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Right now, and the positions they need to fill. Mornings on 2 starts now. Listen to this guitar. Love it. Looking at the place where mavericks will be held, Half Moon Bay area, and a lot of people heading down for the contest. They havent had it for a while so people are pumped up. Thats right, this friday is the big day. Thats right. We are doing a segment later on about valentines day gifts for men and women. What works, what doesnt . My twitter question, do you think getting proposed to on valentines day is a good idea . I know what this means, that look. For me, im so afraid its a cliche, but if its right for you and the person you love, if youre happy, im happy. For me i wouldnt and im fine with that. I think i would rather have my own day. But whatever you like. Ill save my response for later on. Ktvuthe9 and well read those responses in a bit. Developing news out of uc berkeley and campus cuts, 150 million deficit. In a letter of the community, the chancellor said the university is facing tough decisions to reduce the red ink, totaling about 6 of its budget. Hes looking at consolidating academic departments, cutting staff and reducing spending on sports among other measures to begin by this summer. Administrators say the deficit is due to reduced state funding, pension expenses and a tuition freeze. Donald trump and Bernie Sanders were the big winners last night, trump with 35 of the vote and john kasich in distant second with 16 . Bernie sanders had a bigger margin over Hillary Clinton, 60 to 38 . We are going to win so much, youre going to be so happy. Voters here in New Hampshire confirmed tonight its nothing short of the beginning of a political revolution. The First Casualty of the New Hampshire primary appears to be new jersey governor Chris Christie. Reports this morning have him after coming in sixth place in New Hampshire, hes decided to drop out of the race for the republican president ial nomination. And brian, i dont think there were any major surprises as far as the top two yesterday . No, there werent. Bernie sanders went into the primary way ahead in the polling and succeeded, then trump of course on the republican side also coming in with a significant lead. Hillary clinton barely squeaked out iowa and here she gets beaten badly in New Hampshire. Whats the difference from 2008, when Hillary Clinton beat barack obama in New Hampshire by about 3 percentage points, and here shes getting pummeled in the same state she won 8 years ago . I think at the end of the day, Hillary Clinton is known to more people. And shes right now fighting some real issues around trust. I dont care what anybody says, you know, these things around the emails and benghazi and all these things do permeate the public and the voting public. And shes got credibility issues right now that she has to overcome. Bernie sanders is becoming more of a legitimate or viable candidate, and now courting africanamerican voters. Hell meet with al sharpton. His campaign wants to make strides there. What does Hillary Clinton have to do to reach out to more Younger Voters . Remember its very early in the process. Hillary clinton developed a large ground game. I think its going to take, you know, first of all South Carolina, then nevada, maybe even super tuesday to really sort some things out. Clearly what she needs to do is start resonating with young people, with women frankly. Bernie sanders did much better last night with women than Hillary Clinton did. Shes got a challenge to right the ship as it were, but its very early. Lets talk about the breaking news this morning, that Chris Christie is dropping out of the president ial race. Do you think hell endorse donald trump, and who else might you think would be dropping out next . Ive heard possibly Carly Fiorina and maybe ben carson. Those are at least two that if they havent made the decision to leave, should be thinking about that strongly. Christie, i think people will miss his candor and intelligence, but clearly he isnt going to be the nominee. So i think hell pass and i dont know whether hell endorse anybody right away. The wounds are fresh when you decide to pull the plug on a campaign. But well see what happens over time. The big problem is that the republicans have to thin the herd. Until they thin the herd, they are going to continue to run around not being able to figure out who they are going to coalesce. Looking ahead, june 7th, is california going to play a role in the primary, either democratic or republican . Im not sure about that. I think if california does play a role, obviously that would be sort of rare. But i think a whole lot of information will be known to everybody after super tuesday, then in subsequent weeks well know a lot more. I think well really begin focusing on, you know, the two democrats and perhaps two or three republicans. Thank you brian for joining us on the 9. Both nevada and South Carolina split their primaries with democrats and republicans voting on different days. Then the next big contests are super tuesday, march 1st, with 14 states participating, and hundreds of delegates at stake. Because of the way the Election Year is playing out, californias primary in june may actually matter this time around. Usually by june both parties nominees are already clear but that may not be the case this year if Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders continue to be in a tight race, and if there are still three or four strong candidates on the republican side. Candidates may even hold Campaign Events here rather than just fundraisers. The debate should be interesting on both sides of this. President obama is coming back to the bay area later