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Coming up on California Country, find out the secret to making these great desserts. And heres a hint theyre berry, berry tasty. So, i have strawberries and blackberries and raspberries. And you can use any combination. Next, these kids are proving youre never too young to learn about farming or to get your hands a little dirty along the way, too. Get yourself a handful. Ah. And look what we have carrots. Then, if you like food, theres only one place to go. So, i have traveled all over this entire show looking for one product, and i found it chocolate bacon. Get your appetites ready, because California Country starts now. [captioning made possible by California Farm Bureau federation] theyre flavorful. Theyre colorful. And these days, you just never know where fresh california berries will turn up next. A beacon of springtime and warmer weather on the horizon, fresh california berries of every shape, size, and color are in hh demand this time of year. And many of them start here along the Central Coast of california, where the cool coastal climate mixed with the rich soil, dedicated farmers, and skilled workers, and the perfect recipe for success is formulated. And for naturipe farmer tom amrhein, growing the little berries requires a lot of big work throughout the year. And so, theres that whole process of handpicking them. But then theres also the process of pruning and taking care of each individual plant that goes on. So, its tremendously labor intensive. But at toms watsonville farm, blackberries actually reign supreme these days. He says when choosing them, look for deep, evenly colored berries with a nice sheen. They should be plump and dry and shouldnt have many dents or bruises. Blackberries are made up of something called drooplets, which these individual littlei guess you would cal them cells. And theres a seed in each one of those. And thats kind of characteristic of a blackberry. In addition to farming, tom believes in connecting foodies with farmers like himself by giving tours to folks interested in what it takes to get produce from the farm to their forks. On this tour, tom shows Food Industry professionals from all over the cntry as well as chefs and students from the Culinary Institute of america what a day in the life of a farmer is all about. First off, for those of us who buy produce in the supermarkets, to get out into the fields and see what really happens is fascinating. As a chef, understanding the ingredients just makes you a better cook, cause you understand where it comes from and then what its functionality isnot just flavor but texture and where its from. And i think its why we have some students here from the Culinary Institute of america, is so they respect what theyre using. Someone who understands the complexities involved with growing produce is chef Ressul Rassallat from the nearby and worldrenowned Pebble Beach Golf Course and resort. As you might guess, his diners are particularly discerning, being accustomed to only the best food being served to them. And while working in such a prestigious restaurant does have its challenges, it does have its advantages, toomainly access to the bounty of local produce that is all around them. I can call the farmer and ask him to get me these berries. Next day or maybe same day, later afternoon, they bring it to your door. And you know that youre gonna have to work so much hard for it and just provide it to clientele, and they realize the best berries you ever have. Chef ressul calls fresh californiagrown berries a healthy indulgence and one that he cant get enough of. From his 4berry gelee to his raspberry souffle, berries are cared for as delicately in the kitchen as they are out in the fields. We want that the customer knows that we are protecting the agriculture of here and the farmers, theyre growing these berries and the vegetables, of course. And, uh, we dont have to reach for far. Its probably one of the most noble things to do, is to feed somebody and nurture their body. And so, knowing qhere the food comes from is really important. It connects the whole thing. [music pying] for California Country, im tracy sellers. Hi. Im emily luchetti, the executive pastry chef at farallon and waterbar restaurants. But today, im at home. And im gonna show you how to make some crepes that you can serve with beautiful summer berries. The first thing were gonna do is make the crepes. We have 2 eggs. Now im just adding some regular milk. If you wanted to use 2 1 2 milk, you could. And then were gonna add a little bit of water, cause that helps make the crepes a little bit thinner. And then were gonna add a combination of flour, cornstarch, and a little pinch of salt. And i like to use cornstarch instead of just all flour, because it helps make the crepes just a little bit thinner and lighter. And were just gonna whisk that together. You want to whisk it pretty vigorously, because you want it to be nice and smooth. Some people will put it in a blender, but i dont usually do that cause i dont like cleaning out the blender. [chuckles] so, were just gonna whisk this till it gets nice and smooth. And then were gonna add a little bit of vanilla, just a half a teaspoon of vanilla extract. And some melted