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quick getaway. >> reporter: people use these items, often unaware of who's around. >> how careful are you when you use your phone? >> reporter: police tell us, robberies have jumped up 30% from this time last year. >> it kind of brings the place station out to the community. >> reporter: a visual deterrent, but more. >> pretty amazing tool right there. >> reporter: police gave us an exclusive behind the scenes look at how they're trying to catch criminals in the act. using cameras mounted on the trailer. officer jim gordon tells me, the technology inside the command unit allows police to hone in on criminal activities. 360degrees in a four block radius. this tool is part of the plan to divide the city into five districts. each with a focus on problems specific to the area. >> i think it's great, hopefully, it's not robbing peter to pay paul. >> reporter: one woman tells me there have been 12 incidents during the past month. >> people getting their phones taken while their walking down the street. so yeah, it's definitely a growing concern. >> reporter: tomorrow, city leaders plan to release more details about their crime prevention strategies taylored to each specific neighborhood. as for this mobile command unit, it will be moving from neighborhood to neighborhood to crackdown on crime. reporting live here in oakland, amber lee, ktvu, channel 2 news. in ten minutes, celebrations tonight for dozens of young men and women. the program putting them to work this summer in an effort to fight crime. new information now on a deadly hit-and-run incident involving a bicyclist in san jose. police identified the victim today as 55-year-old glen arnold earnest. he was riding his bike on taylor street, about 3:30 monday afternoon, when police say he was hit from behind by an suv. detectives say that suv was either a dodge durango, or a dodge dakota. it's been described as a 1990ee, or early 2000 model. actor james gandolfini died today at the age of 51, he was probably best known for playing mob boss tony soprano on hbo. >> you don't know who i am, do you? remember johnny boy? your kid brother? >> gandolfini won three emmys for that role. he said he liked doing small roles, and also said he did not want to play a violent character again. new at 10:00, a tearful memorial service was held in emeryville tonight, remembering two young men who died in a car crash over the weekend. mourners carried candles, and shared memories of two friends who grew up playing sports together. 22-year-old elijah albert died when a car he was in hit a tree. albert's friend ken owens died later at the hospital. tonight, albert's father said his son was relentless, as he ran track in iowa. >> we had just left his graduation with the teachers and the dean. they was raving about him. right now, talk being retiring his number. >> kent owens graduated from berkely high in 2008. he was living in san francisco and studying at city college of san francisco. today, we learned more stunning details about just how far two landlords in san francisco went to try to evict tenants from an apartment complex in the south market area. david stevens says they used threats, power tools, even some toxic liquid. >> reporter: they've been nicknamed the landlords from hell for the ferocious dispute. ricardo used to live in, and managed the building. the district attorney says kip and nicole macy in 2006 began what he called an insane campaign to drag out tenants to turn their buildings into condos. >> they sent threatening letters to the tentents. they glued their locks. >> reporter: police say macy threatened to kidnap the children of another. they are accused of sawing through the floor boards of one residents apartment. >> he actually saw the saw coming up. >> reporter: the two were arrested in milan, italy, last year. kip macy's attorney today said the couple fled fearing they would not get a fair trial in san francisco. quote, if you were ever in a town where a juror had a vested interest in the case, would you stick around for the trial? people should find it in their hearts to give him a little mercy. they qualify for two strikes under state law. in san francisco, david stevenson, ktvu, channel 2 news. described as the tip of the iceberg. we told you about the arrest of zhi liu last night for operating a brothel in south san francisco. he appeared in court today in redwood city. police are still looking for his wife. investigators say they've connected the pair to brothels in south san francisco, fremont, and sacramento. it's been four years since oscar grant was shot and killed. now a retired police chief is going to review all of the forms that bart police have made since that shooting. the audit will begin in july, and should last about two months. it's going to be done by the same man who headed up the department after the shooting in 2009. bart's police chief has also ordered an internal review of the response to this bizarre incident last month at the 16th street station, where