Electronic devices. Completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the january 2nd board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. So colleagues one of the items are go bond for Public Health and state of were waiting on language from the City Attorney so madam clerk item 3. Ordinance retroactively 30 years the department of technology and the depth the Contract Administration to enter spots third amendment between the city and the at t coordination for the services by extending the term of the agreement only immediately 5 years not to exceed one hundred and 20 million come on up thank you. inaudible . For finance and administration for the department of technology i appreciate the chance to present e present the item before you the third amendment to the contract with at t local Long Distance tell and Data Services and professional services and becoming we agree with the budget Analyst Recommendations and ask you amend the legislation to add three hundred and 66 to the total contract we continued to talk what the staff and their were additional requests that led to the estimated amount go uping by the 6 hundred and 66 thousands 24. Million left over from the authority and releases the 24 for a total of 26 million and extend to 2020 for 5 years the contract allows the city to assess the most recent rates negotiated by the state of california after an extensive process under the cal provisions during the revenue of the r review felt Second Amendment the board asked to the Zoning Administrator and the auditor to review the competeness of the Regional Transit rates under the cal rates and at this point id like to ask joe from the Controllers Office to present the results of that review to you. Good morning, everyone and thank you for having me. The first slide is the Background Information we provided ill skip over this to the details of the analysis on slide 3 the account Service Providers the ones graded out are not utilized by the city the focus one the the ones gated there are 2 do 5 Service Providers for each the categories we look at the basis for analysis is pricing information that is pubically available on the indicating network e net in the category it identifies the monthly reoccurring charge to identify the unit of measure and where applicable nonreoccurring associated with that feature we q and a tracked the number of calls and minutes and quantity and other utilization from the analysis that at t 3r0id we used that in conjunction in order to calculate get out of cost for other provides or provider it is docketed the 2014 memorandum you have a copy have to the results of analysis are covered on page 6 here were comparison the estimated monthly cost of free service and comparing the cost at t over the next lowest cost alternate provider for each category the column as you can see at t actually came out to be the lowest and with the town hall free service not the lowest the differences among them were minor the next table on slide 7 carrying the nonrestricted can he are you aware this is 740,000 and internet is 10,000 and the others were nonxoicht so based this at t rates are competitive with the others providers which is really not that surprising given the concepts process to select those provider in the first time and noted where there are differences considerations that maybe pertinent to the telecommunication like the resources associated with the selling alisa miller from and so on and so forth those costs with not captured the monthly costs so that go includes my brief presentation any questions im going to turn it over to my colleague and commissioners any questions appreciate it. Id like to thank the Controllers Office for their work and actually as a result of their work we went back to the at t one of the minor areas was they were less competitive we went back to at t and asked to do better than the cal net 3 and reduced the rates this contract allows us to get lower rates so as expected to save us 20,000 a year as a result of that negotiation weve up to 20,000 over the life of the contract go finally recognize the work of sam july and droopt and again, we appreciate your amending the legislation and have the three hundred and 6 of thousand and finally, ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Colleagues, any questions for staff okay mr. Rose, can we go to your report. Item 3. Yes. Mr. Chairman, and members of the committee on page 13 of our report we report that according to the budget with the Telephone Communication the total not to exceed under the third amendment will increase the initial 4 years not the option to extend by of 24 million plus for 98 to one hundred plus that shown in table one on page 13 of the our report as the department is just indicated the master contract not to exceed of 1 hundred 22 plus s 665244 more than the amount of one hundred plus Million Dollars or Million Dollars so our recommendation on page 14 of our report we represented recommend you increase the master contract not to exceed by 664244 from one hundred 21 million and because of that increase we recommended and continued the proposed ordinance to the february 23, 2016, budget. Thank you, mr. Rose i think i want to be your recommending an increase. As i mentioned to supervisor tang and supervisor farrell we have to be objective the same manner we recommend recommend to reduce from the department can justify that it should be increased well certainly make that recommendation. I appreciate that mr. Rose now milestone my fourth year chairing the committee ive seen everything colleagues for the budget analyst. Okay. Seeing none open up for Public Comment is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak seeing none, Public Comment is closed supervisor tang. Thank you so i think that if our budget analyst is recommending an increase you should take it and run ill make a motion for the per budget analyst recommendation. For. Im sorry approve the amendment and continue to the february 3rdrd. A motion by supervisor tang and seconded by supervisor yee well take that without objection. Madam clerk item 4. Item 4 relieving approving to the Public Health for the behavorial addiction and treatment to extend the contract for 3 years. Deceptively. So as she said were proposing to exercise the option that are within its exciting rfp through july 1st, 2015, through june thank god 2018 this is an Ongoing Service for neglected done weve had for years wish to continue the proposed funding corresponding to the annual every year of the increased term and we agree with the amendment to increase the total amount to reflect the amount of funding we didnt spend in the original 5 years of the term as a contract we agree. Okay thank you very much colleagues, any questions for dph a okay mr. Rose, can we go to your report. That seems back on the right track. Just the opposite. Yes. Mr. Chairman, and members of the committee on page 17 by the report of the proposed resolution will increase it it from 26 million plus to 42 million plus an increase of 26 million plus, however, as shown in table two on page 17 of the report according to the data the budget will is 26 million plus or 6 hundred and 61 thousand dollars less than the increase in the resolution and additionally as the department testified as shown in table one on page 16 dpw has spent under the contract terms to 2,000. 15 a remaining authorized contract balance of 70282 when you combine the 661 even though 703 plus that translates into the recommendation on page 18 where we recommend you first of all, amend it to be retroactive to july 1st, 2015, and recommend you amend the proposed resolution to reduce not to exceed by one Million Dollars plus to 51 million and we recommend you approve it as amended. Thank you, mr. Rose colleagues, any questions seeing none, open up for Public Comment is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak please be advised please step forward. Im hooblgd on a budget season and high on buildinging youll give to this item fair and it is all sweet as city candy the taste is on my mind and you leave me thirsty forgive it all our time thank you. Thank you very much is there anyone else who wishes to speak on this item okay seeing none, Public Comment is closed colleagues, we is where a few suggested amendments by the budget analyst and an underlying resolution. Ill move to approve the recommended amendments okay motion to approve the recommended amendments and any underlying item we can take that well take that without objection. Madam clerk item 5 and resolution retroactively the Fire Department to is there anyone from the public that would like to speak . The anonymous of 780,000 in the department of Emergency Services to purchase 5 ambulances over the period of august to december 2016. Morning, mr. Chair. This the item before you is a i couldnt for accept and expend approval of a fuming grant for 6 hundred plus thousand dollars the department has issues funding adequate replacement of vehicles including ambulances a number of old ambulances in dire need of replacement with 44 and approve for a grant fog fiscal year 2014 assistance to the fuming grant with the purchase of 5 ambulances this grant a long with the donation weve received and budget the 2016 will allow the department to purchase 9 new ambulances this year and ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Colleagues, any questions. We dont have a budget Analyst Report so move on to Public Comment is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak. Thank you budget and finance supervisor farrell 5 came alive 5 is keeps me alive i was born born to be alive born to be alive and im glad we get item 5 it keeps you alive yes, it keeps you alive and when you were born to be ray alive born to be alive thanks for budget 5. Thanks is there anyone else who wishes to speak on this item seeing none, Public Comment is closed all right. Supervisor tang a through the chair send this with a positive recommendation. Well take that without objection. Madam clerk call item 6. Item of a resolution authorizing the Fire Department to accept a gift of a fire engine for the shuts up and global Risk Insurance companies valued at one hundred head and 40 plus thousand you. You can feel free to sing. Good morning this is a formal gift of a fire mans company it is a apparatus for the Fire Department and is put into service in 1845 acquired in 1947 and the insurance fold into the Parents Company as a result at the closed a number of the offices where the apparatus was stored and offered to the San Francisco Fire Department for use of San Francisco Fire Department museum we will be happy to accept that the engine is 133,000 ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Okay. Thank you, sir seeing no comments and no budget Analyst Report is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak on item 6. I seen fire and im glad this came in ive seen sunny days i thought would not end so welcome back again. Anyone else on item 6 seeing none, Public Comment is closed motion to send this with a positive recommendation. Supervisor yee well take that without objection. Madam clerk call items 7 and 8 together. Item 730 years the director of Property Agency Real Estate Division to execute an agreement with the design and construction of the improvement for real estate at 455 streets and item 8 the ordinance appropriately the transfer wastewater to the Zoning Administrator for the cost of central shop relocation in fisher 20152016. Okay. Thank you madam clerk. I know michael is here from the dpw and from the real estate. Thank you very much, Michael Deputy general manager for the Utilities Commission im going to turn it over to john updyke. Were talking about two property purposes one rental and consolidation of properties owned by the city next to the Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant it is on the site were talking about small triangle piece it is operated by the shop and it the automotive place of business were removing them to expand the pollution plant to remind the committee weve are actually in escrow on acquiring the properties we came to you before on that and signed a 10 year lease on the site but were talking about the construction of the Development Agreement we want to expedite that and now im going to turn it over to john updyke to talk about that. Thanks i understood you were going to sing that presentation laughter im not going to sing good morning john updyke director of real estate so part of key points and the outlined amendment the legislation as amended just provided to you so central shop on jerald must be relocated that was spoken to say the Displacing Agency for the relocation of shops to a fungal site in this case a merge of who acquisition and one less than two blocks wall previously approved by the board in december as please a carolyn talked about we were in talking about the sites when calculating it is two acres smaller than the current site at jerald this is an expansion of the project it is actually a slippage of the size were improving improving the Business Plan with the project and to be able to operate at two sites so the item before you seek the approval of who major thing the execution of a project delivery agreement as what the developer, llc and includes two contractors the general contractor this is charles buildings and the lead architect it authorizes us to engage in phase one in a not to exceed 10 million plus to complete one 100 percent construction secure the site, and the demolition, and the foundation and the permits the permits for the lease holder and complete the demolition and site grading with necessary piles and submit the completed phase two budget schedule for a getting into the weeds maximum pricey return to you subject to our recommendation and the boards recommendation we expect that to happen around the end of the calendar year the other legislation is just the logics of the location and the judiciousal transfer to the sfpuc that is automatically tricked after a series of actions so the legislation refers to fully executed memorandum of understanding memorandum of understanding and this was approved but is commission outlines the exception the rational the foundational and the logistics so the one dispatch is the with respect to, llc as the main developer and theyre two partners in this venue the general manager and the architect f m a weve been doing since seeking out this essential balcony of talent to deliver this specialized project we had to find someone with the availability the marketplace to perform the skill sets we thought were necessary we also wanted to assure users or ourselves the pricing and others fees were at or better than the Market Conditions currently out there we did a review the bay Area Developers we believe are scombild this this kind of project contacted 6 of the Top Developers in the bay area we received 3 responsive very robust comments on the proposed Fee Structure and the complexities of project things to watch out for and fills up the cost all of them responded that that was reasonable and fair they confirmed what we learned in the fall we didnt have the availability to perform on this project and lastly mandating the engineering that insures a guaranteed maximum price of Million Dollars that this project hard and soft inclusive of fees that had been to meet or better was a eco key driver making that a risky venture typically that is reflected the Higher Development fee in this case 3. 5 percent the fee was competitive indeed that is the item before you so ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. You might have about this want to speak briefly to the amendments recommended the budget Analyst Report very quickly what is before you is all the time legislation those amendments clarify that phase one approve is not to exceed 10. 3 million thats the only negligent before you relative to the execution of the contract and phase two with board approval the subject is not subject to chapter two 9 as utility project it is exempt it is clarified in the amendments and lastly we are accepting of the budget analyst suggestion of a reserve of 4 million and note that the amended appropriation owners contains a krorltz reserve for the fiscal year fiscal years were happy to make that amended to the amended legislation by the deadline necessary. Okay. Thank you very much interest supervisor yee. I have a question about the source it seems to me you went through somewhat of a process to identify who you could work with and im not understanding the difference of the process and actually taking out the bid when theres and reason we take things out to bid to find the most expensive prices the biggest bank for the dollars im not sure why we wee were doing this this way versus how we set up our system in the city. We looked at this project and finally decided the site a fairly recent development in the fall of last year not a secured site not a defined project into the community when reviewing this path that weve selected the item before you of a source selection versus a traditional bid process we estimated that will add 6 months to one years year to the delivery timeline of the project a circulation cost to the puc of 3 million a month relative to any dla classes, and, secondly, we reviewed what the delivery cost is through a typical design build competitive bid to public works we estimate this will be savings of 4 million against the traditional prong with the time and budgeted constraint that made us select the process we engaged in we went out to the community to try to find who best can carry off this project everyone is so busy we cant get a phone call returned we were pleased particularly with the general manager who is reasonable familiar with the city and delivered great promise the past a Public Safety building or others so thats what drove us to proceed and do the crosscheck it was indeed competitive if they went through the solicitation process was better than we got through the process we have confidence thats what weve delivered today. Your explanation sound good but i imagine your explanation could be used for almost any project in terms of if youre to save time and money not go through a boyd process trust me we got the best deal how do you responded respond to that we keep on breaking the mold of what we have set up to assure well get the best deals youre saying we dont need to be through the process. There are ways to cut the rules to save money not always the appropriate but an exceptional situation i think mr. Carolyn can articulate the exceptional nature of the overall project how imperative to the Bay Area Community maybe highlight that. Thank you supervisor yee thats a good question this is a redoing the plant a large project probably spend one . 