a summary of additional amendment that before the committee today. If the committee has any questions i can certainly try to answer them. Certainly, dhr ethics can weigh in as well. If that would be appropriate, to get thank you very much thank you, counsel. Ms. Pelham on behalf of the Ethics Commission and its department. Good morning commissioners. Supervisors good members of the department and the members of the public that our commission assisted a bit in the process is it primarily to help inform what we can employees and departments about the purpose of the form 700 the purpose of the Disclosure Requirements and how they are 17 state law they apply to employees and how important that is for public discourse. We have been working with departments and plan to continue to work with departments in the coming months as our Department Works towards broader public transparency about forms and the information required to be disclosed by Public Officials in the city and county of San Francisco. We have our planning in the coming months to work with departments to provide the information to guide their filers to help expand information also that people can comply easily and timely with the requirements under state law. We look forward to providing assistance Going Forward and providing answers might have for us this morning ms. Pelham its a minor sandy Ethics Commission department are attempting to move forward to allow all form 700 filers to other information accessible on the internet. Is that correct . Yes. The city enacted a regulation that apartment heads elected officials and members of the boards and commissions who currently are required to file form 700 under state law would file them online through a Online Technology so its easy for them to comply permits timely compliance and also provides the public with transcript about the information required to be disclosed. Our Commission Last year began some discussions to expand that citywide to all roughly 2700 filers. So that is a process that we have been working with departments and employee organizations to understand how to make the process work well. So we are planning to move forward in the coming year with the goal of enabling all Electronic Filing and Public Disclosure by the filing of april 1, 2018. Ms. Pelham over out of the universe of 2700 employees required to file, what is the subuniverse of individuals elected officials, commissioners, etc. , you have to file online . Currently, i believe theres over 500 did maybe between 5600 filers file online under the requirements of the law. This would extend it to all individuals are required based on the citys conflict of interest code been updated that pinning before you for the benefit of the public and for those watching, as to the 2100 or 2200 individuals who do not file online, how does somebody go about obtaining that form 700 information if youre interested in seeing it . Is dependent on departments. They are public files and public records of the member of the public has the right and opportunity to review that information on request. The departments are required to provide that upon requested but they are kept currently in paper format as i understand it departments. As to how each department retains those files is probably a question for each department. If they have employees that are not filing online. Which would be the bulk of their designated filers. How does the Ethics Commission in its staff determine that those 2100 or 2200 people dont file online are actually filing within those apartments . I dont think we have a good answer that. We dont right now. We would have to traditionally we had a complaint work reason to believe we can subtly inquire with the departments. Departments do report to us i believe its within 30 days after the filing to tell us whether or not their filers of five and a toast which filers not filed on time. I should say i should correct myself. Theres a report the providing to us but i do believe the detailed report of all those who filed by name. It would be a report of those who have not filed. So how do you or we know who the 2700 individuals are . How do we know who they are . I think right now by nature we know them by their working title. By name i think we dont have a complete list citywide thats easily transparent to the public. So somewhere mr. Chen or ms. Pelham there is a list that has always approximately 2700 individuals by name . No. Currently no such list exist but ill be a potential benefit moving to Electronic Filing system that they would gain visibility as ms. Pelham mentioned who is filing under specific positions with specific departments. Debbie a benefit moving to an electronic system. Then this is really a question for ms. Callahan but will keep you up here for another minute from our department of Human Resources, itthere seems to be a disconnect between the working titles that are set forth in the ordinance and the underlying job classifications. Soi wrote the Mayors Office of letter last evening which just documents before five they got it this time. I understand it might not be able to respond to the specific questions but we can continue at the government audit and Oversight Committee to visit around this issue. But the working titles are not actually job classifications. So for instance just to make up a title, deputy chief of staff, doesnt show up in the department of Human Resources as a position. It shows up maybe as a managers 0923. So there is no real way to determine that individual who has an name and has a working title is actually captured under dhrs classification system. That is correct. The practice is generally to use working titles and a believe that the state practice as well because thats what the public most readily identifies its employees to be. To their working title. It certainly the case job classifications are not used. Some justifications may not be filers. Others may. It really depends on the duties the individual performs which will what drives whats requiring somebody to be a form 700 filers and submit in a comic interest statement. As we look at our Online Filing system, our goal is to make it as easy as possible to connect the dots and put information together for the public. Our goal would be to have added a field that has a job classification number that should not be a hard act in my view. That something as we move towards Online Filing, i think our office would welcome having that additional piece of information thats easy for the public to understand what level classification employees are. But i think the working title for my expenses one most useful because it somebody most of the public identifies employees by. Rather than specific job classifications. Thank you ms. Pelham. Ms. Callahan could. Good morning supervise. Pres. Breed. Happy to answer any questions. You and i had an offline conversation earlier that sounds like there may be a way that you can true these two disparate things up and i wanted you to address the committee as to what you intend to do Going Forward. Yes. This is the question about how do we generate a list where you can the public and a late else can look at the chief of staff, let say or the policy chief of the department of Human Resources and milk that individual is and what the job class of patient is. It is easy for usthere are certain classifications everyone in them is required to file. Thats the easy one we can generate a list at the department of Human Resource good theyll be for Example Department head hundred and one in that classification is a filer. Theres also i think perhaps every building inspector must be a positive we dont have to do that i position. However our management classifications in particular are brought based management three as you say and we would need to reach out to departments hopefully with the assistance of the Ethics Commission to link goes up and have them report to create a database that says the chief of policy at dhr is the own 923 susan gard is not the 0923 as jenny white. Because the other one doesnt have to file and the policy one does have to file. Thats right is there some way the public to know that i would be very very helpful i think the Data Collection enterprise which i would need to sit down with my it and hr folks and figure out how we do that and we would probably need a little time. Again the easy ones once where everybody in a Certain Department in a certain class is a filer were everyone in the city is a filer, that we can do relatively rapidly and we are happy to run it probably do that today or tomorrow. The deeper dive particularly in the broadbased management classifications is quick to take period of time and read required cooperation of the permits who the individuals are with those titles it will be very helpful going for. This will be resolved when and if ms. Pelham pelham is able to get done this done april 1 22 but in the interim it be there in a teleconference of list on the internet where people can have an idea of who it is that they are asking for. What department they are in so that they can go to the City Attorneys office and ask for the City Attorneys particular form 700 if required to file. In the case of the board of supervisors, all of our legislative aides are required to file a form 700 but one of them may have a working title of chief of staff. But everybody in the classification has to file. I anticipate our labor partners made some questions about producing this publicly on the internet and we will be aching sure theyre aware of that. They may wish to weigh in as they have today. On both the question of Electronic Filing and on the question of why certain individuals are classified or asked to file. Understood. I dont want to butcher your last name. I just ask supervisor breed how to pronounce it. So we will for the First Time Ever get your last dime on the record. Thank you. Board liaison. Yes, thank you for having me here. Just as you mentioned i did just get this letter handed to me at 9 35 am. Reached out to our Human Resources director for the list of names that you requested and have not been able to speak with her directly but we are working to get that list and looking forward to working with you on this. Thank you so much. Are there any members of the public would like to testify on item number one . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] i believe we have some amendment in front of us. Is there a motion to move those amendment made by supervisor breed we will take those without objection. Colleagues and the one before this to the full board with a recommendation as a Committee Report for hearing on december 6. Without objection that will be the order [gavel] clerk please read item number two item number two a ordinance amending the campaign and governmental conduct Code Commission to file [inaudible] of charitable contributions thank you. Colleagues we heard this once before. Weve heard from the public some request to add 527 section 527 filers in other words independent expenditure filers and so i would like to make a motion and i just handed to my colleagues a hard copy on page 2 , to make two small changes. Line 3, to delete the words, excuse me a nonprofit, and insert the work, and. Then add add the word either on line 404 section 1 and add, or section 527, so the definition of charitable contribution shall mean any monetary or nonmonetary cultivation to a Government Agency but if i public or private Educational Institution as defined in section 203 of the california revenue and taxation code or an organization exempt from taxation under either section 501c or section 527 of the United StatesInternal Revenue code. I would like to move back amendment and then continue this item as required by the City Attorney to our next meeting and whether we open this up for Public Comment. Chairman peskin members of the committee on larry bush here we have a friends of ethics. We support the changes that the supervisor is proposing. With two additional things we would like to point out. One is that the threshold for reporting is 1000 but if youre asking people to make contributions to a candidate the candidate limit is 500. Therefore this would leave off the table while the behest requests for candidate contributions. In that case i think the threshold should be 400. We so we should capture those. Thats one point. Secondly, to make sure those behest and payments on a timely schedule since normally those forms are not filed until some period of time afterward. As if were talking about behest and payments that go to areas entities when a window is closing like a campaign is going to close, it should be on a 110 day cycle when they turn on just for any other contribution in the last 10 days. I would also like to just say personally, im a form 700 filer because im a member of the citizens bond Oversight Committee. I would think this would be a very helpful thing because otherwise i will hang out my shingle become a shakedown artist. Thank you. Thank you mr. Bush. Next speaker, please. Good morning supervisor. Debbie lerman from the San FranciscoHuman Services network. I just am here to again express our support for this Good Government legislation. Early in the process we raised some concerns about the dilemma this withoutcould have created for nonprofit fundraisers who also serve as commissioners and or raising money that they wouldve had to report in their day to day jobs. We work with supervisor peskins office or the past several months. We are thankful that our concerns were heard and we believe the final legislation is now limited in scope and has allayed all our concerns about this legislation get we are happy to support it. Thank you thank you. Any other members of the public alike to testify on this item good morning seeing none, becoming [gavel] b was supervisor breed thank you. I know we have a lengthy discussion about this legislation. The last time it was heard at gal and appreciate you making changes could also go look at it could i know little, before the committee and decide at that time. Again i want to just mostly express my concern for those folks who are associated with nonprofits in raising funds for nonprofits in that i dont want there to be extra layers of bureaucracy that get in the way of the ability of those individuals to raise funds that are much needed for these organizations. I dont also want to discourage good people from continuing to serve on commissions as a result of this legislation and saute amendment indefinitely take it into serious consideration consideration make appropriate amendment but so far it looks like you answered the call to make adjustments and i do appreciate that. Thank you. I want to thank my staff we have dinner for working with ms. Lerman and the regulated community with a potentially regulated community, to make revisions that they saw fit that are in keeping with the concerns that pres. Breed has expressed and without objection we will adopt those amendment and continue this item to the call of the chair within the intent of hearing it at our next meeting [gavel] mdm. Clerk please call the next item yes. Item number three resolution urging the San FranciscoEmployers Retirement system board to review executive compensation evaluating best practices on Salary Compensation and all the public hearing on the matter. Are there any members of the public would like to testify on item number three . