James is absent excused commissioner serlina commissioner itani commissioner loo commissioiner ow commissioner roy commissioner nelson and executive director is present. May i have a motion to approve the agenda that was modified a few weeks ago we have a copy. Move forward second. Thank you narrating approval of the minutes of the consent calendar agenda. So moved. Second. Any questions or comments thank you. The motion carries next item approval the april 6, 2016, minutes has everyone had a chance to review them any changes or comments from did Public Comment public so moved. Seconded by. All in favor, say i. I. That motion carries. Employee of the month aaron perez. Yeah. clapping. so its a great occasion to honor karen perez as the employee of the month of may we usually like to honor kearney want to talk about the dodges i think the commissioners are familiar with people from the office on aging he hear them present but not honoring them here in the people prosecute the office of aging if you can stand up so we can recognize you clapping. department of aging Adult Services does the work for the department of aging Adult Services without them, we wouldnt have all the contractors to bring to commission but we also want to thank all the people in the back it support of office of acknowledging the contracts unit and budget and mr. Haney planning and everyone a group effort to get these out of the door one of things that karen has done since the day she got here provided excellent support any of us who have done any work anywhere know that the administrative support is one of the more important functions thank you karen and read when the colleagues wrote about that better than anything i can say from the first day karen race demonstrated excellence if in all aspects shes the saufbt of the baggage for the monitoring more than 50 communitybased organizations in San Francisco the Staff Members are compromised of nutrition i was and karen has supported them with the new dine design to make them work effectively if you imagine o o a as a machine cesarean is that one guarantor that may not be mower powerful but essential to keep the machine workers her can do so attitude and covers a vast of handing calls from customers to corresponding with the cd a to make sure the proper work is collected assumed a lot of the administrative requirements that they execute their jobs and karen has gone above and beyond the call of duty and truly o o a renaissance person a bright and happy smile a karen smile. laughter that sounds like denise a model for professional staff her supervisors have received accommodations for General Information and to quota recent comment daasw is lucky to have a person like karen congratulations you did a wonderful job and thank you thank you for all you do clapping. so karen on behalf of daasw youre the employee of the month clapping. laughter. thank you, very much. Oh, i think we had one more picture. Oh, laughter closedcaptioni picture. Thank you in he and the next item is the directors report sherren thank you for the opportunity to congratulate her on behalf of all the commissioners thank you, commissioner clapping. thank you very much commissioner serlina and all of i appreciate the support and happy this process had an b has been completed and it is been a great thing to be intern director i look forward to working with everyone here as the director thank you. So there are a couple of things i want to talk about heres the mike yes, he guess a couple of things to talk about this morning the first is that last week i was in washington, d. C. With coalition for the National Association on aging policy briefing and visit to capital hill i was there with a number of folks from california and formed the California Coalition as a team talked about a lot of the issues no california specifically concerns about Social Security and what will happen in the future of Social Security we talked about medicare we talked about housing and how we might building that housing is part of health care an interval part and talked about being a nutrition and the Food Security and things like that to it was an interesting especially with the people when it was an interesting conversation he in particular is very concerned of the issues with the aging and department of aging Adult Services and sent me materials that he is work on how to engage people gave me the American Public in raising concerns about working with you know kind of the needs of older adults and sfugz his concern not enough attention 0 those issues we feel the concern it was interesting to here him and take on that issue how we might have better confusion with older adults an interesting visit and ive done this in the past with ann was not able to go and not always that hopeful on the other hand, there was a lot more talk about kind of funding streams and funding integration things that were starting to work on in california a lot more conversations about those medicaid and mentioning with the National Levels it was hopeful a lot more talk about in the past about elderly justice and the protection of the database so we know really, get a better understanding of the issues of elderly abuse in the country that was hopeful i will be running for a seat on the board of the National Association of aging and the election will happen in july there are two seats from california i was asked by some Southern California and the California Association to apply to run because San Francisco such an important player California Well these how that goes whens the election. July. Next thing i want to talk about supervisor wiener has put forth on ordinance to draft the language for lgbt Data Collection and the lgbt senior task force is involved in promoting the concept of Data Collection around lgbt demographics we can better serve the lgbt population in San Francisco there will be battery on the language the supervisor thought all the departments that collects certain demographic information well collect that if our prospective since weve been down the road and thought about what that means milking how easy to get the information and the Training Needs and those kinds of things easier for daasw and on the departments to figure out the cost and the Time Commitment will be especially, when people are in the field working with clients theres certainly some training issues especially probation officer people that be inspector duffy rather than checking out the demographic information we as a city wants to make sure when that demographic information is collected it gets collected sensitivity so the staff understands what it is theyre asking and the inspection and there will be adequate affiliation work to be done it is exciting and moving forward and certainly something that the lgbt senior task force has undertaken. One of the things i forgot to say about being in washington the president obama finally signed the oldest americans act and that was really a big celebration something that used to be rather performa but not in the paved if you years ago a lot of work on the hill trying to get legislators to really get on board it passed unanimously and went to the president but it was very hard i think that for those of you know the Older Americans act is the backbone of the speaks for itself the National Funding and priorities for older adults that is important for us it gets passed and it did thats great the department has been working with the Dignity Fund Coalition and the Mayors Office around the dignity fund im sure there will be someone that will talk from the coalition prospective about that but interest is a real time crunch in terms of the language and i think that is the end of may that needs to be in so the department has a certain prospective on the language should be and the coalition side and the supervisors are weighing in and the Mayors Office and the city of Attorneys Office theres a lot of theres a lot of moving parts to the legislation but hopefully getting closer to finalizing that and then want to say this afternoon at 1 oclock is the adults Budget Hearing so it will be hsa and daasw and office of early care and education and presenting daasw budget it starts at 1 oclock and the final thing i want to talk about the fair labors standard acts sanctions we talked about that you know the f l s a went into effect a couple months ago i asked staff theyre working and getting information to people that have questions and progressing the information but this week the town hall went into Effect People that violate the fair labor standards act by misstating their overtime the vision sanctions will go both effect we are waiting to see what that looks like were havent clear information how to handle those well know more but right now the staff a nervous we dont know how to handle that so more to come if that. I think that that concluded my report. Any questions or comments. Commissioiner ow. Congratulations you are a commitment for what is it the july oh, for the board of the National Association of aging. How can we as a commissioner and you a nonprofit organizations to fund you and theyre working with you for yaers and years incorporated how what walking can we lobby with the association. Thank you, commissioner for that vote of support i think basically up to the board a National Board so i dont think there is a role i wanted to let you know that is something ill doing and so ill just report back to you on how that goes. The the nonprofit can write a letter. In this case it is not i think that is not necessary but thank you. I tried. Thank you. Thank you. The next item on the agenda is the advisory report by smith. Good morning and executive director congratulations they choose the right person clapping. the Advisors Council met on wednesday april 20th, 2014, and introductions were made to the council of our 3 just Advisory Council members taylor and william. Also in attention what mr. Ma angela rajas by supervisor campos a calculated detailed presentation of the daasw 2016, 2020 by staff john the executive director mcfatten and voted on and approved by the Advisory Council also the Council Voted to support 184 to raise the allotments for ssi p and the california lover has a vote to support that well ask the commission to support that also a discussion was held on the better system for the site visits ill have more information well have more information to revamp the onsite i can report, however, that a site visit was done at the Jewish Community center an outstanding detailed report by one of the Advisory Council members the committee had the last training on the institute of aging around the issues of elderly abuse we want to thank them for their support for allowing us to be there the next training is usf campus on july 22nd with a possible presentation a Mental Health and aging the daasw the council would like to thank the daasw staff with apple bee and others for making this possible and last but not least may is senior month there is a large rally being held in sacramento on may the 11 and we have flyers and information about that i think i know that the department is really wanting people to go and support them thats the end of my report any questions. Any questions or comments. Just a question on the letters of ab 1584 those will come to us for next month is that yes. We have a reason to write the letters inaudible . In our packets yep. Any other comments or questions thank you very much. Thank you. The joint legislative report. Director im going to make this short you have a long agenda and the area plan needs to be voted on the end of life options legislation takes place into effect june 9th and usf did a workshop no restorations were due on tuesday there was one bill that i missed tracking that went into folk january 1st thank you apple bee for keeping us updated and commissioner making my job easier the hospital and caregiver it requires the hospitals to designate the caregiver and informed on discharge plans and make sure the caregiver has the instructions to safely provide care with the patient transitioned ill update you on the bills that theres been change since our april meeting i will not address the oldest americans act director addressed that and so the c s l legislation the first bill that was referred to we want the letter of support that would address the cost of living adjustments and increases in the monthly allotment for ssi and s d sent to appropriations things are moving along the sb 1015 a new piece of legislation the domestic bill of rights next month the long term the bill that will stash statewide aging and cooperating Council Moving through the committee as a result of state senator carolyn weve talked about last year director mcfattening talked about the District Fund ill not talk about that a piece of legislation in the senate 2015 which is on an alzheimers and autism bill that calls for 2 million annually over 5 years it is passes through the Judiciary Committee by 15 to 4 vote that will address the needs of children with autism and other very well disabled those who wander and expand the program that provides assistance for people with alzheimers who wander and make with the disabilities that have a tendency to wander with the bills for Law Enforcement to pay for tracking devices and in addition the funding for training and outlet efforts to address the issue hobo available and this bill is submitted in 2014 as a result of death of a child who had waufrnd with autism any questions. Thank you very much any questions or comments thank you very much for a thorough the Long Term Care cooperating report. Hi members of the commission and director congratulations again im jeremy im the new at large member the l t cc a very brief report if april 1, 32 presentations one from the one post key report the Senior Health planner with the department of health presented on the key report that was requested last fall sf dph working with the providers to research the post care needs in San Francisco to look at the impact of beds on the needs supply sorry to assess the impact and reduces the nursing skill on the beds supply and gap in the services in San Francisco we had a presentation from joanne the dph a leading nonprofit in the a. M. Space presented on their Pathways Initiative that aims to foster state reform and support the needs and some of the more pressing matters has to do with came up at the l t cc meeting we finally listed our 2016 budget fractured from the contents priorities and we the members find l t cc will be setting up meetings with the board of supervisors in the coming weeks and sending a malia cohen with the mayor also during the 2016 Budget Priorities and the next meeting on may 12th well hear a presentation on the dignity fund so more to come on that and ill keep it brief thank you very much. Commissioner. A question on the supply report is that underdevelopment now or a concluding report you guys reviewed. Sure actually have the finally, i think that is a concluding report it was for a resolution with the health commission. Ill be interested in assessing that report. Sure. We can make sure you have it. Yes. You do have a priority for current budget; right . Yes. Can you send you know a priority to our secretary so we can have a copy it will be our guidelines too. Absolutely. Thank you. Make sure you have it sure thank you. Thank you. Have a good day. You, too. Report kathy russo not here case report. Good morning, commissioners director mcfasten greg with the st. Francis reporting for case first, let me say we echo the congratulations to director mcfatten a quick update on the efforts towards the 2016 Advocacy Campaign on monday a contingent met with the Mayors Office and the white house and spoke about our efforts including the postcards were going delivering to the mayor tomorrow and later 24 month and next month postcards to the supervisors i have example if you care to see them they have good questions we have provide good answers and actually conducted a preliminary word well be advocating for dignity fund as well so a good meeting tomorrow as i said the seniors with disabilities on the steps of city hall at one p. M. With a good crowd and good speakers to motivate this will be fofld by christopher the postcards to the mayor our effort for the next 4 to 6 weeks. Questions. Thank you any questions or comments. Any other questions or comments okay. Thank you now time for general Public Comment that comment directed not at specific items on the agenda but general. Oh, thank you. Hello commissioner and congratulations to director mcfasten want to give an update on budget items in addition to these that kate with working on i think you know by now i apologize. I cant remember about the new support at home program the home care a coalition of us have been working on it is looking good that benefits people with a little bit too much income ever assets to quality for a benefit that dont have the kind of money to pay for inhome care weve met with the supervisors in the Mayors Office of budget and hope the commission will support it were working for elevator and commissioner sims is helping to elevate it so were hoping to get more funding allergy was asked r asking for you to help with our conversations with the Mayors Office about that and i have flyers about the budget rally tomorrow ill