butter. Now, this crepe batter you could actually make several days ahead and just let it sit in the refrigerator. When were doing crepes at one of the restaurants, well make a big vat of it. And that way, you dont have to make it so often. And just whenever you want to make a few fresh crepes, just pull it out, and youre ready to go. Now, to make the crepes, i like to use a teflon pan. You can find the praditional french crepe pans all over the place, but i think these work a lot better. And what youre gonna do is just take a little bit of that crepe mixture and pour it in the pan. And as youre pouring, swirl it around so you get a nice thin mixture on the bottom. And if you find that youve put too much in, just take the pan and just turn it upside down and let the extra batter fall baci into the original container. And then when youre ready to flip the crepe, you can either take a small offset spatula or a knife and just lift it out to your fingers and then just flip it over like that. Now that ive finished making all these gorgeous crepes, were gonna make the filling for the crepes, and then were gonna make dhe sauce. So, what were gonna do for the filling is, i have some ricotta cheese here. And were gonna put some sugar in. And thats just a little bit to take the edge off of the tartness of the cheese. D then im gonna a d a little bit of vanilla, just a half a teaspoon. And then were gonna add some orange zest. And this is a microplaner here. So, it takes the orange and just grates it. And you dont need the whole orange, cause these oranges are pretty big. So, that just gives it a little bit of orange flavor. And qere gonna mix those together. And you could also use fromage blanc. You could use cream cheese. You could really use any kind of cheese or anything thats thick that you wanted to. So, now that thats all put together, were gonna take 2 of our crepes. And put them right here. And were just gonna take a little bit of the ricotta mixture. You dont need much. Just put it in there. And then im gonna fold them up into a square. And then youre gonna turn them over seam side down so they will stay up. So, heres the pan. And im gonna go ahead and add some orange juice. [sizzling] and you want that nice and hot, because you want the juice to really be able to reduce. And depending on the orange juice, if its really sweet, you dont have to add any sugar at all. If you taste it and its a little bit tart, add a tablespoon of sugar. But ive tried this, and its delicious as the way that it is. And now im gonna get this wooden spoon, and im gonna actually add some butter. And were gonna stir that in. Now, you want that butter to melt dowlike this before you add your berries, because you want the sauce to reduce a little bit. And if you add the berries too soon, theyre just going to break apart. So, we probably dont need all these berries. So, i have strawberries and blackberries and raspberries. And you can use any combination of berries that you want or that you have. And you just want to cook this through gently until theyre nice and warm. You dont want to cook them so far that they break apart. So, now that the sauce is ready, im just gonna take a spoon, and were just going to ladle on some berries. And ive used a slotted spoon because i dont want too much juice to get on there. But you want to get all the berries. And then you can just take your pan and just pour. A little bit there. So, there you go. Now, this is a dessert that you have to serve right away. But serving right away means eating right away. Brought to you by allied insurance, a member of the nationwide family of companies, which also includes nationwide insurance. On your side. Its one thing to buy things in boxes and packages and just have it show up. Its another thing to actually know where that is produced and where its come from and how its produced. I think that even goes further when you have some kind of personal connection to it. Selcome back to California Country, the show that takes you on an allexpensepaid trip to experience the bestkept secrets of the golden state. [jazz music playing] for dozens of Northern California kids, its a rare chance to get their hands in the soil and become Young Farmers for a day, harvesting vegetables like broccoli and fresh carrots. Ill loosen some soil, and you guys can come through and pull the carrots up and see what you get. So, we just kind of take the fork, bury it in the ground. You can just pop the carrots up a little bit. And then. Get yourself a handful. Ah. And look what we have. [indistinct chattering] [jazz music continues] weve found that, you know, if children in particular can kind of touch and feel it, if they can help put seeds in the ground, then theyre gonna put that stuff in their body. And thatsfor me, look at all the stuff ths going on in the world right now around health. Its like, thats a good sign to me. Ok, so the little hands did have some help from adults who help to run soil born farms in Sacramento County. Weve been farming in Sacramento County for almost 10 years now. This is our third year producing food out here at the American River ranch. Its about a 25acre lease that we have through Sacramento County. So, i say we take a stroll on down to the field and see if we can get our