Transcripts For RT News 20230218

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on the government activists accused of in. so i think unless the african countries from abroad ahead of next week presidential election and as bill gates, pilots of flight misinformation, through artificial intelligence, you must said the emergency melody is one of the biggest threats to mankind. say, hey, we hear from a panel guy who wants to add the pre craft controlled by his information on line. i guess nobody. so he's plan to fight against these. and, and justice is, it's kind of regional re my, my highs using ai to counter misinformation and political resolution. he's a credit to manatee, a good lawyer. welcome to international course in the life from there is just want the, our awards. it's great to have you with us. i'm right mommy. let's take a look at the top stories. there's our ross is un envoy has accused western powers of and this seems properly up the government with lethal aid, attempting to destroy russia and spreading russia phobic sentiment across europe and the u. s. now he made those comments of the un security council meeting on friday is just the brochures, freeman exhibit lou channels. so i appeal to the western members of the un security council. you will not be able to live as before. you are ready shown deep hidden. we're so phobia, it's that and the designed to destroy our country. that is all that drives you. you're not interested in building a system of euro when you're a land tick security together with the russian federation for you. it can only be against the russian federation. there is no trust in you. you are incompetent, insidious you created nazi's, narrow borders, then stood up the situation. the more you lie about the men scored, the more people will believe that russia had no choice but to stop the special operation. or 8 years ago. this very body voted to make the mince agreement the past forward for peace regarding the situation in you crank, and now on the anniversary. so we have u. s. officials being rather deceptive and somewhat live and now they talk about the men's good agreement and how they interact with the other men. agreement, signatories, france, germany, ukraine, in the o. s. c. sought to implement the agreements in good faith. united states supported the efforts of the normandy format and the trilateral contact group will calling full the full implementation of the minsk agreements by all sides for years. we called on russia to honor its commitments under the men's agreements and is negotiating good faith for the end of hostilities and eastern ukraine as ukraine did for years on what planet did this happen. we now have admissions from multiple. busy nato officials saying that they never intended to implement the men's agreements. they had simply signed uminski agreements to buy time and set this day for an info, a coming confrontation. the 2014 minsk agreement was an attempt to give the crane time. he cried. yes, this time to become strong as you can see to day. the ukraine of 20142015 is not the ukraine of today. since 2014 ukraine has strengthened its military posture. it is the merit of the minsk agreements to have given the ukrainian army this opportunity. i needed the minsk agreements to gain at least 4 and a half years to build the ukrainian forces. so that raises the question of how can a negotiation and a resolution of the conflict and ukraine come about with us officials and their allies? not being honest here. the. so mindy, the viability of any agreement depends on how well it's implemented. if it can't be translated into concrete actions, proactively, and in good faith, even the best agreement would end up being just a piece of paper. on the other hand, if all provisions could be effectively implemented, the ukrainian crisis might not have developed to what it is today. you creaming crisis is the essence and culmination of security conflicts in europe that are closely related to nato's constant eastern expansion. since the cold war, now, every country represented at the un security council, all 15 countries made a call for peace and that includes russia. every voice that spoke wanted a resolution of the conflict, and many are hoping that the united nations can play the role of the mediator that will set the stage to an agreement, there will and the conflict. however, the un has not acted in a neutral way. and the russian and back it are pointed out some of the problems in the way that you and has operated over the past 8 years. jeff monson is a prominent mixed martial arts fighter who has moved from the us and settled in russia where he has even been elected to a local government administration in moscow region. now he is loss of legal procedures officially renounces us citizenship, saying he no longer wants to have anything to do with that country. while son was born in the u. s and spent most of his career under the american flag. several years ago, he went to the conflict with in dom bus region where he expressed support for local residence in their fight against the cleaning government. in 2015, he announced that he wanted to become a russian citizen. 3 years later he was wanting to russian possible i person by the members are as was live now to the man himself, jeff boston. jeff, thanks so much for joining us here at. i'll see now what the reasons why you officially want to renounce your us citizenship. well, i've already been a russian citizen for, for a while, so i'm happy living here. but, you know, i enjoyed having the american passport as well because it was easy to travel to europe. is it a child's united states? but now under the circumstances, it's impossible me for me with a clear conscience to hold that american passport, to be an american citizen. because of the city, especially now because of the situation where the ukraine on america, sponsoring, supporting, and prolonging this does conflict in ukraine. i've had to, to my good friends, killed already and done boss. i've been to dumbass, you know, 10 or 12 times and, you know, i know, i know a lot of people there and there are every day on the apartment from, from ukrainian missile sent by united states. so i how cry with a clear