thanks hands on russia, push green prices to record high using protests to demand changes to public policy is something that, that i think is, is his worries, but only in canada, it does prime minister justin trudeau frequently supports protests in other countries, including india and china, with, from lost out of the world. this is our international. i'm rachel beloved. here with the top stories of the our welcome to the program. nato chief stoughton burke has admitted that europeans are bearing the brunt of financial support for ukraine . but he insist that the why should keep back in kiev and the conflict with russia . rising food and energy bills mean hard times for many households in europe. we can strengthen ukraine's position at the negotiating table if we provide military support to the country. nato states have already provided around 40000000000 euros and weaponry to crane with major suppliers such as the u. s. and the u. k. but concerns have started to emerge about some smaller members of the lions, exhausting their potential and struggling to continue to support key. yeah. as their stockpiles run low. this all comes as some western law enforcement agencies have warned of arms smuggling in europe, where weapons supplied to craner, ending up in the hands of criminals with ukraine widely seen as a hug for a legal arms trafficking even before the conflict began. finished police have already warned that heavy arm sent to kiev have been found in the country with similar reports coming from sweden, denmark and the netherlands. meanwhile, hundreds took to the streets and the german city of leave it to rally against us involvement and arms deliveries to print well also calling for german sovereignty and negotiations with russia. protestors were seen holding signs, urging americans to go home and accusing the u. s. a. wanting germans to freeze and across in the capital of austria, protestors of also rallied against sanctions on russia, while demanding neutrality from vienna. demonstrators gathered outside of the austrian foreign ministry, holding banners, calling for peace with russia and an end to the conflict and ukraine. here's what some of the protesters and vienna had to say. overseas europe is facing a big problem. the sanctions are industrial and economic suicide, especially if the government does not take measures, including social measures, the things out and then we are sliding into a catastrophe. your interest to raise your realtor? everything's getting more expensive in austria mill and we don't know how it will be in winter when it gets hard, whether there will be enough to heat will most people eat with natural gas these days? we'll see how we get through the winter to meet the up goes sunk to own n as in sanctions. i don't think they make any difference. and yes, they are a breach of neutrality. they have no place in a context of neutrality. these, they're not here and do not really deeply tunnel veteran greek, diplomatically or 9. as chris and thoughtless says that europeans anger over paying too high a price for the conflicts will likely trigger political changes. what the sick of the gender over nato said, it doesn't make sense. i mean, why should we, the people of the west suffer? just because it's a, just because of the governments of the west want to create a difficult situation with, with the russia and to make a war against russia. i mean, we see the demonstrations that are taking place in europe and these demonstrations are going to affect the governments. we will see government changes in the european union and the nato countries. and the only by the fact that these, that these sanctions were adopted by the european union without even examining what effect they would have on the european people. it shows that these were, that these were measures taken because the united states wanted these measures to be taken that cluster, the european union leaders do not care for the welfare of their people. russia doesn't want to see the destruction of its neighbors, but the west is in different that's according to a former reagan official. please criticize the western tactics, sacrificing ukrainians for u. s. foreign policy to delve deeper and their takeaways from the top us official. you can have to r t dot com a german rapper has released a song calling on the country's government to regain as sovereignty and restore ties with russia. they can find there was a point there was that the issue done with the court. they said point lease got lots of the most then the, the sweetest differences are nothing by in the big session, big mid week said it wasn't supposed to be in the middle of our list. but on the go to the api dodge, let me upside and read ya. it's, you know, new puppy for his strange talking stance on berlin's foreign policy. the artist was labeled the angry german in the song, hey, called on germany to put his own national interest 1st condemning western politicians for provoking ukraine conflict, as well as anti russian propaganda. my unit, you would with god live on a mission, vision with you. but if you, if you're really interested in, as you know, politics, you need to look beyond the mainstream media, which always spreads information only on the surface. never going deeper. that's why they're news stories always run for only a couple minutes to avoid delving into the topic. but if you have really been studying the issue for many years, and then of course you understand that this anti russian campaign was orchestrated by the current world power or the united states. and there's no getting away from it. this is an empire, the united states, a global power, and they don't want to be at peace. they want to stay in power. this is their usual strategic global life. these are the so called american interests, that they must remain in power. i'm willing, and this includes, among other things in the elimination of any competition. and the great, here are a nightmare of americans for at least the past 120 years has been the interaction and friendship between russia and germany. it's all about famous phrases like the german know how engineers and so on and russia's raw material on show specialists