To be conceptual and i dont know that the project can be adjusted to that extent at this point. Okay. Call the next item. Next item. Item 13 is authorizing the executive director to amend the professional Services Agreement with Thompson Coburn for this. Motion and approval. Would you call the roll please. Director kim. Aye. Director lee. Yes. Director reiskin . Aye. Director. Aye. Next item is approve the minutes of the meeting. Motion and approval. Pick your choice guys. Take your choice. All right. No objections call the roll. Director kim. Aye. Director lee. Yes. Director reiskin. Yes. Director nuru. Aye. Chair harper. Aye. That is five ayes and the minutes are approved. That concludes your agenda for today. [gavel] were adjourned. Good morning and welcome to the budget and finance Committee Meeting and, my name is supervisor mark farrell and i am joined by tang and i want to thank the sfgtv as well as the clerk. Do you have any announcements . Please silence all cell phones, items acted upon today will be appearing on the october, 20th board of supervisors agenda, unless otherwise stated. Could you call item one . Resolution, authorizing the sfpuc general manager to accept an additional award through the sfpuc mlu, with the Solano County water agency for the implementation for a Regional Water conservation program, funded in part by the grant funds from the California Department of Water Resources for a total of award up to 1 million. Good morning. And chair person, and the members of the budget and finance committee, i am amanda and the administrator with the Public Utilities commission and i am here to present on item one, part of the background, the board of supervisors in 2012, approved the sfpuc expenditures. Could you pull the microphone closer. 863,000, to support the high efficiency replacement program. They received a greater number of toilet installations and eligible for the reimbursement and several of the 13 agencis that also received the round one grant funds, did not achieve sufficient, customer participation to extend the total grant awards and these unused funds are what were provided to the agencies that exceeded the target, as a result, eligible receive an additional 123,000 in unused grant funds, these additional funds will further support the water, conservation program, and helping customers replace old, inefficient toiletwise high efficiency models. This agreement, and the sfpuc will be awarded a total of 986,000, with reimbursement for high efficiency toilets, i thank you for your time and happy to answer any questions. Supervisor tang . Thank you Association Much and we think that this is a Great Program for the city and i was wondering if you could talk about how the out reach as gone in terms of San Francisco and i know that it is very successful. But just curious as to the work that pc does to reach out to customer and let them know about this program. Sure, as originally targeted at the puc customers on the Assistance Program and receiving a discount on the water and waste water rates. So we reached out to them since we have the customer information through notices on the bills, and direct mail and notice and things like that and they we broadened the program to also work with the Mayors Office of housing to target the Affordable Housing properties throughout the city. Great and once the grants are exhausted, are there, i mean does the puc foresee this continuing, and or, other future grant opportunities, i mean, again i think that it is a Great Program and i hope that it will be able to remain in San Francisco. Definitely, so we are continuing the program, and we actually Just Launched a different version of the program, for the municipal, facility and buildings and targeting the old fixtures that remain throughout the facility and that is going on now and we are working with the department of public works on that. And in 2016, we are also launching a revised program that will be eligible all of the customers both residential and nonresidential customer and trying to target those fixtures. Great thank you so much. Could you consider the important. And mr. Chairman, supervisor tang and on page, 3 00 of the report, we report that the total budget of the puc high efficiency toilet, Installation Program is 5. 2 million and which 86,000 will be reimbursed by the Grant Funding for the california board of resources and 4 million, is for moneys previously appropriate ated by the board of supervisors, from the puc that were enterprised operating budget and that is shown in table one on page 3 of our report and we recommend that you approve this resolution. Okay, thank you. Seeing no questions we will open it up to Public Comment, anybody wish to comment on item one . Okay, seeing none, Public Comment is closed. All right, would the chair like to make a motion to send forward this resolution with a positive recommendation to the full board. Okay, we can take that without objection. Madam clerk, could you call two. The resolution, authorizing the lease of real property, located at 598 portola drive for the initial five year term for the base rent of 100,000 a year to commence upon the approval of the board of supervisor and mayor. Good morning, Honorable Committee chair, and supervisor tang im the assistant director of real estate. The resolution before you and for your consideration, involves a fiveyear, lease with one five year option, for a local Small Business. Twin peaks, also known as twin peaks auto care at 598, portola at the top of the hill there. Which has been owned and operated and managed for over, 30 years by the current tenants nancy and michael, and which is basically a community, servicing serve station. And i have would like to thank the