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] continue this item to the call of the chair without objection. Mdm. Clerk please read item number four yes. Item number four is a hearing on the outcomes and recommendations from the workgroup to reenvision the jail replacement project requesting the department of Public HealthSheriffs Department and San Francisco taxpayers for Public Safety to reports good supervisor breed thank you chairman peskin. This hearing has been nearly a year in the making. For those of you not been following this issue this board unanimously passed a resolution at the beginning of this year against building a new jail. Instead of building a new jail it calls for alternatives to incarceration. Greater investment in Mental Health services and other rehabilitation programs. What we have before us is a seismically unsafe jail with hundreds of inmates and employees currently occupying its. We were faced with the question of whether or not to rebuild the jail and 80 million state grant. Some without hesitation thought of course we should use the money to rebuild the jail. Without truly understanding how jails have been impacting our communities for decades. Ultimately we can together and decided that the city could do better than that. I am glad that we did because we now have the opportunity to change the type of mass incarceration in San Francisco. The vicious cycle of homelessness and mentally ill individuals who unfortunately are disproportionately represented in our jails. Professionally, i take this issue very seriously. Prior to the final decision by staff and i visited each of the six jails and i kept a regular communication with Mental Health and i joke advocates. Supervisor kim and i told three different hearings on the proposed jail and alternatives to incarceration. When the board voted to apply for state funding last spring i made a motion to amend the resolution to specifically say that the board of supervisors shall retain authority to approve or disapprove the jail facility. But honestly this very personal to me. Ive seen way too many people in my Community Behind bars. My brother spent years in a 50 grind st. And sadly still doing time. Yes, when you walk through jail number three and especially jail number four at 850 grind you see they are not seismically safe and they have dilapidated boards, bad plumbing and there is something else. The inmates are clustered in large sales running down narrow hallways. Its an old design reminiscent as i said before of alcatraz in shawshank redemption. On any given afternoon many of the inmates are sleeping in their bunks by . Because theres nothing else for them to do. Theyre not learning any skills. The not receiving educational programs. Theyre not being exposed to the kinds of opportunities that will help them stay out of jail when they are released. The folks with Mental Health and Substance Abuse issues with her not receiving the kind of treatment would help them in any help them the kind that would view them as patients instead of visitors. We knew thatwe know that 850 grind needs to come down but more than a building we need to tear down the system of mass incarceration that it represents. Our homeless also vulnerable and mentally ill simply need services not jails. We know we have a severe Mental Health problems in San Francisco and sadly many environmentally ill residents and up excuse me many of our mentally ill residents on fourthly our homeless. Those who fall victim to the criminal Justice System and taking up beds at these facilities and sometimes mentally ill individuals were booked into the jail system cannot stand trial due to their mental state and as a result they often end up staying in our jails longer than they should. The city doesnt have enough psych beds and lock facilities at General Hospital so they dont have anywhere else to go. Today we will learn how much of that population is actually represented in jail number three and four. We also know that two thirds of our jail population are people of color. An initial look at the working group status shows that African Americans make up the Largest Group of individuals in our jail population and have longer stays than any other loop. By and large, the majority of africanamericans were booked into our jail system state anywhere between 25 years. At one of these working Group Meetings excuse me today im looking forward to seeing how many people of color make up our jail population and how longer stays are and why. We need to invest in access, education and the workforce and housing. Jill has and never will be and answer to a systemic issue our city faces around Mental Health homelessness and violence. Instead of building a new jail the resolution we passed in january also asks the city to convene a working group comprised of the department of Public Health director Barbara Garcia and sheriff elected Vicki Hennessy and not mentioned in the resolution but has taken on a cochairmans ship on a volunteer basis is been missed roma guy. These three women have done an amazing job working together to try and look at the data, look at the information and come up with alternatives, working with a group of almost 50 individuals. To come up with an alternative to building the proposed 384 bed jail next to the hall of justice. Bringing together a variety of criminal justice and mental experts through the city and community the workgroup was tasked with developing a plan for a permanent closure of county jails three and four. By doing by identifying strategies for reducing the jail population including alternatives to incarceration and other programs and policies could identify humane investments in Behavioral Health programs are those that may otherwise find themselves incarcerated. Review the current state of the cities facilities and i did by what new facilities or facility or facilities, are needed and seek to maintain San Franciscos eligibility to you state financing to fund the construction or renovation of these facilities. Today im looking forward to hearing the outcome from this working group. I know this is not been an easy process. It has been tons of hours and hard work and collaboration between departments a diverse and passionate troop of advocates the stakeholders. People will come to the table and volunteered countless hours and i want to thank everyone for taking the time to provide input and support in this very important issue. Many, i think are probably here today. I also want to say thanks as i said before the amazing cochairs welcome to the table time and time again to work on this issue. And keeping this process open and transparent and fair. Thank you for getting creative with us providing alternatives we know that its hard work that we know there are still much to do. We are truly invested in this process and i think that if anyone is going to come up with alternatives then its going to be San Francisco. With that i want to open the floor of good sheriff hennessey is here today. She will be leaving the presentation. I know that we will he hearing from a number of individuals, including Kyle Peterson with the Comptrollers OfficeBarbara Garcia director of the department of Public Health and roma guy and with that alternate over to sheriff hennessey. Thank you for being here today good morning sheriff hennessey. Good morning. Would you like me to go ahead . It sound like you were going to say more supervisor peskin it all go ahead and begin. Good morning supervisors breed peskin and trade ugly facilitating todays presentation which is a high level overview of the project background and workgroup process including some key learning and next steps. This will include a summary of the framework and message that is used to compose the goals of the board of supervisors resolution and also to describe the prioritize nation and strategies put forth along the approach and results could you each have a packet of the full results. Im going to begin the presentation today and ask for help from Kyle Patterson of the Comptrollers Office to present the data used in my culture the director of Public HealthBarbara Garcia and Community Member roma god was present their priorities as i will end with presenting priorities that are my priorities. We are starting with the background and work process and workgroup. Im not when to read the resolution. But the resolution was urging the director of department of public of sheriff to convene a working group. As you have stated, supervisor agreed, we are the cochairs. Myself, Barbara Garcia and roma guy. The workgroup was comprised of 37 members from the city and community. Community represents included sectors including formally incarcerated, youth, criminal Justice Reform advocates, homeless Mental Health and Community Members and others. The workgroup was formed in response to the resolution. Under the direction of the three cochairs, to demonstrate a commitment to Community Involvement in the solutions. The legislation i divide two of the three department of Public Health and the Sheriffs Department, and as supervisors breed mention the Third Committee chair was added to reinforce the community to Community Involvement. Thank you supervisor breed. Ricky in selecting members to ensure the group reflected the intent of the resolution to bring together a variety of criminal justice Mental Health community and city experts. In working on this difficult and complicated problem. I also want to acknowledge the work of our facilitator cheryl mckee and associates. She and her team are essential in framing the goals leading the meetings and guiding the results. The 37 member workgroup from the city and community attended and participated in the eightmonth workGroup Meetings. 20 saddam is attended the meetings consistently and participated in the final prioritize nation process. The names and organizations are listed in your appendix in the handout. I also want to really think of Community Members. They are not Public Employees could they are not paid to come to these meetings but they came to these meetings and they were dedicated and i really appreciate your input and i learned a lot from them. So when we began our first meeting we set aside besides the resolution, we put forward Guiding Principles could those Guiding Principles were to address Racial Disparities in the criminal Justice System. Support the work of communitybased organizations. Provide more common informed approaches and to avoid or minimize contact with Law Enforcement by using more alternatives. And to promote trust in the community by removing lawenforcement from managing or staffing certain services. Early on in the worker process became evident the workGroup Members want to frame recommendations around these principles. The workgroup was unique in itself was a college and immediately goals of the resolution. It was the first public and city process to consider reduction of the jail population and permanent closure of the seismically unsafe county jail. It brought together a Diverse Group of stakeholders engage in respectful and productive dialogue around the criminal Justice System. Provided opportunities to cleese collaboration and cooperation between City Department involved in the criminal Justice System. Multiple methods were used during this process. They included sequential intercept model which we spent you in greater depth in a few more minutes. Workgroup member interviews. Issue briefs. Creation of art intercepts 051 together sequential intercept model. Facility options, data were reviewed, small group discussion, sheriff and Behavioral Health data analysis, as well as bad day and houses. Which will also be described in more detail. Many of the strategies are already in some form of development or implementation by different departments in the city. But before i do that, because these are the wrong notes come up going to go to the next steps. The next steps are that the cochairs are required by the legislation to submit a written report to the board of supervisors on the workgroups efforts and recommendations by march 31, 2017. So what you will see today is more of a high level heres where we are now. Its not the final reports. The department assess the feasibility of implementing the reports recommendations that will help in the next reported croissant, thomas, reduction estimates and programmatic feasibility. The city wellestablished target date for permanent closure of county jails three and four. We hope to do that. The city will continue to focus on identifying and assessing existing efforts programs and strategies in the cochairs have all three of us, have agreed to ensure ongoing communication and collaboration with the group workGroup Members. Become Comptrollers Office analyzed 11 actions from the synthesis of workgroups recommend to provided on the degrees to which these actions could impact the jail population. We worked very hard at the workgroup to try and figure out all this out. You will see in your second hound of the results of the analysis. Many of the recommendations however not precise enough in their current form to a valuate for impact. Also became very clear early on that the city and the col. Justice system as a whole does not have the Data Availability that we need in order to make informed decisions on many issues. One of the ways in which reduction estimates could be formulated is through a more rigorous case review than the workgroup had time to complete. The development of metrics to measure expected success. Example 1 target might be reduction of average daily population by x percent by 2018 or 2020. The framework and the methods. So the workgroup agreed to use the sequential intercept model. As the conceptual framework for organizing formulating the workgroup recommendation this framework is used by communities when considering how to prevent individuals from entering the criminal Justice System were becoming more deeply involved in the system. When considering how to decriminalize serious Mental Illness. It visualizes a series of intercept points at which an intervention to me major diverse individuals from the criminal Justice System. It is a simplified visual the criminal Justice System that gives an overview of the process from initial contact with Law Enforcement to disposition Community Reentry and beyond. We added an interest of zero that was prevention efforts to keep people from entering the criminal Justice System to begin with. So the goals and purpose were to illustrate a sequenced intervention points along with the criminal justice continue developing, and to provide a framework to id. I strands strengths gaps and formally recommendations. This model served as the basis for our issue briefs. For each intercept were. It was not intended to be a conference of process map of the criminal Justice System but rather just a framework to a discussion of how we can intervene to reduce the jail population so we can close the hall of justice jails. Some of the main things we all learned it provided a clear understanding of various jail sub populations such as the severely mentally ill and strategies to reduce inappropriate criminal justice involvement. We also learned while 40 of prisoners access jail being a girl Health Services individuals with severe Mental Illness account 4714 of the San Francisco jail population. Which is consistent with the national averages. Mental Health Interventions alone will not reduce the jail populations sufficiently to enable permanent closure of county jails three and four. Upstream interventions, we are talking about zero, on the zero level, zero intercept model, will help to reduce inmates and create stronger exits. Implement team and tracking strategies designed to reduce the jail population required also requires strong Data Collection and analysis. This is an over arching theme of this process. In my mind. Being able to have the data to produce the data to analyze it and use it to make effective decisions. An analysis of bed days ride a useful framework for understanding how to focus interventions to reduce the jail population sufficiently to permit the close county jail three and four. Ive asked Kyle Patterson to describe some of these calculations and findings that we were assisted by the Comptrollers Office. Kyle. Good morning supervisors breed peskin and drink my name is Kyle Patterson project manager the Comptrollers Office to our office write it in a little little support throughout the process something to briefly present some findings from our work. As you are aware the workgroup was tasked with recommending interventions that would reduce the jail population sufficiently to allow the city to close county jails three and four without needing to build her placement facility. There really begs the question by how much do we need to reduce the jail population to achieve that goal. Thats what this bad day and houses answer. We found that the gap between the actual average daily population in jail right now the jail capacity if we close county jails three and four is two and 28 people per day. The two women 20 number is a little bit misleading. It doesnt mean we only need to divert to an 20 people from the joe population to achieve that goal. We need to reduce joe population by 228 people each day. We think a much better metric for that reduction target is bed days. What is a good day . Is one person is in jail for a week they come for seven bed days. We think that days are much better metric because they people are in jail for different periods of time and that impacts theira place of their impact on the jail population somebody in jail for one year is a much larger impact on the joe population that person whos in jail for a couple of weeks were couple of days. The bad day metric reflects that. The key take away here is that in or to meet that goal of closing, joe three and four outbuilding or placement facility need to reduce jail published by 82,002 and 20 bed days. I should note this analysis with done in july of this year the joe population was lower than it is now. The average daily population was 1292 the first half of 2016. The average population in novembers actually 1003 and 74. This 83,000 figures probably an underestimate the reduction needed. Kyle, do you have this may not be the Property Question for you but any reason why the census has gone up . Its really hard to say. Theres ongoing trend spirit when we jitter jail population forecast a year and half ago we saw wouldve been going on for a while was at the jail population had been declining that are plateaued around 2013 or so and except for the passage of proposition 47 it are plateaued around that level and started to increasing and we have not done analysis on the joe population since it started that climb back upward. Are they could be as little bit of a bounce back from proposition 47 were immediately after its passage we saw the joe population dropped by over 100 people and gone back up since then. Ive heard people speculate but i dont have that data to support or refute this of the increasing number of Police Officers on the street they be part of a role in that but i cant say with certainty. Thank you. So my next slide list rates a little bit better white bed days is a better metric than number of people. Just to describe the chart bridge would you be orange squares represent the incarcerated individual to the length of stay in jail the blue columns present the sheriffs bed days by windows state in jail really the take away here is that those prisoners are in jail for relatively short periods of time but a minority of prisoners with long season jail have by far the largest impact on bad days. If you look at the two columns on the left inside you see that 52 of prisoners are jail for five days or less. They come for only 1 of bed days. The other hand if you look at the three columns on the right side we see that 6 of prisoners are in jail for greater than a year they count for 59 of all bed days. A small number of folks play big role in bed days. What this really means is that in order to reduce the jail population we either need to focus interventions are a lot of people with short length of stay or few people with long length of stay. On my next slide is whats called a heat map. This is all folks in jail in 2015. The rows represent the race and ethnicity of those intervals and the columns present the length of stay category. Again similar to the last chart. The cells within the table show the number of bed days accounted for by those folks. So if you look at the top left of the chart we see africanamerican prisoners accounted for three of the 31 bed days excuse me africanamerican prisoners who arent jail for one day or less a cover three and 30 bed days it was clear from this heat map theres significant Racial Disparities in bed day service. Africanamerican prisoners account for 53 of bed days. But only 6 of the city population is africanamerican cant wait prisoners account for 21 of bed days and 49 of the population is panicked prisoners account for 15 of bed days and 50 of San Francisco population is hispanic going to the 20 . 