Goodell a report from espn that raises serious questions awhat they knew about the ray rice incident and what they may or may not have done with that information. We begin this morning with what is shaping up to be a potentially historic day in new york. Right now, at this hour, about ten blocks from this building the first expected to be at least 450 buses are discharging passengers for what is being billed as the largest Climate Change march ever. Organizers say they expect anywhere between 100,000 and 400,000 people to march through the streets of new york city today. The demonstration comes just two days before the United Nations host a summit on the issue. The u. N. Summit is planning to join todays march. Former Vice President al gore who devoted public life to raising awareness about Climate Change will also reportedly be marching in new york today. The march and the u. N. Summit this week come as a wave of new report and studies paint a dire picture when it comes to Greenhouse Gas emissions and rising sea level. Not just the question of how much damage is done but how much damage is irreversible. Similar marches and rallies around the world this weekend. 30,000 people marched in melbourne, australia, and many thousands more expected to march in london later today. And in rio famous christ the redeemer statue lit up green to raise awareness. Standing by at 58th street in the avenue of the americas, not far from Columbus Circle where the march is expected to begin later this morning. Ned, im looking at the scene behind you, a few short of 100,000 now. But tell us what theyre expecting today. Yeah, theyre expecting more than 100,000 people. People from all over the United States and all over the world. You mentioned this is the largest Climate Change march in history is what theyre expecting and also probably the most diverse Climate Change march to ever happen. Were going to expect people not just from the Environmental Activism community but also labor unions and Different Community organizing groups and churches and a lot of locals affected by Hurricane Sandy or other extreme weather eevents, but there are a few. Meditation vigil going on right now in central park and, obviously, pretty pronounce police presence. So unusual, i guess, you know moon the secretarygeneral of the u. N. Has called a summit this week, but also going to be marching today with the protesters, also apparently al going is going to be there. Tell us why moon decided to do this . Seems an unusual move for a secretarygeneral. There are no specific policy plans being made but both have a similar objective which is to generate the political will to take some sort of significant action on Climate Change. And i think banki moon. He wants to march to demonstrate to leaders at the u. N. Summit that there is a lot of Popular Support for something aggressive being done. Standing by just a few blocks where this march is. I saw a few extra people walk in the shot. Well keep an eye on as that goes on today. Thanks for giving us a sense of whats going on. Appreciate that. Just to put some perspective here when it comes to this rally, what an estimated 100,000 people look like when theyre gathered in one place. An antivietnam demonstration back in 1970. Crowd that turned out seven years before that back in 1963 for the march on washington, that was about 250,000 people, a quarter of a Million People and this is believed what to believe the largest gathering. Here in new york in 1982. People demanding nuclear disarment di disarmorment. Well see where todays march falls in comparison to the past marches. Todays march comes two days before the start of the United NationsClimate Summit. All states will create a global agreement in the next year to limit the world to less than two degrees. Thats according to the summits website. We dont know if todays march will mean anything when it comes to this weeks summit. Those leaders of those countries not attending, so, we could also be ea prelude to next Years InternationalClimate Summit which is scheduled to be in paris. Big change for Climate Change activists. But will this end up meaning anything . Congressman Keith Ellison of minnesota will be among potentially hundreds of thousands of marchers today. First he joins us here today. I guess, let me just ask you that question. We show some of these old, some of the old footage in pictures from old rallies in the past and i also remember more recently ethe last big one of these in new york was right before the iraq war and 100,000 people came here to say, dont invade iraq, dont do the war and invaded iraq and had the war and living with the consequences. Does protest mean what it used to mean . Do you think something will come out of this . Yes, protest means a lot. People coming down to put their feet in the street are making an important statement. Of course, it does require that people who are in a policymaking world will listen to the wisdom of the people but it did happen in the civil rights marches. Today were making a moral appeal and im joining that and a lot of people in policymaking role are standing with the people saying we have to limit our emissions now. We cant, weve got to stand up to the fossil fuel industry. So, whats going to happen . The march today and then the u. N. Is having this Climate Summit this week. Do you think, as we say, the president of china not going to be attending, i guess hes sending a deputy, india not participating. Do you think there is anything meaningful that will come out of this summit this week . No one will be able to ignore this action thats going to happen today and this action today will affect the summit and the summit will affect paris. So, all these things have a cumulative effect. I want to urge everyone who is able to come on down. If you are not able to come, tweet, facebook, do a solidarity thing where you live and let your voice be heard. All over this world, people are being affected by this. Mostly people who are lowincome people, who are least able to avoid the negative effects of extreme weather events. Heat waves, floods, all that stuff. So, what does it mean for those. You talk about the consequences that people are feeling every day. The kind of agreement for the United States to enter into with other countries and the Climate Change youre looking for and hoping for. Tell the average person out there, how is their life different to comply with that . How does their life change for the United States to cooperate with our countries to deal with Climate Change . Yes, your life may change a little bit, but perhaps for the better. I mean, going zero waste. Making a more walkable community. Making a community in which we try to live more harmoniously with the environment. Things like that. I mean, we can live very highquality lives and will if we live in a way that doesnt emit all these zero waste. What does that mean to in my opinion, what do i do . Composting. Instead of throwing all that stuff away youre going to compost it, recycle it and reuse it. Once you get into the groove of it, very easy to do. A lot of cities have gone single sort, which makes it more convenient. The fact is it is really ea small thing that we ecan do, but it will take some change. It will take some change in culture. Remember, people used to smoke inside. People used to drink and drive. All these cultural changes have made our lives better. Its not a bad thing. Matter of fact, if youre a young person, this is a good time to talk to mom and dad about sorting that trash and things like that. And pulling those cords out of the wall when youre not using the appliance and all that kind of thing. Right here on msnc well cover the congress march. My thanks to congressman Keith Ellison joining me. April ryan, White House Correspondent for american urban radio networks. Beth fuey, Senior Editor at msnbc. Lets talk about the politics of Climate Change. The issue here in the United States this is part of the consequence of having a Democratic Congress and even when the president s party had complete control in 2010, they werent able to get cap and trade done. Now we Start Talking about this and the congressman says in paris next year another meeting and then the issue starts to come out of that. If there is some kind of treaty. If the United States decides to enter the treaty with other countries, do they have to ratify that treaty with the senate . It takes twothirds. When do you get twothirds of the senate to agree with anything. Is this something the white house can work around or get the senate to approve something eventually . Especially when you have the possibility of republicans that could run the senate and run the house together. Republicans are not necessarily for the issue of Climate Change. You know, when al gore was stomping, they said, oh, he was this guy who was just trying to find something to deal with when he lost the white house. But al gore hit the nail squarely on the head. There is a problem. And congressman ellison hit the nail squarely on the head. There are holes in the ozone. Just simply put because of emissions. Were now seeing that in many states to include, i just had an emission test a couple weeks ago, 14 to make sure i wasnt emitting any carbons into the sky to help create those holes. But those holes in the ozone are actually creating things that weve seen katrina when and people in the poor areas live in those places that are more susceptible to effects from natural events to include what happened when we saw the breach in the levees from water rising and the lower income areas. Were