department recalled her two months, threarly from her post. at the time, the word out of foggy bottom is this was as planned. the countries does have a history with corruption and these problems. what you saw is a reaction on capitol hill and among other diplomats, sort of confusion, so to speak over why she would be taken out. >> do you have any sense as to why she was allowed to give her deposition? she is, as you outlined in other reports, central in all of this because she, i guess, begins the entire ukraine story for us, if you want to use that as a central plot point. why was she ultimately allowed to appear today in congress? why did we not get a sense that the white house or state department wanted to block her testimony? >> it is a little bit of an open question right now. when you look at somebody -- she was at the center of all of this. she was at the center of rudy

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