and, ah, a polish lawmaker has urged his government to respond to the appointment of the former ukrainian master to germany, andre mill neck as key as deputy foreign minister describing the move as a provocation. it comes after the ukrainian official made a controversial statement about the massacre of poles in bohemia during world war 2 . it is a blow to the all to the volume families. it is also a slap in the face with all poles. this is a man who relative eyes, the crimes of bond era against the poles, equating them to the alleged crimes of the pose. this is a scandal and i am surprised at many polish politicians down play it the massacre. it was carried out by a ukrainian nationalist formation led by not the collaborators step, and then dera when poland was occupied by hitler's germany. according to warsaw, approximately 100000 people were killed while in 2016, the polish parliament recognized the massacre as genocide perpetrated by ukrainian nationalists on the anniversary of the killings. ukraine newly appointed deputy foreign minister, blamed both the nazis and the soviets for the suffering of the poles and the social media post written in german. dear polish friends. on this anniversary, i would like to pay tribute to your victims of the 2nd world war. poland suffered especially during the tyranny of the nazis and soviets. today, we will not allow anyone to drive a wedge between the ukrainian and polish people. andre mill neck was recalled as ambassador to germany after a number of provocative statement. he criticized berlin for its sluggish support. ukraine and brandon chancellor off shoals, a quote, sulky liver sausage for refusing to visit key add after the ukrainian conflicts started. we spoke to a polish political scientist who says that ukrainian diplomats are amateurs creating deliberate provocation. well, there's no more diplomacy, ne, ukrainian israel for the 1st and no more professional diplomats there i guess. and so we have just group of amateurs, our group beaufort regularly, i'm rushing bleaches there in the ministry for a new person give. so one cannot talk about diplomacy when we're talking about people like me or a nurse and the people who are trying to provo page, that domain as much as many pro, 80 statements as possible. i just wonder how, how it will be possible for us to meet with bullish counterparts in the future. this might be quite problematic. he's not a single isolated case. there are a lot of people like him, like i'm going to shoot, for instance, former ambassador of your brain to pull in from you soon for 1st and who are. so let's say, ideologically of follower. so 1st, if i'm on that i and extreme, you're brand new nation. ah, any, and farmers have ramped up. we cultivation by 11 percent and it's time to cope with record prices triggered by anti russian sanctions. our diesel engine sharma takes a look at how india is plowing through the crisis. it is the beginning of winter in north india, and farmers have started sewing wheat, drops the hope this season will be better than the last week. so the government still buys a week last in ha, how didn't know we'd love golf a lot, 40000000 tons to just about 20000000 tons in a year. india, the world's 2nd largest suite producer was expected to full the white caused by supply chain disruptions from the mean global bread, basket, russia, ukraine, would supplied almost one 3rd of all read exports in the world prior to the conflict and subsequent western sanctions. only this year, more than a dozen countries from african asia approached india for wheat, new delhi said it would help, but was unable to do so at the last minute and imposed a weed export ban in me, which the g 7 countries criticized india that it had no choice, but to prioritize food security for its population of 1400000000 people. so this is what happened in the of hottest march. they say are an or a 100 years heavily affected the wheat green size and the crop output do gotta me. but if the heat wave was so bad that it destroyed 40 percent of our wheat yield, we suffered heavy losses in the year. and for that reason, due to the sudden drop and crop yields, wheat prizes reached to record high. in the past few months, we to the 2nd most consumed food korean in india, off to rice. so if readers expensive, every one feels the bench anything and everything made a wheat. bread bonds, biscuits nor drills has naturally become more expensive to. and most traders have had to cut back on production my as about idea, i'm the process we have shown up drastically and customers don't want to pay more to do. so have reduce the size of bunch of bread and everything else we make here. but the india will be able to export or not i don't, and so on. current pollution. oh, it may not be able to on the exports of june 21 to 3. i don't think so. even the general for it's working india, the whole east that the coming call the season will bring some relief to the distressed form of consumers in india and around the world region sharma with their put dish. r t o. somalian government officials had become a target for terrorist attacks carried out by a rebel militia group and the country's capitol police have yet to comment on the number of casualties. ah, this video phone by eye witnesses captured an exchange of gunfire in a hotel near the presidential palace where the attack took place. according to police report rebels, storm the hotel armed with suicide best and guns. the officer bob group, which for more than a decade thought to topple the country's government claimed responsibility for the attack. somali as armed forces started a military offensive against the group back in august, after similar bombings took place across the country. nigeria has launched a new oil drilling project in the north of the country. this comes after jackets of exploration and billions of dollars invested in the sector with its $37000000000.00 barrels of crude oil reserves. nigeria is one of the world's largest oil producers . the countries currently puts out 2100000 barrels of crude daily, yet is gripped by economic crisis. we spoke with a nigerian oil and gas consultant who says that the old export based model has