mobile, alabama. set the stage for us. how large of a crowd is team trump expecting tonight? >> well, the estimates just keep going up here. as does the heat index, if you can't tell by my hair. most recent estimate that we've heard from the campaign is that there's about 42,000 people that they're expecting. so you're nearing that capacity market that you mentioned in the lead, 43,000 people able to fit in this stadium right here. and really the climate here, the heat is kind of the same as what you would say the metaphor call climate is for the people attending. everyone is expecting fiery trump, someone who is going to be consistently bombastic. if that same kind of contrast that actually jeb bush is trying to draw between the two candidates, you mentioned that bush will be in texas in the coming days, doing a similar trip to what mr. trump had done a few weeks back when he went to loretto to further highlight his plans for border security. immigration is the big question for these candidates, whether or not their approaches are different and mr. bush has really being doing a great job of drawing stark contrast between their two plans. >> ali, two questions. how hot is it exactly? and is that john mayer i hear in the back ground? >> it is very hot. and it is john mayer that you heard in the background. they seem to know that we would be going live with you and they gave us a nice little sound track right as we started up here. >> stay cool. do appreciate your time. i want to bring in david jackson now. david covers the white house for "usa today." david, you've got a new article up and you say basically that trump has, quote, significant appeal as well as significant hurdles. let's talk about the hurdles first, then the appeal. >> well, the hurd is that he lacks electoral experience. he has a tendency to speak off the cuff and say some controversial things. he also has the fact that a lot of republican establishment, a lot of leaders in the party don't want him to be the nom fee. they're going to be fighting back here in the months ahead. >> the path to the nomination for donald trump, what does a look like, david? >> well, you got to -- in addition to all the dron controversy about whatever trump says, beneath the surface, the early states of iowa, new hampshire, and south carolina, he has teams running in all three states. the plan from what i understand it is to win the three states and blitz the competition out of the field. he's organizing in other states. in fact, this alabama event you've been talking about. you just don't draw 40,000 people to a football stadium on a whim. that takes significant planning. >> let's talk about the appeal though. you mentioned south carolina and you talk about iowa, place where's evangelical conservatives typically rule the day when it comes to primary voters. donald trump, not the biggest necessarily believer, i don't want to overstate it, but he is not someone that's commonly associated with that movement. how does a guy like that appeal to voters like that? >> well, with difficulty. he has talked about his faith and says that he has and also said some rather dron verse shul things. kind of like you. that's not going to go over very well in iowa or home state of south carolina. that's another one of the challenges he faces. getting the religious vote. i'm sure a lot of trump opponents will point out a lack of religiousity in the mornts ahe months ahead. >> i want to play you what marco rubio told john harwood about the language of immigration. here it is. >> you feel any impulse to stand up and say, stop, we are going down a road as party which is not good. >> we've done that. i always use, for example, when i talk about 13 million people in this country, i say 13 million human beings because it reminds people that -- >> anchor babies. people talking about anchor babies. >> those are human beings. and ultimately they're people. we're not -- they're not just statistics. they're human beings with stories. >> just moments ago there's this tweet that donald trump put out and there it is right there. boston incident is terrible. we need energy and passion, but we must treat each other with respect. i would never condone violence. trump there talking about an incident in boston where according to police two men beat up this homeless man and were essentially invoking the name of donald trump. the language of immigration moving forward, what does donald trump need to do about the language that he uses moving forward to try and secure the nomination? >> well, it's obviously feels like he needs to clean up what he said yesterday when asked about the incident in boston. he said his supports were passionate and a lot of people didn't feel like that was enough. he came back today and asked his people not to attack people on the street. the immigration issue is interesting because it's an important issue in the republican primary. all the candidates are trying to out right each other on the immigration debate. but it's a different issue when it comes to a general election. so candidates are trying to appeal to republican voters on immigration, the primary setting might have a bit of difficulty in a general election. >> apparently the two men according to ms. there in boston went on to say, quote, donald trump was right, all these illegals need to be deported. again, that trump tweet coming out just a few moments ago. david jackson, always good to see you, my friend. now to hillary clinton's e-mail troubles. clinton's team fighting back in a new video from one of her press people after getting criticism from how hess responded to the con tro verse spi. even from other democrats, clinton says she did not send classified material nor were any marked classified. this is a clip from press secretary brian fallon's defense. >> when john boehner tells you that hillary clinton is under criminal investigation for mishandling of classified e-mail, he's dead wrong. the justice department has said it's a noncriminal inquiry. hillary clinton herself is not the target. number three, in every case that has surfaced to date they said none of the information is classified at the time. >> nbc news white house. correspondent kristen welker following the story from martha's vineyard where the first family is vacationing. what can you tell us about the latest about democratic reaction to the controversy itself? >> well, craig, some democrats have the gun to get jittery. they are nervous this could make secretary clinton weak in a general election. on the other hand, you have democrats who say she is still the strong front-runner. she just has to weather this storm and they want her to address these issues. this has become a political problem for sec their clinton because it's giving republicans the opportunity to attack her almost daily over this issue. and we saw that yet again today. this was scott walker. take a listen. >> she's either violated the law or she didn't know what that information was which makes her incompetent. either of which disqualifies her from being president of the united states. >> reporter: campaign would of course argue that she didn't violate the law and that she followed policy. just to reiterate what you saw, craig, the point that she never sent or received any e-mails marked as classified at the time. still the mere fact that she's been dealing with this, that we're seeing this drip, drip, drip is leading some democrats to jump on the biden board. you have a lot of democrats pushing him to run for president. we know that he's been huddling with his allies and reporters talking about what he wants to do. 53% of democrats say they want biden to run. he is going to make a decision at the end of the summer. the clinton campaign, of course, watch that very closely. they acknowledge he would be a formidable candidate. secretary clinton hoping to turn the page and refocus on her policies when she's back on the campaign trail next week. howard dean is a former vermont governor. also former chairman of the democratic national committee. governor, always good to see you. thanks for your time. i want to show everyone these numbers from the calculatest quinnipiac poll. three swing states here. this is the question of whether clinton is honest and trustwort trustworthy. you see the numbers right there. barely a third of voters in florida, iowa, and pennsylvania agree. why don't two-thirds of american voters trust hillary clinton? >> well, i think part of it is the media feeding frenzy. this is pact journal i'm at its worse. i had to experience this when i was run for president. this is what the media does. they go after the front-runner. there's really no substance to this story at all. >> governor, yesterday a federal judge said -- a federal judge we should note that was appointed by her husband said that she broke the rules, that she violated policy. >> it's not clear that that's true, actually. the federal -- all due respect to the federal judge, the federal judge doesn't have any better idea of what's going on here than anybody else. violating pole si is not violating the law. look, if the argument is that hillary clinton committed treason, then let's have that discussion. this is innuendo. this is nonsense. there was no dishonesty. she did not send eight e-mails marked classified. this is a classic press feeding present zi fed by the right wing. disappointing. p "new york times" ran two stories about this. one about the clinton foundation involved with russian uranium mine, totally untrue, and this story saying she was under criminal investigation. i think the press has to do a better job of pushing back against a coordinated right