As they were biking home. My immediate action is shock because i tend to think of this community as a safe place. Reporter on the weekend Stanford University is welcoming perspective freshmen to the form with another indecent exposure case on campus. I find it concerning people would choose to do these predatory acts in a time when new faces are coming to the school. Reporter stanford junior stan ortiz lives on Mayfield Avenue not far from where three undergrad students reported a man exposing themselves as they were biking home to their dorms just after 1 30 sunday morning. They were sitting in a parked white car and drove off. Honestly i feel a lot of those have happened recently. Reporter last wednesday at the mitchell earths Science Building a staff member reported a man came up behind her and grabbed her. Police later identified the 24 yearold man not affiliated with the school. On april 18 a grad student said a man followed her into her campus Residence Hall exposing himself on the campus area. April 7 two women reported being groped by two men 20 minutes apart. It brings it more to the forefront of your minds. Those things could happen and that type of thing could happen to you in a place like stanford. Police cannot recall a high number of groping within a matter of months. We invite the community to come in. Sometimes it has negative repercussions. People are more in incline to report things. Sexual assault cases might be more inclined to be reported by unusual behavior. Many cases go unreported on many campuses. With the Campus Climate changing, i think it is really great reporting these incidents have been more of a common place. Reporter again, i want to reiterate police are looking for different isnts based on the description. In this last case the suspect is described as a white male ages 30 to 50. Heavy set, possibly six feet tall with a short beard and a short dark hair. Police do not believe he is a student and i asked about his sketch. And in this area on this truth there will be a lot of light. Not so much. They tell me the sketch is unlikely because the victims were only able to provide very limited information. Julie . Reporter and azenith, are Police Planning to do anything differently in light of whats happening there . Reporter they tell me they plan to step up the patrols in the aye. Patrols in the area where these crimes have happened especially in the areas where there is not a lot of lights because these areas are more vulnerable. Students welcome that and also police tell me they are sending out alerts as soon as these crimes happen to alert the public. Azenith, thank you. New at 10 00, a mass shooting in san diego tonight injured eight people at an apartment complex near uc san diego. It happened around 6 00 this evening in the university city, which is right next to the campus. A witness said he ran outside when he heard the gunfire and saw a gunman sitting in a pool chair with a beer in one hand and a gun in another. Thats when police moved in. Pointing the gun at officers and they opened fire killing him. Investigators say several of the victims are in Critical Condition can. So far there is no word on a motive. And Santa Cruz Police have arrested a man on suspicion of murder after discovering another mans body early this morning neither board walk. The victims body found at 4 20 this morning on main beach near the volleyball courts. Identified only as a 52year old transient. Police arrested 58yearold Kevin Callahan in connection with the case. Police say witnesses told investigators that callahan and the victim were in a fight before that man died. Police say both the victims and callahan are homeless and they were camping on the beach. New york democrats think they have come up with a way to get rid of their state tax returns. They eventually reduced legislation to require the states to release five years of Tax Information for any president or Vice President who files a new york state return. And the state return would not contain all the details from his federal return, but it would offer enough information about potential misconduct of interest. The bill would pass in the state assembly, but they could run into a bipartisan standoff. On capitol hill lawmakers have handled out a tentative deal that would avert a government shut down. Its a 1. 1 trillion spending plan. It would boost funding for the pentagon. Fighting isis and border security, but it does not include money for the controversial wall. Theres no restrictions on funding for sanctuary cities. There is extra funding for the National Institute of health and money for planned parenthood. The deal could come to a vote by tuesday. In the meantime gop leaders are scrambling to help with a healthcare. I think we are real close. Lets not pass something thats not full repeal, but gets close. The best thing we could get out of the house with and it will be a much better bill than five, six weeks ago. Now that President Trump has reached his 100th day in office, he is also anxious to win support for his tax reform package. Republicans say they are united by two goals to simplify the tax code and to close loopholes. North korea launched another Ballistic Missile this weekend in the defiance of International Pressure as they blew up shortly after they were launched. But the latest failed test comes after President Trump issued a stark warning to the regime and to halt their Nuclear Program. Foxs Garrett Tenney has the latest developments as tensions start to rise. Reporter today President Trump again refused to rule out a