5 billion over the next years the biggest driver the facilities digesters well to move them away from the residents and put them close to the railroad takes the sooner we can move forward and mr. Updyke was talking about the cost of money as was there a delay it costs more and more weve committed to that project and community so time is of the essence and if there were a pump station or typical what we do id like say weve gone through the regulars process this is the only time we will billboard a shop no, it is a speciality item not something we do it needs to be happening quickly the shop is a disaster the people deliver a better environment we would like to give that to them we want to move it quicker and it really see were trying to save time and money to move forward for that community we have to operate 85 percent of the selection in San Francisco. Okay. Thank you for your explanation i think you know im a little bit uneasy with that process but your explanation and also have these unique situations were put in i could sort of support it and i think whats more important to me the fact that the issue with the digester you know wanting to move away from the area means a lot to the supervisor in district 10 and difference to her ill be supporting this. Thank you. Supervisor tang. I think this is a quo question for john updyke but in our conversation in the briefing i asked about the timing and what else but we had discussions in terms of the your efforts looking for spaces the difficulties in that so i was wondering if you could here decide that. Certainly supervisor we again did a search within San Francisco unable to find a bid we landed on a sight in brisbane near the 101 from a speed stand point it was not all that different from the Current Location currently moving our fleet out of city and the mile age the deadhead Million Dollars to the fleet was then an over and over riding concern even though the project might have been delivered at a less expenditure expensive not a permanent solution requiring us to go through the process in 10 or 15 years hence so were pleased as we continue to look at the marketplace we landed on many this location only two blocks away from the current shop operation were jumping across the Railroad Tracks smaller than we desire but making some Business Operation changes we believe we can operate quite efficient in this location. Again to clarify the timing of the finds of leases or finalizing your agreement with the various Property Owners. Sure the board gave us the approval to close on two escrows at lease a fully executed we have control of the sites one of the acquisitions is fully signed in escrow slated to close tomorrow and the second acquisition is not going to close escrow until the end of february but were on task and budget for the boards direction in december. The other question so right now central shops is liltd a central shop were divide it 20 20 different places where the maintenance will be occurring can you talk about i mean one of the questions i asked the briefly was when you divide it up does that mean extra ongoing maintenance or personal long term can you talk about that. The intent supervisor to revise one location for a xhufrz so the main slit is between light duty and heavy duty repair so that is a broifks and others on a large site that is valdez weve split the operation done in a thoughtful way not adding to the resource demand of the shops operations and through those business process changes we might even be more efficient than if we were on one side so ill hoping this veeldz great change for the shops and the customers they serve. Going back to tbudget anali understand the circumstances under which the projects are moving forward i do want to thank puc for years ago they took me on the tour to the southeast Water Pollution area and personally got to smell what the neighbors who live across the street go through every single day so i understand from the prospective of those folks how necessary this is as well as the ongoing maintenance costs i think our city will be providing to the upkeep the existing facility so again though we prefer the boyd process i understand the urgency of this. Okay. Thank you supervisor tang colleagues, any questions at this time mr. Rose, can we go to your report. On these items. Yes. Mr. Chairman, and members of the Committee Regarding the waiver the city requirements has been discussed on page 24 of our report we report that the proposed ordinance will wave the competitive bid the citys administrative code with the, llc developer and the developer selection of e Architecture Design and the project charles builders has general contractors the ordinance says due to time con straights and the extraordinary competitive Real Estate Market the director of property has executed the project and identified teams capable of carrying it within the timeframe and within the Budget Development on page 27 of our report regarding administrative code the feasibility legislation as mr. Updyke indicated hes requested an amendment we have not yielded supervisors weighed in on that amendment for clarification purposes and an amendment to the proposed ordinance be expectation for the administrative code the fiscal feasibility that charter 29 does not apply to a Capital Improvement plan under the jurisdiction of San Francisco puksz the relocation of shops will not be necessary it it didnt require the sites on jerald street and it is the sole fund for this source therefore as i understand this is why mr. Updyke submitted that amendment or expectation and the recommendation on page 20 we recommend you approve this to clarify that the board of supervisors only Phase One Design the project agreement reflective of the costs not estimate to be 8 million plus currently estimated 10 million plus or not to exceed 10. 3 million, and, secondly, we referenced that chapter 29 exemption and third we consider approval the proposed ordinance 11226 we authorized the Competitive Bidding required by the administrative code on the proposed central shop to be a policy decision for the board of supervisors and finally we recommend you end the supplemental appropriation file to place 47 million of the total 62 plus Million Dollars on reserve and this is for phase one with the balance of 17. 2 million not the reserve given the budget analyst considers the file to be a policy matter this companion owners is also considered to be a policy decision for the board of supervisors the office of Contract Administration should ask a release at the same time a request approval due to the delivery on the board of supervisors. Well be happy to respond to questions. Thank you, mr. Rose one of the questions on chapter two 9 is the utility well work with the City Attorneys office to get to make sure that is vetted before we vote on it at the full board but nevertheless, part of amendments with us today okay. Thank you, mr. Rose for your analysis colleagues, any questions for the budget analyst seeing none, is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak on item 7 or 8 a you got a transfer from wastewater plant youve got a transfer in wastewater plant youve got a transfer from warrant plant do the best you can my city do care da District Attorney my city does care the puc cares thanks. Thank you very much there anyone else who wishes to speak on this item seeing none, Public Comment is closed colleagues welcome any discussion i think i share a general sentiment this has been before us this overall process so i think from my prospective i understand where we are we need to get this done and willing to be supportive today lets flush out the exemption stuff and from the City Attorney prospective before the board votes and if any other questions otherwise colleagues well deal with that but im prepared to support this today. Colleagues questions or comments or a motion. All right. So through the chair i think i also made my comments at a previous hearing so id like to manning make a motion to accept all of the recommendations that the budget analyst has stated and as amended forward out items seven and eight to the full board with recommendations. Motion by supervisor tang and seconded by supervisor yee well take that without objection. Madam clerk item 9 please. Item 9 resolution authorizing the director of public works to execute the agreement to the agricultural related design for the facility under the earthquake save and emergency bond program and increasing the not to exceed to approximately 12 million. Thank you, madam clerk so dpw is here to speak on this item come on up. Good morning mr. And members of the board im charles with the Prestige Management of the public works to request your authorization continue to provide architectural and Engineering Services for the design and delivery construction of the Traffic Company and friends of the Services Division as you recall this exists within the excerpt of the emergency bond program of 2014 along with several projects the bond program the largest amongst them this is commenced with the imperial contract were advancing the understanding and quality and its enforcement to the number of stated to the voter in the 2014 a total of one hundred 65 million im available to answer any questions. Thank you, sir colleagues, any questions okay harvey rose mr. Rose, can we go to your report. Yes. Mr. Chairman, and members of the committee on page thirty as shown in table one of the budget Analyst Report for the h o k the acreal services and the s f p did facilities total budget is one and 64 million so that the 11862 plus agreement represents 7. 2 percent of the one and 65 million budget shown in table two on page 33 of the report we do recommend that you approve that resolution and stated on page 33 of the our report. Thank you, mr. Rose colleagues, any questions well move on to Public Comment seeing none, Public Comment is closed colleagues, can i have a motion to send this forward. So moved. Well take that without objection. But madam clerk items one and two and for a special election on june for the purpose 6 voters to incur are to finance the construction and improvement and best estimate better timed of emergency responses and animal care for earthquake safety and two declaring that a Public Interest amend the construction improvement of Critical Community health and emergency responses for earthquake safety. Okay. Thank you madam clerk i know the game plan is having amendments that sit for a week to so the Controllers Office personnel that here talk about the amendments and whatever else. Good morning supervisors im bryan strong the director of Capital Planning. On mondays Capital Plan Committee there was an amendment to the proposed june public heath bond was considered and we have under the direction of the Capital Plan Committee worked with the City Attorneys office, Public Works Department of health, Human Services agency along with the Planning Department to make the amendments that have been submitted today essentially, what we do and we also provided you a memo from the representing the action item or describing the action item at Capital Planning committee on monday essentially their rechld a 350 million bond must plus the animal and care control shelter that 44 million project is to be replaced with 3 really programmed that will be incorporated into the bond or that will be incorporated into the bond the first one is the improvement at Community Health centers the bond is contemplated with the Southeast Center this will expand it to make improvements in other Community Health Centers Across the city and additional 14 million or insert 14 million for neighborhood fire stations and again part of this neighborhood fire station Improvement Program that the city has been working on and that would be the amount of 14 million and finally 20 million h that will go towards Homeless Individuals and families the form of improvements at the city owned shelters and Service Sites so those are the amendments that have been submitted and are before you today it is our understanding that they will need to sit for a week and well come back next week with a fully presentation and discussion ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. And we have staff here as well. Thank you, mr. Strong. Colleagues supervisor tang. Ill save any comments for which that is back before the committee i think i made it clear i wish any changes would have come earlier we remember working on the Capital Improvement plan you know now, when it was calendar in a certain way so that is what ill speak to obviously i had a huge concern the animal control facilities it was taken out of a previous bond measure but looking forward to work with the rest the city staff in terms of getting that project moving forward through the Participation Program so again well save the discussion for later. Okay supervisor yee. Yeah. I want to say that i echo commissioner sanchsupervis i want to hear about the animal control piece of this the other piece when you come back next week is i want to be able to know what Community Health centers were talking about in terms of these and i always am concerned sometimes being way out on the wetdz wonder if anything will benefit our residents out there so that would be one of my concerns. Certainly sure were happy to have that discussion i will say some of the Health Centers it is at a Program Level but well provide you with examples. Okay. Colleagues if footing no other questions mr. Rose anything to add on the amendments. No, i think we should wait and take into account the amendments and report back next week. Open up for Public Comment i have a number of speaker cards anyone else wish to comment 2 minutes and excuseme. You know what real quick we have one person to speak mr. Duffy ill call the speaker cards real quick. Again want to recognize our formally supervisor. Good morning, supervisors wonderful to see you im here to talk about animal control it was an Important Department when i was a supervisor and worked that polk i passed the ordinances mauvent the neutering of pit bulls and sponsored the backyard dog ordinances that sets standards for dogs kept outside will be treated as my work so many individuals have faced barriers to ending homeless because of animals and one of the concerns ive had and raised when this bond was discussed a couple years ago 9 value of building housing over the animal controls facility to build two stories of falls over that to establish a service that includes transitional housing or emergency housing over and over only could be helped by the Navigation Center no restrictions a vet we worked with and he had 3 large pit bulls and had two and a friend died but knowing that life of that do you go. I. Do solemnly swear. You go would be upgrading in his thats one example of an individual if we had a housing above the animal control i want to thank supervisor tang for your work of late with the families and family veterans ending Domestic Violence i hope you can divide this file and have the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development come back and talk about the opportunity to do a joint development i hope that will not exclude the housing for people so many people are there because of pets. Thank you inspector duffy. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello supervisor we san franciscans strongly oppose a new three hundred 15 building bond it will dramatically increase already public outcry that people can afford to live in San Francisco im retired im a small Property Owner and a low income person this year my pension it is same as last year but everything is more expensive than last year, i dont get help from Substance Abuse but the city keeps us in need for help not fair please help thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Morning ladies and gentlemen, my name is trashing taking into consideration since 315 million bond is for all San Francisco so small Property Owner should not be the automated teller machine man, im the small Property Owner unfair law i dont have rental income i thought i could get the help with any expense i cant afford this bond right now i have financial problems so i suggest no on this bonds so, please help our Property Owner resolve the financial problems thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Morning im a small Property Owner in San Francisco i will strongly oppose this 350 million bond everything that we do with an investment we expected to have a return and i never see that i dont see the analysis what is the return on our investment very passed prop a bonds i expect income from this and thats homelessness he hear the 27 million is spent on homelessness it is 3,000 a person i think that should be spent on the resources for example, the trees are taken care of by owners and definitely 20 million supposingly the city is not taking care of this that used to now the homeowners are and the rernlts are getting too much rents and i mean without increased rent not fair this compounding our expenses without fair returns people who cant pay rent how can we pass the bonds 50 percent this is just a fraud that is kind of like a lie on one side of the map they say they cant afford and on the one side they cant pay in consistent and no on the bond. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good morning and i im a small Property Owner i see the bonds can only help people i feel that people and homelessness and animal because theyve taking care of and by the city most of small Property Owner are broken people why we want to share our home from the threat of moving and the recreation has caused us difficult please no more bonds we cant afford it thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi im sally with the sf dog for 7 and a half years i was the director of animals control i worked with the city to get a new Animal Shelter we were excited it can be done the bonds i was disappointed and capital meeting i was disappointed the and a friend of mine who goes to those meetings said that was this first time he saw that happen so im concerned that a lot of longterm planning that goes into what goes into what bond and that sort of thing macro maybe and precedent those last minute changes could potentially be more common which i dont think is a good thing for the Capital Needs for the city needing infrastructure it and a either or sidewalks not people or pets we can insure both helping animals helps people as one example having an animal can help someone suffer from Mental Illness and the animals that help people keep come from the shelter we desperately need a new shelter and the the city Zoning Administrators office were committed to understanding money through the certificate of the appreciation he urge the board to make sure this shelter gets funded if not through the bonds by the certificate of appreciation not later on but sooner thank you. No on this bonds every time the bonds thank you. Next speaker, please good morning a small Property Owner and no on this bond since 350 million is for all san franciscans owner so should is not the atm machine no good thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good morning, supervisors and 350. 50 percent of you know go how difficulty for the small Property Owner facing higher payments and we cant recreate only i see a lot of people remiss thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi my name is lydia brown work at the main library im also a volunteer dogwalker with the animal control as a Public Servants i see many people in need of help but the Homeless People that visit the Library People that have animals are more grounded it occurs this is a sense of wellbeing the library ive seen kittens and birds in a basket like the what has been marked as arrested of these this is one of the greatest cities the world we can do this without breaking the bank we are hosting the super bowl this week and paying millions of dollars for the influx of people im happy we can welcome our guests in style i believe we should construct a new Animal Shelters up to date the facility is a converted Office Building not for animals ac c accepts all animal one 40th the bugged they only accept currently pets be in good health ive seen animals that were adopted in a motivator of days maybe spent months at the spaca it makes good sense to get those animals adopted as quickly as possible the staff can volunteer but, of course, the loving homes is the best environment. Can i say a tiny bit more. Everyone has 2 minutes but appreciate our comments through. Next speaker. Please. Good morning. My name is a gloria i hope you guys look at this paper i want you guys to say no on this bond even though i have a house but it is not im not a rich people please say no on this bond thank you. Thank you very much is there anyone else who wishes to speak on this item. Hi, im josephine i support this bond but i have a problem that is on the small Property Owners only 50 percent can be passed there i support Community Health and Public Health but i support animal care facilities but i oppose that the treatment tree maintenance is not part of it if we can spend 54 million to create new infrastructures to Shelter Animals why not maintain the existing trees that used to be the citys property and now individual Property Owners people spend 10,000 a year to maintain the trees have the amendments to include the 55 million tree maintenance and also consider 50 percent pass through to be increased to 100 percent for bond issues we have are small Property Owners responsible for 50 percent of housing in this city were Housing Providers that take care of 50 percent the rental units we responsible for three percent of the bond revenue yet we dont have a say in this whole process i demand a seat at the table for any future creation we need to have a say how to streamline this no problem that supporting the bond that doesnt increase property tax but we want to have a say how how to spend the by the end monies for something we need in dire thank you. Thank you very much is there anyone else who wishes to speak on this item all right. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed any comments i know we have a number of amendments that just came in i forget what the topics are mr. Gibner a chance to do this appropriate. John gibner, deputy City Attorney as supervisor tang mentioned some amendments are late breaking wed like an opportunity in our office to prove read no errors in all the language because that meeting will be the last opportunity to make any amendments the Committee Adopts these well do the proofread and submit the final copy to the clerk by 8 00 a. M. Tomorrow morning and not make any substantive changes. Im in supportive of that. I said to acknowledge the people that came out for public utility Public Comment i know you represent Small Properties so there is a lot of sharing on your part i understand that i will say that i know that they have been difficult bond measures that have passed that result in Infrastructure Improvements that, yes you can see so whether our public parks we used or a Public Hospitals or the Library System all of these things are available to everyone in the general Public Comment i think those successes speak for how important some of the bonds manufacture measures we cant fund with the general dollars i think so that i do want to make sure that that point is made everyone no matter what level of income gets do use those facilities i think there is a lot of discussion to be had on the amendments made well continue to work on that i appreciate the comments about the trees i know we care about as well as my other colleagues as well as supervisor wiener i look forward to more discussion and for now well continue this item. Thank you supervisor tang and echo some of the comments for the small Property Owners i understand the sentiment and the trees and support all those things i think we have a conversation over the next week and i know a lot of work is going on in the bond from a Capital Improvement plan i imagine years it has been talked about and not going to satisfactory everyone i know the discussion around animal control is something that is important to many people and myself include so with that, colleagues in the questions or comments lets entertain a motion to accept those except the Proof Reading by our City Attorney and continue this for next wednesday. So moved. Motion by supervisor tang well take that without objection. And okay is there any additional business to come before this body . Theres no further business. Thanks everybody were hi left right halt i had a burning doorway to do the right thing and join the department such this we my brother applied and fortunately well here and this means a lot im home everyone night to study and we workout together and it is a blessing i have a brother to go home and fed off of one another were the twins but pretty much were not treated and individuals sometimes treated as a item if he did something wrong they use the word instead of you the it heroism were going our our separate ways and good morning our own individuals middle of steadfastly a twin all the it but inside of the district ive seen negative and positive things and with that made me want to be a Police Officer i want to give back and do public serve always a class president i dealt with everyone and served my class not only be humble enough to serve my class and pierce being a squad leader is a responsibility of maintaining my squad and being that voraciously person i need to step up to the challenge i believe during the 8 months i fulfilled any dude and after graduation just be a good officer to learn the skill and profession and give to the community to give the best to them and be a helpful hand thats the main thing and the new people coming into the did not know why youre doing it join the department for the right reason and do it to help the community and it is sharing youre time when you get into the department do is commented to the craft and enjoy it along the way enjoy it along the way i encourage you to talk about over with our families and talk 2 over with yourselves ultimately youll do the job and find a senseably reason for doing it after the hard work everyday for 8 months straight and finally it pays off and you know as honey honor and privilege not anyone can do this job i look forward to getting often the street and learning and hit the ground running it will be a surreal moment day one i thought months here but sat down me and my brother talked about it and were on the right track and stay focused and walking tloo across the stage is a huge honor. All right, we are ready to start. It is monday, january 25, Small Business commission meeting. It is 2. 10 and we are going to call the meeting to order. Before we do that just again announcement that i do not have speaker cards so for this meeting for when the item that you are interested in speaking on is called, just line up and say your name if youd like to before you start to speak. So id like to thank sfgovtv for recording and airing the Small Business commission meeting. So, mr. President , i will go to item no. 1. Call to order, roll call. Do your announcement first. So were going to start make ago monthly announcement or an announcement for every meeting to let you know and to reinforce the notion that the office of Small Business is the only place to start your business in San Francisco. A lot of people dont know that and when starting a business in San Francisco, the first place you want to go is either in person or online to sfosb. Org and or come to our desk here at city hall and you will learn everything you need to know about starting your business and where you go from there. We are also letting all the other desks throughout city hall know that if someone comes to them and says, im starting a business, they say, well, if you havent been to the office of Small Business first, go there first and we will see you when the time is right. Okay, so thats our Public Service announcement for today. Thank you. And its free. And our advice is free. Thats very important. Item no. 1, which is call to order and roll call. We have officially called the meeting to order and roll call. Commissioner mark dwight, here. Commissioner steve adams, here. Commissioner kagts lean dooley, here. Commissioner ortizcartagena, here. Commissioner riley, here. Commissioner toursarkissian, here. Commissioner zouzounis. We have a quorum. General Public Comment. This is the point in the meeting where we allow the public to comment on items that are not on the agenda. If you have something pertinent for right now and you want to say it, thats great. Or even better if you want to place something on the agenda for the future, the Small Business commission is open for new business here at these meetings and we encourage people to come here to recommend what they would like to be on our future agendas so this is the time for that. If there are any members of the public who would like to comment on something that is not on the agenda or recommend something for a future agenda, please do so now. General Public Comment is closed, lets move on to 3. Item no. 3 is discussion and possible action on a resolution in support of superbowl 50 and the benefits to San Franciscos Small Businesses. We were to have a presentation by the office of economic and Work Force Development. The presenter is currently not here right now. You want to table this until later . Here he comes. So, todd, you are up. On cue. Thank you, commissioners, todd rufo, office of economic apblds Work Force Development. I want to thank commissioner adams for putting forth this resolution and i want to speak today in strong spoertd of it. We look at data from past superbowls and the data is clear. Lots of people come and spend money at local restaurants, Small Businesses, hotels and others, driving sales and this in turn results in more revenue for host cities. Now, the office of Work Force Developments goal was two first is to ensure that San Francisco business, particularly our Small Businesses in commercial corridors were the beneficiaries, were connected to the hundreds of thousands of fans who are coming to the city. The second is to connect San Francisco residents to the Work Force Developments created by the superbowl. First on the Small Businesses, we as you know launched the shop and dime, the 49 campaign, last year, a targeted campaign specifically designed to promote local businesses of local commercial corridors to get residents throughout the city to shop local. We did that last year and launched it again as part of the Holiday Season this year and we through the superbowl partnered early on with the Host Committee to drive traffic and leverage the traffic being done through shop and dime and drive traffic to commercial corridors. We did extensive to Community Benefit districts, to our local Merchant Associations as well as other partners on the ground in the community to support this initiative. Working together we created with the superbowl host program a targeted Marketing Campaign to drive fans and visitors to neighborhood Small Businesses. Those include the creation of shop and dime and 49 maps and you may have seen those, the hundreds of banners that are up around the city and weve distributed those maps to hotels, thousands of those maps have also been distributed to the Taxi Commission as well to make sure visitors who are riding in taxis also have access to that. We have the shop and dime, the 49 web site which promotes the local events at local commercial corridors in the city and we understand that the Host Committee will have ambassadors that are guiding visitors to these events throughout the city, as well as promoting our local corridors and handing out this material as well. Sf travel we have been working with as well, we will have kiosks within the superbowl area, showing and presenting the areas within the city, within the superbowl city, to drive traffic as well. One of the other aspects weve worked with the Host Committee on is the superbowl program. This is a Phenomenal Program designed to leverage the excitement around the superbowl to promote our commercial corridors. Weve worked with the program at the host city to promote several neighborhoods and the activities they are puting together. Currently on their web site neighborhoods including the excelsior, bayview, castro as well as chinatown are highlighting special events that visitors who are coming to San Francisco for the event can learn about and go to those neighborhoods. They include everything from pub crawls to mardi gras celebrations to weeklong neighborhood events. Beer week is also going on in San Francisco and beer week is being promoted through the Super Community as well, so a great example of local neighborhood efforts and events and promotions going on that are being directly connected to the opportunities created by the superbowl. A great example is whats going on in the bayview. I know earl may be here as well, earl shaddocks, who is a merchant leader who weve been working closely with, and ill let earl speak more to it as well, but they created the super soul 50 program which will invite visitors to explore and experience the bayview from february 2nd through the 7th and they are offering food specials all along 3rd street at local businesses. They have partnered with the Host Committee to create Super Community posters, these beautiful orange posters in the windows of businesses up and down 3rd street. Again, its a great example of a neighborhood that has come together to promote the neighborhood and take advantage of this great opportunity with all the visitors here. Another great example is the work being done in the castro led by the Merchants Association as well as many others that are on the ground in the castro. They created a great web site and campaign called visit super castro. Com which highlights local events and businesses. There are also promotional ads and banners that will be up on busses and sides of busses highlighting, promoting the castro. There is also way finding to ensure visitors can get to the castro from superbowl city and know of the many transportation methods to get to the castro. The third kie key program was a Program Designed to kick local businesses to the contracting and purchasing opportunities being created by the superbowl through reginas work and early meeting with them, with the Host Committee, it was highlighted to them in those early meetings the importance of ensuring that lgbt businesses were included as part of the key group that is we would focus on related to local purchasing and targeted groups targeted for local purchasing. I believe it was the first time that a Business Connect Program did include lgbt and worked with ggba on that key program. The second thing we have worked with has been work force and jobs. I will go through this piece very quickly and take any questions you might have on it, but we worked with the Host Committee to identify 500 job opportunities, they are temporary in nature because the event is temporary in nature, at the superbowl city as well as the nfl experience location. And of those we have held 6 hiring events and of those we have been able to identify 321 residents from our system and of those, 176 of those residents referred from our system has received job offers from the contracting firms. The top three neighborhoods where those residents are coming from is the bayview, the tenderloin, as well as the excelsior. Important data to highlight that these opportunities are translating into real opportunities for San Francisco residents. As you also know our local hire provision applies to the city built program to ensure that incredible San Francisco talent is getting connected to those opportunities. Theres been a lot of discussion around transportation, obviously, and its importance to Small Businesses to ensure that not only can goods and customers get to Small Businesses but that fans and visitors to the city can get out to our businesses and visit them as well. And the sfmta has launched an incredible web site, sfmta sf50 which is wonderful for helping visitors to understand the transportation opportunities to be able to move around in the city. I want to close with one final point and thats related to the Financial Impact of the superbowl. We again looked at the data of past superbowls and we focused on the past superbowls because those are the actual events that created real data that we have something to evaluate. Based on those, in phoenix in 2015 their superbowl generated an overall Financial Impact of 719 million. In new orleans was 227 million. Its the impact to Small Businesses and hotels apblds everybody in between. That translates directly into local tax revenue. The new orleans the number we saw was more than 10 million for just local sales tax and hotel and car rental taxes. Again, very specific numbers that speak to the direct Economic Impact to not only the local economy of superbowl host cities as well as the direct tax revenue that translates into cities. A final point related to that. It is important to note that cities that host the superbowl do so time and time again. They host the superbowl and then they compete again for the opportunity to host it again, which highlights to me at least within those cities that they have done analysis and said, it is worth it for them to continue to host the superbowl and to try for it again. And i think its instructive that other cities experience just that, there is positive economic output and impacts that occur. Happy to answer any questions that the commission may have. Thanks, doug. Commissioner adams. First off, thank you very much for your presentation. And i want to say thank you to the office of economic and Work Force Development, the Superbowl Committee. I know in our neighborhood some people had issues with the f line not running and right away your team jumped in, you brought sfmta in, you brautd us all in, we came up with a solution, we have an awesome web site and people in the neighborhood are very, very excited. And you said a couple of things. Millions of people will be coming to this town, its the superbowl and who doesnt want to come to San Francisco. We will be showcased all over the world and our no. 1 industry is tourism. We want to get those sites and i, for one, am very, very excited but i really am grateful for the help we got from your office and im very impressed with the superbowl 50 how they jumped in, they even blessed our super castro 50 web site name which we trademarked already and they were fine with it. Ready for the next one. Well, thats something that we are actually going to use that web site year round now for tourism because it came out so well that were going to use that during pride, during Chinese New Years and all these other events that occur during the year. I cant thank you enough for everything you and your team and superbowl 50 has done, especially for our neighborhood. Thank you, commissioner, you bring up an interesting time that february in particular is generally a slow time for San Francisco. I know for hotels and the folks focusing on tourism, after the holidays people are kind of traveled out so its coming at a time in the year where our local Tourism Sector as well as our Small Businesses can really benefit from that boost. Commissioners, any other comments . Questions . Okay, seeing none we will open it up to Public Comment. Again, we dont have any speaker cards today, unfortunately, so if you are interested in Public Comment please line up and i want to remind you that Public Comment is limited to 3 minutes. Its not because were bad people, ogres here and want to drag you off the stage, but thats the way it is so everybody goats 3 minutes. You will hear a little bell about 30 seconds before your time is due, dont get nervous but that means the gavel is coming. If you have written your comments by all means read them. Better that you stick to the script you have written than wander off into hyper space because its amazing how 3 minutes can turn into 5 or 10. Anyway, lets get the show on the road. Before we start there we go. Sorry, never mind. Thank you so much. Mr. President , commissioners, first of all thank you for being here. I will take your advice and speak quickly, my grandmother told me how to speak and she always took the advice of Franklin Delano roosevelt. I always find it amazing that someone who in 8th grade made a touchdown. My name is david perry, i started my business at 18th and castro with a small apple 2c computer and for the record of transparency, i am working with the superbowl 50 committee specifically to talk to our community. Businesses, nonprofits, people who are reaping the benefits of superbowl 50. Superbowl 50, as the commissioner said, will not only be good for the next few weeks for business, its going to leave a positive legacy for the entire city. As for this mornings press conference over 7 1 2 Million Dollars, thats actual cash, has been donated to bay area nonprofits and charities, specifically groups that work with at risk and disenfranchised youth for the legacy of superbowl 50 and the work of the committee will truly be