leave on the table if anyone can take a stack of them we have them in english and spanish and marie arranged for chairs for seniors with disabilities and people with disabilities we dont have to worry about that i want to mentn donna on the sedating action you probably worked with her shes retiring we are happy shell be able to have time to enjoy youll see things but im sure well see her a Retirement Party coming up ill leave the flyers on that as well. Thank you. Any other. Okay. Next item any old business . New business first item is not an action item a review of the Community Living fund six months report for july through december thank you karen good morning, commissioners executive director mcfasten im kari with daasw and pleased to update you on the last 6 months report an overall over the last 6 months from july 2016 to december 2016 as you may know the c l f Fund Supports the aging in place and alternative transportation for individual that my otherwise require care in an institution and using a two 3r07kd approach are Case Management and Purchase Services this Program Provides needed services not available through any other mechanism to prevent premature institutiontion specifically for adults with disabilities so during this six months report a couple of new items we want to direct your attention the first the lgbt demographics that will we asked about the last time period during this period it was a new field we were polling on at 8 percent and the 3 percent is a typo it is 8 percent of this time period and half of the referrals were missing the sexual organize data we are working trying to get this were looking at a different way to dont there will be cleaner next week and the two Performance Measures were reporting on the first one the percent of the clients with one or fewer planned acute Hospital Readmissions within a six months o month period with the ouch the Money Management cases and the goal of 80 percent for the 6 month period we exceeded at 93 percent of clients having one or fewer admissions this is the first time weve reporting the measure well monitor to see from the threshold needs to be raised or evaluate the second performance the care problems resolved on average one year after enrollment and exclude the clients the goal a 80 percent it was 55 percent of the Service Items were resolved or transferred after one year and substantive have less than one hundred of the care plans with the ongoing care needs this is the first time were looking at the indicator it shows we need more training with staff what happens the care managers will update the care plan the year after during the reassessment wear pulling this data were asking staff to kind of do it on an ongoing basis to so 6 months will accurately show what was going on thats sort of the main two highlighted with this period any questions you can ask now. Any questions or comments commissioner loo. On page 2 oh, page 4 the paragraph submit the changes effecting the co s the second paragraph for 20152016 the money didnt come before december do you have to spend the money can the money be carried over if you have to spend it what kind of programs. The money can be carried over so right now the past couple of months building the infrastructure to manage the money effective and building contracts so one of the main things if so down the scatter site housing was updated in february of 2016 so, now there are 12 unit for those and not a lot but were doing specifically targeting this and really looking at the people that have the highest needs for the skaufrt housing for example, and the other thing ear doing a Care Coordinator position that is looking for people having a purchase only need that dont need Case Management that one person is kind of managing all the purposes and doing it expedited segment so we can spend the money like the whole modifications so were looking at ways to spend that money efficiently we know in this year this was an increase of threshold funding we have in the next 4 years to kind of manage this money so we expect a down curve we needed time to ramp up and time to ramp down after the contract. Commissioner loo. Another one section one one im looking at the average monthly climb to donna and look at the december 15th the number is its that number but down there it is a donna 908. Are you following me. No. Im not sure where youre at. All kind of dollars near the become. Uhhuh. When you look at across december 15th is it 908. I had the 55. No commissioner. Other people am i looking at the. The spreadsheet the bottom right corner almost to the bottom. Almost to the bottom actually. At the bottom. Okay. So whats the question. Why the number is to high compared to other months. Good morning planning with the Human Services agency the number has increased because in this reporting period the Transitional Care Program is no longer active that served a large number of clients and in prior months that reduced the average program we have a smaller denominator and thats why it is increased from nine hundred to 900 a month. Thank you. Thank you. Any commissioiner ow. Yes. This program initially giving the patient in the laguna and transfer them to a Community Home setting now that this program run for quite a few of the years theres not many laguna honda evaluations into a Community Home setting my question is where is our patients come from you know you taking care of so many patients where you pick up them. So the few look at 31 percent of the referrals are from laguna honda it is a different population the folks the population demographics are different and extend to other places to look at kind of the highest across the board and focus on one specific facility. You just answered is it thirty percent of your patients come from laguna honda. 31. 31 then wheres the other 60 percent. Good morning. Im laura from the director of the Community Living fund we transitioned 4 to 10 patients out of the laguna honda to serve those clients we get a large number of referrals so aps and Adult Protective Services and others organizations that have the current clients that need a higher level of Case Management thats where we get that number. Does that answer your question. Commissioiner ow. I wanted to remind everyone that so the criteria for Community Living fund is that someone be at risk in an institution or at risk of institutiontion so the living fund accepts people from the community as well from a setting like laguna honda or not Skilled Nursing facility. Thank you i may be one of those patients laughter in the future. Any other questions or comments . Thank you very much the next on the agenda item a an action item requesting the authorization for the Grant Agreement with the Community Living for the provision of the aging and disability ad f c during the period of july 2016 to june 2018 from the amount of wolfed and 22,000 plus a 10 percent contingency not to exceed wolfed and 34,000 plus commissioners executive director mcfatten im linda the Newest Program analyst with the office of aging the services i asked you to approve with the amp and disabled Friendly Community program for the grant of 20162017 and 20172018 the services appropriated by community im sorry the list ration is too much but the connectors include a local resident a Program Connector and coach and Outreach Coordinator and cheerleader in the neighborhood the aging activities 3 always exercise classes a week it is very, very popular they cant the classes are so popular they cant allow all the people in it occurs at a church it is fuel preservation and emergency Preparation Training and mandated recorded training a lot of itself off in the ccii ago some of the kids helped to clean out a garage it earned the number empowerment neighborhood of the year award i have for showandtell a copyright here i recently had an opportunity to visit the neighborhood and saw what was going on with the Community Contractors and there were a line of people from the class one wanting to talking about talk with me 10 to 15 people and wouldnt let me go without talking about the great experience one man told me he lost 20 pounds was very excited and reverend linda took her neighbors to take care of her and visit her not hospital and take care of her dog and brought food to her thats what the neighborhood is creating for people to age in their home 20 percent comes from services we provide the other 80 percent comes from our Community Neighbors and friends we use a lot of words we we talk about the people we see clients and seniors and participant and citizens it expands our language thank you. Thank you very much do i have a motion to approve for discussion purposes. So moved. Any questions or comments from the commission . Just one mechanical one i nodded with this describes it as a paid Community Connect our \s and one person does it for someone that lives in the neighborhood and focuses on the neighborhood. The way advertised phrased one local program a local resident serves as a paid\thats a simulated worker. Any other comments or questions from the commission questions or comments from the public hearing none call the question. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . That motion carries item b requesting the im sorry did you have a cuttingedge. Thank you for the award you gave to the kiya and im 80 years old a Homeland Security and widow its typical of people that are served i want to thank you for supporting it we do believe were developing a new motto for aging in place we have Community Service and no Senior Centers in the neighborhood we prerequisite out of our homes and have meetings in nearby church we recently have helped one of the 83yearold woman it fell victim to identify athlete and man 82 who said i was settleed how inexpensive this model is no facility to support and Community Living campaign does our admin work thank you. I want to invite you to the june potluck well be sure to let you you know but youll have 60 or 70 people bringing food ranging from sponge cake to homemade food attach for supporting this program. Im in thank you very much clapping. item b requesting the authorization to modify the curry Senior Centers so far july 1st, 2015, to june 30th, 2016, invite up 35,000 for 10 percent contingency for not to exceed 688,000 plus michael thank you. Good morning, commissioners and executive director mike dodd with the office on the aging the the item before you is adding 35,000 into the current Year Contract with the keri Senior Center to boost their subcontract it is not discernable but ill point the commissioners attention within the operating expense detail page line item i st. Francis living room for 67,000 plus that was a combination of 22 thousand plus which started that subcontract in late 2015 were here to boost that by another 35,000 the reason were looking to boost is it today is to continue support for services and programming provided by st. Francis living room as a working cooperation with under the curry Senior Center contract quickly on st. Francis living room for those of you who dont know at 350 golden gate and theyre complex with the 8 Housing Alliance a stepping stone built a Health Center their daily hours are 8 30 to noon each day a small breakfast and activity until noon they are acquit busy to usually between 50 and 75 people each day the thooiz dollars purposes an fte that will be spread across 3 human beings and money for fringe for staff as well as the insurance costs related to maintaining the Program Liability insurance of the building so with that, ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. The commission might have. May i have a motion to discuss. Any questions or comments from the public . Hearing none, call the question all in favor, say i. I. Opposed . Thank you the motion carries thank you, michael. Item c requesting authorization to modify the grant with the Neighborhood Centers for Community Services from july 2015 through june 2016 in the all the way down amount of 35 with a 10 percent contingency invited one Million Dollars plus and linda on on and on core. Commissioners i ask you approve that 35,000. 01 time only the mission Neighborhood Centers will provide seven hundred and 50 hours of enhanced outreach and increase their Consumer Base by 5 percent their 4 hundred and 75 people their cast center and looking for 25 thousand it is working with 3 housing Senior Housing development in the area near the castro Senior Center those housing sites dont have an activity for the disabled individuals that live there the mission Neighborhood Centers want to remedy by going to the site and bringing activities to them some tablets or computer classes they have a popular life coach they want to bring people from the housing types to mission Neighborhood Centers the mission straddler and cat street location is an old building with a sunny courtyard i was there reluctance and watching Cinco De Mayo detrimental and eating popcorn the Mission Neighborhood center in the outreach is planning to do cultural and cultural outreach and just a couple of minutes ago the Bayview Mission center were talking about what it is going to include a number of people in the Mission Street may not have been to Golden Gate Park or the museum this is a way to connect people to their neighborhood and it to their city as well thank you. Thank you very much came in for discussion purposes. Thank you. Any questions or comments from the commission . Any questions or comments from the public . Hearing none, call the question all in favor, say i. I. Opposed . Thank you that motion carries item d requesting authorization to enter into a new contract with merced during the period of july 2016 to 2018 in the amount of of not to exceed 200 and 11 thousand plus bill neuson thank you. Good morning executive director my name is jill nelson the director for the city protective Adult Services program pleased to request the authorization to enter into a contracted with merced Residential Care currently we the difficulty protective services doesnt have a contract with any type of emergency Placement Services the funding that goes into the contract provide two placement beds with Residential Care 3 licensed Residential Care facilities for the elderly here if San Francisco and the contract would allow us says the bed on an emergency basis and this is really a service the Adult Protective Services project programming is in need the situation that comes up for the clients might include family violation one of the female members needs to leave the home and on a temporary or emergency basis into a place they can assess care those situations come up when we are working with older adults in particular that have a some ive dementia and live alone not connected to support services and comes up in situations involving eviction were excited to be working with merced housing and the vendor has extensive experience providing care for older adults and sfubdz that are a wide range of care needs im feeling confident the vendor will provide comprehensive High Quality Services for our clients can i answer any questions for you. Thank you came in for discussion. I have a how long would the person remain in this emergency this is a new contract a new service for the adult protective Services Program sow what were envisioning ideally that clients will stay for thirty to 60 days maximizing and working on discharge planning ideally to get our clients to their own home with the issue we have many clients that thai might live in a rental unit hesitate theres a situation of hoarding and clustering we may assist them to avoid eviction to e eradicate violations with the dph and sometimes, we need a place to move a client on the temporary basis to restore their unit to a safe condition and move them back in. Any other questions commissioner sims. Whats the previous model how do you handle situations before this contract. We currently do place ill see three to four clients a month on a temporary basis in licensed we dont have a contract we do it on a Purchase Price basis the problem with the framework when our Accounting Department prefers we enter sweetheart contract and through the rfp process we need a relationship with a vendor so we can handle places on emergency basis because the vendor weve been working with although they try to be accommodating they dont have a bed that is reversed were in a mode to find vendor it is have not focus and selfproduce effective outcomes for the client. Does that effectively reduce the cost for by these on the model. Yes. The price weve negotiated with the mercy housing is fairy well be charged 4,000 per bed when a bed is opted out and negotiated with 3 thousand hold rate im not anticipating a vacant bed so, of course, this is a new contract well be monitoring and tracking and report back at a later date. Last question my six include a frail senior in a Housing Authority they cant assess their home. If were working with a client in an assisted living but they receive help with the detail living with personal care we might pay and use our Emergency Services for that individual to be in a hotel for example, or their certain hotels that provide meals or different other services that we can assess if they dont need that level of car theyre more Cost Effective. Commissioner loo. This is a new program how many