military action. On friday pyongyang conducted its 7th missile test this year as a part of their effort to develop missiles capable of hitting the United States. Like the previous three tests though it failed, but came only hours after secretary of state Rex Tillerson warned the United Nations Security Council failing to curb the Nuclear Program could lead to catastrophic consequences. On Fox News Sunday the National Security advisor called it an act of open defiance. Defending the president s position to not rule out taking military actions. You need the viable option, the military option to help make what we are doing diplomatically with sanctions viable to be able to resolve this problem short of what would be a major war. The u. S. Is calling for new sanctions on north korea, long believing china is the regimes closest ally and trading partner, in the best position to change. The key of this is china. The chinese can put the brakes on this. I do not believe kim jongun will do it by himself. Hes not irrational, but i dont think hes concerned about the welfare of his people to say the least. Reporter this week President Trump believes china is beginning to increase the pressure on north korea to deescalate their missile program. More pressure is needed. The u. S. May be willing to make some concessions on trade deals with china in order to make it happen. In washington im Garrett Tenney fox news. For be more on their developments in north korea, political analyst joins us on the phone. He warned north korea not to do a nuclear test, but hours later north korea launched another Ballistic Missile, which failed. Is it an act of defiance and how should the president react . Well ken, its an act of defiance its a half act of defiance. Bare in mind what kim jongun is doing in korea is as much of a message to his own people as it is to the outside world. This is all about the regime survival. For that reason he has to continue to bluster around his military strength. Brian, President Trump says he has developed a special relationship with the president of china. He believes china will step up the pressure to stop the threat. Do you think china is willing to take ownership of this problem . Well julie, the chinese do what is in their National Interest always. But in this case a regional conflict does not benefit the chinese and does not benefit the Korean Peninsula or the whole region. I would think they will work very hard behind the scenes to try to get north korea to start backing off. We are seeing kind of a good cop bad cop. President trump and the u. S. Need to talk about military action and then on the backside the chinese need to work with the koreans, the North Koreans to back them down. Another international story. Ron says they are complying with the terms of the nuclear deal President Trump put together. But the u. S. Says it will be much duffer in terms of dealing with terrorists. Do you think they could try to reapply sanctions and will they be interested in doing the same thing with iran . Reporter well ken, it is always on the table. The Nuclear Treaty is one thing. But what the president and other people are concerned about is that iran, they will continue to supply the law and other terrorist organizations. So in a sense while they might be complying with the terms of the agreement, they are a busy team sending arms to otherbusinesses. That is very problematic. They passed their first 100 days. Theres been a lot of talk about it. What can they expect from the next 100 days when it comes to tax reform and the economy . Well one thing were seeing with the president , julie is that he stays on message. He is continuing to push those things that he talked about right in the campaign. I think the one thing and the one message we can take away from all of this is donald trump has learned being president isnt so easy. And of course as ive said before he is only the fifth president in the history of this republic to not have held public office. Hes learning and he has stated being president is hard. Harder than anything hes ever done. Brian, thanks for joining us, giving us your perspective with a lot of fast moving developments from the white house as we move forward. Thanks, brian. Coming up, texas is recovering after deadly tornadoes leave a 40mile path of destruction. May day preps are underway across the bay area tonight. How police are preparing to keep people safe as thousands are expect today protest in hopes of change. A beautiful bay area weekend with clear skies, lots of sunshine, and temperatures have been trending up. Coming up, well let you know if it continues for your monday forecast and also we are talking about more 90s in your fiveday forecast. Organizers are expecting thousands of people to gather tomorrow for may day rallies in san jose. They are planning to reroute bus services due to the may day march. Some store owners of san jose are planning to be closed tomorrow so their employees could take part in the march. There will be a may day rally starting at Justin Herman plaza at 11 00 a. M. Followed by a march to the civic center. Live in the city where they have been talking to those getting ready for a day of protest. Rob . Reporter well thats right, kenneth. Some of the protests will be taking place here at justin it herman plaza along the embarcadero. For many people it will be about shutting down offices, schools, and businesses, sending a message to government leaders. The rights of immigrants need to be dependent. Reporter and working from a long table and activists say they are