also seeing the effects of this in other countries to include places like nigeria. Theyre trying to grapple and africa. Theyre trying to grapple with agriculture. And the dynamic change in weather that weve been seeing affects countries like that when their populations are growing. Here, just last winter, we saw on the east coast, extreme weather conditions. From hot, hot summer to cold, cold winters. Beth, the question i have. What changes the politics on this . Where does, ultimately, this has to be, you know a political solution, whether thats the congress doing some here or an International Treaty and we keep saying one report after another, one warning after another. The signs seem fairly well established at this point. Where does the momentum come from . Does a protest do that . I think its great that people are coming out to talk about this. It is a huge issue, as you said a global issue. The science is absolutely clear. That something must be done. This is a function of divided government, as you said before. Were not really going to see a lot happening in politics in the United States any time soon. There is a good chance that republicans will take control of the senate in november, even if they dont, their ability to block and obstruct are going to prevent anything from happening on this. A huge blue red divide. Republicans in most of the district, house districts very heavily republican districts dont see ea problem there with Climate Change. You have Mitch Mcconnell who is running in a tight race who is likely going to be reelected entirely on the issue of coal. Bobby jindal is considered one of the more heavy intellectual. He kept saying, im not a scientist, im not a scientist. People who are Scientists Say unequivocally, this is happening. For some reason, republicans are in the grip of a lot of people who want to say this is not happening and i dont see a policy change. I say, we say its the red blue thing and you look at that race in kentucky and not as if allison is out there saying, actually, i disagree with Mitch Mcconnell. And the momentum has to cut across both party lines. Anyway, well see how this rally develops today. What comes from it this week. Coming up next, the new and different syrian terror cell, the u. S. Officials suspect could be more of a threat to attack the United States than isis. Thats next. While a body in motion tends to stay in motion. Staying active can ease arthritis symptoms. But if you have arthritis, this can be difficult. Prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain, and improve daily physical function so moving is easier. Because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain. And its not a narcotic. You and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. All prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning. They all may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. This chance increases if you have Heart Disease or risk factors such as high Blood Pressure or when nsaids are taken for long periods. 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Syrian based terror group that emerged from al qaeda and now this morning were learning the name of another new terror group that u. S. Officials are warning could be just as dangerous, maybe even more dangerous than isis. Syrian terror cell that according to todays New York Times may be most intent on hitting the u. S. Or installations overseas. The group is called khorasan. State department believes he was a member of osama bin ladens inner circle. So close to the leader that he knew about the september 11th attacks before they were launched. Operatives spanned the middle east and asia and africa and other than that none is known about who these operatives are. According to the story, members of the cell are said to be particularly interested in devising terror plots using concealed explosives. For more on the course and isis joined by eric schmidt of New York Times and covers Security Issues for the paper. And eric, let me start with you. I know this story were talking about here, you didnt write it today. Im curious what you know about this group. What do you know about them and what can you tell us . Well, steve, as you said in your introduction, not a whole lot is known about it. Its leader has been senior al qaeda operative for over a decade and been on the radar of counterterrorism officials for that long. Most recently a head of a group of al qaeda operatives in iran that fled after the attacks there. According to u. S. Intelligence officials, these types of plots from an inner cell in syria somewhere. Of course, this is a group that is different than isis. Its a faction of something, which is the official al qaeda affiliate in syria and most dangerous because isis focus consolidating control in syria and iraq, its longterm threat, of course, may be the United States. It does not pose an immediate threat to the u. S. This group does, however, have the mission of plotting attacks against the u. S. And other western targets. Would you consider it, is it an ally with isis . Did they work cooperative with isis . What is their relationship . Isis of course split off from the front last year and was formally disowned by al qaeda in february. They would apparently be at odds with isis on this group. These groups have been fighting each other on and off over the last several months in syria. What is interesting about this faction, again, not little is known, but their focus is primarily on the west and the United States and planning attacks against the u. S. In that form. Jonathan, in terms of, you have like James Clapper and intelligence officials who are now speaking out about this, can we read anything into that about why they would at this moment suddenly be speaking up about a group and talking about bluntly the potential for attacks in the United States . I was there at the conference where director clapper talked about this group and it was in response to a question. I dont think its a subject that mr. Clapper would have brault up because its a group that other agencies have been looking at but they dont know a lot about. Thiz response to this question is, they could be as threatening to the United States as isis, as islamic state. And yet its hard to see and the deal being, apparently, that they were dispatched. Dispatched to syria to create this cell within the front to specifically recruit foreigners, westerners who are, we know are there fighting for various Islamist Groups with training them and turning them around to go back to their homelands including north america, western europe to stage terrorist attacks. Eric, i want to turn to the question of isis. The congress approving the president s plan for syrian air strikes and the rebels in syria and maybe a broader discussion of this when it comes up. But right now the president is Going Forward with the strategy to try to outline and you talked about that this week and how the stratically basically involves teaming up with the Iraqi Security forces and the kurds and the local sunnis to form a coalition there to go after isis. I wonder the question a lot of people raise here, how tenable the coalition like that would be when the United States is leading it. The risk of it seeming like the United States is sort of trying to impose itself and maybe even is sort of at war with sunni islam, for instance. What is the risk there of the United States taking such a leading role and holding a coalition like that together . You put your finger on it, steve. This is one of the real cautionary notes that the president and his advisors have been talking about over the past week or so, they do not want to have the perception of the u. S. In the lead. So, i think what you have seen is a slow increase in the number of air strikes, for instance. One official told me youre not going to see shock and awe reference to 2003 beginning of the iraq war. They want to be able to calibrate these attacks in support of Iraqi Security forces on the ground and, frankly, that will take a long time as u. S. Advisors move to team up with the Iraqi Security forces and only about half of the remaining army is deemed workable by the u. S. Military. Work with kurdish fighters in the north. So, this is going to take a fair amount of time and to try to keep this coalition together, as you said, will be quite difficult. Jonathan, just, again, on this issue of the, talking about the Khorasan Group right now. How many more of these groups, we hadnt heard of isis and how many more of these groups are we going to find out about . Its hard to say because you have the enormous ungoverned space now in syria and northern syria, in particular. Its a place where people, you know, young jihadis are being drawn by propaganda and, again, it could be very, you know, in the future we could hear of some other kind of terrorist group. But, essentially, the ones we know about are aligned with the major groups that are operating there on the one side. You have the islamist state and then you have the official affiliate of al qaeda. Within that, we now know about khorasan. Hard to see whether or not enough space give on the strength of these groups for another group that is going to be able to represent as much of a threat, but, of course, it only takes a few people to pose a threat in various circumstances. All right, i want to thank eric schmidt from New York Times. Appreciate you both joining us this morning. Still ahead, he once held the job that heldim the second most powerful man in the world. Mayor of the third biggest city in the country. Were