supposition that donald trump will be the republican nominee. but even if you lived in some fantastic, often reality, president biden knows he will be running against trumpism. that is all but guaranteed. so the argument about democracy itself, it holds, regardless of who the candidate would be. >> it absolutely does. that was a very smart speech. it was a well-timed speech. i thought and impassioned speech, and an effective won by president biden yesterday. and it really led at the stakes and a way that makes what the decision in november, very clear. and you're right, alica, even if it's trump not. let's say it's haley, let's say it's desantis bicep maricle. i don't think it's going to happen, but let's say it. it all of them have already embraced trumpism. all of them have made excuses towards the january 6th crowd. all of them have spoken at different points in the same fetishistic, dictatorial way, although not as extreme.