budget analyst, office for their thorough report, in which mr. Roses office nicely summarizes the history of this citys use of the property which i will not go into today. However, to say that the station is one of the few remaining independent, gas stations in the city, and i think that you will be hearing from the tenant and his supporters who will say that it is a neighborhood institution. And serving the community as both the gas station and a service garage. The existing lease, expired on june, 30th, 2014, however, lease negotiations started back in 2013, when an appraisal of the site was performed. The Small Business has been continuing on a month to month, hold over tennessee, tenant at their risk and the prior rent was 45 per square faout and it has increased to 68 cents per square foot. And which an additional 3 pernts percent year rent adjustment, this is fair market value. The Analyst Report correctly points out that the base rent in the first year of this new lease will be less, than the per month rent paid under the lease, because the actual, Square Footage of the site has diminished by approximately, 501 square feet, and the tenant had asked us to go out there and measure it due to rightofway and other improvements made by the city on the property. And plus the price per square foot has actually increased two times the original, base rent of the lease and approximately, around 30 percent, greater than the first square foot rent in 2004. The new lease, also provides an increase of 40,000 and a Security Department to 50,000 and increased in insurance. And while the city and tenant quickly came to an agreement on the rental price based on the appraisal, the initial condition, including the banning of Tobacco Products were a pivotal, for the tenant and the negotiation his to continue based on the new conditions. The real estate agrees with the budget Analyst Recommendations the first two and has provided an amended resolution to you with additional language, including making a finding that the competitive building, procedures would be impractical for several reasons, including in light of the existing zoning and that the tenant is a successful local, business which actually owns the tank and the lines on the property. The service station is grandfathered in but would not be allowing the ois under the current zone. Also on the second recommendation and adds language regarding the city administrator, conducting with the Real Estate Division and the other City Department to identify the property, including this one, under the city control to determine which property or under utilized and set forth, excuse me in San Francisco, code, 23 a. With the additional language, real estate believes that this relatively short term lease, considering the use as a Small Business, and gas station, should be approved, and recommends that the committee amend, or adopt the amended res lieus. Aous resolution. Okay, thank you very much, and seeing no questions at this point, mr. Rose why dont we move to your report. Mr. Chairman and supervisor tang. Incidentally, i am at the last comment, the short term and this lease is and five years and five year option, and it is ten years basically. And on page 5 of our report, we note that based on the reduction of 501 square feet, and 499 net square feet and based on the 2013 appraisal, the proposed annual rent of 100,000 is approximately, 6. 96 per square foot per year. On page, ten of our report, we note that the 598 parcel contains the only privately owned gas station located on the city owned property and the east for the gas and Convenience Store and garage has continued for the past 43 years, since 1972, without any Competitive Bidding since the original, establishment of the station in 1972. And under initial fiveyear lease. Was completed. Furthermore the propose ad five year lease with 1, five year extension option will be awarded without under going, Competitive Bidding process. In accordance with the code, 23. 33, all leases of the City Property result in more than 2500 per month in revenue must be awarded in accordance with the Competitive Bidding procedures, unless such bidding procedures are impractical and impossible and we explain the reasons that the Real Estate Department has stated wie they are impractical or impossible on page 10 of our report. As the department, indicated and mr. Up dike advised us, they have received, the significant, Community Support for the continued city lease of this site, with the existing gasoline station operator. There is only one gasoline service, there is one gasoline and service station located within one mile driving distance and there is outing west of the subject lease property at 800 street, and there are six other gasoline stations located in two miles and, that is 2399, 19th avenue, and 2000, 19 avenue, and 1855, taravil and Mission Street and 2399 market street. On page, 11 of our report, we know that the proposed new lease will continue the grandfathered use of the gasoline station which is not confirming that the public, zoning of the property. And without Competitive Bidding, the budget and Analyst Office has insufficient evidence to conclude that the current nonconforming use of the site is highest and best use in serving the best interest of the city. The proposal leased will be awarded based on a 2013 appraisal. Without cost limited adjustments over the past two years and will be awarded without the use of a Competitive Bidding process. If the board of supervisors decides to approve the proposed new lease, the board of supervisors is required to make a finding that Competitive Bidding will be impractical and impossible that it is in the best interest of the city to enter into the lease, based on