not painting for protest, but rather for change. And we are definitely painting for tomorrow to get that message out of the streets to show the power we have both economicically and politically where we want to make sure our communities do not need to live it in fear. Reporter its the expected to be the largest in history. They want to defend their community through state violence where it will be peaceful and also peppered by some and civic disobedience. Tomorrow they will shut down their businesses and schools and shut down whatever it is that is available to show that economic power. We are hoping for over 10,000 people. Reporter those numbers will also march into oaklands fruitvale Neighborhood Homes to many black and latino communities. Meanwhile Alberto Hernandez will gather his group at Justin Herman plaza to share his groups message in San Francisco and he says he has been here before. A day without immigrant. We did this 11 years ago. We are doing it again. Had the government 11 years ago listened to us that we need a comprehensive immigration reform. We would not be here where we are today with 11 million immigrants, the hardest working people in this country being faced with potentially being deported. Reporter marchs last year in san jose drew large crowds. Activists hope their supporters are listening to the call for action. We are organizing all of our people and not only the latino community, but also with the muslim community, the womens lbgt community, and all communities being affected by this administration. And back here live many of the different groups are connected by the struggles where they will continue to send their message to washington while beyond may 1. Live in the embarcadero, rob malcolm ktvu fox 2 news. Thank you very much. At least 13 people have been killed by tornadoes and severe storms that tore through arkansas, missouri, and texas last night. The National Weather Service Found evidence of four tornadoes and with one twister possibly on the ground. And fox news correspondent shows us some of the damage. East texas is recovering after tornadoes tore through the area leaving a trail of destroyed homes, overturned vehicles, and mangled trees. I went into the storm shelter today and you could feel the winds and you could just feel the temperatures and the winds and it hit so hard so fast. Ask and it just kept moving. I have never seen anything like it after 22 years of living here. Reporter the National Weather service confirmed three tornadoes touched down and passed through canton. The tornado that struck canton grew up to half a mile wide as they blasted a 40math path of destruction. Signing an Emergency Declaration for the area, described in the damage as heartbreaking and upsetting. A disaster declaration for the city. And we have been contacted by numerous agencies and elected officials, including our site representative and senators, senator ted cruz. His office and the white house. Reporter very importantly we want to recognize the tremendous First Responders who spent a long night last night and all day today. Who have been working tiredlessly to help people who are in need. And as well as countless volunteers who have helped people respond to this challenge. Reporter the tornados path is clearly visible from the air. They show down power lines and debris littering the country line. Power crews from across the state are here helping to restore power. And they will continue to survey the damage if in search for pitkins. We have new information tonight on a shark attack in orange county. The mother says she is now fighting for her life and identified by a gofundme page as leeann ericson. Her leg was torn from the top of the leg to the knee and doctors say she almost drowned when the shark pulled her under. She was attacked just after 6 00 last night at a popular surfing spot. Thats near camp pendleton. Her mother says she is a single mom of three young children. She will need help paying for several surgeries. In the meantime the beach is closed until tomorrow afternoon. Very very warm weekend here in the bay area. A lot of 70s and 80s out there. San francisco maxed out 72. San jose in the upper 70s. And santa rosa at 81 degrees. Tomorrow everybody will be warmer than today. So if you thought today was warm, then tomorrow will be warmer. In fact temperatures, they have been trending up. Over the weekend they would kind of stabilize over the past 24 hours or so, but they will warm up for monday, tuesday, and wednesday and over the next three days. The warmest locations inland will be right around 90 degrees. Here is a live camera looking out towards the bay bridge and out towards San Francisco bay and we are in the clear with a bit of a breeze developing especially up in the north bay hills and the north bay. Winds could be increasing around 15 to 25 miles an hour for tomorrow. Here is the satellite perspective out here in the pacific and still mostly clear skies. But you can see the northerly winds are setting up. Coming out of the north and keeping the fog out of the area and typically warms up the bay area as well. But check in on some of the current wind speeds out there right now. Winds are nothing too major, around 3, 7, 10 miles per hour. Some more reports for you out at sfo. San jose 6 miles an hour. Once again we have the clear skies across the good portion of the region. And that is planned for tomorrow in San Francisco. 7 00 a. M. Mid50s. Our sky cast is showing you this. Temperatures are warming back up with mostly sunny skies. By 3 00 upper 70s at least and they could be flirting with 80 degrees for portions of San Francisco. Here we are in the clear tomorrow morning. 