beds. The funds will be up to 2 beds per month two beds okay. And what is you have more so you need more so are there money to help out. The Adult Protective Services has on an annual basis wolfed thousand dollars allocated for our Emergency Special payment fund the Welfare Institution code requires counties to have what they call tangible Services Available although they dont state a threshold that is up the discretion and availability of resources at a local level we have wolfed thousand dollars and this would be Additional Funding we can use in the events we have other individuals that needed the Emergency Services if mercy housing has theyll allow us to use the Additional Fund and pay them blouf the scope of the contract. So the wolfed thousand dollars is for emergency. Correct. Explain to me 98 point 63 percent for a bed held but not occupied. So the vacancy rate for the beds is 3,000 per month im not sure where youre looking. Im looking at the last page trying to understand. Sorry i dont have appendix b with me. Thanks john. Good morning. Im john director of contracts what were trying to do show a daily rate thirty are 28 or whatever days we took the annual rate and divided into 365 days does make sense based on 3,000 dollars a month. I recently read that an average rc f bed across the state is 3,700 a month i feel confident this is a reasonable rate that merging will be charging us. Thank you. Thank you. Any other comments or questions just to clarify so from the bed is not opted out theyre still charge that rate. Theyll charge 3 thousand a month versus 4,000 a month. Thank you. Any other comments or questions from the public that is hearing none, call the all in favor, say i. I. Opposed . That motion carries. Next item is item e requesting authorization to enter into a new contract with american telling source inc. Doing business as during the period of june 2016 and june 2017 nouchld of three hundred told us applause a 10 percent contingency not to exceed 200 and 16,000 plus welcome. Good morning, commissioners director mcfadden im megan the Evidence Program director in morning im excited to present the new contract for subcontractor active voices and integration what is many and why are we are excited about it you may know in San Francisco we have over 19 thousand ihss providers vicinity providers they call us most of them are asking questions about any employee of any company if they didnt get their paycheck basic employee questions like that this new contract would give us two major new technologies that will assist providers and consumers with those types of questions the First Interactive voice theyll add this to the existing i was provider Assistance Call Center and it would be able to respond to a computerized voice that would ask questions of the caller and would be able to assess data and answer the caller the second piece would give us the ability to look at basic employee information like on online account at our bank or any other place you do business so assess it on the computer on a tablet a smart phone and it would be used both of these the call and the telephone and the computerized system will assess the database and give us the answer for the providers assistance did you get my time shoot has my payment been made theyre waiting for their pay as consumers this is something would allow them to find out who their social worker or status those systems will with 24 7 availability and will be available in 7 different languages currently when people want to ask those types of questions they to call the call centers not open 24 7 and have to wait for the appropriate answer as opposed to have the live person look up the data callers will be able to speak to a live person not as if this replaces the ability for providers to speak to a live person it will reduce our need to hire additional staff in ihss provider overtime ihss violations for providers are coming through and that is creating a very big new workload for the county to have this Technology Available to answer simpler more repetitive question is really going to be an asset to us so i ask you for your authority to enter into this new contract if you do you have any questions. Can i have a motion . For discussion. In a competitive job market a great deal of difficulty tricking ihss providers it is critical that we make it as easy as possible for them to continue to serve their clients because if we lose them the clients with without someone they established a relationship in any of the individuals live from paycheck to paycheck and any confusion has a huge impact so anything we can do to resolve their anxiety it is a wonderful idea thank you any other comments or questions. Commissioner loo. On page one you would 7 languages okay english, chinese, marijuana and russian and spanish i want to make a correction mandrin and cantonese are dialogues not two different languages. Literally tons of dialogues in china this is it the other thing when i look at the last page the total is one hundred and 97 plus and then they didnt include the contingency costs so would they be rising the budget or what. The contingency is put there in case unforeseen cost over runs not to come back to the commission for this. Okay. Thank you. Uhhuh. Thank you. Any other comments or questions for maggie. A general question so the american source was there another alternative in terms of yes. There was a Competitive Bidding process i think we had two bidders this is the one we selected. Thank you. Any other comments or questions any comments or questions from the public hearing none, call the all in favor, say i. I. Opposed . Thank you that motion carries thank you very much. Thank you. Item f the 2016, 2020 area plan for submission to the department of aging staff rose johns will do presentation. Good morning, again so in march you received this binder written area plan for 2015 to 2020 last month director mcfattened and i recorded on it were here to answer any questions and seek approval now the Advisory Committee has given us recommendations. Can i have a motion . For discussion. So moved and any comments or questions on the area plan before it is submit . I think id like to say that it was an extraordinary comprehensive document very, very wellthoughtof and clear so i want to any questions or comments from the commission any from the general Public Comment all in favor, say i. I. Opposed . Thank you that motion carries. Thank you any announcements . Any more Public Comment . Thank you. Good morning. Im maria the operation director anOthers Mission Neighborhood Centers here above the executive director sam and first, i want to pubically congratulate executive director mcfattened for her assignment well deserved i want to say thank you for approving our grant of augmentation it will enhance the outreach and we have plans on the way for enhanced outreach that includes bringing outreach to residentials of mission Housing Development apartment who are currently not ref any type of service so thank you. Thank you, thank you. I missed a call for announcements first of all, thank you for the supporter of the neighborhood and also there are a couple Upcoming Events one we work with the sf collective and tomcast over a opportunities to sign up for low cost events for friday from one to 4 on valencia street where we next to we hope about one hundred seniors in multi languages helping people to expedite their registration 95 a month and includes no installation charges and as an infrastructure bonus tomcast is giving away 10 laptops for people sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us; up we invite you to stop by. Thank you and again, i want to say in terms of the the updated on the dignity plan weve been working hard and appreciate the input of the department and looking at the legislation for how more smoothly and so we have submitted all of the changes and suggestions from everyone to the City Attorney to get a final draft our hope to introduce into this next week and the commission will play a strong role we look forward to the opportunity to get it introduced and will sit for a month and people can give feedback any questions. Thank you any other Public Comment . First giving honor to the Lord Jesus Christ and commissioners and staff that are doing great work on behalf of citizens of the San Francisco the work you do is tremors youre helping the most vulnerable in our community my name is Jackie Wright i have worked in San Francisco Community Services since 1990 working with the American Red Cross and San Francisco Unified School District and also did Public Relations for cbs and c w b area little did i know in 2007 i was laid off in a position where i will need social services myself and being one of the 20 percent offer 60 and among the 20 percent with disability and senior disabilities i know of the struggles of most vulnerable sentences or citizens i am im followup on a request in february for a statement to be read concerning any situations being the daughter of a veteran serving the country and yet in San Francisco when i had my fathers remains and my mother move to Arlington National cemetery i had no resting placing place in San Francisco and have no resting place this is something wrong when there has been dedication i was taught and raised two of any silks as a result of my parents dying and with that no place for housing in San Francisco for me, i think there is something terribly wrong im among the people are the folks well be talking about their needed to be things done especially with the rising number of elderly we have in San Francisco and this document i called for public hearings on housing issues for san franciscans and increased in the funds for stabilizing homes for seniors and the disabled especially those that own their own homes they can age in place and the combined efforts points malice and so there is great work done by this Commission Setting aside i think over 2 had had thousand dollars there needs to be more and ill submit the documents for your thank you very much any other questions or comments from the public hearing none, it bacterias my heart but call for a motion to adjourn. You know ive always wanted to do this job that drives my parents crazy we want to help people i wasnt i did not think twice about that. I currently work as cadet inform the San Francisco Sheriffs Department ive been surprised 0 work within criminal Justice System field i had an opportunity to grow within that career path. As i got into the department and through the years of problems and Everything Else that means a lot i can represent women and in order to make that change how people view us as a very important part of the Vice President you have topanga you have to the first foot chase through the fight are you cable of getting that person whether large or small into captivity that is the test at times. As an agent worked undercover and prevent external and internal loss to the company it was basically like detective work but through the company from that experience and the people that i worked around Law Enforcement that gave me an action when i came to be a cadet i saw i was exploded to more people and the security he was able to build on that. Unfortunately, we have a lot of women retire to recruiting right now is critical for us we gotten too low faster the percentage of women in the department and us connecting with the community trying to get people to realize this job is definitely for them our Community Relations group is out attempt all the time. In other words, to grow in the fields he capitalized any education and got my bachelors degree so i can current work at city hall i provide security for the front of the building and people are entering entering but within any security or control within the building and checking personal bags is having a awareness of the surrounded. There is so month people the brunet of breaking into this career that was every for easier for me had an on the with an before he cleared the path for laugh us. My people he actually looking at lucid up to poem like he joe and kim and merit made theyre on the streets working redondo hard their cable of doing this job and textbook took the time to bring us along. Women have going after their goals and departments line the San Francisco Sheriffs Department provide a lot of training tools and inspiring you to go into the department. They gave me any work ethics she spider me to do whatever he wanted to do and work hard at the intersection. If youre going to make change you have to be part of change and becoming Law Enforcement i wanted to show women could do this job it is hard not easy. Finds something our compassion about and follow roll models and the gets the necessary skeletals to get to that goal with education and sprirmz whatever gets you there. If this is what you want to do dream big and actually do what you desire to do and you can go vertebrae far it is a fast job i wouldnt do anything else. So lets embed do you want to embed and lead us off. Ill go ahead and call the roll. Some quiet we have a lot of people i know you all have coworkers you want to talk to lets go ahead. Roll call director brinkman pr director borden director heinecke is expected and dr. Murases director ramos director rubke and director nolan is absent with notification item 3 please silence all electronic devices. Any person responsible for disruption may be asked to leave the room. Cell phones set on vibrate can cause interference with the microphones, we respectfully ask they be turned off. Item 4 approval of the minutes. Do we have any Public Comment on the minutes. No members of the public have come down forward wait herbert wiener. Mr. Wiener 2 minutes please. Herbert wiener id like the minutes to amend the following when stated i took you know the bus lets say i had to walk a block to the ophthalmologist on Mission Street yesterday id like to add this and it makes it somewhat rocky on the minutes i want to a traffics of the eliminates of the accumulation of bus stop and outlines mta can truly be called the broker of passengers they might as well be sold as commodities on the stock exchange. Thank you, mr. Wiener. Normally in the minutes would we include something that was more opinion than fact of what the comment was is that fine. Well, its distorted. Thank you, mr. Wiener thank you very much. Yeah. Thank you. Perhaps approve that with the amendments if you have a tape. We have a tape. Okay. From the previous meeting well look at. Bring them back thank you that is a good, huh . Also in a member of the public feels the statement a was not what they meant to say submit an amended statement to the minutes for future but we cant change with the speaker said at a previous meeting. Well go ahead and approve the minutes and well note the speaker wanted to clarify the action. Do you have a all in favor, say i. I. Okay the is have it. Minutes approved thank you. Item 5 communications. I dont have any. I do would like to mention under this section there is at the Mayors Office on disability on Market Street a poster card for Carla Johnson the executive director of director of the Mayors Office on disability has left her position any members of the public can stop by the office to extend their worries about. Telecommunication. Item 6 introduction of new or Unfinished Business by Board Members. Board members anything nothing thank you moving on directors report. Director reiskin youll go down excellent. Good afternoon madam chair and members of the board and staff i want to come down and take the privilege of making this recognize myself and here to recognize period of time albert what r who after a thirty year career in transportation and urban design in the city made the envious choice of retiring tent ostend of this most wanted to honor him today his 3 decade career is marked by enthusiasm and somewhat enthusiasm is an understatement for making streets of San Francisco more safe and attractive and for his ability to draw on the strength of diverse professionals within the city and outside the city to spark their enthusiasm he was known recently for the successful preparation and corresponding regional agencies for big events like the americas cup and the superbowl and to host the 2024 olympics bereft but were density in the case of two events that happened here i think proud of out the excellence of his ability to bring a plan into place that prevented many of the horrors that people anticipated would happen for the two events, in fact, enabled those events to go off extraordinary well with folks praising and commending the effort to that to happen the deeper efforts with the city have been an much more complex longterm issues some of which recently, there was a lombard safety project that came to the broad previously San Francisco bicycle plan the mta contributions to the better streets plan guess so support for the commuter shuttle and regulations and dissolutions and initiatives but the real ambitions ones were rolled roles he played in developing the transportation plans for some of the mega projects the candle stick point and shipyard and the park merced and Treasure Island and 5 m project those were extraordinary efforts from the community for many agencies to take those very large developments happening and built motion out of the city in