wing attack. that's what this is. >> a democratic congressman from kentucky, this ask what he told local immediaty in louisville wednesday about how clinton has handled the controversy. take a listen. >> ever feel like i have a grasp of what the facts are. >> is it troubling to you? >> clearly she's handled it poorly from the first day. and there's the appearance of dishonesty, if it's not dishonest. i still think there is a chance this could up end her campaign. >> senator ben nelson also said he thought it was wrong for clinton to make those jokes about the controversy. when you've angered people in your own party, isn't that a sign that perhaps you've made a mistake in how you've at least handled the situation? >> well, look, i like john yarmuth a lot and he's a terrific addition to congress. but my belief is that the reason that john yarmuth doesn't mow what the facts are because he gets nine versions a day from the various articles that's put out. i'm not advising hillary clinton on this matter. i think she can hit back. >> do you think she's handled it properly, governor? >> i think the problem is the press feeding -- when the press goes into a feeding frenzy they don't get out of it until they're ready or something else comes along. here's the real problem. the problem is if she spends her time on this she's not spending it on making the economy stronger, she's not spending it on jobs, she's not spending it on fair reasonable policing so everybody gets treated equally. that's what she wants to spend it on. right now the press is very frustrating to her. i've been in that position. i'm very sympathetic with what she's going through. she has to weather the storm, it will go away because there's no substance to it. it will probably go away right around the time of the caucuses when people start focusing on the horse race. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. saber rattling or more? north korea's kim jong-un ratcheting up tensions with the south declaring a, quote, quasi-state of war. details on the investigation that could lead to a vehicular manslaughter charge for caitlyn jenner. and two women have officially marched into military history becoming the army's first female rangers. today we're asking you in our bing pulse question, should women be allowed to serve in all combat positions? you can head to the pulse is live right now. we'll have your results coming we'll have your results coming up. we'll have your results coming up. when you do business everywhere, the challenges of keeping everyone working together can quickly become the only thing you think about. that's where at&t can help. at&t has the tools and the network you need, to make working as one easier than ever. virtually anywhere. leaving you free to focus on what matters most. welcome to fort green sheets. welcome to castle bravestorm. it's full of cool stuff, like... my trusty bow. and free of stuff i don't like. we only eat chex cereal. no artificial flavors, and it's gluten-free. mom, brian threw a ball in the house! it takes a lot of work... but i really love it.s. i'm on the move all day long... and sometimes, i just don't eat the way i should. so i drink boost® to get the nutrition that i'm missing. boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. all with a great taste. i don't plan on slowing down any time soon. stay strong. stay active with boost®. no student's ever been the king of the campus on day one. but you're armed with a roomy new jansport backpack, a powerful new dell 2-in-1 laptop, and durable new stellar notebooks, so you're walking the halls with varsity level swagger. that's what we call that new gear feeling. you left this on the bus... get it at the place with the experts to get you the right gear. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. right now live look at the markets where the outlook appears bleaker by the minute. the dow is now shed more than 350 points. the s&p and nasdaq has taken huge hits today amid fears of slowing global growth. right now the markets are on track to see their worst week since 2011. cbs's mary thompson has been watching it all unfold today. mary, what's behind today's drop? >> well, it started out that we had disappointing news in the asian markets with the china flash pmi, reading on manufacturing activity. it was weaker than expected. you know, what this continues the theme that you pointed out has been seen probably for the last week or so. concerns about slowing global growth which really at their core begin with china because, remember, china has been a growth engine for a number of emerging markets where it's been buying a lot of their commodi commodities and goods recently, as a result, it's helped to support a number of their countries. it appears that china's growth is growth but as a result seen pullbacks in the rest of the world's economies because china is a major player. what we're seeing here in the u.s. is a continued sell-off. also relatively weak volume. remember these are quiet weeks. a lot of people are on vacation. in the absence of a lot of activity you have the buyers getting -- or the sellers having the upper hand today. we also want to point out though that oil continues to slide, dropping below $40 a barrel for the first time since 2009. that's another sign some people would say of either slowing demand for oil which in turn is a reflection of weaker global demand. so that, too, is putting pressure on the markets in today's session, which, as you pointed out, over 300 points touching a low of the session a couple minutes ago. >> cnbc's mary thompson, thank you. also developing right now. tensions between north and south korea could be at its highest point in years. kim jong-un placed his army in what's being called a quasi-state of war, ordering them to prepare for battle and also moved medium range missiles in place for possible launches. all of this follows shelling across the korean demilitarized zone and deadline by the north to remove loud speakers along the border that have been broadcasting antinorth propaganda. last hour luke russert spoke to rear admiral john kirby about the noise threat. >> this is a regime we have very little information about. very closed society. this is an individual obviously who is difficult to predict. again, that's why we take threats like this so seriously. but it's very hard to know exactly where he thinks he's going in the end game. >> nbc's ian williams is along the zone in south korea. >> this is one of the shelters. it's a pretty heavy door. after the exchange of artillery last night about 60 people in local villages were ordered here, around 40 of them staying overnight. some did manage to return home today, but they've been told to come back here with tensions rising this evening across the border area. north korea sits just over the hills behind me. there are lots of reasons why this is a pretty scary border area, but what's most rattled kim jong-un 11 vast installations of loud speakers, which over the last few days have begun broadcasting propaganda into the north. he doesn't like that. he's called that an act of war. the reason the south restarted this propaganda operation after a break of 11 years is a minor attack which badly injured two south korean soldiers just a few days ago. kim jong-un doesn't like it. that's what led to the firing of shells into the south yesterday to which the south replied. we're now close to the southern edge of the demilitarized zone, this sign warning against going any further. now, south korea is used to blood curdling threats from the north. they pretty much take them in their stride. also in the past when there have been attacks the south has been reluctant to hit back. but what changed this week is when rockets came from the north thursday, seoul hit back forcefully with a big barrage of its own. and they've made clear that this weekend, if there is any provocation from the north, they will again hit back and they will hit back hard. >> that was nbc's ian williams from south korea. right now there's a category 2 hurricane barreling toward the caribbean with sustained winds of more than 100 miles an hour. there is some encouraging news this afternoon, though. forecasters are predicting hurricane danny should lose strength over the next 48 hours. by the time it makes landfall, it should provide some welcome rain to drought stricken puerto rico as well. residents in hawaii are keeping their eye on a storm that's headed their way. tropical storm kilo is expected to grow to a category 2 hurricane aiming for the islands next week. just five hurricanes have actually hit hawaii in more than half a century. up next, investigators say speed was a factor in a deadly crash involving caitlyn jenner. could the reality star facing jail time? we're live in los angeles when we come back. 