failed and the country will now concentrate on supplying its own economy. first. this is been said in my view, major development project that will be done for domestic consumption. so that's, that's very key when agitated for this, for a while, that would change the model for oil and gas look meant to prioritize domestic consumption and value capture red and f. what's so did this, but it will help us achieve that. got priority as a nation at this point will really be on how do we supply to make sure we have the in there? do we need to travel economy 1st before we start worrying about as what we've been doing as well for 50. it frankly hasn't, hasn't quite low for us to get. it hasn't paid off. so this is the 1st major reg, true for the country. so i'll say it is a very good news. it will help a pound our production capacity beyond what it is now. but what that leads to have there, but if i play of product and i hope that when that's done and the successful that future projects will adopt the same model to essentially help was not just to produce oil and gas to process and use it to fuel our fledge in the domestic economy ah, cause it sounds president to kayak has flown to mark on sunday for talks with president vladimir putin. the meeting comes after the conduct leader one his 2nd term. however, his presidential inauguration was overshadowed by protests on saturday night. these images show crowd letting the streets is causing some capital in protest and the election results which saw the president when more than 80 percent of the vote. according to police, the illegal protests was organized by a nightclub entrepreneur where about 300 people were gathered. the protesters didn't respond to police calls to stop the action leading to several people being detained. meanwhile, a washington base thing, think the center for european policy analysis has published a paper on western policy in conflicts done noting that the west strategy should be to ease the country away from moscow's orbit. western nations should call for more political reform and actively participate in plans to build a new economy. the strategic focus of western nations will be to ease context on further from russia's orbit. however, the agencies claim to be non partisan does not stand up to scrutiny. sponsors lists include the host of leading western companies, including british and u. s. arms manufacturers, and even the us state department. we spoke with journalists and political analysts drawn bertolli, who thinks the us media and thing tanks can no longer re trusted, as they are not truly independent. the goal is going to be to try to take control of cars extent as we have done with ukraine. but i don't think it's going to be successful because this time russia in china are far more wiser and they don't want the us once again. busy to embed itself in a country on their borders, a fortune with the american think tanks. we've seen the same thing happened as with american media and american academics from even university, when they're all compromised. the government has managed to literally think its claws into all these thing, things and media outlets, and we can't trust them anymore. there are, you know, as a journalist, as an analyst, i struggle to work here because there's so few independent, credible sources of information. everything's been compromised, i mean compromised and controlled by the government. it's extremely difficult. so organizations like step, but you just can't believe them. can't trust them. ah, riot had broken out in belgium and the netherlands after morocco shocked victory over the belgium team at the world cup and guitar. o. following morocco's 1st out the world cup since $998.00 rioters that fires and through bricks at cars and brussels amid the riot, police had to close off areas of the belgian capital and the port city of antwerp. they use water, canada, and tear gas to disperse the masses, measure and stations were closed and st sealed off to limit the spread of the violence. meanwhile, in 3 dutch cities, riot police dispersed moroccan football fan celebrating their teams, triumph, video images, show police with taunts and shields. sweeping the city center of amsterdam and the port city of rotterdam officers attempted to break up a group of $500.00 football supporters. growing fireworks and glass as security forces. hundreds took to the streets of beijing and shanghai on sunday to protest against locked outs due to china's 0 coverage policy . this comes amid a resurgence of virus cases, which the government says it's trying hard to contain in order to save lives. public outrage was triggered after a deadly apartment fire, where some blame strict anti coated measures for hindering rescue efforts. but mass testing and regional lock downs continue to be part of beijing 0 tolerance policy and tackling the virus. according to reports, the protests were organized and coordinated using social media with post encouraging people to bring their friends to the demonstrations and suggesting slogans for posters. some analysts say that individuals affiliated with western media outlets, or even directing the protest using telegram channels. one of those analysts says that western journalists are the ones pulling the strings from china's are open. you run by western media journalist that i see in china as a journalist, but actually working as a regime change agent. i give you a few outlets. there is a cnn. these are radio free asia. this is the outlets of funding. going to sector funding going, which is fine inside the u. s. a. g m, the propaganda of the us. and these are so the new york times. so basically you have those, surely these, that actually open telegram channel and they were giving indication on where to go, what to do, how to protest. i've come across the latest post. they actually translated to plead book of color revolution in chinese. they actually posting pictures on how to do a picture months. so you see this is in china, people tired. of course you got tired of the restrictions. the here, this is a movement which is the beginning. it starts legitimate, like any color with allusion, but then he's hijacked by 4 elements. so