developing transportation plans that would enable them to function enable them to function if in a way not to contrasting cause problems and make them the embodiment of transportation not easy to do when i take ann a big project those are really starting construction and wont see the benefits of that planning work for a little time to come and the Warriors Arena too but i think what we saw with the superbowl and americas cup demonstrated that he brought people together in order to anticipate the events and in this case, the developments and make and device a transportation station that will work well see the same thing i know that peter is not going anymore well see those things come to fruition currently served as the director for planning for the mta he is currently in addition to those big things overseeing the sustainability and he does Corridor Development and related planning and Environmental Review and the Transportation Planning program and our Transportation Demand Management Program that Court Reporters for which are before you 24 many before coming to the mta peter was ahead of the bart he worked for the our Sister Agency the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency as well as for the San Francisco Planning Department and this time with us hes continued to work with the agencies and prairie with the office of Economic Workforce Development spent a good deal of time working for both agencies making sure those big developments promotions are coming with the right transportation plans hes known and there is a lot of kind of stories circulating those days anticipation or in support of his refrmentd about his sense of humor and readiness to get involved id like not to read all of this we have thousands of employees they dont get to be in a position of an active public roles but but all the forecloses ive worked with not a simple person that has unsolicited pile of feedback from neighbor organizations that people within city hall ive had so many people say peter albert is amazing what we do in bringing people dough together and finding solutions and taking technical stuff and making that understandable he is really been unparalleled and working hard so not just himself but really leaves and legacy so wanted to just permanent congratulate perpetual on wrapping up a great career were looking forward to celebrating peter albert day may 26 to be declared by the mayor happy to present peter with the cover he did mta duty award clapping. peter is amony tti to see how many of your coworkers are here i wanted to thank you images on behalf of the board and on behalf of the entire city of San Francisco we thank you for your services and those words ring true i think the satire city of San Francisco if you havent had the pleasure to work you are realizing in the years to come what a huge impact your dedication has and even though well not have our physical presence on van ness we are going to be living your legacy with the projects to this to on behalf of everyone congratulations and thank you for your years of service youre not going anywhere please before we let the other directors speak do you you want to say something. Thank you members of the board and people in the room im caught off guardian i dont have a problem ufts words but there are a few things this is law school been a labor of love i mean, if you knew my family when i was a kid and looked if san jose to San Francisco and saw the city wow. What a cool place to be in shaping the city and work with the community and work with the experts that make things work and see a positive change is amazing ive been asked why im taking the time a short answer you leave when things look great when you have amazing staff to take what you start and take it to places you really know that needs to go and only with great in any energy you leave when you feel the program is up i love the judge do in the city changes changes you can relax relax to the change and make that positive to that stent one of my favorite things working with the members of the public they have a passion for San Francisco or they wouldnt be here when they have the chance to have the microphone and talk about what we care about and the developers listen you can come up with a winwin i hope that is the future one more thing im touched by the with regards you gave director reiskin and one of the few times i wouldnt mind you if you kept on and on i appreciate this board laughter . I go to love commissions youve been a great support i hope the outcome of my work makes your job easier. Before we give him another round of applause director ramos. Thank you peter for all your fantastic work i i mean as a board member and seeing the products of your work youve been an ass permission im sure your colleagues will miss you and realize quickly what a tremendous talent weve heard nothing but good things that director reiskin mentioned youre certainly one did pilars of mta that has made San Francisco a wonderful of a place as it is and youll be missed i wish you many, many happy days that are very well deserved and looking forward to seeing you on your runs and seeing what you produce and Creative Time and cant thank you you enough for your good work and Creative Energy youve been an inspiration for me. I think your 9 first sfmta person he met the americas cup thank you very much for your awesome work and Community Meetings for people complaining about traffic but im surprised they do that but they were collapsing and you turned it around and trying to find exclusions by the end of the meeting people are starting to get excited about transportation ill definitely miss those meetings thank you very much. I had the pleasure of not only working with you on the Planning Commission but thank you for your hard work and the shipyard 50e the projects we worked on we knew we were in good hands working with you and those things come together in a way for the best for the city thank you and love the fact you have a smile and the best position every in dealing with the potential projects weve had i thank you for your leadership for your service and wish you all the best. I was going to say a similar thing your enthusiasm a infectious the one thing youve been here for thirty years it suggested you were 13 or Something Like that thats impressive laughter . Not bad at all since you have your mom drive you, you from san jose laughter shes oh, that was transit early as well as transit first, i like it if many, many things ive noticed up here reviewing our work is seemed every time we have a project we dont have a lot of complaint about the Community Outreach we have the opposite of people particularly business communities and other interest leaders telling us they presenter the support were all ambassadors for the agency your work within the agency with Transit Agency sustained us and ill say personally ive presenter the fact about every touch is proven youre a great ambassador and thats most 3rer7b9 best of luck well miss you. Thank you peter well miss you very much clapping. so moving to two other employees we want to recognize for all the streets director for the first recognize. Good afternoon its great to be here to recognize our associate engineer in the liveable streets ask will to join us clapping. i also want to ask will and the streets from liveable streets employees to let us know youre all here. Oh, clapping. so wills has been with us at mta for 5 and a half years as an enter and intern to join the mta will is about recognized for his commitment to the citys goals and mta and for the accomplishment will the the kind of person it comes in early and in we understand and checks out the projects even when hes off the clock hes a real quiet force within the division but his technical ensure to earn the trust of his colleagues and supervisors a great asset for mta and liveable streets with the Fire Department and Planning Department and others in the terrain informative hes worked through a challenging part with templates for all the fire trucks and fire engines to prove to the engineers that we do all this great stuff and traffic calming part of our navigation of the city his work and dedication to stay at the table and challenging conversations helped United States to build the trust and worked on Division Student and public works and caltrans to make sure the projects with Cost Effective and minimal go disruptive but achievement and designed the streets for protecting the intersection we believe is probable the 4 or 5 time it the treatment has been used and once again mta is the leader in design we are able to have leaders like that his coworkers value his time and powerful nature everyday and with others inside and out please join me in welcoming will clapping. thank you. Sir, your not getting off that easy say a few remarks on behalf of the brokering well be impacted by your work i want to congratulate you and please is a few words. Thank you for this great recognition it is really i think the culture we provide in our office ever since i was age intern my colleagues and supervisors were here have been that force in shaping the career so far and really inspiring me many of the employees are native resident and talked about our we understand and the things we see the culture of excellence from that, we tubed with peter throughout their whole agency from top to become a great pleasure to work for everyone here and worked in the city of San Francisco and very much appreciate 24. Thank you, thank you tom clapping. id like to ask our transit director john haley to recognize him. Mr. Haley i see you have a prop again. laughter . Good afternoon. Thank you later on in the Board Meeting for a few minutes well have the opportunity to update you on 0 the leadership will that for a project and the potential that it holds for really complovm our system but today we want to recognize the works of two people jim and Thomas Sheridan that laid the foundation for the Service Improvements youre seeing and see more of you any remember in the battle we this is the loop cable into the subway with the duct tape a long delay caused by parts off of cars cutting the duct tape and cutting the cable stopping the services and made changes on the maiden side and mythical over the first to put in the infrastructure of the foundation not only will get us Better Service right now but as youll see in a few minutes laid the foundation for existing Service Improvements and enhance times but today what those guys after we fix the infrastructure we make a series of updates and there has been tone components changed and im pleased to say those two lead the campaign to replace the antennas on the cars with the loop cable and made the cars go our trains enter into there so through their work and successful work effect work james is the Campaign Leader and tom leading the electronic shop that supports our rail activities weve now seen our 22, 22 straight week of studying our goals of 98 discuss rates on portal enterprises were pleased just the same my pleasure to acknowledge their hard work and introduce them so thank you. Thank you clapping. so thank you both and congratulations on this recognize and again on behalf of the board of directors the agency and city congratulations and please say a few words. Thank you yeah. It was been and always is rewarding to be acknowledged and there are a lot of other people that were involved as well support the jer Engineering Department naming folks dealt with the problems and the ventilated or vendors and the overall management and working with james was unparalleled one of the hardest dedicated people we worked well together and a lot of diversity it is wonderful improving the service and the whole safety and liability thank you. Like to say a few words. Thank you id like to thank the board and, of course, john lee and all, all the named individuals that helped improve our system and the citizens of San Francisco and the support to continuing to have my skills utilized to help to improve thank you. Thank you both and again, thank you all to the staff much appreciated clapping. okay tough act to follow but lots of folks worthy of recognition i want to circle on something we talked about in the budget process to drill on the incentive youve approved from the budget for way you call a quick option for riding muni muni mobile and 7eleven people to move way away from cash as you may know the budget authorized the differential the budget will go into effect on january 21st, 2017, the single ride fair goes up for people buying a ticket from the ticket machine and stay at 225 at the are clipper and the main reasons just to kind of refresh for the public were recommended 24 change that cash is expensive to process and slows down the service as people stuff their coins and bills into the box we spend 10 to 15 percent of travel time on muni stopping at stops to a portion the time it takes people to get through the fair bos process to anything we can shave off of that makes for a faster ride across the city some of the benefits of using the clipper or muni mobility with those you can board any door with the clipper card on multiple systems and reshlgd the card and use it get the value back and so, of course, with cash not so muni mobile in require advanced planning you can download and immediately use it and immediately put cash on it the other day i was with my daughter she forgotten her clipper card and the only cash was a 5 bill i stuffed in the fair bos realizing i could have dialed it up on muni mobile and paid a buck thats my 4 contribution to muni thats the benefit that muni mobile brings if you didnt plan with a clipper card and have cash muni is a way to pay and clipper can be linked to a bank account with transit benefits and paying for your fairs with the pretax dollars that essentially reduces the fairs by 10 to thirty percent with the tax break down and weve been talking to the folks other at bank on San Francisco for the San Francisco Treasurers Office to make it easier for people that are in case or dont have the Social Security number to open a bank account so well continue to work with them in the process so there is a way to use muni mobile or clipper watt a bank account if you can currently folks it is an extra benefit and no cash process 9 million a year this is 34 fulltime staff that are interboxes and progressing revenue for deprototypes everyday and the tran transfer production and the software as well as the cost of keeping up the ticket stops and stock and keeping the ticket vending machines up and running we know of all the things we adopted in the budget . The one that has raised the most concerns thats understandable ive mentioned before to you about half of the customers are currently using clipper i think i said incorrectly therefore the others are paying cash there are a number of ways to pay the mobile is not in the clipper numbers those are adult lifeline 20 thousand people etch month and other bus passes that are some of schools and soon coming to San Francisco state after the student bodies voted we have a lot of people paib cash quarter of the revenue is cash and hence the high cost of collecting the good news is that our month vulnerable populations quality for free or discounted fairs so there are ready if youre on the free muni using the clipper card a lifeline card theyre not part of cash paying public and for free muni thirty thousand people that makes one hundred thousand san franciscans well over 10 of the population are registered for the reduced fair programs and, of course, all the snubs authorized unit on the program gets a 33 Percent Discount were planning multilingual change that allows us at the same time to quality to goal people into the free muni with the discounted programs an study that the mtc conducted in 2013 and at a. 40 percent of the people were paying theyre with their households of 20 those people benefit from the free muni or the Lifeline Program as we move to this well get folks into the programs even better well wave the 3 fee for the clipper card itself and well continue to advance outreach on the muni mobile we think a lot of the cash paying folks are visitors that wouldnt have a clipper card but can hell pay via their smart phone and not have to be fudging with cash wanted to give you an update well be working hard to make sure this is smooth to get as many folks transferred to this program for people one last muni bit before i ask john to come back up you may have noticed that we did a soft launch of the double stopping in the muni metro this week after quite a while many months if not years of testing the valuation and retesting we put the software in place overnight it was looking good so on saturday we let it go during the Revenue Service and not the concentration of trains on the weekend so it was not a real test but left it in place for the morning rush and just to remember you, we did it an powell and montgomery it enables a car that is stopped boarding and unboarding passengers and is second train set come up hinged the if first terrain doors on the way it was before the doors are not opening and you get frustrated it is a customer amenity we put it in place this week and started to test on the out bound side a less need but want to see how that works and as far is working well, we monitor and leave it