the direct negotiations with the current operator of the gasoline station without a competitive bid process. The recommendations on the bottom of eight, we recommend that you amend the resolution to make a finding that utilize the Competitive Bidding would be impractical and impossible. And we also recommend that you amend to urge the city administrator to work with the director of real estate for the highest site and, to conform it for the highest and best use and we consider approval to be amended to be a positive matter for the board of supervisors. Thank you, mr. Rose. Seeing no questions, why dont we open it up for Public Comment, i have three speaker cards and i have george, and joseph, and migal and if there is anyone else, come forward everyone will have two minutes. Special almost, like iconic in the neighborhood and it is the last gas station and it also carries the name of the twin peaks, which identifies as the surrounding area. And so, everyone uses this gas station in the area and i think that it is the best use of the gas station. As far as Competitive Bidding, i agree with mr. Rose. It would be impractical to have any other kind of bidding on this site. And there is already been the city presence in effect from bidding in prior years. Starting in the last time in 1994. Was it was now bidding at all. It would be impractical i think on the current guidelines and rules in that the city would be trying to build basically homes with the shelter and housing. And i dont think that would be again, as strong a use as a gas station that the public loves in the area. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please . Mr. Chairman and members of the committee my name is joe. Joe, sorry, would you put the microphone, there you go. My name is joe huphreys and i am a long time resident, and the 800 home neighborhood on the western slope of twin peaks, i serve on the board of the home owners association. Both as an individual, and on behalf of the board, i am here to support the extension of the auto care lease, the service stations have become an endangers species in San Francisco, and twin peaks is the only one that is convenient for the neighborhood and it sits at an important cross roads and serving much of the commute traffic into the southern and the western parts of the city and downtown. And between those same neighborhoods, and the two major freeways. It serves no ones interest to require that the traffic make a time consuming air polluting and energy, wasting detour to find a service station, which the, and by eliminating the only, service station that now sits right on that, and on those routes. From a Public Policy standpoint, the highest, best and really only rational use of that little piece of territory at the corner of woodside, and portola and ais shanasi is to extend the gas station for those who have been serving the needs of san franciscans for many years and urge you to adopt the resolution of approval. Thank you very much. The next speaker . Good morning, im the owner and operator of twin peaks auto care and this is the third time in this chamber. And i have been operating this location since 1985 and so about 31 years. We served the community, we have 650 cars that go through every day and most of them are from the neighborhood. And there is a mid town terrace or for the forest hills and we serve that whole community. And i have, and we have to ask the customers to sign a petition and i have copies for you, and i have not counted them but we ran it for a couple of months and we have numerous signatures. And i hope that you guys, approve of our new lease. Are there any other members that have the public that would like to comment . inaudible any other members of the public that would like to comment on this item . Okay, seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Supervisor, tang. Thank you and, thank you to everyone who came out and the Real Estate Department and i do understand that given how far back the timing goes, the gas station has been in place since 1972, i do drive by it. On my way home as well, sometimes. And i know that the budget analyst has made a couple of recommendations which i know that you noted, and so at this time. I am fine with adopting them. And moving forward with the proposal that is before the committee today. Which is the initial fiveyear term, with a fiveyear, potential for extension. And i do think that right now, the city, i have not seen, another kind of viable, or a better use for this particular small site. And i do like the fact that it is an independently owned gas station. And so, as part of the amendments i know that the city administrator will work with the Real Estate Department to see whether in the future there may be some other opportunities, that i think that at this time, in order to not disrupt this independently owned gas station, i think that it is fine for us to approve this particular item before us today. Okay. Mr. Chairman . Yes, mr. Rose. I just wanted to clarify one thing, on the recommendation the budget and analyst has not concluded that it is impractical or impossible to bid. We are stating to the board in order to approve this resolution, it is a requirement that you make a determination and it is impractical and impossible to bid. But that was not our conclusion. Thank you, i appreciate that clarification. And likewise, we want to thank you for coming out and members of the community and i have been a customer there. And i understand that the location there, and so certainly, the neighborhood support for it. And i am, happy to accept these recommendations and adopt that finding ourself as a committee. And move this item forward. And so there is a motion on the floor and happy to