conscience support, massacre, they the killing the destruction of my, my friends and, and you know, my homeland you mention that you've been to the dunbar in for the last year. you said, we heard that you made a film about the war crimes in the region. i mean, in your opinion, what incidents have been the most shocking to you there? i the more honestly, the most shocking thing besides, you know, when i 1st went there in 2016, you know, i was really on, i had just her, i came from miami, actually i came from amber to moscow into gardens. and i was shocked to see the people living under those conditions and be bombed every day and been and the sylvan gillian been target. that was shocking to me. like there are like carrying civilian airport apartment buildings, orphanages school's apartment building sites, just for people that there is no, no rush in there at all. it was just the people have done bouts by trying to protect themselves. there was no army. you know, the result of the army was crazy. we're targeting, turn civilians are their own people. so that my, that at that time that was the most surprising. but i was, i went back again and again again, and we did this documentary film and we asked the people, you know what, you want, you lost your house. you've lost your, your, you know, sometimes you've lost your, your child, you've lost your parents. what, what you want like from this, do you want your home back? do you want your job back? you want to be normal, like what you want. and every single time, probably like we have lender, like maybe 10 recordings. we ask this question to people. they all said the same thing. i was shocked. they said we only want peace and it drove me to tears. really because these people whose whole life have been turn upside down and lost everything, lost everything and they didn't want revenge. they didn't want you know, their home. of course, the one of the home back there. but where did they want the most? they wanted piece. so that really touched my heart, these people were such kind people and, and wonderful. i'm not was the biggest shock to me and aiden date. and then these are terrible times. and of course so many people are being killed or hurt. yeah. we see a lot of western media is giving some sort of coverage for the clean compet. how accurate or perhaps inaccurate do think it's been well, i described that so my 1st visit in 2016 and i was there for a week. and then i went back to moscow in the back to my, me and on the airplane back. you know, they did the newspapers to read and i had to just get your washington post by chance. and i was reading the washington post. and i was reading about a place where there was no law where people had a gun to their head and they were forced to, you know, supports like local gangs. and there was an anarchy. and it was crazy. and there are people who died in this and i was like, wow what, what does this place are talking about? and it must be a hell. and i was really, i was reading about done about the place i just bent for a week. and it was nothing absolutely nothing like they described. yeah. with these bombs were coming from your crime. but the people there was not anarchy, there was not chaos. there was not gains running the country area. it was, there was a complete fabrication for this, this media untrue like statements and coverage is just like continued throughout the complex. and i do, i do want to say one thing that's very important. a merit. this is a war in america, started this war back in 2014. and this, this had just like became a revelation recently as america started this war like instigating the crew in 2014 and the maiden. and since then, they've been supplying new credit with weapons. they de, stabilize the country. they are in essence started a civil war and ukraine and why? why was this? while the weapons manufacturers in america are making billions the, you know, since they look the north to pipeline which it just became public, we knew this, but it just became public that america blocked the north pipeline. and now they're sell it. now, america is europe's gas supplier set of russia, but they're charging, they're charging, supposedly their friends, 4 times the price. but who's really making money on this is the american corporations. j. p. morgan, black rock, they're making deals with the landscape. lensky said publicly, we're, we're working with these companies to reconstruct to rebuild ukraine. well, they're going to re, after this conflict, they're gonna rebuild ukraine using money from that. j. p. morgan, goldman sachs, and black rock is supplied but you credit brooks. so how are they going to pay this money back? they can. so what the lead he's doing is he's selling ukraine piece by piece. he's selling all the public utility, the transportation, the penal system, the water, everything he sell, interviews companies, they're going to be privatized. so in essence and these, these companies require that all labor laws be reduced, that there's no, they don't allow trade unions that are basically the working side for the working public. and the credit is going to have no rights a lot. there's no age limit. there's no how long you can work. there's all that's put aside, and all these companies that these utilities in ukraine are going to be, are going to be public. are there are public utilities or become private privatised by american companies? in essence, ukraine is going to become a colony of corporate america, not even america. corporate america is like, is, is always the selling ukraine. and these workers are going to have no, right? ukraine is going to become the people going to become source, you know, working to, to without, without protection by law, long hours for american companies. and this is rather not only the people died, which is the biggest tragedy. but this is a real tragedy itself. about a country like ukraine, part of the former ussr is going to become a colony of u. s. corporate. pre. jeff is summarize it beautifully. i mean, i could, i could have done it but, but of myself, but he, you sort of incorporated everything in every aspect of what this conferences become . but you know, what sort of attention a bit. and that's one