talking about rom eemmanuel. In just a minute, well talk to the president of the Chicago Teachers Union who may be his biggest threat to winning reelection next year. Aahhh ahhhhhh. Liberate your spine, ahhhahhhhhh aflac and reach, toes blossoming. Not that great at yoga. Yeah, but when i slipped a disk he paid my claim in just four days. Ahh four days . Yep. Find out how fast aflac can pay you, at aflac. Com. I am so noh my gosh. Now, its not even funny. Driver 1 you ready . Yeah go [sfx] roaring altima engine woah ahhhha we told people they were riding nissans most advanced altima race car. We lied. About the race car part. Altima, with 270 horsepower and active understeer control. How did you . What i dont even, im speechless. Innovation that excites. Crest 3d White Whitestrips vs. Whitening trays. These trays feel a little loose. Its kind of hard to talk. The whitestrips really grip. Look at that. Crest supreme Flexfit Whitestrips grip to your teeth, and whiten as well as a 500 professional treatment. Crest whitestrips. The way to whiten. Lots of them, right . But when you try to get one by using your travel rewards card miles. Those seats mysteriously vanish. Why . All the flights you want are blacked out. Or they hit you up for some outrageous number of miles. Switch to the venture card from capital one. With venture, use your miles on any airline, any flight, any time. No blackout dates. And with every purchase youll earn unlimited double miles. Now were getting somewhere. Whats in your wallet . It was around this time four years ago as democrats were bracing for a rough election day in the 2010 midterms. Rom rahm emanuel now four years later he is facing his first reelection. His reelection is coming up in february and looks like he is in for the fight of his political life. His most likely opponent is karen lewis, head of the Chicago Teacher union. They have been bitterly at odds with the mayor. In 2012 led a teacher strike to protest School Closings and cutbacks. The seriousness of her potential candidacy was made clear when a poll in july showed her running nine points ahead of the mayor. Another survey showed a closer race, but still showed lewis in the lead. Lewis is now forms an Exploratory Committee and loaned it 40,000 and the mayors allies have begun attacking her. A proemanuel group is claiming that it is a conflict for her to lead the Teachers Union while running for mayor. With mayor she would have to negotiate with the union. On wednesday night she tweeted she was looking for donations to help her make a decision. Shell, of course, need every penny she can raise if she does run because emanuel has more than 8 million in the bank. Sure sounds like karen lewis is running for the job of mayor of chicago and can she beat rahm emanuel. Joining me from chicago potential mayor karen lewis. Are you running for mayor against rahm emanuel . Thank you for having me and im seriously considering it. When are you expecting to make a final decision . The election coming up in february. So we have all kind of timelines and benchmarks and we ehave to have a certain amount of money to run a credible campaign and we also have to have a certain amount of petition signatures in. Were looking at those benchmarks and those are the things that will actually help make that decision real. Is this, i get the impression and im looking at this from afar, so maybe im wrong here. But i get the impression, you werent expected to be in this position to make this decision right now. I saw when that poll that came up to put you nine points ahead of rahm emanuel, the reporter called you for comment and your comment was, wow, first of all, im sitting here stunned. I get the impression you didnt realize there was that much opposition to him and that much support for you. We have actually been doing polling for the last three years, i mean, on a regular basis. Not necessarily about that. But certainly about the mayor and his policies. So, we were pretty clear about how unfavorable, about how high his unfavorables really were. But that particular poll was, was a little shocking because at that time, we were not, we were not expecting those kind of numbers. That was at that time. So, what is your message if you run . You represent youre with the Teachers Union and led the teacher strike in 2012 and you had disagreement with the mayor clearly on his education policies. Is your message if you run against rahm emanuel his education policies or broader critique . It has to be a broader critique. The reason that the mayor is so unpopular is not just because of education policy. Its a very large part of it. Be clear. But, also, we have serious issue with Public Safety that most people feel is not being addressed appropriately. We have a serious problem with how the finances in our city are being dealt with. The only way this mayor seems to be able to figure out how to finance things in the city is to be regressive taxes on the same people. Or closing police stations, closing Mental Health clinics. Closing libraries. Closing schools. And theyre all in the same neighborhood. These are things that are affecting the same people. So, he has no broadbased plan for trying to deal with the Financial Issues in the city either. That seem to move out. Theres no creative, Innovative Solutions involved. Thats the direction were going in. So, this group, as we say in the opening, theyre called democrats for education from a prorahm emanuel group. A conflict of interest for you here. If you as the president of the Teacher Union decide to run for mayor, youd be sitting on one side of the bargaining table while campaigning for a job on the other side of the bargaining table. Is there a conflict there . No, theres no conflict for the mayor, for him doing whatever he does all day. And nobody is asking him to step down from his position while hes campaigning. The other piece is, people may not know democrats for education reform are a bunch of very wealthy hedge fund people, by and large, who support vouchers and Charter Schools and all kinds of things. They are very antiunion, antipublic school teachers. And theyre, frankly, antitraditional Public Schools in general. So, the problem is that they, as a matter of fact, help finance through education reform now a series of radio ads attacking Chicago Teachers and the union, but just teachers in general before we went on strike. So, they ran the series of very nasty, negative and some peep would call racist ads on black and latino radio. Thats who these people are. They have an agenda. They have an agenda and disagree with their agenda. Issues with the education side of this agenda and if youre a mayor and negotiating and dealing with the Teachers Union that you are the president of. Would you give people an example . What would you look at as mayor and say, Teachers Union, youre wrong about this. Can you think of one thing there . Let me just, i understand what youre trying to ask me. People need to understand the mayor did not negotiate with us. So, lets be clear. He wasnt anywhere near the negotiations. For the most part, he didnt even have a person at the negotiation table until the very end. So this whole notion as mayor youre playing a major role. Absolutely e. So, what do the Teachers Unions get wrong . The Teachers Union will get to see a very transparent budget. So we can say how do we Work Together to solve these problems . Im much more interested in a collaborative way of doing things rather than coming out with some kind of policy that i have to turn around six months later and change because i find out that the people its going to affect dont believe in it, are not part of it. Theres a very different motion in starting from the very beginning trying to be collaborative and figuring out what we can and cannot do. Its just that simple. This is not rocket science. All right, karen lewis, president of the Chicago Teachers Union and mayoral candidate for 2015, thank you today. Did Chris Christie plan to carry out those lane closures . New reports shedding light on that question. Well talk about what it says, what it means. Thats next. You know, if you play football for a long time like i did, youre gonna learn to deal with alot of pain. But it is nothing like the pain that shingles causes. Man when i got shingles it was something awful. It was like being blindsided by some linebacker. You dont see it coming. Boom it was this painful rash of little blisters. Red, ugly stuff. Lots of em. Not a good deal. If youve had chicken pox, uhhuh, we all remember chicken pox. Well that shingles virus is already inside of you. It aint pretty when it comes out. Now im not telling you this so that youll feel sorry for me. Im just here to tell you that one out of three people are gonna end up getting shingles. I was one of em. Take it from a guy whos had his fair share of pain. You dont want to be tackled by shingles. So please go talk to your doctor or pharmacist. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about your risk. I have 40,ney do you have in your pocket right now . 