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>> joe fryer for us from los angeles today. joe, thank you. up next, new evacuations in washington state and an unprecedented ask for help in the battle against those wildfires that continue to rage out of control. also, ted cruz taking his turn on the iowa state fair soap box. but can the texas senator take back the antiestablishment vote from donald trump? and still ahead. the army's first women rangers trailblaze their way into history. coming up, i'll talk to a marine captain who has left her own mark on the military. keep voting on our bing pulse question. should women be allowed to serve should women be allowed to serve in all combat positions? if an electric toothbrush was going to clean better than a manual. he said sure... but don't get just any one. get one inspired by dentists. with a round brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque, and rotates to sweep it away. and oral-b delivers a clinically proven superior clean vs. sonicare diamond clean. my mouth feels super clean. oral-b. know you're getting a superior clean. i'm never going back to a manual brush. everyone is looking for ways while to cut expenses.s unique, and that's where pg&e's online business energy checkup tool can really help. you can use it to track your actual energy use. find rebates that make equipment upgrades more affordable. even develop a customized energy plan for your company. think of it as a way to take more control over your operating costs. and yet another energy saving opportunity from pg&e. find new ways to save energy and money with pg&e's business energy check-up. heart health's important... you may... take an omega-3 supplement... ...but it's the ingredients inside that really matter for heart health. new bayer pro ultra omega-3 has two times the concentration of epa and dha as the leading omega-3 supplement. new bayer pro ultra omega-3. but your stellar notebook gives hanyou the gumptionlc. to reach for the sky. that's that new gear feeling. this week, these office depot brand notebooks just one cent. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. . dwoching news on this wildfires r s ravaging the west coast. president obama declared a state of emergency. he ordered the federal government to help flight the flames there. right now you are looking at some dramatic new pictures of the flames overnight. there they are right there. in washington state, forcing even more evacuations. the same wildfire that killed three firefighters on wednesday continues to burn there. 31-year-old richard wheelers, andrew zajac and tom zbyszewski just 20 years old. >> he loved life and he loved people and he wanted to help people. >> he was a special kid. you know, we're really going to miss tom. >> daniel lion is one of four firefighters who were injured in the blaze. 25-year-old is feigi infighting life after suffering burns over most of his body. >> it's just been a great, great, wonderful child. >> new satellite pictures show just the massive amount of smoke that's above washington state right now. take a look at this. take a look at that smoke there. the fires show no signs of slowing down. we'll go live to washington state in our next hour. to politics now, senatored the cruz in iowa taking his turn at trying to woo conservatives at the iowa state fair. it is part of a big day for the texas senator in iowa which will be capped off tonight with what's being called a religious liberty rally. all of this as part of his campaign strategy to win the anti-establishment vote currently held by a fella named donald trump. this morning at the des moines register soap box cruz told the crowd that he would do in his day in office. >> the first thing i intend to do in office is rescind every single illegal and unconstitutional executive action taken by this president. >> nbc news calm ina van hill yard is in des moines, iowa for us. let's talk more about the strategy by the cruz campaign. what does it center on? >> hi, craig. you know, senator cruz was mr. brash before donald trump ever came around in this campaign. senator cruz is going to try to get the evangelical vote out here. he's trying to be the outsider. he's been in the center for a couple of years now but trying to play the outsider card. unlike when you look at mike huckabee in 2008, rick santorum in 2012, senator cruz is playing the wrong game. not just in eye oh warks south carolina, he's going and just went on a bus tour through. seven southern states. and then texas. he has pulled in over $50 million between his campaign and super pac. senator cruz is in this for the long run. you saw today there at the soap box, part of when hillary and bernie and trump was here. again he has tonight, a religious liberty event. from iran deal and immigration and very out front with all of these things. something that donald trump didn't do until senator cruz came around. that's out here in iowa. >> vaughn hilliard for news iowa basically saying that ted cruz was donald trump before donald trump was donald trump. thank you, vaughn. good to see you, my friend. just a few hours ago two young women officially went where no woman in the military has ever gone before. in the lineup at the army ranger school graduation, captain kristen griest, first lieutenant shaye haver, first female soldiers to complete their soldiers ranger school. smashing barriers for all women in the military. >> i was thinking really of future generations of women that i would like them to have that opportunity to i had that pressure on moist. >> it's cool that they have accepted us. i think that we came -- we ourselves came to ranger school skeptical. like with our guards up, ready just in case the haters and the naysayers. but we didn't come with a chip on our shoulder like we had anything to prove. i think that we came, bust prepared as we possibly could be. >> the women got a shoutout on twitter from hillary clinton who wrote, the determination to never quit knows no gender. i'm so proud of these soldiers. and she signed that tweet from "h." i'm joined now by captain bern necessary armor, a woman who certainly knows what it means to break down barriers in the military, the u.s. marine corps' first black female pilot and first black female combat pilot in history. good to see you again. thanks for being with us again. >> absolutely. >> you've got to be one of the few people on earth who knows exactly how the captain and first lieutenant feel on this day. how hard is it to get fellow soldiers and military leaders to see you and accept you in those roles? >> well, everybody's journey is different. you know, each service has a different culture. but i think i could probably speak honestly for those women as well. they didn't want to be one of the guys but they do want to be part of the team. for any other women in combat and it's not about lowering standards. if you meet the standard, you should be qualified for the job. now, will there be logistics and some things and mentality and culture that have to change? sgl absolutely. but if women meet the standard -- and not every guy meets the standard, right? then we should be allowed to serve our country in the same way. >> several of the male ranger graduates admitted that they were skeptical about the women being in the rigorous program. one man was talking about an exercise talking about the weight. >> i got a lot of deer in the headlight looks. you know, a lot of people were like, i can't take any more weight. shaye was the only one to volunteer to take the weight. she took the weight off of me and carried it the last half. literally saved me. i probably wouldn't be sitting here right now if it wasn't for sh shaye. no more kept tichl. >> after that you had offer guys echoing similar stories. do you think sloerly but surely attitudes are changing in the military or did you have a different experience? >> again, experiences are different for -- i have female counter parts in the marine corps with me that had different experiences from me. my grandfather was a marine when blacks were first integrated in the marine corps in 1942. then they were worried about mar role and welfare and unit cohesion. it's about the stand cars and can we be more effective. today we can't even take women out of the military and keep an effective military. it's time for us to evolve, move on, and i mean, like you just heard the young soldier there, i mean, i could do more push-ups than some of the guys, and pull-ups. one mission, one goal, one team. how do we work together and really move our elite american force s for washe s forward? period, end of story. >> this story is a bit-one sided, 86% of the folks saying, yes, are you among the 86%? it sounds like you are. >> absolutely. again, because it kill mess when i hear people say we're not lowering standards. it's not about lowering standards. if you make the standard, if you're mentally ready, then you can do the job. we already had the line neuses there in the iraq war. women are already serving in combat. what we're doing rights now is just a formal check in the box. women have been dying, giving their blood for our country for centuries. women fought in the civil war. some even masquerading as men to be able to serve side by side with their brothers. let's just put away the formal stuff. get through the logistics. build some more bathrooms or -- and that's a very trite statement. seriously, folks, women have proven they can do the job again and again. are there some physical differences? yes. do some women get injured more than some men? yes. but does that mean every woman should be canceled out? no. >> build some more bathrooms. captain armor, thank you so much. thank you for your service. have a fantastic weekend, as well. >> honor. >> we would also like to remind folks to continue voting on our bing question of the day as well. up next, two new accusers coming forward with allegations against bill cosby. their attorney gloria allred will join me next. still ahead, could jon stewart be the next presidential debate moderator? it's an online movement that's growing larger by the minute. we'll tell you how, coming up. 