the thing i noticed when i look at the people who are clearing this bar is there is no policy difference with trump. that's -- >> but they all renamed themselves in this image -- >> that's the thing in the party. like, you can have people like chris christie who want to do what trump wants to do in a different way. but what they want to do is the same. all the people on that stage are gonna be anti-gay, anti-women, anti-schools, anti-education, anti-black, anti hispanic. that's their party. that is from the top to the bottom, right? and so, all they are debating about really is style. like, do you want the guy who tells, give people -- or do you want the guy who says, i don't like you today. like, that is the debate. >> i take the point that elie makes, michelle, that a lot of this will end up being and perhaps none of it will actually move the needle when it came to republican primary voters. i think we all agree that we are not entirely sure what would move the needle with