today for the more common reason, to raise money. Hell arrive on air force one at 7 30 tonight, spending the night in the san josi area. Tomorrow morning hell attend a fundraiser for the Democratic National committee at the home of a Silicon Valley venture capitalist. Hell attend another fundraiser tomorrow and then travel to southern california. The newest battle over the zika virus is how to pay for programs. President obama asked congress for 2 billion in emergency funding to fight the virus. There are no known cases of the virus being transmitted by mosquitoes in this country, but at least 50 people who traveled to the virus hot zone in latin america have confirmed casings. Republican leaders in congress say there is no need to allocate separate money to fight the virus. There is still money left appropriated for ebola and other infectious diseases. So theres no immediate shortage of money for the administration to do what they think needs to be done. But the health and Human Services secretary says that money is needed to finish the job against ebola, and says Health Officials want to fight both diseases. Republicans have scheduled a hearing for tomorrow to discuss the options. Even with funding, experts say its likely to take at least five years before theres a vaccine against the zika virus. One San Diego Company is already working on it, taking what they already know about the virus family and using that as a starting point because they dont have the live zika virus to work with. Scientists say they are certain the virus will have unusual characteristics they have not thought of yet. Coming up, whats coming to the east bay that could help you get to your destination faster but possibly be a pain in your wallet. Reporter we are live in Half Moon Bay where excitement is building for the mavericks surf contest. How big waves are supposed to be and whats expected, coming up. Welcome back to mornings on 2. We have been talking about the impact the weather will have on mavericks. In hawaii forecast models were a little fast for the waves for that competition. I think they will still get here but may not be as high as we thought. Its a very deep system in the gulf of 5 00 action, alaska, still a couple days away. For us we have record highs again today, mostly cloudy skies for some, partly sunny for others. It is so warm that the daffodils are coming out. Well have arctic air back east, very quiet here. Speaking of which, new this morning out of hawaii, multiple reports confirming the highly anticipated surf competition on oahu is now a no go, saying the waves are not big enough. Officials are hoping another swell may come in time to resume the contest but tens of thousands of people are expected to jam north shore roads for a chance to catch a glimpse at some of the worlds best surfers catching those waves. And they are heading to the mavericks competition here on friday. Reporter we have not heard anything yet. I do plan on checking in with the founder but last we heard, its all systems go. They still plan on having this mavericks surf competition. This is a beautiful shot of Half Moon Bay behind me. This is pillar point, where the focus is going to be on friday. Behind this ridge is where we usually see all those monster waves. This is so far away, so the best way to view the competition is on a screen. It will be screamed online 8 00 a. M. On friday. Organizers are watching the forecast and they do expect conditions to be smooth. Thats the last we heard. We were told this morning that waves were expected to be nearly 40 feet high and the mavericks contest hasnt taken place in two years because the weather hadnt cooperated. A lot of people were so excited to get the green light friday. Invitationings were sent to 24 of the worlds best surfers and many of them are in hawaii for that competition. Mavericks gives a big boost to businesses here, severely hotels already sold out for the entire weekend. One change this year, there wont be a mavericks festival. But viewing parties will be held at local restaurants and pubs around Half Moon Bay and the competition will be streamed online. There will be more cameras out there shooting video and there will even be drones up in the air. So that should make for some great pictures. Looking forward to that. We know driving up the Half Moon Bay can be difficult, so im sure 92 westbound is going to be jammed that day. And highway 1. Lets hope its a safe contest. Now to the roads, drivers with two eastbound lanes and one westbound lane from the dublin interchange out to the valley on 580. Car pools and motorcycles can use the express lanes for free. Solo drivers will have to pay up, and the price will vary depending on traffic at the time. The price will be displayed on electronic signs and could be as low as 4. 50 or as high as 22 for a round trip. Youll need a new fast track transponder with a new setting to indicate how many people are inside the car. I know 580 like the back of my hand. Thats your interstate. Those are my people. I will not pay 22 to get to my parents house faster. So timing used to be a lot easier, but these days its jammed almost night and day. Is it the honor system, two people . Right. What if youre cheating . They have cameras. I went to l. A. And did kind of a preview on the story and talked to chp down there. They said when you go under the cameras, they can see when the light clicks, it indicates how many people you have on the monitor and they can visually see in the car if it matches up. So there is accountability. Im not sure about the exact system. Would you pay 22 . You know me. Im too cheap. Its a certain situation. Right, if i had to get to the airport. But other than that, no. Coming up, some