9 00, and then we will bring in mostly sunny skies for the afternoon hours with pretty warm temperatures. Upper 60s or essentially some 70s coast side with a lot of 80s in the bay. The red contours will link up with the 90s. It will be close to 90 degrees. You can see a quick snapshot of the ties for tomorrow. It will be a very warm monday. And even warmer temperatures in our fiveday forecast. We will break it all down coming up in a few minutes. Well todays warm sunny weather combined with a nice breeze brought out a kite flier today at crown beach in alameda. Some other people also took advantage of the warm weather headed to the beach to hang out in the sand and soak up the preview following our long soggy winter. Yeah, nice to see. The city workers in south bay have gone on strike. Coming up next, what people on both sides are saying about the fight over wages and what it could mean for people who live there. Well its a perfect nespresso hold on a second. Orge. Mmm. [mel torme sings comin home baby] hey there. Want a lift . Where are we going . No dont tell me. Let me guess. Have a nice ride. How far would you go for coffee thats a cup above . I brought you nespresso. Nespresso. What else . In sunnyvale, 450 workers belonging to the union are set to walk off their jobs tomorrow morning. And that could limit many city services. They are at odds over wages. Reporter Jackie Davidson was happy to come to work on sunday. But being a City Employee says it barely covers the bill. The cost of living and the cost of taxing, especially if you rent just continues to go up. So we have people that are driving three plus hours every day to come in. Reporter on monday davidson and half of sunnyvales staff are planning to stay home. Sunnyvale employees are going on strike tomorrow. Employees working in the planning department, library, and parks will join the picket line. The mayor of sunnyvale is prepared to work in the front office this week after employees rejected the citys last offer. It includes a 10 raise for them with generous healthcare benefits. Even this last week weve added a 6,000 per employee signing bonus to try to get this deal made. Reporter but thats far from enough where under 16 of the rest of the bay area. When you look at the cost of business, were not asking for anything or any surrounding agencies wont get. They argue there has not been a raise in five years. And in 2014 and 2015 they would receive a 3 raise to call it a wash, however we gave back 2 before we got that 3 raise. Reporter the city says because they took a 300 million hit, the state retension program, giving employees a raise increase would add 82 million. The city will have to cover in coming years, which could mean layoffs. Yes, thatll be the only way to go and make sure we have a balanced budget. Reporter at this moment the call to strike for the 450 City Employees is on. And that is unless their Union President calls them tonight to say negotiations are back on with the city. Otherwise their City Employees will join the picket line outside city hall tomorrow morning. In the newsroom Leigh Martinez ktvu fox 2 news. Its been 101 days since President Trump was sworn into office. Well take a look at some of the big accomplishments and some of their missteps. Up next hope for a month after her disappearance. Coming up on the 11 00 news, the pair of suspected burglars are busted in the east bay. Why they believe they may be responsible for other similar crimes in the bay area. My fellow americans. I truly believe the first 100 days of my administration has been just about the most successful in our countrys history. The first 100 days of an administration are considered a benchmark for how a new president is doing. Claudine wong takes a look at how the president s actions compared to the Campaign Promises and how the bay area has responded. Reporter fireworks touched off the make America Great again celebration. At the Lincoln Memorial on the eve of the inauguration. And so this journey began 18 months ago. I had something to do with it, but you would have much more to do with it. Im the messenger. Reporter the next day the inauguration ceremony would prompt controversies. But that day would also bring one of many protests to come across the bay area. You dont happen to get a vote. Reporter and you know they are here and to be the storm. And come rain or shine, we are still in the United States of america. One day later as half a Million People will gather in the womens march. Even if you are not sitting in the white house. Even if you are not a member of the United States congress. And even if be you dont run a big corporate super pack. You have the power. Here in the bay area tens of thousands of people flooded the streets. And then came their first round of executive orders. We have been talking about this for a long time. Reporter from the border wall in sanctuary cities, they would prompt people to take to the streets. And this will be aphesis regime as we a regime until it is all driven out. Reporter they brought crowds to sfo and airports across the country. They really moved me to tears to show you from all backgrounds and all ethnicities, all religion, everyone here supporting each other. They are reminding us this is not what the country stands for. Reporter the fight over the Affordable Care act would lead to packed town halls. The president s stance on Climate Change would prompt strong words from brown. Prayer and