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Recline. I think its invading my rights to fly and be comfortable. We will tackle the debate raging across america, the invendor of the knee defender joins me live. All in starts right now. Good evening from new york. New details emerge today in a report by mother jones about what the police may have done to fuel the communitys outrage after Michael Browns death, precipitating those protests in ferguson. Hours after the shooting, browns mother and other Community Members placed flowers and candles over the blood stains in the road. Soon the candles and flowers were smashed after police drove over them. Mother jones also reports that an officer let the dog he was controlling urinate on the memorial site. Today the man who has represented the friendlier face of Law Enforcement in ferguson announced that police are reducing their presence in ferguson after several nights of calm. As many of you saw today, the command center is now fully dismantled. The st. Louis City Police Officers have returned to normal duties in the city of st. Louis. The Highway Patrol and st. Louis county Police Officers will continue to control the area along West Florence avenue. A grand jury heard evidence in the Fatal Shooting of Michael Brown by officer Darren Wilson, a time line for that grand jury investigation is still unclear, and still being pursued by bob mccullough. Just like calls from community and local officials to put someone else on the case. In ohio, however, in another case of a black man shot and killed by police, the attorney general in that state has stepped in to appoint a special prosecutor. Attorney general mike dewine said he assigned a prosecutor to investigate the death of John Crawford iii a man killed in a walmart in southwest ohio on august 5th. Im at the walmart, theres a gentleman Walking Around with a gun in the store. Does he have it pulled out . Yeah, hes like pointing at people. What does he look like . Black male, probably 6 foot tall. He said they shot crawford after he refused to put down the gun. It turned out that what John Crawford was carrying was an unpackaged pellet gun he had taken off a shelf. Police later released dash cam video from the incident along with dispatch recordings, including that 911 call, they declined to make public a surveillance tape from inside the walmart, showing what happened when Police Responded on the scene. The attorney general did allow John Crawfords family and their lawyer to view portions of the video. Contrary to previous accounts, crawford was facing away from the police, talking on a cell phone and leaning on the gun like a cane when the officers responded. The tape we saw saw several shoppers walk by john, look at merchandise in the same aisle with john, and they were completely indifferent as to johns presence. The video shows that john made no aggressive movements toward the police. And he was almost he was shot almost immediately upon their arrival. The woman named lisa johnson told us she was on the phone with crawford when he was shot. He was in the video games playing videos, he went over there by the toy section, and the next thing i know he said, its not real. And the police start shooting and they said, get on the ground. But hes already on the ground because they had shot him. I feel like they shot him down like he was not even human. Joining me now is John Crawfords father and the attorney for the family. Can you tell me what it was like to look at that video . No words can really describe it was unbelievable. It was truly unbelievable to see that to see anyone get gunned down like that was unbelievable. Mr. Wright, when you went into that video, what were you expecting to see based on the accounts that have been given to you, communicated to you about what the Police Said Happened at the point of the shooting of mr. Crawford . Well, we knew all along, what we believe to be the facts. I was expecting basically what i saw, mr. Crawford entered walmart, was shopping, was doing what walmart wants people to do, he was shopping, picking things off the shelf, he happened to pick up this bb gun, walked from one aisle to the other, and at some point he was shot and killed doing nothing in walmart. What is going to happen here . I was surprised that the attorney general actually stepped in and appointed a special prosecutor in contrast to whats happened in missouri. Do you have confidence now with this special prosecutor in place that there could be a fair transparent just process for sorting out what happened to your son and Holding People account able if that is what is merited . Absolutely not, to answer your first question about having confidence, absolutely not. Essentially that was not at agreement, you know. It was my understanding that he would do what was in our best interest, the family. Im not ive not seen him illustrate that. To my knowledge, the special prosecutor still works under the auspices of the attorney generals office, therefore still from the familys standpoint, a biassed standpoint. What were interested in is the u. S. Attorney to get involved in this case. Weve made requests and were interested in the department of justice to investigate this case. What would be the jurisdiction here for a civil rights investigation, like the one were seeing the department of justice conduct in missouri . Yes, in addition to the normal investigation that a prosecutor would do in any criminal matter. Mr. Crawford. I want to ask you just to tell us about your son. What you want people to remember him for, because he had the horrible misfortune of being cut down so early in his life, and also, in