Business Owners are not happy after super bowl 50. Next, what the city may do to help those Street Vendors. Hi dad uh huh, okay yeah. Sorry about that. What do you think . Hi ted, glad you could join us, we think youre going to like these numbers. Bring me a higher love i could rise above taking a look at stocks, we had some decent movement earlier t. Dow is down by 10 points but earlier it was up by almost a full percent. This morning another recall involving hundreds of thousands of cars in the u. S. With takata air bags. This time its volkswagen, 680,000 of the cars from the 2006 through 2014 model years. They are not being specific about the vehicles being recalled. They will notify all affected owners and the air bags on the driver side could explode and sent shrapnel through the passenger compartment. We just got the email from the founder of mavericks and he says the cancellation of the hawaii competition has no effect on here. Good news. 48 hours away, there you go. Dave clark, what else is happening . Some of the top stories we are following this morning. Two Santa Clara University students hospitalized and treated for meningitis are out of the hospital now. Three undergrad students became ill in january and one student who developed a related blood infection got out of the hospital last week. The University Said almost 5,000 doses of the vaccine were administered at the campus for no cost and officials will provide 5,000 more doses next month. Last night San Francisco Public School leaders delayed a vote on whether to make condoms available to middle school students. The vote was scheduled l. A. Night but there was concern many parents wouldnt be there because of Chinese New Year celebrations. Under the proposal, students would have to meet with a social worker or school nurse in order to get condoms. The final decision will probably come at the next meeting in two weeks. One church is increasing security after the youth baseball field was vandalized for the second time in a month. A plastic table and other items were set on fire last friday at the cal ripken field at Holy Spirit Church only fremont boulevard. Last month vandals broke padlocks and damaged the baseball fields snack bar. Its getting a little tedious, you know, having to clean up after it. This time it wasnt as bad as the first time, but just the repairs, the damage, the cost of the damage, its getting to be a headache. Police arent saying if theres a link between the acts of vandalism. So far no arrests have been made. Sal, back to you. Theres been a generous offer to help nuns who feed the homeless in San Francisco. Their landlord plans to raise their rent by about 2,000 a month and the nuns cant afford that. Mason mcduffy mortgage pledged 1,200 a year to help them and a Company Executive matched that pledge. Theres now a gofundme page to solicit additional help for the nuns. We have a link at ktvu. Com at the top of the home page. A proposal in San Francisco could help Street Vendors forced out of their usual spot for super bowl city. All said they lost money and the supervisor wants the city to help the artists an vendors help make up for the losses. I think we should show that we take care of our street artists, our Street Vendors, our shoe shine guy, and put our money where our mouth is. They want to take 100,000 from the citys general fund and more could come from the money the city made during super bowl events. Cheese board pizza in berkeley came in second on the new yelp list of top 100 restaurants. Several others in the bay area also made that list. Big smiles when cheese board was mentioned. Absolutely, we were like, yes. I love that you can go there and for like 4 get something delicious to eat as you stroll. Its nice to see there are a lot of options on the list. My wife is in restaurants and they cant stand yelp. The reviews, its just comments from people who run around. Yelp gets to pick who gets to post and maybe leave out good or bad reviews. Its nice to have this up there, see the real review. In this instance, nice to see yelp out there promoting top restaurants. Coming up on mornings on 2 to 9, two months after the San Bernardino shootings, a roadblock in the investigation because Cell Phone Technology is being blamed. Theres a warning out this morning for beach goers to be extra careful near the water one day after a husband and wife were swept out to sea by strong currents. The husband drowned and his wife survived. How they wound up in the water, coming up. With ingredients like roasted hazelnuts and cocoa, the delicious taste of nutella takes pancakes to a whole new level. Make any day a pancake day with nutella spread the happy best time to have the morning to check the twitter feed. Valentines day, a sweet idea or not to propose . Some say corny, some say why not march 20th, National Proposal day. The fact that you know that is pretty cool there. And not proposing but getting married on valentines day, easier to remember the anniversary. Same along those lines here, got married 41 years ago on valentines day but you cant find many valentines day cards that say happy anniversary. And give us your opinion with ktvuthe9, because we read those every day. A couple in pacifica out for a stroll ended up in a tragic situation at the pier. The coast guard says the husband and wife fell into the water and only one made it out alive. Alex savage is at the pacifica pier right now with what he found out this morning. Reporter good morning to you. There are some conflicting reports about exactly how the husband and wife wound up in the water. Some witnesses say they were on the beach and they were swept away by large waves. The coast guard is saying they have witnesses or at least one