by being more punitive and w have been talking about that aisha, another piece of that, am curious about how you fee about this as an activist, for people in that movement, tha feminist blm et cetera, wh said well, they chose this fight. they said now, and bunch o white guy judges are reactin to it in that way. well, one response is, the don't control that and it doesn't take, if my reporting, recall or a special event for a lot of those peopl in those positions of power to act that way anyway. so i am curious, as we kind of take this seriously, the fil takes it seriously and we take it seriously today, what you say for those activists, as fellow activist who say, the had a point to make and it doesn't surprise them that the people who responded that way. i will make one more analogy as a thought experiment. there are people who thought fought for body camera t people respond by saying well, some of the police leadershi in the police unions, they hav a response to body cameras i double down and be worse but that doesn't mean if tha is their, and frankly, out o