a naked man was harassing passengers. two state mediators are joining bart contract talks, the current labor agreement extends at the end of this month. bart wants them to pay more for healthcare. but union leaders say they want a pay raise, and also measures to protect station agents against assaults. california lawmakers and the governor are set to receive a bump in pay. a citizens panel voted today to restore some of the cuts it made in 2008 during the recession. that means governor jerry brown's salary will increase by nearly $9,000 to $174,000 a year. so-called rank and file employees will get an increase in their salary to $95,000 a year. tonight at 10:45, money for college. the provision in california's budget promising help for middle income families. the federal reserve made an announcement today that sent stocks down sharply. even though it was good news about the overall economy. chairman ben bernanke said it will slow its bond buying stimulus program this year, and end it next year. he said this is possible, because the economy is improving. the fed's program has kept interest rates at record lows. that news from the fed sent the stock markets down across the board. one analyst said any suggestion that the fed will cut its buying is going to be met with a sell-off, which is just a sign of how much investors depend on that program. are you better off now financially? many americans say no. a cnn poll has found 44% of americans say their financial situation is actually worse today compared to a year ago. 36% say they are better off, and 20% say their personal situation is just about the same. only half say they expect economic conditions to be better one year from now. bay area doctors may soon change the way they treat obesity, because of one word, ktvu's heather holmes is live now in oakland with reaction to obesity, now labeled as a disease. >> reporter: the head of the bariatric program here hopes this sends a message, not only to the public, but to doctors that this needs to be a priority. an active lifestyle on display at lake merritt, just as further evidence emerges of what inactivity, and unhealthy eating could be doing to your health. >> type 2 diabetes. hypertension, sleep apnea, acid reflux. severe arthritis. >> reporter: all health risks tied to obesity. classified as a disease that requires medical intervention. a doctor in oakland says the change is important to helping people gain access to obesity treatment. >> it's not simply, eat less, exercise more, and that's the end of it. there's definitely more factors in play. it's a complex balance between genetics and environment. >> reporter: it's estimated that 78 million americans and 12 million children are obese. with healthcare expenses costing between $147 billion, and $210 billion a year. the hope of shedding pounds is what brings clients in, but the idea of having a disease will drive them too. >> the a huge epidemic. >> reporter: in addition to raising awareness of obesity, it's also believed this will improve the way insurance companies reimburse patients for drugs, and counseling. reporting live, heather home holmes, ktvu, channel 2 news. why dozens of whales spotted this weekend is such an unusual sight this time of year. >> and up next, fighting bay area crime without a badge or a gun. the tools this group is using to do it. 0. it is that time of year again, when school kids try to find that summer job. ktvu's ken wayne is live in east palo alto now where some have bigger obstacles than most. >> reporter: teens who have had more contact with police than higher education are at an even bigger set back. this is not a bad news story. this is a story about hope in a community where sometimes there's not much else. >> anybody here can get anything on the street. >> reporter: 75 young people between the ages of 14 and 24 learned they will have summer jobs thanto sep. sponsored employment program. >> it picks young people based on barriers. >> reporter: people who have had trouble in school, with police. >> one of the barriers is they can't get a job, we do see good in them. >> reporter: one teaches them about community gardening. >> another person that's from the community that can give back to the community, which is something we want to do as a paid, or non-paid position. i think what they get out of it is really valuable experience. >> reporter: he wants to be on the other side of the law. >> i just want to be a police officer or a probation officer. >> reporter: beyond learning a skill, they also learn to give back. >> i'm working on getting my own restaurant, and having my restaurant i will give half, whatever i make back to the community for letting me have summer jobs. >> reporter: when the program is over in six weeks, many of the young people will be asked to stay on for more permanent work. the hope is they will be inspired to find a pathway to a fulfilling career. live in palo alto, ken wayne, ktvu, channel 2 news. ktvu cameras were rolling, as police carried out a sting operation this morning. drivers