witness who saw the couple up on the pacifica pier and that they stumbled and fell off the pier somehow and into the water. In any case, they were pulled out to sea by the strong surf we had out here yesterday. This was the dramatic scene playing out yesterday afternoon about 2 00. The woman in this case, she was able to swim back to shore on her own according to to coast guard, and she survived. Her husband couldnt make it out of the water on his own and they used a helicopter to rescue him about 100 yards offshore. He was taken to the hospital where he died. This morning hes been identified as 60yearold larry moore from pacifica. The coast guard says the death should be a reminder about how dangerous it is right now along the coast. We more take this as a preventative measure to stress to the public how dangerous it is, especially this time. Mavericks is right around the corner and the ocean is unpredictable. Reporter officials are telling us that moores wife was taken to the hospital to be treated and last check she remained hospitalized but she is expected to make a full recovery. The surf out here is very strong and currents were quite strong yesterday afternoon. Initially some of the rescue crews were trying to wade into the water to reach that man and the surf was so hard they couldnt get past the breakers. Thats when they brought in the helicopter to rescue that man about 100 yards offshore. Thank you, alex. A public hearing today could change the future of the California Coastal commission. Hundreds of people are expected at the meeting at 10 00 this morning in morrow bay over the dismissal of executive director charles lester. Nearly 1300 supporters signed a petition to save his job. Under state law he serves at the pleasure of the commission and they dont have to reveal the reasons for his dismissal. Supporters say commissioners who want increased Coastal Development want him out. Some blame him for a slow pace of decision making. A Funeral Service will take place tomorrow for a man killed in a car crash. Police say the crash and what led up to it are a tragic reminder of the dangers of road rage. He was killed last month in a hitandrun crash in richmond and the alleged driver was arrested days later after investigators say he was driving at speeds up to 60 miles an hour on city streets. You can see the excessive speed there on this surveillance video. Should have never happened. There were choices that that jackass made that he could have changed. There was a road rage incident on i880 and the suspect got into an argument with another driver and decided to chase that individual. That suspect is being held on charges of vehicular manslaughter and hitandrun. Police targeted a drug operation in east oakland and federal and local drug agents seized more than 200 Marijuana Plants and indoor grow equipment from two homes yesterday. Officers also found an automatic rifle and handgun. They arrested one suspect who had been on the run for two years. He was moving around a good bit, gave us a little bit of a run for our money. We were able to track him down in oakland and get him under custody. Agents also seized car parts as part of the investigation. We are learning how many cameras on bart trains dont work. Bart admitted 77 of train cameras are fake or dont work. The information came to light following the deadly shooting of a man on the train at the west oakland station earlier this year. The gunman in that case is still on the loose. Bart is working to infall working cameras on all its trains and it will cost to agency about 1. 4 million. Brian flores is with us this morning to tell us why technology meant to protect peoples privacy could be making investigators jobs very difficult. This is a robust debate right now. In terms of the investigation into the tragic shooting last year in San Bernardino, the fbi says they have hit a roadblock in the form of a smartphone used by one of the killers. During a hearing, the fbi director told the panel after two months of having the phone, investigators still cant open up and access the information in the phone. Its being blamed on the advanced encryption many of the smartphones have. Technology automatically encrypts texts, photos and call history unless its unlocked by the user. Officials still have many questions, including if the couple talked with others or if they considered other attacks. The part that gets confusing to me is when folks talk like, we want access to company servers, to their source code. Wed like a world where people are able to comply with court ordinariers. Lots of people do. People who make phones are able to unlock them when judges order it. There is a scramble to draft legislation to be sure the phones can be decrypted. Jim cooper last month introduce a bill requiring any smartphone made after january 1, 2017, to be decrypted and unlocked by the manufacturer if there is a court order. There is a similar bill being drafted in new york. I can see the phone companies going, hold on a second. I understand the debate but also understand how to federal government says, its a terrorist attack and we need that information. Right. Apples ceo says, no, were not going to give away any information. Its a huge debate right now, privacy and national security. But they may be compelled to, is what a lot of people are saying. Right, so well see. Thank you very much. Breaking news we are following, east bay police say a why would chase through oakland involving a driver hitting several police and civilian vehicles is now over. The driver was captured in berkeley. This was just tweeted out by oakland police. We have been following the case for about the past half hour. Police say the car led them on a chase