all that is essentially one extended campaign regardless of the formal venue? >> yeah, it doesn't matter to donald trump whether he's in washington, d.c., saying crazy stuff or even iowa saying crazy stuff. he says crazy stuff wherever he is. and the republicans can't get up and repeat the stop no matter where he happens to be. i think with the trials and all that they benefit him to a degree among the republican primary because they actually don't need to meet him and talk to him, if you meet him and talk to him, he drains your eyebrows -- is this what we want to do in the course of this. i agree with everything that's been said, donald trump is toxic to the republican party. but donald trump is not toxic within the republican party, and that's the problem. >> nick pressley, thank you, matt and juanita, stick around so stay with me. coming up after the break, republican hopefuls prepare for yet another presidential debate without donald trump as a former president holds a