this is what is happening in china. we need to really pay attention the way the, the processes are behaving and the whole process. they are following the playbook of color resolution. and you know, the color lucian, the stage is about provoking violence, doing violence and provoking violence from the police. so they are going to gather contents, or supposedly police being violence. but the reality was the police will do is actually responding to violence and they start to amplify finding people just to regular people. and they start with, for example, he cove it, they could start like saying, well, we complain about the lockdown to complain about the conditions. we complain about the economy and then slowly into a regime change the stuff saying, well we don't want the c p c. we want more freedom. protests should not change the country's public policy. that's according to canadian prime minister, just insured out who explained his decision to use emergency powers to shut down the freedom convoy demonstrations. we have a robust functioning democracy and protests public protests are an important part of making sure we're getting messages out there and keep getting messages out there and highlighting how they feel of various issues. but using protests to demand changes to public policy is something that, that i think is, is, is where is the freedom conway protest kicked off across canada. last january truck drivers walk roads along the us, canada border, demanding an end to current of i was related restrictions shared out labeled the protesters, a threat to democracy and sharp contrast to his enthusiastic support for a similar raleigh in india. just 2 years ago. 6 2 canada will. busy always stand up for the right of peaceful, peaceful protest anywhere around the world and were pleased to see moves towards d escalation and dialogue. communion lawyer david fry. hi says that your, those administration is destroying the countries democratic society. will allow protests when its politically expedient, just intrude a will and then violently suppressed the most peaceful protest when they don't agree with the message. but the, the idea of the notion of protest itself is to put pressure on a government, even if they happen to have been democratically elected with the limits of minority governments as they were 9 months earlier to affect policy change. and despite what trudeau said in his testimony during the this commission on the invocation of the emergency back, it's not because the government was elected, but they have card boss to do whatever they want. thereafter, the trudel government was elected on arguably the slimmest of minorities. there were more canadians who did not vote for truit of and did vote for him. and then in the inquiry on the acts as well, we were mandated to do what we were doing. so the protesters had no rights to protested. it's the problem is it destroys the fabric of a democratic, a free democratic society. it desecrate what we're enshrined at charter rights in our constitution. and they somehow seem to find exceptions for their violations. while getting up on twitter, virtue figuring to support the rights of indian farmers to protest in india, but not canadian farmers to protest in canada. if the commissioner does not reprimand, just intruders indication of this act and say something like this can never be allowed to happen. again, congratulations, the right to protest in canada is dead and i dare say. so is the charter of rights in canada. last all for now, be sure to check out our teen dot com for all the latest breaking news. and i will see right back here at the top of the hour with a a ah, a ah nice counter russian state. little never. i've stayed as i'm phoning no slam. steve asked me him and i can post house lamps and up for a week within 55. we did. okay, so mine is professional speaking with we will van in the european union, the kremlin, the media machine, the state aunt, rush up to date and school r t spoke neck, given our video agency, roughly all band on youtube. and pinterest, and with me, ah, ah, i hello and welcome to grow stock. we're all things are considered. i'm funeral about the lights are going out all across ukraine infrastructure that cannot be easily replaced any time. soon. nato continues its proxy war against russia, saying as long as it takes will ukrainian state and society collapse before it's military is defeated on the battlefield. ah, discuss these issues and more. i'm joined by my guess martin j and marrakech award winning journalist and commentator. and here in moscow, we have to meet with bob and she's a political analyst and editor. and in this me internet media project or a gentleman, cross accruals, and the fact that means you can jump in anytime you want. and i always appreciated when i start out with america martin, you know, the, the 1st one is a hallmark of this entire conflict is the amount of propaganda that has come out of the western governments and media. i mean, this is extraordinary because everything is very, it's inverted here. while there has been a lot of prescott coverage of rushes initiative to disable ukraine's electricity grid, its power a grid. i me, there seems like, you know, there's this narrative that ukraine is still winning, which is so kind of, it's counterintuitive to what reality is on the ground, the more the electricity grid and infrastructure that it's destroyed in ukraine, the less likely russia will have any interest in any kind of cease fire, i mean, well, on the side that wants to cease fire is the side that's losing. but the west gives the perception that russia wants to cease fire. and so this is a so counterproductive and really a destructive to ukraine because there's no reason why if you're winning, there's no reason why you should talk. go ahead mark. yeah. well, i think fake news is actually keeping this war going on. yeah. and the people who are losing the rulers, the people who really pay the price, so just humble your credit, you know, i really feel sorry for them. i just recently this, we are sort interviewed by the bbc's correspondent with mr. lensky. mr. soon.

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