today throughout oakland but police say they called off the chase for Public Safety reasons. Investigators say the incident is spread out over a number of locations like berkeley and oakland. Police say they did believe that he was armed. We are still following this story and well bring you more information as we get it. Police calling off the chase there, saying there were a lot of people on the roads and they dont want to risk innocent civilian lives. More on that coming up at noon. Up next, dont let the sluggish job numbers we had last week fool you. There are plenty of Companies Hiring here in the bay area. Well break down where to look if youre looking for a great job, next. Welcome back. Local companies are hiring according to a local businessman who says he has an inside look at bay area jobs. And pam cook sat down with him this morning. I met him, nice guy. He started vajobs. Com and says all the companies hes talking to are hiring. You dont have to be an engineer or wiz kid to work for the Tech Companies here in the bay area. Find a company you would like to work for, netflix, roku, amazon, and contact them. If you have a passion for what you do and have a passion for what they do for a living, youre more appealing as a job applicant. And make it as easy as possible to let people know youre looking and how to find you. Your email signature on g mail, email address, phone number, put everything in your signature. Everything that goes out should have all your contact information. If youre looking for a job, attach your resume. Go ahead. They can only say no. And health care is a growing field with places like kaiser and local hospitals having openings. You could be surprised to hear Stanford University employs 16,000 people and he tells me they have hundreds of job openings right now. Hundreds. And he says, admin, marketing, sales. So the message is dont limit yourself. Dont think, because i dont have an engineering degree or experience in it, i cantplay to twitter. They need Customer Service and sales. Market yourself, be confident. The other thing he told me today, go in confident. Youre not looking for a handout. Youre asking for an opportunity. And stand out. If people are hiring, youll have multiple applications. Right. Narrow your focus. Have an idea of what you want to do for them, what you can do. I was curious about minimum age in certain cities and california, if that was going to hinder companies from hiring. Its not here. They actually say they are getting more qualified candidates because they are able to pay more. Even in retail, they are able to get more qualified candidates. Thank you very much. Carolina panthers quarterback cam newton is responding to critics after walking out of his postsuper bowl news conference. He dodged questions, saying nothing was memorable about the game, then abruptly walked away. Yesterday he said he thought it was overblown by the media and he wont change how he reacts to losing. Ive been on record to say im a sore loser. Who likes to lose . Show me a good loser and im going to show you a loser. Im not here to its not a popularity contest, you know. Im here to win football games. The good loser part of that quote is from vince lombardi. He said he simply didnt want to talk to the press. You know, these are young men playing this game, very emotional. And he was disappointed. But theyre still role models. I was at the game and there were a lot of children wearing that number 1 jersey walking around. Think about Russell Wilson in the super bowl before. He threw a pick that blew the super bowl for seattle, and he stood in front of the microphones with his head up, and he talked. Thats just two comparisons. Its tough to lose and i hate losing too. What do you think about all the people saying, youre paid a ton of money and youre a huge celebrity, basically suck it up . I dont think its the money. Youre in the spotlight and youre a role model to children. I dont care if you make 5 bucks an hour or 50 million. I think its easier because hes a great athlete, and hell be in this position again. Maybe hell be the winner next time. But hes going to be in this position again and should learn how to do the, i didnt play well today, just make it easier for him. Now hes got to have the media hounding him, why, why, why. How many times did kaepernick get hit in the media for not talking . Right. Warriors remain undefeated at oracle arena but wont see the home court till march 1st. Tonight they are in phoenix, the last before the allstar break and start of a 7game road trip. They beat the rockets 123110 last night, close game leading up to the fourth quarter. Steph curry led the way with 35 points. Come on. Monster. Every time i watch a warriors game, some other thing i didnt realize its like, theyre still bringing it. So, we have a sweet reunion in time for valentines day. One world war ii veteran never forgot his wartime sweetheart. 