the context of a news cycle thats focused on a number of young black men who died at the hands of police, he was your son and a person i imagine you want us to know about other than how he died . Yes, my son was, in many ways, he was your typical 22yearold young person, you know. Finding his way, trying to figure out his next move in life. He left behind two children, one year. Thats John Crawford iv and jaden. Carlito crawford is five months now. He was just a laid back anyone who really knew my son would tell you he was a respectful young man, and he was pretty laid back and carefree. You know. And he was a family oriented person, as we all are, were just people, were family oriented and we will continue to maintain that type of setting in our family and we will do everything we can to move on. Its been extremely difficult, but we will do everything to vindicate my son. And thats how i want him to be remembered. I want him to be remembered as just your typical young person who was a family man, who was very, very into family and friends and were going to do everything we can to vindicate and illustrate just that point. Mr. Wright, do you think they should publicly release the video that you shot that you saw . I believe that the public has the right to know what happened in that walmart. Right now, all the information is one sided. It appears the information thats been released shows that, you know, john that john was at fault, he was waiving this bb gun at women and children and that definitely was not the case. We do believe it should be released because it will show specifically what happened in this walmart. John was doing nothing but shopping and the beaver creek police came in and shot and killed this young man unjustifiably. He was standing there, he was not waiving the gun around, the fellow shoppers did not have any fear or threat . Thats absolutely correct. The last we havent seen all of the video, but the last four or five minutes of the video shows mr. Crawford standings in the same place, talking on the cell phone, he had the cell phone in his right hand, he had the bb gun in his left gun, barrel up, the gun pointed toward the floor and the next thing you see is just mr. Crawford laying on the floor. John crawford jr. And michael wright, thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Unlike the shooting of John Crawford iii there is no video of the actual moment when Michael Brown was killed in the street two and a half weeks ago. There was no dash cam video. And the absence of chronicling of what happened, some people in ferguson and others i talked to about the case, theres a sense that there has to be more to the story than a Police Officer shot a kid to death and lied about it. There may be, we do not know. Its not impossible for police to do something terrible and lie about what they did. That does unfortunately happen, if you dont believe me, look no further than what allegedly happened in the case of marcus jeter. He was facing five years in prison on criminal charges on alluding police and assault until a dash cam video came to light that showed a different version of events than the ones police have reported. Get down get down stop resisting. Why are you trying to get off my gun. Its worth noting the internal Affairs Division had found no wrongdoing by the officers. After the video emerged, jeter was cleared of all charges. Others were charged with tampering with records and false swearing. Joining me now, joy reid, host of the reid report. Its an important principle here, because i think that we dont know anything about what Darren Wilson did, other than some fairly extensive eyewitness testimony which is impeachable and may be contradictory. But you do encounter this sort of benefit of the doubt afforded to the police . Yes. I understand, particularly people have had good experiences with police. Law enforcement in their family, in their friendly circle. Want to think the best about people. But we do have lots of documented cases. In this case, you cant see it at one point the officer is reaching in, the guy has his hands up and saying, stop going for my gun. Yelling, stop going for my gun. He has his hands up. They punch him twice in the face, ram their car into him. Throw something into the window to break the glass, and then just completely lie about it, and dont turn over this tape. Yeah. When he is prosecuted. If you notice, a lot of these stories, one of the Common Threads youll hear in the officers account of these shootings is, he was going for my gun or i thought he was going for my gun. Thats a Common Element in a lot of these stories. Ive been thinking a lot about the case of Patrick Dorisman lately. He was shot in new york city undercover cop asked him where can i buy some drugs man . He said i dont sell drugs. The cop insists. Lo and behold this man is shot in the chest and killed. This is a case that was made famous by Rudy Giuliani who was the mayor at the time, releasing his juvenile arrest records and saying, hes no angel. Another thing you hear about. He went to the same Catholic School that Rudy Giuliani did. The officer in question said, he went for my gun. Thought he was going for my gun, i heard somebody say, get his gun. The person who was with Patrick Doris does man said, no, no, no. And then you get this he said he said. Most juries say why would he lie . He must have done something. That is why the revulsion, the character assassination of Michael Brown postmortem, it will ultimately be germane because, is this the kind of person that could pose a threat . Is this the kind of person who would have gone for the gun . The moment they say, youre going