argument that purports to allow state legislators to override the choice of the voters. by way of foundation for all the rest, trump and his party have convinced a dauntingly large number of americans that the essential workings of democracy are corrupt. that made up claims of fraud are true. that only cheating can thwart their victory at the polls. that tyranny has usurped their government. that violence is a legitimate response. any republican might benefit from these mac nations but let's not pretend there is any suspense unless biology intercedes trump will seek and win the republican nomination for president in 2024. the party is in his thrall. no opponent can break it and fen will try. neither will a setback outside politics like indictment or say a disastrous turn in business. neither will those things prevent trump from running. if anything those could redouble his will to power. quote, in nearly every battle space of the war to control the count of the next election, n state houses, state election authorities, courthouses, congress, the republican party apparatus, trump's position has improved since a year ago. to understand the threat today you have to see with clear eyes what happened, what is still happening after the 2020 election.o the charlatans and cranks who filed lawsuits and led public spectacles on trump's behalf sp were side shows. they distracted from the main event, a systematic effort to nullify the election results and then reverse them.if