super, not only super castro, super haight and others. Im here to encourage other people who may be suspicious of how the superbowl may be good for them to look at the numbers. Look at what you can do to make this good for tour i haves. As an lgbt owned business i am proud to say for the First Time Ever in superbowl history in addition to working with all kinds of businesses and vendors there is a specific supplier diversity program. Over 3 million in contracts that we know of, today, have gone to Small Businesses that are women owned, minority owned and for the first time there are two new categories, lgbtq and businesses owned by disabled veterans. We live in San Francisco, we know its political, ive worked on almost every large event over 30 years in San Francisco and discourse is the soul of democracy. So i want to thank our board of supervisors for looking at superbowl 50, asking the questions, but i would like to point out just in the sake of fairness that one of our supervisors who now is opposing superbowl did vote for it four years ago. Thank you. Thank you very much. Hello, commissioners, my name is barbara aco, i am the executive director of the bayview opera house. S and the bayview opera house is a Community Cultural center owned by the city that we operate and we applied for a grant opportunity for superbowl 50 and were awarded a grant for kids in the bayview. Arts have been pretty much eliminated from the School Curriculum because they are struggling schools so we are happy for this grapblts to help the kids of bayview experience the arts. We also put on a lot of events, especially Outdoor Community events that are arts based and weve been doing that for several years, many events supported by a grant from the office of economic Work Force Development for which we are very grateful. We conduct surveys at every event so we know about 20 percent of the people who attend our events have never been to bayview before, period, not to one of our events. Many people come from other bay area cities as well, at least 10 percent of our event goers come from outside so it shows you even a district like bayview that is not considered a primary attraction in San Francisco, events attract people from all over the bay area. So i just wanted to say that im in favor of this resolution because i think events really are an Economic Development factor, definitely in bayview but i believe all over the city and i thank superbowl 50 for their donations and contributions they have made. Thank you, thats great news. Next . Good afternoon, my name is dan burk, im the executive dregtor of the first t of San Francisco. For those of you not familiar with our organization, we are a leading Youth Development organization, a nonprofit, and we teach kids life skills really through the great game of golf. We reach about 10 to 12 thousand youth right here in our great city every year. Historically our partnerships with the city, including the Mayors Office and park and rec and the San Francisco Unified School District has really been critical to our success over the last decade and kind of a vital component of this partnership has been the Financial Support we have received from events that have come to this great city. Speaking of professional golf events alone have contributed over 2 million to our chapter over the last decade. Superbowl 50 is no exception, some of the numbers getting thrown around that have been contributed to charity have a meaningful charity. Even though you wouldnt see anything in the local newspaper or espn the reality is hosting an event like this provides resources to those Whose Mission is to help those this need. We are honored to receive a very generous 10,000 donation. Specifically this 10,000, its going to allow about 750 kids that live in the richmond and Western Addition and sunset areas to get on a school bus and come to golden gate golf course one day a week for six weeks for pe, learn about the fundamentals of golf, and more importantly learn about some of the values in the game which is honesty and integrity and perseverance. These lifechanging opportunities such as this, they just really wouldnt come to fruition without support from events such as the superbowl and were a great city and doing these things is the right thing to do and i do urge you to support this resolution and thank you for your time. Thanks. Thank you very much. Good afternoon, commissioners, thank you for having this hearing. My name is gwen kaplan, i am the ceo and founder ofase mailing on 16th sfreet between full sum and harrison and i am here to support the superbowl and the Superbowl Committee. Ase mailing applied to be and was accepted to be a superbowl vendor during that process an as such we have a very nice contract to do product literature fulfillment for the superbowl, so we are delighted with that. My family received a phone call before the handshaking yesterday after the broncos graham with some family and friends telling us move over, were coming out for the game. So were very excited about the superbowl itself and i think it can only benefit the city and it was my understanding that a normal week in february, early in february, that wae would be bringing in the city about 90 million, but through the superbowl itself it will be an additional 70 million over that. So not having the figures that todd has, but i think it can only benefit the city and i thank you for supporting it. Thank you. Boy, we havent had turnout like this in years. Good afternoon, commissioners, my name is karen flood, im the executive director of the Union Square Business Improvement District and im here to speak in favor of the resolution to support superbowl 50 and all the positive benefits it will have to our city and union square in particular. As our Organization Purpose is to promote business in and around union square, we represent properties and Property Owners and merchants in about a 27block area which includes a large number of hotels, high concentration of retail, both high end, moderate retail, as well as a number of bars and restaurants so we look forward to all the additional people visiting our establishments. While were not the center of activity, we are close by with the experience of the moscone and the Ferry Building and we know a number of players, organizers and fans will be staying around union square. It looks like anheuserbusch will be hosting an event in the park itself and will offer an experience to learn more about the history of football and such. We know macys will be hosting a week long celebration in the square with players and signings and exciting things going on, the hilton is doing events so there is a lot happening in and around the square. San Francisco Union Square in particular received a huge economic benefit as has been mentioned from tourism and convention business, but we know february is quite a slow month, we have seen that over the years, so we are looking forward to this big boost in visitors that will be coming to the area to again stay in our hotels, dine in our restaurants, shop in our stores. And as todd mentioned the last 3 cities that hosted the superbowl did earn in excess of 275 Million Dollars. We certainly look forward to seeing the numbers but we are hopeful for that and certainly with all that is planned with superbowl city and the nfl experience theres going to be a lot of visitors in town, just incredible entertainment planned, of course. This will be a huge draw for San Francisco and well be on the world stage. With the media hits alone there will be people coming and a big boost to tourism for years to come. With that, we are in support of this resolution and we certainly will be promoting our union square bars and restaurants on our news letter to know you know of the specials that will be happening in union square. Thank you. Thank you. Good afternoon, xhirs, commissioners, my name is kevin carol, im the executive chairman for the work Investment Board working with the work force teams. The Hotel Council we are fully in support of superbowl 50. Our hotels were part of the to bring the superbowl here and involved commitments early on to secure the to have the superbowl come to San Francisco, so were definitely fully support of it and the resolution thats here before you today. We have hotels that are 25 rooms up to hotels that are up to 1900 rooms, so we represent both small and large hotels and all the hotels in between that work to welcome our visitors here to San Francisco. With over a million visitors to our city during superbowl 50 we will have benefits both short and longterm and for our businesses both small and large. Having the superbowl during a time of year when we are not always fully booked helps us and helps all those surrounding businesses around us. It will benefit our hotels, of course, but all the businesses working and surrounding our hotels would be included and we know that weve worked closely with the office of economic and Work Force Development on the shop and dine in 49, our concierges are working on the maps that will given out to visitors as well. It will benefit our taxes and the local vendors our hotels work with will benefit by the increase ode business as well. The majority of our 24,000 workers in the Hotel Industry work in San Francisco so when our business is stronger and theres more hours available and people are working more, thats always benefiting our neighbors as we. The city will benefit from the hotel tot tax, theres more additional people coming in, theres more revenue coming in for the city as well which will help with the expenses related to it. The superbowl is watched around the world, the global audience is a hundred million or more. When people are watching the superbowl and making a decision where they might come on their next vacation, thats another reminder of our world class city and hopefully they will make the decision to choose San Francisco which will benefit our economy as well. Again, the Hotel Commission fully supports superbowl 50 and the resolution thats before you today. Thank you so much for your time, i appreciate it. Hey, jim. Good afternoon, memorandum bers, jim lazarus, San Francisco chamber of commerce. Im distributing a letter that the chamber is putting out to you today and will give copies to the board of supervisors and the mayor. This is certainly a proud time for San Francisco, for our residents and our businesses throughout the city because we have an unparalleled opportunity to come together and celebrate what makes the city such a special place. The superbowl celebration includes an array of activities throughout the bay and San Francisco generating millions of dollars for nraupb philanthropic opportunities. We strongly believe the superbowl activity will bring an enormous benefit to the city and for a modest investment for the city as a host will reap benefits to the bottom line of the citys bottom line as well. I attached something it should be no surprise that you have to for the superbowl. In 1994, San Francisco for the 1999 superbowl and attached to that letter is something we called enticements. I was cochair of this effort for mayor jordan in 1994 and youll see a list of enenticements even greater than i think the city was asked to do for this superbowl. And we got that superbowl for 1999, just like we got the superbowl when diane was mayor for 1985. We never lost a. We gave up the 1999 superbowl because of a decision to build a new stadium and not pour additional money into Candlestick Park that would have been necessary to host the superbowl in that 1999 facility. We know for 2016 that superbowls are net economic engines for the cities that they are hosted in and San Francisco investing 4 to 5 Million Dollars will more than recoup that tax revenue to the general fund. Just an approximate on the hotel tax, if we have an 80 percent occupancy and you go to 95 percent occupancy and you have a 231 average daily rate in february last year and you take that rate to around 400, you are going to bring between 4 and 5 Million Dollars of incremental growth that you wouldnt otherwise have in the hotel tax alone, not counting san sales tax, business taxes, parking taxes, et cetera. This is a good deal for San Francisco, its a good deal for residents, and we urge you to adopt the resolution before you. Thank you. Thank you. Good afternoon, my name is dawn ackerman, i am the president of out smart office solutions, a local Office Design and if furniture installation company. Im also on the board of the golden gate business association. I was one of several lgbt businesses for the First Time Ever to within an opportunity from the Superbowl Committee and this has been an amazing opportunity for my business, not just in the money that they spent with us, but the publicity that has gone along with it. Weve been interviewed by several newspapers, the go for the gold, count down to gold show, and just today fox news. And i think that what weve done here in San Francisco is not only help our Small Businesses and the city in areas like the castro but weve set a precedent for future inclusion of lgbt businesses in superbowls from here on out. So i want to thank you for making this decision. Thank you. Good afternoon, my name is andre decosta, im a minorityowned Small Business own, i work with spark ship, ive been running my business since 2002. Im in full support of this resolution in terms of the time that ive been here ive never had a quarter in the sense that weve been looking forward to as much as this. This event alone has brought up a lot of interest in the community and im not only fully supportive of what you have put together here, but also in terms of whats to come. Like you mentioned, cities and for superbowl and ive seen it first hand, i used to work in new york, specifically around parking for superbowl and first hand just seen what happened over there and i know the commission did a lot of studies into those superbowls and looked at those superbowls very closely. Im really looking forward to seeing what transpires in the next two weeks because i think we can see a lot of benefits to come for future generations. Thank you. Good afternoon, commissioners, my name is nick baloni, have him the vpo of the planings association of the rich mupbld, i am from the Richmond District and i know how those deal with the Small Businesses there and i dont see the excitement in february that i have with some of my Small Businesses, some of the small restaurants, that i have in my restaurant that i have this year. I was at tommys last week on week and julio and i were talking about how much extra the superbowl was bringing to them. Its their 50th year, and the superbowl 50th year. He was excited about that as well and its kind of nice. I know how these large events mean to the local xhuepbtds. Communities. Im not going to talk a lot about anything other than this and how much these mean to the small communities. I have one restaurant called gaspars, a little italian place. Gaspar is a nice guy, ive known him for years. He came up to me a couple years ago when outsidelines first started, i ran out of food. I cant believe i ran out of food. The look on his face was, like, wow. Thats what these big events bring. They bring Economic Growth to these Small Businesses. And ive worked to keep outsidelines in the richmond. He put his arm around me and said thank you and thats what were doing today to bring the superbowl here. We want to bring all the Small Businesses in the area that same kind of joy that gaspar had when he told me about the lack of food. Also being part of the Richmond District he was talking about the golf. Ive seen that golf program personal, ive gone down there and watched it and i think its great, the superbowl giving them some money, because i think that is something great to bring communities to our parks who might not have the chance. So i am in full support of this resolution, i think its very important that we have the superbowl here. So thank you. Good afternoon, commissioners, my name is earl shaddocks, i am the chair of the recently formed Economic Development association for bayview. I have to call out rufo and torez for reaching out to us in the bayview, trying to make we were at the table when the entire superbowl discussion began. I noticed on my way in from mariann from shop dine 49 began with her. She approached us, sat down with us just before the holidays and toll us some Great Stories of her own experience in bayview including a relative who worked with or knew sam sdwroer jordan and it kind of morphed from there. I just came from a press conference at southern sweets. The contract is so large that its larger than any other piece of business shes ever been given. Her social media account has gone viral, its a fun kind of crazy. We also came up with a program called supersoul 50, kind of a riff on superbowl, and tried to include all the businesses on the bayview that are open serving food including old school, radio africa, frisco fried. We have again out of their way to help us including a banner, another large poster fear us to give out, they have put our supersoul on their web sites, they have gone out of their way to really plug our local businesses. We really appreciate it. We thank them and encourage you to support this resolution and i hope to see you all in the bayview for supersoul week. Thank you, commissioners. Thank you. Good afternoon, my name is lisa lidsky and im the managing director of inaudible offer her support but she is out of town. We are super grateful to the superbowl 50 fund for the grant that we received recently. Were also being featured as a possible organization to receive an additional 10,000 through their ultimate fan favorite, which highlights our presence not only as a nonprofit here in the city thats taking advantage of all the opportunities, but also as social enterprise. Our youth, if you are not familiar with Old School Cafe, run every aspect of the business. We serve at risk youth ages 18 to 22. They learn everything from serving to Business Management to cooking and then actually run the restaurant, which taps into the amazing Tourism Industry here, the Hospitality Industry in San Francisco. So their future is going to look bright, we hope, as they continue to participate in events like this. Were also super grateful to earl and the office of economic Work Force Development for putting on supersoul 50. Were going to go ahead and take saturday, february 6, and highlight Old School Cafe and our qui seen. We have a fantastic gumbo, we have 4 off gumbo and we encourage everyone to come in and try us that night. Since downtown is going to be busy and lots of excitement, they can come discover some of the hidden gems in our city. So we offer our support and appreciate all that Small Business does for us. Thank you. Thank you very much. Good afternoon, my name is john hornstadt, director of sales and marketing at the Hyatt Regency of San Francisco. To work with the Superbowl Committee, they have done a phenomenal job in educating me over whats going to be taking place over the next two weeks. One thing that we look at is providing a really unique experience for our customers and were going to have 804 customers in guest rooms the next few weeks. Yes, its a phenomenal event over the next few weeks, however longterm, and our job is to provide unique experiences for all the businesses in the city of San Francisco and thats what our goal is to support everybody to make sure were sending our customers all over the town because we know longterm they are going to come back with a great experience. So thats our goal over the next two wex, 2 weeks, as it is every day of the year. This group is paying a fairly high rate and the expectation is fairly high, we are there the next couple weeks to make sure they are supporting all of our businesses. So thank you very much. Thank you. Provide housing and employment to the most vulnerable population, which is the youth that we serve. We are very thankful for the generous