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same day delivery. the ottoman? thank you. fico scores are used in 90% of credit decisions. so get your credit swagger on. go to, become a member of experian credit tracker, and take charge of your score. ♪ [ female announcer ] everything kids touch at school sticks with them. make sure the germs they bring home don't stick around. use clorox disinfecting products. you handle life; clorox handles the germs. two more women have now come forward to accuse comedian bill cosby of sexual assault. attorney gloria allred joined the women. a woman who identified herself as a former flight attendant named elizabeth said cosby gave her a drink and she ended up in his hotel room. >> it was the most horrifying thing that could happen to any young woman. the next thing i remember is i was in a rolls royce profusely vomiting, apologizing. the driver said i wasn't the first. >> we should note bill cosby has not been charged with any crime. both he and his representatives have repeatedly denied allegations in the past and his attorney declined to comment on he's latest allegations. cosby in a deposition from another case has only acknowledged obtaining drugs he intended to give to went with whom he wanted to have sex. gloria allred, women's rights attorney who represents several of bill cosby's accusers, i think the number is at 23. >> yes. >> thanks for being here with me. we should also note that we reached out to cosby's re ps an they said, quote, t this present time no comment will be made regarding yesterday's press conference and we respectfully decline any interview requests. your reaction to just that. >> well, of course, i challenged his attorney who has been making the rounds on msnbc and others, you know, kind of talking about mr. cosby and defense of mr. cosby. i said, you know, monique, come and debate me. i'll debate you right here on msnbc or any place else. let's get it on. as to all the accusers who cannot file a lawsuit because it's too late because of the statute of the limitations and they cannot have district attorney prosecute because it's too late for a criminal prosecution even if the d.a. thought that she or he could prove a case beyond a reasonable doubt. so let's debate it all except the case i am litigating on behalf of judy huff, alleges she was 15 years old when she's alleges she was the victim of sexual misconduct by mr. cosby at the playboy mansion. they do not accept my challenge to debate these issues. >> cosby is going to be deposed on a separate matter on september 9th, i believe. >> in our case. >> in your case. what do you expect to come from that? >> well, we are going to ask all questions that are relevant and that could tend to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. >> did that case specifically, just relevant to that case, or relevant to an accused pattern of behavior? >> well, of course, we would be interested in a pattern of behavior. so we're going to be interested in that. and of course, this is an opportunity for mr. cosby who has been silent publicly for a long time himself, to come and give his side of the story. we would hope that he would welcome that opportunity. of course, we're going to be asking the questions directly of mr. cosby. he's going to be testifying under oath. and he's not going to be able to hide behind his attorneys and his apologists in order for them to answer the questions for him. he's going to have to answer the questions. also, craig, i expect him to show up because he's the one whose deposition is being taken, not the character, the friendly dr. huxtable. it's mr. cosby who has to show up for this deposition and who will be asked questions and that's whom we're looking at for the answers and we expect it to last all day and perhaps going to another day as well. >> two questions before i let you go. the women that you represent, what would they consider a legal victory, and is it reasonable to expect that there are other women who are going to come forward as well? >> i definite have other women. >> more women are going to come forward? >> absolutely. still contacting me. new women who have not spoken out previously and who are now finding the courage to contact me. and when they contact me i tell tell to speak out publicly. i tell them all the options available, the benefits, the risks. it's a confidential communication. then they decide what they wish to do. some say, look, we don't wish to do that but we're there for you. we want you to know the information if when and when you need us to testify, subpoena us and we'll be there. they're all very courageous women. they just want just in the court of public opinion because it's the only place to get it but it's never too late to exercise your right to free speech. >> attorney gloria allred, always good to see you. thank you. >> thank you. no, it isn't. give me another world. >> still ahead, jeb bush doubling down on his use of the term anchor babies as he plans to head to the texas border next week. he is speaking live in the next hour. that's when he will talk about how bush's strategy is playing out on the right. come back. 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one of the most prominent names reportedly on the list, "19 kids and counting" star josh duggar. he did not specifically mention the website but issued this statement. i have secretly over the last several years been viewing pornography on the internet, and this became a secret addiction and i became unfaithful to my wife. i humbly ask for your forgiveness. if this map is any indication, suspicions are soaring. the highest concentrations of people searching for the data dump, california and new york. >> the ramifications are very, very deep. they're very personal. it takes a lot to get through it. >> reporter: surviving infidelity, one of the largest and running online communities for people with cheating partners, claims they're inundated with women wondering if they should use the data to sniff out an unfaithful spouse. >> lives are going to be destroyed, and they're going to have to figure out if they can -- if relationships can be salvaged. >> reporter: a user identified as devastated mother claims a friend discovered her husband on the list, writing, i have been married for 12 years with two children, 10 and 4. i thought i had an ideal life. my husband is due home tomorrow from a business trip, and now i don't know what to do. one story of many sure to come. >> that was shenelle jones reporting. police say no one in the simmons family is a suspect. the lapd's internet crimes against children task force is leading that investigation. a representative for simmons said police, quote, visited mr. and mrs. simmons at their home to discuss a crime that may have occurred on their property last year while mr. simmons was away on tour with kiss. in a tweet, his wife shannon simmons thanked fans for their support and say, quote, we couldn't be more horrified that someone used our residence for such heinous crimes. stick around. we have much more ahead at the top of the hour. tens of thousands expected to show up for donald trump tonight. more evidence of the candidate's entertainment appeal, but a real strategy to win the nomination seems to be taking shape. we'll dig into that with steve kornacki. also, the grassroots effort to lure vice president biden into the race got a major boost this week. we'll have a live interview with the democratic strategist who worked on president obama's 2008 and 2012 campaigns. and bad habits, hard to break. but for the 40 million americans who wear contact lenses, there's apparently a warning we've got to hear. i'll share that with you up next. thankshow may i help you?s list. i heard i could call angie's list if i needed work done around my house at a fair price. you heard right, just tell us what you need done and we'll find a top rated provider to take care of it. so i could get a faulty light switch fixed? 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>> 35,000 people in mobile, alabama, on a friday night. how many other republican candidates could do that? the trump show is sort of operating at a different level. also ahead, ready for joe. i'll talk to a democratic strategist who helped president obama in 2008 and 2012. he just joined draft biden. then, drastic measures. volunteers asked to fight a dangerous wildfire. volunteers, the first call of its kind in washington state history. happy friday to you. i'm craig melvin in for thomas roberts today. donald trump and jeb bush both headed south with immigration a hot topic for both of them as well. tonight donald trump will be appearing in a 40,000-seat football stadium. meanwhile, bush's camp just announced a visit to the texas-mexico border for monday. if you look at the right hand of your screen there, you will see live images from columbus, ohio. that is where jeb bush is about to talk about the american dream, we're told. both candidates under fire lately for using the term anchor baby. however, it's trump that's faced the lion's share of criticism on his use of language on immigration. just a short time ago, donald tru trump appeared to back away a bit about comments on two men who beat up an alleged illegal immigrant. police say one of them expressed support for trump as they beat up the guy. some characterized trump's initial response to the story as insensitive. today donald trump tweeting this. that's actually not the tweet. he tweeted this, quote, boston incident is terrible, we need energy and passion but we must treat each other with respect. i would never condone violence. that's what donald trump tweeted a short time ago. meanwhile this morning, democratic congressman joaquin castro appeared on msnbc. he said trump is leading republicans the wrong way on immigration. >> it's not only hurting the republican party what donald trump has done, it's hurting the country. unfortunately what you see with the other leading candidates for the republican