10. One note, you can compare directly the numbers in this heat map with that 83,000 and a total that is because this analysis that inmates only in 2015 but there stays before 2015 after 2015. Its not quite a direct comparison. That completes my presentation of our findings. If theres any questions ill pass it back to sheriff hennessey. Thank you, carl. Mdm. Sheriff that brings us to our prioritized strategies. The strategies i workthese are summaries. We will please ask you to see the handout for the final list of strategies and the results of the workgroups final priority prosecute the final list of recommendations represents a synthesis of all the ideas that came from the workgroup interviews smallgroup discussions issue presented cochairs. You will see in your handout recommendations are broken down as follows strategy categories for Capital Investments from actions, the city and county rescue fund to great new facilities for people otherwise housed in jail three and four. Their seat bill six Capital Investments with 14 actions noted. The second category is services and programs. Those are actions that may require city to invest new or expanded programs and services to reduce the jail population. That includes seven different strategies with 36 different actions. Those are the most. Finally we have the policy. Actions require local or state policy legal reform. There are certain strategies with 22 different actions. So i am going to ask now that Barbara Garciaim sorry. Wait a minute. Okay. Sorry about that. My notes are incorrect. So i did want to talk about the fact that were already moving forward. We are working on lead Law Enforcement assisted diversion implementation program. We now have the opportunity to have a grant for lead. Its my understanding of the prominent publichealth ob leading that cause. Thats a zero intercept model. Instituting the crisis Prevention Response Team training project at their statewide bail reform going on. A lawsuit and i think most of us know about that. We need to improve data sharing among criminal justice agencies through justice. Related efforts include the San FranciscoPolice DepartmentReform Initiative based on the department of justice recommendations, civil grand jury clinicians and District Attorneys blue panel ribbon panel. The Burns Institute recommendations on racial and ethnic disparities analysis, the use of Arnold FoundationPublic SafetyRisk Assessment tool by pretrial services, the department of homelessness and Supportive Housing, are also working with and local implementation of the white house Data Driven Initiative [inaudible] who cannot pay bail. Thats the National Initiative being implement it locally led by the mayors chief data officer working in concert with City Departments. There are 67 jurisdictions nationally participating local implementation could San Francisco is one of those good so at this moment, now is the time for director Barbara Garcia. Ms. Garcia, good morning. Good morning supervised. Barbara cossette director of health. I really would like to thank the jury present reed for all ominous to take this leadership role and also to thank my cochairs. I think we were a great trio of three group 3 individuals we would representing i think a vast Community Groups. Also to think the Comptrollers Office did i think they provide us some incredible support during this process. In our task force members. They were incredibly committed. Very passionate and i think that provided us some expertise we probably would not have had just by doing it just ourselves. I also want of knowledge show mcgee for harder and harder facility. She had a very hard job of keeping us all on task and on time. So i just want to send a little bit of time thinking all of the people who were a part of this process. The department of public of has been invested significant Behavioral Health treatments over the last many years could as we identified in this process, and you acknowledge that there is additional Behavioral Health interventions and support that is needed. We currently have approximately 1900. Health beds available that represent both Substance Abuse and Mental Health. Some of those are block facilities, site beds, Community Beds as well. We provide about 25,000 services25,000 services to 25,000 clients in our Behavioral Health system. 10 also lead contact in the jail in the same fiscal year and about 20 reported to have some history in the criminal Justice System. We do acknowledge that we are obligated and also have a goal to reduce and illuminate wait time for behavioral Health Services for those in jail. Present reedbreed for president breed [inaudible] fermenting health treatment. So we are already making some investments. Presently we are in the process that funded and will be funding these 55 of the 102 beds weve identified for future potential growth. 15 beds at hummingbird place their Behavioral HealthCenter Located at the zuckerberg hospital. We will start that process beginning in july. We are in the process and negotiating a facility at mount zion with uc. For an additional 40 beds about a fido dollar investment the department will invest in. Focused on those in jail that need a locked facility to come back out. Then we also have a plan thats in the future to explore the 47 bed dual diagnosis at the Behavioral Health center once were able to move the facility that is there now into the old Hospital Building and we got those capital dollars to do that is part of the bond in 2016. We also identified that we do need to improve the utilization of our Conservatorship Program which does provide the opportunity for people to do get treatment and it does help address needs of the severely mentally ill population that we will be working with the courts and we also a Pilot Program with that. We did a about a year ago we provided an assessment within the jail to look at the improvement of our behavioral Health Services within the jail. We are working on that corrective action plan to ensure that we improve our behavioral Health Services within the jail. As identified already by our sheriff, although these Behavioral Health interventions are i think committed to and also necessary because some provide sufficient access for the closure of the county jails three and four. I want to know to the fact that we do have the potential in the next several years to bring in about 11 million from the state. We talked about the lieberman get its about a 5 billion investment. We will look at Law Enforcement by version and also the potential top 47 that provide additional 6 million for a fiveyear program. So within that we could see an additional 11 million thats on the intercept try to keep people out of jail and divert them away from the jails facility and also to support a criminal justice partners in the services trying to provide today and for the future. So thats the end of my presentation. Im open to any questions you have. Supervisor breed thank you ms. Garcia for being here today. One of the things that i discussed with our outgoing state sen. Mark leno was just looking at how state funds are allocated. Specifically, there has been sufficient opportunity to apply for grants or jails. Thats been unfortunately consistent but never for facilities or that are Mental Health institutions or something that would provide renovation for example with what were doing as it relates to the bond that we passed earlier this year for renovation to our San Francisco general old hospital for these 47 additional beds. I was wondering, because one of the things i talked to sen. Leno about was how do we change the conversation in sacramento. How do we change the allocation of resources for what we know is a issue, not only in San Francisco but throughout the state. And how do we really change the opportunity for funding for counties so that we can direct funding to that uses that we need rather than what they think we need to so that has been i know he had been working on in trying to come up with a creative solution on the state level so that these funds could be properly allocated for this particular resource. I just wanted to know the conversations that your office has had on the state level and the impact you provided in order to hopefully advocate and get them to change the conversation so that we can add additional state dollars. You mentioned 11 million in state funding. 89 and 11 million are huge friends. 80 million for assistance with other renovation or facilities or what have you could make a huge difference in comparison. So just wondering what your thoughts are on that and how can we continue to work with our state leaders and others to try and change the conversation with the data in the things were pulling together here in San Francisco . Thank you supervisor breed. Weve had some of those covers a particular your honor proposition 63 the mentalhealth service act. In fact those dollars now are being moved towards a project called no place like home in which are homeless and Housing Department will be focused on which there will be funding for additional housing because ultimately, when somebody goes from a Treatment Program they need to have a home as well. Thats part of that. What ive watched in some of our courts is that those who have homes to go back to do so much better in our treatment process because a Treatment Program can only be 36 months versus having people to have those homes. Theres also and we will explore more this with you ask supervisor a [inaudible] but does allow for programming that you saw the new building being placed at mission and then asked to hr 360 but thats a [inaudible] program which they help them build that facility as well. So there are opportunities at the state but i do think that the potential of looking at 11 million they might be able to at least have a facility within your they Harm Reduction center that could potentially be open with some of those dollars. And so we could potential you some of the statefunded dollars for onetime costs. Particularly because of the fact these dollars particularly on the leeds side or some of the others are only for a period of time onetime costs can be supported for capital and then at least we have an additional facility depending on the federal transition of medical whether or not we could continue to support those who havent. But we will work with your office in a those others try to look at how we can provide support additional capital. Just to note in the 2016 bond we also provided 30 million for thehealth center to build a new building contiguous with our existing building that we focus on Mental Services as well so the other question, isnt there additional capacity for more Mental Health beds at the old San Francisco general . Yes. Thats what we would be doing with a 47 thats good yes but [inaudible] presently, not. The way we printed out to the bond was to it was a seismic safety process to move our staff from our existing site buildings into either that will become an Outpatient Program in the first six floors of the clinic presently sitting in seismically unsafe buildings. So we do have the opportunity once those buildingsonce we move out of those buildings to continue to look at the campus and that is the projected 10 year commitment we have is to look at our campus and as we move people into seismically safer facilities they will have an effect of having facilities right on our campus because we look at those kinds of disorders in the future. So theres a potential as welcome will move the 47 beds there and then the 40 beds into the hospital bond process. That will open up an additional 47 beds in our Behavioral Health center so last two questions. Are there specifically to continuously the requirements around Mental Health beds and medicare versus medicaid and what the limitations are there . You know to to to the historical issues that have impacted mentally into individuals tragically with large institutional [inaudible] the federal government made commitment we would not provide medical for beds over 15 beds. We have to have aso many of our programs have 15 beds and they can build medical. We have facilities in the Substance Abuse side and as we we just received the waiver for Substance Abuse of medical that allowed because there so many existing programs like hr 360 that have 100 beds, but did allow for Substance Abuse beds to be more than 15 beds before medical can be drawn down from. So there is limitations on that. But as an example in theMental Health beds that we were using all general funds for that. Because thats human way we can bill for some services we cannot bill for the state that they have and that the soviet weve invest a lot of our own general funds to be able to fill that gap of not being able to provide medical drawdown okay. The last question i have is regarding private hospitals. For example, cmpc when i first became a member of the board there were members of this board working on Community Benefits civic specifically for the project that took place on van ness avenue. There were a number of commitments made. There was a money for Job Opportunities and job training and placement. There was money for clinics and for support and for internships. It was just a laundry list of things provided and specifically, i guess, when you look at hospitals and their relationship with the city, private hospitals, and i note there is a certain level of contributions or Community Benefits that they provide and support the city, do you know how the percentage wise or any of these hospitals that specifically stand out as a leader in providing support around Mental Healthan example includes i know that for some challenges with some of our mentally ill patients, often times the San FranciscoFire Department who picks up some and maybe whos had an incident or episode were issued often times there taken directly to acting Dignity Health campus on i forget what streak i think that is bush street. So just try to understand what their relationships are. Can we develop a better relationship and get them to do more in assisting us in providing these resources for some of the patients that they support in this regard . Thats a great question supervisor. Several things. One is that we are the lead organization for the state to provide for the severely mentally ill. We do a conduct in provider contract to st. Francis for some additional psych beds. They provide i think a very good service for us there and thats why somebody fire trucks would take people to st. Francis. The hospital counsel has just developed a task force looking at this same issue Mental Health issues in the city and are developing a task force would represent is from the hospitals, all the hospitals to look at this very question. So we are hoping we can influence that one of the questions up at to the hospital counsel is that could they really focus their Charitable Care requirements to the Mental Health issue so that they can support some of our efforts. In this conversation i said about the 40 beds thats in a collaboration with ucsf at mount zion. We do some efforts going on with them this task force, another task force, but really focus with hospital counsel is really focused on this as well. The issue regarding the hospitals is that the fact that they all should have Mental Health services as part of their networks. Its a requirement as far as parity but we are responsible for those with severe mental bonus. Thats why we contracted with st. Francis. We are having conversations with the Mayors Office along with dignity to help them try to figure out how to expand their Psychiatric Services because we do have a psychiatrist. We have a basically its very difficult to good psychiatrist in the area. So we are working with them with ucsf to open develop their psychiatric Teaching