were cited for failing to yield to a woman in a yellow vest crossing the street. in just two and a half hours, officers at this one location on san mateo issued 50 citations. police say in recent weeks, four pedestrians have been killed in san mateo county. the city of richmond is the first in contra costa county to ban the use of plastic bags in retail and grocery stores. it also imposes a 5-cent fe paba ter that, the fee will go up to 10 cents. alameda county, san francisco, and san jose all have similar bans. a 16-year-old boy pleaded not guilty today to charges he tortured, and killed an elderly couple. daniel marsh has been tried as an adult for the death of 87- year-old oliver northop and claudia moffin. a pre-trail hearing is set for july 2. he faces life in prison, if convicted. marsh was in the news in 2009, when he was 12 years old. he was honored by the american red cross after he took the steering wheel of the family car when his father suffered a heart attack while driving. he then hit his father's chest to restart his heart. three people accused of randomly killing a man during a robbery in san jose were in court today. one of them is only 17 years old. police say they're gang members, but robert honda talked to a relative of one suspect who is telling a much different story. >> reporter: san jose police announced it has made an arrest in the homicide of gregoria ogana. >> their intent was to rob the victim. that's exactly what they did. >> reporter: today, his nephew said the family is still in pain from the loss of greg ogana. but thank goodness, justice has been served. two adults and a juvenile were taken into custody saturday. robert alvarez, and casandra reyes, also of san jose. as well as 17-year-old christopher aguilar. court records regarding why the three were arrested have been sealed. police did call the stabbing needless. >> typically, people in these situations will use a kne to instill fear. in this case, the suspect chose to go ahead and stab the victim multiple times. >> reporter: today we talked to a young woman who is the sister of casandra reyes, and the girlfriend of aguilar. >> casandra had nothing to do this with. neither my boyfriend, he didn't know what was going to happen that night. were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. >> reporter: the three suspects return to court july 11. robert honda, ktvu, channel 2 news. police arrested four suspected gang members for allegedly killing a man who was just walking down the street. police identified three of the suspects, enrique martinez, caesar torrez, and joe madrigal. donald harvey was walking by himself when police say a group of men stabbed him to death. investigators say the motive was robbery. harvey was san jose's third homicide of the year. a 12-year-old gyre who says a man tried to -- girl who says a man tried to kidnap her has admitted the story wasn't true at all. she said on sunday, a man tried to abduct her near the pier, but she punched him and got away. a friend backed up her story. but police say they found inconsistencies, and now say that the case is closed. slight warm ups today, it's going to be warmer tomorrow, and warmer as we head toward friday and saturday. 80 in antioch today. 80 in santa rosa. you will notice especially in the inland bay valleys, it will be up in the mid-80s in some locations. just 58 in napa. the winds are there, but not as windy as it has been the last couple of nights. the coast is fog free right now. as we go to the bay area microclimates tomorrow, mid- 60s. upper 60s in the berkely hills. mid-70s toward the castro valley area. towards fremont. you start seeing the mid-80s, and the lower 80s, as we move into the far inland bay valleys. how warm is it going to be for the bay area weekend? i'll have all the details. we'll see you back here at 10:45. a motel 6 is still closed tonight after it was damaged by a brush fire. an employee at the motel in fairfield says the business should reopen sometime within the next several weeks. you will recall, embers from a grass fear set the roof on fire last night, fortunately, no one staying at that motel was injured. he was the face of men's warehouse for decades. why the founder got fired today. and software pioneer john mcafee is back in the spotlight tonight. the raunchy new video mocking the company he started. >> up first, a surge in cell phone robberies. we crunch the numbers to tell you where you're most likely to become a victim. new video tonight from san hoe day, where a shooting has left a man fighting for his life. police say the man was taken to the hospital with life- threatening injuries. at 6:00 this evening, officers say they found the victim. no word on his identity, and no arrests have been made at this point. there's new evidence that an epidemic of cell phone robberies in san francisco may be getting worse. the latest crime reports, and where people are most likely to be targeted. >> reporter: they clearly didn't know it, but these women were walking off an alley where a man's