support it. Through the chair and again, thank you, mr. Rose for that clarification. I think that again, this history of this gas station is something that predates many of us. And so it is a little difficult here. But i think that i find the amendment sufficient here today. So i would like to make a motion to adopt the amendments before us. And then after that approve at mended resolution, and send it forward to the full board with a positive recommendation. Okay. We have a motion by supervisor tang on both item and take it without objection. Do we have any other business in front of us. No further business. Thanks, everyone, we are adjourned. It. Good morning, everyone. Welcome to the 311 calling center i know that our director nancy welcomes me usually we get to announce another great tool if not a modification of our 311 center the public and residents like to see you know when we first created the 311 center we were here for that start we wanted a tool that lifts the burden off all the vacuums of calls going to 911911 is for real emergencies life or death and whatever it happening on the street currently that will be of the emergency nature needs to be called through to 911 well get an immediate fire and police and department of Emergency Response on that on to day to day basis we have a lot of other calls we have tried to direct those now thousands everyday that come to 311 and were glad because their calls for information, for refers for how to do this and that of the various departments of the city. As you may know weve been active in helping our people on the streets particularly our Homeless Population to get the services they need a challenge because we not had all the hours housing we want were building that as soon as possible and rehabilitating affordable units as much as possible but things happen on the streets our residents say should i call 911 or Small Business i see somebody they dont look healthy weve had a few instances on the street if we had an earlier call appropriate there can have been a health check, if you will, or check on someone that may have not looked at not an be able they doesnt see something happen that is an emergency often myself ive made calls to 311 someone is not necessarily in a door front but passed out and needs help those are things that happen on the street were very congested city we want to make sure that if it is not a 911 call but perhaps there could be a health check or care check on someone maybe 356 can do something about that over the past weeks 36 through the leadership of flabs our city administrator that oversees it w the putting and Police Department and Public Works Department and hot team through dpevenz combevenz hope program to you work tot to respond to what neighbors are telling you there should be an act perhaps something a little bit more modern use people dont have to the time to make the call but can actually with their footprints r fingertips simultaneously complun with 911 and not try to figure out whos responsibility but 311 will figured out for the residents for someone that seize something on the sidewalks we should be able to respond to in this app were excited in the past fewq weeks to see whether or not to develop an app to low people to scroll through a push bum efforts something on this street or particular intersection you need to see and someone should check on this individual ear r we care about the people on the streets and make sure it is not an emergency but ought to being sure to follow up on someone that is in need of help a care arrest health check followed up we created the 3 11 a. M. And i know that nancy will pop up it on the details i want to lead this effort by saying a big thank you to her team working with all the other departments they want to also be able to get to where someone suggests to us there might be something that is happening with someone we care about i believe that this is an infection of combpgs of the city having a deeper compassion to people on the tree we want to provide it to the right agency to follow up with this is why all the departments here are working together 0 so they can be part of it in the meantime we do what we do everyday the dpw and the hot teams visiting encampments of people on the street we assist them more and more and getting them into places like the Navigation Center or referring the services to the shelters we have or inviting them to the latest project Homeless Connect Program we have all the services housed on a quarterly basis in different parts of city and while we work on short term and long term answers to getting temporary and more long term housing were focused on ending chronic homelessness for the veterans by the end of this year weve been focus on the transitional aids youth and more and more getting the data together to respond to more of our families and youth being homeless through the School District and food for thought creative ways to tackle this challenge a housing crisis in the city were trying to build and stabilize neighborhood as were doing these so a lot of people from the development and the business segment to the nonprofits theyre all collaboratively with our city agencies to do better and Barbara Garcia and i are working diligently with interpreting moreno has has as we introduce trying to figure out the Mental Health and challenges happen on the streets in the meantime we ought to make sure that the things happening on the streets can be respond to weve done with the 311 app to invite the people the people that walk our streets an ability to communicate request City Services that do care and will respond to situations on the street and particularly to people who might be on the street in need of something may not be a 911 