21. Could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement . I dont think so. Well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. Chris christie is calling himself exonerated. The reason, this report from wnbc television in new york which aired on thursday night. Federal sources briefed on the criminal investigation say the Justice Department found no evidence that governor christie knew or planned to shut down lanes. The governor reacted to the report earlier on a radio show. What matters most to me eis that the people in new jersey tell me the truth. Reporter the investigation being led by paul fishman is not over yet. Spokesman at the Justice Department and fbi had no comment. But this news comes from several independent federal officials. Not the christie camp, not his own lawyer, not members of the assembly committee. And, so, there are many voices saying that the whole bridgegate affair is pretty much over, at least as far as as christie is concerned. Those voices arent just here christie supporters. The Washington Post putting the rest of the president ial field on notice. So, is that it . Is christie in the clear on this . Thats actually a very complicated matter. Keep in mind what exactly those sources told wnbc. They said wnbc reported that the u. S. Attorneys investigation found no evidence that christie knew in advance or directed the closure of traffic lanes. This is definitely significant, but also not very surprising. We talked on this show repeatedly about the lack of evidence that christie himself hatched this scheme. The more apt question is when christie found out about the nefarious nature of the lane closures. The christie appointee ewho carried out the evidence. He had no idea until traffic problems surfaced five months after the lane closures. Also the question of willful ignorance. Even if christie had no plans of carrying out the closures, something more than a mere traffic study was involved and that kelly, one of his deputy chiefs of staff, might be involved herself. The mayor of the city of hoboken, new jersey, accused chr a Large Commercial Development project if she wanted to get more sandy aid for her floodravaged city. The u. S. Attorney has been looking into that accusation and this weeks report tells us nothing about that. David sampson. Sampson was representing that commercial project in hoboken and christies hand picked chairman of the Port Authority, which oversees the George Washington bridge. The media attraction has produced several revelations including conflicts of interests with his role within the Port Authority. So, did christie plan or carry out the lane closures . That never seemed likely in the first place and this weeks report closed the door on it altogether. Thats a long way from saying that christie put this all behind me. We have Brian Thompson and kate from New York Times. Brian, a significant report this week, great reporting. Youre with wnbc and you guys have this no evidence that christie knew in advance and christie was carrying this out. That is not the whole issue here, i dont think. Not the whole issue at all. Very specific here. No evidence yet that they have found in nine months of evidence. No evidence yet, you have to keep that in context. That being said, the information that im getting from someone who had an encounter with somebody close to the investigation tells me that even on friday they were taking testimony. Heres an interesting little tidbit i found out. They have long since moved the grand jury interviews of possible people inuvl vavolved from the Federal Building in newark to an undisclosed location because they dont want reporters just walking up like we did several months ago when the Governors Press secretary walked in and there was a reporter from i think abc there and said, oh, hi, how are you . Thats one indication that this is still going on and it is very, very serious. So, you know, ill leave it at that for right now. We might be having a mike problem with you, but thats very interesting information that you have there. Kate, i want to ask, though, about the broader National Implications here for Chris Christie because, obviously, we put that thing in there from Washington Post saying he eis the frontrunner, again. It seems to me, a lot of potential political landmines that still exist. With one of them, we still havent heard from the principal s and we had indications from some of them federal prosecutors and they have something to say here, thats a Major Political headache for them. We also have strong indications that even the federal prosecutors have not heard from them yet. This investigation is not over. Washington post story said federal officials declined to comment. What they didnt say is that they had commented and said were not done. This investigation continues. So, theres a lot more that could happen here. In addition, all the issues about christies budget, the pension problems. Revenue projections are so low and they have come in so low the state has no surplus and Rainy Day Fund and how will this affect conservatives voting in those primaries . Is there an indication. Did we hear anything from republicans that they shared influential republican people, hey, we think it is behind them now or do they get it too . They quoted donors and donald trump and saying, look u he needed to put this behind him. What brian was talking about was interesting. When christies press secretary was there one thing having a reporter there saying im not a target. His attorney put out a statement saying, i am not a target. Christie people were eager to put out word this is behind him and that is largely to appeal to donors. The Donor Community can say, hey, we ecan get behind this guy. To the best of our knowledge and i was talking to a prominent attorney who is connected to all of this, there are no target letters sent out yet. Theyre still gathering information now. I mean, you think nine months later, no, they dont have all the information they want. I guess the voluminous amount of emails, et cetera, the nature of the Financial Transactions involving David Sampson and that sort of thing. But to the best of oour knowledge have not sent out target letters yet, they have targets in mind and im told at the top of the list are bridget kelly, david wildstein, the chief of staff and supervise putting out the cones, as well as David Sampson, the chairman of the Port Authority at the time before his resignation in disgrace or not, depending on how you look at it a few months ago. Keep this thing in mind, this thing is very active. We have to squeeze a break in. When i come back, its the old, cliche, watergate question. What did he know eand when did he know it . When this thing happens in september of 2013, we learned a lot in the last few months about things that happened in that time that i think with with most people would set off an alarm bell. I want to get to that question with christie. What kind of governor doesnt know this is going on around him . Well get to that when when come back. Wow, sounds like a great deal. So im getting exactly what i want, then . Appears so. Now, um, im not too sure what to do with my arms right now cause this is when i usually start throwing things. Oh, thats terrifying at ts bestever pricing. 210 lines, 10 gigs of truly shareable data, unlimited talk and text, starting at 130 a month. Virtually all your important legal matters in just minutes. Now its quicker and easier for you to start your business, protect your family, and launch your dreams. At legalzoom. Com we put the law on your side. What shall we do for dinner . Pizza with a little help, its easy to whip up a great meal on a week night. Pepperoni on your side. More pepperoni. Cheers pillsbury pizza crust. 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The legal question of did he plan this . I never really thought that that was where this was going. Very few people. Do the question to me that has been interesting. This happened in september of 2013. The lane closures happened in january september 2013, by the end of the next month, the state legislature is having hearings and bill barony giving this discredited talk about the traffic study and lane alignments that just did not hold up to any scrutiny and then it turns out from this christie internal investigation that came out that mike duhamis is on the phone with him and insure the public, been told by david wildsteen, hey, kelly knew about this. So, all these indications are in the air and from a publicly, what Chris Christie has maintained is i had no idea anything was amiss here until january. Thats one thing the u. S. Attorney has had to look into when youre checking out. Always the cover up that people really get in trouble with. What kind of communications were going on and how could a handson governor like Chris Christie basically, i dont want to say turn a blind eye, but not recognize what was going on in his office . He maintains he just dropped the ball on this. Its very possible. What i always wondered is there was the deadline that was looming. The new legislature coming in in the middle of january this year and the subpoena authority for that committee that was stirring all this up was going to expire and the incoming speaker of the assembly, a democrat that was part of this alliance that there was basically christie was under the impression that he would not renew the subpoena power. If he could get to january 15th and nothing explodes on this, it runs away. Run out the clock. The period when barony testifies at the end of november and january 9th. Specifically e12th and 13th. If you read the master report, the report written by his own lawyer. The governor was told on december 12th, there are all these clues in here. When the bridge was closed down in september, the governors constituent office was getting calls from this and they knew about this in september and they knew it was upsetting people and what the allegation was. The other thing on this show in january, we had the mayor of hoboken went on the record and she made her accusations against the administration. She went to the u. S. Attorney office and made the same accusation. We dont know what happened of that. Maybe there will be an exoneration there. But that is a whole separate piece. I was given a piece of information, i cant officially report on that. It looks like that is going no where. That is the best indication i have had. New information on that one, excellent. Good note to end it on. Thanks to Brian Thompson and New York Times kate zernike. Coming up next, another Security Breach at the white house. 