mortification. And both are needed to deal with trump. Reporter San Francisco was the first city in the country. And over sanctuary city spending. As recently as 2012 and the Supreme Court in a case involving the Affordable Care act said the federal government cant put a financial gun to the head of local and state governments. Everybody is shocked and they are going nuts. And you know, get over it, get used to it. It will be that way for at least four years and probably eight years. And california would also begin the process of becoming a sanctuary state. We will cooperate with our friends at the federal level, with serious and violent felons. But we wont cooperate a list of finger or spending a single cent when were talking about suffering children when their mothers and mothers from their children. Thats not who we are as a great state. Reporter berkeley became the first city in the nation to take a position against President Trumps border wall. The city voting to not do business with companies that work on the wall. When i heard about this wall, i knew we had an opportunity to use our leverage, whatever or however small it may be to at least make a stand. And like any Boycott Movement and the more people participate, the stronger message well send. Reporter like the missile strike in syria. I was happy about it because we need action. At the same time i was afraid because it is never an easy thing to tell somebody to please come down in my country. Its not what you would want ever. And so did our lawmakers. And these things to be happy, without congress and without being a part of this debate. It will be a serious question as to the justifications and the results as to what this is all about. There has been violence as violence erupts. The shear number of protests have served in these 400 days from tax day. Hundreds of millions of americans are taking to the streets in big cities, small cities across the station. Are you ready to go . Reporter to the first ever march for silence. And again that is Claudine Wong reporting. San Francisco Police are looking for witnesses last night. They say a 77yearold woman was crossing lake merced boulevard at sf state when she was hit and killed by a pickup truck. The driver of the truck was a 56yearold resident who is cooperating with investigators. And friends and family of a missing student gathered to want. They got together where they used to work. They have more about an agonizing search turning up no results. A month, exactly a month now since she disappeared from this community. But judging by the turnout tonight that time hasnt dulled the emotions of the people who know and love her. We are sincerely appreciating all the support weve got. Her family Still Believes that someone could come forward with the key piece of information in the mysterious disappearance that is so far baffling the community and police. Is that someone you want . With their conversations . I would say she deserves to with be rescued. Reporter while there was plenty of speculation tonight and plenty of series traded about what may have happened on march 30. Why her truck and phone would eventually turn up in a nearby orchard, but she never has. There is also plenty of war remembrances, time taken to certain sections for the missing young women. She was always smiling from the day she was born. She would always have that smile and it was contagious. Reporter its been a grueling month for this community. But they say they are not about to give up. Our grandfather is closing up. Its tough. She is my first granddaughter, she is my first grandchild. I will miss it very much. Still to come tonight, hundreds of protests fighting within the rebel groups in syria. The scared tactics used to try to dispurse the demonstrators. And in weather, the warming trend will continue. Outside right now mostly clear skies. Coming up the neighborhoods that will at least approach 90 degrees tomorrow and well highlight the hottest day of the workweek. In syria today rebels used gunfire to dispurse marchers protesting and fighting against the rebel groups. They came after marchers that filled the streets. The area has been undersieged by Government Forces for about three years. But fighting between three rebel fractions, they have recently claimed 90 lives. Seven of the demonstrators were reportedly injured. A cuban military plane crashed into a hillside near havana this weekend killing all eight Service Members on board. The twinengine turboprop had just taken off. It crashed about 15 miles away outside the town of candalaria. The weather was clear and sunny at the time. Cuban Officials Say a special commission will investigate the crash. British Prime Minister theresa may says not making a deal is better than making a is better than making a bad deal. Ahead of elections she is not promising anything for the election set for june. No plan to increase the level of tax. Its a conservative party believing in militarization. Thats the key choice people will face at the election. The u. K. And eu are currently negotiating a wide ranging number of problems including what to do with their estimated three million citizens who live in the u. K. How to deal with trade and terrorists and reported 65 billion debt. The u. K. Owes the european union. No one is sure what would happen if there is no deal. The United Kingdom is set to lead the eu. Pope francis dedicated his prayers today to the economic crisis in venezuela. And since addressing tens of thousands of people at st. Peters square calling for peace and democracy in