93yearold norm thomas flew from virginia to australia to reunite with 88yearold joyce morris today. They hadnt seen each other since they met in london during the war. He says he always thought of her as the one who got away. They reconnected last year online and now planning to spend valentines day together. Sweet story. And since theyre together, what do they get each other . We have suggestions coming up. With valentines day right around the corner, look at this buffet of things. We have more ideas for what to get your sweetheart. Valentines day is this weekend and if you wait till the last minute to track down that perfect gift, it could cost you more because prices go up the closer we get to the 14th. Experts say the same thing for hotel rooms. And theres a huge demand for flowers. Experts expect this will lead to record spending this year. What do you get the one you love . Roses are red, violates are blue, ill just stop there. So, is it still about romance or just business, business . Its both. Sal mentioned record spending, 19 billion, about 142 per person. But i have to tell you, the guys kind of get the short end of the stick here, expected to spend twice as much as the ladies. Thats not breaking news. The table looks great. Lets go to the right here. Big categories, of course chocolate. We have two new products from lindt this year, new strawberries and cream truffles. They also have a new gourmet truffle box. Nothing wrong with strawberries and chocolate. Not at all. These are delicious. I like strawberries and chocolate. If you have a sweet tooth, that will work. And stuff for the guys . Yes, please. Google chromecast, the easiest way to get your favorite movies, shows an games on your tv. And all you have to do is plug this into your tv, connect to wifi and then your mobile device is your remote control. And its 35. Awesome. Comcast audio, also streaming all your music from your mobile devices. Thats an awesome tech gift. What do you think about getting proposed to on valentines day . Its a little corny. Thank you. I agree with you. These are not small. These are real, 3. 7 karats here and 2 karats as well. Ebay is a trusted destination for fine jewelry and Engagement Rings. We talked about engagements, and ebay has seen a 41 increase in the sale of Engagement Rings during engagement season. So what about he gives you a ring, like a diamond, just as a gift . That would work for me. Jewelry is still hot. Ebay, they have more than 800 million listings from reputable sellers. This is an antique ring and they have seen an increase of 200 in the past five years in the sale of vintage rings. Baby, if youre watching at home, just saying. Right, definitely. Now, we have a free app to shop faster and easier than before. If youre getting gifts like the shirts we have up here, this is a good one. Crowd loves it. Okay, ill keep it. And Curbside Services target, cvs and more. Download the app, buy it online and then go through and pick it up, no waiting in line, no parking. Convenient. Absolutely. And lastly, flowers. Huge sellers, of course for valentines day. Ftd has a 10 discount. Just go to ftd. Com love to get that 10 off. Would you rather a dozen roses or a guy with the rose in his mouth going happy valentines day . Id rather go for the diamond. Okay, thats out the door. Plans for sunday . Im going to barrys, my jam. These are your valentines day ideas. Im all a fan of a love letter. Back to you, sal. The at t pebble beach proam kicks off tomorrow but yesterday it was dwight clark and others versus randy wynn, tied going into the final hole. Kane crushed this and later topped it in, and the giants won 32. This raises money for the 49ers foundation and Giants Community fund. Thats whats fun about it, is really being able to get out here and help some Great Charities and really noticing what those guys do during the season. I mean, theyre amazing. Matt cain usually plays in the main event as well but this year conflicts with the giants fanfest, this saturday at at t park. Bubba watson worked on this trick shot, and he calls it sky hook. He pops it a couple feet in the air, hits the club again, then tosses it right on to the green. Uber is set to get a new system to try and prevent drunk passengers from harassing their drivers, as we have seen in a number of videos. The Ride Sharing Company launched an experiment in north carolina, giving drivers the kids toy bopit to put in the backseat of the cars. This has buttons, cranks and knobs meant to entertain children but they have found its a good way to keep drunk passengers entertained so they dont distract or harm the drivers. If the test is successful, uber plans to expand the concept to other cities. I dont know about that. The federal government says it will consider googles self driving car system a legal driver. Nhtsa has released a letter it sent to google, telling them they will interpret the meaning of driver to include the companys selfdriving system, and says it agrees the self driving car will not have a driver in the traditional sense. Previously the government only considered humans as drivers under the law because thats the way its always been. Tech companies claim the government was making it difficult to test driverless cars. Today is Ash Wednesday for christians around the world. Priests will mark crosses on the fore heads of parishioners and the ashes remind christians about mortality and the importance of repentance. Ash wednesday marks the first day of lent in which christians give something up for 40 days such as sweets or alcohol, or 40 days to reflect. Confess. Last year i gave up alcohol for 40 days, and it was really tough. But 25 days in, i said, im going to power through. I made it. Interesting. I had a talk with my mom about this and she said when she was growing up, it was described to her as they gave up meat for 40 days. She said it was a time to let the baby animals grow. So i thought that was an interesting way to frame it. I feel like i should give up something i like more. I like to reflect, confess, go to confessional. Hes like, you were just here yesterday. I know. You . Being very reflective. Dont tell me. I dont want to know. Thats our show this morning. Thank you for joining us. See you tomorrow. Wendy williams show. Show. Live from new york city its the williams show. You wont believe what im about to tell you. My girls are always turned out. I give it to you straight. Now, heres wendy [ cheers applause ] wendy back at ya

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