in place with it in bound side that works for the customer benefit well do much more public notification as from soft launch to full launch i want to let you know that it seems to be working that is great news even better news well have new trains well ask the transit director john haley to come up and give you a brief update on where we are with the procurement 6 our new light rail. Great mr. Haley. Thank you, ed and good afternoon again about thirty Board Meetings ago for you some 200 and 50 or so you made an affirmative action to have the launching of the action the potential for the contract to change the face of system is truly monumental i wanted to update you where were our progress made to address some of the questions and issues that weve asked about much where the cars with becoming but what youll do with them so want to walk through okay. Im sorry. As we go through the first thing to note in 2016 the first cars will be here theyll arrive later this year and thats good news well have a very aggressive schedule with our cause it is through a long process youll remember well move forward and the first cars will be here this year and the other point the first 64 cars the expansion cars give us something weve not had before again as you may know we wont just replace the currentcy but meet did you future demands the 64 cars in 2020 our expansion gives us a lot of flexibility to do things weve not been able to do with were coming to closer and reviewing and witnessing the life testing the Life Components and one of the challenges in this youll hear were in the process of asking our car manufacture to build to our specification and changing system a lot of the technology weve talked about on new features and programs water shed Capital Project the introduction of a new radio system all integrate so bringing in cars and upgrading and integrating the system that in and of itself is a challenge just to remember reminder when you voted for this we voted for something that is forward in terms of reliability with the improvement of car manufactures or manufacturer and two things to point out on this particular slide that are important number one the weight requirement were sticking and have held firm to 78 thousand pound it is lighter than the cars to help with that noise and visitation and wear and tear on the infrastructure weve been able to meet our needs safety has been very important the crash worthness of those cars introducing modern features like crumble zones in the front of the car that prevents injuries and finally, the other one well talk about in the future is the allowance that was made to change the way we do maintenance, to really go to modular components that is something mechanics can slide in and out like the steps of the doors will be sliding out as opposed to a mechanic go under the car and glow a series of bowls and wires that takes long we change the way we had had maintenance of the workforce of the future this is actually is about thirty days old shot from the first car show in publication pruksz that means introduction is going to look like that the compliance with the ralph brown act with updating the photos in this particular presentation presentation but looks at better and further advanced like a railcar i look forward to give us the opportunity to go to sacramento and see it as we go forward some of the things we are doing to prepare one of the things that be is important is a training stimulater at that day in age their advanced what we looked at a highly advanced Software Program and software it is eventually the car the simulator simulates everything before we get into the console of the car theyll have the experience through the training stimulater were excited about and moving forward on that and weve started the process began to start to plan to accept the cars bother with training and then with maintenance and the tasks that go with that i think one of the things we had our discussion the board retreat recently you had shown a lot of questions on okay. What kinds of things will you do with those cars and what kinds of things to improve services in terms of what we can do it is a whole series of things first and foremost ill say with more cars first of all, is 3 car trains and we expect to have 4 car trains certainly on the n judah two stations west portal and forest hills but other than that on the end line expect to do that in the meanwhile other things were looking at director reiskin mentioned the introduction of advanced software that allows the delta we want to reduce the travel time and reduce central subway delays is look at the chocolate points out in the system one we talked about was west portal we could make a difference by extending the im sorry the trains into the street at west portal right now in west portal your slow and that comes to a complete stop and has to stop again thats where our leaving the train control system by the extending that you can have a quirk and smoother stop and can make the adjustment, in fact, the system allows us to set the switches automatically by extending the ats switches for m and l that reduces the second stop and saves time were also looking at express and bypass trains both in the surface and in the central subway not bypass trains in the central subway but in the process of looking at locations on surface if you have enough space with a simple switch to have a strain bypass another train so it is in the process and well bring that later with those locations and in the subway we have a feature on the train control system that allows us to program the train so for a number of stops well look at it and the advance advantage if you look at west portal we get into the subway stations like church and castro right now are chocolate points people have to wait sometimes several trains but enabling and using the skin stop we can send the train every 2 and third train to castro and allow the folks to get on in the exterior stations so have some room and move the system long their crowding leads to delays in the system the other thing that is obvious that having a cause to allows us to run long term and short time rather than say in the peak direction rather than send every train to balboa park and, turn to San Francisco state was compromising the busses and service right now with the limitations on the cars if we were to do that well take a headway to accommodate the turn around time so those are the kinds of things were rfp right now and having additional cars that allow us to do and not some of these we believe in updating the infrastructure well start sooner and some of the projects coming like twin peaks may give us time to introduce some of those features by extending the limits of the a tcs system helps in the event we didnt get a noncommemorative train sorry so go quickly those are the highlights were concerning the trains will be here this year and the steps we go through so you know what well be able to well be busy the next year but some of the things there is a series of individual tests over 6 hundred for the main components of the train a requirement of at least one thousand miles to make sure the trains are performing on the infrastructure and a series of saved requirement processes go to so were confident were with the new trains coming in completing the necessary steps to get them ready we expect to be entering into a new era in 2017 to provide so with that, thats a brief update where we stand. Director heinecke. First of all, thank you. I personally asked you direct questions at the retreat i dont have to prompt you, you gave us direct answers so those questions he appreciate that this is as i mentioned it didnt get the headlines and hoop law but this is existing stuff i think stuff that can change the way the system interacts with the customers i wanted to touch on a few things first of all, im very pleased to hear you say the extension of trains to 3 and 4 car trains this is from a labor stand point youll need an additional driver well put those trains to work right away and one of the things youve 3r0esh8 heard me discuss with director reiskin we rode in on the same train when you get particularly to church and castro in the morning it is very crowded and have a lot of customers just always you said has to wait for future trains that is if you could put a bunch of single trains but my worry is we end up creating a worse chocolate point on montgomery and embarcadero so ive been existed by the 3 car idea with the notion of 4 cars and that will work on the surface you could run 40 cars tied together. Yes. The reason you have to make judgements on the surface but given the Rail Infrastructure n judah bypasses in west portal. That will rife a lot of pressure as you said sort been precedent persistent about making sure that the twin peaks i love the idea of extending the acs ill personally ask you look at the notion of returning a 3 car west portal shuttle before and after on it in bound and circulating when we were returning that accident problems at castro and church that helps eliminate it and maybe to the point we bring back the castro shutter that car turns i know there is already a switch for that i know as a daily l rb rider ill say to me solving that crush time at church and castro is a primary goal with a golden opportunity so ill urge you are there look at the 3 car turning at west portal and coming back at west portal and similarly the same thing in castro. I think just thank you for that comment just to add to that the two right now were looking at this a lot on a regular basis the two choke points we need to address weve talked about west portal the other one of the turn around an embarcadero we looked at would this approach and i think that is probably as part of a package of other changes like this including extending a tcs limits i think that is something we need to look at we lose time in the system are those two places theyre both again, as we you got the train control system we have the built to use it more effectively turn on or use more features and have the business or operating practices catch up they require doing things were not doing right now. So in a sense ill let us get back to our go good work but 3 cars running from west portal into not into the loop on embarcadero but turning into that out bound platform on embarcadero and coming back and making the same west portal platform and going back and forth like that i realize it make maybe a dream but if it can be looked at ill permanent appreciate that you. I suggest your dreams are in alignment with most of riders give us us something to strive for. Good job. Thank you mr. Haley. That concluded my report. Thank you go report i wanted to note a couple of things double berthing from the in bound riders nothing more frustrating i think that helps and relieves the Early Morning frustration and just want to touchback on the 0. 25 cash surcharge if we could level the exceptions of what we see it sound what we see as we see the 25 percent of revenue that comes in as cash goes down we hopefully see less dwell time as people move to muni mobile and other methods but the 9 million to collect that represents i assume touching all the fairs we probably wont see that guarantee communitybased down initially will we bring this up we need to set the expectation this is tour First Step Towards cash flow system which is really where well see a lot of benefits 9 million will therefore go away and well be able to spend it am i on the right track. Yeah. Thats right a lot in cash in the system a fair bos in every vehicle some of the costs will still be there but to the extent were processing less cash right now we have a f line in the fareboxes physically fill up and wont accept cash so pull it out fast enough it is possible until we get to a point of cash in the system that 9 doesnt drop to zero but some of the costs will go down and others costs associated with it most importantly getting the security risks out of the system and at the same time improves the system. Director ramos and a quick observation from the prospective of a lot of folks ive spoken with in the public around this switch there is this feeling that, you know, that the surcharge speaks for itself the cents increase is something that be unaffordable for a lot of people i know there are a lot of programs we have in place that i dont think enough people know about and i would encourage staff and mta and whoever else that is marketing this work that there are those programs in place we encourage people to tdm of that are really you know protecting for whom Something Like this will be a hardship but didnt have to be i feel weve done a phenomenal job of creating those and all ages for all folks that would be helpful to be sure we amble up did message and people dont realize that is the case. Yeah. If i can add on that was a great point i know we have great data from clipper and other cases people are using and where people are you said about the f line and on the 47 i had the cash line but the n judah through the financial district im guessing to target those were on the 47 and know a bunch of people are paying cash we should get those people signed up for the program theyre qualified and give them information but the clipper and do that that way for the target outreach that is important. Directors anything else thank you very much as we move on to the next item. Oh. Any Public Comment on this item . None turned in a card but one member coming forward. Mark not turned in a card i wasnt aware of what was going to be discussed this is in relation to the clipper card i wanted to make an observation including taxis on clipper card would be a big help to the taxi industry we have the hardware we need the software this is one way from the mta can help us. Thank you, sir. Oh, one more. Ive turned in a card i dont know what happened to it. It was for item 9. Oh, shall i wait. Yes. Thank you, thank you any more Public Comment oh, now well move on. Item 8 Advisory Committee report. Oh, mr. Weaver is coming up. Good afternoon Board Members at cac we think peter albert is great i want to make a suggestion you as a board and Board Members when youre in of the world of San Francisco gets embarrassed this is a legitimate criticism emancipation proclamation muni i feel that way a lot out in district 11 which i represent that would be great in this the board of directors had a period of time Albert Community award that is a way to honor and recognize how important for the entire operation any part of it a suggestion were going to try to get pertaining to our cac meeting we were told he was gone but still here laughter okay. Ive got two things i want to talk about today first one is the issue of sidewalk parking weve passed a resolution on that after from Cameron Sammy the management or manager of improvement it was piloted to us because sidewalk parking is complaint driven a rumble on every block a ticket is issued someone on this block did if to us those anatomy neighbors the solution to this is have pcos and parking control officers always issue the parking violations we know the official policy of the mta to do that in practice not done and wherever api ive seen it it is done when someone calls in a complaint it is a law sidewalk parking is illegal were not doing a good job of it in the present system we also recommend the the sfmta add a sidewalk at sidewalk parking at the vision zero focus sidewalks parking is a real parking for pedestrians especially those who are disabled it is as great a problem or greater a problem then double parking of auctions on the streets the sidewalk is supposed to be for pedestrians this involves vision zero and pedestrians on the sidewalks especially those disabled the third part of motion the mta should add for parking control officers to meet the demand whether there are big events and those events include baseball games theres not safest availability of pcos and the action should hire them eve part time in order to provide the neighborhoods with service eve there is a baseball game going on or a 50 anniversary of the superbowl or whatever our understanding of pcos basically they pay for themselves and well educated and trained on the job and know what theyre doing we didnt include this in our motion but clearly this requires skills of a period of time albert Community Outreach is essential for trying to go back and change the way we carry out enforcement ill suggest that the basic message is driving and parking on sidewalks is illegal and tell people that for a few months and then move into the larger way of enforcing that matter for example, people dont like getting ticket for blocking the street on street cleaning days but dont get anger only frustrated not at anyone theyll know they get a ticket thats the way the rules are we need to do that for sidewalk parking to make sure it is that the pedestrians of San Francisco are better served finally id like to say a few words about the cac involvement with the idea of a fair differential for cash versus clipper we understood since clipper was introduced and explained to us as you folks that the fair instrument is critical important for the future of any Transit System this is an attempt to phase in a cash fair system and much more hoping in the future the clipper card two the next version of clipper could be features that cash didnt have particularly if you lose our card so weve been in favor of this for a long time and pleased to see this is moving forward in the budget in january we understand that less than 50 percent of passengers now use clipper a and however the agency that is going to time this as you were suggesting with a campaign to encourage the use of clipper getting out free clipper cards with people learning what the advantages of clipper and how to deal with that we think that with many young people being given clipper cards and knowing how to use them simultaneously families will learn as well from them how to use clipper and the advantages of them so we support this one more thing here also muni mobile is a great alternative and serves a different audience it needs to be promoted with clipper as something that to be used if youre not a regular commuter but something that you can use literally at the last minute when your daughter forgot here clipper card or whatever and people coming in from outside should be introduced to that idea how to get that. So thats our recommendations today. Thank you very much mr. Weaver we appreciate the hard work that agency does any Public Comment on item the Advisory Committee report. Looks like we do coming up. Gamechanger edward mason regarding that clipper card we go within a accumulation feature you can then apply the equivalent of a day pass the day pass is a weekly pass and it awe ki789s into a monthly pass with the Valley Transportation Authority already does that when you look at the demographics of patrons weve got trying to come up with 70 or 80 a month for a monthly pass is for the practical so i strongly recommend you consider a accumulation feature in the clipper. 