Program to see if we can bring more psychiatrist to San Francisco for providing care within our system. So we are having difficulty in that market area of really providing the recruitment process for psychiatrist. So are working with dignity to improve their ability to provide those services as well i know i said i was my last question but one more thing. The other concernill come back to it. Yes, i will come back to it okay did you have any comments . Okay, thanks i am now going to introduce roma g die. Good morning ms. Dyke thank you very much. Roma died. Taxpayers for Public Safety in this role culture of the Jail Replacement Work Group. So in continuation of what has artie been presented i want to more than ditto everything about why Jail Replacement Work Group is really forging a new framework on how we can do problemsolving related to inappropriate incarceration and faster exits by, one, collaboration within the criminal Justice System and this is not just about the jail could this not the whole criminal Justice System. So we really think the criminal justin for coming together in this workgroup. This is a new thing. We really thank the board of supervisors under the leadership of supervisor and president breed but everyone on the board of supervisors. Struggled with this and if were going to carve a new path when criminal justice and inappropriate of course ration because any incarceration is helpfuleveryone agrees to thatthe other part of jail and placement workgroup is a new framework and the new forging ahead is that not only Community Groups were asked to participate like myself, which is like seemingly outlandish but seems to be productive in this case, it also invited new partners in the problem solving Like Department of Public Health. To the credit especially the sheriff, but also the department of Public Health, you are now beginning to see recommendations that could be helpful in Digging Deeper with data but also bringing in qualitative data. For example, related to women. We are in the process of developing nineits going on right nownine focus groups around the related to the women in jail. That will be qualitative know hopefully be reported to you in terms of whether recommendations are. We also had a sub group of the workgroup. They focused on women in the jail. The whole thing about women, for example come if you talk about a bias, people dont Pay Attention to the women as they only represent 10 of the population and they take up fewer bed days. Hello . Why are we making them invisible . We need to problem solve it. Like anyone else. Same thing for the transgender population. So we think this is really a breakthrough and we need to continue it at the Comptrollers Office always reports to you that there are three main drivers to incarceration. One, demographics. Two, National State and local trends. For example, the election of mr. Bush has already challengedmr. Bush [laughing] i shouldve said mr. Trump was a reincarnation of pres. Nixon but i do not say it that way. At any rate, sorry about thatmy biases coming through. So demographics as we see currently, already,. Secondly, policy which you see the workgroup was focused on and also national trends, policy, and demographics. Now what i and taxpayers would like to present to you is that there is another driver of incarceration and the fact is that the incarceration purpose was to isolate incarceration from the general population and they have been isolated. So we dont have overview and we dont have sharp questions to ask jill population is definitely isolated for punishment and direction reasons within the jail. The framework that you have brought forth is to bring the criminal Justice System into the public arena among not just for budget process, not just for protest, not just when scandals show up, but this gave an overview of how we want to change and proof on incarceration. So that is the depth of the thank you that we give you our vote of 110 in the leadership of this board of supervisors. It does involve risk and it does involve time. So one of the points that dir. Garcia made was that if you look at Mental Health today without digging further this will not resolve the question of permanently closing three and four. The other question on a qualitative level is what supervisor and president breed referred to, is we do need to illuminate Racial Disparities as you said president breed. 50 of the jail operation for come over 50 of the jill population in the last 40 years, no matter who is mayor, board of supervisors, provider, etc. Is over 50 africanamerican. Then when they were 12 of the population nevermind six or three. This is unconscionable and unacceptable. The same thing is true for other people of color and next most Significant Group we had to focus in on our immigrants and undocumented immigrants. I know we have to deal with that on a lot of levels. So we asked to stay on top of that. Ask accountable questions as we come forth with our reports. When we go to the Health Commission when we go to the Police Commission and when we try to struggle for a better overview. We also need to bring in the youth guidance of four. I think was a mistake not to invite them to the jail replacement worker and we need they need to be included. We were over focused on a category of socalled adults but that was inadequate and as we look forward to the future we hope that we can bring them in. Sorry to interrupt you are using that because about 160 bed facility is probably two thirds thankfully vacant . Yes. Yes i mean there are 60 youth there at wide easy that we build for 150. Its great that we dont have 150 could they did something very important that we need to learn from. But then when you go to 18 there in the adult copulation without focus their. We need to Pay Attention they need to be partners in that transition. Others, too but i think we are saying they need to be there. Does that make sense because this guy, one other question. Do you know what is anyone here know what the numbers are for use authority as relates to San Francisco residence as well as Log Cabin Ranch . I dont but maybe some of the allstars. Okay. Clearly we need to make sure there at the table. Thank you we could do a presentation i think at the Youth Mission so they are very aware of this and they were in the workgroup but stuff we have to really focus in and we have not yet. As your question addresses. We should know this. So also in june you supported the development of the department of homelessness and Supportive Housing and is other cochairs and others would indicate we need to bring them in and Department Heads are already working with that agency and a that will make a difference. Especially on the assumption that we dont know the answer we dont know specifically but we should when we dig into more data, that peak of frequency and recidivism of people that stay in jail, 63 stay in jail seven days or less. While that does not take it as a bed days we need to focus in. It needs to be a bothand not an either or. That is our position. The other example that we need that we think to focus and is this really successful model here in San Francisco of the partnership of the city, the mayor and the board of supervisors with the veterans who are cj five. The veterans themselves of the navigating a want to be grouped together and finally that happen. In the last several years in cjfive the part where they were practically empty. Why . Because we invested in what we need to do. We had a solid competent accountable Nonprofit Organization swords to plowshares that understood the gestalt if you wish as well as the numbers of the population and this is a credit to the sheriff of the current sheriff in the previous two shares that this happened. We need to do more of that and explore now the sheriffs exploring the idea of doing it with the older population of 55 and above and if you will see if you look at the age charts, that could be helpful. We might be able to do that with women. So we think thats the way to go. Really the collaboration that this workgroup has developed really needs to be sustained. We dont necessarily have the answers how but we think you all should reflect on that and hopefully in the next report we will have some better ideas. One way to frame it might be that if we need to reduced activation by 120,000 beds that we frame it like the frame other wisdom that we learned in the Community Like getting to zero. Maybe and 35 years we can get to zero on alternatives and not going for a jail right now and say, we want to get to zero with alternatives in the next 35 years on reducing the population 120 thousand beds spews bed days bed days. Excuse me you got it. You got a. Thank you. I guess i dont do it for pedestrian safety, we do it for homeless families. Its a way to focus in on hold everyone accountable. I like to ask you to do that. The last point i want to make is this been a lot of controversy on whats called sometimes the das proposal with the Behavioral HealthJustice Center concept. Like the workgroup concepts, these two ideas unfortunately got presented in a polarized way. Since the hearing many of us have met withweve all met together and we do agree we need to work in a nonpolarized way because we all have the same assessment. We just came to a different concept. So the workgroup concepts is goes to residential treatment, goes to providing the housing, the da, and the researchers and the writers came up with a four story but maybe it will be a fourstory building but we recommend deeper assessment on this which we are prepared to do and at least now our promises publicly, that we dont have to be competitive or hostile about it when he to sit down and problem solve and respect we are we all going since we all want to go to the same place which is to reduce inappropriate incarceration. So, thank you ms. Guy, just a factual detail and come harkens back to a year ago next week. On december 8, 2015 day our americas it was my first Board Meeting in seven years, thank you for running thanks for having me. At that we are busy know the results of that hearing and we know somebody ramifications of the unanimous decision that the board made their first lead anderson provides a breeds initiative the working group but at that time and this is an interesting little factoid i dont lose sight of as you touch on the Behavioral Health facility is that we needed at the time as we were either going to accept or not accept this 80 million from the state to show that we had absolute site control within 90 days of the site there near the hall of justice with mcdonalds is good to my knowledge, to this day, a year later we still do not i should site control. I believe we have a deal with two of the three property owners. I just need to say that on the record because had the board of supervisors voted a different weight we still wouldve not actually got that 80 million this year we are a year later and we still dont have control of that entire site. I just want to remind everybody of that the record. Well you know i deeply appreciate that. We need to work on that. Its not relevant to my comments today, but taxpayers for Public Safety is definitely interested and that property to do a building for everyone in the hall of Justice Works for criminal justice to move out of their because it is not a safe place. That is a true fact. I just want to drill down on one thing. I dont know, roma, if youre the right person to talk to about it. Maybe in the round of ms. Garcia and sheriff hennessey, but as to the number 714 of the jail population having severe Mental Illness how did we arrive at that number . How good is that number . How many individuals are what percentage of the population has can be classified as having other less severe Mental Health issues . Do we rely on outside thirdparty experts . Was that an internal assessment . That when people come into the jail nurse asked by jill Mental Health or how does that work . 100 of our interviews coming into the jail are assessed biomedical area. Then they are referred to our psychiatric area as needed to be seen. But i do want to have in the severely mentally ill is based on diagnosis is. Based on medical evaluation. So those with schizophrenia, bipolar would be considered part of the severely mentally ill population. But to be in jail i do one organize thats a traumatic event doesnt Mental Health consequences or individuals. Thats with a 40 of the population coming in to seek rental Health Services. But are not considered mentally ill in terms of those diagnoses is. So we consider the fact that individuals come into jail is a traumatic event and those individualsthese are the ways of medical deals with that and also our whole medical area of how we identify severely mentally ill. But i just want to it knowledge the fact that 40 of the end of those juicy got our services and our need of support from our Mental Health providers. Thats an area im working with the sheriff on to look at and assess that need within the jail and ensure that those individuals who Continuation Services once they we jail as well. Sitting on the side of the rail we seen so many different numbers both in the press and by various officials and professionals. 30 , 70 now 714 which are apparently with consistent with the national im giving it to you as partwe are response will for that as far as were concerned it can change on a daily basis as an example supervisor, the state has made a decision theres no more room at our state and napa and they are referring those clients back into the jail in our system. We believe we could be audible not even touched the system. Then you have a group of people being sent from the State Facility for local facility because that could also show the increase in Mental Health status of the individuals coming in. We are the Health Department we manage those certificate it was a consular report picking up previously that showed 40 . That 40 is what i just discussed which is those who seek mental Services Within the jail. So its just a variety. The way we diagnose individuals the severely mentally ill and those who did seek Mental Health services for other needs that they have. Again being part of the jail system is a dramatic event for individuals we want to continue to provide their care. You talked about the citys ability to continue to followup with the individuals after they exited the system. How well do we perform at that . I think we continue to improve that area as the reentry area within the jail. We work closely with the jail staff along with dph staff and thats the area for corrective improvement that weve identified the assessment we done internally in the jugular we also want to improve our psychiatric Services Within the joe. I spoke about the fact we do have a hard time keeping psychiatrist and identifying those and so we are also working on how to improve both services as well. So we are very committed to that and just to note that those who are incarcerated, we have no ability to build medical for them. So that is all general fund and we spent about 30 million between, a year, between art medical and Psychiatric Services. If they were the hospital we could build . Once they get into the hospital we can build and is an area we been working on on the children side. We still not broken that process at the state level for those who seek Services Within the hospital so relative to the 102 beds you mentioned without 47 block beds, those could become the impersonal beds . Those will not be reimbursable. Some of the Psychiatric Services available by the doctors themselves. Due to the state requirement that facilities only be 15 beds we are not able to build medical. That 40 bits will be paying 5 million of general funds and of our own budget the state required for 15 or less beds iswas the policy rationale behind that . Thats what i based on previously said. The fact that the used oracle institutionalization of mentally ill and this is when our previous reagan era in which he open up all those hospitals and then we did not do the Backend Service of building more facilities to provide for that and were still catching up with that issue what happened then. So in order to protect the mentally ill population from being institutionalized in large facilities thats one of the ways they controlled it by reducing the amount of dollars we can draw down from the federal government ms. God mentioned nixon and bush and trump now we have gov. Reagan were going through the whole scenario. There is potential when the concerns i know all of us have concerns about the future transition of the new president ial transition. Theres lots of talk about the medical issue and we are watching that very closely because i can have a great impact on us in the near future regarding our ability to continue to build medical. We believe much of that could be pushed on to the state as a Cost Shifting so that the percentage that we pay would be higher at the state level. So we will be watching very closely. As far as im concerned the official percentage that i have given, we are the provider for Mental Health and that is what the percentage that we have seen. Thank you ms. Garza get supervisor breed spews like to go back to supervisor breed other two back in your presentation ms. Garcia where you talk about the Conservatorship Program. I know trying to make that more efficient has a lot to do with avoiding incarceration of the individuals