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This one a less serious one. A man in a car trying to entering a barricaded entryway and didnt stop when secret service ordered him to do so. He will be charged with unlawful entry. This follows friday nights incident when a man with a knife jumped the fence and made it all the way inside the front door of the residence before they tackled him. It is boosting security and launching a full investigation into what went wrong and how that happened. Well be right back with the latest on the nfl investigation of itself. While a body in motion tends to stay in motion. Staying active can ease arthritis symptoms. But if you have arthritis, this can be difficult. Prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain, and improve daily physical function so moving is easier. Because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain. And its not a narcotic. You and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. 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Weekend to remember. Join us for the celebration package. With sparkling wine, breakfast and a late checkout. Doubletree by hilton. Where the Little Things mean everything. Trublcovergirl p nkrfect blend for each of us blend of rockstar and mama bear. Her trublend. Light 4 it blends in doesnt build up for a flawless nude look find your trublend at easy breezy beautiful covergirl another game day with more questions than answers from the nfl. Thanks for staying with us. Our own neighborhood here in new york city is even more crowded and busier than usual today. Protesters arrive for todays climate march. Were keeping an eye on that and keep you updated during the day. Also making a trip this hour on the Staten Island ferry eto chek in on the congressman out there under federal indictment and yet still leading in the polls. How is that . Well get an answer to that. We want to begin this hour with week three of the nfl season. A week of intense dissatisfaction with what the League Commissioner is doing and what he will be doing about Domestic Violence. The reviews from nfl Roger Goodell press conference on friday since those stories broke, the reviews from that were very underwhelming. Over the past several weeks, we have seen all too much of the nfl doing wrong. That starts with me. I got it wrong in the handling of the ray rice matter. I let myself down. I let everybody else down. We acknowledged the mistake. My mistake. Were going to clean up our house. Were going to get this straight and were going to make a difference. Nfl players tweeted some frustration with goodell, Darius Butler indianapolis colts, goodell announced a new committee in place to enforce conduct and experts making sure that the league has a clear set of rules to govern behavior on and off the field, a task force that offers transparency. Is goodell buying time and postponing more meaningful action . Took the nfl owner four days to ban stu selling steroids to s of the biggest stars. Goodell is the 44 million man powerful paycheck. But the longer goodell talked on friday, the more clear it seemed that he had gotten caught being the weakened commissioner in professional sports. He is through being called the most powerful man in sports in all this country. One type of power goodell benefits from. The 32 people who write his paycheck. I believe i have the support of the owners. That has been clear to me. They, obviously, expect us to do a better job. When i make a mistake or i dont get something right, it bothers me more than anybody. I think the owners have seen that in me. I think they know that we have always tried to do the right thing. Goodell has his supporters and the patriots, giants and steelers some of who are most loyally in his corner. Not to be lost here, the owners of and the steelers art rooney are two of the executives leading the investigation into goodell. Ultimately, doesnt goodell need to reconcile the needs of the businesses to be a successful commissioner in the long run. To get a sense of goodells standing in the league, bring in mike freeman of Bleacher Report who joins us from seattle where it is 2 30 in the morning or something. Thank you for getting up at a crazy hour and joining us. You wrote about the Goodell Press Conference and covering the league for a long time. You were watching him and you thought you were seeing a changed man. Tell us what you were looking at. Well, ive covered, first of all, good to be with you. Ive covered almost all of his press conferences since he became commissioner that super bowl or owners meetings or whatever, whenever hes speaking. I covered the vast majority of them. And usually Roger Goodell is very confident. Thats a nice way to put it. Very confident guy. This one he was a little more contrite than ive ever seen him. He looked at times to be a very beaten man. A beaten man that provided zero answers, but a beaten man. So, he looked a little different to me than he has in the past because i think this whole thing, ive never seen the league in covering it for 25 years ive never seen the league this shaken and never seen him this shaken. Thats what stood out to me in the press conference. Do you think he didnt give any public indication of this, but do eye think hes worried about his job security right now . I dont think he is because he has the support of the owners so far. The big thing with Roger Goodell and i know you know this, but for people who dont quite get the background of this, he has made the owners a lot of money. Most of the teams, most of their net worth has doubled under his tenureship. Is he responsible for that . No. Hes the leader while this happened. So far because hes made the owners a lot of money, theyre going to steak with thick with. The owners are going to make any kind of move. If this thing goes even further south, then you could see something. For right now he has mostly owner support. The big story on friday we all thought for this the press conference for goodell. A couple hours after the press conference the espn put out this blockbuster story. But this was some serious allegations here, specifically about the Ravens Organization. Not raising questions about the nfl itself. Specific leaders in the Ravens Organization. For example, the Team President according to this report being told by ray rices lawyer very early on about what is on this videotape and if this comes to light, i cant say on the air how this was described. The team owner texted ray rice after releasing him recently eand told him hed have a job with the organization and ray rice indicating there was some attempt to keep him silent. Nusem the teams general manager overruling the coach, no, we dont want to cut ray rice. If the allegations are contained that espn is reporting, serious fallout for members of the Ravens Organization here, including maybe the owner. Yeah, i said, steve, from the very beginning that really etth organization that mishandled this the most was baltimore, the ravens. They completely screwed this up from the very beginning and part of this and what the espn story shows and it was very well reported and well done. What it shows is a new twist of an old problem. You see the ravens what they did. They liked ray rice so much that they were willing to sort of back him despite some horrible allegations and horrible video. Thats not unprecedented in sports leagues and nfl history. Teams have always compromised themselves for talent. Thats not a new story. Whats new is sort of the 21st century aspect of this. A player attacking his then fiancee on an elevator and the video of it and social media, facebook, twitter. It sort of gave the story more of a push, it was more of an accelerant and spread faster and had more power. You take those two things and what that espn story puts together really well is this pursuit of talent at any cost and in todays world that you just cant do that because everyone will see it and outraged by it. Espn did a nice job of putting those two things together. You get the award for getting up the earliest to do the show today. Appreciate that. I should point out the Baltimore Ravens have responded in a statement, their Statement Reads the espn. Com outside the lines article contains numerous errors, inaccuracies, false assumptions and perhaps misunderstandings. The ravens will address all of these next week. Bring in the panel, april ryan, the White House Correspondent for American Urban Networks and beth. Here we eare second straight week. We dont normally do nfl sunday coverage, but this has become such a major storey and the games resume today but the questions still linger. The interesting thing to me, again, we talked so much about goodells status. This espn report. The ravens say theyre going to rebut it. But im wondering, we saw what happened in the nba so quickly with Donald Sterling and the clippers and now the owners of the hawks is apparent lly selli the team and im wondering what the implications here could be for the Ravens Organization itself based on what this espn thing is claiming. The clippers thing