grant, 10,000 that we received through the 50 fund and this funding went to create a studio, a music studio, within larkin street youth services. Most of the youth we work with are very much involved in the arts and they love creating music so we put that funding towards creating, putting together a studio where they can come and record their music and share their passion for arts within the agency. We are now competing for another 10,000 grant that we are hoping to double that investment through leveraged funding through stub hub. The Superbowl Committee has followed through on its promise to make this the most philanthropic superbowl ever and the invest thes that have been put forward will have a big impact on the lives of San Franciscos most vulnerable population. Larkin street is grateful for this commitment and hope we can be the model for future investment through largescale events in San Francisco, so we are really thankful. Thank you. Thank you. Good afternoon, my name is Denise Rasmussen and i am the director of sales and marketing for Alcatraz Cruises and also hornblower cruises. We want to thank the city of San Francisco in its wisdom of bringing the superbowl here, im sure its the first of many. I know were talking big numbers and millions and billions and tax revenue, but im really wanting to just thank you for the extra 70 people, most of them San Franciscoans, most of them younger people from outlying neighborhoods, some from some of the also im from the excelsior so i want to thank you for reaching out to my little burg at the southern part of San Francisco. A lot of the people we were able to bring back to work six weeks early for our Summer Season because of the superbowl and those are all local San Francisco residents. So big, big money for everybody but important incremental money for all of the employees that i know that the hotels have had to hire, the Transportation Companies have had to hire, its incredibly unusual to be staffing up in february. Its one of the only really full months that alcatraz dos doesnt sell out but were finding that our numbers for february have already significantly increased for after the superbowl and we think that that is certainly because of the promotion of San Francisco and all of the attention that has been brought to us because of the superbowl. So thank you very much. Thank you. Good afternoon, commissioners, my name is wilma pang, im sure some of you know me, but i dont know most of you, i know only irene riley because we have been friends long time in chinatown. Thank you for terry because i wouldnt have known about this event, superbowl. This is an independent planet, nobody knows whats going on because mono Language Society so im glad that david invite me to speak because chinatown really needs a lot of help and i think hopefully superbowl p help chinatowns business. Business in khiepb that town for the last 20 years, i would say, has been declining and declining and declining. Lots of the restaurants in north beach and chinatown are closed. So chinatown needs some holding hands. I hope the commissioners understand that its a mono Language Society so in order to reach them, you have to have something to be able to hook up with them. I am not a business person, i am an artist and i have come up with activities to promote mono language. Im not saying im a cultural expert but in the 80s i went to australia to plan their National Ethnic arts festivals. So i hope that even though i dont want a job but i hope that ill be able to connect you with chinatown to help them because chinatown is a no. 1 tourist industry in the map. When i mentioned that on my campaign, nobody pays attention. Sorry to say that its been overshadowed by other severe problems such as housing. Please, please do recognize chinatown and ill be very happy to help out but i do not need a job. Thank you. Thank you. All right, do we have any other members of the public who would like to comment on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners, are there any questions . Commissioner ortizcartagena. I dont have any questions but i want to reiterate and what everybody here mentioned and thank you for your time, but this is obviously a nobrainer. This is the biggest event in northern america. My hospitality background knows this is slow season and you have quantified all the value this brings but exponentially you cant quantify the profits made in this two weeks, people invest in Capital Improvements, hiring staff, house keeping, well have jobs now. This is a nobrainer. I thank you for your time and sharing the impact this will have on your businesses and communities. Thank you. Commissioners, any other comments . Commissioner adams . Id like to go ahead and make a resolution and this is superbowl 50 resolution from the Small Business commission and its three pages here weve written, so whereas San Francisco bay area competed against miami and houston for the opportunity to host superbowl 50 and whereas superbowl 50 Host Committee is compromised of business, community, sports, philanthropic leaders from San Francisco and throughout the San Francisco bay area, and whereas in 2012 the board of supervisors unanimously endorsed and declared support for the to host the superbowl in 2016 or 2017 for the economic, cultural, philanthropic benefits it would bring to San Francisco, and whereas superbowl 50 Host Committee has pledged to be the most philanthropic superbowl in history, committing 25 percent of the sponsorship moneys raised in San Francisco and the bay area Nonprofit Community serving organizations, including Community Youth center, juma ventures and the San Francisco Lgbt Community center, and whereas superbowl 50 is specifically supporting local businesses through massive increase in local spending through direct contracts with large Small Businesses and through the Business Connect Program created by the nfl and the Host Committee wlipked to bay area Small Businesses with contracting opportunities related to superbowl 50, whereas business connect increase opportunities for historically underrepresented businesses to conduct superbowl business as well as to support these businesses growth through Networking Events and educational programs, whereas business connect was open to business located in the 9 county San Francisco bay area region that are certified as minority owned, women owned, disabled veteran owned and lgbt owned businesses, whereas superbowl 50 is Ground Breaking and reflects San Francisco values as the Host Committee made sure it would be the first time that an lgbt business has been included in such programs, whereas many local mue sises, cultural and performing entertainers as well as dozens of local entertaining artists will be showcased in downtown San Francisco and at superbowl city, a free public event celebrating superbowl 50 and the best the bay area has to offer, and whereas the superbowl resulted in a positive Economic Impact as measured after the events that all recent cities have hosted including 719 for me fix, 480 million for new orleans, and 277 million for indianapolis and whereas every city thats ever hosted the superbowl has been eager to host again, including new york, new jersey, phoenix, miami, new orleans, indianapolis and many others and whereas San Francisco will reap millions of dollars in additional direct revenue from hosting superbowl city, the nfl experience and many other events throughout the city through the increased hotel tax, states sales tax, bars, hotels, restaurant spaces and whereas thousands of workers in the private sector in building and construction trades members will benefit from increased wages, overtime pay and work related to superbowl 50 and whereas the International Television exposure of our city and the bay area through the broadcast of superbowl 50 is worth hundreds of millions of dollars in advertising for the city and county of San Francisco and provides an enormous boost in our tourism Hospitality Industry which is responsible for 87,000 jobs and more than 10 billion in revenue in San Francisco, whereas the city has applied the same approach and general principles towards providing basic Public Services like Public Safety, emergency response, Public Transportation as it does for other large major events including the lgbtq pride parade, Chinese New Year parade, fleet week, the world series championship parade and others and whereas city departments have pledged that provisions of hub services during the period of superbowl activities will occur within budgeted funds for the fiscal year as approved unanimously by the board of supervisors in 2015, whereas these general funds cost more than offset by direct tax revenues to the general fund and whereas hundreds of local businesses, thousands of local workers, tens of thousands of bay area youth will be true beneficiaries of the superbowl 50, therefore it be resolved that the San Francisco Small Business commission strongly supports hosting superbowl 50 and superbowl city in San Francisco and the bay area for the Enormous Economic and charitable benefits that it has already provided to San Francisco Small Businesses, workers, nonprofit organizations and it be further resolved that the San Francisco Small Business Commission Urges the board of supervisors to reject any proposal that would restrict, impair the citys ability to recruit and host major events in the future, including an all festivals, parades, special events like the superbowl or the world series championship celebrations and parade. Thank you. All right, we have a resolution, do we have a motion . I second the motion. We need a first. We need a motion. Motion to accept this resolution. I make a motion to accept this resolution. Second . I second. Okay, vote. Commissioner adams, aye. Commissioner dwight, aye. Commissioner dooley, aye. Commissioner ortizcartagena, yes. Commissioner toursarkissian, right. Commissioner riley, aye. Commissioner zouzounis, aye. It passes unanimously. I want to thank everyone for coming out today. This has been fantastic. Im so impressed with all the Innovative Marketing programs going on in the neighborhoods im going to recommend when we come around to recommending new Business Today that we convene a meeting later on after this vepbtd so we can all learn from the best practices and apply them to smaller events in the years to come. This has really cattlized because of the huge nature of this event, its really pushed everybody to come up with some really Innovative Solutions and i think those can be applied to all kinds of events and i think its fantastic and i think our different merchant corridors and different merchant groups with really benefit from the key learnings in this. I look forward to seeing you all again to telling me Great Stories of success and how we can keep doing it. Thank you very much. Next item is item no. 4, presentation and update on the business tax annual return, 2015 filing period. This is a presentation of the 2015 annual return due february 29, 2016 and you will receive an update from greg kato who is gross receipts tax director from the office of economic and Work Force Development. Good afternoon, commissioners, thanks for having me this afternoon. We are in the annual tax Filing Season so wanted to give you an update on how thats been going and what were doing this year. So the annual return is due on february 29th for all businesses that have a filing requirement, thats any business with over 150,000 of payroll expense or 500,000 in gross receipts here in the city or if they are a Residential Landlord or pay rent for 4 or more units in a building. What im going to do is walk you through what the filing looks like for businesses so that when you are out in the Community Talking to your constituents you can have an understanding what theyre talking about if they say theyve been in the form and you can have a little more information about that. Of course im always happy to take any questions and if any questions come up later on, always happy to converse with you about them. For now im going to go ahead and log in and use the laptop here to log in and show you how the filing works. Sfgov tv, if we could have the computer. So the first thing that happens is we direct taxpayers to go to the treasury and taxpayers web site on the notice they receive from our office to file. And then they are told to go to file online gross receipts tax and payroll expense tax. They are directed to the return page and we do remind them before they log in just one last time, are they exempt from filing. So if they are they can go ahead and exit. If they need to file a 60 day extension we have a link for that, they can do that online this year, so they just need to make a payment of at least 90 percent of their Tax Obligation and then they can extend their filing deadline until april 29th, rather than february 29th. So if they need a little extra time to get their paperwork together ill go ahead and enter the filing here. This is our filing page. Im going to go ahead and try to zoom out so we can see all of this. So they are reminded of the deadlines and the information that they need in order to log in is their 7digit business account number. The last 4 numbers of their tax Identification Number if they are a sole proprietor, that will be their Social Security number, if they are any other business it will be their ein, their employer Identification Number. They also need their 8digit pin which is provided by our office, both their business account number and their pin is provided on the notice that they receive from our office. So i will go ahead and log in with a test account that we use in our office to demonstrate. And it does take a moment to load up because were pulling all the information for this account. I have a question. Yeah, go ahead. Is this the only way of filing . You have to file it online . Yes, you do need to file online. For those taxpayers unable to file online they can request a paper form but that form can be quite lengthy and processing time is 4 to 6 weeks on that so if theres a mistake and you have to go back and forth with our office you might end up late. Fastest, easiest way, do it online. Ill show you how it works, it takes about 10 minutes for most businesses to get through this. First question here, i know its a little small on the screens here, just a couple survey questions that we ask all businesses about if they have business personal property in the city or if and how many employees they have on average. What i want to do is walk through some of the Customer Service enhancements we have made this last year. The first is that we have instructions embedded on every single page so they can click this instruction link and it pops up a window that shows them the entire instructions for how to get through the filing. So they can always access that, that page. We also have a technical page so in case they are having technical difficulties they can click on that. Any reported technical issues or bugs we will update that and post that as those arrive. Also we have an exit button so if you make it halfway through your filing, gosh, i dont have this piece of information but i want to so i need to leave this session, go get that information and come back, you can hit exit, it will take you out of the form, it will save everything that you have saved toup that point in the form so when you log in again you will be able to click right through. Saved for how long . For the entire filing period. Its all saved for you. Then toe bottom we have this green button that says continue so you can move forward. We have a progress bar so you get a sense of where you are in the filing and you also have a ability to go back one screen, if you click continue and realize you answered that wrong you can go back one screen. Overall there are 5 major sections to the form, the business identification survey then your payroll expense tax filing then the gross receipts tax filing then we summarize all the information then you sign, print and pay. You can move forward sequentially in the form but if you want to jump back an entire section you can do so. The current page that you are on is always highlighted in blue and any sections that you have completed are highlighted in green. What i also wanted to do is show that if you have a, if you or your constituents have questions about a particular question in the form, gosh, i dont know quite how to answer that question, if they click on the hyperlink for those questions then it takes them directly to the spot in the instruction booklet where that question is and has extended instructions for them and also Additional Resources in case they need them. So lots of selfhelp. Of course they can always contact us by filing a Service Request through our web site or calling 311 but we did really want to enhance the selfhelp so that taxpayers dont have to go to those resources and they can help themselves as they do their filing. So im going to go through and answer yes, that this business has business personal property and it doesnt have any employees, say its a sole proprietor, so i will click save and continue. When someone first enters this form they will see this first question here which asks them are they filing as a Residential Land loer. If they are a Residential Landlord and thats their only business, they have a very simplified filing. They answer yes, tell us their payroll expenses, tell us what their groet receipts were, how many units they rent out and they are done. A combination of all the assets they have in the city . No, Residential Land lords are held separately. Its per building. When you talk about 4 units and more, you mean per building . In one building, yes. Every building is registered separately with the city. inaudible . No, they have to register with our office and get a business account number. Yes, thats what i meant. Im going to answer no for this, were not filing we will do an example like a small retailer who is only in San Francisco. Then the next question is do you qualify for a tax credit, payroll extension collusion, thats like the enterprise zone tax credit or biotechnology. Ill go ahead and answer no, theres only a couple hundred businesses out of all hundred thousand businesses in San Francisco that qualify for that so we have a couple extra pages for them that they need to fill out in order to correctly declare those exemptions or exclusions. Finally the third question in this questionnaire is do you want to use online easy, which is a simplified filing for if you are wholly within San Francisco, you just do one Business Activity and you are not going to be taking any business deductions, we have online easy for those businesses, help them go quickly from the form. If they are both inside and outside business, since most Small Businesses will qualify for this online easy, i will answer yes. We have a question we have of all of our businesses which is to determine if they qualify for a tax on Administrative Office activities. Thats generally businesses, large, Large Businesses that are headquartered in San Francisco. In order to qualify for this you need to have over a thousand employees and you have to have over a billion dollars in u. S. Receipts in the last fiscal year. So its not a lot of businesses qualify for this, but we do ask this of all businesses in case they need to do that. Its a new tax of the gross receipts tax, so well answer no for the Small Business. Then we have the payroll expense tax filing where they enter how many employees they have, lets say they have 10, and how much payroll expense was, lets say a Million Dollars, click save and continue, it kag collates their payroll expense tax showing back to them what they have entered, if they qualify for any exclusions. By far the most common exclusion is the net new payroll dmruetion, a few thousand businesses qualify for that, those are businesses with 500,000 or less in payroll expense, they have growth thats added either work hours or employees in the last year so that was passed by the board of supervisors a few years ago so they dont have to apply for that, they just automatically get that in their filing so thats probably the most common thing that Small Businesses might see. It also calculates the tax rate at the current payroll expense tax rate of 1. 