nomination is they're following him down that rabbit hole. >> a short time ago, bush's campaign tweeted this about trump. quote, his massive inconsistencies aside, donald trump's immigration plan is not conservative and does not reflect our nation's values. nbc news is in mobile where that massive rally is going to be happening tonight. set the stage for us one more time. at this point, have we gotten any response from the trump campaign from what we just read there from the bush campaign? >> reporter: no response on that yet, but earlier when we spoke, there was some music. they were gearing up in the background here, doing some mike checks. seems that music has now been replaced with the music of thunder. we might get a little bit of a downpour here, which could give us a little bit of reprieve from the heat. in a few hours, people are set to start arriving. it seems the hot temperatures could be matching some expectedly hot rhetoric from trump. many people i spoke to, a state chair here in alabama, she was saying the more he speaks, the more he seems to resonate with people. i asked her this question of it's very interesting to see the current governor here endorsing another republican candidate and yet trump is still getting these massive crowds here, some of the biggest we've seen so far this entire cycle. and early on in the cycle, too, which is really saying that he obviously is resonating and he is cutting through and really sucking the oxygen out of the room for most of the other candidates. >> thank you. we're also following developing news in ohio, where one day after catching heat in the anchor baby debate, jeb bush taking his campaign to that key battleground state. he's expected to speak any moment at a summit in columbus that's sponsored by the conservative group americans for prosperity. looks like they're doing mike checks there as well. we're also learning that jeb bush will be visiting the texas border monday. it was during this program yesterday when bush got into a heated exchange with reporters over the term anchor babies. >> do you think the term anchor baby is offensive? >> no. no. if there's another term i could come up with, i'm happy to hear it. >> is that not bombastic? >> no, it isn't. give me another word. >> traveling with bush in columbus today, nbc news senior white house correspondent kris jansing. any reaction there today about bush's use of that term? >> reporter: these folks are fired up, craig. that's what's going on here. americans for prosperity is a koch brothers group. it's sort of their signature group. they ran out of tickets for this event a long time ago. 4,000 strong. and these are people who really do the rough work. when those campaigns start, they're the ones going door to door. they're making the phone calls. on the conservative front, this is a very influential group of folks who are here today and tomorrow. they're even going to be taking classes to learn about the issues and about how to be a better grassroots organizer. having said that, certainly the conversation has been dominated by immigration, another indication that donald trump is leading the charge on that, and he is not letting jeb bush, who's the first of five presidential candidates who will speak here, he's not letting him off the hook. in fact, he tweeted earlier today, i'm quoting the tweet, jeb bush signed a memo saying not to use the term anchor babies, offensive. now he wants to use it because i use it. stay true to yourself. so donald trump in typical donald trump mode. he's continuing to attack back, even though we saw jeb bush, who got pretty tough yesterday, hitting back on him for what he said on not being a true republican, having been more of a democrat and donating more to democrats than to republicans. it'll be interesting to see if he repeats that theme here today, how much he talks about donald trump. but just another sign of how much he's driving the debate. scott walker today, who said that he was not going to decide on birthright citizenship until after the border was secure, avoiding that very hot topic altogether. and finally, that visit on monday added to jeb bush's schedule. he'll be going to texas to talk about immigration. craig? >> chris jansing for us in ohio on this loud friday afternoon there. chris, thank you so much. i'm joined here in the studio by my friend and colleague steve kornacki, host of "up" with steve kornacki. this is the cook political report. they wrote about the possible hurdles for the trump campaign. this is a line that caught my attention. quote, when it comes to picking candidates for president, summer is for dating and winter is for mating. so can trump take the 40,000-plus people expected to fill this stadium this alabama tonight, can he turn those excited people into primary voters? >> first of all, the location is so interesting. it's 40,000 people in alabama. alabama is not traditionally one of the states that's going to decide the republican nomination. it comes a little later in the process. but this year a bunch of those southern -- they call it the s.e.c. primary. it sets up after new hampshire, after iowa, in early march. a bunch of these southern states will vote. you see the beginnings of a blueprint for winning the nomination. if you're trump, you're taking the right-wing path to the nomination. you want to try to win iowa. maybe not new hampshire. try to get south carolina, conservative state. then you have these southern states like alabama coming after that, where maybe that's where you make your big score. >> here's the thing. you talk about south carolina. there's alabama. these southern states, we're talking evangelical voters. we're talking folks who love the lord. we're talking about a candidate who's on his third wife, who is proud of his conspicuous consumption. this is not a guy that's commonly associated with the faith movement. can he win primaries in the deep south? >> but i think that's what makes the trump story so fascinating and raises the possibility -- we have to consider we haven't seen anything like this before. he may be breaking the rules we thought existed right before our eyes. the contradictions that embody donald trump are contradictions that would have -- that would destroy any other candidate and that have destroyed candidates in the past. the story of the summer is donald trump -- this thing in june, we were saying give it a couple weeks. july, give it to the end of the month. now we're almost at labor day and he's still sitting strong in first place. i don't have an answer, but i think it's an open question. >> let's turn to jeb bush, this term anchor baby. he writes this book. the term is never used in the book. now all the sudden he's using the term anchor babies. is this just a classic case of a politician pandering, or is there more to it than that? >> i think he's hurting himself two ways here. it's all about dornld trump, all about the pressure he's putting on the rest of the field to move to the right on immigration, to carve out some of that turf. you're right. this is not how he's talked in the past, not how he's written. but it's how donald trump is talking now. all the heat donald trump takes for saying something like that, he blows it off. jeb bush takes heat, he starts talking like a politician. he's back pedaling. that plays into the damning critique saying this is just another politician full of hot air, telling you what he thinks you want to hear. i think jeb bush ends up looking like that in this debate. >> birthright citizenship. very contentious topic of late, especially for republicans. chris just aloluded to it. i want to play a snip of scott walker. here it is. >> so do people misunderstand you're actually not for ending birthright citizenship? >> i'm not taking a position on it one way or the other. i'm saying that until you secure the border and enforce the laws, any discussion about anything else is really looking past the very things we have to do. >> can you not have a position on birthright citizenship? i mean, is that a viable position to take? >> that's a tough one. scott walker has been struggling. one of the other stories of the summer besides trump's rise has been the difficulty scott walker has had. a few months ago, a lot of people thought scott walker was the logical alternative to jeb bush. he's gotten no traction. he's moved backwards this summer. i think part of it is there's been these concerns that scott walker is not quite ready for the national stage. i think that kind of an answer to this kind of question in this moment only is going to further that image. you look at a presidential candidate, you look at an issue like this, the expectation is you're going to say something one way or the other. >> it's kind of like asking ted kennedy, why do you want to be president? steve kornacki, he hosts a fantastic program here on saturdays and sunday mornings called "up." check it out 8:00 a.m. eastern saturday and sunday here on msnbc. coming up, i'll be joined by democratic strategist steve schale. he's joined the draft biden movement. right now, some breaking news. a live look at the markets. things not looking good, although slightly better than the last time we checked in about 30 minutes ago. in the last hour, the dow plunged as much as 375 points. now climbed back a bit, down about 290. this is the fourth straight day of losses. the markets are on track to see their worst week since 2011. oil just hit a marker not seen since 2009. crude oil has now fallen below $40 a barrel. i'm joined by cnbc's mary thompson. mary, again, we should note the markets have climbed back a smidge since we checked in with you a short time