hospitalizations, and that is all terrible news. there is a glimmer of good news amid these huge overwhelming surges, though. we mentioned earlier this week first reports out of new york city. new york city, of course, was the first big american city to be hit by the omicron wave. we talked earlier this week about first reports that cases and hospitalizations had started to slow down in their rise and started potentially to plateau or even decline. that trend is still holding in new york. and now we have similar news from one of the other major cities to first get hit hard by omicron. this is the headline today from wbur in boston. quote, unambiguously good news, sharp decline in covid wastewater levels in boston area. now, we've talked before on this show about how cities like boston have used wastewater data to track the spread of covid in realtime. look at this graph here today out of boston. this is the amount of covid basically that they are