seemed to me a bit different in the vast majority of the players are in the nba are black. That issue had to be dealt with immediately. Regrettably, this is a mans game. And the allegations here are against players hitting women. I would like to think that the nfl would take that as seriously e. Im not sure they do. Despite the fact that women are huge fans of professional football. And not in the same league as men. Its still a mans game. Still men who play the sport and to educate this, this organization to the fact that hitting your wife, hitting your girlfriend is unacceptable, i think theyre not there yet. I think it will take a long, long time. Goodell was just clearly trying to scramble and make up for lost time. This isnt something on the radar screen as something that needs to be dealt with as immediately as the clippers case. You know, i think this is a very serious issue. And its so serious that the nfl, the nfl has recognized how serious it is by bringing in the former head of the fbi robert mu mueller to come in to investigate who knew about the video, what happened. This is serious. I think mike in the Bleacher Report hit it perfectly on the head. What he said, its about making money. You dont want to believe it, but, unfortunately, we saw this grotesq grotesque, sickening video. The first video we saw was of the woman laying inside the elevator. With not much remorse by the man who hit her and that happened to be this football hero ray rice. Im a ravens fan. Im in the baltimore area, im covered by the purple haze. I couldnt believe it. And then we already knew that something bad happened. But i guess the old analogy seeing is believing is what really got america saying, what . We should have seen as people something was wrong when you saw her laying there like a piece of meat in that elevator. So, i think mike hit it right when he said, its about making money. But there are going to be some Serious Problems for the nfl, there are going to be some Serious Problems for ravens, if this is not handled correctly and if the findings from the espn report are true, there are some problems. But the ravens are saying, thats not the case. And i stress that. But it is what makes that reporting so eintereinteresting. What i have been trying to figure out, the idea, the suggestion has been put out there that reported that the nfl, somebody in the nfl received the full videotape inside the elevator. We havent confirmed that, but that question has been raised. If thats true, how did it not get to goodell. What the espn report, what i was wondering about, what i should say, what does ray rice mean, when youre Roger Goodell and commissioner of the whole league. At some level you understand the damage the league could take from a Domestic Violence situation. So, ive had a little bit of a hard time seeing why Roger Goodell would be on the cover from the beginning. But what the espn report brings to light from the beginning, this fullcourt press and concerted effort from the top level of the baltimore Ravens Organization to keep all of this from getting out there. To keep the prosecutors from releasing the videotape and to write all the letters of support to ray rice and i think when it gets to Roger Goodells desk there is all this doubt, what do i do here . Protecting the brand. He matters to them. Protecting the brand. And making money. Even if they didnt see the video, they knew the video was there. They turned a brilind eye. Take this and deal with with this. Again, seeing is believing. Once we saw the severity, the punches and saw her go eto the ground, that was it. If we hear, theres supposedly a video out there that has the sound. If we hear the sound, what more is going to happen . Thats going to bring a whole new level of punishment and scrutiny and people feeling sorry and being contrite. So, i just think, again, it is all about money. Again, i am a ravens fan and im covered by the purple haze, but its about money. The reason i think of the nba situation is just the forced sale of the team with the clippers and if everything thats in this espn report bears out and you have the highest levels of the Ravens Organization, a little unclear in terms of the owners and i wonder if there are similar consequences we talk about with theive raens. This report really got me thinking about what the ravens themselves did. Good news for democrats as they fight to hold on to the senate, or is it . Thats next. So, this was a headline that democrats were thrilled to see earlier this week. Democrats now have 51 chance of holding the senate. This one was from the Washington Post election forecasting system, but there were others like it too this week. For most of this year, these forecasters saying that republicans are favored to gain the six seats they need, if theyre going to win control of the u. S. Senate this fall. But this week, that math seemed to flip. And now suddenly forecasters are saying the democrats are favored. Very, very slightly. But still favored. So, that was the good news for democrats this week. And then came these numbers. This is from colorado. A new poll that puts democratic incumbent mark udall eight points behind his challenger. Still shows gardner ahead by a point. Still, this is a state that democrats are favored to win all year. Colorado. It was supposed to be a bonus for republicans if they icould pick it off. Colorado is a state that has been getting bluer and more diverse and voted twice for obama and supposed to represent the future of the democratic party. Udol supposed to win reelection this year. Even if it is close, he is supposed to win. How is it in the same week that the national forecasts Show National democrats gaining strength in battle of the control for senate but the race for colorado seems to be taking a turn towards the gop . The real clear politics average of all the polls in colorado still show udall ahead, but, barely. Less than a point. Something else going on here. We talked a lot about kansas lately. A senate race where the republican incumbent could suddenly actually lose. The democrats havent been expecting to lose colorado. So, what is going on here . To discuss colorado, some of the other big races, im joined by nate cohn and he joins us now from washington. So, nate, colorado, i think we all can say this is going to be a close race this year, but this is one, unless its a big republican wave, democrats should be winning. We look at the polls this week, is this just a statistical noise or is something happening here . I think it may just be noise. I dont think that anyone thinks udall is down by eight points. I think if you take down the best poll for gardner and udall, youll find udall is ahead by a large margin. Nbc ma nbc marist showed him up four point. The balance of evidence, the best argument is that udall has the lead. It is close and polls that in such a close race that show gardner with an advantage. One quinnipiac would be enough. The fairest interpretation of the data is a light udall advantage, which is where it has been all year. What happened this week in the Bigger Picture then . 51 chance. People are hearing a lot of these numbers thrown around. 41 chance, 52 chance and all the different forecasters and models out there. The one thing consensus on moved slightly in the democratic direction. That headline being indicative of that. What happened to make that happen . It is really close. The difference between 58 republican advantage and 51 democratic advantage. If its helpful to imagine one of the probability curve, either a Little Movement on either side could make a substantial difference in the chance. Were talking about any time a new poll comes out in one of the close races, you can generate a couple points of movement. That colorado poll is worth a couple points, the national is so close. I think two things have really helped the democrats since earlier this summer. One is that in a couple of blue states like michigan and maybe including colorado, the democrats seem to have consolidated their position. Earlier this year, it looked like the republicans had a real shot there. I dont think thats so true in michigan any more. The consistent advantage for mr. Udall, this poll notwithstanding, they have an advantage. That advantage gets more solid as the election approaches. The second thing that happened is North Carolina. You know, earlier this year trying to figure out the sixth seat North Carolina was the obvious answer. You know what, for whatever reason, we can talk about that, if you want. Kay hagan has a clear lead. I dont think anyone would have saw that coming in april. That allowed democrats to begin to block the most obvious republican rep. The third thing is kansas where now suddenly you can say even if the democrats do lose iowa or colorado or the republicans come back in North Carolina or come back in alaska. A new way the democrats can avoid losing that sixth seat and, therefore, losing. When you think ahead to election night, a lot can change between now and then. People locking at competitive races around the country. One yod wulook at from this advantage point right now where you would say this is the one i think is the tipping point. How this state goes this will tell you what kind of night it is for these two parties. I think the answer for that is iowa. Iowa on paper has always been the most obvious bellwether of the year. It is an extremely competitive state in president ial elections that always vote near the national average. They were not initially expecting to nominate a good candidate. If the republicans are going to have a good night, it ought to include iowa. If it doesnt include iowa, then i think we start to talk about why arent the republicans winning a state like iowa in a good year. Iowa is a state if the republicans win and if they can hold kansas, then theyll probably get a majority because i have long believed that the republicans were clear favorites in arkansas and louisiana and in addition to those three democratic open seats in red states, south dakota, West Virginia and montana. So, if iowa goes to the republicans and the republicans also come back in kansas, then i think that would be ethe eas th way to see the evening right now. The iowa caucus for iowa. Iowa gets plenty of attention for politics. My thanks to nate cohen for joining us this morning. Appreciate that. A congressman under federal indictment and who is leading in the polls. Thats next. Please, please, please, please, please. [ male announcer ] the wish we wish above all. Is health. 