cell phone was a target this morning. >> we're not from here, so we're a little naive. >> reporter: just a few blocks away, another person was hit a little after 3:30 a.m. it was the 63rd cell phone robbery in san francisco this month. in this latest case, police say two suspects with a gun approached the victim, demanding his money, and his cell phone. he handed over his cash, but police say the suspects went into his pocket to take the phone. going through every san francisco crime report in june, we found more than half of them involved a cell phone. so far this month, there have been 16 reported cell phone robberies in the mission district alone, more than any other neighborhood. the bay view had the second most with 12. >> we're counting almost 30 just in the last week, what does that tell you? >> what it tells us is the problem is just continuing to grow. >> reporter: san francisco district attorney says he's been working with care areas, and manufacturers to come -- carriers and manufacturers to come up with a way to disable the phones once they're stolen. >> we're not quite there in terms of a kill switch. but certainly a step in the right direction. >> reporter: he says making the phones tougher to resell will make them less attractive to steal. in san francisco, eric rasmussen, ktvu, channel 2 news. a big surprise and will reveal it tomorrow. the company invited employees to come to its menlo park building. so far it's only speculation. analysts say it could bring in a lot of advertising revenue. every student in the los angeles unified school district will soon have an ipad. the board has approved the purchase of $30 million worth of the apple tablet computers. the initial rollout will be for more than 31,000 ipads. the district says it hopes every student will have one by 2014. the man with the signature phrase for the men's warehouse has been fired. he's been the face of the men's warehouse ever since he founded that company 40 years ago. but today, the board of directors fired him. needless to say customers were surprised. >> he's the face, and the voice of the company. so i don't understand it. >> i can't believe they fired him. i mean, who's going to tell me i like the way i look, right? >> the men's warehouse gave no reason for his dismissal. zimmer says he's been concerned lately about the direction of the company. john mcafee is back. in four minutes, the bizarre new video, where he takes a crack at his own software. >> up first though, a big attraction just off the coast. we went to a boat tonight to ask why so many whales are suddenly attracted to local waters. >> download the ktvu app, click the live icon, and watch all of our newscasts live on your own dei vice. whale watchers are treated to a rare sight off the california coast. what's bringing so many different kinds of whales to the area right now. >> reporter: julie, it was an especially busy weekend here off santa cruz with dozens of whale sightings. tonight, we went out on the water to talk about why the activity is unusual. spectators off the coast of santa cruz were treated to quite a sight when dozens of whales surfaced. >> on saturday, we had approximately 30 blue whales in the area, and about 30 to 40 humpback whales. >> reporter: he is the owner of the only whale watching company in santa cruz. >> that many is not common. maybe once a year, twice a year. >> reporter: as people are lured to the beaches in the summer, whales offshore are drawn here for an abundance of food. >> when the food is right on the surface, you see the whole animal. >> reporter: tonight, the captain took us off on his boat, velocity. the whales were spotted about 6 to 7 miles out. that was saturday, but since then, the conditions have simply been too windy. >> the wind changes, it makes us harder to access the animals because of the wind chop. >> reporter: sea lions, and california sea otters. something this santa cruz resident can relate to. >> never seen a whale. big sea lions, but no whales. >> reporter: the whales can stay from a day up to a month, so anyone hoping to see a site such as saturday's, it's simply too hard to predict. john mcafee's long and checkered resume tonight has a new title, satirist. he remains a person of interest in the killing of his neighbor in belize, now, he has launched a raunchy, self-mocking video. >> send, send, oh, hello there, my name is john mcafee. >> he pokes fun at how the software that bears his name can update at inconvenient times. he has not been involved in the anti-virus company for more than 15 years. he currently lives in portland, and is working on a documentary about his life. the internal revenue service is underfire this time for $70 million in bonuses. the irs says it is legally obligated to pay a number of bonuses. some republican senators say they are outraged. the irs says it is in negotiations with the union about those bonuses. >> reporter: another wildfire in colorado is forcing people from their homes. so-called lime gulch fire is burning in the southwest foothills of