venezuela. He says people are demanding elections and the release of political prisoners. And violent protests have left 30 people dead in the last month. The pope says the country is worn out. They have been holding talks between the government and the opposition, but those talks have broken down. The former governor Arnold Swarzenegger has received one of the most prestigious awards. He presented swarzenegger with a legion of arnold medal. Swarzenegger is the founder of the r20 organization to help cities and states reduce greenhouse gases. We have seven Million People die every year because of the solutions. And this is why it will be important to reduce the greenhouse emissions to reduce pollutions. We can do it because it will be manmade and we have created the mess. It is the highest award and creating more than 200 years ago. A surfing accident in hawaii nearly left a california man brain dead. His remarkable story of beating the odds. Coming up, well show you his progress eight months after he was told he never walked again. And plus, mark tamayo will have the complete bay area forecast. A live look at the bridge. Well be right back. Yes, the fuel is complimentary for up to three years. Yes, it has an epaestimated range of 312 miles. Yes, you will probably have to answer lots of silly questions from strangers. Yes, this is a mindblowing marvel of technology. And, yes, you can buy it today because the future doesnt start next week, next month or next year. The future starts now. In the hydrogenfueled toyota mirai. Well its a perfect nespresso hold on a second. Orge. Mmm. [mel torme sings comin home baby] hey there. Want a lift . Where are we going . No dont tell me. Let me guess. Have a nice ride. How far would you go for coffee thats a cup above . I brought you nespresso. Nespresso. What else . They show us how they are now moving towards his goal. Doctors gave little hope. A body surfing accident in hawaii paralyzed them from the neck down. Now eight months later, the Citrus Heights man is proving everyone wrong. From being confined to a hospital bed to standing on his own feet with the help of a tilt table. Being able to look at everybody in the eye level was amazing. Reporter his recovery is nothing short of a miracle. I started to get a move on it. I didnt want to believe it at first. Reporter it isnt easy. There you go, keep going, keep going. Reporter but physical therapy forces the 30yearold to get back to movements he lost when a wave crashed down on him, breaking his neck, and severely injuring his spine. But what i would try to do is stay positive and to look forward. But for the pluses of each day. Reporter schroeder and his fiance have an exciting year ahead of them. The couple plans to wed in 2018. All this rehab for one big moment. My goal right now is to stand in my wedding next year. Wow, hopefully hell get to do that. He has come so far. What a great and inspirational story. You never know when something so scary could happen so fast. Youve got a lot of support there, which is great to see. Lets check in with mark tamayo. Take a look at the beautiful weather we have. It seems like every day were talking about the chance for some rain and not the case this week, but a warmer week in the 70s and the 80s. A few neighborhoods are approaching the 90s. It will be beautiful out there with temperatures in the Morning Hours in the 50s and into the afternoon hours, theyre zooming back up into the upper 80s, getting closer to 90 degrees in concord for tomorrow. So here is the plan for tomorrow and the Morning Hours, mostly clear skies. Upper 40s to the upper 50s. Then into the afternoon hours they will do it all over and mostly sunny skies with the temperatures in the 70s and to the mid to upper 80s. In fact most areas as we mentioned earlier, it will be a little bit warmer than today. Outside right now our live camera is looking out towards the bay bridge with fog free conditions, it will be a bit breezy tomorrow in the north bay with the winds going up around 20, 25 miles an hour as we would head into your monday. On this satellite right now, you can see clear skies up and down the state checking out the view out in the pacific. And as we check out the satellite and storm tracker, we have just a few high clouds moving into northern california. So eventually well show you the satellite coming on board with warmer temperatures headed for our way. There we go with the fogfree conditions. A bit of a northerly wind is showing up. As we mentioned we might have a borderline wind condition there for the levels of the north bay hills. No advisories are posted here in the bay area for tomorrow. We will check in on some of the current numbers out there with san jose 62. Santa rosa 66. San francisco upper 60s. It is very mild for your sunday night. Here is the big area of High Pressure building out here in the pacific, which will be the main weather feature for the next few days. Warmer as we mentioned on monday and the warmest day has come on board for tuesday and wednesday. 