ago. but still, a bad friday for the markets. >> it certainly is. you know, i want to pick up on a point you made earlier, oil below $40 a barrel. a lot of people would get excited about that. as u.s. consumers, we drive a lot. it's likely our gasoline costs will go down. but there's a downside. it means there could be weak global demand. basically, weak global demand, concerns about weak global growth, that's been weighing on the markets over the last couple weeks. at the core of all that, again, is the concerns about china. this is the world's second largest economy. there are signs recently that the economy is -- its growth is slowing, including the recent evaluation of the chinese yuan. so all of this has contributed to a selloff on wall street in which are typically the doldrums of summer for wall street. that could be accelerating or exacerbating the declines here because if you have a lightly staffed trading desk, that means maybe the sellers have a little bit of an advantage today. certainly they do, but as you said, we are off the lows of the day. we have less than two hours to go before the closing bell. we'll see whether or not the bulls can make a little bit of a run here as we head toward that close. back to you, craig. >> cnbc's mary thompson. enjoy the weekend. thank you. right now there's a category 3 hurricane barrelling toward the caribbean with sustained winds of more than 100 miles an hour. there is some encouraging news though. forecasters right now predict that hurricane danny should lose strength over the next 48 hours. meteorologist alex wilson joins me from the weather channel headquarters right now. hurricane danny may fizzle, but folks are still keepi ining an on what appears to be a serious threat growing in hawaii. tell us more about that. >> yeah, we're going to start with danny. winds at 115 miles an hour. this is a category 3, a major hurricane. it is moving off towards the west-northwest. it's going to encounter a few things. one, wind shear. the other, dry air. both of those oftentimes spell bad news for tropical systems. that's why we do have this weakening. the national hurricane center agrees. here's their forecast cone. you see 75 miles an hour. so category 1 hurricane by the end of the weekend. by monday, we're talking tropical storm as that eventually works over puerto rico and towards the other caribbean islands. tropical storm kilo, 5:00 a.m. hawaii standard time. there's a look at it. you're looking at hawaii and thinking, why is this going to be an issue? we expect this to take a hard turn off towards the north. could be impacting some of those northern islands by the time we get into the middle of next week. >> alex wilson, thank you so much. do appreciate your time. straight ahead, north korea declaring itself in a quasi state of war with south korea. how speakers, loud speakers, have raised tensions sky high. also ahead -- >> i didn't know what else i could do. i had already said no, and i had already moved his face physically. i didn't know what else he could understand from that. >> the prep school rape trial. i'll talk to a spokesperson of the accuser about the emotional week of testimony on the stand. then the cdc's new warning to 40 million contact lens wearers. it's essentially this, you're doing it wrong. the rules 99% of us are breaking, coming up. hey terry stop! they have a special! so, what did you guys think of the test drive? i love the jetta. but what about a deal? terry, stop! it's quite alright... you know what? we want to make a deal with you. we're twins, so could you give us two for the price of one? 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[female announcer] dsave up to $400 on beautyrest and posturepedic.n, get interest-free financing until 2018 on tempur-pedic. plus, helpful advice from the sleep experts. don't miss mattress price wars at sleep train. we have some breaking news out of france right now. at least three people have been wounded after a gunman opened fire on a train that was traveling from amsterdam to paris. police officials tell nbc news the incident happened this afternoon roughly 115 miles north of paris. the suspect has been apprehended. again, this is a story we're following closely there in amsterdam. we're going to bring you -- excuse me, in france. we're going to bring you more information as we get it. we expect to get more information on that story. developing right now, tensions between north and south korea are reaching a fever pitch. north korean leader kim jong-un has order his troops to be, quote, battle ready. the volatile leader demanding that south korea stop blaring propaganda against the north through loud speakers that have been positioned at its border. the associated press citing u.s. defense officials say america's annual military exercises with south korea have been halted because of the tensions. nbc's ian williams is near the demilitarized zone and has a look at how people are preparing. >> reporter: we're now close to the southern edge of the demilitarized zone, this sign warning against going any further. now, south korea is used to blood-curdling threats from the north. they pretty much take them in their stride. also, in the past when there have been attacks, the south has been reluctant to hit back. but what changed this week is where rockets came from the north thursday, seoul hit back forcefully with a big barrage of its own. they've made clear that this weekend, if there is any prof kags from the north, they will again hit back and they'll hit back hard. ian williams, nbc news, near the dmz. >> i'm joined by former new mexico governor bill richardson. also former u.s. ambassador to the united nations. governor, we've seen these types of threats before from the north. is there any reason to believe it's different this time? >> well, it is different this time. it's the most heightened tension in the last five years. they're shooting artillery rockets. in the past, the border skirmishes have been small arms. there's a u.s.-south korea military exercises when the tension is highest. the reason this is most different and most worrisome is that it's under kim jong-un's leadership. we've never seen him react to a border skirmish. in the past, his father used to escalate and then tamp down. now, we hope this is what's going to happen with kim jong-un. but we don't know because he's unpredictable. he's afraid of his own leadership situation in north korea. i think lastly, north korea's sending a message to the world. hey, we're still a problem, we still want attention, it's not just iran in the middle east that are in crisis, so deal with us. it's part optics but part serious conflict. >> this is what state department spokesman rear admiral john kirby told luke russert a short time ago about the tensions between the two countries. take a listen. >> what we really want, and we've said this before, is for the north to stop destabilizing the situation and stop committing acts and frankly ascribing to rhetoric that's doing nothing to lower and decrease tensions. >> what's behind -- and again, i know there's a fair amount of speculation involved in this, but kim jong-un's motivations here. because as you indicated, this is something we've seen him do time and time again. why? >> well, i think his motivation is, one, to show his own generals, his own leadership, his own hand-picked parliament that he's in total control and that he's tough. secondly, i think it's a message to the united states and the countries surrounding north and south korea, china, russia, japan, the region, that you have to deal with us. you know, we're around, too, and you can't ignore us. then lastly, which i think may be an opportunity, is maybe he's saying, all right, i'm ready to have a dialogue, but it has to be on my own terms. we're going to be here, deal with us, or you're going to contin contin continuously have these skirmishes. we have 28,000 american troops there. we have a treaty with south korea where we have to come to their defense. so we can be drawn in. i think diplomacy, dialogue, china helping us, finding ways to cool them down because china has leverage over north korea to give them food and fuel, is the way to go, instead of this increased tension. >> before i let you go, i want to talk about iran quickly. president obama, as you know, wrote a letter to members of congress trying to sway them. it appears to have worked with at least congressman jerry nadler. but there's this new poll out. it shows 56% of americans want congress to reject the deal. you've also got the air waves being bombarded with ads against it. this is one of the ads released yesterday. >> the problem with the iran nuclear deal is that it would increase the high likelihood of the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the region. saudi arabia, egypt, turkey, united arab themirates. let's not forget that iran is the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world. >> so again, president obama trying to sway members of congress. how does the president sway the american public on this? >> well, i think it's a tough sell right now because of the ads, because of the tension in the region. i think this is going to be really tough for the president. in the end, i think he wins because he can sustain a veto. but i think both houses, as a former member of congress, i can sense they're going to turn down the deal. but they won't be able to overturn a veto. you know, i think the biggest problem here is this terrorism issue. i think the nuclear agreement is okay. i've looked at it, 106 pages, but it's a state sponsor of terrorism. iran messing with israel, with yemen, with