denver in a steep mountainous area. it's also located several miles south of where another fire burned last year. that fire ended up killing three people. the cause of this latest fire is not yet known. cars and trucks can once again use the interstate 5 bridge over the scaget river in washington state. a permanent replacement will be built in the fall. the bridge serves the main corridor connecting seattle and vancouver, canada, and about 71,000 vehicles cross it every day. for the very first time, u.s. automaker, general motors tops the list of car companies with the best quality. the survey was just released today. officials say it is proof general motors is making a comeback after a 2009 bankruptcy and federal bailout. top ranked models include the porsche 911, and the lexus ls. tesla motors is recalling up to 1300 sedans built between may 10, and june 8. however, it says only about 300 of those cars have issues. and despite the recall, tesla stock gained nearly $1.0 in trading today, and closed tonight at $104.68. in news of the world tonight in berlin, president obama said he wants to cut american nuclear weapons. he made that comment during a speech at the brandonberg gate. the president said he would like to reduce the number by a third, leaving about 1,000 nuclear weapons. he said he wants russia to do the same, but there is resistence to such cuts in moscow. the president's remarks came on the last day of his european trip. in afghanistan, president hamid karzai reacted angrily to news that the u.s. would begin peace talks with the taliban to end that 12 year war. mr.karzai said he was suspending operations with the united states on post-troop withdrawal. in italy, fashion designers were convicted of tax evasion. a court said the two men failed to declare $1.3 billion in income. they were given a 20 month suspended sentence be and they face fines of up to $13 million. a painful moment in bay area history comes to the big screen tomorrow night in oakland. the award winning movie about the killing of unarmed bart passenger oscar grant will be shown in a screening at the grand lake theater. the stars of the movie, include an academy award winner, octavia spencer are expected to attend, as well as the family of oscar grant. the man moderating the discussion following tomorrow's screening says the film is important, because it humanizes oscar grant. >> he's a son, he's a father. he's a fiance. he's a family man, he's a good friend. all of these human elements that get lost in police violence. >> the killing touched off several large riots in oakland. ready for a ruling on same- sex marriage. >> we're ready in the event that the court decides tomorrow, we're still set. >> a look at preparations underway for what could be a big day. >> at 10:45, chief meteorologist bill martin will be back with your complete bay area forecast. he's tracking a warm up in time for the weekend. >> up first, a sudden about face. why plans for michelle shocked to make a return to san francisco are now off. medications? i don't know. last immunization shots? really? honey, what's my blood pressure medicine called? one time i took something and i blew up like a puffer fish. i'm probably allergic to that. at kaiser permanente, your medical information is available to you and your doctors. quickly. securely. no guesswork required. better information. better care. kaiserpermanente. thrive. i'm going to dream about that steak. i'm going to dream about that tiramisu. what a night, huh? but, um, can the test drive be over now? head back to the dealership? oh, yeah. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. [ wife ] sorry. [ male announcer ] but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a passat. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment visit today. the free concert with michelle shocked, the kinger who's anti-gay tirade in san francisco drew controversy, has been pulled. he said he hoped the concert would bring healing, but he says the backlash convinced him it was causing more anger. shocked has apologized for the comments she made at yoshi's last month. as ktvu's noel walker reports, wedding planners and court clerks are getting ready for a flood of i do's. >> reporter: the phone is ringing a little more these days. she owns an everlasting moment wedding planning. she's been planning her client's dream weddings for more than a decade. >> we're going to re-create this in the bride's colors. >> reporter: some of these ceremonies have been for two brides, or two grooms. >> to me, it was the same as doing any of my weddings. >> reporter: the supreme court is expected to announce a decision on same-sex marriage, tomorrow or next week. they could reap the benefits after some lean moments in the economic downturn. >> i think if that goes through, it would do a huge benefit. it would be a huge benefit to wedding industries. >> reporter: more than 200 couples a year get hitched at the county clerk's office. if the supreme court allows same-sex marriages to go forward -- >> we're