off from the family. >> and you can hear them almost a year later still weighing whether or not -- >> absolutely. they love her and they loved her very much and she was an integral part of their family, this was very painful for them on many levels. >> i want to ask you about that rally you went to in georgia with marjorie taylor greene, what stood out to you about that? >> the number of lies that were perpetuated. the fact that a year on, the big lie is still perpetuated in this fund-raising behind closed doors. the fact that she was talking about the threat of socialism and communism coming to cobb county in georgia, where this rally was taking place. the fact that she was calling the coronavirus -- basically saying it was a weaponized biomedical, you know, device that was launched by the chinese against america. so it is just festering lie after lie and poisoning the well of our information streams in this country. and that has serious consequences, just to the overall health of our democracy, when we are just so misinformed and disinformed, that we can't even function as citizen as in a democracy, in a healthy