hands dirty and see whats growing. [indistinct chattering] so, does anybody know. What is growing right here . Does anybody know what this is . A beet. Its a beet. Indeed, it is. Its actually chard. So, chard is one of those greens that we can plant this crop in the fall, get a harvest all through the winter and into the spring before itll go up and flower and well have to replant. I like just the who concept of being able to create something and then to know that my energy, that the energy that im putting to my work is gonna improve somebodys life. Soil born farms is a nonprofit organization. For the last 3 years, staff have been farming these 25 acres within the American River parkway. This land actually dates back to the 1800s and originally belonged to william leidesdorff, americas first africanamerican millionaire. Yeah. He owned it for about 10 years and actually did some production on the property even back then for a lot of the mining camps and stuff like that. Shawn harrison helped to start soil born farms about a decade ago and says r many urban kids, this is the first chance theyve had to go into a chicken coop to see roosters, hens, and some fresh california eggs, not to mention an upclose encounter with the farms mascot, a potbellied pig called whiskey. Hes a potbellied pig. And he is older than soil born being here. Hes been here since before we were here farming. After all that, it was time to get hands dirty again and learn about vermiculture that a fancy term for composting with worms. These little wrigglers were a big hit with the kids. But at first, theyre like, wow, this is wow. Its, like, foreign. Theyre just blown away by the you know, theyre amazed. He believes that showing urban kids at an early age that farming can be fun is not difficult. And its a great way to invest in the future generation of california farmers. It was fun. A lot of times, when i was trying to pull it out, i would just rip off the leaves and stem. And then there would just be that carrot there. I was surprised how hard it was to pull it out. You know, out of all of the human history, rightweve been around for a long time i mean, this is reallythis generation, these kids today, are really the most far removed from food that weve ever been from. Weve coevolved with agriculture. And, you know, i think creating opportunities to do some reconnection is gonna have profound implications. Thats who we are. You know . In sacramento, charlotte fadipe, California Country tv. This segment is brought to you by the California Farm Bureau federation. Well be right back with more of the Magical Creations from californias most famous kitchens after this. Its one thing to buy things in boxes and packages and just have it show up. Its another thing to actually know where that is produced and where its come from and how its produced. I think that even goes further when you have some kind of personal connection to it. Literally farm to table. Literally, its, like, from the garden. Its from the dirt. I mean, they come straight from that place. When you make that connection with the farmer, with the growers, it makes for a different feeling when youre cooking. For me, now things taste different. Welcome back to California Country. So, were at the fancy food show. And this year, i came prepared. Ive got comfortable shoes. Ive got my own eating utensil. And most of all, ive got a hungry stomach. So, lets go. [music playing] mmm. Light, salty. [laughing] [indistinct chattering] mmm. Were gonna go see some old friends. Lets see if they recognize me. Would you like to try some cinnamon we will, yes. We just want to talk to mike and mike here. Of course. Hey hex how are you . Im good. Good to see you good to see you. He recognizes us. Yay its been forever. Yes how are you . I couldnt forget you. [chuckling] its a good answer. Od answer. Could we do another taste test . Sure. [music playing] here, try that one. Thats an almond. [chuckling] i got that part, mike. Thank you. Ha ha ha maybe orange . No. See . I couldnt get. No. None. No chance at all shell get this right. Heh heh heh the audienceif we could get some applause from the audience, id feel better about that. Ok. [cheering and applause] yeah. Mmm. Its a nut. Yeah. Its a nut. Thats good. Were on the rightyup. Its a nut. And ive gotbutter . Maybe some sort of butter . No. Close, maybe. What is it . Irish cream. See . Thats the one that got me last time, i think, too. The cream you know, i should know the alcoholic nut. Yeah. Well, the fancy food show is an opportunity for lots of different suppliers. We have 1,300 companies here who are showing everything from caviar to smoked salmon toeven smoked olive oil is here this year, which ive never heard of before. So, they all come here. They show all their products to the buyers. And were expecting about 17,000 buyers to come from restaurants, from retail stores, from gift shopsyou know, from admost everywhere around. So, theyre coming in, trying great foods. And the things thats good about this is, these foods can be in your stores in a matter of a couple of weeks. So, i have traveled all over this entire show looking for one product, and i found it chocolate bacon. Whwhat else do you need in a fancy food show, right . So, lets try some here. Its