ready, in the event the court decides tomorrow, we're still sate. >> reporter: anticipating a 21% increase in weddings, and paperwork, which is the same no matter who is getting married. >> it's also romantic. very romantic paper, should be in pink. >> reporter: the papers are white, not pink, also not gender specific. these forms have been that way since before prop 8. noel walker, ktvu, channel 2 news. as the wait for the supreme court decision continues, a third sitting republican senator has come forward to say she supports same-sex marriage. alaska senator lisa makowski says it encourages people to make a lifetime commitment. the ohio senator and illinois senator have also said they support same-sex marriage. stay with ktvu for that decision. we will bring it to you as it happens. that night, we will go in-depth on the decision in a ktvu news special report. it won't cover your rent, but a new state program will cover much of your tuition at usc. >> i'll show you when showers could creep back into your bay area forecast. [ male announcer ] the new subway® $4 lunch is for everyone. it's for value seekers. for spicy italian lovers. for veggie eaters. for meatball dreamers. for everyone who wants more of what they love. the new $4 lunch. a 6 inch sub and 21 ounce drink. tons to choose from. all day every day. the new $4 lunch. a 6 inch sub and 21 ounce drink. happy birthday! it's a painting easel! the tide's coming in! this is my favorite one. it's upside down. oh, sorry. (woman vo) it takes him places he's always wanted to go. that's why we bought a subaru. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. the director of the fbi today acknowledged that his agency uses drones in the u.s. he says the fbi uses drones in certain difficult cases in a quote, very, very minimal way, and very seldom. dianne feinstein expressed concern over domestic drone use. >> i think the greatest threat to the privacy of americans is the drone and the use of the drone, and the booming industry of commercial drones. >> mullen says the fbi is developing guidelines for drones, and the privacy implications are worthy of debate, and legislation down the road. college students in california, and their parents are watching closely for governor brown to sign california's budget. john sasaki tells us, the budget includes a new scholarship program that would give middle class students a better shot at the american dream. >> reporter: at uc berkely, summer school is in session. everyone knows how expensive it is to attend california public universities. >> my mom is a teacher. teachers in california are not exceptionally well paid. it's definitely a burden on my mom. the budget they throw out is about 32. i would say for us, it's closer to 28. >> reporter: $28,000 for all school and living expenses per year. >> i'm in state, then you add on room and board, textbooks, all the additional fees. >> reporter: in the latest state budget, the middle class scholarship program, once it takes full effect, students who's family income is $100,000 a year or less, will get a 40% discount on tuition. up to $125,000, a 20% discount. up to $150,000 would get a 10% discount. >> it would help their families out. >> reporter: tuition is $12,000 per year, so a discount would range from $1,200 to $4,800. >> this visiting student from piedmont applauds the plan. tuition at csu schools is about $5,500 a year. officials from the uc system would not comment on camera for the story until after the governor has signed the budget. once that happens, this program will take effect in the 2014, 2015 school year. john sasaki, ktvu, channel 2 news. a striking deline. that's how researchers described the more than 50% drop in hpv infection drops in teenage girls since the vaccine was released. it compared rates before and after the vaccine became available in 2006. researchers found the hpv infection decreased 56% among girls 14 to 19 years old. hpv can lead to genital warts and cancer. a weather system to the north of us is moving off. this is the one that kept temperatures mild around here. it brought rain and wind. parts of even northern california, it's out of here now. as it moves on, we start to clear out. one of the things it did, was it got rid of the fog. it's coast side now. sent the most, cool air inland. the fires got put out quickly. the winds are dying down a little bit. they're not light, but less than they have been the last couple of nights. it's going to be kind of cool overnight. we're going to see upper 40s, in the coolest spots. we're going to see fire danger increase. a little patchy fog returns to the coast. the real story will be increasing temperatures, as we go into your thursday, and friday, and into your saturday. it's not going to get hot, but the numbers will get back into the upper 80s, and low 90s. there's the low pressure system, it's weaving. we get numbers easily into the mid- to upper 80s. tomorrow, we'll see mid-80s in the warmest spots. those 90s will start to show up as we head into your friday and saturday. no fog along the coast tomorrow. the computer model says nothing. i think there will be a a little. lots more yellow. 