that we are trying to potentially conserve in order to provide Mental Health support rrather than incarceration. Can you tell us a look at more about how you plan to explore that and what difference will it make as far as the criminal Justice System and secondly, what difference it would make in terms of funding and where the funds would come from specifically . The conservative process is a very complex process and i been working with the court system now for almost 2 years on this very issue. One is the fact that when iverson gets 51 50 and taken to the hospital they are assessed as they havethey also have the right to representation. At that point its the judges decision to whether or not to continue the conservatorship. So there is the work we are doing with the conservatives our sister the judges to create a collaborative port for communitybased Conservatorship Program. I would like to move that private to the entire conservatorship port to ensure it has a collaborative port model. We have several collaborative port bottles that are clinical individuals and representation from all criminal justice partners helping the judge with clinical advice on the status of an individual. In her Substance Abuse port a Mental Health court we have clinical individuals that sit with the judge and come up with a treatment plan. For the sickest and most fragile patients that we have we do not have that type of a model for the conservatorship court. Mexico i have it working with the courts and current server shipped office under Human Service agency and with our criminal justice arbors. What that doesand is a very sensitive issue because it does take away the civil rights of an individual and go through a conservatorship process although every 30 days to get me assessed an appeal by the patient themselves to representation of the public defender and we have involvement of the dist. Atty. As well. So i just think if we can provide more clinical support to the judge to make the best clinical judgment they can make improve that i think we can provide more services for them individual because what happens straight it 5150 the personal goes right back up to the street next thing you know the been arrested by the police. The back and they could be in jail were back in jail and we can see that continuously going on. I hear that from Police Officers as well that a person has been taken from the hospital and sure enough two days later they come back and on the same corner again should i think we knew better intervention on that and we are working on that. I believe that we will try to again encourage the court system because again its a very complicated process and it has to do with the protection of the individual civil rights. It also has to do with how well we can provide care for individuals were showing signs they do not have the ability to care for themselves at this moment without treatment again the difference in terms of where the funding might come from if we are successful will it make a difference bequest we have good resources and is 40 bed program that im developing is in response to some of that coming out of the jail. I think the initiative we have Going Forward the existing services 1900 beds thats what the services are for for individuals conserve in unlocked the subject its a lot Mental Health facility instead of a lot jail bed. Again those are indefinite were going estimate from a general funds or build smaller programs so we can Start Building medical four. Thank you ms. Got joni comments in regards to that like what are your feelings around that approach bequest i really appreciate the last several questions since the department of Public Health has become a partner rather than just a Service Provider in the jail but a partner in resolving these questions, i think we need to get to an agreement as we did over 25 years on the definition homelessness when the numbers were all over the place. That we need to have the criminal Justice System including yourself understand what we need by somebody who is mentally ill. Somebody who severely mentally ill someone whos been engaged in the Health System related to Substance Abuse disorder etc. Etc. I think we need as a community other sharper understanding of this and i am hoping that the department of Public Health started this is barbour has said. But we need to continue its. Its not completed. The questions are really appropriate. Also i got more specific answer on white gc and who is there. Thank you very much for everything today. Thank you ms. Kite and thank you for your participation over this last year. Adele phelps rector of the Youth Commission i just want to get more specific answer to president breeds question about the population log cabin restaurant i dont have a census for today of juvenile probation but in october 10 young men at Log Cabin Ranch that was in addition to 37 young people at Juvenile Hall. Excuse me 37 young men at juvenile and top young women at juvenile so 47 total an additional 10 at Log Cabin Ranch. On the questions 60 total pay significant i think less than half of the population that wouldve been at Juvenile HallLog Cabin Ranch 56 years ago. Thank you. Sheriff hennessey. Thank you. Thank you, roma and dir. Garcia. Really appreciate all of that. So these are now my time to talk about the Sheriffs Department and what we are doing. I just want to say my parties but you can do to provide safe and secure humane custody facilities would dedicate professional and compassionate staff. Which in itself is an effort. A lot of staff and i think our staff ultimately do a very good job in providing that security. But we also need to continue to improve common form and culturally competent programming and treatment that effectively coordinates with justice partners and Community Efforts went to continue to facilitate the release of identified individuals to supervise prereleased electronic Monitoring Committee programs housing and treatment. I appreciate the concerns and ideas shared by the community and a our partners. This process one of the things weve already talked about i think, touched on it dir. Garcia touched on it that each entity of Public Safety cannot operate as a silo. Policies operations and information must be better coordinated. Thats when the big takeaways from this experience and one that when we go forward we will be correcting. The policies staffing the budgets the permits affect the count of jails must be coordinated. As sheriff i get the people i dont necessarily put them there with them responsible for making sure that they are taken care of appropriately. This process also once againand to keep pounding at this one indicates that needs to be a concerted effort to improve Data Collection analysis and metrics in order to better inform our decisions. So i am responsible as sheriff for the county jails. I take that goal and i take that responsibility very seriously. But i want to go back to what the purpose of the legislation was for. Plan for the permanent closure of county jails three and four. This is a picture of county jail four. County jail three is already closed. This facility is in the seventh floor of the whole of just it its a linear style jail. With bars groups of sales. This virtually no Program Space limited medical area and no education or treatment areas. It is in a seismically coppermine is building is still houses the dist. Atty. Probation garment units of the Police Department or rooms another sheriffs operations. If we do not find the bad sadness to close the jail or which includes reducing the amount of people in jail, it is likely the city was possibly move ahead with all the other departments from the building and we may still be left with prisoners in the building they cannot leave. The other part of the legislation was about providing corresponding investments and new Mental Health facilities. [inaudible] find ways to reduce the computer we know that. We just talked about the numbers of mentally ill that are in our facilities but the group also tackled other issues such as the ethnic disparity in place our community as a whole. The intercept model adopted by the workgroup clarified the areas where theres an opportunity to great exit from jails from the criminal Justice System when most popular innocent models was intercept zero. This where we need to invest freeman programs Mental Health is of these which prevent behaviors that result in incarceration interventions must take place early in each persons life. Im really happy that roma brought up the fact that the juvenile justice and juvenile probation really needs to be involved in this as well. Many of the areas weve seen before unrelated to say to jail issues related to societal issues of the former housing Wraparound Services and robust Community Involvement and services could all of these things all the strategies are things we should be doing and i believe that roma said it best when she talked about its not about competition it its about doing things together and making sure were doing things as a whole. Some of these are incremental in nature. Their error areas we should be investing in. Using strategic organize Committee Model with appropriate metrics to achieve over time and mature sufficient resources to do so. Many items on this list are various stage of the moment and implementation which will be amplified in the next report in march. These are strategies i support. However investment in one doesnt mean we do to act right modern safe and secure facilities. Because theres no guarantee that these efforts will reduce the gel count to the point where we can safely close both of the hall of justice jails. I think romer said that as far as its a risk it and it is a risk. It may be a risk we may be willing to take and im not advocating for one position or the other at this point i just want to make sure its out there and people understand it. I have a primary responsibility to ensure a safe and fair constitutional conditions with access to services for people that will remain in my custody. The other part of the legislation was and the investments in current jail requisites in to uphold the Public Safety and better serve at risk individuals. With those what were talking about is retrofitting county jail under two. Thats 425 seven street and county jail one and two. Give any ideas for that. My staff and i have been working on ideas that. But we need to sorry to interrupt you. County jail one sorry to interrupt you county jail one is in the same building he was yes in the same buildings be was the glamour slammer yesterday i would say our staff is working with dpw and other city agencies and will be working with Community Agencies as well as we go for on this retrofitting. Im sorry to interrupt again. Sheriff when using retrofitting are you talking about renovation renovation of those thoughts that were originally fori forget originally for but they were not up to jail standards. Is that what youre referring to . B was this jail was opened in 1984 and built in the 1980s and designed to be a work furlough facility. It had as many areas that are still dormitory in nature which are not the approved way to [inaudible] and not allow us to the declassification and of able ability to keep people safe. Are that renovation would include putting individual cells in that area. Its not dana spent days and bad days. Unstuck 101 it does not get his additional beds but it does give us more disability and where we house people and gives us more flexibility to provide more programs. You are not talked about adding stories to that . No. That has been deemed to be feasibly not possible. Due to new building standards could be was guarded. We look into that, though. So we need to know this. The retrofits will take 35 years to complete good adjuvants will not provide additional beds for not even really talk about additional beds that would talk about replacement beds and may not close county jail four. Berkowitz also be very costly. Its not cheap to retrofit a hospital. Its not cheap to retrofit a jail. Which of its will not provide space for unit still housed in the hall of justice could for example, we have a number of units that are there. The centralsure it records beagles service. More. Thats not accounted for in some of this. Retrofits will not alleviatethis is the bigger issue. The diamonds on county jail on hall of justice infrastructure. It may be necessary to move prisoners in jamal close county jail free wall construction is in progress or we may be forced to rent beds in another county. Not something i want to do but something i have to be aware of. And look at. The closure of the hall of justice in talking about that the dependence on county jail on hall of justice county jail number two has dependent on hall of justice in many areas including storage rooms promoting dock in staging areas garbage contractors for users emergency generators, data lines and heat. So those are just a few of the items. Natural gas. The kitchen. The Court Holding cells which is a bigger concern because we use the Court Holding cells at county jail for people coming to court every day from our san bruno facilities. So i just want to make sure people understand that. So, this is what we are doing and were starting to do this. We are working with many of our other departments that now we come in contact with through this process and people in those departments in fact at a meeting yesterday and to start will update our citation policy along with the Police Department and bring it into line current law which should allow for more people to be cited in the field without first coming to jail. Im going to provide investigate providing resource for the dist. Atty. To return to a booking people and rebooking cases on nights weekends and holiday. Rb talk to the District Attorney about that to get people out of jail much more quickly. Thats not the only thing. Working with the courts to move the arraignment calendar from afternoon to the morning. By the way on the back to number two. We had a meeting yesterday among many of the people involved in this public defender dist. Atty. And others about the rebooking the cases. Another one which was one of the strategies youll read recommended was having on my cord were having judges available. So they part of many of our strategies involves the courts with the courts do. The courts were not at the table all the time. Although i think we can still bring them into this process. We can request electronic fundingim sorry we can request funding for electronic wondering we doubt individuals maybe introduce individual legislation a few years about the sharpest of parliament having the capability to do that. We can provide is this a big one and we need to do this very soon because its not in my budget even though my budget supports pretrial release. We need to provide additional infrastructure and resources to pretrial release to increase hours of operation and built to process persons more quickly for lease from our facilities. One of the things are important in our whole jail structure something implanted many many years ago by Michael Hennessey that is when we were severely overcrowded a greater Pretrial Division of the most 40 years ago which means the people were assessed judges have an oversight they coulddynamite or at arraignment could be released it was doing that today or using a different Risk Assessment tool alcalde on the tool. I dont know theres much difference in the numbers in terms of percentages but thats what we are doing. One of the things is we dont have enough money to support this in my current budget the party talk to the Mayors Office about that. Work with lawenforcement agents provide Police Arrest reports quickly. Part of getting people out of jail quickly is to make sure the Police Department is able to electronically transmit their reports to both a warrant and to the District Attorney so those positions can be made quickly for people whether or not theyre going to regress on charges and whether or not theyre going to be able to put a package together to release somebody more quickly. So those kinds of small kind of bureaucratic things are things going make some differences. And we will begin work on the new board of corrections and community were state 20 corrections competitive Grant Application which just came out. Actually has not been released. For 70 million in funds towards renovation of county jail under to get thats what we would like to do. As mentioned again, one important take away the Sheriffs Department does not operate in a silo. The process we went through it from the Public Safety and Public Health are inextricably intertwined. Public safety is a part of Public Health. The policies and practices of the police dist. Atty. Public defender courts and Probation Office incarceration release of prisoners in our county jails wellbeing of our communities. For the longer term, were going to Work Together with the Health Department. We would part of that process the competitive drop grant for the lead development and implementation Law Enforcement assistance before divergent. Im sorry. Before detention. And within a fund and coordinate Department Cooperation to allow the justice data systemwe will be big in that e brody worked with the city administrator to start the justice workgroup get back together again and working more to make sure we can share. Theres been a lull in that in the years i was