this. Salty. Sweet. Very good. Tastes like bacon. [chuckles] [indistinct chattering] it tastes better when someones feeding it to you. Oh, does it . Mmhmm. So, look who we ran intoour friend mari. How are you, mari . Im doing wonderful. Its been a fabulous show. Good. What new products do you have for us . Well, were sharing our new ziplock packaging, our special closure here oh. With our fabulous blenheim dried apricots. People are really rediscovering the apricot, right . Yes, they are. Its unfortunate that weve lost so many of these wonderful stone fruits here in california. And with our hundred acres, its a very nice response from the area and from all the other countries that are looking for this product. So, what do we have here . What makes this product so special . Its made actually from vineyard grapes, which is different than table grapes. And we make this right here in the napa valley. And as the vineyard grows, having more difficult time selling the grapes to the winemakers, this is an alternative for the Wine Industry to create something that is another outlet. Virgin grape juiceok. Yes. That means its not fermented. Its absolutely pure. Ooh. Thats good. So, there are hundreds of different booths and things to see here, but this place caught our attention. Im gonna let you guess one reason why the name. What is with the name . What does the name mean . Hi you ever hear of thingamajig . [chuckling] i have now. What is it . Its figs. Its figamajig. Its a fig candy andmixed with cocoa with a little dark chocolate on the outside. [music playing] and with a product like yours, dont you find that people want to know where their foods coming from more than ever . Definitely. And, you know, californiaweve gotta support california. We have to support the growers and the workers. Its just so important. Well, one of the reasons the industry has done well over the past few monthsbecause people are eating out less in restaurants. So, people are going to cooking at home, and theyre finding out that they enjoy cooking at home. You know, and we think that thats gonna continue even as the economy gets better. We think people are enjoying being home with their friends and their family and, you know, making a nice dinner. And i think that will be continuing. [music playing] this is a bluebird box, and its a very small little bird that needs a box to nest in. And so, when theres work to have to get done, weve always got one of us that are willing to get out there and do it. Welcome back to California Country. Steve mcshane here, mcshanes nursery and Landscape Supply introducing a topic important for every gardenerhardscape. Think about overcoming drought or weeds. So many options, too theres decorative stone, theres flagstone, and theres pavers. Lets start with the most inexpensive and easy topic, and thats decorative stone. Look at this beautiful cal gold or this ginger or dolomite, all made of stones from california. One thing i always mention to peopledont forget the weed fabric. 2 or 3 inches down, this will prevent you from overcoming your garden with lots and lots and lots of weeds. As a new lawn decorative stone, theres also flagstone, available in so many colors. Its got endless applications. Here you can see some beautiful sandstone. This is a three rivers tumbleor this quartzite. Available these days is even veneer stone, cut to fit right on the side of your home or a hearthlots an lots of applications. And with some easy tools, some mortar, and some concrete, and a sponge, its easy to install. The next hardscape is paversreal popular. Think about that old concrete driveway that you can put over with something beautiful like this. Textured and available in a lot of different colors, the pigment goes down quite a bit, lasting up to 50 years or more. Something thats really become popular is this adobe block used for retaining walls or also on patios. Its a native material really cool stuff. Think about either sealing stone or even a lacquer to give your hdscape a wet look and finish. Really cool. The last topic would be boulders. They never need water, and boy, theyre living and breathing. This caselook at this golden brown granite. Think about it on a corner in front of your home. This is a really cool edition to completing your garden. How about this moss rock . Look at all those lichen. This is really cool. Available in as big as 8 ton, this thing will go a long way in your landscape. Remember, california is a real dry state. So, when you incorporate hardscaping into your landscape, itll save you money and itll save the environment. And you wont have the weeds to deal with. Lets get gardening that concludes todays tour of the best of California Country. Join us next time for more undiscovered treasures from the most fascinating state in the country. [captioning made possible by California Farm Bureau federation] [captioned by the National Captioning Institute www. Ncicap. Org] you have the right to remain silent. You have the right to be heard. Anything you say can be used against you. What you say will be listened to with dignity and respect. You have the right to information and assistance. [ cell door closes ] justice isnt served until crime victims are. 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