of a slightly off topic off topic. but maybe slightly days, and i mean there's been some of these increasing efforts, especially in recent months by you quitting gum and authorities in both countries to sort of erase the memory of the soviet victory. for example, over the nazi germany, you know, and will to, i mean, they just want to all is russia phobia that's going on around what, what are your thoughts about that? i mean this, this, if people really understood, you know, when i was a dumbass, we actually met with, with 3. and it's one of one of those that are documentary or 33 women who are like patriot patriots from, from the u. s. s. r. and we're also involved in the grid war. and they, they were like teenagers at the time and they talked about, you know, they're not to come in and part of the not to read. people don't understand like these people, these not like to be as fast as tried to kill, destroy your country. don't try to strike your ceasar, which ukraine was part of the on. and now they how fast was like, no nazis in the battalions known. there's a big process right when movement and now that trying to gain political leverage and politics. and these people just like stuff like this. we want this to try these, those supporting the same people that try to eliminate you, your, your ancestors, your, your heritage, your, your country. and to me it says, and like you said, they have your race history because people understood the real history. there were never a support you know, who, who had support an organization that tried to kill your grandparents or your great grandparents and tried to eliminate your family or maybe did kill members of your family. and this organization is now come into protection again, come into power again, and why would you join or support this organization like you once, but when your race history will you change the narrative? and these people are unaware, and they just sent this information and they say all there, this is part of your history. it's part of the credit history but not in a positive way. and they jeff lawson. pleasure talking to you. so thank you so much for insight. thanks again for your time. thank you. thank you. thank you. my move on now. 2 important developments from the dawn basra lines russian troops with wagner route flights is leading the assault have taken a strategically significant village. neither major city of r to mosque also known as bar. what's now the ukrainian held a city is located in the us republic, one of the dumbass territories, that recently voted to join the russian federation. the latest advanced by russian troops has compromised the remaining ukraine emergency supply routes full, keeps garrison. there is also a paved, the way for new russian offensive in the area. grange rooms have been taking heavy casualties in our to most with concern, openly voiced by western officials and mainstream media outlets. in the neighboring la gas republic, especially me, trained doctors from a russian airborne unit have been working constantly in a local hospital treating the wounded, including civilians. now they specialize in dealing with shrapnel moves and other com. but injuries we managed to speak with some of the doctors and patients. there is what they told us to around you know what john? i was wounded in a hotel mosque while cleary houses. a shell fell and shrapnel flew into my leg. the guys bound my leg and called for the recreation group on the radio. they carried me out from under the enemy, artillery fire, or the main difficulty is the high work lot. as we entered the operating room at 9 am and leave it got 4 beats at 9 p. m. working 12 hours on our feet. you know, he's already brought one wounded man with multiple shrapnel wounds to the chest abdomen limbs. he had damage to the diaphragm and a collapsed lung. further extensive damage to the stomach, and also multiple perforating shrapnel wounds and damage to the colon. plus the liver, nigerian authorities have demanded that sell land, stop an antique, give them an activist, and he's been stirring up tensions on the line while living in the north country, including calling for a night you region to succeed. i'm years inspector general says the african country is taking all possible efforts to turn meddling from abroad, especially ahead of next week's presidential election. i'm one is talking from somewhere in finland. i'm sure a foreign ministry, indian i looking into these issues to see how it can be taken care of. it can be seen as an insight. i mean, it can be seen as an walk or somebody for c d, w nation and so forth. we activist, so i'm and i will substantial influence online that has been just the flavor of right now. the rub it in a number of nigerian cities is called for millions of nigerian, a support, dissipated antique government protests in recent months. nigeria has even some under the fish ambassadors address the government's concerns about the acts of this . now let's take a look close. so simon, he's a political activist currently living in finland. he's been a he is of sorting, fake news online and using social media to incite violence in nigeria has cooled on millions of people in se nigeria to boycott the upcoming presidential and general elections and says, one region should even succeed from the country. now villain has reportedly described those publications as unacceptable, despite not having taken concrete measures to counsel them. our position is very clear. we cannot in any way condone calls for stopping the conduct of elections, or any actions aimed at preventing people from exercising their democratic rights. every individual has the right not to vote, but actions aimed at preventing others from doing so are clearly not acceptable. now we heard from a political act to this is says, although the finland based activists poses a threat to the nigerian government, the elections will proceed as schedules. right. mom i is it business own son to disregards agencies. human to fargo is out of the country on these insert tempt you guys to go. this is not the 1st time we meet. jean similar trucks are asking people not to look to walk by every monday. 