2. 0 and has many benefits because people will possibly say well, if i have to use the cash ill not use it maybe i can go somewhere after work for a meal or dinner or movie whatever and then kind of get a free ride home after you pay the equivalent of 3, one way fairs whatever it is consideration so accumulation fork is technology it is available so it needs to be incorporated. Is there any additional Public Comment on the Advisory Committee seeing well move on. Okay item 9 Public Comment public may address the commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction. Thank you and i think we have a few people that want to make comments on the transit lanes on Mission Street ill remind this item is not on the agenda not a discussion but look forward to hearing your comments lets go ahead and set the timer for 3 minutes and the murdered will appreciate that ill remind you youll hear a soft tone when 30s seconds it left and hard tone ill cut you off. First person is tom calling names . Good afternoon, commissioners im tom a San Francisco cab driver since 1917 and on the board of directors of yellow cab ill asking you to reconsider our medallion fees that are imposed coming up soon in june we have a lot of disabled and elderly members and medallion holders that havent had an income from our Company Since november i dont see who thault be able to pay this bill they i dont know what theyre doing for income but not received any from the Cab Companies this is going to be a hardship on them and the medallion holders you know our income is down go dramatically it is going to be a big problem i dont know whats going to happen youll have to startle revoking medallions on the elderly medallion holders that have been you know cab drivers for 40 years and now theyre old and disabled theyre going to have their medallions revoked they cant afford the 80,000 you guys accumulate all the data and see how much the rides are video dropped since the inception of the tmcs it is everyday last time i started at 2 and put only one hundred hours on the meter thats going to be a big problem in our industry every shift we go without putting out 60 bus medallions this is the income we need to have any extra to distribute amongst our members so without any income i dont see how especially the elderly and dlabltd members will pay those fees and maybe in the future you know maybe we can go a month to month payment instead of a thousand dollars all at once maybe it could be a percentage of what what kind of income were producing you know good times the income is up we can pay more but bad times it can be adjusted im asking you to reconsider that is a big headstart for the disabled and this elderly of and for all the medallion holders thank you for your time. Thank you, sir next item, please. calling names . Good afternoon Board Members is the easel on here if you put something on that sfgov about project that im here in regards to the red zone restriction for business theres nothing where you know with the red zone the problem is the shoddy work that is done i dont know from the sweet tea theyre drinking but this is the beginning of what the streets looked when it first came into play this one here they are working this is the aftermath if you look at theyre just painting over the cracks that is already in place what needs to be done the same thing theyve been doing on freeways for decades i was a tractortrailer operator they have two lanes the hammer and the low lanes those cars eat up the road the same type of material on the freeway they use they need to use for the bus lane it is concrete you cant use asphalt the tires eats up the asphalt and kicks it up and the last thing we dont want to see we windup facing is the bus into a hole in the street theres been 3 sink holes that materialized in San Francisco and the last thing i want to say a bus going in there are and death coming afterwards youll not been able to patchup the gap so i want to bring that to your attention and we believe that is one of major problems that is going on theres nothing wrong with the restricted bus lanes because they have came up with carpool lanes and already have a restricted lane they brought it to the street thats fine but have to remove the asphalt and use the material on the freeway before its too late. Thank you. Next speaker, please. calling names . Good afternoon everyone this is my first time so im a little bit nervous my name is leary im with the Woods Division for transportation operators im asking the sfmta to look at a few unrealistic situations first of all, they were sfmta parking to theyre expected to be here on time the majority coming hours early and we have to drive to our relief posts and find a place to park and still ticketed we try to leave a message were only going to be here a certain time ive written notes im on the 9 line and please dont ticket me the thing is if we colonel together somehow and make a permit a daily permit that we have to sign in and out so we dont take it home and give it to friends but something that shows you you know were sfmta and here for this specific reason but have to plan it auto for dispatch so show youre on duty and return that another thing bad enough we dont have a break system at the terminal it is basically called a lay offer so when we pull up if there are people at the window and door we have to let them in we have to throw something in your mouth we get recorded for that or to call 4702 and now were questioned what this is for like hello, i have a straight 8 hour run you know what im saying like you care about us but like i said were another beckoned call of the number one customers that assault us when in their trying to enforce the policies to do our job to drive i mean, were undergo a lot of things when i was called for this job i was really proud i thought theyve got everything together and you know those Different Things im not trying to put them down when i see another bus over an overpass im like you know advertised a beautiful thing it really see but we can make things better for us their unrealistic expectation but still out there trying to meet thank you, ms. Bowman much appreciated calling names thank you directors go mark im speaking so far the technique Workers Alliance i want to establish this comments i didnt get to finish the mta has come to grips with the reality of the medallion transfer program medallion holder have to recover their investments in a timely fashion theyre ready to leave the entry not held prisoner to the system there are hundreds and hundreds of medallion holders waiting to sell their medallions and leave the industry and now buyers you should mention of the taxi department recently sent out another letter to purposes of medallions and you know for 200 and 50,000 and i actually think this is irresponsible to try to reduce someone to putdown down 200 and 50,000 for a technique medallion at this point nobody you know no guarantee in the future that that money will be recovered so something has to be done about i think the entire medallion structure in San Francisco and know that from what kate said the internal discussions have begun there should be public discussions the public needs to weigh in for imaginative thinking i think the industry could help you hope that does take place but something needs to be done on a few other points last time i mentioned the 8,000 medallions the ones with the Cab Companies that program at least approximately will continue and most companies dont want those medallions maybe fly wheel and smaller ones have interested and most of the others have returned their medallions are not particularly interested in that program and in contrast the cab drivers long term cab drivers that are s medallions you know all drivers for more thirty years so i urge again that be looked at and that these drivers you know it is like something being snatched out of their hands the last thing to toms point i believe you could be defer if not wave the medallion fees you know thank you. Thank you, sir. Next speaker calling names . Hi there my name is ada define im the owner of professional art and design and Mission Brand new natural Merchants Association and up here on behalf of my neighbors and my community on the subject of the red carpet lanes and the changes that have happened to my neighborhood in the last few months and how it has impacted our business so a lot of the impact that has happened in any neighborhood is effecting daytime business and one of the things we saw in the right turn signals were losing our clinics ounce to the corners of casar chjvez theyre making a right and not coming from 6th street a randell a lot of business and a lot of our businesses say they cant wait months for changes to happy businesses will close down we need action we need the rightturn lane signals to go away so we can have a blow through Mission Street and people that are not only on buses but in cars being able to support businesses a lot of people have been forced out of the city so during the daytime between dropping their kids off at school and 90 minutes to park or get up and down Mission Street will not come back that is a big concern lesion businesses our businesses have closed down in my specific neighborhood there was bus bump out that were produced a few years ago two years ago and all of the bus stops have been moved and where the placement of the bus stops not in your opinion theyre in dark corners and placed in front of the businesses like people are standing out smoking in front of the the preschooler while waiting for business and people need to walk farther so for elderly and disabled it is harder so we really in our neighborhood were trying to get the right turns and make the neighborhoods safer we want left turn turning signals at van ness so our safety people are not turning the corners to get off of Mission Street theyre safe and walking. So. Thank you. Next speaker, please. calling names . Any of those folks here. I dont see many stockly. Tom. I apologize for the mumbling. Thank you. Taxis need to be resolved this issue on techniques are part of community if theyre a part of community we need to keep them healthy and weve lost business and their worthy billions . Unbridle pony and someone has to put a stop to it and the taxi drivers are a healthy be part of our community we want that need to protect what we value luckily i cant see the time so ill rattle luckily i was going to invite you to the van ness Market Street elevator so and from the trains so i hope youll take time to go down and take the slates and youll see more i used to hear something more and remember your were half the size of you were close to droub that slate is closed will take more time take the civic center slate up and down look at the orange cones that litters the stations and the tunnels a little ventilation system maybe update and next new buses i dont know where i am on time we should accept no new buses that raltsz period it is a carriage around the bus driver the wheelchair drops the seats it on up in our older buses the doors that dont close no excuse to accept a new bus that rattles on our streets thats should are part of the game next i dont understand i cant understand ive been in a wheelchair for 27 years a manual and used the floor alarm the belts were an inconvenient and dirty but you dont want to touch them but there are more of an entrapment locks to hold my manual who ever it is soft to bear some of the treads are old just up to geneva on the 14 this past week or so up and down on rolling forward and enough in thought im sliding forward and back and a big spot in front of the who ever that people can stand. Thank you, thank you, sir. Thank you, thank you next item, please. calling names . Hi, im berry im with the San Francisco taxi workers lines im here to ask about the no left turn signs on mission or the, you know, theres supposed to be an exception for taxis im told now we cant turn left it is a big inconvenient and costing us time if you want to improve cab service we need to have leftturn lanes and maybe start 24 with a taxi task force i wondering what is going on were told we could turn left and no enforcement only Market Street with the red zone im seeing regular cars all the time and same with geary street and bike lanes on van ness not enough enforcement i think point mta needs to hire more investigators to enforce this it is e morgan hill were held to the standards were surrounded by 37 thousand tmc drivers that the city treasurer identified that is compared to some 45 hundred active cab drivers this is very unfair xoemgs with a back up with tom we shouldnt have to pay the thousand dollars and trouble paying rent and the builds not to mention every cab driver has to pay the a card fee every year were surprised but this is included in the budget were not given the chance to contest this if you cant get rid of we should be able to make pamphlets or else well go out of business were going out of business this is a visible cycle the cab drivers have leaving and cab drivers that dont know where he everything is and something need to be done where tyler a level the Playing Field we 4 have two taxi serves one it regulated and one not theyre making willing left turns the police are not doing anything and it is not safe the cars make 7 turns at least the taxicab is in yellow those guys are neuter than cab drivers have so. Next speaker, please. Is manny and others here. Good afternoon mary here im going to speak on behalf of the people in the mission not here because a lot of them i guess are outside getting ready to come in i guess a lot of them outside and as were familiar with the fact that theres been a lot of invention against people from the 34igs there is one more act of violence and what theyre primarily streets but their name is on it the district name is on it it violated in this way without taking into consideration the needs of community youre going to have a problem and i just want to mention i could is a lot of stuff but mention what has happened and not happened im aware of since the community tried to work with the department or the staff and the department at we went to three or four meetings before we finally discovered we were waichltd we were told we cant do anything you have to have the board do it it turned out they cant do anything about the lefthand turn and the lefthand turn and any of the other issues really driving this problem in the mission and attempt to i guess kill off the neighborhood this is the way the Mission People feel about it and theres a lot of them youll see on tv when you turn on our news a lot of people that are concerned about what is going on and the other situation i want to mention we were told that i hope this is true we were told that staff can change per colors if theyre not too long and staff is allowed to change some of the parking situations without coming to the board other than we were told that is pretty much all the staff can do so this is how the Mission Community feels our time the leaders people that went to those meetings were wasted two or three different afternoons going to meetings where nothing can be accomplished i guess well go to the our supervisors and the mayor and this board and telling you exactly what we want so outline be seeing not only our neighborhood but the eld terryville people awe initiated from all the neighborhood groups once they see the task an Mission Street. Thank you. Next speaker, please. calling names . Good afternoon. Director reiskin and Board Members im speaking on behalf of the garage i live in