downtowns again with people working. so that people can feel safe and begin to work to their offices. we are doing that here in the federal government. the vast majority of federal workers are once again working in person. >> but do they want to? it is not that people aren't working. when you think about the federal government, you've got scores of people that are working from home and want to stay that way. what do you think is the future going to be? >> i think the president made pretty clear tonight that he wants people to get back to the office. and i think that the good news with taking off of our masks and that was a great turn of the page moment i think we would all agree. being together in the chamber that way. and weather making sure kids are in school. in new jersey next week, going to be go mask free. but also go back to the office and ensure that our communities can thrive and prosper. i think that is very important. and just like he talked about other accomplishments like infrastructure and facing our roads in bridges and rails.