for my gun. We heard from people that Michael Brown reached for the officers gun. Unarmed black man killed by lapd the official count is, he went for the gun. In all cases, it may be the case in all of those cases, he was reaching for the gun. We have Video Evidence here that it wasnt the case, it is also significant in the sense of what kind of selfdefense latitude it gives a Police Officer. Either theres a tremendous epidemic of black men trying to grab Police Officers guns or there is something to the fact that police understand in their training what the use of force matrix is, i think more americans, more americans need to understand the use of force matrix. Which means, if a Police Officer stops you, and you raise your voice, theyre allowed to escalate their force to the next level. If you do anything that they could reasonably say, could have caused the officer death or serious bodily injury, they can shoot you. Police officers do understand the use of force matrix, whether theyre poorly trained or well trained. They understand that, theres a distance away from the person that was shot that matters in the case. They do understand their own selfdefense. Its either an epidemic of a lot of black men trying to grab Police Officers guns, knowing all the issues that happened police and black men or there is a level of paranoia and fear that is messing with the perception of the officer in that moment. Absolutely. And that gets into a whole bigger issue than we can get into. The reid report weekdays 2 00 eastern on msnbc. A 9yearold shoots and kills her instructor with an uzie machine gun. Should you be able to recline your airline seat . Ill tell you where i come down should you be able to recline your airline seat . Ill tell you where i come down on the debate. Mohave county Sheriffs Department announced that no charges will be filed after a horrible shooting accident monday when a gun range instructor handed a fully loaded automatic machine gun to a 9yearold girl. She lost control of that weapon and killed her instructor. Authorities in arizona were investigating what went wrong. A partial video of the incident has been released by the Sheriffs Department, it does not show the actual shooting. You have to keep that held in otherwise the gun wont fire, okay . Do you understand . Right there. Just like that turn this leg forward, just like that. All right, go ahead and give me one shot. All right. All right. Pull out according to the sheriff, the girl safely and successfully fired the nine millimeter weapon several times when it was set on single shot mode. The gun recoiled and turned off to the left. She lost control of the uzie, the instructor was 39yearold charles hakka. The girl was on vacation with her family when they visited bullets and burgers. Its part of the last stop camping outpost. Its a private outdoor range with unique desert storm atmosphere and military style bunkers where you can shoot full auto on or machine gun on our machine guns. The operator of the gun range said the little girl got to handle the gun with her parents consent because she was over 8 years old. Joining me now is the range operator. First of all, my condolences, you must be going through a horrible grieving period. This is a coworker of yours. He was like a friend and brother too. Have you been able to understand what went wrong . Were having a policy review on what went wrong up there in reviewing the videotape, ive requested the entire videotape were going to review that and decide if we have to make any changes in the policy. We have an unblemished record for the last 14 years here. Weve never had an injury of any type. Is there any regulation or legal guidance about how young someone can handle what weapon . I know you told a reporter that a 5yearold can shoot a. 22 if they have their parents consent. Could a 5yearold also conceivably shoot an uzie . No. Its subject to an individual call. We dont let anyone enter the range unless theyre 8 years old or older. We grow some pretty big 8yearolds out here in arizona. Thats not legally required, thats your judgment . Its our policy. Kids i think kids are too immature. This was a very mature young lady, something she wanted to do, and her parents were treating her. Her parents took her out to do what she was going to do. I dont think if she had gone to any other range she would have a problem. She could shoot any automatic weapon she wants. I dont think shed want to be shooting the big heavies, but i called our church. Ive been praying for her for three days we had a prayer circle going for charlie, we had 500 or 600 people praying for charlie. We were all praying for them. My wife and spouses and girlfriends of some of the employees went up there. Were a very tightknit group here. Its more like family, i dont want any of my people to stub their toes, let alone get killed in the process. Its heartbreaking. People that are watching this that dont spend a lot of time around guns, people are saying, why would you let an 8yearold shoot an uzi . Whats the possible upside . The down side is so horribly clear. What do you say to people that look at this and their jaws are on the floor . Well, you know, i tell you, weve had probably 100,000 people shoot on our two ranges combined, and weve had of that, probably 1500 to 2,000 have been kids. We do birthday parties for children here, bachelor and bachelorette parties at both facilities. Its part of the las vegas entertainment industry. If there wasnt a large demand for it, we wouldnt do it. Do you are you going to continue doing this . Next week if someone. Were not going to close the range, obviously, and were not going to stop the