70s, 80s, and 90s with the north and northeast wind kicking up. Once this high moves out and it will, we will expect another sharp drop in temperatures later on in the week beginning thursday, especially by the upcoming weekend for you on saturday and a big drop off in those numbers. But take a look at these highs for tomorrow. Santa rosa at 79. Vacaville in the upper 80s with a few neighborhoods very close at 90 degrees for your monday afternoon. Some more neighborhoods right around the rim of the bay near 80. Heading inland with a lot of upper 80s. Well move the maps to the south bay. Gilroy 88 in santa cruz. And you can see the idea it will be a nice warm monday forecast of San Francisco and always nice to be downtown. But for the lunchtime temperatures in the upper 70s. The beaches in the 70s as well, but be extra careful for the rip current activities, which could be dangerous if youre headed for ocean beach for tomorrow and to cool off. Here is a look ahead with the hottest day of the week will be on wednesday and a sharp drop off by temperatures on thursday and friday and maybe some breezy conditions by saturday. With a few extra clouds rolling into the bay area. So after all we have been through, all of those storms, all the strong winds and thunderstorms, just nice to have a forecast thats rain free here in the bay area. Yeah, the warmest temperature so far of the season, right . Seems like it. By wednesday that will be the case. Not only for the inland areas, but out near the coast. Enjoy it while it lasts. Mark, thanks. Well in florida the launch of the Spacex Falcon 9 rocket was scrapped this morning due to concerns over a sensor. The cancellation was ordered less than a minute before its planned lift off. It will have another opportunity to launch tomorrow morning. Reports indicate the rocket will carry a Spy Satellite for the u. S. National office. It is the first time spacex has conducted work for the department of defense. Up next we now know who the warriors will be playing in the next round of the playoffs. Joe fonzi has the details next. Joe is here now with sports, a tough day for the giants. The first month of the season, they have been pretty hard to walk just one month that will be over. They already feel like theyre a team at the cross roads of the season. A Beautiful Day where they were spoiled late in the game. He will continue to be productive. Since rejoining the team. Going towards Clayton Richard in the 6th. Hunter pence scores. Giants have a 20 lead. Time blocked, seven shutout innings, the line for the wind. Once again they couldnt close. Mark melancon in the ninth. The pinch hitter, the former giants, the drive to tie the game. Melancon suffers their first blown save. And 22 until the 12th. Then with two runners on, will meyers found the left. Padres win 52 with another good pitching effort to go on a team that will be offensively challenged. Suffering from blown saves. Adding up to a 917 record. The as have been better the rare day when the roof was open and they will need to take a swig of somebodys drink, dont back wash. Down 20 in the fifth. Making it 40. But then the astros, they handed them in. Gonzalez with a towering drive. The ball will hit the top as they go on to make it 32 over this weekend. They fall three games under. 500. Quite a game against the mets. Rendon in the third. The 4th off of gilmartin in the 8th. He will be 66 with three homers, ten rbis. The nationals with 235 winners. The l. A. Clippers will need to battle it out in seven games. For todays deciding game they hung around for a while, but it felt like utahs game. The clippers would lead joe johnson, finding hill for an easy two to put them up by 16. They didnt let them have a run, gets the hoop despite the foul leading them with 26. They move on with a 10491 win taking this series four games to three. The immediate feature, they would host the the jazz on tuesday night. The warriors would take two out of the three games between the teams this season and they are conscious of one aspect on tuesdays opener. They will not be playing for a week to take a few minutes to just kind of gain that rhythm. But i will take a rest for their group thats not banged up, a little push to it and to get guys back healthy. Wizards and celtics open their second round. Present after attending there yesterday and they would jump to a 225 lead. Two for washington. Take a look at their circle running into his elbow with no threat. They would get a smile on the whole thing and outscore them by 20 points in the Third Quarter to take control. They will take a 123111 win on tuesday night. Thats it for me. We will see you at 11 00 on sports wrap. The 11 00 news with julie and ken. All right, joe, thank you. A disturbing set of crimes after reports of several men exposing themselves. Student reaction. What they are doing to try to keep people safe. Hello again everyone im julie haener. Im ken wayne. Police are calling it unusual after three sex is wall batteries and two cases of indecent exposure. Five crimes were reported at Stanford University this month. The most recent came in place this month. Just a block away from monroe where many students live. Azenith smith is there joining us live with the latest. Reporter a lot of students have been coming up to us, not realizing it was here on this street. A man exposed himself while they were biking home. Police tell us he is one of several suspects they are looking for in a series of crimes this month. My first reaction is shock because i tend to think of this community as a safe place. I find it concerning they would choose to do these acts in a time when new faces are coming to the school. Not far from where three undergrad students reported a man exposing himself. Just after 1 30 on sunday morning. The man drove off. A lot of this has happened recently. Reporter this case is among a string of unsettling crimes last month. A staff member reported a man came up behind her, grabbing her. The man is not affiliated with the school. On april 19 a grad student said a ma

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