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With centurylink as your trusted partner, it can. Our visionary Cloud Infrastructure and Global Broadband network free you to focus on what matters. With Custom Communications solutions and dedicated support, your business can shine all week long. Congressman who earlier this year appeared to threaten the life of a reporter is now fighting for his own political life. This was the scene caught on camera back in january. We havent had a schachance talk about this is only about the president. Thank you. Congressman does not want to talk about some of the allegations concerning his campaign finances. We wanted to get him on camera on that, but he, as you saw, refused to talk about that. Back to you. Why. I just wanted to ask you a question. Three months after that, the Staten Island republican found himself in more hot water, this time a 20count federal indictment. Former marine and fbi agent is facing charges of fraud, tax evasion and perjury related to a restaurant he owned before he took office in 2010. Grimm has pled not guilty. I stand before you with humility, but still proud. I know who i am and i know what i have done for this country. For almost 20 years now. I know im a moral man, a man of integrity and i also know that i have a lot more service and leadership to provide this country. Obviously, grimm is innocent until Proven Guilty and he will have his day in court in december. But before then, he will have to face the voters. Thats only six weeks from now in november. The new poll this week shows that grimm, the embattled congressman, is doing better than you might expect. Up four points over his democratic challenger. Basically a statistical tossup. In an article this week about how well many bad boys of congress are doing in the polls this year. According to that article, strategists from both parties tell politico that the hardcharging public image is in sync with the gritty style of his new york City District. His new york City District is basically Staten Island and a small slice of brooklyn. How sync is grimm with the people on Staten Island. To find out i traveled across new york harbor in a big, orange boat. Otherwise known as the Staten Island ferry to ask grimms constituents what they have to say about him in their own words. I say the name Michael Grimm what do you think of him . Hardworking politician that has been tainted by corruption. What do you think of Michael Grimm . I like michael. I think hes professional and well spoken and a good advocate for Staten Island. A lot of personal loyalty among Michael Grimm on Staten Island . A lot of loyalty to the party. Even if they have doubts about him, you call it holding your noise. Im a trial lawyer and the indictment doesnt mean a lot. People are assuming guilt and he hasnt had trial yet . Yes, of course. Interesting in Staten Island theyre sticking by this guy. I mean, im happy. Getting into places and getting in and out. Not like brooklyn or the bronx. Hes done some good things, but at the same time, i just, im basically, i feel there is something to be said about that scandal. He does what a lot of politicians end up doing, but he managed to get caught, which means he is dumb. My name is mike from oakwood. The unvarnished opinion there of some of Michael Grimms constituents. Joining me now in the studio is michael scott, new york reporter. Mike, thank you for taking a few minutes to join us this morning. What i learned from my trip to Staten Island was check the weather. It was like 90 degrees out. There are people out there standing by Michael Grimm and that poll we put there striz sud a lot of people. Do you think despite all this, he could win this november . I think prior to that poll was that this was a seat the democrats had a really good shot of picking up. This poll shows that perhaps that might be ethe case. Its a tossup. But grimm is not doing as well as i thought he would be. People on Staten Island thought, i assumed they thought they would stand by him. A statistical tie. A tossup. I thought he would be doing better in the poll. What is it about for people who dont know new york that well, i mean, you get the five boroughs and Staten Island is the one, you think of new york, but Staten Island is the republican borough. But to be fair or to be perfectly clear, the democrats have an enrollment advantage on Staten Island. Its the forgotten borough. Hes from Staten Island. People like his image. But he kind of personifies Staten Island. Hes a tough guy, honest, speaks the truth and his constituents liked that. I think he would be doing better in this poll. You look at the poll. Only 44 , hes below 54 and unfavorable rating around 50 and only about 12 of the people who were polled in a surveyed in that poll who were undecided. Judging from the past, its likely those 12 might go with the challenger. One of the people we showed in that video there, she talked about Staten Island as the forgotten borough. When i tapicked up talking to a bunch of people, they have a chip on their shoulder. They are the smallest borough and raises the question to me, i wonder, if a lot of the attention hes getting in a way with certain voters out there helps him in that it is sort of like hes the same people that over look us that ignore us in their minds are turning on him. We sort of have a common enemy here. I think they feel the establishment is against him. You see that in Michael Grimms attacks on his opponent. Youll be supporting nancy pelosi and bill deblasio who is absolutely disliked in that borough. Like 25 approval rating. I think youll see over the next few weeks as he tries to define, he is an attached to those figures and also going to attach while he was a member of the city council. I have to ask you, a few seconds left here. You might be sick of seeing that video by now. I apologize in advance for asking, but its been a few months. What happened after that . He apologized to me. We never went out to lunch. I covered him at some press conferences and i havent interviewed him. I cover him when i have to cover him. Six weeks left, this is something certainly to cover. This is the closest race. Both parties are keeping a close eye. My thank to new york one capital reporter. Very good news for president obama and democrats this week on health care and maybe some not so good news. Well give you both sides of it, thats straight ahead. dad theres nothing i cant reach in my subaru. vo introducing the allnew subaru outback. Love. Its what makes a subaru,a subaru. My motheits delicious. Toffee in the world. 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On thursday, the administration announced that 7. 3 Million People have paid for Health Care Policies in the new federal and state exchanges. That number is actually 1. 3 million more than the Congressional Budget Office forecast would be covered on the exchanges this year. Earlier in the week, we also learned the number of uninsured americans fell by 8 over the past year down to the lowest levels since the 1990s. Pretty good week for the president S Health Care plan at least in terms of its impleme implementation. When obama care was a lightning rod for republicans and still an issue playing out in this years midterms but as politico put it recently, going from game changer to background noise. Republicans are backing away from it. But its also not providing the big electoral windfall for democrats that some predicted it would. So, why is that . What is nextt for the politics of health reform. For more on that, Carrie Sheffield and april ryan and beth fouhy back at the table with us. Carrie, ill start with you. Sort of from the conservative side of this. We think back to 2010 and there wasnt a republican candidate in the country who wasnt running primarily on, oh, my, we have to get rid of obama care and republicans say that is why they took back the house and did so well in the senate that year. Im not seeing ads from republicans saying i want to repeal obama care in these close races. As far as the repeal and replace, it is true that kaiser came out with a poll showing a 21 margin 63 to 33 people dont want to repeal obama care. This law has never had more people in favor of it than against it. Real clear politics has done tracking on this even before the law was even past. There has never been more people who favored this law. That speaks to something, i think, when we get to the politics of that. Which is the concept of obama care because it has the name of the president and its obama care. What it ends up being when you poll obama care, youre polling what you think of