admissible to prove that's what you're doing in this instance. what's interesting about it, is sometimes they say there's dejong like insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and getting the same result. this is insanity that makes you crazy like auto fox because they are doing the same thing over and over again and it's been working. at some point one hopes that the strategy, people begin to see through it and it no longer works. >> david? >> yes. oh, i think it's clear from trump's behavior and some of the things people around him have said, he doesn't want to be impeachment. >> yes, 100% agree with that. >> this is a political -- this is not going to be a legal proceeding. this is going to be a political battle. and so i think democrats should ask themselves, if president trump doesn't want to be impeached and they believe he's a threat to the well-being of this country, as they do and they should, doesn't that suggest that impeachment might, in fact, be the right move for them? >> it's a good point. barbara mcquade, david lan hart, thank you both. bltsds a break-glass moment?