situation i want to distinguish between 911 and 311 911 will continue to be the number everybody calls if there are a true emergency if something something is happening whether a Public Safety issue or health issue but 911 is where it may not but in your mind someone ought to follow up with something and persons on the streets we dont know all the time whether in immediate need or not but if it appears to someone that someone is in need that they dont look like they are comfortable at all perhaps this is where the 311 health check ought to be had with that, id like to introduce over the course our director of 311 nan ofarrell to go over the details thank you, mr. Mayor for your asking to implement those changes all of us can make a differences by reporting streets events at 311 were looking at improving ways for the public to connect with government over 50 percent of the questioning requests for broken street lights we see the demand is high for people wanting to assess Government Services and expanding the 311 app of nonemergency to include homeless concerns a convenient way for the public to be proactive in reporting issues as they see them at this time id like to to a thanks my team as well as the departments here the office of hope and department of emergency and the Police Department and public works the Public Health department and the City Administrators Office took all those departments to build a partnership today with this ill introduce the police chief greg suhr thank you. The nonemergency number it cant be stressed enough that the way to report on emergency is still call 911 if you want or need someone in a hurry you have an emergency something that process or someone in danger youve got to call 911 with that said, nancy and the team she mentions to come up with that 311 app is a fantastic way in a city that, you know, how the Innovation Center of the word now to come in the term an app we met this smurp is mo magic and the Mayors Office and the hope sf and one of the things we have is apps to reporter things we have an entire generations that has touch phones it would be great for a whole tech safer i didnt city like San Francisco to call on a. M. We could be headed for a especially pick winter and make sure that everyone is taken care of this 311 app will go a long ways not only is it about time it is timely this year ahead of a wet and cold winter to take care of the less unfortunate none can imagined how much they need you applaud the team behind me certainly the mayor that know how and nancy alfaro shes modest but nothing short of a he or sheic effort before the winter is upon us to check on the wellbeing the less unfortunate fortunate i appreciable are appreciate it now to introduce the next member of the team from fellowship this would not have happened larry sprinkler. Morning public works is out on the streets two r 27 we understand were facing challenges this app hemming heels a lot thanks to the leadership the mayor and nan alfaro for alexander this to the app we have 3 pro activities crews through the city many times a week we may adjust and be responsive as well as with the predefined im looking forward to getting the data to evaluate the route, however, with this information allowing the public to report it will gridlock help us to go our job. Ill now introduce my other partner Barbara Garcia. Good morning were excited about this new app preservation our Homeless Team has doubled the members on the team weve responded to 311 but multiply calls someone calls 311 and determine what status it is with this new app well have that directly and that will help us in ronalds to the call i want to note the deducting 23 23w47 programs people are i will are picked up were able to provide that care as an e in San FranciscoGeneral Hospital we have teams that are out there we have teams that go out to homeless issues and violate issues on to twentyfour hours those are Homeless Teams in every district and compared to the 311 call theyre excited and trained and ready to continue as i walk down the street i see everyone with a cell phone the public will be responding as they help those no need and make sure the public we respond to the Homeless Needs to the community thank you very much. Now i will introduce Erica Sandburg shes an example of a Community Member began calling and helping us lead this program. Hi so, yeah im a resident of San Francisco i am a lover of San Francisco as soon as i set eyes on the city i fell in love he have a daughter a Second Generation san franciscan it is unconsciousable it is so depressing and so upsetting to walk by people every day on particular every block and say i cant help them i so ordering my neighborhood and beyond we have to something has to be done is it not right who can we call not just helping people on the street but combrrn the neighborhood this is okay. We cant continue to walk by so someone had a great idea there should be an app everyone has a smart phone and next thing i know theres an app great idea and great minds think alike i vibrate an what is happening he want it on everybodys phone and i want it on visitors smart phone in ms. Shorts windows they download this app lowerincome and moderate income a major victory of that because it is so necessary we need to find a way to get those peoples anybody this is getting them off the streets im a huge optimistic this is a great way to go i couldnt be more excited i want to get the word out i love innovations it is San Francisco and so thrilled absolutely atheist and happy to be i dont know who there you go. Prior to concluding i want to show the types of concerns record to the app and this demo. inaudible at the top inaudible that concludes this event thank you very much for