obama. Repealing it, as you say, to advocate that, some unpopular things. I think there is a difference between the law as a whole, versus specific aspects. For example, in arkansas. We had mark prior running an ad being very much in favor you cannot deny health care on preexisting conditions. That is just one aspect of the law. Taken as an aggregate. You might have other things. The law cannot discriminate Mental Health care. I think there are a lot of aspects individually that people might want, but taken as a whole, some other things are not very popular. For example, the medical device tax, the 30hour employer mandate, that sort of thing. Yeah, that gets to the other side of it, too, april. For democrats, im saying, im not seeing many republicans or any republicans running on repeal in these battleground states this year to the extent im hearing democrats talking about it. Sort of the same thing. Specific benefits and specific aspects of the law, but you dont have democrats up there saying, yes, i voted for obama care. Hasnt reached a level that the concept of obama care has gained new acceptance, it seems. Gains acceptance among the people. But democrats know that republicans poise on the well, lets call it what it is, the original name, Affordable Care act. Which is known by obama care. Obama says he cares, yes. But, actually, what happened is the fact that republicans poison the well with this before it even became law. So, then you had that hanging over its head. And then the other Affordable Care acts neck was the fact that the website didnt work. The first 30 days were horrific for the administration. They dont want to get into all of that. But im interested to see how the next roll out for open enrollment comes october 15. This white house has dispersed, what is it, the organization, qssi that helped fix the first website. Theyre going to start in october. October 15th. Starting to work out the kinks before anything goes out on the website, again. So, beth, where do you see the politics of this right now . Were six weeks away from the Midterm Election and obama care, how do you see it helping or hurting either party this november . It is ironic in places in tight senate races in arkansas and kentucky, the obama care roll out has been fantastic. Democratic governors in republican states. They managed to kind of present it in a way that was palatable to those more conservative voters and talk about why would you give up this money . If we give up the money that the federal government is giving us to implement this health plan, it will go esomewhere else. That was a very smart strategy. Exchanges working very well in arkansas and kentucky. Two very Close Senate Races in both places and causing a really sort of interesting shift in dynamic. You have Mitch Mcconnell who is, yes, he wants to get rid of obama care but not get rid of what is going on in his state. Mark prior can stand on the back of what is going on in arkansas, see, it actually works. I have to say that you guys are right. Even though some people are benefiting very much by this law and Getting Health Care when they never had it before, the people who really hate it are the ones who are more motivated to vote. Ultimately, they will decide. The other thing that has fascinated me from the very beginning with this. This gray area of existence. Went down to kentucky, one of the states youre talking about and found a voter through the exchange, through the medicate expansion in the state and it haS Health Care that she finds very affordable and satisfactory and she loves it. Then the next question, what do you think of obama care . She hates it. That seems to me that is what is always different about this compared to medicare. People always know what medicare is. You like medicare and what the benefits are. You can like the benefits without knowing where they are coming from necessarily. The problem for a lot is the results what happens when we give medicaid to people who didnt have it. No results differential in terms of the outcome of the quality of life compared to someone who didnt have health insurance. For a lot of people, a taxpayer issue and were going to be shelling out billions and trillions of dollars with nothing to show for it. I think thats a big questionmark for a lot of people. Steve, i think theres a more interesting dynamic here. In kentucky, a state that has really benefitted from their exchange and states that have had exchanges have done better than the states that went through the website. The kentuckians do not believe that their exchange is obama care. So, its a mindset. And, so, kentucky that has appalachian, some of the poorest in this nation, they benefited so much through the expansion of medicaid. So, its interesting the mindset, the concept in that state that, okay, we are great. We have this insurance, but we didnt get it through obama. That is fascinating. We have to squeeze a break in here, but i want to talk about the longer term implications in terms of health care, obama care as an issue and how were going to think about it 5 years, 10 years, 10 years from now. Well pick that up, when we come back. Woooo. I know what youre thinking. Youre thinking beneful. [announcer]and why wouldnt he be . Beneful has wholesome grains,real beef,even accents of spinach,carrots and peas. It has carbohydrates for energy and protein for those serious muscles. [guy] aarrrrr [announcer]even accents of vitaminrich veggies. [guy] so happy you love it so much. Yes you do but its good for you,too. [announcer] healthful. Flavorful. Beneful. From purina. 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If you let this go through, you will have allowed the Democratic Administration to provide this new benefit that millions of people will enjoy and you will then have created millions of new democratic voters. And that was sort of the political fear for republicans then and even as obama care was going through. It does strike me, beth, as we are talking about how people think about this and dont recognize that this is obama care, i dont know if the new voters will materialize, even if this works. Were not quite seeing that, are we . We still have the kentucky woman in the New York Times that she will vote republicans hence forth. Lets remember, the creation of new entitlements is always controversial. When medicare and medicaid went through in the 60s it took a while for the states to embrace that. The idea is, how could they ever go back . Go back. That is the fear that republicans had, that this is creating a new expensive entitlement. That people, once they have it, of course they dont want to lose. It is a vital thing for families to have Affordable Health care. Once families have it they dont want to lose it. Does that make them democratic voters . I dont think so. Republicans were hoping this would be the seniors in our pocket, tom delay said they were hoping this would be the new constituency and that did not happen either. So in general, when i cover health care, i was really excited and thought this will be a major issue. No, it ended up being a rock. Its the same thing here with health care, its number five in terms of the gallup nation polls. My final thought on this is those who had Affordable Care insurance from the website, from the first open enrollment, if theyre expecting the people with lower premiums but higher deductibles to go back in november for new insurance, you will see people who had old insurance from the first open enrollment go back and try to navigate and try to get something cheaper. 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What shall we do for dinner . Pizza with a little help, its easy to whip up a great meal on a week night. Pepperoni on your side. More pepperoni. Cheers pillsbury pizza crust. Make dinner pop we are on the scene of todays climate march in new york city sending back pictures of people beginning to mobilize for todays events. We will be covering the march here on msnbc today. We will cover the implications and the after math on todays show. Going ahead for the week, month, or year. We have important figures that will be coming up this week. It could play into the campaign trail. Well get the jobless claims, the adjusted gdp figures and the Housing Starts and sales. Well see if it turns out to be a talking point. Saturday president obama makes his address. I would expect, i dont know yet, but i would expect themes of isis, the economy, also obama care, he cares, and also the possibilities of talking about ferguson which is still a big issue for them at the white house. Clinton global initiative. The famous event. It will be the clinton at its best. Bill, hillary, chelsea, and a cast of celebrities that always shows up, bono, bill gates, barbara streisand. It is another big clinton extravaganza. I know i think of the u. N. Because the u. N. Meets every week this year. And the more i think of the u. N. , i know i have to add another 30 minutes to my commute. Thank you Msnbc April Ryan and Sherry Forbes for joining us today. Well be back next weekend, saturday and sunday 8 00 a. M. Eastern time. Coming up next, its melissa harrisperry. The debate over what see the rast form of socially acceptable Domestic Violence if is a packed show. Stick around for it, next on msnbc well see you next week here on up. Makes it so hard to get a seat using your miles. Thats their game. The flights you want are blacked out. Or they ask for some ridiculous number of miles. Honestly, its time to switch to the venture card from capital one. 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