gone and i like to get back to making that one of our priorities. In the Sheriffs Department were going to begin working with experts and we are doing some flip very discussions with etiquette stated thomas using validated tools to sign designed to assess the Mental Health criminal sons of these needs of individuals all individuals coming into custody. Continue to track the actual jail Population Trends good so it got back going on and i think kyle already said that jill propagation have been going up. Us kyle at the time was causing that and i think he actually anecdotally was able to tell you thats what we think it is but we dont know for sure. I was a theres many more arrests. Thats a function i think of increased police staffing. I can imagine. You would draw that correlation and in my history in the department for 30 years every time where police were added it did bump up the account usually. But i can say that is a definitive answer. Relative to the notion that i found to be interesting and compelling because every day is a matter of law all the members of the board of supervisors and i presume the mayor get an email from the Sheriffs Department that says how many people were incarcerated in the county jails the previous day and it doesnt take a statistician to see what i see every week which is a felt on the weekend and then mondaytuesday wednesday thursday then come back on monday and the number is up again. The notion of having some das and courts available on the weekend would solve that. Do you guys have an estimate of how many bad days that might reduce . I think youll find that in ourhoping to have that for you in march. I dont know. When he asked kyle. Do you have that now . He does. Wow how patterson did i believe its in your packets we did some analysis on that and found that we can [inaudible] might reduce bad days by 2497 and that impacts about 1000 people per year. Not a whole lot of bad days will to do that 83,000 total but a lot of people. He was so 79,000 bed days to go. Seven 9000 bed days to go. What for the number people and number of bed days what with the cost . He was it not on cost estimates on this yet. It kind of depends in my opinion were not talked about his soa need for more staff. Just reshuffling window staff work. Right now i believe theres three dist. Atty. s doing those bookings decisions during the week. If we just shuffled the times and days of the week they work and potentially may not be expensive at all. But i do not investigate all the credit union issues and other things that come into play so may end up being overtime or Something Like that theyre not unit they are bargaining unit thank you. I just want to add yesterday i did meet as i said with a number people from different apartment in the das are one of them they promise there to start looking into this work with are bargaining units to make sure they can have people there. So i think we are on to the next one. I dont think attorneys get to be part of the aflcio. I have an essential dilemma as sheriff. Today theres an oped in the San Francisco chronicle written by allison one and i have to say i agree with it to the authors point of view. I believe that Mental Health needs to be treated early without stigma inhumanely. People from the jails do return to the community. Not just mentally ill people but all people return to the community. Eventually. For the most part. We send very few people to stay present from the San Francisco. And in that its important to make sure that we have programs in jail and in the committee to service as a transition to the community. That is essential. I believe. I work in the jails for a number of years that i worked there at a time when there were no not as Many Community programs available but not as manysheriff Michael Hennessey instituted a number those in the chosen outside the jails but one of the things always lacking in number ways was the Energy Planning and the entry support on getting out was not always that good i think were doing much better in that area i think we need to improve in that area. Then, it is cheaper to provide treatment early on. It may prevent the behaviors across people with Mental Health or other conditions from entering the criminal Justice System however the reality is the list of the people incarcerated when he to properly provide for their needs as well. The idea of a modern humane replacement facility to close an outdated seismically complicated warehouse facilities one action that should also be looked at. I realize its not the popular action but it should be looked at as a leverage to closing the entire hall of justice. We also prioritize the course funding investments. But just Mental Health but Substance Abuse treatment Housing Education and employment. So i have a dilemma. Which would you but the people the right now living in the hall of justice . How many more years do they need to stay there . What approach are we going to take to provide in the safe and humane housing sooner rather than later . Work we go to be with to incrementally chip away at the numbers through the programs that we are talking about and strategizing which are all good programs. And get it down to where we dont needwe wont need to have more beds. Will the prisoners be the last people to leave the hall of justice . Since the retrofit of county jail two will not should not say provide additional prison beds salted depends on the hall of justice is wise to retrofit in which is a brother strategies provide relief . Or should we be considering the building would you give us a definite, for permanent closure of the hall of justice jails were providing needed treatment and Program Space. Thats just my dilemma as sheriff but its actually our dilemma is a community and i know thati feel very strongly that i want to reduce as many people as we can in jail incrementally and with programs and leader needs to be investments in both areas however i told you we will work on the renovation did that for planning onto. We will work on the renovation will work on a grant for the renovation. There is no guarantee we will get there grants. Betsy and my presentation. I want to say thank you again for coordinating this president breed and or think my partners again. I really really enjoyed and prone to really respect and admire both ramadan and dir. Garcia. Thank you sheriff hennessey. Let me first just thank president breed for initiating this process. I have to say just listening to all of the people key players we have not heard from the public yet but that the spirit of collaboration is really lovely to see in the fact that youre all doing this in an intellectually honest way over issues that are extremely complicated that there are no easy fixes for whether its a few bad days here in a few days there to get us to zero. Which i think is our shared goal but i understand and appreciate sheriff hennesseys government we do at the end of they have this horrible facility county jail number three and four and a building that i think everybody agrees is long past its lifespan. Its not seismically safe to have to keep our eyes on solving that situation as well and we have for a number of years been attributing various functions out of that building the goal of someday demolishing it and having a new safe hall of justice in San Francisco together with the courts and what have you. So i appreciate the work that you are all doing together and supervisor breed you dont have become us with a big stack of speaker cards. Why dont we open this up to Public Comment. I tried to keep these cards in order that the clerk and i receive them. [inaudible] [off mic] one piece of housekeeping is supervisor yee had a previous engagement so i want to make a motion to excuse supervise trainees from the balance of the meeting and because theres only two of us and requires two for a quorum, were going to take a 1 min. With a quick recess so that we can do our business. Okay we will reconve government audit and Oversight Committee and get to Public Comment on item number four. First speaker [calling Public Comment cards] hi there. My name is phoebe vanderhorst. I am the founder and project manager of way past the mens [inaudible] associate director of drug and alcohol cities. The moment and eight the interim associate director. Also on the reinvention jail committee. The first thing i want to say is that if we really want to reduce the jail population we have to talk about what wasnt discussed and that is the policing 800 doj report. The fact that there are so manyour city is being gentrified. Theres hardly any people of color left there taking up most of the beds in jail. Its the police putting them there and i cant understand why this doj report and the egregious facts of the police are not actually being addressed in this because thats whos arresting people. The sheriff is just getting them. We can do whatever we want to do once theyre arrested but as long as theyre being arrested that is still very big issue. Gentrification isi dont care what label you want it. Its genocide. I want to talk little bit about education. As being alternative. We talked about the young women and men in Juvenile Hall. If we can create pathways pathways for them to go to college and have the future is the absence of a future that really breeds the discontent that youth today have. So i think that instruction programs that address education and dont use incarceration as an answer thats what we need to focus on. Basically you need to [inaudible] use education as an alternative and last but not least thank you. Next speaker, please. President breed and chairman peskin thank you very much for having this. Laura mignon a Good AmericanFriends Service committee. What is a mandate of committee. What is a mandate of speak isan franciscans and see the collaboration going on here is not going on in other counties. They really are to be congratulated for bringing this credible Diverse Group of together to solve these difficult problems. In solving them it sounds like its partners thats what we really need it for their move into the future. American Friends Committee star was forced the closing of jails three and four permanently as soon as possible. Really appreciated pres. Breeds lifting up the allocation of resources the state level and not contributing to the problem that you have in a number of ways because the Funds Available seem to be over and over again available for building jails and offer other kinds of services. We worked a lot at the state level. We are trying to stop that tendency but its pretty well entrenched. Its really difficult and i incurred you to work with your incoming senators and Assembly Members to try to educate them about the importance of prioritizing these other needs. One thing that has often mentioned hardly at all this morning is bail before. 85 of the people there are there for pretrial bail reform can solve your problems overnight. I really hope that you will take a shrunk look at this. The other thing i want to say following up on the previous speaker in terms of the police is a whole issue of Homeland Security and the funds that flow from that the training that flows from that which turns our community into terrorists. All the police are seen is that theyre trained to see terrorists and anything that happens thats how you can get africanamericans shot dead freight traffic stop you its because police are trained to [inaudible] warmongers get dont take that Homeland Security market find other ways to train other Law Enforcement. Next speaker michael ryan. Gray panthers. I too would like to congratulate the people that are responsible for bringing all this together. In particular i would like to congratulate the people who are on the filling this chamber loudly to force this issue to the funds. Things like this never happen without people being in the streets and i think thats really what did it. Now i get it that we need more Mental Health facilities. I remember when we returned to keep San Francisco general open a long time ago. A most drivers talked about bringing a patient into psych emergency in the morning and fishing them out of the bay that evening. Was a very tragic case. Its outrageous the number of beds at San Francisco got cut down the way they were. However, theres a big difference between opening i think having locked facilities that are run by Mental Health professionals and locked facilities that are run by the Sheriffs Department. I would very strongly urge that theyre not be any kind of locked facilities run by the Sheriffs Department even a floor. Finally i urge you strongly to look at all the recommendations that were put forward by the note new Jail Coalition, the work that they put together on this was fantastic. Thank you thank you mr. Run. Next speaker, please. [calling Public Comment cards] if i heard my name on the last one. I will start. [inaudible] Drug Policy Alliance on the map member of the San Francisco taxpayers for Public Safety and i served on the Technical Support team for this process. First of all i want to thank president breed and also supervisor kim or their work leading up to this process. This was when the most inclusive stakeholder processes of ever seen explicitly including formerly incarcerated people who often have the greatest insights on what needs to change in our criminal Justice System that are not often consult. So one i think the cochairs who put together this group of stakeholders and one of the challenges that we are framing this as alternative to building a new jail and we havent talked about all these alternatives. When it is clear the should of been a priority from the beginning that these are not strategies that should be alternatives but these are strategies that should be straight up priorities for us to many of the things we came up with our Cost Effective. Our evidencebased, compassionate and we need to move forward as a city embrace them. So the ones like Law Enforcement assisted diversion that we are working on that i am working on, the communitybased Mental Health services among the need for housing, additional alternatives interventions like supervised injection services,. I think the department of Public Health for moving forward with a lot of the initiatives including increased access to site beds and Mental Health services. We know that the Public Health system has better tools to manage Mental Health services and they deserve the resources to make sure that those services are available and people are not ending up in the criminal Justice System. We also need to fully address the Racial Disparity and we know that we can do better and we need to do better in this process is a good start. Thank you speakers thank you. My name is andrew zito [inaudible] i want to talk specifically about accountability and transparency will look like to the community as the process goes forward. So the past eight months under the president breed and the workgroup single those in the community have met and decided against recommending Behavioral HealthJustice Center which the da proposed a new swallowtail as the sheriff proposed. And the mayor is proposing. Without the working group im concerned the process will continue and close doors as usually is the case to the shirt has already said there will be applying for afunds. At this hearing right now has recommended building a new jail despite the fact that the work group she chaired voted against recommending a newsgroup not sure how that made it into the hearing. Of course the dist. Atty. Rascon gasb on has [inaudible] the board of supervisors must commit to following the wishes of the workgroup its rejected with of those proposals that could look like regular reports to the community for public hearings on the issue. No real accountability and transparency the workers groups work will be for nothing as everyone has said Community Alternatives already exist and any supportive funding. The recommendations by the workgroup made it very clear. I looked him over. They arethey suggest nothing about a new jail Behavioral HealthJustice Centers as you all know. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. [calling Public Comment cards] good morning supervisors. [inaudible] critical assistance and joel Jail Coalition. Youre been seen people with the course of several years, not just the past year of the spots coming forward is andrew was indicating as well. To Research Alternatives coalition is made up of Committee Stakeholders and people who are involved in different processes, Mental Health and social Services People who work in reentry, etc. Our main stance has been that we dont want to see any jail construction but that we do need to see the alternatives invested in it is will speak today i have spoken to. We want to see immediate action there are alternatives that can be moved forward immediately to the supervisors and so we want to see those move for in the budget and not just pushed aside into the process that doesnt involve community. So we want to thank you for that and your leadership supervisor breed and make sure that continues moving for. But to be a particularly contentious time in the next year or two. We will make sure that happens. On this issue of the jail the Coalition Stance against the beaver Health Justice center in the locked visibly as much control with the sheriff and the courts. We want to make sure also where the sheriff coming forward today, the workgroup work solidly against jail construction and then here in this process she said we may need to build a new jail. Just to let you know, the proposal for cjtwo funding is similar to the request for proposals from last year. They saw come forward to the board of supervisors itll come forward again in before february to the poorest virus. We one make sure we can count on your leadership i can to make sure that any proposals that include increased that capacity or renovation increase the level of security are not moving forward with that we reinvested the resources to make sure the Mental Health stays in the community. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good morning. My name is gabrielleam a member of curve california united first console budget. Statewide Coalition Organizations and seeks to do so number people in californias prisons and jails. Mostly made of san franciscans live with severe mental conditions of that horrible automatic expenses were long for i came here to express for the workgroups proposal for increased investment in that version prevents the recognized the jail is a disastrous onesizefitsall spots to many different situations and on. We need to invest in prebooking pretrial diversion programs allow people to stay in their communities and release people on their own recognizance whenever possible. We also must increase resources for prearrest the person teams and nonpolice crisis intervention. Relying on arrest and Law Enforcements crisis intervention is ineffective and will only intensify and exacerbate problems mental and physical health. To model marks the oneyear anniversary of my words marielle woods at the death of San Francisco lawenforcement in the aftermath were called upon to do all we can do to provide such state bounce from occurring again. Developing Community Capacity and infrastructure for prearrest abortion at [inaudible] without the involvement of Law Enforcement is fundamental to the success of jail diversion programs that aim to meet the citys needs. Good afternoon supervisors. Jackie flynn on the second director of the Randolph InstituteSan Francisco and also number of the reignition joe p at first i would do want to thank you supervisor breed for your efforts in and your leadership in creating this inclusive process. It was to address the issue of jail capacity and also the replacement of the current hall of justice where many of us do work with our clients. It was very and lightning process for me as a Committee Member and through this process we traded Even Stronger networks that made up representatives of the various perspectives. Wasnt always an easy prospect many times we felt we needed more time. I felt like that was one of the hardest things was to be able to discuss all of that in a timely fashion and present to you guys recommendations but every day i do see so many of our young men and women affected by crime and violence from such early ages of always questions when do we break the chains of poverty. We already knewwe just confirmedthat the process was glaringly through the process that was glaringly office that Racial Disparities disproportionately affect black communities. We need to go forward with more analysis and change of our criminal Justice System and provide more Restorative Justice services for our young men and women that are currently facing charges but also multiple barriers to employment. Ive seen the benefits of alternatives to jail time. It allows for our young men and women to really create those Career Development pathways to address recidivism rates. I do hope that the workgroup continues to be engaged as we move forward and i encourage you to continue your effort to reform our criminal laws and pipelines incarcerated in california. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello. My name isand from the Justice Project no new Jail Coalition and the i was on the jail we envision workgroup. I am here to urge you to stand against any proposal to move forward even to rebuild the jail at 850 bryant. Cjtwo or jail by an unimpaired beaver Health Justice center theres any interest on the table for a locked facility due to diabetic describes it wrongly category of jail that is energy to consider look through all the recommendations that the workgroup made, none of which includes a new jail. I appreciate the consideration about being thorough in our pragmatism. I also appreciate and want to reiterate what both supervisor breed and roma mentioned is an urgency to shift our pragmatism so the percentage of poor people and black people, homeless people, trans people, shifts from the revolving door of incarceration and homelessness on one and an perpetual incarceration on the other end. We are in a moment to take risks that we can either risk a new jail which will guarantee our Community Members remain inside of a locked facility or we can and take a risk on multisite housing with the Wraparound Services and community which is one of the many alternatives that we know will work. Its been proven. In this political moment San Francisco must take leadership nationally on shifting the priority from detention and presentment and policing towards Community Alternatives that i should promote Community Safety and Public Health. Thank you. Next speaker, please. I am iristhanks for a much for concentrating on this issue. Sorry if what im saying is repetitive. Im a nurse on focused on the best ways for people to recover and heal and be be integrated into the community. About 40 of people in the job until Health Issues as we are good 30 are homeless. Being locked up increased Mental Health issue. Ptsd paranoid anxiety depression isolation. People often get longer sentence because i cant figure out where dr. District wills and punishment and the fear of being beaten or taste. How can anyone stabilize if they dont feel safe . A disability rights california compares building new Mental HealthTreatment Facilities in jails to building more on ramps to highways. The rams lead to more traffic on the road in the jail facilities be two more people with Mental Health issues being incarcerated. In the past several years about 155 site thats in San Francisco hospitals have been cut. It was a time when San Francisco general at 88 site beds and the care was culturally sensitive in model in the country. Now there are 22 psych meds. Im glad to hear that these will be increased. People need to be integrated in the community and reunited with their families. Of also been traumatized. 50 of people in jails are parents. Community Treatment Centers with wraparound care as was told as said before Case ManagementMental Health treatment rotational training in houston all critical pieces. When i worked at the winter hotel is part of the direct asset access to Housing Program and tom i think our mantra was housing is held. That marginalize housing but permanent dignified housing. First Service Partnerships have been found to be decreasing business in the time of jail could draw around Services Including housing Supportive Housing locational rehab. Ucsfokay. Another time thank you, iris. Rev. Hope. Thank you. I speak from 41 years expensive San Francisco tenderloin, 17 of those is the founder and director of the San Francisco safe house for women. Women who come to safe house most of them have a long record of incarceration but they want to get out of that. They want to get out of homelessness, poverty, out of Sexual Exploitation and out of drug addiction. I urge you to go forward with the decision that you made when you rejected the state money for a new jail. The Planning Group has charted the way forward for us on the way. Give support. Give our resources to places like safe house. That allow people to come and go Mainstream Society as citizens like the rest of us and able to access all of the resources that are out there for their healing and for their transformation and for their full coming into the beauty of which god intended for them. Thank you so much for the leadership that you showed when you rejected that state money and were counting on you to continue that leadership and take us down the path of the Planning Group has charted for us. Thank you, rev. The mccall a few more cards. [calling Public Comment cards] good afternoon supervisors. Actually kate klein was was he standing up. She has graciously offered to switch spots would meet with americas mars oley. Speaking is the San Francisco resident and member of the board member of the San Francisco chapter of the aclu. If youll indulge that procedural you can speak, to she will afterthe end of the last go for it thank you. Im here focusing on jail alternatives to emphasize mental treatment. I want the board to keep in mind its duty to protect the Civil Liberties of its constituents. Especially those most honorable in the community. The homeless, those with Mental Health and Substance Abuse issues and those entangled in the criminal Justice Systems are some of the alternative proposals contained Unanswered Questions with Civil Liberties implications. As this process moves forward there are three pitfalls to avoid. First, we should not create a treatment system relies on coercion rather than community. San francisco should respect the autonomy of individuals and the right to make their own choices but treatment and medication. Treatment should not be conditional such as mandating treatment as a condition of release to jail. Second since the new facility they require passage of additional regulations the board should only make a decision acrylic five proposal with the rights of criminal defendants will be retained. For example how we defined custodial status of individuals who leave traditional in custody jail setting and a croissant of the restrictive setting him up to receive the Mental Health and Substance Abuse services. These current proposals between Unanswered Questions. Third, i like the board to keep in mind the fact that theyll reform in california and other reforms taking place a coming to an minimize the need for more space in county jails and preconviction individuals release. Think you very much. For your thoughtful consideration of these issues lets make sure hes do not come at the expense of Civil Liberties and individual rights thank you so much. Next speaker, please. Kirk grimes Program Manager [inaudible] San Francisco. Supervisor tim and i like to thank you for your effort and leadership in congress committee. Over those who like to thank the committee for their efforts envisioning a new jail. I would like to encourage all of you to continue your efforts regarding issues regarding the Mental Health but please, double your efforts in regard to the poor and people and committees of color. My plea for today is for you and the working group to include more indepth analysis that drives our incarceration homes in our jails. Sheriff hennessey, i would like to thank you for including the judges and the district Attorneys Office but please adjust the charging and sentencing guidelines could also encourage you to pursue further analysis regarding bill guidelines in regards to the court case you mentioned, we cannot afford to wait on a court case. What if they settle . Thank you for your time thank you, sir. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon supervisors. I want to thank president breed for leadership on this issue and everybody at the board of supervisors really focusing your attention on this such a fickle time. Ive had the honor to meet with roma guys work several times and im really offering my support in a very narrow area. Something that are working every day as the director of the San FranciscoDomestic Violence consortium. So we really see a need for additional and specific services for incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women in San Francisco. I cant e enough what roma said about them being invisible to and staying invisible. There is a facility here in San Francisco that is already operating that we could really support and make 24 hours a day that would really make a difference to incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women invest the sheriffs Womens Resource Center could it really run by folks very much rooted in the community. It would be a great respite for women as are getting with beast from jail and also they could get followup services theyre an ongoing occupational issues services, clothing my food,. There is no limit to what the Womens Resource Center could do if fully funded for 24 hours a day. We also want to make sure that as you make these decisions that you consider all women and that includes transgender women. There will be a specific population that needs or support and more attention in this whole conversation. As the shelter in San FranciscoDomestic Violence we believe that all women that identify as women should be treated as such we want to see that happen. At the service move forward we want to make sure that we bring our transgender sisters with us. In the jails that, informed services i can be so very important. Study after study shows that 95 of women in jail and suffered from child sexual abuse to mr. Bonds and sexual assault. Theres always more thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon supervisors. Carpenter Mission Staff your in class notes on here to represent the bank is much for engaging this process. Thank you to president breed and to the working Group Members for taking these commissioners recommendations to have a formal incarcerated young person sitting on the working group. The Youth Commission held after school hearings on the proposed revocation detention facility last year saw highlevel participation from young people, especially those who had incarcerated parents. Monies commissioners prop recommendations by spring invest absorbs the first to incarcerated dispersive or transitional youth people with Mental Illnesses and parents. As well as providing those services in communitybased not attention settings. I want to name some promising practices. The take court led by district Attorneys Office just graduated first cohort is really a miracle some promising alternatives to incarceration 1825 that make up a pretty significant portion of the county jail population. We are grateful to sheriff hennessey for working with Youth Commissioners to be advocates to improve jail visiting policies for families and for children and we want to continue to support family unity with that in mind want to share some insights from 2015 survey of parents in the county jails. Most people in San Francisco county jails are parents that on average a parent in the county jail had two children with an average age of nine years old. Over a quarter of children had to change the residence to the parents incarceration and 16 of them had to change schools as well. 46 of incarcerated parents in the county jail had themselves incarcerated parents when they were a child. So you commissioners would like to continue to work with this board in Building Family unity and supporting alternatives to incarcerated especially parents and again transitional youth as a matter of protecting against the displacement of our young people. Thank you. Next speaker, please. [calling Public Comment cards] good afternoon supervisors. Minus Kaitlyn Miller good mentors practitioner Nurse Midwife that i graduated from ucsf and 2011. Since then been providing care for many patients in the bay area. Ive worked with patients with a variety of Mental Health illnesses and i can say firsthand and i think i speak on behalf of a lot of Nurse Practitioners and nurse midwives in the community that are so severe lack of Mental HealthResources Available for these patients. I believe that Mental Health in jail and incarceration are inherently contradictory and the two things can never coexist. Truly. For that reason i would like to support the demands of the no new sf Jail Coalition putting people back in the community and putting resources and funding into mels Mental Health services in the community and divesting for more beds in the jails. Thank you. Next speaker, please. [calling Public Comment cards] my name is charlesmember of senior disability action. A been a resident of San Francisco district 1 for nearly a decade. First off i like to see the jails toward him. I want to build two new jails. The main one would be on montgomery street. Right in the middle of financial district. We would first put the head of wells fargo and chase manhattan, then citibank, bank of america. The Hedge Fund Managers and stockbroker executives to that would be there resting home. Put them to work making clothing and sleeping bags for the homeless because they cause most of them. The other one would be the basement of city hall. We could put their first off the board of realtors members. We would have to take him in a paddy wagon we can just walk and went down the street. Save money there. You are getting having your president and leader of this country and leadership creates consciousness. He is a racist sexist bigot. Just imagine, mental prompts thats going to cause as a political activist i know is can cause a lot of problems. You will see violence on the streets all over this country. It has not started yet but it will. What is the reason for building new jails and refurbishing the present jails but to put political activists and people who are fighting against the system but striking us all down. Whose cause the problems economically in this country but this system . Which system allows wars to be an mostly spent on but healthcare is the last thing they worry about. So there something wrong with a system thats creating this problem. We lease in San Francisco have a broad political perspective and can understand the needs of people incarcerated. Most of it just working stiffs abhor. But the political situation is going to grow much much more difficult. A lot more people struggling against it. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello. Minus david we start. Im a member of the is secure lead of help group for emotional control anger management and impulse control program is tables to people in jail and post incarcerated ivan looking for ways to support Mental Health that we can look further than across the bay. To Alameda County. In Alameda County [inaudible] consumer champions and being gauging Recovery Services have over 1000 members. Theyre funded by the county have paid staff for also consumers and are integrated with the culturally confident nonprofits such as people of color, formerly incarcerated people, and transition aged youth. See dhs here in San Francisco does a great job of providing care for people with psychological disabilities. There is another aspect that is the pure aspect. Engage the peers. This community, funds them adequately and uncle to finish by talking about a personal experience i had. In one of my groups in Alameda County of also i also one in San Francisco a member start having a psychotic episode and was convinced the people in her house were out to kill her. Anyway she did not call her sarcastic she did not call 911 and she did not call a psychotic. She called me. Why . Because i spoke erlang was. I knew her personally. She trusted me. I guided her to [inaudible] rashida adequate treatment. So dont forget peer support and of course pure Mental Health organizations. Thank you. Thank you, sir. Good afternoon supervisors. My name is kate monico client. Member of taxpayers for Public Safety. Also a dentist or advocacy work for both the sheriffs apartment and the department of Public Health for many years. I like to make two points. First in the many years that ive worked on jail issues this workgroup and process the first time ive seen everyone should be at the table to make decisions all in the same room at the same time. In particular its wonderful to see Community Advocates participate along with representatives with the City Departments. In particular, to see people who been previously incarcerated. Being a part of this important process. I hope that a Group Similar to this will continue to advise and monitor this jail reconditioning process. It is also heartening to see this discussion shift from conditions of incarceration to Public Health and Housing Solutions but with the potential to reduce San Franciscos jail population even further. One of the fastest process has is that which is the beall one cost Cost Effective and compassionate solutions. This brings me to my second point. The legislative budget Analyst Report establishes the communitybased treatment costs less and is better treatment outcomes than large institutionbased treatment. Im hopeful this principle will guide your decisions and recommendations of the region visioning process unfolds. Thank you. Debbie lamb and Human Services network. We did support last year thewe opposed rebuilding the institutional facilities, the jails and we are very excited about the opportunity to implement alternatives using San Franciscos rich array of communitybased Nonprofit Organizations and particularly to address Behavioral Health needs that will reduce the jail population. In reviewing the prioritized workgroup strategies, it is crucial that we implement these particular pieces such as Capital Investments in housing including Wraparound Services that we invest in post woodlief navigation and support facilities that we invest in our communitybased programs. We also agree with the workgroups will prioritize asian of the proposed Behavioral HealthJustice Center. Its also crucial that San Francisco develop and expand services that address root causes of incarceration such as crisis diversion and residential treatment beds for people with Substance Abuse disorders and Mental Health needs. Overall we stress appreciation to the work group and to the board for your thoughtful approach and process and our sector looks forward to participating not only in the ongoing dialogue within solutions. We urge you to continue moving forward without building any new institutional jails. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon supervisors. My name is ken jones. Im not going to be long with you today. I am sure youve heard many of mark twain [calling Public Comment cards] in this chamber and the one i want to leave you with today that [inaudible] re meanings are people not in words. Call it what it is a Behavioral HealthJustice Center, sounds like and feels like a jail. So lets not get tired and lets not grow weary as we continue to address homelessness and poverty in San Francisco. I get it and i know you get it. It has become increasingly difficult for us to continue to watch and to walk by other human beings who are suffering and in need of help not incarceration. Today we know that one in five people in the jail system is in need of Mental Health support and not imprisonments. There are already Many Organizations doing this valuable lifesaving work in the city should support them by providing support services, jobs and housing. As they say in my church, a good work has begun and let us find the courage and the compassion to continue working together for creatively sponsors to those most in need of services and not incarceration. A few, sir. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon supervisors. My name is jesse stout. I live here in San Francisco could i have a member Family Member who suffers my mentor was personally concerned that if its a member of mine had a album out in public could end up in jail instead of in a hospital and appropriate Mental Health treatment facility. I been talking to people in our community about what we can do about this. This week i talked to a social worker who told me that the best thing would be to support all phases of the continuum of care for intervention and rehabilitation will become property mentor people at the cute level of by residential supportive and eventually transitional housing. We heard the Great Results today from the workgroup to reenvision the jail project that 90 of the Member Support the 47 beds the psychiatric Respite Program and 81 present Member Support increasing psychiatric beds not under the care of the sheriff. I would ask you supervisor breed is my supervisor to russert peskin as a landuse expert support what dir. Garcia proposed event. For not only the 40 bids we already have for ucsf which is new and good but we need more but also the one of two beds to create [inaudible] will we can put new treatment for mental in San Francisco to reduce the need for incarceration in the first place. 15 beds at the Rachel Center at the general, 40 second beds, 47 dual diagnosis treatment beds. Per total of 102 beds thats 37 230 bed days less needed at the jail. I would ask you both today to speak please support as soon as possible going ahead with the implementation the Psychiatric Care facilities set of constructing new incarceration facilities. Enqueue, sir. Next speaker, please. Hi. My name is brooke rose and ms. Psychiatry resident at uca but and so i work at the General Hospital. I work the Community Programs like citywide and ive seen that overlap between the inextricable overlap between Mental Health and Mental Illness and criminalize a shoot of that. As jesse was saying it really depending on the day someone is taken to the General Hospital versus that jail it all depends on the police officer. Its arbitrary. What i want to just reinforce again is the importance of Mental Health care across the spectrum but also to really advocate for dedicating money to homelessness and to housing because that is critical. As a provider to see someone suffering from a to see human suffering and someone at their worst is always hard but its devastating to see that and to hear it some story into 7] to the streets they came from and the streets that have traumatized them that have destroyed him. So without housing in the city theres just going to be continuous recircling of people through the cycle again and again. Thank you. Good afternoon supervisor. I hope im not too repetitive. I think been really excellent presentations on this issue today. Im barbarasecond generation san franciscans the working with men treat the Sheriffs Department in the community in the 70s and 80s. For the last 30 years have done Police Accountability work in San Francisco berkeley and san jose. I learned at Balboa High School and my reentry work the poverty and education contribute to disproportionate incarceration. In my Police Accountability work i saw that racial profiling has been an issue historically and continues the San FranciscoPolice Department as reported by the department of justice, the chronicle and the das panel. The results in disproportionate incarceration. As a grandmother of a middle school or and a High School Student who here in San Francisco i see that Racial Disparities in disproportionate incarceration continue to impact young people of color and disrupt education. We need to put our resources in San Francisco toward addressing policing issues particularly racial bias in the Police Department and in the poa. The police association. The economic and educational disparities that lead to distal portion of incarceration and Mental Health issues that result from racial and economic disparity. Thank you for your attention. Thank you. Next speaker, please. My name isthey can organize with the western regional advocacy project. Which is a coalition of organizations [inaudible] organizing it i just up to pretty quick things to say. One is that i was a part of the working group and part of the decisionmaking that happened i was disappointed by some of the recommendations i cannot of the working group and how big they were especially there was some that were increase Affordable Housing good im just i want to say that we are going to be holding you out accountable to when it says increase Affordable Housing that means my folks were living on the streets and are ending up in jails for like sitting and lying and eating and being that theyll have a place to be and live where they can actually afford which might mean they dont pay any rent which mining they pay very little rent but i want to make really clear that when it says affordable we in the community are going to hold you accountable to making sure that actually means it affordable for folks who need it. I also want to mention that no new sf jill coalition wrote a report called Community Health initiative that aligned local statewide national and International Models what to do into the building of jill and how to deincarcerate jill if you get the recognitions of the workgroup and so confuse you can work in a report thats no new sf jail. Com thank you. Next speaker, please. Mining is jesse enberg. I want to address directly sheriff hennessey mentioned discussed the risk we may not have enough jail beds and i think thats misunderstanding of where the risk really the danger to Community Health lies. Which is in as we discussed in you heard many times gelling is a tremendous Mental Health expense for individuals and insistence on maintaining or increasing amount of jail beds in the facilities is basically a bizarre insistence on afflicting dramatic expenses incredibly vulnerable people. I honestly dont understand how that can be supported. Thank you thank you, circuit seeing oh other members of the public we will close Public Comment [gavel] in a few short minutes another Committee Meeting is starting in these chambers so we will have to wrap up. Ive made some statements early. I want to hand this over to supervisor breed who of course initiated the working group in this hearing. Im sure we will be hearing more in separate and march with that supervisor breed thank you. Thank you to everyone again who has volunteered their time to be a part of this working group to provide some incredible information information i believe is a starting point for us to get to a solution on this particular issue i appreciate sheriff hennessey and Barbara Garcia and roma die for their leadership on this working group toured clearly, with all the comments here we are not done. Weve a lot more to do but it was important that we held an initial hearing just to get an update on where we are with the information we have so that we can continue to move forward. Hopefully in a direction that provides a more creative solution. Some of the things that i just want to address specifically is something that ive heard before but i do agree needs more work and hopefully can be further examined in the working group that is bill will form. I think we need to look at some sort of solution could i know pretrial diversion has been really helpful in this board of supervisors has provided some Additional Resources for pretrial diversion, but there is still an issue around bail reform and something that we need to address. I also think when we talk about incarceration and one of the things that roma die brought up was the need to getting to zero. I do think there are why these to look at work with a population prisoners who dont definitely deserve to be incarcerated and working on longterm solutions in order to allow as many people as possible to not be incarcerated but we have to be really clear that there is still a small population of individuals who we are going to specificallyyou canthere are sadly violent people out there that need to be incarcerated. Sadly as someone who grew up in poverty as someone who has experienced too many of my personal Family Members go been incarcerated but also someone who has had people in my family burger by individuals on our streets there is a need. This not desolate need to build a new jail but i need to incarcerate individuals or by this and who are creating challenges in our communities and i completely think that come i wish there was a real way to get to zero but the reality is there will still be a small population and we need to make sure that we are exploring all the options necessary in order to use our existing facilities. I think that we have plenty of facilities could i think there is an opportunity to do revocation in those facilities and i like to see those things explore a lot more than we are and i would like to see a lot more work with individuals to address jail reform and also i think one of the things that should be discussed and one of the things that i know is most frustrating is there should not be a need especially for people who have mental challenges that the sad part is they get arrested and brought to jail and then there in the system and theyre still not getting the help they need and theres a disconnect. Because its not as if we are providing the services and support and getting them the treatment that they need before they even enter the criminal Justice System. I know that Barbara Garcia is definitely committed to working with us trying to provide solutions on helping to support our mentally ill population. All of these issues, if someone had a magic wand to wave and come up with a solution we would already be in a better place. This work is really complicated work at this a lot thats going on. Theres a lot of people with a lot of different issues weve a lot of work to do. Theres not a one size fits all. Its why it was important that we put together this working group with a lot of different people from different backgrounds in order to talk about all the pups abilities whether we agree on some of the proposed solutions or not. So im excited about trying to come up with better alternatives and i also want to Say Something that i heard as well from some of the commenters about housing. You know, housing in this city we talked about building Affordable Housing and upset this time and time again. This is why i work so hard on neighborhood preference could be can build all the housing we want in terms of Affordable Housing. How are we going to make sure that the people who needed actually get access to it . Last night when i was in my community i ran into a friend who i grew up with just got out of jail a couple months ago. Of course the first thing he is saying to me is i need housing. At another friend just got out of jail two years ago and is living in his car. I have friends who grew up in the western addition, we dont know the first thing about what to do to apply for housing and the ones that i personally helped apply for housing the musto with this watery system and the way this works and we build Affordable Housing, it is so difficult. These are not people might be seniors and people with children which is a little bit easier and different but these are just really folks who we are talking about the warehousing. Build more housing is just a small part of the equation. How do we make sure that our policies in the city actually work to transition individuals into a real solution of permanent housing especially when they get out of jail. What is going to happen . What is the longterm plan to help individuals get out, get job opun