162 percent. Then they click save and continue and it takes them to the gross receipts tax portion of their filing. While its loading up im happy to take any questions. Were in. And its going to load up and were doing the online easy and so what it will display in a moment is a dropdown menu where they can select their Business Activities and then declare their gross receipts. So theres a dropdown menu where you select your Business Activity amid the 20 different Business Activities that are provided for under the law. So lets say they are a retailer, i will go ahead and click on retail trade, then they would enter their gross receipts here, so lets say they have 5 million in gross receipts. Then the form will actually calculate for them their tax that is due for their gross receipts and since this is a progressive tax in that it gets higher as you have more gross receipts, we split out the taxes at the different tiers, one million, 2. 5 million, 5 million, 25 million and over 25 million, it sums all those up and applies the 25 percent adjustment for 2015 so we arrive at about 1400 for this taxpayers , then we click save and continue. Then it displays an obligation summary where it shows their payroll tax as well as gross receipts tax. The last item they have to enter into their return is how much they made in quarterly installment payments throughout the year. Lets say they are looking through their paperwork and they dont remember that amongst everything. In the notice they receive from the office we state to them, this is how much we have for you for payroll expense tax and gross receipt tax installment payments just in case they need that so that can be helpful to them. Of course if they have made a payment and as of january 1 if they made a payment since then then they can go ahead and add that and put in the amount they wish to pay or that they have in their records for the quarterly installment. If in some case you miss placed what you sent, is there someplace to look it up . Theres no place online to look it up. The best place to look is to look at your checkbook, your credit card register, your debit account, and look at what your payments to the city were over the course of the year. So what ill show you is lets say this taxpayer made a number of payments and exceeded their obligation throughout the year. So now they are showing a negative amount due there on their total obligation and you will see that a new paragraph popped up and it is a box that says, leave are this box checked if you want your money refunded. If you uncheck this box then you are saying you dont want a refund. I dont know of anyone who doesnt want a refund, so please do leave that box checked and that way we can process getting your money back. We need this in order to kick off that process and make sure that folks get their money back in a timely method. The other thing that taxpayers can do is they can check a box to designate 2. 6 percent of their Tax Obligation to the Community Challenge grant fund. Thats an up to amount. It doesnt change their Tax Obligation, it just directs the city where to send the money. They are allowed by law to actually dough tonight an amount less than 2. 6 percent so we have a box where they can say i only want to move over x amount of dollars instead and thats directing the city how to spend the money, it doesnt change their obligation. What im going to do now is zero this out so we have an obligation due at the end so we can process through and you can see what the payment coupon looks like. So if you are taking advantage of enterprise tax fund you have to fill out a different path here. You would answer yes i had credit and you are taken to a screen where you input how much your credit amount is, theres a location on our web site where folks can download a spreadsheet to calculate their enterprise zone tax credit, they calculate it, enter the amount calculated in that form and then upload a copy of the form so we can double check and they are all done. Then they complete the process through this . Yes, they do. So after you have submitted, after you have everything filled out you can go ahead and go to the taxpayer statement page. Most times a tax preparer or someone, a book keeper will get to this. And they may want to say, gosh, i want to make sure my client agrees with this before i hit submit. So what you can do is hit view filing data, theres a popup window so we will go ahead and allow that. It will pop up a note that will have all of this data so before you submit it, you can go ahead and save a copy of this, you can send it off to your client so they can verify it or the client can log in, click through and click submit if thats how the tax preparer is handling that. Then they click submit, it does take a couple minutes to post to our system and then you are all done. So i would clock this as about 60 to 90 seconds to go through so i can answer any questions in the moment while its submitting. If you do not save the form can you retreat it at a later date. Every time you move on to the next screen, you are saving it. In order to access the next screen you have to save it. At a late roar date you filed it, you got your receipt, you want to go back and get a copy of your return, so to speak, how do you do that . You are gooing to get a copy of your return a couple ways. First, the email address i listed there on the taxpayer statement, a copy of the return is sent there to that email address. In addition on this next screen here once it posts we are going to hear about the opportunity to download your return, you can aupls email it to another person. Maybe im the Vice President or the cfo and i fill out everything and i want to make sure the ceo knows about it, i can go ahead and send it along to them. Now were done and so if sfgov tv can switch over to the tv, we have this confirmation window, this is how you know your filing has been submitted and you are shown 3 buttons here. The first is your Payment Options and that takes you through how to pay then you can download, that allows you to download a copy for your records or you can email it to somebody else, an email window, put in the email address you want to send it to and it sends it along. I will go ahead and go through, theres a payment portal right now so we can have a, show you what happens when you go through here. Once you enter the payment portal you are going to see all of the obligations that are set up for this account. Now, this is a test account so ive got a number of obligations set up here. What you do is you verify that you are in the right spot for your account and then you collect on the left which obligations you wish to pay, im going to inaudible the gross receipts tax, that then populates the amount to pay on the right and sums it up at the bottom. Lets say, and this can happen where a taxpayer has, they disagree with the amount we have on file with them and they say, no, i think i paid more than that so i dont have as much due. What they can do is adjust that number down to a Different Number so that they can adjust how much they want to pay. And then what ill do is uncheck this and put it back. When you do at the bottom of the page you have 3 option, you can do credit or debit online, credit or debit does have fees associated with it, about 2 1 2 percent for credit cards and most debit cards as well. Electronic check is free, you just put in your routing number and account number, or you can print out a payment stub and you will get a coupon stub that you can make in with a check. I will go ahead and print a payment stub so you can see that and just go ahead and print this out and then mail it in with your check and you are all set to go. After you filed and you want to amend your application how do you do that . You log back in again and then it will pop up a window saying you already have a filing smitded, submitted, do you want to view your filing or amend it . And you can amend it. Commissioner adams. Thank you and cunninging on your Good Governmental work. I wanted to let you know that. The outreach this year as in the past year is really good. I attended a few of the meetings last year with a lot of the cpas and stuff and i keep running into a lot of them. A lot of people feel more comfortable because its 2575 . Thats right. Im hearing a lot of this lately from all these cpas. When they know whats going on, i know the outreach has been very good with the city so i wanted to say congratulations on that. Thats probably why you got that Good Government award is for a change. The city is actually working with these people and im hearing that from a lot of different groups but especially from the cpas that i deal with, they are really on top of that. Thank you, thank you, mary ann, i know you are here today. Absolutely right to acknowledge the team behind this because success has many fathers but failure is an orphan. There were a lot of people involved with this so i do want to thank Mary Ann Thompson who has been do ago great job with us in addition to her job at the office of Work Force Development. Jade is an nalyst at our office, we also have another management assistant named jared who has been working on this project for a couple years and he is actually an alumni of our great fellows program. Of course the office of tax collector, jose sisneros. In 2020 is when its going to be 100 percent gross receipts. Were going to be phasing in. The plan is for the payroll expense to fade out and the gross receipts tax to fade in and by tax year 2018 it should be complete. However, every year the Controllers Office does a tax rate calculation and makes adjustments based on whats actually come in for the tax rate so they can be doing that calculation throughout and then the adjusting itself, the city is still writing in as much revenue as it would have had the revenue not changed. But youre right, it will be complete by 2018. Great work by your whole team. One final question. This presentation was excellent, thank you. Do you think that we could maybe include that in our side to your side to have it, now that it is part of the, so to speak, record and its such a good helpful and could facilitate comprehension of the form, do you see any benefit to that . We have a web site sfbis dwofl and we have a you tube channel. We have recorded 3 scenarios how to get through the form which is exactly the presentation that you saw, you saw a version of that which is a small retailer in San Francisco using the online easy. We also do a demonstration for the landlords and did a demonstration thats both inside and outside San Francisco. So those cover the vast majority of scenarios for particularly Small Businesses that maybe arent able to access Tax Consultants or Something Like that and also for those cpas or bookkeepers that support those Small Businesses rk we have those Resources Available on our web site which is sfbiz tax. Org. Or if you go on you tube and type in sf tax that pops up as well and we have them recorded already. Excellent idea, great minds think alike and we wlr have that for you. Are you the as star of the videos . Unfortunately i am, just introduce it and then we walk through. Thank you very much. All right, do we have any members of the public who would like to comment on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed and you are welcome to carry on. Thank you so much. All right, on to item no. 5. Item no. 5 is discussion and possible action to make recommendations to the board of supervisors on file no. 150326, a hearing on the Economic Impacts of Small Business during Major Construction and streetscaping projects, requesting the office of economic and Work Force Development, the Small Business commission, the municipal transportation agency, the public ue filts commission and public works to report. So, commissioners, i presented this referral to Commission President dwight and he asked to angendize it. The hearing has not been scheduled so i dont have a date, but wanted to assure the commissions feedback and we might be able to have this meeting and next meeting if you need it so that your feedback, your input, is part of that report that gets presented at the hearing. Yeah, i would like to hear that just because they are losing a lot more folk and that scares me. Neighborhood by neighborhood, wherever its going on theres all kinds of impact to be are can you remembered and i think we ought to be making recommendations on behalf of our constituents. So, commissioners, maybe to just sort of give a little bit of structure so what can be done is in the report while we are not able to qualify what those amounts are in terms of absolute dlars, but in terms of feedback and information from the business community, you can identify things that transpire around Construction Projects and so what leads to that, the Economic Impact. I know that as the commission both in the Planning Session and with the subway master plan the commission has also talked about some, you know, looking ahead and making recommendations that the city can engage in and do to help minimize those Economic Impacts. And so i dont know if you want to think about providing some, you know, examples and i did in my email provide a few lists of things that weve heard from the business community. Also with supervisor farrells recommendation you made a recommendation for better management for construction workers and equipment to be included and while those amendments ultimately did not make it in, this is another opportunity to reintroduce those, you know, those recommendations. So rather than having a brain storming session here about recommendations i think we ought to take it up outside of this meeting to compile a list of recommendations. Anybody have an objection to that . I would support that. So then what would be terrific is that commissioners either through a phone conversation, if you want me to set up a phone conversation and begin to debrief with each of you, or if you want to send written recommendations, that way i can start soliciting input. If theres any other, if you would like for me to talk to specific business groups, merchant areas, im happy to do so as well. Well, to the extent weve received any recommendations we have a letter with some recommendations here from Lower Polk Community district. If theres any others it would be useful to distribute those to the commissioners and have them vet them and add or comment on them. And so when is the expected hearing on this . I do not have a date. Okay, we have some time. Maybe. I have just a question about the letter. Are we going to be soliciting or contacting the neighborhood associations to get their feedback or. No, i said to the extent we have already received some. Okay. I only see the one we have here. That was unsolicited in terms of just a response to observing what was on the agenda, providing the commission we did not solicit any specific feedback. If anybody knows of anybody else who would like. I definitely know over in west port they are up in arms because there was that much outreach before that construction started over there. Any constructive recommendations would be welcome. North beach would be happy to weigh in at their meeting next week. Yeah, why dont you put out the call. Its not an airing of grievances, its a recommendation of recommendations for the future. They can air grievances if they want, but this exercise is to make recommendations for improving future situations. Great. So can we move on from this item . I think just to make sure, then, for the next meeting i will have that list for you and then if theres additional information, additional items that you would like to add, then we can do so. Okay, go ahead. I would ask if maybe we can get a soft copy of that example Merchant Organization and their recommendations, a soft copy so i can forward it to other Merchant Organizations that i talk with to show them the rubric of what recommendations might look like. Absolutely. Those came in and also a soft copy from the previous item too, those came in today and i will forward them on to you. I suppose the legislation as well if you want to read it. Theres no legislation. What you have in your binding, that is a hearing request. So hearing requests get a file number similar to legislation but it just is scheduled as a hearing item. Good. All right, well talk about these whenever you all right, move on to the next item. 6 and 7, we have election of officers today. So, commissioners, before we, i read into the record item no. 7 and no. 8, under no. 7 i did not make duplicate copies but you have the rules of order in case you have the rules of order in terms of the nomination process. 6 and 7. Election of officers, not 7 and 8. Excuse me, 6 and 7. Im sorry. Im looking at the wrong 6 and 7. So under item no. 6 is the rules of order. So in case you would like to, you need to refresh the commission you just amended the rules of order a couple meetings ago to add appendix a which just elaborates the procedures. And im happy to reread that to you unless you would need to take a moment, its up to you. So just for the public, to clarify the procedures are for each office the executive secretary will call for nominations, which are required to be seconded. After the nominee statements other commissioners can provide comments of support and then following that we will then open it up to Public Comment and then once Public Comment has closed then the Commission Secretary will conduct a roll call on each nomination in order of the order in which the nomination was made. Shall we proceed . Anyone have any questions about the rules of order . Let me read item 6 into the record, please. So item no. 6 is the election of officers Small Business Commission President. In accordance to the commissions rules of order, article 2, section 3, an election of the president must occur at the regular meeting of the commission in january of each year. The President Shall serve a term of one year and shall be elected upon a vote of the commission. All right, nominations for Small Business Commission President. Commissioner adams. I would like to renominate president mark dwight as president. Mark, this last year i believe you have done a stellar job in being president. I have learned a tremendous amount from you and you really have the pulse as a lot of us do in each one of our neighborhoods of what goes on. I think you have actually brought this commission up to a level that im very proud of. Thank you. Thank you very much. I support that and i second that. Thank you. Any other nominations for president . Seeing none we can open it up to Public Comment. Are there any members of the public who would like to comment on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed, time for a vote. Commissioner adams, yes. Commissioner dwight, yes. Commissioner dooley, yes. Commissioner ortizcartagena, yes. Commissioner toursarkissian, yes. Commissioner riley, yes. And commissioner zouzounis, yes. So we have a new election or we have a new confirmed election of Commission President and you will be serving your second term as Commission President. Congratulations, commissioner dwight. New old president. New old. So well move on to item no. 7, election of the Vice President. Want to read that into the record . Yes, election of officers, Small Business commission Vice President. In accordance to the Commission Rules of order, article 3, section 3, an election of the Vice President must occur at the regular meeting of the commission in january of the of each year. So the Vice President shall serve a term of one year and shall be elected upon a vote of the commission. Okay, were open for nominations for Vice President. I nominate mr. Adams