range operation or the rental of automatic weapons, whatsoever. Were going to review everything, talk to some counseling and the nra and see what they recommend. If we have to raise it, what were kicking around right now is like at disneyland if youre not this tall, you cant shoot. Whatever we come up with, and my guys on each one of my range officers, theyre all thoroughly trained. Never supposed to break the 6 00 where theyre standing behind the designated shooter at the time these guys are all former military or Law Enforcement. We hire nothing but vets or retired cops and theyre trained, theyre fully well trained and very familiar with firearms, i dont want anybody to get hurt. We have first aid kits here, and theyre new. Never had an injury at the place. Thank you very much. There is lots of freaking out over the threat that isis poses to the u. S. , but should there be . Thats ahead. Peter theo curtis landed in boston last night, where he was reunited with his mother after almost two years in captivity. Kidnapped in 2012 by an Al Qaeda Affiliated militant group. Because i work in cable news one of the first thoughts i had, i wonder if we can book him for the show. Because as a journalist, i would imagine he has quite the fascinating and important story to tell, and since he himself is a journalist, he understands that thought process, which is why his brief address this morning to the media assembled outside his mothers house was so perfect. First of all, i want to thank you all for coming out here on this beautiful wednesday morning. In the days following my release on sunday, i have learned bit by bit that there have been literally hundreds of people, brave, determined and big hearted people all over the world working for my release. Theyve been working for two years on this. I had no idea when i was in prison, i had no idea that so much effort was being extended on my behalf. And now having found out, i am overwhelmed with emotion. Im also overwhelmed by one other thing, is that total strangers have been coming up to me and saying, hey, were just glad youre home, welcome home, glad youre back, glad youre safe. Great to see you. I suddenly remember how good the American People are, and what kindness they have in their hearts. And to all those people, i say a huge thank you from my heart. From the bottom of my heart. And now, im so grateful that you are expressing all this interest in me. At the same time, i have to bond with my mother and my family now, and i cant give you an interview. I cant give you talking back and forth. Can you tell us what it feels like . Thats all i can say to you, i promise you in the future, i will respond to your emails and be present and help you do your job. I know you, im one of you, i want to help you guys, i will respond but i cant do it now . Whats the first meal . Welcome back. Welcome back. Welcome back indeed, and welcome home. Today all eyes are once again on isis. A mother pleads to isis for her sons life. Administration officials tell the New York Times they have started to mobilize a coalition of allies behind potential american forces. A second american was killed while fighting with isis in the same incident with douglas mccain. Were not in a position to confirm those reports. Its this news that people freaked out about isis. Should we be . Theres not a question if they are doing horrific things . They have posted hours of video on the internet of them doing horrific things. They were unaware of any specific Credible Threats against the homeland and find support of threats by isis not credible. They dont seem to want to answer the question if isis is a threat to the homeland or the u. S. Last week isis is called a threat to every interest we have, does the president agree with the defense secretarys assessment . What secretary hagel said, you may have seen more of the News Conference than i did, what is true, theres a threat thats posed by isil. An imminent threat. It certainly is american ins. Austin long, assistant the professor of the school of International Affairs in columbia, he was deployed to iraq as adviser of the u. S. Military. Okay, isis does a good job of being terrifying, they put out videos that are terrifying, that are savage, unspeakably repugnant. How big a threat do they represent to the u. S. . I think they are a threat to United States interests but not to the homeland. In the entire time the United States was in iraq fighting them when they were al qaeda in iraq, there was no attempt to attack the homeland. I was reading an analysis, the very thing that makes them so terrifying, is the thing that makes it difficult for them to strategically orient themselves which is pulling off a Remote Attack on the home land. Al qaeda didnt have to they werent running a state, they didnt have to govern anything, isis is now running the thing they call a state. Absolutely, and on top of that, there are states that are fighting on multiple fronts, theyre fighting the kurds, the iraqi government, the syrian government, other rebels. I doubt they have very much energy left to plot attacks on the homeland if they wanted to. We should also know that if you watch a video of someone getting beheaded, so do people that are under isiss control. This is a headline from today, mosuls resentment of militants grows. Theres a story of an adulterer being stoned to death on television. People dont like that. Yeah, al qaeda and iraq, when it was al qaeda and iraq, provoked a lot of resistance, that led to many sunnis mobilizing against it. It was so murderous, they were bombing shiite mosques left to right, czar zawakawi was getting letters saying you are dangerous. I