the mission and love the culture the mission is a eco system after years of gentrification our people are displaced and our culture is cultural appropriated sfmta red carpet bombing of the mission with a surprise attack is the most disruptive and i spoke to the residents and Business Owners now just to be clear we support the goals of approving the safety street but we believe your application are onesizefitsall does not work in the mission not working for us and frankly disappointing that a 1 billion agency cant do boater weve ask do for a sensitive plan urge the standard tools you have eliminated lefthand turn with the vision zero that says legal unit are more dangerous we agree the legal units are 50 percent more dangerous than right turns but considering the fact that changes apply instead of 1 leftturn lane directives made 43 righthand turn crossing 12 crosswalks how can that be safer here is another a for 15 and mission the intersection is is a cluster of pedestrian muni buses and shuttle and google buses and cars obnoxiously are poor solutions they scramble walk u crosswalk what about safer look at chinatown i can give for examples how they apply to the mists but the point we have alternative transportation for Better Solutions for cheaper common goals thats why we i couldnt do for the project is to be halted with better alternated to be considered were told that part of the reason for this project is bus pollution in the narrow corridors ive not seen them in my seven years with the 1 red lane the rapid has to pass the locals with the single traffic lane and all the busy u buses have to contend with the driver trucks from south van ness should be better also for riders north and south Transit Services is not important on mission for example, the closest bus is the j that is on church and the closet then is 12 and 27 a more disturbing system for much better and safer trait with the sfmta must consider the time thank you very much next item, please. calling names thats the last person to turn in a speaker card. Hi i wanted to come today in support of 49 and the 14 im also a resident of Market Street and one poise of experience when Market Street went to the transition there was a lot of concussion at the beginning and love people kind of fudging but as time going o goes on a lot of the problems that people feel like happened at the beginning gets smoothed out people donna dont get you hear people taking 3 turns they dont do it everyday but. Couple of times and get smart and use another street i want you to be notified to stay the course with 60 thousand people that ride that on the corridor that came in cars and prioritizing the people in their ways to lower the commemorating is good for the city and all the riders thank you. Thank you very much next item, please. calling names . Mr. Martin. Im a resident live on thirty at noah and walk and shop on mission and the valencia i took take my wife and daughter and go to Saint Georges and Others Mission it is just felt like this is a much more dangerous place to walk because of the changes i know that get confusing with all the changes come in but driver dont know there is not enough lighting to figure out what to do not only making rights and being forced to make rights they dont know that is coming and they drive the wrong way done one way streets it is disagrees at van ness coming off of mission to take it left were waiting open a preventive signal theyre running the reds and pedestrians are in danger we need to protective signal only van ness thats it. Thank you, mr. Martin. Thats the last person that turned in a speaker card. Any more commenters seeing none, well close Public Comment as a mentioned we cant discuss the mission red transcript lanes but like to ask director reiskin of an appropriate time to coupling coming back come back with others further outreach and solutions for some of the problems that people are seeing on the corridors okay. Thank you very much all right. Move on. All right. Item 10 consent calendar calendar, are considered to be routine and may be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the commission. There will be no separate discussion of these items theres been no request to separate any of the items. Excellent in request do is i have a motion to approve all in favor, say i. I. Opposed . Hearing none, the matter passes thank you. Okay moving on item lovingly presentation and discussion regarding San Francisco Sea Level Rise action plan. Who do we have present. Good afternoon chair and director reiskin im jim with the sfmta Planning Department staff and presenting open Sea Level Rise and sfmta Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment im joined with staff from public works and the Planning Department and the mayors kropd committee and presenting on San Franciscos Sea Level Rise action plan Sea Level Rise is likely to be one of the major climatic change impacts San Francisco has to deal with in the coming decades and San Francisco and the mta are no strangers to the issue of climatic change in both the city and is it a fair statement, should be applauding for the work on the greater weight of the evidence the city lastly numbers of the department of the environment the city as successfully reduced the emissions by 23 percent since 1990 no install feat and definitely the city should be applauded, however, Going Forward reducing the Green House Gas is not likely to be enough and time for the city to begin adopting the future climatic change both 9 Sea Level Rise action plan and assessment plays a foundation for solid work in the place and leads to resilient so with those introductory comments im going to turn it over to to our staff from the Planning Department and the two cochairs. Thank you very much. Good afternoon my name is having had the City Engineer from public works is it is a pleasure to be presenting especially im joined by gil kelly with the citywide planning and deanna from the Planning Department staff ill speak briefing about Sea Level Rise and the work and im going to turn it over to to bill for a few comments and deanna what give you a presentation. Gil and i cochaired this marries Sea Level Rise committee which was created about over a year ago in early 2015 and members from various city departments the mta is a presented by tom maguire and dorothy they did a great job the committee met on a monthly basis for over a year and looked at the aspects of Sea Level Rise as much as the Science Behind this issue future projections and geographic areas that are impacted by Sea Level Rise city assets within the areas and what are will be the cost of inner action then what is the best plan that we adopted to deal with the dynamic and every changing issue before you as the full report and executive summary and includes to print it but we presented printed a copy and provided to you so im sorry. Well get the copies after the meeting. Okay. Fine. So Sea Level Rise is rising by 2 feet by 8050 and over 56 and a half feet by the end of the century and it could be impacted up to 9 feet the city has critical private and public assets in those areas we must planning and start understanding Sea Level Rise and the measures soon to projection protect our investments and make sure that San Francisco is resilient over the next wolfed years one of the study components looks like what if we dont do anything our estimates came at 75 billion if we dont do anything over the next 50 years since we issued our report we met with the mayor several times to get feedback and his vision and accommodations we met with most members of the board of supervisors and also presented at the port commission, Planning Commission and presenting before you today with this im going to turn it over to gil to provide further comments and then at the end ill take over. Thank you mr. Kelly. I have the pleasure of Disorderly Conduct this and wanted to meet you in person director borden eye overlapped if i can make to comments not about Sea Level Rise but wanted to acknowledge that today is conversations preceding this were illuminating for me and relevant to the work that our two agencies are doing and increasing will do together in many transportation and land use issues i wanted to personally thank director reiskin and tom maguire and others that are showing leadership in a collaborative arena well been back in front of you in a short awhile and talking about the Planning Issues well be vance together and the second thing add any voice to the magnitude of conformations for peter albert and i think i can safely speak so far the whole Planning Department hes been an inspiration. No about Sea Level Rise my part i wanted to make 3 key Takeaway Points and im going to turn it over to to diana that will be giving you a fuller presentation on the mayors Sea Level Rise Corresponding Committee and the action plan for the years of work that are so ill say at least my takeaway is are really 3 things one this work needs to be continued to be science based a meaning we need to continue to understand the evolving science around climatic change and the implications of the Sea Level Rise not a status science and even as Sea Level Rise decreases our understanding will be improved working the classes and whether or not our predictions are around the 25 and 16 of Sea Level Rise in the bay and add on top of king tides and storm seizures as much as 9 feet subject to at least temporary innovations it is a significant fact and the second thing this will challenge us to be thinking creatively about remaking the shoreline over the long term and for for all the multiple benefits and uses and diana will be speaking about the notions we have to think big in the design arena and the third point it is has been quite clear this will involve really rely on part and parcel twin between the city agencies but the redeeming and federal entities but ill say with the private sector with the foundations well hear about in a moment and frankly with the committee at large to come to grips with the solutions that come out of our process so id like leave you with that and diana ill apologize at 345 in oakland ill not be able to stay but youre in go hands with diana. Thank you completely. Diana with the Planning Department staff and nice to be here this afternoon and thank you for having us. I wanted to introduce the members of the Corresponding Committee the committee that was compound by the mayor of february of 2015 and you can just see how many departments were involved in that and an incredible rigorous process and cooperation went spot act plan and all the meetings and had a lot of interaction from the day is started im an fortunate to staff the committee and enjoyed my experience working with the different departments and is those are the departments that can touch on Sea Level Rise in some fashion or maintain property interact or p will be looking Sea Level Rise in the future those are our projections for Sea Level Rise in San Francisco they look for 2024 and end of century based on the science from the National Research in 2012 and they look to a most likely projections mid rank projections and upper rank we use the upper range for that the projections and those are for Development Applications and california quality act purposes were making the skies actionable for the work in implementing the act plan in the future and again based on consensus skies and as gill mentions the skies change we have mechanisms to review it and make sure we are updating it in the futures we can make sure our mr. Haney function follows the science those are the photos with the breathing of the eastern and western shoreline the embarcadero was taken at kings tied last year and perfectly obvious you were up against the road there that much more needs to happen for significant phleboids and, of course, on the west coast this is a photo of ocean beach south of the boulevard the photo was taken early this year tennis the photos some more movement and erosion of the beach and some of those parking lots asphalt has fallen into the ocean i dont have an after photo but evolving and today it is happening today. This shows our vulnerability cone so the blue line shothe end of projection t city is dissolution nothing a do nothing end of century scenario the city doing number nothing and, of course, that is not the case it is really for a illustration we, of course, are passing this adopting the Sea Level Rise action plan and publish our Resiliency Program and the orchestra on the seawall and the projects actually incorporating adoption communitybased into their own projects right now this is really showing you the extent that Sea Level Rise will involve the coasts over time and as mentioned this is our 75 builds number this is end of century with storm surge uppermost projection for planning purposes in todays dollars with the public and private property and probably a low number it is kind of it was a highlevel calculation of the cost of doing nothing through the action plan registrations we hope to devolve both that number and make sure we are incorporating the eco System Services with the tax prelims and jobs productivity loss that kind of thing not a conservative figure but airport is half of that figure those are the efforts all over the city and some of the works on ocean beach for instance, 2, 3, 4 corporation with the sfmta and planning and spur and public works and doing a lot of work to make sure were engaging the public and helping to educate our pun i public and why this is important and who is happening and supposed to be happening and what the interesting design techniques for the employees to make this work for our city and for our coastline and really make sure that were not actually cutting off public assess to our shoreline so this is shows you a bit of whats happening and what the city is making sure our community understands what is in store for now. Some of our 1r50u7b89 Risk Assessment work is completed and some of it is pending the sfmta has work youve been working on to look at some of the 1r50u7b89 of the infrastructure all over the city we will take all that information and role it up into one vulnerability and Risk Assessment for the entire city to prioritize where we need to go first. And this is what we call our adaptation whole the yellow circle is the skies and reviewing the science and making sure we make sure we are kept current. Up to date it is going through looking at after reviewing the science and looking at our vounlts vulnerabilities and risks and over lying those were prioritizing those areas carefully and as a city to have a cohe has plan that requires the collaboration and continues into the future some of the other near term actions to implement and development and implement a sea level Adaptation Plan for the entire city if looked at cohe has programs and private and Public Properties one of the other actions that we are looking to mrauflaunch towa the end of this year the design by challenge which is really modeled after the successful design challenge on the coast that was called rebuild were not rebuilding but increasing our coming in front of a real problem and the idea behind the challenge to bring the best minds locally and regionally and nation will i to think about the mid century and end the century a team that will be might want disciplinary not just culture suspects but also public financiers to lead a region for the entire bay region for the our only shoreline but understand our shoreline effects other shorelines around the bay and vice versa. So this shows a little bit about our ongoing coordination the Mayors Office will lead the charge of prelims of the act plan and so well be working with the mayor and the new environmental policy advisors tyrone to implement this plan and off to the left is a recommendation that we include a public and private community to look at it the Business Community concerns and how they would address this making sure we are really engage our community as a whole through the process and over to the right we are going to be putting together Technical Advisory Panel to advise us along the way these are photos of rebuild by design challenge from the east coast that will help to inspire the work on the bottom tip of manhattan an incredibly interesting design it allows for flooding of parkland when there is storm surge or title action once the water recedes it is public assess there is creative ways we can engage thats it for that that concludes my presentation. Ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Along with goggling and others. Directors questions. I have one question i performed when i was working in planning on projects and Treasure Island i thought we had budget each if i remember correctly for the Sea Level Rise are we making adjustment. For Treasure Island i mean Treasure Island is incredible model actually for doing this adaptation work in the future a robust system that actually can be raised over time it has what is called adapt active capacity so as the Sea Level Rise sciences evolves trigger points that allow for raising the levies and protecting the development that is happening on the island and a Financial Mechanism that is in place to pay for that over the long term. Thank you thank you very much i was down on the embarcadero last december during a tide that was scary when the tides came over the edge and thankfully not a stormy day but it was a huge impact on downtown. Thank you mr. Kelly for recognizing so much of the work we do here say you said we cant do enough to stop this but help to delay it moving people out of private automobiles so can only help not the cant turn you our backs but knuckle down and do more work thank you very much for the work we it will be more and more important thank you. Thank you diane can and others for joining us ill speak briefly on this particular around this issue. Thank you. As mentioned clefks and Sea Level Rise will be a big issue for us Going Forward are for sfmta we have the unique opportunity to work towards reducing Green House Gas emissions and the resilience for the passage of prop a in 2007 and our Strategic Plan that got a lot of our Green House Gas emissions reduction work we be able to successfully reduce the emissions and with the transportation segment now with the Sea Level Rise action plan that allows our compliment program to include adaptation work the goal of sfmta climatic change and Natural Hazards program to manage the hazards in cost effect ways for Sustainable Transportation options for all san franciscans over the last couple of months the mta has been working a number of highlights that are numbered here transit staff recently developed the el nino winter plan that guides the operation of the Transit System under flooding and storm events were also working to infuse our Capital Planning with the principles we have two projects that are kind of in the climatic and capital plan for for the citywide that costs over 5 million in the urban areas the city Capital Plan Committee has a Sea Level Rise pamphlet over the last couple of months weve worked on two projects in particular to look at the risks in the coming decades we are also conducting analysis on our own projections within the Capital Improvement plan and should have the results of that analysis weve also begun updating sfmtas climatic Action Strategy that provides a framework for will have of our Green House Gas emissions reduction work and adding a section that talks about this one of the actresses that will be identified in the compliment is our Sea Level Rise assessment that is what diana just spoke but with the city action plan is directs every agency to conduct an assessment so our own Vulnerability Assessment will focus on sfmtas multi modal Transportation System but examines the rtd well focus on 3 horizons and the associated Sea Level Rise so 12 inches at 2030 and 66 inches at 21 hundred the aim so identify the system wide vulnerabilities and the census entity and the environment and government as gil mentioned this assessment and much the Climate Adaptation will require commitment you thought agencies and city and region upon the completion we work to have the finding into our own internal operations and the project design and duo into our longterm planning effort and work with the City Partners to develop effective citywide adaptation and corresponding with regional participates with ac dc to make sure that the regional adaptation strategies are complimented that concludes my presentation. Thank you very much for the opportunity to speak today, if anyone has any questions ill be happy to answer them. Before we go to Public Comment directors any comments. So i have a question this is great thanks for all the good, i was to know i know theyre doing significant work on seismic with the effects of seawall a huge impact on the water implementations im wondering if this is part of this i know this is directly impacting Sea Level Rise they go hand in hand i want to make sure that were able to accommodated Sea Level Rise. That definitely is included we had a meeting last week with a number of departments and talked about the seawall project in particular you mentioned it is seismic issues but plan what that system looks like in the future there definitely looking at this issue of Sea Level Rise so definitely corresponding with them and at that meeting the Transportation System that sort of on top of seawall was part that have discussion so well, working closely with them. Director. Yeah. Id like to hear about any partnering with any of the muni that represents some of the United States who are most vulnerable to like a cat trophy that would be great to hear a quick overview not details but any kinds of plans for that kind of outreach are partnership. Definitely at as the 1r50u7b89 assessment get off the ground one of the first step is cohen with the cac and making sure there is accurate engagement in that process Going Forward so im not sure with the city. As the cac is established that should been sufficient how does that get how do people get. Placed on the cac. Weve not worked that out well be working on that. I want to make sure there is good representation i think there is good communities that can clearly see theyre impacted and particularly concerned about those of us less mobile than others and making sure theyre aware of the be severities of the 1r50u7b89 that they have there is a plan in place to deal with Sea Level Rise you know where it is gradual or surge so early engagement will be most appreciate. Definitely like the first point in our plan. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you any Public Comment. No members of the public have turned in any cards but two approaching. Thank you. Public comment 2 minutes please. And again, no clock tom i live on south beach willie brown, jr. Apartments the two line is in and out curious about i guess going up a wall some type of embankment to protect that t line and not all the way out to embarcadero the baseball stamped i dont know hoichl how much work but 9 feet that whole must show marina so you have the tunnel i see i dont see the plan i equity to insurance before this bhooerpg talking about what about the taxi drivers where is their insurance and equity in a life that got washed out by uber and lyft and the new wave of whatever land so im curious on that one i it will be a learn on the job for all of us and up to the 5 million design to help us figure out what it will cost in the future and onthejob training were learning building on the giants and the lower part of the the forum the basketball stamped will be underwater so im not sure i trust the liability and equity. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Mr. Mason. I think one of the main issues is communication right now i dont think poem get the message until computing with the officials on the embarcadero our establishing bicycle cameras but the c o2 counter and bay bridge or whatever the c0 o 2 generators are you, work with the air Quality Management to resolve all that a regional bus express system has got to be move forward i dont see any action the mtc is studying it and trying to get information on that it is not going anywhere i studied is it 10 years ago failed and didnt grow legs youve got to get it going again the other issue is with that the google buses all right. A lot of the buses are operating from any observation not in complete capacity your own report says those busy go a million miles a month if you gifted divide that by 10 miles a gallon those buses get on the open freeway youre wasting 5 hundred thousand gallons of fuel a year that is because those buses are dead heading so it becomes imperative the regional buses are implemented and even the bay Councils Report says people because of the congestion are ready to move out of the region to other areas so youve got a problem and people are not going to do it until they start realizing until they forbode with the fish on the embarcadero. No more Public Comment i want to thank the folks and on the theme that the work all of us are doing we know will pay off in the future it is important work i have a sisterinlaw that apologizes for the future so well look back and try to redouble our efforts to make sure our transportation is as efficient and clean as we can so thank you for your time. All right. Close up that item next item, please. Item 1230 years the director for the contracts for sfmta with the services to provide paratransit not to exceed 142 million plus beginning july 2015 and ending june 30th, 2021, an option for a 5 year extension. Good afternoon. Directors annette manager with assessable services the item before you a new paratransit contract im sure youre aware the paratransit your door to door transportation for people with disabilities for the past 35 years weve contracted out the stiffer to the brokers and that broker do manage the subcontracts addressed goikt and selling the principle Customer Service for the paraTransit Services the current contract in place started in april of nodding and ended at the of june this this year as you recall in november we came to you probably in october with the rfp paratransit for a new contract and as part of that rfp we had two options the potential for brokers one was option a which is a decentralized system the broker is doing the administrative and contracting the Transportation Services we had option b which was doing all of the administrative and some of the Transportation Services namely the access band service and 25 percent of the grouping services supervise we had a prebid conferee in november and there are no 3 proposerers came to the conference and then we had one proposer submitted two proposals when the proposals came in and trance the current contractor that submitted in opposition a and proposer under option b an Evaluation Panel that was made up of 7 people 5 of whom are paratransit users themselves or represent agencies that serve people with sdabtdz and use the Paratransit Service and an expert if mta as well as another paratransit expert from a neighboring Public Transportation provider following that that committee reviewed the proposals and held interviews with firms for both the option and b proposal to look at both proposals and when they finished that evaluation their recommendation was we negotiate with tran for option b that is the one that just 0 refresher the one where the contractors is doing the admin and Transportation Services their current doing that started in september of 2014 i think we talked about that when we came before you with the rfp some of the stelgz that the panel pointed out in their proposal was to get belief paratransit experience and brokers a good understanding the multi systems in the local customer basis their experience and professional very respected staff they have a strong Corporate Support on the National Levels that backed up them in terms of what they need beyond their staff and robust experience in transportation Maintenance Operations and broerjz so what you have before you the contract we negotiated a 5 Year Contract and it also has a 5 year option which we will come back to you if we choose to exercise that option some of the new things in the contract not in the existing contract are mobility management function were looking to have is an informational referral system that provides online and information for adults with disabilities about 0 all the transportation not only paratransit but other types of participation transportation that available from private and nonprofit agencies we also have a more Robust Training Program as part of contract and a lot new Technology Projects one to be using an app fly wheel for paratransit customers to get taxi trips that gives us the operated inform operate a cab or be able to see the fly wheel options not only the normally you call what about company and only assessable passes from that company we are looking to get the grant funds to do a scheduling System People can make their band recessions online and thats a great question track their own trips for those who are able to use that what were here before you today to ask for your approval the contract and alameda recommending that you recommend it to the board of supervisors who ultimately needs approval for it is final im available to answer any questions. One questions, mr. Williams from the report 3 companies came to the bid but only one bid is that common. In the past well have multi bidders we followup but they knew the thinking bunt was going a go back and to propose when you dont think you are going to be able to steady the current contractor i think that is the main reason that was true for one company the other a Smaller Company i dont think they felt they had the wherewith all they bidded on this contractor will go out to bid and bid on a portion of service. Directors any questions or comments before we go do Public Comment. My only question oh, yes. So i know we have heard a lot of from the taxi community and im wondering if in contract or if we are seeing a problem in terms of getting for Paratransit Service taxi and if this contract if this is true were seeing a drop off and addressing that or working with our brokers i dont know if this contract covers that issue i know that changing right now; right . It contract definitely has the provision for Contracting Companies to participate in the paratransit is a larger issue we need to be working on i have my own ideas i believe there should be surcharge area uber and lyft trips for the Taxi Services thats what im working towards and i know that kate is on aboard but it will take you know more resources towards having it really viable assessable taxi program it working well for participating customers in most cases but they have relationships with individual drivers and call often to these drivers the fly wheel app low help in giving assess but it comes down to the participating we have incentives and trips and incentives we need to do the same with wheelchair trips and have the funding to do that this week i think one way it needs to get us to one point your point is welltaken uber and lyft has impacts and harder for taxi drivers and it is more difficult service to provide and more costly in terms of the vehicles and maintenance we recognize this and working on that thank you. Yeah. Just quickly what you talk a little bit about the fly wheel will help and speak to the what i think might be unfortunate in seeing others cabs coming out with their own adds how that complicates things from my that, of course, more one app in all the taxis the better you have access mines that fly wheel has 75 or 80 percent of the taxis and thats parts that have with that app a person that calls a cab looks at the access and the same thing for assessable cabs youll ask for the assessable cabs owe only show us the cabs that are assessable wed like to be able to see when someone picks up your trip that cab comes to they dont center that now the customer calls the cab company we dispatched a cab but not able to see p them thats one thing that makes the app helpful and theyll by a with their trait cards so it makes it easier for them use. We have two Public Comment calling names . Herbert wiener pardon pie allergies it is really heavy policy even season one thing that is constantly firmed that individuals with cannot walk a quarter of a mile to a bus stop can take paratransit does the budget allow for the individuals who cant walk that long sdoons to take will paratransit will be able to absorb this this is very important because i dont want seniors and disables in a dilemma it is difficult to walk to the bus stops but at the same time dont qualify for participating and not budgeted to meet the needs those are my concerns thank you. Thank you, mr. Wiener next item, please. calling names . Thank you directors mark here im speaking for microfilm but i want to say i think that is a good thing if paratransit and fly wheel get together and provide 3 service many of us have advocated for central lists their paratransit their scattered around the industry and frequently not available this is really going to be a helpful thing although not everybody will be able to use the app there will be room for integration of the straurs dispatch services for paratransit and other purposes i have to say im skeptical about the ideas of the surcharge on uber and lyft it seems to be a way for them to buy their way out of an obligation under the law americans with disabilities act this is something that the taxi city does and must do it is difficult operationally and so forth so our Country Company has maybe soon a country but company has a 60 or 80 builds evaluation and can do as they please so ill say more my time is up thank you. Thank you, sir. Any more Public Comment seeing none, directors a motion to approve. So moved. Second. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . The is have it. And this one passes. Item 13 discussion and vote as to whether or not to conduct a closed session and second. All in favor, say i. I. Great well move to a closed session thank you. It will take a break. Now were back item 14 announcement of closed session the directors met to discuss the eld did he give god for the environmental the board of directors settled the case and the board had the labor negotiations with no action do you have a motion to disclose or not disclose. Not disclose. All in favor, say i. I. Great well not disclose that brings this meeting to a conclusion. 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Who [gavel]

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