syria. then those four american hostages, the marine, the writer, the pastor, the intelligence agent. you know, it's really very close to hitting home, and iran is not exactly a model of good behavior. >> it sounds like -- >> a lot of americans are concerned. >> well, it sounds like you're one of the americans who think congress should reject the deal as well. >> not necessarily. you know, i think iran has an opportunity in the next 30 days. the vote is middle of september. if iran shows certain steps like releases the hostages, like engages in a process with syria, of at least a dialogue for a transition, stops messing around in yemen, says something about maybe a dialogue with israel or leaves israel alone, you know, iran could do this. and i don't think it has much to lose, but you know, you've got the religious leadership there that is very, very difficult. so i would be like a member of congress, waiting until the last minute to cast my vote. >> former new mexico governor, former u.n. ambassador, bill richardson. always good to see you, sir. thank you for your time. >> thank you. still ahead here, drastic measures taken to fight a dangerous wildfire. washington state now asking for volunteers for the first time in its history. a live report from the ground next. then this -- >> just came here to try to be a better leader and improve myself. i feel like i did that. >> history made today in the army. two women graduating from the grueling ranger school. we're asking in today's bing pulse question, should women be allowed to serve in all combat positions? 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>> we don't know very much. you pretty much outlined all the details that we do know. as you mentioned, the train is about 100 miles outside of paris. it does look as if whatever happened here happened on board a moving train because the train company has said that everybody is safe and that the train has now been stopped. the suspect has been apprehended, has been arrested. there are reports that this person was using a kalashnikov. as you can imagine, as this develops, a lot of this is only just emerging. it happened about two hours ago. we don't know the motive, but we know the french interior ministry is saying they'll hold a news conference soon in which they'll outline more details about exactly what this was, how this happened. but it does look, craig, as if whatever it was, they managed to prevent it being far, far worse. three people wounded. it doesn't look as if they were seriously wounded. >> keir simmons for us from london this afternoon. thank you so much. more evacuations in washington state as that deadly wildfire rages on. this is the same wildfire that killed three firefighters wednesday. 31-year-old richard wheeler, 21-year-old andrew zajac, and tom zbyszewski, just 20. >> he loved life and he loved people. he wanted to help people. >> he was a special kid, you know. we're really going to miss tom. >> right now, little relief in sight for the dozens of wildfires that are burning across parts of the western united states. you can take a look there at the map. all of those flames there, as you can see, are all those wildfires burning right now. following the fire fight in washington, msnbc's leann greg. first of all, what are the conditions like right now, and how are those conditions expected to affect the fire fight this weekend? >> reporter: well, craig, extreme fire behavior is expected again today because of the strong wind you were talking about, the gusting could get up to 30 to 40 miles an hour like it did yesterday. that's what prompted those new evacuations early this morning. more than 1,000 people ended up having to be evacuated. officials just now said that there's a strong likelihood of more evacuations anywhere south of the fires because of these winds. it continues to be a problem. you did mention the department of natural resources for the first time is asking volunteers to come in to help because resources are stretched so thin all across this state. there are 15 large fires burning. the winds will die down this weekend, but then there will be another problem, unstable atmosphere, which allows those huge plumes to build. those will suck in the air and add to the intensity. they can explode in all directions. so completely different but another extremely serious challenge. they expect that all sides of the fire to be active for the next several days. craig? >> leanne gregg for us in washington state. thank you so much. let's turn now to a story that we told you about in our last hour. there's this 15-year-old that goes by the name deez nuts. he is doing very well in at least one presidential poll. he's become a social media sensation. more than 390,000 tweets have been sent about the candidate since he hit the scene. unmasked as an iowa farm boy named brady olson after registering to run for president, public policy polling, they were convinced to add him to a north carolina poll. there it is right there. deez nuts, third place. he's also posted 8% in minnesota and 7% in iowa. now rapper warren g., who performed the skit that more than likely inspired this viral political persona, he wants to be his running mate. i'm joined now by warren g. a rapper known for hip-hop classic "regulate." you just saw the 1994 video. he also performed this skit called "deez nuts." his latest album is out right now. there it is right there on your screen. warren g., how did you feel when you heard that deez nuts was running, and have you heard from toby olson about your offer to be his running mate? >> i mean, it was a trip just to know that something you just did on a humbug could just get taken over 21 years later and made into something that has to do with the presidential election. that's crazy. but the kid is a cool kid. you know, i just -- that was pretty smart thinking. reminds me of brewster's millions back in the day. >> he's got a campaign website. his platform includes support for the iran nuclear deal, pro-abortion, same-sex marriage, cutting oil subsidies. you have suggested, i've been told, you've suggested adding weed wednesdays at the white house, creating opportunities for kids in urban areas, and taking away the three strikes law as well. it seems like you guys have a libertarian-leaning ticket. >> yeah, i mean, i know i said weed wednesdays, but, you know, after going through all the hard work and solving all the problems all over the world, you got to relax a little bit. you got to take out a day to, you know, unwind. so i think that would be pretty cool. you know, in the white house. but like i said, man, i'm just trying to help the urban communities and any community, bringing back a lot of the music programs and you know, opening up a lot of schools that could help these people who get out of jail, help teach them, you know, how to do different trades and stuff. that'll open it up so they can get jobs. then we won't have that much violence or crime going on and all of the gang banging because everybody would be happy and hard working earning their money to survive. >> warren g., we're going to have to leave it there my friend. thank you for your time. i know we had trouble with the connection. >> i was talking too much? >> no. we got to hit commercials here. >> oh, it's all good. >> i didn't get a chance to ask you about "straight outta compton" so you'll have to come back so we can talk about the movie. all right. warren g., looking good. straight ahead, we're going to turn back to -- well, no, we were just on politics. we're going to continue our political conversation here. ready for joe? i'll talk to the democratic strategist who helped obama in 2008 and 2012. he just joined the draft biden movement. that strategist, steve schale. he'll join me to talk about why he's backing the current veep. yet up to 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more... ...add one a day men's 50+. complete with key nutrients we may need. plus it helps support healthy blood pressure with vitamin d and magnesium. no student's ever been the king of the campus on day one. but you're armed with a roomy new jansport backpack, a powerful new dell 2-in-1 laptop, and durable new stellar notebooks, so you're walking the halls with varsity level swagger. that's what we call that new gear feeling. you left this on the bus... get it at the place with the experts to get you the right gear. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. 