as the Vice President for his wonderful work hes done as past president , as acting Vice President. Do we have a second . I second. Do we have any other nominations for Vice President . Seeing none, we will open it up for Public Comment. Do we have any members of the public who would like to comment on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed and were ready for a vote. Commissioner adams, yes. Commissioner dooley commission dwight, excuse me, yes. Commissioner dooley, yes. Commissioner ortizcartagena, yes. Commission. We are on to item no. 8ing. Item no. 8 is the review of the review of the december 18th Planning Session strategy. I just reangendized this just in case there was any updates that the commission wanted to provide. I know that there was comments that you provided me that i was not able to get into a written talk for you. If you would like we can forward it to the february meeting. I think thats good. We had a nice presentation how to go about filing your business tax, we have started our Public Service announcement about start here and also bringing new business to the commission, encouraging the public to show up and present new business items for us. I think important for us to revisit that list of things we want to do this year and setting the tone for things we want to do in the future. So unless anyone wants to review the list today . I will say i really like the fact that we are announcing that this is the first inaudible business in San Francisco. Evidently people do watch us because i hear about that and our last meeting when the announcement was made somebody made a comment to me on saturday night saying, i was watching you at, like, 2 00 am on channel 26 and i heard your announcement, you guys are the first stop for business in San Francisco and this person was a Small Business owner and they appreciated that. Thats great. That was a good idea. Well, hopefully it reminds everyone else of the existence of the office of Small Business so when they, even though they are already in business and they have issues that they think to come to us first as well. I have one suggestion, mr. President. About these presentations that are great, i think we ought, however, to make it easy for Small Businesses to have access to these presentations. Uhhuh. Would it be possible to have a link on our site to these presentations to make it easy because they are updated and they are tied to, i dont know if it is possible, technically possible. Well, i appreciate that, commissioner. Now that we have a calendar section on our web site we will be inputting these regular calendar items such as when taxes are due, when wages are going up. We can provide a link in terms of that calendar section. This broadcast is then digitized and put online, right . We could go as far as as to put the minute marker so people dont be have to wade through all the other stuff if they are only interested in one particular presentation. I think the importance of, well, i think theres a couple things we can do. Under news and announcements on the home page is definitely remind with this filing and then connect to the business tax, sf business tax. Org site that has the video that greg was talking about so that it provides that connection so that people can take a look at that before they really start filing their taxes. So perhaps they are a little better, they are prepared with all the documents that they may need. So we can definitely look at ways in which to, ways in which we can incorporate those videos. Weve also, greg kato and mary ann have conducted two web sites and we sent out information about the two workshops they conducted at the library. We are getting caught up on a few items, were needing to update our book let and once that is done we will be going back to our regular monthly newsletter which also had these announcements in our newsletter, our monthly newsletter, so that link will be there as well. We could also, in each of those places where people are going to be seeing stuff that were making available to them we should have a little announcement that if anybody has a subject that they cant find, they would like us to consider either as an agenda item or just something that they want more information about, this they can make that recommendation. Can you provide propose new business by just send not guilty a request . You dont have to be here, do you . Can the public request new business . The public cannot request new business. How the public would make recommendations would be through general Public Comment. So they have to come in . They do not. They could snit a written letter which is submitted to you electronically from the office, from us, and then you are certainly welcome under new business to bring it up. I mean the fact that i just asked that question might suggest that having my Small Business owner hat on, i did not know that. So maybe having something on the web site that tells you how to go about proposing new business. That is a good idea and that is something we can add to the Commission Section of the web site. This tag line, the Small Business commission is open for new business. Then one other area we can also make sure is that on the biz portal, when you get to the home page if you do scroll down there are 3 boxes that are designed just for announcements, things like annual tax filing is coming up. So, again, well coordinate with jane to just make sure that the link to the business, sfbiztax with the video is available on that announcement. Great, as we come into the 21st century in government that people will start looking to the web for these Solutions Rather than just scratching their heads. Right. Or wondering where the written form is that they have to get. Awesome. All right, so if anyone, if theres no other comments on item no. 8 i think we can move on from this discussion. Item no. 9 is the directors report, update and report on the office of Small Business, Small Business assistance center, department programs, recent announcements from the mayor and introduce new policy updates, Legacy Business Programs. Commissioners, want to let you know that we did, i did send an announcement to you that today there was a tentative scheduling for the Affordable Housing Bonus Program so that has been continued and you will definitely hear it at the february 8 meeting. It is pretty dense in terms of the information and whats involved so ive sent you, planning has done an excellent job in compiling the information together in terms of what you need to know, the maps of the area, and so i just really, really want to encourage you to take the time to start slowly reading this because its not a onehour read, its probably going to be a several hour read so that you are digesting it over a period of time. It is, in a very quick summary, providing a density bonus for more infill development, smaller sites than maybe some of the larger ones, the high rise sites, so this does mean that it is development in our neighborhood commercial corridors. So the office of economic and Work Force Development and the Planning Department they have been convening some meetings to take a look at business support that may need to be developed around these new developments. But i think its very important for you to take the time to understand what the Affordable Housing Density Program is, its goals, objectives and taking a look at the map. So i want to encourage you to take the time, you know, while you have it to get, to be briefed. Also with the Legacy Business Program i met with the Historical Preservation Commission Last week with their commission to work on, get their, solicit their feedback to finalize with our staff and their staff the integration process and with the legacy business applications. We have just started to receive some so these will soon be angendized but they are routed through the Historical Preservation Commission First before they come to the Small Business commission. So we want to make sure that that process is as efficient as possible, the Historical Preservation commission has 30 days to weigh in and provide you with recommendations so. I have a quick question. I understand now placida inaudible is one of them. So Historical Preservation hears it first and then we get it. To ensure the xed yepbs si of the processing, when the application so what im working out with the Historical Preservation, what we wanted to hear from the Historical Preservation commission, both their staff and myself, is to understand their purview, what they are going to look for and provide recommendation on. So that when the applications come in that i am, our office is doing a review to make sure everything is there before its submitted so that there isnt any delays that get held up at the commission side. The application comes to us first . It comes to us first after they have been nominated by the mayor or board of supervisors. And we check the application for its completeness and then we refer it to the historical commission. I do want to note as well for businesses that, you know, Small Business owners, many of them go into businesses that really dont involve extensive amounts of writing, unlike nonprofits where you are used to writing grants and knowing how to put together a presentation for many Small Businesses, thats not their forte and especially if you are not used to writing in english, you know, writing extensive things in english, so the Small Business development center, angel cardoz has advisors and we are going to partner with him and there are no supplemental moneys to may to this. If the number grows to an extent that may be something that we have to budget in into the 1617 budget. But right now he has, we are able to refer businesses to him to have his consultants who are marketing people to help put together their narrative so that we can help get some of these businesses into the, on to the registry sooner. So thats for the registry as opposed to any kind of financing program. Right. The financing program, im still working on that and still need to meet with you, commissioner toursarkissian, to finalize some the Property Owner. Do we have a web site set up yet for the registry . We will soon have a web site up for the registry. Someone is working on that, on the creative . No, thats just me. But it will be basic instructions in terms of the information, whats involved. Again, in my one on one conversations while i am, if i talk to a business providing them with the application and information but im making it very clear that i will not be facilitating any processing of applications until they have been nominated by the mayor or the board of supervisors until we have a staff person. I have received some is comments on, i hadnt seen it before, this point system thats going to be used. And some people are a little distressed about, for example, it says if some other business in the district has already become a legacy business that therefore when you apply you get zero points, like a negative. So ive been getting comments and blowback about that. So thank you, commissioner dooley, for bringing that up. I think i had initially proposed to this Commission Body the point system and you resoundingly rejected that. So for our commission you are not using the point system. The Historical Preservation Commission Staff proposed the point system to the Historical Preservation commission and they did not support the point system. So the point system will not be used either at the Historical Preservation commission or and you have made it clear that, you know, that is not what you want used for your, when you review and evaluate. Yeah, its like so many some districts have a lot of legacy businesses so they should not be penalized for that. Just to confirm that neither the Historical Preservation commission or the Small Business commission are going to be using the point system. Okay. So i think that thats, ill just leave for the sake of time, leave my directors report at that. One quick question. How is the Commission Secretary position going . I will provide you with a written summary on that. Okay. Im just concerned about you, i just want to make sure that. Yes, yes, and i appreciate that. So shall i move on it item no. 10 . Yes, please. Item no. 10, president s report. I attended a couple meetings this month which are relative to Small Business. The chamber has a Small Business committee and they are trying to reorganize it a little bit to be more effective in its outreach towards Small Business and how the chamber can be effective on behalf of Small Business. And i have made it very clear that i think the most important thing there is for them to promote Business Activity between big b and little b, meaning business to business interaction from Big Companies to little companies. And we have sfbiz connect, which is designed to get Large Companies to take a pledge for purchasing a percentage of their goods and services from San Francisco bays businesses, which i think is fantastic and the chamber of course is a partner in that and very much behind that, so i just keepity reiterating that and i have been asking them to do more meet and greets because we have had some good ones so far. I attended my troy hill dog patch Merchant Association meeting. They have this fantastic thing they are doing for beer week, along the same line of what we heard today for sb50. Sf beer week has grown from a little event to a world renoun event and we have a high concentration not just in San Francisco but the counties surrounding us of craft brewers and we all know craft brewing is a huge phenomenon right now, a huge renaissance. So the pdma put together a little map, organized some restaurant and brewer interactions and made a little map and published it, its really fantastic. Its just a great example of how the Merchant Association and the neighborhoods can engage in these bigger events. I think its awesome that people are trademarking super this and super that in ways that dont get, run afoul of the superbowl branding and, in fact, being able to then use that outside of the context of the superbowl. Its just very inspiring. So thats fantastic and i think what pdma has done around beer week is a great example on00 much smaller scale of what neighborhoods can do to align themselves with big events, whether its data breakers passing through your neighborhood or some event that you happen to have affinity to. I also attended the mayors traffic group, its in the early stages but kind of similar to what were talking about, how construction impacts Small Business, its about congestion in the city. So more on that later. Then we started our Small Business week Planning Session of which i am the cochair along with terin over at the chamber of commerce. So thats underway so weve got Small Business week coming up before we know it. High alert. Thats it for my report. Item no. 11, Vice President s report. The only thing i have to add is we had a castro merchants Board Meeting last wechblgt the big topic there was superbowl and getting people into the neighborhood and, you know, again whats starting to raise its ugly face is vacancies. We are seeing citizens just announce, which is a Clothing Store thats been in the neighborhood for 20 years, is closing, they are merging with another store but heres another vacant storefront. I know commissioner julie you talked about that. Maybe we can have a special meeting just to deal with this. Ours are all filling up, actually. Were doing the opposite. Ours are all filling up. We have one particular landlord who. Who wont rent. Just advising good, im happy that north beach is starting to fill up. Oh, yeah. So thats all i have. Thank you. Item no. 12 is commissioners reports. Commissioners . I attended the district 3 Affordable Housing presentation with the Planning Department. It was met with almost unanimous hysteria and negativity. The merchants went crazy over what could be happening to them so there will be more on that, and ive also been now meeting with the middle pope neighbors. They want to take a larger look at their commercial corridor and the zoning and planning options. So im happy to help meet with them and hear what their thoughts are and see where they want to go. So thats my report. Awesome. Any other commissioner reports . Yes. I have been meeting with constituents in the merchant retailers that hold tobacco licenses and we are continuing to discuss our input for the health Code Amendment that raises the legal purchase age for tobacco. That will be continuing on to what commission was it on february 2nd . The health commission. The full health commission. So i report providing info and feedback on that as it moves and the participation from the merchant community. Great. And addition to the formula retail subsidiary conversation that is also on the radar for a lot of small corner merchants that also are scared of the target and walgreens mini mart phenomenon that may play into that conversation but hasnt really been voiced yet. Great. Commissioners, any other reports . All right, well, time for. Item no. 13 is general Public Comment. Do we have any members of the public that would like to comment on anything else today or to recommend anything for the future . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Next item, new business. Item no. 14 is new business, allows the commissioners to introduce new agenda items for future consideration. Miriam, did you have something you want to recommend or did i just not cancel you . Okay, when it pops up on the screen id like to just memorialize my request for a new business item when the time is right for sb50 sort of postevent discussion about the successes, the key learnings, any room for improvement. There will certainly be some in the aftermath of this, opportunities for improvement as we consider our next superbowl 50 and any other major events. We never really did, i dont think, a particularly good postevent review of the americas cup. There was a lot of ax grinding over it because it was costly but we didnt really do a really good deep dive on why it wasnt as successful as it might have been. Clearly the superbowl is a totally different class of event and a totally different appeal to the general public than very expensive yachts out a mile off the shore. So i think it will be really interesting to really convene a real conversation about what weve learned and i think again getting to what we can do to take advantage of other events as they come because i think between sf beer week and superbowl 50, it has never been on my radar screen the way you can hook into these things the way some of the neighborhoods are today and i think thats great. I think this would be a good place for us to review those, as well as hear any grievances that people have after the fact. A lot of speculative grievances right now, but lets wait and see what happens come monday, Tuesday Morning when everyone has sort of recovered from it all and come to grips with whatever inconvenience they had to deal with but really then assess what the effect was. All right . So that will be, again, as i say, not a specific date but lets memorialize it as a new business item for the future. Any other new business . And like wietz i think we should make sure that we reserve time for commissioner zouzounis to report on their findings as she is researching formula retail and the tobacco legislation and her needs. All right. Seven11s that are popping up. Move on to item 15 which is adjournment and commissioner white are you wanting to do the Closing Announcement . To bookend our meeting i want to remind people that the San Francisco office of Small Business is the only, i repeat the only place to start your new business in San Francisco and you can either go there in person, we have a very friendly staff at the desk at city hall to meet with you in person or, even better yet, in your pajamas you can visit us on the internet, we have a great web site and lots of information there. But do not go any place else before you look there because thats the place to start. Our advice is free, its thorough and its the most informed advice you can get about starting a new business in San Francisco. Got one quick other thing too. I want to mention that jane gong, who used to work in our office, is also a recipient of the Good Government awards which will be held in march so congratulations, i want to make it official, congratulations to jane gong on her being honored with a Good Government award for her work with the business portal. Shes done a great job on that. Also just to remind people that we are open for new business here and the way to get new business on our agenda, the best way is to come here for Public Comment at the beginning of each meeting we ask the public if they have any comments on things that are not presenting on our agenda, its a great way to recommend new items that we might either do some research on and or discuss at our meetings. With that i will use my gavel to adjourn the meeting. Do we have a motion to adjourn and a second . I mufd. Second. We are adjourned. The time is 4. 