70s, now these oranges, the 80s, are starting to fill in. by tomorrow, we'll show you 90s, or reds starting to come into the forecast. 83 in fairfield tomorrow. 84 in vacaville. nearly 85 in brentwood. 82 in gilroy. along the coast, we've got a little bit of patchy fog, temperatures in the mid-60s. real nice day tomorrow. there's your thursday. 83degrees. that's a rough temperature. we'll find numbers warmer than that in the warmest spots. friday, you're going up, and saturday you're going up. these numbers in here, you'll find low 90s, if you look hard. most of us will be in the mid- 70s to mid-80s range. monday, a chance for a few sprinkles around here. we'll talk more about that. that's sort of an unusual thing to see this time of year. there you go, a nice looking five-day forecast. no heat wave in the making, but certainly a warm up as we go into the next 48 hours. >> a good week for a county fair. >> it really is. the 101st alameda county fair kicked off today in pleasanton. one of the new attractions, has arrived, called vertigo. there are also bouncing ball races. food this year includes novelties like krispy kreme hamburgers, and deep fried pop tarts. one healthy change is a separate area for smokers. >> we're trying to make the fair grounds a confortable environment for all of our fair guests. we really felt like creating designated smoking areas was great for all of the fair guests here. >> there will also be plenty of music, with concerts by the spinners, lover boy, air supply, and more. that fair runs through july 7. >> krispy kreme hamburgers. >> trying to figure that one out. good day for the giants. they won, but it wasn't without some heated moments. >> you never want to wake the sleeping giants. apparently the padres did that last night. they got a little too exuberant about a late inning home run. a real check. madison bumgarner delivers to jesus guzman. zero punches thrown, no ejects. things continued. in the 7th. guzman exacts his revenge. a solo homer. 2-1 padres. however, in the bottom of the 7th. greger blanco. showing up in the box score in a positive way almost every day. a shot, deep right center. a two run triple. 3-2 san francisco. they add another for your 4-2 final. 7 wins for bumgarner. 18 saves for romo. they take 2 of 3 from the padres. however, the a's did not have their first place vibe going tonight. this was the perfect time to hit texas. they were due. chris young, not hitting for much of an average in his first year with the a's, but seems to be doing a lot of this. 3-2 lead. now 3-3. nelson cruz grounded to third. josh donalson, double clutch, throws late. 4-3 texas. the lead for good. he who he's -- hesitates is lost. the a's, mr. washington loves it in the dugout. the a's, however, up on his team by 2 games. 49ers making sure a big cowboy is staying around. not talking about anybody from dallas either. stanley cup again, regulation not enough to settle things. boston and the blackhawks tie one on. sports part 2, next. [ seagulls cawing ] [ yawns ] ♪ [ dog whines ] [ metal detector warbling ] ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] the next wave of italians has come to america, and they've come to party. the fiat 500, powered by beats. [ horn honks ] as good as the heat, spurs final is turning into. got nothing on the stanley cup series. 3 of the 4 games, overtime. looking like the nhl championship will also come down to 7. boston, the play tonight, 5-4 chicago in the 3rd. that was a slapshot. 5-5, sent it into overtime. brent seebrook sending the series back to chicago, all even. a searing slapshot of his own. a 6-5 final, as you watch it hit the back of the net again. it was a torn tricep, but it ripped the heart out of the 49ers defense last year, when justin smith went down. two year extension in his contract, and he has no intention of being a part time thing. >> that's not going to happen. i won't be a guy that's around for 10 snaps, 20 snaps. it's either, i'm going, or i'm not going. it's time to get my ass out of here, i'm going. >> telling it like it is. no nonsense guy, and he is a true throw back to real football. >> go back, or go home. >> and thank you for choosing ktvu, channel 2 news. >> good night. good morning! wow. want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. she was hitting on you? my friend noreen? your friend noreen. you're sure you're not flattering yourself? if i was flattering myself, i'd find someone a little less annoying than noreen. i cannot believe that she was hitting on you. ask her. i will. she's got a boyfriend. you know him. dan. remember? we went to that party at his house? the guy with the really high voice. jerry, did you get fortune magazine in your mail? check the pile. captioning made possible by columbia tristar domestic television ooh. who sent you a card? i don't know. open it. it's from hallmark. oh.

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