think it points to fighting locally. What is the agenda here, its to get enough room to establish a califate . Thats exactly it is al qaedas goal was to displace the saudi monarch i can that they thought was corrupt but they werent Strong Enough to do it, isis has shown its Strong Enough to take and hold territory at least for now. Theres the question of these americans that are going over there, americaners, it is scary to people to think people have western passports and are going to fight and coming back. What is your sense . Its a threat, but not a threat of a major attack, its a threat of an attack on shootings weve seen on u. S. Military escalations. Many of them are getting killed over there as was noted earlier. Yeah, i was reading that earlier today, these western recruits are essentially cannon fodder, and the people who are running isis are happy to have these naive brits or americans coming into battle but arent given larger tasks. They provide great suicide bombers. I think at worst, youre looking at Something Like faisal shazad. This is the times square bomber that was unsuccessful in. Yes. Also, if it were successful terrifying. Its not an imminent threat on a massive scale. Thank you very much. Really appreciate it. Thank you. Well be right back. Helps you be Ready Anytime the moment is right. Cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. 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Female announcer 2 save up to 500 on a tempurpedic mattress with Adjustable Base while supplies last at sleep train. The topic that a top editor of the New York Times today called the israel palestine of transit discussion. Its the question of whether to recline or not to recline your airplane seat. The debate sparked by an incident thats been waiting to happen, which did finally happen on sunday. A United Airlines flight from newark, new jersey to denver that would be diverted to chicago after an argument broke out. Reporter it all began with a 22 gadget called the knee defender. It keeps people from reclining. Reporter Officials Say a man seated in economy plus was using the device which attaches to the tray stable to stop the woman in front of him from reclining her seat try as she might. After the imagine refused to remove his knee defender, the woman stood up, turned around and threw a cup of water at him. The spat prompted the pilot to land in chicago where the two passengers were removed. The flight continued to denver without them, landing an hour and a half late. The inventor of the knee defender predicted it may cause some con stra nation. It comes with a courtesy card, youre supposed to hand to the person in front of you. This may be an inconvenience and encourages passengers to complain to the airline for not giving people enough leg room in the first place, i did not know there are two kinds of people in the world, people who recline their seats and think its fine. And people who choose to recline their seats are selfish antisocial monsters. For a long time people had to stew silently in their seats and then came this device. Joining me now is the inventor of the knee defender, ira goldman. Before i get you to defend your knee defender, was this a publicity stunt . I can think of no better publicity than the cost of two tickets and a theatrical splash of water in the face. If i did that, i waited 11 years to do it, the products been on the market for 11 years, if im that clever im also rather slow in the up take. So thats a denial. Thats a denial. There were two people on the plane who acted badly and not only badly, but the person who owned the knee defender, it says on every knee defender ever sold, be courteous, dont hog space and listen to the flight crew. Ira, you have first of all, you worked on capitol hill, right . Yes. This strikes me as the kind of thing that a staffer writes into the tax code, just within the letter of the law, but sort of violates its spirit. I mean, you created a device to render what little social contract exists on an airline, and then do hand out passive aggressive cards as a kind of pseudo apology for it. Well, first of all, theres a card, we also have on the website, if you dont buy a knee defender, to say to the person sitting in front of you, by the way, im back here, and im not used to invoking god, but it wasnt the knee defender that caused the problem. The airline set things up, and my legs are that long, when i sit down at my seat while the planes parked at the gate, my knees already hit the seat back in front of me. So without the knee defender, my kneecaps are going to stop the seat from reclining, and unfortunately, thats what happened too many times, sometimes with the hard part of the back of the seat, and so i came up with the knee defender. How popular has this item been . Well, ive spent about 1. 