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>> craig, i hope so. i don't really know much more than you do. i think at this point we all know the vice president is taking it very seriously, weighing the best decision for him. really, our job is to make sure we're making the best public case for him to get in the race and also begin to think about how we can organize the volunteers that keep coming through our doors every day, getting ready for those early states. so if he makes a decision to jump in this race, he's ready to go. >> why are you helping vice president biden and not helping former secretary of state hillary clinton? >> you know, for me, this wasn't really a choice. i made the decision after the 2012 election frankly to do less politics. less presidential politics. it's a pretty exhausting process. you know, i was looking forward frankly to having an election cycle where i spent more time on the beach than i did in the campaign office. just a personal affinity for the vice president. i have a lot of respect for him, the service he's provided the country. i think he's as decent of a human being as we have in public life. if he's seriously considering running, i wanted to be a part of it. it's just as organic as that. >> there are a lot of folks who said if he decides to get in at this point, it may very well be too late. a lot of big money has been spoken for. a lot of the folks that would be able to help with organization have already signed up to help hillary clinton. what say you to that? >> well, i mean, listen, i think guys like you and i who live and breathe this stuff, we think that campaigns, you know, it's too late in the campaign cycle. the reality is that most voters are just formulating their opinions on these things. the vice president has the kind of name recognition, he's got the kind of brand, he's got the kind of personal network that i am confident and certainly just the level of text messages and e-mails i've gotten in the last 48 hours i've been engaged, there's enough energy out there for him. certainly enough energy to put together a competent team and compete in the early states. you know how these primaries work. it's all about momentum. our job is to ensure if he decides that he's ready to go, that we've built a good operation with volunteers who are out talking to voters and ready to help him the day he says yes. >> democratic strategist steve schale, former obama campaign strategist, now with draft biden. steve, thank you. drive safely, sir. a quick warning today from the centers for disease control for the 40 million contact lens wearers in the united states. you're doing it wrong. a new cdc survey found virtually every single participant was doing something to get germs in their eyes. half admitted to sleeping in their lenses. guilty. a third reported rinsing them in tap water, which is not sterile. sometimes guilty. here are a few tips. wash your hands with soap and water before touching your lenses. take them out before sleeping or swimming. and always risen the lenses and your case with disinfecting solution. i'm caridee. i've had moderate to severe plaque psoriasis most of my life. but that hasn't stopped me from modeling. my doctor told me about stelara® it helps keep my skin clearer. with only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses... ...stelara® helps me be in season. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. some serious infections require hospitalization. before starting stelara® your doctor should test for tuberculosis. stelara® may increase your risk of cancer. always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection, have had cancer, or if you develop any new skin growths. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems. these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. in a medical study, most stelara® patients saw at least 75% clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. stelara® helps keep my skin clearer. ask your doctor about stelara®. 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>> i did ask her that. >> and she said specifically, i never felt threatened, correct? >> she did. >> and she said specifically, i never felt coerced, correct? >> she did. >> okay. so laura, how do we reconcile what we just heard there, and how do we reconcile the accuser testifying that she was raped versus the school nurse testifying that the accuser told her it was consensual? >> well, for those who are in court those few days, it wasn't just one nurse. there were actually two and a doctor. the second nurse did a rape kit. they did find injury, and there was a doctor who did an internal exam who testified regarding the findings. so the context of this first nurse, she's a school nurse. all she does is dispense medication. the victim had come and asked for plan b. you got to remember the defendant in this case is claiming he never had sex with her, and here she is coming in for plan b. there's also testimony that was submitted, evidence, messages where he admits using a condom, putting it on halfway through. there's a lot going on through. it's not as simple as one clip. >> hold it. but, you listen to what the nurse says on the stand and it seems fairly simple to some folks. the nurse said she was told by the accuser she wasn't raped. how do you reconcile that statement with the other stuff? >> the same way the victim did on the stand. again, this is a school nurse. all she does is dispense medication. the survivor came in looking for plan "b" because unprotected sex occurred and it was assault. and when that happened, she had to fill out a questionnaire and mark what it was for and didn't want to mark rape. it was graduation weekend. her family was there. her sister was graduating. there was a reason she made that choice. >> owen labrie expected to testify wednesday. what does the accuser's family hope to hear from him? >> quite bluntly, they have no comment about him. they're letting the process play out. he'll raise whatever defense he wants to raise. he is again claiming that no sexual contact occurred as far as intercourse so there's going to be a lot of evidence coming out. i think he will have a tough day on the stand trying to explain why he said he used a condom. >> laura, i wish we had more time. thank you. >> thanks for having me on. before heading the break, breaking news of wall street. the dow down close to 400 points. this is the fourth straight day of losses. the markets are on track for their worst week since 2011. have complete visibility into your business, it can quickly become the only thing you think about. that's where at&t can help. at&t's innovative solutions connect machines and people... to keep your internet of things in-sync, in real-time. leaving you free to focus on what matters most. hand apparently, they also lovee what's up with these things, victor? 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>> an hour ago we had about 270, i believe. >> how many students are -- out of how many students? >> i believe somewhere around 250 students per grade. >> oh wow. so you have a lot of folks at the school to sign this thing. >> yeah. >> your town has famous neighbors. former president bill clinton, hillary clinton, among them but you insist that this is not a petition that's politically motivated. >> this is not politically motivated. this has nothing to do with politics or presidents. this is solely about a public institution. associating itself financially with hatefulness and vulgarism. >> what kind of vulgarism are we speaking of specifically? >> donald trump's very, very offensive and racist comments towards latinos and towards females, along with veterans in the case of john mccain and overall he's said so many horrible things over the course of his time as a celebrity. >> so even if he weren't running for president, you guys wouldn't want to have the prom there? >> i don't care a john doe with no money and said things like this. if it doesn't matter donald trump or not. doesn't matter who it is. saying disrespectful things, i don't want to be associated with them. >> julian, we have to leave it there. good luck. you start school september 1st. senior year. is that right? >> yeah. >> all right. good luck with your senior year. that wraps things up for this year. thomas roberts back from vacation on monday. he's had a blast. you should check out the facebook page. fantastic pictures. ari melber never takes a vacation. he is up next. hi. hi. hi my name's josh. kelly. my name is raph. steve. my name is anne. tom. brian. krystal. and i am definitely not a robot. i'm one of the real live attorneys you can talk to through legalzoom. whether it's for your business or your personal life, don't let unanswered legal questions hold you up. because we're here. we're here, we're here, and we've got your back. legalzoom. legal help is here. that's a good thing, but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call today to request a free decision guide to help you better understand what medicare is all about and which aarp medicare supplement plan works best for you. with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. there's a range of plans to choose from, too, and they all travel with you anywhere in the country. join the millions who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations... and provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. ♪ call today. remember, medicare supplement insurance helps cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. expenses that could really add up. these kinds of plans could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you'll be able to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. and there are virtually no referrals needed. so don't wait. with all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. call now to request your free decision guide. this easy-to-understand guide will answer some of your questions and help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you. good day to you from the msnbc newsroom, i'm ari melber. new details on hurricane danny, the first of the atlantic season. and probably not the last. also, a stormy stretch on wall street right now. stocks are in free fall and a nobel prize winning economist is warning there's more aftershocks ahead. but first, the big politics event under the friday night lights. donald trump will kick off what's expected to be the largest, largest campaign rally of this whole election cycle. it's at a 43,000-seat football stadium in alabama, home to friday night football and the college senior boll. 42,000 supporters or at leasted parties say they're showing up. if they do, the crowd size, well, it would top barack obama's largest in the 2008 election cycle. he went on to draw crowds far larger, up to 100,000 in the general

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