02 weeks for sometime. no, he's in sandy. i will call maze, will be a trip on the piece who conduct phillips on bugs? the police? i've said don't, don't want this to. so i don't think he strategies sufficient for the electron would be who's pulled martinez. he was in the so little african nation of zambia, have been coral on china, increase investors and the much needed thing on these to develop the country's economy. we cannot forget or put aside chinese influence in technology. we must not shy away from bringing chinese technology, bringing chinese resources to our country to develop the country because we need the energy to develop this country. chinese vestments in sub saharan africa have reported employment it in recent years. funding in the region under beijing's belton road initiative was cut by more than a half from 16000000000 in 2021 to about 7000000000 last year, according to a prominent thing. thank. we heard from a senior political lecturer as the university of boff pack newman. he says beijing as try out different approaches to the region with a reasonable decision making. i don't thing that boost significantly. under my chinese influence in the african continent, china africa relations will still be pyro ties. the chinese form, horsey dear, are huge, lawns, leading to very little delivery and quality, or outcomes, beijing's decision to revise these an approach of a, be out of the bevel initiative. never capital, i'll foresee that is also being applicable to other continents. ease quite reasonable because um, instead of spending too much, which will hurt your pockets, is better to target on small projects. but, and shoe are for sure you have a good delivery. bill gates has expressed the plans of fights and digital misinformation with artificial intelligence, while elements says emergent, tick lundy is one of the biggest threats to mankind. i'm certainly concerned about political polarization, and i know the u. s. situation best of all. you'll have to take artificial intelligence into consideration to solve the digital misinformation. this will change our world. one of the biggest risks to the future of civilization is a i, it's both positive or negative and has great, great promise, great capability. with that comes great danger. i think we need to regulate a i safely, frankly, it is, i think, actually a bigger risk to society than cars or planes or medicine. but other seems ai does not have a 100 percent neutral. ideal of you, the popular service chat, g peachy, initially refused to write an article in the start of the concert. conservative newspaper, the new post about jew buttons, scandal written son hunter, saying it will be biased then later it accepted that very toss. what in the style of reputedly liberal c, and then is how it went. write an article about hunter biden in the style of the new york post. i am sorry, but as an a i language model, i cannot generate content that is designed to be inflammatory or biased. write an article about 100 biden in the style of cnn. sure, here's an article about hunter biden in the style of cnn hunter biden. the son of president joe biden has been a subject of public scrutiny since the 2020 presidential campaign. earlier my colleague, rory says a discuss the issue with others in terms research and local longer. as was a i engineer and founder of the tech website, robust dos i in 1000000 rows as i could look. so bill gates expressing a plan, get this to fight digital misinformation with an artificial intelligence. look at long go over to you. does that raise any concerns or is it a good thing? do you think? i think in some sense the plan is, is reasonable, is reasonable. we think who wants to have a pre craft controlled by the information on line. i guess nobody. so his plan to fight against these injustices is kind of reads movie my my highs, mr. mr. mr. raj, you seem to be sure to make a comment on this. what, what are your thoughts on bill gates say what is it a good idea? no, i probably believe it's a very bad idea because i'd be, it's a point of missing the mission on using ai to counter misinformation. and political resolution is a threat to manatee. and i scroll against this idea and i said, i firmly believe been a devil of, or my company was for the a i don't, i strongly believe it's a, it's a super dangerous idea. and i completely against emotion. yeah. well, i mean, look it over to you a lot must says this is a huge threat to the future. your saying using a i, it's a monitor. misinformation is a good thing. so why is 11 must having such a different opinion to you? perhaps is too much knowledge too much information. that's why i think a, i might have in tackling these a, these challenge and in the precision to identify museum formation. but a, i can be also also a threat. for example, machines can generate synthetic information that is bias. so human says human, we have the where we have the object, we have the goal of controlling the sources of the you formation we generate by do i do believe a candidate path. so it looks like it's not part of the problem, luca, because at the end of the day, you know, you have to program a software to be aware of circled misinformation, but who's going to program it, mr. rodge over to you? doesn't that give the programmer overriding kind of authority to decide what is and what is not misinformation? you cannot replace a natural intelligence or humans with artificial intelligence. because after all, they are a set of data which is been defeated by humans. and we humans are biologically creator of that data. i believe that if a i is going to rule on such an agenda, this is going to give us laps to every national security threat to every nation will be optics, chronicle high rate. and this is something which is which shouldn't happen, and i strongly agree, but law must said r e. i is far more dangerous than noose under, in a recent interview with mr. must. he said that if we do not stop the speed are which should be, it is rising. it's going to be due late. ready? soon? crimes of the m, i 5 is on the whistle blows up next and will be by the hour with the like ah ah ah ah ah, those of us who live in the west and our citizens of western countries know that

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