25 advertising it and its been selling for 11 years next month. Nobody wants to buy a device and carry it around and use it, except they give up trying everything else. And people write to me and say, i heard about this two years ago, i didnt want to buy it, i was figuring i dont need it really but then i just came back from a flight that was just so terrible, please send me and theyll order the knee defender. Isnt there some sort of policy solution here as opposed to every person for themselves you approach . Do you think its unethical to recline your seat . If my legs are already there or anybodys legs are already there. Unless this is a quantum airplane where my legs can be in the same place that the seat back can be on alternating universes thats the solution you call yourself an inventor, we need a seat or tray that can occupy the same bit of space as ones knees and we will solve it. That is a bit beyond me, but that will do it, people arent using this to hog space, theyre doing it to people have their laptop computer screens cracked. People have babies on their laps that get smacked in the head with these things. Planes have been diverted over the years for a lot more. That is true. Thank you. Thank you. Are there ever specific situations where recliners like myself should not recline . Some images as evidence ahead. The debate over reclining your airline seat, two Reader Photos what it looks like when someone reclines their seat into a 70 person. I will admit, when you have a 70 behind you, a little bit of compassion. I did not know until i would be totally honest, my feeling was, the seat can recline, you basically in purchasing the seat, you have purchased the ability to recline, when the person in front of me reclines, i dont front because thats fine, thats what were all doing. I didnt realize there are people who think its wrong to recline . No, but im delighted youre finally taking this issue on. For a long time ive put down your show because of your cowardice on this issue. But its splitting the first world apart. I dont have a dog in this fight, im 62 its horrible or somewhat less horrible. The important thing to remember here is, it comes down to common courtesy, maybe an uber system where we can do it ourselves and not let the airline decide. If the antirecliners win, that means they can move the seats four inches closer. Theres one bad guy and its the airline. And its us for Spirit Airlines which i have flown, which do they charge you for water . They charge you for pretty much everything. Maybe not water, they do not allow their seats to recline at all, its horrible. Theres a little bit of a moment when the plane achieves cruising altitude, even in a very uncomfortable flight. That is kill your Spirit Airlines. Which is that you can at least you know that when youre going on there, thats the thing, thats whats problematic with this guy stopping it. I think theres some utility, because you can get your laptop smashed, your knees. But you im not in anyway affiliated with the knee hes got to you too but you put it on there, and its a way of giving you a heads up, a warning that the seats coming back, at that point you say, oh, one second let me move my laptop and you take your thats not going to happen. Heres the deeper issue, airlines have figures out a way to sell the reason this controversy exists i realize today is that airlines have figured out a way to sell to actually assign the Property Rights at a biddable price for every square inch of an airline. But the square inches of the space that are between the unreclined and reclined chair. Every orbit of space has been price differentiated, can you pay to board earlier, for a little more leg room, a lot more leg room. What will come out of this is that they will pay you will have to pay to recline. Or pay to have the guy in front of you not recline. Exactly. Josh barrow wrote a piece in great liberal fashion saying, we can just resolve this, you pay the person in front of you to not recline. Its like you dont you do it that way. But again, youre right, they want to take that little bit of space away. Im a catholic martyr, any time im in a seat, its horrible. This is the warden wanting us to fight. This debate and the bigger this debate gets, the closer they get to leaving us no space. I dont want to have to read that also, its super creepy if the person behind you is like, hey, hey. And then you have to measure how is that any different than i want a piece of tarp i can slap over somebodys window for the ipad bothering me . Exactly, heres a nice little note to make you feel good about this. The amazing thing is like, this is what will market will bear. This much discomfort, you can talk about how much you dont like it, but your revealed preferences are that this is the price youre willing to bear for it, everyones willing to bear. I mean, and part of this is also, you know, the airline has to figure out a way in which they can enforce things that are not criminally they can enforce the dont disconnect the Smoke Detector in the bathroom because its faa regulations. They have to figure out a way in which they can enforce these things so it doesnt come to Something Like this, first of all, i think its inappropriate for someone to throw water on you. And in midair. This was a case of you will never get rid of reclining seats as long as you have red eye flights. That is all in for this evening, the Rachel Maddow show starts right now. That is all in for this evening, the Rachel Maddow show starts right now. I will never recline my seat into your show. Please do. I think thats my takeaway here, we all recline. Thats life. We all give, we all get. My knees to your never mind. Thanks to you at home for joining us this hour. All of the best conversations i have ever had. All the conversations i have learned the most from talking with Richard Engel have begun with us standing somewhere near a map. Richard is here tonight, back in new york, so we have a map ready, its always a good idea when richards around, heres the issue to ask him about. The u. S. Air strikes right now in iraq, and with this redhot debate right now about whether or not the u. S. Should consider air strikes over the border inside syria, when the white house talks about the militant group, the sunni militia effect that theyre bombing in iraq, and they may want to bomb in syria as well. When the white house talks about that group, they call them isil. Lets be cl

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