16. meeting adjourned . As a society weve basically failed big portion of our population if you think about the basics of food, shelter safety a lot of people dont have any of those im mr. Cookie cant speak for all the things but i know say, i have ideas how we can address the food issue. Open the door and walk through that dont just stand looking out. As they grew up in in a how would that had access to good food and our parent cooked this is how you feed yours this is not happening in our country this is a huge pleasure im david one of the cofounder so about four year ago we worked with the serviced and got to know the kid one of the things we figured out was that they didnt know how to cook. I heard about the Cooking School through the Larkin Academy a. Their noting no way to feed themselves so theyre eating a lot of fast food and i usually eat whatever safeway is near my home a lot of hot food i was excited that i was eating lunch enough instead of what and eat. As i was inviting them over teaching them basic ways to fix good food they were so existed. Particle learning the skills and the food they were really go it it turned into the is Charity Foundation i ran into my friend we were talking about this this do you want to run this Charity Foundations and she said, yes. Im a cofound and executive director for the cooking project our best classes participation for 10 students are monday theyre really fun their chief driven classes we have a different guest around the city theyre our stand alone colas we had a series or series still city of Attorneys Office style of classes our final are night life diners. Santa barbara shall comes in and helps us show us things and this is one the owners they help us to socialize and ive been here about a year. We want to be sure to serve as many as we can. The San Francisco Cooking School is an amazing amazing partner. It is doing that in that space really elevates the space for the kids special for the chief that make it easy for them to come and it really makes the experience pretty special. Im sutro sue set im a chief 2, 3, 4 San Francisco. Thats what those classes afford me the opportunity it breakdown the barriers and is this is not scary this is our choice about you many times this is a feel good what it is that you give them is an opportunity you have to make it seem like its there for them for the taking show them it is their and they can do that. Hi, im antonio the chief in San Francisco. The majority of kids at that age in order to get them into food they need to see something simple and the evidence will show and easy to produce i want to make sure that people can do it with a bowl and spoon and burner and one pan. I like is the receipts that are simple and not feel like its a burden to make foods the cohesives show something eased. I go for vera toilet so someone cant do it or its way out of their range we only use 6 ingredients i can afford 6 ingredient what good is showing you them something they cant use but the sovereignties what are you going to do more me youre not successful. We made a vegetable stirfry indicators hed ginger and onion that is really affordable how to balance it was easy to make the food we present i loved it if i having had access to a kitchen id cook more. Some of us have never had a kitchen not taught how to cookie wasnt taught how to cook. I have a great appreciation for programs that teach kids food and cooking it is one of the healthiest positive things you can communicate to people that are very young. The more programs like the cooking project in general that can have a positive impact how our kids eat is really, really important i believe that everybody should venting to utilize the kitchen and meet other kids their age to identify theyre not alone and their ways in which to pick yours up and move forward that. It is really important to me the opportunity exists and so i do everything in my power to keep it that. Well have our new headquarters in the heart of the tenderloin at taylor and kushlg at the end of this summer 2014 were really excited. A lot of the of the conditions in San Francisco they have in the rest of the country so our goal to 257bd or expand out of the San Francisco in los angeles and then after that who know. Wed never want to tell people want to do or eat only provide the skills and the tools in case thats something people are 2rrd in doing. You cant buy a box of psyche you have to put them in the right vein and direction with the right kids with a right place address time those kids dont have this you have to instill they can do it theyre good enough now to finding out figure out and find the future for all right. So first of all, i want to welcome everybody who is here the press, all our communities partners are here come on matt we have matt right there are for the School District thank you for making it this press conference happen that is probable one of the month crucial and important issues and topics that is going on about gun violence you know taking into consideration what is happening all around the world and country and city were here as a Community Everybody is one to eradicate gun violence im rudy the ed of the analyzing an organization that has been standing and fighting against gun violence for the last 21 years im here with my people my community and everybody that is here who is serious about this issue we we want to make sure we eradicate gun voipgsz that we are here you take this issue serious one of the most important protections is dealing with the mothers the mothers have lost their sons to gun violence we want to make sure we let them know that also theyre being heard and theyre being dealt with prove or disprove so me being involved in the violence field for 21 years we tale with youth kids from all over the community all over the city with the help of brothers like brother rich from project and from the vip team in the building and so without further ado, i want to invite mayor ed lee to come on up weve got to put him on pause the president of the United States we have to put on mayor ed lee lets welcome the ferry rosz robber mayor the city mayor ed lee clapping. rudy thank you to you and your staff for making your house available to cohost this Important Press event that announces our intention to join you youre police chief and mothers, people who really want to embrace nonviolence to do this gun buy back this start saturday in the morning i want to emphasize now working with united playaz and others communitybased organizations and important as education is to us i know we have a School Board Member matt haney as important we want good jobs and everyone it this room that wants better paying jobs in this city we want training, we want Economic Development and other nonprofits to be on their own buildings like the united playaz all of that becomes nearly enforceable inform you got violence violence distracts you from everybody and the trauma lasts for generation unfortunately for families and the communities that are involved and so it is our attempt with this gun buy back to reduce the opportunity for violence people can have disagreements purely disagreement between me and the board of supervisors sometimes can create some Good Solutions but if people resort to violence to resolve their it didnt make any difference to make their presence known or try to get something that is not going to solve anything that worsens the situation for everyone so i want to take a big that, of course, because this country as rudy indicated with the call from the president there is a lot of violence under our entire country and the bay area is no different and we got to reach out to more young people reach out to not so i dont know people that resort to violence we cant that that as an alternative well do our best working with the Police Department and along with the Community Groups and along with mothers and victims of violence that i know have every right to say what we need to say in front of the city hall or the Mayors Office e. R. Community groups i support that you mean at the end the message is less violence and embrace each other find a way to communicate with less violence if we do so youll see advancements in education and advancements in jobs and more enhancement in community Economic Development that is what were doing in our housing Public Housing that is the site of so many violence were trying to champion that with Community Policing pea new techniques and 0 investing in our community and people and make sure we educate our kids it is no, no good answer and solution if you use violence and if we use good afternoon. Welcome so getting the guns it is effective over the years i think we gotten over worsening one how guns off the streets month of them not properly purchased if doesnt matter their illegally purchased that violence didnt mean if you purchased that illegal or legally it is the use of goes on to prevent violence we come together im united of the united playaz and their friends and communities and groups and individuals that want to change their lives would hope that others would just put the guns down and lets talk through this city got resources not like were not offering anything we have making the go bhith investment in the history of the country but trying to get jobs for everyone including those who have a questionable background well help you to erase those background and train you in all the industries that the city has been successful we have so many promise as a city question shouldnt have to resort to violence we stand with the united playaz and the officers and Community Groups and everything that from out of youre prison system we need to do better and need to find alternatives to prison to get people jobs to raise their families and get people where we need to be this is a great city we will be better if we reduce the violence thank you, rudy and everyone for making sure well do this and continue to do this we will be joining next year oakland and doing gun buy backs crime knows no boundary well be more successful by embracing this thank you clapping. thank you, mayor ed lee give a hand one more time for mayor ed lee. clapping. i also want to say were here to eradicate gun violence all of the city one or more gun we can get off the streets is that gun that may save youre life or childs you dont know when the bullet leaves the chamber it does not discriminate no name be 0 the bullet that we can get rid of guns we can i guarantee that one gun that save everybody this this room lets continue to support each other we can agree or sgraur like the mayor said at the end of the day, well have each others back the next person is also is doing an amazing job of stopping the violence in San Francisco he is the police chief of San Francisco he plays a major roll in get rid ofing of guns give it up for greg suhr clapping. i want to thank rudy and the analyzing for the buy back as the mayor said the focus has been on gun violence as standing to applying manipulate left is ms. Paulette brown lost here son to gun violence aubrey brown shes working tireless at any very often that speaks to the reduction of gun violence in 201498 people were killed many by firearms and working with organizations like united playaz and other communities groups and the leadership of our mayor and doesnt to the young people and education and jobs weve been able to better have those numbers last year, we had 46 homicides but still thirty of these were by firearms every year year in and out the selfemployed takes over one thousand dwnz off the streets of San Francisco gun buy backs have taken over nine hundred guns and im confident this saturday will be over one thousand any guns as rudy spoke to any gun that comes off the is are streets of San Francisco, california have no harm if you have a firearm in the house and knows of someone in the house with a firearm please think about thank you for the opportunity is in on saturday and pick up a little bit of Holiday Shopping money and it will go a long way to keep San Francisco safe and the children of those mothers might be here today and not have to have mothers hurting please turn the guns in clapping. thank you excessive greg suhr and tmc thank you to matt we have mothers that have lost a son to gun violence the wall are all unsolved murders we want to make sure we acknowledge them and try to find solutions theyre part of Solutions Major and so just to move on we have two more speakers and waiting is our supervisor jane kim but the next gentleman i want to bring up hes also an employee of the united playaz and someone that say was a monster now a mentor my brother damn i dont think so share also thank you. clapping . I want to thank everyone for coming out today i want to implore and touch the hearts of people that might be watching many seller to the hood to the mothers to the grandmothers to the brothers and sisters if you got guns in our home come out december 12, 8 to 12 tenth street and turn them in ive been on both sides shot ten times and 10 years in prison i changed my life and here with united playaz and doing working everyday on gun violence along with the mothers beside me to get the guns off the street to make it safer for the children like rudy said you dont know when that gun will hurt you or someone you love ive stolen guns out of peoples houses it is so the people i dont know what happened to them that want to get get rid of get rid of of the guns a little boy killed his own brother he found his gun there are other ways so all the community of the People Matters what youre race or color or creed and economic level gun buy back youll be surprised it, the people the camera man a was thinking about turning in his gun i implore him and everyone if you have guns if in youre home not locked up you never know when youre own gun might be used against you i implore from the body o my body from the mothers children i ask you to come in and turn in the guns and find a better way thank you very much clapping. thank you damon ive been a victim of gun violence myself see this right here . This is for real you talking about real front line soldier in the battlefield an ground zero come up here boo my brother from new york this brother foster back here youre talking about reentry youre talking about helping brothers from the penitentiary he did 45 years before foster g did a gang of time and new york back there the guy at front door did one and 50 years total but talk about solutions the moms and brothers who been there deny that and the mayor; right . You got the community and the police chief and youve got to School District what other part is missing in the evaluation we have our supporters who helped us fund this gun buy back ron conway that people dont know he do not to the cause the brothers from the medical marijuana the grassroots from barbary coast, hal even and brendon do that donates resources to make this all happen one of the main guys who we have to address who oriented the gun buy back is name a eon; right . His father got killed was a young kid the perpetrator stole the gun out of a home and we dont want to see this we want to get the guns now so this brother who is helping us he said some incredible things we forgot to mention no questions asked they ask you nothing you turn them in and get our money you can leave so this is a serious serious irk right here you turn on the tv you dont see something about gun voijsz what is the solution right here not wait until the camera is in front of you and you know what i want to be on this side because it aint about a color or gender or National Outlet or gaze some when someone pulls the trigger you cant stop i know look this is saved any envelopes life we all got shot at one of the guys any son get hit 5 times may he rest in peace that would have been my life im still here i want to bring up someone from our community that loves and cares about our people whos heart in is in the hood and lives in the hood i want to have our District Supervisor jane kim come up and share thank you clapping. thank you all so much for being are here today and also to the media for helping us with the outreach and education it is important on saturday, i got to participate in the gun buy back and a lot of the residents come out to volunteer this is one of the best and direct ways to reduce gun violence on the street on a weekly basis we have a massive gun violence kroisz when you see where we have less gun violence 1942 where we have a stronger gun control laws and less guns on the street this is one of the ways with we do that without obstructs and any questions asked this is the time to turn them in and brings less violence on the street so it is so important south of market but here in San Francisco and most importantly i know to acknowledge and thank the amazing donors to contribute money again with no questions asked so i want to thank rudy and the united playaz for this program and well have gun buy backs all the time but not a little bring you you mention the fruition you want to see and the outreach and education so i hope everyone is able to get the word out and volunteer with the organization but you thank you to all the donors for making this possible so we have a success thank you. clapping. thank you. Thank you jane kim after we complete the press conference he have people that want to share but im going to read you alarming statistics one in 3 homes with children have guns many left urban locked or loaded you didnt hear me one in 3 homes with children have homes many left unlocked and loaded im sure never been the same 80 percent of unintentional firearm deaths of kids under 1 occur in their home with this this is the holidays hospitals and suicide by gun increases during the holiday so you want to be involved in helping out here it is right here the great matt scott we want to go to graduations not funneled and able or be part of the solution not the pollution were involved well not wait until things happen we dont want to go to funnels or hospital where a person is Walking Around with a bag once you get shot and die you aint never coming back those brothers it theyll be standing with us but it needs to be heard im not against people that have guns, you know who responsible knows how to do it or the safety behind guns we live in a real world but people with 34b9 issues people shot reck also no questions asked and make sure we honor the mayor the police chief, the medical marijuana store, the community people, the vip and project level and most important the mothers youre fierce District Supervisor jane kim love you girl and the School District right here matt haney our capita of our neighborhood sherry right and the leader the rest of you guys and brothers and sisters who came home from prison whos out here doing good okay shout outs to mike and the rest of the guys please ask questions thank you for coming

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